> Amnesia: The Small Horse > by Ultimauser50 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The story begins with you and the Straw Hat Crew sailing across the sea. You were just a pirate/ brony/pegasister that loved adventure. You enjoyed your time with the Straw Hat Crew, they were interesting, and slightly ‘touched’ in the head. But it didn’t bother you as it would anyone else. “LAND HOOOOO!!” shouted Usopp. You run to the nearest window and take a look and you see, true to Usopp’s words the ship was indeed docking on a remote island. You run to the deck of the ship as the entire crew disembarks from the ship. As you walk towards the island Luffy jumps down from his ship and lands next to you and asks. “Go on Chief Wiggum! Tell me what happened?” Even though that wasn’t your name you ignore it and you pull out a map and show it to Luffy. “Well sir, we’ve been following the hints we’ve been receiving from pirates across the sea, and all of there hints have lead us here.” “Right! Begin searching immediately! If this ‘Ultimate Treasure’ can bring me one giant step closer to becoming king of the pirates then let’s find it quickly and move out!” “Yes sir!” You salute Luffy and continue towards the island. As you make your way off the dock you run into Zolo (or Zoro as some call him.). “Hey Zolo, how goes it.” “Trust the Nobile Warrior. I can hear with my ears…” That sentence didn’t even BEGIN to make sense to you, and you quickly push it to the back of your mind. “Umm…okay?” You quickly walk away and run into Sanji and Nami. Seeing on how they got a fire started already, it makes you curious if they found out anything about the ‘Ultimate Treasure’. So, being full of curiosity you walk over to them. “Hey Sanji, have you found anything yet?” “Hey! Remember me?” “Uhh…yeah, I just said your name.” “It will rain soon. The map is hidden.” Those last two sentences made little to zip amount of sense. You looked up to the sky and saw not one cloud, just a sky as blue as the sea and the bright shinning sun. ‘What the hell is on about now?’ you thought. ‘There isn’t even one cloud in the sky. He must’ve been drinking too much stake sauce again.’ Then as you thought about Sanji’s second sentence you notice that there’s nothing in your pocket. You quickly begin searching your pockets for the map you had moments ago only to make a horrible discovery: The map is gone. ‘Great! This is just great! I lost the map! If Luffy finds out, I’m gonna get a Gum Gum Pistol straight to the moon! I just need to hurry up and find the treasure before Luffy finds out!’ You then bolt past Sanji and Nami, as you run you notice a purple pony that you know very will. Twilight Sparkle! “Awesome! It’s Twi- No, I can’t get distracted, if I disappoint Luffy I’ll-Aw who am I kidding?!” A chance to talk to one of the Mane 6 doesn’t happen everyday, even to a pirate brony/pegasister. Knowing that talking to Twilight was more important you drop everything and charge right at Twilight stopping directly in front of her. “Hi Twilight! It’s a privilege to meet you! I started writing letters to Princess Celestia because of you!” “Thanks, that’s nice to hear.” “Well, I wish I could talk more, but if I don’t find the ‘Ultimate Treasure’ soon, then the last letter I wrote to Celestia will be the last one I’ll EVER write.” “Wait! Take me with you! I want to live in the cave there!” Twilight points to the cave behind her which surprises you, you never really noticed that cave before. You’re not sure why she would want to live in the cave but you shrug it off and agree to help her. As the two of you make your way inside the cave you begin to hear music. “Where’s that music coming from Twi? I didn’t know there was anyone living in here.” “That must be Vegeta’s dance class starting.” You’re hit with massive confusion. Vegeta? THE Vegeta is here? And much less, giving dance classes? Just what the hell kind of back wards universe did you end up? Anyway, you and Twilight eventually make it to a door deep within’ the cave, you try to open it but it’s locked. “Don’t worry, I have the key.” Twilight then levitated a key out of seemingly nowhere and unlocked the door. As the two of you walked in your eyes nearly popped outta your head as you saw what was going on. True to Twilight’s words Vegeta was INDEED giving dance lessons but he wasn’t alone. Along with him helping him teach was Goku and Frezia…FREZIA?!?! “What…the…actual…fuck?!” you ask yourself. “By the way, thanks for helping me out.” “Uh…N-No prob Twi.” Twilight walks off leaving you with your thoughts, something then poses you to look back at Vegeta’s ‘dance class’ and you see that the three are teaching four monkey’s that look like Abu (from Aladdin) how to dance. You head to the kitchen to try to find a drink that could make sense of the situation, but all you find and take is one Laudanum and two Sanity Potions, which you felt like drinking after the spectacle that took place before you. You slowly make your way back to the front door but you notice a giant bottle of Laudanum, with your curiosity eating away at you, you walk towards it but as soon as you’re a few feet from it the room instantly grows very bright and 4 knights armors appear in front you saying “Helloooo.” which causes you to scream and fall on your back. You quickly snap back to reality and see that the giant Laudanum bottle, much like the armor was just a figment of your imagination. You slowly stand back up startled and shaky “Wh-What the hell was that?” You slowly walk back into the main room and walk upstairs to see if there would be anything up there that would lead you to the ‘Ultimate Treasure’ but all you find is an item labeled ‘Power Source’ at the end of the tag it reads ‘Property of Vegeta’ so with curiosity eating away at you again you run down stares quickly and head towards Vegeta. “Yo Vegeta? What’s this ‘Power Source’ for?” Frezia and Goku look at you with shocked looks on there faces and Frezia is the first to speak. “Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level?!” “It’s over 9000!!!!!!” “What 9000?! There’s no way that can be right!” Then as if nothing happened the three instantly went back to the dance class again leaving you dumbfounded. But this time your confusion doesn’t last long as you notice a giant object land on the table upstairs. You’d think after all that’s happened you’d just be smart and walk out now right? Nope! Curiosity (which I’m surprised hasn’t got you killed yet.) once again eats you up as you head up the stairs to get a better view. But once you reach the top your met by a bizarre creature that gives you a powerful headache the longer you look at it, you run past it narrowly avoiding it’s swing as you dash towards the table and grab what looks like a giant apple. Not wanting to think about it for too long you throw the apple down stares and you jump after it slamming hard onto a table on your back. You slowly roll over and see a McDonalds happy meal and you grab a fry as you slowly get up and pick up the apple. “Okay? So, I-I found a giant apple. Now what?” “Oh, I see you’re ready to leave.” said Goku. “Just open the door with the apple.” Goku points to the door next to the stares and you just give Goku a ‘what the fuck are you going on about?’ look. But seeing as how things were taking a turn for the freaky you decide to go along with the plan. As soon as the giant apple makes contact with the door it blows up and apples fly out of the hallway and you collapse to the floor. You may not be a mental doctor but you can tell your head is not ‘normal’ anymore as you hear a constant ringing in your head. Using what ever willpower you had left you reached into your pocket and pulled out a sanity potion and slowly drank it. Your head finally began to clear out and you slowly rose to your feet. “Guh! Wh-What the hell was that?! Ugh, whatever at least I can get out of this death trap. I’ll lose my mind if I stay here any longer.” You slowly made your way through the door way and walked into a dim light. As you made your way past it you find your self in a room where your surrounded by doors with some object on the other side of the room you couldn’t make out. “Okay, out of one room. And into another one that makes me wonder if Nami slipped any drugs in my juice. Where the hell am I now?” you try opening one door at a time, even the doors that made up the floor in the room but none of them would open. You then noticed the object in the room with you appears to be the head of some kind of alien, as you get closer the head charges at you but before it makes contact it poofs into dust. You jump back so hard that you land on your back and you notice a key in the air but to your horror you also notice the alien head is on the opposite side of the room and is closing in fast. So moving with all your force you quickly grab the key and run back to the door and unlock it quickly and slam the door shut behind you. “*huff* *huff* J-Just… wh-what the hell was that!? I-I can’t wait to get back to the ship. I-I’m done with treasure for one day.” You then take a look at the hallway you’re in and you notice that it’s dark, creepy, and has a green pulsating light. “Great, just great. If I live through this, I’m gonna quit the straw hat crew. At this point I’ll probably be lucky if I see my bed again.” You slowly inhale and exhale as you cautiously make your way down the eerie hallway and open the third door down the hallway and you see a note floating in the middle of the room. “*sigh* I KNOW I shouldn’t do this, but I need to find the ‘Ultimate Treasure’ for Captain Luffy or else I’m gonna get in trouble for not only losing the map, but also for failing to locate the treasure.” You walk into the room and pick up the note and it reads My name was Gullivers Journey. I have seen more things, than you can bear. And I’ve got the biggest bean you’ve ever seen. “Fascinating.” You say sarcastically. A strange guy in a cloak came and said “Got some good things on sale, stranger!” He sold me a cage. I thought “A cage??”. “For what?” I said. No I can’t continue this letter. My head. PS. The “Hollowed Zerom Ygum” was by my side. He was searching for a horse and come guy called “Skahim Shiert”. But I don’t know what that means, because I’m Japanese. “Clever.” You said, legitimately surprised at his clever rhyme. He left for some unknown reasons. Bye. And that was all the note had written on it. Leaving you with more question than answers like, Who was the man in the cloak, why did the cage seem so important, and was this guy high when he made the note? Your thoughts were cut short as you saw a key float in front of you. You grab it hoping it would help and as soon as you do the room turns red and a statue with the same head as that alien appears behind you saying “Hellooo.” The statue then charges at you trying to swing for your face, but thanks to your many adventures at sea, you quickly duck and roll out of the way and head towards the door. You try to open it, but to your dismay its locked, but thankfully you never put the key in your pocket so you quickly unlock the door and slam it shut behind you. “Sheesh! What the hell is wrong with this place?! When I get back to the ship I’m gonna ask Robin to do a look up on this island. It’s fucked up on many levels!” You quickly notice you still have the key in your hand and you walk down the hall. “Let’s see if the next room doesn’t hold anything that either doesn’t mindfuck me, or doesn’t try to kill me.” You walk to the last door in the hallway and try the lock to see if the key went to it. It did. You slowly opened the door and as you walk in you see a chubby man riding Twilight appear in front of you. “Twilight? Who the hell is this?” “I’m…not sure.” Twilight replied looking at the man with confusion. “Was bist du denn für ein super erotischer kerl.” “Huh?” “Moment ich kenn dich doch irgendwoher” “What the fuck are you saying?!” “woher kenn ich dich und warum biste überhaupt nackt?” Classic Eggman then runs past the man. “Uh oh, What the fuck?” “I understood that, and I agree. What the fuck indeed.” “Hier's noch nee kiste.” The man then throws a crate in front of you and you slowly pick it up. “Uh Twi? Can you please try to make out what he’s saying?” “Actually, I think I know what he’s saying. He’s say that ‘Ultimate Treasure’ you’re looking for, lies beyond the door in the room next door. And you need that crate to capture it.” “Oh, well that’s the first thing to make sense all day. Thanks Twi, and I guess thanks to you too sir?” “Schüß.” Twilight then turned around and they both rode off into the darkness. “If I’m not high I’m gonna see a doctor after all of this.” You then head outside the room. “Okay, Twi said the ‘Ultimate Treasure’ is in the next room. But I don’t have a key, how am I going to get into the next room?” A body then slams through the door and hits the wall. It then quickly stands up and walks into room. You only stare at the door with a massive blank stare, trying hard to process what the flying fuck just happened. You snap out of it and slowly approach the door the creature went in. And its as you thought, the longer you look at it the stronger your headache becomes. So, with the speed of a thrown shoe you dash past the monster and before it has time to turn to you you’ve already opened the door and closed it shut behind you. You slowly opened up your eyes and you notice you were on a temple. The sky was pitch black and you weren’t even sure if you were on the island anymore. You slowly climbed the steep stares on the temple making sure not to fall off. You eventually made it to the top and you saw the entrance surrounded by poles with lit flames and a sign on the top of the entrance saying ‘Here lies the Ultimate Treasure.’ You sigh in relief knowing your adventure…if you can even call it that is drawing to an end. You make your way inside the temple and the ‘Ultimate Treasure’ appears to be Pinkie Pie. But there’s something different about her. Her eyes are white with a green spiral leading to the center and she’s running around the room. “So…Pinkie Pie was the ‘Ultimate Treasure’? Meh, at least it’s her, she’s totally worth it. Okay, Pinkie, you can stop running around and just hop in the crate, you’ll definitely be able to help Captain Luffy become king.” But Pinkie Pie isn’t listening, she keeps running to and fro around the room. You wonder how to stop her until a voice appears in your head saying “Before catching the pony, you must weaken it, by hitting it’s head with anything.” “Umm…okay? That makes more sense than anything that’s happened today. Except for that explanation Twi gave me.” You quickly notice a big rock on top of a stone statue and you pick it up. You watch Pinkie Pie run around the room until you throw the rock, nailing her on her head. She falls to the ground and she turns into pink energy and she flies into your crate. You quickly close it shut and seal it. “Phew… finally, something goes my way today.” You have finally found the Ultimate Treasure, bigger than anyone can imagine. But what will come now? Find out next time on “The Small Horse – The Escape.” > The Escape > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Five months have passed since your last crazy, insane, fucked up adventure and true to your words, after delivering Luffy the Ultimate Treasure you told him you were gonna quit being a member of the Straw Hat Crew and just settle down so your life can become more…what’s the word…normal. After thinking on it, Luffy decided for you to keep the Ultimate Treasure so you could get your life started. It was a kind deed by Luffy, it got you your own castle on the beach side, but his kind