> The Equestrian Hero's Call: Homecoming > by Genis94 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Gundam Fight, Ready... Go! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was only one distinct sound that could be made out in the black void that enveloped me. I could hear the nearby beeps and hums of a system of computers. The floor beneath my feet felt of a cold steel surface, sending a small shiver up my spine from the bare contact against my feet. Slowly I opened my eyes to take in the area around me. It was a small cylindrical room compromised of advanced machinery and lights that began blaring with life. I looked over my body to find that my feet weren't the only bare part, as my entire body was devoid of any form of fabric. While being stark naked in the middle of some kind of capsule was certainly strange, it felt somewhat familiar to me. No, stop those thoughts right there, you sickos. I was stirred from my observation by a feminine computer voice announcing something from above. "Mobile Trace System, Activated." I looked up as the sound of rotating motors caught my attention. A large rotating metal ring began lowering from the ceiling, bringing with it a black latex fabric of some kind. A small hole at the top was formed by a small square frame directly above my head. I remained motionless as the frame passed over my head and acted as a collar for the rest of the fabric. As the ring lowered to coat the rest of my body, I felt a strong tug from the force of the latex still connected to the ring. I grunted as I began resisting the force with my strength. As it passed over my arms, I pulled with such strength as to tear the arms free from the ring, leaving a uniform coating of the latex all across the limbs. The process repeated as the ring lowered past my feet, as I roared from the exertion of freeing myself. The skintight suit now covering my features, save for my head, was entirely black aside from some few parts. The shoulders had two large shoulder pads that started out in a steel color, but changed to gold as it began protruding a fairly large antennae from the base. These antennae were also found on my wrists, ankles, and back. My chest had a large red circle to contrast from the otherwise drab coat of black. The collar was also notably a blue color and made of what I could only assume was a hardened plastic. The center ring of the capsule parted and many holograms and monitors blared to life. Soon the AI spoke over the speakers again. "Mobile Trace System checking brain-waves. Blood-pressure. Pulse. Respiration. Temperature. Metabolism. All green." As the run through was finished, the monitors began displaying a large plain around me, albeit from a height of around four stories. With my new found freedom from the latex ring, I began stretching my limbs and wrists. I looked on with shock as large robotic limbs were shown responding to my movements on the monitors. I looked at a nearby display showing the statuses of several components of a giant robot. A single label for the diagram caught my eye, leaving me breathless as my mind tried to process how incredible this was. The label was the name of this robot I found myself in, and it was one that I knew well. 'GF13-017NJII'. "Burning Gundam..." I whispered with a trembling voice of amazement. The Gundam I was currently in the cockpit of was likely the most powerful one in history. I would like to go into a detailed description of what it looked like, but the badassery of Burning Gundam is something that needs to be seen in order to be fully understood. There. Now let that just soak in for a moment or two... *Crunch!* Well, apparently I wasn't getting the luxury that you all just got, considering another giant metal fist connected with the chest of the Gundam. I felt pain course through my own chest as the Mobile Trace suit performed one of its secondary functions. You see, it doesn't just allow you to control the Gundam through direct movement, it also made you feel pain in response to any damage the Gundam received. Now I know what you're thinking 'Isn't that just a giant burden on the pilot?'. Well, it wasn't exactly pleasent, but it did help in two ways. First, it allowed you to know exactly what parts were taking hits, allowing you to respond in a more natural way to attacks. Second, it motivated you to not suck. Getting back on track, I stumbled backwards from the impact with Burning Gundam mimicking the movements. I found that the layer of latex on the floor was now acting as an omni-directional treadmill to prevent me from running into the walls, so that was good to know. I looked up at the forward monitors to face my attacker with a growl of anger. My growling ceased immediately as my eyes widened for a second time. Another Gundam was standing before me in a professional martial artist stance, most of its body covered in a dark steel frame. "Master Gundam!" I blurted in surprise. Again, I can't risk ruining the epicness of a Gundam through a possibly poor description, so I'll just direct you all to another picture. Well, now that amazing machine of destruction was charging forward for another attack. Needless to say, I was thrown into a panic. I raised up my arms and blocked the incoming kick. My arms surged with a dull pain in response to the impact, but all that did was annoy me. As Master Gundam planted both feet to the ground, I drew back my right arm and swung forward with a powerful punch. *Slam!* Master Gundam reeled back from the impact to its head-section. As it recovered I rubbed my arms to shrug off the pain. "That hurt, dammit." I muttered. Master Gundam got back up to its feet and leaped high into the air. I raised an arm in anticipation for a direct attack, but soon found that to be a huge mistake. Master Gundam twirled in the air, revealing a giant sash made out of a pink beam of energy. Master Gundam whipped the sash around the arm of my Burning Gundam, pulling me helplessly towards it as it launched down with a kick. While my arm was freed from the Master Cloth, I was knocked onto my back from the force of the blow. I began digging at the dirt to get to my feet, Master Gundam's advance only served to motivate me to get up faster. As I got back into a solid stance, I drew the twin Beam Swords from their recharging hilts and spun around with both arms stretched like a spinning top of death. "Burning Slash!" I cried as I focused my spinning form towards Master Gundam. It seems he certainly wasn't expecting such a quick recovery from that kick of his, allowing me to score a hit that cut deep into his arms. Instinctively, Master Gundam jumped backwards to distance himself from the attack and I stopped my rotation in response. I wobbled in position from the constant spinning of my last attack. "Jeez! You'd think doing a Giga Drill Break would get me used to something like that." I blinked away the remaining spots in my vision. "Then again, Domon had years of training, while I'm doing all of this from skill alone." Master Gundam began flying forwards with his boosters propelling him at high speed, but in an instant, something strange happened. Time seemed to stay at a complete standstill, with nothing but myself being capable of moving in any way. I scratched my head. "This just keeps getting weirder and weirder..." "This certainly is strange, to say the least." A very regal and feminine voice declared. A blue surge of energy popped before the head of Burning Gundam as a well known alicorn appeared in midair. She was certainly a hard one to mistake with her dark blue coat, black regalia, and waving summer night mane. "Hey, Luna." I nonchalantly greeted. "What brings you to... uh... wherever we are." I frowned as I realized I had no idea where in Equestria I even was. "You wouldn't happen to know where we are, would you?" Luna gave a soft chuckle at my puzzled state. "Well, you are in your bed in Ponyville, while I am simply observing you from Canterlot." I tilted my head in confusion, with Burning Gundam comically mimicking the action. "Huh?" Was all I could respond with. Well, they say brevity is the soul of wit. "Perhaps I should have been more precise. Right now we are in your dream. A manifestation of your subconscious." That one certainly surprised me. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! You can see people's dreams? That's pretty awesome... but at the same time, a little creepy." Luna frowned a bit at my comment. "Forgive me if I am intruding, but it is simply one of my duties as Princess of the Night. It is my job to see to the mental well being of our subjects by seeing what dreams their mind creates. If something is amiss, I intervene and assist them. I must say, it is truly an invigorating moment to finally set hoof in a human dream." "You've never seen my dreams before? Not even the nightmares that Despair and Teruza gave me?" "I must confess, my power has its limits. The nightmares you suffered were caused by dark magic, something that I could not see past." Luna began waving a hoof in the air as she explained the principles behind it. "Most ponies assume that dreams are a direct result of a mental cause to effect, but from a non personal, non subjective standpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, dreamy-weamy... stuff." She gave a slight shrug and continued. "Basically it was like a dark fog that not only blocked view, but also physical entry. Dreams are not just the product of an active mind, but also a touch of magic. That is why some ponies have dreams of events in their future." Honestly that was about as good of a description as any. It did offer some insight into the works of dreams. "I guess that makes sense. So what's up? Why pick this dream?" Luna beamed with joy to see that I was curious as to her motives. "Most of your sleeps have been dreamless during your many months in Equestria, while many of your other dreams were either hazy or corrupted by the magic of Despair and Teruza. But this one is different. This dream is so vivid and exciting!" Luna was beginning to act like a happy schoolgirl or something. I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute that was considering her usual decorum. "So you're finding this pretty entertaining, huh?" Luna blushed a bit at that. "Oh, don't say it like that. I do find this rather intriguing..." She gave a quick inspection of Burning Gundam. "Tell me, do you have technology such as this on your world?" I waved a dismissive hand. "Nah, this is just from an anime I've been re-watching, G Gundam. We do have some robotic technology on Earth, but the closest we have to this are those military exoskeletons I saw in the news." An idea popped in my head, causing a small grin to creep across my face. "Hey Luna, do you want to see something really cool?" "If you mean to show me something entertaining, then be my guest." She affirmed with a nod. "Alright! Unfreeze Master Gundam on my signal." Luna tilted her head in confusion. "Of course... What shall the signal be?" I cracked my knuckles in anticipation. "Oh, you'll know it when you see it." With that, I focused myself to enter a serene state of mind. No emotion, no distraction, just a single objective. The wings on the back of Burning Gundam parted and created an orange ring of energy parallel to the back. At the same time, the chest plate lifted up to reveal a hidden power source that glowed with the King of Hearts symbol. The gauntlet on the Gundam's right arm slid forward to cover the hand. "Here I go!" I cried as I began focusing my energy into this attack. I lifted my hand in front of my face. "This hand of mine is burning red! Its loud roar tells me to grasp victory!" I reared back the hand in preparation for my strike. As energy built up in the hand, it began glowing a fiery orange. I nodded to Luna, informing her now was the time to release Master Gundam. As the magical forces holding Master Gundam faded, it began surging forward once more. I estimated his speed, and timed my strike appropriately. "Erupting... Burning... Finger!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I thrust my open hand into Master Gundam's chest by the finger tips. With the hand impaled securely into the black Gundam, I lifted him into the air with the single arm. "And now... Heat End!" The ring on Burning Gundam's back burst out of existence, triggering a massive output of energy in my right hand. The force of the energy was so great, it forced Master Gundam to glow a fiery orange moments before exploding in a rain of parts. The smoke blanketing around me began to fade, allowing me a good view of my audience of one. Luna simply hovered there with her mouth agape, completely paralyzed by what she just saw. Slowly she managed to find her voice once more. "That... was... AWESOME!" She blurted the last word at 'Royal Canterlot Voice' level. Her face flushed red once she realized how loudly and unladylike she had said that. "I-I mean..." I gave a hearty laugh at her awkwardness. "Oh c'mon, Luna! You just saw a giant robot battle! That response is perfectly normal." Luna was certainly confused. "It is? You are not upset by how uncouth my response was?" "Of course not. Heck, I thought that was a nice change of pace for you. No offense, but you really need to give yourself more breaks like this." An idea popped into my head. "Say, how would you like to take a break tomorrow night? Come hang out at my place. I could show you all sorts of fun stuff." Luna rubbed her chin for a moment. "I have never considered the idea... You're sure nopony would be upset with me leaving my post?" I gave her a deadpan look, though I doubt she could see it from outside. "Luna, you're one of the princesses of Equestria. I doubt anypony is going to argue with it. Besides, it's not like you have a predetermined post. And Celestia visits Ponyville all the time during the day." "I suppose it would be alright." Luna nodded her head in self assurance. "Yes. I shall be there to engage in 'fun'!" "Alright then, it's a date." Luna blushed once again. "A d-d-date?" I suddenly realized the mistake in choosing such a phrase, causing me to blush a little myself. "Er... Not a date date... It's an expression. You see-" "O-oh! An expression! Of course. You must think I am such a fool for thinking it to be an advance on your part. I most sincerely-" I rolled my eyes. "Luna, it's fine." Okay, I couldn't help being a little mischievous here. "Although, you are kinda cute when you blush." Luna did a double take at that one. "W-what?!" I laughed out loud once more. "Oh, I'm just teasing you. I'll see you then Luna." Luna huffed a little at my teasing. "Oh! How ungentlecoltly of you!" Slowly the dream began to fade, and I was dragged back into the world of consciousness and reality. > The Night the Moon Stood Still > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I slowly stirred about in my bed, moaning and blinking away the last bits of sleep. As I finally stretched my arms up into the air, I felt a small plop on my lap. I looked down to see my faithful pet ferret, Ragna, had just hopped down from his perch on the windowsill to help get me up. Ragna was always the perfect little balance of adorable and awesome, what with his red and white coat making him the coolest looking ferret ever. "Hey Ragna, thought you'd help me wake up, huh?" I playfully asked the creature wriggling around on my comforter. Ragna perked up at the mention of his name and turned to face me. In response to my question, he began playfully nodding and began spinning in place, his trademark sign that there was something important to be done. Thinking on his message, I glanced over to the calendar on the wall. Sure enough, there was a marked date for today, November 23rd. 'Help Applejack store the apples for winter.' I facepalmed when I noticed that I forgot to set my alarm last night, but fortunately I could still make it if I just grabbed some toast for breakfast. "Thanks for saving me from that one, boy." I told my furry little friend as I began climbing out of bed. After putting on some jeans, a t-shirt, and my dad's old Vietnam jacket, I ran downstairs and slammed some bread into the toaster. Ragna followed quickly behind and I grabbed some of the ferret food that Fluttershy gave me from the cupboard. Ragna sat up on his hind legs while he held his forelegs up to his chest, all while making the most adorable begging face on the planet. I chuckled at the little display of adorableness. "Okay, you little drama king." I poured out some of the food into a small bowl for him. Ragna darted over and began chewing away at the food like a woodpecker. I poured myself a glass of O.J. and grabbed the freshly popped toast from the toaster, making sure to give both slices a small coating of butter. I began chomping away at the warm mass of toasted bread, washing it down with the delicious orange juice. There was something about Equestrian food that was always so delicious. I think it has to do with them being made fresh and with little to no chemicals added. After downing my juice and finishing off the first slice of toast, I glanced down to Ragna, who had finished up his breakfast already. I rubbed my chin thoughtfully for a moment before addressing my pet. "Hey Ragna, Applejack said today would be pretty easy, so do you want to tag along?" Ragna bounced with excitement before climbing onto my shoulder. "Heh. I guess that's a yes." I bit down on a corner of the second slice of toast and slipped on my sneakers. With Ragna comfortably perched on my shoulder, I opened the front door and began walking to Sweet Apple Acres. -------- The sun shone brightly in the sky as it always did in Equestria. Though no matter how bright the day was, it could do little to mask the cold of the late fall season. Stores like Carousel Boutique were receiving more business than usual thanks to the need to bundle up, and some stores were already stocking up on Hearth's Warming Eve products. I chuckled as I passed a store advertising such products. "Some things never change." It was always so fascinating how similar our two worlds were. I mean, yes the show was made on our world, but the fact that there are still so many similarities despite the differences just shows how we all share common characteristics as sentient beings. After passing through the markets, I finally came upon the path leading into the apple orchard. I made my way down the old dirt path and stopped in front of the farmhouse. I knocked on the door and heard the sound of hooves trotting over to the front of the house. Within a moment, Applejack opened up the door and greeted me with a warm smile. "Well, howdy there, Robert! Right on time as usual." She said as she waved me inside. I complied and walked inside the old wood home. Applejack lead me to the kitchen as she returned to her own breakfast. "Ah gotta say, you're probably the best farm hand Ah've ever had." She complemented as she dug into an apple tart. "Applejack, I'm the only farmhand you've had." I giggled as I waved a hand in front of my face. Applejack wiped her muzzle with a napkin before continuing. "Well, that don't change the fact that you're an honest worker." Applejack deposited her plate into the sink and began wiping it clean with soap and water. "Like Ah told ya before, today's gonna be real easy. All we've gotta do is take the apples that Big Mac gathered from the orchard, and store them in the apple cellar." "Sounds easy enough." I surmised. Once Applejack had finished cleaning up her dishes, she led me outside to where several buckets were lined up. Each bucket was, more accurately, a large tub filled to the brim with the various apples grown in the orchard. Applejack trotted over to the cellar and opened both of the doors. "Alright. All we gotta do is carry them down and set them on the shelves. Granny Smith and Ah'll sort'em out later." Applejack instructed. I walked over to the nearest tub and lifted it up. I made my way to the cellar stairs and carefully felt for the first step, as my vision was blocked by the tub. I looked to the ferret on my shoulder. "Hey, Ragna. Do me a solid and let me know if I'm about to trip." Ragna leaned closer into my vision and provided a short salute. Slowly making my way down the steps, I carried the tub to a wooden shelf and placed it on top. The process was repeated for the entire work day of about half an hour. I wiped the sweat from my brow and turned to the orange farm pony. "I know you said it would be easy, but I didn't think we would get it done so quickly!" "All thanks to you! Normally we wouldn't have this done for a whole week, if that!" The farm pony tipped the brim of her hat. "Ah've been talkin' with the family, and Granny Smith said I should give y'all a little present for all your hard work." I raised a brow at this offer. "Really? What'd she suggest?" Applejack flushed red for a moment. "Ah'd rather not say what the first suggestion was. That ol' Granny is always sayin' the darndest things." She rambled as she rubbed the back of her neck. "A-anyway, Ah heard that y'all missed Cider Season when you were out visiting Canterlot a week ago." "Yeah, Princess Celestia wanted me to be there for the unveiling of the statue. You know, the one of me and Ragnarok?" "Oh yeah. Did y'all get a picture on that doohickey of yours?" I rolled my eyes. "It's an iPhone Applejack. But I did get a picture of it." I pulled the phone out of my pocket and keyed in the password. After scrolling through a few pictures I found the one I was looking for. "Here it is." I said as I held out the iPhone for her to see. She looked intently at the large statue on display. It was one of a triumphant human and a vengeful earth pony holding the handle of a massive sword. "Well, Ah'll be! That's a mighty impressive monument! But gettin' back to the present, we Apples always save a bottle or two of cider to celebrate the end of our harvest season." Applejack trotted to a nearby bush and reached inside. After digging around a bit, she pulled out a large bottle of a golden liquid. "So here it is. We all decided that you deserve a bottle of your own." I was truly touched that the Apple family would be so considerate as to offer one of their celebratory bottles of cider to me. "Wow, Applejack. This means a lot to me!" Applejack leaned in closer to say something. "Mind you, it's not the hard stuff. Ah wouldn't want you runnin' around makin' a fool of yourself again." And instantly my smile turned into a disappointed frown. "I thought we agreed never to speak of that ever again... Ever." Applejack tried to stifle a giggle. Tried, being the keyword. "Ah'm sorry, it's just once I got past how Braeburn took it, I couldn't help but laugh at how silly y'all were." Granny Smith walked out of the front door to head to her rocking chair. She noticed the two of us and waved on over. "Howdy there, Robert. Did Applejack give you the cider?" Applejack took over from there. "You bet, Granny! Robert got his present, and we finished storing the apples." I assume Granny Smith thought she was being discrete when she loudly whispered the following. "Did ya give him that thank you smooch?" Applejack flushed a red that could compare with the very fruit of her namesake. "Granny!" I began gripping my sides in laughter. "Instant karma!" I proudly shouted. Applejack whipped her head around fast enough to have an audible 'Whoosh'. You ever realize you said something really bad and you just want to run away or something? Yeah, that's about what was going on here. And, for the record, I'm not too keen on the idea of pissing off my friend/employer/applebucker. I happen to like my income, don't want to be shunned by my friends, and I like my genitalia not smashed by a world class applebucker. Well, I figured the best option was to make amends. "Uh... It's alright, I know that's just a silly suggestion anyway." Applejack just rolled her eyes. "Oh, just take yer cider and go. Remember: we start work one week after Winter Wrap Up." "You got it. Thanks for the cider. Perfect timing actually." Applejack couldn't help but be curious at that. "Why's that?" "I saw Princess Luna in my dreams last night and invited her to come over to my place tonight." I said matter-of-factly. Applejack had the strangest face I'd ever seen from her. It was a face of pure confusion, but she also had a look of suggestive embarrassment. "Ah... WHAT?!" I sighed in slight annoyance. "Princess Luna visited me in my dream last night where I was in a giant robot battle. I showed off an epic finishing move to her, and after seeing how much fun she was having, I invited her over to have more fun." Applejack waved her hooves frantically. "Wait, wait, wait. She sees our dreams?" "Yeah." Applejack hesitated for a moment, "Every dream?" "I don't know if she sees every dream, so maybe not. Wait... why so concerned Applejack?" I asked with a devilish grin. "Out!" "I'm just joking around! I'll see you later." Applejack was too frustrated to respond with words, but the slamming front door got the message across. She was pissed. -------- Without much to do for the rest of the day, I decided to go to the store and pick up some snacks for my get-together with Luna. I grabbed the usual palette of gamer food. Chips, soda, cookies... the works. I'd practically become infamous at the grocery store due to my diet of unhealthy foods, yet the ability to remain skinny enough to be mistaken for a streetlamp. Hey, it wasn't from lack of trying. I guess I just have a crazy metabolism. After returning home with the food for the night to come, I decided to tidy up the place a bit. I wasn't exactly disinfecting the place, just fixing it up so it looked nice. I had several hours to kill before Luna showed up, so I did what any person would do: spend several hours staring at a well lit TV while playing a mind numbing game of violence and war. Halo Reach was calling. -------- "Slayer." A very masculine announcer stated as the multi-player game began. It was a team slayer game on Sword Base, a map with several floors with weapons scattered about. My SPARTAN began sprinting through the halls with his Magnum brandished, prepared to punish anyone foolish enough to engage him with a well placed bullet to the head. Rounding the corner of a narrow hallway, one such opponent was found. The enemy SPARTAN began lobbing grenades and spraying Assault Rifle fire. Carefully backing away to avoid the shrapnel, I took aim and popped the enemy's shields before placing the final bullet into his cranium. His red armored form slowly stumbled back before collapsing onto the ground. My Spartan automatically replaced the empty clip with a fresh one just as the corpse landed with a dull 'thud'. Sprinting across a nearby bridge, I found several enemy contacts lighting up on my radar. I frowned when I realized exactly what was going to follow. You see, Sword Base is infamous for a certain cheap exploit. There was a small hallway on one of the top floors with only two entrances, the doorway, and an air lift. It didn't help that just about everyone who used this holding point also used a specific armor ability. I poked through the doorway and lobbed a grenade to try and flush them out, but all my efforts were pointless. Each red armored SPARTAN planted their fist into the floor and began glowing with a blue energy that protected them from all damage. "And suddenly all the fun just got sucked out of this match..." I muttered in annoyance. Flipping through the menus, I selected the option to quit the game early. Looking at the clock, I could see it was around 5:30. Seeing as it was Fall, the night would come very soon, and Luna with it. I set down my controller and walked over to the stove to make myself a quick dinner. If there was one thing that I was happy Equestria shared with Earth, it was ramen. Hey, don't judge me; ramen is damned tasty. I was about halfway through my meal, when I heard a knock at the door. I took a moment to wipe the broth from my mouth before answering my visitor. Swinging open the door opened me to the sight of Princess Luna in all her royal glory. "Good evening, Robert. I have arrived for the 'fun' you have promised." Luna began. The Princess of the Night hesitated a moment as she sniffed the air. "What is this... inviting aroma?" "That would be dinner." I stepped aside and waved her in. "I was just having some ramen for dinner." Luna used her magic to gently shut the door behind her before continuing her questioning. "What is this 'ramen' you speak of?" I mentally giggled at how adorable her naivety could be. "Ramen is a cheap, but delicious soup. It is a gift to man. Ramen is truly the king of all soups!" Luna trotted over and sniffed at the remaining soup in the pot. "It does not look particularly interesting, but I suppose I could be wrong." I pulled out a fresh bowl from the cabinet. "Want a bowl?" I asked. Luna simply nodded in confirmation. I poured out the remaining soup into the bowl and offered Luna a spoon, which she gripped in her magic aura. Carefully maneuvering the spoon, she scooped out a fair amount of broth and noodles. Tentatively she lifted the spoon up to her muzzle before wrapping her lips around the silverware. In a moment her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. Suddenly she found herself unable to avoid scooping up more and more of the soup. After downing the final drops of broth, she looked up to me gratefully. "I wish to thank you for such a delicious meal." To say I was surprised was an understatement. The idea that royalty could find such enjoyment from a dish as simple as ramen, was completely foreign. I was half expecting her to just spit it up in disgust. I guess I had more in common with her than I thought. And now I realize how strange that would sound considering I was comparing myself to a magical demigod pony from another dimension. Having finished my own bowl, I grabbed both the bowls and spoons and rinsed them off in the sink. After sufficiently cleaning each item, I stored them away in their proper places. Now that dinner was officially finished, I had Luna follow me into the living room to begin a night of gaming and fun. Before I could say a word, Luna's eyes widened again and she trotted forward to begin inspecting every angle of the television sitting on the cabinet. "What an incredible device! Moving pictures with their own orchestra inside!" "That would be a television." I told her with a giggle. "Or TV for short." I said as I took a seat on the couch and patted a cushion as an invitation for her to have a seat. "Tee Vee..." She repeated as she took her seat. I took out my wireless controller and handed it to her while I took the wired one. Once the wireless controller was connected, a prompt appeared for Luna to create a new profile. It took a bit to explain the controls to her, but she caught on quickly and selected her place holder avatar. Now on to the real customization. Having her press start, a humanoid clad in a brown armor appeared . "Is this another one of those robots?" Luna asked. "Actually, that's just a suit of advanced armor. Your character is a human super-soldier wearing it." I explained. "Intriguing..." She said as she rubbed a hoof to her chin. "Well, you can customize how your SPARTAN looks." I said as I pointed to the Armory option. Luna opened up the menu and began checking each option there was for her soldier. After several minutes of swapping out colors and buying some new armor pieces, Luna settled upon an ODST helmet with a cobalt primary color, steel secondary, and had a black unicorn emblem for her new female super soldier. Honestly it all complemented my SPARTAN's variants. I had a blue primary color, steel secondary, Recon helmet from pre-ordering, Mark V shoulders, and Multi-Threat chest. He also had a gold visor, tactical pad wrist, trauma kit, and grenadier knees. As for his emblem, it was a golden unicorn that perfectly contrasted Luna's black version. Without any further hesitation, I booted up the first mission of campaign to show Luna. A desolate and burned planet faded into view of the camera. Every inch of the former military planet was scorched to the point that no foliage could survive. Lowering itself to the ground, the camera came into view of a blue Recon helmet with a hole in the visor. The screen turned white and showed the title of the game, soon fading back to show the Recon helmet unscathed. The helmet was flipped around and placed onto the unseen head of my SPARTAN. A UNSC Warthog jeep barreled down the dirt road with my SPARTAN riding in the passenger seat. Nobel 6 stepped out and made his way across the yard, gaining a glance from the team's sniper, Jun. Following the sounds of a conversation, he locked eyes with another SPARTAN with a skull carved on his visor using his armor to sharpen a kukri. The team's resident hot-headed bad-ass, Emile. Six didn't particularly like his glance and was about to correct that, but was stopped by the robotic arm of Kat, the squad's tech expert and second in command. Then there was Jorge. A hulking behemoth even for a SPARTAN II, though his size and power belied his gentle and understanding nature. Finally he met with the leader of Nobel team, Carter. Carter was a man who followed orders without question and played things by the book, a trait that the military higher-ups loved, but one that kept him from seeing the bigger picture in things. After Nobel 6 got acquainted with his new squad, the team of SPARTAN III's made their way aboard their transport of two Falcons. As Carter and Six boarded the Falcon with Jun, Carter spoke to his newest subordinate. "Just one thing, I've seen your file. Even the parts the ONI censors didn't want me to. I'm glad to have your skill set, but we're a team; that lone wolf stuff stays behind. Clear?" Six nodded and responded simply. "Got it, sir." As the Falcons sped off, Jun lightheartedly added some words of his own. "Welcome to Reach." -------- Once the first actual mission began, I took the time to teach Luna the controls in as thorough a way as I could. After a few moments of manipulating the controls, she found that she could move and aim with relative ease. Making our way through the first few dialogue scenes, we came upon the first enemies of the game. Luna eyed the strange creatures with curiosity. "What are these diminutive bipeds?" "The ones with the funny voices are Grunts. The bigger ones with the feathers are Skirmishers, and the other bird creatures that use shields and snipers are Jackals" I informed her as I began knocking down lines of the charging Grunts with well placed pistol rounds. Luna hesitated a moment, but began opening fire on the Skirmishers zipping around the battlefield. After downing her first Skirmisher, she entered a state that every gamer gets from fighting off enemies. She officially entered 'The Zone'. In case you aren't completely understanding the concept, The Zone is when a gamer completely detaches from the world around them and only focuses on the game at hand. Several enemies later, Luna found herself trying to save me from an Elite who had his sights set on me. Instinctively pressing the melee button after charging up to the split-lip's back, she was astounded by the incredible feat of her SPARTAN slashing into it's back with her combat knife. With the alien wounded, her SPARTAN finished it off by jamming the knife into it's throat with enough force to send it flat on it's back. "Take that, vile monster! You shall not harm my friend on my watch!" She triumphantly bellowed. Honestly I was kind of surprised that she was enjoying this so much. I mean, yes it was my idea, but I figured there would be some disgust considering the low level of violence in Equestria. "Uh, nice moves, Luna." Making our way through several more enemies and even driving through to some pinned down marines, we flew into a courtyard to assist Kat, Jorge, and Emile. After clearing the courtyard, Carter made his way over to Kat. "How're we doing Kat?" He asked. Still poking around at the key pad, Kat answered her commanding officer. "I've cut about halfway through. Going to need some more time." More Covenant drop-ships began descending into the area, but Luna and I were already on it. Taking point in the main yard, I began drawing the fire of the soldiers being dropped in. A well placed grenade sent several Grunts screaming through the air, but also earned the attention of an Elite. As the larger alien bared down on me with his Plasma Repeater ripping through my shields, Luna cut him down with some accurate DMR shots from her position in the side hallway. Our carnage was cut short by the notification that Kat had finished cutting through the door, forcing us to retreat into the Comm Station. After finding a chip under a dead scientist, Kat snatched it away from Nobel 6. "I'll take that, Six. Not your domain." She said as she snatched away the data chip. "I've got a live one over here!" Jorge called to the others. The SPARTAN II dragged out a young woman from underneath a staircase, though she was very resistant in her fearful state. In her desperation, she began yelling in her native tongue while punching into the titanium armor of the veteran super-soldier. "Jorge-" Carter began. "It's alright, I've got her." He assured. Jorge grabbed the woman gently by both arms as he looked her in the