The Epic of Nyx: Book 1: One's own Tome

by Quantuminferno959

First published

Every life has it's good and bad days. You never know which lies in your future, or the extent of each.

Life is like a soundwave. One moment your life is perfect, the next it could be disastrous. You never know just how good or bad something will be until you experience it. Nyx could tell you you this from experience. The past few years were perfect and calm. But with the discovery of an arcane object, that changes instantly for her.

(The names of the non-cannon character in this story are mainly derived from Pen Strokes fiction Past Sins . This story also has not been properly proof read, so any errors pointed out would be appreciated.)
*Correct cover art will be made shortly, this one is a filler at the moment and thus does not pertain to this story*

An alicorn named Nyx

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"Hey, Nyx," called a voice from above.

A unique mare looked up from the book she was reading toward the source. A number of elements made her different, her coat was midnight black, she is an alicorn; although her build is most similar to her neighbors in a nearby town called Ponyville, her wings are linear and aerodynamic in comparison to the unicorns and pegasi she affiliated herself with, her mane is short; wavy; and black with red tips, her tail a medium length; black tail with red tips giving it the appearance of fire, and her red eyes have a blessing placed on them resulting in them changing with the phases of the moon.

She has a few flaws that she has learned to live with throughout her life. Her entire life she was never social, and always very timid never making many friends outside of her general circle she commonly affiliated with. This never allowed her to learn how to lie properly and, in most cases, being oblivious to mistakes made when speaking to other ponies. In terms of alicorns she is a novice and weak in magic, often training with Twilight in sessions to help advance both of their skill in their arcane studies.

"Surprised to see you here. You are usually at your house or, more frequently, Fluttershy's. Did you need something?" Continued the purple unicorn.

"Oh, hello Twilight. Yes, I just felt like reading up on some spells while Fluttershy is busy." Exclaimed the alicorn in her usual calm, quiet voice.

"In that case, why are you here? Not to be rude or anything, but my library is nothing compared to the sheer amount of books shelved around your house, and that is not including your actual library. Plus princess Luna supplies you with any book you could possibly want, you are her student and friend after all." Wondered the unicorn

"I suppose, although it was relatively short notice and I felt like learning a few spells. I hope it is no trouble." Stated the timid alicorn.

"None at all. In that case would you like a training session later? Twilight asked thrilled as always to learn and practice magic.

"Sure, I should still be free later"

"I'll leave you as you were then."

"Thank you, Twilight."

As the hours passed a stack of books grew from a hoofful to roughly forty. Not expecting to find any more spells not already mastered, Nyx was considering just asking Luna to send a number of tomes over to study. Right before abandoning hope of continuing her studying, she decided to do one final sweep.

Nyx walked to the center of the room and started focusing her energy. Her horn started glowing, having a tri-layered aura with a dark blue core surrounded by black and tipped by a reddish-orange hue, then all the books remaining on the bookshelves became engulfed in a similar aura. Once the constriction was established she levitated every book off of the shelves and started having them circle her. As they circled her, she skimmed over the characteristics of each in search for unfamiliar spell tomes.

Finding none and a little disappointed to not continue learning, she decided to clean up. Before getting far into re-shelving a thought occured, " why not clean the shelves prior, to save Twilight the trouble?"

Waiting to do the top shelves last, for no particular reason, Nyx flew up and started their cleansing. When cleaning the second case, Nyx noticed an extrusion coming from the back wall of the case. The extrusion looked as it it were various magical symbols circling two crossed staves.

The recently discovered symbol peaked Nyx's curiosity. Wondering if it there is any magical properties to the symbol, Nyx decided to cast a spell that allows her to see magical properties of objects, that are otherwise unable to be seen.

Closer examination revealed the complexity of a protection and sealing spell placed on what is now obviously a compartment. Knowing better than to release the spell, since there must be a reason for it, Nyx decided to wait until Twilight go home to make any decisions on what to do with the newest find.

Nyx finished cleaning and started a meditation session.

An hour or so passed before the door to the library opened, through it stepped the same unicorn as before, accompanied by another mare, this one a yellow pegasis with a long pink mane and tail.

"Here we are. Nyx should still be here."Commented the prior.

With that Nyx was broken from her meditation from the sudden noise. She stood up and turned toward the source of the noise.

" Oh, hello Twilight. Hey Fluttershy." Said the alicorn as she walked up to next to the yellow pegasis and put her left wing around her into a hug. "How was your day?" Nyx continued lightly kissing the cheek of her fillyfriend.

"It was nice. I'm free for the rest of the day." responded the blushing pegasis.

"That's good. There is a matter I have to talk with Twilight about currently, them a promised training session, but after that I am all yours."

"Okay I can't wait."

"So about the matter at hoof?" Inquired Twilight.

"Yes, of course. It pertains to the single empty bookshelf over yonder." Nyx started explaining. "I am not sure if you are aware of this, but there is a hidden compartment on the back wall of it with a symbol on it."

"Another one? First the Mirror Pond, now this. One day I have got to search this entire library. Who knows what might be contained within the walls of this library?"

"Although." Nyx added "This one appears to have a powerful protection and binding spell placed on it."

"Interesting. I will have to ask Princess Celestia. Might I see it?"

"Of course." With that Nyx conjured a staircase of solid mana up to the shelf. "I will contact Luna as well."

"Okay. What's the plan, ask the princesses if they recognize the symbol or know of any of this?" Twilight said as she looked the others after looking at the symbol from her staircase view.

With a nod of Nyx's head both Nyx and Twilight began their respectable letter to the princesses.

Killing Time

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While Nyx was partway through writing her letter to her friend and mentor, Princess Luna, Fluttershy's curiosity on the subject emerged. "So what do you think the symbol means?"

"I am... not entirely certain to tell you the truth. Luna has shown me a vast assortment of binding and protection spells alike, but never have I seen anything used such as this. This is just an extremely powerful and intricate layer upon layer of spells. Not even the elements are kept under this powerful of spells." Nyx commented

"Really? Whatever is behind that panel must contain immense power."

"Yes, hopefully the princess can shed some light on this matter." With that Nyx finished her letter, rolled it up, and teleported it to Princess Luna. "Now, we wait."