deed quickly became your worst nightmare. Ever since the Ultimate Treasure was left in your possession, you’ve been noticing that the ‘visions’ you had back on the island were becoming more frequent and were rapidly getting worse. Noticing that this hasn’t happened since receiving the Ultimate Treasure, you have it shipped to the mainlands. After shipping Pinkie off, you believed that your ‘visions’ would end there, but you were deadly wrong. Your ‘visions’ only kept getting worse and more frequent than ever. You try your best to shrug it off and just tried getting by on Sanity Potions, but you just can’t take it anymore, so you head off in search for Pinkie Pie, hoping that she would be able to stop your ‘visions’. Your adventure starts with you at your desk preparing for your trip, you grab your lantern and your two Large Oil Potions in your drawer. Before you head off you stare at the model ship on your desk and sigh. “Maybe leaving the Straw Hat Crew wasn’t such a good idea. Oh well, at least Luffy was a good sport about it.” you then head towards the front door of your room and try to open it but it’s locked. Again. “Damn it! Every freakin’ day this happens! Where did I put that Thorne Bone?” you walk back to your tray and find the Thorne Bone on a plate with other bones on it. “Ah, there you are.” You quickly unlock the door and head down the hall. As you walk down a creature appears in front of you. “Oh no. Not these damn visions again…I’ve gotta make a run for it!” with the speed of a…fast animal you dash past the monster narrowly avoiding a slash to the back. You book it at top speed quickly reaching the door at the end of the hallway, opening and quickly slamming it behind you. “Why is this happening? Am I really gonna have to take another Sanity Potion already?” You look at the room you’re in and you notice the rats. “Damn it all! I just got the castle fumigated! How are these little punks getting into my castle?!” You walk to the end of the hall and two armored knights appear instantly saying “Hellooo.” “What the fuck?!?!” you scream as you fall on your butt panting for air. You slowly get up and open the door and quickly move into the next room and run down the corridor, you stop when you see a door. “Umm… I don’t remember this door.” Which isn’t surprising since the castle is MASSIVE. Who could possibly remember all of those rooms? You try opening the door but it’s locked. “Okay? Well I guess I’ll just have to find the key.” you continue to run down the corridor until a strange creature instantly appears and disappears in front of you, causing you to jump back in pure shock. “Ugh! If this keeps up, I’m gonna have to take another dose of my Sanity Potions.” You notice a spare Sanity Potion and pick it up quickly. “Speaking of which, now, where is that key?” You open the closet and you see a dead figure along with an ear drum shattering shriek. Causing you to fall behind your desk covering your ears. After curling into a ball for a few minuets you slowly stand up to see that the dead figure is gone. “Sheesh, when will these horrific hallucinations going to end?” you then take a swift swig of your Sanity Potion and stand up. Man, Sanity Potions seem to be your drugs huh? Anyway, you quickly notice your behind your desk and you shuffle through the draws and you find…a…fire? What the fu-Anyway, you look closer into the flames and you notice a key. “Seriously? In the fire?” you slowly move your hand towards the flame and, surprisingly you grab the key without any burns, huh. Maybe your luck is finally- “I’M GOING TO RAPE YOU!!!” You jump up and scan the room to see just where the fuck that came from, but it seems you’re the only on in the room. “Just…why?” you then go back to looking through your desk and you find three more Large Oil Potions, and three Tinderboxes. “Alright! Let’s get moving.” you run back down the corridor and Pinkie Pie instantly appears before you laughing a deep and disturbing laugh before disappearing. “What the-?! Was that-? No way, she’s across the mainlands. It’s impossible for her to-” then it hits you: What if she never left your side at all? I know, pretty creepy huh? Well…unless your into that sort of thing. Anyway back to the story, you walk back to the locked door and of course, use the key to unlock it. As you enter the room random shit pops right out of a box in the room along with some odd noise in the back ground. Shocking you so bad, that the room lights up and you nearly wet yourself. “Grr! Damn you, so called ‘Ultimate Treasure’.” You look at the random shit and you find a picklock amongst that random shit. “A, picklock? Shouldn’t this be in my pantry? Whatever, with all this random crap, I’m not gonna focus too long on one subject.” You continue proving how much of a drug addict you are by downing another Sanity Potion before leaving the room. You slowly walk down the rest of the corridor and you notice the shadow of a pig being hung up by a hook by its snout. You look at your window and notice it’s actually a miniature pig. “…For most people this would be either entertaining, funny, or both. But for me it actually raises two questions…one, why is there a miniature pig in my house, and two how is that even possible?!?!? Gah! Whatever!” you continue towards the door and try to open it but, due to item use convenience, it’s locked. “Ugh! Why are all these doors locked!? What am I, a paranoid?” you take out your picklock and make it live up to it’s name by…picking at the lock…get it? Get it? *ahem* anyway, you open the door thanks to your four years of lock picking knowledge from picklock collage…at picklock academy, located on picklock Drive just down the street from- “They get it! Just get on with it already!” Oh. Right. Sorry. Anyway, you open the door and before you even step into the room you hear a grunts moan (you know, the sound they make when they spot you). Having full knowledge what this means, you haul ass like no brony’s business into the next room. After slamming the door behind you, you look at the room you ended up in and it’s…pretty fucked up. A ‘lamp’ I guess is hanging so low you could hit your head on it and burst into flames. And three doors, one across the room, and two on the ceiling. “…Just what the fuck kind of house did I buy?!?!” with the speed and grace of a blind hawk you dash across the room and try to pry open the door but due to serious trollage, it’s locked. “Oh, come on!!” you try opening the doors on the ceiling too, but nope. Man whoever sold you this house trolled you hard huh? After three minuets had passed you go back to prying open the first door. Then all of a sudden, BANG! The door above you bursts open spilling a countless amount of Tinderboxes (if you wanna prove me wrong, go to the map and count em’ all. I dare you!). Knowing that this was opportunity knocking at your door selling you glazed donuts, you pick up as many tinder boxes as you could carry (twelve in total). Amongst the spilled Tinderboxes you finally find the key and use it to get the hell outta that room. As you take your first like, what? Two…maybe three steps into the room and the main monster from iJustine-er excuse me I mean the monster from the Justine story of Amnesia drops out of the second door on the ceiling. Thinking faster than a 5th grader, you close the door behind you, lock it, and throw away the key. But of course, being as cheap an Amnesia is, the monster begins banging through the door. You slowly back up thinking all is lost, until your back hits an… “Upside down, closet?” Is now a really good time for questions? Just open it! “Alright! Fine!” you open the closet and find a Pokeball. “A…Pokeball?” you then notice out the corner of your eye a desk is sticking to the ceiling and you look at it with the most powerful WTF face you could pull off. “What is this? A horrible knock off