Diamonds and Butterflies

by Princess Glitzy

First published

Rarity has considered Fluttershy to be a close sister... until she starts seeing this 'sister' as a sexy mare.

Rarity has considered Fluttershy to be a close sister... until she starts seeing this 'sister' as a sexy mare. She has always pictured herself with a dreamy stallion or prince. Though, more recently, a shy, yellow mare with a pink mane.They go to the spa every week and hang out together all the time. How could she not fall in love with this kind mare?

This story is now cancelled. I may continue, but I probably won't. I wrote this a while ago and so it isn't too well written. It's too bad for me to fix it. I'd have to rewrite all of it. I've given up on it.

Spa Day

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Rarity walked into the spa and saw Fluttershy in the spa bath. She smiled at her and then got into the water and moved next to her.

"So, how have you been Fluttershy?" Fluttershy thought about the past week's events. I ate cupcakes with Pinkie Pie, had a picnic with my animals and cheered for Rainbow Dash when she tried out new tricks. "I've been good."

"What did you do this week?"

"I had fun."

Rarity wanted to know what Fluttershy did. 'Fun' doesn't really tell me what happened last week. I love gossip and stories, she knows that.

"Would you like to tell me what you did?"

"Umm... yes. I hung out with Pinkie at Sugarcube Corner, had a small picnic with my animal friends and cheered for Rainbow while she practiced some tricks."

Rarity was upset that nothing 'juicy' had happened. "Anything else?"

I think she wants gossip. She loves gossip. I don't really have anything. "I.. um.. met a guy at one of the little shops when I was getting some produce for the picnic. He gave me his address in case I wanted to go out with him."

Rarity felt a variety of emotions. (anger) Somepony asked her out! (confusion) Why am I upset? (happiness) She found somepony! (sadness) She found somepony. But, there was one that powered over the others. The extreme urge to talk about it.

"What is his name?!"

"Um... it might have been Caramel."

"Ooooh! Somepony likes you! What's he like? What's his cutie mark?" There was one question that she couldn't ask, even though she really wanted to know. She was very happy, but had a strong sadness nagging her to ask this question. Do you like him more than me?

"He is nice and his cutie mark is three horse shoes. I don't want to go out with him, though. I- I'm not really interested."

Rarity's heart 'heaved a sigh of relief'. She felt a lot better. Why don't I want her to find somepony and why did I get so upset when she told me about him? He's nice, so I shouldn't have been upset.

Then, Aloe walked up to them said "You're bath is done, based on your usual schedule. Would you like to get your hooficures now?" Rarity and Fluttershy both nodded and got out of the water.

When Fluttershy got out, Rarity found her eyes tracing the shape of Fluttershy's wet body. She's just so beautiful. Her gorgeous, pink mane that has a natural wave and a soft, silky, yellow coat. Her cutie fits her flank perfectly. She then realized where her mind had gone and it was entering dangerous territory. I can't think about Fluttershy like that, especially not about her flank!

She took another glance at Fluttershy and this time she was facing her. Her eyes are adorable and- I'm doing it again!

"Rarity, are you getting out?" Rarity was now back in reality.

"Yes." She got out and went to grab a towel. While she was walking, her flank brushed against Fluttershy's. Rarity suddenly felt hot.

She dried off and then the two of them walked over to the hooficure tables. Lotus got the supplies and handed them magazines to read while Lotus and her sister Aloe do the hooficures.

Rarity read the front cover and one article that caught her eye was "Is Your BFF The One?" Rarity knew she shouldn't read the article, but she couldn't help herself. She flipped to that page and began reading.

Certain lines popped out at her. '50% of best friends fall in love or date.' '25% of the friends who date end up breaking up.' 'In almost all cases the friends have a crush on each other.'

Rarity had read half of the article and then decided that she should move on. How come only 37.5% of ponies who date or fall in love stay together? That's wrong! They would last forever! Love is love! Rarity was getting very worked up about this. Why does this mean so much to me?!

She figured that this was just an off day because these thoughts had never crossed her mind. Fluttershy is my best friend, kind of like a sister... nothing more.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was getting worried because Rarity had been acting weird all day and she wasn't talking. I don't like it when you're sad. I get even angrier when you're sad than when I'm sad. You're very important to me. I hope that nothing bad happened.

"Are you okay Rarity?" She wanted to say no, but Fluttershy was so kind and sincere. She didn't want to tell her that she was feeling sad. What would I tell her?! I have no clue what's happening with my feelings! I keep thinking about you in a different way!

"I'm fine darling." This made Fluttershy happy. The two of them looked down at their newly painted and massaged hooves.

"You ponies did a great job." Aloe and Lotus smiled at Fluttershy's statement.

"Thank you!" they said in unison. "Are you guys ready for your facials and hair styling?" Rarity it and Fluttershy nodded. They got up and walked over to the hair/facial station. Luckily, their hooves had already dried.

Aloe walked up to them and said "Face or hair first?" Rarity answered first.

"Face." Fluttershy thought about it.

"Umm... face." Aloe walked away to grab the needed materials for a facial.

"Fluttershy, how long have we known each other?"

"Maybe, um… seven years."

"I think we've grown close. Would you say that we're BFFs?" Fluttershy wondered what Rarity was getting at.


"I wanted to know-" She couldn't finish her thought, so she just changed it. "-if you wanted to go partying with me at some point this week. We could also invite the others!"

Fluttershy wasn't one to drink and party at clubs, but hey, her friends want to party and she was going to deliver. "Yes! Umm... yes... i- if you'd be okay with me coming."

Rarity thought that what she said was weird. I invited her, so of course I would want her to go! Some ponies would think that what she said was stupid, but she thought that it was cute.

"Okay, let's begin the facials!" Aloe and Lotus began to put green facial masks on the two mares. Then, they put cucumbers on their eyes. Once they finished that, the two of them put Rarity and Fluttershy's heads in the sink, so they could wet their manes. Lotus grabbed the shampoo and then they continued shampooing and conditioning.

"I love the way it feels when they massage the shampoo into my scalp, don't you?" Fluttershy nodded and then smiled. Spa days were her favorite days. I get to go to the spa and hang out with the best pony in the world. Wait, WHERE DID BEST PONY IN THE WORLD COME FROM?! She is awesome, but why would I go as far as to say best pony in the world? I mean she is beautiful, generous, kind, smart, a unicorn, funny, sexy- WHAT?! What's wrong with my brain?! Rarity is my BFF! I love her- AS A FRIEND! Stupid, stupid brain.

