Myths & Legend Act 1: The Scholar

by Streamtouched

First published

When Twilight is woken in the middle of the night. She discovers a strange visitor in her basement.

When Twilight is woken in the middle of the night. She is surprised to discover a pony in her basement. A travelling storyteller with a strange companion and an even more mysterious past.

Prologue: How to Meet Princesses and Establish Kingdoms

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Prologue: How to Meet Princesses and Establish Kingdoms

A Very Long Time Ago In a Time Before Equestria…

The environment outside the cave was Hellish, Heat filled the air. The ground was harsh, jagged and barren. The sky was filled with dark angry clouds that blotted out the sun, light only emanating from the brief flashes of lightning and the ground they set alight. The cave was only better by the water that dripped from the ceiling.

The caves two occupants huddled together tired and hungry from the past few days events.

“Tia why did our tribe chase us and when are mum and dad coming to get us” the younger said to her elder sister. Celestia looked at her sister a fake smile hiding what lay beneath.

“They chased us out because they were scared. We’re special and they’re not, they’re just regular earth ponies but we've got horns and wings”. She lied trying to convince herself more than her sister. “Besides that doesn't matter I’m sure mum and dad will turn up any minute now with supplies and a plan”. She nuzzled her sister and wrapped wing around her. “It’ll be alright Lulu it’ll be alright” She whispered barely holding back her emotions.

It was this moment that fate intervened and they heard movement coming from outside. Celestia hugged her sister tighter.

It’s them they've come to finish us off she thought to herself. Then as quickly as the noises started they stopped and a stallion popped into view.

“Oh I’m sorry I didn't know this cave was taken”. The head disappeared hoofsteps moving away. A few bolts of lightning struck nearby and the head reappeared. “Say if it’s not too much trouble could I stay here until the storm passes”.

Celestia stared at him scared and confused by the situation and slowly nodded.

This Strange pony he wasn't like the rest, she didn't even think he was from their tribe. Celestia slowly shuffled back deeper into the cave dragging a squirming Luna with a protective hoof.

As if he sense the fear he slowly stepped into the cave, just far enough for it to be shelter. Celestia finally took a good at him as he sat at the entrance to their shelter.

He was an adult snow white earth pony with a long blue streaked blonde mane and matching blonde goatee. A mane that was swept back as if he’d spent the day staring into a gale. She also saw that he while he was an adult he was only a few years her elder.

As he sat down he let out a loud sigh that made them both jump and he collapsed. Luna finally squirmed free of her sister's grip and ran to the collapsed stranger.

“Luna no. Get back here now we don't know him” the elder pleaded in a desperate whisper.

“I think he’s asleep Tia” Luna replied prodding the unmoving mass with a hoof. After a few minutes of prodding and pleading he stirred with a groan.

Luna jumped and scampered back to the protective hooves of her elder sister. The strange colt awoke with a snort and jumped to his hooves making Luna squeak with surprise.

He looked around slightly disorientated until he spotted the two sisters. “Oh good you weren't dreams or hallucinations nice to know, now could one of you kindly tell me what two ladies are doing in such a ... lovely place such as this?" He said gesturing to the cave.

“We’re waiting for our parents they’ll be here any minute” Luna said still a little weary of him.

Celestia saw a sad look flash through his eyes his face betraying nothing. “Well is there a safer place you could wait this isn't really the best place for two young ladies.”

He looked around and scuffed the ground with a hoof. “I saw a village yester…” “NOOOO” the pair shouted together a look of relief washed the stranger's face. “Oh good I don’t think they’d be too happy to see me after what they did last time.”

Celestia who’d been cautiously watching the stranger relaxed slightly at his words, her hooves lessening her grip on her sister. “Did they run you out of the tribe as well” she piped curiously as tried to sit comfortably in her sister’s grip.

The stranger shook his head. “No. I try not to associate myself with as... jerks." he scratched his chin. "Besides after I accidently set that building on fire. They sort of had a good reason to chase me out"

Now both the sisters were confused. “How did you set a whole building on fire? were you trying to show off with magic or something?” Luna questioned.

