The tale of Writing Glory

by storiesatrandom

First published

Based on a non appearing character to the real My little Pony TV series.
Writing Glory is another unknown Alicorn that bears no genectic or blood relation to the Celestial sisters. she was exsiled from Alicorn-Hala for an outrage she can't remember. she was then enslaved by the imfamous flying Serpent, Sting-Ra, and his personal platoon of Cy-bats (like one-eyed Bat monsters) who wants her to complete his dark evil plan. but, Writing Glory escapes, but comes to ponyville a weak mare, but saved by the Celestial Sisters from death. Will Celestia and Luna welcome this troubled Alicorn into their family, help her ajust to a new life, find love, and defeat Sting-Ra as well, or is it gonna end very bad for Writing Glory?
I released this story back when i hopelessly waited for someone to granted me a title idea (which never came) till i desided i was on my own.
image by johnjoseco. (again, i can't stop using his/her images for some reason. but i am desent enough to give what credit is due.)

Escape from Sting-Ra

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Act 1: Escape from Sting-ra.

In a dark cave at the top of a large mountain that was shrouded in darkness, lived a malevolent creature, a flying serpent with huge, vulture-style wings. It had a long serpentine neck, viper-like face, huge fangs, and scorpion tail. His eyes were filled with malice, and his cold, reddish orange eyes were that of a snake. This creature was so cruel, so malice-filled, so merciless, so selfish, so hate-filled that even Discord would kiss the ground which upon this monster slithered. This creature was known as Sting-Ra.
Sting-Ra held a powerful secret: he had enslaved an Alicorn. His plans for the Alicorn were simple—to make the poor creature grant him immortality and act as a personal story teller for him to cool his ever so collapsible nerves. Sting-Ra smiled at this dream, for he had an Alicorn that could make it happen. Celestia and Luna refused to help the beast sometime ago, even threatened him.
He slithered towards the deepest part of his lair. He looked down, seeing his prize, the Alicorn that would make his dreams come true, a white, red mane and tail Alicorn. In size, she's shorter then Celestia, but is slightly bigger than Luna. She had a feather quill pen and ink for a cutie mark. She clearly seemed unhappy.
She looked up at the towering menace before her. She tried to offer a smile, in hopes to hide her sadness, knowing her sadness irritates the heartless beast. She said: "Hello, m-matser….. How may I help you?"
Sting-ra said: "Have you learned the immortality spell yet, Writing Glory?" Writing Glory, the weakened Alicorn, whimpered, and her false smile faded.
Writing Glory said: "Please, Master. I tried so hard, I really did. I try, but, without proper guidance, I…I can't learn the spell." The beast was angered, then roared! It frightened poor Writing Glory. Sting-Ra’s shouting almost sounded like he was snarling.
"You useless mare! I granted you everything! Books, paper to write your stories, poems, or whatever, a grand cave above your head, and yet you contributed nothing to me! USELESS!" His scorpion tail whacked Writing Glory! Fortunately, the stinger didn't get her. Writing Glory was tearing; she was sobbing.
Writing Glory screamed: "WHY TORTURE ME SO?" Sting-Ra said nothing. He simply slithered off. Writing Glory wallowed in self-pity and despair. She couldn’t handle it anymore. She decided that, when Sting-Ra was asleep, she would escape.

Later, at nightfall, Sting-Ra fell asleep. With a careful flutter of her wings, she gently glided across the cave. She neared the entrance, and, to her joy, left without interruption. She landed at the very bottom of the mountain. She sighed in relief; she didn't think she was going to get away so easily.

Suddenly, a roar echoed from the cave. She ran towards to the forest. (The forest might be thick enough to prevent Sting-Ra from finding her quickly.) Writing Glory hid in one of the a hollow stump. Writing Glory was seriously terror stricken. As the roars were heard, Writing Glory flinched with each sound. It lasted hours. Writing Glory was in a weakened state, but strong enough to crawl out of her hiding place. Writing Glory was hungry, and went deep into the forest, knowing Sting-Ra couldn’t be able to see her out in the forest. Because of Sting-Ra's old age, his vision is fading, no longer possessing a hawk-like view.
Writing Glory went on for days and nights, getting weaker and hungrier. She flew, but dared not to fly too long, to avoid possible attention from Sting-Ra. She continued to walking, hoping she could last long enough.

Meanwhile, at Twilight Sparkle's library, Twilight Sparkle studying, as usual, with Spike organizing the books in the proper order. Owlicious stood by Twilight's side. Spike climbed down from the ladder and said:
"All finish-" Spike suddenly burped of flames, which formed a letter with the royal Celestial seal. "Hey, Twilight, it's a message from the princess!" Twilight placed the book down, with a gleeful smile. She always loved it when Celestia sent a message.
Twilight said: "Oh how slightly unexpected! But great!" Twilight used her magic, and opened it.

Dear Twilight Sparkle; my most faithful student,

Upcoming soon is the Celebration of Peace, and I have decided that it shall be held in Ponyville. Ponyville has never had a celebration of peace before, so, I thought it seem appropriate to have one now. I trust all your friends will be attending. Applejack would be able to serve food, Rarity might get business with visitors from other cities, Pinkie Pie will certainly get a chance to eat new types of festival pastries, Fluttershy will just adore the pets of visiting royalty, and I bet Rainbow Dash will leap at the opportunity to meet the Wonderbolts for an autograph sighing. Luna will attend as well, and this will all occur in a few weeks, so I advise you contact the Mayor about this to set up Ponyville. It's first ever Celebration of Peace; I'm sure she'll be delighted to hear the news.