Everypony had been so deep in thought that before they knew it, the facial/hair styling was over and they looked radiant.

Rarity hugged Fluttershy. "Goodbye, darling."

"Goodbye, Rarity." she whispered quietly.

"I'll see you at the club tomorrow night." Fluttershy nodded and then they went their separate ways. This was a good day.

Past Events And Events That Are Soon To Come

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Fluttershy hummed quietly to herself. She wasn't sure why, but she was extremely happy. Going to the spa with Rarity was nice and I get to go hang out with my closest friends tomorrow night... yay! She went to open the cabinet to get some snacks for Angel.

"Where are they?" She looked all around her cottage, but saw nothing, so she went to look in her room. There she found a cute little bunny covered in her bag of animal trail mix.

"Did you steal your snacks and eat-" She looked over at the bag to make sure that it was empty. "all of them?" she said in a kind of stern voice. Angel looked away guiltily. "Angel." The bunny looked back over with pleading eyes that said 'Don't be mad'.

Fluttershy could barely resist it. "Fine, but the next time you do something like this I will be forced to use the stare." Angel nodded. Nopony, I mean nopony liked it when Fluttershy did the stare, well except for Discord that is.

She left the room and walked outside. Aw... such a nice day. She felt the cool wind blowing around her, flowing through her mane and coat. "I think I might want to go for a nice flight with the birdies."

"Ahahahahah~" she sang to call the birds. The little birds flew over to her and then landed softly on her back. "We're going to go for a quick flight. We can't go too high though, that would be dangerous."

She heard the sound of a "Pfft." in the distance. She turned and it was just who she thought it was. "Umm... hello, Rainbow Dash. I was just going to go on a little flight with my birds."

"How can you call it a 'flight' if you don't fly above a couple feet! These birds wanna be pushed to the extreme! Don't you?!" The birds slowly backed away in a way that said 'Not really, so you know, I'm gonna leave now'.

"Whatever!" She did an annoyed pose and then looked at Fluttershy.

"They... um, like to take small flights. They're small birds." That wasn't what Rainbow wanted and Fluttershy knew it. "We could fly together, the birds can fly with me later." Rainbow Dash smiled.

"Awesome!" She flew off as fast as she could. That's not really flying together. "Wait!"

"Come on little birdies, let's take a fun flight." The birds had then begun to fly ahead of Fluttershy. Left behind twice! This makes me so angry that I could just scream! "...ah!" she yelled somewhat loudly.

She flew up to go to where they were. "Come on."

Fluttershy flew slowly and checked up on her birds every minute or so. What was that?! She hid in the nearest tree.

She listened more closely to see who the mysterious pony was. "I'm the type of pony everypony should know~!" Fluttershy bursted out from the trees. RARITY!

She flew very fast to where she had heard Rarity's voice. Why am I in such a rush to get there? Why am I so excited? Why am I asking myself so many questions? She slowed down a little bit and then alighted.

What was that? Rarity turned around. "Oh, it's just you darling! You scared me half to death! Although, if I did die I would have been 'drop dead gorgeous'!" Rarity laughed at her little pun.

"She's so cute when she laughs." Rarity looked at her with confusion.

"Hmm?" Fluttershy thought about it, but she couldn't find a way out of this.


"Don't worry, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that your mane is a mess! It's like you were in a tree!"

"Umm... yeah... in a tree." She laughed nervously.

"Would you like me to fix your mane?"

Fluttershy nodded and then Rarity teleported them to the boutique. Meanwhile, the birds flew back to Fluttershy's cottage. If Rarity was there then they knew that Fluttershy wasn't coming back soon.

"So, would you like your hair curled, straightened or your regular style?"

"Whatever you choose." That was honestly what Fluttershy wanted. You'll pick a great style, I know it.

Rarity couldn't decide what to do. I love your natural hair so much. It's ordinary, but I love it so much, it's one of the things I love about you. ONE OF THE THINGS I LOVE ABOUT YOU?! Okay, okay... don't freak out. J- Just style her mane. That's it. This is just Fluttershy, NO FREAKING OUT!

"L- Let's go with curls shall we?" Fluttershy nodded.

"I would love curls! Um... well... only if you want to do it."

Rarity was confused, all she got out of that was 'love... you' 'want to do it' She put it out of her head and continued. This is all about Fluttershy.

"Um, Rarity are you okay? You're acting weird. Oh! I'm sorry if I offended you."

"YES! ...W- What I meant to say was... yes I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

This doesn't seem right. She's acting weird. I would know, I'm her best friend and I know her so well! I could describe the cutie mark on her flank right now! Wait, where did that come from?! No where! We're both just having an off day, that's it. I wasn't thinking about her flank. What were we discussing? Oh, right! My mane, curls, yay!

The two ponies looked at each other nervously. Fluttershy thought about what to say to break up the tension. Think Fluttershy, think!

"How have you been Rarity? I don't remember asking you while we were at the spa earlier."

"I've been good. I've just had a lot on my mind."

"Like what?"

"Yo- My work! Yes I've been very busy with work! So many orders!"

"What did you do today?"

Fluttershy thought about it. "Well, first I caught Angel in my room covered in animal rail mix, he was a naughty bunny. I took a nice flight with Rainbow Dash, it seemed like the two of us hadn't talked for so long! Finally, I went for a flight with my birds. MY BIRDS! OH, I JUST LEFT THEM THERE! I HOPE THAT THEY'RE OKAY!"

Fluttershy started hyperventilating. "Calm down Fluttershy! They're birds! They can fly! They probably flew back to your cottage. You're smart, so I'm guessing you taught them how to get back in case something like this happens."

Rarity does make some good points. "Okay Rarity, I won't freak out. I'm sorry if I startled you when I yelled."

"Oh, I just thought that it was cute."


"Ummmm... no?"

Rarity tried to think of a diversion. "We were so busy chit chatting that I was able to finish you mane! Isn't it gorgeous?!"

Fluttershy looked in the mirror and looked at her mane. "It's beautiful Rarity! Thank you!" She hugged Rarity and then checked the wall clock.

"I've been away from my animals for too long! Bye Rarity! See you at the club!"

"Goodbye, Fluttershy!"

The two mares smiled. It was a great day and hopefully tomorrow would be even better.

Clubs+Partying+Friends= Fun... WRONG!

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Rarity walked into a club full of many ponies, yet she was still able to find Fluttershy immediately. She ran over to greet her best friends in all of Equestria.

