
by Silver Scrolls

First published

Sometimes the greatest deeds are the deeds no one ever knows about

Sometimes it's the bravest deeds that are forgotten and lost. Sometimes it's the ones no one remembers that have the biggest impact.


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Princess Celestia was in her chambers, unwinding after a long day of helping rebuild Equestria when a purple flash erupted from nowhere and caused a wooden box to fall upon the top of her bed. She was startled but she was also curious; no one should be able to teleport objects or themselves into her room without permission. Upon closer inspection, she found that it was engraved with a shifting amethyst-colored star surrounded by five smaller ones, each apparently made from pure magic, and all of which whirling with the magical energy inside them.

“Luna, is this your attempt to pull a prank on me? I know have been a little uptight, but there’s no need for this.” Celestia stuck her head out the door, looking from left to right, but she was startled to find that her sister was nowhere to be found. “Huh that's odd; she usually sticks around for pranks.” Celestia muttered, pulling her head back in and turning her attention back to the box.

It was an odd thing. The box was made from some sort of solidified magic, even though upon first inspection, it had appeared to be but very valuable pine wood. As soon as she enveloped it in her magic, it sprang open and a small lavender unicorn doll with a purple mane that had a pink streak running through it, fell out along with a note attached to the doll. She took a second before gently picking both up and noticing that the unicorn doll had the same mark on its flank as the box had on its lid. She took them to her sister’s room to ask her about it.


“Dear sister, I have no idea what this is, I did not send it. Nor do I recognize the doll or the letter; perhaps it would have been wiser to read it in search of your answers before awakening me from my slumber.” Luna looked at her sister disapprovingly.

Celestia looked apologetically at her sister, “Sorry for waking you, even if you did it was in good heart so I shouldn't have yelled . Well I guess we could read it together.”

Dearest Princess’ Celestia and Luna

“Really, I wonder who I know that is that close to us, to name us by our old titles, no-one comes to mind.” Celestia looked at her sister questioningly.
“I can't think of any pony who would address as such, at least not one since before the fall of Discord.” Luna answered her sisters questioning glance.

Celestia nodded, now the ponies no-longer looked towards them for advice, they were no-longer the stewards of Equestria. Sighing as the memories hit her, she lifted the letter within her magic and began reading aloud again, pausing as Luna spoke over her.

“I don't know who it was, I just remember you having… someone before Discord took over. Well let's continue with the letter shall we?”

If you are reading this, then I have finally succeeded in my endeavor to defeat Discord. I imagine you have many questions, I will try to answer them. Before I do though my name is in order, I am Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic and the personal student of Princess Celestia.

“That is odd, I haven't had a student since Starswirl the Bearded, and you’ve been out of public opinion for a millennium. This piece about the element is odd too, the element of magic never found itself a master. It’s a miracle that the five elements of harmony defeated you without it to be honest.” Celestia quickly looked at her sister apologetically, no matter how many years had passed, it was still a sore spot between them. “It was probably the reason Discord was able to take over for the last two hundred years.” Celestia picked up the letter again when her sister offered no reply.

I imagine that has raised many questions for you, but I assure you that when I existed that is who I was. You, Celestia, took me in as a filly to train me in magic and anything else my mind sought knowledge on. On my sixteenth birthday you sent me to Ponyville to learn of the magic of friendship. That is where I learned of the elements, and me and my friends became their embodiments. I was magic, Pinkie was Laughter, Applejack was loyalty, Rainbow Dash was loyalty, Fluttershy was kindness and Rarity was generosity. Together we freed your sister from the control of Nightmare Moon and reunited the two of you.

Celestia noticed there were some tear stains on the paper at this point and was unsure what to make of it. “Luna, she knew the names of the elements and she claims she was there when you were freed. Do you remember there being six to defeat you?”

Luna looked at her sister, “I do not. I remember that only five ponies were present for my defeat. This letter is quite odd, she seems to know quite a lot about the elements and what they did. Please continue reading sister, I wish to hear more.”

After that, I met Luna on nightmare night and helped the villagers accept her and helped her get over her fears of not being accepted. After that, things were quiet for a long time, until the reason for this letter was released. Discord is whom I speak of. Me and the elements tried to defeat him once before, but he had corrupted my friends, the other elements. After the first attempt Celestia, you sent me my friendship reports to remind me of what my friends and I had. It allowed us a second chance to defeat him, we failed. I am truly sorry for failing you that day, because of that failure you spent his reign as a statue with your sister.