Offerings of Goodwill,

Princess Celestia

Twilight almost didn't believe it! Twilight screamed with glee. Spike gaped, and dropped the next stack of books he was going to put away. Spike said: "WHOA! Where's the fire?" Twilight giggled with excitement. She could not control herself.
Twilight shouted: "READ FOR YOURSELF, SPIKE! I'LL BE OUT TO TELL MY FRIENDS AND THE MAYOR!" Twilight ran out, shouting with cheer. Spike picked up the note and read what was in it. He grinned!

Writing Glory was still struggling to find a way out of the forest. Writing Glory said: "Ok, I know there's a city or even a small town, or, even a village here someplace! I need… a home, a place where I can feel safe, happy, and, and, and free, things Sting-Ra never offered! All he was doing was, cruel, relentless torture! Well, no more!" She ran.

The mayor was resting, enjoying a peaceful day after completing some boring paperwork. She sighed peacefully, knowing she earned her moment of rest, when Twilight burst in, summersaulting on the floor and jumped on the Mayor's desk. This got the Mayor's attention. Twilight said: "MAYORMAYORMAYOR!"
The Mayor said: "Yes, yes, yes?
"What, what, what?"
"Yes, yes, yes?"
"SHE SAID! SHE SAID! SHE SAID!" The Mayor was getting a little bit annoyed.
"Miss Sparkle, could you calm down and say something sensible!"
"I BET SO, THOSE LUCKY DICKENS!" Twilight screamed with joy. She back-flipped out of the office. The Mayor began to run like a maniac to fine her secretary!
There was a mare who looked like Rarity, but with Valentine's Day colors of pink on her body, and she had a pink mane and tail. She was about to finish a report when the Mayor pounced on her secretary. "Secretary, declare a town meeting! TODAY'S PONYVILLE'S FINEST HOUR!"

Twilight was hopping like Pinkie Pie. This got notice and concern from passing Ponyvillians. “Is she going be like Pinkie Pie too?” they thought.

Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity were having a picnic. Pinkie Pie said: "It’s too bad Applejack had to do farm-work right now; she's missing out!"
Rainbow Dash said: "Hey, more for us!" Twilight suddenly appeared. She was screaming like crazy.
Rarity said: "Twilight?"
Fluttershy said: "Oh dear, do you think she's overworked again?"
Rainbow Dash said: "Either that, or we're in a ‘Psyco Twilight’ fic."
Pinkie said: "Well, at least we know it ain't another ‘Cupcakes’ fic."
Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy shouted: "OH, DON'T EVEN GET US STARTED!" (A/n: Look! I broke the fourth wall! How post-modern of me!)
Twilight shouted: "GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!" Rainbow Dash pounced on Twilight, Rarity got out some water, Rainbow Dash grabbed it, and poured it on Twilight. Twilight shook her head. She sighed as Rainbow got off. Twilight said: "Sorry about, it's just that CELESTIA IS HOLDING THE CELEBRATION OF PEACE HERE IN PONYVILLE!" Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash screamed in excitement. Twilight said: "I KNOW! I'LL GO TELL APPLEJACK!" Twilight disappeared as the four friends were left hopping around.


Writing Glory was still trying to find a town. She was on the verge of giving up. "I haven't eaten in days! I am starving. I don't know what to do anymore." Suddenly she smelled something like apples. Writing Glory said: "That smells good! Maybe I’m near a bakery! I have to follow my nose!" Writing Glory ran in the direction of the smell! Writing Glory said: "It must be food! Nothing smells better then a potential meal."


Applejack was checking on all the apple trees to see if they were all healthy. Applejack said: "Landsakes, might take me awhile before dawn to finish checking all these trees."
Twilight shouted from afar: "APPLEJACK!"
Applejack said: "Huh?" Twilight pounced on Applejack.
Applejack said: "Now what in tarnation, Twilight? Ah expect this from Pinkie, or maybe Rainbow Dash if she's feeling rough, but you?"
Twilight said: "Forgive my out of character actions, Applejack, but guess what?"
Applejack said: "Kindly get off of me first? Ah think Ah might be a better listener if there ain't smart pony right on me." Twilight complied, and Applejack got up. Applejack said: "Now, what's got you riled up, sugar-cube?"
Twilight said: "Shall we see the Mayor about her speech for the preparations?"
Applejack said: "Why, Ah be delighted, Twi." Suddenly, they both heard Wionia barking.
Twilight said: "What's with your dog, Applejack?"
Applejack said: "Must be raccoons again, better chase them out." Applejack shouted: "Ok, you bandit oversized bushy tailed varments, I thought I asked Fluttershy to tell you critters to A-A-ALICORN!"
Twilight said: "What did you mean—ARGH!" A barely crawling, skinny to the bone, dirty, Writing Glory stood before them. Writing Glory was too battered to recognize. She tried to reach for the lowest hanging apple.
Writing Glory said: "Al-most…there." she stuck out her tounge, trying to get the life giving fruit. She collapsed. Twilight gasped as she ran towards the fallen Alicorn. Twilight's horn glowed with a purple aura, and a similar aura enveloped Writing Glory. Applejack came up.
Applejack said: "Is she..?"
Twilight said: "She's fine, but she needs urgent attention. She's not only starving, but also has several broken ribs."
Applejack said: "I'll keep her company; go and warn the Princess!"
Twilight said: "Your right! But first…" Twilight's magic took the lowest apple from its branch, and gave it to Writing Glory. Writing Glory barely opens her eyes and, slowly but surely, took a bite from the apple.
"Thank you…"
"Just eat, try not to talk. Now, my friend will watch over while I go to contact Celestia. She can help you." Writing Glory tried to ask, but Twilight said:
"And before you say anything: yes, I promise I will be back." Twilight ran off. Applejack came closer to the Alicorn.
"Worry none, your grace, y'all in capable hooves." Writing Glory was too weak to be confused. Her attention was more focused on the apple. "When you’re done, I'll get you some more." Writing Glory smiled.


