My Little Pony: The Alternate Elements

by Eragon5055

First published

Retelling of Mlp: FiM with different elements and a different mane six

What if there were no elements of Harmony? What would take their place. These are the alternate elements, the elements of ideals and with them comes a different group of bearers.

This story will follow the major events in the Mlp: FiM universe with with different characters and how they would react to such events representing different ideals instead of the elements of harmony along with my own original stories where it makes sense to put them. Teen because I want a little wider leeway with da jokes.

(1) The Mare on the Moon (1/2)

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Disclaimer: I do not own MLP:FIM in any way, shape, or form. Sueing me would be pointless as I am pretty much dirt poor.

Episode 1: The Mare on the Moon (part 1)

Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria,

There were two royal sisters that ruled together and created harmony for all the land.

To do this, the eldest used her alicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn.

The younger brought out the moon to begin the night.

Thus the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all different types of ponies.

But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful, the ponies relished and played in the day that her sister brought forth but shunned and slept through her beautiful night.

One faithful day, the younger refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn.

The elder sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the young ones heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness, Nightmare Moon. She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night.

Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom, the Elements of Ideals.

Though the elder sister heart and mind were pure, she was not a true bearer of the elements so instead of saving her sister from her curse of bitterness, she instead trapped her on the face of the moon.

The eldest sister then took on the responsibility of both sun and moon and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since.

"Huh..." was all Ponderlight could say after reading the children's book.

PonderLight sat behind her desk in her master's office inside the Royal Canterlot Palace. The room was brightly lit by candle light as the near black colored mare sat trying to ponder the reason behind her teacher’s intentions. The unicorn's straight short light yellow mane being ruffled a little by her hoof, almost undoing her hair clip that kept her mane out of her eyes A picture of a book with a small burning candle on the cover decorated her flank. Ancient Tome, a bright indigo stallion with a grey messy mane and beard to match, stood on a ladder on the opposite side of the room levitating a quill and parchment in a glowing grey aura that matched the aura of his horn, cataloging the new volumes of books he received and placing them into his personal light library. He wore his favorite blue cloak as always as he turned and gave a quick glance at his student.

Ancient Tome knew the look on her face, that look that every pupil before her had given him. He let out a sigh and started slowly counting down under his breath, "3... 2...1..."

"So... Master Tome, What does this have to do with the Summer Sun Celebration?"

"Miss Ponderlight, Do not expect me to hold your hoof, use noggin my dear girl!"

Ponderlight let out a mental sigh, Another riddle. She was top A student in her class and graduated with the highest honors. All she had to do now to achieve her dream job was go under an apprenticeship for 3 years to be fully qualified so naturally she chose the best and brightest to learn from. To bad the 'best and brightest' was a crotchety old stallion that keeps giving me riddles with little to know context and expect her to solve it and has probably never given a compliment in his entire life. No wonder the six apprentices decided to quit. Ponderlight calmed herself, she was stronger than that and wasn't going to let anyone deter her from her dream.

"Well the Summer Sun Celebration has been scheduled for the town below us, Ponyville I believe. Since Ponyville lies right next to the Everfree Forest where the old Royal Castle of the Princess is, that storybook probably bears some sort of historical significance to the town."

Ancient Tome grumbled under his breath, "What do they teach foals in school these days?" He turned away from his cataloging. "That story is historically significant. It recounts the time before Celestia's thousand year rule and the downfall of the second princess. My dear girl, that book tells the reason we even have a Summer Sun Celebration in the first place!"

"But Nightmare Moon isn't real." Ponderlight grinned, "She's just spooky story meant to scare kids into eating their bushel sprouts. She's just a myth."

Tome let out another sigh, "Miss Ponderlight, myths and tales of warning tend to come to life when ponies stop listening to them."

Ponderlight just let out sat down and prepared for another speech on how 'kids these days' were doing this or that when really they should be doing this. She had gotten used to them and was preparing to shut off her brain for a little, this seems like it was going to be long...

As Ancient Tome was about to speak, a spark of green flame burst in front of him transforming into a scroll that fell on the floor. "What the blazes...!" He jumped "Dam almost gave me a heart attack!"