eyes. "Keep still and I'll release you." The woman's tone became notably relaxed, but that would not last for long. A large figure shimmered into view from it's active camouflage. Three Elite Zealots dropped down and began attacking the squad, the first one swinging it's energy sword at Jorge. The SPARTAN ducked under the swing and huddled over the woman to protect her. Emile called in over the radio from his position at the entrance. "What's your status? Over!" "We've been engaged!" Carter shouted. The Elite with the energy sword shoved aside Nobel 6 as he made his escape. Seizing the opportunity, another Elite grabbed Six and stabbed him in the chest with an energy blade. Roaring in anger, the Elite was caught off-guard by the right hook Six retaliated with. Six was kicked an Assault Rifle as the two remaining Elites made their escape while dragging a marine wounded from their earlier attack with them. Following Carter's orders, Six and Gorge entered the passage that the Zealots took, shutting the door behind them and leaving very little light. Taking back control, Luna and I activated our night-vision and began firing on the Zealot that came out with a Concussion Rifle. After popping his shields, the Elite ran down a hall as we turned our attention to his support group of Grunts. We made short work of the weaker aliens and proceeded to fight our way through a phalanx of Jackals. A large room with what looked like server towers was entered. "Flush 'em out Six. I've got you covered." Jorge instructed. "Luna, stay here with Jorge and get ready to take out the one with the sword." I told the Princess of the Night. Luna nodded and took a position on the catwalk with Jorge. "No creature vile enough to kill innocent civilians shall escape my wrath." I made my way down the ramp and picked off the few Grunts who emerged from the conduit room at the end of the area. With them finished, both Elites emerged to finish the job. The one with the Concussion Rifle was taken out quickly by the combined fire of Jorge and myself. I managed to take out the shields on the one with the Sword, but I found my clip empty on my DMR. The distance was closing quickly, and one hit from the glowing weapon was a death sentence. Just as the Elite reared back his arm to swing, a single bullet pierced his skull, dropping him to the floor harmlessly. I looked over to my alicorn companion who was grinning ear to ear in satisfaction of her amazing kill. "Was my performance satisfactory?" Luna asked. "Satisfactory? Not even close." I told her. Her ears drooped as she found herself ashamed and somewhat confused. "Try, totally amazing!" I told her. Her spirits lifted instantly, and she wrapped me in a hug. A very tight and suffocating hug. "Oh thank you, Robert! I have not had this much fun in... ever!" "You can... thank me by... letting me... breathe." I managed to wheeze. Luna quickly released me and scooted away on the couch. As I caught my breath I caught a glimpse of the blush that she immediately hid by turning away. "I-I'm sorry. I've just never really had a friend like you. Someone who was willing to show me a good time." I brushed myself off and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's fine. You just got a little excited is all." I walked over to the 360 and popped out the Halo: Reach disc. "Well, I figure you've certainly earned the right to try starting a new game on this puppy." I said as I produced a disc from a new case. Luna squinted as she read the title. "Bayonetta?" I smirked as I placed the disc into the drive. "Something tells me you're going to enjoy this one. You play as an Umbra Witch, as in much of her magic derives from the Moon." Luna gasped and smiled as though she had been flattered in the best way possible. "They made a game that gives my Moon the glory it deserves?" "Yep. You're gonna love it." -------- A slender Nun stood in a graveyard on a gloomy and rainy night. She was reading from the scriptures of the book she held in her hands, not even pausing to address the short man who continually insulted the one in the casket. Enzo was always running his mouth in a rather unflattering way. He seemed to have a deep and sadistic hatred for this 'Eggman' fellow. As he bid himself farewell so he could return home for his birthday, a shaft of golden light appeared above the casket. "What the fuck...? They're here?! For this douchebag!?" He angrily shouted. Enzo fell to his knees as the light blinded him. "I hate this damn light! I can't see a thing!" Enzo accidentally knocked over a tombstone as he felt around. "But they're there... Ain't they!? You hearin' me!? You can see them, can't you!?" He berated the Nun. The Nun calmly responded. "I see them. They are instruments of God descending on his heavenly rays to Earth." Enzo was shocked upon this revelation. "Oh... My... God..." The Nun preached out to God. "Dear Lord, grant us guidance and keep safe the souls of our loved ones for all eternity." The Nun dropped the book she had been reading so diligently as she raised her hand and created a magic glyph above her. The Nun leaped through the glyph and disappeared from the Human Realm into the realm of Purgatorio. Three bird-like humanoids with strange circular bladed spears descended towards her. These were angels from the Third Sphere, Known as Affinity Angels. As the two sides met, the Nun mercilessly began giving them the beating of a lifetime. After dispatching a portion of the now numerous angels, she taunted the rest. "You look tired. Let me tuck you in." Enzo began running around screaming as the invisible bodies impacted the ground. "Oh shit! C'mon! It's my frickin' birthday!" As the fighting grew more intense (and after nearly having his manhood crushed by domino tombstones) Enzo began pleading for help. "I'm sorry Eggman! I didn't mean all that Humpty Dumpty shit, I swear!" The three angels that were approaching the casket were blown away by a demonic burst of energy that sent the lid flying high into the air. A tall bald African American man in a rough leather outfit glared at them through his sunglasses, with his demonic red eye glowing through. "Next time you wanna lay hands on me, you better make sure I'm dead." He warned the angels. The casket lid fell and impacted on his head, splitting in two down the middle. The man did not so much as flinch from the impact. "Now move out the way." As the angels were too scared to follow his orders, he bellowed at them in a demonic growl. "Go!!!" The Angels scurried away in fear. An astonished Enzo began stuttering out the demon's name. "Ro-Ro-Rodin?" Rodin turned to face the short man with a cigar in his mouth. "If it ain't my good buddy, Enzo. How 'bout you get out of here?" Rodin lifted up his thumb which ignited with a purple flame. Using the demonic flame to light his cigar, he took a puff and removed it from his lips, blowing out his flaming thumb. "You die, and I'm gonna have to go back in that hole chasin' after the money you owe me." After witnessing the Nun piledrive an entire conga line of angels, there was only one word that came to Rodin's mind. "Beautiful." The Nun leaped into the air after several angels, but found that they landed several strikes... on her clothes. She suggestively moaned after each slice that revealed more of her flesh, before stripping away the garment. Luna looked at me with a blush. "I am not very familiar with human anatomy, but I understand enough to know the implications of... this." "Trust me, the game is actually really good, despite the... jokes they throw in." I assured her. Back in the game, the Nun's clothing was soon replaced by a growing weave of enchanted hair that formed a skintight leather catsuit. Her hair was now kept upwards by a combination of red ribbons with magic texts written on them, and golden chains that also lined her suit. Several moon themed golden accessories hung down from her hair. Now wearing stylish black glasses, she glanced down to Rodin. "Bayonetta!" He shouted as he reached into the casket. Rodin tossed two handguns to Bayonetta, hitting several angels along the way. As the gun arched closer to Bayonetta, she created another magic glyph in front of her, slowing down the handgun as she caught it. Whipping around the newly acquired weapon, she blasted several angels before catching the second one with another glyph. After emptying the clips on both guns, and stylishly killing several angels, she landed on top of a tombstone. "Now this is cheeky, throwing me these cheap toys." She complained to Rodin. "Don't worry about quality. I've got quantity!" Rodin assured as he punched an angel with a demonic fist. Rodin threw two more pistols into the air for Bayonetta. As she leaped into the air to catch them, an angel attempted to get them himself. Bayonetta caught the handgun by the slide with her high-heel, using the new addition to her shoe to blast several rounds into the face of the unlucky angel. Spinning on one heel, she caught the second gun in the same manner, spinning around and blasting angels in a ballet of death. As she ran out of bullets in the handguns she was using in her hands, she called out to Rodin. "Guns!" Rodin quickly tossed another pair of guns to her. Throwing more and more of the guns in the casket, he somehow found a lollipop as he reached blindly for another sidearm. With a shrug, he tossed the candy to Bayonetta, who was more than willing to accept it. Two angels stood dumbfounded by the slaughter of their brethren. Though Rodin was not particularly fond of them. "If you're just gonna watch, I'm putting you two to work!" He said as he tossed the nearly empty casket into their arms. The two angels looked at each other in confusion, completely oblivious to the pole wielding demon who was winding up like a baseball player behind them. With a powerful swing, Rodin sent the two angels on their delivery mission to Bayonetta. "That was your last call. No more shots from me, Bayonetta!" Bayonetta flipped the casket with a kick, sending both angels heads smashing through the wood. After retrieving her new guns, she pumped them full of lead. She struck a victorious pose as she landed on the tombstones below. "As long as there's music, I'll keep on dancing." She playfully said as she prepared to slaughter more angels. As Luna took control of Bayonetta, she began humming the tune of 'Fly Me To The Moon'. I guess she really liked the idea of a song about the moon. Well, while she was quickly getting the ropes, dodging attacks to activate Witch Time, and performing advanced combos, I found myself drifting off to sleep. -------- "Don't fuck with a witch." *Bang!* I woke up to see a lipstick bullet traveling through the air as Luna directed it away from shards of glass, and towards the target of Father Balder, the Lumen Sage. "Whoa. This is almost the end of the game! How long was I out?" I thought to myself. I looked outside to see it was still dark, so I assumed I must have woken up in the wee hours of the morning. That's when I checked my watch, and I felt my heart sink into my stomach. "Hey, Luna?" I asked the alicorn with bloodshot eyes. "Yes?" She responded, her eyes not leaving the screen. "What time is it?" I nervously asked Luna. Luna opened her mouth to answer, but paused as she thought for a moment. "I'm... not sure. I lost track around when I fought Fortitudo." That was not good. Not good at all. I believe I may have created a monster that night, but I was sure I could teach her moderation. "Luna, it's 9:30... a.m." "And...?" Luna asked as she raised her brow. I pointed to the window. "The Moon is still out." Luna's eyes shrank to pinpricks as she realized the gravity of the situation. "Oh nonononononono!" She panicked as she forced the Moon down over the horizon. "This is horrible! Tia is going to kill me! What if she thinks I've become Nightmare Moon again? I might get banished to the moon for two-thousand years this time! I-" I stopped her panicking by placing my hands on her shoulders and looking her in the eyes. "Luna, look at me. Do you honestly think Celestia would banish you away just because you forgot to lower the Moon in your distracted state?" "Well... no..." Luna tentatively answered. "Than what's there to worry about?" I asked. "I... I'm worried she'll be angry at me. I've never forgotten to lower the Moon, aside from when I was jealous with her. I'm just scared that she might want to punish me." She admitted as her eyes drifted away from mine. I forced her to look back at me again. "Look, how about I come to Canterlot with you to explain? It was all my idea anyway. I should be the one to take responsibility." "You would be willing to do that for me?" I nodded and gave her a reassuring grin. Luna blushed as a smile crept across her face as well, and she wrapped me in another, gentler hug. "Thank you, Robert. Nopony has ever cared so much." "Hey, it's what I do." I nonchalantly assured. Luna released her grip on me and focused magic into her horn. A blue sphere of magic enveloped us both, and we were both whisked away to Canterlot. -------- As the minor disorientation from teleporting wore off, I found myself in the royal chambers of Princess Celestia. Celestia looked up from a document she was reading, and gave us both a surprised smile. "Good morning, Robert. I did not expect you to visit again so soon." "Well, you see-" I began, only to be cut off by a frantic Luna. "I'm so sorry I forgot to lower the Moon Tia! Please don't be mad with me!" She begged her older sibling. As Luna tightly shut her eyes in fear, Celestia gently nuzzled her sister's neck. "How could I ever be mad with you? We all make mistakes, and I'm sure nopony will be upset with you, Lulu." Luna blushed heavily at the use of her nickname. "Tia! You promised not to call me that in public!" She pouted. "It's only Robert here that heard us. What's wrong with that?" Her sister asked with a loving grin. Luna began tracing her front hoof on the floor. "I-I suppose it's alright then." "Good. Now, isn't there something you wanted to tell him?" Celestia asked with a wink. Luna blushed for the umpteenth time as her eyes darted between me and Celestia. "I... uh... I need to have my morning shower! It was good seeing you again, Robert. I'm sure Tia can teleport you home." She told me at a mile a minute. As Luna trotted out to the royal bathroom, I scratched my head in confusion. "Okay...? Not sure what happened there." Celestia rolled her eyes. "You must be as oblivious as she is nervous." "Yeah I... Wait, what?" Celestia sighed in annoyance. "I'm going to let you in on something, but you must not tell Luna that I told you." I shrugged. "Sure thing." "Luna has held some admiration for you ever since you saved the two of us from Despair. She would likely not admit it, but she did more than throw a tantrum when she thought you were going to die from absorbing the spell made by Teruza." Okay, now I was confused. "Really?" Celestia nodded in the affirmative. "She was completely distraught. She refused to leave her room for the entire day you were recovering. Your heartbeat was so faint that she believed all hope to be lost, and she spent the time in her room mourning you." Well that was certainly depressing to hear. "I... I didn't know she was that grateful to me. I feel horrible for making her worry like that." "I believe it was more than gratitude that made her react that way." That's when the oh so obvious signs started to form a pattern. The blushing, her regard for me, her reaction to my near death experience. "W-wait... She has a crush on me?" I asked in disbelief. "That is correct." Celestia confirmed. "Luna has grown quite attached to you. She often speaks highly of you whenever you are brought up in conversation. And there is a certain glint in her eye that just tells you that it's true." Okay, this was by far the strangest thing to happen to me since I wound up in Equestria. Falling from the sky? Fighting gods and demons? None of that really compared to an immortal goddess having the hots for me. "B-but, I'm not even sure if that kind of thing would work out! I-I mean, I like her, but I'm not certain if it would be a stable relationship. We're from two different species and... Wait! I'm not even certain if I feel the same way! I-" Celestia ceased my rambling by zipping my mouth shut. Like, she literally zipped it shut with magic. "I understand that this is all rather sudden to learn, but let me offer you one piece of advice. While I'm sure you would never dream of doing such a thing, if you ever do anything to hurt my sister, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life. Understood?" She asked in the most cheerful voice possible. As the zipper was removed, I simply nodded with my response. "Crystal clear..." "Good. Now then, I shall send you back home immediately. I wish you both the best of luck." "W-wait I'm not even sure-" I was interrupted by being teleported back to my house in an instant. "Well, never a dull moment..." I sighed. > I. Hate. Murphy's Law. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The events of the recent past were still buzzing around in my head. I could barely stop the thousands of thoughts that were dancing around about Luna. "What am I supposed to do? I'm not even sure if I could fall in love with her. We're both so different! She's an immortal being from another dimension, and another species at that! But what if I do have feelings for her? Don't be ridiculous! But there is the chance it could work out. If I don't love her, how can I set her down gently... and without Celestia blasting me to oblivion?" I clasped my head in desperation. "Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!" I slumped onto my couch in defeat. I now noticed the several cookie crumbs and soda cans that were laying on the coffee table. "Heh. I wonder what her favorite soda is." I pondered to myself. I groaned and buried my face in a pillow now that I realized I had gotten back to thinking about her. It was all just so frustrating! How could somepony like Luna fall for me? "That's it!" I blurted as I sat upright with renewed hope. "Celestia must be mistaken. We're good friends at best. I mean, why would somepony as powerful, important, and beau- er, why would she fall for some loser like me?" "You did save Equestria twice." A voice in my head told me. "W-well, yeah. But-" "And she even said you were the first person to really care that much about her." "She was sealed away for a thousand years. Plus she must not have been thinking about all the things Celestia has done for her." "You're right. She wasn't thinking about Celestia. But that doesn't change that she thought of you." I was loosing an argument with myself. How the hell was that happening? I was finally fed up with all these thoughts and just wanted to clear my mind. I grabbed my jacket, iPhone, and the Solar Sword and Lunar Shield. If training couldn't get my mind off of Luna, I was probably going to wind up bashing my head against a wall. -------- The trees in the inner ring of the Everfree Forest had become my own personal training ground as of late. Several slices in bark and bashes against trunks were more than evident of that. The Solar Sword and Lunar Shield were mysterious weapons indeed. They both had the basic properties of utilizing light and shadow energy respectively, but there were so many abilities they had that were just out of reach. I was determined to learn what new powers I could find through experimentation. I took a deep breath and held out my shield and positioned my sword hilt up behind it. It was more of a cheesy pose while I meditated, but something started to happen with the weapons. The Lunar Shield held the hilt of the Solar Sword close to it with a sphere of shadow energy, while the blade began charging with light. "Alright! Now, let it be something good!" I triumphantly cheered. Well, something happened, but it sure wasn't good. The blade released the light energy straight downward, propelling me high into the air. "Holy crap!!!" I shouted in surprise. The fun didn't stop there. The sword just kept right on expelling light energy as it just kept utilizing all the light of the day. I began flailing around in the air as the rocket propelled shield started flying in random directions. "STOP! I COMMAND IT!" I shouted at my weapons. Of course the little buggers weren't going to respond to that. I was officially starting to get desperate. "STUPIFY! EXPELLIARMUS! INDIGNATION! THE POWER OF CELESTIA COMPELS YOU! THE POWER OF- HOLY SHIT!" I shouted as the weapons changed course straight for Ponyville. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! I'M GONNA DIE! I'M GONNA DIE! I'M GONNA THROW UP AND THEN I'M GONNA DIE!!!" I began screaming in fear. Hey, not screaming like a little girl is for people who aren't barreling at terminal velocity towards a populated town by two out of control magic weapons. I shut my eyes in terror as the ground came ever so closer into view. *Pomf* I landed with a soft thud as I impacted. Slowly I opened my eyes to find that I was sitting on a cloud, my weapons having ceased their flight. "Ha ha! Take that Murphy's law! Wait, I don't have a cloud walking spell on. How am I-?" The cloud uncoiled and sent me barreling high into the air. My screaming resumed as I flailed helplessly in the sky. Of course Murphy had to screw me over again because I didn't have my trusty Sky Cloth on me. The ground neared again, but fortunately there appeared to be a pile of hay under me. "Oh please let that Assassin's Creed stuff work!" I begged as I positioned my back to land first. The hay was depressed where I impacted, but it absorbed the impact all the same. I crawled out of the pile and began kissing the ground. "IIII LIIIIIIIVE!" I shouted in maniacal relief. "You mind toning it down, moron?" A familiar voice asked. A rainbow maned mare glided down from above and landed in front of me. She had on a smug grin that said something along the lines of "Yeah, I'm awesome. Thank you very much." "So that cloud was you?" I asked Rainbow Dash. "Yeah, clouds can work on non-pegasi if they're compressed enough, but they always uncoil like that, so it's only temporary." She explained. I lunged forward and hugged her leg. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you! I thought I was a goner that time!" Rainbow Dash chuckled. "The screaming kind of clued me in on that one. What, that Giga Drill Break wasn't enough for you? And what was with that helpless act?" "First off: I wasn't trying to do that. Second: I couldn't control these things. And third: You best not be dissin' the Giga Drill Break. I did that for Kamina, dammit!" I fired off. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at me. "Yeah, yeah. That was a totally awesome move that almost got you killed to destroy a giant golem. And you dedicated it to a guy who we don't even know if he exists or not." I dusted myself off and stood up. "You guys exist. So that must mean that the theory of the multi-verse is true to some degree." Rainbow tilted her head in confusion. "The whati-verse?" "Multi-verse. It's believed that there are an infinite number of universes with an infinite number of possibilities. That other outcome to a coin toss? There's a universe for that. You being born as a colt? There's a universe for that. This conversation never happening? There's a universe for that too. There's a universe for just about everything." I explained matter-of-factly. "That all just sounds really confusing. What if you wound up in a universe that was so similar to home you never knew it was a new universe?" The cyan pegasus asked. "I... Wow, you just blew my mind right there." I admitted. "Long story short, the fact I've traveled here from my dimension proves that there's at least one other dimension than what we thought." "Whatever. If you want to keep talking space mumbo-jumbo, go and bother Twilight. I'm off to go do some shopping." "Oh really? What are you buying?" I asked. Rainbow's face tensed up as though she had just seen a ghost. "I-I mean... I can't tell you. Just leave the flying to the professionals from now on." I gave a mock salute to my flying friend. "Sir, yes ma'm!" "Har har." Rainbow sarcastically chuckled before flying off. I sheathed my weapons and began walking the streets of town. Flying through the air like that called for one hell of a break. "Yo! How was your flight, singer boy?" A mare called out to me. There was only one mare in Ponyville that called me by that nickname, my next door neighbor, Vinyl Scratch. "Good morning to you too, Vinyl. You know, it feels weird being able to say that to you. You're usually in a rave induced coma at this time." I teased. The white unicorn just snorted in amusement. "Nah, I was busy going to some fancy restaurant with Octy. The place was a bit posh for me, but the food was totally worth it!" "Oh, how is Octavia?" I asked. Vinyl adjusted her glasses slightly. "She's been getting a few gigs at fancy garden parties and stuff. Although, she said something about wanting to see your skills in action." I raised a brow. "What, she didn't catch a glimpse of me fighting off monsters or training?" The DJ let out a small chuckle. "Dude, I'm talking about your singing. I told Octy about how you were pretty good at it, and she said she wanted to hear for herself." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I don't know Vinyl. You know I'm not really a star singer or anything. Besides, I get nervous when I have to perform in front of others." "You need to give yourself some more credit! I thought that was pretty buckin' good last time. Just go ahead and sing the one that goes 'Loviiin is what I got~'." I sighed a bit, but not really in annoyance. "Fine, but you're performing at my birthday party for this one." "Hey, no sweat. When is it again?" The DJ asked. "It's December 7th, so that's in 13 days." I said as I did the math in my head. "I'll come over early to get the turntables set up." Vinyl explained as we began walking over to her house. "By the way, did I hear Princess Luna in your house last night?" "Oh, great, Thanks for getting my mind back on that subject, Vinyl." "Yeah, I invited her to hang out last night. When did you hear her?" I asked the Queen of Wubs. "I kept hearing somepony shouting 'Yes! Take that!' and 'Do you enjoy being punished?'." Vinyl had a huge grin plastered on her face. "No. Whatever you're thinking, no." I sternly told her. Vinyle began laughing so hard she had to pause and grip her sides. "R-relax, man. I'm just messin' with ya!" Once she caught her breath, she had another grin, but this one seemed genuine. "Although, you two might make a cute pair." "Something out there is just enjoying watching me squirm today." -------- I had to admit, Vinyl's home was way cleaner than I would have expected it to be. Although I'm sure that was thanks to her roommate, Octavia. Octavia was a rather talented cello player, and she had the class to match. Not a single hair was out of place on her mane, and her bow tie was adjusted perfectly. Octavia sat patiently on the couch while Vinyl made some final adjustments to her turntables. "So Robert, have you studied singing in the past?" Octavia asked with professional interest. "Honestly I've never had any formal training. I usually just sing in the shower and stuff." I admitted. Octavia rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Well, if what Vinyl says is true, then you must have some natural talent." The DJ pony popped up from behind her turntables. "You're about to find out, Octy. You ready, Robert?" A confident grin spread across my face. "Give me a smooth beat, Vinyl." Vinyl flipped a switch on the turntables and a drum beat began to play from the speakers. "This song is gonna be Sublime (I made a funny!)." Holding my hand near my face as though I had an invisible microphone, I began to sing the lyrics I had memorized over several times of singing this song in my boredom. "Early in the morning, risin' to the street. Light me up that cigarette and I'll strap shoes on my feet. Got to find the reason, the reason things went wrong. Got to find the reason why my money's all gone. I got a dalmatian, and I can still get high. I can play the guitar like a mother fucking riot." I waved a hand over to Vinyl as I sang out a small 'Loo doo da doo' in the break of the lyrics. I began waving my free hand to the beat as the singing resumed. "Well, life is too short, so love the one you got 'Cause you might get run over or you might get shot. Never start no static I just get it off my chest. Never had to battle with no bullet proof vest. Take a small example, take a ti-ti-tip from me. Take all of your money, give it all to charity. Love is what I got, it's within my reach. And the Sublime style's still straight from Long Beach. It all comes back to you you'll finally get what you deserve. Try and test that, you're bound to get served. Love's what I got. Don't start a riot. You'll feel it when the dance gets hot." My quick hand motions changed to slow smooth ones as the singing calmed. "Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that. Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that. Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that. Lovin', is what I got, I got I got I got. Why I don't cry when my dog runs away. I don't get angry at the bills I have to pay. I don't get angry when my mom smokes pot. Hits the bottle and goes right to the rock. Fuckin' and fightin', it's all the same. Livin' with Louie dog's the only way to stay sane. Let the lovin' let the lovin' come back to me." It was now Vinyl's show as the singing stopped to make way for a turntable solo. Vinyl spun the records with calculated precision and a sense of enjoyment that you could feel in the beat. "Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that. Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that. Lovin', is what I got, I said remember that. Lovin', is what I got, I got I got I got." With the song over, I bowed to Octavia, peeking with one eye to see her reaction. Slowly a grin dazzled her features and she began clapping. "Oh, that was excellent! Vinyl, you weren't joking when you said he had a good voice." "Of course not. He might be rough around the edges on some notes, but he's better than the average stallion." Vinyl replied. "Hey, thanks for having me over. I needed a distraction today." I thanked my hosts. Octavia gave a polite bow before opening the door for me. "I must thank you again for taking the time to perform for me. I'm happy to say that I will be attending your party along with Vinyl." Well that was certainly cool. Two more guests to add to the list. -------- Time really flies when you're having fun, so it's no real surprise that the days blurred by in Ponyville. The 13 days passed so fast that even I was surprised to find it was my birthday. At around 6 in the night, all of my friends came to celebrate my 18th year of existence. Everypony was dancing, laughing, and just having a good time in general. And of course, DJ PON-3 was laying down the beats. "You really know how to throw a party!" Pinkie Pie complemented in between dancing and sampling from the snack table. "Well, turning 18 is a bit of a milestone." I replied. I felt a small twinge of pain in my shin as Twilight accidentally kicked it in the middle of her... I'm afraid to call it dancing as it would make any dancer want to vomit, so I'll refer to it as flailing. "Oh! I'm so sorry." She apologized. I rubbed my leg, but offered her a genuine smile. "Hey, it's alright." I assured her. I went over to the kitchen and decided to take a break from dancing, if only to prevent any further damage to my shins. I sat down next to Spike who had his head perched in his claws, staring across the room at the fashionista, Rarity. I nudged the dragon to get his attention. "If you just keep staring at her, you're going to miss the whole party." I chuckled. "I-I wasn't staring! I was... I was admiring the color of paint you have on that wall. Yep, that's a real good shade of red." Spike lied. "Spike." I sternly said. The baby dragon sighed in defeat. "I just don't know how to approach her. I mean, what if she doesn't like me the same way?" I placed a comforting hand on his scaly shoulder. "Hey, you'll never know unless you ask her yourself. Isn't it better to know the answer than to spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been?" Spike rubbed his arm nervously. "It's just, I'm worried she might reject me because I'm a dragon and she's a pony. I really like her, but I'm not sure if she could see past that." "Spike, if you really love her, than you have to give it a shot. It doesn't matter if she rejects you, because if you don't approach her, it could be too late." I flashed him a confident grin. "And besides. I'm sure she'd be able to see that deep down, it doesn't matter if you come from a different race, or background. What really matters is how you feel." Spike contemplated my words for a moment, but raised his head with a confident expression. "Yeah! I need to believe in myself and at least try!" I patted him on the back. "That's the spirit. Now go get her, tiger!" Spike left his seat and went across the room to Rarity. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I assume Spike asked her to dance with him since they both hit the dance floor that had been cleared out in my living room. I smiled at the little guy. I was certain that he would be just fine. I realized that perhaps I should have listened to my own advice in a way. Luna and I were different, but she was willing to give it a chance, so why not I? *Knock Knock Knock* That was certainly strange. Everypony was already at the party. The mane 6, Octavia and Vinyl, Spike. That was everypony. So who could have possibly been at the door? I got up from my seat, calling Ragna over from the counter. Seeing as he was comfortably on my shoulder, I went over to the door and opened it to see who was there. "C-Celestia and Luna?!" I blurted in surprise. The two alicorn sisters were outside with welcoming grins and two presents levitating beside them. It seems I was slightly louder than I had anticipated considering that the record scratched and the music halted. Everypony in the room bowed to their rulers. I stepped aside and allowed the sisters to enter. Celestia closed her exposed eye and gave everyone a motherly smile. "You can all relax. There's no need for such formalities. After all, this is a time for celebration." "H-how did you-? I never-." I tried to ask. "I believe you mentioned your birthday to me back at the unveiling of the statue. I was sure to make room in my schedule for the event. I wouldn't dare miss the birthday of a good friend." Celestia explained. Dumbstruck as I was, the flattery won over. "Wow. That's really flattering, you two." Seeing as there was no decree and that the princesses were here to have fun, the other ponies relaxed and continued their partying. Soon enough it came time to open presents after Pinkie Pie's 'Super Delux Double Decker Chocolate Cake'. Oh man was that cake good... Each present was truly something memorable. Twilight gave me a guide to Equestrian constellations as well as a new telescope, Pinkie Pie provided a desert cookbook, Applejack gave me my very own stetson (which, might I add, stetsons are cool), Vinyl gave me a copy of her latest DJ record, Octavia actually gave me two free tickets to her next show in Canterlot, Fluttershy gave me a journal on Equestrian wildlife and a bird caller, Rainbow Dash got me a cloud mattress (if you need an idea of how soft it was, imagine a bed so soft you could literally feel yourself falling asleep even in the middle of the day), and Spike gave me a golden bracelet with a blue gem he dug up himself. I finally went over to the two boxes that Rarity had provided. I opened the first one to find an amazing new outfit. It was a long blue coat with a red sword symbol on the back, a black vest, and black khaki pants. opened the second box to find boots of the same blue as the coat, but with black steel heels and toes. There were also black fingerless gloves with silver steel backs. "Whoa! Rarity, what's all this for?" I asked as I admired the attire. Rarity flashed a smile my way. "Well, I figured you might want a new outfit for your heroics; one that sets you apart from the crowd. So, I put myself to the test on this beauty! I went for a design that combined functionality, style, and comfort." I gathered up the outfit and stood up. "If you'll all excuse me, I have to try this on now." With everypony's approval, I went into my room and locked the door as I put the new outfit on. Everything about it was perfect. The color, the fit, even the way the boots were sized. Normally I would wear long socks with boots on earth since they tend to discomfort me, but these boots felt almost like slipping on a second layer of silk socks. I stepped outside and showed off Rarity's latest creation. Everypony began audibly admiring how it looked on me. "That is soooo cool!!!" Rainbow complemented. "It's really nice." Fluttershy added. "Well Rarity, It's officially a hit." I told her. "Truly it is my finest creation yet, and that bracelet from Spikey-Wikey just completes it." She said, throwing a glance to Spike. Spike rubbed the back of his neck and giggled nervously. Luna stepped forward bearing her own present. "I... hope you enjoy it. I made it myself." She said with a smile and a blush. I took the small box and opened it, and I could feel my eyes bulge as I saw it's contents. It was a single object: a crescent moon pendant. But there was something special about it. It had a white glow even though there was no light reflecting directly off its surface. "It's beautiful...! How did you make this, Luna?" I asked in my admiration. "I made it from pure stardust. It will always shine with the brilliance of a star in the night sky." I took the chain and placed the pendant around my neck. It perfectly completed the ensemble. "I love it! Thank you, Luna." I thanked her. Luna smiled and blushed once more. "It was my pleasure." She modestly replied. Celestia stepped forward and held out her present in a magic aura. Without hesitation, I took the box and unwrapped it. I lifted the lid of the box to find there was only a single piece of parchment inside with one word written on it. "Kneel." I read aloud. I was certainly a little confused, but I complied with the instruction. as I lowered myself to the floor on one knee, Celestia levitated over the Solar Sword and Lunar Shield. Holding out the sword she held it above my shoulder. "Robert, you have done more for Equestria than anypony could have thought possible. You have fought against impossible odds, faced beings from the darkest depths, and were even prepared to lay down your very life. And so, it is with great honor that I knight you, 'Robert, Protector of Justice'." Celestia said as she tapped the blade on each shoulder. I rose to my feet and took my weapons. "Thank you, Celestia. I promise I won't let you down." Celestia nodded in approval. "This is not just a new title, but also a new rank. I have decided to assign you the rank of Captain. You are on equal terms with Shining Armor, so I hope the two of you enjoy working with one another." Everything just stood still for a moment. I had just been given such an important rank and title! There was just no way this day could go wrong. *Buzz* The TV in the living room popped on to some static. At first I was confused, but I assumed somepony had just sat on the remote or something. "Hey Twilight, can you do me a favor and shut off the TV?" I asked from across the room. "No problem." She assured as she walked over to the device. *Click* The buzzing still continued. Twilight continually pressed the power button, but the TV would not shut off. This was officially starting to weird me out. Twilight began inspecting every angle of the TV, when the static turned into a pulsating combination of white and black circles. "I've never seen anything like-" Twilight's amazement was interrupted as she was sucked through the TV screen to who-knows-where. "Twilight!" Everypony cried out. Rainbow Dash ran over to the TV frame to grab onto Twilight, but was beginning to be sucked in herself. Rarity and the others ran over, but the force was overwhelming. Everypony, even the alicorn sisters were beginning to be pulled in by the force of the malevolent television. As I was sucked in, I grabbed onto the frame of the TV to try and hold myself in, but the force was winning. Well, I figured that this could be the end of me, so it was time for some memorable last words. "God. Damn. You. MUUUURPHYYYYYYY!!!" > When You Least Expect Them > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 minutes ago The chocolate cake looked delectable. Each and every piece of it was evenly coated in chocolate frosting, drizzled in bits of chocolate. Truly it was a recovering chocoholic's worst nightmare, but for me, it was heaven. As tempted as I was to leap in and start eating, there was a time-honored tradition for birthdays. Eighteen candles adorned the cake, each holding a small flame that flickered with the slightest breath or movement. I thought for a moment what I would have for my wish. It seemed like it was already perfect. Everypony was happy and all of my friends were with me, but I frowned when I realized who was missing. "My family..." I wanted to see them again. I wanted to pay them a visit, but I wasn't sure if I could trouble Princess Celestia with such a request. So I blew out the candles with a single wish on my mind. "I want to see my family again." -------- Present Time I was tumbling through the portal. There was no sense of direction; no up or down. There was only an expanse of the repeating white and black pattern. I shut my eyes as the pattern began to make my stomach churn. I could hear everypony screaming in terror around me. I could only hope that this portal would lead somewhere safe. Suddenly there seemed to be a single dark spot at the end of the tunnel. It began growing larger and larger in size, seeming to be a destination. "Anything's better than tumbling around in here for eternity." Soon I was flung out of the portal into a dark room. I had the good fortune to land back first into a chair of some kind. Soon all of my friends followed suit, with Ragna landing on my head. "Everypony okay?" I asked. Everypony began giving responses after groaning from the ordeal. Celestia looked around panicked. "Where is Luna?" "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Luna came flying through the portal screaming from disorientation. I had no time to react before she came flopping down on top of me. "Oooohhhh..." She moaned. "Ow... You're heavier than you look." I winced in complaint. Luna shook off her grogginess and looked down to see she had me pinned on my back. Her eyes gazed intently at mine as her cheeks began to turn an almost crimson red. Her lips began to part as if to say something, but no words came out. "Uh... Could you please get off, Luna?" I politely asked. "O-of course..." She said as though she were in a dream-like state. Slowly she got up and allowed me to do the same, her eyes locked on me the entire time. My pendant helped illuminate the room as I looked around to see where the portal had dumped us. I noticed the chairs in the room were all lined in a semi-circular pattern facing the origin point of the portal. I turned around to see the portal shrink in on itself before disappearing. In it's place, was a large white fabric screen that covered most of the wall. "Looks like some kind of movie theater." I deduced. I took notice of several movie posters on the walls next to the chairs. Casablanca, Star Wars, Ghost Busters, and Scott Pilgrim. "We're on Earth?" I whispered in surprise. Everypony else gasped in shock, but Twilight seemed to be as giddy as a school girl. "We're in another dimension! We're the first ponies to cross over to an entirely different world!" She cheered as she bounced around in excitement. "Shh! Keep your voice down!" I scolded. Twilight quickly shut her mouth and stopped her prancing. "What's the problem?" Vinyl asked. "Based on what I've gathered, we're on Earth in either a privately owned theater, or we're in some rich person's home theater. Either way, I doubt they'll take kindly to trespassers from another dimension." Rarity seemed to be optimistic. "I'm sure that whoever is here would understand the situation." I gave the unicorn a deadpan look. "Rarity, in case I forgot to mention it before: talking ponies don't exist in my world. People are going to freak out if they see you." "Oh... right." I shrugged. "Well, I guess Celestia can just send us all back now before anypony gets dissected." The alicorn in question frowned as she trotted to the center of the room. "I've been trying to do that during the entire conversation. I can't send any of us back." Everypony, myself included, began gasping and whispering in worry. "B-but what about Angel and all of my pets?" Fluttershy asked in fear. "Granny Smith is gonna worry her head off!" Applejack panicked. "And my concerto is in a week! I'd hate to ruin my reputation!" Octavia worried. I stomped my foot to get everypony's attention. "Hey! Rule 1: Don't panic. Panicking will only get us in trouble. I'm sure there's a reason Celestia can't send us back." Celestia cleared her throat. "It's almost like something is blocking my connection to Equestria. Whatever it is, it has unimaginable power." "Hey, something sent us here, I'm sure we can find a way back eventually." I assured. Everypony began to relax a little. "I do keep a months worth of food for the animals in my cottage. I'm sure they'll be fine until we can get back." Fluttershy reasoned. "And Ah guess Granny and the others will understand." Applejack agreed. "Alright. Now the first thing we're going to do is find out exactly where we are." I told them. Meanwhile... "Sir! Large energy spike detected!" It was a dark room illuminated by several monitors that were gathering data on energy readings across the United States. The military had several dark secrets, and very few knew about the dealings of the Ascension Organization. Ascension was developed after the extraterrestrial findings in Roswell, New Mexico to study and protect against extraterrestrial threats. Area 51 was just a cover to keep people from looking too closely, effectively hiding a tree in the forest. "Details." A gruff male voice demanded. "Sir, it's like nothing I've ever seen before. It's like it's showing up on all visible spectrums, but it doesn't belong exclusively to any known energy signature." Commander Alexander Anderson. The feared leader of Ascension. He seeked to complete missions with no regard for consequences. He was a renegade of a commander, but he managed to keep Ascension running. "Alright then. I'm enacting Crimson Protocol. Contact Gamma Squad. We are taking a chopper to the point of origin." The man behind the monitors checked his data. "I think I've triangulated an exact origin point. It's an estate in upstate Pennsylvania." "Excellent." Anderson simply responded. "Sir? What did you mean by 'we'?" "I'm overseeing this mission directly." -------- Exiting from the theater room, we found that we were indeed inside an estate of some kind. "Watch out for guard hounds..." I muttered. Whoever was living in this place was loaded. This house had to be at least ten times the size of my old house. I had my weapons sheathed across my back. I knew that wouldn't make me look too good if we bumped into someone, but I figured that I shouldn't just leave them laying around somewhere either. I suppose the best thing to do would be to make ourselves known before anything bad started to happen. I'd rather people not think I'm a robber or something. I rounded a corner and found myself face to face with one of the biggest shocks of my life. "Mom? Dad?" I asked in disbelief. My parents stood motionless in the hallway. The disbelief in their eyes told you that they could barely comprehend what was happening. Soon enough I found myself walking towards them, as they did the same. Meeting at the middle, we embraced each other in a tearful hug. "I missed you guys so much!" I sobbed. My mom began hugging me tightly and kissing me as though she might lose me in an instant. "Where have you been? Your father here told me some ridiculous story about how you went to live in some pony land!" "Who are you calling silly?" He teasingly asked. Well, this was certainly awkward. "Uh, mom? You see..." "So these are your parents?" a voice asked from behind me. I turned to see Luna and the others all standing behind me. "Shit..." I blurted. My dad seemed rather calm. I suppose it was because he saw Celestia before I bade him farewell. As for my mother... "WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS?!" "And a fine hello to you too." Rainbow responded in annoyance. "T-they can t-t-talk!" "Mom, calm down. I can explain everything." My mother was still terrified, but she offered me a quick nod to assure she was listening. I filled her in on everything that happened, although I just gave her the message that I wound up in Equestria. I didn't want her freaking out about me almost dying twice. "So now on to my questions." I told her. "Of course... What do you want to know?" "For starters, why are you in this mansion?" "I won the lottery." My dad responded matter-of-factly. I twitched a little, but then I began laughing. "Good one, dad! But seriously, why are you here?" "He's telling the truth." An elderly man answered. This guy was the textbook definition of classy. He had black hair tied back in a ponytail, wore a monocle, and dressed in a formal shirt, vest, and pants. He had a British accent and looked to be in his late 60's or early 70's. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Walter C. Dornez. I am the butler to the Shearer estate. Your father here won the lottery about eight months ago. The prize was a sum of $550 million." There's a part in each of our minds that kind of locks us up when something is just too good to be true. This was one of those situations. Here's a simulation of my reaction. -------- I woke up a few minutes later. The shock of the situation was still making me numb. After all the times I had mocked my dad for buying lottery tickets all the time, he had finally won. It seemed I got my birthday wish, I just never expected it to be like this. "Okay, so let's recap. We all fell through an inter-dimensional portal into what just happened to be a mansion owned by my parents. This is all just a little crazy." "You're all welcome to stay here." My dad offered. Rarity slid over to me with a pleading face that said 'Say yes!'. "You sure you've got enough room?" I asked. "We've got plenty of spare guest rooms with basic furnishing. Although, I'm not sure if they'll fit talking ponies." Celestia offered a confident grin. "I believe I may have a solution for that." Celestia charged up her horn with magic and began enveloping all of the Equestrians in the aura. The light grew with such intensity that I had to look away while shielding my eyes. Once the light subsided, I slowly opened my eyes to yet another massive surprise. Each of the ponies, and Spike, had undergone a transformation into humans. Although, they still retained their natural hair color, horns, and wings. Each of them were clothed in fitting attire, and they all had their own physical characteristics. Twilight had a tan skin tone that suggested Spanish or Italian descent, She wore a purple and black plaid skirt with a white button up shirt. She had purple and pink striped knee-socks that went down to her buckled loafers. Applejack's attire was rather predictable. She had on an orange and red flannel shirt with a white T-shirt underneath, blue jeans, and her trademark stetson. She shifted her weight as she took notice of the cowboy boots on her newly acquired feet. She had fairly toned white skin with freckles on her face and her hair still tied in a ponytail. Rarity still had her lavishly stylish purple hair and adored her newly acquired white dress with a stylish purple belt. She seemed to have little trouble wearing her purple high heels. Spike was gushing at Rarity the entire time, taking little notice to his new purple jacket and pants. His green T-shirt complemented his still lizard-like eyes, and he seemed to look around the age of 14. Next up was Fluttershy. At least, for the few moments we saw her before she jumped behind the couch in surprise. She was wearing a butter-cream sweater and a long brown skirt to complement it. There appeared to be two holes cut out in the back of the sweater for her wings to fit through. Speaking of wings, Rainbow Dash was stretching her newly acquired limbs in her cyan sweats. She had an athletic build and shorter hair than some of the others, with her longest hairs reaching around her shoulders. Seeing her wings poking out of the holes in her sweats, she tested them out by hovering in mid air. Pinkie Pie was giggling loudly as she wiggled her fingers and toes. She was wearing a pink party dress with frills underneath. Her cotton candy shaped hair was still as large and fluffy as ever. Octavia wore a black pantsuit with her trademark pink bow tie. She inspected her hands for any defects or blemishes, humming in satisfaction when she found none present. Vinyl Scratch still had her trademark shades and her spiky blue hair reached around her lower neck. She had black pants with a light blue belt, and a white T-shirt that read "Keep Calm And Drop the Bass". Princess Celestia still maintained all of her grandeur. Her light spectrum hair still covered one eye and flowed in a nonexistent wind. Her regalia still graced her in the form of a golden tiara, necklace, bracelets, and high heels. She wore a white dress with a lower cut on one side reminiscent of a toga. As for her physical appearance, her horn and wings were as magnificent as ever, and she looked to be a woman in her early to mid 30's. And then there was Luna. Her summer night hair flowed as gracefully as her sister's, and her black and platinum regalia adorned her in a similar fashion. She wore a black dress with a crescent moon symbol on the front, with a cut around her shins. They each had a fair build as far as female standards on Earth go, and I don't want to seem sexist by saying how stunning they all looked, but something drew my eyes to Luna. Everything else seemed to lose it's interest when I looked at her. I tried to express in words how good she and the others looked, but I could only manage one. "Whoa." Luna blushed and shuffled one of her feet. "My appearance is... adequate?" "Adequate doesn't even scratch the surface." I said without realizing it was out loud. Luna's blushed intensified and she looked away again, but a smile spread across her fair skin. Twilight took a step towards her mentor. "Um, Princess Celestia? The next time you decide to magically alter my DNA into a trans-dimensional being, could you give me a little warning?" "Forgive the lack of warning, but I figured it best that you experience the change for yourselves. I have taken the liberty of using Robert's subconscious to replicate the basic instincts of human motor functions within each of you. So long as you are in this form, walking and other uses of your limbs will be as easy as trotting." Vinyl continued inspecting her new anatomy, pausing when she looked at her chest. "What are these things?" She asked as she... um... familiarized herself with the round portions of her chest. I blushed and looked away immediately. "Huh. They're kinda soft." The DJ noted. "Please! Distraction! I need a distraction! Now!" I pleaded in my head. Well, I got my request, albeit in an unexpected way. I could hear the sound of a helicopter flying somewhere outside. Normally I would dismiss such a noise, but it sounded much louder than a simple flyover. It sounded almost like it was landing outside... "What's that weird noise?" Pinkie asked. Rainbow Dash mad her way over to the window. "Whoa! Isn't that one of those helicopters you showed us in those videos? Why's it parked on your lawn?" Something about this did not sit right with me. "I'm going to go check it out." I told everyone. I waved at Ragna so that he would jump off my shoulder, and I made my way out the front door. The searchlights on the helicopter blocked my vision, but I could hear the sounds of boots hitting the ground. As the blades finally came to a complete stop, I could hear metallic noises like gear being carried in a backpack. The searchlights shut off, and my eyes began readjusting. *Ka-chak!* My eyes widened as I saw several firearms pointed in my direction. There were no visible logos or symbols on the black uniforms of the soldiers before me. Each soldier had a silenced weapon of varying type, and they all wore balaclavas to hide their identities. "I wouldn't move if I were you." I gruff voice told me. A muscular man stepped forward from the line of soldiers. He was the only one of the group that did not have a mask of any kind. He had a devilish look in his eyes that unnerved me slightly. "Now then, you wouldn't happen to be the cause of that energy disturbance earlier, would you?" He asked. "Energy disturbance...? The portal?" I wondered to myself. "So you do know about it." His grin spread into one of sadistic delight. "Excellent. That means there are no regulations here. Now, tell me about this 'portal'." "What is going on here?" Celestia asked. Everyone had exited the house in curiosity. I really wished they hadn't. Something told me this couldn't end well. "Such strange features... Looks like we've hit the jackpot." Anderson gladly said. "I believe I don't understand." Octavia told the commander. "Here's how it's going to go. All of you are coming to be analyzed and placed under my jurisdiction. If any of you retaliate, I'm free to bring you in for an analysis post mortem." He enunciated the last bit with a sick pleasure behind it. I was not letting this guy take them away to do who-knows-what to them. "Look, they aren't going anywhere unless I have a guarantee of their safety and humane treatment." I turned to the others. "Everyone, get back inside. I'll take care of-" *Click* > Immortality is My Bitch! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a small, almost imperceptible sound. A small metallic click from the hammer of a firearm hitting a bullet. But the barely audible sound isn't what made everyone from the estate cry out in turmoil, it was what came after. There was a spray of crimson liquid that quenched the thirst of the blades of grass beneath. The one who had fought to save them in the past, the one who had only wanted to protect them, fell to the ground as his life blood poured out from his skull. The Princess of the Moon could only look on horrified at his lifeless body. She pleaded that it hadn't happened. She wished with all her might that he was still alive just as the others did, but there was no denying the truth of it. "That wasn't up for debate." Anderson said in an annoyed voice. "Why..? Why did he have to die? He was more than just a friend to me. I..." The tears that streamed down Luna's face continued, but her breathing became more labored as a new emotion joined her sorrow. Her eyes glowed a mystical white as her rage had reached its limit. Never before had she felt such pure hatred. The wind began to whip around her as she hovered into the air. She was the Night Eternal, the Light in the Darkness, and her fury would not be denied. "Ow... Ow. OW OW OW!" -------- I had no idea what had just happened, but I found myself waking on the ground with the worst headache I had ever experienced. It felt like the pounding from a hangover if I was living in a room with industrial lights and heavy metal blaring. I sat up from the ground with a hand clutching my still throbbing head. "Ow! What happened? I just blacked out for a second there." No response. I looked around to see everyone, the soldiers included, looking at me completely dumbstruck. "What? Why are all of you looking at me like that?" I asked in confusion. Nobody responded or even moved. This was officially starting to creep me out. Finally Anderson broke the silence. "Just what the hell are you?!" "What am I? The hell kind of question is that?" He pointed a shaking finger at me. "You..! That was a Goddamned headshot!" "What?! You shot me?! What the hell, man?!" I shouted. That's when what he said sank into me. I felt a chill run up my spine as I thought about the implications. "You... shot me... And I'm..." I turned and looked at Celestia. "Okay, what the hell is going on?!" She only shook her head as if to say "I have no idea.". *Click! Click! Click!* A series of searing pains rang out through my arm, chest, and stomach. "I'm bleeding! That fucker shot me! Again!" I looked down at the wounds and began gasping in shock. The holes where the bullets entered began to collapse into themselves as the lead was pushed out. My skin looked as though it had never even been touched. Not only that, but the shreds in my fabric began to mend themselves as well. "What the fuck...?" I barely whispered. "I don't believe it... That kid ain't human!" Anderson shouted in surprise and anger. That's when it all began clicking together. It wasn't the work of Celestia or some other outer force. I couldn't die. "Heh heh heh... Ha ha ha ha ha. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" I began laughing menacingly. "W-what the hell are you?!" Anderson demanded. "I'll probably never get another chance to say stuff this badass, so better now than never." "A creature who stalks in the night. You might know me by many names. Nosferatu. Vlad the Impaler. Dracula. Or my personal favorite: Alucard. You would dare attack a vampire in the comfort of the night?! How foolish!" I ranted with a dark and menacing voice. Anderson seemed rattled, but he was hardly finished. "I don't believe this shit! Concentrate fire and shoot to kill!" Bullets flew through the air and entered my body. I stood my ground as my flesh began to tear to shreds. High caliber rounds punctured vital organs and snapped bones. Rounds that grazed my skin stripped my flesh of its protective cover. And finally a hollow point round hit my right arm with such force as to tear it from my body. I collapsed in a heap as blood continued to pour out. "Some vampire..." Anderson chuckled. My body began to regenerate, and a smile spread across my lips. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Bullets won't work on me!" I got to my feet as lead chunks began pouring out of the holes that mended immediately after. My arm turned to dust and flew back to its rightful place, returning to a solid state. My clothes mended last with no signs of wear, tear, or even staining. "Now it's my turn." I charged forward as the soldiers clumsily fumbled with their ammunition. The first one was sent writhing on the ground with a broken nose. I turned to face another and kicked him off his feet into another member of his team. Two soldiers standing side by side nearly completed the process of reloading, but I grabbed their heads and cracked them together to knock them out. Anderson had reloaded his pistol in the time I had dealt with his subordinates, and he wasted no time unloading every round into me. "Die! Die!!!" He screamed. *Ka-chink chink* Anderson looked down in horror to see that his magazine was empty, and I was still advancing as my wounds began to heal. "Why...? Why won't you die?!" I grinned as the response came to mind. "There is more than just flesh beneath these garments, Mr. Anderson. There is a belief. A creed. A love. And those cannot ever be killed." I took his pistol away, along with a magazine. I loaded the gun and pointed it at my attacker. "You threatened my friends and family, tried to kill me, and you had the nerve to do it all with a smile." Anderson's confidence had left him entirely. "Please! Please don't kill me! I don't want to die!" *Click* I fired a single round to the side of his head. The round impacted the dirt harmlessly. "I would never stoop to such a low. Remember that." I sternly told him. I tossed his gun into the air and quickly unsheathed my sword. With a single swing, I cut through the weapon. "Now, get the hell off my lawn." Anderson nodded in a panic and ordered his conscious men to grab the two sleepers and evacuate. The chopper blades began to spin, and soon enough Anderson had fled from the place. A giddy grin spread across my lips as I turned to face the others. "Well, was I awesome or what?" Everyone was still dead silent. That is, except for the small thud my mother made as she collapsed on the lawn. "I laid it on a bit thick, didn't I?" I meekly asked Celestia. "Just a bit, 'Alucard'." Celestia teased as she found her voice. Luna rushed over to where I was, tears still streaming down her face. She buried her head in my chest, sobbing as she held me tightly. "*Sniff* I thought... I thought you were..." She tried to say. I held her closer to me to comfort her. "Hey, I haven't died yet. The only tears I ever want to see come from you are tears of joy." Luna's lips quivered, and she caught me completely off guard by her impulsive action. Her lips pressed against my own. I tensed up from how sudden it was, but my body relaxed to a state I had never experienced before. "What is this? Do I... Do I really love her?" Luna parted from the embrace and looked at me happily. "I never want to lose you again." She said. That was when I realized it. To hell with what society might think, or what my previous standings were. I knew there was a connection. I knew that deep down, I loved Luna. -------- After we got back inside, I asked my parents and Walter to leave the rest of us so we could talk privately. "Okay, so anybody have any ideas why I just took about a hundred bullets and lived?" I asked. Pinkie raised her hand. "Maybe you're really a vampire?" Well, as ludicrous as that sounded, anything was worth investigating at this point. I looked into a mirror and got a good look at my teeth. "No fangs. Not a vampire." I responded. "That kinda sucks. It would have been pretty cool being a vampire." Celestia stood up and walked over to me. "Perhaps I can find out." She enveloped me in her magic aura and closed her eyes in concentration. "This... I've never seen anything like this...!" She suddenly gasped. "What is it?" Twilight asked. "When he absorbed Teruza's spell, it threatened to tear his soul apart. Ragnarok took on the harmful effects of the spell, but a base portion of it remained. Gather mana and use it for a singular purpose. I used a healing spell on him while he was recovering in an attempt to assist him, and it seems that spell filled in the blanks of Teruza's." I blinked for a moment. "So what you're saying is: the reason I have immortality is because of the spell Teruza made?" Celestia nodded in confirmation. "Ha! Suck it you sociopath!" I shouted as I pointed down to the depths of hell. "But it's not so simple." Celestia continued. "Of course it isn't" I sighed. "The spell not only mends your wounds, but it also has slowed your aging process to a level comparable to an alicorn. But just as that is similar, you also share the weakness of an alicorn. Our immortality is granted to us due to the high levels of magic that run through our body, but it is also what can kill us." "Like water quenching your thirst, but too much causes you to drown." I reasoned. "In a way. Concentrations of volatile magic, such as a destructive beam spell, cause the magic in our own bodies to flow out of disrupted areas, akin to a wound. Like wounds, the magic flow is restored, but during the brief time it is disrupted, we are vulnerable." She concluded. "Well, at least that leaves very few things that can kill me." Rainbow looked at me with a devilish grin. "So..." "So?" I asked. "Aren't you gonna tell us how long you and Luna have been snogging?" I felt my cheeks turn red and I became flustered. "W-what?! I-I... That was my first-" "Ohh~ This is simply juicy, darling! Your first kiss goes to Luna. Oh this is such wonderful gossip." Rarity giddily said. Vinyl pat me hard on the back. "Dude, you've gotta let me crash at the castle if I'm ever up in Canterlot." "B-but I-" "I believe I know who you'll be giving that second ticket to now." Octavia said with a grin. Fluttershy gave me a warming grin. "I'm so happy for you both! I wonder what the foals will look like..." "WHAT?! We're not even married yet! W-wait, I mean-" "Another Canterlot wedding between a princess and a captain in the royal guard! I think we all know who the bridesmaids are going to be~." Rarity began teasing. My face turned red enough to be mistaken for a tomato. Applejack stepped over and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Don't go worryin' you're little head about them teasin' you about the wedding." She suppressed a chuckle and continued. "Because what y'all should be worried about is the honeymoon!" Everyone but Luna and I burst out laughing. Luna seemed embarrassed, but the look on her face told me she was daydreaming about the possibilities. I'd had enough of all this. "Forget you guys, I'm going to bed." I said as I grumbled up the stairs. Ragna ran along after me and hopped up on my shoulder. Walter greeted me as I reached the top and directed me to the guest rooms. "Each room comes with a king sized bed, plasma screen TV, bathroom, and as per request by your parents, each shall be outfitted with an Xbox 360 by the end of tomorrow." As amazing as all the features were, I frowned at one distinct problem. "There's only six rooms..." "Quite right, but the beds have more than enough room to accommodate you and your friends." I groaned and walked over to the first room. "Just tell the others that they have to share rooms. This one's mine." Walter bowed politely. "Of course, sir." I walked inside and plopped down on the bed, only pausing to take off my coat. I directed Ragna to make himself at home on the lounge chair in the room. I was tired and I just wanted to get some sleep. -------- I stirred in the middle of the night from discomfort. Probably too much warmth from the clothes I was wearing. I shifted so I could get them off, but a small sound made me pause. It was a small pattern of breathing. Likely from someone who was asleep. I turned to look at the left side of the bed, and nearly jumped out of my skin from who I saw. "L-Luna?!" The Princess of the Night yawned and raised herself up to look at me. Her eyes were still tired, but those weren't what I was looking at. From where she lifted up, I could see that she was stark naked under the covers. My blush intensified, and I could feel the warm sensation of blood running down my nose. I quickly averted my gaze. "I apologize for not informing you, but I decided to share the room with you." She paused and moved to get back into my line of sight. "Is something the matter?" "Y-you're not wearing any..." Luna tilted her head in confusion. "I do not understand. Do humans require clothing within the bed as well?" I stammered as I tried to explain. "W-well, when you're sharing a bed... It's kind of a modesty thing..." "I do not fully understand, but I will try to learn more and improve... for you." She said endearingly. "A-alright. I-I guess we should just go back to sleep." I suggested. "Very well, I will see you in the morning." Luna rested her head back to the pillows and slowly drifted off to sleep. I did the same, albeit with two fairly large... "distractions" rubbing against my back as Luna shifted in her sleep. "Why must I be tortured so? Must not act on primal instincts. Celestia would vaporize me... Or worse, Keep me alive and torture me for all eternity." Despite the discomfort and anxiety, I finally managed to drift off to sleep. > No Rest for the Wicked Awesome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up in the morning groggy and dying to get back to sleep. I looked at the clock to see that it was around 8 in the morning. Feeling that going back to sleep was not happening anytime soon, I decided to go and take a shower in the nearby bathroom. Not wanting to get my only set of clothes wet in the fairly small bathroom, I removed them after locking the door to the room and seeing that Luna was gone. "She must have gone to breakfast already. I can smell it all the way up here." With a shrug, I walked over to the bathroom and opened the door. I was greeted to quite the shocking sight. Luna blinked in surprise at me with a towel wrapped around her waist. After a few moments of being distracted by the sight of her scantly clad body, I realized what was making her blush so hard. I quickly covered up with a nearby towel and tried to quickly explain. "I-I'm sorry! It's not what you-" "Don't look!" She shrieked. *Whump!