> A Dragon to Water > by SmegAndTheHeads > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Dragon to Water > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Dragon to Water Note: A short Spike story, with the Mane 6 included. Contains Slice of life with some comedy. It had been a hard day for Twilight and her friends. She had wanted to visit the depths of the Everfree Forest to find some remedy herbs for the Ponyville vet. She required a helping of Blue Mothwing Flowers and Fluristia Fungi, located near small ponds in the forest. She couldn’t venture into the forest along, despite having done so before, so she listed the help of all of her friends to come help. The problem with this was that Twilight did not know the forest very well, and got lost fairly quickly. Through sharp, pointy things, dirt and long, winding paths, they trekked for a good couple of hours, with no sign of civilization, nor the plant anywhere. She had finally asked Rainbow Dash to fly above the trees to look for Ponyville, and she had pointed that Ponyville was located about a mile in the opposite direction they were trekking. Her friends were tired, and wanted to go home, along with a few other complications. “I told you we should have asked Zecora to help us find these plants. We’ve been going in circles for hours!” Applejack exclaimed. “Applejack, these plants are rare, and I need them to help the vet. She needs them for a cure for a blemish outbreak amongst the animals of Ponyville. Fluttershy was going to go herself to look for them.” Twilight replied. “Yeah, she did spread the outbreak with that allergic reaction Angel got from that homemade shampoo.” Rainbow Dash remarked. “Well, Fluttershy made the shampoo; Angel was the one that spread it.” Spike replied. Rainbow gave Spike a cold look, which startled him a bit. “How much farther do we need to go? I’m tired...” Pinkie asked. “You can talk, ah’ve been carrying you around all day because you decided to bounce in some Poison Joke, which made your hooves heavy.” Applejack scoffed. “Hey, that was an accident!” She replied in shock. Applejack sighed and continued to walk, carrying the pink pony on her back. Spike raised a hand, “So, yeah, about how much farther we need to go...” “I don’t know, Spike. We’ll be there some point.” Twilight groaned. “Some point as in now, or some point as in the distant future?” Rainbow Dash snarked. Twilight stopped in her path, to which the pack of ponies all bumped into each other from behind in a bump conga. “Some point as in now, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight beamed, as she picked up the Mothwing flower and the Fungi with her magic. The ponies cheered as Twilight stuffed the herbs into a satchel. Spike peered over to Twilight for a moment, and saw a small pond. “Excuse me, Twilight, a brisk soaking of water on my face is kind of what I need at the moment.” Spike said as he knelt down by the side of the pond, splashing water on his face. Twilight chuckled, “Spike, can’t that wait until we get home?” “Oh, let him have this. I think he needs it, the poor thing’s been on his feet for hours now.” Rarity said to Twilight. As Spike splashed his face with water, he noticed a patch of blue flowers on the other side, petals dotted in the water. He instantly recognised the flowers. He had been splashing himself and drinking extract of Poison Joke. “Uh oh.” He said as he backed away from the pond. Twilight walked over to Spike, looking at him in confusion. “What’s the matter, did you see something in the water? “Oh dear, that's not good." She said with worry,looking at the Poison Joke petals floating in the water. Rarity walked to Spike, putting a hoof on his shoulder, “Spike, do you feel okay?” “I think so, I’m just worried what the Poison Joke will do to me, I’ve never contracted it before.” Spike said in slight fear and worry. “Spike, don’t be afraid, Poison Joke can easily be remedied with a solution of Joke Cure, and a nice, hot bath.” Twilight smiled, comforting the dragon. Spike nodded, “Okay, that sounds like fun.” Rarity had a sudden brainwave, “I have just the thing. We can all go to the spa and cool off in their Jacuzzi!” Applejack replied, “Now, that’s a good idea! I could go for a nice soak round about now...” Twilight looked onwards, “Ponyville is still a mile away, we’ll still be walking for a bit.” Rarity chuckled, “Oh, Twilight, we can manage. At the end of this tiring expedition, is a long soak, filled with bubble bath and bath salts, and relaxation.” “You know, Rarity; that sounds rewarding. Onwards!” Twilight said. The group walked for another twenty minutes, down a dirt trail towards Ponyville. Spike remained slightly worried, but still kept his calm and continued walking, no matter how tired his legs were. He was offered a ride by Twilight, but refused, saying that he could make this last mile. Eventually, the group finally reached the edge of the forest, and Ponyville was right in front of them. They all took a sigh of relief as they walked towards the spa, located by the edge of town. The door to the spa opened, and the group walked in, with Rarity leading the helm. She rung the bell a couple of times and waited for service. Soon, one of the spa ponies; Aloe, walked to the desk. “Hello, Rarity. Is it the usual for you and your friends?” She asked. “No thanks, darling. We