Fairy Tales From Equestria

by Princess Glitzy

First published

The main ponies all get in an accident and are launched into a coma. While asleep they all imagine being in a fairy tale.They are trapped in a fairy tale and the only way to wake up is to survive the stories.

The main ponies all get in an accident and are launched into a coma. While asleep they all imagine being in a fairy tale.They are trapped in a fairy tale and the only way to wake up is to survive the stories. Survive the stories and you can tell your friends that you were a princess. Die and well that`s pretty self exclamatory (you die).

Once Upon A Time

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Chapter 1

"Guess what everypony!" shouted Twilight.


She jumped up and down excitedly and said "I am working on a new spell and I want you guys to help me test it." She looked at them eagerly hoping for them to respond.

"It sounds... dangerous." Fluttershy whispered quietly.

"It`s just a spell that will let us walk on walls and stuff!" Rarity shot her a look.

"How uncouth!" Rainbow Dash covered Rarity`s mouth.

"You mean awesome!" Pinkie Pie nodded largely and agreed.

"Walking on walls is not lady like." Applejack looked at her with a confused look on her face.

"How could that be uncouth?"

"It isn`t normal, pretty or proper to defy gravity." Rainbow Dash glared at Rarity.

"Are you saying that flying is uncouth then?"

She thought about it for a second and then said "Yes. Unless you use the butterfly wings Twilight had given me a while back." Rainbow Dash and Rarity started bickering about what was and wasn`t lady like.

"Stop it!" Fluttershy demanded. They both hugged and then sat down nicely.

"Anyway, as I was saying before Rarity started going on about how unlady like everything is, we should try the spell later today."

Pinkie Pie suddenly shouted "Now!"

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash agreed.

"We should vote." added Fluttershy.

"Yup!" said Applejack.

"Who wants to do it now?" Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Twilight raised their hooves.

"You should read about it and make sure it`s safe and maybe test it on somepony else." Fluttershy whispered.

"We are doin` it now, ya hear?" Fluttershy nodded and Rarity just turned her head.

Twilight`s horn started glowing a pretty shade of lavender. It started to work until Derpy came in. "Mail!" That loud noise ruined Twilight`s concentration and the magic exploded all over the place.

The pressure and power of the explosion knocked them out cold. Derpy tried to wake them up with loud noises and by shaking them. She even tried to wake them up by using a muffin, hoping that they would smell it and wake up. When that didn`t work work she got frantic and flew Twilight to Doctor Stable.

"She is unconscious! She was using a spell and phhfffphth!"

"What?" She frantically pointed at Twilight.

"She used a spell and then she exploded! They were all knocked unconscious and they are at her house!" He turned away and grabbed Nurse Redheart.

"Go bring her to a room and send somepony to go get the others!" She grabbed Twilight and ran to a free
room. "Derpy, you can go. Resume your mail duty." She walked over to the food area, grabbed a muffin and then flew off.

*Beep... beep... beep* "Their hearts are still beating, but they appear to be in a coma due to an extreme outburst of magic. I don`t know when they will wake up, but I`d say it might take a while. Go inform their families."

Beauty & The Beast

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Chapter 2

Twilight wakes up in an odd room. "Where am I?" She walks out the door and notices that see is in a mansion with many stairs and rooms. She walks back to her dresser and surprisingly it speaks.

"Twilight? Is that you?"

She looks at the dresser and says "Yes. Is that you Rarity? I`d know that voice anywhere."

"Yes! I seem to be... well, an armoire."

"I looked around and we seem to be in a mansion. Does this scenario remind you of anything?" She tried to nod, but couldn`t.

"Yes. I think this is Beauty & The Beast. My mother would read it to me when I was little. I might have seen the book on the night stand."

She ran to the night stand and snatched the book. "A book that I didn`t notice! This is getting really weird! Let`s take a look at the book." She opens it and a hologram shoots out.

"That was not the book I had when I was young!" The hologram showed a picture of Twilight and her friends.

"You ponies are going to be stuck in fairy tales. Your goal is to finish the fairy tale without losing or dying. You are in 'Beauty & The Beast'. You must make Discord fall in love with you. By completing this and not having him kill you you will move on and so will the rest of you. If any of the other five steps out of line and messes up the path of the main pony in each fairy tale the fairy tale will end and restart without the pony that messed up. One mistake and your dead. Dead here, dead in Equestria. Go!" The holograph ended and the book became the regular fairy tale.

Twilight opened the book and began reading. "Rarity I will go find the others and then begin my mission." Rarity once again tried to nod, but to no avail.

"Okay Twilight!"

"Fluttershy, Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie!" she whisper shouted. She heard giggling coming from the kitchen.

"I am a cup!" she ran up to the cabinet and found a teacup and a teapot inside. "Hiya Twilight!" shouted Pinkie Pie.

"Hey Twilight." Fluttershy said softly.

"I need to find the others. We are in a fairy tale called 'Beauty & The Beast', I need to make Discord fall in love with me. If any of us deviate from the path we`re toast."

"We`ll become bread?!" Pinkie asked. Twilight sighed.

"No I just meant that we could die!" "Well why didn`t you just say that?" She turned to Fluttershy. "Make sure that she behaves."

"Yes." Twilight looked right at them and said "Do you know where AJ and RD are?" Fluttershy pointed her spout towards the library. "They are near the library."

"There is a library?!"

She ran to the library based on Fluttershy`s pointing and grabbed really good books. She started speed reading and had already finished two books by the time she remembered that she was looking for Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

"Is anypony here?" A little clock in the corner moved, as did a little candle.

"Twilight! What happened to us! One moment I am rainbow and the fastest pony in Equestria and then the next moment I am a candle!"

"I may be able to make you feel better." She uses a spell to light Rainbow Dash on fire.


"This is a fairy tale and I need to make Discord fall in love with me so we can move on to the next stage and get closer to leaving."

"Discord is here! Ah`ll buck `is behind to the moon if ah `af too!" Applejack hollered to Twilight.

"Hello Applejack! I will need you to not kick his behind because it could kill us." Applejack was stunned silent. "Both of you need to help me. Try to be kind and see if there is something you can do to speed up the process." She got rid of Rainbow Dash`s flame and then left.

She looked through all the rooms until she found one that seemed loud. She looked and inside Discord was snoring loudly while sleeping in his bed. Seeing him made her angry. She knew he was trouble, but she had to do it. She walked up to him and poked him with her hoof. He woke up and the first thing he saw were her beautiful, violet eyes.

He was at a loss for words. He chose to use his sarcasm. "Are your eyes okay?" he said in an joking, yet evil way.

"Yeah, but what I`m really worried about are yours." she said in the same tone as him. She was afraid that she had ruined everything until he chuckled.

"It`s funny that you said that because I`ve been meaning to tell you that my eyes have been acting strange lately." He grabbed his eyes and juggled them. "This isn`t normal, is it?"

She couldn`t help, but laugh. She full on belly laughed. He just stared in amazement as to how she could be so, so... pure hearted. "I- I`m sorry it`s just.. hahaha ... funny!"

"Thank you?" he said quizzically.

"Okay I`m good now. Do you want to do something?" What does something mean? "Would you like to hang out..." She quickly and quietly said "... or go on a date." He just barely caught the last part and it caused him to have a minor freak out.

Date? Hang out? With me? "Yes... to both." She kinda hoped that he hadn`t heard the last part, but knew that that was the goal. "We can have dinner together and do something outside now." he suggested shyly. Twilight nodded and decided to do something unthinkable.

She gulped and almost barfed, but had to hold it in. She quickly, yet swiftly walked up to him and kissed him. Surprisingly, it`s not that bad. It`s actually really... nice.

"That.. was magic." he soon realized that he had said that out loud.

"I`m not going to say it wasn`t, but this is magic." She used her horn to shine colors and glitter all over the room. She let her mind wonder and the rainbow/glitter formed a heart. She didn`t realize it, but somewhere her brain was thinking of Discord in a new light.

Does she already like me that much? How could anypony even consider liking... me. He was for the first time in his life, nervous. He reached out and hugged her. She suddenly felt warmth flood her body. It was nice.

Before she could stop herself she spoke the words "I think I am falling for a draconequus named Discord." He was stunned at first and then the same thing happened to him.

"I am too. Except I`m falling for a unicorn named Twilight." They looked at each other and this time it happened based on desire and not the fairy tale or anything. They kissed and like Discord said, it was 'magic'.

Twilight was brushing her mane and preparing for her date. "Um... my dear Twilight I for one love that you are finally brushing your mane like a proper mare should, but may I ask why?" She didn`t know what to tell Rarity, but she may as well put it all out there.

"My goal was to make Discord love me, but that doesn`t mean I can`t love him right?" Rarity was horrified and if she was a pony she would have walked right up to Twilight and shook her back to reality.

"Did I hear this right? Out of all the ponies in the wide, wide world of Equestria, you choose Discord! I can`t even call him a pony!" She got mad.

"He is a draconequus Rarity!" she snapped loudly. Discord had heard parts of what was said and what he heard brought joy to his once evil heart.

"Is it true? Do you love me?" She couldn`t say so for sure.

"I can almost say that I do. Let`s just see how dinner goes." He liked how charming she was.

"Well I must bid you ado." Twilight turned and stuck her tongue out at Rarity. She was so upset that she said something out of line based on her pure anger.

"Well it doesn`t matter because if everything goes well and we live, Discord won`t know what happened and I`m pretty sure that he wouldn`t like you if he wasn`t set up to. He likes Celestia anyways!" This brought tears to Twilight`s eyes.

"You don`t know that!"

"I am so sorry and I would hug you if I still had arms!" Luckily Twilight was a forgiving person and Rarity reaching out was enough to make her forgive her.

"I forgive you and I think that he may like me outside of this sleep realm."

"I didn`t mean it. He will fall in love with you again."

Don`t be nervous. It`s just dinner. Just dinner with draconequus of my dreams. "Okay I`m ready!" She walks downstairs and finds the dining room pretty quickly. This room is beautiful.

She notices that Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack were on the table. "Hey Pinkie Pie! Will Twilight have to drink from you?"

