> A Beautiful Adventure > by thunderingbassFIM8819 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Bass's introduction. (Chapter 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- His heart beating, wings pumping, Thundering Bass flies through Ponyville with something on his mind, his onły care for the day. He comes to a stop at Sugar Cube Corner. Slowly he furls his large white wings and strolls in calmly. He checks his bags to make sure everything is still there. Thunder, as most people call him, pulls out a few bits and sits at a table. He's waiting for something, no, someone. He sits nervously and jerks his head up at the sound of the door opening. There she is. Thunder's heart stops, she looks nothing like he expected. Her name is Melody Breeze. "Melody?" Thunder asks shyly. "It's me Thundering Bass." Melody stops in her tracks and smiles as she turns to him, she just as surprised as him. "Oh Thundering Bass, is it? It's a pleasure to finally meet you." "Same here, I'm glad you decided to show up, I've been wanting to use your voice in a song of mine for a while now. I heard one of your songs and thought 'that voice could be my big break'." "Well thank you Mr. Ba-" "Just call me Thunder, all my friends do," Thunder says grinning at his soon to be business partner. He knew she was perfect for the job, he knew her voice would fit fantastically in his electro house, he knew she'd enjoy being the vocals. The reason he needed her, for the vocals of hers weren't in any current song, he would not only get his big break, but give her a new hit single. But first they needed inspiration. "We'll Thunder, I understand you are an electro house artist, why don't you just remix one of my current songs? Why did you drag us all the way out here to Ponyville? There must be a good reason," Melody was confused, she didn't understand Thunder's plan. She stretched out her beautiful white wings and and tossed her blue and black mane out her face with her hoof. Thundering Bass quietly explained his plans to her, and lowered his head hiding his face in his own all black mane. He knew most ponies would have denied, especially one of Melody Breeze's standards. So when she accepted his heart stopped. His breath returned as he looked up at her with a smile larger than life. He approached her on the fact that he needed a way to be inspired. So she suggested one thing, that no pony in all of Equestria would even dare think of. An adventure... > Melody's introduction. (Chapter 1.5) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quietly thinking to herself she strolled happily along the streets of Ponyville. Humming the tune of her most recent song she stops and looks through the window of a cute little boutique, run by a pretty purple-maned mare. Melody enjoyed this little town. Especially this time of the year, but he knew she had no time to window shop. For she was here on business. She was told to meet someone at Sugar Cube Corner. His name was strange, Thundering Bass, 'yes it is a strange name' she thought to herself. But he had proposed an offer she couldn't deny. Deciding to pick up the pace the unfurls her beautiful white wings and hovers towards the brightly colored pastry shop and stops in front of the door. A gush of wind blows her blue and black mane, it flows beautifully in the wind yet she immediately shakes her mane back into place and slowly opens the door looking around for a rough carbon black mane that belong to a strong white stallion. Then she hears his voice. "Melody? It's me, Thundering Bass." Stopped in her tracks, Melody turns smiling as she turns to see this stallion that was unlike she'd seen before. The blackest mane she's ever laid eyes on, the whitest fur she's seen on a stallion, almost as white as the mare who ran that small boutique she almost stopped at. "Thundering Bass, is it? It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Melody finally responded as she discovered who it was she was speaking with. "Same here, I'm glad you decided to show up. I've been wanting to your voice in a song of mine for a while now. I heard one of you songs and thought 'that voice could be my big break.'" "Well thank you Mr. Ba-" she was interrupted. Blushing she sank her head slightly. "Just call me Thunder, all of my friends do," Thunder said with a large grin on his face, in turn cheering Melody up a bit. She wasn't exactly sure why, but his smile had an effect that just made somepony else want to smile right back. She knew she was going to agree to almost anything this stallion said. it was something about the way he held himself up. She decided it was her turn to talk. "Well, Thunder, I understand you are an electro house artist, why don't you just remix one of my current songs? Why did you drag us all the way out here to Ponyville? There must be a good reason," she didn't exactly know why he did it, but she was glad he did. Melody was just playing hard-to-get right now. She knew she would get her explanation sooner or later. Thunder approached her from across the table and whispered his plans into her ear, and when he finished he sat back down and lowered his head. His mane covering the majority of his face. Melody knew he lacked inspiration, so she decided to give him some. She through tossed an idea at him that his head come back up and his smile return. "Why don't we go on, an adventure?" > The Adventure Begins (Chapter 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So you want to go on an adventure?" Thunder asked already knowing the answer to the question. His hooves started sweating lightly an his mind raced. 