As suspected Princess Celestia's letter was returned first, seeing as it was still only mid-afternoon.

Twilight read the scroll and was surprised by a single fact written on it.

"Even Princess Celestia does not know about this." Twilight said in a surprised, somewhat disbelieving tone. "She says that she will consult with Princess Luna and Cadence, then get back to us."

"It seems that there is not much more to do then wait again I suppose. Do you care for that training session now, by any chance?" Nyx timidly asked.

"I suppose you are right, and that there would not be a better time to train." Twilight agreed.

"Where would you like? The usual place?" Nyx inquired.

"That sounds fine, less damage to the surroundings that way." Confirmed Twilight.

The door to the library shut after the three mares left on their venture.

To the southwest of Ponyville, past Fluttershy's cottage is the Everfree Forest, a place generally regarded as dangerous and unnatural to pony kind, however there is a patch of normal woods to the west, through these trees is a path leading to a well lit cave ascending to the top of a plateau, this cliff has an outlook over all of Ponyville, the Everfree Forest, the gem mountains, and Canterlot to the Northeast. Perched approximately 100 meters from the corner on the eastern side is Nyx's house.

Nyx's house sat on the cliffside, overlooking her friends and their town. Her house was a large sleek design composed of black marble tat rose two stories into the air and decended two into the ground. The upper two floors contained a living room, bedroom, kitchen, other commonplace rooms, and a library. The lower two floors and an observation tower were more of a personal touch.

The tower was a small addition to the side of the house, a simple spiral staircase lined with bookshelves that led from the library to a small observatory for the night sky. The first beastment was a workshop area where Nyx tinkered on technology. One floor below that was an Augmented Reality room, able to simulate any environment of her choosing, used for training with spells that would otherwise destroy anything of importance.

As the trio entered the AR room Nyx spoke. "Nexus, are you operational?"

"For you, always." Replied a virtual voice seemingly from everywhere.

"This place always astounds me, regardless on how many times I come here" Twilight imputed.

"I suppose this is pretty impressive. I have been after Tia to implement more of this into society, but she wants it to be a slow process. Don't get me wrong, I can see why, this is a lot to take in. Not to mention some might not take to it all that well, preferring to stay with the current technology ." Nyx mentioned. "Still, there are entire civilizations with better technology than this, so I suppose it is nice to keep a few towns low in terms of technology."

"Usual setting also?" Twilight asked.

Nyx nodded her head. "Nexus, initiate scenario P115."

"As you wish."

The room instantly transformed from a white, gridded room to a virtualized pasture. The simulations matched a real pasture perfectly. The grass was a light green, waving in the breeze. There were small hills and white clouds scattered throughout the setting. The only oddity that was apparent was the lacking of animals for the purpose of training.

"Ready when you are Twilight." Nyx spoke to the lavender mare on the opposite side of the simulation.


With a deep breath, they began.

Twilight was first to attack, launching a fireball at Nyx, who summoned a ball of water that was hit by the fireball turning entirely to steam due to the ratio of fireball to water. Cloaked in the dense steam Nyx took her chance and teleported away.

Once the steam started to clear Twilight noticed the lack of a figure. In response shy quickly spun around and conjured a ward, just managing to get it up before blocking a spell that would have bound her in vines. The force of the spell pushed Twilight back when hit.

Twilight focused her energy and caused a circular fissure to appear around Nyx, where crystals sprouted and formed a dome around her.

An aura emanated from Nyx's eyes in the form of a dark purple haze. Shortly after a shockwave of energy similar to the aura shattered all of the crystals after turning them dark purple, thus freeing Nyx.

"You are not the only one who can instantly learn spells from only one presentation." Nyx said seeing Twilight's surprised expression.

"I suppose I'm not. Shall we get back to this?" Stated Twilight.

"I'm sorry, did we ever stop?" Nyx retorted, a smirk hinting at something being amiss.

Twilight looked down and saw what was implied by the comment. Slowly Twilight was sinking into a pit of quicksand. It only managed to sink her a quarter of the length of her leg before she teleported onto safe ground.

"You're loosing your touch if you thought that... would... work." Twilight's joking tone faded as she saw no trace of Nyx.

Twilight's emotion fell serious and she readied any spell that could be used to counter a hostile spell.

Twilight heard a snapping sound originating from behind her. She spun around and quickly launched a wave of energy which traveled through the air until finally disappearing from sight. This is when Twilight got paranoid. Every slight sound made her spin and jolt, until she was constantly spinning and attempting to look in every direction at once.

The paranoia was finally broken, after what seemed like hours for Twilight, when in fact was barely a minute at best, by a feeling of startling weightlessness followed by forces pulling her towards the sky.

Moments before hitting a cloud, Twilight activated a levitation spell on herself stopping her motion. Once she got herself together she teleported herself onto the current version of safe ground, which was now a cloud, after casting a walking on clouds spell.

Nyx was laying on the cloud 10 meters in front of Twilight, in her book reading position, wings extended and smiling.

Nyx's horn started glowing and she was engulfed in a cloak of liquid water, freezing at certain points to create armor linked by the remaining liquid, as to not limit articulation.

Nyx got up as Twilight spoke. "you are being evasive as always."

Nyx pushed up off the cloud with her forehooves. While they were in the air, her hooves gathered a dark blue aura, then came down. On contact the cloud they were standing on tripled in size and became dark.

Twilight, being cautious, reversed the gravity spell that was already in place, teleported down and waited.

Nyx landed the same distance in front of Twilight as before, ready to continue the session, when something unexpected happened. Both Twilight and Nyx had scrolls teleported in front of them. Twilight's was a golden scroll sealed with a solar seal, while Nyx's was a dark blue scroll sealed with a lunar seal.

Each mare read their respective scroll after loosening their stance. While reading their scrolls the rain began, in response Nyx tapped her right forehoof on the ground twice, halting the rain.

Once finished both mares walked toward the entrance. Nyx reverted the ice armor to liquid and allowed it to fall.
"Nexus, deactivate scenario P115." Nyx said clearing all the water off of herself and walking up to Fluttershy. "Turns out the princesses are en route to the library currently."

