Dead cold

by laradash

First published

Dead Rainbow Dash, or DRD for short, gets an offer she can't refuse. She's conflicted though, as the target is someone she'd never dream to see, because it was herself.

A double-sequel to Cupcakes. Dead Rainbow Dash's story and the blog can be found here. This was done under the artist's request and permission.

Two years ago, due to a tragic 'accident', Rainbow Dash's internal organs were used to make Rainbow Cupcakes, and with it, she was dead. A year after, she was stitched, sewed and re-newed up, brought back to life with dark magic. Her wings were un-restorable, and she remembered who her killer was, swearing vengeance.
Rainbow pursued the life of an assassin, a hired killer working for the coin, not a Creed. When she gets a job offer with payment higher than any before, she can't refuse, but what will happen when the target is herself?

((Side-note; DRD (Dead RD) uses vulgar language, though that may or may not change as the story progresses.))

Chapter 1/Prologue

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Just another job, just another day.

Rainbow told herself, alone in her small underground crib just outside of Canterlot. Though obviously to any regular eye, she was no regular Rainbow Dash. Her left eye was white, as if she was blind. Stitches, everywhere. Over her whole body, there were stitches, bruises and wounds. They hurt so much before, now she doesn't even feel them. Nothing but a warrior, pride being all she's got left. Not even her beloved wings.

Just another day.. no job.. 

Days passed, quickly and dully. Every so often, a letter would pass under her door, stating her payment, where the victim will be at what time, though that was optional, and a description. Dash would quickly exterminate them without trouble, though sometimes guards would get in the way. Idiots, for her, they were target practice.


Dash was sitting on the dusty old couch, many scratches and loose springs coming out of it. What had her attention right now was her stiletto, as she was sharpening it with another one. Weapons were best kept sharp at all times, after all, you never know what will come along.

There was a sound of hoof steps, Dash's ears perked up. A sound of paper sliding against solid rock, and then a flap of wings.

Another fuckin' assassination.

Well, it was a boring job. No one ever put up any sort of challenge, and it was kill-pay-done.

This one felt different as soon as she saw it, the black envelope and red seal were just confirming it. Confirming what? That it was.. weird.

Rainbow reached down and grabbed the letter, opening it and giving it a read....;

"We know who you are and what do you do, and we are in need of your services."

Was the opening statement. Well, just the usual, why the fuck not? She continued;

"You must go to Ponyville, the one in another universe. You will get there using the crystal we will send you, should you accept. It is a return ticket with a Pre-set destination, and that is Ponyville. Your target is a Pegasus, a rainbow lightning bolt from a cloud as her cutie mark. Her coat is of a light cyan, her eyes are a lighter shade of Magenta, and her main and tail show the colors of the rainbow."

Rainbow gave a loud, mocking chuckle. Who the fuck do 'we' think 'they' are?! To think she'd kill herself? Just for the fuck of it, she kept reading;

"She is a threat to both you and us, and her death will save both our lives'. Your payment, is 30000,00 bits."

Dash simply stared at the letter, wide-eyed. Maybe.. well.. why not? It wasn't her universe, and she used to be awesome in everyone's eyes, so unless this Dash did something bad.. fuck. She won't show sympathy, nor understanding.

She'll do the job.

Taking the sender's fake address and copying it, she simply wrote 'Accepted.' as a response, and returned to the original sender.

Tomorrow was gonna be a looong day..


The following morning...

Dash was awoken by the sound of loud thumping on her door, she got up and braced herself, before she realized it was the mail pony, and not someone trying to bring it down and kill her. She let her guard down.. for now, and creaked the door open. Now the pony was... gone? Only a package was left on the ground, so it must have been.. that.

Rainbow took the package and closed the door, setting it on the floor and looking at it, something just keeping her from opening it right now. Maybe.. later. After all, she's going to travel through space, maybe she should get ready, who knows what'll happen when the box opens.

Rainbow entered her room, and began the preparations for an assassination. She just hoped it wouldn't be too much of a fucking waste, maybe something interesting'd happen after all.

