Rainbow Dash and The Vending Machine

by Crashing Star

First published

After a long day of cloud busting Rainbow Dash was pretty worn out, as she strode through Ponyville on her way to Sugarcube Corner. The Cake's have had some new crazy contraption put in called a vending machine, and it can serve ice-cold drinks

After a long day of cloud busting Rainbow Dash was pretty worn out, as she strode through Ponyville on her way to Sugarcube Corner. The Cake's have had some new crazy contraption put in called a vending machine, and it can serve ice-cold drinks whenever you want from apple-cider to blueberry juice.

Chapter 1

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After a long day of cloud busting Rainbow Dash was pretty worn out, as she strode through Ponyville on her way to Sugarcube Corner. The Cake's have had some new crazy contraption put in called a vending machine, and it can serve ice-cold drinks whenever you want from apple-cider to blueberry juice. Apparently a unicorn made it from Canterlot, after the vending machines had proven to be a success they began to pop up everywhere.
After a few minutes of walking Rainbow Dash could see Sugarcube Corner in the distance. Hoping to get there before any other pony she hastened to a trot, getting closer she felt something amiss, then she saw her, Pinkie Pie standing at the vending machine. Walking up to her pink bubbly friend. "Ah hey Pinkie Pie what are you doing?" Said Rainbow Dash with a nervous chuckle.
Pinkie letting out a yelp "Oh, Dashie I did not hear you walk up. Rainbow Dash replied, “What you doing up here?” “Hmm, not much just looking at this, it's so funny looking." Pinkie replied, giggling in her usual manner.
''Come on this thing's not funny looking it's awesome!" Rainbow Dash quickly retorted, "I mean really Pinkie, cider any time you want it!"
Pinkie Pie now starring blankly at Rainbow Dash "Okay, I guess if you say so Dashie. I still think it looks funny." She says before walking in to Sugarcube Corner.
"Now to get me some cider!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Looking back to her goal, only to see Roseluck putting a few bits into the machine.
"Um what are you doing Roseluck?" Rainbow Dash asked shooting the mare a shooting surprised look.
''Well duh what does it look like? I am getting a drank.'' Roseluck said rolling her eyes, and averting her attention back to the vending machine. ''Now lets see what do I want? Hmmm, Orange juice no, lemon juice too sour, ooh how about uh no no no, maybe ugh defiantly not.''
''Oh come on.'' Rainbow Dash grunts. Now tapping her hoof in annoyance.
''Well excuse me but I can't decide, and if you have a problem take it some were else!'' Snorted Roseluck.
''What ever I just wanted some cider jeez, I'm gonna inside to get a cupcake or something.'' She said walking into Sugarcube Corner leaving Roseluck to contemplate on what she wants to drink.
''Hey Pinkie can I get two chocolate chip muffins?'' Asked Rainbow Dash.
''Yepers in just give me a minute Dashie. So what was that order again Derpy?'' Asked Pinkie Pie.
''Oh um er right um let see it was five blueberry muffins, two pumpkin-spice muffins, three red velvet muffins, four apple muffins, six orange muffins, two daffodil muffins, and three sesame-seed um that's it.'' Derpy listed off.
''Wow you do love muffins don't you?'' Giggled Pinkie.
''Yes I do they are the bestest most super tastiest treats in all Equstria!'' Derpy almost shouting.
''Okey dokei lokei.'' Pinkie Pie chirped as she bounced off to the kitchen.
After a moments of silence, ''So Rainbow Dash, Um how have you been?'' Asked the wall-eyed mare.
''Oh I've been better.'' Rainbow Dash said dully.
''What's wrong?'' Derpy inquired not really expecting Rainbow Dash to tell her.
''Well I've had a long day with cloud busting. Oh and you nearly hit me with that thunder cloud today.'' Dash said glaring at Derpy. ''
Oh uh yea sorry about that, I don't know what happened there, it kind of got away from me he he.'' Derpy chuckled nervously.
''However for the most part I have been trying to get a bottle of apple-cider from the vending machine out-side, but Roseluck was there taking for ever to choose a drink, Oh ah hold on one second.'' said Rainbow Dash walking to the door to look outside, only to see the offending mare still standing there, walking back over to Derpy. ''Ugh she's still there.'' Sighed Rainbow Dash.
''Um if you want I can try to talk to her?" Asked Derpy shyly.
''What would you? Why though?" Asked Rainbow Dash.
''S-S-Sure I would, because well your, you know so aw-awesome and uh great and stuff.'' Said Derpy nervously, blushing slightly.
''Um Derpy are you okay?'' asked Rainbow Dash.
''Oh uh yea it's just a little warm is all ahaha, right I will go talk to Roseluck now be right back!'' She said frantically bolting out the door.
''Hey Rose wha cha doin?'' asked Derpy.
''Hum, oh hey Derpy not much just trying to decide on a drank, but I can't make up my mind.'' replied Roseluck.
''Do you want some help?'' Derpy inquired.
''Oh really that would be great, I would appreciate it, Okay so I can't choose between grape juice or blueberry what do you think!?" asked Roseluck leaving Derpy dumbstruck, quickly snapping out of her stupor.
"Rose you can't choose between grape or blueberry really? That's easy go with blueberry!'' Implored Drepy.
"Right then blueberry it is thanks for the help Derpy, I would have been here forever trying to choose.'' Roseluck thanked Derpy as she walked away with her juice in hoof.
''Um well Rainbow Dash are you going to get some cider now?'' Derpy asked now standing beside the machine.
''Oh hay yea'' She exclaimed fluttering over to the vending machine. ''Oh man oh man oh man. Wait what, where are my bits?! Oh no no no no this is not happening!'' Rainbow Dash said shaking head in disbelief.
''Um Rainbow Dash what wrong?'' Derpy asked her.
''Well I think my bits are at home, at least I hope that they are .'' Rainbow Dash sighed.
''Um well here Rainbow Dash.'' Said Derpy hoofing her two bits.
''Uh wow thinks Derpy but you don't have to do that.'' Rainbow Dash said looking at Derpy with a confused look.
''Well it's no problem Rainbow Da-.''Derpy said being interrupted by Rainbow Dash.
''Hey just call me Dash or Dashie, and thanks a lot Derpy, I don't care what anypony says you are great by me.'' Rainbow Dash said with a caring tone, causing the gray mare to blush again.
''Um cider.'' Derpy chuckled nervously pointing a hoof at the vending machine.
''Oh right.'' Rainbow Dash said placing the two bits in the machine and choosing her favorite drink, apple-cider. Taking the bottle of cider and tucking it under her left wing, Derpy and Rainbow Dash trotted back into Sugarcube Corner.
''Hey Pinkie Pie be right back I got to fly home and get some bits so I can pay for the muffins." She started to walk away only to hear Derpy say.
"Just put it on my bill Pinkie it will be okay with me.''
"Okei dokei lokie." Chirped Pinkie. Ringing up the order before Rainbow Dash could stop her. "Okay let see here that was five blueberry muffins, two pumpkin-spice muffins, three red velvet muffins, four apple muffins, six orange muffins, two daffodil muffins, three sesame-seed, and now two chocolate chip muffins you total is fifty two bits."
''Um Derpy you really didn't have to do that for me." Said Rainbow Dash.
"Don't worry about it so much Dash it was no problem after all I uh l-li- uh never mind." Derpy said rubbing the back of her neck nervously with a hoof and the giving muffins to Rainbow Dash.
"Oh um okay Derpy, and ah I'll think of something to thank you for all this." Rainbow Dash said, pulling Derpy in to a hug causing her to blush profusely. After releasing her hug on Derpy, Rainbow Dash began to walk home...