Celestia tapped her sisters horn "He doesn't have a horn silly how could he do magic"

The stranger thought about for a moment. “Well apart from the building it might have this” The stranger turned and pointed at a yellow six pointed star on his flank.

“What is that” they both remarked.

The stranger scratched his chin “I don’t actually know but I've had for quite a while and as far as I’ve seen I’m the only one with one.”

Celestia thought about the situation, this stranger was different just like them so he could probably be trusted. Luna looked up to her sister, a question Celestia could already guess in her eyes.

Celestia gave her sister a reassuring nod and Luna focused on the stranger. “Would it be alright with you if you stayed here with us until our parents get here” she said meekly.

The Stranger went into a low overly fancy bow that made Luna giggle. “It would be my honor to stay in the presence of two ladies such as yourselves”…..

- - - - - - - - - -

Celestia waited until Luna was fast asleep before she made her way outside.

The stranger had made an excuse earlier about keeping a lookout and stepped outside when the lightning had stopped.

As she stepped out of the cave she stared at the sky in awe. The storm had passed and the land below illuminated by the dark dazzling gem filled sky, the largest being the large glowing eye that look down like a ruling king at his throne.

“I wondered how long it would take for her to fall asleep” the stranger said startling her. He was sitting to the side of the entrance looking at the sky. She could have sworn he hadn't been there a second ago.

“We need to have a little chat” he said as he tore his gaze from the sky and gestured and waited for her to sit. “ You've probably realized they’re not coming already haven’t you.”

Celestia let out a chuckle. “I figured they’d abandon us if the tribe ever found out about us, they’re probably living the good life now that the “Cursed Ones” are out of theirs.”

“CRACK” The stranger smashed a hoof to the ground a look of fury and rage covered his face.

“Don’t you DARE disrespect your parents like that" He growled. "they knew where you’d gone and they died to keep that secret.”

“H-hh-how do yo…” she stammered with shock.

“I was there." he replied "When I turned up I managed to catch the last act of that village’s DISgusting performance.”

The stranger stopped and for a second she could see him remembering. “They did terrible things such terrible things…”

He waved a hoof in the air as if to brush the memory away. “After they realized your parents weren't going to tell them anything they ended it, when the mob started to disperse I was spotted and chased. I managed to lose them then…” he let out a sigh. “Then I found your trail, covered it up and came here.”

Celestia stared at the ground her emotions finally overwhelming her as her body was wracked with quiet sobbing.

The stranger moved over to her and wrapped his hooves around her.

They stayed like that for a while until Celestia removed herself from his hooves.

As the flow of tears started to slow one question still remained. “Why are you being so nice, why aren't you afraid like they were. Why?”

He looked at her a sad look on his face. “In all honesty after the display I saw at that village I was expecting some sort of terrible beast or demon to be here, not two innocent young ladies such as yourselves.”

“But we are monsters just look at us” she screamed at him.

The strange colt held up a hoof. “No you’re not you just look different and have been raised in a place that doesn't know any better. Besides I know what it’s like to be hated and feared for being different.”

Anger flared through Celestia. “Don’t you dare compare your life to ours. Look at you you're nothing like us. Were your parents killed and you forced flee from your home?” she said stabbing a hoof his chest.

“Yes actually how did you know?” he replied nodding sadly.

All the anger fled Celestia as she recoiled in guilt and shame. Again she’d made a wrong assumption about him.

“I’m sorry” she mumbled.

She felt a hoof on her shoulder and flinched. “It’s fine I've had a few years to get over it. However for you on the other hoof it was a few hours"

She nodded

"What are you going to do now? Obviously you can't go back"

Celestia stood and looked at the slowly approaching dawn. “I don’t know but I want to get as far away from there as possible.”

She heard him stand behind her. “Well that settles it” he said. “There’s no way I’m letting two defenseless young ladies wander this wilderness unaided.”

He stood next to her. “Well what do you say Princess mind if I tag along?”

She turned to him blushing. “Princess wha why would you call me that?”

