Do Wishes Come True?

by WishingStar

First published

Do wishes come true or are they just false hopes and dreams? In this story our dear Princess Luna will begin to understand the reason why such a question even exists.

Do wishes come true or are they just false hopes and dreams? In this story our dear Princess Luna will begin to understand the reason why such a question even exists.

Editing Time.

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After many moons since I last spoke I now have time to finally edit all of my previous chapters. All of the other chapters will be taken down for now will continue to be down until I am finished editing it. For the next 48 hours I will be busy working on this. If you're also wondering what happened with Twilight since I last spoke with her... well you could say that she did help me get better with writing, but the problem now is that she plans to bring her friends along to help. So when I re-post the chapters you will be hearing the responses that one or more of them had at the end of each chapter.

For those of you who want to know what the next chapters will contain then have no fear for I will tell you a little about them. The next chapter (the one after the one my editor is working on) will have more information on the main character's back story and it will also contain new characters (seems like I've been saying that there are new character a lot lately). The chapter after that one will be one that either me or my editor will have typed up involving a Celestia and Twilight have a conversation with someone or somepony who may or may not know a few things about the main character. That chapter after that one will be one of my own personal favorite chapters that will have a song in it. What is the song? Well I won't say, but I will tell you that the song I have picked will be embarressing for the main character, Luna, and every other character, but will make Celestia a little angry.

If you have any questions or ideas for future chapters please tell me in the comments below. I will answer all questions as fast as I can. If I end up liking your idea for a future chapter then I will put your name at the top and/or bottom of the chapter saying that you are the one to thank for the idea in the first place.

I would like to apologize to every for not doing all of this sooner. I've been having family issues lately and that leaves me in mood where I can't focus on the story at hand. But that has been fixed and I can't say enough how glad I am to be back.

Episode Premier thoughts

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Please read the whole thing!

If you have been wondering about when the chapters are coming back and when new ones are coming out, I'm sorry to say that they will be delayed for a little while longer, because Season 4 is coming out tomorrow morning. For those of you who don't know, the episode premier might be about the origins of the elements of harmony. I need to see this premier before I do anymore work, because this entire season might change how my story works out. So I will be working on my chapters while this season plays as well as updating and editing previous chapters if anything changes.

What are my hopes for this season? I already know that this season is going to be a big one, but I'm also very worried about this season. In one of the cons a small clip of some of the episodes were shown and one of them had princess Luna in them. Supposedly the episode will be having Twilight learn about the events that had Luna turn into Nightmare Moon through the eyes of Celestia. At first this sounded exiting to me, but after thinking about this I've starting asking questions about this episode. Why does Twilight need to learn about? Did Luna turn evil again? If so will she turn back to good or will something happen to her that will cause her to go missing from the show for some time? If they do get rid of Luna I will be so mad with the show that I might just leave the fandom. I love this show and all of the characters, but Luna and her entire back story is the reason why I loved this show. In the future I will write out why I find Luna having the best character arc,... but I will give a quick reason why. Her character arc (in theory) is the reason why Celestia acts the way she does now.

The edited version of the first chapter will be out in a few days. I hope this won't be too long of a wait.

Season Premier review

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That...Was... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was the best premier of MLP: FiM so far and with that said I will now give my thoughts about it. I found nothing wrong with this season premier (Other then the fact that there was no song). But the best part of this premier was getting a bit more of a back story on what happened on the day that Luna turned into Nightmare Moon. I loved every second that happened. It got me so pumped that I wanted to continue writing and editing this story nonstop, but I had to work today which now leaves me with only two hours left to do any of that.

The edited version of the first chapter will be either posted tonight or tomorrow afternoon. If you have any questions I will answer them for the next 2 hours right away (or until morning)

P.S. MaroonIllustrator's comment with the image made me laugh so hard that my neighbor came over to yell at me. Nice post and I can't wait to see more like that.