just want to rent the Jacuzzi for a while, we had a long trek and need to relax.” Rarity replied. “Certainly, do you need any toiletries to help you?” “Yes, we need some Bubble Bath, and some Joke Cure, we had a bit of a run-in with some Poison Joke, you see.” “Say no more, coming right up; if you and your friends would like to make their way to the Jacuzzi, please?” Aloe lead the group to the Jacuzzi, which was already devoid of ponies and foamy already. Rarity squealed quietly, “Bliss.” Spike started to shake a bit, looking slightly scared at the large wooden tub laid before him. Twilight looked at Spike and saw his fear. “Spike, are you okay?” Twilight asked. “Uh, yeah, I’m fine.” Spike stuttered. Twilight look concerned and walked to the Jacuzzi with the rest of her friends. Spike followed shortly afterwards, walking up the stairs as Pinkie and Rainbow Dash bombed into the pool, making a large splash. Applejack removed her hat and stepped in, sitting beside the other two ponies. Rarity dipped herself into the water and her stylish hairdo visibly melted into a wet trail of hair. Twilight and Fluttershy shortly followed after, leaving Spike on the Jacuzzi’s edge. Twilight asked, “Come on, Spike, hop in!” Spike stood there, now visibly shaking. His eyes scanned the water, and became frightened of the stuff, backing away from the pool. “Spike, what’s the matter?” She asked again. Spike started to breathe heavily, and his shaking became more apparent. Spike backed away more, leaning against the glass. This left Twilight curious. “Spike, whatever is the matter with you? First, you enjoy the first sight of water in the forest, and now you won’t even join us.” Rarity asked in slight concern and annoyance. Twilight held up a hoof, “Now, Rarity. Remember, Spike had a run-in with some Poison Joke in a body of water, and Poison Joke tends to make the subject have as visible issue about what he or she last used, rather than their traits. Since Spike last encountered water, it would seem that Spike has become aquaphobic, scared of water, if you will.” “Wait, scared of water, how is that funny? Shouldn’t he be like, made of water instead?” Rainbow asked. “Poison Joke is a very temperamental plant. It can bring harmless jokes to many, but may find it humorous to give the victim a phobia of what he or she came into contact with. It’s a very confusing plant that science still hasn’t understood even to this day.” she replied. Fluttershy looked at Spike, “So, that means that Spike can’t take a bath, or even drink?” Twilight nodded, “Exactly, Fluttershy. And what I’m worried about is that Joke Cure can only be used if a subject makes a full body submersion in water.” “And Spike’s scared of it, this can only end in tears.” Rainbow Dash snarked again. “Rainbow, quit it. We just need to give Spike that bit of extra confidence so that he can overcome this fear, even if temporarily, and make him get into the bath, duck underwater for a brief moment, and then re-surface with no issues.” Twilight said to the others. Twilight looked at Spike, who was still cowering in fear at the water. Twilight swum to the pool edge, and leant on the edge of the tub. “Spike, can you talk to us for a moment?” Twilight said in a comforting tone. Spike looked at Twilight, and nodded, still cowering in fear. “Okay, we just want you to come into the pool, Spike.” Spike started to shake again, “N-no way, Twilight!” “Spike, it’s easy. All you have to do is to come into the middle of the pool.” Spike shook his head, “Nuh-uh, Twilight. No way am I doing that!” Twilight put a hoof to her chin, and looked at him again, “Spike, please, we just want you to do this for us. It isn’t hard, you just need to take that first step.” Spike stopped cowering and walked slowly to Twilight, who held her arms out to receive Spike, but he stopped in front of her, and looked at the water, refuelling his fear. He backed away again, breathing and shaking like before. “Spike, please... What is the matter?” She asked in a more comforting tone. “I-I don’t like water... it scares me...” Spike stuttered quietly. Twilight didn’t hear him exactly, “Beg your pardon, Spike?” “I-I don’t like water.” He said a bit loudly, but still in a mumble. “What was that, Spike?” She asked again. “I DON’T LIKE WATER!!” He shouted, cowering in fear after his outburst. Twilight was taken aback by this, and looked somewhat disheartened. Rarity swam to the water’s edge, and took over for the talking. She thought if that being comforting wasn’t the way to go forward, then seducing him may bring him in. “Spike, darling; we just want you to come for a dip with us. I’ll be sure that you get some attention.” Rarity said smoothly. Spike still cowered, looking at Rarity as she pulled a loving face at him. Spike felt his heart start skipping, and was somewhat attached to her beauty. “Please, join me, Spikey. I’ll be sure to give you kisses.” She asked seductively. Spike leant forward a bit more, but cowered when he saw the water again. Rarity moaned, and started doing a seductive dance for him, which got him intrigued, but still got him nowhere. Rarity continued to dance, but heard a lot of sniggering from Rainbow Dash, who burst out laughing after not being able to contain her laughter. Rarity stopped dancing and sunk into the water, feeling somewhat nervous. Pinkie