"Did they say anything else?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, but we will meet them there" Nyx said teleporting all three mare to the library.


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A chariot pulled by eight stallion pegasi wearing gold armor landed in front of Golden Oaks library in Ponyville. Out of it stepped three alicorn princesses regarded as Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence.

Bowing in front of the princesses as they exited the chariot kneeled three mares that were all anxiously awaiting their arrival. Of there three Twilight was the first to speak. "Thank you all for deciding to come and assist with this matter, princesses." She said after all three of them stood up.

"If all what you two said holds true, then this needs investigation in a proper fashion." The white coated and largets of the princesses, Princess Celestia, said to her student. "Now. Where exactly the source of out endeavors?"

"In the library princess, on a bookshelf under the staircase." Responded Twilight, pleased to be getting somewhere with this finding.

As Princess Celestia walked over to the library door, Twilight trotted over to the youngest of the princesses, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, more commonly referred to as Cadence and reenacted their traditional greeting towards one another.

"Sunshine, sunshine ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake." Each sang, preforming the appropriate movements for each part.

While Twilight and cadence greeted each other, Nyx approached a weary looking princess of the night.

"You seem exhausted. Was it an early morning for you?"

"That, coupled with the interruption of my sleep." Response the princess.

"Is Tia still giving you trouble for your hobby?"

"No, that has relatively passed. Although I am paying for it now."

"Yes the games do occupy quite a bit of personal time. No offence, but you can only blame yourself for this."

"I realize, I can fault nopony else. Thought they are entertaining to play, hours on end" Admitted the princess.

"Well, lets get this underway so you can relax before you have to take over for the night."

With that, everypony followed Celestia's lead and entered the library.

Celestia decided to initiate the conversation. "Now, what is the source of this endeavor?"

Twilight was the one to speak up. "The bookshelf over there is the one described in both of our letters." Motioning to the empty bookshelf.

All of the princesses walked over to the bookshelf and started closely examining it.

"What dost thou thinkith?" Luna inquired after a moment of looking over the cause of confusion.

""They were not exaggerating when they stated the power of this spell." Came the input from Princess Cadence.

"The age of it appears to predate the documented founding of Equestria." Added Princess Celestia

A silence fell in the library as all of the princesses pondered the origin of the arcane subject.

An oddity occurred to Cadence. "Wait, How old is this tree then?"

"I fail to see the necessity of that information." Celestia responded, confused.

"Let her advance her intentions sister."

"Thank you, Luna. Well, if the spell casted before ponies settled in Equestria and it was placed on this tree, then this tree must be from the same time as the spell. Just to give us a reference point." Explained the alicorn of love.

It was Twilight and Nyx's turn for sudden realization.

"Of course, the tree had to be here. We now have a point of reference. Twilight, are you thinking what I am?" Nyx said a bit faster than necessary.

A small smile quickly found it's way to Twilight's face.

All others looked around at each other in bewilderment. That is all except Fluttershy, who was slightly smiling and waiting, completely aware of what the two of her friends were thinking.

Both Nyx and Twilight started concentrating, horns glowing. Two blue rings encompassed each of the casters and started spinning, gathering speed. Once the rings were spinning at a nearly invisible rate all of the others in the room were covered in a similar blue aura. Instantly after that a pink aura shot throughout the entire tree.

The rings slowed after a moment of activity. The result was the library had an entirely different layout, and it was storming outside.

"I always did love the rain." Nyx randomly commented staring out the windows across the room from near the bookshelf.

"We see thou hast a fair mastery of the time vision spell."

"I see, now what is meant to occur here and now?" Celestia wondered out loud.

"I don't. What's going on?" Cadence admitted.

"You know of the time vision spells don't you Cadence?" Twilight asked "They allow you to see past events so long as you have an object that was there at the desired moment."

"Oh right, those. I completely forget about them, it has been so long. Brilliant. So what is suppose to..." Cadence began as she was cut off by the door to the library slamming open.

Just then a cloaked pony came galloping across the library, full speed, towards the bookcase everypony was standing at.

All of the smaller ponies and Cadence jolted a little in reaction to a pony running at them.

"Right, vision, we cannot be seen." Cadence said still remembering all of the elements of the time vision spell.

The cloaked pony approached the bookcase and got as close as he could to it. He casted a quick spell that caused the solid back to open a panel, in turn making Nyx smile and have a glint in her eyes from the unintended lesson.

The mysterious unicorn levitated an object from under his cloak and into the cubby at a remarkable speed that would impress Rainbowdash, and quickly shut the panel. He rushed over to the center of the room and assembled a ritual circle with six gems evenly distributed around the circle.

With another burst of magic the circle began to glow and the gems floated around causing electrical sparks between each other and the circle. One last extravagant spark completed the ritual. The gems were sacraficed and in turn the newly created compartment was bound the protected.

The stallion with his mission supposedly completed took a seat and attempted to catch his breath.

"So..." Nyx started cut off by rumbling signifying the end of the time vision spell. "Did anyone catch what was thrown in there?" She looked around the group, but no one spoke up. "That is unfortunate, so what is next?"

"Luna Cadence and I shall discuss the best course of action." Celestia answered.

"Of course, princess." Accepted Twilight.

"Let's let them discuss. Fluttershy, would you like to have dinner?" Nyx asked certain of the answer.

"Sure, I would love to."

"If any of you like, you can eat here." Twilight generously offered.

Are you sure that is no trouble?" The timid pair answered in unison, causing them to giggle and Nyx to hug Fluttershy with her wing.

"None at all." Happily responded the unicorn "How about you three, princesses?"

"That sounds nice" Celestia answered for the bunch.

With that everypony went to the kitchen to eat.

Nyx and Fluttershy were walking, wings across eachothers backs, to Nyx's place. They had eaten and thanked Twilight for supper, Luna had risen the moon and crafted the night sky, and the couple had decided to spend the rest of the night together.

Upon arrival the pair went to the left of the house and sat down at the corner of the cliff, wings still over eachother and snuggled.

The view from the cliff was always beautiful, but was especially so this night. Ponyville seemed so calm, it was an almost clear night with only one cloud in the sky, and Canterlots elegance was magnified by the full moon not far to the upper left of it. Even the Everfree Forest seemed to be atpeace on this night. A light breeze managed to pull it all together perfectly.

