Luna Really Loves Moon Rocks

by Twilit Sporkel

First published

Luna sexually assaults some moon rocks

Luna is called upon by Twilight Sparkle to fetch some moon rocks for a study that she is doing. Luna, however, has different plans for them.

Seriously. Luna reeaally loves moon rocks

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Luna burst into her chambers, carrying a large bag. Inside the bag was a rather large collection of assorted rock specimen, with the Moon being their place of origin. She had a small grin upon her face, as she gently placed the bag on her bed. The bed was grand in stature, with deep blue and black drapes covering the interior. She pushed her way through her drapes and lay down next to her samples. A few rolled out and made their way towards the edge of the bed. Luna was trying to hold back her giggles as she corralled the rolling rocks toward her face.

“ I've been waiting for this for a long time…” Luna had a large grin on her face as she pulled a rock close to her mouth. She tenderly kissed the lunar artifact, embracing it with her lips. Each crevice and crack was absorbed by her mouth. Her tongue escaped the prison bars that were her teeth and began tasting the rock and feeling its texture. The royal Alicorn pulled away from her lunar lover and stared deeply into its complexion. She grinned once again and pushed her head back in for another kiss.

Luna had been fulfilling her fantasies for over an hour when her royal guards noted her absence. They knocked on the door to her chambers, a large, navy blue door, made of the strongest wood in Equestria. In 2007, it had won the Guinness Equestria Record for ‘Most Expensive Door.’ There was no response from Luna after they had knocked, so they entered her room. The curtains covering her bed were pulled shut, showing nothing but a blurry silhouette of what was inside. Luna was in an extremely passionate French kiss with her fifth rock of the day, which she had labeled “Eunice.” Her and Eunice were in full swing when the guards had entered, interrupting their experience.

“WHO DARES ENTER MY QUARTERS!?” Luna shouted in her Equestrian voice.

“U-uh it’s just your royal guard. We haven’t seen you for the last hour or so we came to check on you. Is everything alright?” The two colts stood side by side, awaiting a response.

“I’m fine. Now leave my presence at once!” The princess spoke in a harsh but much quieter tone. “Back to business, Eunice?” She pulled the moon fragment to her face and pressed it against her lips, just barely touching it with each gesture. She continued gently kissing around the entire base of the rock. She had another unnamed rock wedged between her legs, as she focused on Eunice. Her motions became more passionate and intense, going from light kisses to deep tonguing. She rolled onto her stomach, moving the rock between her legs onto the bed below her. Eunice was now on her pillow, and she was on top of it. Her hips gyrated against the unnamed stone, pleasuring herself on its rough edges. Meanwhile, she found a hole, barely big enough for her tongue to fit into on the side of Eunice. Her tongue made its way into that hole, and she began to flick her tongue in and out of it. On the lower half of the bed, Luna was giving her nameless companion a tour of her royal genitalia. Her dry humping motions became more intense and passionate, as the nameless rock got pushed aside by her movements.

After noticing that having the unnamed rock under her as she used it would not work for very long, she pushed her flank onto Eunice instead, and brought the nameless stone to her mouth. It was slightly damp, from her past experiences with it, but she didn’t care. She glided her tongue around the circumference of her round partner, leaving a streak of saliva. Eunice was completely enveloped by the royal flank, which was more than large enough to accommodate a small rock. Wiggling her hips gave her pleasure from Eunice as she had a tongue tour of the unnamed one. This continued for a few more minutes before Luna decided to figure out a name for her nameless rock. She was brain dead for names at the moment so she named it Fred. Luna and Fred returned to their loving tango of tongue and rock, causing a thin line of saliva to drip down Luna’s chin. As her tongue scraped along the rough edges of Fred, she thought of a genius idea. She grabbed another rock from her bag and placed it next to Eunice. “Let’s call this one… Pat.” Luna was mentally retarded when it came to thinking of names. She sat back on Eunice, with the new addition of Pat. The two rocks slid into place as she had planned, on either side of the spot of which her two legs meet. Luna moaned quietly in content, and went back to tonguing Fred.

Princess Celestia had been making her rounds around the castle, making sure that all was in place, when she heard Luna’s moaning. This wasn't the first time that she had heard this however; Luna had a history of pleasuring herself while other ponies are around. Living in isolation on the moon makes for a rather private experience, after all. Luna had gotten quite a bit louder since she had begun with her moaning, and had started to lose control of herself. Her tongue got a mind of its own and started to go places that Luna wouldn't have gone by herself. Her head was now deep inside her bag of lunar rocks, and she was licking each rock, gathering the taste of each individual specimen. Eunice and Fred were still trapped underneath her plot, and she was still gyrating against them. As she tongue kissed each and every rock, her moans grew louder than ever. As she reached her point of climax, she shrieked in excitement. Little did she know, but half of Canterlot was directly outside of her door. She put the soiled rocks back into the bag, kissing Eunice, Fred and Pat goodbye. Luna picked up the bag and opened her door. Over fifty ponies galloped away as it opened though. Not only did they hear here, but they had been listening the whole time! Luna was infuriated.

“Hello? Twilight Sparkle?” Luna entered the library of the lavender unicorn.

“Luna?” Twilight Sparkle trotted down the stairs to greet the Princess.

“I brought the moon rock samples that you wanted.”