Twilight burst in through the door. "SPIKE! Take a letter!"


"Now send it!" Spike went to the balcony, breathed fire on it, and turned the letter into iridescent dust!


Celestia was overviewing her royal garden, glad to know the Celebration of Peace was coming up. (It is among her favorite times of the year.) Suddenly, a letter appeared. She opened it.

Dear Celestia.

It's another Alicorn, but she's weak, starved, and injured. I need you and Luna to come down and see this. She needs urgent care. Please hurry!

Your worried student,
Twilight Sparkle


Applejack got more apples for the Alicorn. "Thank you."
Applejack said: "Save your energy, Sugercube, your still a mess." Suddenly, Twilight, and the rest of the Mane six arrived on the scene.

Twilight said: "Thank you for helping, Applejack."
Applejack said: "Did you get the Princess?"
"I just had Spike sent the letter."

There was a blinding flash.

Everypony turned to see what it was!

Twilight said: "Celestia! Luna!" Writing Glory couldn't believe her tired, bagged, red eyes. Two other ponies, just like her, only one taller, one shorter, both regel and beautiful. Writing Glory was so amazed, she fainted. Celestia and Luna approached the Alicorn.
Twilight said: "Princess, is it a private matter, or can we-"
Celestia said: "I will keep you posted, but you cannot become too involved." With that, they flew off, carrying Writing Glory!
Twilight said: "I hope she'll be fine."
Rarity said: "I am sure that Alicorn, whoever she was, is in capable hooves."

Sting-Ra was staring angrily. "I don't care what it takes, as long as I find you, Writing Glory. You can run, but you can't hide. MINIONS!" Three Cyclops bats appeared. "I want you three to spread out, and find Writing Glory, then return to me to reveal her location, so we all can take her home! NOW, POST HASTE!" The Cyclops bats flew off. Sting-Ra only brooded over his lair.

Secrets and Recoveries

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Act 2: Recoveries and Secrets

Writing Glory was standing before a council of angry looking alicorns. The one in the middle was Creation. He said: “Glory, you have disgraced the council with your crimes. Because of you, Sting-Ra freed Destruction and many other forms of evil from the scrap box of Creation! You have destroyed our dreams of creating a perfect Equestria! Now, it is a flawed masterpiece at best! It is your fault!”
Writing Glory said: “Please, I’m sorry, give me another chance, if you would just listen, I—“
Writing Glory screamed: “NO! PLEASE! I’VE WORKED SO HARD TO MAKE YOU PROUD! YOU CREATED THE UNIVERSE; I MADE EQUESTRIA FOR US TO CREATE THE CREATURES! PLEASE, GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE!” Creation only jumped from the post, horn glowing, and fired a powerful blast. Writing Glory screamed! The blast hit her, her scream echoing throughout the room.

Writing Glory awoke. She had heard shrieks in her dreams. She looked around, seeing that she was in a bed, in a room, under some bright light. Everything was new to her; she had forgotten everything but her life outside of the cave with Sting-Ra. Sting-Ra had always insisted that she was the only alicorn, and that Sting-Ra destroyed all the rest. Recently, she now realized that Sting-Ra was wrong and two alicorns she had found were proof. Sting-Ra had also been wrong about little ponies being cruel and war-mongering creatures. The purple unicorn was proof she had meet; and the orange earth pony was proof as well that the little ponies are peaceful, caring creatures. Writing Glory tried to get up, but was stopped by a strong force of magic. A voice said: “Please, remain in bed.” Writing Glory looked at Celestia, whose horn was glowing. Writing Glory gasped.
Writing Glory said: “You’re like me.” Celestia’s horn stopped glowing.
Celestia said: “Yes, I am an alicorn. This surprises you?”
Writing Glory said: “I thought I was the only one.” Luna came in.
Luna said: “Not exactly. We are rare here. There are more of us in Alicorn-Hala.”
Writing Glory asked, a little fearfully: “Alicorn-Hala?”
Luna said: “Yes Miss…Sorry, we did not get your name.”
Writing Glory muttered: “My name is Writing Glory.”
Luna said: “Could thou not imitate Fluttershy, and repeat yourself?”
Writing Glory said, a bit more louder, “Writing Glory.”
Celestia said: “Please to meet you, I’m Celestia, and this is Luna.”
Luna said: “Charmed, fellow alicorn.”
Writing Glory said: “Where am I? What is this place?”
Celestia said: “Your in the Canterlot medical ward.”
Luna said: “The doctors found it a challenge to treat your wounds, but they did what they could. You can heal yourself, so you’ll be fine.” Writing Glory raised an eyebrow.
Writing Glory said: “What?” Luna frowned.
Luna said: “Thou are not aware of your abilities as an alicorn?”
Writing Glory said: “I, i didn't know we have such things to begin with.” Luna and Celestia gasped.
Celestia said: “Well this is unexpected and unprecedented; you process a horn, yet you don’t know any magic. Could it be possible that, you’re a demi-alicorn—an alicorn that is half Alicorn and half mortal pony. While still blessed with eternal youth, they are still prone to other mortal weaknesses. But don’t worry, you will be restored to true alicorn status. I want to know: why have you come here?”
Writing Glory said: “I escaped.”
Luna said: “From whom?”
Writing Glory said: “I can’t tell you; I do not trust you.”
Celestia said: “You’ll tell us when you’re good and ready, Glory.” Celestia approached the alicorn, horn glowing, and touched Writing Glory.

In Alicorn-Hala, Creation was screaming. Creation said: “My spell’s been damaged! But, who would…?” Creation pondered. Creation said: “I must seek Father Time Stallion; he’ll know what to do.”