(Sorry about the image, deviantart refuses to cooperate, so this is the orientation. Drawing took me 14 hours, enjoy. Deviantart)

"It's beautiful. You can clearly see all the constellations, Phoenix, Lyra, Ursa Major." Fluttershy said, absorbing the beauty of the night.

"Yes it is a magnificent night, one of the best in a while. Luna has truly outdone herself. Although, it is nothing compared to you"

A soft d'awww emanated from the canary colored pegasus as she began to blush.

Their mouths found their way to one another within seconds and remained locked together for as long as possible.

Eventually they stopped and continued to take in the night.

At one point Fluttershy Broke the silence. "Nyx, How did you get your house and your materials? I do not think there is anypony in Ponyville that sells anything like that."

"You're right, I get my resources from a very out of town source. His name is Steve, he is an earth pony who owns is own mining and crafting service. Really nice guy, he has a crossed pixelated diamond pickaxe and sword for his cutie mark, different, but is suites him. He traded me alot of materials for learning about a various amount of technology, even electricity, and transmuting a bit of his cobblestone into diamonds and other types of materials for him."

( and creation of IC2, Buildcraft, redpower, and other mods were achieved)

"Thats great, but why a sword if he mines?"

"He has this bad habit of attracting things than want to kill him either by explosions, bows, and even rage, all of which is only this dimension. But he is a natural survivor. As for my house, I built that myself with magic and the materials I got from Steve."

"That's too bad for him."

"It is, but he likes it and does it while doing what he loves."

"I do suppose that is nice, so what do you think is in the bookshelf compartment?"

"I honestly do not know, it was obviously small, but that could still be a wide assortment of things. Let's not worry about that though, the princesses are discussing it. Although what I do know is that tonight is just you and me under the night sky."

Nyx and Fluttershy's mouths each once again found their way to the other.

This cycle continue for some time. The two conversed about a variety of topics ranging from Nyx's eyes, to reminiscing about events past, and even touched on the subject of animals for a while. They shared laughs and a good time, but eventually decided to retire for the night once 2am came around, so they went inside Nyx's house and rested up for whatever was to be decided tomorrow.

Behind the panel

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The door of the library opened allowing for Nyx and Fluttershy to enter. After a nights rest they were as ready to get this underway as the purple unicorn that met them at the door.

"Hello girls" Greeted twilight

"Hey Twilight." The two said in subunison.

"Have the princesses come to a decision yet?" Fluttershy continued "It's fine if they havn't, I know they're bust and have more important duties to attend to." Added the timid pegasus, retreating behind her mane even more than normal.

This caused a smile to appear on Nyx, and for her to comfort her fillyfriend by draping a wing over her.

Nyx looked up from the great view she was experiencing once Twilight started speaking again. "No, not yet at least. When I came down they seemed to be finishing up for the most part, but still had a ways to go, then again that was half an hour ago... How about we go check?" Twilight rhetorically asked turning around, walking to the princesses upstairs, where Nyx and Fluttershy followed suit.

"So, we are in agreement then?" Celestia asked the other two princesses as the three mares walked up the steps.

"All in agreement for what?" Twilight asked when she saw the other princesses nod their heads.

Luna was the one to answer the question. "We hast decided to allowith thou to pursue thyne curiosity, with the exception that the elements are in the premises with their users upon contempt."

"Sounds acceptable. Nyx, would you please go get the others?" Twilight said accepting the simple conditions.

Nyx nodded her head, happy to oblige. A quick peck on the side muzzle of her fillyfriend and she dashed off, determined to complete her assignment as quickly as possible.

Nyx thought about which approach would be the most efficient method in dealing with the layout of this roundup as she took to the air after leaving Golden Oaks Library. "Based on the speed at which the remaining elements travel at and the approximate area each will be located in and that areas distance from the library, I should probably start off with Rarity, then Applejack, Pinkie, and finally Rainbowdash.

Nyx altered her trajectory and landed in front of Carousel Boutique, entering the boutique after correcting herself.

From a side dressing room an elegant voice called out. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chique, unique, and magnifique. "

A white unicorn levitating thread and a roll of fabricin her blue aura stepped out from the room. "Ah, Nyx, what might I be able to interest you in today?"

"I'm sorry Rarity, today I am but a verbal currier."

"A message, whatever for?"

"I'm not sure if you have been notified, but there has been a discovery at Twilight's library." A look of confusion answered that. "Well it has powerful magical spells protecting it and the princesses decided it best to have the elements nearby, just as a precaution."

"That's understandable due to what all happens around here and to us. Thank you for the clarification, I will start the walk there now." Rarity responded a little more understanding on the situation.

"I'll meet you at the library later, first I have to deliver the other messages to the other elements." Nyx said attempting to continue on as soon as possible..

"Okay, I will not keep you. I shall meet you at the library later then."

A slight nod and smile, and Nyx exited the boutique. Nyx took to the sky in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

"Two down, two to go." Nyx thought out loud as she cleared the cloud line heading for Sugarcube Corner.

"Next is... Pinkie." Nyx thought knowing this to be the hardest to deal with of the massages to make.

Moments later a bell above the Sugarcube Corner door sounded.

"Hiyah Nyx. Isn't today amazing? What would you like a cake, cupcakes, muffins, cookies, pie, cupcakes?" Came an energetic slur of words from an equally energetic pink earth pony behind the counter.

"I actually came to deliver a message, you see..." Nyx began, skipping over the repetition of the cupcakes certain of an answer being something very Pinky Pieish, and only to be cut off mid sentence.

"Ooh, ooh. By who? No, wait, don't tell me, I love guessing games. Was it bonbon, no wait, Lyra, or even Pipsqueak, the little colt from Trottingham? Wrong on all accounts aren't I? Honestly I don't want to know, why ruin a perfectly good surprise?" Another slur was uttered from the over hyper pony.

"Uuh, huh. Anyway we have to ask you to come to the library as soon as time alots, there has been something that requires all of the elements be present."

"I love presents. Okay Nyx. Just let me close up the shop and we can go. Are you sure you don't want anything?"