* Luna launched me into the ground with a telekinetic wave of magic. "Owwww...." I groaned. "Modesty improved... Reaction needs work..." I commented as my trauma was regenerated. Luna clutched her towel tightly, but had a stern look in her eyes. "Forgive me if my reaction towards a Peeping Tom was not normal." She sarcastically shot back. I got up and pointed my finger at her as I defended myself. "Okay for starters, I had no idea you were in the shower. Second, the door was unlocked. And third, you didn't seem all that phased when you decided to share a bed with me without clothes." Luna looked down remorseful of her response. "I am sorry... I should not have been so forgetful and foolish. And as for my response, it was a moment of circumstance. Even back in Equestria it is quite embarrassing to be seen by a colt whilst bathing." "That doesn't really make sense, but it's a start for learning human modesty. Although, you might not want to slam people into walls." Luna flinched at my words, and I felt bad for poking fun at her previous actions. I got up and hugged Luna comfortingly, though I was cautious not to alarm her again. "Sorry for being a bit inconsiderate of how you must have felt." I told her. Luna blushed and shied her gaze away from mine. "You needn't apologize to make me feel better. I am the only one to blame." "Hey, you just got a little forgetful. I probably should have knocked when I saw the door was closed anyway." Luna finally drew her gaze back to me and embraced me in a hug of her own. "Thank you for not being angry. I'm sorry I assumed the worst towards you." "Hey, I said it's alright. Just remember: I'd never do anything to try and hurt you." I assured her. "You're so sweet." She said as she placed her head to my chest and gave me another hug. "That and I know your sister would kick my ass six ways to Sunday." I chuckled. Luna gave a soft giggle before releasing me and allowing me to use the shower. Once I was finished I got dressed and made my way downstairs. The smell of breakfast made my mouth water. I sniffed the air as I identified each of the scents. "Pancakes, toast, and... Oh crap..." That last scent made me fear the worst. A full out panic could commence at any second if what I smelled was true. I quickened my pace to the kitchen and spotted the perpetrator of my demise. One of my favorite treasures was about to do me in. "Bacon..." I whispered in horror. I looked over to the table to spot Celestia and the others beginning their meals. I tapped Celestia on the shoulder to get her attention. "Celestia, please tell me you know what's on that plate!" I whispered to her. "Of course. It's pancakes, toast, and bacon, silly." She cheerfully replied. "Do you know what bacon is?!" I whispered with greater urgency. Celestia gave me a warm, comforting grin. "If you are worried about how I or the other ponies would react to meat, I have already explained the situation to them, and they understand completely." My mind went blank for a few moments as her words were processed. "What?" Was all I could ask. "I have already explained to them that these human bodies require nourishment from a human diet. While I would have requested substitutes like tofu, there isn't any on hand and I don't want to burden your family." Now, lucky viewers, it's time for... Guess... That... Reaction! Run around flailing arms while screaming gibberish? Bash head against wall claiming it's a dream? Faint? Or will it be: just roll with it? And the survey says... Faint! That was it. Seeing Celestia take a bite of bacon sent me over the edge and caused my mind to shut down. *Thud!* -------- "Oh dear! I hope he's okay." Fluttershy said. "Well, he is immortal, darling." Rarity responded. "I think I know what'll get him up." Rainbow Dash chuckled. I could feel a set of lips press against my own. My eyes bulged open and I could see the shocked expression on Luna, who's lips were being pressed against mine by Rainbow Dash. Rainbow released Luna, who recoiled back, but kept a blush and a shy grin. "Told you. True love's kiss always gets the job done." Rainbow proudly said. I glared daggers at her. "My vengeance will be swift and unseen." I growled. Rainbow merely laughed off the idea. "You're talking to one of the best pranksters in Ponyville! What makes you think you could ever get the drop on me?" "Shadow bending technique. Remember?" I said with a grin. Suddenly all the color drained from Rainbow's face. "H-how about we just call it even for the flight incident?" "Oh no. I already saved your life once, so flying me to the hospital and saving me from crashing already made us even for that. There's nothing to hold me back now." Rainbow Dash gulped in fear. Even one as confident as her recognized the threat of an enemy you couldn't see. I went over to the table and had some breakfast myself. After finishing the meal (Oh man I missed bacon), I sat down with the others to discuss our current situation. "So how are we going to find our way back to Equestria?" I asked. Everyone remained silent due to their uncertainty. Even Celestia was at a loss for ideas. After a moment Spike raised his hand. "Yes, Spike?" "Well, if what's stopping us from getting back is a powerful magic force, then all we have to do is find the source and stop it, right?" I thought for a moment. "That's actually not a bad idea! We'd need to find a way to locate it first. Until then, we might be staying here a while, and I'm not sure that the clothes Celestia provided will last for all of you. Not to mention this is my only good set of clothes, myself." Walter walked up with a grin. "If I may, sir, you and your friends could come along with me to the local mall. I need to go and pick up the Xbox systems for the rooms anyway, and I believe your parents told me to give you this before they left for an important trip." Walter held out a package with an envelope on the top. I opened the envelope and read the letter inside. "Dear Robert, As much as we want to stay at home since you have just come back, we unfortunately must head out to California to see your twin sister at a dance camp she has entered. We promised to spend Christmas up there with her, but know that we'll hold you in our hearts as we celebrate. We've already given Walter a list of gifts to get for you, and we know that he will be able to tend to your needs while we're gone. In case you return to Equestria before we see you again, we love you, and we'll always be proud of you. From, Mom and Dad P.S. I'm glad to see you've found yourself a woman! I wish the best for you. Dad" "Thanks, guys..." I lovingly said. "What's in the box? Open it! Open it!" Pinkie demanded. "Okay. Calm down." I told the bouncing girl. I opened the lid to the box and felt my jaw hit the floor when I saw what was inside. Money. Lots of money. "I believe they said they left you with a sum of $20,000. They said it was to make up for lost time, and they recommended using it for your friends as well." Walter informed. "Welp, I guess I'm going to the mall! I'll see you guys when I get back with clothes and other-" "Hold it right there! You're going out shopping and not bringing us?" Vinyl asked, insulted. I held up my hands defensively. "I'm sorry, but horns and wings aren't really normal. Not to mention you guys don't really know what to expect. I don't want you to cause a scene." "But, you've already shown us so much with your shows, and you talked about life on Earth all the time! I'm sure we can act perfectly normal." Twilight argued. I thought about it for a moment. "Eh. What the hell? It might actually help to get people knowing that you're here. If we can get the power of the public, we probably won't have to worry about those Ascension goons trying anything funny. Next time they might do something worse, like send in ninjas." "Ninjas?" Rainbow said with a deadpanned expression. "Hey, you can't prepare for ninjas." I retorted. "Well sir, I'll bring the limousine around for you." Walter told me. "Thanks... Limousine?" -------- All of the former ponies audibly beheld the long limousine in front of us. This wasn't just a limo. It was the kind that you would see a celebrity ride around in. It was equipped with a small mini-fridge, an audio system, and the seats were soft enough to sleep in. Walter eyed the weapons I brought aboard suspiciously. "If I may be so bold to ask, why are you bringing weapons on a trip to the mall?" "Walter, if those goons decide to jump us again, I want to be able to protect myself without getting blasted to bits. Don't get me wrong, it can't kill me, but it still hurts like hell." I explained. "Fair enough, sir. I'll defer to your judgement." I took my seat inside the limo next to Luna. Walter took the driver seat and we began our trip to the mall. I noticed an audio input port near the divider window. "Walter, is there an audio input cord in here?" I asked. "Hmm? Oh yes. I believe it's in the drawer above the mini-fridge." Following his instruction I opened the drawer and found what I was looking for. I went back to the input port and plugged in my iPhone. Searching through the music library, I found a song to my liking. The beat was infectious as each of the former ponies found themselves tapping to the beat. Soon enough the singing began, and Luna found herself listening intently. "Is this...?" I grinned to her. "You're really popular in this world. This is barely scratching the surface." Luna gave me a nudge. "You're just a giant flirt, aren't you?" "Only when I feel like it. I'd like to think I'm classier than some of my so called 'peers'." I said. Luna seemed upset by this. "Why do you seem to hold such contempt?" I sighed. This was going to be my life story. "Before I came to Equestria, I was a complete loser. I was that kid that always got picked on just because he was scrawny, smart, and into nerdy things. I guess I can scratch off scrawny now." I chuckled as I looked to my above average form. I had trained for months after the Chrysalis incident. I may not have been as toned as Captain America, but I wasn't that scrawny kid anymore. "Anyway, I had often struck out with girls in the past, but I kept seeing the same guys who would love nothing more than to pound me into the dirt getting dates. After a while I just got the idea that most girls in high school were only interested in the popular guys. I made up my mind that I didn't want to be like those guys at all. I wanted to find someone, but I didn't want to do it because not having a girlfriend means you're gay or a loser, I wanted to find someone because I felt a connection. And for the record, I have nothing against anyone in the gay community. Heck, a bunch of my friends were gay and they were much better than the guys who would light everything on fire in chemistry." Luna looked at me as though she had brought up a horrible memory. "I'm sorry if that brought up any unpleasant memories..." She paused and gave me a peck on the cheek. "But I don't think you're a loser at all." "Oh, you're just saying that." I dismissed. "Even if that were true, you'd still be my loser." She warmly said. "Awwwww!" Everyone else said in unison. I allowed myself a smile. "I guess it's finally happened. I can shake off all the bad memories and live as myself." "How'd I ever catch your eye?" I asked the alicorn beside me. "Well, perhaps saving us all had something to do with it, but what really made me take notice of you is that you were always so selfless and brave. You fought to save Equestria even when it wasn't your own home. And back when I was captured by Despair, I told you to run and save yourself. You stood your ground and refused, even when you were facing impossible odds. You fought to save both me and my sister, how could I not find an interest in you?" "Oh, so it's just the hero thing, huh? Not my charm or good looks." I teased. "Your heroics only started the interest. What drew me in was how you were you." If I wasn't blushing before, I was now. I leaned over and gave Luna a peck on the cheek, earning more Awww's from the crowd. -------- The mall was something spectacular. It was a massive building containing over a hundred different stores. I think I could see Rarity drooling when she caught sight of it. I left my weapons in the limo before I turned to the group and began addressing them. "Okay, rule 1: we all stay together. Rule 2: try not to cause trouble. And rule 3: if things look bad, we run for the exit." "And rule 4..." Pinkie grinned. "Have fun!" She cheered as she bounced from her seat." "Well, yes. I guess that's a good rule too." I suddenly realized that everyone had gotten off without me. "H-hey! Wait up!" I jumped out of the limo after them with Walter jogging beside me. I had to admit, for his age he was really spry. I caught up to them inside the main entrance. "Hey, what did I tell all of you about... sticking... together..." I found myself gawking at the inside of the mall along with them. There was just too much! Winding escalators, massive and well built stores, and the arcade...! ...Hey, don't judge me for getting hyped about an arcade. This one was incredible. It had all the best arcade games stocked. Street Fighter, BlazBlue, House of the Dead... The list just keeps going. "This is... words cannot describe...!" I expressed my astonishment. "It is quite the marvel." Celestia remarked. As the Princess of the Sun was gazing at the sights with the rest of us, she took notice of a particular restaurant. Her mouth began to water and her feet began shuffling uncontrollably towards the sign. "Whoa there! We just had breakfast an hour ago." I told her as I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Huh? I was... Did I miss something?" I looked past her shoulder to see what she had her eyes set on. I gave a small chuckle once I read the sign. "We'll stop at the Cheesecake Factory for lunch, okay?" Celestia's usual motherly demeanor vanished as she wrapped me in a hug like a child that had been promised a new toy. "Thank you!" She said as she squeezed my rib cage. "I'm *ack!* happy that... you're happy." I told her as I found difficulty breathing. Celestia released me and flashed me a warm grin. "Well then, shall we start buying proper clothes?" "Right. First we need to find a directory. This place looks like it's easy to get lost in." "I found it." Pinkie said. I followed her pointing finger to see a directory standing directly behind me. "Huh. How'd I miss that?" I took a paper copy of the map and looked for where clothing stores would be. After finding a suitable location that had multiple clothing stores in one spot, I took the lead as the others followed. I wasn't really all that good with fashion. I usually just grabbed a T-shirt and jeans for my daily attire, so I allowed Rarity to pick out appropriate clothes from each of the stores we visited. I will admit, we did get a few sideways glances, but I guess nobody looked too closely or anything... Or maybe they just thought it best to keep walking and not interact with the strange women, either one. We had finally gotten almost everything that we needed... except for one thing... "Y-you all go inside and follow Rarity's lead. Spike and I will wrap up our shopping." I meekly told them. Octavia seemed confused by my change in tone. "Is something the matter? You seem flustered." Vinyl walked up behind Octavia and wrapped an arm around her neck. "I think he's just a little embarrassed about this last stop~." She teased. "Yes, I'm embarrassed. You're buying underwear for Celestia's sake!" I shot back. I rubbed my temples in annoyance. "Look, I'll grab some for Spike and myself quick. We'll all head back at the Cheesecake Factory when we're done, okay?" "Don't worry, darling. I'm sure I've figured out our measurements by now." Rarity assured. "That's a bit unnerving, Rarity." Twilight whimpered. "Oh hush, Twilight. I've simply been able to figure it out based on what we've learned and estimating your proportions." I began dragging Spike over to the Boscov's at the end of the hall. After locating the men's clothing section, I picked out some packs of underwear for myself and the former dragon. After the simple task was done, we made our way back to the Victoria's Secret they had gone in. Spike and I sat down on a bench and waited for the group to finish. "Oh, here they come." I said as I spotted the familiar faces coming out of the exit. I waved them over to us and they eagerly approached. "Whoa, guys. Check out these weird chicks." A voice suddenly said. About four college aged guys strolled up and stepped in front of the group. Let me tell you right now, these guys were your average delinquent group. "Look at those weird dye jobs." One of the others commented. "And what's with these fake horns and wings?" Another said. The fourth one grabbed Fluttershy's wing and began inspecting it rather roughly. "Ow! Could you please not *Ah!* hurt me like that?" Rainbow Dash stepped in and shoved one of them away while I jogged between the two groups. "Leave Fluttershy alone!" She shouted at the one that mistreated her wings. He seemed to be too stunned from something else to care. "Holy crap, guys! Those things are real!" He said as he pointed at Fluttershy who was nursing her wing. "What a bunch of freaks!" The first one said. "And look at the one in black! What's with the freaky hair?" "Back off." I growled at the first delinquent. "Ohhh! I'm so scared! What the hell are you gonna do? Beat it. I'm thinkin' we might be able to give these freaks a 'ride', eh guys?" "Lay so much as one hand on them, and you're a dead man." I growled again. The first guy tried to respond with a right hook, but I caught the fist in mid-flight. I began gripping it with enough force to make him kneel in pain. "Ow! Lay off, man!" "If I catch you guys messing with my friends, or Luna again, I'll be sure to send you out in stretchers!" I warned them. The four of them scrambled away and I kept my eyes locked on them until they were a good distance away. I turned around and stepped over to Fluttershy. "Hey, did they hurt you?" Fluttershy looked up with her wing still in her hands. "Mmm hmm." She nodded. "Sorry I didn't step in sooner. Do you want to just head back to the estate now, or will you be alright to go to lunch?" "Umm, I-I'm alright to have some lunch." She stepped forward and hugged me. "Thanks for sticking up for me. You too, Rainbow." "Hey, it's what friends do." I told her. With that little incident behind us, we all went back to the Cheesecake Factory for our lunch. -------- Everyone was having a good time now. We had a hearty meal, and we were in the middle of enjoying the best part of the Cheesecake Factory: the cheesecake. "Oh man, this Hershey chocolate cake is the bomb!" I said between greedy bites of the desert. Celestia was too busy digging into her Godiva chocolate cheesecake to care. She took care to dip each piece into the provided whipped cream for maximum flavor. Everything was going smoothly, and nothing could go wrong. *Thoom.* Nothing could go wrong. *Thoom!* NOTHING COULD GO WRONG! *THOOM!* "Son of a bitch!" I cursed. "What in tarnation is all that ruckus?" Applejack wondered. "Knowing my luck, those military goons brought some bigger toys. And knowing Anderson, he's probably forgotten what the word civilian means." I muttered. Looking outside the entrance I could see people scrambling to get to the exits of the mall. I didn't know what it was, but I had to get to the bottom of it. I began running in the opposite direction of the crowd, making my way to the center plaza. By the time I reached the plaza and caught sight of what was causing the noise, the military wasn't looking so bad. This thing was big, strong, and generally taking swings at anything that moved. It was some kind of massive black automaton with piercing red eyes and a massive blade for a right arm. It had to be at least 20 feet in height, and despite it being robotic in nature, something about it appeared to be ancient. "M-mommy!" I looked to the source of the noise to see a young boy crying in fear. The automaton began turning to the sound as well, and I could tell what was to come. "Piercing light of the sun! Eternal shadow of the moon! Grant me your power in my time of need, and vanquish my enemies!" I recited. Hearing my command, my weapons transformed into orbs of light and flew to my position from the limo. As soon as the weapons were in my possession, I sprinted to intercept a cleaving strike from the automaton. *Clang!* The young boy was sniffling behind me in fear. I had reinforced my shield with shadow energy to absorb the blow from the blade. "Hey kid, get somewhere safe. I'll take care of the scary thing." I instructed. The child sniffled, but nodded and began running away. "Robert!" Twilight called out once she caught up. "Twilight, I need some containment. Now!" "R-right!" She nodded. Twilight focused her magic and created barriers to seal off the paths to the plaza. "Now that that's taken care of, what do you say we go a few rounds?" I taunted the metal construct. The automaton drew back it's blade and prepared for another strike. I rolled to the left to avoid the incoming strike and charged up my sword with light as I slashed at his leg. The blade cut clean through and caused the metal menace to crash to the ground. "That wasn't so ba-" The automaton was far from finished. His lower section split open and two shorter, thicker legs sprang out for him to stand on, while his remaining leg began spinning around his waist as a weapon. "Of course..." I groaned. I charged at my foe and leaped over his spinning leg. Just as I was about to land a strike, I spotted his blade out of the corner of my eye. I barely had time to get my shield in position, and I was launched into the concrete wall at high speed anyway. As my vertebrae re-positioned themselves thanks to my immortality, My opponent began advancing towards me. "Alright, I'm through playing around with you!" I charged up my sword with light energy and launched it as a projectile to cleave off his blade arm. I leaped through the air as his blade hit the ground and sliced off his head in a single motion. Not leaving anything to chance, I enveloped his body with a shadow sphere and focused all of my energy to collapse it and crush his metal frame into a harmless sphere of scrap. "Rest in pieces." I insulted. Twilight lowered the barriers, and I found that I had accumulated quite the crowd. "Uh... Nothing to worry about folks. Problem solved." I said as I prepared for just about any reaction. A young boy wormed his way past the onlookers while holding the hand of a woman. "Mommy! That's the good guy that saved me!" He said as he pointed his finger to me. The woman rushed forward with her son and grabbed my hands in gratitude. "Oh thank you for saving my baby! When that thing attacked I just couldn't find him and the crowd kept pushing!" "All part of the job, ma'm." A calmly assured her. Luna and the others rushed forward to join me. Luna tightly hugged me once the woman had said her final thank you. "I'm so glad you're unharmed." She said as she held me close. "What? You act like I haven't done this sort of thing before." I responded. Celestia stepped forward with a serious look on her face. "I believe she is concerned with very good reason." I sighed. "That thing was magic wasn't it? I knew I felt something familiar when I was fighting it." "You're lucky you didn't take a direct hit from it. If you had... I wish not to burden Luna with the thought." "Don't worry, I'm always careful." I assured her. The crowd must have overheard us as they began muttering how crazy the idea of magic was. But soon they began to argue how there weren't many explanations for what they saw. One man walked up with a notepad. "Excuse me, sir. Could you explain the situation?" From the look of him, he must have been a reporter. My luck was finally turning good. "That pile of scrap there is what's left of a magic automaton that attacked the people here. I took it out, but I couldn't have done it without the help of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and my friends." "Princess Celestia?" He asked. "Princess of the land of Equestria. Without the weapons she and Luna provided me, I wouldn't have been able to fight that thing." I explained. "I... I'm not sure I..." He began. "Sorry, but that's all the time I have for now. I need to get going." I said as I began leading the Equestrians through the crowd. Once we made it to the exit, I found Walter had brought the limo around. "Sir, I heard the commotion in there and thought to bring the limo around to get you out as soon as you arrived. What happened?" He asked. I shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, you know. Did some shopping, had lunch, and I fought a 20 foot tall magic automaton. Just an average day for me." "My, sir! Just what do you do to get into these situations?" "Well, I guess there ain't no rest for the wicked." > Diplomatic Relations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was beyond relieved to get home. I was actually half expecting a police car to stop us on the way back to ask "Would you happen to know anything about the giant golem that attacked the mall?". Anyway, everyone had enough clothes to last them until wash loads could be done, the Xbox 360s were all set up and had plenty of games, and we all just wanted to have fun and relax. "So what do you all want to do?" I asked. "Inside of course." I quickly added. "Well, partner, Ah don't really feel in the mood to play on those 360 whatsits. Y'all wouldn't happen to have somethin' active we could do in here, would ya?" Applejack asked. Walter courteously stepped into the conversation. "Ms. Applejack, I think you'll be pleased to be informed that we do have an indoor swimming pool. It's large in size, has a hot tub nearby, and it even has a plasma screen situated for both swimmers and loungers to enjoy." I pumped my fists in excitement. "Yes! I love a good swim. Good thing we grabbed swim suits while we were at the mall." Everyone seemed to be on board with the idea, though I thought I sensed hesitation from Rainbow Dash. I decided to ignore it as we all went back to our rooms to change. I dashed up the stairs and quickly put on my swim trunks, running back down the stairs to the corridor that Walter pointed me to. I didn't need to find a sign to know I was headed in the right direction. Indoor pools always give off the smell of chlorine, but it's actually quite the nice smell. It reminded me of when I used to be on the swim team as a kid. I gave it up after trying it out during the summer. Pools get damned cold overnight, and practice was always in the morning at the local swim club, so no indoor heating. The pool was BIG. Probably just a tad smaller than a pool used for swim meets, but the luxury of it made it a thousand times better. There was only one detail that Walter forgot to mention, but it was easy to forget considering how common it was with pools. The diving board. Without hesitation, I ran over to the diving board and began running to the edge. As my feet reached the edge, I crouched low and uncoiled my legs into a solid front flip. *Splash!* I hit the water and was comforted by the temperature. Not too warm, but not cold either. It was the perfect lukewarm temperature of water. I began paddling through the water towards the shallow end. I allowed my feet to rest on the floor of the pool as my attention was directed to the recently opened door. My jaw dropped as I saw each of the women wearing a varying assortment of bikinis and one-pieces. And boy did they wear them well. That's when I noticed with slight embarrassment that they still had their cutie marks on their... flanks. Luna made her way over to the side of the pool nervously. "W-well? How do I look?" She asked with uncertainty. I studied her form intently. She looked gorgeous in her black bikini. It had one of those cloth wraps around the waist to boost her elegance factor. After a moment I shook my head to regain my focus. "I guess I see why people always say how beautiful the Moon and the stars are. You look amazing." I told her with the utmost sincerity. Luna giggled with that sweet little voice of hers. "Well, what are you waiting for? The water's fine!" I cheered as I began swimming back to the diving board. The others began whooping and hollering as they plunged into the waters, aside form Rainbow Dash who opted to take a nap on one of the lounge chairs. Celestia herself made her way to the diving board. Rather than take a calm and collected dive as I expected, Celestia let loose and jumped into the air for a cannon ball, flapping her wings in midair to get the largest splash possible. The girls and I were covered in the resulting wave of water. Rarity fidgeted a bit from the comfort of her inflatable chair in the water, but she continued to relax. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a puff of pink hair gliding through the waters nearby, circling the chair. I swear, I could hear Jaws music playing in my head. After building up suspense, Pinkie darted under the chair and pushed up with all her might, sending Rarity screaming into the water. "Ohhh! Pinkie! When I get my hands on you!" She fumed. Pinkie playfully giggled at the furious fashionista. "Have to catch me first!" Pinkie began playfully swimming around to avoid Rarity's wrath, and an idea popped in my head. Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep in her lounge chair, and the opportunity for revenge had presented itself. I swam over to Luna and whispered the details in her ear. She giggled as she complied with the request, lifting Rainbow from her chair with levitation magic. The rainbow haired girl remained blissfully unaware of the fact that she was now hovering inches above the pool. Suddenly Luna's horn stopped glowing and Rainbow Dash plunged into the waters below. "AAAAHHHHHHH!" She screamed as she flailed around in the water and latched onto the nearest thing, which happened to be my arm. I blushed as she clung close to me and her breasts pushed against my arm. She had her eyes closed tightly and she wailed at me for help. "Don't just stand there! Get me out of the water!" She shrieked. "Rainbow Dash." I tried to speak. "Just get me out!" "Rainbow." "Please! Just hurry up!" "Rainbow Dash!" I shouted. Rainbow opened her eyes and looked to my face. "You're in the shallow end." I finally told her. Rainbow looked down and felt her feet connect with the surface. She blushed and released me from her death grip. "Uh... sorry. I just... got a little startled is all." She apologized. "A little startled? You were screaming bloody murder!" I chided. Rainbow looked to the ground in shame. "The truth is... I can't swim..." "What was that?" I asked. "I said I can't swim! There, are you happy?! The best flier in Equestria can't even swim! Laugh it up!" She shouted in anger. I was taken aback from her response. "Rainbow, why would I laugh about that?" "Because... everyone else can do it but me..." She said as tears began to well up in her eyes. She quickly turned away to hide any tears that could be seen. She didn't want to look anymore weak than she already had. I grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around. "Hey, there's lots of things I can't do. I can't fly, I can't use magic, and you know how bad I am at drawing." I comforted. Rainbow chuckled a bit. "Yeah, you do suck at drawing." "You don't have to be ashamed about not being able to do something. Look, I can teach you how to swim if you want." "You'd do that for me?" "I Pinkie Pie promise." I told her as I did the gestures of the promise. -------- "Alright, now kick your legs like I showed you." I instructed Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash began clumsily fluttering her legs as I held her arms to keep her steady. "Argh! I'm never going to get this right!" She fumed. "You can do it, Rainbow. Just pretend you're running as you kick. Just kick one leg at a time." I assured her. Rainbow sighed, but adjusted her kicking to my advice. The splashes became audibly smoother and her movements steadied. Rainbow Dash smiled as she looked at her progress. "Not bad. Now I can teach you how to do freestyle." I released her hands and stood with my chest lowered to the water level. "Alright, now what you need to do is kick like you were, but you need to move your arms like this." I began moving my arms forward one at a time in great strokes to demonstrate the movement to Rainbow Dash. "While you're doing this, keep your head in the water and turn your head to the side when you need to breathe." I turned to Rainbow Dash. "Go ahead and try it on your own. I'm right here if you need me." Rainbow Dash took in a deep breath. "Okay... I can do this." Slowly Rainbow began paddling outwards as she kicked her legs to propel herself forward. Soon enough she began making her way over to the other end of the pool. She turned her head to breathe, but couldn't help but beam at her success. "I'm doing it! I'm swimming!" She cheered in triumph. She turned around and swam over to me. I prepared to give her a high five, but instead she wrapped me in a hug. "Thank you sooooo much! I can actually swim now!" She thanked me. "Hey, what are friends for, right?" I responded. Rainbow Dash released me and smiled at me. "Well, you're still my best pal. Sorry about earlier... You know, with Luna and..." I raised my hand dismissively. "Hey, that's all in the past now. Just don't do anything to mess with our relationship from now on. Deal?" "You got it." She promised. Soon Rainbow Dash was giggling as she joined in with the others as they played in the waters. I decided to take a break and relax in the hot tub. The warm waters instantly made me relax, and soon I was settled in a comfortable position as I basked in the warmth. Soon I noticed that another body had entered the tub, and a very regal one at that. "Robert." "Celestia." I responded. Celestia sighed and looked me in the eyes with a serious look. "You seem awful quick to forget about the centurion that attacked the mall." "I didn't forget. I just didn't want everyone to worry." I responded with an equally serious stare. "Be that as it may, you can't dismiss it forever. Something strange is going on. These recent events are too much to be coincidence." "That centurion was probably made by whatever brought us to Earth." I reasoned "That's what I'm afraid of. Whatever is causing this has power beyond my wildest fantasies. The power needed to cross the void between dimensions is incredible, and the fact that it could summon an automaton of that caliber so soon just goes to show how large of a threat it is." "But we don't even know what 'it' is! We have no way of tracking it or knowing what it's after. We're flying blind, Celestia. Until we can gather more intel on this force, we should just relax and avoid starting a panic." I concluded. "Perhaps, but we should still be on our guard." She added. "Vinyl! Put me down!" Octavia yelled. Celestia and I turned to see what the commotion was. Vinyl was holding Octavia bridal style at the end of the diving board. "Hey everybody! I'm used to dropping the base, but I wanna see what happens when I drop the cellist!" She laughed. Octavia looked up to Vinyl with a furious glare. "Vinyl. Don't. You. Dare." Vinyl payed the warning no heed, and dropped Octavia unceremoniously into the water. Soon everyone was caught in a fit of giggles as Octavia breached the surface with a look of pure hate. Vinyl was laughing so hard she began swaying and clutching her sides. "W-whoa!" She cried out as she began losing her balance. Soon Vinyl had fallen into the water after her roommate, eliciting more laughter from everyone. Celestia let out a small chuckle. "I suppose you're right about letting them relax." I smiled as I looked at the ruler of Equestria. "Wouldn't want to spoil this." -------- After having our fill of swimming, we all dried off and retired to the living room to watch TV. I took the remote and flipped through the channels. Nothing seemed to catch my interest, until a news bulletin came up. "New developments on our earlier story. The remains of the robot that attacked a mall in Pennsylvania have mysteriously disintegrated. Officials claim that no chemical residues have been discovered, leaving them baffled as to how it suddenly decomposed." A female anchor stated. "Disintegrated?" I wondered. "Perhaps it was a fail safe in the animation spell?" Twilight offered her explanation. "Maybe." The male anchor began reading from the teleprompter. "For those of you just joining in, we would like to direct you to surveillance footage recovered from the attack." The screen transitioned to a black and white recording of the centurion about to crush the boy. The recording continued to show my intervention, up to the point that I crushed its body with the move I had dubbed "Crescent Crush". "Eye witnesses reported this individual stating that 'The automaton was magic, and that the ones to be thanked were Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna of Equestria.'" The reporter grimaced as he read the last bit. "Though, we cannot attest to the credibility of these witnesses. We will report further details as they are brought to our attention." It seems not everyone was satisfied with the news coverage. "That was completely bogus!" Spike shouted. "Whoa. Calm down, man." I quickly told him. "They're not even accepting that you totally saved the day there, or that Celestia and Luna really helped by giving you those weapons in the first place!" I shushed Spike's tantrum. "Hey, I don't do this for the praise, I do it because ponies and people have needed me. It may not be fair, but the people at the news just aren't ready for this kind of stuff. Heck, I doubt many people on Earth are ready to learn that we aren't alone and that magic exists." "Well, they're gonna have to start getting used to it if this ruckus keeps up." Applejack said. Octavia nodded. "While I'm sure people have their reasons for not being able to adapt to such knowledge, they may have to if they're going to be able to put this to rest." "We'll figure it out one step at a time. For now, let's just order some pizza." I said. -------- After the meal, I retired to my room for the rest of the night. I had to have time to think about everything that was happening, and how we would deal with it. This wasn't like my previous adventures where I had a clear enemy. I had no idea what I was up against, or if I could defeat it. "Whatever this thing is, it has power that Celestia said she could barely dream of. What if I can't beat it? Everyone on Earth could be in danger. And Luna and my friends..." I rubbed my temples in frustration as I lay in bed, trying to find rest among the thoughts fluttering around in my mind. Luna entered the room and seemed to notice my distress. Slowly she made her way over to the bed and took her spot beside me. "Is something wrong?" She asked. I didn't want to burden Luna with my worry, but experience told me that it was best to be