> Dealing with a Royal Nuisance > by Goldstone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dealing with a Royal Nuisance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aloe and Lotus Series: Prince Blueblood “This is the worst possible thing!” Rarity exclaimed. “What is it Rarity” Aloe inquired while she was preparing a mud mask for Rarity. Rarity then flipped the newspaper she was reading and said, “Look at the headline news!” Aloe gave it a quick glance it read: “Prince Blueblood to visit Ponyville.” Aloe sighed “Not this story again” she thought to herself. “I will never forget the night of the gala and how much of An arrogant snob he was he didn’t pay for anything he didn’t even hold the door open for me and he ruined my dress if I ever see him again I’ll…….” Aloe tuned out Rarity at this point, Rarity had always been a good friend but Aloe had heard this story a dozen times before. Aloe started applying the mud mask all the while Rarity was going on about Prince Blueblood; As Aloe applied the last part of the mud mask and put the cucumber slices over her eyes. Aloe then called to her sister, “Lotus, Rarity is ready.” Lotus then came out from the back room with the file and began filing Rarity’s horn. Rarity had calmed down slightly but now was talking about the prince’s arrival and how much this week was ruined for her. Lotus glanced at Aloe and gave a teasing smile. She was used to Rarity’s stories and knew she escaped most of it while her sister had to listen to all of it. Aloe gave a glare that said, “Next time I’ll make sure you’re here instead of me.” thirty minutes later Rarity’s appointment was finished and She was leaving “Good bye Rarity see you next week” Aloe chimed, “Of course Darling.” Rarity said as she was heading out the door. There were no more customers so Aloe and Lotus decided to head upstairs for a break, “So what do you think about the Prince’s Visit” Aloe asked Lotus, “I’m sure he’s not as bad as Rarity say he is you know how she can be a drama queen.” Lotus replied, “Lotus how rude!” Aloe reprimanded her, “what, it’s true and it’s not like I’m saying she’s a horrible pony.” Lotus said breezily. Lotus considered Rarity a friend also but she was much more blatant than Aloe when it came to matters such as this. Aloe just sighed; the receptionist then walked in and informed them of customers. They went back to downstairs and went back to work for the rest of the day, soon forgetting the news about Blueblood. The next day there was a large commotion outside as groups of ponies walked to the town square. Aloe and Lotus joined the crowd, curious to what all the commotion was about, when they reached town square the noticed an ornate carriage and royal guards, seeing this Aloe remembered Rarity’s story, “Oh right the prince is visiting.” She then saw out of the corner of her eye Rarity walking into town square took one look at the carriage and then angrily stormed off, Aloe decided to talk to Rarity about Blueblood, she took off in a gallop to catch up to Rarity. When she finally caught up to Rarity turned around her face still in a scowl but when she saw it was Aloe she smiled “Oh Hello Aloe is something the matter?” “I just wanted to talk to you about the Prince” Rarity’s smile changed back to scowl “why would I want to talk about that snob.” Rarity snapped. Aloe hesitantly replied “Well maybe you should give him another chance, you might have had too high of expectations of him and-“ . “Give him another chance!?” Rarity exclaimed, “I don’t want to even be near him let alone give him another chance!” Aloe was taken aback she never expected such a response. “Rarity, don’t you think you’re being a bit unfair? He may be a good pony.”Rarity stopped and glared angrily at her and snarled “If you think he is actually a good pony invite him to the spa and see how he acts! If you can tolerate him I will give him a chance.” With that Rarity stormed off leaving Aloe behind. Aloe was in shock she didn’t expect the conversation to get so out of hoof. “Aloe!” Lotus came trotting down the street, “why did you take of so suddenly?’ she asked, Aloe sheepishly explained the conversation. Lotus looked at her sister incredulously, “why did you think she would want to talk about Blueblood? that was a rather stupid move.” “thanks sis that makes me feel better.” Aloe remarked with annoyance, Lotus just rolled her eyes and started to trot home, Aloe followed her. They walked in silence for a bit until Lotus broke the silence. “Sooo... should we invite the prince to the spa?” she asked, Aloe thought for a bit than nodded, “we’ll invite him for a complimentary spa session for tomorrow” “Complimentary!?” Lotus exclaimed, “But he’s a prince why does he need to get free stuff?” Aloe sighed, “how many times to we have to talk about this you don’t ask royalty to pay for services especially if were inviting them.” “But that’s just stupid” Lotus muttered, but didn’t say anything else the rest of the way home. The rest of the day consisted of making sure the spa was clean and ready for a royal visit. The next day started off hectic, “Lotus adjusts those pillows they should be in pairs not all over the place!” Aloe ordered, Lotus looked at Aloe quizzically, “seriously? Why? it’s been good enough for everypony else why should we change it for him?” “Because we want to make a good impression!” Aloe snapped, Lotus just shrugged and started adjusting the pillows, she had never seen her sister so high strung before. Aloe paced nervously occasionally checking the floors and windows for any trace of dirt. Lotus had finished up with the pillows and trotted over to her sister and put a hoof on her shoulder and said, “Calm down Aloe its fine we cleaned it all yesterday.” “I know but this is a prince were talking about, he will expect the best.” Lotus rolled her eyes, “There’s nothing to worry about just calm down.” Aloe was about to respond when the front door opened and Prince Blueblood strolled in. He cast a bored glance around the spa and said, “So this is Ponyvilles spa?” Aloe stepped forward with a polite smile on her face and greeted Blue Blood, “It is a great honor to have a Prince visit our spa I hope you enjoy all it has to offer.” Blue Blood rudely brushed past her and said, “Let’s get this over with all ready” Aloe smile faded but replied politely, “Yes of course let’s start with a hooficure, Lotus will you take care of that while I prepare the mud mask?” Aloe went into the back room and Blueblood sat down Lotus brought over the hoof rack and started to position it under Bluebloods hooves but when she reached for one of his hoofs he yanked it away. “No one’s allowed to touch the royal hooves” he said with annoyance, Lotus looked at him with confusion and annoyance, “oooookay then do you want to put your hooves in by yourself?” he ignored her and placed his hooves on the rack, Lotus shrugged and grabbed a file and was about to get to work when Blueblood snapped “that file has been used before get a new one I don’t want that filthy thing touching me.” “Calm down it has been washed.” Lotus replied with rising annoyance, she started to move towards his hooves again when he kicked out and hit her square in the nose, “Ow! What was that for?!” She exclaimed angrily while rubbing her nose. He glared at her and snarled, “I said don’t touch me with that it’s not my fault your face was in the way when I moved” Lotus bit back a nasty reply and muttered “Fine I’ll get a new file you big bucking baby.” She stormed off to the back room where Aloe was working on the mud mask “how is it going?’ Aloe Inquired, Lotus angrily explained what happened, “He’s an annoying snob just like Rarity said.” “Maybe you just came off rude to him you can be very blunt.” Lotus glared incredulously at Aloe, “Are you kidding he started of being a jerk it wasn’t anything I said! I’m going back in there to give him a piece of my mind!” she was about to leave when Aloe blocked her, “Sis you can’t yell at him he’s a prince just please calm down and try again with him.” With an annoyed groan Lotus relented, “Fine but you owe me.” with that she grabbed a file and stormed off. Prince Blueblood had a look of annoyance on his face when she came back, “What?” Lotus said with a hint of annoyance, “you took too long you need to move faster or is it that you were lazing around?” Lotus snarled “Why you piece of-“Lotus caught herself before she said anything she regretted, “I was consulting with my sister about the plans for the rest of your visit” She explained.He smirked “what are you too stupid to remember what your job is?” Lotus had to resist kicking his smug face in. She didn’t reply to his comment and went to work, as she worked he complained the entire time saying things such as; “The spa in Canterlot is much better than this one and the