Azule Dusk: Crysalis' Revenge

by azule iera

First published

The pony Azule Dusk is sent on a mission to deliver a message to Twilight Sparkle, but is surprised when he finds out he is to assist Twilight in the her task. Now they must complete Chrysalis' task.

The pony Azule Dusk is sent on a mission to deliver a message to Twilight Sparkle, but is surprised when he finds out he is to assist Twilight in the her task. Now they must complete Chrysalis' task.

Welcome to Ponyville

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The pony walked down the dirt road, Black cloak covering his face. His hooves had special boots on them, made for hiking in rough terrain, and he appeared to have armor. This mysterious pony caught the attention of none other than Pinkie Pie.

She was eating Apple fruiters with Twilight Sparkle, and Applejack when her pinkie sense went off. “Huh?” she said. She looked around. Applejack and Twilight look at her questioningly. “There’s a new pony in town!” The party fanatic runs off.

“I almost pity our newcomer…” said Twilight after Pinkie left. Applejack nods in agreement.

The pony comes up the town’s edge. The town is none other than Ponyville itself. Suddenly, a pink pony darts out into the mysterious pony’s face,“ Hi-“ A look of dread comes over her face as she felt a blade against her throat.

She could see a blood red eye through the shadows of the cloak. “Back off… and don’t approach me again.” Pinkie pie backed up in terror. Residents of Ponyville saw this and shrank away. To scare Pinkie pie was very hard, but to scare her so much she could barely move and talk, was unheard of.

“You see that?” “Yeah…” The other ponies shied away as he passed. The mysterious pony walked into the center of Ponyville. He looks around till he sees Twilight Sparkle. The pony walks over.

“Hello.” His voice is deep, but singsong like. Twilight Sparkle looked at him in an odd way. “You are Twilight Sparkle, are you not?” She nods, he noticed her wavy mane and thought, * her mane is somewhat pretty… nahhh, it could never happen.*

She looked at Applejack, then at the pony. “What is your name?” He shook his head and took out a letter. When he grabbed it, the mysterious pony revealed some armor. “Armor… you a royal guard?” He looks at her in disgust and hands her the letter.

“First off… I am not of the royal guard, nor am I part of Luna’s personal guard. This letter was given to by an anonymous path. I do not know who it was, or why. I just deliver.” He looks around and nods. “Do not look for me ever, you will never find me.” Then the mysterious pony walks off.

The pony walks into an inn, still in Ponyville. “This… is an inn?” He says aloud as he looks around. The other ponies stare at him, for he had removed his hood. His mane was cropped short, and had some armor on his neck. “What? It’s true?” He then walks to the owner, and rented a room.

Sitting in his room upstairs later that night, the pony begins to clean his armor. “Man… the ponies are dumber than a plow.” There’s a knock at the door. “Ugg… He opens the door and gasp. “Twi- Twilight!?”

The unicorn chuckles a little. “So this is how you look,” she says. “A pegasus… I knew the ego fit.” He looks away. “What’s wrong?” She asks. He was a blue Pegasi, with a black mane, and he had a wear mark on his hooves. Does he wear hoof guards?

He looks surprised. “No- nothing…” The pony steps back, letting Twilight in. “I’m staying the night here… Then I have business to attend to elsewhere.” He says, then walks over to his armor and begins cleaning it again.

Twilight looks around the room. He had sort of made it his own, but nothing that would take more than ten seconds to pack up. He had his armor and gear spread all over his mattress. The room had one window, which was slightly ajar. There was also a desk in the far corner, which is where The Pony walked to.
She at the armor, and saw a crest she thought she’d never see again. It was two bat wings, with a horn rising through the middle. The wings and horn looked like they had holes. “You’re a changeling… aren’t you?” The pony laughed really hard, then shakes his head.

He looks at her and says, “But I do run errands for Chrysalis, I’m her runner.” She looks at him with disgust. “What!? It’s work that pays well.”

She looks at his other gear, seeing a cutlass, a rapier, a katana, and a Chinese machete. “Runner?” She gives him a deadpan stare. The Lavender pony then ask, “May I know your name now?”

The pony scowls. “Fine… My name is Azule… Azule Dusk.” Azule then returns to polishing his armor, not paying attention to Twilight, physically at least… “Hey… why did you want to know my name? I’m not staying you know.”

She looks at him and laughs. “Actually,” Twilight began. “I’m to come with you.”

A look of horror spread across my face. “Wha- What!” She laughs and nods. “Bu- but why!?” The pony hands him the letter. After reading, his face dims. “Why… Does she not find me strong enough?”

Twilight looks at him and says, “Everything I know is on that letter. Anything else I do not know.” looks at the armor and weapons. “So what are you exactly?”

He looked at his gear, and then looked away. “You don’t want to know Twilight. Trust me.” Azule continues to polish his armor. When he finishes, he puts it away.

She looked at him in a weird way, and then asked, “You’re a member of the Dark Colthood… aren’t you?” He looks at her and nods. Azule continued to put his things away into a medium sized lock box. “Okay Azule… Why you really here? I know secrets when I see them.”

Azule looked at her and sighed. “Sorry twilight… I can’t. If I were to… I’d have to kill you, or be killed.” He looks away as a single tear rolls down his cheek. “So when I say I cannot tell you, please respect that.”

Twilight nods then looks him over one more time. He is kind of nice looking… looks really strong. She shook her head to knock the thoughts from her head. Focus! She said to herself. “I should get going,” She said. ”It’s really late.”

He walked over to the door and opened it. “Yes, and if we are traveling, I’m leaving at dawn. I’ll be at the entrance to Ponyville then.” She nods and walks out. Now… time to sleep. He walks over to his bed and lies down, going to sleep.

The unicorn stood outside his door. “Night,” she called, and then she walked down the hall. As she stepped outside, she breathed deep. Ahhhhh, so peaceful, Twilight walks home and sleeps as well.