The flash ended. Celestia pulled away from Writing Glory. Celestia said: “Go ahead, Glory, rise.” Writing Glory did just that. It was like Sting-Ra’s abuse had never happened.
Writing Glory said: “Thank you, Celestia.”
Celestia said: “You’re very welcome.”
Luna said: “Now, it has come to our attention that you know little of your magic. With our help, we can figure out what magic you process.”
Writing Glory said: “Thanks, but I have been gotten dreams about the my talents. I was able to create animals, plants, landscapes, oceans, and even smaller ponies.” Celestia and Luna were shocked and amazed at this statement. “But I think it is mostly just dreams; I’m not sure if it’s real.”
Celestia said: “Excuse us, for one moment, Writing Glory.” Celestia and Luna walked out of the medical ward.


Celestia was rummaging through her books. Luna said: “Sister, you look worried. She insisted they were dreams, nothing else.”
Celestia said: “But Luna, what if we have found a missing piece of Equestia’s history! What if she was a hidden helper of Creation? I mean so hidden that she has been kept secret from even other alicorns. Think about it; she could very well be the 3rd princess.”
Luna said: “Of Equestia?”
Celestia said: “Not just Equestia, dear sister, of the Earth. Writing Glory says she can create life. All we do is sustain life. Writing Glory could be like a daughter for me, and you’ll make a wonderful aunt, Luna.”
Luna said: “Sister, are you sure? Shouldn’t we check with Creation first?”
Celestia said: “Of course. If any pony knows anything more about this, it’s him. I’ll go contact Creation myself. Attend to Glory. If she asks about me, tell her I got caught in a royal meeting.”
The room was huge and felt like a black abyss. Celestia’s horn glowed, clearing the shadows. The room was ancient, old, and in ruin in comparison from the rest of the palace. It was decorated with old and broken alicorn statues, a strange looking device, and many, many cobwebs. An owl-like bird creature came forward. It flew towards Celestia and stopped in front of her. The creature said: “It’s been a long time, Celestia.”
Celestia said: “Hello, Speaker of Knowledge. I wish to get the alicorn communicator on so I can tell Creation that—“
The Speaker said: “No. I’m afraid Creation may not be too happy about Writing Glory.”
The Speaker raised his wings and a strange, powerful magic surrounded them both. It disappeared, and the old room suddenly looked new again, as if it had never aged. Celestia said: "Is this, the past?”
The Speaker said: “No, I just decided to clean up the place a little. I think better in nicer accommodations.”
Celestia said: “Sorry about that. Now tell me, why is it a bad idea to inform Creation?”
The Speaker said: “Because, the Alicorn, Writing Glory, as you figured, did create the world.”
Celestia said: “I don’t see why I can’t tell Creation about that.”
The Speaker said: “It’s not something he didn't already knew. Before you and Luna were even born, Writing Glory was Creation’s apprentice and she helped him create the Earth we are on today.” Celestia smiled.
Celestia said: “I knew it! But why has Creation kept her a secret?”
The Speaker said: “It’s because of her greatest mistake. You see, Celestia, Writing Glory was trying to make creatures, creatures that were to bring fascination and joy to the mortal ponies. She was an excellent drawer, but often saw some flaws and wisely rejected these creatures, but one survived, the flying serpent, Sting-Ra. Sting-Ra has the fragments of the other creatures Writing Glory made and has rebuilt them. Discord was one of these creatures, as were the Wendigos.”
Celestia said: “Speaker, if these creatures never escaped, what did Creation intend to do with Glory?”
“Writing Glory was the intended ruler of everything on Earth, including Equestria. You and Luna would have only been given the duty to raise the sun and moon.”
Celestia couldn’t believe it. She was not originally meant to rule Equestia. “Very well, Speaker, I’ll hold off informing Creation. You see, Creation will soon enough forgive Writing Glory for—“
“He already has, and he wanted to save her. But Time insisted that great heroes have to come first. Your student, her friends, and, possibly, Writing Glory, are those heroes. Glory’s dreams will help her in time, but be on guard. If not kept under good guidance, her powers can be hazardous.”
“Thank you for telling me this, Speaker, I’ll tell Luna, Twilight, and her friends. I’ll tell them when the time comes, Speaker.” The Speaker only nodded, and disappeared in a cloud of magic. Celestia closed the door. Celestia said to herself: “This is greater than I thought.”

Luna was with Writing Glory, walking across the garden. Luna was giving Writing Glory a grand tour of the castle. Luna said: “What do you think of the tour so far?”
Writing Glory said, smiling at this: “This is wonderful, I don’t think I ever want to leave here!”
Luna said: “I’m sure Celly would love to have you stay. She said some wonderful things about you.”
Writing Glory said; “Really? Wow, then I guess I made a good impression.”
Celestia walked up to them. Celestia said: “Writing Glory, how do you feel about living with us in Canterlot?”
Writing Glory screamed with glee “WOULD I?”

Celestia said: “Luna, I need to have another private meeting with you.”
Luna said: “Sure, Sister. You can tell me anything….
Celestia said: “I wish I could say this is just me being funny again, but it’s true. Writing Glory was intended to be Earth’s empress.”
Luna said: “But, what of the Elements? Of Sting-Ra?”
Celestia said: “Twilight will learn when it is time. As for the beast, that is where the True Empress steps in.”
Luna said: “But-”
Celestia said: "We will still rule Equestia, as the other countries will have their familiar leaders, Glory will just be the other ruler. A ruler of rulers, if you will.”

Twilight stared out the window. Twilight said: “I hope that other alicorn is okay. I didn’t even get to know her properly.”
Spike said: “I have this strange feeling you might soon enough—“ Spike vomited a letter. Twilight used her magic to grab it.

Dear Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student.

The alicorn you found, Writing Glory, has been treated of her injuries and has recovered nicely. She wishes to visit and to thank you. I can trust you’ll know how to make a good impression on this new visitor.

