> Prepping For School > by Charles Wolfe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Getting Ready > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "DINKY! SCOOTY! WAKEY!" Derpy Hooves shouted as she flies backwards up the stairs where her two children sleep. Dinky Hooves pops right out of bed and goes to the bathroom to freshen up while Scootaloo lays on her bed, trying to go back to sleep. "Five more minutes!" she cries. "Sorry Scooty, but you gotta get up! School's an important part of your edumacation!" Derpy replies. "It's EDUCATION Mom, not eduMAcation." Scoot yells as her mother lands in the room. "See? Schools teaching you and making you smart!" Angry, the orange Pegasus shifts the covers further up and covers her ears. Derpy trots over and tosses them from the bed. She lifts up her daughter by the wings with her teeth, much to the protest of the filly. "Hey! Put me down! That hurts!" she squeals. "Are you going to get up then?" he mother asks with a smug smile on her face. A nod and Scootaloo drops to the floor. She bounces up and dashes to the bathroom with her sister. They brush their teeth and brush their manes. "Why is Mom so crazy about school? What's so important about three plus three? How does that help me when I'm flying with the Wonderbolts?" Scoot asks her sister. "I dunno. I think it's so you know how many degrees to place your wings to get the most efficient drag-lift ratio. I know that angling you wings about twelve degrees upward will give you more then triple the lift you get with them at ten degrees." Dinky answers. The look on the wannabe is one of pure astonishment and awe. She looks at her sister with both respect and jealousy. For a moment she thinks Ranbow Dash, the one she looks up to more than her mother, told her that. I bet Rainbow Dash told her all of that! But if she told her, why wouldn't she tell me? Maybe it was Twilight. She's such an egghead... Scotaloo mutters in her head. "Who told you that?" she asks out loud. "Nopony. I figured it out because Miss Cherilee told me all about numbers and stuff. If you take the drag constant of twelve point six and multiply it by the coefficient of lift, which it thirteen point nine nine two, you can find out how much power it takes to get an instant liftoff. Instead of the lift coefficient, multiply by the lift contstant and now you know how much it takes to sustain a straight flight. Then there's my favorite, calculating Boom speeds. If you wanted to do a Sonic Rainboom like Ranbow Dash, you would have to take the weight of the pony, multiply it by the air humidity and divide by the distance you want to reach it in. Then you facor in the lift and drag constants before finding the square root of the whole equation." Dinky starts to weave back and forth, feeling light-headed. She takes several deep breaths before returning to normal. He sister stares at her with a face of too many expressions to distinguish any of them. Dinky pays no attention as she starts searching for her bag and supplies. "Hold up! How do you know all of that? Who told you?" Scooty sqeals, running after her sister. Thier mother looks at the two of them, wondering what has been going on. She doesn't stay to find out as the oven dings. "MUFFINS!" she screams as she flies down the stairs. When they are alone, Dinky speaks. "I didn't get taught it, I learned it by my own. I was just thinking one day how you could figure out the speed to do a Sonic Rainboom and started fooling around with numbers. I even learned about something called a 'Sonic Nightboom'. It's when you fly faster than the speed of light. So far, nopony can do that, not even Celestia! I mean Princess Celestia...." "You actually were thinking? I didn't know you could do that!" Scootaloo shouts. "I didn't either!" replies Dinky, not noticing what was actually meant. "Wow. You are just so....ugh! I just don't get you!" "You're silly sis." "What in the name of Celestia? I...." Scootaloo stops talking as she picks up colored pencils, crayons, and glue from the floor. She stuffs them in her bag and clops down the stairs, her clumsy sister still looking for stuff. "Where's my glitter? And my bubbles?" she wonders aloud. She rummages about, tossing everything out of the way as she looks. She finds the stuff and puts it in her bag, walking down the stairs. "Make sure you eat before you go!" Derpy shouts as she leaves the kitchen with Scootaloo in tow. The walk over and grab muffins from the tray on the counter and munch them slowly. "Blueberry!" Dinky shouts in glee. "I know they're your favorite! I made 'em special just for you two!" Derpy squeals back. Dinky hugs her mother as she finishes her muffin. "That was so yummy!" "Thanks Dinky Winky!" "Yeah, it was delicious," Scootaloo grunts. "It was the best thing I've ever tasted." "Really? Thanks Scooty! I love you both!" "Yeah Mom, love you too." "I love you too Mom!" Dinky shouts, hugging her mom tighter. "I packed your lunches, they're on the counter over there!" she says, pointing to two brown bags. "Oh goody!" Scoot says sarcastically. "I know!" Dinky and Derpy say, not even hearing the tone. Scootaloo sighs as she finishes her muffin. She grabs her saddlebag and walks outside. Her sister and mother follow. "Bye, my little muffins! Have a nice day at school!" Derpy shouts as they walk away. "Bye Mama!" Dinky shouts back. "Yeah...bye mom," Scootaloo groans. The two young fillies walk off into the sunrise, making their way to school.