The stranger shook his head "I've got my reasons.”

“Well” she replied sly grin creeping across her lips. “If I’m going to be royalty I simply must have a knight to guard me.” The stranger went into a mock bow. “If the princess wishes it so shall it be. You may refer to me as Knight.”

As he got back up they both cracked up laughing.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better. You want to know something funny” Knight said wiping a tear from his eye.

Celestia nodded with a chuckle. “When I saw you two I thought you’d attack me.” They both broke into another fit of laughter which unfortunately was loud enough to wake a still sleeping Luna...

Chapter 1: Night Flare

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Chapter 1: Night Flare

Twilight lay in bed, contemplating the properties of friendship and harmony

A week ago she had been Living in Canterlot. A week ago she didn’t have any friends.

But now she had friends that had helped her face the greatest challenge in her life. she regretted that she hadn’t made any friends before this week.

Perhaps she could’ve got to know some of the ponies from Canterlot.

She could’ve gone to Moondancers party or got to know Twinkle Shine, Colgate or Lemon Hearts.

If that had happened though she might not have learned about Nightmare Moon and there wouldn’t have been anypony to stop her.

“And now I’m worrying over what ifs” she groaned trying not to wake her assistant.

She tossed and turned. She obviously wasn't going back to sleep tonight.

A loud bang echoed through the tree shaking it to it's roots.
The noise was followed by a wave of magic that passed through her leaving her breathless to the pure magic filling the room.

Twilight’s mouth flopped helplessly open and closed as she struggled to restart her lungs and fell out of bed.

It took a few minutes to stop gasping for air, another few moments before she regained coherent thought. “What… in Celes… Celestia’s mane was that” she rasped her throat sore from the gasps.

She slowly attempted to gather magic into her horn. She felt like a filly as her attempt to spluttered and fizzled.

Dread suddenly filled her mind at the very idea relearning magic. “No, no, no, no, no, no come on work” she stomped her hoof and determination won as her horn glowed steadily with magic.

She carefully scanned her surroundings for any trace that the wave had been real.

The wave of magic had faded like a dream but there were now two new occupants of her basement.

Where she’d heard the noise.

Where that wave had come from.

Before she made her way downstairs she quickly checked on spike. He was still sound asleep he really was a heavy sleeper. She charged a minor torch spell and made her way downstairs.

Images of Manticores, Basilisk and Hydras flittered through her mind but were quickly dismissed by fact. “Not enough space for a hydra. Manticores and Basilisks would make a lot more noise.” She Mumbled

As she approached the door to the basement she briefly debated picking up something large and heavy to defend herself with. “On the other hoof they might not be hostile and it may be a big misunderstanding.”

Plus she could just lock and barricade the door.

She flung open the door and aimed the torch downstairs. “Hello anything friendly down there?” She shouted into the darkness.

“Um well I consider myself friendly enough” said a male voice.

Twilight heard a soft whispering. “What…no they were unfriendly first” replied the male stranger to somepony.

Twilight slowly, cautiously made her way down the stairs ready at a moment’s notice to get out and lock the door.

She swung her beam around the basement until it landed on the male intruder. There sitting two hooves in the air was a crimson earth stallion with a short silver mane that shimmered under her light. The strange stallion had golden shimmering eyes and four strange golden bands on his legs.

“Su… no you’re not her…” he mumbled shaking his head.

“Alright how did you get in here and who was that talking to you just now” she said from the safety of the stairs. A frown creased his face then realization.

“NO Lu stop wait” he shouted frantically waving his hooves. She leaned slightly forward.

What it’s as if, she didn’t finish her thought, as something brushed past her and she lost her balance on the stairs. As she tumbled and fell from the stairs she briefly saw the colt galloping to catch her.

She felt her descent slow as she fell into the embrace of something soft and glowing.

Darkness swam in her vision and overcame her…

- - - - - - - - - -

“This is all your fault you know.”

As consciousness started to drift back into Twilight she heard arguing from nearby.

“How was I supposed to know I could touch her?” spoke a quiet guilty female voice.