honest. "Luna... I'm worried about whatever is causing this. I don't know what I can do to stop whatever is behind everything that's happened, and I'm terrified about what would happen to you and the others if I failed." Luna wrapped her arms around me in a hug. "You have always succeeded in the past. I have faith that you can do it once again. No matter what happens, I will always be by your side." I smiled and returned the embrace. I doubted I could ever be unhappy as long as she was there. I pulled Luna in closer and passionately caressed her lips. Luna shut her eyes as her emotions took hold and she returned the favor. Soon, I drew away from her with a smile. "Thanks Luna. I love you." I told her as I drew back the covers for sleep. Luna crawled under the covers as well, cuddling close to me as we both began to drift off to sleep. -------- *Knock Knock Knock* "*Groan*" I groggily roused myself from my sleep as I heard the knocking on my door. I made sure not to disturb Luna as I got up and put on a robe to answer the door. I was greeted by Walter who politely bowed, his monocle glared by the light. "Apologies for waking you, sir, but you have an important visitor." He informed. I yawned before responding. "Well, can they wait for a bit? I'm still kinda tired." "I doubt you would want to keep this guest waiting for another second, and I'm certain you know of him. Would a Barack Obama be familiar to you?" My eyes widened to a size that didn't even seem possible. I stood silent for at least a minute as I made sense of this information. But that was the problem: I couldn't make sense of it. "WHAAAAAAT?!?!" I blurted. I quickly covered my mouth as I realized how loud that was. I turned to see Luna slowly stirring from her sleep, rather than jumping out of the bed as I expected. She yawned as she rubbed one eye with her hand, which I found to be entirely too cute. "What's going on?" "A-apparently the... the President of the United States is downstairs for me." I managed to mumble out as the numbness of this revelation still affected me. "The President? I believe you told me that he was your governing power." "He's the elected leader of the United States, but there are many other representatives in the government. But... What's he doing here?" I wondered. "I'm afraid he didn't tell me, sir. I'll inform him that you'll be with him shortly." Walter said. I wasted no time getting a quick shower, brushing my teeth, and getting dressed. As Luna took her turn in the shower, I began knocking on the other doors and informing the others about what was going on. The reactions were mixed. Twilight began running around frantically trying to prepare a proper speech and look professional, Rarity ran straight for the bathroom to get her makeup done, Fluttershy started hyperventilating as she thought of the worst, and Octavia went through her routine to build confidence before a performance. Everybody else was just a little surprised, save for Spike who was insistent on sleeping in. After waiting a few moments so that everyone wouldn't be too far behind once I greeted him, I went downstairs to meet the most powerful man in the free world. Well, no amount of mental preparation could help me once I got downstairs. Standing there in a formal suit, was Barack Obama. My brain went into an almost complete shutdown as he extended his hand. "So you're the one that I've been hearing so much about? It's good to finally meet you." He said. "Hi I'm President Obama it's good to meet you, Robert." I said without thinking. "W-wait, I mean-" "It's alright, son. I don't exactly blame you for being nervous considering I came unannounced." "R-right. Wait, how do you know who I am?" "I was given a report on you from the leader of Ascension, Alexander Anderson." My blood came to a boil at the mention of that individual. "Yeah, he liked to say 'hello' using bullets." "He mentioned that in his report. He said we should just nuke your home to make sure you and your friends stayed down. He's been dishonorably discharged and is pending court marshal. It's one thing to have fired on a civilian, but he broke several first contact regulations by acting with lethal force. I understand if you don't exactly trust me or any other representatives of the government, but there are matters that require your immediate intervention." My curiosity was certainly piqued. "I'm listening." "That incident at the mall yesterday has gotten most of the politicians stirred up. They want answers that I can't give them. That's why I need you to come with me to the House of Representatives, along with the princesses you mentioned. No matter how ridiculous it may sound to them, I need you to give them something so that they can rest easy and focus on getting our government moving." "Pray tell, are you the president?" I turned to see Luna descending the stairs. She certainly worked hard to make herself presentable. I couldn't spot a single wrinkle on her dress, and her silver-blue eye shadow and lipstick were applied with artistic precision. "You must be one of the princesses that was mentioned in the news." Barack said as he held out his hand to shake. "I'm Barack Obama, president of the United States of America." Luna took his hand and shook. "I am Princess Luna of Equestria. My older sister, Celestia will be down in a moment." "Are those wings on your back? And that horn..." "She's an alicorn, sir. A unicorn with the wings of a pegasus. I suppose you could consider her the goddess of the night." I explained. "But she's human!" "My sister used a spell to transform us into human forms. She was not able to change certain parts of our anatomy, but it does help to cause less alarm when humans see us." "I suppose I should have prepared myself after hearing Anderson's report. So, this Equestria... what's it like?" "It is a land filled with many denizens that your kind would consider mythical. The ponies that live in our kingdom are happy and care free as they spend time with their friends and enjoy the many wonders of our land. There is always the threat of monstrous beasts and other beings of supernatural power, but Robert and my personal student's friends have always managed to keep the peace." "Ah, there you are, sister." Luna noted as Celestia made her entrance. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. President. Robert here told me all about you during his time in Equestria." "Really?" He asked as he shook her hand. "He said that you were a forward thinking individual who did his best to fix the problems that the country was facing." "I'm flattered, though I'm sad to say that progress on fixing these problems hasn't been the best. We've started seeing progress in getting our economy back on track, but these problems have been eight years in the making. Our war in the Middle East wasn't exactly the most opportune time for tax cuts to be made." "Ah yes, I believe Robert told me about the war. I must agree with him that it is a horrible thing to have to see such pointless conflict." Celestia said. "The reasons behind it were poor to say the least. I just wish that it was so simple as to shake hands and stop the fighting, but what's done is done." I figured it was best to get back on track. "So, you said you wanted to take us to the House of Representatives?" "That's correct. We need the three of you to explain what happened at the mall so that we can put it behind us and get back to running our country." Celestia frowned. "I wish it were so simple as to simply put it behind us, but this may only be the prelude to a grim chapter for both our worlds." I flinched at Celestia's words. "Celestia! Do you want to start a panic?!" She turned and faced me with a tone that I would normally associate with a teacher scolding a trouble student. "This is not up for discussion. We can't just sweep this under the rug and try and do this alone. Your people deserve to know what is going on instead of running around with uncertainty as to what is creating such strange phenomena on their world." I sighed in defeat. "I suppose you're right. I shouldn't be acting like the councilors in Mass Effect, now should I?" I said with a chuckle. "What do you mean 'it can't be swept under the rug'?" Obama asked. "Well, we think that something is deliberately behind the incident at the mall. We were pulled her from Equestria, by some sort of magical force, the same one that created the centurion that attacked the mall." Celestia explained. Obama took a moment to think about the situation. "Alright, I suppose we'll have to skip the formalities and take you to the House of Representatives right away. My helicopter is out front, but it's no exactly a passenger jet. You three will be the only ones coming." "I'm afraid I won't be able to leave my little ponies alone. I can't leave when their safety is not guaranteed.." Celestia demanded. Fortunately an idea popped in my head. Well, I suppose it would be more accurate to say I got the idea from an anime, but it was still a good plan. "Don't worry, Celestia. Equestrian law states that the first sizeable building in a new country can be declared an embassy with the consent of the owners, remember?" I asked with a wink. Celestia grinned as she caught on to my scheme. "Oh yes, that's right. And as an embassy, any act against the diplomats inside is considered an act of war, and I doubt anyone would want that." She said as her eyes drifted to the president. "I'll order a group of MPs to guard the estate as a newly established embassy. Don't worry, your student and her friends are in good hands." It was good to know that there wouldn't be any crazies or angry Ascension members trying to butcher my friends while we were gone. Twilight and the others descended the stairs as we prepared to leave for Washington DC. "Where are all of you going? Aren't we supposed to meet the president?" Twilight asked. "Actually Celestia, Luna, and I have been asked to go to the House of Representatives to explain what's been happening lately. All of you need to stay here until we get back. Also the house is an embassy, so you have diplomatic immunity." I explained before heading out the door. "Oh, OK... Wait, what?" -------- The helicopter ride over was fairly uneventful. It was mostly just a back and forth between Obama and Celestia, explaining the differences between their governments, how magic works, stuff like that. When we finally touched down we were escorted to a limo that had a police escort to the House of Representatives. Barack took the time to try and prepare me for my job. "Are you ready to speak in front of the representatives? They've been pretty restless lately." "I don't know... I'm just a soldier; I'm no politician." "I don't need you to be either. I just need you to get them focusing on the bigger picture." "We're here, sir." The driver announced. Obama nodded and began leading us up the steps to the House of Representatives. Everyone inside was arguing among themselves about each trivial thing that came to mind as we made our way down to the front of the main chamber. "Politics in action." I muttered. President Obama went up to the microphone and tapped it to be certain that it was on. "Everyone, if I could have your attention I'd like to call this emergency meeting to order. All eyes fell upon the president, but they quickly shifted to the princesses and I. "What's this supposed to be?" One representative shouted as he pointed to us. Another representative stood up. "Indeed. Just what is the meaning of bringing these... 'unique' individuals into such an important meeting?" "These three are here to finally answer all the questions you have about the recent incident at that mall in Pennsylvania." Obama replied. He then waved me up to the podium, and I could feel my knees buckle. With a gulp, I made my way up and addressed the representatives. "H-hello. My name is Robert Shearer, and I-" "Wait a second! That's the man from the surveillance tapes!" "Why hasn't he been arrested?! He's clearly involved in whatever deranged terrorist plot created that robot!" "Terrorist?! In case you didn't notice, I risked my life to save the people in that mall! And that 'robot' was a magical automaton!" I angrily responded. The representatives began to howl with laughter. "Oh yes, 'magic', that explains everything! I'm sure we can just go ahead and pardon you right now" I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "Then what exactly do you make of them?!" I asked as I pointed to Celestia and Luna. "Any hack from Hollywood could be payed to do that makeup and hair effect. Mr. President, I knew you were on a slippery slope during your first term, but now that you've secured a second one you think you can pull such ridiculous jokes during crisis' of national security?! I believe this meeting should be changed to a vote of impeachment!" I was getting pissed. These old morons were too caught up trying to win their little pissing contests, that they couldn't see what was right in front of them. I began hearing a commotion from the back of the room, and spotted a slender red form dart across the room. "Ragna?" "Where is security?! Get this filthy little rat out of here!" "Hey! Don't call my pet a rat, you withered old prick!" I shouted. Ragna darted across the room and made a beeline for me. He began frantically spinning in circles and waving his arms in a panic. "What's wrong boy? And how the hell did you sneak your way on the chopper?" I asked. Ragna responded by darting towards the door. Picking up on the message, I began chasing after him to see what had him in such a panic. I followed him out the doors towards the main entrance, bringing a crowd of curious diplomats with me. When I reached the top of the stairs leading down to the streets below. I groaned in annoyance. "Can't even go a fucking day without things going FUBAR, can I?" At first glance it looked like it was a bunch of insane rioters smashing up cars as they made their way towards the building, but upon getting a good look, I noticed that they had glowing red eyes underneath their hoodies. Each of them was wielding a steel pole with either electricity or fire bursting from the ends. "Piercing light of the sun! Eternal shadow of the moon! Grant me your power in my time of need, and vanquish my enemies!" I chanted. Unfortunately I didn't see the orbs of my weapons upon finishing the ritual. I realized that being a state away meant that it was going to take a minute or two for them to get here. The small army of restless hoodlums were getting closer by the second. "Just what the hell is going on here?!" The representative I argued with asked. "Just an army of magically created rioters." I replied dryly. "Oh, that's right, magic doesn't exist. I guess there's nothing I can do here, huh?" Clearly my plan was working as I watched sweat pour down his neck. "Y-you wouldn't just leave us to fend for ourselves, would you?" "Of course not. Just get everyone back inside." I turned to face the princesses. "Celestia. Luna. I really hate to say this, but I need you to help me out until my weapons get here." "You say that as though we couldn't possibly hold our own in a fight." Celestia teased. "I promised I would stay by your side. I won't go back on my word now." Luna assured. I cracked my knuckles as I began stepping down the stairs. Until my weapons got there, I would have to take care of things the old fashioned way. "Here we go." I ran down the stairs towards the first batch of freaks, jumping in the air and planting both feet firmly into his face. The poor sap was knocked back into several of his allies. Another one of the freaks readied for a swing, but was blasted by a beam of golden energy. "You know, for having one eye always covered by your hair, you're a good shot." I complemented. Celestia fired another blast from her horn that pierced through multiple foes. "Not that I don't appreciate the complement, but I believe we have other things to focus on." I shrugged and picked up one of the electric poles that was dropped in the chaos. One of the rioters with a flaming pole charged at me and swung high. I easily ducked under it and thrust the pole into his chest, sending a couple hundred-thousand volts running through his body. As he fell limp I turned to face another group and tossed the fire pole at them, sending them screaming as the flames engulfed their magic bodies. I noticed two shadows looming over me and turned to face my attackers. These two had caught me by surprise and the two solid hits against my head and arm were evidence of that. The shadowy rioters chuckled as they prepared to beat me into a pulp. *Ba-Bang!* Two bullets tore through the heads of my attackers, causing their bodies to disintegrate. I looked around in shock to try and find the source, when I noticed more gunshots nearby. I looked to the noise and saw Luna... in a skintight leather suit... with two large handguns in her hands and two on her high-heels. "Uh....." Was all I could manage. Celestia was in an equal state of shock as Luna began sending her attackers flying away with bullets, punches, and kicks. "Sister... What are you wearing?" Celestia asked as she casually blasted another rioter that tried to ambush her. "It was in a game that Robert let me play. At first I was a little scared about it, but he showed me just what to do." She responded before firing another barrage of bullets. Celestia turned to me at break neck speed. And that glare she had... It was the kind of glare that made weaker minded men go mad from fear, and stronger minded ones piss themselves. Luckily I had used the facilities earlier, so I was safe from embarrassment. "I-I can explain later! First let's finish taking care of these guys." I told her before closing in on the last group of rioters. "You'd better watch what you say, or I'll give you a one-way ticket to the Moon!" She shouted at me. With our combined strength, the last few rioters fell before us with hardly any effort. "Well, that takes care of that. I didn't even need my weapons!" I boasted. Celestia inched her face right past my comfort zone. "I believe you were going to explain why my sister is wearing that, and just what 'game' you showed her." I gulped reflexively, but kept my composure. "Look, the outfit is from a game called Bayonetta. I let her play it when she came to hang out. It was the whole reason she forgot to lower the Moon!" Celestia covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. I was confused why she was laughing after she had been shown to be completely wrong, but then I turned around. Luna was inches away from my face. "I thought we were going to forget that happened." She said with a glare. "W-well... I just meant that..." Suddenly a massive scaled hand burst from the ground and grabbed me. A massive lizard humanoid surfaced from underground and began squeezing his fingers around my body with enough force to leave me gasping for breath. The strain began to crack my ribs, and I could feel my arms breaking. Just as I began to tear up from the pain, a few bullets blasted the creature in the side, distracting it and loosening its grip. "Get your hands off my man!" Luna shouted. The monster was not amused, and proceeded to use me as a club against Luna. Luna was unwilling to risk harming me, so she took the full brunt of the attack, sending her several feet away. Celestia began charging up her magic, but the monster held me in the line of fire, forcing her to hold her attack. The situation was looking grim, but in the corner of my eye I spotted two distinct lights getting closer. "The... Arm..." I wheezed. Celestia nodded, and fired a small blast at the creature's arm, forcing him to release me. My weapons arrived just as I hit the ground and I spun around to my enemy. I held my shield dead-center at the monster, and held my sword horizontally across it. A sphere of shadow energy appeared on the surface, while my sword began shining with light energy. "Cosmos Drive!" I shouted. A massive beam of light and shadow blasted the monster apart, leaving only chunks that immediately disintegrated. I collapsed from exhaustion, but my mind was not focusing on my own well being. "Luna... Is Luna okay?" I asked. I sighed with relief as I saw her leather wearing form sprint over to my side, though the tears in her eyes made me feel bad. "Please, be okay! I'm sorry I couldn't get you out of there!" She began apologizing frantically. "What are you apologizing for? I'm alive, and you're safe. That's all that matters to me." I winced in pain as she hugged me. "Though, some morphine couldn't hurt. How long until my regeneration works again?" I asked Celestia. "I would estimate about an hour." She answered with a neutral tone. My eyes sunk as I realized I was going to have to sit around in this kind of pain for that long. "I'll be passing out now. Wake me up when I'm healed." True to my word, the pain and exhaustion from the Cosmos Drive kicked in, and I was out faster than Enrico Pollini from Rat Race. > The Hunt Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My vision began to return along with the sounds of arguing at what I assumed was an hour after the attack. "I'm telling you, Mr. President, we need to have these... things contained!" A familiar voice shouted. "We came here on a diplomatic visit. If you would insist on having us contained after fighting to keep you safe, then I hope you have an army ready to stop me within the first few seconds of such an edict." Another voice countered. I certainly knew the second voice. It was Princess Celestia, but I had never heard her make such a threat. I suppose after being a monarch for several millenia, you had to learn to be unyielding at times. I sprang up from where I was laying down so I could make myself known. "I pass out for one hour and you're back to bickering with us?" I chided as I shot a glare at the first voice. It was that representative again. I don't know what his name was or what state he represented, but it sounded to me like he used a lot of bribery to get his position. He winced as he saw that I was awake. "B-but... those injuries... What are you?!" I mentally face-palmed. "And here we go again..." I was pretty annoyed at this guy, so I decided to be extra snarky with him. "I'm a homo-sapien, same as you. I just have a ridiculous amount of magic." I said, rather bored that I had to suffer through this ingrate. "Now answer me this: Just where do you get off trying to have us 'contained' after we just risked our lives to save you?" It seems I really hit him where it hurt. He tried to think of a response, but each time he tried he couldn't even finish the first word. President Obama stepped forward to intervene. "I'll have no more of this pointless arguing. The Equestrians are recognized as diplomatic representatives, and are to be treated with such rights." He paused as he jabbed a finger at the rotten representative. "And after what they just did, they all deserve to be decorated heroes." The representative fumed before storming away. I looked around and noticed that someone was missing. "Hey, where's Luna?" I asked. Before Celestia could respond, a pair of hands cupped over my eyes. "Guess who~!" It certainly was Luna's voice, but that certainly didn't sound like her. "Uh, Luna? What's up with you?" Luna uncovered my hands before moving in front of my vision. Her face had a slight flush to it, but she was grinning widely. She began tracing her finger on my chest. "I was just glad to see my hero had woken up~." She flirted. I sniffed the air between us for a second, smelling something familiar. "Alcohol..." I muttered. Luna huffed at my tone. "What are you giving me that tone for? It is traditional to have a toast after a victorious battle!" She finished by raising her arms up, nearly throwing her off balance in her current state. I leaned past Luna so I could get a look at Celestia. She was snickering... "Just what did she drink?" I asked. "R- *chuckle* red wine." She answered before continuing her snickering. Luna was now giggling at... whatever she seemed to find funny. "And how much did she drink? A bottle?" Celestia was now on the verge of tears. "Try a glass." I looked at Luna incredulously. "Seriously?! One glass and you're like this? I'm way younger and I'm not nearly as much of a lightweight!" "What do you mean?" Celestia asked. "Idiot! You swore never to speak of that again!" "Long story short, I went a little overboard at Appleloosa." I said, avoiding any details about how I acted... or that damned hangover. "I'll have to simply take your word for it." Celestia's tone became serious, as did her expression. "We've discovered something of grave importance in the hour that you were unconscious." I shrugged. "Lay it on me." I should have certainly watched what I was saying, especially around the currently inebriated Luna. She planted her lips on mine, going so far as to slip me tongue. Now believe me, I wasn't exactly complaining too much about the kiss, but that taste of alcohol certainly soured the experience a tad. I removed Luna from her surprise attack on my mouth. "Not what I had in mind... Please continue, Celestia." Celestia cleared her throat to suppress what was surely another wave of chuckles. "A-as I was saying, we discovered the source of those magical creations we fought earlier." My eyes widened at that bit of information. "That's brilliant! So who's behind all this?" "I said we found the source, not the perpetrator. A magic glyph was found not too far, at a memorial called 'The Reflecting Pool'. I was able to get a scan of the magic aura from the glyph, so we can now track whatever activated it." Things were certainly beginning to look up. "Well this is great! All we have to do is track the signal and stop whatever is doing this. Piece of cake!" President Obama earned my attention. "I'm afraid it's not so simple. From what your princess explained to me, these glyphs are all over the world, but they require a few days to charge with energy before they can release whatever they are designed to. Since Celestia only got a reading on the glyph, she can't directly trace the force that charged it." And with that, my high died down. "So we can only track this thing whenever it starts charging a glyph... This is going to become a goose chase." "Believe me, I don't like the prospect of chasing these signals around your planet, but it's our only lead at the moment." Celestia concluded. "I've already agreed to provide you with transport and funding so you can put an end to whatever is threatening our world." Obama added. "I'll have to call an emergency meeting with the UN. Hopefully they'll see eye to eye on this matter." He extended out his hand to shake. "I'd like to thank you on behalf of the American people for defending us once again." I gladly took his hand and gave it a firm shake. "I was just doing my duty, not as an American or Equestrian, but as a person." With that final farewell from the President, the three of us were directed to a helicopter that would take us back to the "Embassy". -------- The ride home was fairly uneventful, aside from the snoring once Luna finally fell asleep. As we made our way to the main gate, we noticed two armed guards keeping watch. I quickly surmised that they must have been the MP's that Obama assigned to the estate turned embassy. We were finally about to return to relax and formulate a plan (Though Luna was rubbing her head from a slight hangover.) when we heard a ruckus from inside. "Hey! Quit running around like that!" We heard Twilight yell. "Give me back my bowtie!" Octavia followed. The three of us looked at each other in confusion. Feeling that we would only get answer if we went inside, I anxiously opened the door. A pink blur immediately zoomed past me, giggling hysterically. Before I could even ask, the blur zoomed back and stopped in front of me. It was Pinkie Pie, and she seemed much more energetic than usual. "HeyRobertI'vegotsomuchenergy!Mustrun,seeya!" She said while twitching. Before I could even try to decipher what she said, she zoomed off at a speed that would make Rainbow Dash jealous. "What... just happened?" I asked in utter confusion. Walter soon came running around the corner looking rather distressed. "I'm terribly sorry, sir. While you were gone I thought to make your guests feel at home with a cup of coffee, but Pinkie Pie went completely mad once she finished her mug." My eyes shrank to pinpricks as the gravity of the situation dawned on me. "You gave her coffee?! As in, pure caffeine?!" Walter raised his hands defensively. "I had no idea! I tried to stop her when she bolted from the study, but she said, and pardon my Equestrian, no offense." He said, glancing at the princesses. "Some taken." Luna replied "Buck the royal guards. She then proceeded to tilt every painting and photo she passed on the way here." He finished recounting the carnage. "How long ago did she have her coffee?" I asked Walter thought for a moment before replying. "About an hour ago. Why do you ask?" I raised up my fingers and counted down. "Three. Two. One." Pinkie sped around the corner again. "Heyguys!I-" *Thump* Pinkie hit the floor and began snoring away almost instantly. Walter looked wide eyed at the sleeping girl. "Quite impressive! I've never seen anyone able to predict when someone would crash from an energy rush like that." I rubbed the back of my head in modesty. "Well, this sorta thing happened once when I treated the girls to a candy shop in Canterlot. Pinkie grabbed tons of powder candies, the kind that are practically pure sugar, and ran around like a maniac for about an hour. We found her collapsed halfway inside a fountain, and there were dizzy guard everywhere. I guess the guards tried to stop her rampage back then, hence her 'buck the royal guards' outburst." "And the paintings?" Walter asked. I shrugged. "Must have been a spur of the moment kinda thing." I rubbed my head in annoyance. "All I know is that I'm gonna get a headache walking through the halls." Walter carefully lifted Pinkie from the ground and I noticed a pink bow tie fall from her grasp. "Oh dear. That explains Miss Octavia's shouting earlier." He bent down and placed the accessory in his pocket. "I'll be sure to deliver this to her once Miss Pie has been returned to her room." I placed my arms under Pinkie and stopped Walter. "You go ahead and give Octavia her bow tie, I can take Pinkie to her room. You must be exhausted after chasing her around for an hour." Walter smiled at the consideration. "Thank you, sir. I'm certainly more spry than I look, but my age has been showing as of late. I'll leave her to you." With that, Walter set off to deliver Octavia's bow tie, while I carefully carried Pinkie up the steps. Luna began following me up the steps. "That was very kind of you." She said, throwing me a warm grin. "I just fought off a small army of magic creations at the nation's capitol, this is a vacation compared to that." Luna pouted. "What about me? I helped out too!" I pecked her on the cheek. "And I of course had help from my lovely girlfriend. Seriously, you were amazing out there." Luna blushed at the complement. "Well, it isn't the first time I had to get my hooves dirty. I lead some of our troops into battle during the griffon invasion of 386. That was a nasty war..." We entered Pinkie and Rainbow Dash's room and I set her gently onto her bed. I quietly left before continuing my chat with Luna. "386? You know, I never really asked how old you were." Luna suddenly found the paint on the wall very interesting as a small blush formed. "You would probably think of me as positively ancient if you really knew. I know being over a thousand years old is ancient, but..." I placed a hand over her mouth and gave her a smirk. "C'mon Luna, if I lost interest in you just because your age, what kind of person would I be?" Luna smiled after I removed her hand. "Well, since you asked, I am 5426 years old." I raised a brow and smirked once more. "Really? You don't look a day past 3000." Luna playfully punched my arm. "Flatterer." I wrapped my arm around her. "I try." -------- A little after the Pinkie incident, we all decided that it would be for the best to relax until we could get a signal to track... whatever was summoning these monsters. I thought I might introduce all of the girls to Halo 4, as Walter was brilliant enough to buy 6 of the limited edition consoles. As I configured the system, I turned to Luna. "Remind me to tell Walter he's getting a vacation once all of this is through." I chuckled. "He has been quite helpful to all of us. I'm certain your parents would be more than willing to grant him a period of rest." I just finished hooking up the HDMI cable and I marveled at how quiet the system was compared to my classic white 360. "We're totally bringing this back with us." I said as I sat next to Luna on the bed. The title screen booted up for the multiplayer installer disc, and I found it to be an appropriate time to check on the others, whose systems I had finished installing. Everyone was doing fine, after they read the notification about needing to install multiplayer off the disc. After everyone was well on their way, I returned to Luna to begin customizing our SPARTANS. "These 'graphics' seem much more impressive than the ones on Reach." Luna noted. "Yeah, they really upped the ante." I responded as I cycled through the options in color. "Blue primary, steel secondary... Unicorn emblem?" With a shrug, I went to select my armor. I found that only two were available at the base rank. Recruit and.... and.... "Whoa! This armor is amazing!" I exclaimed. Luna tilted her head as she read the name "FOTUS?" I read the description of the armor. "Fist of the Unicorns? That's grade-A awesome in my book!" Seriously, for anyone who hasn't seen it, here's the armor you get with the limited edition console. After I wrapped up my customization, I allowed Luna her turn, and she went for a very similar look, albeit her SPARTAN being female and her secondary color being cobalt. Once everyone was ready, we set up a custom game match of team slayer. Teams were divided into a 6 on 6 battle of skill. On the red team was Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Octavia, Rarity, Spike, and Celestia. On the Blue team were myself, Luna, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Vinyl Scratch. "Everyone ready?" I asked over the headset. A series of verbal confirmations was heard over the speaker of the headset as everyone answered. Without any further hesitation, I picked a familiar map, Ragnarok, to be our destination. The familiar beeps of the countdown finished and soon a picturesque green valley was shown on the screen. "Infinity Slayer." The masculine voice announced. I scrolled through my limited choice of load-outs, and settled for a DMR/pistol combo. Everyone else selected their load-outs and soon we all spawned around a Forerunner structure near a valley wall. Vinyl and Pinkie made a beeline for the nearby Warthog, while Twilight grabbed a Banshee, taking to the skies. Luna went to the lower levels to grab a sniper rifle, but I found myself eyeing the newest vehicle to the Halo series. "Giant robot..." I muttered as I sprinted for the bipedal vehicle. My SPARTAN hopped inside and the robot, now identified as a Mantis, and the machine rose to its feet. To be honest, this thing looked like a mix between Metal Gear Rex and the Gecko units (From the Metal Gear series obviously). Moving along, I marched the death machine towards the center of the map, hearing the sounds of carnage from those who had met the enemy faster. *Boom!* A Banshee exploded in the skies above the map, bringing purple wreckage crashing to the ground. "Arrrgggh! Darn you, Rainbow!" Twilight cursed. Rainbow chuckled over the headset. "Sorry Twi, but these skies are mine!" I took aim at the enemy Banshee, grinning as I saw that the Mantis had missiles. "Sorry, Rainbow. This is a no-fly zone!" I said as I fired a barrage of missiles at her. Rainbow Dash took notice of the projectiles and boosted away, only to find that they were chasing her. In an attempt to avoid the explosives, she performed a barrel roll... *Crash!* ...Only to smash into a nearby cliff face. Luna and I erupted into laughter, as did the rest of the girls and Spike. "I hate this game..." She muttered over the comm. I continued my march to the other side of the map, spotting a similar mech marching towards me. "I hope you know how to use that thing, Celestia." I chuckled. "I don't have to." She responded. "What are you-?" A red SPARTAN hopped on my back, ready to plant a grenade inside the cockpit. "Yeehaw!" Applejack hollered. Just before her grenade could be planted, a tracer round pierced her skull, allowing me to turn my attention to my savior. "Thanks, honey." I said, quickly pecking Luna. Unfortunately Celestia had primed all of her missiles for a barrage, and broke through my Mantis' shields. She followed it up by peppering me with bullets from the machine gun of her mech. My Mantis exploded into a fiery wreck, as Luna unloaded her sniper on the surviving one controlled by Celestia. "Oh Luna, it will take more than that to- Wait... What's this red li-" *Boom!