of Spider-Man?” you ask as you walk up to the desk. Upon further inspection you notice a note. “What? How did that stick there?” you jump a few times but you finally reach the paper on the desk. It reads, My name is “Manus”, Spidre Manus. “How cheesy.” Those are my last words. Hold onto them. Since the Pony was imported to this country, nothing was the same again. “Wait, hold on! Pinkie is still here? Well, I guess that makes my trip that much shorter. But it also explains why these visions have been getting more powerful.” The responsible person was punished. But some morons took place and they founded the CULT OF PONY. “What? Much like this day, that doesn’t make sense.” I know “Skahim Shiert” and the responsible “Cedrum Wardener”. They trained the animal, trained it to kill people. At least the “Hollowed Zerom Ygum” was able to control the Power beyond the Pony. I need to find him, but I can’t escape from here… You stand there for a few seconds, and try your best to take in the information. “They trained Pinkie to kill people? Why? … And, and what’s this ‘Power beyond the Pony’? Maybe If I find this ‘Hollowed Zerom Ygum’ I can take control of this power and defeat Pinkie…But how am I gonna find this…Ygum? I don’t even know what a Ygum is.” Then the monster we forgot even existed starts banging on the door harder causing the door to crack. You drop the note and dash towards the nearest door…which…has…Pikachu on it for…some…reason. Anyway, with your unrivaled Pokémon knowledge you throw your Pokeball at the door and it opens. As you run in you see the room is full of…floating keys. Huh, being quick about it you grab seven keys and quickly cycle through them until you unlock the door in front of you. You dash into the next room, hearing Pinkie Pie’s demonic laughter close behind you. “Get, out, of, my, LIFE!!” you try to open the next door but it’s locked too. You again cycle through your keys, but none of them go to this door. You look around the room until you see a bunch of boxes stacked on top of each other. And, with the strength of a wrecking ball, you knock the boxes away from each other. You run to a closet, but due to your past experience, you ignore it and run into the door next to it. It seems this room has one thing, and only one thing to offer. Multiple drawers. Yes. Because this is tooootally what you’d find in a house. You rummage through the drawers and all that you find is a fish, a-wait a minuet…a fish? …Okaaay now where was I? Oh yeah! You found a fish, oil, nothing, nothing, more nothing, a funnel, and a baby arm? Anyway, realizing that this room is a giant waste of time, you head for the door, but on your way out you find the Rowdy Roddy Key (Don’t come at me about the name, I didn’t name this stuff). After taking the RRK a big explosion is heard causing you to jump. You charge out the room and notice a corpse with a bag on his head. You slowly approach it and as you get about, two to three feet away from it, it instantly disappears and four pig carcasses land in front of you. “…I need a shot.” you pull out your Sanity Potion and take it all in one big gulp. Feeling better you walk up to the door and unlock it with the RRK and as the door swings open the Cheshire Cat appears in front of you causing you to launch yourself backwards out of fear. I’m telling you, if someone were recording that, they could’ve made a Fus-Ro-Dah parody out of your ‘fallout’… Eh? Did I get ya that time? Meh, probably not. Anyway back to the story. You rubbed your back for a few seconds trying to die down the pain. And as you slowly rise to your feet, you notice a grunt is in front of you. “Uhh…Hi?” The grunt says how do you do, by taking a swing at you. Huh, great manners huh? So again, with your years of vast adventuring with Luffy and the gang you gracefully dodge by ducking with your head between your legs, and ‘barrel rolling’ towards the door. “Nice hello, but I think it’s time we said, Goodbye.” You quickly open and slam the door behind you. You quickly find yourself in a dark stone corridor, so like any skilled explorer, you turn on your lantern and venture forth. “I have a bad feeling about this.” you say as you stumble across a huge dark room with a temple on the other side. Damn, did you even THINK about looking at the inside of the castle before buying it?! Seriously. “Would you just shut up and tell the rest of the story?!” Okay, okay. Sorry. Sheesh, no need to be so pushy. Anyway, you step onto the black…floor? I guess. And as soon as you do monsters appear all around you and they come at you, mustering up all your strength you haul ass over to the temple on the other side of the room, and you attempt to not wet yourself while running. Eventually you make it up to the temple and at the end of the walkway you meet none other than…the German guy. He continues speaking to you in German, even though you can’t understand what he’s saying. “Yo dude, instead of speaking in a language I can’t understand, how about you turn on some subtitles before you speak! Could you at least do that?” Then out of nowhere Pinkie Pie appears next to him, and just like Sora in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, you’ve been hit by a powerful drowsiness and you collapse to the floor falling into a deep sleep. Is this the end? Is this where you die? Or is there more to this story with no plot in sight? Find out next time. Thanks for reading guys. > The Abuse - A > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so here’s the story so far. You were once a member of the Straw Hat Crew and your mission was to find the Ultimate Treasure, but unfortunately during your search for the Ultimate Treasure its dark magic began to creep into your mind, causing you to see things. It’s gotten so bad, that you have to drink Sanity Potions just get through the day. After shipping the Ultimate Treasure to the mainlands you are hit with a horrible discovery, she never left your side. She was physically linked to your mind the whole time. So, in an attempt to stop your suffering you went to look for the “Hollowed Zerom Ygum” Spidre Manus’ note spoke of. During your attempt, you run into you’re old, strange, and probably confused friend, the German man! He tries to tell you something but you failed to understand what it was. Then, Pinkie Pie appears in front of you and knocks you out. So, the question on your mind now, is probably “What happens next?! Do you ever find the Zerom Ygum? When does this begin to make sense?!” The answer to those questions and many more will be answered some day! On Amnesia! The Small Horse Serise! >Input DBZ episode title music here< You slowly wake up, holding your head as it pounds like after a bad hangover. “Ugh! M-My head. What the hell happened?” you slowly rise to your feet and quickly notice you’re not in your mansion. You’re in the middle of a forest. “Wh-What? How did I get out here? There isn’t a forest for miles from where I live. Did ‘she’ bring me out here?” you decide asking your self questions will get you nowhere fast, so you begin to move down the dirt path you were standing. Upon further inspection of the forest you hear a growling sound. ‘Oh no, please don’t let it be what I think it is, PLEASE don’t let it be what I think it is!’ you thought. But unfortunately for you, it was what you thought it was, a wolf lunges at you from out of literally nowhere just barely missing your ribs as its claws cut through your shirt, leaving a slightly bloody scratch across your chest. It’s cut where it’s bleeding, but not so badly where it's profusely bleeding. You turn to face the wolf, but it’s gone. “What the-!? What the hell is going on?! Was that wolf real? Or was it just an illusion that ‘thing’ made. And if so, then where did this cut come from?” you turn around and find to your horror the path in front of you is crawling