> Subsolar's Super Short Stories > by Subsolar Drift > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Snowfall (Romance, Fluff) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fire crackled in the hearth, heat filling the library, keeping the cold and snow outside. The lights were dark, the room only lit by the flickering flames. A small way from the fire, a plush window bench lies, covered in pillows and blankets. Surrounded by the warmth from the fire and the pillows, two mares laid together, side by side with one’s wing draped over the other. The two gazed up into the falling snow and the stars above. One’s head laid on the shoulder of the other, careful to not stab her marefriend with the horn on her head. The hours passed as the two of them laid there in peaceful silence, reveling in each other’s presence. A gasp escaped one as in the darkness of night, the aurora came into view coloring the snow the mares favorite shades as it fell. A white rainbow twirled through the air highlighted with starlight. A chuckle escaped the pegasus as she pulled the unicorn closer. A blush crossed the unicorn’s face as she looked into the eyes of her lover. Her eyes closed as they kissed, filling each other with warmth. They broke the kiss and pulled closer to each other and looked once more towards the sky. “It’s beautiful.” “Not nearly so much as you.” The mares laid there, content, until they each fell asleep in the other’s embrace. The unicorn mumbled something in her sleep, and the pegasus mumbled back in her own dream. Smiling in her sleep the unicorn curled closer to the pegasus, and together they dreamed of a kaleidoscope of hues, both by the others side. Deep in love under the snowfall. > Expectations (Slice of Life-ish) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle, once one of the most talented unicorns in the world, now an alicorn princess with incredible power. She was renowned worldwide for her level head and compassionate heart. Everypony loved her. Rainbow Dash, captain of the Wonderbolts, the only living pony to have ever done a Sonic Rainboom, and the mare who captured the heart of a princess. She was renowned worldwide for her dedication and masterful flight. Everypony admired her. In a far corner of the royal library inside the Canterlot castle, a young filly sat dejectedly with a book in her hooves. She let out a sigh as she fluttered her small wings and looked out the window. She couldn’t yet fly even though every other pegasus her age could. She crossed her eyes and looked up at the her rather small horn. Every other unicorn her age was already in complete control of their magic and learning more and more spells. Aurora, the daughter of Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, began to cry. “Aurora?” Came a voice from a ways down the shelves. Aurora sat bolt upright and quickly wiped away her tears with a hoof. The voice came again. “Aurora is that you?” Twilight Sparkle galloped to her daughter’s side, a worried look in her eyes. “Are you alright?” “Y-yeah, of course! I’m just reading.” Aurora tried to stop her voice from wavering as she spoke, trying to not to give anything away. “Aurora, you know you can talk to me anytime right? Being your mother is my job first, even before being a princess.” Twilight rested a wing over her daughter, drawing her closer. Aurora was quiet for a minute, finally sighing before she spoke. “I just feel like I’m a huge let down for you and Dash. I can’t fly, I can barely use magic, I’m just a failure.” Twilight stared at her daughter. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered. “I never really thought about all the expectations that would be placed on you. I want you to know that we are so proud of you. You are in no way a let down, even if you can’t fly or do magic very well, we still love you.” “I know mom, I just want to be good at magic or flying. I want to follow in your guys’ hoofsteps.” She sniffed once more and leaned into her mother. “Hey, don’t give up hope. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ll be great at both one day. I bet it’s just because your a little slow to grow. After all, how many other alicorn foals are there?” “You’re right!” Exclaimed Aurora, giving her mother a huge hug. “Feeling better?” Twilight smiled. “Yeah, Thanks mom, you’re the best.” The mother and daughter embraced. “Not nearly as great as you! Now what were you reading?” The two ponies stayed there for a while, leaving all of their problem behind for a time while Twilight read to her daughter. > Memories (Romance) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I struggled against the ropes holding me down, trying my hardest to avoid Twilight’s horn as it came closer to my head. My eyes widened as the magic flowed through me. It tore through my mind and broke something there. I gasped as memories flooded over me. Suddenly I remembered setting eyes on the most beautiful mare I’d ever seen. I remembered being so flustered I sounded like an idiot. I remembered turning down an offer from a flight team because it would mean not seeing her again. I remembered trying to find a way to go to the Grand Galloping Gala with her. I remembered hearing her cheer me on as I flew in the Best Young Flyers Competition. I remembered crashing into her library countless times just as an excuse to see her. I remembered her smile, always there to cheer me up. I remembered her embrace warm and comforting. I remembered her eyes, so bright and curious, eager to see the world. I remembered her voice, so beautiful and hypnotizing. I remembered her laugh, something I would do anything to hear. I remembered that I wouldn’t ever leave Ponyville hanging because that would leave her hanging. I remembered the most important thing in the world. I remembered that I loved Twilight Sparkle. Discord’s hold over me broke and I stood straight up, looking into the eyes of the most amazing mare in the world. I finally worked up the nerve. I kissed Twilight Sparkle. > Denial (Romance, Sad) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The world fell out from underneath me. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t think. My gut clenched in fear. I needed to breath. I looked around in terror, anywhere but towards the mare standing in front of me. I searched for any avenue of escape. “Well?” Rainbow Dash asked again, her voice wavering with uncertainty. “Will you be my marefriend Twilight?” Suddenly the last few weeks finally came into perfect clarity. All the time Dah had spent with me, all the times she’d asked me to go to lunch with her, and how touchy-feely with me. She’d been going on dates with me. I felt sick to my stomach. “Twilight, you okay?” Rainbow raised her eyebrow looking at me carefully. I forced myself to speak but the only thing that came out was a soft, “No.” “What?” Rainbow looked taken aback. “What’s wrong?” “No, I’m sorry. I can’t go out with you.” All traces of a smile vanished from Rainbows face. She looked dumbstruck, as if unable to process the words I’d spoken. At last, she spoke. “Why not?” Swallowing, I worked up the courage to to answer. “Well,to be perfectly honest? I’m not a fillyfooler.” Her face went from disappointment to confusion in an instant. “Then why have you been going out with me on dates?” With a frown, I answered. “I didn’t know they were dates, I thought we were just friends spending time together. I’d never go on a date with a mare.” I regretted my last words the instant I spoke them, wishing I could take them back. “Never?” Rainbow questioned, surprised. “You’d never even give it a chance?” “No, I couldn’t. It’s just wrong. Mares aren’t supposed to be with other mares. It’s just unnatural.” The anger was apparent in Rainbow’s eyes, along with the shock of hearing this from her friend. I felt guilty, but I stood by what I said. It was what I believed. “Oh, so because I’m a fillyfooler, I’m wrong?! I didn’t realize that love depended only on gender. I’m sorry, I’ll just leave you alone so I don’t disgust you.” With that, Rainbow was gone in a multihued storm. “Rainbow, I never said that!” I tried to shout after her, but she either didn’t hear or didn’t want to hear it. With a sigh, I turned around and went back into her library. I knew that being a fillyfooler was wrong, but yet still I felt horrible. There was something else there too. Disappointment? Why was I disappointed? Feeling absolutely terrible, I went to my room and crawled into bed, tears streaming down my face. One last thought went through my head before I slept. Rainbow Dash shouldn’t cry. She’s too beautiful when she’s happy. No one