"Hey girls!" She hugged them and smiled broadly. "It's been forever darlings! Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, AJ, Twilight! I just haven't seen you in ages! We need to catch up! How are you?"

Pinkie was the first one to talk. "I created a cool, new dance move where you-" Pinkie Pie got up to show them. "Walk left to right while waving your arms and-" Rainbow put her hoof on her mouth.

"I've got an even cooler story!" Pinkie didn't care if she was interrupted, she was automatically excited to hear Rainbow Dash's story.

"I figured out how to do this awesome move! I do a spin, then I do a nose dive into a bunch of clouds. Then, I fly back up while dodging the clouds. Then, I spin those same clouds. Finally, I fly through the still spinning clouds and do a sonic rainboom, causing all of them to shoot out in a flurry of color!"

Suddenly, Twilight felt very happy. "YOU USED THE WORD 'FLURRY'!" Rainbow Dash looked around nervously and then turned to Twi.

"I did not! I'm not an egghead!" Pinkie Pie jumped in between the two of them.

"Did to!"

The two of them gave her a skeptical look. Pinkie's ears flopped down. "What? It looked like fun." Applejack grabbed Pinkie and hugged her.

"It's might fine o' ya ta want ta have fun! There ain't no way, no how that that's not okay!" She turned to Twilight and Rainbow Dash. "The two o' ya ought ta be ashamed o' yourselves! Pinkie may a bit- very annoyin' at times, but we have to support her!"

Fluttershy and Rarity looked at each other. "This needs to be fixed, nopony is having any fun." they said at the same time. Rarity turned to her friends.

"We should be partying and laughing! Instead we're fighting! I don't know about you, but I shall order a nice drink." She turned to Applejack. "You know a thing or two about cider, would you happen to know any good drinks to get at a... for lack of a better term, bar?"

"Strawberry Daiquiri would probably be ta yer likin' Rarity." Rarity smiled and then turned to the bartender. She wasn't at all surprised that it was Berry Punch.

"Hello Berry, I would like a Strawberry Daiquiri please." She turned and fetched Rarity some Strawberry Daiquiri with a little umbrella green in it.

"Could I please have a different colored umbrella, green is such a horrid color." Berry Punch sighed and then gave her a new, purple umbrella.

"Thank you!" She then turned to Fluttershy. "Would you like a drink?"

I don't know. I have never had alcohol before. Well, I think I might have tried some cider, but I'm more into some nice sparkling water, ice cold lemonade or chamomile tea.

She looked at her friends. They are all drinking.

"Um... I'll have a... Tequila Sunrise I think... please."

"Okay I'll have that for you in a jiffy, Fluttershy."

After a little while everypony in the club was having a great time... except for Rarity. Pinkie Pie was laughing with Spike who really should not be there. Also, Twilight and Applejack were talking about the Apple Farm and their families. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were dancing happily in the crowd of excited ponies, talking about anything and laughing loudly.

Rarity wasn't sure why, but she wasn't having fun. She was one to get up and dance with her friends or compliment ponies on their manes or clothes, but whenever she looked at Fluttershy and Rainbow she felt extremely sad, angry, envious and very confused. In fact, she didn't know what to feel.

Out of all nights, this night has been THE WORST POSSIBLE NIGHT! Fluttershy's ignoring me and I didn't think that it would hurt so much, but it does.

Twilight could tell that Rarity was upset, so she excused herself from Applejack and then went over to talk with Rarity.

"Rarity, are you okay? You have drank about five Strawberry Daiquiris and you keep looking sadly into the crowd. That's not like you."

"Twilight, dear, I am not sure how I'm feeling. I- I'm just so..." She threw her head into Twilight lap and began crying.

"It's okay Rarity, you're smart, beautiful and strong. I'm not sure what happened, but you'll feel better soon."

Rarity looked up into Twilight's big violet eyes. By now Rarity was beyond drunk and said something that was probably just the alcohol talking. She smiled playfully at Twilight.

"Do you wanna get out of here?"

Fluttershy had been drunk right after half a glass of her Tequila Sunrise. She is way too frail to handle it.

"Rainbow Dash, I'm having a great time!" She started dancing wildly and Rainbow couldn't help, but stare. Fluttershy danced in circles, shaking her head to the music.

"I love this song!" She shook around the room having a great time in her inebriated state. Fluttershy flew up into the air and began to dance up there, but she was too tired to continue flying. She flapped her wings one more time then she fell. Rainbow Dash jumped just in time to catch her.

"Fluttershy, you need to go home."

"Thank you for saving me from the mean floor." Rainbow Dash chuckled quietly.

"Rainbow Dash, has anypony ever told you that your hot pink eyes sparkle under the light."

The Morning After

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Fluttershy woke up. She snuggled her head deeper into a blue pillow. Wait, a blue pillow?! The pillows at my house are yellow? She went to move her arm, but something seemed to be holding her down. She turned slightly and then looked to the left. A cyan arm was draped across her body and something was lying right next to her.

"OH MY GOSH!" Luckily she screamed quietly enough to not wake up the pony next to her, but they did move a little bit and changed positions. Fluttershy looked over and saw that the pony next her was Rainbow Dash. She again screamed quietly.

"I'm in a bed, spooning with Rainbow Dash!" She got up out of the bed and saw the outfit that she had been wearing was thrown on the floor. She looked at herself in the mirror.

"My mane is ruined! Rarity will be so upset! Wait, why am I thinking about Rarity?!" Suddenly the events of last night flood her mind.

I remember getting drunk, dancing with Rainbow and then... coming back over here. I remember kissing Rainbow Dash... and assorted other things.

"Rainbow Dash!" She shook her violently to wake her up. Her quiet voice has been replaced by a loud panicked voice. Rainbow Dash woke up, but was too tired to notice the tone of her voice. She grabs Fluttershy and kisses her deeply.

"Morning~!" Fluttershy stepped back horrified. "D- Did we s- sleep together?!" Rainbow looked hurt.

"Yes, you told me that my eyes looked pretty and then you kissed me. I had liked you since Flight Camp and I was so happy that you liked me back. We came back here and... you know."

"Rainbow Dash, I- I... so you've been in love with me since Flight Camp?" Rainbow Dash nodded.

That makes this so much harder. "I was very drunk last night and I had no clue what I was doing. I'm sorry, so, so sorry... but... um, Rainbow... I- I don't feel the same way."