Pinkie thought about it for a second and the said "Dunno!" Twilight grabbed Fluttershy, said that she was sorry and then proceeded to pour some of the tea into Pinkie Pie. She began drinking and then grabbed a plate, utensils and a napkin.

She used her magic to move Rainbow Dash to the center of the tale, froze her there and then lit her up again. She then placed Fluttershy near Rainbow and ended with putting Applejack on the side table and freezing her there. Once she decided everything was set up she said that she was sorry again.

"It`s okay sugarcube!"

"It`s okay Twilight, it`s just that if I could move, this situation could be 20% cooler."

"I`m fine."

"This is so cool! It`s like a party!"

Twilight missed Rarity and was sad that she wasn`t here. She walked upstairs to Rarity and hugged the armoire. "Why hello Twilight! I`ve missed you guys. All I can do is look around. At least this room has a beautiful color scheme and style."

"Rarity, I don`t think magic can fix any of you right now and I certainly can`t bring you downstairs so you are going to have to stay up here." Twilight looked at Rarity with a frown on her face.

"It`s okay. Go see the others and Discord." Twilight nodded and then ran back to the dining room.

She sat down and waited. As she waited she chit chatted with the others. Once it was time Discord walked in. "Hi Discord!" she shouted a little too loudly.

"Hello Twilight!" he shouted back playfully. She blushed. "I would pull out your seat for you, but it appears that you`re already sitting." She laughed at his little pun.

"So, what are we eating?"

He thought about it and then said "Snow cones and bacon." She stared oddly at him.

"We aren`t really eating that are we?"

"Well not unless you consider that a meal." They laughed. He sat down at the other end of the long table and disliked her pouty face. "Do you want me to come over there?" She nodded.

He snapped his fingers and poofed over to the other side. She hugged him and put her face into his soft fur. They stayed that way for a while until he used his magic to whip up a fantastic veggie turkey and a yummy flower salad for them to eat. Twilight suddenly realized that she was starving.

She ate a lot and she ate it fast. Discord barely finished his first plate while Twilight helped herself to two and a half. He personally liked that she had an appetite, but it was still funny. He couldn`t help it, he needed to get out his laughs. He excused himself and then had himself a hardy laugh.

He decided to turn some bunnies into monsters and made a small cotton candy cloud. Then, he skated on some soap and decided that he was ready to go back in. She looked outside and saw chaos. She was mad, really mad. She lit on fire. She was furious that her Discord had done something evil.

He was extremely scared and at that moment she realized that she might have messed it up. She fell down and started wailing. I don`t want all of us to die! Discord snapped his fingers and fixed the chaos.

Her mood changes really fast. "I just like to let off some steam sometimes. I won`t do it again if you don`t want me too."

She stared at him and said "I don`t want you to change who you are entirely. You don`t do it often so it`s okay as long as you fix everything once you`re done. I love who you are." Without realizing it she had technically said that she loved him.

"I love you too." and with those words the whole world froze except for the main six. Everypony became a pony again and the whole mansion and the stuff inside disappeared and became an empty black space. A hologram showed up on the wall.

"You have completed stage one. The rest of this story is not necessary. You will move on to stage two. The next book will be next to you Rainbow Dash." The whole room lit up and then everything went black.

Jack & The Beanstalk

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Chapter 3

Rainbow Dash wakes up in a little house. Okay I can do this. She picks up the book on her night stand and the holograph shoots out. "You are in Jack and The Beanstalk. Your goal is to trade your cow for magic seeds. Plant the seeds and then climb up the giant plant. Sneak up on the giant, grab the golden egg and get out. Get killed and it`s over. Go!"

She read the book quickly and then flew out of the bed. She saw Celestia cooking breakfast. "Hey Celestia!"

She turned and said "That is no way to speak to your mother!" She must be the controlling mother. That makes a lot of sense.

"Um.. sorry mom. I`m just gonna go outside for a sec." She nodded and Rainbow flew out the door.

Cow. Cow. Cow. Where is that cow? Why is it so hard to find it? She looks around the corner and sees a large barn. Really?! How did I miss that?!

She flew up to it and found one small cow and a few hens. "Uh... come little cow?" She noticed that it hadn`t moved. "Will you come with me?" The cow nodded and slowly trotted out of the barn. She tied and rope around it`s neck and moved it towards town.

"Where in Equestria is the market?!" A brown pegasus turned to her and pointed towards the little store at the end of the street. "Thanks." She walked up to the market.

"Do you have anything you can give me for this cow?" He grabbed a small pouch.

"Inside are magic beans. You can get these or I can give you some milk and bread. What you need or what you want." He open the pouch and she looked at the glowing beans.

"Duh! I`m taking the awesome one!" She snatched the bag and handed him the rope for the cow. She flew quickly towards her home and ran to the garden. Her 'mom' was waiting.

"What did you trade for?" she asked in an angry tone.

"Magic beans?" Rainbow Dash had never seen anypony look so furious except when Twilight lit on fire when Pinkie Pie told her about the doozy. Wait too late she already did.

"How could you?! We need food and you traded for... BEANS!" She ran to an dirt area and dug as fast as she could. Come on! Grow so I can get out of here! She kicked a cloud until water rained down on the plant. It grew really fast and Rainbow climbed up. This all happened so fast that Celestia couldn`t keep up.

Why did I even grow the plant? I could just fly up here! She climbed to the top and saw a huge cloud with a medium sized opening. She flew up and entered the cloud world.

"Oh my gosh! This is awesome! I bet that it can`t get 20% cooler!" It was a huge world. Everything was ten times her size. "This is awesome!" She looked around and saw how cool everything was. Then, when she saw a large castle she remembered it from the story.

She busted through the door and looked around for a bird. She expected a hen or a stupid bird, but instead she saw Gilda. Is she the bird? She walked up to her. "Do you by any chance lay golden eggs?"

"Yeah, what`s it to you?!" She looked behind her and saw three golden eggs. I`m super strong so I bet I can grab two. Maybe if I bring extra then I get a bonus prize. What if it`s tickets to the Wonderbolts! She ran behind Gilda and grabbed one. This is really heavy. Aw man! No Wonder Bolts!

She flew away, but dropped the egg at the sight of a giant. Is that snowflake? He has the same white coat and barbel as a Cutie Mark.

"Yeahhhhh! Fe fi fo fum! I smell the blood of a pegasus!" She was scared, but she was the one and only Rainbow Dash and she could do this. She grabbed the egg and flew towards the exit. Snowflake ran towards her and stomped on her tail. This held her down.

"Let me go!" She pulled and pulled and pulled. He was coming closer and he looked hungry. She didn`t want to die like this. Rainbow did a loop de loop and flew fast. She managed to get out from under his leg. She flew so fast towards the exit that she did a sonic rainboom and knocked the giant back at least a mile.

She grabbed the plant and pulled hard. She soon realized that she couldn`t break it and that the giant could climb down. She flew down and ran into the house to find her 'mom'. "MOM! MOM! CELESTIA! CELESTIA!" She ran towards Rainbow Dash frantically.

"What happened?!"

"Come with me." She pulled her to the beanstalk and pointed to the giant about to climb down. She ran up to the plant and in one swift motion she used her horn to cut the plant. It sliced it and this cut stopped the magic beans from making the plant stay tall. It disappeared and there was nothing for Snowflake to climb down on. The opening closed and they heard him screaming

"No! I was so hungry!"

Gilda also shouted "She stole one of my golden eggs!" Celestia was confused.

"Golden egg?" Rainbow handed her a large golden egg.

"You have saved our family! We`re rich! I`m so proud of you!" After she said this the whole world froze and turned black. The rest of the main six were there.

"Hey you guys!" They hugged her.

"Yay. You completed the mission!" whisper shouted Fluttershy. The hologram suddenly popped up.

"You have completed the mission. Now you will continue the journey. Pinkie Pie, you will now be in your fairy tale. If anypony messes up the mission, they will be terminated. Go!" The world went black and everypony braced themselves for what lies ahead.


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Chapter 4

Pinkie Pie woke up and jumped out of bed. She looked at everything in her room and touched anything she saw. "What`s this? What`s this?" She had tons of fun and then she saw a book on her night stand. "Ooooh! A book! Maybe it`s about cupcakes!" She opened the book and a hologram shot out.

"Pinkie Pie, your job is to make the prince fall in love with you and don`t get caught by your family." She read the book and then ran down the stairs. She saw Nightmare Moon in the kitchen, but she wasn`t wearing her armor.

"Hey Nightmare Moon!" She turned to her.

"You shall not call me by that name. You shall address me as 'Madam Luna'." Why is she mad at me? Maybe I should ask if she needs me to do anything for her to make her feel better.

"Do you need me to do anything for you?" asked Pinkie Pie energetically.

"Yes, here`s a list."

•Mow the lawn
•Do the dishes
•Prepare dinner for the week
•Vacuum the carpet
•Dust the whole house
•Clean the chimney
•Mop the floors
•Organize the bedrooms
•Clean the toilets
•Do the laundry

"Okie dokie lokie!" She ran out of the room and started on the list. She had gotten down to mopping the floor after and hour and a half. Gilda walked in while she was mopping the kitchen. "Hey Gilda!"

"What`s up Stinky Pie?!" She kicked the mop bucket full of dirty water. "Oops!"

"It`s okay! Also, my name is Pinkie Pie, not Stinky Pie, but if you prefer that then it`s okay." Gilda didn`t like that Pinkie Pie wasn`t getting upset.

"I`m going to tell mom that you spilled this whole bucket!" She told her mother and Nightmare Moon stormed in.

"Pinkamina Diane Pie, why would you do that?!"

"I`m sorry, I must have hit it. In order to make you happy I will make you cupcakes too!" She sighed at Pinkie Pie`s happiness.

"Just get to work step daughter." Pinkie nodded and went to work.

She cleaned the floors again. Once she was done she moved on and finished the rest of the chores. She then proceeded to make cupcakes. She made four dozen, but kept one dozen for herself, and decorated all of them perfectly. She into madam Luna`s room and gave her the cupcakes.

"I finished the chores and I made you cupcakes to make you happy again!"

"I do not like cupcakes!" She used her magic to throw every cupcake at Pinkie Pie. She was covered in frosting, but that did not bother her. She licked it all off quickly.