'An adventure? With somepony as beautiful as Melody Breeze?' He asked himself. He knew it would be exactly what he needed for inspiration. He knew this is what he wanted. He knew this would be his redemption. His wings unfurled slowly. He blushed lightly, he knew she noticed it on his almost pure white fur. He saw her giggle in response. She felt the same way, only she didn't show it as much as Thunder. She wanted it as much as he did. She wanted to feel the wind flow through her mane at incredibly high speeds. Melody wanted this adventure. Unfurling her wings again she gets up and walks out the door. Hoping he would follow, she looked back with a flirty smile to let him know that his assistance would be needed. "You coming or not?" Melody smiled as a flash of white zoomed past her and opened the door. His face still flushed and her smile still showing they left the bakery and started for a walk. She giggled as the passed the blushing stallion which only made him blush more. He followed her out and couldn't help but to notice that the sky had gotten significantly darker from when he arrived at the pastry shop. "I guess it's Luna's turn for the day," Thunder tried small talk. Which he was hopeless at. But he did strike up the conversation he intended. "Yeah, which would be a great time to visit the castle, Princess Celestia is off, if we hurry we can start our adventure tonight. With the blessing of Celestia first." Melody was simply dazzled by the stars and wanted to be as close to then as possible, not alone though. She hated being alone. Lucky for her, so does Thunder. "They're beautiful aren't they? The stars I mean." Thunder blushed as he glanced over to his partner. With wings still unfurled, he grabbed Melody by the hoof and took to the sky, hoping she'd catch on. "Yeah, they are-" Melody was lifted off the ground involuntarily and blushed brightly. She started flapping her own set of wings in order to keep from falling back to the dirt. "Well if you wanted my hoof you could've asked," she said in the snobbiest voice she could conjure up. It wasn't long before she finally let out the laughter she was trying to suppress after seeing Thunder's reaction. "I was afraid you'd say no." Thunder replied. His face obviously red with embarrassment. Then he laughed with his new companion. They were together in the night sky, as close to the stars as anypony could ever get. > Then There Was A Spark (Chapter 3) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flying with somepony else in the late of the night can have a strange effect on someponies, they might feel they've developed something that didn't exist before. Their wings beating in sinc. Flying towards Canterlot, but in no hurry. The two seemed to enjoy each other's company. Every now and then Melody would catch Thunder glancing at her with a smile on his face, and he always seemed to blush around her. Thunder would blush and blush and blush. Especially when he sees she caught him staring. They were far from Ponyville, but far from Canterlot as well. His wings ached, and he saw Melody was strained as well. So he did something about it. "Wanna stop for the night and set up camp? There's a clearing in the trees, I could gather wood for a fire and we could sleep under the stars," he blushed at the idea, "that is if you want." "Yes that sounds wonderful, my wings are tired, and I myself am pretty sleepy." Melody lied, she wasn't sleepy at all, but she was right about her aching wings. She was nervous on the inside, a good nervous. She didn't show it, but she wanted to spend a night under the stars with him. This random stallion, coat as white as snow, yet a mane as black as space. She wanted to have somepony to nuzzle with tonight. She chose Thunder. Thundering Bass continued blushing but banked for the clearing with Melody just behind him. He looked back and smiled at her, who was smiling right back. "How about you clear some leaves so we can sleep somewhere? I'll get the rocks and firewood." "Sounds like a plan to me," Melody chimed as she landed gracefully in the clearing and started moving leaves and twigs from the perfect spot the mare would share with the stallion. She hummed with joy as Thunder arrived with the wood of the fire. "You seem happy," Thunder said accidentally startling the beautiful mare. He blushed and lowered his head apologizing for scaring her. She laughed at him and raised his head with her hoof causing him to blush wildly. He smiled and started the fire quickly and rested on his back in the designated spot. Soon Melody joined him and lay at his side smiling and lightly blushing. She scooted closer, "I couldn't feel the fire," she lied. She scooted closer still using the same excuse. Then she's at his side and she embraces him in her hooves. "I'm cold," she said lying still. She was very warm, almost hot, but she needed. An excuse for this. Melody nuzzles Thunder's neck causing the