rested a hoof around her, making her feel more comfortable. "I give up, he's just not getting in." she said in frustration. Rainbow leant towards Twilight, “If we can’t ask him to join us, why can’t we just use force?" Before Twilight could get a word in, Rainbow Dash slammed her hooves on the tub edge, “Listen, you. This fear isn’t going to solve itself, so you get into this tub right now, or I am going to pull you in myself!” Rainbow Dash shouted at Spike, making him even more scared. Twilight became enraged and snapped at her, pulling her back. “Rainbow Dash!! How dare you speak to Spike like that! I would never physically force Spike into doing something he fears, he needs to be talked into this, because it’s the only way to do it successfully. That was so rude of you, Rainbow!” Rainbow Dash leant back, shocked at Twilight’s outburst, and slunk back to her seat, feeling embarrassed, and somewhat frustrated. The other ponies looked at her in amazement. Pinkie just leant towards her and whispered in her ear, “Burn...” This prompted Rainbow Dash to dunk Pinkie’s head into the water, pulling it back up shortly afterwards. Pinkie took in some breaths and sat besides Rarity again, while the others looked at Rainbow sulking, and then they turned to Twilight again. “Spike, we’re sorry that we’re resorting to drastic measures, but this fear isn’t going to solve itself, not unless you get into the water and fix the problem for yourself.” She asked. “But, what if I drown?” Spike asked. Applejack interrupted, “Spike, we’re all here to help ya, and you ain’t gonna drown. Not unlike me when ah was your age.” Fluttershy asked, “Really, what happened?” Applejack sighed, “When your granny asks you not to swim in a water tower, you listen to her.” Fluttershy shyly backed away and looked at her in a small bit of fright. “Spike, can you try again for us, please?” Twilight pleaded, looking sweetly at Spike. He then stood up and walked to the water’s edge, looking at the ripples in the tub. He sat down, dipping his feet into the water, which made the others stare at him in glee. Spike looked at his feet, swallowed his bravery and stepped back out again, sitting away from the water, curling up in a ball. “Oh, poor little Spikey-Wikey. He’s suffering so much and can’t fight his fears...” Rarity said with worry. “What are we gonna do, y’all? We can’t leave Spike like this.” Applejack asked. Twilight thought deeply yet again, and came up with an idea. “Okay, I’m going to try again, and this time, I won’t sweet talk him into it, I’ll be comforting and we’ll all help him.” She turned to Spike, who was curled up and crying in fear. She took a deep breath, and spoke. “Spike, look at me for a second.” She asked. Spike looked at Twilight, drying his eyes. “Listen, I understand that this silly Poison Joke curse has left you with something that you can’t seem to get over. You need to fight your fears, Spike, and take that small step into the pool.” “But, Twilight, water’s scary... I can’t do it.” “Nonsense, water is fantastic. Water is something we drink.” Fluttershy said to Spike. “Yeah, it helps you feel relaxed, and leaves you ready to go.” Rainbow Dash added. “It keeps you clean, darling.” Rarity said. “You can add foam and give yourself foam hats and foam fights!” Pinkie said happily. “A bath is what helps me after work, and I couldn’t see my life without it.” Applejack finished. Spike stopped shaking, and looked at Twilight in surprise. “Spike, I know for a fact that you love to swim. You used to swim all the time in Canterlot, along with your art and ballet lessons...” Twilight said. Rarity interrupted, “Wait, Spike can ballet dance?” Twilight nodded, which left Rarity squealing in delight. “Spike, you must show me your moves, I must watch you ballet dance, it will be sensational!” Twilight turned back to Spike, “Anyway, you love swimming, Spike. I didn’t teach you how to swim for nothing, and I, well, we want you just to take that step into the pool, and get rid of this curse. We care for you, Spike, and we want to see you overcome your fears. We know you can do this, Spike. We believe in you.” She finished. Spike looked at the Jacuzzi and stood by the edge. Twilight backed away to give Spike room, and the other ponies did the same. Spike looked at the water, Twilight’s words ringing through his head. “We care for you, Spike, and we want to see you overcome your fears. We know you can do this, Spike. We believe in you.” He heard in his head, repeating again and again. He took in some deep breaths, clenched his fists and breathed slowly. He knew he could do this, and he knew that this fear was something he must overcome. This submersion will be the end of his fears, and will bring him happiness once more. He took in a last breath, closed his eyes, and jumped. He jumped straight into the middle of the pool, and hovered over it for what seemed like an eternity. He eventually made that splash, and completely sunk to the bottom of the tub. He opened his eyes, and looked to the surface, his mind cleared of any water phobia and his friends looking on in excitement. The dive had done it, he had overcome his fear! With a swift kick, he swam to the surface, taking a deep breath as he broke it. As the water splash receded, he could hear the cheers of his friends, which made him smile. He opened his