“Because she could hear you, remember if they can hear you they can also see and touch you. Why do think I was shouting and waving my hooves, low flying pegasi.” This voice she recognised as the strange stallion.

Twilight heard the colt let out a deep sigh. “Look I’m not trying to be harsh on you, it’s just that could’ve turned out badly. There is one pony we don’t want to make a bad impression on, you accidentally pushed her off some stairs. This pony also happens to be a student of princess Celestia which is kind of a big thing.”

Twilights eyes shot open, she bolted up. How did he know that? Who was he? Was he from Canterlot?

She slowly turned her head and looked around the room. She was back in the library lying on the couch and the lights were on.

The conversation was coming from behind her so she quietly lifted herself and peeked at the trespassers.

The colt was standing with a sad disappointed look on his face, one of his hooves was on what she guessed to be a shoulder of his friend/thing. Twilight didn't know what to call it, she could only tell it was female from its voice.

The creature looked feline but was standing upright on two leg. Her arms ended in what she thought were paws but they resembled spikes claws. Twilight looked at the creature’s whiskered face, possibly feline then.

She pondered, this creature was similar to the description of another she’d glanced at. What was it? rock hound no diamond dog that’s right, this thing looked like a diamond dog but sleeker.

Twilight quickly noted that the creature seemed to be crying.

“You know it’s considered rude to stare” spoke a stern voice.

Twilight flinched and noticed the earth pony was looking at her. She was about to apologies when she remembered that they were the intruders not her.

She got off the couch, walked over to the intruders and tried to draw authority to her body like she’d seen the princess do. “What are you doing in my house?”

The male intruder scratched his head and gave a nervous grin. “That uh, yeah that wasn't completely on purpose. I was uh, how can I put this, tangling with a particularly nasty monster.”

He looked to his companion who just shrugged back at him. He let out a sigh “The monster could teleport but it was injured while it was trying to and somehow we ended up here.”

“Oh... Really?” Twilight was puzzled, she’d never heard of any creature like that.

“Um well yeah really” he said nodding. He looked around "Uh, where is here anyway?"

Twilight straightened and regained her composure. At last a subject she did know about. “You’re in Ponyville, the library to be exact.”
She motioned to the surrounding walls adorned with books. The stranger looked around with a surprised look on his face.

“Wow Ponyville that’s pretty far I’m surprised we got here in one piece.” The cat thing cleared her throat. “Well I did at least, Ponyville wow been a while since I've been here.”

Twilight looked at his female companion. “I’m not trying to be rude but what is she?” she gestured to the cat thing.

“What huh” The Stallion look around snapped from his daydream. “Oh I’ve forgotten to introduce myself again haven’t I” he moved to the cat to stand next to his companion.

“This is Lumin the Crystal Cat and I am Nimbus Flare the traveling storyteller” he said with grin.

“What’s a Crystal Cat and why wouldn’t I be able to see her” Twilight enquired.

“Oh so you did hear that weeelll.” Nimbus looked at Lumin his grin stretching and gestured for her to explain only for her to shake her head.

Nimbus mumbled something under his breath. “Fine it’s a long story but short version she’s the last of her kind. As for the seeing her part I’ve got no idea why you can see her. When we were attacked she was badly injured. When this normally happens to her she becomes incorporeal until she recovers. I can only see her because we have a connection.” He grinned nervously.

Twilight looked between the two of them and paused. "Wait this has happened before?" They both nodded.

"And what did you mean by you had a connection?" she continued. Nimbus shook his head and sighed "that would take way to long to explain."

An idea started to form in Twilight's head. She studied Nimbus.

“Mr Flare” she began but was quickly cut off. “Nimbus is fine” he said waving a hoof. “Fine Nimbus, do you have any bits or a place to stay?” She replied fully prepared for his answer.

Nimbus starred at her with a puzzled look on his face. “Well no the teleport was quite sudden, why?”

A smile slowly crept across her face. “You and Lumin could stay here until you can afford something.”