"I'm sure, thank you though. I also still have to go get Rainbow, so i will see you later at the library."

"Okay then Nyx. See you later."

Nyx walked out of the store. "That was not as bad as it could have been. I like Pinkie, she can just talk forever. Anyway, now to find Rainbowdash."

Just as Nyx was about to take flight again to search for the cyan pegasus, she spotted a chromatic tail swishing off the side of a small white cloud. "Well that simplifies matters extraordinarily."

Nyx flew up to Rainbowdash, pleased that this was the last message. "Hey Rainbow."

"Oh, hey Nyx. What's up?" The cyan pegasus was laying on the cloud with a tri-fold solar reflector and a set of sunglasses on.

"We all need you at the library whenever the first convenient moment for you is." Nyx said for the fourth time this hour, and was tired of the same relative sentence.

"Sure, I'm free now . What's wrong?" Inquired the chromatic maned mare in a similar way to the others the message was delivered to earlier.

Nyx explained the situation again, as quick as possible without excluding any essential details.

"That figures. Okay Nyx. Wanna go now?" Rainbow asked lifting into the air.

"Sure, but are you just going to leave your stuff laying here, on this cloud?"

"Eh, it will be here later." The cyan pegasus said a bit too calm for leaving her stuff on a random cloud.

"Then let's go." Nyx buckled still unsure of the decision.

Both flyers enjoyed the short flight to the library. The freedom and thrill of flight is unmatched by anything in terms of proving how great the world around one is.

"Now we just have to wait for Nyx and Dash." Twilight said recounting the group again, for the fifth time since Nyx left.

"We're here." Nyx said trotting through the door with Rainbow following close behind.

"Okay, Twilight, whenever you are ready you may commence." Celestia said approving of the current circumstance.

"Um, hold on, please?" Nyx weakly uttered.

"Yes Nyx?" Twilight wondered

"Would it be acceptable if I do it instead?

"Sure. Any particular reason?"

"I just want to familiarize myself with this spell. We already saw it cast, I just want to see if there is a way without a ritual for it to be placed."

"Sure, be my guest."

"Thank you." With that Nyx walked up a set of solid magic stairs she created and studied the spell.

After a moment Nyx slowly lifted her right forehoof. As she reached for the panel her eyes developed her signature aura around them, and the container a golden one.

Upon contact with the container, it's golder aura started spreading up her forehoof, eventually covering her body and finally fully consuming her in a golden aura. The glow intensified for a moment then dimmed to nonexistance, the spell nullified.

"Ah, ingenius. So simplistic, yet effective. Nyx said after absorbing the spell.

"We see thou still remembers and implements thyne absorption technique." Called the lunar princess from behind.

"Yes, i love it. Do you all want to came and see what this was all for?" Nyx rhetorically asked.

Everypony assembled below the stairs and the princesses creastd a magic platform and levitated it to the elevation of the step Nyx was on.

The group organized themselves into three layers, Nyx and Twilight up front, the remaining elements in the middle and the princesses on the outer layer.

Twilight reached and pushed on the pressure plate to open the case, revealing it's contents.

A raspy voice emanated from behind the knowledge enthusiasts. "It's... a book. What a surprise, a book in a library. All of this trouble for a book, why?"

"Girls." Celestia said in a firm, yet quiet tone noticing the obliviousness of the two up front.

Nyx and Twilight snapped out of the trance they were in, stumbling out of embarrassment.

"It's not just any book, Rainbow." Twilight stated.

"It's a spell tome to be specific, and one I've never seen or heard of before. Anyone else?"

Silence appeared to be the unanimous answer.

"What pray tell are those symbols on the cover?" Rarity asked noticing nopony else would ask.

"Greek characters, commonly used in physics. Great subject, everything about the multiverse." Nyx explained nerding out a bit over one of her favorite subjects.

"Why would Greek characters used in science be on a magic tome?" Applejack piped up.

(The look of the spell tome discovered. Again, sorry for orientation. Deviantart... again. Deviantart)

"I don't know for certain why they are here, although the misconception you just stated should be addressed. Magic is it's own science in a way. It may not be entirely consistent, but it still works in it's own way that science cannot always explain, but can in some instances such as a unicorns anatomy." Nyx said trying to inform as much as possible.

"Thanks partner." Applejack said fairly uninterested.

"Let's see why though." Nyx said egar for new knowledge.

Nyx looked over the book inspecting every physical detail possible after levitating it up to her.She took not of a lock strap on the side without a lock and passed it off as a design, and one she is fond of.

Nyx popped the strip open with her magic. In response the book immediately started glowing a black aura.

Nyx fully closed the book and stumbled back quickly.

"What happened?" Everypony asked is a slightly different way from one another.

Nyx looked with a worried expression toward Twilight who in turn had a strike of realization. She grabbed the book with her magic and tried to open it. No luck.

Nyx felt a spread of guilt wash over her. "I'm... I'm so sorry, I should have been more cautious, I should have known."

"Known what, what happened? Twilight, please explain." Applejack insisted answers due to most being malinformed on the subject at hoof..

"Well, the book had a hidden magical lock in place on it, Nyx you had no way of knowing. Imagine it as a regular lock without any pins to make it a lock. By using magic on where it was Nyx completed the spell and reset it after the passing of the original caster, who upon his/her passing had the details of the spell wiped. Now the book should only open for her."Twilight explained making sure to include everything she knew thus far.

"Can't she just wipe it?"

"I'm afraid it is not that simple. She would have to be the caster to wipe the details or to nullify the spell in this case."

"Well fiddlesticks."

"I should have seen something that coming, why didn't I?" Nyx said having an almost inaudible regiment to her voice.

"It wasn't your fault sugarcube. Still there is no difference if only you can open it or not." Applejack tried and comfort her.

"You are wrong in that account, I'm afraid. It could have been used to spread new knowledge across Equestria, it could be used by everyone. I messed it up there is no denying it." Nyx corrected.

"And beatin yourself up over it won't help either. Don't wory Nyx, no use fretting over the past. It doesn't matter." Applejack tried again to reassure.

"Let's see just how right you are." Nyx said standing up and pulling herself together mentally. She walked back up to the book and levitated it out of Twilights magic.