stallion to blush. He wraps his hooves around her and gazes into her eyes smiling. Melody does the unthinkable. She does what he ha planned to do ever since she saw him at Sugar Cube Corner. She kissed him. > Onwards (Chapter 4) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder was awoken by the warmness of the sun's rays. The mare that had kissed him the night before still lay in his embrace. Thunder blushed at the thought of Melody Breeze, possible the best voice in all of Equestria, had not only kissed him, but nuzzled with him until they fell asleep in each others' embrace. He smiled and decided to quietly escape her hooves, for he wanted to surprise her. He was going to collect breakfast. Melody was awoken by what felt like a kiss, it was in the cheek, but none-the-less a kiss. Too tired to try and hide anything the beautiful mare blushed madly. When she saw Thunder's face images of the previous night came rushing back to her. The only thing that had shown on her face was happiness. She tried to explain herself for the night before, but Thunder dismissed it. He knew why, he didn't want any other reason. "I'm glad you're awake, hopefully hungry, I picked us some apples for the trip," mused Thunder. The stallion was the happiest he'd been in the longest time, but so was the mare. "Thanks, and yes I am hungry , shall we get going then? We do have to get Canterlot by this evening if we are going to even start this adventure tomorrow." Melody was happy and didn't want to leave the clearing, but they needed inspiration for the song. So they went. > The Journey Continues (Chapter 5) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wind flowing through their manes, air whistling through their ears, the two found themselves flying again eager to see the Princess. Both looking for inspiration, both striving for the new song. They don't know it yet, but they had more than enough inspiration they needed. They had, each other. "So, you do this often?" Thunder joked seeing Canterlot inch closer and closer with each passing second. His wings continued to fatiuge as the flew, yet he didn't notice. Last night changed him. He knew it too, he just embrassed the change. "Eh, no not really. I just felt we needed to get away from it all. For a while anyway. But by the time we reach Canterlot, it'll be night. You think before we ask for a quest, we should ask for a room?" Melody smiled as she caught on, she was eager to reach the castle and start on their new quest. But that'd have to wait, for she was tired and achy. She would've been exhausted if she hadn't had that night on the forest floor with Thunder. He was soft. She liked it. Canterlot seemed to approach faster than normal, which was good for these two. Thunder's wings were sore, and his stomach empty. Melody wasn't much better. They arrived in the castle, but not through the gate. Security was extra tight. Almost tripled in comparison than any other day. The snuck down the long corridors and stayed in the shadows. Night fell and the two stood out brightly if a beam of light struck their white coats. They arrived at her bedroom. Celestia's bedroom. Thunder and Melody exchanged looks. "Maybe she wouldn't mind if we asked?" Thunder pleaded, eager to get to a soft bed. "Hope you're right, I don't want to be locked away for something like this," Melody responded in a fake tone, then softly chuckled at the stallion. Melody was the one to knock. "Only one way to find out." Thunder smiled as the doors opened revealing the alicorn they were seeking. She seemed stressed but didn't let it show. "What is it, my little ponies?" > A Much Needed Rest (Chapter 6) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night was completely settled in, as were Thunder and Melody. Unfortunately the only room left only had one bed. Which honestly wasn't a problem for these two. They enjoyed each others company. So they did as they had on the forest floor, only this time on a queen sized bed that made the cloud-beds of Cloudsdale seethe with envy. "I hope nopony comes in," said Thunder as he nuzzled his partner playfully. He blushed as he did this, but he didn't care, he was having fun teasing the beautiful mare beside him. "Ha, you wouldn't care would you?" Melody smiled as her cheeks grew ever more red. She wanted him to get closer. She wanted to be his mare, but she shunned the thought. She was sure he only did this because he was feeling adventurous. "I'm kinda hoping not to go in the morning, I want to just lay here all night..." he was hesitant, "with you." Waiting for his response he gazed into her dazzling blue eyes and smiled. He waited for his response, but when one didn't arrive, he feared the worst. Then it hit him, she was crying. "I-I'm sorry, I'm never like this, but then again, nopony has ever been so nice, and I-I-I don't know what to say." She smiled through her tears, she quickly leaned in kissing the shocked stallion. Melody smiled and blushed wildly, her tears stopped, but her eyes remained red and her body still lightly trembling. She loved it here, in the castle, with this stallion she barely knew. She was truly happy. "I-I don't know what to say," Thunder blushed. He was glad that her tears were out happiness instead of sadness. So he decided to pull