workers know their place unlike a certain somepony” he said with a glare at her. Lotus barely resisted the urge to shove the file down his throat. “There your hooves are done now Aloe will be stuck with you” she threw down the file and stormed off yelling over her shoulder “Aloe he’s all yours! Aloe came out of the back room with a bowl of the mud mask “This will help with your complexion and reduce puffiness” she placed to cucumber slices on his face and was about to put the mud mask on when he exclaimed, “Stop!” She halted and stared at him confused “what’s wrong?” she asked with worry, “I was just groomed don’t get any of that mud on me!” Aloe calmly replied, “But it is a special mix and will rinse it right off” “No you will take that disgusting goop away this instant!” She started to reply but then just sighed and took the bowl back to the back room. She pulled out a cart with covered plates and called for Lotus, “What is it now?” Lotus snapped as she came down the stairs “I need your help bringing out this food.” Lotus looked at her sister in absolute disbelief, “What? Are you bucking serious?! He kicks me in the face and insults me and he gets free food?! Aloe just sighed “It’s the least we can do to keep our reputation as a good spa if he leaves with a bad impression our reputation will plummet” Lotus realized what she said was true, she sighed, “Fine but you seriously owe me.” Lotus grabbed one handle and Aloe grabbed the other and they carted it the main room. Prince Blueblood was off the chair and inspecting his hooves, Aloe uncovered the dish “This is a light dish we serve to our customers” she said “Finally I’m starving.” He took a bite but then had a disgusted look on his face and he spat it out- Right in Aloe’s eye. Aloe wiped it out of her eye “ewww.” She exclaimed with disgust, Prince Blueblood completely ignored the fact that he had just spit in her eye and was ranting about the food “This is common food I refuse to eat anything but the finest quality food.” Lotus lost it then “Are you bucking serious you ungrate-“ Aloe shoved a hoof in her mouth Aloe turned to Blueblood. “What my sister meant to say was we truly sorry that the food was not up to your standard and hope that we can make up for it” Aloe glanced at her sister with a pleading look that said, “please be calm just a bit longer than his visit will be over” With burning resentment in her eyes Lotus pushed Aloes hoof away and nodded. Aloe decided that the best thing to do was try to let her sister calm down and be away from Blueblood, So said with calmness she didn’t feel she said, “How about session in the sauna that should feel nice.” Blueblood simply shrugged as he headed to the sauna Aloe walked over to her sister and whispered, “Go take a break and calm down a bit.” Lotus gave one more angry glance at Blueblood and stormed off. Aloe then followed Blueblood into the sauna room and started to pour water onto the hot coals, as the steam started to rise she tried to make small conversation with Blueblood, “So how has your stay in ponyvilles been so far?” “Horrid” He replied, “oh….So what was your reason for coming to Ponyville?” Prince Blueblood rolled his eyes, “Celestia said I should get out of Canterlot more and sent me on this trip to this horrid town.” “Probably because she was tired of your crap.” Aloe thought to herself but immediately was taken aback that she actually thought of that, “I’m starting to think like Lotus.” She then noticed that the steam was lowering and poured more water onto the coals. She decided that she would try one more time with the small talk, “So how is life in Canterlot?” “Would you stop asking me questions and focus on your job? Your voice is annoying.” Blueblood sneered Aloe felt extremely embarrassed, she couldn’t think of doing anything but pouring more water on the coals she kept this up until Blueblood said something to her, without thinking she turned to face him and hit his chin with the ladle spilling the water all over him, Aloe gasped, “I didn’t mean to-“ “You airheaded fool!” Blueblood snapped and stormed out of the sauna. Aloe, mortified at what she had done ran out to apologize to him thinking with dread that he would bad mouth their spa all across Equestria and they would lose so much business and would probably have to close. “I’m so sorry I’ll make it up to you.” Prince Blueblood turned around and shoved her “you idiot there’s