"I... I've liked you for so long. GET OUT!"

"But, Rainbow I-"


Fluttershy left and head toward Rarity's boutique. That's one of the only places that she feels truly safe.

Rarity woke up in an uncomfortable bed. Where is my top-of-the-line bed? Where are my silk sheets?! She got up and saw that this was obviously not her room. A lavender mare was in her bed.

"I- IS THAT TWILIGHT?!" She looked around the room and saw that her special outfit had been thrown on the floor and noticed that her mane is a mess and her mouth has an odd taste.

"Good morning Rarity. That was the best night of my life. I love you." Rarity nearly fainted at the words coming out of Twilight's mouth.

"WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!" Twilight walked over to her and put her horn to Rarity's. The events of last night came into her mind because of Twilight's remembrance of last night.

"Twilight h- how long have you l- lo- loved me?!"

"Since the day we saved you from those diamond dogs. You were so smart that you could trick three dogs and get their diamonds. I knew that you were the perfect mare."

Rarity picked up her clothes and put them into her purse. "Twilight-" Twilight interrupted her by kissing her. Twilight then proceeded to take out a checklist titled 'Checklist of Life'.

She checked off 'find a future special somepony who's perfect'.

"Twilight, I can't be your special somepony." Twilight looked at her with a confused expression on her face.

"In my book, according to chapter three, 'two ponies who engage in coitus are now physically bonded and the next step is to become special someponies if you aren't already'. Also, I really do care about you."

"I'm not sure, but I think that I like somepony else. Also, you're a great mare, but I don't feel the same way about you. I was drunk, so officially, I didn't know that we 'engaged in coitus'."

"I understand, Rarity. It's just really painful. Could you please leave. I- I need to have some time alone."

"Goodbye, Twilight." She teleported into her boutique. I need some time to think, too.

Rarity walked in to see Fluttershy crying softly on the ground. She ran over to her at full gallop, forgetting about Twilight, her love life and anything else. All that mattered was Fluttershy.

"Are you o-" She was interrupted by Fluttershy throwing her arms around her.

"I woke up in bed with Rainbow Dash! She's loved me since Flight School! It was my first time and I barely remember it. Also, I didn't even know that one of my best friends liked me that way! I'm not even sure about my feelings! And, I messed up my mane that you spent so much time on!"

Rarity wasn't sure what she should address first.

"I woke up in bed with Twilight, she's loved me since the diamond dog issue. I'm not sure about how ponies feel about me either, but I do have a pretty good idea about my love life. Also, I don't care if you're mane is ruined! You're upset and that's all that matters! Don't be upset. I'm here for you and Rainbow Dash and Twilight will calm down. We've faced harder times than getting drunk and doing something bad."

She put her head on Fluttershy's shoulder and the two of them sat in silence for a little while. "Hey, Rarity, do you think that you could come over to my cottage later today? We could um... take care of the animals to keep our minds off of things. Only if you want to, though."

"That sounds lovely, Fluttershy."

Rarity's So Cute! I Mean Animals.. yeah... Animals

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Fluttershy cleaned up her cottage while humming. Rarity was coming over and she couldn't help, but feel happy. It had been an... eventful morning, but Rarity seemed to make everything better in Fluttershy's eyes.

"How are you, Angel?" Angel pointed to his stomach. "Are you hungry?" The little bunny motioned as if it was obvious. Fluttershy started preparing the salad, but her mind wouldn't stay on her bunny, no matter how adorable he was.

Rarity dropped everything to make me feel better and she did. She wants to help me! She's so kind. Rarity is my best friend. Rarity is my best friend? Usually Fluttershy calls Rarity her best friend, but she has a problem with that today. It doesn't seem strong enough. She's more than a best friend. A sister! That seemed like the right word, but it was still stronger. Though she wouldn't let her mind drift any farther on this topic because she was so busy that she cut up the carrots with the plastic wrap still on them.

"I don't think Angel bunny will like plastic in his salad." She fixed it and gave him the salad. Fluttershy went back to cleaning. Rarity had come over many times, but this time it seemed different. It needed to be perfect.

Why do I feel so different about Rarity now? Thinking about Rarity gives me... She looked at her flank. Butterflies! Looking at her gives me butterflies in my stomach. She then recalled reading a book about love that mentioned butterflies in the stomach. Fluttershy blushed and then tried to focus on preparing the little cottage.

Once, Fluttershy was done she had to go to the bathroom. She walked in and while she was walking she saw herself in the mirror. She forgot about having to pee and ran to look at herself in the mirror. "I look terrible! What will Rarity think?!"

She caught herself again thinking about Rarity. Stupid brain. Fluttershy decided to take a quick shower.

She brushed her mane, cleaned her coat and made sure that she didn't smell. When she got out she found that she really cared about her appearance today. "What's happening to me?! First, Rainbow is weird, then I'm weird!"

Fluttershy then hears knocking at the door. Rarity? Rarity! She ran to the door and opened it. "Hi, Rarity! I mean um... hello, Rarity."

"Hello, darling, today has been terrible, but being with you will make the day better." Is it just me or did Rarity put emphasis on 'darling'?

"Being with you makes everything better..." Rarity smiled at her.

"Do you still want to take care of the animals together?" Fluttershy nodded.

"I was thinking that we could take care of the otters and some of the birds because they always need a lot of work. We could also take care of the squirrels or the bunnies. Um... whatever you want."

"How about we try taking care of the otters and the birds. We could also work with the squirrels for a little bit because they are just so cute!"

"That sound great! Yay!"

They walked inside to grab some food. "We will need animal trail mix, nuts, leaves and various berries." They each carried as much as they could hold.

"First, we should put out some food and water. Rarity, you can put out the food near each of their areas and I will go fetch some water from the nearby pond."

Rarity then walked around trying to find the animals. "Otters, squirrels, birds~?!" They all slowly came out of the shadows. That's super adorable, yet really creepy. She wasn't sure what to give them so she just dumped out all of the food in front of them.

Yet, instead of about one dozen animals, just about every animal came and began eating. They were all fighting for food. "Do stop fighting! It's not proper manners or proper etiquette!" Nopony could understand the word etiquette so why did she think the animals would?

"FLUTTERSHY!" Fluttershy heard Rarity scream and she galloped as fast as she could towards her. She didn't stop for trees, animals or pain. Fluttershy didn't even look. This was Rarity and she meant everything to Fluttershy.