Nyx opened the book again, this time flipping open the cover revealing the first page. She flipped through the pages thrilled and horrified at it's contents. The had countless spells and on every page the symbols and characters transisted around the page, much unlike normal tomes where the writing is stagnant. She was thrilled and horrified because of the rarity and vastness of the book, thrilled for the knowledge, and horrified due to the magical lock still in place.

"Ooh, pretty." Came an energetic squeel from behind.

"Well then, this is definitely interesting. What should we do princesses?" Twilight asked completely unsure on the way to approach this situation, and hating this feeling the whole while.

"I think we should take it back to Canterlot and have it protected." Celestia offered.

"We think otherwise. Tia, the book is of no use to us currently. What if we take it home and it accidentally closes, what are we to do? Nyx is the only pony that can open it anymore." A wave of guilt hit Nyx again as Luna debated her sister. "What are we suppose to do, call Nyx over every time it happens? We should just let our pupils study it in the meantime. It obviously is extensive on knowledge, very possibly some unknown to us."

Nyx still looking through the tome, spoke up quickly. "Whatever you decide is fine with me, although as a tidbit of knowledge, this is a spell tome that seems like it is focused heavily on cosmic magic, of all shapes and sizes, so to speak."

Luna looked from Nyx to Celestia again, this was a look of someone who knew they had won.

"If you think that is best, so be it." Celestia buckled. "Although we will continue this conversation at length later, but now we must be going." Celestia lowered the platform and ceased the spell.

"So we can keep the tome for now? Thank you princesses." Twilight said bowing, Nyx accompanied her with the gratitude and bowing.

"Just please try to be careful, both of you." Celestia responded warily. "We still do not know of it's potential."

"Of course princesses." Twilight and Nyx confirmed.

"We should get back to Canterlot now to continue running the political affairs of the land. Goodbye everypony" Celestia gathered the other princesses.

Everypony said their farewells and watched the princesses start their voyage back to Canterlot in their chariot.

In the wake of the princesses leaving were seven mares, left to their business.

"So, back to normal now? Just like that?" Applejack asked.

"Ooh, ooh. Let's have a 'nothing bad happened and Nyx got a new book' party." Exclaimed a even more hyper Pinkie Pie.

"Any excuse for a party." Twilight said knowing it to be true. "Why not?"

"I'll go and get ready. Everypony come by around six." Pnkie said in a serious tone, galloping backwards out of the library.

Everypony went back to their business prior to the meetup , leaving Nyx, Fluttershy, and Twilight in the library.

"I'm anxious to get into this, want to join?" Nyx asked the remaining ponies.

"Sure." Twilight accepted.

"I would love to." Obliged Fluttershy.

Nyx walked to an open area of the room and laid down with the book in front of her. Fluttershy came over and snuggled up on the right sidef Nyx, and Twilight laid down in her book reading position on Nyx's left side, comfortable and ready to start this read.

The trio spent the following hours reading aspects of the book and being in eachothers company until an hour until the party.

Pinkie's Party

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"Great Party Pinkie." The element of kindness commented the party host.

"Yeah. How do you make your parties so enjoyable?" Twilight ventured to asked Pinkie again.

"Like I have said before, all it is, is because all of my friends are here and having a good time." Exclaimed the pink party pony.

"That makes sense, but surely there is more to it then that."Twilight's curiosity drove her to continue as she danced with her friends.

"Nope, it's that easy for me. I mean it is what my cutie mark is about."

While dancing with her friends, Fluttershy looked over and noticed Nyx, who was sitting at a table off to the side, staring at the cover of the tome that she received earlier in the day.

Fluttershy walked over to Nyx while Twilight was busy trying to calm her curiosity. "There's nothing you can do, don't beat yourself up over a simple mistake." She said in her usual comforting tone.

Nyx looked up, guilt still plaguing her mind. "Why not? I deprived all others of the information in here. I was the one who messed up. The princesses probably could have done something, but my haste and neglecting to look over all the details created this problem. This could have benefited everypony in Equestria, but now the chances of that are slim. There are spells that could solve alot of problems, spells that nopony has ever seen, and now might not."

"Well it won't help to blame yourself. And why don't you just copy it into another book? Wouldn't that solve all of your problems?" Flutershy attempted a solution.

"I suppose, although it could take a while. I haven't even been able to find the end. I think it has some form of infinite space spell put in place on it. The pages don't end."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that there is no end page, that no matter how many pages I flip they just continue." Nyx tried to explain, not entirely sure how to word it.

"Is that even possible? With pages I mean."

"Apparently, I could only guess it was necessary due to how many spells are in here, being entirely about space specific spells. Teleportation, levitation, only spells dealing entirely with space."

"Weird, but i suppose it is also to be expected. I mean, don't unicorns generally only have a little bit of magic that deals with their talent?" The canary colored pegasus asked.

"Yes, usually. But like Twilight some have vast amounts of magic and are not limited. Plus we don't know that this was made by a unicorn, it was from before Equestria was settled by our ancestors."

"You will find a way, you always seem to. Why don't you come and dance?" Fluttershy asked, trying to get Nyx's mind off of the tome.

"I'ld love to, although you know I don't know how to dance." Nyx said getting a small blush that was barely visible through her black coat.

"You're a fast learner, I'l show you. It will be fun." Fluttershy offered, walking up beside Nyx. "Please? For me?" She continued, nuzzling Nyx's neck.

"That really, really, really isn't fair. There isn't a single creature that can resist that." Nyx said, her blush becoming more fierce.

"I could stop if you want." The canary colored pagasus continued, digging at the flooor with the tip of her right forehoof, fluttering her eyes a bit.

"No, no. Still unfair, yet extremely adorable. Your cutie mark could easily be for cuteness."

"Why thank you." Fluttershy said giving Nyx a pack on the cheek. "Come on, let's go dance."

"Sure." Nyx accepted, levitating the tome to the table.

The couple walked each other to the dance floor in silence that was broken by Nyx when they got there. "So, um... what was the type of dance that you had in mind?" She said in a bit more timid of a way then she intended.