Luna looked at her sister, “I remember that nightmare night, and I am sure it was Pinkie who helped me out, how intriguing. I also remember the elements being corrupted, but I do not remember them trying a second time, and what are these friendship reports she speaks of sister. Who is the mare who wrote this?”

Celestia looked odd, like she was trying to remember something just beyond her reach. “I do not know, but for some reason friendship reports feel important to me. I feel like they were something I treasured very dearly.” A single tear rolled down her cheek as she began reading again.

After we failed a second time, Discord took the elements from us so we’d not be given the third chance. He scattered them far across Equestria and enslaved me and my friends. He made us watch in helplessness as he crushed any rebellion and slaughtered millions of ponies in his quest for chaos, even within that mindless slaughter, we made our plans for escape. Things settled once his rule was unquestioned and me and the elements began to put our plan into action. We needed to escape before we could do anything else, even if the cost was great. Rainbow Dash sacrificed herself for us that day, so we could escape. Fluttershy was devastated but we were able to escape and go into hiding.

Celestia paused and looked at her sister. “What is this?”
Luna looked at her sister, “I believe we can only know if we keep reading, even if it is hard to bear.”

We began our search for the physical amulets that housed the elements that we each embodied. It was hard for us because we did not have time to mourn the loss of our friend and the loss would make finding her element that much harder. I should explain that each of us could sense roughly where the element we represented was, making them slightly easier to track. We started with the nearest one. It was in the direction of Ponyville, but we did not realize how hard it would be for us to see our old home again. When we arrived, it was nothing but a crater; we assumed that Discord did it to spite us. The element was in the old Castle where we first freed Luna from the nightmare.

Luna looked at her sister, “That lake was the hometown of the elements wasn't it sister.” Luna had a tear in her eye.

“It was, when we were freed it broke my heart to see how it had changed. So now we know what happened, Discord wanted revenge on the elements so he destroyed their home.” Celestia was openly weeping now.

When we arrived at the castle, we found Discord and the element. In obtaining it from him we lost it's bearer, we lost our kindness. The blow hurt but we were able to escape from Discord, I am unsure how, but I must assume it was fate taking pity on us. Perhaps fate felt bad for us, having lost two friends and our world. However it was with four ponies that escaped rather than the five who entered. But that was not really important for we had our next target, generosity, it was in the direction of what was once Las Pegasus. The journey was long and took over a year, simply because we had to hide from the patrols every step of the way. We met many who helped us; I hope they are okay and didn’t get caught. Once there, we once again met Discord, this time he was weakened, for the Element had been in a Dragon’s horde and he had needed to fight for it. Who knew a dragon could harm someone as powerful as Discord. Rarity sacrificed herself much like Rainbow Dash, she not only won us the battle with her sacrifice but delivered an everlasting blow to Discord through the cost of her life. She truly was a generous soul, putting the needs of others ahead of herself.

“Sister are you okay? Would you like to take a break? this must be hard for you. To see what truly happened while we were sealed in stone.To hear of the struggle for the freedom of Equestria through one whom we did not even know existed.” Luna placed a wing over Celestia and moved in closer, nuzzling her.

“I am fine dear sister, it's just this story is one that has been sought after since his fall. Many wondered where he went and why he left. There was no warning, he just disappeared one day. The elements had been long dead and no one knew the circumstances of their deaths and already, this letter is providing the answer to that. It also feels like it’s so much more than any of that.” Celestia leaned into her sister, looking out into the evening sky. “I think we should take a break and lower the sun. It is getting late and we wouldn't want to worry anypony.”

They rose together and stepped out to the balcony.


After we lost Rarity and thus half our group, we went deep into hiding; we needed time to mourn and to plan. We stayed in hiding for two years straight. It may have been longer than we needed, but every now and again, we were found and we had to run and hide again. In one place we hid, luck was on our side, and possibly the guidance of our lost friend, for we stumbled upon the element of loyalty within the ruins of Cloudsdale. It was so horrible to see the graveyard that Cloudsdale had become during Discords tyranny. After Discord had brought it down, just like he’d predicted to Rainbow, no-one had ventured into the ghost town to give its residents their burials. We hid within a collapsed house until Applejack was able to figure out in what direction her element lay.

“Cloudsdale, that is an old name indeed. It gives credits to the letter since it was considered a lost city and is nothing more than a rumor today.” Luna looked at her sister who was silent.