with wolves. “Great, just great.” you decide to tempt fate as you slowly trek onward. To your surprise, the wolves weren’t tearing you apart, they would just growl at you if you got to close. Taking this as God’s blessing, you continue forth. As you make your way deeper into the forest, you see a clearing where a strange castle resides. Yeah, like you haven’t had your fill of castles already huh? As you make your way towards the castle the loud roar of a TIE-Fighter from Star Wars Episode IV zooms over head. “Wooow.” you swoon. “Episodes III-VI were awesome. I and II were flat.” Agreed. Anyway, after you finished marveling at Gorge Lucas’ genius you move towards the castle again. But not before you looked around the perimeter of the castle grounds. Upon inspection you find a note just floating in the air. Yeah, that’s not vague or anything. Ignoring your better judgment you pick up the letter. It reads, Hey, do you wanna know, where the faq you are? “That’d be nice.” Well, listen: You are standing on a field. Here you will find enemies, which aren’t invulnerable. “Well I feel reassured.” You just have to find a weapon. Got it? Any Objections, Lady? “There are enemies, find a weapon, kill them all. Got it.” I hope you are able to find “The Hollowed Zerom Ygum.” “You and me both, I just wish the person leaving these notes would tell me just exactly where the fuck this Ygum is!!” Best wishes. I f*kin’ love you, damn you. “…” Enough. I wonder whats for dinner? “How original.” After disregarding that last, odd, unoriginal message. You forge forth into the unknown. You get closer to the entrance of the tower only to discover…it’s blocked off by bricks. “Seriously?! What’s the next cliché? A catapult?” you look directly next to you and find two catapults. “…Nope. Not gonna say anything.” On one of the catapults you find another note. “Do I dare?” you pause for a few seconds before finally picking up the note. It reads, To use the Catapult, you only need some crushed rocks, or stuff like that. Then press the button! Have fun and dont crush my castle, ok? *…bugger… “Well that was informative. Let’s see what I can find.” You turn around, and you don’t know if your mind is making this up, or if it’s real. But off in the distance, you see Rainbow Dash. Not caring if it was a fake or not you run at top speed to Rainbow Dash, who was just chillin’ on a log. “Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow Dash removes her glasses and notices you running up to her. “Huh? Oh, hey…you’re that guy…who sweeps up right? Cause if you are boy do I have a job for you.” “Huh? No! I’m not the janitor here!” “Really? Meh, alright.” “Anyway, I just ran up to tell ya, I’m a really big fan of you.” “Really?” “Yeah! Everything you do is just amazing!” “Keep talkin’” Rainbow Dash put her glasses to the side and just laid there taking in her praise. “I even have a plushie of you at home! And a coffee mug of you! Can I have your autograph?!” “Wait a minuet, back up…you said you have a plushie of me?” “Yeah, why?” “That reminds me of this problem that I’m having.” “What’s up?” “This pigged guy with a broom took my Blind Flag Pony Doll. Wicked huh?” “I’ll say? Any particular reason he took it?” “None that I can think of. Mind getting it back for me? I’ll get ya that autograph you wanted.” “You had me at get it back for you!” You rush off with great speed searching the area for the pigged man. Eventually you find him, holding some sort of broom. “Halt right there criminal scum!!” you shout with a great tone of justice in your voice. “Hand over the doll you took from Rainbow Dash right now!” “It’s a secret to everybody. My broom is the best thing eveeeeer.” his neck stretching out on ‘ever’. “Don’t even try. Bye bye.” the pigged man flies away dropping the doll in the process. Using your master reflexes you catch the doll in your hands. “Just, what the hell was tha-Nope! That’s not important! What’s important is that I got the doll back, all else is irrelevant.” with a triumphant swag in your step you walk back to Rainbow Dash to please your idol. “Oh Rainbow Dash~♪ Lookie at what I goooot. ♪” Rainbow Dash puts down her sunglasses and looks at you with wide eyes and the cutest smile you’ve ever seen. “Oh my gosh! My Blind Flag Pony Doll!” Rainbow Dash flies up to you and takes the doll. “How’d you find him?” “That’s the odd thing…when I found him, he was a few feet away from you talking about how awesome his broom was and flew off.” “That’s…strange but I’m so glad my doll is back! Thank you so much!” Rainbow Dash gives you a hug. Upon said hug, we zoom into your brain to see it combust into rainbow flames and implodes on itself. “Now, lets get you that autograph.” Rainbow Dash pulls out a pen and a picture of herself out of nowhere, Why? Because she’s fucking Rainbow Dash, that’s how! She signs her name and hands it to you. “There you go. An awesome autograph for today’s awesome hero.” You took the picture and felt like screaming until the moon shattered like glass. But for now, to keep you cool level with your hero, you decide to suppresses your fanboy/fangirl urges in check. “Welp, now that I got my doll, I can follow that pigged man and make him pay! Thanks again for your help.” and in an instant flash Rainbow Dash took off with a rainbow trail following in her wake. “Just…awesome.” you quickly notice an object is falling from the direction she flew off and it lands in front of you. You pick it up. “Huh? What’s this?” Oh, don’t worry, I got it. A box appears in front of you playing the Link item get music. “Nice.” you say with an annoyed tone. The box says, You got “It’s 20% cooler”. “A 20% percent cooler? What the heck is that?!” Beats me dude, I didn’t make this story. Suddenly, what you were doing minuets before you met Rainbow Dash pops into your head. “Oh! I gotta find a sword and get rocks! B-But which do I do first?” Might I make a suggestion? “Sure, I’ll take any I can get.” get the sword first, trust me, it’s totally worth it. “Alright, if you say so.” taking my advice you search the are until you find Master Roshi in front of what looks like the Sword of Evil’s Bane. Link’s primary sword. “Hi Master Roshi! How goes it?” “It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this.” Roshi said in an odd echoing voice. “Sure. I was looking for a sword anyway.” you pull the sword from its stone prison yelling “I HAVE THE POWERRRRRR!!!” for some strange reason. “Uhh…thanks for the sword Roshi.” You walk back to the castle grounds and you notice the corpse had reanimated, knowing what you had to do, you pulled out your head band you had in your pocket for a specific reason and wrapped it around your head with playing in your head. You get yourself in a ready stance and charged into the field sword clenched in hand. As you pass by corpse after corpse you swing at them slicing them in half until a corpse stretches its head and knocks the sword out of your hand. While dazed and confused a corpse comes up from behind you and kicks you away with the most powerful kick you’ve ever felt in your life. You see your sword and quickly go after it. But a corpse stretches its head out and grabs your arm. You stretch your hand out as far as you can stretch it, successfully grabbing your sword. You quickly cut off the neck of the corpse, killing it instantly. The last five corpses charge at you with great speed. You charge at them and as you make contact with the first corpse you instantly appear on the opposite side of them. You sheath your sword into your pocket causing the corpses to instantly split in half like a samurai movie. “Aw yeah, I’m awesome.” (btw, if your listening to the music, you can stop it here.) After finishing the job you walk over to a large boulder. “Now, what I have here is a giant boulder, and what I have in my hand is a sword. I know there’s a minecraft