"And I'm the one?" Fluttershy teased causing smirks to befall on both ponies. "Don't worry, nothing bad. I have a nice one in mind that I think you will enjoy. Pinkie, can you please play the song we talked about earlier."

A pink blur flew by the pair and a few moments later the speakers started playing orchestral music.

"How nice, you do know my tastes. I might be able to dance to this"

'I know, I thought you would feel that way."

"Thank you, just please don't make me dance to anything 'new,' like from Dj Pon3. It's good, I just can't dance to it." Nyx requested.

"Not to worry, I won't."

"Regardless..." Nyx said before quietly clearing her throat. "Might I have this dance?" She offered, giving a slight bow and her left forehoof.

"It would be my pleasure." The pink maned pegasus graciously accepted, placing her right forehoof on the one offered.

The two lowered their forelegs to the floor and advanced toward one another. The two then started going back and forth in a 1, 2 rhythm that went along with the classical music being played.

"See, this is nice." Fluttershy said after a few moments.

"Yes, it is. I can't disagree with that. suppose it is nice to dance, every now and then. So long as it isn't fast that is." Nyx said with a small smirk.

"I said I won't." Fluttershy said, returning the gesture. "So, umm... what's so special about that book. I mean, why is that one different from any other one? I'm sorry to bring it up. I don't wish to upset you or anything, I just want to know why it causes you so much grief."

"You could never upset me. It's just...that this nook, it... I guess it is mainly the fact that it's information would not be able to spread that was upsetting me, that is until you helped me out there. I suppose I will have Nexus start work on it's transcription of it, although that might prove difficult since this tome has animated scribe. I suppose it was mainly that and that it was spells that nopony has ever seen, or just lost a long time ago."

"What do you mean 'lost or never seen?' All of the spells?"

"From what I've read, none of the spells I have seen in it has bee in any other tome I have read, from any race. Which means, it is from long ago when everything knew it and everything eventually forgot about it, or the more likely option, this is one of a kind that only one being knew of."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, simply the fact of how many spells are in this means that it is nearly impossible that not one is remembered to this day, especially with spacial magic being the most prominent of the spells used, levitation for instance. Yes it is in here, but it describes and gives ways for it that are not used now, it's completely different.

"That is a bit peculiar. So what are..." Fluttershy started, interrupted by a blinding flash coming from behind Nyx.

"Pinkie, what was that?" Nyx asked, expecting the party mare to be up to her usual shenanigans.

"Wasn't me Nyx. Although what's wrong with your book? It is a good effect with music, now only if it was a bit faster of music." Pinkie said in her usual hyper active way. "Let's see... I know I have some Dj Pon-3 around here somewhere..."

Nyx turned around to see that the tome she set on the table was glowing in a red aura, flashing every so often. "Everypony stay back." She said thinking the procedures for an unknown magical anomaly .

"What's happening?" Fluttershy asked standing by Nyx.

I don't know. Just please stay back for now. Anything could come of this. Magic is unpredictable as is, let alone this being some tome from Celestia knows when, randomly doing something."

"You be safe too." Fluttershy said backing up.

"Okay." Nyx said nodding slightly.

As Nyx crept towards the glowing tome, it started shifting colors, increasing transition speed with each shift.

"Ooh, Pretty" Nyx heard pinkie gawk while she was approaching the tome. "Now only if we had the right music."

"Do you really think this is the right time Pinkie?" Twilight tried to reason with the mare.

"Well, when else could this come in handy?" The hyper pony retorted.

Twilights response was just a sigh and a slight shake of her head.

Just as Nyx got close to the chromatic tome, it flashed white and several small spheres of aura, each a different color the tome just turned, seperated from the book and floated above it.

The orbs dispersed and all but one of them flashed away, all but the dark blue one. After the disappearance of the orbs, the tome faded to a familiar black aura, one owned by the alicorn on approach.

Nyx retracted a bit from the sudden vanishing of most of the arcane orbs of mana, but continued after a second of caution.

Nyx was able to get half a hoof away from te tome before the orb responded. There was a sdden blinding light, the same color as the orb, and a force the blew everypony back. Nyx was blown back into a wall and fell to the floor, limp. Right before loosing conciousness, she saw the faint silhouette of a tall figure approaching her.

And you are?

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Nyx awoke to the sounds of frantic ponies and a tedious headache. Her initiative was low and she decided to lay there for a while, and simply listened to everything around her. She could just make out the gist of the conversations through the cacophony in the area, that being "Where are we?" and "What are we doing here?" Her curiosity sparked to life, giving her the motivation to open her eyes and stand up.

What she saw was a dark damp room, with dark grey stone walls and piles or rubble scattered throughout the floor. The only source of light was from the holes in a metal door on one wall, and a few torches placed high up on the walls.

When she tried to get up and walk closer to her friends, all of which were cluttered on the wall opposite the door, she felt tension. Looking back she realized that her legs had been shackled, keeping her in place. "What's going on, why am I chained up in here?"

"I'll tell you what's going on. Somepony decided to end my party! And I worked really hard on that one. I mean what kind of a pony does something like that? When I see them I'll..." Pinkie started only to be interrupted.

"Pinkie!" The cluttered group said in unison.

"Let's try to focus." Twilight reverted back to Nyx's question. "None of us really know, we were all trying to figure that out, nopony knows."

"All I know is that the living conditions here are atrocious. How can anypony choose to live like this, or even come here? It's just awful." Rarity went off on her own tangent.

"That's not focusing Rarity." Twilight blatantly stated.

"I know, but we already know all that we can, that we blacked out at the party and now we are here. We can't answer anymore questions currently, not until something happens." Rarity defended.

"Actually, I saw a small glimpse of why might have done this. I didn't catch any details, but right before I passed out, I saw the silhouette of a tall figure. I would say about the size of Luna wearing a cloak. I saw a horn, I think, so it might have been a unicorn." Nyx corrected.

"Maybe it was Luna, she owns a cloak. And she does know how to blow ponies back, with her voice." A hyper voice blurted out of nowhere. A vast inhale of air followed the outburst. "What if she turned back into Nightmare Moon? What if we have to use the elements on her again?"