should make her cry. > Quills (Romance, Fluff) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Happy birthday Twi!” I pulled out the carefully hoofwrapped gift I had made, hoping she’d like it. She gave me a thankful smile and used her magic to tear off the wrapping. A smooth wooden box met her gaze, our cutie marks painstakingly carved into the top. “Rainbow, its great!” I smiled at my marefriend, loving her enthusiasm even when I knew it wasn’t what she was expecting. “Go on, open it.” She lifted the latch with her magic and opened the lid. A set of blue feathers met her eyes. Slowly, she picked one up in her magic and let out a slight gasp. The father was made into an high quality quill. “I know you’ve needed some more quills ever since Quills and Sofas shut down, so I’ve been collecting my feathers for a while. I took them to a big quill store in Manehattan and they made them into these quills.” “Oh, Rainbow! You didn’t have to do this. I can just order my quills.” Giving her a hug, I chuckled. “But are the quills you order enchanted to last longer and resist damage.” “What?!” Her horn lit as she brought the quill closer to her to examine it. She cast a quick spell and the quill shimmered a rainbow of colors. “Rainbow how did you do this? It’s amazing!” “Well, while I was in Manhattan I saw a unicorn who was doing enchantments for ponies, so I went ahead and asked if she could do it for me.” Giving me a huge smile, Twilight brought herself up to me and kissed me. Breaking free from my mouth, she said, “Thank you so much, this is the best gift I’ve ever gotten!” “Plus it’ll give you something to remember me by while I’m on tour. You will write to me right?” “Of course!” She exclaimed, surprised I’d even think she wouldn’t. “Now come on, lets spend our last night for quite a while together.” With that, we both went upstairs to bed. > Cookies (Romance, Fluff) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a cool fall afternoon when the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking wafted through the library. Upstairs, Twilight Sparkle was wrapped in a blanket, reading the latest Daring Doo, and starting to get hungry. When she smelled the cookies, her stomach growled, breaking her focus on the book. She stood and stretched, taking a minute to bask in the wonderful smell before heading downstairs to find the cookies which were producing the wonderful aroma. Entering the kitchen, Twilight stopped dead in her tracks. A battlefield of batter, flour, eggs, and sugar met her gaze. In the center of it all sat her marefriend, eyes closed sniffing the heavenly aroma in the air while covered in the ingredients she had been using. Hearing the gasp from Twilight, Rainbow’s eyes shot open in shock and fear. She turned slowly to the unicorn and smiled guiltily. Twilight walked slowly towards her while purveying the mess. She stopped just in from of Dash and looked down on her. She leaned in, bringing her face close to Dash. Dash cringed in fear, wary of the wrath of her lover. Twilight opened her mouth, only to lick a bit of batter of Dash’s nose. With a chuckle, she sat down next to her surprised marefriend and smelled the air. Dash laughed and pulled Twilight next to her and there they both sat waiting for the sweet treat to exit the oven. > Unrequited (Darkish, Sad) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Journal, Love is a funny thing, isn’t it? For most of our lives we have no clue what love is, only hearing of it in romance stories and from our parents. We spend much of our lives trying to find someone to fall in love with, searching for a piece of something truly special just for ourselves. Looking for that one pony who will love us in return. And sometimes when we fall in love, we still don’t get it. We don’t get that love returned to us. We can love someone who will never love us back. That pain, love given but not returned is excruciating. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Is love worth it? It’s hard to say. From everything I’ve felt, no it isn’t. The pain far outlasts the pleasure. Yet, I still yearn for that love everyday. It’s like a never ending torture device. Even though I want to stop I can’t. I need to find a way out, before it destroys me. I will escape. Love will not hurt me any more. > Confession (Dark, AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Celestia, I’m sorry. There is no more to say besides that. I’m sorry. I have let you down. You always taught me to be good, true, and honest. I tried to follow you in the light, but a darkness came over me and I sinned. I cannot bear to see you again knowing I’ve let you down in such a way. I am supposed to be your most faithful, but I have fallen into shadow. Even as I write this I tremble with the power of my affliction. It is only through thoughts of you and what you have taught me that I have the strength to write these words and do what I must. I must be punished for I looked unto another mare in lust. A dark spirit has come over me and infected my mind. Do not blame the mare for she is oblivious to my plight. The conflict is my own for I have brought these spirits to myself and my soul feels as if it is tearing itself apart. My punishment as the part of me that is good and true pits itself against the darkness that has blossomed inside me since I have left your side. My actions now are a necessity to ensure my soul stays in the light. Forgive me my crimes, for I am not of sound mind. Let the light guide my soul forever. Twilight Sparkle > Cinnamon (Romance, Comedy) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash landed in front of Sugarcube Corner wiping the sweat from her brow. She was grimy and dirty, having just gotten back from a week long flight, but she smiled nonetheless as she walked into the store. “Hello and welcome to Sugarcube Corner!” Pinkie began, crouching behind the counter looking for something. Having found what she was looking for, she raised her head gasped in surprise when she saw who it was. “Dashie!” She cried leaping over the counter and tackling the pegasus in a bone-crushing hug. “You’re back!” She paused for a second to sniff. “And you smell!” “Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash choked. “I can’t breath.” “Well of course you can’t when you smell that bad! You should really take a shower.” Pinkie let go of Dash who took a big lungful of air and began to cough. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll go take a shower in a minute. First off, will you do me a huge favor?” Pinkie’s eyes widened at this, and she began to jump up and down in joy. “Ooo! What flavor? Vanilla? Chocolate? Sherbert? Strawberry? Blueberry? Cotton Candy? Hay bacon? Bubble Gum? Orange? App-” “Favor, not flavor Pinkie.” “Ohh! I see! So what can I do ya for, Dashie?” She said with a wiggle of her eyebrows. Dash groaned and facehoofed, but reached for her saddlebags and very carefully pulled out a small tin. She placed it on the counter and removed the lid, causing Pinkie to gasp. “I-is that what I think it is?!” Pinkie whispered, her voice trembling. “You bet it is!” Rainbow smirked, striking a cocky pose. Dash frowned when Pinkie was so transfixed with the contents of the tin that she’d missed the pegasus’ pose. Luckily she saw what was about to happen. Pinkie dived towards the tin, trying desperately to get to the insides, but Dash was faster. With a flick of her wings, she was in front of the pink pony and blocked her way. “No Pinkie! It isn’t for you.” “Awww, but Dashie--” Pinkie pleaded, her eyes starting to water. “No, I’m not falling for it. This is really important. I need you to do something for me.” Leaning forward, she whispered something in Pinkie’s ear, making the earth pony’s jaw drop. “No. Way.” She said when she’d picked her jaw up from the floor. Rainbow just smirked and nodded. Pinkie’s face became very serious. “What do you need me to do.” Rainbow muttered some instructions to Pinkie, gave her the tin, and proceeded up the stairs to take a shower. Half an hour later (Rainbow Dash really, really, likes her showers), Rainbow descended the stairs, wings wide spread to air dry. “Pinkie!” She called towards the kitchen. “You done yet?” The doors swung open and out came the pink mare carrying a small package. She passed it off to Dash and wished her good luck. With a quick goodbye, Dash went on her way and Pinkie watched longing as she left. Dash could barely contain her excitement as she made her way to the library where a certain unicorn awaited her. She stood outside the door for a moment, steadying her nerves, and knocked. “Coming!” Came a