Nimbus looked at Lumin who gave him a slight nod. “You know you can talk right” he said turning to face Twilight again. “Well as long we're not imposing we don't want to be too much of a bother.”

Twilights face went serious. “I do have some conditions though;

One, I want to study Lumin. This won’t involve anything dangerous or that could cause any harm.

Two, if you’re going to stay here you need to meet my friends.”

Nimbus looked to Lumin. “Your body, your call.” Lumin looked around considering the proposal. “Nothing that’ll hurt” she replied in a quiet meek voice. Twilight nodded. “Then it’s alright” she replied more confidently.

“Well since that’s settled, how about a story to celebrate” suggested Nimbus moving to sit on the couch.

Twilight moved next the couch “I really don’t think…”

“Think of it as my way of repaying a kindness and besides this is a very special story.” He replied gesturing for her to sit.

Twilight didn’t know what it was about him but again Nimbus had piqued her curiosity. She sat on the couch and nodded for him to continue.

“Like I said this is a very special story I couldn't tell any but my best for one who has been so gracious to take us in. This story’s special because of those involved. This is the true story of “The First Knight.”

A Very Long Time Ago In a Time Before Equestria…

“So Princess which way do you want to go in to start this journey” Knight said looking out at the midday sun. They had just finished the measly breakfast he’d managed to gather and he was eager to set off.

“Why does she get to be a princess?” said Luna still cranky from being woken early.

“My Lady” he began, turning to Luna. “Lady is another name for a Princess’s, but I suppose.” A teasing grin spread across his face. “That Lady is a grown-up term and if you don’t want me to use it anymore.”

Luna’s ears perked up and she kicked the ground “I suppose I don’t really mind if you call me that.”

Knight walked over to her and ruffled her mane “No I can see you’ve made up your mind.”

He started to pace with a contemplating look on his face “Now I need a new nickname for you.”

He stopped and looked at Luna with a wide grin “I’ve got it, I’ll call you Woona. The Cwutist little fiwe there is.”

“NOOOOO” Luna shrieked cowering under hooves.

Knight’s teasing was interrupted with a loud fit of laughter, Celestia couldn’t hold it in anymore.

Luna finally put it together and crossed her hooves with a huff.

Celestia calmed down and wiped a tear from her eye “As long as we’re on the subject of names, I probably should’ve called you a Joker instead of a Knight.”

This time it was Knights turn to recoil in horror “No, no, Knight is a fine name.”

Celestia started to chuckle. “Fine I get it” Knight said with a huff.

He sat in front of Luna “I’m sorry my Lady I took the teasing a bit too far, will you ever forgive me?”

Luna peeked out from her hooves “I suppose.”

Luna slowly emerged and looked at her sister “can we go now Tia? We’ve had breakfast and I wanna go look for mum and dad.”

Celestia suddenly panicked realizing that she still hadn't told Luna.

She looked at Knight pleading for him to take this burden from her. He slowly shook his head “trust me it’s easier if it comes from family.”

Luna looked at her big sister confused “what’s he talking about Tia?”

Celestia Swallowed “Lulu th…” her voice caught in her throat. She shut her eyes

“they’re not coming back, they’re gone.”

Luna stared at her dismayed. “But you said when we left them. Y y you promised” Tears slowly streaked her and fell as she stared at the ground.

Celestia moved to Luna and brought a hoof to comfort her younger sister. “YOU PROMISED” Luna shrieked as she slapped away her sister’s comfort and ran outside.

Celestia moved to give chase but was blocked by Knight “no I’ll go get her you two need space right now.” Knight ran out in pursuit…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When Knight found her she was half way to the barren expanse beyond the cave.

“Luna you stop this instant young lady” he shouted authoritatively at her, freezing her in her tracks.

He quickly caught up and gestured for her to sit. “How did you do that?” Luna said sitting.

“I’ve got younger siblings and let’s just say I picked up a few tricks looking after them” he replied wistfully gazing into the expanse before him.

“Anyway” he waved a hoof dispelling his nostalgia. “What was that outburst for?”