When she saw Rarity quivering in fear Fluttershy ran even harder. She ran so fast that she toppled Rarity to the ground. They looked each other in the eyes. Their mouths were so close to touching. "Um... Rarity are you okay?" Rarity pointed a dainty hoof towards the pack of animals fighting for food.

Fluttershy's eyes grew wide. This scene would be forever etched into her memory. It was too gruesome for her to fathom. Animals clawing animals for food. Shoving each other for just one bite. She stood up shakily. She tried to do the stare, but she didn't want to focus her eyes on this. She needed it to stop. She took all of her troubles, Rainbow Dash, bad feelings, hangover, villains into one yell louder than anypony. Louder than Luna's royal voice.

"STOP!!!" It rang out through the trees and, most likely, everypony in Equestria heard it. Rarity could only think of one word to describe what just happened... Epic!.

Every single animal stopped short, sat down and hugged each other. Fluttershy stood in misbelief. Did I just do that? It feels good, expressing my feelings. She looked at Rarity.

"Let's try to work some more with the animals. You'll get the hang of it." The two of them fed the animals the right way and then gave them some water.

"You know, when they aren't fighting like wild beasts, they are really cute." Fluttershy smiled.

"I knew that you'd start to like animals. You like Opal... at least I think you do."

"Opal is... pretty?"

"You certainly are."


"Nothing, um... we should clean the chicken coop after this."

"Clean... A CHICKEN COOP?!" Fluttershy shrank down.

"...yes." Fluttershy squeaked out. If you weren't so freakin' adorable, you would be in trouble for even suggesting such things!

"I would be willing to stoop as low as to clean a chicken coop." Fluttershy hugged her and suddenly Rarity felt very hot.

"I'll go get the cleaning supplies Rarity. Um... try to not have anything like what happened last time I left. Sorry if I offended you, it's just... that was horrifying, not to mention painful." She felt the shoulder she hit while running to Rarity's aid.

Rarity pet the little bunnies and hummed songs for the birds to repeat. Hanging out with Fluttershy has been amazing, despite all the bad things that happened.

"I'm back Rarity." Fluttershy handed Rarity a mop, a sponge and a broom. At least I can use magic instead of touching.

Right as they were about to begin Rarity had a good idea.

"Fluttershy, watch this!" She used magic to clean the whole chicken coop in a matter of seconds.

"That's... um... really cool Rarity." She hugged her.

The two of them walked inside to get a snack before Rarity went home. "What would you like, Rarity?"

"Actually, I'm a wiz at cooking, so I was going to make a special meal for the two of us." Is this a date? If it is then I'm doing well because I'm not freaking out! Don't assume things and don't hyperventilate!

"What are you making?"

"It's a surprise."

Rarity started cooking pasta and a salad. She also made some bread and an apple pie. She laid it out in front of Fluttershy on the table. "Wow Rarity! This looks delicious! YAY!"

The two of them ate while chit chatting about this and that. "Fluttershy, would you like to come over to my boutique tomorrow? I could make you a dress!" Fluttershy nodded.

The two of them had finished their meals, so Rarity walked over to say goodbye to Fluttershy. "Goodbye, Fluttershy, see you tomorrow." She hugged her and then left.

Rarity is so cool. I can't wait to see her tomorrow. She cleaned up the table while thinking of Rarity. A couple things had been terrible, horrible and devastating, but because she was with Rarity, the day was deemed officially "nice."

Confessions At The Boutique

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Rarity brushed her long, violet mane. She then styled it and put in her favorite mane spray, Mane Fashion. Then, did her make up. She put on her signature light blue eyeshadow and some lipgloss. "Fluttershy is coming over, so I need to look nice."

She cleaned her 'inspiration room'. "This is so messy! How did it even get this way?! Good thing Sweetie Belle cleaned it up a bit!" After that, she decided to do some reading. She was reading this great story about these two friends who fell in love while they were on an adventure to find out what happened to both their parents.

She had just read 'She walked in as usual, but she looked radiant. At that moment, my feelings clicked. My best friend is the one I love.' when Fluttershy walked in. Rarity looked at Fluttershy and then at the book. The one I love. She walked up to her and hugged her.

"Hello, Fluttershy! It's so nice to see you!"

"Hello, Rarity! You look great!"

"Shall we work on your dress?!" Fluttershy nodded.

"Fluttershy, just stand over there and I will get the supplies!" Rarity walked away and came back almost immediately with measuring tape and sewing supplies.

"I just need to get your measurements." Rarity began measuring Fluttershy. Fluttershy felt hot right when Rarity started touching her. She blushed, but Rarity was too busy to notice. Rarity accidentally brushed against her flank and Fluttershy's wings shot straight out.

Rarity couldn't help, but laugh. "It's not funny!"

"Sure it's not darling." Rarity had gotten about half the measurements done, so she figured that she should just end it there and use the pony model and her fashion sense to figure out the other measurements.

"What color what you like your dress to be?"

"Um... purple, blue and pink."

"Ooo! I can make a purple dress with hot pink buttons and lace. I will make a dark blue sweater with lavender and baby blue butterflies to go with it!"

"That sounds lovely Rarity!"

Rarity began drawing the dress design. Simultaneously, she used her magic to grab the proper fabric and special supplies for the job. Fluttershy sat petting Opal. She looked around the room and then got up to look closer at the fabrics.

"There are so many pretty designs and colors." She looked at all of Rarity's paintings and sketches that she found on the table in the corner. Fluttershy was filled with wonder as to what Rarity had in inspiration room. Fluttershy proceeded to look at dresses that Rarity had made. Once she was finished looking she felt bored. She looked over at Rarity drawing.

"Rarity, I'm bored." Oh no! I- I mean...

"Oh, then let's begin! I haven't totally finished drawing, but I have my ideas in my head."

Rarity grabbed her fabric and put it in the sewing machine. She used her magic to speed up the process. "Fluttershy, I need some more fabric, could you get some?" Fluttershy flew over the the shelf and grabbed the purple fabric Rarity wanted.

"Um... here you go."

"Thank you!"

Fluttershy once again returned to her seat, but this time Fluttershy was super bored. She lied down and took a nap.

"I can add three buttons here. I can put the lace here and then go around the base. Oh! I will put one purple butterfly in this right corner and the other can be down here..." All of Rarity's rambling woke Fluttershy up. She woke up to see Rarity's blue eyes. What a great way to wake up!

"I'm sorry. I was so busy working with the dress that I forgot about you! Let's do something! We could..." Fluttershy stopped her.

