> Student Regent > by JakeDrake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Big Reveal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Student Regent By:JakeDrake Twilight worked in the royal library preparing for the first spell of her own creation to display to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, something she had been dreaming of doing most of her life after seeing one unicorn show off his original spell to help make the small royal translocation system. A system that was being used around the Kingdom to transport items of great importance, document, artifacts, or confections from great bakers around Equestria. As Twilight prepared the final scripts of paper on the details of the circle that would help her perform the spell, the fossil to cast the spell on, and the tiara that had the symbol of the Element of Magic. She had it down, at least in theory, the spell would allow them to view creatures long since extinct for intense study. “Maybe I’ll get an award from the Royal Institute of Science,” Twilight said to herself in glee. Spike hadn’t been allowed to help her prepare, he hadn't even been allowed to carry her notes or things for the secrecy and self pride of Twilight. She had this project in the works for the last three years, the first year was the year Before she went to Ponyville studying all the existing spells, the second was done in practicing generally magic, the Third was done finally finishing the last diagrams and spell matrix calculations. Walking down the hall out of the tower she studied in under Celestia, she collected herself as she went over the steps in her head. The four symbols on the scrolls had to go on each of the marks of the circular lecture hall’s stage. In the center had to go the small fold out table already there with the runes carved in the wood, and the fossil had to go on top of that in the center. She took a large breath before opening the door of the room and going into the room to look around the dimly lit room. Not a soul in the room, and not a sign of anyone coming in anytime soon. As Twilight moved to lay down the correct scrolls in the correct state, she didn't notice that she wasn't taking the right scrolls out. She was taking the scrolls out of the bag labeled ‘Test 99, Final Failed Matrix Test. Revision needed on Three runes.’ The runes were right mostly, the magic would flow through the lines, even meet up with the final matrix in the center of spell to induce the spell. The only problem was, the runes wouldn't contain the random output that would also come out of the rest of the matrix. Causing the magic to search out the oldest three things, Organic or Non-Organic, and expose them to the same effect as if it would only affect the fossil. As Twilight finished setting up the Runic Ring, she heard the large doors opening. She turned to see the two Princess talking as Spike followed, behind chewing on a huge sapphire as he hummed not knowing what was going to happen. He just knew it was important, had to deal with some sort of magic, and was suppose to be super important. “Hello My Faithful Student.” Celestia said smiling as she walked up to the first row. “I hope this will be interesting demonstration.” “As do I, I've not seen a display of a new spell since the last royal wizard displayed the great spell to help Non-Pegasi walk upon clouds. Can you believe such a great spell was created!” Luna said smiling widely nodding. Twilight nodded kindly, “Of course, I've used that spell a few times myself for my friends. But, today I’ll be showing you something myself. So um...” She swallowed a little adjusting her tiara, “Please sit and I’ll explain what my spell does.” The three sat down in the larger seats at the front, five seats in the very center were very plush and well made. Silk cushions filled with swan down, and crafted by the best craftsmares west of Cloudsdale. To put it bluntly, the most comfortable chairs in Canterlot where only the Princesses, Royal Student, and whomever decided to visit Canterlot on a diplomatic trip. A few ponies think that the royal theater troupe of Griffionia’s Emperor was just so he and his wife could sit in the seats when he visited. “A-alright.” Twilight said smiling as the three sat down watching carefully and looking at the papers in the four corners of the stage. “So, these runes, spell matrix, and the engraved table are for my spell I've been working on for Three years. The Fossil is going to be the main target of my spell. The spell is going to Turn back the clock for this and hopefully bring back the large trilobite to life as it was over Ten thousand years ago.” “Now...I have my Book on the runes, circuits, and other magical items for it.” She said floating the large purple binder with her magic to Celestia. The Princess looked over the binder looking them carefully as Twilight nodded smiling. “Alright...Now, let me show you. I call my spell Maximum Rewind. Now...Here It goes.” She said as she walked into the center of the circle next to the table as Celestia, Luna, and Spike watched this all. Twilight’s horn started to glow as she pushes her magic into the table as the focus of the spell. The lines of the papers, the table, and the lines on the floor itself glowed a deep purple the same as Twilight’s Magic. As it happened Twilight felt some sort of flow felt wrong, she opened her eyes as they glowed and the sphere of collecting magic was dazzling light. Luna awed staring at the magic smiling while Celestia watched quietly and blink noticing something wrong. Wasn’t the ray of magic supposed to only have one target on the table. Why was the orb starting to move and pulse in the direction of the stands. Before anypony could say a word, it happened, three rays of light bursts from the magical orb above the table. One went straight down onto the fossilized remains of the trilobite back to life for a moment before turning it back to stone. The other two beams had different targets, as fast as a pony could blink the beams hit the two royal sisters. Shrouding them in a dark purple light as their bodies were outlined with bright white and bright blue inside the shroud of magic energy. The outlines were getting smaller, the magic going dimmer, as Twilight kept feeding magic into the spell before her magic finally gave out making her fall over looking toward the seats seeing the two spheres going on for a moment before giving off a large pulse of magic, destroying many of the light bulbs in the room. When Twilight shielded her eyes, she heard two figures gently land on the two large cushy seats. Spike, dumbfounded by all this and turned to see a filly sitting next to him. She was a dark blue-black, her mane a much lighter blue with two bright blue eyes to match. A horn on top of her head sticking out of her mane as two wings adorned her sides. In a flash something clicks in the young dragon’s head. “P-princess Luna?” He asks looking at her, hoping to Faust he was wrong. The filly shook her head looking a bit daze from her drop and looked at Spike and said, “Of course it is I. Who else would it be?” She blinked a bit seeing the dragon was now a bit taller than her, “When did you grow so fast young Spike? Or did Celestia spell do this as well?” Before Spike could say a word, Twilight nearly fainted on stage after regaining her breath looking at the filly on the other cushion. She jumped off the platform running toward the front row to have a better look at the filly. The other filly was a bit bigger, only a bit bigger than Applebloom by Twilight’s guess, she was a creamy white. A long Cotton Candy mane sat upon her head that seemed to float above her back, showing off a small pair of white wings while a longer and sharper horn sat on the Filly’s head. Twilight, the smart girl did what any student would do when she had transformed the two sisters who ruled Equestria, one of which being her teacher since she was a filly. She stared at the fillies, pushed the pile of purple binders that she gave to Celestia, stood straight up. And Fainted.