"What is it Master Tome?" Ponderlight silently prayed to Faust a thank for the save.

Tome levitated the scroll and opened it. "What ever it is, it better be important, I was about to make a point..."

Ponderlight watched Tome read the scroll, his initial scowl never fading as he continued down the paper. As soon as he finished reading he started to make his way to his desk, muttering under his breath. "... inconsiderate... at the most inopportune times..."

"What did it say?" Ponderlight's curiosity continuing to grow.

Ancient Tome grumbled, "Apparently, the need somepony to go down to Ponyville and check up on the celebration preparations to make sure everything’s going smoothly and it was decided that I had the most free time on my hoofs. However, I have a prior engagement I must attend."

"So, what are you going to do?" Asked Ponderlight.

"What I am going to do?" laughed Tome. "Weren't you listen my dear girl, I can't possibly go. The question you should be asking is what are you going to do."

"What?!" Exclaimed Ponderlight.

" You have nothing important plan for the celebration. You are going to Ponyville in my stead." Stated Tome. "You can go and endure this tedious task while I go and actually do something important. I am not going to lose for the thirtieth year in a row." he mumbled.

"D-don't I have a choice in the matter?" Stammered Ponderlight. While it was true that she did have nothing planned this year's Summer Sun Celebration, she was looking forward to a nice relaxing evening in her room.

"Well, I suppose you have to go, after all the magic school below us needs somepony to clean their basement. From what I understand, there was a nasty summoning accident and a tentacle monster is stuck down there at the moment." Tome grinned wickedly, "If you decide to stay, I'm sure you'd be in a position to help out."

"I'm going! I'M GOING!!!" Ponderlight panicked with a bright blush on her face.

"Well, if you insist..." shrugged Ancient Tome.


Princess Celestia laughed as she heard the story. "You are certainly harsh teacher!"

The Princess and the advisor sat on the royal balcony above the city of Canterlot, watching a gold chariot take off and fly down from the city.

"If a pony can't handle difficulty, they are in no position to handle the aristocrats and rich people that want to get their two cents in even though they have no idea what they are talking about. Besides, some sunshine and a little interaction with ponies that aren't potential rivals should be good for her. Maybe then she can actually relax around other ponies."

Celestia grinned, "If you think you pupil is bad, you haven't seen my Twilight panic on a test day. I'm surprised she still has a mane on her head."

Tome waved it off, "Baahhh. Let's not get back into that argument again." Tome turned around and pulled out a chess board and placed it on the table in between them. "Let’s continue were we left off from last time, I feel good about my luck today!"

Celestia just chucked has her old friend set up the board. The regal Princess turned her head back to the balcony facing the tiny town below.

"Do you think that she's truly up to the task?"

Tome pondered for a second and stated "She's was able to put up with me for this long, if nothing else, she stubborn enough. Besides, she's my pupil, she ain't a pushover. Now come on, I'm determine to win at least once before I die."


I am going to put disappearing ink in his ink well. She thought darkly. She was still angry with her teacher suddenly kicking her out and sending her to this tiny town. I'm going to get back at you if it's the last thing I do.

Tome had sent her off to Ponyville on such a rush that she didn't have time to pack much so she was stuck there with nothing but her bare essentials and the items her master had given her. He gave a list of the ponies that she needed to check up on and what they were in charge of, threw some book into her saddle bag telling her she might need it because she obviously is lacking knowledge in important areas and basically said her carriage was going to leave in thirty minutes with or without her and if she missed it, she would have to hoof it.

To top it all off, she had no idea were in Tartarus she was supposed to go. She looked around and to her dismay none of the streets had signs. They probably don't need them in such a small town. She must of looked as lost as she felt as she heard a small voice in front of her as she was looking on her list.

"Hey there miss, are you lost?"

Ponderlight looked up from her list but found nopony even remotely close to her. Before her confusion set in she heard the voice again.

"Down here miss!"

Ponderlight looked down to find a little unicorn filly light grayish violet in color with a light gold mane that was little messy. Behind her was a bright red wagon full of bags with groceries in them. "Are you lost?" she asked.