Your ever loving teacher,

Princess Celestia.

Twilight sighed happily. Twilight said: “She’s gonna be okay. What a beautiful name! Writing Glory! Spike, I’m going out to tell my friends to prepare for a special guest that wants to meet us. You can hold things while I’m out.”
Spike said, unamused: “Twilight, I’ve been at the library for two and a half seasons of the real show, and Celestia knows how many fanfics, it’s obvious I’m staying put here.” Twilight stood there, confused, rising an eyebrow.
Twilight said: “I’ll take that as a yes. How post-modern of you; I let you hang out with Pinkie Pie too much, you know that?” With that, Twilight teleported away. Spike looked at the camera and said: “She’ll learn soon enough folks, she’ll learn.”


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Act 3: Mischief.

(warning: this is abit in progress, still some mistakes. i couldn't get it ready for an editor because i already had them to work on other stories. but i promise that once one of them is done, i will get this fixed.)

A village is seen burning at the stakes, ponies running around in fear. Above them, on a series of dark clouds, a brown Pegicious pony with a cutiemark that looks like an evil looking joker face. He had a spiky mane, and a regular tail, and his mane color is an interesting mix of Black and Red on top and bottom. He was smiling cruelly at the ponies down below. He had something to do with its destruction. He said: "And that, my friends, is why you should not deny serving Mischief, the most powerful rouge Weather Pony this side of Equestia!" he then looks at his map, to see his next destination. Mischief said: "Now, for my next set of victims… Ah, here it is! Ponyville. I have no idea why I never visited there before, but I bet it'll be fun!" He looks down at the burning village again. He shouted: "See ya later, folks, I'm off to pay my next set of victims a visit: a small town thingy called Ponyvillie, and the best part: like you guys, they'll be helpless to stop me!" he laughs manically as the clouds depart the village.

Meanwhile, at Ponyville.

Twilight and Friends await an arrival of a special guest. Fluttershy said: "Oh, I hope she'll like me, will she like me, do I smell funny? (Sniffs herself) Does this smell right?" Rarity said, assuring the nervous pony wreak: "Fluttershy, Darling, you're positively refreshing." Applejack said: "Besides, I'm sure she won't care if any of us smell bad, as long as we give her a good Ponyville welcome." Twilight said: "Alcourse, a good impression is needed, I mean, she'll tell us everything about herself more if we don't do anything that'll make us look stupid." Applejack said: "Sugercube, you're a bigger worry wart then Fluttershy." Fluttershy squealed: "EEK! I HAVE A WART? AND IT'S WORRIED? WHAT'S IT WORRIED ABOUT?" Rainbow Dash said: "Chillax, Fluttershy, it's an expression." Fluttehrshy said: "Whew." Pinkie Pie was hopping up and down in place! Pinkie Pie said: "So, is she coming? Is she coming? ? OHMYGOSH! -" Rainbow Dash covered Pinkie's mouth. Rainbow Dash said: "I'll let go if you promise to chill, Pinkie." Pinkie nodded wildly! Rainbow Dash lets go. Rainbow Dash said: "I am sure this Writing Glory chick is handling this alot better."


In a huge chariot being pulled by Celestia's guard, Writing Glory was squealing with joy! Writing Glory said: "I am gonna meet my saviors, oh my gosh, OMG!" Celestia awkwardly smiled. Celestia said: "If you want to make a better impression on them may I grant you some tips?" Writing Glory said, almost ashamed of acting like a teenager: "Ok, what?" Celestia said: "Well, an Empre- uh, a princess must retain a sense of composure, to look regel and elegant to the common folk. One must not look uneasy and imcomident in eyes of many." Writing Glory said: "Why would they think that?" Celestia said: "Well, nopony wants somepony in charge of them and doesn't take things seriously, now would they?" Writing Glory said: "Well, uh, I guess a serious leader is more, respected I guess?" Celestia nodded. Writing Glory said: "Ok, I guess I'll take a shot at this, "serious" thing. And, how I do that, exactly?" Celestia said: "First, retain a calm posture, if your calm, those around you are calm." Writing Glory becomes calmer. Writing Glory said: "Yeah, and?" Celestia said: "Always remember to speak very mannerly and calm. No rudeness intended, but, nopony would know your comident if you act like, well, Pinkie Pie for an example." Writing Glory said: "Noted, and?" Celestia said: "Also, avoid doing anything, or sounding intimidating, they don't like that, it scares their wits out of them. Trust me; Luna learned that the hard way when she thought it was a good idea to use the Royal Canterlot Voice on the night of Nightmare Night." Writing Glory said: "Pretty easy, cause I don't even know how to do that anyway." Celestia said: "And may that be used to your advantage." Writing Glory giggled. Celestia said: "Composure." Writing Glory said: "Sorry, you just told a funny joke, and, I thought it was funny. But right, composure." Celestia said: "Ok, I cannot deny that even humor is a welcome weakness in composure, but, there is such little time on how long such a thing is allowed." Writing Glory said: "I know, it's just, my master never let me leave the cave. He wanted me for something to fit his desires." Celestia said: "Writing Glory, I know you won't speak of, your abuser or what he is, but, if you do choose to actselly talk about him, please know, no matter where a pony comes from or how he or she started out, he/she is still a pony, no matter how great their mistakes or sins." Writing Glory was inspired by those words. But, she still felt she couldn't still talk about it, yet. Writing Glory said: "I am still not ready though, please understand." Celestia said, smiling: "I do, Glory."

Back at the ground.