Rainbow was now fully in uniform, a hood attached to her shoulders going over her head, a pair of bracers on her front hooves, an Equestrian Quick Sword, seven throwing knives, a small sharpening knife, stiletto, and three smoke bombs.

Perfect. Somepony was going to die hard today, and Dash would make sure of it.

Rainbow opened the box, inside finding a stall with a dark lavender crystal on it, and a pair of what appeared to be round, radiant key runes, about double the size of a bit. One was white, while the other black. The black one appeared to be glowing and pulling towards the crystal like a magnet. She put the white one in her pouch, while putting the black one to the crystal. On contact, the white one glowed, and the black one disappeared completely, as if it vanished out of thin air. The crystal reflected a radiant, purple aura around the room.

Dash collapsed onto the ground senseless, a blackish matrix appearing around her, as if glitching her out of the room.


Somewhere along the entrance of the Ever-free forest, the same glitch effect appeared about half a feet above the ground, dropping Dash down, with a light 'thud' noise, as she was dropped in a patch of taller grass. A few critters and smaller animals scattered around, surprised by the noise.

After about five minutes, Dash opened her eyes, coming to. Her vision was blurry, but what she saw was.. nostalgic. It was a picture of Ponyville, before the incident happened. Did this mean it was successful? Whatever it meant, Dash didn't care. Her head was pounding, an awkward feeling overtook her, as if a thousand needles just broke through and pierced her skin at the same time. She closed her eyes, and took something she was used to since childhood, a nap.

My head hurts like fuck.. I'll just.. get some rest..
End of Chapter 1.

Chapter 2

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P o n y v i l l e , E n t r a n c e t o E v e r f r e e , 10 : 38 P M , A p r i l.

A gentle chilly breeze whistled through the air of the forest, the leaves made a quiet noise, brushing against each other. It was very quiet, yes, but being in a forest, right now it was the only thing notable, so volume didn't really matter.

There was a pony in the grass, oblivious to her surroundings, asleep. Though her peaceful nap was about to be disrupted. A white bunny hopped to the patch of grass to where she was, apparently angrily pointing at it to someone behind it, impatiently tapping it's foot against the ground.

Behind it was a Pegasus mare, with long, light pink hair, and a butter-y coat, three butterflies on her flank representing her cutie mark.

Fluttershy finally caught up to Angel, giving a pant or two of exhaustion. "Angel, what did you see? I-Is that a... pony?.. O-Oh my!" The butter pony rushed to what appeared to be a pony with a completely black head, though upon inspection she realized it was a hood.

She slowly leaned closer, tapping the strange mare on the head as lightly as possible. "E-Excuse me.. A-Are you alright?"

But there was no response.

Fluttershy attempted to take the hooded pony's hood off, maybe it was one of her friends! In fact, it looked like Rainb-

At that moment, Rainbow came to. Completely in reflex, she pulled away and got up, taking her small sharpening knife and slashing at the tip of Fluttershy's hoof in a split-second.

It took Fluttershy a second to catch up with what happened and tear up, and the same amount of time to make Dash realize who she slashed.

Oh fuck.. It's only a slash, it barely cut through. She'll get over it, I don't fuckin' care.

Or at least, she tried to convince herself so. Maybe she did care, maybe she didn't, right now, it wasn't important. Getting away was.

She turned around, and ran away as fast as her legs could take her, which was very fast. Dash was smart enough not to dwell deeper into the Ever-Free, so she just circled it until she got halfway around, as far away from Fluttershy as possible. Three seconds of consciousness in this dimension, and she's already cut at her best friend.

Never mind that.. it was time to concentrate on her mission.


Dash made her way through the silent and calm Ponyville, making way for where her home was. This was going to be easy as hell, and the plan was too. Infiltrate, sneak in, stab her in the neck and watch her bleed, go home and get payed. But.. something just didn't feel right. Not that it was her sense of justice or anything alike, but why couldn't they do.. this? It seemed easy, and to pay that money just to kill a regular speedster?