"Terribly." She admitted, "I don't suppose you know the way to this restaurant. I'm supposed to meet a pony named... Swaaaaarrrrez Telllerrrr."

"Schwarz Teller, and yep I know the way, It's on the way to my mom's house."

"Wow, your pretty mature for a pony at your age."

"That's what my mom keeps telling me. I even got my mom to let me buy groceries by myself this time so she can help out with the Summer Sun Celebration and so I can try to see if I could earn my cutie mark in haggling." She pointed to her hip with a little frown. "It didn't work."

"Wow!" Ponderlight said in amazement, “I couldn't buy groceries by myself till I was 15. I think that was mainly because though that I tended not to buy the cheapest thing in the market because I was allowed to keep the change whenever my mom let me haggle."

The filly gave Ponderlight a confused look. "I thought that was the point of haggling?"

Ponderlight gave the filly a mischievous grin "Not when they ask you to get apples for apple pie and you go and get oranges because they were on sale."

That got the filly to giggle, so Ponderlight decided to join her.

"My names Ponderlight, what's yours?"

"Dinky Doo, but my friends call me Dinky."

"Well Dinky." Ponderlight gave a grin, "Care to lead the way?"

"As Dad always says, Allon-sey!"


Ponderlight said goodbye to Dinky as they reached the restaurant. "You should come by my house at meet my mom, she sure would like to meet a funny pony like you."

She gave the best apologetic look she could give and said, "I'm sorry, I'm only here for the celebration." As the filly started to frown she added quickly, "But If I am ever in town again, I sure am going to need a smart young filly as a guide. Maybe you'll have a cutie mark then."

"Yeah!' beamed the filly

Maybe this won't be all that bad. thought the mare. As she entered the restaurant she saw chefs and waiters along with other ponies running around in a near panic as food was moved and arrange it seemed in utter chaos. She put her hoof to her head. You had to get your hopes up.

At the center of the chaos stood a mare who seemed to be barking out orders and directing the chaos. The earth pony mare was very light pink in color with a red perfectly kept mane with streaks of violet. On her flank a simple plate with a black splotch that looked suspiciously like a skull adorned it. Ponderlight approach the mare. "I THOUGHT I ORDERED THE PUNCH AN HOUR AGO AND WOULD SOMEPONY TELL ME WHERE THE BU-!!!"

"Excuse me!!!" shouted Ponderlight. The mare turned to her with new attention. "I am here from Canterlot to check up on preparations for the food at the celebration. I am looking for the pony in charge here. Are you Schwarz Teller"

"Ah, that's me. I was wondering when somepony would arrive." Her grey eyes looked a light bored but Ponderlight didn't notice any difference when she was yelling so she assumed it was her default look and she shouldn't take offense to it.
"As you can see I have everything under control, we are just waiting for the apple products to arrive."

Ponderlight looked back to the chaos in the room and back to the mare. "I'm not going to lie, I am having doubts."

Schwarz eyes widened and her grey iris and pupil shrank. She started to stare unblinking at Ponderlight and spoke gently "You saying I am doing a terrible job."

While initially Ponderlight did get a little scared at the mares tone and facial expression, (O.K. more than a little scared) she would not let this mare scare her into backing down. "Kk-know I-I did not say that. I am just not en-entirely sure of your... methods."

The Schwarz began to smile and was about to say something until a orange mare with a cowboy hat and three apples on her flank barged in from the front door, obviously exhausted and sweating. "Ah... Oh mai... Ah sorray that Ah'm li'le late." She managed to wheeze out.

Schwarz's attention turned to the mare, much to relief of Ponderlight.

"Thanks goodness you finally got here. If you were any later, we would be forced to use... alternatives."

The mares widened in horror, "Ya wouldn't..."

Schwarz shrugged, "Don't worry about it, it’s over with and we have the food we were waiting for. Just don't ever be late again." She said with a smile.

The orange mare gulped "Ah, uh, gotta go."

"Oh, please don't let me stop you." Schwarz said warmly. The orange mare then bolted out of the building as quick as she came. Then Schwarz turned her attention back Ponderlight "As I was going to say."