her close, and kiss her for once. Blushing he kissed her a couple more times and held her close with his wings. Obviously nothing had to be said, her face was as rosy as could be. She had the biggest smile on her face yet his her face in her long, flowing, blue and black mane. Then he did it, he slowly bushed her mane out of her face and kissed her deeply. > The Invisible Army (Chapter 7) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder is first up, like his entire life, he's risen with the sun. It's no surprise to him to see his marefriend still asleep at his side. He like the sound of that. Marefriend. It sung to him, like the birds sing to the sun thanking Celestia for bringing it up every morning. Just thinking about Melody Breeze, being his marefriend made blush. But today is when they talk to Celestia about a quest. Yet he didn't want to leave this bed, he didn't want to leave Melody's side. Lights slowly faded into her vision, his face was I front of hers, she blushed as she realized what she was looking at. Who she was looking at, his almost emerald green eyes shone happiness, which caused her beautiful sky blue ones to glimmer in response. "You know, that was the best time I've had In a while. And I believe, if I had anymore I'd just have to ask you for your hoof in marriage," Thunder poked at her. He winked at his marefriend and helped her up. After she was up, the white stallion quickly kissed the mare and immediately blushed. "Well good morning, Thundering Bass," Melody said with the classiest fake accent she could manage. "You know we have to talk with Celestia, and collect our quest, so lets go!" "Fine lead the way, my lov-" it slipped out, she didn't mean to say it. She thought it, but never meant to say it. Her face becam flush. "I'm sorry I di-" His mouth was already on hers, he kissed her deeply. Deeper enough to shut her up. He liked her a lot, but she talks too much sometimes. He finally releases the kiss to see a red faced mare with a twinkle her eye. Blushing himself he grabbed her hoof and started to walk for the door. The door opened before the two, with an aura if magic around the knob. It was Celestia! She came to debrief the two personally. "My little ponies, we have just been informed of a changeling invasion. Chaos has spread throughout the streets, there are six other mares that are helping, but they are on a separate mission, I ask of you two to help them clear the streets of changelings." Celestia had purpose in her voice, it was stressed but strong all the same. "Go my little ponies, save Canterlot, and the rest of Equestria. Thunder an Melody did as ordered, and went to the streets, they spotted many changelings. The changelings dropped in as if they were ODST's from Halo. Thunder and Melody exchanged looks and without a single word they jumped into action. Thunder grasped to of the pony-sized bugs and smashed their heads together with such force that the skulls caved in. Melody using her swiftness as an advantage tricked two into flying smack into each other, knocking the other out. Thunder's strength rivaled that of the red earth stallion known as Big McIntosh. Using that to his advantage he through a changeling into the wall of a coffee shop, leaving neon green blood spattered around the injured bug. Another changeling jumped at him, aiming it's horn at the Pegasus. Quickly the stallion jumped out of it's way, only to have his face meet a black hoof. Staggering he regained his balance and jumped at the bug and pounded it's face in with his hooves. Now his hooves were covered in the green blood of his foes. Melody soaring through the sky using her quick thinking and just as fast responses to weave in and out of the cloud of changelings kicking them as she passed. The cloud thins out as she flies through. She takes a hoof to the face stunning her causing her to plummet to the ground, she didn't know what happened but she knew she was in trouble. Before she hit the ground she blacked out. Thunder saw his marefriend falling to the dirt, and knew if he wasn't there to catch her, she would die. His wings shot up, knocking a few changeling off his back and rocketed towards her, his speed almost matched the prismatic maned Pegasus known as Rainbow Dash. His hooves stretched out in front of him he shot towards the place the mare would land. Just as the stallion reaches the spot, a beautiful, unconscious, white mare lands in his arms. He slowed and gently put her down in a corner. The two started to get surrounded, so Thunder pulled out his last resort. A bass cannon from his own pocket dimension. He'd received it as a gift from Luna, when he helped the D.J. at one of her parties. It design based loosely off of the one used by Vinyl Scratch, except this one was carried, as if it was a death machine. Being 3 feet long and 1 foot tall, it has one large subwoofer strong enough to destroy a building in a matter of seconds, with 4 more smaller subwoofers in front of it which opened up to reveal the main. This weapon now activated, the bugs just ceased to exist. It was strong enough to turn every cheese-legged pony to dust at the cost of a shop or two. The sound of the Cannon firing woke the mare, but she was still too weak to get up. She saw him, standing on his hind