"Yummy!" Nightmare Moon stormed out of the room. Pinkie was confused as to how somepony could hate cupcakes.

Pinkie Pie was busy cooking dinner when she heard a knock at the door. Who could that be? She hopped over to the door and opened it. "Hi! What`s up?!" she shouted cheerfully. To her surprise Derpy was there, but she wasn`t surprised that she brought mail.

"The prince would like to cordially invite everypony here to the royal ball."

"There is a party?!" Derpy nodded, handed her the letter and then flew away to invite the other guests. She ran to inform her family about the ball. She saw Gilda and ran up to her.

"Here! It`s a letter about a ball! The royal family will be there!" Gilda was so happy. I will finally get the prince to fall in love with me! I`ll be rich! I could buy skateboards, pranking supplies and things that are awesome!

"Mother! Mother!" She flew towards madam Luna and gave her the letter.

"Finally! This is our chance to be rich!" They danced happily and Pinkie Pie loved happily dancing so she joined in. Their excitement soon turned to annoyance after Pinkie started dancing too."Sorry, but you cannot attend. You will be busy cleaning."

Pinkie`s hair went flat. "But- but... I just cleaned and it`s a PARTY!" Pinkie Pie said with extreme sadness in her voice. The two of them started flipping random things and throwing food. Gilda kicked the dirty water bucket for the second time that day and Nightmare Moon poured a trash bag on the floor.

"Oh sorry, but it seems that the house is a mess!" They laughed evilly and talked about what they would wear. Pinkie continued cooking and thought about what it would be like to go to a party instead of doing chores.

Gilda was wearing a beautiful, red dress with rubies and black boots. Madam Luna was wearing a dark blue gown with a diamond necklace and dark grey shoes with metal designs. They both looked gorgeous, but Pinkie was sad that she could not go.

"Bye!" Pinkie shouted.

"Goodbye." They left and laughed at how Pinkie can`t come.

"I wish I could go." After she said that Twilight appeared. "TWILIGHT!" she shouted ecstatically. Her hair returned to its usual curly style.

"Hey! I am your fairy god mother in this story."

"Cool!" Twilight smiled at Pinkie.

"You will need to look good so Rarity has made you a dress!" Twilight`s horn glowed and very soon after Rarity appeared right in front of her.

"Here is your gown!" It was white with rainbow hearts and glitter. It was lined with pink sparkles and was perfect. She then handed her some light pink flats with diamonds. "This is the BEST OUTFIT EVER!" Rarity was proud of her work.

"You look will need to make sure that your family doesn`t recognize you so I will do your make up and hair so you look totally different... and pretty!" Rarity ushered her into the bathroom to do her make up.

Twilight used magic to create an epic carriage with padded seating. She also teleported Spitfire and Soarin to fly it. Once she decided that her fairy godmother duties had been fulfilled she returned inside to see how Pinkie Pie looked.

"Rarity you have done a great job on her outfit. She looks beautiful and civilized!"

"This is some of my best work!" They smiled and jumped excitedly.

"Okay Pinkie, your carriage is ready!" She hopped happily through the door and saw the best carriage ever.

"Awesome! Bye guys! Oh, wait I have one thing that I need to get." She ran inside, grabbed her extra box of cupcakes and jumped back into the carriage. "BYE!"

"Goodbye Pinkie Pie!"

"You have to get married! Your father and I had to at your age and you will too!"

"Mom, I haven`t met the right mare yet!" She sighed at her stubborn son.

"We can throw a ball! You might meet somepony special at a large royal party. We could invite every mare in the kingdom! Will you at least agree to this?"

"Yes mother." She smiled. "Good because we already sent out the invitations." He was mad.

"Mom!" She grinned.

"Wow! This is as cool as the Grand Galloping Galla!" Her sudden shout surprised the fancy guests. She saw the prince and ran up to him. "Hiya!" Princess Celestia and the king stared at the odd pink mare talking to their son. "I brought cupcakes! Want one? They`re the best cupcakes in all of Equestria!"

She is different than any mare I`ve ever met and she`s very energetic. "Umm, yes?"

"Hey what`s your name? Prince... ?" He was shocked that she didn`t know.

"I am Prince Caramel." Her eyes lit up.

"Do you taste like caramel?" She walked up to him and kissed him. "Not really, but still cool!" Ummmmm... Princess Celestia could not believe her eyes. In a matter of seconds she had embarrassed him, insulted his status, kissed him and turned him into a complete buffoon.

"Cupcake now?" He nodded. She handed him the cupcake and watched with anticipation to see what he thought of it.

"This is a very good cupcake!" She felt sad.

"Good?" She started to tear up and her hair lost its style and went straight. He felt very bad even though he had no clue what had gotten her so upset. He looked at her beautiful face and kissed her. Her hair regained the style that Rarity did so carefully and a smile returned to her face. "So you didn`t think the cupcake was amazingly fantastic and epically cool?"

"I did." he responded kindly.

"Yeah!" She hopped up and down around the room. She is... odd and that`s refreshing.

"Would you like to dance?" She thought about it.

"Nah. I wanna par-tay!" She scooted the performers off the stage and grabbed Vinyl Scratch from the audience. "Play an awesome song!" She used her magic to conjure up a DJ station and began to play some rockin' tunes.

Pinkie ran to him, picked him up and brought him to the side of the room. She pulled a pin the tail on the pony game out of nowhere and put it up on the wall. "Your turn!" She handed him a tail and spun him. I`m confused.

"Okay." She puts a blindfold on his eyes and he tries. It ends up on the pony`s neck. She took off the blindfold and showed him how terrible he did.

"You suck at this game."

"Did you just tell a prince that he 'sucks' at something?" She looked at him confusedly.

"Well duh! You did! Let`s move on!" She pulled him to the center and started dancing. She looked at how awkward he was dancing. She walked behind him, pulled him close and showed him what to do. She is touching me.

"Hey, I heard you have to get married by the end of the week." He nearly choked.

"How did you know that?!" She was confused.

"I can read auras and based on yours I can tell, also this party full of mares and your parents are checking out every one to make sure they are suited for you and that kind of tells you what`s happening. Not to mention that I can tell that you keep comparing me to your future bride and also you`re very conflicted and not ready." She got all... that from my aura and this party?

"You are right in all ways." She smiled at him.

She looked into his light blue eyes and knew then and there that he was more than just one of her best friends. She kissed him, but this time it was different, there was passion. She ran to Celestia and whispered to her "I want to marry your son so he will always have some fun in his life."

Princess Celestia hugged her and said "I hope you do." She ran back to Caramel and hugged him.

It was 12:00 AM by the time Pinkie Pie was too tired to go on. "Goodbye! I`m really tired! You can keep the cupcakes!" and with that Pinkie ran outside and called Twilight`s name. She suddenly appeared with the carriage.

"So how did it go?"

"I like him and I think he likes me back!" Twilight pulled the carriage back to Pinkie`s 'home'. Twilight let Pinkie out and then realized that she didn`t know if her 'family' was home yet.

"Pinkie, I will teleport you into your room. Your family might already be home and they think that you`re asleep so you will need you to avoid making noise." Pinkie Pie nodded.

"Good morning Madam Luna!" She looked tiredly at her and then suddenly shouted.

"You dare wake me from my slumber! I went to bed at 12:00 AM and it`s 7:00 AM! Pinkamina Diane Pie, you are not allowed to leave this house for the next WEEK!"

"I`m sorry, also, it`s okay, there are tons of fun things to do indoors!" Nightmare Moon pointed towards the door and then pulled the blanket back up over her head. I`m guessing that means 'Get out'. She runs out of the room and bumps into Gilda.

"You`re up? Madam Luna isn`t up yet and you probably went to bed around the same time."

"Yes dweeb, I am up already. I had a hard time sleeping because my chance at love and money is gone. He fell in love with some beautiful pink mare!" Pinkie Pie felt sad.

"I bet you`ll find somepony or somegriffin who loves you and maybe they`ll be rich like you wanted!" Gilda felt happy and reassured of having an awesome future, but she couldn`t let her know.

"Probably, I`m wicked awesome, it really doesn`t matter what you say because I know that." Pinkie looked at her quizzically.

"But you said 'my chance at love and money-"

"I know what I said!" Pinkie walked away sadly.

"Mother I haven`t been able to sleep! I don`t know where she is! I don`t even know her name! She could be anywhere in the kingdom and what if she moved! What if she changes her mind and no longer likes me?!" Celestia laughed at how freaked out and nervous her son was.

"We`ll find her."

"How?" She looked at him reassuringly.

"We could go door to door seeing who fits one of her traits or you might know what she looks like and you could just look at every mare!"

"She makes great cupcakes! Every mare could try to make cupcakes and whomever`s cupcakes taste like those I can assume is them! If multiple cupcakes taste like them I can meet with them and narrow it down to the one girl!" Celestia nodded and sent for a royal guard.

"Royal guards, go alert all mares in Equestria that they need to make cupcakes for the prince. Then, Caramel you will need to try these cupcakes and choose which one is the one." Caramel hugged Celestia and then walked into the other room and proceeded to try and draw a picture of the pink mare so he wouldn`t forget her look.

*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Gilda opens the door. "Thanks... there isn`t really a way to make fun of Derpy is there?" Derpy nodded and handed her the letter. Gilda tore it open and looked at the letter. "Cupcakes? You`ve got to be kidding me!" She ran to her mother and handed her the letter. She skimmed it.

"Cupcakes?! I HATE cupcakes!" Pinkie Pie snatched the letter and read it.

"CUPCAKES! YEAH!!!" She ran into the kitchen and prepared the kitchen for cupcake baking.

"Ummm... you weren`t at the party so I can`t be you so no cupcakes." said Gilda. Pinkie Pie ran upstairs with tears in her eyes. If I can`t make cupcakes, he won`t know that it`s me! She desperately calls for Twilight.

"FAIRY GODMOTHER! TWILIGHT!" Twilight appeared suddenly.

"Here is your own kitchen!" She pointed to a kitchen that was about four feet tall.

"That`s too small silly!" Twilight sighed.

"I have to shrink you down first!"

"Ohhh!" Twilight shrunk Pinkie down to about 1.5 ft tall. "Awesome!"