familiar voice from inside the tree, accompanied by the sound of a book closing. Moments later the door opened to Twilight Sparkle. “Hey Sparkle, I’m back!” said Dash with a grin, getting swept into her second hug of the day, though this one was much more enjoyable. “Welcome home Rainbow! How was your trip?” Twilight asked, walking inside with Dash. “It was fine, I missed you though.” Dash nuzzled her marefriend. “I got you something too!” “Oh Dash,” Twilight said with a blush. “You didn’t have to.” “Well I know how much you love foreign foods, so I got Pinkie to make some with a recipe I got.” Dash took out the package and opened it revealing a cake. “It’s called coffee cake, and it’s delicious. You have it with tea, so you should boil up two cups so we can have a slice together.” The two mares quickly made the tea, cut the cake, and sat down on the couch next to each other. With a smile, Twilight levitated her fork, got a little piece of the cake, and tried it. “Mmmm! That’s delicious.” She said, swallowing and quickly getting another bite. “What’s in it?” “It’s a cake with some nuts, sugar, a bit of coffee, and the special ingredient, Caymare Island cinnamon!” At that, Twilight spat the cake out of her mouth and threw her plate away, quickly draining her tea. Coughing and wincing from the heat, she grimaced. “What’s wrong?” Dash cried in shock. “Rainbow Dash you idiot! I’m horribly allergic to cinnamon!” > Their Eyes (Dark) > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         I had gathered them all up for a picnic. We’d finished rather quickly, getting inside before the storm arrived. We were closest to my house so they all came there. It all went just as planned. Everyone was tired and happy, enjoying the day. I’d cleared all my animals from the house for the day so there’d be plenty of room for everypony there.         We all settled down in the living room, Rarity and Twilight on the couch, Rainbow resting on a beam near the ceiling, Pinkie hopping around like always, and Applejack leaning on the wall. They all chatted aimlessly while I went to get drinks. I took my time, getting something each of my friends would enjoy. A sports drink for Dash,  a glass of apple juice for Applejack, a soda for Pinkie Pie, and some tea for Twilight and Rarity. I set them all out on the counter in a neat row. I got out a tray so I could bring them to the other room. I poured each drink into a glass or mug respectively. I added ice, milk, and sugar where appropriate, and added the final ingredient. I placed all of the drinks on the tray and carried it carefully back to the living room.         I gave each pony their drink, but made sure none of them drank before we could make a toast. Finally I sat down with my glass of water in hoof and cleared my throat before speaking.         “I’d just like to thank everypony for having the picnic with me.” I mumbled, not liking to be the center of attention. Rarity kindly took over for me. She’s so nice like that. They all are. That’s why they get to be in a better place.         “Well my dear Fluttershy, if it weren’t for you we might not be here at all! The way you controlled Discord and got him to behave was just marvelous!”         “I’ll drink to that!” called Applejack, the others all murmuring in agreement. “To Fluttershy!” Every pony cheered and drank. We all smiled at each other and they went back to talking. I watched as they slowly surcome to the powerful sedative I’d placed in their drinks.         I smiled and spoke to their slumbering bodies. “You all are the best. You deserve to go to a better place.” With that, I walked over to my hearth and picked up my matches. I went outside and latched the door behind me. I lit a match and dropped it in the carefully concealed fire wood I’d laid down around my home. I watched as the fire caught . Sometime later, I heard one of them inside wake up coughing. As I’d thought, Twilight’s magic had quickly overcame the sleeping drug. I could her her curse as she tried to use magic and I smiled at my foresight for putting a magic suppressor in the sugar I’d added to her tea. She ran to the door coughing even harder and tried to break it down. When she didn’t she went over to the window and looked out. She spotted me and we stared into each other’s eyes. She cried for my help as she coughed. I just smiled and waved. She was so lucky to get to go to a better place. As I stared calmly into her panicked  and hurt eyes, I felt someone behind me. I turned to see Discord watching happily. His voice spoke in my head ‘A very good job little Fluttershy. You are a very good mare for chaos, but let me show you how it is done.’He snapped his finger and voices cried out from inside. I saw Twilight turn and other ponies moving around. All of my friends came rushing to the window looking out at me just standing there. It was the only place they could go. Discord had cast spells to prevent them from moving anywhere else in my house. As I stared into their eyes something inside me broke. I watched as my five best friends were burnt alive. I will never forget the looks in their eyes. > The Most Lonely Road (Sadish) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, where are we goin’?” “We aren’t going anywhere. I am leaving and you need to stay.” “Pfft! Fat chance of that! What kind of friend would I be if I just let you go out there on your own?” “You’d be a good friend! Can’t you see it’s what I want. You have let my go alone. If you ever decide to listen to me, ever, let it be know. Leave me alone and let me go. Forget that I ever existed. Everything will be better that way.” “...” “Please. I don’t want to see you hurt.” “W-what would you do if you were in my hooves?” “...” “Well? Would you let me go?” “It’s not your job to watch over me! I have a duty. Celestia knows I don’t want to go, but I have to! There’s no other option. It’s the only way I will ever be able to live with myself.” “Do you think I could live with myself if I let you go alone?” “...” “Come on, there has to be some other option! We just gotta look at it from outside the box.” “I’ve tried. I’ve looked at it every way I could think of and this is the only way. Please, forgive me for being selfish.” “NO!” “...” “I-it c-can’t ever be fair c-can it?” “...” “F-for what it’s w-worth, I d-don’t forgive you.” “...” “...” “...” > A Hero's Warning (Sadish, AUish) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So my little pony, you want to be a hero? You want to be loved by the good and feared by the unjust?  You want to fight for justice, doing good worldwide, saving the lives of other ponies? You want to get respect from others from your actions? If you become a hero you could have what you want. You want to be a hero? You want your name to go down in history, your tales to be regaled by fireside for measureless time to come? You want to be listed among the greatest of the greats? You want to be looked up to by foals who need an example? If you become a hero you could have what you want. You want to be a hero?  You want to discover things no pony has found before? You want to see places no pony has been before? You want to feel the awe and wonder of the unknown? If you become a hero you could have what you want. You want to be a hero? You want the riches and glory that you would surely find? You want to secure your future for when you grow old? You want to steal from the hoards of dragons, claim the bounty on a thief's head, or be rewarded for returning a family's heirloom back to them? If you become a hero you could have what you want. But pay heed my little pony, for if you want to be a hero you want to be always looking behind you, always surrounded by danger. You want to have others out for your head to gain a quick bit. You want to make enemies wherever you go, just because you try to do good You want to walk a path of risk unlike any other. If you become a hero then you could have what you want. If you want to be a hero, you want to spend your nights alone, far away from any who care for you. You want to push away those you love, until you have none left. You want to live to see the day you are all alone in the world. If you become a hero then you could have what you want. If you want to be a hero, you want to have no true home. You want to forever be a wanderer. You want to never be truly welcomed anywhere. You want to be alone. If you become a hero you could have what you want. If you want to be a hero, you want to see the day when you lose faith in all that you believe. You want to see the day when you have no strength left. You want to see the day your will is