“Can you imagine having to stay in such a grim place, surrounded by death and decay?” Celestia shivered before continuing.

We made our way to Manehatten; it would seem many of the elements had found their way to places that their bearers had a deep connection with. Fluttershy was scared of the Everfree forest, but it contained so many of her animal friends. Rarity was a fashionista and Las Pegasus was once the fashion capitol of Equestria. Cloudsdale was Rainbows’ old home before she moved to Ponyville. It made me fear where the element of magic may be. Manehatten hadn't changed as much as one might think, for it was still a melting pot of culture and criminal activity. It was also incredibly loyal to Discord.

Celestia had trouble on the next few lines, she could tell there was something very disturbing there, but it was blurred heavily by tears, she picked up where the writing became legible again.

I could never have guessed that ponies could be so cruel; I can still hear Applejack's screams in my dreams. To this day, I can't forgive myself for not looking back, even though she told me to take the element and run. That it was down to me and Pinkie, even though Pinkie was so devastated by what happened that I feared she would be little help. I only regret the decision that I made next because I couldn’t have done it sooner, but I left the elements I had with Pinkie, then returned and used the most powerful spells I could, over and over again until Manehatten was nothing but a shell of the town it once was. It was my rage fueled outcry over everything I had lost and my grief for all that had been taken from me. I lashed out against the criminal and innocent citizens of Manehatten and I shudder to remember how it felt and how little guilt I felt over it. I wish the memories of that night were not so vivid, but they haunt me even today. It’s odd how haunted I have become, not just by my own actions but by everything I have seen. Everything that I have lost and everything that has been sacrificed. So many things haunt me now, I can only imagine this is how you must feel from time to time when your thoughts drift to your past.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other and shivered. “That poor mare, to go through so much so quickly. She lost everything, and then to try and get it back and make it so others wouldn’t have to feel that pain, she lost even more. Her friends, her one treasure left being lost to her in the pursuit of peace.” Celestia leaned against her sister and wiped her eyes.

Luna hugged her sister, “War is a terrible price one must pay for peace. We try and shield our little ponies from it, but we cannot always be there. There are times when our ponies must stand on their own hooves, you should be proud of her. She may have stumbled, but she stood on her own and if this letter is true, did something that most ponies could never dream of.” They both returned to reading the letter.

After that, me and Pinkie had to go into hiding for a long time and I lost track of Pinkie. I do not know where she went and the only thing she left me was a note. She told me that she was afraid of what I was becoming, that I was changing and that she didn’t want to see it happen. It broke my heart, but without her I could only move on to the next part of my plan. I spent my time in hiding, trying to find a way to use the elements. I knew that finding new bearers would be my best choice, but I knew that I would fail if I tried to search for them. There was no way that Discord had not taken precautions against such an endeavour. I traveled the world and dug through ancient ruins for years. In that time, I learnt far more than I would have ever imagined. I learnt of Discords origins, as well as your own. It was fascinating, I do not know how much was true and false but I learned a lot about where you and Discord came from. There are so many legends and it helped me find a way to use the elements when I discovered your origins.

“Too bad she is not around to share her findings, those are stories even I have trouble remembering.” Celestia murmured, looking at her sister.

“For you they may be hard to remember, but I know when we were both born and it is something I have never been able to forget, how you did I do not know? Those were some of the bloodiest days in equine history, forgotten for a reason.” Celestia turned back to the letter and returned to reading.

I did find a way for me to use the elements, but it had a very steep price. Sadly it was the only option I found that had a chance of success and I considered the price fair for what it would accomplish. I was worried since it was something that even you had trouble doing, added to the fact that it was something we were never meant to do. All I needed was my element and the element of laughter. The latter I would find on my return. I found it when entering a home that offered protection to those who stood against Discord. This home showed me I had been searching for far longer than I’d thought. The home belonged to Pinkie, how she was still alive I will never know, she was easily over one hundred and fifty and did not possess the longevity that all unicorns possessed, but she was there waiting for me. She had chosen this spot because somehow she knew I would find my way to it. She had the most peaceful death of all my friends. I was there beside her as she passed away and left me her element. The family was hers; believe it or not, she had settled down and raised a family. But I digress, this is no time for reminiscing, by this time Discord had stopped searching for us, he’d either assumed us dead or lost in despair, it would be his undoing, even though it was true. I may have put my fight off for longer than I thought I would, but it was time to finish it. It was time to return and retrieve my element and end Discord’s horrid reign over the world. I was more determined now than ever to put an end to everything and bring peace to the world and its denizens.