* Celestia's rampage was cut short by a blast from Vinyl's SPARTAN Laser. "Not quite a Bass Canon, but it gets the job done." She smirked as she hopped back into the driver seat of the Warthog. The carnage continued for a solid ten minutes, with neither team holding back. Finally it was down to the last kill. Luna had run out of rounds on her third sniper and instead made for the caves on the right side of the map. She began to take fire from Celestia, but quickly activated her hardlight shield to prolong her life. Celestia simply stood her ground, waiting for the shield to drop, but suddenly she found herself tackled to the ground. My SPARTAN raised up his knife and thrust it into Celestia's visor. "Game over. Victory." The announcer said, ushering forth cheers from both sides. "Great match, everyone!" I congratulated. Everyone had certainly enjoyed the game and we all went about trying out campaign, SPARTAN Ops, and other game modes. After a few hours of gaming, we all decided to turn in for the night. I gladly snuggled up to Luna before we both drifted off to sleep. -------- *Knock Knock Knock!* I was woken from my slumber by someone pounding on my door. I lazily got dressed and opened the door to see an all too serious Celestia. "What's going on?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Pack your things. We've got a reading." She responded. > The Sands of Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia's wake up call certainly made a cup of coffee unnecessary. "Another glyph activated?! Are you sure?" Celestia nodded. "After the scan yesterday, I can say without a doubt that it's the same magic." "Well then we don't have a moment to lose. Do you know where the reading is coming from?" I asked. "I'll explain once we are all aboard the jet." Celestia responded. "...Jet?" Celestia groaned. "Just get Luna up. I'll explain later." I resigned to the task Celestia had assigned me, walking over to the still slumbering Princess of the Night. I nudged Luna gently. "Luna, you need to wake up." "*Moan* But I don't want to go to the gala..." She murmured in her sleep. Despite how serious the situation was, that little devious voice in my head told me now was the perfect opportunity to play a joke. I leaned in closer to Luna. "Are you sure? I heard that Robert is going to be there. And he wants to spend the whole gala with you." I whispered in her ear. Luna smiled in her dreamy state. "He really wants to go with me? I'll have to wear my best dress." "But Luna, that dress has a huge tear at the flank. You don't want him getting ideas do you?" Luna blushed furiously as she sprang up from bed. She looked around the room and saw me smirking. Luna gulped nervously. "W-what's so funny?" I snickered before replying. "Oh nothing. I just heard from Rarity that she was ready to fix that hole in your dress. Although she suggested keeping it like that if you wanted a more... promiscuous look." Luna blushed to the point that her ears were completely red. "You're terrible!" She said as she punched me in the arm. To her credit, it certainly smarted. "Sorry, I couldn't resist. We need to get going, though. Celestia says she detected a glyph." Luna sprang up and began getting properly dressed, while I threw on a new shirt and my black pants. After getting some socks on, I grabbed the vest and coat Rarity made me, taking a moment to admire the craftsmanship. Once Luna and I were ready, we went downstairs to meet with the others, grabbing a quick breakfast of Pop Tarts. Celestia began directing us all to the limo. Twilight hastened her stride to meet with her mentor. "So Princess, where is this new glyph you mentioned?" Celestia gave Twilight a smile as warm as the sun itself. "Well, based on the atlas I found in the library, the signal is originating from a country known as Egypt." Twilight began grinning like she had just been handed the keys to the Canterlot Archives. "Egypt?! As in the country Robert said is full of ruins and archaeological digs?!" "And barren desert..." Octavia muttered. Everyone looked at her break from a usually polite and refined demeanor. "What? I can't stand hot climates." She admitted. "Big deal." Spike countered. "I'm able to bathe in lava. This'll be a walk in the park for me." I rubbed my chin in thought about that. Would Spike still retain his natural dragon durability? He still had stilted eyes, and I could have sworn I smelled sulfur when he burped the other day. I decided that would be something that I could ask at a more appropriate time. The limo began to pull away from the estate, and we soon found ourselves on the highway to the airport. The drive was around twenty minutes or so, ending as we pulled up to a private hanger. As we stepped out of the limo, I got a good look at our ticket to Egypt. "Oh, hello beautiful!" I said with delight. The jet we were standing before was much smaller than your usual commercial plane, but it was definitely a size larger than what you would see an average celebrity ride in. It was polished to the point of looking brand new, and it had the presidential seal branded on the side. "So let me get this straight. You managed to convince Obama to lend us a diplomatic jet for our mission to stop whatever is activating these glyphs?" I asked Celestia. Celestia gave a sly smile in return. "I'm very good at negotiations. I've had over five-thousand years on the throne to learn about such things." "Sweet..." Was all I could reply with. Twilight and Rainbow Dash had left the group to inspect the jet eagerly. "Amazing! This design for an aerodynamic vehicle is unlike anything we have in Equestria! And with these engines, I bet it will be able to cross distances that would have been impossible in my balloon!" Twilight said as she bounced on her feet. Rainbow Dash interrupted her lecture. "Yeah, yeah. Aero-whatever. I just want to see how fast this thing can go!" "Whoa there, ladies. The only part of the jet I let diplomats play around with is the control stick." A male voice said in an unnervingly provocative way. A man in his late twenties descended from the steps, wearing a long blue naval jacket, which looked to be from the WWII era. He had short brown hair, and well rounded features. "I assume you're the pilot?" I addressed the man, holding out my hand. He took my hand and gave a firm shake. "Hey there~!" He said flirtatiously, much to my chagrin. "Captain Jack Harkness. I used to fly jets early on in the Iraq war, but I had to have the dumb luck to get the Medal of Honor when I took out a group of car bombers that were about to slam into a base." He sighed before continuing. "The crazy bastards were going to hit the medical tents first." I raised a brow in confusion. "You say all this like it's a bad thing. It sounds to me like you saved a lot of lives that day. You're an honor to your uniform." He chuckled. "And here I am flying diplomats around to peace talks that don''t to a damn thing at the front lines. I only took this position because I started getting symptoms of a heart disease that runs in the family. Air Force wouldn't let me continue combat flights with that looming over me, so my superiors pulled a few strings, and here I am." "That's amazing and all, but why tell me this?" I asked. "I like to tell my passengers this up front so they don't start doubting my credentials behind my back mid flight." Celestia stepped forward with a warm smile. "I'm sure you are an excellent pilot, but despite your previous statement, our mission is more than just idle banter." "So I hear. I'm glad that much has changed~." I squinted at Jack in annoyance. "Stop it." "I have no idea what you're talking about." He responded. The girls began climbing the stairs to the interior of the jet. I waited for Luna to meet me at my side so I could ascend with her, hand in hand. I spotted Jack had a sly smile on his face. "No. Just, no." I sternly said, not wanting him to throw any innuendos at Luna. Jack chuckled and followed after us, turning left into the cockpit. We each took our seats inside the jet, sitting so that each of us were facing one another in small groups. "Good morning passengers. This is your captain speaking. Our flight to Egypt is about to begin, so please buckle up until further notice." The intercom spoke. We followed the instructions from Jack, and our jet began rolling onto the runway. I fished around in my coat pocket and pulled out a pack of gum I bought at the mall. "You all might want to chew this; it'll keep your ears from popping." I told them as I held out the candy. Everyone took a piece, though Vinyl panicked for a moment before Rainbow explained what it meant. We reached the runway and soon we felt the jet begin accelerating as the engines kicked in. As we traveled down the strip of asphalt our vehicle began to ascend into the skies, rocketing to our destination. After we had reached a certain height, the light in front of us turned off, indicating that we were allowed to remove our seat belts. "This is your captain again. Just informing all you beautiful passengers that you can now remove your seat belts." The intercom announced. I groaned in annoyance. "This guy's libido puts Austin Powers to shame..." Rainbow Dash seemed to have her face glued to the window as we glided through the air. I nudged her shoulder to get her attention. "Is it what you thought it would be?" I asked. "Well, at first I thought there was no way this tin can would get off the ground, but I was totally wrong." She admitted. "It's flying fast enough to get my approval. That's all anyone needs to know." I chuckled at her response before turning to Twilight. "What about you, Twilight?" Twilight was rather happy to answer. "This machine is truly incredible! We're flying at speeds that were only possible by the most athletic pegasi, and we're going a distance not even they would attempt without rest! How could I not be impressed?" "Well, that's good to hear, because we have to stay on this thing for the next several hours. I just don't want anyone getting cabin fever on me." I said. "Puh-lease!" Rainbow dismissed. "I'm always totally cool, so you've got nothing to worry about." Applejack looked at her like she had told the biggest fib ever. "You get all antsy just on the train rides to Canterlot." "But this thing is flying. There's a huge difference." She retorted. "Well, feel free to play some travel games to pass the time, I'm going to listen to my music." I told them. I bent down and opened the small travel bag I had packed. I reached in and pulled out my Beats headphones, plugging in the cord to my iPhone. I scrolled through my music library, trying to decide what song to start with. I finally settled on playing some classic music first, so I brought up my Jimi Hendrix collection. I started off with one of my favorites, Purple Haze. The guitar began to play, and I reflexively began bobbing my head to the beat. Soon enough the greatest guitar player ever began to sing out the lyrics. "Purple Haze all in my brain Lately things just don't seem the same Actin' funny, but I don't know why 'Scuse me while I kiss the sky." I played the air guitar for a moment before Jimi began singing again. "Purple Haze all around Don't know if I'm goin' up or down Am I happy or in misery? Whatever it is that girl put a spell on me." I went back to randomly playing the air guitar as the solo began to kick in. "Purple Haze all in my eyes Don't know if it's day or night You've got me blowin', blowin' my mind Is it tomorrow or just the end of time?" I yawned as the track began switching over to the slower paced The Wind Cries Mary. Soon enough I relaxed and decided to take a nap considering how long our flight would be. -------- I began forming a dream as I slept on the jet. I found myself standing on one of the towers in Canterlot. I looked out across the horizon, finding the sight of the land to be truly relaxing. The slight breeze carried the warm air through my hair and across my skin. I heard a set of footsteps behind me, which was strange given the population of Equestria. I turned to face the source and I felt a smile creep across my lips when I recognized the figure. "So you're dreaming of Equestria, are you? Or perhaps you simply enjoyed the view from Canterlot?" Luna asked. "The view certainly helps explain the cost of real estate." I chuckled. "But I guess the view just got a million times more beautiful." Luna chuckled at the compliment. "You really have a talent for flattery." "I guess I've never had the chance for it before. No girl from my world really ever gave me the time, what with my intelligence and interest in nerd culture." Luna joined me at the railing and pecked my cheek. "Well, all of them have truly missed out." I couldn't help but blush at the compliment. "You're too good for me, you know that? You're beautiful, royalty, charismatic, and above all truly caring." "Oh please, I used to spend all of my time with royal duties and traditions. Before I met you, I likely would have fallen back into that rut. You opened me up to such amazing and new ways to have fun, you accepted me for who I am, and you were always willing to think of others before yourself." I raised a brow at her words. "You say that like you've never had a love in your life." She heaved a sigh. "I admit that I became fixated on some stallions during the course of my life, but I always kept my mind set on helping Celestia rule Equestria. I never really tried to find the time for such pleasantries." I stepped over to her and held her in a passionate kiss. Our lips parted and she looked at me with surprised yet happy eyes. "All the more reason to make up for lost time." I held Luna's hand and found a nice spot to sit with my legs hanging over the edge of the ramparts. "I guess we could take the time we have on this boring trip to get to know a little more about each other. So tell me, what's your favorite kind of music?" "Well, before I returned to Equestria I would have said my favorite style were the tunes that ponies would play at the taverns. Even during the long hours of the night they were so full of joy and life. Ponies would gleefully dance the night away with their friends and loved ones, all the while enjoying the night sky. Of course now that I have begun acquainting myself with 'modern' music, I would have to say I enjoy the 'Electronic' or 'Dubstep' songs that our DJ companion plays. I could always hear her music blaring when I flew past Ponyville." She sighed as she reminisced on the thought. "At first I thought it was some sort of beast from the Everfree forest, but then I began to listen. The tingle that it sends down your spine, the way it gets your heart pumping... And then I learned that this was a type of music ponies now commonly played in their 'night clubs'. Truly it was wonderful to hear." "Wow, I never would have guessed that." I giggled in surprise. "Well, what about you?" She asked. "I like music from all kinds of genres, but if I had to pick one, I guess I would go with rock. I just love how the guitar riffs, vocals, and drum beats get your blood pumping. It just gives you a feeling like you can take on the world." "Now let me ask a question of my own. Where did you get your fascination with the night sky?" Luna asked. "I guess you noticed me star gazing a few times during the summer?" I asked. Luna nodded in confirmation. "Well, I always had a fascination with the night sky since I was a kid. It was all so beautiful to me. Those stars twinkling in the black sky, the Moon shining its silver light down on the Earth..." I took in a deep breath as I recalled the memories. "Then I got fascinated by the idea of aliens and other worlds. Every star in the sky had the possibility of another world. Each world had the possibility of a new race, and with each race a new culture. I would spend hours on end day dreaming about the day I could meet a new civilization. In the end, it just really helps me relax." Luna had a smile on her face, and I swear I saw her wipe away a tear. "I've never heard of somepony having that kind of thought behind the stars. Truly it's a beautiful way of thinking about the night sky." "You're just being nice. Plenty of people think this way." I said modestly. "Next question: how exactly does that hair of yours even work?" Luna looked at me in complete confusion. "I... beg your pardon?" "Well, it looks like the night sky and moves around on its own, but it's still tangible. I'm not sure what to make of it." Luna rubbed her chin for a moment, thinking about how to explain it. "Well, it's simply a sign of an alicorn's magical affinity as well as their health. I suppose simply put, it's a gauge for how powerful an alicorn's magic is along with their age. Cadence is not at the same age as Celestia or I, but her magic is quite strong, which is why you may have noticed the slight twinkle it seems to possess at times." We went on for hours getting to know each other, telling jokes, and simply enjoying one another's company. Eventually Luna saw my dream began to fade, and said she would enjoy speaking to me further the next time we were alone. I'm not sure exactly how I was lucky enough to get her as a girlfriend, but the blissful feeling in my heart was enough to make me not care. -------- As I groggily regained my senses on the jet, I turned on my iPhone to see what time it was. I had been asleep for around four hours. I groaned as I realized it would be another eight before we reached our destination of Cairo. I noticed Celestia was looking at me with a knowing grin. "What's with that look?" I asked. "I was simply wondering if you enjoyed your rest. Have any pleasant dreams?" She asked. I gave her a playful frown before giving my reply. "I was simply enjoying some time alone with Luna. We were just getting to know each other better." I noticed that the woman in question was still resting, as were a good half of the group. "Your sister really is wonderful, you know that?" Celestia warmly smiled and set a hand on my shoulder. "And she is lucky to have such a caring lover as yourself. Despite the short time you've been together on such circumstances, you've created a bond that is truly strong. I'm sure you remember my warning from before..." I cringed as I thought about the punishment she would inflict upon me should I ever break Luna's heart. "Kinda hard to forget a threat from Celestia." I teased. Celestia laughed in good sport at the jab. "Fair enough. From what I've seen from the two of you, I don't think I'll ever have to think of such a thing. I can see that you love her for all the right reasons, and I happily accept you as her suitor." "Yeah I- W-wait a minute! Suitor?! Don't get me wrong, I love Luna, but I think it's a bit early to be thinking of anything that committed just yet." Celestia chuckled as she seemed to get the reaction she wanted. I finally joined in on the laughter. "I know what you meant Celestia, and it is way too early to be thinking seriously about that kind of thing... but I honestly wouldn't mind spending my life with her." I admitted. "That's all I would ever need to hear to know you would never hurt her. Luna told me much about the games you showed her when you were together that night. Would you care to show me some others when you can?" I smirked as I dug through my bag. "I could do that right now." I said as I produced my 3DS from my bag, along with a bundle of game cartridges. -------- In the few hours that had passed since I lent my 3DS to Celestia, she had engrossed herself with my copy of Ocarina of Time 3D. After she managed to learn how to control this new device, she was extremely pleased with the accomplishment of navigating the various puzzles and enemies within the first three dungeons, now returning to Hyrule Castle. "This 'Zelda' reminds me of myself. She's so friendly yet she cares deeply for her people." Celestia said to herself as she trekked back across Hyrule field. Her eyes widened as the skies grew dark around the entrance to Castle Town. The drawbridge lowered in the raging thunderstorm that Link was now standing in, and a white horse zoomed past, carrying both Zelda and her protector, Impa. As she looked on in horror at the cut scene that followed, I sided up to Luna giving her a small peck. "How's my favorite Princess doing? The plane ride going smoothly for you?" I asked. Luna gave a kiss of her own in return. "It has been quite enjoyable, though it still feels odd to be in such an incredible vehicle... which could begin plummeting with us trapped inside..." She said, shivering at the thought. I gave Luna a comforting rub on the back. "We're nearly at our destination by now. Besides, you're more likely to die from an accident at home than on a plane." Luna seemed to be slightly relieved. "They are truly that safe?" "Especially if you have a pilot as capable as Jack." I said, raising my voice to be certain he heard the complement. The intercom clicked in response. "Flattery will get you everywhere~. Also we are beginning our final descent. All passengers are to buckle their seat belts and turn off any electronic devices." Celestia nearly groaned as she was about to play the Song of Time, but she regained her composure, saving and shutting off the system as instructed. Soon enough we descended below the clouds into the airspace above Cairo. It may have been a twelve hour flight, but the local time was much later than it should have been. "Sheesh! It's five in the morning here!" I exclaimed. Applejack's jaw dropped at the revelation. "How in tarnation is that possible?" "It's called jet lag." I explained. "Because we were flying in a jet to a different time zone, our internal clocks are still tuned to the timezone we were in a few hours ago, so it'll feel weird for a bit." We all descended from the plane and stretched our tired limbs. "So all we have to do is catch whatever is powering this glyph and we can go home?" Pinkie asked between stretches. "I certainly hope so." Rarity said while fanning herself with a paper fan. "This heat is simply horrid for my complexion." "So, um, where is it exactly?" Fluttershy meekly asked Celestia. -------- A few hours later we found ourselves within a valley lined with tombs. "The Valley of the Kings." I said. Twilight took out a scroll and quill. "What exactly is this place?" She asked, eager with scientific curiosity. "It's a valley where ancient Egyptians buried their rulers, the Pharaohs. The last I heard there were 63 tombs discovered here, each one was filled with the earthly belongings of the Pharaoh buried inside." Vinyl was pretty confused. "What would a bunch of dead guys want with that stuff? It's not like they would be able to use it or anything." I smiled as I displayed what knowledge I remembered from school and personal curiosity. "Actually the Egyptians used to believe that their leaders had to face a final judgement to pass on to the afterlife. The problem was that their body had to remain intact for their soul to stay alive until their judgement was passed, so they were mummified to preserve their bodies, and they also believed they could take their possessions into the afterlife, so they were buried in their tombs with them." Rarity's eyes lit up at that. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind parting with one or two artifacts. F-for Equestrian research of course!" I rolled my eyes. "Sorry to say, but grave robbers took the valuables years ago." We continued walking around in search of the glyph, with Rarity mumbling something about those grave robbers taking 'her' treasure. Twilight increased her pace to stand at my side and ask more questions. "So how were they preserved as mummies?" She asked. "It was a whole ceremony, but I forget some of the specifics. Suffice it to say that they had most of their organs removed and put into jars and their bodies were embalmed." Everyone else seemed a bit repulsed at the mental image, but Twilight was humming to herself as she jotted down notes. The heat was certainly annoying for everyone, but we had a job to do. "It feels close." Celestia said. "Okay, everyone keep your eyes peeled. We don't know what this thing is or if the glyph is finished, so be on your guard." I instructed. We trudged onward, but Octavia seemed to be fixated on something. "Hey..." She began. "Has anyone else noticed the sand moving?" "That's probably just from us walking and Rainbow gliding around." Vinyl dismissed, pointing up to the pegasus who was enjoying the ease of gliding on the warm air. "Vinyl, I'm serious. It looks like it's moving on its own." Octavia insisted. My gut was telling me something was wrong. "Rainbow, land for a second. Everyone stay perfectly still." Everyone remained completely still and silent. I took a look at the ground and noticed a large stream of the sand was moving on its own, almost as though it was crawling around. "What the-?" I wondered. "Hey! There's more over there!" Spike said, pointing to several similar streams. All of the masses of sand began converging into a single point near the ruins ahead of us. Soon they all began to coil around, mounding into one massive construction of sand. I slowly began reaching for my sword and shield. "Everyone, stand back." The sand suddenly morphed into a massive sand lizard. It opened what could only be described as its mouth and let loose a guttural roar. I charged forward with my sword poised to strike. It reached out with one of its massive legs to crush me, but I dodged it at the last moment, using my momentum to pivot and slice at the offending limb. "Alright! The first strike is-" I immediately stopped feeling good for myself when I saw the blade had done no actual damage, but had simply passed through the sandy body. "...Of course..." I muttered. The monster took the opportunity to compact the sand around its leg and swipe at me again. "Unh!" I was sent tumbling backwards from the force of the blow. *Zap!* Several bolts of varying colors zoomed past my head as I recovered from the blow, impacting the sand lizard with concussive force. "Keep firing!" Twilight shouted to the other horned members of our group. The bits of sand that were blasted off the monster began moving on their own, and unfortunately they were all landing close to me. "Dammit!" I angrily shouted. I began trying to use shadow spheres to contain the sand, but there was far too many for me to concentrate on. Soon a group of the sand wrapped around my ankles. I tugged my legs to try and free myself, but the sand was piling on. Soon a tendril of sand formed before me, forcing its way down my throat. I began to gag and cough violently as the grains of eroded rock began filling my lungs, slowly suffocating me. *Krzpow!* I was teleported away from my stationary position and back to the group. Luna's horn lost its shimmer after she had brought me to her, and she frantically inspected me to see if I was alright. "*Cough!* Th-thanks... Bleh!" I began coughing out the sand, my lungs and throat burning from the pain. I was still heaved over as I looked at the monster. It was closing in, ignoring the concussive blasts from the magic. "Spike! What are you doing?!" Rarity called out. I saw Spike begin running up to the monster, fear clearly present in his eyes, yet he was determined in his pace. "I-I have to protect you! I have to do my part!" He cried. I shakily began getting to my feet, desperate to save Spike from his foolhardy assault. He ran up so he was a few feet in front of the monster. "Hey, you over-sized sand castle! Eat flames!" To my surprise, Spike let loose a jet of green flames that impacted the monster's left leg. That's when the unexpected happened. The flames that Spike shot out produced an intense heat as they danced across the surface of the monster's foot, turning it into a clear solid form. The monster howled in what must have been pain, and an idea formed in my head. "How could I have been so stupid! It's such a simple solution! If you mix fire and sand you get glass!" I said, smacking my forehead. I ran up to Spike, my sword glowing with the power of light. "Ready to put this thing in its place?" I asked. Spike flashed me a confident grin. "You bet!" I ran up to the unaffected leg of the monster winding up for a swing. "Solar Strike!" I shouted as I cleaved it with the heated blade, turning the entire leg to glass. Spike followed up by shouting out his own attack. "Dragon Breath!" He shouted before glassing the remains of the left leg. The monster howled out in agony as it was now immobilized. I held out the blade of the Solar Sword to Spike. "Now follow it up!" Spike sent out a jet of green flames that coated the surface of my blade. I jumped high into the air poised for the finishing blow. "Green Dragon Strike!" I shouted before driving the tip of my sword into the monster's head. The flames of the blade shot forward and began transforming the entire lizard into a glass statue. I knocked the glass leg of the beast, testing to see it was no longer a threat. "So..." I began as I turned to Spike. "Wanna keep it as a souvenir?" Spike was still amazed with his accomplishment in the fight. "That was... I can't believe..." Spike was drawn from his thoughts as Rarity swept him up in a hug. "Oh, Spikey-Wikey! You had me so worried!" She said as she crushed him in a bear hug, kissing his forehead in relief. Spike blushed intensely and had a goofy grin on his face. "I-It was no problem at all... Anything for you Rarity..." Spike's blissful moment was torn from him as he was teleported out of Rarity's grasp, and right in front of an angry Twilight. "What were you thinking?! You could have gotten yourself killed!" Twilight admonished. Spike began stammering in fear (And I do not blame him. Have you seen Twilight when she's angry?). "I-I was only trying to help..." "You just ran out there without any idea what you were doing! I... I..." Twilight began to break down into tears. "I could have lost you... You're like a little brother to me, Spike. Don't you ever do anything like that again." Spike softened up from his fearful state and hugged Twilight. "I know, Twilight. I'm sorry I'm always driving you nuts when I do stupid things like that." The two of them held each other closely as brother and sister. I turned to Luna and gave her a hug myself. "Thanks again for saving my sorry butt back there. I almost bit the dust, literally." I joked. Luna wrapped her arms and wings around me, creating the most comforting hug ever. "I would never leave the one I love to fight alone. I'll always be by your side." She replied. After a few moments of tender embrace, we parted and returned to our mission. "So Celestia, where's the glyph exactly?" I asked. Celestia's horn glowed as she closed her eyes and focused on the magic energies around her. "It's over there." She said, pointing to a stone obelisk. I could see the glowing shimmer of a brownish-gold glyph that glowed on the ancient stone surface. But standing at the top of the structure was... "Hold it right there!" Rainbow Blurted. "Rainbow, wait!" I called. She ignored my warning and flew straight at the silhouette above the obelisk. I could make out some features of the figure. It appeared to be male of an average physical build with a bright white body and red lines running across its surface. Just as Rainbow began to close in, a massive red shockwave sent her flying backwards. I felt myself knocked clean off my feet as the shockwave reached us. "Such power...!" Celestia said in amazement. I got to my feet, nearly collapsing from the rattling in my bones. I looked back to the obelisk with my weapons drawn, but I found nothing. "He vanished?" Fluttershy wondered. "He must have teleported." Pinkie reasoned. "Woul somoue wet we ou?" A muffled voice asked. I looked around to see Rainbow nearby, her head buried and her rear hilariously upwards from the crash. I walked over to her and pulled her head out from the sand. She coughed and spat out some of it in disgust. "Ohh! When I get my hands on that chump-" She began as she tried to get to her feet. She collapsed to the ground and grabbed at her leg. "I-I can't move! What's going on?!" She panicked. I carefully inspected her leg, careful not to cause any involuntary pain. "It doesn't look broken. Maybe you're just temporarily paralyzed from the shockwave?" I guessed. Rainbow strained at her wing muscles, but they refused to move, leaving her arms as the only limbs she was capable of moving. Rainbow looked down in embarrassment. "I'm such an idiot. I didn't even think about that. It's just like when I... When I nearly died..." I turned around and lifted Rainbow up from under her legs, allowing her to ride piggyback. "Hey, we all make mistakes, but just remember that if you get knocked down, I'll be there to scoop your sorry ass back up." I said. Rainbow gave me a noogie as we began heading to the obelisk to investigate. "Thanks for such encouraging words." She teased. I loosened my grip slightly to scare her from the half inch drop. She tightened her grip around my neck, much to my amusement. "Jerk." She said, trying not to chuckle. "Awww! Thanks for the compliment, Dashie!" Stepping up to the obelisk, the glyph was still glowing as it did earlier. Celestia and Twilight began using their magical knowledge to examine it. I set Rainbow down on a fallen slab so she could be comfortable while we investigated. "It seems to be of the same type of magic as the previous one we found, but something feels... different." Celestia said as she scanned it. Twilight rubbed her chin in thought. "You're right, Princess. Based on what you told me it should be giving off a less intense temporal frequency." "Uh, yeah. I totally agree." Vinyl nervously commented. "You have no idea what they're talking about." Octavia plainly said. "Shut up." Was Vinyl's retort. "Temporal frequencies... I think Twilight mentioned something about that once when I visited to help clean up the Library." I recalled. Twilight nodded. "That's right. I was doing some research on it while we were having a break." "You were saying that temporal frequencies are one of the most important parts of sealing spells. So then that means..." Celestia gasped in realization. "These monsters aren't being summoned or conjured, they're being awakened from a seal!" I squinted at the glyph on the obelisk, perhaps hoping I could unlock its secrets just by observing it. "Just what are you hiding..." I said as I reached out to touch the glyph. Once my hand made contact, the glyph changed color into a pure white rather than the golden-brown it was just a moment ago. The light intensified and a ringing noise filled the air to accompany it. "W-what's going on?!" Fluttershy panicked, ducking behind the others. The light of the glyph soon burst from the obelisk in tendrils of light, each one converging on me. Before I could react the tendrils pierced into my body, sending the magic energy flowing through me. I began to shake as the power coursed through my veins, and I began to fear that it would tear me asunder. And then... nothing. The light had filled my body, and all of the others looked at me with concern. Twilight carefully prodded at my arm. "Are you... okay?" She asked. "I don't feel too different." I responded. That's when I was assailed with a blinding headache. I clutched my head in desperation, crying in agony as I could feel each individual beating of my veins. Luna gasped as she tried to comfort me. "Robert! What's wrong?!" I struggled to focus on my words as the pain made my breaths ragged. "My head...! Make it... STOP!!!" I screamed. Suddenly the pain seemed to vanish. I carefully opened my eyes as I began to sigh with relief. "Oh man... That's sooo much better. It's alright guys, I'm fine now." Silence was my only response. I looked to the group, concern still frozen on their faces. Wait, their faces were frozen! Luna was still worriedly standing before me, her pupils not even dilating as I waved my hand before her eyes. I got up and walked around each of them, every one not moving in any way. "What the-?" I asked in astonishment. I soon began to feel exhausted and light headed, and time began to slowly continue. "Where did he go?!" Rainbow asked. "Uh, hello." I said from my new position behind Fluttershy. "Eeep!" She cried as she jolted from the surprise. "H-how did you do that?!" Twilight wondered. "I didn't feel a teleportation... How did you get over there?!" "Everything just froze." I began. "As soon as I screamed 'stop', time just froze for a couple of seconds." I began to falter as my knees wobbled. "The bonus of course being that I feel exhausted now." Celestia began inspecting me with a curiosity I would normally associate with Twilight. "Fascinating. It seems that you've absorbed the temporal sealing spell that was placed on this obelisk. When you cried out like that you must have subconsciously activated it, but instead of sealing something in a pocket of inert time, you temporarily halted time itself!" Celestia soon began to check my vitals and question me as she took Twilight's parchment and quill. "Tell me, what did it feel like from the moment you absorbed the spell until now." She asked. This was honestly starting to worry me, but I cleared my throat and answered. "It felt like every ounce of energy that was in that spell was pouring into my body. I felt like I was about to burst from it, like an overfilled water balloon. Then all the pain left as soon as the spell activated." Celestia nodded as she began jotting down notes while grinning ear to ear. "Excellent. And how do you feel now?" "I feel amazing, powerful, and..." I rubbed my throat for a moment. "I could also use a drink." Celestia simply looked at me with an expression of annoyance. "And just like that, the moment is gone." "Look I just fought a giant monster and absorbed an ancient time stopping spell. Let's just call it a day and head back to the hotel." I chided. Celestia rolled up her scroll and we all began to head back for a well deserved rest. > Rules of Nature > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The return to our respective hotel rooms was certainly a welcome one, especially considering the fight and the new questions that were raised. I sat on a chair in my hotel room, which I was sharing with Luna, staring out the window as I thought about all that had happened in the past few hours. It seems that Luna noticed my silence as she tapped me on the shoulder. "You've been staring out the window for a while now. Is everything alright." She asked in genuine concern. I gave her a comforting smile. "Yeah, I was just thinking about what we've learned recently. It's throwing my entire perception of my world on it's head, like how I thought mythological creatures and deities were just the tales of the superstitious." I paused as I gave it some more thought. "The fact that the monster we fought wasn't summoned, but rather sealed, could mean that they aren't just myths. Perhaps there was magic on this world once." Luna thought about it for a moment. "Now that you mention it, there is an abundance of mana on this world, yet none of the creatures are capable of using it. Perhaps something happened in the past to cause all of the current inhabitants to be unable to absorb or manipulate it." "Maybe that's what's happening with me! I mean, I absorbed Teruza's spell back in Canterlot, and now I'm immortal, plus there was that time stopping spell I got just a little while ago." I deduced. Luna's eyes went wide as she realized her theory may just be fact. "You're right! Creatures can't just become able to use magic; it's something you're born with. You and other humans may not have been able to use magic before, but that may just mean there is some sort of force preventing you from using it as you currently are. When you absorbed the spell in Canterlot, it must have been powerful enough to short out that block, allowing you to absorb and use magic." I grinned ear to ear as the possibilities began to bounce around in my head. "So you're saying I could learn how to use magic like you and the others?" Luna rubbed her chin in contemplation. "Perhaps... But you would have to learn how to focus your magic without a guide like the spells you've absorbed, though you may not have been able to do something on that scale before anyway." "So I would need to train to focus it through something, kind of like your horn?" "Exactly." "Well, how about the spell from earlier?" I asked. "What about it?" "For starters, it tired me out after a couple of seconds of maintaining it. Why did that tire me out, but I don't even feel the immortality spell?" "Simple." Luna nodded with a happy grin. I guess she was elated to have a student in magic like her sister. "Your immortality is maintained by using the mana you naturally absorb at a fixed rate. This mana flows through your body like oxygenated blood, giving energy to you when you use magic." "So it's like when I push myself too hard exercising?" "Correct. You catch on quickly." Luna complemented. "Aww, you're making me blush." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck modestly. "Anyway, how did I focus that spell?" "Like I said earlier, the spells you're absorbing are acting like a natural guide for your mana, almost like an enchantment." "This is all really fascinating... *Yawn*." I chuckled as my body was sending me rather obvious signals. "I guess I'd better hit the hay. It's great that we finally have our own beds this time." "Y-yes." Luna said, uncertainty lingering in her voice. I would have inquired about it, but I was certain it was nothing. "Well, good night, Luna." I said, making myself comfortable under the covers. "Good night..." -------- Somewhere about an hour or so into my sleep, I felt something enter the bed alongside me. I soon felt a pair of arms wrap around me in an embrace that was not simply one of affection, but also one of security. Knowing there was only one other person who could enter the room, I groggily addressed her. "Luna...? What are you doing in my bed?" I asked, yawning after I had finished. Luna's voice shuddered as she answered. "I-I'm sorry... I'm being selfish right now... I... I just..." I turned around to face her, my expression sympathetic as I saw the tears in her eyes. "Luna, you can tell me anything. What's wrong?" Luna shied her gaze away from me in shame. "I've never told anypony before... whenever I go to bed, I always feel so lonely." "Why would you feel lonely?" "I keep thinking about... that time..." "You mean... the Moon?" I asked, afraid of her response. "You have no idea how lonely it was. 1000 years trapped on the Moon, my only company being my own shadow, and the voices of the nightmares that turned me into the monster I was. Every time I went to sleep, my eyes would be puffy and red from the tears I had shed while I was awake. But that was only when I was in control. When Knightmare Moon was dominant, she would curse out my sister's name, promising to do the most foul and horrific things to her once she broke free. I couldn't bear the thought of such things, so I shut myself away from society once I returned, because I didn't want to look at the faces of the ponies who I swore to crush beneath my hooves." I hugged Luna tightly to my chest, stroking her hair in the most soothing way I could. "That wasn't you, and that never will be. You're not a monster, Luna, and you never have to be alone ever again." Luna began sobbing away her sorrows in the comfort of my chest, and I embraced her fully. "You must think so lowly of me for acting this way... Throwing my emotional burdens onto you is truly unbecoming of me." She said once she regained her composure. I kissed her tenderly on the lips to silence her doubts. "You're you. That's all that matters to me. I'm always going to be there for you whenever you need a shoulder to cry on, and I'll help carry your burdens. Just please don't cry; it tears my heart to see you like this." "I'm truly lucky to have you." She said as she snuggled closer. "So am I, Luna. So am I." -------- Luna and I woke the next morning still locked in our warm embrace. We soon joined the others after we got dressed for the flight back to the United States. The flight was full of friendly conversation and reminiscing on good memories. When we touched down back at the airport, we all gladly stretched our stiff limbs before climbing into the limo back to the 'Embassy'. "Glad to have you back home, sir. I trust your trip to Egypt was eventful?" Walter asked during the ride back. "Oh, you know. Visited the Valley of the Kings, fought a giant sand monster that was sealed away for who-knows how long, and I learned how to stop time for brief periods." I listed off nonchalantly. "So basically just another day at work for me. ...Man, my work is weird." "So now you can return to Equestria, sir?" I found myself unable to respond as I thought about the mysterious figure who managed to swat us away like flies. Celestia took the liberty of answering for me. "I'm afraid we'll be staying here a bit longer. Whatever dragged us into this world is still on the loose, and we now know that it's power is incredible." "That's perfectly alright, Princess. It's a pleasure to have you around." We arrived home at around two in the afternoon, one of the small blessings of a flight that 'chases the sun'. Rainbow Dash said she wanted to stretch her limbs after being cramped on the plane for so long, so we all enjoyed another swim in the pool area. After we all dried off and had our dinner, we decided to all enjoy a movie. "Hmmm..." I hummed to myself as I browsed our selection. "Too raunchy... Too violent... Ewww! Twilight!" I said, eliminating all the poor choices. "I-it wasn't me! Pinkie's the one who ate that bean burrito!" Twilight blurted as her cheeks flushed crimson. "What are you-?" I sniffed the air and realized what she meant. "Aww! That is just nasty!" Pinkie was waving her hand in front of her nose in desperation. "Don't try and throw this on me, Twilight!" Twilight's entire face became one bright shade of red. "My digestive system is completely different in this body! It's not my fault!" I cleared my throat in slight embarrassment myself. "Uh, Twilight? I wasn't referring to you when I said that. I meant the movie Twilight." Twilight's blush somehow found another shade of red to turn as everyone else began desperately trying to avoid laughing like hyenas. "A-anyway, I think I found the perfect movie for tonight." I said as I produced a DVD case with a grin. "The Mask?" Vinyl asked. I did a spin in place before striking a pose. "Ssssmokin'!" -------- We had all spent the past hour laughing our behinds off at the cartoony antics of Jim Carrey. Man that guy is the perfect comedic actor. We were finally at the scene where he was at the club trying to stop the mob from blowing up the place with a bomb. He dove behind the counter of the bar while holding the Mask, gunfire splintering through the wooden barrier. After a few moments of silence, he vaulted up onto the counter and took a seat, though he now had a green cartoonish face and a suit/fedora combo. "Did you miss me?" He playfully asked the mobsters. He then took a nearby drink and began to down it. The liquid soon returned to sight as it spurted out of several holes in his body. "I guess not!" He quipped as he grinned at his assailants. He jumped down from his seat as the three henchmen began to reload their guns. "Now you've gotta ask yourself one question. 'Do I feel lucky'? Well..." He then produced two massive guns that were a mish-mash of several lethal weapons ranging from mini-guns to rocket launchers. "Do ya... punks?" He asked as some of the guns began to click. The three men dropped their guns and ran as fast as they could. Several flags popped out of the barrels of the weapons, each one with the word 'Bang!' written on it. "He he he he he!" He snickered as he swung the weapons into his pockets. "Stanley!" Cameron Diaz shouted from her position tied to a fake palm tree. Stanley quickly ran over to where she was tied up and quickly picked up the bomb that was about to detonate. Rather than try to disarm it he simply ate the entire device whole. A muffled explosion was heard as his chest expanded slightly, and he soon belched up smoke. "That's a spicy meatball!" he said in an Italian accent. Everyone let out another roar of laughter at the hilarious antic. Soon Peter Greene, the villain of the movie, ran over in an attempt to kill Stanley. Stanley looked at the screen in annoyance. "This guy's incorrigible." He whipped out a set of paint and quickly painted a lever labeled 'Flush' on the side of the palm tree. As soon as Peter jumped in the water, he pulled the now real lever, flushing all of the water and Peter with it. Stanley pulled out a cigar. "You were good kid, real good. But as long as I'm around you'll always be second best, see?" Everyone began to let out their final laughs as the movie reached it's ending. Celestia wiped a tear from her eye before she spoke to me. "Oh my, I haven't laughed like that in quite some time!" "That's Jim Carrey for ya." I replied. *Hiccup!* "What was-?" I began. *Hiccup!* We all turned to Luna who was beginning to panic as she tried to fight this strange sensation. "Sister! What's happening?!*Hiccup!*" Celestia let out a small chuckle. "Nothing is wrong Luna. You simply have the hiccups." "Hiccups?*Hiccup!*" I raised a brow in disbelief. "You've never had the hiccups before?" "P-please! Tell me how to cure this affliction!" She said in her 'Olde' voice, a nervous habit of hers. "Pinkie, if you would be so kind?" I asked. "Boo!" She shouted as she burst from between the couch cushions, a feat I'm still not certain of how she accomplished. "Ahh! Why did you-" Luna paused as she noticed she didn't hiccup. "They're gone...!" She wrapped Pinkie in a massive hug. "Oh, thank you Pinkie!" "*Giggle* At your service!" She giggled. It was honestly a really heart-warming sight to see just how far Luna had come socially. When I first arrived she was still taking baby steps ever since her visit during Nightmare Night, but now she was really following after her older sister and allowing herself to drop formalities and simply be an equal. I let out a tired yawn. "Well, I'd better get some rest. Goodnight everyone." "I shall join you. I'm beginning to grow tired as well." Luna said. Vinyl let out a suggestive whistle. "Can't wait to climb into the same bed, eh?" *Smack* Vinyl clutched the top of her head in pain. "Ow! What was that for, Tavi?!" "Do you really think it wise to talk to the Princess in such a way?" "I was just joking around! C'mon Robert, tell her how we do this to each other all the time." "Well, it is true that we have teased one another like that, but please don't make it so lewd." I responded. "Fine, fine. Could ya tell me where you keep the beer?" She asked. "Not legal for you to drink in America, Vinyl." I told her. "H-huh?!" She blurted in shock. "Yeah, the drinking age is 21. You're just a year short." "Aww, man. I didn't even have a buzz, and yet I'm pretty sure you killed it." She muttered. I shook my head and chuckled at her pouting as I ascended the stairs. Luna followed me shortly after as I plopped down on the plush bed. "*Sigh* I've gotta hold onto this." I told myself as Luna climbed into bed. "What do you mean?" "Moments like these. It's what keeps me going even when the odds are against me. It's what gives me a purpose to fight." I turned to her and gave her a small peck. "And of course you're always in my thoughts too." I told her with a smile. "As you are in mine." She replied. -------- The next morning came with an early rise. "Robert!" ... A very early rise. "Ughhh.... Wha...?" I moaned as I barely managed to open my eyes. I got up and looked at the clock. It was 2 A.M. "*Sigh* I know there's only one reason you would wake me at an hour like this, Celestia. Where is it this time?" One plane ride later... "Whoa! This place is so sunny and warm!" Rainbow admired. "And look at all the people!" Pinkie added. "Welcome to Rio De Janeiro, ladies. The Capital of Brazil." I told them. I was feeling much better thanks to the nap I caught on the plane ride. I was feeling nervous considering we were in a major city on such a delicate matter. "So where to, Celestia?" I asked, wishing to get this done as soon as possible. "It seems to be coming from this direction." She said, pointing down an alley that I assumed lead to a favela. "Alright, everyone stay close. Unfortunately we could run into thugs." "While you have a big sword and shield strapped on your back and a bunch of magical ponies turned human with you?" Vinyl chided. "...Valid point." We made our way down the alley, all the while the sounds of the people began to drown out, yet I felt some kind of presence following me. *Krz* An electrical sound was heard from above. I instinctively changed my weapons into Hallowed Light, my two handed sword that combined both weapons powers and boosted them. I just barely managed to parry an overhead strike from a red blade that crackled with red electricity. I barely had time to react before the attacker back flipped and casually rested the katana by the dull end on his shoulder. "And you are?" I asked as I took a defensive stance. The attacker was clearly of Brazilian descent, though he only had his face visible; the rest of his body was covered by some form of white bodysuit that almost seemed like an advanced exoskeleton of some kind. His face had a few scars, complementing his thin beard/mustache and he had his brown hair in a top-knot. He flashed what I can only call a "Shit eating grin". "Samuel Rodrigues, though you can call me Jetstream Sam." "Alright then, Sam. Why are you after me?" I asked. "Oh, I'm not here to kill you. I was simply testing your skills. That was a very good parry for someone who was self taught." "How did you-?" "It's quite easy to tell by your stance and movements." "So you were testing me with an attack that likely could have killed me?" He chuckled at the question. "Perhaps it would have killed an ordinary man, but you aren't a normal man, are you?" "How do you know so much about me?" I asked, my frustration mounting. "I am from Ascension. I believe you've already met us? Though, we're under new leadership now. No more orders from that idiot, Anderson." "So what? You're here to play nice now?" "Yes." I was shocked by such a blunt answer. I glanced at Applejack. "He's tellin' the truth." She answered with a tip of her hat. "So these are the Equestrians, eh? They look nice enough." Sam said with a friendly grin. "Eep." Fluttershy squeaked as she shied away from view. Sam sheathed his blade and stepped towards Fluttershy. I allowed him, but kept my blade ready to strike. He reached out a hand to shake. "A pleasure to meet you." Fluttershy slowly reached out a shaking hand and returned the gesture. Satisfied with his progress, he turned back to me. "We heard that you were heading in this direction, so I was sent to join up with you." "Are you sure this is alright? An agent for an American agency deployed to another country like this?" "The UN really got the picture of what's going on when they saw photos of that sculpture you made in Egypt. I guess it just takes a potential disaster to finally get politics fast-tracked." "Can you ask them to let us keep it? Spike here earned that little trophy." I laughed as I patted Spike on the head. "I'll put in a good word, but for now we should get moving. What's the monster this time?" He asked. "Hopefully nothing if we can stop it. How far to the focus point, Celestia?" I asked. "I've lost the signal!" She gasped. "That's not good..." I muttered. My gloom was justified when we heard a primal roar and a massive beast rose from the buildings. "Run. Now." I told the others. They followed my order and made for the opposite direction. The beast seemed to be a giant bipedal lizard with two large 'wings' for arms. It was jet black with chitinous skin and an orange glow emanating from it's maw of a mouth. "Still want to help?" I asked Sam. "Things just got interesting." He said with a confident grin. "Let's go!" I shouted. We both made a sprint for the nearby buildings, both of us rising to the various ledges and windows with precision and speed to climb to the roof. The massive monster took a glance at us and roared loudly, drowning out the panic of the civilians sprinting away for safety. The beast reared back it's head to slam into the section of the roof where I stood. I reinforced my blade with shadow energy and parried the incoming strike, dazing the creature long enough for Sam to slash into it. "Rrrreeeee!" It screamed in anger. I could see red-hot lines from where Sam's blade made contact, but it didn't seem to be enough to really damage it. The monster raised up one of it's massive legs to try and crush Sam, but he simply cartwheeled to the side to avoid the impact. "Ha! Pathetic!" He taunted. The monster, clearly infuriated by Jetstream's taunts, opened it's mouth which began glowing with orange energy. "Uh oh." I groaned. Sam and I both dove to the side of the beam, still feeling the searing pain of the glancing blow. I leaped up in front of one of the wings of the beast and used my newly acquired ability to freeze time. I began slashing mercilessly into the black plates of the monster, which began to cut away slowly. I quickly threw Hallowed Light up to the ankle of my leg, securing it with shadow energy and bring down the light charged blade with a powerful axe kick. I landed back on the roof and panted from exhaustion from using up my reserve mana. The beast roared out in pain from the loss of a limb, but it was not defeated. The beast prepared to crush me with a swipe of it's tail, but Sam sliced off the appendage. "Mind if I cut in?" "Go nuts." I chuckled. Sam did just that and began to cut away at the beast with inhuman speed. The monster managed to throw him off into a nearby building side, but Sam recovered by launching himself off and landing another cut. He then sheathed his sword as the beast made ready to crush him with his remaining wing. "What are you-?" *Bang!* He pulled the trigger on his hilt, sending his sword flying out at lightning speed. He caught the handle and swung with such force that he cut cleanly through the remaining wing. I took the opening and jumped right on the head of the monster, stabbing my blade into the center. With a firm grip on the handle, I ran down the length of the beast and jumped off. The monster was effectively cut in half, ending the terror to Rio. "Excellent work." Sam cheered from the roof top. "Not bad yourself." I replied. I soon felt an energy wrap around me. The magic about it was full of resentment and hate. I felt the mana around me build to a crescendo, then there was only a bright light that remained. > What is a Man to a God? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bright light soon subsided, allowing me to take in my surroundings. "Teleportation?" I wondered as I felt the wind whip through my hair. I looked down to see I was standing on a rough stone surface... several stories up in the air. I was standing on one of the hands of the Christ the Redeemer statue that overlooked Rio De Janeiro. "Huh. Of all the places to wind up..." "You have become an annoyance." A deep voice said. "Who's there?!" I called. That's when I turned and saw the figure I got a glimpse of back in Egypt. It was him! "A being beyond your comprehension. I have seen you and your companions who seek to halt my judgement." "Judgement? Just what are you talking about? Who are you?" I asked, desperate for answers as to the motivations behind these attacks. This being looked at me with his piercing red eyes. His glare made my body begin to tremble. "I am that which has safeguarded your insolent race since the very day your ancestors learned to walk upright. I have prevented calamities that would surely have been the end of your race millennia ago. But I was foolish to believe that your race would be worth such protection." He said, his words dripping with poison. "I have watched your pointless bloodshed. Your 'Crusades', your 'Great Wars'; each one made my hope for your race dwindle. I have finally come to fix the mistake I made." I tensed up, his goal of genocide on my entire race bringing my blood to a boil. "So that's it?! You're going to kill every human because of the mistakes we made in the past?!" The deity turned his gaze towards the city. "I did not say I would limit it to your race alone." I was dumbfounded. "What?" "You have poisoned these 'Equestrians' with your influence. It is only a matter of time before they follow the same bloody path of humanity. I have seen them in the past myself, witnessed their wars, but they have all but ended. I will give them a swift demise, a preferable alternative to the long carnage that would unfold otherwise." "Luna... My friends... Everyone...!" I pointed my sword at him with fiery determination. "I won't let you kill them! You have no right to decide the fate of an entire race!" I shouted. "You would dare challenge me?" He asked, his tone almost amused. "I won't back down to protect the ones I love!" He simply shook his head. "Fool. You still haven't noticed it." "What are you-? Agh!" I felt a sharp pain in my right cheek. An X shaped cut was made cleanly into the flesh by magic. "Wh-when did you-?" "The very beginning of this conversation. The sheer speed of the cut was too much for your nervous system to detect." I began to shake in fear of the being that floated before me. "He could have killed me at any time! This is insane!" "I will spare you for now. All of your race I can allow shall witness their final judgement." "What 'final judgement'?" "Eons ago I sealed away the very monsters you have been slaying, as well as sealed the mana of your race. Should I release a certain pattern of them and fuel my energy into the key glyph, it would cause all of the mana that has built up on your world to ignite, leaving not even ashes to remain." "Never!" I shouted as I found the courage to take a swing at him. My blade swung with all the force I could muster, but he simply blocked it with a single finger. "Know this, impure one: Astral, shall be the harbinger of your demise." He said. Suddenly he sent me flying through the air back into the city with a burst of magic. The point blank release of energy caused me to pass out as I sailed through the air. -------- "Ro... Are... alright?" A voice called in the darkness. I felt my hand twitch as my body began to awaken. I wheezed as my eyes shot open and air began to fill my rapidly repairing lungs. I saw Luna standing above me, relief beginning to color her paled face. "Oh, thank goodness you're alright! I felt that surge of magic, and... I don't want to think about it." I struggled to sit myself up as my bones began to heal from the impact of the fall. "I'm fine, Luna. I just..." Luna looked at me with worry. "What's wrong?" "I met him." I told her. Luna's eyes went wide with fear. "You mean..." "He calls himself, Astral. He thinks humanity is pure evil and that we need to be destroyed, along with the Equestrians." "Why would he target us as well?" Celestia asked as she arrived with the others, Sam included. I couldn't bear to look any of them in the eye. "I... It's my fault... It's because I met you. He thinks my influence will send you down a path of war." "That is preposterous! He has no right to make such choices based on what could be!" My emotions finally burst out. "It doesn't matter! Because of me, my race isn't the only one that's going to be slaughtered! It's my fault!" *Smack!* Celestia slapped me with all the strength she could muster. I reeled from the pain, and I realized the cut on my cheek was still bleeding. "That is enough! I won't have you blame yourself! Or have you already forgotten that you came to Equestria because of me?" "I..." "What's done is done. Stopping this 'Astral' is what's important." I looked away in shame, but I accepted her logic nonetheless. "Right..." I looked around to see the smoke rising from where the monster had fired his magic beam. "So what are we looking at in terms of casualties?" I hesitantly asked. Sam rubbed his stubble. "Well, from what I was told by the police, it looks like there were five deaths. Two were caused by that beam attack, one was crushed in the initial debris, and the last was trampled during the panic." He patted me on the back, as I cursed the fact anyone had to die. "All things considered, it's a miracle the entire city wasn't leveled. You saved a lot of lives today." "I guess I needed some good news." I said with a wavering smile. A fire began to burn in my eyes as I found new determination. "But right now, there's an even bigger monster to stop! I'm not gonna just stand back and watch him murder billions! There has to be a way to figure out where he's going next..." Luna tapped me on the shoulder and had a sly grin. "I may have a solution to that problem. I managed to figure out the exact signature of his magic thanks to all the use I've detected since we first encountered him in Egypt. It will take a short while to figure out where he is, but it should give us a faster means of-" Luna was interrupted as I kissed her out of pure joy. "...Finding... him." She finished as she recovered from my sudden embrace. "You just keep finding ways to make me love you more." I teased. "As touching as this is, I have to be on my way." Sam told us. "You're leaving?" I asked. "I have to report to the chief. It was nice to finally see your skills in action." He said as he offered me his hand to shake. I accepted it gladly. "Likewise, Sam. I hope we get to meet again under better circumstances." "We'd better! Otherwise I'll spend my entire afterlife yelling at you." "You are a true ally to the Equestrian people. I hope that we meet again." Celestia said. Sam politely bowed before taking his leave. I turned to the others with renewed vigor. "So Luna, have you managed to figure out where he is yet?" Luna had another sly grin on her face, which I have begun to associate with good things for me. "I have, and I think you're going to love where he's gone." > Trouble in Tokyo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna descended from the stairs of the private jet following her sister and the other Equestrians. Celestia looked at her sister with an uncertain expression. "Are you sure Robert is going to enjoy it here?" She asked her younger sibling. Luna chuckled at the question. "Please, dear sister, I'm his girlfriend. Of course I'm certain of it." "He didn't seem to react at all the entire time we traveled from Brazil to here." "I'm sure he was just letting it sink in." Luna assured. "Either way, this is new territory for all of us, so we need to conduct ourselves appropriately." Celestia instructed. That's when I burst from the doorway of the jet with the dumbest looking grin ever. "Konichiwa Japan!" I shouted in unbridled joy, jumping down the stairs and dancing around hugging Luna and the others. Celestia facepalmed and shook her head. "So much for proper conduct..." "He seems happy." Fluttershy admired. Twilight rolled her eyes at her winged friend. "What gave you that impression?" She snarked. Pinkie Pie giggled. "I like him like this! He's so happy and jumpy!" Octavia tugged on my sleeve to get my attention. "I hate to ruin your moment, but I believe we aren't here as tourists." I sighed as I remembered our mission. "Man, I wish we didn't have to deal with this kind of crap." I turned to my lovely girlfriend. "So where is he now?" "Based on the map I looked at on the flight over, I think he's in the Shinjuku district of the city called Tokyo." I rubbed my chin thoughtfully. "Walking to there from here will take too long... Maybe we can take a train there?" I suggested. "Sounds like a plan to me." Applejack responded. "Which way's the station?" I noticed a sign that had a train picture placed on it, so I assumed it was down the street. On the way I stopped as I came to a sudden realization. "What's wrong?" Celestia asked. "I just realized there's a major flaw in this plan." "And that is?" Twilight asked. "I have no idea how to speak or read Japanese." I admitted. A chorus of groans were my response from the group. I lowered my head in shame. "You would think with all of that anime and those Japanese video games you would have picked up on a decent amount of their language." Twilight chided. "Well, excuse me for not being able to learn another language! I only know a few words and phrases, like baka." I directed the last word at her. "And what does that mean?" "Studious one." I lied. Twilight seemed rather proud of the title. "Yes, and this baka has a solution to the problem." "You do?" I asked in disbelief. Her horn began to glow and it's aura began to envelope us all. I could feel a buzzing in the back of my head, but that faded fairly quickly. "What spell did you just cast?" I asked. "A translation spell. It takes anything we hear or see and translates it into a language we're familiar with. It also has the added benefit of allowing us to speak the local language." Twilight smiled and pointed to me. "Try saying that word again." "Idiot." I said. I blinked as I realized what had just happened. "Whoa! It really translated it!" Twilight began fuming at me. "You mean you called me an idiot?!" "Well, you kinda called yourself an idiot too..." I defended. "Only because you tricked me!" "Settle down, Twilight. We have more important things to deal with." Celestia interrupted. "Yeah, let's get on the train and check out this town!" Vinyl cheered. Boy was she in for a surprise. -------- "This city is ginormous!" Pinkie beamed. "Th-there's so many people..." Fluttershy nervously winced. "Is that a cafe?" Octavia asked. She frowned for a moment. "It seems the waitresses are getting a few leers from some of the men." "Forget that boring old place, Octy. Check out that arcade!" Vinyl said. She shivered with delight as she listened closely. "Oh man, I can hear the music from here. So electronic..." That was the reaction from the girls. I on the other hand... "Holycrapthisisawesome!I'minJapanandnowI'minShinjukuTokyo!" Yeah... It was mostly me repeating that and hyperventilating as we walked down the street. Soon enough we stopped in the middle of the street in a busy section of the district, with Luna looking around frantically. "I don't understand... Astral's magic is coming from right here!" "Maybe he moved?" I suggested. Luna shook her head. "Impossible. The concentration of magic here is too dense. He has to be around here somewhere..." *Rmmmble* The ground began to shake slightly, causing Fluttershy to immediately become alarmed. "W-what's going on?!" "It may be an earthquake." I suggested. "They are fairly common in Japan." *Rmmmble!* The shaking returned again, but much more violent. "I don't think that was aftershock..." Celestia nervously said. I began looking around for any sign of a monster similar to the one from Brazil. I began to grow more panicked when I couldn't spot anything. "This is insane! Not even the Tokyo skyscrapers can hide something this big!" *Crunch!* A loud thud reverberated as the truth hit me like a sack of bricks. "It's not above ground!" "Everyone run! Now!" I shouted. A few of the locals took my advice and fled along with the Equestrians, while some too confused to realize what was happening stood by. "Dammit! I said-" *BOOM!* Suddenly a massive eight headed and tailed snake with pure black skin and glowing red markings and eyes burst from the earth, roaring with fury. Anyone who hadn't been convinced to leave before was now sprinting for any immediate escape. I drew my weapons as I realized this battle would be extremely difficult. "It's bad enough that this thing is this massive! How am I supposed to fight when it can attack from eight directions at once?!" I was driven from my thoughts as one of the heads dove straight for me. In a split second decision, I jumped above the head and ran along the neck. Another head barreled straight for me, ready to take a bite. I jumped just high enough to avoid the teeth, but the head itself smashed into me, sending me into a nearby building. I quickly recovered and dove to the side of a third head trying to make a meal of me, slashing it's face along the way. I ran for the window and dove outside, sending a light slash at the form of the beast. The impact managed to make it stumble, but only for a moment. I used the opportunity to transform my sword and shield into Hallowed Light. The beast roared with all eight of it's heads in challenge, and I smirked as I found the confidence to taunt the beast. "You know, for a being with eight heads, you're even dumber than you look! And that breath!" I waved my hand in front of my nose in mock disgust. "Ever hear of breath mints?" I'm guessing the monster understood Japanese considering the fact it looked even more pissed off. However, as it made to attack me again... *Zap! Zap! Zap!* A trio of blue colored energy blasts pelted the monster, causing it to wince in pain. I knew that magic all too well. "Luna?" "It looked like you needed help, so I snuck off from the group." She explained. I could see that it was pointless trying to convince her to stay out of the fight. "Fine, just stay back and keep me covered." I charged forward and used a series of shadow platforms to jump above the nearest head that was charging at me. As I predicted, it was stunned by a blast from Luna, giving me the opportunity to land a downward thrust into it's neck. The giant orochi roared in rage before tossing me off of it, using another head in an attempt to crush me. I was bought an extra second to dodge thanks to another blast from the Princess, scoring a small slash as I dove away. The orochi had finally caught wise to the second threat, and sent a head on a direct course to consume Luna. "No!" I cried. I froze time to give myself an opportunity to move her out of the way, seeing that it would be futile to try and block such a powerful attack. My head began to feel dizzy as I closed the distance, but I kept on moving, my only thought being to save Luna. Just as time began to resume. I pushed Luna out of the path of the monster. "Robert!" I tried to jump out of the way myself, but the monster's teeth caught my coat. It tossed me high into the air, ready to catch me for a snack. I closed my eyes as my options had run out. -------- From Luna's perspective "Robert!" I cried out as I realized I had been pushed out of the path of this monstrosity by the one I loved. He tried to jump towards me to save himself as well, but the coat he wore allowed the beast to catch hold of him. He was tossed high into the air to make him easy prey by the multi-headed monster. I tried to teleport him, tried to levetate him away, but in my dazed state I couldn't focus long enough before... *Chomp!