joke in here somewhere, but I’d rather not go there.” you take a swing at the giant boulder cutting off three pieces, but unfortunately, the Sword of Evil’s Bane seems to have broken in half due to the impact. “Huh, well that’s inconvenient. But at least I have ammo for the slingshots now.” You’re welcome by the way. “Right.” you pick up a boulder and slowly make your way to the first slingshot. You load the boulder into the slingshot and press the button. The boulder was able to knock down one line of the wall and you shimmy past it. “Well, that wasn’t so bad, now all I need to do is-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!” you noticed a tiny cactus in a flower pot is coming right at you. Knowing that this was your greatest fear in the universe, you jump over it and past the goal gate from Sonic CD (Or Sonic The Hedgehog I if you prefer that version.). You were about to do the stage clear dance, but Eggman being the troll he is passes the gate and does the victory dance instead and flies off. You just stare at where he stood and said. “Of course.” you turn to the door and try to open it but it’s locked… You need to use your damn driller! Y U NO start thinking?! “Alright, alright. Jeez.” you use the ‘it’s 20% cooler’ item to unlock the door and you head inside. Inside the castle you’re standing in a long and tall corridor. “Woah! This place is even bigger than my house!” you wonder down the corridor your eyes still glued to the surroundings until your foot hits something on the ground. “Ow! What the-?” you reach down and pick up a glass musical note. “Neat statue.” out of nowhere plays in the background. “…well, I guess it’s a nice change from the usual creepy scenery I usually get.” You continue down the corridor until you freeze in fear. You see a small creature…thing…whatever and it slowly turns around to face you and it sticks its tongue. “Oh my God.” You whisper to yourself in horror. The creature walks up to you and just stares at you. Seeing this as an opportunity, you take off past the monster opening and slamming the doors at the end behind you panting. “Wh-What the fu-fuck, was that?!” Beats me, but it was creepy. You look into the room and you see knights standing in a bizarre fashion. You slowly walk forward until a giant knight helmet appears giving you the loudest most high pitched ear drum splitting “HELLOOO!!!” you’ve ever heard causing you to not jump, but fly back against the door. You’re ears are ringing like nobodies business, so once again, mustering up all the strength you have left, you reach for a sanity potion and drank it in one gulp. “Guh!” you yell as you swallow the last of the potion. “Damn it! I knew that was gonna happen, but I was expecting a small ‘hellooo’. Agh! Damn it!” you slowly rise to your feet and pass by the knights and you gaze around the room. “Sheesh, this guy just loves rubbing it in my face huh?” as you walk down the mansion path until a voice calls out to you. “Hey!” you turned to the voices direction and it turns out to be a pony with the head of the engineer from TF2. “Uh? Hi?” “Hello! My name is Mechanic Wrench! Please, can you bring me back my Sentry? We need to settle up against chimeras.” “Uh, sure? Why not.” “Thank you! I’ll wait here.” “Okay.” You walk down the main room and you run into a boy giving you the figure. “Uh, hi?” The kid doesn’t say anything, he just stood there. “Uh, kid. You okay?” you touch the kid and balls in the shape of a head fall from the ceiling. “… okay. I’ll see ya around okay?” you just walk past the kid and you walk up stares and you notice an angel statue holding her eyes closed. A voice suddenly appears in your head telling you not to blink. You try your best not to blink out of fear, but your fear actually causes your eyes to dry up faster and you blink. The room blacks out for a fraction of a second and the angel statue goes from holding her eyes close to holding her hands out like saying “Boo!” and her face looked mean. The same voice appeared in your head again saying, what a horrible night to have a curse. You shudder in fear and just keep moving and you notice a stare way in the center of the walkway, as you step down the stares you hear a BOOM from the distance causing you to jump. “I am sooo tempted to take a Sanity Potion right now.” You slowly walk down the rest of the stares and try to open it, but it’s locked. “Of course. What else ISN’T locked around here!?” you run back up the stares and run down the second flight. As you continue your walk you hear a beeping sound. Upon investigation, you finally find the Sentry. “Alright, that wasn’t hard or anything.” you pick up the Sentry being extremely careful not to set it off and you place it next to the Sentry. “There you go, are we done here?” “Nope.” replied Mechanic Wrench as he stretched his head to the ceiling and brought it back down with an apple in his mouth. He dropped it in front of you and told you. “Thank you! Now use this apple to open a door. Fatty!” “Hey! Watch it tubs, I’m not that big!” you take the apple and gazed in amazement at how it looked almost like a crystal. “Woah, the surface, it’s almost like crystal itself. Amazing.” then it clicked in your head, the door this apple goes to, is the one in the middle of the walkway up the steps. You make your way past the creepy angel statue and head down towards the door. As you unlock the door and head in you hear what sounds like, an alien talking? I guess? Anyway, in the next room, it’s a small corridor with a door on the left wall, you run towards the door and open it. Inside, you’re met with a disturbing discovery. The German guy and Pinkie Pie are in the room…making out. Yeah, you needed to see that huh? The German guy suddenly stops and turns to you. As his gaze turns to you, your hit by a powerful drowsiness and fall into deep sleep again. > The Abuse - B > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last time on, The Small Horse Series: You woke up in a forest after getting knocked out by Pinkie Pie. Soon after, you’ve awoken in a strange forest knowing that there were no woods within’ a thousand miles from where you lived. You assumed it was Pinkie’s doing. So, in an effort to find the Hallowed Ygum, you set off into the woods. You had only been in the forest for twelve seconds and you already had a close brush with death, as a wolf lunged at you, but after its attack, it disappeared. You investigated further and found your idol, Rainbow Dash. As you spoke with Rainbow Dash, she told you on how her doll was taken by a pigged man. Not wanting your hero to be sad, you ventured forth to find the pigged man. It didn’t take you long to notice him as he was only a few feet away, upon confrontation you demanded that he give Rainbow Dash her doll back, but all the pigged man talked about was his broom, and flew off. Not wanting to think too much on it, you decide to just take the doll and return it to RD. In return for your help, she gives you an autograph picture of herself and a hug, which you can’t decide on which was better. After that you continued your investigation and found Master Roshi with the Sword of Evil’s Bane. You removed the sword from its prison and inherited its power. Upon doing so, the corpses in the yard reanimated, knowing there was only one way to get past them, you took of your sword and charged at the corpses, slaying them all. After defeating them, you used your sword to cut up a giant rock to make three boulders. Unfortunately, your imitation Minecraft cost you of your sword. Not too worried about it, you took a boulder and knocked down the wall that guarded the entrance. As you made your way inside you met an engineer pony name Mechanic Wrench who asks you for your help in finding his Sentry, after taking a few minuets to find it you deliver it back to him, and in return he gives you a