finally crushed and you no longer can stand up for the weak and just. If you become a hero you could have what you want. Now go my little pony. Think about what I have said. ... I can only hope I've said enough. She is so eager, so young, so full of life. I hope she is wiser than I was. Oh, if only I could have known. If only I could have known. > All It Took (Romance, Tragedy) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All It Took It's amazing how fast things can change forever. All it took, was one hundred heartbeats. One hundred heartbeats and I knew I loved her. One hundred heartbeats and I knew I would be forever hers. One hundred heartbeats, and I was gone. All it took was one hundred heartbeats to see the past. One hundred heartbeats to see what I'd missed. One hundred heartbeats to see my mistakes. One hundred heartbeats to see my triumphs. One hundred heartbeats to see my friends. One hundred heartbeats to see my family. One hundred heartbeats to see her. All it took was one hundred heartbeats to see the future. One hundred heartbeats to see her joy. One hundred heartbeats to see her sadness. One hundred heartbeats to know what was at stake. All it took was one hundred heartbeats to get everything I ever wanted. One hundred heartbeats to feel complete. One hundred heartbeats to know I chose right. One hundred heartbeats to be happy. One hundred heartbeats to tell her I loved her. All it took was one hundred heartbeats to lose everything. One hundred heartbeats to feel alone. One hundred heartbeats to lose my dream. One hundred heartbeats to be torn asunder. One hundred heartbeats to fail. All it took to die, was one hundred heartbeats. All it took to love, was one hundred heartbeats. All it took to make her cry, was one hundred heartbeats. All it took to save her, was one hundred heartbeats. And after all, what's one hundred heartbeats in exchange for a life? > Change (Romance) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change There are moments that change your life forever. These moments come in many forms, accidents, miracles, a chance meeting, and so on. I will never forget the moment my life changed. I was young and I wanted to see something new. I was tired of family, tired of apples, and tired of who I was. I set out to Manehattan to escape who I was, and what I saw as my future. When I arrived, I only felt more lost. My hope faltered and began to dwindle. Maybe I would never find who I was. Maybe I would be forever doomed to lie to myself and others, pretending I was happy. But then I got my moment in a shockwave that send rainbows spreading through the skies. The colors reminded me of family, friends, good times, bad times, and most importantly, they reminded me of home. A place where no matter what, I could be who I was. A place where I would never have to lie to myself. And that moment was the most important one of my life. Without it, I never would've found home. I never would've found myself. I never would've found her. Years later, she came into my life, a new weather pony in town. The first time I saw her, I knew. Her colors brought the rainbow from my youth back to me. I don't know how, but I knew that this mare was responsible for the moment that changed my life. This mare was responsible for my happiness. It was because of her I had found my true path in life. And when I saw her, I knew my life had changed again. I knew that moment, that I was in love. I would be eternally grateful for what she had done, but there was something there, a connection that I'd never felt before. She made me happy whenever she was around. I felt warm and safe with her. And she changed my life again when she agreed to marry me. > The Rainbow (Romance, RariDash) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've always loved colors. I've been drawn to rich and bright colors my whole life. Even when I got my cutie mark, I was drawn to gems filled with more color than I had ever seen before. I guess maybe that's part of why I fell for her. If Rainbow Dash is anything, she's colorful. She is red. Warming to those around her. Passionate and caring. Feisty and independent. Powerful and bold.  Noble and strong. She is quick to anger and willing to die for what she believes in. She will protect who she cares for and do anything to achieve her dreams. She is blue. A bright blue like the sky, always there, unwavering. She is strong, but has depth and dimension. She is supportive, comforting, and strengthening. She is constant and sure. She is yellow. Happy and playful. A best friend for any day. She makes you want to laugh. She is boisterous and rambunctious but a good influence. She revels in the light, but will always share it with another. Like her namesake she is a blend of all this into one form, and it is beautiful. She is red, blue, yellow, orange, purple, green, and more colors than you could name. She is strong, caring, dependable, soft, bold, and more traits than you could name. She is Rainbow Dash and I love her. > The Knight and the Princess (Romance) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo sighed. She was in detention yet again. "Stupid Diamond Tiara and her stupid insults," she grumbled under her breath. She got a harsh stare from Cheerilee and shut up. With another deep sigh she took out her math homework. She looked over the sheet with disgust and quickly pushed it aside. Instead, she reached down into her backpack and pulled out the cleanest sheet of paper she could find. Scootaloo began to doodle, letting her mind wander and draw whatever it would come to. Slowly a castle began to take shape on the paper. It was one simple tower with a balcony near the top. A faraway look washed over Scootaloo's face as she worked, a story slowly coming to mind. ~~~ The knight dove away as fire engulfed the stairs. It wasn't much further to the room of the Princess if only the dragon could be dealt with. The knight turned brandishing a sword at the dragon. It was a fierce creature. It's purple and green colors told of the powerful magic and dangerous strength. Bones of countless challengers littered the ground around its feet. The knight ducked a deadly swipe of the dragons claws and continued up the stairs. The dragon's scales were too strong to be damaged. The only chance the poor knight had was to get at its head. The knight's armour glowed with the heat that was thick in the air. Scrapes and dents told of many battles fought and many challenges overcome. Unfortunately many suits of similar armour were half melted all around the castle. A gap appeared in the stairs at the knights hooves. Gravity pulled and grasped, but didn't quite catch. A sigh of relief came from the helmet as the knight's balance returned. A long time ago a blow from the dragon had destroyed the steps, leaving a gap of three pony lengths. The knight took a step back, prepared, and took a running leap not a moment too soon. The dragon had flown back around and the deadly tail had swept over the side where the knight had stood. The dragon let loose a roar of frustration and began banking in the air so he could attack once again.   The knight dashed the last stretch of the stairs and reached the door into the tower. The dragon roared, face even with the balcony, it's wings pumping heavily to keep it hovering there. It took a deep breath in and prepared to roast the knight, only to receive a prod in the eye from the hilt of the knight's sword. It wasn't enough to blind the dragon, only to hurt him. The dragon's wings faltered and he lost altitude. The knight was forgotten as the dragon tended to his eye. A key unlocked the door and the knight entered the tower. At last the princess had been found. She was a beautiful white filly, her mane curls of purple and pink. The stories told that she had the sweetest voice of anypony who had ever lived. She stared in awe at the knight who had passed the dragon to save her. The princess stepped forward to reveal the identity of her savior. The helmet came off and dropped to the floor. Her hero was her longtime childhood friend. A young farmer with whom she had been forced to cut ties, after all a princess can't spend time with commoners. Not a word was spoken between. It wasn't needed, they merely met in a kiss. ~~~ "All right Scootaloo, detention is over," Cheerilee said as she packed up her papers. Scootaloo let out a quiet cheer and started to pack her things. She looked down at the doodles she'd drawn. Pictures of her two best friends as a princess and a knight, several of them kissing. She looked around to make sure that nopony had suddenly appeared to see the pictures. In an instant they were swept into her backpack where they accompanied many pieces of forgotten homework filled with sketches of the same two fillies kissing or holding hooves and several short romance novels. "Stupid overactive imagination..." Scootaloo grumbled as she left the classroom and ran off to meet her friends. > Always Learning (Dark) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laughter pealed from the largest booth in Sugarcube Corner. Twilight Sparkle and her friends sat around the table enjoying hot chocolate to warm them from the snowstorm outside. It was late, the sun had set hours before and Rainbow Dash was retelling one of her stories from flight school. "He came right at me, full speed with his hooves ready to beat the hay outa me." Dash reenacted the scene as she spoke, her audience giving her their full attention.  "Anypony else woulda just gotten out of there but not The Dash! No, was ready for him. He came swinging at me and I just ducked his hooves and," Rainbow Dash lowered herself in her seat and then popped up, delivering an uppercut to thin air. "Boom. He was out cold." A chorus of wows echoed from the circle of friends. Rainbow's chest swelled with pride. The conversation lulled as Dash drank her hot chocolate. Suddenly Twilight stiffened. A voice whispered in her ear. "Know what you're facing." "Wow, Rainbow! That's impressive. Did you ever take self defence classes?" Twilight asked, feigning interest. "Self defence? That stuff isn't for The Dash! Nah, I took martial arts! I was the best in my class, four years running!" "That's incredible! How about the rest of you girls? Have you ever taken self defence courses or martial arts?" "Nah, my big brother taught me how to fight, earth pony style!" Applejack said. "Nope! I've never really had anyone who wanted to hurt me!" Pinkie chirped. "Well, besides Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, and you when you were angry Twi!" "I've taken several magical self defence classes. A lady must know how to protect herself after all." said Rarity. "I've taken one or two, but I wasn't that good." Fluttershy mumbled. Twilight heard the voice again. "Asses threat level." Her mind immediately began to work thinking about all the things her friends could do, and how dangerous they would be. "Determine the best course of action." The voice spoke and Twilight listened. Pinkie first, she didn't want any unknown factors in the fight. Then Rarity, magic was always dangerous. Rainbow Dash, then Applejack, Fluttershy last. "Wait for the right moment." Pinkie lifted her mug up to her face and closed her eyes, savoring the last little bit of her drink. "Execute the plan." Everything moved in slow motion. A sleep spell hit Pinkie in the face knocking her unconscious, followed by Twilight cracking Rarity on the horn with a hoof and the a quick hit to the side of her head with magic. She fell unconscious. Rainbow Dash began to react. Twilight wrapped her wings in telekinesis and twisted them in opposite directions. They snapped. Twilight focused on Applejack's hind legs casting a nearly identical spell and breaking them. Two more sleep spells hit the two athletic ponies and they were down. Fluttershy was frozen with fear. Twilight closed her eyes before turning to Fluttershy and casting the sleeping spell one last time. Twilight sat at the booth with her five best friends scattered around her, unconscious. "Twi!" "Gah!" cried Twilight as her friend's voice broke her from her thoughts. "Jeez, Twi. You were out of it. Are you okay?" Twilight scanned the concerned looks in front of her. "Ya, I'm fine," she muttered. "I'm just tired. It's late and I haven't been sleeping well. I think I'm gonna head home." Her friends nodded. She bid them farewell and in an instant she was home.   She walked over to her bed and laid down. She didn't bother to get ready for bed, or even to brush her teeth. She simply fell asleep, slipping into a familiar dream. ~~~ "Twilight. It is good to see you," said the voice. "Let us continue our training." "Yes." "What are the two most important things in a fight?" "To get rid of all the unknown factors and variables so that you can be sure of the outcome and to show no mercy." "Good, now let's look at your little get together with your friends tonight." ~~~ Twilight tossed and turned in her sleep, a look of anguish on her face. > Twilight and the Dragon (Tragedy, Dark) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The air was thick, hot, and hard to breathe. Darkness blurred the edges of my vision as I struggled to stand. The smell of blood, sweat, and fire filled the cavern. I focused all of my attention on standing. Not on the blood spattered walls, the bones lining the floor, or the rubble from the cave in. I ignored everything my mind told me, relying only on my senses. If I let my emotions get the better of me I would never get out. I shoved all my thoughts away into the back of my mind. The sound of scales scraping on rock forced me to look up. Sure enough, there was the dragon, smiling cruelly as he observed his work. His eyes came to rest on the rocks behind me, and then to me. He let out a snort and my vision darkened as the air only gained heat. I tried to ignore the screaming pain from my chest. I guessed I had several broken ribs. Every breath was a fight to not collapse and a knife in my chest. The ground beneath me shook as the dragon came closer, my legs shook and came out from under me. I cried out as I hit the ground. My coat was damp and matted with blood, only some of it my own. I could feel as every inch of my body shouted at me to give up, to just slip into unconsciousness and let the dragon win. I ignored my body and kept my eyes trained on the dragon approaching me. It's eyes looked me over with disdain. It stopped in front of me and moved so that I was trapped between it and the wall. There was no avenue of escape. That was fine with me. I didn't want to escape. The dragon was in front of me trying to see if I was a threat. All he saw in me was an injured pony whom he could toy with before he killed. He made no move to defend himself, assuming all the fight had left me. That would be his last mistake. I let my emotions loose. Waves of fear, pain, and anguish overcame me. Parts of me wanted to break down in tears, faint, or just die. Those parts were dwarfed by one thing. Anger. I allowed myself to see what was left of my friends from the corner of my eyes. Blood pooling on the floor. A wing sticking from a pile of rubble. A leg the only part of a body not trapped under rock.   A let out a scream of rage and sadness. It echoed off the walls of the cavern. I focused everything I had through my horn. I thought of my friends and how the dragon had killed them. A cave in that didn't have the mercy to kill me as well. I thought about how their families and loved ones would never see them again. I thought about how they would never achieve their dreams or see their futures. The cave was basked in the glow of my horn. I looked into the dragon's eyes and saw my reflection, eyes glowing and face of pure rage. I prepared to release my magic. It would destroy the mountain. I had no small amount of power and I was using it all. I would collapse all the caves in. The dragon would suffer the same fate as all of my friends. There would be no way I could escape, but that didn't matter. I didn't want to live without my friends. The dragon began to strike. I released my magic. > The Princess (Sad) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun sank low in the sky casting an orange glow through the throne room of Canterlot Castle. The Princess sat in her throne, listening to the petitioner before her, one of the nobles trying to further his own goals. She waited patiently for him to finish his proposal before simply shaking her head. "No." She turned her head to look out the window as the last sliver of sun slipped beneath the horizon. "And Dusk Court is now over. Guards if you could let the rest of the petitioners know to come back tomorrow, I will be on my way to dinner." The guards nodded, heading out the door to disperse the crowd. The noble pony stuttered, "B-but your majesty!" His voice fell on the deaf ears of the alicorn as she made her way past him. A glow opened a small pair of doors which lead to an inner passageway through the castle. It was less grandiose and much more discreet. Servants trotted to and fro, carrying out their duties. Despite all her efforts, they still stopped and bowed to the princess whenever she passed. She paused in her walk, reaching her hoof up to her neck and