> Raising Fillyshy > by clopper69 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > My Little Butterfly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would adopt Fluttershy and have her sleep with her head on my lap each night, her muzzle nestled against my crotch so that her every breath is filled with my musk. As she slept, I would gently rub my hand down the back of her head, fingers dragging lightly through her mane as I make my way down her shoulders. I would avoid her wings, despite how badly I wish to touch them, because I know how ticklish they are and I do not wish to wake her. I would then slide my hand across her spine, resting it just above the base of her tail. Making sure she was still asleep, I would drag my fingers over her flanks, growing closer and closer to her little filly treasure. I would hold my breath and caress the outer edge of her young cunt, listening for her sleepy moans and waiting to feel her body naturally heat up to my touch. But I wouldn't go any further. Not yet. This is simply to condition her body to equate my scent to receiving pleasure. The next phase would begin when she begins to complain about how she wakes up with a hot ache between her thighs. I would tell her that it is normal for fillies to feel this way, and that she is lucky to have a daddy like me teach her what to do. I would show her images of human women masturbating with their fingers, and tell her that because she does not have fingers, I will be happy to help her with my own. I would have her put her head in my lap and I would finger her to her first orgasm, and call her my sweet little Butterfly. I will get hard, but I won't want to her to do anything just yet. As her tiny, trembling body falls asleep from exhaustion, I would quietly pull out my cock and masturbate to human porn on my computer, my other hand petting her but steering clear of her sex. I want her to think that our session truly helped her condition, while at the same time exposing her to purer dose of the the scent of my cock and feeling her hot breath against the glistening tip of my shaft. This would continue, a nightly regimen of me masturbating my little Butterfly to sleep and fapping after she passes out, but one day she won't be totally asleep, her body still hot because how the fingering seems to be getting less and less effective. She will catch me masturbating, and I will explain that this is the same problem she had, only for males. She will watch her masturbate, and she will see how happy the pleasure makes me. After that night, she will keep herself awake long enough to watch me masturbate, keeping her head in my lap all the while. I will then start to visibly lick her young filly juices off of my fingers after I am done with her, telling her how good she tastes to me. Also, I shall lick my own cum off my hand. You may think it's gross, but it has its purpose. I will leave a small bit on my pinkie, resting innocently next to her little mouth every night, and wake to see if her curiosity got the better of her and she tried it for herself. I shall do it again, with a little more seed, to see if she enjoyed her first taste. Then, on the third night of this, as I finished I would ask her if she wanted as taste. I would watch her little tongue drag itself across my index finger, scooping up a thick dollop of my milky cum and say how pretty she is. Compliment her. Call her my sweet little Butterfly again. That's important for later. The next time, I would let her lick my entire load up. The next time after that, I would let her lick my entire load. The next time after that, I would ask if she wanted to lick me before I finished, just like the girls in the video we watch together. Salt-craving pony tongues will attract themselves to fresh precum, and she will be so eager to please her daddy, finding a way to repay him without having any hands to treat him the way he treats her. It would not be long before she is sucking me, learning how to bob her head, how to kiss the underside of the tip before rolling her tongue over the precum that collects. How to start at my balls and work her way p to the tip. Everything about our nights together would soon be associate with finding more ways for us to make each other feel good, copying the videos, finding pictures, all except for vaginal fucking. She will no doubt soon wonder why the videos are always humans. I would show her two horse mating, how rough and wild and painful it seems and tell her that I like things to be softer and gentler than that. I would then detox her romantic virgin deflowering video. It would seem much nicer, much lovelier, and when she asks why the lady seemed to still hurt, I'll tell her it was because that was her first time, and that it always hurts that first time. That's why you should save it for someone you really love and who you know will treat you gently so that the pain goes away quicker and it starts to feel really good. I would let her think on that, but I doubt it would be long before she came to me and offered me that delightful honor. I would lay her back at first, wanting to touch and taste her as we did before to relax her nerves, but not to long so the anticipation has time to build them back up. When I thought she was ready, I would sit up in my bed and pull her into my lap, cooing soft words of encouragement to my little Butterfly as her little marehood cps either side of my cockhead. I would ease her down, letting her push back up if she had second thoughts, but when I finally broke her cherry I would hug her against me, only barely moving so that soreness would ebb itself away. I would have her ride me at her own pace, to show that pleasure she was giving me clearly to encourage her more. Her little tunnel would squeeze itself around me in tiny, immature orgasms, but the sharp gasp she would let out as I started to cum inside her filly pussy would be the sound of my dreams for the rest of my life. She would tell me how hot it was, looking up at me with her filly eyes glazed and her wings lazily twitching behind her. I would tell her that it was a good thing she felt it inside of her, because that's how she makes her daddy feel. That's her daddy love for his sweet little Butterfly... Ah, the pet name. That would be our code. We would act like a normal father/daughter pair, playing games, teach and learning, baking cookies and caring for the pets we have in the house. But as soon as I call her my Butterfly, her mind would remember the smell of my crotch, the feel of my fingers, the quivering of her body, the taste of my seed and the molten heat of my love for her spilling into her core. That would be her cue, Daddy wants to show his love again. Wherever and whenever it may be, she would feel her tail raise, her mouth water and her little crotch heating up all over again. Even as she grows into a teen and her blistering hormones have been captured by the different kinds of porn I'm showing her, of leashes and collars, bits and bridles, leather and lace. Even when she's an adult, her husband sitting in the next room as the sound of a running sink masks her gasping moans. Even when she shows up one day, with a filly of her own, saying that her husband wasn't good enough, and that her daughter needs a daddy who will love, cherish, and always care for her. And who just happens to have fingers...