legs, using this extremely lethal weapon to protect her, his marefriend, he hadn't known that yet. For that's what she thought. She drifted back asleep and smiled as the sound of the deadly ceased and went back to where it came from. The stallion picked up the mare, and saw that she was still out. But she had a smile on her face, so he knew she was alright. Thunder gently carried her back to the castle and laid her down on the bed. He said one thing. "I love you." > Recovery (Chapter 8) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They smiled and watched the sun set slowly, they've accepted the day's end. And now are relaxing in the breeze, for tomorrow they head home. But for now, they have each other. Time slowly fading away until their final night in the castle, is over. They don't mind having to leave when they wake up. They could start working when they got there. "I'm glad you found some inspiration, Melody. How about when we get back to Ponyville we start working on that song?" Thunder smiled anticipating his new mix. "I don't see why not," Melody smiled as the wind gently blew through her mane, "but before we start that and get ahead of ourselves, why don't we go for a walk?" She blushed lightly, at the thought of it. "Uhmmm sure," Thunder replied taken aback by the sudden urge she had to move, "shall we walk through the garden?" Thunder smiled, even though his hooves ached, he decided that making Melody happy would be his first priority. "Yeah, sure." The two walked through the corridors of the castle towards the garden, enjoying the night as long as they can. The stallion and mare found the large doors, and softly pushed it open. They unfurled their tired wings simultaneously and let the breeze blow through them. Thunder's once all carbon black mane was now showing some signs of maroon in it. Melody thought this strange since it's always been black. But she paid no mind to it, she was happy he was here with her. As the two sat in the garden slowly Thunder's mane was changing. The slightly maroon streaks were now changing, showing a slightly brighter maroon, getting brighter by the hour. "H-hey, y-your mane is, uhhh changing colors, is that normal?" Melody quizzed, unsure why this was happening. "It doesn't happen a lot, but it does happen, the maroon streaks will eventually turn redder than the apples from Sweet Apple Acres if we keep this up." "Is that a good thing?" "Yeah, I guess, it only happens when I'm happy... truly happy..." Thunder trailed off, knowing exactly why it was changing back. It was Melody's fault, this adventure brought the two complete strangers closer than they've ever been with anypony else. And Thunder liked that. "Oh... well then I suggest we keep on with this huh? I mean I wouldn't mind a few bright red streaks in the pitch black mane of yours." Melody giggled trying to picture it, but when she got the image in her head, she smiled, and it seemed she couldn't stop. "Oh hey I think I have an idea for the so-" Thunder pulled her into a hug with his wings and nuzzled her softly. "I just want to thank you Melody for doing this... And I just want you to know that this has been the single best time of my life, just these past couple of days together, and I wanted to know, when we get back to Ponyvillle, would we still do things like this? I mean the talking and hanging out, and maybe another adventure or quest... later on in time?" He blushed, it all came out so quickly, well most of it. He still had something to say, but he couldn't bring himself to say it, not when she was awake. Melody blushed as all this rushed at her. Slowly she smiled, " I-i love you." She blushed brightly as she said it. She kissed him before he could respond. Thunder breaking the kiss, caught his breath from this surprise. "I... I love you too." > From a Spark, To a Flame (Chapter 9) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melody blushed, yet she was joyous and delighted, she jumped and tackled the stallion. Those words just made her life. She kissed Thunder many times before realizing that, even if it is night, they weren't in the room, they were in the garden. She blushed brightly and slowly climbed off of the stunned Pegasus and sat back down beside him. "Heh, sorry about that." Thunder getting back up to his feet sat down with her and wrapped his wing around her. Blushing he decided to kiss her cheek and smile as he gazed into her beautiful blue eyes. "It's ok, but if we were to do something like that, we'd need to be in the room," Thundering joked. "Well, let's go then. I'd like to..." she trailed off as she realized what she was requesting of the stallion. Thundering Bass blushed at the thought of it. He pulled the mare in closer and kissed her cheek again. "I'll only go in if you want," he winked at her and waited for a response. Blushing, she slowly nodded, nervous. She noticed his mane was almost as red as it could get and smiled, knowing that she was the reason he was happy was all she needed. She led the stallion back to the bedroom and jumped onto the bed giggling, pulling the stallion beside her. She kissed him deeply and held him close. She was glad he was here, he was her hero. He saved her, now she wanted to save him. But from what? She didn't know, but she knew