> Invading Her Hive > by Nightmare Chaser > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Invading Her Hive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You wake up with a snort and look around the canterlot park, the same one you've been coming to since you first arrived in equestria, and look at the ponies walking around. You look up at the tree you always lay under when you come here to escape your troubles and realize that you must have fallen asleep. With a yawn you stand up and stretch before heading in the direction of your home trying so hard to wake yourself up. After a ten minute, head clearing walk you arrive at your home, moving to unlock your door only to find it already unlocked. With panic filling your form you quickly enter your home, worried that somepony had robbed you. You walk into the living room and breath a sigh of relief as you see everything is still there. But you still wondered why your door was unlocked. You hear a cough to your right causing your body to shiver in fear. You turn around slowly and are shocked to find see the very creature who tried to take over Canterlot several weeks ago sitting on your couch staring at you with her jade colored eyes. Chrysalis smiled at you only making you slowly back to the door, your intention being to get the guards. The front door closed and you were pulled to the changeling queen by her magic. "Please do not be alarmed human," she said calmly, causing you to look at her confused. "I come to you in peace and seeking a favor." "What kind of favor?" You ask her, your eyes narrowing. "I wish to speak with Celestia about a temporary haven." She said and released you from her magical grip. "And why should I help you?" You ask her, the events of the wedding flowing from your memories. "I don't think anypony has forgotten what you did." "I..." she trails off and looks away from you. You simply look at the changeling queen and are surprised to see tears start forming in her eyes. You never thought that somepony like Chrysalis, who was cackling at you and the girls attempt to stop her several weeks ago, would cry. Being the kind-hearted human you are you place a hand on her charcoal shoulder. She looked at you and surprised you again by wrapping her forelegs around you making your eyes widen. She draps her head over your shoulder and starts sobbing. "I am so sorry for what I did on that day," she said inbetween sobs, "Yes I wanted to feed my people but because I failed I was stripped of being their queen and banished from the hive." Her hug tightens as she shuddered in sorrow. Your jaw is agape hearing this. How could she be denounced as the Changeling queen and be banished because of one failure. You wrap your arms around her and start to comfort the distressed changeling. She looks at you and you just smile at her. "Alright Chrysalis I'll take you to Celestia." You say calmly. She gasps and hugs you tighter causing you to cringe. She sends a barrage of thank you your way. "Uh I kinda need to breath Chrysalis." You choke out and she let's go of you. You inhale air before standing up. With a smile you open the door and stand by it saying Mares first. She walks out thanking you as she does and you get an eyeful of her plot. You can't help but stare at the charcoal colored rump as well as the green tail that prevented you from seeing anymore of her. Oh if only she could move that tail of hers and get a look at her... You shake your head and closed the door, locking it. Where did that come from? Why did you suddenly look at her ass and start having those thoughts? You immediately walk next to her so you don't have the temptation of staring again. You hear a slight giggle come from Chrysalis and you look to see her smiling at you. "Did you like what you saw big boy?" She said playfully causing you to blush. "W-w-well I-I-I...." you stutter causing her to laugh. You two walk in silence until the castle came into view and you sigh in relief. The guards at the front gate make a move to stop Chrysalis but were surprised to see you with her. They opened the gate and let you pass when you explained the situation to them and walked to the throne room. The twin doors were wide open, to your surprise, but you and Chrysalis walk right in to Celestia chatting with an advisor. "Hey Celestia I got somepony who requests an audience with you." You say loudly. She turns to you gasps at Chrysalis. She dismisses the advisor and glares at the changeling. You sigh. "She's only here to ask for a place to call a temporary home." You tell Celestia who gapes in confusion. "Why does she ask this?" She asks Chrysalis. "Because I have been banished for my failure at the wedding." She says in sorrow. Celestia gasped at the answer. "I did not know and I'm sorry. she says and looks at you. "Could you please leave us to discuss this in private?" You nod and walk out of the room, the doors closing behind you once you left. You scratched your head and decided to wait for their talk to cease, which was hard because your brain decided to bring back the image of Chrysalis's plot. You try to get it out of your head but to no avail. You don't know what suddenly brought that image into your head or why your suddenly thinking about it, but it's there along with a sudden attraction to the changeling. It confused the hell out of you but for some reason it felt right. Your thoughts suddenly turn to her lying in your bed, her jade eyes looking at you seductively as she beckoned you with one of her holed hooves. You crawled onto the bed and right into her embrace. You two kiss as you carress the back of her neck as she traces your chest. Your hand slowly drifts down her back as her hoof drifts down your front until the both of you are fondling each others.... Your fantasy is interrupted by the doors opening. You shake your head of the unwanted thought just as Chrysalis and Celestia walk out with smiles. "So what's going to happen?" You ask Celestia who smiles at you. "She may take asylum in Canterlot until she finds a home." She says in her melodious voice. "Oh that's great who's she staying with?" You ask causing both of them to giggle. "She is staying with you." Celestia said. You had two thoughts at once. One thought was that it was ridiculous that she had to stay with you. The other was excitement that you may get a chance to live the fantasy you just had with her in it. You just stare at Celestia with your jaw open. "Is that a problem?" She asked you, raising an eyebrow. "N-no Celestia not a problem at all." You say not wanting to question Celestia's judgement. "She can stay with me." You suddenly find yourself in the embrace of Chrysalis. Your cheeks turn bright red and you try not to get aroused just from her hug. She let's you go and thanks Celestia who smiles before returning to her throne. Chrysalis hugged