It just didn't.. click.

Once she finally reached the cloud home, she gave herself a sigh of preparation, and face-hooved almost immediately after. It was a Cloud. House. In the air.

Rainbow lost her wings, she's been without 'em for two years now. A pony'd think she got used to it.

Fuck.. looks like I'll just have to.. fuck.

Maybe she could find an inn to sleep in? Then again, which inn that wasn't in Canterlot, a war city, would accept such a heavily armed pony in? Well, in HER Equestria, each and every one, anything for money. But this one.. not so much.

She decided to just keep walking around aimlessly, discussing a plan with herself.

Maybe she'd just.. get her while she's on the ground? No, she's NEVER on the ground... Except.. when she's with the other five! Yeah! So, she'd have to kill them all. Because killing just Dash and then.. teleporting away is too risky, first time she did, she fainted for who knows how long? She couldn't do that. Or maybe make a get away? From Pinkie Pie?! Yeah, that wouldn't work..

It was settled. The whole six would have to go.

Sorry Princess, looks like you'll need a new set of jewelry.

But aside from that.. where to sleep? Even though she just woke up, she could get some sleep.. Maybe.. yeah. Yeah! The twerp's clubhouse. In the Ever-Free. Well, she was sure it was empty, and it was shelter, it would provide. Now, there's gotta be a restaurant open somewhere...


Finally, a place to sleep.

Rainbow Dash wasn't an over-sleeper. Before anyone could get in here, she'd surely be awake and on her feet. Though the hay/daisy sandwich helped out her stomach a lot, she didn't have something like that to eat since forever.

Rainbow curled up in what seemed like the warmest corner of the room, though it didn't matter much, her skin barely administered pain, and cold against the skin, was in fact pain in it's own form though.

Her hooves were aching and her head was beginning to pound again, probably a side effect from earlier today. In little to no time, Rainbow Dash was fast asleep, already prepared for the next day.


P o n y v i l l e , C r u s a d e r s ' C l u b h o u s e , 0 6 : 1 4 A M , A p r i l.

Rainbow slowly opened her eyes, administering her surroundings. So.. it wasn't a dream after all. She should've known, she never dreams these days. Not things anywhere this nice, anyways. Sometimes, she wished her life was a dream, one that she'd wake up from. To have wings again.. it would be nice. Yeah, nice. Unfortunately, no time for fucking dreams or emotions, the clock is ticking and she was just wasting time laying around.

Dash quickly got up to her feet, stretching out her bones and hooves. Who needs dumb wings anyway? Just slow you down when running. She had her hooves, hidden blades, weaponry and money at her free disposal, nothing more than that was needed. Except the death of this Rainbow Dash.

And Rainbow took it as a personal goal, that she would see that come true.

She trotted to the door and opened it, beginning to think about when and where would the six be, and how would she would find out. Pinkie Pie wouldn't spill, just disappear. Fluttershy could command a bear, Twilight's magic was strong enough to repel Dash if threatened, or to teleport her away, Applejack wouldn't say anything under pressure, and she couldn't restrain both her and Big Mac, if she could get to Rainbow there'd be no need, only leaving.. Rarity. Yeah, Rarity.

Or.. not. As she was thinking through of infiltrating Rarity's home, another idea popped to mind. She needed six envelopes, six pieces of paper and a pen. Yeah, this was gonna be goo-


Dash was so distracted in thought that she bumped her head right into a tree, the last tree to Ponyville. Time to work.


P o n y v i l l e , C e n t r a l P l a z a , 1 2 : 0 9 P M , A p r i l

Alright, everything was attained and no money was spent. Oh the magic of pick-pocketing.. In any case, she had what she needed.