Twilight waited on Pinkie`s bed while reading a good book. Pinkie started right away. "Put dry ingredients in the bowl, mix with the wet ingredients and put it in the oven~!"

"Catchy Pinkie." Twilight says sarcastically.

"I know right!" Twilight continues her reading.

Pinkie places her vanilla, chocolate and strawberry cupcakes into the oven. Once they are ready, she takes them out and grabs the decorating materials. Pinkie takes the cupcakes out of the pan and then begins decorating them with rainbow colors, many sprinkles and tasty candies/goodies. Pinkie tastes one and decides that they are perfect.

While Pinkie is baking.

"I thought that you knew how to make cupcakes!" shouted Gilda.

"Do not speak to me in that tone!" Gilda rolled her eyes. (Let`s just say that they don`t know how to bake... at all)

"Awwh! This sucks! Let`s just give up! He`ll know I`m not a pony and you`re twice his age!" She sighed.

"You`re right."

"Okay I will turn you and your cupcakes back to the right size." Her horn glowed and Pinkie grew.

"YEAH! I`M THE RIGHT SIZE AGAIN!" Pinkie put her cupcakes on the shelf and hugged Twilight. "Can I keep the kitchen?" Twilight nodded and then said goodbye.



"Royal guards, I have not seen her anywhere! This is the last town, she has to be here!" He walks up to Pinkie`s house. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Gilda and Madam Luna open the door.

"OH MY GOSH! PRINCE CARAMEL IS HERE!" shouted the two of them in unison. He looked at them. A griffin and a mare twice my age or older.

"Do any other mares live here?" Pinkie ran down the stairs with her cupcakes.

"Yes there is!"

"Go back upstairs you nuisance!" Pinkie was hurt, but she wouldn`t let them get her down.

She handed him one of each cupcake. He looked at the detail and then ate a little bit of each. He looked at her and compared her to the girl at the ball. She has the same colors and the cupcakes are spot on, but her mane and face are a little different. "You seem to fit the description, but I`m not sure that it was you."

"She wasn`t even there!" Pinkie was very hurt and upset.

"Yes I was!" She ran up to the prince and kissed him. He could feel the spark between them.

"It is you. I have two things to say. I love you and will you marry me?"

"Yes!" and with that the world went black. The main six stood in the blackness. "Twilight I love him, now I`m sure of it. I need him to love me in the real world. I don`t care if he`s a prince!" Twilight smiled.

"You will get him and I will get Discord. I know everything will work out!"

Rainbow dash added by saying "So far I`m the only one who didn`t fall in love!" They all laughed, but the conversation ended when the holograph appeared.

"You have completed the mission. The next fairy tale will begin and if anything goes wrong then that pony will be terminated. Applejack, the book will be next to your bed." The room gets bright and then turns dark, the next story will begin.

Robin Hood

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Chapter 5

Applejack woke up and saw a beautiful room and a plush blanket. "Ah must be in some fancy house!" She looked on her night stand and saw a book called Robin Hood. AJ opened it and a hologram shot out.

"Your mission is to practice fencing, fishing, archery and hunting behind your father`s back. Read the story to understand the rest of your quest. If a pony messes up your mission they will die and you will start again. Go!"

The hologram ended and she opened the book and started reading. "Well, ah think ah fit this here character pretty well!" She put on her hat and walked out the door. Surprisingly Celestia and Snowdrift were there. Are they ma parents? They er both alicorns so they must be royalty. Am ah royalty? If I`m royalty then... She feels her head and sides. I`m an alicorn!

"Mom. Dad." They both turned.

"Yes sweetie?" Applejack was now totally sure that they were her parents and she was royalty.

"Nothin`. Oh wait, can ah go outside fer a bit?"

"Of course honey!" said Snowdrift. She ran outside and into the forest. AJ used wood to make a bow, some arrows, a fencing sword and a battle sword. Wait, ah have to get ma bothers ta help me. She ran back inside and ran back to the bedrooms. She pounded on the two doors that were still closed.

"What?!" they both shouted. Big Macintosh and Braeburn walked out of their rooms.

"Will y'all teach me ta fence an` shoot with ma bow an` arrows?" They nodded and grabbed their supplies. They ran outside with AJ.

"Ah already have the supplies." They looked confusedly at each other.


"Ah used wood ta make the bow, arrow and swords. Also, ah used the inside of sticks to make the string for the bow by twistin` it." Braeburn looked at her in amazement.

"Did you know that she could do that?"


Applejack stared at the two idiots and said "Are y'all gonna help me or not?" They nodded. "Ya can`t tell Celestia or Snowdrift, promise?" She spit on her hoof and held it out for them to shake.

"They`re mom and dad, not 'Celestia or Snowdrift', but we will help you." They both shook her hoof.

"You`re great at this!" Lookie here, ah mastered fencin` an` archery! "Now we just have to work on fishing and hunting with these."

Applejack looked at them and said "Piece o` cake. Ah already know how ta do that!"

"Really?" Big Mac asked.

"Yeah! Ah know how ta use the weapon so that means that ah can use it!"

"Euuup! Your right, that makes sense." Braeburn smiled. "We`ve taught you all that we know."

"Ha! Ah knew it! Ya only know two things!" The two brothers laughed sarcastically.

"Come in children!" shouted Celestia. They all ran back inside. "We are going to visit the kingdom today! Everypony needs to shower and get dressed. Also, Applejack, would you please wear a dress and your tiara?" NO! "Fine."

Applejack didn`t like being fancy, but she had to. "Do ah have to wear ma tiara?" Celestia nodded. AJ finished getting dressed and went outside. She ran into the forest and bucked a tree. Applejack caught the apples with a basket she made. "Ah love buckin` apples. If only Applebloom was here with me."

She caught some fish and hunted some critters. Ah hope Fluttershy won`t hate me fer this. She started a fire and cooked her food. Once she was done she made salad with leaves, apples and berries. She also made applesauce on the side. She brought her meal inside to her brothers.

"How did you make this without mom and dad knowing?" asked Braeburn.

"Ah found it outside by hunting, fishing an` gathering. Ah then cooked it by makin` a fire. It was was mighty easy."

"That`s my little sister alright!" The three siblings hugged. Then, they started eating the yummy food.

Suddenly, Celestia shouted "It`s time to go, but before we leave would my little ponies like some food?"

"No!" they all shouted.

"I love when we ride through the kingdom! Carriage rides are so fun!" said Celestia enthusiastically. Then, out of nowhere the carriage stopped. A boy wearing green walked up to their carriage. Is that Blues? He had a group of people following him and they were all carrying swords. He tapped on the carriage.

"Don`t you dare hurt my dear daughter!" He looked offended.

"I wouldn`t dare hurt such a beautiful lady-" He winked at her. "I would just like some of your money and jewels." Applejack leapt from the carriage and stood directly in front of him. She looked him in the eyes and then turned and bucked him hard. He fell to the ground.

She jumped back into the carriage and sat back down. "Here, take our jewels and bits."

He grabbed the money stepped back and said "Thank you sir, I am Robin Hood." He ran back into the woods with his gang and the royal family went back home, it had been an eventful day.

About 2 weeks later

"You have to wed dear and this stallion is great for you. He is a nobleman and he has enough wealth and strength to protect you."

"Ah don`t want ta get married! Ah will marry who ah love when ah love `em!" Celestia stomped her hoof down.

"You will get married by the end of this week to Blueblood! There are no other options!"

Celestia left the room and Applejack decided that she needed to leave. She could survive out there. She grabbed her hat, weapons, lasso and a bag and ran out to the forest. Instead of her regular area she ran deeper into the forest. She gathered food and put it into the bag. She hunted and fished until she had enough food to fill her rather large sack. Ah can make it on ma own!

She used her sword to shave a sheep and used this to get wool. She then skinned another sheep. She used the wool to stuff the skin. She got more wool and skin and made a blanket. She found a large area of grass and laid down her blanket and pillow. She was ready to survive. She then searched for a permanent home.

"Ah think ah see a house!" She ran and found a little hut made of sticks and animal skin. She ran inside and set up her home.

"Who are you?" She turned and saw Robin Hood.

"Ah will not tell ya!" He drew his sword and she drew hers. "Prepare for battle you varmit!" She slashed him with her sword and then quickly sliced his cheek. He fought back and the two of them fought one to one for the next several minutes. He shouted and distracted her, this gave him an advantage. He sliced her hoof.

She started angrily aiming for his head and neck. She nearly killed him multiple times. He shoved AJ and she fell back onto the ground. "Get away from me! Y'all don`t know who ah am or why I`m here!" He looked at her. She looks a lot different, but I know who she is.

"I do know who you are!" He walked up to her and kissed her. She felt happy, but he was bad news. She shoved him away.

"Ah don`t go around kissin` robbers!"

"I am not a robber! Well, I guess I am, but not like what you think! If I stole your jewels and kept it than I wouldn`t live out here! I gave it away! I steal from the rich and give to the poor. Ponies refer to my group as 'Robin Hood and his merry men'." Applejack looked in his eyes and knew that he wasn`t lying. Oh, well that changes everything! She slapped him.

"YOU STOLE MONEY FROM MA FAMILY! But, ya also gave it to poor ponies who needed help. That is the worst and best thing that anypony has ever done." She grabbed him and hugged him. "Ah would like ta join yer group! Oh, and ma name is Applejack." He looked at her.

"I would love that." The world went black and the main six once again appeared in the center.

"Rainbow Dash, guess what?!" Rainbow looked at her. "Ah didn`t fall in love in ma story!" The two ponies high hoofed. Then, the hologram appeared.

"You`ve finished the mission so the next one will begin. You know what to do. Your turn Rarity. Go!" The room lit up and then went black. Another story begins.

The White Bride & The Black One

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Chapter 6

Rarity wakes up in an odd room. "Time for my story!" She grabs the book and opens it. A hologram shoots out.

"Your goal is to marry the king. Go!" She brushes her mane and gets dressed. She runs down the stairs into the kitchen. Nightmare Moon and Trixie were eating breakfast.

"Rarity, we are taking a walk this morning, please get ready and try to look presentable." said her 'mother'. She ran back upstairs.

