A Week of Love and Inquiry


First published

This is a way for people and ponies to ask any questions they have for the Mane Six.

Twilight Sparkle learns how to summon things from the human world and decides to use it as her own. Anypony can ask anything to the Mane Six and they will surely respond back. While this is going on, there seems to be some kind of celebration going on in Ponyville...the Hearts and Hooves Day week! In the past, no pony had ever began celebrating a week in advance over this day that is seems to annoy Twilight. As her friends join in the fun along with answering questions, they seems to notice Twilight's behavior towards this special week. Why is Twilight so upset about Hearts and Hooves Day?


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It was a very sunny day in Ponyville where the sky was clear blue, the grass was bright green and everypony was cheery. Yes. It was a perfect day to be outdoors playing in the sun. However, somepony had something else in mind...

We go into a tree house and enter. It looks more like a library on the inside than a tree house for it had shelves of books throughout the whole house. It was a nice place though. It was clean, organized, and quiet...

"What the hay! Grr!"

Okay...ignore the last part. We go up one level of the house and there, in a small bedroom we see a familiar purple unicorn pony struggling with a webcam that her laptop has. It looks like this was her first time witnessing such a device that her actions are understandable.

"Come on! Come on! Hmm..." Twilight Sparkle, the struggling pony, speaks to the camera as if it would respond back with it turning itself on. Without her knowing it, though, the webcam did turn on and it began to record her every movement.

"Why? Why don't you turn on for me? Why don't you-"

Suddenly, the flashing of the light of the webcam caught her eye, and she began to examine the lens to see if it really was turned on. She moved her head side to side as she looked into the screen in front of her at the same time. Twilight must had figured out that she worked it out and smiled and calmly sat down on a small chair right in front of the laptop.

"There it goes."

The pony clears her throat slightly.

"Ahem! Hello everypony! My name is Twilight Sparkle. You all might know me as the unicorn who loves to read a lot and such, and now, she is here to annouce that the Six, the name of my group of friends, is open to answer any questions you all might have for us. Of course, this is not only for ponies, no sir, but also for um...humans, I think they're called..."

Twilight, while using her magical levitating power with her horn, makes a small piece of paper from a nearby desk to float towards her. She lets the paper levitate right in front of her face as she reads.

"Yes! Human beings! Yes, yes."

She slowly puts the paper down and smiles to the camera.

"So yeah...human beings can ask us any questions they might have to us and we will try to answer the best that we can to these questions we receive."

Twilight pauses and continues.

"Don't be afraid to ask any of us questions. And if you don't know who these six ponies I'm talking about, I will quickly state their name. Ahem! Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and me, Twilight Sparkle. If you want to know a little bit more about my friends, please don't hestigate to check out the profile I have created..if I did...I'm not sure...Much more can be explained about each of us there...Hold it."


A minute passed before she received a response. "YES TWILIGHT!"

The purple unicorn sighs a relief, turns back around to face the camera, and then thinks for a while. Is she messing something else to say? She looks around her house for a while, trying to look for something to appear in her mind but nothing really important seems to come to her. She just sighs a little and goes back to looking at the camera.

"So yeah...I guess that's it for right now. We will all be waiting for your answers. Oh! I almost forgot. In order to ask us a question, all you need to do is either comment or send us a message and we will get to you all as soon as possible."

She pauses, sighs, and continues.

"Okay...so now, I guess that's really it. Bye everypony and human, hope to hear from you all very soon."

Twilight looks around her room, hoping not to see her friend, Spike anywhere, and then winks softly at the camera. She giggled. She always dreamed of doing that. She now got closer to the webcam and examined it. How did she turn it on?

"Now how do you turn this off?"

Twilight looks at the webcam and turns it in all different directions until she saw a button with no caption on it.

"I hope this is it."

She presses it and the webcam shuts off.

"Phew! I didn't know that having human technology would be hard to get used to," Twilight said as she shut close her laptop and walked downstairs. Her friend, Spike, was playing around with something but Twilight couldn't see since his back was facing her.

"Spike? What are you doing?"

Spike jumped a bit and hid whatever he had on his hands inside a golden box he had and pushed it away. He turned around and smiled awkwardly to his pony friend.

"Nothing, Twi. Nothing at all."

Twilight raised her eyebrows but shook it off. She walked over to the door and opened it using her powers.

"I'm going out to talk to my friends," she said before Spike could say a word, "We're going to do a project for while and I just need to talk to them about it. Can you stay behind and-"

"Can I come with you?" The purple dragon rushed up to Twilight and wrapped his arms around her hind leg. She looked down into his puppy eyes. She frowned.

"Sorry Spike. This is going to be an all girls talk. I don't think you'll-"

I promise I'l be quite. It'll be like you never took me," Spike interrupted once more, hugging the pony's leg tighter. Twilight sighed and gave out a small smile.

"Okay Spike. You can come."

"YAY!" Spike rushed out from the door and into the Ponyville streets. Twilight rolled her eyes and giggled before closing the door behind her.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

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"We were the ones you used to make fun of. We stayed at home alone instead of falling in love. We never got the chance to be prom king. We didn't even dance but here's the thing. We got the cars. We got the money. We need some sun, but I'm telling, honey, that the geeks will-geeks will-we will inherit the earth."

"Twilight, there you go singing that song again," Spike said as he looked up to his friend. Twilight giggled.

"It's a catchy song. Besides, it sure does tell a lot about me, does it not?"