eyes to find his friends cheering for him, and Twilight swam towards him, treading in front of him. Twilight said happily, “Spike, you did it; you finally jumped into the pool! Do you feel any better?” Spike smiled, “I feel like I didn’t even have a phobia to begin with.” Twilight laughed happily and gave Spike a hug, to which Spike hugged back. His friends all joined in on the hug, making Spike smile brightly. His friends joined in the hug, admiring Spike’s bravery and relief that he finally jumped into the water. His friends backed away from him, giving him a bit more room. Spike then said, “Look, I understand how difficult this has been for everypony, but I just want to say thank you for your help. I couldn’t have done it without you guys...” “Spike, I don’t want you to worry about a thing. It was our pleasure.” Rarity replied. “Yeah, sorry I shouted at you earlier, Spike.” Rainbow Dash said quietly. Spike smiled and laid back against the tub ledge, relaxing his body and enjoying the hot water. Twilight then asked, “So, now that Spike’s in the tub, what can we do now?” Without another bit of thought, Pinkie grabbed some foam and shouted, “FOAM FIGHT!”. She then proceeded to chuck foam at Spike. Spike jumped when the foam unexpectedly hit his face, so he grabbed some and said, “So, that’s how you want to play?”. He lobbed some and it hit Rarity, sticking to her mane. “Is it a fight you want, Spikey? I’ll give you a fight.” She grabbed some foam and threw it back at him, to which Pinkie threw some at her. Soon, the other ponies joined in, grabbing foam and throwing it all over the place, their laughter filling the room. ------------------------------ About an hour had passed; Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash had all left the tub and had headed home. The rest had remained in the tub, still steaming with heat as it bubbled. Rarity had her back to the platform with one of the staff shampooing her hair. She was talking to her friends during her shampooing. “So, I had this dress prepared and couldn’t find it anywhere, I had searched high and low for it. I eventually found it again, on Sweetie Belle and her friend, Dinky. They were playing dress-up, can you believe that?” The group giggled, and Fluttershy asked, “Goodness, how did you react?” “Isn’t it obvious, darling? I gave them more clothes to try on; they looked simply fabulous.” Rarity replied with a smile. Spike lifted his head and said, “Well, I’m glad you took it well. Heaven knows what would happen if you didn’t.” “No, no, Spike. If Sweetie Belle or any of her friends want to try on some of my clothes for a bit of fun, I’m not going to stop them in the slightest.” Spike laughed and rested his head again. Thinking for a moment, he turned to Twilight and asked, “Hey, Twi? Have you got a quill, some ink and paper?” Twilight opened her bag with her magic, and pulled out just what he was looking for. “Sure, Spike. Why do you want it?” “I want to write a letter to Celestia. I think I learnt something today.” Twilight was mildly surprised that Spike wanted to write a letter, and smiled. “Okay, write away, Spike.” Spike cleared his throat, dipped his quill in the inkwell, and proceeded to write and speak aloud his letter. “Dear Princess Celestia, Today, I’ve had one of the strangest experiences of my life. After a long trip in the Everfree Forest, I had a run into some Poison Joke while drinking from a pond. My reaction to the Poison Joke was that I became afraid of water, and the only way to cure a joke is with a bath. This lead me to face my fears and take a bath, which brings me to what I’ve learnt; Fears are a scary thing. They can cripple your dreams and aspirations in the blink of an eye. Whether you have fears of snakes, bats, or real estate agents, your friends will always be there to support you. Some fears can’t be solved on their own, and a powerful friendship will help you overcome any obstacle, no matter how big or small. Yours sincerely, Spike.” He rolled up the parchment and ignited it, sending it away with a puff of smoke. “I think you really did learn something truly helpful, Spike.” Twilight said happily. “Yes, your friends are always here to support you, no matter what the problem is.” Rarity added. “And you can help us, too. You’ve always been there for us, no matter what the issue is.” Fluttershy finished. Spike smiled, “Thanks, guys. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of friends.” Twilight grabbed him in a cuddle, to which the others joined in the hug. Spike felt rather comfortable being surrounded by his friends, and wrapped his arms around them. Suddenly, a large splash emitted from the centre of the tub. It was Pinkie Pie, with a smile on her face. “Are you guys hugging again? Can I join?” Pinkie asked. “Pinkie, how did you get here?!” Twilight replied in confusion. Pinkie looked at her in annoyance. “Twilight, what have I told you about explanations?” “Less reasoning, more friendship...” Pinkie nodded, “Exactly, now I want to hug.” She then hugged the group, and Spike looked at Twilight in confusion. “I don’t get her sometimes, I really don’t.” She said. “Less reasoning, more friendship. He replied, making Twilight groan in annoyance. She just didn’t understand. The End Welp, that’s another story finished. Comments and criticism are appreciated, as always.