Rarity shouted: "Rainbow Dash, do you see them yet?" Rainbow Dash said: "Hold up, girls, I'm still viewing the area…" Rainbow Dash viewed from left to right, till, something came into view. It looked like, a flying Chariot. Rainbow Dash said: "HEY, I SEE THEM NOW!" the 6 friends began to get excited. It was the Chariot Celestia and Writing Glory were on. It landed by the side where the Mane 6 were. The 6 friends were quick to meet the Chariot! Writing Glory was the first off. Writing Glory said to herself: "Composure, composure, composure, remember, retain your composure." Twilight said: "Hi, I'm Tw-" Writing Glory screamed: "EEK! IT'S MY SAVIOR! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!" Celestia said: "Composure." Writing Glory blushed. Writing Glory said: "Oh, I mean, I am, uh regally charmed to meet my, sav-ior." Celestia face-hoofed herself. Celestia said: "Mother of mercy." Twilight nervously laughs. Twilight clears her throat. Twilight said: "Well, anyway, I'm Twilight Sparkle." Applejack said: "Name's Applejack." Fluttershy said softly: "I'm Fluttershy." Pinkie Pie said: "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!" Rarity said: "I'm Rarity, your grace." Rainbow Dash said: "And I'm" Rainbow Dash suddenly flew up, and, in her fastest speed, rounded up a bunch of clouds to gather to form her name in the sky. Rainbow Dash landed. Rainbow Dash said: "Rainbow Dash, or, the Dash if you want." Writing Glory said: "Well, I'm Writing Glory." Fluttershy said: "My, that is a beautiful name." Writing Glory blushed alittle. Writing Glory said: "Your, uh, you're welcome." Applejack said: "Pardon for what ah say, Glory, but, if I didn't know any better, y'all seem a tad nervous and shy." Writing Glory shook her head! Writing Glory tried to regain her composure. Writing Glory said: "Sorry, forgot the composure, got it back though. I'm uh, curious about this, here, small town, or, village, or, really under-made city, uh, or, farming community, or- (Celestia cleared her throat.) Uh, I mean, I care to par-take in viewing yonder city, duh, town, d'oh, uh, village, uh…. I got it, subburnen neighterhood!" Celestia groaned in annoyance and disappointment. Twilight said, with an eyebrow raised and a small frown: "Wow, you really need help, do you?" Writing Glory said: "Lost the composure, did I?" Applejack said: "Honey, you lost it when y'all was screeching like a fangirl more then how Rainbow Dash reacts to the Wonderbolts." Rainbow Dash said: "Hey! (brief silence) yeah your right." Writing Glory blushed. Writing Glory said: "You don't think I'm very incomident now? I made a bad impression." Twilight said: "It's ok, we all have our, um, bad first impressions." Writing Glory said: "You won't deem me incomident?" Fluttershy said: "Well, I can't deny that you're more prone to, uh, um, being alittle awkward. Sorry." Rarity said: "As nice being composed is, it won't be an easy feet to gain without the will, and the right guidance to do such." Writing Glory said: "Really? Like, uh, what?" Rarity said: "In good time, darling." Pinkie Pie barged in! Pinkie Said: "In the meantime, LET'S THORW YOU A "WELCOME TO PONYVILLE" PARTY!" she posed as confetti and streamers came from nowhere with the sounds of noisemakers heard! Pinkie suddenly and somehow managed to pick up Writing Glory with no problems from Glory's Alicorn frame, and then ran off! Twilight said: "Pinkie, wait, I don't think she's in a proper manner or personally to meet everyone in Ponyville at once! Let alone actselly attend a party!" Pinkie was still running with Writing Glory in tow! Twilight said: "Ugh, that Pinkie Pie." Applejack said: "Nice girl, but not famous for being a strong thinker if y'all catch my drift." Celestia said: "Twilight, I'm sorry if Glory was, well, not fully self-contained yet." Twilight said: "It's ok, Princess, remember Luna's awkward first impression on Nightmare Night?" Celestia said: "Who hasn't remembered the night Nightmare Night was almost canceled because of mere misunderstandings?" Twilight said: "Well, we better be off to get Pinkie before she makes yet another near royal upset." Rainbow Dash said: "Again." The friends ran off. Celestia said to herself: "Here's hoping this will end much better."


A series of dark clouds roam across the everfree forest. Mischief was resting on top of the storm. He was smiling; apparently, he is looking forword to ruin the lives of those who reside at Ponyville, as it was just another day of mayhem for him. And he ain't gonna care what happens to those who can't take a joke, he understood the punchline, and that's all that matters to him.

Back to Ponyville.

In Sugercube corner, Pinkie already has invited everypony in Ponyville to meet Writing Glory. So far, thankfully, despite some moments of awkwardness, it was mostly very good meetings for both parties. Writing Glory could not have been any happier to meet them, and, despite not holding her composure very well, they were friendly and were pleased to meet another Alicorn. Writing Glory did not think Celestia lied to her, she figured she was using herself as an example on how to avoid awkward meetings. Though, she does have this feeling they may be nice because of what she is. As much of a liar Sting-Ra was, he did somewhat rarely told some truths, like the smaller ponies worshipped and respected the Alicorns because of their powers, and the fact they both process magic and flight, (with a hint of being even faster than a race horse on land), though because of their friendly personally for her and each other, the ones about them being prone to sacrifice their virgins and first-borns is deffently nonsense to a T. Writing Glory said: "Hey, Pinkie, pass me some cake?" Pinkie gets a piece of cake, and poses like a football player! Pinkie shouts: "GO LONG!" Pinkie tosses the piece! Writing Glory tries to capture it! Writing Glory grabbed it just the nick of time! Everyone applauded. Pinkie said: "To Writing Glory, everypony! The new Princess in town!" everyone cheers! Writing Glory said: "Princess? Where?" Pinkie giggled. Pinkie said: "You silly." Writing Glory said: "Oh, sorry, forgot, I mean, I do felt being a princess is, rather sudden, I mean, I just got here barely alive, and, just because I'm, supposingly powerful then, pretty much everypony here, doesn't mean I'm a regular pony, just, taller." Pinkie said: "Ain't she modest, everypony?" the ponies there began to make agreeing chatters. Twilight came in with 4 of the other mane six. Applejack said: "Well so far, I think Glory is handling herself well." Twilight said: "I guess so, I mean, it wasn't like something bad is gonna happen or anything."