Time to start writing!
Okay, letter one to.. Rainbow Dash.
She tried her best to write as horribly as possible, as she knew Applejack was barely educated in these things.
"Dear RD, ah' request dat' y'all get yer' flank ta' the clubhouse dis' afternoon at 2PM, it's urgent n' critical. Yers truly, AJ."
Alright.. perfect. She set it in the envelope and wrote the address, name and date. Five more to go, these could be in.. her own handwriting! It didn't matter.
"Dear Twi, I really, really need to talk to you asap, so can you come to that old clubhouse today at 2pm? I just have something to announce, and I want all my friends there. I promise it'll be quick! -RD
Oh, yes I do.. hah. Four more.
"Dear Fluttershy, I heard what happened to your hoof last night. Be a real pal and come to the crusaders' clubhouse today at two pm? Thanks in advance! -RD

And so she wrote out the letters, folded them in envelopes and bought stamps at the office, then paid seven bits for express shipping. The letters were each to arrive at 1:35PM, which would leave them all unaware of what was going on, and surprised, worried or excited. The windows were tightly locked and secured with wood, there was only the door, through which Dead RD would come through once they were all there.

Twilight and Rainbow were first, she could do them before Pinkie reacts. Then Pinkie, and the rest was just up to choice. Applejack was a dumb brute with no weaponry or armor, when she'd strike, RD'd dodge, and go for the throat. Rarity could be taken with the stiletto, and a throwing knife with accuracy would be enough to down Fluttershy for a longer while, then it'll just be a quick chase.

Was she.. really going to do this? All five of her friends.. even herself..
NO. No sympathy, no emotion.
Then she remembered what she lived by a long time ago. Though they meant nothing now, they were good memories. Only thing she could call good memories, that is.
"...Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent. Hide in plain sight. Never compromise the Brotherhood. Where others are bound by law, remember; Nothing is true. Where others are bound by morality, remember; Everything is permitted.

Was there an existing Brotherhood here? Was there even one in history here? It didn't matter, though the thought of coming back was stupid. If she killed six innocents, how'd they accept her, ever?

Enough. Time to go.


End of Chapter 2

Chapter 3

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P o n y v i l l e , O u t s k i r t s o f A p p l e O r c h a r d s , 1 : 5 3 P M , A p r i l.

Time, a pitiful thing. Something created by ponies, and something they're afraid they'll run out of.
And it was time. Time to do the deed. It was, indeed, terrible. Something a regular pony in this realm would never dream of doing. DRD couldn't imagine why. Since she was exposed to such a sight, it's all that's on her mind.

Dead Dash was waiting on the tree above the clubhouse, for Dash to come. Of course, everyone else had come early, and believed Dash to be making some sort of announcement. Since Dash was obviously going to be the last one to come, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Twilight were making small talk.

"What do you think this is about?" Twilight asked the others, her mind clouded in thought. Dash never did this before, not as far as she knew. And why here, excluded from everypony else? It got her to worry. But.. it was Dash's writing, so she probably knew what she was doing.

"Ah think the filly finally made it 'in tha' Wonderbolts, ya' know?" Applejack suggested, and the others nodded. Except, of course, Pinkie Pie.

"Oooooh! The Wonderbolts! I bet Dashie's gonna be a super-duper flier, she's probably even gonna make a super BIG shout-out to us here! Awww, I should've brought a few cakes! This is gonna be so bad, what if she hates me?! Shecan'thateme,canshe? Ohmygoodness! What have I done?!" Pinkie somehow spurred it all out in only a few seconds while jumping across the room, and started crying unnatural waterfalls by the end.

Of course, Twilight needed to attempt and calm her down, but luckily, she didn't have to, as Pinkie Pie spotted Dash slowly descending towards the house.

"Everypony hide! She's here! She's heeereeeee!" Pinkie exclaimed happily, while Twilight simply groaned and put a hoof to Pinkie's mouth. Even though Pinkie seemed like she didn't even notice it, and continued talking.


Dash landed onto the porch with a loud 'THUD', which was the sound of her hooves hitting the wood. Maybe she landed a little too hard. After which, she stepped inside and closed the door after her.

Dead Rainbow looked towards the average one with a look of regret and jealousy. Wings. Why couldn't she have had wings? Why could they restore her whole body, but not the damn wings?!

But her train of thought was interrupted, as she concentrated on doing the deed. They were all inside, now was the time to strike.