Spike opened his mouth but closed it back up. He knew he had called her a nerd before, and she didn't liked it. Now with geek in hand, and she approving it? Spike just doesn't know anymore, so he stays quiet.

The two friends walk along the roads of Ponyville, admiring how alive it looked. Ponies were running here and there, ponies selling delicious foods, ponies playing, just ponies everywhere! The unicorn and dragon placed big smiles on their faces.

"Wow. I don't think I've seen Ponyville this happy before. Look at all of them," Twilight said as she noticed a bright green pony carrying boxes upon boxes of something in and out from a house.

"Mhmm. They should be. This week is a very special week indeed," Spike said. The purple pony looked down at the dragon with a question mark on her head. "Why say that?"

"Twilight! Don't tell me you forgot that this week is Hearts and Hooves Day week?"

The pony raised an eyebrow but then shook her head. "Oh, that silly thing? That's what all the fuss is about?"

Just then Spike grabbed a hold of Twilight's face and put his close to hers. "Twilight! How can you say that it's just a 'silly thing'?" Hearts and Hooves Day is a special day where love is in the air, lovers can be together, two hearts become one, and who can forget about-"

A purple hoof was shoved over Spike's mouth. Twilight glared at him. "I know what it is. I just find no reason for it to be celebrate this early. I mean, isn't it this Friday?"

Twilight took her hoof off from Spike's mouth and began walking away. Spike shook his head and followed close behind her. "What's wrong with celebrating it this early? I find it really convenient."

The unicorn rolled her eyes and continued walking. She did not want to talk more about Hearts and Hooves Day. Sensing that she was annoyed, Spike decided to change the subject.

"So, why are we even here? I mean, is there some place you need to go?"

"I need to talk with Pinkie Pie for a while."

"That's a first. She usually comes talks to you."

Twilight gave another glare down to Spike who could feel the chilliness of the look. The pony looked back up and continued her walk. "It's about a project I'm doing. I want to know if she wants to get involved."

Spike gulped. He had never felt his friend's cold glare before. What was she getting so upset about?

"A project? What kind of project?"

"A project where I want to experiment the human's technology and use it as our own. I want to get to see how communication can expand with the laptop I summoned from their world," Twilight explained.

"That sounds nice except for the fact that you didn't include me."

"I always include you. You're going to be the..." Twilight paused and thought for a minute. What can Spike be? "You can be the...umm...chore dragon?"

Spike pouted. When doesn't he get that job? Ha-ha.

"See? You have a spot among all this. You're included." Twilight said matter-of-factually. Although it wasn't a job that Spike likes to do at all, it was still something, right?

Spike signed and walked a few steps ahead of his friend. "I guess..." The purple pony felt bad afterwards and she was going to change her mind until...


The two buddies turned around and noticed a familiar pink figure over by Sugar Cube Corner. Groups upon groups of ponies rushed over to where she was and gathered around to buy some sweets. Twilight and Spike look at each other for a minute and then began to walk over to the commotion. Since they didn't really want to buy anything, they decided to walk over to the stand where their friend, Pinkie Pie was giving out cupcakes to everypony.


"Pinkie, can I talk to you?" Twilight said as she made her way towards the pink pony. Pinkie heard her and gave her friend a tight hug.


Twilight felt like her ears were going to bleed. She gently pushed her friend away from her. "Pinkie, don't scream into my ears like, okay? They're very sensitive."

"Oh? My bad," Pinkie said as she turned back around and literally threw cupcakes into ponies mouths. "Do you want a cupcake too, Twilight?"

"No I'm okay. I just needed to talk to you. But I can see that you're busy and-"

"Spike! Do you want a cupcake?" Pinkie handed a pink frosted cupcake to the dragon as he eagerly took it.

"Thanks Pinkie. Umm...do I have to pay you?"

"Nope. You are my bestest of best friends, so you get my cupcakes for free! Yay!"

"Cool!" Spike sat down on the ground and ate his cupcake. Twilight poked Pinkie, trying to get her attention again.


"Yes! I want to join you!" Pinkie said as she juggled five cupcakes at once and threw them all to five different ponies.

"Huh? Pinkie, how did you-"

Again, Twilight was interrupted.

"Don't you worry about a thing, Twiley. Your aunt Pinkie Pie will be there to help you on that amazing project. Just tell me when and I'l be there!"

Twilight still couldn't understand. Well, she can never understand the way Pinkie's mind work. Is she some kind of psychic?

"Well, first of all, thanks Pinkie. I really appreciate it. Second, I'm thinking of gathering the others and hoping you all can meet me up-"

"Tomorrow? Sounds great!" Pinkie said as she collected hundreds of coins and placed them into her bucket.

Twilight had her jaw down, but she shook it off. It was Pinkie after all.

"Yes. Tomorrow around-"

"Noon? Even better!"

The unicorn giggled. "Yes Pinkie. But I know you're very busy right now, so I'll talk to you more about it later, okay? See you tomorrow at my house."

The earth pony squealed and gave her buddy another tight hug. "BYE TWILIGHT! HAPPY HEART AND HOOVES DAYS WEEK!"

Pinkie let go of her as another customer asked for a cupcake. Twilight was left there, standing dazed. She shook her head and walked away. "I told Pinkie not to scream in my ears. She almost knocked me out."

As if the pink pony heard her, Pinkie giggled out loud which made Twilight giggle along. "Come on, Spike. Let's go find the others."

Spike followed close behind her. They walked away slowly. Twilight stopped and looked back at Pinkie who was making a cupcake talk. "Oh Pinkie." She laughed.