rubbing under her regalia. She let out a quiet snort of annoyance then resumed her walk. Further down the hall she turned and made her way through a door on her right, coming out into the royal dining room where several chefs and kitchen workers were still setting up the evening meal. Her head chef stumbled as he saw her. "Your majesty! I'm sorry we're not quite prepared yet. I didn't expect you to come through the servants passageways." He turned and motioned for all the other ponies to hurry. "I hope you won't mind waiting for just a moment as we finish." "Not at all." The head chef bowed and quickly resumed his duties. The alicorn made her way slowly to the head of the table where she sat. Her chair was pulled out for her. She paused then thanked the servant and sat down. As her chef had told her, dinner was but a moment away. It was as usual, a grand spectacle. There were foods from around Equestria, each cooked perfectly and arranged to look as appetizing as possible. One of the servants came up beside her, asking her what she would like for dinner. She looked over the spread before her, eventually settling on a pasta dish closest to her. A moment later a healthy portion was on her plate and another servant was asking her what she would like to drink. "Just water," she sighed. The servant nodded then floated a pitcher of water over and poured some into the Princess's glass. An hour passed and like clockwork the Princess rose to her hooves and made her way to her room, leaving her dinner mostly untouched. The halls were silent. The moonlight shone through them illuminating the Princess's path. The doors to her room swung open to let her in. She let out a breath as the doors closed behind her. Twilight was alone. She shook of her golden shoes and left them strewn on the floor. She threw her crown carelessly onto the large plush bed. She quickly levitated the necklace off and tossed it on the bed next to the crown. She stepped out onto the balcony, closing her eyes and feeling the wind in her mane. When she opened them, she was greeted with the Mare in the Moon above her, looking down coldly. Twilight quickly looked away. Her gaze came to fall instead on the North Star. She sighed breaking the silence for a moment before it returned. On her balcony there was nothing but the sound of wind. "You said I had the strength." The wind rose and fell, blowing in cold air from the north. "I'm not sure I do." Twilight shivered. "I feel so lost." She took a shuddering breath. "I'm supposed to be your most faithful, but I feel like I don't have any faith." Her eyes never left the North Star. "Please, Celestia. Come back. I need you." The star only twinkled in return. A tear fell from Twilight's eye. The Princess stood on the balcony for a moment longer before turning her back to the stars and the moon and returning inside. > Excitement (Romance, TwiPie) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the big day, but Pinkie wasn't excited. It was odd for her. Pinkie was always excited for something. Good weather, bad weather, holidays, regular days, new friends, old friends, fresh sweets, sweets she found while cleaning out under her bed, it didn't matter to her. Pinkie watched as her hooves shook. Not from a sugar rush or from a cup of coffee, but from fear. Pinkie gave a half hearted laugh that sounded more like a sob. Her hooves shook more. This wasn't something she could just giggle away. Her left nostril itched. Five minutes. She only had five minutes. There was a knock at the door. "Pinkie? Darling, are you okay?" Rarity asked. "Oh, I'm fine Rarity! Just making sure that my mane is the most Pinkie-ist and perfect-ist it can be!" "Alright, but do hurry!" Pinkie half heartedly moved her limp hair away from her face. Something fell out, no longer held by her curls. It was a card. The note shook as she picked it up and read it. It wasn't much, just a short poem. Rose are red and violets are blue I've never said it, but Pinkie, I like you Pinkie smiled. She closed her eyes and pulled the note closer to her. Pinkie jumped to her hooves, stashing the note in her mane. Hooves steady she pulled open the door and headed out. "Oh, thank heavens. You're just in time." Rarity paused. "Are you ready?" "You betcha!" Pinkie nearly sang. "Well then, here we go!" Pinkie walked with a calmness that was rare, moving her hooves in time with the music. The ponies on either side of her were smiling as they watched her. She was careful not to step on her dress. She almost stopped when she turned her eyes to look to the far end of the room. There was Twilight, waiting for her with glistening eyes. Pinkie wasn't afraid or scared. No, Pinkie was excited. > Hunter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bead of sweat made its way down Twilight's face. Her ears twitched searching for any sound in the dark room. The shadow's were thick and oppressive, and Twilight couldn't see more than a pony's length ahead of her. She had to flee. Her pursuer could be anywhere in the darkness. If she could get outside, Twilight just might be safe. The sound of breaths behind her made Twilight jump. She turned as fast as she could manage, quickly tilting her head down and firing a blast of mana from her horn. The violent bolt illuminated the room, and Twilight stared in shocked confusion. The blast hit the wall. There hadn't been anypony behind her. Twilight began to sweat more, eyes darting around the room. Had she imagined the noise and given away her position for nothing? Her brain worked double time, crafting her escape route. The basement window, no way anypony would think she'd leave through there. Twilight turned and took a step. A flash from the hall made her stop. There, catching the light of the moon the streamed through the window, were a pair of eyes. Before Twilight could move, the pony darted out. Twilight scrambled backwards, her horn aglow but she wasn't fast enough. A hoof flew out and struck her horn. Twilight cried out in pain as she fell back, the magic she had gathered gone. There was a quick tussle that was over far too quickly. The strength of the earth pony won and Twilight was pinned. Twilight began to shake underneath her captor. "I've got you right where I want you," Pinkie said, a manic grin growing on her face. Her pupils were small and her smile too big. "Now, are you ready for some fun?" she asked the terrified unicorn. "Please, just let me go," Twilight whispered, trying to squirm away from the deranged mare. "No, you're going to get exactly what you deserve!" Pinkie cackled. "Anything, anything but this please. Please!" Twilight begged. "I'm gonna have so much fun with you!" Pinkie reared up, ready to attack. "No!" Twilight screamed as Pinkie fell on her. Pinkie ignored her and dived into a raspberry on her stomach. "No, please!" Twlight giggled, trying to resist the laughter. Pinkie's hooves danced all over her sides, hitting all the rights spots to make her squeal. "Stop! Please I can't stand it!" Her pleas fell upon deaf ears and her screams and laughs carried on late into the night. > Angels > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've always loved stories. Tales of brave knights and bands of adventurers, braving the darkness of the world and searching for glory. Recountings of forbidden love that is stronger than death. Stories in which ponies overcome everything that is thrown at them and somehow succeed. I love fantasies. Because that's all they are. Fantasies. Dreams and imaginings of ponies who long for something better. My favorite tales are of the angels. How they brought love and happiness to world. How time and time again they overcame the odds and saved the day. Stories of brighter days and better times. Harmonious fantasies. I can quote word for word the rise of the six angels and their fight against the darkness. How they fought off anarchy and chaos. How they overcame their own flaws through compassion and friendship. How they stayed true to what they believed. How they eventually fell, separate and alone. How they slowly faded, until only one was left. How her heart had broken and with it her mind. The ending always left me sad. I always dream of the angels. It's quite poetic I suppose. After all, angels are just that. Dreams. Imaginings. Stories that we like to hear. Or at least that's what the books say. I alway dream that they were real. That their spirits are out there watching over us. Protecting us. I like that. It makes the world seem brighter, less grey. It's my own ending to their story. An ending that gives me hope.   > Music > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight hummed along with the gramophone, her eyes drifting shut as she listened to the melody gain complexity and fervor. Her body swayed, as if it were her and not the violins across which the bow moved. As the piece crescendoed, her own thoughts decrescendoed, the music flowing through her, sweeping away the other thoughts. "Jeez, Twi," Rainbow snorted, making Twilight jump, the music carrying on without her.  "Go figure an egghead like you would listen to something like this. I mean, Classical music? Really? How can you stand that stuff?" Dash asked as she sorted through the unicorn's records for something more to her tastes. "You know Dash," Twilight sighed with a soft smile. "Once I would've agreed with you. For the longest time I couldn't stand classical music." Dash shot her a scathing glance. "Somehow I doubt that," she said, gesturing towards the stacks of classical records, in which there was nothing with so much as a hint of their century. Twilight just sighed and gave a shrug. "I guess you just need somepony to show you how to love it."  She closed her book and her eyes and let the music take her back to when she had somepony do that for her. ~~~ "Can we please listen to something else today, Princess Celestia?" Twilight sighed as her mentor stretched to place a well used record on the gramophone. The alicorn stopped, surprised. She paused and gave Twilight an appraising look. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you weren't enjoying it, Twilight," she apologized, quickly sliding the record back into safety. "I never said I didn't like it!" Twilight protested, a guilty look on her face. At that, Celestia just laughed. "Nonsense, Twilight. It's clear and I should've seen it sooner. I'll let you choose instead of just going with my favorite again," she replied, stepping back and gesturing towards the shelf full of music. Twilight missed the gesture, still caught on something the Princess had said. "That one's your favorite?" she asked,with a frown. "Yes," Celestia replied, a soft smile on her face. Celestia laughed and sat down, beckoning the filly to her side. "Well," she began. "I wasn't always as fond of it as I am now. But when I was young, somepony I loved very much, loved it." Celestia's wing wrapped around the filly by her side as she spoke, Twilight listening raptly. "She always used to listen to it, and I would always ask her to play something else. Maybe some Bach, or Marezart, but she never listened. I could never figure out why she was so obsessed with that one piece, when there were so many other songs out there that I felt were better compositions, or more beautiful. It was only when I was older I found out that she loved it because.." the Princess broke off, nearly caught in her own memories, before shaking her head and continuing, "because it reminded her of me." Silence filled the study and the gramophone sat empty beside the two ponies. "That piece is 'Ode to Joy'. She said it always reminded her how I made her feel." Celestia's voice drifted off. She was only partly in the study. Part of her was back in another room, in another castle, in another time. She was brought back to the present by the stirring of a filly by her side. The unicorn removed herself from the feathers and made her way to where the record lay. Careful not to scratch the vinyl, she removed it from its protection and placed it on the gramophone, gently placing the needle on the outside of record. The strains of cello and bass flowed through the air, and the filly sat there still as stone, taking the whole piece in as Celestia watched, perturbed. Finally when the piece ended, silence fell over the study. After a minute Twilight turned to Celestia. After staring at her for a moment, she spoke. "I actually think I do like that song." Laughter burst from Celestia, and Twilight smiled. The gramophone stood still, but the music played in Celestia's laugh. "Well, I'm glad, but we've spent far too long on music for today, and far to little time with your studies." ~~~ "When a song reminds you of someone you love, how can you not love it?" Twilight sighed softly as Celestia's voice and laugh seemed to float through the air to her ears. She closed her eyes and imagined a warm body beside her, with a soft wing ever so gently caressing her back. Twilight smiled, and let the music carry her away. > Bottle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia blew the dust away from the shelf, closing her eyes as it particles billowed into the air. She blinked to clear her eyes, smiling as the glint of dark glass winked back at her. A warm gold glow picked up the bottle, and white feathers quickly swept away every last trace of dust. Satisfied, Celestia turned from the empty shelf, the bottle safely under her wing. She could barely contain her excitement as she made her way back to her study through the castle halls. She wanted to teleport, or least gallop wildly there as quickly as she could, but there were wards and appearances to be aware of, so she remained at a furiatingly serene pace through the halls, nodding politely to each pony who passed her. After what seemed like forever, even for an alicorn, she arrived at her study doors. A quick check of the sun's position and she smiled. She should still have plenty of time to prepare herself before Twilight got there. The door swung wide and her smile fell. "Celestia!" Twilight practically squealed, running over to the alicorn and throwing her hooves around the taller mare's neck in a hug. "It's so good to see you!" It was Twilight, of course she was early. Celestia mentally facehoofed. Still, she stuffed the frustration away, enjoying her time with Twilight was much more important. "And you too, Twilight. I would ask how everything is going in Ponyville, but I believe that can wait. After all," Celestia said. "We have much more pressing matters don't we?" Twilight blushed, but nodded, dropping from the hug and trotting back into the study. Celestia smiled and followed, telling the guards stationed by either side of the door that they were not to be disturbed, and closing the door behind her. A small ward on the door just to be safe, and she joined Twilight by a low table, surrounded by the plushest cushions one could imagine. With a flourish of magic, Celestia pulled the bottle of whiskey out from under her wing and placed it carefully on the table. Twilight's eyes widened at the sight of the bottle which she quickly whipped up in her magic to examine more closely. "Is this a 1250 Malt?" Twilight whispered in awe. Celestia just smiled knowingly. "There aren't supposed to be any of these left. The factory burned down just a few months after they brewed them!" "Well I've shown you mine, Twilight," Celestia giggled. "Now it's time for you to show me yours!" Twilight's blush returned with a vengeance. "I swear, no matter how many times you say that, I'll never get used to it," she muttered under her breath. Celestia pretended not to hear. Twilight's horn glowed, but before she opened her saddlebags which had lain forgotten beside the door, she spoke. "It's no 1250, but I hope you'll enjoy it," and with a flourish of her own she pulled forth a bottle of wine. Celestia delicately took the bottle from the younger mare's magic and examined it for herself. "A 1817 Chardonnay, and from Buckgundy no less!" she gasped. "Twilight you don't give your own choice enough credit. This is one of the finest wines there is." "Enough talk," Twilight said, hoping Celestia wouldn't notice her blush. "Lets drink!" A small compartment in the table opened up, and Celestia brought out a crystal whisky glass and wine glass. She set them down carefully and turned her attention to the bottle of wine. A quick application of magic and the cork popped off with a satisfying sound. Celestia took a moment to close her eyes and let the aroma take her away for a moment, sighing in satisfaction. When her eyes opened back up, Twilight had melted the wax seal and had her bottle of whiskey ready to pour. They poured their respective drinks into their glasses simultaneously. When they were satisfied with their serving, they stopped. Their eyes met and the smiled, happy to be continuing their tradition once more. "To another fine year," Celestia offered. "To another fine selection of drinks," Twilight replied with a smirk. "Cheers," they said together, the bottles held in their magic clinking together before moving to their lips. They sighed in unison and relaxed back into the cushions, Twilight shimmying over to lay beside the larger pony. Celestia shifted her wing and took another sip of