“I didn't know pinkie left a family. Did you Luna?”
Luna looked at Celestia. “No, I had no idea. Perhaps we should visit them?”

My element was, as I feared, in Canterlot, specifically under. That was a stroke of luck, hard luck but luck nonetheless. Canterlot had remained largely untouched by the God of chaos; the only noticeable adornment that he’d added was the prismatic head of my old friend, enchanted never to rot away. I removed the head and gave it an impromptu burial, then used the same passage we had used to escape Discord so long ago, to sneak into the tunnels beneath Canterlot, I do not know if Discord was still unaware of them or whether he just ignored them, but I was able to search them unimpeded. I found my element in the deepest recess in a large cavern, not a hundred meters from where we were originally held. It was a strange cavern; it had a pedestal in the center upon which sat my element. I sit here now, preparing the spell that will allow me to control all six elements by myself. The price for this that mentioned earlier would be that I would be forgotten. I would have never lived or existed. In the cavern, I wrote this letter, the doll was a gift from Pinkies grandchild. I wove spells around the letter and the doll that would take on the appearance of a box with my cutie mark adorning it, allowing it to exist outside of time so they would one day make it to you. The spells included a return trigger, but if it fails then it will find its way to you after Discord has been gone for twenty years and the chaos levels have dropped down to normal.

The two sisters looked at the box and Luna let out a low whistle.
“That is some strong magic, to surpass even the elements themselves and bring a memory of someone they erased to us. Though it sounds familiar, did not Starswirl himself dabble in such magics? For her to use or recreate a spell of his is highly impressive.”

Celestia looked at the box and the mark on it, a tear forming in her eye. “Let us see how it ends sister. I feel the last piece is the most important yet.”

I can't tell you of the battle because it has yet to happen, but if you are reading this and live in peace, then I did everything I set out to do, for if I had failed, Discord’s reign would last his immortal lifespan and you would still be encased in stone. So if if you are reading this, then I ended Discords reign and life, freeing both of you from his stone prison. This letter may be hard to believe, but I am the reason Discords rule ended and I was always and will forever be your faithful student. I loved you and your sister and I am sorry I can't be there to watch Equestria rebuild and return to peace along with you. I ask you to keep the doll whether you believe this letter or not, keep it close so that I may be near you forever. There is so much more I wish to share with you but I must end this letter, the time is near for my battle. If I let this chance slip I fear I will not get another. I love you both so much but this letter is my final goodbye to you both. Celestia this is my last lesson in friendship, my last friendship report. I have learned over this time of Discord’s reign that your friends will always be there, even if it is not in body they will be there with you in your heart giving you strength and guiding you. I love all my friends and I am going to go join them now, I hope my sacrifice will let you and Luna live your lives in happiness and your kingdom flourish.

Forever your Faithful Student
Twilight Sparkle

Luna looked at her sister, “Do you believe what this letter tells us? The cavern she mentions is supposed to be a secret as well as those tunnels. There are many things in this letter that make me think it is not a joke.”

Celestia turned to the doll and gingerly picked it up within. “Luna, why does my heart ache so much when I look at this doll? I do not recognize it and it didn't hurt before, so why now? When this first appeared in my room inside the box I felt nothing from the mark on the box, yet now it brings tears to my eyes. I feel like I have been robbed of something irreplaceable, something I cherished more than anything I had ever held. Why does it hurt so now after reading this letter?” Celestia was openly weeping and pulled the doll in close to her chest.

Luna looked at her sister with a smile and a knowing look in her eyes behind the tears. “Because sister, sometimes things cannot be erased completely, it only takes a small push and things forgotten return. She found a way to bring the feelings we had back from the void they had been placed in. She was willing to be forgotten by everyone, but she could not bear the thought of you forgetting, so she defied the world and fate itself. It hurts you now because she showed you how much she cared and it brought back the feeling of how much you cared for her. She returned to us the feelings we held for her.” Luna was crying openly with her sister at this point and together the sisters looked out at the moon and stars and said.

“Thank you Twilight Sparkle. Thank you for bringing peace to Equestria and its’ ponies. We will hold this doll and this letter close so as someone will know of you forever. We hope that you are enjoying time with your friends in the afterlife. Maybe one day you will be rewarded for what you did, but for now, all we can offer you is to remember you.”