diamond apple to open the door in the walkway upstairs. You opened the door and walked inside the corridor only to meet a disturbing scene. The German guy was making out with Pinkie Pie. The German guy quickly notices you and as his gaze met yours you were hit with another powerful drowsiness. Is the German guy in leagued with Pinkie? Was he actually leading you into this mess? And why do you keep passing out? Find no answer to any of those questions today, on The Abuse - B. Yo, YO! You roll over still unconscious from your ahem, ‘show’ last episode. Hey! Watching you sleep isn’t exactly my cup of tea ya know. Wake up! You slowly lift your head and stand up. “Ugh, j-just what happened?” You saw the German guy and Pinkie having fun and you passed out. “Th-That really happened? I-I thought that was a bad dream.” Huh, you and I BOTH wish. Now get up, you gotta press on. “Ugh, whatever.” you look around and notice that your still in the same corridor. You try opening the door you saw the German guy was in, but it was locked. Heh, I guess he wanted to keep his show private. Ha! “Funny.” you say rhetorically as you made your way to the exit. You run upstairs and notice the mansion’s main lobby had changed dramatically since the last time you were conscious, a giant broom was upstairs and there were dog manikins blocking your path back down stares. “Heh, I guess the only way is up.” you run up the stares and headed to the right, since that was the only way you could go anyway, since the path to your left was cut off by dog manikins. Upon reaching the top of the stares you meet a giant bee. Not wanting to get stung, you try to be as friendly as possible. “Uh…h-hi? Little…bee.” “Hi! Bee I am…not. Be careful! A knight is protecting the Key to the dark level.” “Umm, sure? Ok.” you head back down stares and look at the giant broom. “So, voice in my head. How DO I get this broom out of the way?” Obviously you need an egg to burst this gigantic monument. Mate. “Umm…okay?” You turn around and see armor with a kinder egg in front of it. “Okay, good and bad here. It’s good because I found the egg, but it’s bad too because after the last incident between me and that armor, I’m still shaken.” you really don’t want to get the egg, but you really need to progress forward to stop Pinkie Pie. So you inhale deeply, steel your nerves, have your Sanity Potion at the ready and move towards the armor slowly. As you reach down, you pick up the egg and just as you had predicted you were greeted to more disembodied ear rape, causing you to jump back slightly. “Whoa, it wasn’t that bad this time.” Yeah, it varies from time to time. Go figure. “Whatever, let’s just hurry. Pinkie’s gotta be stopped.” You run upstairs and stop in front of the stairs and throw the kinder egg at the giant broom, upon impact with the egg the broom disappears in a poof a green smoke along with a loud “Yow!” causing you to jump slightly. “Sheesh, what’s up with all these loud and annoying sounds?!” It’s Pinkie’s hold, the longer you stay in her grip the more susceptible you are to these experiences, and they only get more and more intense the longer Pinkie’s hold stays on you. “I see, well that’s all the more reason to move forward isn’t it?” Indeed. You walk up to the door located to where the broom once was and open it. As you step through you find yourself in a very dark corridor with an ominous purple pulsating light encasing the room. “What the-? Where am I?” Welcome to the Shadow Temple! Dun! Dun! Duuuuun! “Riiiiiiiight. Anyway, what the hell is a Shadow Temple?” Not “A” Shadow Temple, “the” Shadow Temple, this place is dark and dangerous place, combined with Pinkie’s hold, this place is now twice as deadly, which I had no idea was possible. But I guess you can always be proven wrong. “Right, I’ll be careful.” you continue down the corridor until you come across three platforms sticking out of a bottomless pit. You simply hop on each platform easily reaching the other side. You then keep running down the path until you reach what seems like a dead end. “Ah, come on.” you then walk up to the dead end and start rubbing the wall. “Alright, there’s gotta be some sort of switch or some-WOAH!” you suddenly slip and fall through the dead end and land on the other side. “Huh. That happened.” you stand up and pat your pants, knocking off any dust that remained on your pants and you begin to wonder around the room. You turn your head to the massive hole in the room and you slowly walk towards it, upon inspection you notice that there’s a giant head with white eyes inside the hole. “Wh-What the hell is that?!” Beats me, I’ve never seen anything like that before. “Well, whatever the hell that’s supposed to be let’s just hope it doesn’t grow arms and legs.” My thoughts exactly. You quickly go back to scanning the room only to see the same images as the one on the wall of the fake dead end. “Hmm…I wonder.” you quickly place your hands on the wall and start moving them around until your hands pass through one of them. “Found you.” you quickly move through and start running down the corridor until you reach a door. You quickly open it and run into the next room which was just plain distorted. The room was just dark and had a cold atmosphere and the air was filled with red mist. “The hell is this?” I’m not sure, but you probably don’t want to inhale that stuff for too long. “Agreed, let’s just keep moving.” you wonder through the room until you see a part of the wall emitting a green glow. “Heh, logic dictates that being the right ‘wall’ to pass through.” you run towards the wall and pass through it, greeting you on the other side is another door. You open it and the first thing you notice in the entire room is Fluttershy, curled up into a ball in pure fear. “Woah!” you quickly run up to her and get on your knees to meet her “Fluttershy, what are you doing here?” “Please help me! My cute little bunny Angel ran into this dungeon. I’m too scared to go further than this, can you find him? Pleaaaaase?” “Of course Fluttershy, I’ll bring him back no matter what! I promise.” “Thank you.” “No problem.” you stand up and walk out of the room. Thank goodness that conversation is over, any longer and I would’ve suffered a cute atta-HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!! Too…late! HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!! “Get a hold of yourself! I need you to guide me through this hall way!” You’re gonna have to-HNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!! Handle it on…your own…k-kid. HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! “That’s just great. *sigh* Whatever.” you search every inch of every wall, passing through one secret corridor after another until you find another door. You open it and you see angel bunny, surrounded by hands sticking out of the ground. “Now why does this seem familiar?...oh well.” you walk into the room and quickly grab angel bunny. “Alright! I got him!” suddenly a grey monster with blood stains appears at the entrance and slowly makes it’s way to you. Your blood runs cold as your eyes widen at the sight of the monstrosity in front of you. “Wh-What the hell is that thing?!” Th-That’s the m-monster HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!! Kn-Known as de-dead hand…kid…run…NOW!!! Dead hand makes his way towards you but you quickly cut through the room and head back to Fluttershy’s room slamming the door tight behind you. “Phew…th-that was close…” you walk up to Fluttershy and hand her Angel. “Here you go Fluttershy, Angel’s back where he belongs.” Fluttershy’s face lit up in pure happiness. “Thank you soooo much! I’m so happy I could just…well take this.” She then reaches into her bag and she hands you five Laudanums. You then hug Fluttershy. “Thank you so much Fluttershy!” Fluttershy smiles and hugs back. “You’re welcome. I