how. Thunder blushed kissing the mare and accepted her embrace with his own. This adventure was nothing compared to the joy he was feeling now, he's sure she felt the same way, he needed her to feel the same way. So he decided to make sure she did. > The Journey Home Always Seems Longer (Chapter 10) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning light woke the stallion yet again. He looked upon his beautiful marefriend and smiled. He nuzzled her softly to wake her. "Good morning, beautiful," Thunder said playfully, "We have to go soon, and work on that song." "Can we eat first?" she smiled. "Of course, I already order some food, it should be her-" there was a knock at the door, "... now," he finished cheerfully opening the door to see the Princess instead. He immediately bowed as did Melody. "It's okay, my little ponies, you don't have to bow to me now, I just wanted to thank you for all your help yesterday, and I saw what you did, Thunder, that was very brave of you. But if you don't mind me asking, how did you that cannon, and where did you have it hidden?" Thunder arose slowly, "I built it, with the help of this white unicorn, she's a D.J. as well. I believe her name was Vinyl Scratch. And I have it hidden inside a pocket universe. Since I can't summon anything, since I lack a horn, Princess Luna gave it to me after helping Vinyl at some party." He looked up at the princess before him. Melody walked to his side and smiled at the Alicorn, "Princess, whenever you need any help protecting the city, just call for us. We'll be happy to help." "Well, thank you my little pony, and I will if anything rises. Well I'll let you two have you food now," Celestia smiled at them and with a flash of light was gone, leaving a large bowl of salad, a few muffins, and a couple apples for them to eat. "That is the only reason I want a horn," Thunder marveled, "I wonder what it's like to teleport somewhere." "It does seem pretty cool." Melody smiled as she watched her stallion marvel at the idea, then decided to take a bite out of the salad. It tasted delicious, that was the single best salad she's ever tasted. She smiled, chewing her food, then blushed when she noticed Thunder watching her. She smiled and shoved him away softly laughing as he stumbled. "Hey, don't be mean," shouted Thunder in a playful voice sitting next to the mare and joined her in eating the salad. "Damn, that's good." "I know right," Melody chimed. "I'm glad we did this y'know." She said blushing. "Did what?" "This, us, having our adventure, being together, we are... aren't we?" "Of course, babe. Of course we're together, everything since this whole thing started has proven so," Thunder smiled and leaned in to kiss her cheek. She accepted the kiss happily and hugged him, "good, now we can head home." Thunder smiled and got up packing what they brought, and a few muffins. "All done!" The stallion called as he approached his female friend. "Then lets go!" Melody shouted into the stallions ear laughing. She was first out the door with a few apples in her bag. She pulled on out and threw it at Thunder just as he was taking off. Thanks to his reflexes he caught it in his mouth and winked at the mare. "I guess being a D.J. had its benefits," he teased, "you learn to think quick on your hooves, or in this case wings." The two were on their way back to Ponyville anticipating the new song they had in mind. They new what it would sound like, they knew the lyrics as well. They couldn't wait to start recording. > Who Says You Can't Go Home? (Chapter 11) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flying close and in almost in perfect sinc, the two pegasi soared through the sky, wind blowing through their manes, and whistling in their feathers. Thunder's streaks were now completely red, and his face shone with joy. He glanced over at his marefriend and smiled. Her mane flowed perfectly in the wind. He smiled and knew in his mind, that he'd be doing this a lot more when he got back to Ponyville. Smiling she'd glance at the stallion and watch his mane change. But now she was drawn to something else, his face, his green eyes. She saw pure joy in his eyes, it almost made her feel guilty for hiding herself in her home, when she could've made somepony this happy. Almost. She was glad that she hid as long as she had, if she had come out sooner, she'd have met somepony else, and she didn't want that. She wanted him. "We're about halfway there, but it's late, should we stop or keep going?" Thunder asked. He didn't want to be in the dark, but he knew she was tired, especially after yesterday. The changelings were tough creatures to fight. She must be tired. "We can stop for the night, look they're is the clearing we stayed at before we got to the castle!" She smiled and banked towards it. It was untouched since they left. She was tired and her wings fatigued. She thought his were as well. "Oh I remember that, one of the best nights of my life," Thunder blushed as he said it. She was the only reason his like turned around, so he'd follow her everywhere. 