"I'm having a great time here with you." Rarity walked over to put the final touches on the dress, while Fluttershy got up to get some paper and quills. She began sketching Rarity.

Rarity walked over to see how Fluttershy was doing when she saw the drawing of herself. "It's beautiful! Wait right here!" She ran over to her desk and returned with a piece of paper.

Fluttershy smiled. "I use art to express my true feelings. The day I drew this I was very happy because of you." She thought about Rarity's words. I need to 'express my true feelings'. She looked at Rarity. I need to show my feelings.

She stood up and walked towards Rarity. Fluttershy looked into Rarity's eyes and then kissed her. It was not just a little peck on the check, but a deep, heartfelt kiss. Fluttershy held Rarity close and waited for a reaction. She then pulled away from Rarity to see what she was thinking. I just kissed Rarity! I JUST KISSED RARITY!

Rarity looked at Fluttershy lovingly and then she kissed her back. The two of them stood close to each other, their two hearts beating as one. They were in love, it was as simple as that.

"Fluttershy, I've liked you for about a month now, I really realized that it was more than a crush about a week ago." Fluttershy smiled.

"I've liked you since about the same time, but only realized how strong my feelings were a couple of days ago." The two of them stood their with their muzzles touching. They cradled each other in each others hooves. It was a moment of serenity and a world without issues. It was perfect.

"Fluttershy, would you like to go on a date tomorrow afternoon?" Fluttershy smirked.

"Are you asking me out?" Rarity smiled and then pulled her in for another kiss.

Dating's A Piece Of Cake, Literally!

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Fluttershy showered and put on the outfit Rarity had made her. She went to the spa to get her hair styled and a quick hooficure. "Fluttershy, why isn't Rarity with you? Also, this isn't your regular day." Fluttershy smiled at Aloe.

"Today is a little different." Aloe was confused, but she didn't want to annoy a frequent customer. Aloe curled her hair and gave her a nice hooficure. "Thank you, Aloe! Bye! Say hello to Lotus for me, I didn't see her today."

Fluttershy went home and put on some accessories. Should I go with hoops or butterfly earrings?

She held them up to her outfit and then decided that butterflies would work better. Should I put on perfume? Is it too much? She sprayed a few sprits of strawberry perfume and then put on some light pink eyeshadow and chapstick.

Fluttershy heard the familiar sound of Rarity knocking on her door. She flew over to the door and threw it open. "Rarity!" She put her arms around her. Rarity looked at the dress she had made and her gorgeous eyes. "Fluttershy, you look spectacular!" She gave her a quick kiss and then began running.

"Rarity, where are you going?!" Rarity laughed.

"Don't you trust me?"

"Of course!"

"Then come on!" Fluttershy flew after Rarity and then two of them ran over to Rarity's secret date location.

Rarity paused and motioned for Fluttershy to stop. The two of them looked up and saw a whole orchestra. Lyra and Octavia signaled the others to start playing. Rarity touched Fluttershy's cheek and then stepped in front of the orchestra. She smiled and then began singing.

"When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause Fluttershy, you're amazing
Just the way you are~!"

Fluttershy began crying. "Awww, Rarity! That's so beautiful!" She kissed her sweetly and then smiled at Rarity. "Fluttershy, I wanted to show you how much I care about you. I know this is just our first date and I've only really liked you for a short period of time, but I'm already totally sure about my feelings for you." The two of them smile.

Fluttershy flew upwards and pointed down to where they were. "Fluttershy, what was that?"

"You're not the only pony who likes surprises." Rarity grabbed Fluttershy's hoof and led her under a tree.

Rarity sat down and snuggled up to Fluttershy. The two of them snuggled and kissed each other on their muzzles. Suddenly, a large carriage appears in front of them. Fluttershy walked up to it and opened the door.

"Your carriage awaits milady, you just have to tell me where we're going." Rarity stepped into the carriage.

"I hear that there's this great restaurant that sells sweets in Ponyville. There's this crazy pink mare who works there." Fluttershy laughs.

"That sound great." She hugs Rarity. "Take us to Sugarcube Corner!" Rarity looks up at her.

"Where is my shy pony? There is only a sexy, excited mare here."

"Fluttershy may not be here, but a mare who really likes you is. Tonight is too important to get scared of everything. You bring out the best in me and take away my fears. You can still call me Fluttershy though." Rarity smiled and laughed at how funny Fluttershy was.

She looked outside and saw Sugarcube Corner. "We're here Fluttershy!" The two of them got out and walked into Sugarcube Corner.

"Um... where would you like to sit?"

"Over there in that booth looks nice."

They sat down and held hooves. They didn't need to look at the menus because they had memorized it after coming so many times.

A young stallion walked over to their booth. "What would you like to order?"

"Marble cake with chocolate buttercream frosting." they said in unison.

"Make that an super-mega-jumbo size so we can share it and have leftovers for later!"

"Um... what she said. Oh, and two iced teas."

The waiter walked away to go get their food. The two mares nose nuzzled each other and looked at each other`s eyes.

"This has been a great day, Rarity."

"It has and that's why I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"Will you be my fillyfriend?" Fluttershy nodded and beamed brightly. Everypony in the restaurant said 'awww' at the same time. Fluttershy and Rarity held hooves until the waiter came back with their meal.

"Thank you for the cake..." Rarity paused because she didn't know his name.

"My name is Comet Tail."

"Thank you for the cake, Comet Tail."

Fluttershy and Rarity began eating the cake. The two of them got frosting all over their faces.

"Rarity, you have a little something on your face."

"Fluttershy, your face is covered in frosting. Here let me clean you up."

She licked Fluttershy's cheek. Fluttershy blushed and suddenly felt very hot. Rarity giggled at her embarrassment. The two of them went to the mares` room to clean their faces. Rarity hugged her mare and then the two of them stepped back into the dining section.

They ate some more cake and drank some of their iced tea. Once they were full they called over the waiter.

"How much will this cost?"

"On the house, you ponies are regulars and you know Mr and Mrs. Cake." Rarity smiled and then handed him two bits.

"I said that you don't-" Rarity interrupted him.

"This is for you to keep."

Fluttershy and Rarity grabbed their purses and then said goodbye to Comet Tail. The two of them walked out the door arm in arm.

"Would you like me to walk you home, Rarity?"

"I would love for you to, my darling."

The two of them began taking a short-cut around the lake.

"Fluttershy, I know you well, but tell me something about you that I don't know about you and then I will do the same." What do I say?