wine from her bottle, wrapping the wing around the smaller pony when she was settled. "Best tradition ever," Twilight said as she laid back against Celestia and took another swig. "Without a doubt." > Run To You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A light turned on in the room. I blinded, but didn't look away. It was almost a relief after so long in the dark. How long had it been since I'd seen the sun? The heat came next. It used to be different. A light warmth I felt whenever I was near you, but so much has changed. For both of us. I hissed as the heat seeped into my skin, my bones. Still I didn't recoil. My gaze never faltered from the light. Not even blindness would stop me as your glance met my stare. If only a for a second, I was there again. There in that beautiful sea of purple that could stop time. That could solve any problem. That could make it all go away. That could always save me. I could never forget that sea, nor the moment I was first lost there. You saved me from myself just to cast me overboard in your eyes. I could never blame you though. I never would. Your steps faltered. No one would notice. No one but me. Time started again as you pulled your gaze away. I was cast from the water and left on the shore, the final ship sailing off, never to return. You stepped back. The silence grew on. I couldn't bear it, but I couldn't speak. You turned, and stepped again. I moved forward, to follow, to throw myself down at your hooves. The sound of iron on stones brought you to a stop. In an instant you turned around and approached. With every step the fire tore through me more, the iron around my legs practically glowing. I smiled. You opened your mouth and my breath hitched. But no words came forth, only a pause then a long sigh. I watched as you searched for the right words. Waited with baited breath to hear you say something, anything. "Why?" The word hit me with more force than a hurricane. It tore me to shreds, cast away every last refuge I had built. The war was lost, the kingdom gone. "Just tell me that, please." The pain in your voice killed me, surely as any knife. I tried to open my mouth, to tell you everything. To win back your heart. To get you to look and see. Nothing came forth. You shook. Not with anger but with sorrow. Your looked away as tears fell to the floor, turning to steam on contact. I called out, screamed and begged for you to turn back. To look and see me. Not a sound issued from my lips. I had almost lost hope when at last you began to turn. If your eyes met mine, you would know. Everything would be fine. My shackles would break and you would set me free. Not purple, but green met my stare. No trace of that beloved, familiar sea met me. I've run out of time. > The Time of Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you were to ask a pony on the street what Princess Celestia’s favorite time of day was, how would they respond? Perhaps they would say dawn, when she could bring an end to the dark night and provide light for all her little ponies. Surely, they would say, she must take pride in the glorious sunrise that sends the shadows scurrying. The sound of fighting reached Celestia’s ears, but she did not truly hear it. The stone beneath her head was uneven, rubble scattered all around her, but she did not feel pain from laying upon it. Tears fell, splattering against the dust on the ground and leaving trails in the dirt upon her face. She did not know how long she had lain there, trying to ignore the ever growing instance in her horn telling her the sun must be raised. After some time more, she could resist it no longer. With a sense of relief that made her sick, her horn lit and the sun rose. From somewhere nearby, a riotous cheer rose and with it came a crescendo in the sounds of violence. Celestia closed her eyes and wept for her sister. If you were to ask a different pony, perhaps they would respond differently. “Why isn’t it obvious?” they might laugh. “High noon! When her glory is high above us, clear for us all to see. When thieves and crooks cower, unable to find shadows to hide among. When the heat of the sun beats down upon all who are unjust, but shines kindly upon the good! Surely, they would say, Celestia must love high noon as the symbol of her brilliant and long-standing reign over Equestria. There was no sound in the throne room. The heat was stifling. Outside the sun beat down on Canterlot, wilting flowers and drying grass. Not a wisp of cloud could be seen through the high windows that looked down on the Court of Fire. This was only the fifth recorded session of the court of fire in the past three hundred years. The third had been less than a month ago. The nobles present didn’t dare move, even to adjust their position for comfort. All attention was turned towards the door behind the throne. It swung open and the temperature of the room rose by ten degrees. Sweat began to run down the faces and necks of the nobles, many of them cursing the etiquette that required them to wear layers. These thoughts were driven from their mind as the silence was broken by hoofsteps and long breaths. The temperature shot up again as The Eternal Light, Flame in the Heart of her Ponies, Princess Celestia, moved into the room with deathly calm. Her breaths broke the silence, long and measured. With each exhalation a wave of heat surged forth, its distortion twisting her image to all those present. She did not sit, but stood before her throne and those whom she would judge. Two ponies quivered before her, their chains burning against their legs forgotten as the stared, petrified, up at their liege. A third stood tall, defiantly staring back at The Mightiest, meeting her gaze unflinchingly. A pony stepped forward, dripping in sweat and read the charges. Celestia didn’t need to hear them. Her country had been thrust into the fire, and if it were to survive, she must be the hammer that would shape it. The sun shone brighter. The room grew hotter. If you were to ask one hundred ponies, most would reply with, “Dawn, silly,” or “Probably, midday.” But if there were a pony among them who was particularly thoughtful, they would pause. After a moment's consideration, they would tell you that it must be Twilight. Puzzled, you might furrow your brow and ask why. Well, they may say, our Princess ruled us alone for a thousand years. That’s enough to make anypony tired, even an alicorn. Twilight means her day is done and at last, she can rest. Twilight is the return of night and her sister’s time. It must’ve been her for her before Princess Luna’s return, to raise the moon each night. But now, every night is a reminder that her sister has returned. The longest night in a hundred years was over. Celestia stared and trembled. There was the pony she had been waiting a thousand years to see again. The sister who she had loved and let down. She had wondered, she had dreamed, but she hadn’t dared to hope. Her reign as sole ruler was finally at its twilight. Her sister could rejoin her and they could start again. Another voice called her name. She turned, and there was her student. The one who had earned her title more than any other. Her dearest Faithful Student had succeeded and had proved her title as none before had. If you were to ask Princess Celestia what her favorite time of day was, her head would tilt and she would give you an appraising look. Then she would smile. Not her usual mother smile, but a different one, a softer one. She would turn her head and gaze off towards the distance. After only a moment, she would return her gaze to you and tell you it was probably, right after the sun sets but before the moon rises, when the world is in perfect balance between day and night. You would bow and thank her for answering your question and turn away. But as you would make your way to the throne room doors, you would spare one last glance at the Princess. She would not be looking at you but staring again off at the distance where the town of Ponyville is bathed in light. Twilight turned from her work as Spike opened the door. He handed her a scroll and she thanked him. Her eyebrows rose in surprise at the seal. A letter opener floated over in her magic, broke the seal and set itself back down on her desk. She unrolled the scroll and her eyes scanned the text. A soft smile, so similar to one she had seen for years, grew on her face. She set the letter down on her desk and pulled out a fresh scroll. Her quill was dipped in the ink bottle and a reply was penned quickly. She stood and rushed to find her assistant. The soft smile still lingered on her features hours later.