Oh horseapples, she didn't forget about me! Ponderlight thought as she gulped. Here it comes! Stay strong!

"I like your guts." Schwarz said plainly

"Wha..." Ponderlight managed to get out.

"It's not often I see somepony in this town be able to stare me back in the eye and not immediately go crawling into a corner and assume the fetal position. Come back anytime, I'll make you a mean daisy sandwich that's to die for. Heck, I might even give ya 5% off."

"But what about..."

"Don't worry about it." She said. "Everything should be ready shortly now that got the rest of the orders. Now shoo, I got some work to do before the days is through."

Ponderlight left the restaurant confused, but decided that the ponies would have it all ready, even if only out of sheer fear of Schwarz.

"WILL SOMEPONY TELL ME WHY MY CAKE IS UPSIDE DOWN?" Ponderlight heard as she exited the building.


"For the love of Celestia, I hope the next pony on this list is somewhat normal"

Ponderlight made her way down the road and looked at her list. Says here that a pony called Rainbow Dash is supposed to be in charge of keeping the sky clear. Ponderlight looked up in the sky and frowned at the sight of the many clouds in the sky. "Somepony is obviously not doing their job."

Ponderlight looked up and around in the sky hoping to at least find a pegasus to yell out and ask. Sure enough, a white pegasus flew overhead.

Ponderlight shouted up to the pony "Hello! Have you seen a pony named Rainbow Dash?"

At the sound of the words 'Rainbow Dash', the pony looked down and flew swiftly to meet Ponderlight. The pegasus landed softly despite his speed of descent. Now that the pony was close-up, Ponderlight could see that he had a black unkept mane, serious bright yellow eyes, and a straight deep scar below left eye. His cutie mark was a picture of a stone tower, a rooke.

"Did you say you saw Rainbow Dash?" the stallion asked.

"No, I'm afraid." stated Ponderlight. "I said I am looking for Rainbow Dash. You see I'm from Canterlot to make sure the festival is going smoothly. 'Rainbow Dash' is supposed to be keeping the sky clear."

"As it turns out, I am also looking for that Miss Dash." stated the stallion. "Today was supposed to be my day off, but the mayor is also worried about the weather situation so she asked me to find her, but I'm not having very much luck in that regard. I swear that mare is the only reason I'm busy in this town." He sighs.

"Oh I'm sorry, my name is Bravo Homefront, the only regular guard in Ponyville."

"Well, Mister Homefront, My name is Ponderlight and I'm really busy and I need to check up on other ponies in this town, isn't there some kind of replacement or back-up pegasus that can at least start to help put my worries away."

Bravo shaked his head and said, "Most pegasi we have in this town are busy with other projects or are working on clearing other sky sectors around the town to keep it clear. Rainbow Dash was the only pony assigned to the sky directly above the city."

Ponderlight frowned, "That doesn't seem to be very smart, especially if you say this Rainbow Dash is a trouble maker."

"Miss Ponderlight, there is nothing to worry about. Rainbow Dash has never, as she puts it, 'left Ponyville hanging.' She will eventually clear the sky, just not in a timely fashion."

"Mr. Homefront-" Ponderlight began

"Please, call me Bravo, my dad is 'Mr. Homefront.'"

"Well, Bravo, is there anything you can do?


"Please, Call me Pond for short or at least Ponderlight. It is only far if I have to call you Bravo."

"O.k., Ponderlight, if it helps I can start clearing the sky myself while I search for Dash. How does that sound."

Ponderlight thought about it for a moment. "O.K. you have yourself a deal."

"Welp, I'm off. I won't be taking anymore of your time Ponderlight." Bravo then took off in to the sky and kicked two clouds for good measure. The only thing though that Ponderlight could think at the moment was, By Celestia, that's a finely toned plot.


Next Pony on the list is Sketch Turner. Ponderlight made her way down town to the main town hall, where the celebration would be taking place. Inside she saw banners and decorations being put on display, along with streamers and confetti bowls preparing to be ready when they were needed to be splashed out at dawn.

"Glad to see at least one place seems to be going according to plan."