"I did get ready and I look very presentable and fashionable." She put on make up and a casual dress. She teleported back downstairs and used her magic to make some quick toast. She munched on her toast while the other two got dressed.

"I`m ready. We can go now!" shouted Nightmare Moon. She opened the door and left. Rarity and Trixie followed.

"We should walk to the park and then walk back." said Trixie. Rarity nodded. They began walking. Then, a poor man walked up to them.

"I am lost, I need to get to the soup kitchen. Will you help me?"

"We will not help a filthy man!" the mother and daughter left.

"I will help you sir." Rarity grabbed his hoof and pulled him to the left.

After about two minutes he stopped her and said "Because of your kindness I will grant you three wishes."

"Okay, I wish for to be as beautiful as the sun, to have a purse that never runs out of jewels and bits and to always be healthy."

He smiled and said "Your wishes are granted." Suddenly, Rarity was wearing clothes and make up that model and celebrities wear, she was also holding a stunning purse full of money.

"Thank you sir, I am forever grateful." Rarity ran to catch up with her family.

The poor man did not like that Trixie and her mother were mean to him. They would not help a poor pony. He used his horn and magic to transform Nightmare Moon and Trixie into changelings. He put a protecter spell so that his spell will never be broken. "They are ugly on the inside, now they are as ugly on the outside as the inside. Kind ponies that display friendship and harmony get wishes, ponies with hearts as black as night get what`s coming to them." He glanced at the two changelings and then teleported away.

"No, I`m ugly and a changeling!" Nightmare Moon looked at her body and shouted again "I have holes in my freakin` body! I don`t deserve this! Rarity deserves this! That stupid stepdaughter of mine deserves to deal with this!" She laid on her bed and tried to wake herself up. "It`s just a dream, no not a dream. It`s a nightmare, no worse... torture."

"Hello sis!" Rarity turned around. Is that Lucky?

"Hello brother." He walked up and hugged her.

"Rarity, you look gorgeous, I want to remember this forever, can I paint you?" Rarity nodded and posed. Lucky painted her beautifully. "I`m going to hang this up in my room."

"I`m flattered that you think that I`m very pretty." She walked out of the room. Lucky went back to work because he was coachman to the king.

About a month later

King Snowdrift walks into his coachman Lucky`s room. He looks up and sees the portrait of Rarity. "This mare is beautiful, I must have her. She is as lovely as the sun and she seems kind and sweet." He runs to find his coachman.
"Lucky! Who was that wonderful mare in the portrait in your room?!"

Lucky turned and said "That is my sister Rarity, she is as pretty as her heart is pure." He smiled largely.

"I must marry her! Where is she?"

"She is at the market, you shall meet her when she returns."

The king hugs Lucky and then runs to get prepared. "This is the best day ever!"

Rarity walks back home and hums while she walks. She spots a little boutique. "Fabulous!" She teleports into the store.

"Hello, welcome to Glitz & Glamour Boutique!" Rarity ran up to the left side and began looking through every shelf and rack. She grabbed about twenty-six dresses and shirts by the time she had finished one side.

"I`d like to buy these and more so can you please hold these up here so I can continue looking?" They usually don`t do that, but Rarity had gotten so many pieces of clothing that the store clerk didn`t want to anger her.

"Yes I can." Rarity smiled and then began to look at the other side. Once she had gotten another whole bunch she came back up to the counter. All of these outfits are great and I have some ideas for pieces of clothing.

"I`m done and have everything I want. Also, this boutique is fabulous darling." The mare scanned each thing and put her clothing into bags. She had about five bags once everything was bagged.

"Thank you for shopping at Glitz & Glamour Boutique. Have a wonderful day!" Rarity smiled at her and then continued waling home.

These bags are very heavy. Wait why am I carrying them? I can just levitate them! She continued her walk home and started singing a little tune softly. "A true, true friend helps a friend in need. A friend will be there to help them see. A true, true friends helps a friend in need to see the light that shines from a true, true friend~" Soon her hooves were hurting her and she decided to teleport back home.

Rarity set down her bags and then she heard somepony say "Hello Rarity."

"Ahhhhhh!" She used her magic to conjure up a baseball bat.

"Don`t worry, it`s Lucky." Rarity dropped her weapon.

"Lucky?" She ran up to him and said frantically "I`m sorry! I didn`t know! I wouldn`t think about hitting you with a baseball bat!" She then calmed down and quietly said "Brothers are fantastic." He smiled at her.

"I do not mind. I waited here because the king wishes to marry you."

"Marry, king, becoming a queen..." She said that and then fainted.

Rarity walks into the living room. At the sight of two changelings she shrieks. "Get out of my house you wretched creatures! Come back when you`re willing to live in harmony with other ponies!" She out the two of them in a bubble and lifted them up into the air.

"Stop it you idiot! It`s Trixie and I you dunce!" Rarity dropped them down hard.

"You dare call yourselves my family! You even dare call me stupid! You are rude and evil! The two of you are terrible and there is nothing you can do to prove that you`re who you claim to be!"

Trixie walked up to her and shouted "Don`t talk to the great and powerful Trixie in that way Hairity!" Rarity knew that it was them.

"Sorry?" Trixie`s horn began to glow, but Nightmare Moon stopped her.

"Don`t waste an ounce of your precious magic on this stupid hag." Both of them turned and left. Rarity began to cry and she ran upstairs to her room. This day began a great day. I got better. Next, it got even better. Then, it became the best day ever and now it`s the worst day ever. THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING!

The wedding day

Rarity, her stepmother and stepsister were in the car. Her brother was driving. I will make Rarity pay for everything she has done. We should be royalty, not this jerk. She used her magic to make Lucky half blind and Rarity half deaf. Trixie did a quick impression of Lucky.

"What did Lucky say?" Nightmare Moon grinned evilly.

"He wants you to swap dresses with Trixie." Why would he want me to do that? Well, there must be some reason. Does it not go with my coat? She swapped dresses with Trixie. She did another impression.

"What did he say?"

"Trade hats with Trixie." Rarity had her suspicions, but did it. Trixie did one more impression.

"What did he say this time?"

"Trade shoes with Trixie." Rarity once again did what she was told. Lucky saw none of this because he was half blind. He thought that Trixie was Rarity because of the outfit.

Once the carriage reached the wedding, Nightmare Moon turned her into a duck and threw her into the pond. Trixie stepped out of the carriage and greeted King Snowdrift. She isn`t as pretty as the picture at all. He couldn`t tell that she was a changeling and not a pony because of the clothes covering her. She looked ugly, but he married her anyways.

About 4 months later

My wife is mean and ugly. She`s a changeling. Where is the mare I thought that I would marry? A royal guard walked up to the king. "A duck is swimming around the moat. It hasn`t left and it must have walked a long way to get here." That`s odd. I`ll check this out.

"Show it to me." They walked out to the moat and up to the duck. It was very pretty and graceful. It seemed different than most ducks. He had an odd feeling about the duck and an even stronger feeling to put his horn to the duck. He was one to follow his gut so he did so. When he put his horn on the duck it transformed into Rarity.

"Yeah!!! I`m free! It sucked being a duck!" She looked at the king. Oh my gosh, I`m so embarrassed. "I mean, thank you for freeing me. My name is Rarity and I`m afraid that you`ve married the wrong mare." He looked into her beautiful eyes and then kissed her.

"Will you marry me?"

She smiled and said "Yes!"

After she said that the world went black. The main six once again joined each other in the center. "I was a duck!" shouted Rarity.

"What?" said Twilight. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash bursted out laughing.

"I was turned into a duck by Nightmare Moon." Rarity explained.

"Nightmare Moon was in my story!" shouted Pinkie. Then, the hologram came out.

"Fluttershy, it`s your turn. This is the final story. You must pass this and then you will all be part of your own story. It will be based on your lives in Ponyville. Follow the rules. Go!" The final individual story begins.

Snow White

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Chapter 7

Fluttershy woke up in a comfortable bed, but was immediately concerned. Where is the music?! The chirps, squeaks, barks! Where are my animals?! The birdies and critters always wake me up by singing or making sounds!

She got up out of bed and saw a book on her nightstand. Oh, yes, the story. Um... yay? She picked it up and opened it. A hologram shot out. "Oh my!" she thought she shouted, but actually spoke the way normal ponies do. I wonder what my story will be like? Fun, sad... romantic?

"Your goal is to defeat your evil stepmother. She is Follow the rules and everypony is safe. Go!" She began reading the book and automatically loved it. Animals, dwarfs, flowers, outdoors... yay!

She set down the book and then went outside. She picked flowers and put one in her mane. She played with butterflies and critters. A little bird whistled to her humming. They all harmonized and made wonderful music.

Fluttershy went back inside and got a picnic basket ready. This is going to be a great afternoon. Or at least she thought.

A sudden shout caused Fluttershy to cringe and take cover under the table. She couldn`t tell what it said, but it was mad. "FLUTTERSHY! GET IN HERE NOW! YOU HAVE CHORES TO DO!" Fluttershy remembered the voice, but didn`t know who it belonged to. It`s definitely a mare. She sounds mean. Trixie, Queen Chrysalis, Shadow Bolts leader... wait Shadow Bolts leader. Suddenly it dawned on her.

"Shadow bolts. The mare is...is...is... N-Nightmare Moon!" She desperately grabbed for her neck, but knew that even if she did have the element on, it wouldn`t help because it was about friendship. You can`t have friendship with one pony.

"FLUTTERSHY!" shouted Nightmare Moon. She galloped in the direction of the voice. She ended up in the living room. "Finally! It`s not good to keep a queen waiting!" Queen? "You have chores! Here is your list you imbecile!" I might be easily scared, shy and quiet, but Fluttershy is not, I repeat not STUPID!

Her lessons from Iron Will took over her. "I AM NOT STUPID! YOU ARE EVIL, MEAN, RUDE AND I`LL SAY IT AGAIN... EVIL!" Fluttershy meant every word, but she still felt really bad. "I mean... um... sorry. I`ll go do my chores." She whispered and then grabbed the list of chores.

Nightmare Moon was just about ready to kill her, but she got what she wanted and she made her stepdaughter mad so she was ultimately happy. The two ponies left the room.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who`s the fairest of them all?" The mirror processed what Nightmare Moon said.