'To Tartarus and back!' He thought to himself. Smiling Melody landed and laid in the spot on the floor they rested earlier in their adventure. Behind her was Thunder, who nestled beside her, and wrapped his wing around her. She smiled and got comfortable, she closed her eyes and fell asleep at his side. He smiled when he felt her body relax beside his and he himself closed his eyes. He gently nuzzled her neck and rested his head. She was soft and warm. Her coat so smooth. 'Perfect' he thought to himself, 'perfect.' > The Final Stretch (Chapter 12) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Good morning, gorgeous," Thunder sing-songed as he felt Melody's body stir for the first time since they slept. They over slept, it seemed mid-day when she woke up. He didn't mind, that meant he didn't have to get up either. "Why good morning, Thunder, I see you enjoyed my company last night," she smirked and nodded to Thunder's wing still around her. She smiled, kissed his cheek and got up. "We'll I guess it's time to finish our journey back huh, oh well. I had fun." "Same, if only this could last a tiny bit longer," Thunder teased as he got close to her and nuzzled her neck, he then kissed her before she could respond. Smiling to see his objective completed he trotted away looking back at the stunned mare. "We going?" "Uh-yeah, be right there," she said still in shock. She sook herself out of it an tackled the waiting stallion and kissed his cheek. "Now we can go." He smiled got an flew back towards Ponyville. With Melody at his side he felt happy. His mane was an indicator. It's the brightest red its been since he was just a colt. He smiled at the as he saw the town ahead. "Almost there!" He cooed. 'She is perfect' he thought to himself yet again. "I see it, how about when we get there, we grab a cupcake, and start working?" "Yeah, I like that idea." Soon enough the two arrived at their location and stopped at Sugar Cube Corner to try a cupcake. They smiled as they got their order and walked out the door. They suggested places for Melody to start recording, and decided it would be perfect to record at Thunder's place. He already had the studio, and as soon as she was done, he could start mixing. "Sounds perfect," smiled Melody as she followed the stallion slightly nervous. She started humming the tune of the song she had in mind. "We're here!" Thunder proclaimed as he presented his mid-sized 2 story, home. He was happy to start at work. As was she. "Sometimes I can hear you calling, Telling me that I'm a fool. Well I can dream, I can dream, I can see a brighter day, I can see you realize the truth," she sang in the most beautiful voice Thunder had ever heard, "I'm alive, more alive than I've ever been your way, I'm alive, more alive that I've ever been your way." > Dreams: Rogue ft.Laura Brehm (Chapter 13) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm alive, more alive than I've ever been your way, I'm alive more alive than I've ever been your way! I can dream, I can dream, that we'll see a brighter day, and you'll realize the truth! Sometimes I can hear you calling, telling me that I'm a fool..." "And when I see you in the morning, will you still want to be true, I can dream, I can dream, that we'll see a brighter day." Melody was surprised when Thunder joined in. His voice complemented hers almost perfectly, she blushed as continued singing, he smiled and returned to the recording booth. Melody continued singing the rest of her song alone. But she was happy, her special somepony could sing! It surprised her, in a good way of course. The music stopped and Melody smiled, her song finished. She slowly walked out of the recording studio, and into Thunder's living room. Where the stallion was already sitting on his couch hard at work with the mix. He decided the perfect name, and perfect beat, all he needed now was to put it together. 'It's coming along very nicely' the stallion thought to himself. He looked up to see the pony that this beautiful voice originated from. His marefirend. "I just finished, and you're already in mixing, that was fast!" Melody pleasently proclaimed, "I was sure you'd want to celebrate us being home before you got to work, but I guess I shouldn't assu-" "Well, well now, I think you're right! We should celebrate!" He picked up the mare before she could even finish her sentence, with his progress saved, he could stop working for the day and share some cider with his partner. He kissed her cheek and gently put her down, then waled into the kitchen grabbing a couple mugs and filled them with cider. "I see, you want to get me drunk! Sounds like a great plan," Melody teased as she grabbed a mug and winked at the stallion. "I suppose that would be fun," Thunder poked, then took a sip of cider, "only one problem, I don't drink much!" "Well then, I guess that'll be your problem then, wont it?" "Nope, it's your too!" He poked again and finished his first mug, went back to the kitchen to grab a refill, when he felt some hooves wrap around him. "Oh, so that's how you want it huh?" He smiled turned around and kissed the mare. She blushed and nuzzled his neck, "I suppose so." She led the stallion back to the couch where they cuddled. She loved being here, in his hooves, underneath his wing, nuzzled close. She felt so, safe, warm, at home. "I love you," he said as he closed his eyes. He was drowsy and tired from the trip, as was she. They fell asleep without saying another word.