hope you find what you’re looking for.” “Me too Fluttershy, for my sake, me too.” you stand up and look around the room. “Well, I can’t go back that way since dead hand could be waiting… I guess I could try the door again.” you walk up to the door and to your surprise the door is unlocked. “Huh, I guess it gets better from here.” *huff* *huff* O-Okay, I…I think I’m good now. “Finally, and I returned Angel by the way.” Y-Yeah, sorry…about that. Fluttershy is a lethal weapon of cuteness. “Uh-huh.” you continued down the hall pass- “No! Stay! Don’t leave me again.” You snap around and see nothing but your nerves are still on end. “D-Did you hear that?!” Yeah, I heard it. It sounded like- “Is that you my love?” You snap back behind you and what you saw was probably THE most disturbing thing…EVER. You saw Fluttershy, but she had a chain around her right forehoof with blood covering her hooves, her cheeks, and her torso. But the most disturbing feature about her was her eyes, her eyes were no longer there, just two black holes that resembled the void itself. She slowly made her way to you. “What…the fuck?!” Kid! Don’t just stand there! Haul ass! Heeding my warning you run full speed past Fluttershy. “No! Come back! Please, come baaaaack!” Fluttershy(?) pleaded as you passed her. You head down the corridor faster than a speeding bullet, until you find a flight of stairs. You run up stairs passing by multiple Fluttershy head’s that seemed to take a stab at your sanity for each one you passed, at the end of the seemingly endless stairway you finally run up to a door and you open it and slam it behind you, gasping for breath. “Wh-What the hell was…that?” …I’ve seen this before. It’s Pinkie Pie, her influence mutated Fluttershy into that monster. “Wh-What?! I-I knew Pinkie c-could alter the su-surroundings, but I didn’t kn-know she could…*huff* alter people too.” Yeah, this is a sign that you need to hurry kid. If you don’t everyone on earth could turn into those things. “Right…I promise, I won’t fail.” after your heroic words, you survey your surroundings and….well, it’s about as fucked up as you can imagine. It seems you’re on a Mario race track, but there’s so much wrong with it. For starters Snake’s box is directly next to you pacing back and forth slowly, directly next to it is a statue of a centipede with a pale baby face, a giant knight helmet on a billboard, a kid sitting on a kart, a group of ditto’s, and a stage with three people dancing on it. “…The fuck?” Don’t ask me dude, it makes no sense to me anyway. “…Right.” you wonder around the track until you reach the door at the end of the track. “Woah, big door. Ten bucks says it’s locked.” you try pushing the door but just as you predicted, it’s locked. “Toldja.” Good thing I didn’t bet money. “What now?” Try asking the people dancing on stage, they may know something. “*sigh* I guess.” you make your way to the stage. “Hello, I was wondering if I-” “Hey you! I want an apple, or I will call you fatty for lifetime.” interrupted Doronjo. “Say what?” you replied. “And I want a bottle, or I will cry!” said Boyakke. “What are you a ba-” “And I want a bone! My dancing is good isn’t it?” said Tonzula. “The hell is wrong with these people?!” you ask. Not sure, just get em’ what they asked for, it’ll make this end quicker. “Alright fine.” you look around the track for a few minuets scanning it. “Now if I were a bone, where would I be?” you turn your head and in the corner of the race track you notice the same creature from before your major ear rape from the last chapter. You know, the white thing that puked up that glass music note. Remember? Well, anyway as you gaze upon the creature you begin to sweat. “Oh no. Knowing my luck that….thing probably has what I’m looking for.” you slowly make your way to the creature and you notice it has its back to you. “Uh…hi little, white thing…” the creature faces you and opens its eyes and mouth and a bone fall from its mouth. “Ugh, that’s sick. I’ll uh…just take this now.” you slowly pick up the bone and quickly run to the stage and you give Tonzula his bone. “Here, happy now?!” Tonzula takes the bone and places it on his head and continues dancing. “…No, I’m not gonna question anything!” you quickly head back to your scavenger hunt. “Now then, where do I look next?” your attention is then drawn to the giant knight helmet on the billboard. “Well, I have been right about my guesses thus far, so why not?” you walk up to the statue and as soon as you touch the helmet another wave of ear rape hits your eardrums causing you to slam your hands on your ears in pain. As soon as the noise disappears an apple rolls to your feet. You slowly remove your hands from your head and pick the apple up. “……Nope, no questions here.” you head back to the stage and hand Doronjo the apple. “Here, take it!” she takes the apple and places it on her head also and she returns to dancing. “Okay, only one item left, and that was the uhh…” Bottle. “Bottle! Right, thank you.” It’s what I do. You head back to your hunt, looking all around the course for the bottle unfortunately your search is unsuccessful until you stop in front of the baby centipede statue. “Hmm…maybe if I-” as soon as you touch the statue it emits a loud unintelligible robotic voice causing you to jump back slightly and a bottle rolls to your feet. You quickly pick it up and run back to the stage. “Alright, man baby. Take your stupid bottle!” Boyakke takes the bottle and places it on his head and continues dancing. “Alright! Now that I got you your stuff can you tell me how to-” you’re soon interrupted by the kid on his kart driving down the course and slamming into the door causing it to crumble into thousands of tiny pieces. “….Nope. No question whatsoever.” you run down the course and the first thing you notice is a Shredder platoon blocking the rest of the course. Yo know, Shredder, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? If you haven’t seen that series I pity you. But anyway back to the story, you’re curious on two things. One, why is there a small Shredder platoon blocking your path. And two, why is there a giant Shredder standing on his head directly behind them? You decide to walk up to the captain for questions. “Hey, Shredder, why are you blocking the rest of the course?” “Simple, because I’m too badass for the race to finish, now go away!” “Can’t I at least-Urk!” you’re interrupted by Shredder grabbing your shirt collar. “I said, GO AWAY!!” Shredder lifts you up and throws you across the track, causing you to fly right into a wall. “Ow.” was all you could mutter out before you were blinded by pain. You slowly reach into your pocket and pull out a Laudanum and drink it. Within seconds you stand up as if nothing happened. “Phew, well then it looks like I’ll just have to find another way to pass them.” suddenly notice Pumba sitting in the grass. “Woah, it that really-?” you head towards Pumba and shake his hoof. “Hey Pumba, how’s it going?” “Jack Nicholson told me, I could summon a penguin, by eating a flower pot. Now, that would be even cooler, than your low self-esteem.” “The hell?” I dunno, just find this flower pot, it just may come in handy. “*sigh* Fine. Whatever.” you scan the area and you barely see the flower pot next to the green warp pipe. “Ah! Thank God!” you run towards the flower pot, pick it up, and run back to Pumba. “Here. Take it.” Pumba takes the flower pot and eats it, causing him to transform into a Prinplup. He then runs towards the Shredder platoon and knocks them all down including the giant Shredder leaving you dumbfounded. “…This doesn’t make sense to you either does it?” No, you’re not alone. “Oh good, I thought it was just me.” you continue down the course and you find another door. Similar to the door that led you to this race track. You open the door and head into the next room.