At Canterlot castle.

Luna said: "I do sure hope Glory's enjoying herself, Sister, from what you told me, it appears she has much to learn." Celestia said: "But, at least she is amongst very friendly folk. Ponyvillie's a pretty friendly and loving small town." Luna said: "But, has not Ponyville been known to be disaster prone?" Celestia frowned, but then smiled again. Celestia said: "A few bad inisadents, yes, but I am positive that this time, it'll be a pretty peaceful-" a thunder cackle was heard! Celestia and Luna looked at the window, to see from afar, an approaching series of storm clouds. Luna said: "I'm sure this isn't the weather team's work." Celestia said: "And that's not ordinary rouge weather too, too orginasied for Everfree weather standards." Celestia took a closer look, due to being an Alicorn, they can see from afar quite well. Luna said: "What has Thou seen?" Celestia looked as hard as she could do. On the top of the center of the storm series, was a brown Pegicious pony with an evil looking grin. Celestia gasped! Luna said: "What? What's wrong?" Celestia said: "It's Mischief, a rouge weather pony who sole purpose is to bring misery for his pleaseurement. And, he's heading for, for, for…. For Ponyville!" Luna gasped! Luna said: "Glory won't stand a chance against that pony!" Celestia said: "The guards won't allow chariot flights if they'd seen the storm, we have to fly on our own! We need to get to Ponyville, find Glory, get every ponyvillian in shelter, and get Glory to safety!" Luna said: "But, what about Mischief?" Celestia said: "I'm sure brave enough souls will challenge him, but our concern is Glory right now. (Celestia opens the window.) Come, we must get Glory out of there!" Luna nodded, and flew off with Celesta.

Back at Sugercube corner.

Writing Glory was enjoying herself, when suddenly, she froze. Her eyes glow in a strange glow. Everypony was nervous and concern of her wellbeing. Writing Glory was in a flashback phase.

In the flashback.

An approaching storm cloud with a Pegicious Colt on it.

Flashback ends.

Writing Glory snapped out of it, then runs towards the door! Pinkie Pie shouts: "Hey, the party's over here!"

Writing Glory bursted though the door, and looked south. Twilight came out. Twilight said: "Glory, what's wro- (Gasps)" the other 5 of the mane 6 came as well, shocked to see what they see. A series of storm clouds. Twilight said: "Oh, dear, Celestia." Applejack yells: "A storms abrewing! Everypony inside!" everyone but Writing Glory ran back in! Twilight shouted: "Glory, come on! It's a storm!" Writing Glory said: "No, it's something, different. There's a pony named Mischief on the clouds." Twilight yelled: "(GASPS) MISCHIEF!" The ponies in the store screamed: "MISCHIEF!" Writing Glory closed her eyes, trying to clear her thoughts. She began to see another vision. She gasped, with her eyes open. Writing Glory said: "I know how to stop it!" Glory flew off, towards the storm! Twilight screamed: "GLORY!" Rainbow Dash screamed as she bursted from the window and flew off: "EVEN I'M NOT THIS CRAZY!" Writing Glory flew closer towards the huge series of clouds! Rainbow Dash caught up strong! Rainbow Dash yelled: "GLORY, AS COOL IT IS BEING A HERO, DON'T DO IT! IT AIN'T YOUR THING! IT'S KINDA MINE!" Writing Glory Screamed: "TRUST ME ON THIS! JUST KEEP THE CLOUDS OFF MY BACK! I'M GOING FOR THE CONTROLLER!" Rainbow Dash smiled, and scream: "WHAT I DO BEST, DEFENCE!" Storm clouds began to close in, but Rainbow Dash quickly kicked them all away in seconds! Mischief notices this and was surprised by this. Mischief said: "Hey, what's the big idea attacking my clouds?" Rainbow Dash nor Writing Glory didn't respond! Mischief said: "Oh, we're gonna play it that way, now are we? Ok, but one little warning, this ain't your ordinary storm…. It's a sentient storm!" a face formed on the series of storms! Rainbow Dash: "Oh man! A sentient storm's bad news!" Writing Glory said: "Rainbow one, I need you by my side! We can do this!" Rainbow Dash wasn't sure, a Sentient Storm's something you do not want to mess with, but, Dash wouldn't be very loyal if she just ditched Glory, let alone all of Ponyville, to be trashed by a Sentient Storm. It won't be right to desert those she cared about. Nothing is gonna make her leave her friends, not even a Sentient Storm. Rainbow Dash was filled with comidents, she was determined! She faced worse foes then, a sentient storm. As infamous as a sentient storm is, nothing was going to stop the fastest pegiscious in Equestia! Rainbow Dash shouted: "I got your back! Let's show these dorks whose boss!" the Sentient Storm grew arms and roared a storming wind! Glory and Rainbow Dash quickly dodged! Rainbow Dash said: "We're gonna have to work together, Glory, I don't think these guys are gonna come quietly! It's time for some cloud control!" Writing Glory shouted: "But, isn't he the one controlling the clouds?" Rainbow Dash facehoofed! Rainbow Dash said: "I meant let's fight this thing!" Writing Glory felt stupid replying like that. The Sentient storm begins to reach out, but Rainbow Dash quickly kicked away the hand! The monster roared! Writing Glory was amazed by Rainbow's willingness and power, and stamina! Though the monster re-grew it's arm, Rainbow was prepared, as she began to rampantly kicked away the monster! Writing Glory began to gain the bravery needed to help Dash, but, she remembered the vision! Writing Glory said: "Dash, I need to get to Mischief, I know what is need to be done!" Rainbow Dash nodded, anything from an Alicorn's mouth must be worthwhile to pull off!