"Well, I was born in Las Pegasus and only one of my parents is a pegasus. My father is a unicorn." I wouldn't have guessed that!

"When I was little I loved reading fairy tales about princes sweeping the mare off her feet. Technically that's already come true. Also, I've always believed that Sweetie Belle sings better than me."

"First, awwww! Second, you sing beautifully and you shouldn't compare yourself to your sister. It makes both of you unhappy." Rarity smiled and then they looked up and saw that they were already at the boutique.

Rarity walked to the door and then paused. She turned around and looked at Fluttershy. "Tonight has been the best night of my life."

"It was mine, too."

"Do I get a goodnight kiss?" Fluttershy nodded and then kissed her deeply. The two of them kissed for a long time. They didn't want it to end. When they broke apart, because they needed to breathe, they wrapped each other in a deep embrace.


"Goodnight Fluttershy."

I have never felt happier, Rarity is the one for me.

They Had To Know At Some Point

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When Rarity woke up, she was extremely unhappy that her Fluttershy wasn't there. She knew Fluttershy wasn't supposed to be there and that Fluttershy got nothing telling her to do so, but doing anything without Fluttershy these days was... shall I say 'THE WORST POSSIBLE THING!'

She got up and began her morning routine: shower, brush her teeth, hair styling, makeup, possible outfit, perfume and then breakfast.

Rarity showered, brushed her teeth and then tried to decide her hair style of the day. Do I want to try something different today or my regular style? She examined her mane. New is fabulous, but I've already figured out every last detail of this hair style and I've perfected it! That settles it! Today typical glam beats funky new styles.

Rarity put on her eyeshadow as usual, but used sparkly pink instead of her usual baby blue. What am I going to wear? Am I even wearing clothes today? Well, my birthday suit does fit perfectly! She skipped getting dressed and then put on one of her many perfumes.

She grabbed a muffin and ate it fast, well at least by her dainty standards. She was supposed to take a walk with Fluttershy, and she didn't want to be late. They may even have a picnic! She quickly read the newspaper and then grabbed her purse. She had just finished breakfast and was ready for the day.

She ran outside and then teleported into Fluttershy's cottage. She walked into the living room and surprisingly she didn't see Fluttershy there. Rarity walked into Fluttershy's room. It wasn't an invasion of her private space or areas because she had been in there dozens of times.

Awww! Fluttershy's asleep! It was too tempting, so she got into bed with Fluttershy and began spooning with her. Fluttershy's soft coat made her happy, until she suddenly realized how far she had just taken their relationship. She was not only touching her flank, but her wings too. This was a step up and her fillyfriend was still fast asleep.

"Fluttershy, Fluttershy, wake up." No response. "Wake up!" Fluttershy was startled and she turned fast towards the noise and at the same time grabbing Rarity's pony boob. She looked up and saw what a bad situation they were in. Nopony minded, though it was just one day after their first date.

Rarity slowly backed away, but quickly returned to her side. "You know, what they say, 'when in rome' or in this case when in a bed with your fillyfriend." She kissed Fluttershy and softly pet along the tips of her wings. She let out a small purr of delight. The two of them kissed deeply while their bodies were touching, a lot.

Rainbow Dash walked into Fluttershy's cottage and so did Twilight. Twilight had already tried the boutique, but Rarity wasn't there, so she figured that if she wasn't there, then she was probably with her best friend.

"Twilight, why are you here?"

"Rainbow why are you here?"

"Let's answer at the same time. 3, 3, 1 GO!"

"I need to apologize to Rarity." "I need to apologize to Fluttershy." they said at the same time. The two of them nodded at each other and then made their way to the bedroom where they thought they heard sounds.

The slowly eased open the door and walked in. They saw wing boners, horns glowing, kissing and lots of touching.

"What the buck is going on here!" Rainbow screamed.

"R- Rarity... I- I..." Twilight started crying.

Rarity and Fluttershy changed their position to them loosely holding each other in their arms.

"Well, um... I..."

"Fluttershy and I are fillyfriends." Two gasps escaped from the elements of magic and loyalty. Rainbow Dash choked back her tears. She looked at Fluttershy with a pained expression.

"D- Do you love her the way I loved you?" Fluttershy nodded.

"Rarity is the one for me."

Twilight looked at Rarity. Tears covering her face and a sad aura around her. With her head hung low, she asked quietly, yet still unmistakably devastatingly "Is s- she why you don't love me back?"

"Twilight," she laid a hoof on her shoulder. "You don't choose who you fall for, you just do. Fluttershy may be my fillyfriend, but I still love the four of you as sisters."

Rainbow Dash and Twilight took one glance back at their loves and then walked out of the room. This was gut wrenchingly terrible for both of them.

Rarity looked at Fluttershy with sad eyes. "They mean so much to me and I hate seeing them in pain, but they shouldn't get in the way of true happiness. If you do care about me as much as I think you do then we shouldn't let them tear us apart. They'll find somepony. The greatest flyer in all of Equestria and Celestia's star pupil can handle themselves." This brought much comfort to Fluttershy's heart. The two of them laid in bed and cuddled. When they had finally decided that they didn't want to mope around Fluttershy's cottage anymore, they got up and got the picnic basket ready.

They made salad and apple pie together. Angel could smell the food and hopped in. He looked at Rarity and Fluttershy and then sighed. Fluttershy turned to look at her bunny.

"What's wrong?" Angel made a heart with his hands and then pointed to the two mares.

"Rarity and I dating?" Angel nodded. He then placed a hand on his chest, pointed at her and then backed up far away.

"Rarity and I are dating and you're far away? Oh, um... are you afraid that I won't spend time with you now that I have Rarity?" Angel nodded. She patted his furry head.

"I won't forget about you!" Rarity smacked Fluttershy's flank. She blushed.

"R- Rarity..."

"Will you bring your luscious lips over to mine?" Fluttershy felt hot and nervous. Rarity kissed Fluttershy passionately.

"...awesome." Fluttershy just barely squeaked out. The two of them walked out the door and then began to take a walk around the park.

"Fluttershy, would you ever be able to live without all of your animals?"

"Without all, then yes, but without any I would be heartbroken. It's like asking if you could live without a single piece of clothing or jewelry. You couldn't live happily that way. It's who we are."

"Who do you think the prettiest mare in Equestria is?"


"Awww! You're the cutest and I really like you which makes you even more attractive, but nopony can beat Celestia's mane."

