From Peasant to Princess

by SunnyDaze121

First published

Sunny Daze never knew why she was so different, who her real parents were,or why she and the princess almost have the same cutie mark, until now. She and her friends are sent to Canterlot for an overnight at the palace.

Sunny Daze has so many questions. Why does she look so different from her friends? Who are her real parents? Are they still alive? If so, where are they? Why does she and Princess Celestia almost have the same cutie mark? She thinks she will never know, until now. Sunny and her friends are sent to Canterlot to have an overnight with the princess. Now she has even more questions than before. Join Sunny Daze on her amazing journey to find her real family.


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Hi! I'm Sunny Daze, but you can call me Sunny. Have you ever felt like you were different from your friends? I know I have. You see, all of my friends were either and earth pony, a unicorn, or a pegasus. I wasn't any of them. I have wings,like a pegasus, but I also have a horn. Only the royal family had both wings and a horn. Another thing that made me different was that I was the only one of us that was adopted. Those differences didn't just make me special, they helped me find my real family. I think I'm ready to tell you a story. It all happend on a bright summer day...

Chapter 1

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Ponyville is a nice place to live isn't it? Especialy during the summer. The warm days, the cool nights, and everyone is friendly. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie are the only friends I've had since I moved to Ponyville last week.

I had been waiting for this day for days and now its finally here! The Summer Sun Celebration! Twilight is hosting a special dinner then we're going to watch Princess Celestia raise the sun. I've never seen the princess in real life before. I've only seen pictures. Want to know something weird? The princess and I almost have the exact same cutie mark. No two ponies had the same cutie marks unless their related. I don't know why our cutie marks are similar, they just are.

On my way to the library, I looked up at the sky."Mom would have loved this." I thought. My mom died when I was a little filly. She had found me on her doorstep when I was a baby. I never knew my real mom. Twilight and Pinkie greeted me at the door when I raeched the library." Hi Sunny! I'm glad you're here!" yelled out Pinkie."It wouldn't be any fun without you!" Soon, the others arrived and dinner was served.

"I hope ya'll like the apple dumplings. It's Granny Smith's secret recipe." said Applejack."They're delicious!" replied Twilight." How are you liking Ponyville so far, Sunny?" "It's great!" I said."Everyone is so nice! I've been having the greatest time!""You haven't seen anything yet! The Summer Sun Celebration is the most awesome event of the year!" said Rainbow Dash as she zipped around the room with the speed of a lightning bolt. Suddenly, a loud horn sounded. A startled Fluttershy yelped and hid under the table."Ooh! It's time to watch the sun rise!" said Pinkie. I helped Fluttershy out from under the table and we headed for the door.

Chapter 2

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The Summer Sun Celebration takes place at the town hall. As we walked in, Twilight rushed to my side."Me and the girls have a special surprise for you after the ceremony." she said, giggling. I became excited yet suspicious. In my past, the word "surprise" was not a good word. All of the other ponies made fun of me and pulled mean pranks on me because I was different. I've let that go. It was my chance to start a new life. She did represent one of the Elements of Harmony after all.

"And now, may I present, Princess Celestia!" annouced the mayor. The whole room filled with the sound of clapping and cheering. A huge curtain opened to reveal the princess. She was even more beautiful than she was in pictures! She spread out her wings and rose high into the sky. A bight circle of light shone down on us. Rainbow Dash was right. This was the best day ever. Little did I know, It was about to get better.

By the end of the ceremony, I had forgotten about what Twilight had said. "Come on Sunny! It's time for you're surprise!" called Pinkie. "This better be good." I thought to myself. She and the others led me to a golden door." Knock on it." said Rarity as she pushed me toward the door. I knocked on the door. The door opened and there stood a tall mare with a white coat and a glittering mane and tale. I couldn't believe my eyes! Princess Celestia was standing right in front of me! "Ah, you must be Sunny Daze." she said clamly."Y-Yes. I-I-I am." I said shyly. I wondered if Fluttershy had felt this scared the first time she had met the princess. She welcomed us into the room.

"Twilight told me that you never met me before, so I decided to allow the seven of you told stay the weekend in the palace." she said. I was so excited! I couldn't believe I was going to spend the night in a castle with the princess! We all cheered. Then everyone started staring at me and the princess."What is it?" I said, worried. "You're cutie marks, their almost exactly the same." said Fluttershy. I looked at my flank, then at the princess. Her eyes were tearing up."Are you okay, princess?" I asked softly. "Oh, nothing." she said as she looked up."I was just thinking." That was a little weird. I set that thought aside. I needed to get home and pack. This weekend was going to be awesome!

Chapter 3

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I woke up really early the next morning. I didn't want to miss my train to Canterlot. I grabbed my saddle bag and flew as fast as I could to the train station. Everpony was already there. Well, almost everypony. Pinkie Pie was nowhere in sight. "Where's Pinkie?" I said to myself. I looked over and saw her munching on an apple fritter at a table. I heard a loud whistle as the train came. A croud of people hurried off the train. It was so crouded I could hardly keep up with the rest of the girls. "Wait for me! Wait for me!" cried Pinkie Pie.

On the train, we chatted to pass the time. "I can't wait to get to the palace! I've been to a sleepover, but not one with a princess!" said Rarity. "Yeah! This is going to be great!" said Pinkie. I didn't talk much. I had so many questions going through my mind. Why did Princess Celestia start crying when she found out we had similar cutie marks? Why do we have similar cutie marks? What does it mean? I snapped myself back to reality as the train halted to a stop. I put all of my questions aside. We were in Canterlot! This is going to be awesome!

"Why don't we explore before we go to the palace?" asked Twilight. "Great idea!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, heading toward the candy shop. I instantly headed toward the library. I needed some to myself to think. Twilight eventually caught up with me. "Hey Sunny! Are you going to the library too? We could quiz each other on algebraic expressions!" said Twilight excitedly. "Not anymore." I thought. I looked around for an excuse.I spotted a cafe across the street. " No, I was just going to get a bite to eat at the cafe over." I said, trying to sound innocent. "Okay. I'll catch up with you later." Twilight said as she went inside. After she was gone, I dashed into the cafe and took a seat at a table in the corner.

We all met at the palace about half an hour later. The princess greeted us in the throne room. "I'm glad you all could make it." said Princess Celestia with a warm smile. " We wouldn't miss it for the world." I said shyly. I was still a little star-struck after meeting her for the first time. She showed us to our rooms. My room had a huge canopy bed with pink and gold bedding. "I love it!" I said as I set my bags on the bed. "I'll give you some time to get settled in. Come down to dinner when you feel ready." Princess Celestia said as she left the room. I waited until she was gone, then I flopped down on the bed. " Black and bays, dapples, grays. All the pretty little ponies." I sang to to myself. I can't remember when or where I heard that song. Soon enough, I was fast alsleep.