"Queen Luna, you are still the fairest of them all." She smiled wickedly.

"Was there ever any doubt?" She walked out of her room and went on to continue her day.

Fluttershy swept the floor and sighed. I could have been having a picnic with my animal friends, but instead I`m sweeping. No, don`t get upset Fluttershy, be happy! Hey! Singing makes me happy! She started singing softly. "Greatest pet in the world for me~ Let the games begin~!" Soon a phoenix flew in the window. "Oh my gosh! A phoenix! I`ve only seen a few of you up close!" Fluttershy said happily. The bird sat on the table and looked at Fluttershy.

It wants me to do something. She looked at it and she thought that it might be dancing. Why would you dance if there`s no music? Oh, music. She wants me to sing! "She`s trying hard doing what she can~ Won`t you try, just give it a chance~ You might find that you start to understand~!" The phoenix smiled and flew up onto Fluttershy`s shoulder.

She finished sweeping and then cleaned the dishes. The phoenix put the dishes away for her. "I will name you Tia, after Princess Celestia." The bird flew around the room and then once again continued helping Fluttershy. She moved on and did more chores with her new friend.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who`s the fairest of them all?"

The mirror once again processed her question and then said "Fluttershyisthefairestoneofthemall." She couldn`t tell what he said.


"Fluttershy is the fairest of them all." Nightmare Moon thought she misheard again.

"You didn`t say that it`s Fluttershy, right?"

"R-Right." She looked at the guilty mirror.

"LIES!" She punches the mirror with all her might, but it doesn`t break because it`s magic. "She cannot be the fairest in the land! I will stop it! I`m the best! I`m in power! I AM QUEEN!" She then started laughing evilly. The mirror was scared. I`m a mirror and she still scares me. I hope Fluttershy will be okay. Also, I hope Queen Luna doesn`t do something that she`ll regret.

"My lead huntsman Rainbow Dash, I have something important for you." I`m the lead huntsman! Too bad that it`s for Nightmare Moon. "You will need to lure Fluttershy into the forest and then kill her. Bring me proof that you killed her." What?! K-Kill Fluttershy!

"I-I can`t do that!" Nightmare Moon grimaced at her.

"You can and you will. Now go!" She shoved a knife in Rainbow`s hoof and sent her off. I have to kill Fluttershy. If I don`t do what I`m told, I will die. I will have to figure out whether or not it`s worth it at the forest. She allowed herself to cry softly. Somepony will die.

I finally finished my chores. Yay! Fluttershy grabbed her picnic basket and ran outside. She ran to the clearing right before you enter the forest. There was a little pond there too. She decided that this was the perfect spot.

"Ahahahaha~!" she sang. The birds, critters, bugs and other animals gathered around. "Hello friends! Come enjoy a nice meal!" She took out a very large salad, trail mix, some bread, apples and a cake she had baked earlier.

They all ate happily. When they were done,the animals played while Fluttershy watched. I love hanging out with my animal friends! She hugged them and then decided that she might take a brisk walk through the forest.

She had just put one hoof into the forest when a blue blur flew by. It spun and then hit a tree. Fluttershy got closer and then saw that there was some rainbow hair. "Rainbow Dash!" She pulled Rainbow out of the tree and hugged her. "Would you like to take a walk with me?" Rainbow nodded.

"Y-yes." Fluttershy knew something was up.

"Are you okay Dashie?" Rainbow looked at her. I want to tell you everything and see what you think! What would I say? I`m going to kill you or I will die, what should I do?

"I`m fine, let`s walk."

They started walking, but it was hardly enjoyable because Fluttershy was scared of everything. "Ah! What was that?!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

"A leaf." Fluttershy blushed.

"Oh." Rainbow grabbed the knife from her pocket of her huntsmen uniform and looked at Fluttershy.

She saw the knife and flew up. "Wha- why?! Knives equal danger!" Fluttershy looked frantically into Rainbow Dashes eyes.

"I- I have to... k-kill you. The queen sent me." Fluttershy fell back onto the ground. She started hyperventilating.

"I have to kill you or I will die! I have to choose what to do! She expects you to be dead!" Fluttershy processed this.

"I can.." She didn`t know what to say. Rainbow sensed her fear and sadness. She grabbed Fluttershy, held her in a tight embrace and then said the perfect plan in one simple word.

"Run." She flew away as fast as she could. She flew faster than her regular wing power. "Wait!" Fluttershy stopped short and looked at Rainbow. "If you die out there, you die in real life, don`t hurt yourself. I`ll say I killed you and give her some guts and stuff. I can get that from the animals." Fluttershy gasped.

"...animals?" Rainbow Dash frowned and looked at her. The look in her eyes says 'I`m doing what I have to do'.

Fluttershy flew away and didn`t look back.

It`s so dark and scary out here. I think I saw a few timberwolves. I better be careful. She walks a little farther, but was so deep in thought that she tripped and fell. "Ah!" She looked around and saw that nopony was there. Phew.

Fluttershy looked up and saw a small cottage. This sorta looks like my house back home. She knocks on the door, but hears no response. "Hello?" She pushes on the door and it opens. "Um... hello." Still no reply.

She walks in and sees that nopony is home. She sees a large table with food on it and grabs some. "This isn`t kind at all." She puts the meat down, but then her stomach growls loudly. "Well, maybe just a little bit."

She grabs a tiny bit from each plate. She was just beginning to walk to the door when she yawned. "I`m so tired... maybe I could sleep here." She flies upstairs and then walks into the bathroom. "Umm... nope." She walks up to the next door and opens it.

She notices that the room has seven beds. "That explains why there were so many place settings. Seven ponies much live here. I should probably leave." She turns to leave, but collapses. She has walked for many miles to get here. "I should sleep, but what if I anger them or they come home, see me and I startle them. What if they tell Celestia?! She could banish me to somewhere. She could also put me in a dungeon! What if she puts me in a dungeon at the place she banishes me too?!"

Fluttershy decided to leave, but once again fell and she could hear the bad calling loudly. I am so tired. She laid down on a bed and fell asleep very soon. Oh, Celestia forgive me.

Seven little fillies walked into their cottage. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Babs Seed, Ruby Pinch, Sunny Daze and Tootsie Flute sat down at their dining table.

"Hey! Who took my food?!" shouted Scootaloo. She glared at Sunny Daze. "I bet that it was you!" Sunny got mad.

"Have you noticed that everypony is missing food! Somepony came in our house and took our food!" Scootaloo felt stupid. She got up and bonked her head on the wall. Suddenly, Sweetie Belle jumped up from her seat and made a mad dash to the stairs.

"I hear somepony!" Ruby Pinch rolled her eyes.

"We are ponies. And we`re talking." Applebloom frowned at Ruby.

"Ah bet that she was talkin` `bout hearing somepony upstairs! Not down here!"

Tootsie Flute stood up and shouted. "STOP IT! LET`S GO UPSTAIRS AND BEAT UP THE PONY WHO STOLE OUR STUFF! BICKERING DOESN`T SOLVE ANYTHING!" Everypony calmed down, said their sorrys and ran upstairs.

Fluttershy was sleeping so deeply that she hadn`t heard the ponies downstairs. She did however wake up when said ponies barged into the bedroom preparing for battle.

"Why are you little fillies here?! It`s much too dangerous in the woods!" The fillies were a little bit more aggravated.

"One, we`re full grown mares, just small!" said Babs.

"Two, you er the one who ran into a strangers home!" Applebloom stated in an agitated tone.


They sound like full grown mares! Then, suddenly, she realized that Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Babs Seed had their cutie marks. They`re not lying!

"Umm... I- I... sorry." she said quietly. She got off the bed and prepared to leave. Ruby put her hoof out in a way that says 'Stop'. Fluttershy stopped and looked down at the 'mares'.

Sunny Daze cleared her throat and then said "You can`t leave until you tell us why." Fluttershy stared at her with confusion.

"Why what?"

Sweetie Belle sighed. "Do I have to spell it our for you?! Why are you in the forest? Why did you break into our house? Why did you eat our food? Why did you sleep in our beds? Why do you look familiar?"

Fluttershy sorted her answers and quickly responded shyly. "No. I was going to be murdered. I thought it was vacant... and cozy. I was starving. I walked many miles to get here. I`m not sure, but I`m a princess." I think I am at least.

They processed this and then Applebloom said "Okay! You can stay! As long as you clean for us, cook our food and take care of us." Fluttershy was very grateful.

"That sounds great!" She started singing happily and then jumped back into bed and slept some more. The ponies left the room quietly and tried to figure out if that really just happened.

"She`s dead." Rainbow Dash said sadly.

"Perfect, PERFECT!" She hopped up and down like a little filly, but quickly collected herself. "Show me proof." Rainbow dash handed her some animal guts and blood in a bag. Queen Luna inspected it thoroughly. "The guts are smaller than I would have thought, but you have all this blood and I can clearly tell that you are sad."

She sent her off and Rainbow Dash couldn`t help, but think of Fluttershy. I hope Fluttershy`s okay and that 'she`s dead' is not true.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who`s the fairest of them all?"

"Fluttershy." Anger flooded over her.

"THAT IMBECILE HAS DECEIVED ME! FLUTTERSHY MUST DIE! YOU CAN`T SEND A HUNTSMAN TO DO A QUEEN`S JOB!" She stormed out of the room and devised an evil plan.

Fluttershy had been with the 'mares' for about a week and she loved it there and she loved hanging out with them. They had played outside everyday and would play with the animals around their home. She cooked and cleaned happily for them.

"Hello Fluttershy! We should go in the pond today!" said Sunny Daze excitedly. Fluttershy smiled at her and said

"That sounds fun! Yay!" She tried to sound loud, but it came out like a normal pony would speak.

They gathered up the others and ran/flew/teleported outside. "Last pony to the pond is a Cranky Doodle Donkey!" shouted Babs Seed. The went as fast as they could and Scootaloo won due to her love of speed.

"CANNON BALL~!" sang Sweetie Belle loudly. She jumped into the pool and the others followed. By the end of the cannon balls, Fluttershy was drenched in water.

"I`m going to get you for this!" Fluttershy whisper screamed. She used her wing to shoot large amounts of water at her friends.