nothing you can do make up for this visit you call this a spa? Ha! You couldn’t run a spa to save your life you moron!” Aloe just stared mouth agape and tears formed in her eyes, she then turned around and bolted upstairs to her bedroom laid down on her bed and started crying. Lotus heard Aloe run by so she went into to Aloe‘s Room to check on her when she saw her crying she went over to Aloe and put a hoof on her shoulder, “What happened sis?” Aloe turned to her sister tears in her eye and explained what happened between sobs The more Lotus heard of the story the more anger welled up in her, when Aloe had finished Lotus stomped her hoof, “That’s it I’m going down there and beating him into a pulp!” she started to head to the door when Aloe called to her, “Lotus wait.” Lotus turned around and snarled, “I don’t care about the spa’s reputation, nopony makes my sister cry!” Aloe replied calmly, “I didn’t say you can’t get back at him but there’s a more subtle way to do it.” Lotus raised an eyebrow quizzically, " How so?” Aloe merely said, “follow me.” and walked out of the door and headed downstairs, Lotus saw no other choice but to follow her, Aloe had gone in to the back room where they store ingredients for their lotions and bath powders Aloe picked up a towel and carefully picked up a bunch of bright blue flower Lotus eyes widened but then she smirked, “sister I didn’t think you were capable of something so underhoof” Aloe looked at her sister, “I’m usually entirely against this but he so deserves this.” With that Aloe took the flowers and crushed them up into a fine paste then took them to the bath and mixed them with the water she then turned to Lotus, “Can you be so kind and get Blueblood?” Lotus snickered, “Of course.” Aloe made sure that she hadn’t got any paste on herself and decided to wait to see how it played out. Blueblood stormed in and snapped at Aloe, “What is it that you were wanting now? Aloe smiled and said cheerfully, “we just wanted you to try our special herb bath.” Prince Blueblood rolled his eyes and muttered, “very well” and hopped in the bath. A short while later he was out and drying off, “I don’t see what was so special about that bath” Blueblood scoffed, Aloe snickered, “you will see soon enough. With that Prince Blueblood left, Aloe and Lotus looked at each other “we should check up on him tomorrow see how he is doing” Aloe said, Lotus smirked, “Yes we should.” With that they headed to bed. The next day they hanged around at the park that was across from the house Blueblood was staying at. They both turned when they heard a startled yelp and a commotion from his house. Then Blueblood burst out of the front door, he looked a lot worse for wear his coat was extremely long and clumped together his tongue was enlarged and vibrant orange, and his horn was flopping around. He ran to his carriage and yelled gibberish at his driver who just stared at him in confusion. This entire time Aloe and Lotus were laughing, “Well I guess I proved my point Aloe” Aloe and Lotus turned to the speaker who was none other than Rarity with a smirk on her face,” "okay yes you were right about him he’s horrid.” Aloe frowned “But now he’s going to ruin our reputation when he tells everypony he meets about our spa and how terrible it is.” Rarity laughed, “You think anypony actually listen? to him don’t worry about it he is always making a fool of himself and everyone in Canterlot knows he’s an annoying snob.” Aloe and Lotus both looked at each other and then back at Rarity. “are you sure?” Lotus asked, “Positive” Rarity said assured them, “Just look at this.” She then brought out a newspaper which the headline story read: Celestia sends Prince Blueblood away; it detailed how Prince Blueblood had caused a major commotion at a Canterlot spa because they had done his mane the wrong way. “See? He’s not exactly a in a position to complain.” Rarity said, Lotus pondered that a moment then smirked, “So he can’t ruin our reputation in anyway?” Rarity nodded, “Then I can do this without consequence!” Lotus exclaimed and she ran at Blue Blood and kicked him in the face, “That was for my sister you bucker!”Aloe gasped, “Lotus what are you thinking!” but Lotus ignored her and chased Blueblood down the street. “Lotus get back here!” Aloe galloped after her sister leaving Rarity behind, Rarity stared after them then rolled her eyes, “Lotus is such a drama queen.”