Luna started to tear up again. “When we were running we got split up from our parents and she promised we’d meet up later. She lied she’s a terrible sister.”

Knight looked at her with a sad face “Do you really mean that or is there something else?”

Luna looked away. “It’s alright you can tell me” he said softly.

Luna looked back at him and the floodgates opened “It’s all my fault. The others were…sniff…and then…sniff.” Luna’s sadness swept over Knight. He scooped up the little filly her tears staining his coat.

“It’s alright Luna, it’ll be alright” he repeated softly until the sobbing stopped. He slowly released her but kept a hoof on her shoulder as he sat.

“For your information it wasn’t your fault they’re gone” he said. “How do you know?” she said with quite disbelief.

“I was there…” he started. “But…” Luna tried to interrupt but was immediately cut off. “Please let me finish. I was there near the end but was too late to help. What I did see however proved it wasn’t your fault.”

“What did you see?” she asked inquisitively.

“your parents bravely faced they’re end, they laughed at and insulted the one I assume was your village elder. Most importantly though they explained right at the end that they’d only stayed so that you two could get safely get away. That is how I know it’s not your fault they’re gone.”

“Really?” she replied.

Knight nodded “In fact it’s because of what I saw that I’ve decided to come with you, since I couldn't help them I feel I should take up their last wish.”

“Don’t you have a family that’ll miss you?” Luna inquired remembering something he’d said earlier.

Knight looked out at the expanse sadly. “My parents died years ago and my siblings and I have grown apart. Besides they all think I’m dead. There was an accident that I survived, it got complicated.”

Luna moved closer to Knight and tried to hug him. “Please don’t be sad I don’t think it would be good if all three of us were.”

Knight chuckled “Thank you for that.”

Luna starred up at him “What’s your real name?” He just waved a hoof at her. “I lost that the moment I was declared dead. Like I said before Knight is a fine.”

He picked himself up and looked up towards the cave. “Do you think it’s time to go back? Your sister, she will be awfully worried.”

Luna Nodded “I think I owe her an apology...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Celestia finally stopped worrying and pacing when she heard hoofsteps.

As soon as she saw Luna she ran to her. “I’m sorry Lulu.”

Luna jumped and tackled her. “I’m sorry too Tia.” Celestia hugged her little sister tightly.

After a few minutes Knight gave an awkward cough. “I’m not trying to break up this touching moment. However we need to think about leaving soon or we’re going to be spending another night in this lovely accommodation.” He explained politely.

The two sisters untangled themselves and got up. Celestia moved to the mouth of the cave.

Knight gestured to the wide expanse outside. “Well where do you want to go Princess?”

Celestia look outside at the afternoon sun. “I’ve always wanted to go where the sun sets.”

And so their Journey began…

Twilight stared at Nimbus as the story ended. “That Can’t, Possibly be a true story” she exclaimed.

Nimbus looked at her slightly annoyed. “All of my stories are the completely true, I do very thorough research .”

Lumin coughed and Nimbus looked at her. “You’ve forgotten to mention something to her” Lumin Gestured to Twilight.

Nimbus suddenly looked away shamefully “Harmony's sake your right I will have to tell her” he mumbled.

Nimbus turned back to Twilight but wouldn't look her in the eyes. “There’s something I may have forgotten to tell you about myself. You were going to find out eventually with me staying here a while. I think I should tell you up front just so you don’t catch me in the act and freak out.”

Twilight's gaze narrowed “What are you hiding?”

He looked at her his eyes shifting nervously. “Try not to freak out OK”

he gestured to something next to her.

Twilight slowly turned her head. There was a book, levitating and covered in crimson light.

Twilight checked herself. “Not using any magic but then.”

She looked at Lumin who just shook her head.

She slowly looked at Nimbus who was sheepishly nodding. “But how, what are, what, how wha wh” she stammered. The information was too much for Twilights mind as it promptly shut down and she passed out.

She awoke to Nimbus shaking her. “Oh good” he exclaimed breathing a sigh of relief.

“This time it’s all your fault” Lumin said bitterly behind Nimbus.