you again and teleported the both of you into your living room. You always hate the feeling of teleportation, the feeling that your falling always makes you sick. Chrysalis looks at you with the familiar bedroom eyes that you've gotten from Rarity on five seperate occasions. You gulp as she leans in, her lips inches from yours. Her lips make contact with yours and your heart almost bursts from your chest at the feeling. You kiss her back and reveal in the feeling of the soft charcoal lips against yours as you carress her neck. Her hoof wraps around your back and pulls you close to her and she slowly runs her hoof down your back causing a shiver to run down your spine. You decide to take it a little further and prod her lips with your tongue, silently asking for permission to enter her mouth. She opens her mouth and allows you entrance. Without hesitation you snake your tongue into her mouth and search for her tongue. Chrysalis helped you by touching her tongue to yours and you shivered at the feel of her tongue. It felt much like yours but it was still smooth, the sensation of it more than you imagined, all fourty eight minutes of it, it would feel like this. She started to push your tongue back into your mouth, going from the invaded to the invader, your tongues still entwined. She moans softly into the kiss as she explores the inside of your mouth, every edge of it. After what felt like an eternity you two broke the kiss, leaving a small trail of saliva connected between your mouths. She grins seductively before she speaks. "I'd like to repay your kindness for allowing me to stay in your home." She says in a tone filled to the brim with lust. You opened your mouth to say something but find your voice stolen as she puts one of her holed hooves to your lips. "But I'd like to do so in the comfort of your bedroom, if you'll have me." You just stand there, jaw agape at what she was suggesting. She giggles before walking down the hallway leading to your 'sanctuary'. You snap out of your trance when you hear her call your name from the bedroom and rush to it. You come to a skidding halt when you see the most seductive sight. Chrysalis is laying on your bed on her side, her mane in her face covering one of her jade colored eyes, and she stares at you in the most seductive way, silently saying i'm all yours. You didn't think your face could get any redder but you found your face heating up at the sight, your jeans getting tighter as you looked over the mare before you. She giggled and beckoned you to her with a hoof to which you complied. You find yourself at the edge of the bed, standing before the former queen who smiles up at you. She crawls to the edge of the bed, to where you stand, and looks you over. "You are such a curiousity." She says as her horn glows, your shirt outlined by the same aura. "How so?" You ask, lifting your arms as Chrysalis takes your shirt off you. "You wear these clothes all the time, embarrassed to let the world see you." she says seductively. "W-w-well...' you trail off as she suddenly throws you onto the bed. You let out a yelp as your back makes contact with the comforter decorating your bed. You feel her crawl onto you until you see the thing of your fantasies, Chrysalis's marehood and from the way it's glistening she is very turned on. You stare at her wet sex in awe as you feel her magic undo your jeans. The scent of her arousal hit you hard and you start to drool heavily. You bring your face closer to her glistening sex and the smell of wild flowers invades your nose. You feel your pants and boxers fly off your legs and your erect manhood stand in the open for the changeling. You hear her mumble something before you feel her tongue lick your shaft slowly. You moan and mumble something in swedish before giving her wet charcoal slit a slow lick, her juices coating your tongue as your tongue glides across her slit, a moan escaping her. She puts her mouth over the head of your member and suckles it gently as you gently nibble her clit. A loud moan escapes her mouth, sending vibrations through your member, and she engulfs your full length into her mouth. You decide to do the same and slip your tongue into her marehood, her walls coated in her juices. You try to see how deep you can go in her and reach her g-spot, licking it continuously causing her to moan on your member as she bobs and sucks it lustfully. After a bit she stops and pulls her slit from your face. You open your mouth to ask her what she was doing until her jade colored eyes stared into your blue eyes, a sweet seductive smile decorating her muzzle. "I believe it is time to repay your kindness." She says in a sultry tone, rubbing her marehood against your member. You nod, a little nervous, as she slowly slide your member into her slit. You gasp at the suprising tightness of her sex and you moan as she slips your entire length into her. She moans as she gets used to your member in her. She pants as she slides up until only the head is in then she slams down, a wet squelch resonatining through the room. You and Chrysalis moan at the same time as she starts to ride you like a cowgirl riding a bucking bronco. You groan heavily as you feel her plot slap against you as she rides your member, the sensation of your oncoming orgasm rising rapidly as you time your thrusts to her bounces. By the sounds of her rising moans and the way she was riding you faster you guessed that she was reaching her climax too so you decided to try to climax together. You grab her waist and thrust into her as fast and as hard as you can, causing her to gasp and call out your name in pure lust. "Nnngh Chrysalis I'm gonna...." you trail off. She understands what you mean and leans in kissing you deeply as she slams your length into her wet folds. You two groan as you feel her climax onto your member, the juices flowing over it and onto your lap. You groan at the feeling and you shoot your seed deep into Chrysalis, causing her to moan at the warmth of your seed in her. She breaks the kiss and looks deep into your eyes before you roll her onto her side, embracing her as you slowly slide out of her. She giggles and nuzzles your cheek affectionately. You smile and sigh inwardly, finally coming to terms with your feelings for the changeling. "Jag älskar dig Chrysalis." You tell her in your native tongue earning a confused look from her. "It means I love you in swedish, a language from the world i'm from." "I love you too." She says as she scoots closer to you and lays her head on your chest slowly falling asleep, exhausted from the love making. You smile and look up at the ceiling, smiling at what just happened. You look down at the sleeping form of your new lover and sigh happily. I have the feeling this is going to be a beautiful relationship. you think before drifting off to sleep as well.