P o n y v i l l e , O u t s k i r t s o f A p p l e O r c h a r d s , 2 : 0 3 P M , A p r i l.
Dash stepped inside, met by the smiles of her friends, and Pinkie Pie's cheerful bouncing. She spoke out; "Hey guys! What's up?"

The six ponies started talking, all at once, and not a word could be understood. Though, maybe Dash could've understood some parts if there wasn't for Pinkie's hyperactive ranting.

Dash simply grinned and looked towards Applejack in particular, speaking out, again; "Hey AJ, why'd you call me here?"

Everyone stopped, with a confused look on their face. Before any one of them could speak, and they were about to, again at once, the door opened loudly, hitting the side with a loud crack.

It was perfect. Dead Dash made sure it would be. Earlier today, she barricaded the windows with double layers, as she did the same with the walls and roof. With Twilight gone, as she was one of the first targets, no one could really break through.

Rainbow would be dead, so that didn't matter. Applejack wouldn't just run away from a Pony who killed her best friends, and Rarity, Fluttershy.. They weren't even on her mind. They couldn't prove a resistance. Pinkie Pie though..

She stealthily made her way to the door, took a deep breath to prepare herself. Putting on her hood, she entered the clubhouse.


The door opened loudly, hitting the side with a loud crack of wood.
Time to act..

Everypony looked toward the stranger. The shape seemed vaguely familiar, but they couldn't put their hoof on it. They believed The Mysterious Hooded Pony to be some filly, a bit too late for Nightmare Night, with the stitches and everything. But she was far more than that. She was their impending death.

Or so DRD believed.


With a quick motion, DRD leaped across the room, actually stepping on Applejack's face, and kicking her down, while boosting herself up. She got into air position, extending her hidden blade, and going straight for Twilight.

The lavender mare's horn sparkled, but it was to no use. Before any visible magic took effect, the hooded pony was already grabbing at her neck, recklessly attempting to swing the blade into her throat. Something felt odd, though. Wrong. It distracted Dash, causing her to stab Twilight in the gut. What the-
Ah well, can't do magic in that much pain. Have fun bleeding to death.

The rest of the ponies stood there in awe. Except Rainbow Dash. Applejack would be likely to join her, if she wasn't on the ground with a nosebleed.

The Living Rainbow mare attempted to charge at the Dead one, but DRD easily evaded, giving her the most rageful elbow-strike in the wing.
That should keep you on the ground for a while, bitch. DRD thought to herself, but before she could make another stab, another wound, she was.. kicked into the face? Not easily, either. It was so strong that she flew across the room, breaking the doubly-defended wall and rolling to the ground.

Dead Rainbow Dash was confused, she saw the clouds, then the trees, then the ground, until something stopped her. She hit directly into a tree, possibly even breaking her front hoof.

Time to disappear.

Rainbow didn't think about her health much, a Doctor was available for that. She was more worried about disappearing, and who the bloody hell kicked her that hard. The dark cyan mare made a get-away, and seemingly no one followed. Not as far as she knew. They must've been concerned about their 'friend', gotta take her to the hospital, not avenge her. Right?

This was very, very bad. She should've went for Rainbow first. If she did, she could simply return home right now. Ugh, what a pain.

Little did she know, someone was following her. Her other self. Not airborne, obviously, but on foot. They were both running at the same speed, but Dead Rainbow had the definite advantage. Her climbing skills, and her artillery.

But so did Dash. The element of surprise. She kept lite on her feet, making barely any sound. And Dead Dash was heavily panting, she couldn't take a lot more running, her hoof was already beyond it's limit by far.

Dash was faster by now, Dead Dash could only manage a bare quick trot. Dash leaped forward, just as Dead Dash before, and tackled DRD to the ground.


DRD's head was spinning again. What the hell now?

As she looked to her own stomach, she noticed Cyan hooves holding her. Oh. Maybe this wasn't going to end up so bad after all.. Heh.

Dash, you just got yourself a death penalty.