"Pinkie. Nightmare moon has not returned." Twilight assured

"How do you know that? Maybe she knocked us out so we can't stop her from bringing nighttime eternal." Pinkie insisted.

"I hate to say it but what Pinkie says does sound fairly reasonable, if for nothing except for what Nyx said about the pony in question's size. She did say the size resembled Luna's, and technically she does own a cloak. Now i'm not saying Pinkie's right, just that we should consider her theory." Rarity defended the pink party pony.

"Fine, but why would Luna knock us unconscious? She has control over the night once more and alot more ponies respect the night now more than before. If you ask me she has no reason to try that again." Twilight buckled after giving one last denial.

"I... don't think it was Luna. Not just for how well I know her, but the whole thing just doesn't make sense if it is her. As well as the pony I saw, while mimicking her figure, didn't seem to walk the same. From what I saw, the little I did, this pony carried theirself like they were the most important pony to ever walk Equestria. Luna may carry herself high, but she isn't egotistical like that." Nyx added.

"Well who else could it be, I mean really? There aren't that many ponies the size of Luna, and even less that we know, and none of them would cause us harm. So, what other option is there?" Rainbowdash piped up, getting annoyed with the repetitiveness this conversation. "If not Luna turning into Nightmare Moon then who else would do this?"

"Well we can just wait and see" Fluttershy said backing up to the wall, staring intently at the door.

A shadow came across the window in the door. Soon afterward the door creaked open and a tall muscular equine with a dark red cloak with black trim walked to the center of the room. His coat was a dark shade of red and his mane was a tan buzz cut. He had dark blue eyes and a black goatee. A horn was visible, but it was impossible to know if he had wings or not because of his cloak, After looking around the room at everypony, he gave a hardy laugh.

"So this is who is responsible for Rusko's release. Honestly Rusko must thank you, but Rusko thinks Rusko would rather watch you all squirm for a moment, yes." The tall figure spoke in a thick Russian accent.

"You'll pay for crashing my party, no pony gets away with destroying a party. Although you voice does sound like fun." Pinkie threatened their capture. "Pinkie demands you release Pinkie right this instant as well as her friends."

"So I presume you are Rusko?" Twilight questioned the stallion.

"Yes, Rosko. You see you all released Rusko when you unlocked and activated the book. You all owe your capture to this little pony, right over here." Rosko said, Walking up to Nyx. "If it weren't for her, Rusko and his comrades would still be locked away in there. But really, Rusko must thank you both for his release, and finding his tome." He finished, pulling the tome from his cloak.

Nyx, looking down, guilty for what she had done managed a few sentences. "Well... at least the tome won't respond to you. It only unlocks for me anymore."

"Silly ignorant filly. This is Rusko's tome and it responds to Rusko's will." He said snapping the lock open and flipping to a page. "Ah just how Rusko remembers it being. Rusko gives little filly props for actually being able to have the lock spell take effect on her. Usually it would not work for anyone but Rusko."

"What? That only would have taken to me?"

"Well it shouldn't have, no. That is why Rusko gives you props, for doing something thought impossible, or at least highly unlikely by Rusko."

"Well it is a space tome, and I am crazy about physics. That still doesn't explain anything. And you still havn't told us why we are here." Nyx said, her guilt having less of an effect on her speech.

"Rusko has trapped you here because Rusko is not stupid. Rusko knows that you will try to stop him, and that is why you are here. With you here taking control of everything will come easy to Rusko. That is why he is letting you go, in time. What fun is there in this if there is no challenge."

"We will stop you" Twilight said, readying a teleportation spell.

"Rusko dared you to try, both that threat and that spell. Go on, humor Rusko. You are in a magic proof room. Well magic proof to everypony except Rosko.

Surely enough when Twilight attempted to cast the spell she had ready, it failed.

"Well why are you telling us all this?" Rarity questioned.

"Because, Rusko knows you cannot stop him. It matters not that all you ponies know of the plan Rusko has, yes."

"We will stop you before you even let us go, we are the elements of harmony and we always find a way to be victorious." Rainbowdash said in her usual demeanor when she deals with villains.

"Rusko thinks you are forgetting one crucial thing. You do not have your precious elements of harmony."

"That didn't stop us before with discord!" Rainbowdash blurted back.

"Ah, yes. However, you were not locked up in a dungeon when that happened now were you?"

"How... how could you possibly know that?" Fluttershy mumbled still hiding behind her mane and her friends.

"Because, while being trapped in that book may have stopped you all from knowing of it's presence, it allowed Rusko and his comrades to be aware of everything happening."

"You keep referencing 'comrades,' who are these friends of yous?" Nyx intruded.

"Others, you will meet them in time. Rusko will make sure they are properly able to thank each and every one of you when we all rule Equestria."

"Sounds like alot of empty threats to me." Rainbowdash edged.

"Rusko can assure all of you there is nothing empty about these threats. Maybe from other enmies you have faced, but not us."

"Pinkie agrees with dash, all of Rusko's threats are empty and bring shame to himself as well as his friends." Pinkie continued the edging Rainbowdash started.

"Rusko has something special for you two troublemakers, Rusko will be back." Rusko promised turning and walking out of the room.

"Pinkie feels that was entertaining enough for Pinkie in the current moment. Pinkie also thinks that Pinkie and her friends are in a little bit of trouble." Pinkie said in her new Russian accent, after a few moments of silence.

"Why couldn't you two have kept quiet? We could have been let go, off to get the elements and stop this pony, but you two had to go and edge him on. Now we have to wait and hope he doesn't do something too horrific." Twilight scolded the two instigators.

"Sorry, he just got under my feathers." Ranbowdash apologized.

"It's just fun to edge ponies on, so long as they don't go off the edge that is. When that happens nopony is satisfied and all you end up with is a pony that has fallen down. That's why Pinkie thinks it is best to use railings." Pinkie apologized in her usual scattershot of logic.

Throughout all of this Nyx just laid down and decided it best to think and come up with a plan. After a few fruitless minutes, her train of thought started to drift to the tome that caused all of this. She thought of everything she had just heard and she thought of her friends, and what might happen whenever their captor came back. Nyx quickly dismissed the last thought and tried to come up with a plan. She tried until she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore, and fell asleep.