"Good one!" shouted Ruby Pinch. Tootsie Flute whistled for her.

"Umm... thanks." Fluttershy whispered while blushing due to the sudden attention to her. All of them joined in a big group hug. They swam a little bit more and then went back to their cottage. This was a fun day.

Queen Luna placed an apple into a black cauldron filled with a green liquid. "Fluttershy, Fluttershy in the forest. You will die sooner than you think."

She picked up the poisoned apple and put it on top of a basket full of other apples. "You bite the apple and I stay the fairest of them all. This is MY happy ending! Screw that yellow coated pony!" She stomped her hoof down on the ground in anger/excitement. "AH HA HA HA HA!!" She laughed evilly. This will be a fun day.

*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Who could that be? Fluttershy opened the door and saw an old mare. "Would you like an apple missy?" asked the old mare. Fluttershy beamed.

"Yes! I mean um... yes... I would like an apple."

The old mare placed an apple in Fluttershy`s hoof. She gladly took a bite. "Mmmmm..." I- I feel dizzy. The world spun around her and then everything went black.

Queen Luna used her magic to transform back into her normal form. "AH HA HA HA HA! FLUTTERSHY IS NO LONGER A PROBLEM TO ME! I AM THE FAIREST MARE IN THE LAND!"

"Hey, where`s Fluttershy?" asked Scootaloo.

"I don`t know." said Tootsie Flute. Sweetie Belle grabbed both of them.

"We don`t know where Fluttershy is! THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING!"

Babs Seed looked at her and said "You sound a lot like your older sister Rarity." Sweetie Belle was both offended and flattered. She thought about what to say and then decided that one word would be easier.


"Shut up everypony, we must find Fluttershy!" said Sunny Daze. They ran around the house and then decided to look outside. They looked around the house and then spotted her laying down under a tree.

"Fluttershy~!" sang Sweetie Belle. They all ran over to her, but were very surprised with what they found.

"I- IS SHE D- DEAD?!" shouted Apple Bloom frantically. She put her head to Fluttershy`s chest and then heaved a sigh of relief. "She`s alive, I can hear her heart beating. She`s probably in a coma. Wait... SHE`S PROBABLY IN A COMA!" She started hyperventilating. Scootaloo slapped her.

"CALM DOWN! I know this sucks, but we need to remain calm!" They grabbed Fluttershy and lugged her back into teh cottage and set her down on the couch.

Apple Bloom began building a case to keep Fluttershy in while she slept due to her skills in building and decorating. Babs Seed helped her. "Poor Fluttershy." They finished the case and then decorated it with flowers. They placed Fluttershy inside and then said they`re goodbyes just incase she didn`t wake up or died during the coma.

They were all crying hysterically when they heard the sound of a pony coming towards them. They braced for something evil, but instead appeared a prince. "Hello, I am Prince Time Turner. I was taking a walk through the forest and then I stumbled too deep into the forest and ended up here."

He stepped closer and saw that there was a beautiful mare inside a glass case. "Who is this delightful mare?"

Scootaloo stepped forward and then said "Her name is Fluttershy and she is in a.. c- coma. We think that it had to do with that wretched queen."

He looked sympathetically at them and then said "I would have loved to meet her. May I see her?" They nodded and removed the cover. Prince Time Turner looked at Fluttershy`s soft yellow coat and the wave of her pink mane. "She`s... gorgeous." He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips.

Her eye began to open and a smile grew on her face. "Hey." she said softly.

"Hello." They smiled at each other and the kissed again.

"I know this is fast, but will you... ya know... be my queen?" Married?! I just met him! I just woke up from a coma! I haven`t gone on a date with him yet! ...he`s handsome. What does that have to do with anything! Stupid brain.

"Yes." Where did that come from?! Well, he is a prince.

She smiled and then hugged him. Then, the world went black and the main six once again gathered in the center of the blackness.

"Yay! I made it through the story! ...oh... we have to pass the next course. Boo!" said Fluttershy. They all group hugged and prepared for what lies ahead.

A hologram appeared and said "Your final story will be a battle of good versus bad. You will have to defeat your evilest foes and survive. If you make it through than you will go back to your normal life. GO!" the world disappeared and the hardest story begins.

Friendship Can Defeat All Foes... Hopefully

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Chapter 8

The main six appeared in an arena. "Where are we?" asked Rarity. They looked around and searched for a hologram.

"Guys, I think that this place was used for the young fliers competition years ago." stated Twilight. Everypony looked at Twilight with curiosity. "I read it in a book." The other five ponies now understood how she knew something so weird.


Fluttershy looked down and saw that she was wearing the dress from the fairy tale. She lifted her head and saw that the others were wearing their outfits. "I think that we are wear-" she got cut off by Pinkie Pie.

"We`re wearing costumes! We should throw a costume party!"

They all looked at her in an annoyed way. "Fine... no party." Rarity admired her gorgeous dress and then suddenly had an idea.

"I would like to propose an idea for finding the hologram and finishing this story." They all looked at her anxiously. "I see a book over there across the room. In each fairy tale we find a book that explains the mission and then it begins." Twilight ran up to her and hugged her.

"That`s genius!" Rarity blushed.

"Go on." Applejack rolled her eyes at Rarity`s statement.

Rainbow Dash flew over to the book, stopped and said "This is gonna be awesome!" She opened the book and a hologram shot out.

"This is your final story, survive and you can come out safely. Die and you die in real life. GO!" Suddenly, some of the walls revealed large doors. The main six huddled together and then reached for their necks.

"WE DON`T HAVE THE ELEMENTS `O HARMONY!" shouted Applejack. Everypony in the room began to freak out.

"How do we defeat anypony if we don`t have the elements?!" shouted Fluttershy loudly by her standards. Pinkie Pie had an idea which was rare. She could only think of one other time. She thought about it. Beehive, nets and mustaches! It was perfect. Then, she remembered her idea.

"We don`t need the elements, we need to be ourselves! Rarity, hurt them with fashion and magic! AJ, hurt them by bucking them and using materials to whip them! Rainbow, use your awesome tricks to kick some butt! Twilight, bore them with knowledge and use your powerful magic! Fluttershy, tickle them with your wings and distract them with your adorableness!" Fluttershy blushed at that last statement. "I will use my partying skills! Let`s do this... for our lives!"

Everypony was astonished that Pinkie had such a good idea. Twilight thought it was so smart that she almost started crying tears of joy, but refrained from doing so, due to the epic battle that they were about to engage in.

They heard footsteps and the flap of wings. They were coming and everypony knew it. "In case we don`t make it... I`ve had a crush on all of you for a long time! Oh, but, now I love Caramel, so... I`m taken." said Pinkie Pie. Everypony was very confused at that statement.

"I`m flattered Pinkie, and I too am in love, but I`m in love with Snowdrift." Applejack almost fainted.

"He was ma dad in ma story!" shouted AJ. Rarity was a bit grossed out, but he wasn`t really her father so it was okay.

They had gotten so engrossed in the conversation that they hadn`t noticed that their foes were slowly trickling in. Fluttershy turned and saw some shadows and signaled her friends to look over there.

Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra and Nightmare Moon were already there and Trixie, Gilda, the Shadow Bolts and some parasprites had just walked in.

Everypony was scared, but Twilight was also upset. I love Discord, how can I kill him? What if he hurts me? I won`t have the heart to fight back. Rarity could sense what she was feeling so she looked her in the eyes and said "I am ladylike and love is important, but this is a matter of life and death. If you hurt him, he won`t be hurt in real life. That`s the opposite of you. Twilight, I need you to kick some evil ass."

Twilight was surprised that Rarity would use such a non-ladylike word. She also knew that Rarity said what she said to help her, not hurt her. Sorry Discord.

Rainbow Dash looked at their enemies and said "Why aren`t they moving anymore?" The evil ponies were staying still.

Twilight thought about it and then said "I think we need something to cue the battle."

Rarity walked up to the nearest book and opened it. A hologram shot out. "You have seen your opponents. You are as ready as you will ever be. BEGIN!"

Everypony grabbed their weapons from around the room and ran to the center. This was the biggest battle of their lives.

Twilight used her horn to shoot large lasers at her opponents. She used her math skills to aim her lasers. She ran up to King Sombra, but he grabbed her.

He was choking her, but she was strong. Twilight was losing oxygen and she couldn`t do any serious magic. She teleported a short distance away and then ran to him and kicked him in his... :) He fell down to the ground in pain and then surrendered. Once he surrendered he vanished. Twilight had defeated King Sombra.

Applejack took her hair out of her ponytail and used it to confuse her opponents. She then bucked them once they were dazed. She ran up to Discord and bucked them. She then bucked him more and more in the chest until he could barely breathe. "I surrender." He vanished into thin air.

Suddenly, Gilda flew near her and punched her in the face. AJ fell back onto the floor. She grabbed her trusty whip and hit Gilda with it. Gilda had multiple bruises. Applejack bucked Gilda right in the head and she fell down hard. she heaved her last breath and then died. AJ started crying, this was just too much.

Rainbow Dash saw Trixie and she ran towards her. She spread her wings and then flew. She flew around Trixie in circles. After a little while, she had created a tornado around Trixie. This took away most of her oxygen and soon Trixie surrendered and vanished.

The Shadow Bolts surrounded Rainbow and then started doing loops around her to confuse her, but Rainbow Dash was smart. She grabbed their tails and the three of them bumped heads. They were traveling at such high speeds that when they hit they were knocked unconscious. They then disappeared.

Pinkie Pie used her ability to get random objects from thin air. She got a bunch of instruments to fight her enemies with. Pinkamina got the parasprites` attention by making weird noises. She then led the parasprites into a corner. Pinkie Pie proceeded to jump on top of them. Thus crushing them. She got up and looked at the poor little bugs. They couldn`t say surrender so they formed the letters. I- S-U-R-R-E-N-D-E-R and then disappeared.

Rarity used her magic to put Queen Chrysalis in the corner of the room. "You can`t defeat me, I am the queen!" Rarity looked at her a look that said 'I know I can and will'. She used her magic to make fabric and a straightener appear. She wrapped Chrysalis with the fabric and then pulled it and she spun around. Chrysalis was so dizzy that Rarity was able to use the straightener on her body. Rarity burned her.