"I no ri'te" Ponderlight was started and nearly jumped into the air as a very light blue pegasus mare with light yellow green messy mane topped with a flat cap. Three splotches of red, blue, and green orderned her flank.

"T'is celebration is go'in ta be beau'ifil. An' ya wana no the best par't?" The strange mare forcefully turned Pond's head toward the ceiling. "R'ite there, is go'in ta be a giant disco ball. Bloody. Brilliant." An actual tear rain down the mares face as she smiled and wiped it away. Then she turned and her smile soured as she let go of Ponderlight and faced a pony putting up a new sign. "An' Garry here had ta go ruin the moment by mess'in up my sign!"

"Hey what did I do? And my names not Gary."

"Well' fir starters, ya bloody spelled 'Summer' wrong. It has two 'M's."
shouted the mare.

"I knew that." Said the stallion defensively.

"Then ya oughta know how to fix it, shouldn't ya!" She turned back. " Sorry 'bout t'at, minor setback. The names Sketch by ta way."

She started nervously. "So... you seem to have this all under control, all just be going."

"Phsst. Don' worry 'bout it, Ponderlight. Ol' mama Sketch has t'is by the balls. Everything is goin' ta be ready ta break for ta party r'ite on time."

Ponderlight slowly backed out of the hall and made it outside before she allowed herself to let a sigh of relief. "Wait a minute. How did she know my name..."


Finally, the last person on the list Ponderlight let out a sight of relief. "O.K., the last pony on the list is in charge of flower arrangements and the outside decorations. Let see... a Miss Roseluck." Ponderlight made who way across the street into the flower shop. The place was small but smelled wonderful. Ponderlight looked around but could see no pony around. She went to the front desk and rang the bell but nopony answered. Huh. Wonder if she's in the back.

Ponderlight started to make her way to the back of the shop when a mare jumped out of from the back, swinging a hoe in her hooves. "I GOT YOU NOW YOU ROSE-EATING FIEND!!!"

All Ponderlight could do was scream. "HAAA!! DON'T HURT ME!!!"

The extremely pale yellow mare stopped in her tracks. "Wait, you’re not Pinkie."


The mare dropped her weapon "Oh my gosh, I am terribly sorry about this, I thought you were that pink menace that keeps eating my roses when I'm not looking."

Ponder light slowly calmed down. It's O.K., just remember deep breathes. "I-it's O.K. just... please looks before you leap out at ponies."

"I'm terribly sorry; I don't know how to apologize enough. Would a free flower bouquet help?"

"I appreciate the jester, but I'm fine. Is this 'Pinkie' that bad?"

"Yes!" the earth pony mare shouted.

"O.K. o.k., look. I am looking for a Miss Roseluck to talk to about the flower arrangements and outside decorations."

"Well, you’re in luck because I'm your mare!"

"Terrific." Ponderlight mumbled.

"If you want to see the flower arrangements, I have them done and ready in the back."

"No, no, no. That's fine." Ponderluck waved furiously. "I'm just here to see if all is well. How are the outside arrangements going then?"

"Well, a friend of mine, a Miss Fluttershy is coming later to help set up the outside so we should be done in a jiffy."

"O.K. then, I just leave you alone toward your business of scaring ponies."

Roseluck frowned, "I said I was sssooorryy."


Ponderlight made her way to the library where she was allowed to stay for the night until the end of the celebration. She made it up to the loft room and slumped unto the bed. "I'm soooo exhausted. I swear at least half this towns mares are crazy."

Ponderlight decided she was going to take a nap before the celebration started but first had to make sure everything on the list was in order. After while checking her list, a book popped out of her saddle bag. Oh yeah. she thought. This is the book that Master Tome gave me to read. she pulled the book from the saddle bag.

"The Elements of Ideals. Great he gave me another useless book that so he can give me another pointless riddle. I'll read it later." She let out a loud yawn. "After all, I'm only going to need this after I go home."

Later that Night

"Behold Mortals, As We am Nightmare Moon and We shall bring about a night everlasting Ha ha aha ha ha!!!

"Yeah screw you two universe."