As the Sentient Storm tries to grab them, Rainbow Dash kicked away pieces of the monster, causing it pain! The Monster roared in anguished! Mischief said: "Ok, my pet, no more Misters nice duo. Time for the really nasty trick, my pet!" the Sentient Storm spews mini Sentient Storms at Rainbow Dash and Writing Glory! It looked like the end when-


Writing and Rainbow Dash were confused. Writing Glory said: "Wasn't there an army of tiny Sentient storms after us?" a voice said: "Not anymore, thanks to us." It was Spitfire and Soarin. Rainbow Dash squealed like a fan girl! Rainbow Dash said: "IT'S THE WONDERBOLTS!" Writing Glory said: "Uh, Dash, as much as I would like to know these 2 better, we really need to stop our current problem!" Spitfire said: "Way ahead of you!" Spitfire and Soarin quickly flew to meet the challenge! They flew straight into the Sentient Storm's mouth! Writing Glory shouted: "WHAT DID THEY DO THAT FOR?" Rainbow Dash said: "They're gonna beat the problem at it's shorse!"

Spitfire and Soarin flew fast inside the body of the storm, dodging many hazards in there. Soarin said: "It's shorse can't be too far now!" Spitfire said: "Be on the lookout mini Sentient Storms, though!" they see a huge blue light at the end of the tunnel. Spitfire Said: "BINGO!" they charged very fast at it, causing a huge explowtion!

The Sentient Storm began to deteriorate and fall apart cloud by cloud. Mischief was in horror! Mischief shouted: "NO! NO! NO!" the Sentient Storm vanished. Mischief was too horrified by the fall of his only friend to even flout. He was falling fast!

But Writing Glory zoomed in quickly, and grabbed the Pegasus. Mischief couldn't even move. Mischief sees the Alicorn before him. Writing Glory flew off, towards the ground. Rainbow Dash, and now appearing Wonderbolts Spitfire and Soarin, look on at where Glory was going!

Rainbow Dash said: "Where in Celestia's beard is she taking him?" Spitfire and Soarin had no idea.

Writing Glory lands on the town outskirts, and places Mischief down. Mischief begins to realize what is happening! Mischief said: "You, you Alicorn witch! You and those, pegisi friends of yours, destroyed the only friend I had in this world!" Writing Glory said: "I understand why you believed that. Come here; let me see what ails you." Mischief was about to protest, but Writing Glory already touched his forehead with her horn. Mischief begins to see his past life… his troubled childhood, his horrible parents, his first encounter with an upright humanoid buzzard faced man-vulture, and the becoming of the sentient storm that was his lifelong friend. And all, the pain and suffering he caused through-out Equestia, and beyond.

Writing Glory raised her head. Writing Glory said: "The man-vulture that gave you the sentient storm sent you on the dark path. I am here to send you straight, Mischief… or was it, Fun times?" Suddenly, Mischief changed color and cutiemark, into a light blue, green-and-yellow colored mane and tail, combed over, and his cutiemark is now just a smiley face with a jester hat. Mischief, now really Fun-times, began to cry. He cliasped. His sobs were heard. Writing Glory lay next to him, and placed a comforting wing on him, showing understanding and kindness to the Pegasus.

This was being watched by Celestia and Luna. They stared with a royal demeanor, but were surprised nonetheless. Luna said: "Sister, I think, Writing Glory is starting to get her powers back…" Celestia said: "She is only scratching the surface. I sense a great power on the memory spell alone, but she is capable of more than that. Let's remember that she was intended to rule Equestia before what Sting-Ra did. She was Creation's finest." Luna said: "Speaking of them, sister. Aren't you worried of Creation might not fully approve of Writing Glory being restored, or even Sting-Ra finding out?" Celestia said: "The council will prevent him from getting angered again. Father time most certainly. It is Sting-Ra I am the most concerned. I sense that the pony formerly known as Mischief was one of the created pawns of Sting-Ra's evil vice-roy… Sky Screeher." Luna said: "Or commonly referred to as the Man-Vulture. I understand now, Sister. even now, I wonder how long Glory can avoid the grasp of Sting-Ra, or that bird of darkness."

Unknown to Luna or even Celestia, the whole thing was watched apawn by the Cy-bats. The creatures then flew off and head towards the forest.

Back at Sting-Ra's mountain cave, waiting at the entrance is a humanoid vulture with four birdlegs, the fronts serving as arms, the backs as legs. This was Sky Screeher, the Man-Vulture. Suddenly some Cy-bats appear before Man-Vulture. Man-Vulture said: "The master has been waiting for you twits. It better be impourent." Man-Vulture raises his clawed hand, and places on one of the Cy-bats. He begins to see what they seen. Man-Vulture smiled. Man-Vulture said: "Excellent. Glory has been found. A shame Celestia got to her first. A bigger shame that fool Mischief failed. No matter, at least the master will finally have his progress. Though I have reasonable doubts he'll take kindly to the misfounate news of Celestia and Luna having her first… but, then again, perhaps, in a way, it could be beneficial to both them, and him… and when the time is right… me…. (chuckles wickedly.) now be gone, creatures, you have done your job." The Cy-bats flew into the cave and roosted at the celling. Man-Vulture resumed looking at the scenery. Man-Vulture said: "So, Glory is already on the path to regain her powers and knowledge. Good, after days of serving that Flying Serpent, everything, will finally pay off very greatly… (even quieter) for me." Man-Vulture laughed Manically! It echos throughout the forest.

To be continued next act.

Auther's Note

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