* With a heart tearing sound, the head that had tossed him into the air bit down with a satisfied grin, swallowing him afterwards. I collapsed to my knees, unable to fight the surge of emotions that flooded my mind. "No... Please... Not again!" I sobbed as I mourned the loss of the only one I had ever truly loved. The monster seemed ready to make another addition to his meal, but I was too overcome by grief to care about my own safety. *Splutch!* -------- You know, in my situation, most people would have likely flailed or spread eagled to try and slow the fall into the mouth of a giant monster. I'm not sure if what I did was incredibly brave, or just really stupid, but I actually tucked my limbs in to try and speed past the closing mouth of the monster. On that note, I did avoid having my head chomped off by a few inches, and even spread eagled to stop my decent into the stomach, but now I was stuck. I would either lose my holding and fall into the stomach acids, or the air would grow to thin and I would pass out, following that course a slightly different way. The only illumination I had was held on a small chain around my neck. It was the pendant that Luna gave me for my birthday. "Luna...!" "No... Please... Not again!" A voice cried. I recognized it as the very woman who had given me the pendant, and something snapped in the back of my mind. *Splutch!* I thrust my sword into the throat of the monster, sliding down to create a larger opening. "I..." I cut the passage wider. "Am not..." I thrust forward with a sickening slash. "YOUR FOOD!!!" I shouted at the monster. The head of the monster that had eaten me was now flailing around in agony, it's blood pouring out of the large hole I made in it's throat. And for some reason, I relished at the sight. "What's the matter? Having trouble swallowing?" I taunted. I could see a blood red aura glow around my sword as it transformed into an odd sword that had a teardrop shaped hole near the hilt, which was devoid of a hilt guard. The hole began to fill with the red aura, and I could feel empowered as I felt my sadistic side take over. Another head made a charge straight towards me. I smirked as I tossed my blade into the air, jumping after it. Once I caught this new sword, I cleaved it straight down, cutting the head cleanly off of the monster. "Two down..." I glared at the beast with an unnerving grin. "Six to go!" The beast was now beginning to understand fear, as it tried to overwhelm me with three heads at once. I cleaved down the middle of the head that came from above, cutting it cleanly in half and blocking the other two heads from immediately attacking. I spun in a circle, directing an energy ring around me that cut into the other two heads, destroying the brains. The remaining three heads were truly terrified, now turning to try and flee. Their movements were clumsy with all the dead weight. "Time to end this..." I jumped into the air and used my power to freeze time, slashing away at the giant monster. I have no Idea how many cuts I made before releasing the spell, and frankly I don't care. The end result was what I could only describe as meaty chunks falling to the ground. "Ha ha ha..." "Robert..." "Ha ha ha ha ha!" I laughed. "Robert, please!" Suddenly the other voice registered to me, and I felt my rage disappear. My blade returned to the separate forms of sword and shield, and I looked at what I had accomplished with it. "I... I did this?" I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, and I heard sobbing. "You can stop. It's over now." "Luna..." I hugged Luna closely to me, sorry that she had to see any of this. "Luna! So this is where you were!" Celestia shouted at her sister. "Sister! I..." "I don't want to hear it. You put yourself, and Robert in danger with this stunt. You're lucky that both of you are alive right now!" "Hey, she helped me out Celestia, so just back off!" I shouted. "Excuse me?" I may have been talking to the deity of the sun, but I wasn't going to stand for her yelling at Luna like that. "I was barely holding my own against the monster without her, so she saved my life just now!" "You can tell me all about that once we find accommodations. We'll have to stay the night here so the plane can refuel. And I believe Jack said one of the instruments required maintenance." "Fine. Where did you have in mind?" -------- I'll give Celestia this, she certainly has great taste in hotels. It wasn't one of those hotels in the city, but rather one of those more traditional Japanese inns complete with a hotspring. And if there was one thing we all agreed on, we wanted to try bathing in it. "I see... So in your rage you created some new form for your weapon?" Celestia asked as I finished going over what happened during the fight. "Yeah. I'm not sure how exactly that happened, but it was powerful. Maybe it might even be enough to stop Astral." "No. Absolutely not." Luna interjected. "What?! But the Berserker Blade saved both of us back there! You of all people-" "Should understand the risks of using dark magic. I'm worried that if you use that again, your mind will be consumed by the blood lust. You'll cease to be who you are." I sighed in defeat. Luna was right, the risk was too steep. "Well, I should be joining the girls. I'm curious to see what these hotsprings are like." Celestia said as she went for the nearby sliding door, taking a white bottle with her. "Wait, is that a bottle of sake?" I asked, recognizing the bottle from just about any anime that had an obligatory hotspring episode. "Why yes, it is. It's legal for them to drink at their current age in this country. And we won't have to worry about Spike since he's already gone to bed." "Alright, just take it easy with that stuff. I hear it's pretty strong." I warned. "Are you coming, Luna?" Celestia asked her younger sister. "I believe I will enjoy the spring later. You go on ahead." "I think I'll wait too. I want to go and check out the sushi bar." I added. With that, the three of us went our separate ways. -------- I don't think I've ever mentioned how much I love sushi. Sure, raw fish may not seem appetizing, but it is delicious. After having my fill, I decided to finally head for the hotsprings. It was pretty late by now, so I had the fortune of no one else being on the male side of the springs. "Ahh. Peace and quiet." The springs were the most relaxing experience I had ever had in my life. The soothing waters made me sink in and I did not want to get out. I looked up and saw a beautiful night sky thanks to the fact we were a fair distance from the Tokyo lights. "I wonder how Luna liked the springs." I wondered aloud. "H-huh?!" I turned at the sound of a familiar voice. It wasn't coming from the male side of the spring, so I looked over at where the wall dividing the two halves was, assuming Luna was listening from the other side. "I didn't realize you were still in the spri-" I stopped mid-sentence because I had just made a very important discovery. The wall that was supposed to be there to divide the male and female halves of the spring was gone. What's more, Luna was sitting just a few feet away, with her cheeks as red as hot coals. "EEEEEEEEEEEK!" She screamed at a volume that rivaled the Royal Canterlot Voice. I was temporarily stunned by my eardrums ringing, but once I recovered my immediate concern was leaving. Now! "I'm sorry! I'll just-" As I was making for my escape, Luna trapped me in a levitation aura. "Oh, c'mon! Not fair!" I was now helpless as Luna was ready to either berate me or pummel me for catching her under these kinds of circumstances. All the while I was waiting for Celestia and the others to break through the slide doors in a panic. "W-what are you doing in here?!" She asked as she clutched her towel to her chest. "I was bathing in the springs!" "On the female side?!" "I was on the male side! The wall separating them is gone!" "Did you have anything to do with that?" "Why would I?!" I was now seriously confused. "Where the hell is Celestia? Didn't she hear you scream?" Luna's eyes widened as she took notice to this as well. "That is odd... Wait! Don't try and change the subject!" My eyes darted around for anything that could aid in my escape. I didn't find anything. However, something about the missing wall caught my interest. "Hey, is that a scorch mark on that stone where the wall was?" Luna looked at said stone. "It is. It looks like it was made by..." "Magic." We both deadpanned in unison. Luna released me from my telekinetic prison, as we had both come to the same conclusion. "Drunk Celestia?" I asked. "Drunk Celestia." Luna answered as she facepalmed with the biggest blush on her face. "I-I'm sorry. I-I just assumed..." "It's fine." I assured her. An awkward silence filled the gap between us, and I tried to look for a conversation topic. "So... are you enjoying the springs?" "Yes." Luna quickly answered. More silence. I realized it was probably best for me to leave. "I-I should go." "Wait. There is something I wanted to talk about." Luna said. "Uh, sure. What is it?" I asked. "Well... I've been thinking about... us." Luna began. "A-and?" I nervously asked. "I... I'm not sure what to say. I-I feel like I'm thinking too quickly, that I'm rushing this, but every time I see you fight... I keep thinking about how I could lose you. I want to experience things I've never felt before, things only you can do." Her blush intensified the further she spoke about this. "Luna... Are you asking me to...?" "These battles could be our final moments, but I don't want to spend them surrounded by bloodshed. I want to spend them loving you." Overcome by my love for her, I passionately kissed Luna. "I feel exactly the same way, Luna. No matter what the outcome, I want you to know how much you mean to me before the end of this conflict. I don't want things to go unsaid, actions to be left undone." I began disrobing her. "And if you're my first, then I'd be the happiest man alive." -------- I awoke the next morning on my bed in the Inn with Luna next to me. I turned over to her and smiled. "Good morning, my Princess." Luna pecked me on the cheek. "And good morning to you as well." "So, how was it for you?" I asked. "The best experience of my life." "Sorry if I hurt you, what with it being your first time too..." "I could bear any pain for you." She responded with another peck on the cheek. "Well, we'd better meet the others so that we can all get to the airport." I said as I began dressing myself. Later... "Ow... I'm sorry I ever made a fuss about not being able to drink..." Vinyl whined. "I can't believe Fluttershy drank us all under the table..." Rainbow Dash moaned as she fought back the urge to vomit. Fluttershy surprisingly seemed to be doing just fine. "Um, Celestia? I wanted to ask why you decided to blow up the wall between the two baths and place a sound dampening spell there." Celestia was rubbing her head in pain. "I did that? Why on earth would I think that was a good idea?" "Maybe you were trying to prank Robert and Luna?" Pinkie suggested. "Speaking of which..." Celestia turned to the two of us. "Why do you two look so happy?" We both chuckled before answering in unison. "That's a secret." > The Struggle Within > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Considering everything that had happened as of late, it was no surprise I managed to nod off during the flight to our next destination in the chase. I was dreaming that I was sitting at the top of a large hill, with the wind blowing through my hair. I breathed out a heavy sigh as I took in the peaceful scenery, but I paused as I felt a small tingle in my head. After having her in my dreams as many times as I had, I had identified the sensation as an alicorn entering my dreams. A grin spread across my lips as I realized Luna and I would have another chance to speak alone. "Glad to see you here, beautifu-" I swear I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw who was really standing behind me. "Expecting someone else?" The Princess of the Sun asked with a smirk. "C-Celestia! H-how are you-?! I-I thought Luna-" "I did have to take over her duties for a thousand years. Learning the art of dream walking was a necessity." "R-right..." I said as I tried to recover from nearly crapping my dream pants. "Now, I would like to ask a question of you." "Uh, sure. What is it?" "What happened between you and Luna last night?" She asked with a stern gaze. Now the last thing I wanted to tell Celestia was that I had taken Luna's virginity. It was impossible to gauge what her reaction would be, and right now my thoughts were bringing Freddy Kreuger to mind. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." I lied, rather poorly at that. "You two were acting differently than usual on the ride to the plane. Now either you can tell me, or I could always take a look at your memories." Celestia threatened. Bluff or not, the thought of Celestia seeing those images terrified me beyond belief. "Okay, okay! Before I tell you, I just want you to know Luna means everything to me and I would never do anything to hurt her. Also, I hold you in the highest regard and-" "You're stalling." She flatly observed. "O-okay..." I took a deep breath as I mentally prepared myself. "Luna and I... Well, we... had sex..." I think I caught Celestia's eye twitch, and that made me wonder how long it would take me to swim to shore if I managed to wake myself up and dove out of the plane. Then I remembered the decompression probably wouldn't have very good results for the other passengers. "You... and my little sister..." Well, if I was about to be subjected to a painful demise, I might as well be honest. "Yes, it's true. We both had sex for the first time while you were passed out from the sake. But to be honest, it's kind of your fault for demolishing the dividing wall in the hotspring and placing that sound barrier. And before you say anything, I didn't force it upon her." I was suddenly wrapped up in an extremely tight hug. "I'm so happy for both of you!" Celestia cheered. "...What?" Was all my mind could process. I was expecting her hair to burst into flames, to be forced to witness the most terrifying images my own imagination couldn't conjure. Instead, she was hugging me and congratulating me. "I'm so happy your relationship has flourished even in these troubling times. You two have been getting along better than I ever could have hoped." "So... You're not mad?" I cautiously asked. "I'm happy your relationship is blossoming, but I am still a bit... conflicted as for how to react to that specifically." "Fair enough." I shrugged. Hey, I figure she's got full right to be a little upset learning that her little sister lost her virginity from the person that did it. I just didn't want her going vengeful god on me. But with that taken out of the way, I had a very important question to ask Celestia specifically. "Celestia, about my sword... How exactly did it transform the last time?" "Well, based on what you told me, it seems that it was transformed by dark magic you manifested with your anger and hatred." "Wait, I can do that?" I asked in disbelief. "The weapons Luna and I gave you were created with pure magic. Magic isn't just released in one form universally, it changes it's properties based on the emotional state of the user." "So hatred and negative emotions are dark magic?" "Precisely. Common magic like the majority of the spells you've seen Twilight use are manifested through stable emotional levels. But there is another type of magic you have seen firsthand." "Friendship and love?" "Correct. Friendship is indeed a powerful magic created through bonds like the Elements of Harmony, but love is far greater in strength when the love between two individuals is impossible to break." "That explains how Cadence and Shining Armor managed to repel the Changelings so easily. Even the Elements of Harmony would have taken a bit longer to accurately remove them." I surmised. "Robert... I need to warn you of something before I leave." Celestia looked me seriously in the eyes. "Do not listen to the whispers. They will promise you power, courage, and all of your desires, but you must not trust them. I have faith that you are stronger than their influence." "The whispers?" I asked in confusion. "You will know in time. I wish that you didn't, but you will." With those final words, a strong gust of wind sent a flurry of leaves across my vision. When they passed, Celestia was gone. "Well, I suppose there's nothing left to do except wait for us to arrive." I shrugged. -------- "Oh... my... Celestia!" Rarity blurted as she looked down the street with trembling eyes. "Yes?" Celestia asked. "N-no I'm not trying to address you, Celestia. It's an expression of shock." Celestia smirked at Rarity, who was only now realizing the joke. "Very funny." She admitted. "But honestly, look at this architecture, and the clothes in the shops. Such profound culture, and the history "Ladies, Benvenuti in Italia." I told them, displaying my limited knowledge of the language with pride. "So this is Italy..." Twilight noted. "I was expecting more people obsessed with pasta." "PASTA!" Pinkie blurted as she understood the reference. "I really should stop showing you guys anime without explaining the jokes..." I muttered, annoyed with my own mistake. "Anyway, just where in Venice is Astral, Luna? I'm getting sick of this cat and mouse game." "He's not far, but he's been staying still for a while." Luna responded. "Ah'm guessin' that ain't good." Applejack said, adjusting her stetson. A crowd of citizens began fleeing from one particular direction in response. Everyone in the group turned to face her, with varying levels of annoyance. "What? It's not like I did that." She defended. As we began heading towards the chaos, one man grabbed me by the shirt in a panic. "Lupo Manaro! Lupo Manaro!!!" He screamed before running off. "Lupo Manaro?" I repeated in confusion. Suddenly a crash was heard and I could see a humanoid wolf creature leaning on the belfry of a nearby building, howling in rage. "Oh..." I realized. "Lupo Manaro... Wolf Man..." "Arooooooo!" He howled. "Awww! He's so cute!" "Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash berated. "But just look at him. He's so fluffy, and-" At that moment the werewolf chomped its teeth down on a dove that flew too close. Fluttershy then stood motionless in shock. "How vile..." Octavia winced. Vinyl lowered her glasses. "Dude, I've seen some gross thing happen in my DJ career, but that's just plain nasty." I drew my weapons in annoyance. "Let's get this over with." The werewolf jumped down from the belfry and growled at me in fury. Suddenly he dashed forward slashing madly with his claws, there was no pattern or style to it, just blind animalistic rage. I managed to find an opening where he swung too wide, and dashed forward to slash at his abdomen. I was suddenly sideswiped by a claw to my arm. I looked at where I had just cut the werewolf a moment ago, but couldn't even find a scratch. "What the hell?!" I blurted in shock. The werewolf took advantage of my shocked state and pinned me to the ground, trying to get a clean bite at my neck. *Krzzshoom!* A burst of blue magic sent the beast off of me, straight into a pillar at a corner building. The dust sent flying obscured our view of him, but I was glad for the break. "Thanks, Luna. I almost became dog chow." I thanked as I gripped the wound on my left arm. "Arooooo!" "Oh c'mon!" I whined. As the dust settled I noticed a very disturbing difference with the werewolf I had just been saved from. Before he was about two feet taller than me and was fairly lanky. Now he was a full four feet taller with muscles that gave Thor a run for his money. "Is it me, or did he just roid up while we weren't looking?" I asked. "Oops." Luna muttered. "Oops?" I asked, my mind beginning to worry. "If he's a werewolf, then perhaps my moon magic has been absorbed by him." "So he's a bonafide werewolf?!" I panicked. I was given no time to think as he began charging me again. "Run!" I told the others. I managed to slide under the space between his legs and began running for dear life down the street. Okay, so I can't hurt him with my weapons, and he's a legit werewolf. C'mon, what were their weaknesses?! I suddenly noticed I was about to run into the canal. I used my time stop to give me the extra bit of time to find a nearby gondola and jump across the canal on it. "Pardon me!" I said as I made my jump. The werewolf wasn't far behind, though he managed to make the jump in a single bound, keeping him hot on my heels. Okay. In Hellsing they used blessed bullets on the vampires, but what was it Seras used on that werewolf Captain from Millennium? I wondered, hoping that my time spent reading the manga wasn't wasted for this purpose. The werewolf took a leap at me and just barely missed, though his tooth managed to graze my leg. That's it! It was Pip's silver tooth! Now, where can I get silver around here... I spotted a nearby cafe and bolted for one of the abandoned tables where a salad had been left abandoned. Perfect! A fork! I picked up the three pronged tool of destruction, but suddenly noticed it wasn't metal. "Of all the times to find a cheap cafe, it had to be now!" I complained. Let me help you... I can grant you the power to slaughter this pathetic mutt. I grasped my head in pain as an unfamiliar voice began speaking to me. "What the-? Who the hell are you?" I payed dearly for my lack of focus as the werewolf grabbed me with his claws and tossed me down the street. Let me have control! I will give you the power to destroy him! "The whispers... Celestia was way off on the name, you're way more annoying than a whisper." I angrily muttered as I stumbled to my feet and continued my retreat. Say what you will, I can unlock your true potential. "No way... I'm not going to risk it." I defiantly told the voice. The werewolf jumped over me and cracked the pavement where his paws made contact. He pounced forward, but I used my time stop to vault over him and continue my escape. I suddenly saw what could have very well been the most beautiful sight all day. "A blacksmith's shop! There's gotta be something I can use in-" I was suddenly raked across the back by the werewolf's claws, the force of the blow sent me tumbling across the pavement and crashing through the window. I began frantically looking around for anything I could use as I barely managed to rise to my feet. I was officially in fight or flight mode, and I knew I couldn't take much more punishment. *Crunch* I was out of time. The werewolf had cleared the distance and was bearing down on me. I grabbed a nearby Zweihander and hefted it over my shoulder. "Silver or not, I might as well use the biggest thing here." The werewolf charged forward. I swung the massive blade. *Crunch!* I nervously opened my eyes to see the blade had actually sliced clean through the neck of the beast, killing it instantly and sending the blade crashing into the wooden floor. "Hey! Che cosa sta succedendo?" An older man yelled as he came out from the workshop. "Parli inglese?" I asked. "Sì." He responded. "Who the hell orders a silver Zweihander?" I asked in disbelief. The blacksmith smirked. "Someone with very deep pockets." "Well..." I said as I pulled the sword from the floor and handed it to its maker. "You can tell them it killed an honest-to-God werewolf." -------- After reuniting with the group, I detailed the encounter to them, and how I managed to survive by insane luck. "A silver Zweihander?" Octavia asked. "It's an old Germanic sword." I explained. "Massive blade, so it has to be used with two hands. Why someone would want one made of silver, I can only guess he wanted an awesome sword that could flaunt his wallet as much as he could." "I'd think whoever that is deserves your thanks." Celestia responded. "Hey, if I meet the guy I'm telling him he's crazy for having something like that made, but he's also brilliant for saving my life." Luna hung her head in shame. "I'm sorry, Robert. It's my fault that he gained as much strength as he did. I should have thought about the effect my magic would have on him." I lifted her head up and gave her a reassuring smile. "Hey, if you hadn't gotten him off of me back then, he would have taken more than a little off the top." I said, making a cutting motion across my throat. She punched me in the arm in response. "Don't even joke about that." "Oh, c'mon. The Legend never dies." I said. "The Legend? Getting a bit pretentious aren't we?" Luna questioned. I dismissed the criticism. "It's just a reference to something. I just used a Zweihander so I couldn't resist." Luna merely raised her brow in confusion. "I'll show you the video later." I told her. "So, where to next?" I asked. Luna closed her eyes as she attuned her magic to search for Astral. "That's strange... I can't locate him." "Damn. He must have caught wise to us and is hiding his aura somehow." I surmised. "That seems to be the case." Celestia agreed. "Well, we should catch our breath here until we can find him. Even during times like this, it's important to take a break." "I'll be at the shops!" Rarity said before dashing off. Spike sighed. "I'd better follow her and make sure she doesn't bankrupt us." "Good thinking." Twilight said. "I actually want to find a cafe and get some coffee. I haven't had a good cup in a while." "If you find the one I went to, please yell at them for not having actual silverware." I told her. I began walking down the street to my own destination, but was called after by Luna. "Where are you going?" She asked. "Just going to see if I can find something. I'll meet up with you later." I called back. After a short trek, I made my way back to the blacksmith's store. "Ah, bello vederti di nuovo!" He welcomed. "Grazie. Ho bisogno di aiuto per trovare qualcosa ... unico." I told him. "Definire 'unico'." "Conoscete un armaiolo?" -------- Who would have figured the blacksmith's nephew was exactly the craftsman I needed? And what luck that he had exactly the model I was looking to find too! I was now sitting in back alley with all of the components I needed for my little experiment. "Okay... Let's see if Twilight's lectures on magic have beaten anything into this head of mine." I focused the mana within my body, inching it along to my hands. As I felt the magic begin to fluctuate, I focused it onto the objects in front of me. I could see them begin to glow as my mana began to fill within them. "Ha! Now, just gotta gauge how much I can put into-" *Bang!* One of the objects exploded in a small spray of metal and smoke. "...Too much..." I muttered. -------- A few attempts later allowed me to properly estimate the maximum amount of mana that could be contained without my experiment blowing up in my face. Needless to say I was happy with my first successful enchantment. With that bit of work done, I went back to the square where we agreed to meet once we had finished our own errands. Twilight was the only one currently standing there, and I waved hello as I walked up. "Hey Robert, I got you a brownie from the cafe I went to." She said, producing the square chocolate baked good. "Wow! Thanks a bunch!" I said as I greedly bit into the brownie. "Oh *munch* by the way..." I grabbed my latest purchase from it's spot against my hip. "Ahh! Where did you get one of those?!" Twilight panicked. "Look, calm down." I told her. "I went back to the blacksmith and asked if he knew a guy. Turns out his nephew was just who I needed." Twilight gave me an incredulous look. "Why would you need a gunsmith?!" "Where else would I have gotten a custom made Mateba Autorevolver?" I asked with a smirk. Twilight squinted at me angrily. "Why do I sense magic on it?" I proudly smiled as I released the cylinder and removed a bullet. "I used my mana to enchant these suckers. Let's see a monster shrug off an enchanted .357 magnum round!" "You... enchanted it?!" She asked in a rage. I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, it did take a few tries to figure out how much mana these things could store without blowing up, but yeah." I popped the cylinder back in and ensured the hammer wasn't cocked before I twirled it back into the holster. "While I'm glad you managed to use your magic without a guide, I'm not sure I like you using it on a gun." "Aww, but I like Onyx Rose!" I told her. She looked at me blankly for a moment. "You named it?" "Yeah. I got the name because of the jet-black finish and the rose design on the cherry wood handle." I explained. Twilight let out a sigh. "I suppose there's no talking you out of keeping it, huh?" "Nope. These things are rare, Twilight. They stopped production years ago. I'm just glad the guy I went to happened to be an avid collector of revolvers. Why are you so adamant on me not having one?" Twilight rubbed her arm nervously. "Those things scare me. I mean, we saw guns tear you to shreds just a few days ago. The fact these weapons can do something so gruesome is just..." I put my hand on her shoulder to reassure her. "Hey, do you think I would use this to blast somebody innocent, or any non-monster?" Twilight let out a sigh. "No... That's not you at all." "Then there's nothing to worry about. Besides, even if I were forced to use it on somebody I would aim for non vital areas. I would only want to incapacitate them." "Well, let me tell you a little secret." Twilight leaned into my ear. "The way you enchanted these bullets basically makes them mana blasts like the ones I use, but that also means you can apply a formula to them since they're just blank slates." "A formula?" I asked in confusion. Twilight nodded in affirmation. "That's right. You could apply the properties of a spell, like an ice blast, to the bullets. Then when you fire them, they would release the power of the formula on contact." The various possibilities began racing through my mind, and it all came to one particular comparison. "This is gonna be like Outlaw Star!" I exclaimed in excitement. "Outlaw... Star?" Twilight asked in confusion. "It's an anime set in the future." I began explaining. "The man character, Gene Starwind, uses a Caster gun to fire spells that are contained in special Caster shells." "Oh, well, I guess it is sort of like that." Twilight agreed. "Ice bullets, lightning rounds, bullets that can home in on their target... This is going to be fun." "Just remember to be careful. Applying the spell could take it's toll on your mana supplies depending on what kind you try to use, so don't try to overdo it in the heat of battle." Twilight warned. I nodded to show I understood. Twilight let out a small yawn. "All of this traveling is completely throwing off my sleep schedule. I hate having my schedules thrown off." I chuckled a bit. "We've both got one track minds in our own ways, but I can understand where you're coming from. C'mon, let's meet the others back at the hotel." -------- After meeting up in the lobby, each of us made our way to our rooms to settle in. Despite it only being a few hours into the afternoon, the jetlag had finally gotten to all of us. Luna and I practically collapsed on the bed. "Tired... Too damned tired..." I moaned. Luna shifted her position to face me. "You've been fighting back to back with barely any time for rest. Even the mightiest warriors cannot fight forever." "You're right. Seems like you always are." "I was merely- *Yawn* offering my observation." Neither of us could fight the weight building on our eyes, and we both drifted off to sleep. -------- The world around me was a white void, absent of any features. It was chilling, and quite the leap from my previous dreams. "What's going on here?" I wondered. "I wanted to continue our conversation." A malevolent voice said. Stepping from a shroud of fog in the void, there was a silhouette draped in a dark aura. "Who are you?" I asked the voice. The silhouette pointed straight at me. "I am you. And you are me." "Uh huh. So what are you? My evil half?" I felt like the figure was grinning, despite the fact there was no face to see. "I'm not evil, I'm just the part of you that you try to lock away. You keep talking about how you'd never try to hurt anyone, but just look at how much you enjoyed that last fight in Japan." "That wasn't me! It was the dark magic!" "Idiot! Dark magic manifests from the emotions of the user. You hated that monster. You wanted to tear it to shreds for nearly separating you from Luna. Ohhh and did you! Every second filled you with ecstasy. The screams it made as each head was loped off! That pathetic pile of chunks being all that remained! You didn't just like it, you LOVED it!" "Shut up..." I muttered. "And when I told you I could help you destroy that werewolf... You honestly considered! You knew what Celestia told you, but in your desperation you actually thought about it, even if it was just for a moment!" "Shut up! You're just some being made from dark magic! You're not me!" I shouted. The aura around the silhouette erupted. "Care to test that? I'll show you just which one of us is real!" I shielded my eyes as the aura engulfed the figure. When I opened them again, a massive wolf with a ball and chain around its ankles. "I am a shadow... of your true inner self." I found myself without a weapon, and the white walls crumbled away to reveal a series of torture devices, as well as a solitary confinement cell that was torn to shreds. In my defiance I made a quick one-liner. "Can't be. My inner self wouldn't be this ugly." The wolf lurched forward and snapped it's giant fangs at me. I jumped over the first bite and delivered a kick to the nose, stunning it for a moment. "Ha! How'd you like tha-" *Crunch* I was blindsided by the ball and chain slamming me into the wall, and I found the pain to be far more real than I would have hoped. I collapsed to the ground in a heap, waiting for my injuries to regenerate. I tried to push up from the ground with my arm, but found it laying limply at my side. "What gives?! I should be-Nng!- healing by now!" The wolf growled in amusement. "You're in my world now. And we play by my rules." He howled as he flipped in the air and brought the ball down in an attempt to smash me. Using what little strength I had, I managed to jump just out from under the crushing weight of it. "This isn't... good..." "Aroooooo! Now... hold still and die!!!" *Krzzpow!* A blue beam of magic knocked the wolf back, causing him to whine in pain. "Just in time..." Luna sighed in relief. "Luna? What's going on?" I asked. "I wasn't sure earlier, but now I have no doubts. The dark magic you used before has caused your shadow to manifest itself." She explained as she examined my injuries. "My shadow? He called himself that earlier. What exactly is he?" Luna's gaze was filled with concern. "It is just what you would presume. He is the part of yourself that you have locked away. Thoughts you wish you'd never had, memories you'd rather forget, the desires you try to hide. The same thing... happened to me." "So Nightmare Moon was...!" "Rrrrraaaaaarrr!!!" The shadow growled as he got back on his paws. "How do we beat him?" I asked, determined not to become something that could hurt my friends. "There is no we, I'm afraid. You must face him. You must accept what you've been trying your hardest to deny, or your shadow will overcome you, just like mine did long ago." The wolf locked eyes with Luna, his growl low and menacing. "I'll thank you for awakening me, but get in my way and I'll squash you like a bug!" At that moment I began struggling to my feet. "Hey! This is between us! Or rather, it's between me and myself." "What?!" He blurted. "Maybe you're right. No, you are right. Killing that monster, however it was made, was enjoyable. I couldn't keep myself from laughing when I saw how I'd finished the deed. For once in my life, I didn't have to hold myself back. I didn't have to keep myself from getting back at someone who wronged me; from paying them back in spades." Now on my feet, I finally understood it all. "All my life I've been holding myself back because of what others have said or done. I locked myself away in my shell, thinking that one day everything would change and I could finally stop worrying about what others think." "And you got that the easy way! It all just fell into your lap the night you crossed the distance between worlds!" He growled in spite. "But that's not the point! It's not that things were easier, but that I finally had friends who were willing to dig deep enough and show me the way. You can wish and hope all you want, but the only one who can change things is yourself! No matter the circumstance, the one who needs to help you out from your shell... is yourself!" "So... You finally...?" I nodded. "No more keeping my feelings locked away, or hiding from my problems or the truth. I accept you." The wolf erupted into a bright light, and emerged as a humanoid with a wolf head, clad in an open long coat that exposed his chest. A broken chain was looped through the left collar of the coat, and he wore a cap with a torn back and a split on the visor. "We are now one. And as one, we fight together." He said. I extended my hand to shake. "As one." And with that shake, the dream faded away. You are far... from empty.