"Ahhhh!" she yelped in pain and then fell on the ground. "I SURRENDER!" She vanished into thin air.

Fluttershy was super scared, but she had to face her fears. She snuck up behind Nightmare Moon punched her. She turned around and her horn began to glow. Fluttershy needed to protect herself so she stepped forward and then tickled Nightmare Moon. She fell down onto the ground in a heap of laughter.

She had just begun to get up when Fluttershy used the stare on her. Nightmare Moon actually felt threatened. Fluttershy increased her stare and caused her opponent to surrender and she only had to use her eyes and wings. The final enemy disappeared.

Once the final enemy was destroyed the world went black and the group joined each other in the center of the room. "You have finished your final mission. You can leave now. Go on with your regular lives. Nopony knows what happened in here. Your life goal is to make the ones you love fall in love with you. Go!"

They smiled and hugged each other. They`re going home.

I`m Back/Love

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Chapter 9

Nurse Redheart checked her patients Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity. She was checking their heart rates when she noticed that Twilight`s eyes were beginning to open. She looked at the others and their eyes were opening too. "They`re waking up! THEY`RE WAKING UP!" She said and then ran happily to Doctor Stable.

"They`re waking up!" she yelled. He smiled and then walked over to the room. A bunch of other ponies walked in too. The main six had many friends and just about all of them were there. He walked over to their room and then opened the door.

A bunch of ponies flooded into the room and smiled when they saw them, some cried tears of joy, some sighed a sigh of relief and others couldn`t help, but beam brightly.

By now Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy`s eyes had opened and they were awake, but just because their awake and healthy does not take away the really bad headaches they all had.

"Ow... my head." Twilight muttered quietly. Fluttershy glanced up to see a bunch of happy ponies staring at them.

"Umm... hello." The crowd responded with many forms of hello.



"Hey!" etc.

Doctor Stable walked up to them and said "You have been in a coma for a few days. You should feel better soon. Oh, and also, you should try to get a good nights sleep tonight and avoid doing anything that could really hurt your fragile bodies."

Pinkie Pie sat up, but found it very painful. "Hi everpo- OW!" She looked at the crowd happily and then slowly laid back down. "It`s like a party!"

Rarity looked at how happy Pinkie was and then said "Yes Pinkie Pie, just like a party! Except there are no cupcakes."

Suddenly, Mr and Mrs. Cake sprang from the crowd and shouted "Yes there is!" in unison. They thrusted a large box of cupcakes into Applejack`s arms and then stayed still, waiting to see their reactions.

"Yay!" whisper shouted Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash was strong so she wanted to test her body. She got up off the bed and then slowly flew over to the cupcakes, snatched one and flew back.

To her that was pretty weak, but to everypony else it was astonishing that she could do something so hard right after waking up from a coma. The crowd began to cheer and just like that Rainbow Dash was back to normal.

Snowflake came out of the crowd. He was so awesome when he was a giant. Super scary, but if I don`t respect that then I`m... uncool. "Hey dude! You're pretty cool!"

"Yeah! I am!" he shouted loudly.

She high hoofed him and then said "Snowflake, we need to hang out some time!" He blushed which made his white coat turn into a red that was just a little bit lighter than Big Mac.

"Like... a date?"

She hadn`t thought of it that way, but why not. I`m awesome, he`s tough and a pegasus. It works.
"Totally!" she yelled kind of loudly. He walked up to her and brohoofed her.

Pinkie jumped from the bed grabbed about four cupcakes and downed them in one swallow. She pulled her party cannon out of no where and then shot it.

The whole room was covered in confetti and balloons. "C`mon everypony! Let`s par-tay!" She started dancing and singing like she was never in a coma. The crowd was getting more and more astonished.

She saw her Caramel out of the corner of her eyes and ran right up to him. Pinkie Pie kissed him and then quickly asked "Will you be my special somepony?"

Caramel was usually ridiculed for messing up like he did during Winter Wrap Up. This was a change, a good one. He barely needed to think about it before saying yes. "Cool!"

Applejack got out her trusting whip and then used it to 'catch herself a cupcake'. She grabbed the apple one and then thought of her Apple family. "Ya here Big Mac, Applebloom, Granny Smith?"

The Apple family came out of the crowd and rushed over to hug her. "Yeehaw!" said AJ. A bunch of 'awwww' s escaped from the crowd.

Blues walked over to her and handed her her hat. With all of the excitement she had completely forgotten about it. "Well I give you a mighty thank you pard`ner!"

He looked at her as she put on her hat. She was happy and her eyes were sparkling. She was just beautiful. "I hope you feel okay and umm... I was just wondering if you would... liketogooutiwthme?!"

She could not make out the second part. "What in tarnation are ya sayin` sugar cube?" He tried to calm down. She is just a beautiful pony with an awesome accent. I just made it worse!

"Would you like to go out with me?" he said as calmly as he could.

She looked at her family and they all gestured a "YES!"

"Ah guess we can see how it works out sugar cube." she said. Was that a yes? He looked at her a look that said 'So yes or no?' "That`s a yes." she said sweetly.

"YES!!!!! I mean um... that`s awesome."

Fluttershy perked up when she heard the sound of birds and bunnies. "Angel? Birdies?" Angel sprang from the crowd and into Fluttershy`s arms. Birds of all kinds sang her a song and danced around her.

She was suddenly alarmed. "Who`s been taking care of them?!" she said in a voice louder than the average pony by at least 10%. Her prince Time Turner stepped forward.

"It`s you." she said in a happy yet quiet voice. He smiled.

"Yes, I took care of your pets for you. I wanted to volunteer for such a kind pony while she was in a coma."

She was almost as happy as when they won the fairytale. She sat up and then very slowly made her way over to him, grabbed him and hugged him.

He returned the gesture. She looked up into his eyes and then flew up slightly so they were looking directly at each other. She was no stunner like Rarity, but she was the most adorable thing ever. She is really... pretty.

Fluttershy was not one to go around kissing ponies, but maybe her dream romance could become reality. She leaned in and kissed him. Time Turner was surprised, but VERY happy.

Twilight and Rarity looked through the crowd, but their stallions weren`t there. Discord was the master of chaos (though he is changed now) and Snowdrift is a prince. They wouldn`t show up to something like that. Rarity and Twilight looked at each other and then they both teleported away to get their stallions to fall in love with them.

Rarity was in the royal castle. He`s probably here. She walked around and looked in every room until she was almost ready to give up.

*HUM HUM HUM* I hear somepony humming, perhaps it will be Prince Snowdrift! She ran into the room and was totally sure that it was him.

"Who are you?!-" He turned around to look at her. "You aren-" he stopped mid sentence. She`s beautiful. She chose to be funny as opposed to ladylike in her response.

"So, my looks leave you speechless?" Rarity said in a playful tone.

"..." She smiled.

"I guess so." she said again in a playful tone. She batted her eyelashes and he melted like butter.

"...W-Why are you in m- my room?" he asked slowly.

"No reason! Oh, well there is one reason... you." she responded.

"For me." Snowdrift said in a sarcastic/confused way.

"I wanted to know if you would be my special somepony." Rarity said. He nearly fainted.

"You want me to be your special somepony?! Why?!" he asked/shouted. Rarity was confused as to how he didn`t know how great he was.

"You are a prince, you`re handsome, shy, alicorn and nice. Also, you seem pretty smart and you like me back so it works. I happen to know that you`re a nice guy Snowdrift."

What she said warmed his heart. "I will be your special somepony." he said softly. She ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek. He`s perfect.

Twilight ran up to the forest near Fluttershy`s cottage. He`s got to be here! He`s probably spreading small amount of chaos or playing with animals that Fluttershy introduced him to. Twilight saw a little bit of Discord`s grey coat and she galloped towards that area.

"Discord! Discord!" Twilight shouted. Discord turned around and looked at her.

"Hello, Twilight." he said as kindly as he could. She toppled him over and said

"Hi." in a tired voice because she had galloped so far.

"Twilight, I love chaos and doing odd things, but running crazily towards me and then toppling me over is pushing it." he said with a funny tone.

"Sorry." What do I say to him?! I`m logical and smart and I know many words so why can`t I think of anything to say?!

"How are you?" asked Twilight hesitantly. Discord was thrown off by this statement.

"Why do you want to know? You don`t seem to like me, well other than today that is. You`re acting weird, even weirder than this." He turned into a balloon like he did with Pinkie Pie.

"I don`t hate you!" she said defensively and nicely.

"What? Did I hear that correctly?" he asked sarcastically/confusedly.

"I don`t hate you! I love you!" Twilight said. Did I just say that?! He`s not ready for that!

Discord`s mind was blown. It was completely blank. He was 100% confused. She loves me? "You are in love... with me?" he said. Twilight nodded.

I can`t change what I said now. Discord looked at her in a weird way. I`m losing him! She got frantic. She wanted to do something drastic.

She levitated herself so that she was his height and then kissed him deeply. Discord didn`t stop it, in fact he welcomed it. He kissed her back happily. If you had told Discord a week ago that he would be kissing Twilight and that she was in love with him he would have called you crazy.

"I like like you Twilight." Discord said with the same enthusiasm as a colt. It`s not love, but if he like likes me already then things are going well. She hugged him and they stayed like that for a while.

Happily Ever After

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Chapter 10 This chapter takes place after about six months on Heart & Hooves Day.

"C`mon ponies! It`s Heart & Hooves Day! Let`s par-tay!" Pinkie Pie shouted happily. The main six and their special someponies danced and laughed.

"Discord, I love you." Twilight said lovingly.

"I love you too." Discord responded.

"Hey Snowflake, you rock." Rainbow Dash spelled out in the clouds.

Snowflake then wrote "You too." on a cloud.

"Fluttershy, you are so special to me." said Time Turner.

"Love ya." she whispered softly.

"Hello, my prince." Rarity said.

"Hello, my beloved princess." Snowdrift said in a sweet voice.

"Ah, think that you er mighty cute Blues." Applejack said.

"You are the prettiest mare in Equestria." he responded with.


"You are my favorite pony ever." Caramel said.

Everypony hugged and kissed. This was a great day and every couple had already gotten pretty serious. Love is everywhere in Equestria.