"True, true."

The two mares looked up and saw that they had walked all the way back to Fluttershy's cottage. They turned around and walked to the clearing near her house. They set down the basket and then put out the food.

They ate their food while talking about a certain pony's personalities or books they've read. Fluttershy kissed Rarity goodbye and then went back to take care of her animals.

"Goodbye, Fluttershy!"

"Goodbye, Rarity!"

She makes everything better, she even made the day we woke up with Twilight and Rainbow Dash in our beds better. Fluttershy is great.

Friend Meeting ASAP!

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Fluttershy and Rarity sat down at the table in the library. The main six are there, all with different expressions. Rarity is confident that everything will be fine and Fluttershy is nervous as to how her friends will react to Rarishy. Pinkie Pie is ecstatic to see her friends and Applejack thinks that something suspicious is going on. Twilight is depressed because the mare who broke her heart is right across the room and Rainbow Dash is everything and nothing.

Rainbow Dash is sad, furious, heartbroken, devastated and confused, yet also happy for Fluttershy and envious. Rainbow Dash tries to hold in her pain. Though she feels these emotions, she doesn't feel like punching or flying to let off steam, she's as calm as she could be... for a sad/angry mare.

The main six looked at each other in silence until Pinkie Pie decided to break the tension. "How are you ponies?" Everypony looked at her with an expression that said 'Don't even go there'. All except Spike and AJ who had no clue what was going on.

Rarity held Fluttershy's hoof and then stood up. "I- We have an announcement to make. Feel free to show your emotions, this is a friends' meeting after all." Fluttershy nodded slightly for Rarity to continue and tell them the news.

"Fluttershy and I are fillyfriends." Pinkie Pie jumped up.

"We're all fillyfriends! We know each other well and we're buddies!" Rarity sighed softly.

"To clarify, we are in a pretty serious relationship. Pinkie, that means that Fluttershy and I are dating." A bunch of gasps escaped the crowd. Twilight began crying, she knew that it was serious, but they were going steady! Rainbow Dash let a single tear fall down her face. She would be strong... screw it! What the hay! She's been mine my whole life and Rarity's j- just going to take her, nuh-uh, not gonna happen on my watch! She slammed her hoof down.

"I've loved Fluttershy my whole life and in one day you just show up and steal her heart! I've known her for so long! I defended her honor!" Fluttershy rose from her seat.

"You also let me fall." Rainbow took that in. I did let her fall. I was busy winning t- that I ju- just smacked right into her and let her fall and if she was at the right angle, possibly to her death.

Spike 'took the stage'. "I love you Rarity! I've always loved you! I- I'm cute! I'm your Spikey-Wikey!"

"You will always be my Spikey-Wikey, but you're not Fluttershy, she's my fillyfriend. I know you're young, but you'll have to accept that." Twilight walked up and punched Rarity square in the face. It wasn't rational or sensible, it just wasn't something Twilight did. Unless of course you broke her and her baby dragon's hearts.

Rarity was unconscious. She lied on the floor, blissfully unaware of what was about to ensue. "YOU PUNCHED RARITY IN THE FACE YOU BIOTCH! YOU STUPID, CONDESCENDING JERK! YOU DON'T GET TO PUNCH HER! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO TOUCH HER!" Fluttershy knocked Twilight to the ground and proceeded to try to choke Twilight.

"F- Flu..." Rainbow Dash shoved Fluttershy off of Twilight. Fluttershy then toppled her and started punching her.



"YOU-" *PUNCH* "HURT-" *PUNCH* "RARITY!!!!" The anger coming out almost as painfully as the punches did. Fluttershy looked up at Pinkie Pie's scared eyes and froze. She slapped Twilight and Rainbow Dash, hard, and then flew back over to her seat. She put her head down and began crying. Applejack stared at her friends.

Do ah comfort RD and Twi or Fluttershy? Ah don't know the full story, ah can't decide. Applejack and Pinkie Pie looked at the scene. 1 unconscious mare, 2 beat up meanies, 1 crying mare and 3 totally confused ponies/dragons.

Spike ran up to Twilight and hugged her. "You're okay Twi. It's okay." He stroked her mane softly. He looked like he was on the verge of insanity. His love and his 'mother', both hurt.

Fluttershy lied down next to Rarity and then snuggled up to her. She kissed her on the cheek and then Rarity woke up. "What happened?"

"Oh! You told us about Rarishy. I like the sound of it, 'Rarishy'. Off topic! Then, Rainbow punched you and you took a nap! Fluttershy went berserk and nearly killed Rainbow Dash and Twilight physically. She also yelled really loudly and furiously at them. She screamed like you died or something. Really, seriously. Then, the three of them cried hysterically!" AJ looked at Pinkie and punched her sort of roughly, not enough to give her any bruises or anything.

"Shut up Pinkie! JUST SHUT UP!" Applejack yelled. Pinkie Pie closed her mouth and then frowned. The main six, then looked at each other with sorrow.

"I miss the way we used to be." Rarity started whimpering. All of them hesitantly hugged each other loosely. Feelings and ponies were hurt, but it was a start. They all cried softly and looked at each other.

"Rainbow, Twilight, I'm sorry. I think it was fair... um... but, it was unkind. Rarity and I are together. You two will find somepony. You are the elements of harmony after all." Rarity smiled.

"I'm sorry that I didn't catch onto your feelings and let you down sooner, so this didn't have to happen so fast, but Twilight, I am with Fluttershy." She turned to Rainbow Dash and Twilight.

"Both of you need to let go." Pinkie Pie left the room and then came back with cupcakes. She shoved one in each ponies mouth.

"No more talking! It makes us sad! Let's... hug some more?" Everypony was shocked that Pinkie Pie didn`t say 'party' or 'par-tay'. Though they were shocked, they were also proud of Pinkie for not making everything a party and taking them seriously. The main six reunited for more hugs. They stood huddled up together. Suddenly, a little whine filled the air.

"I wanna hug you ponies too!"

"C'mon Spike! Ah'd be mighty happy if ya'd join us!" Spike joined the hug too. They hugged for a while and then Rarity pulled out.

"Do you know what we're doing?" They shook their heads 'no'.

"Spending quality time together... as friends!" They all smiled. Rainbow Dash and Twilight looked at each other.

"We accept your relationship." they said in unison.

Everypony (and one dragon) smiled. It was like everything was back to normal... except Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash's body parts still hurt.

Rarity's New Client

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Rarity was putting away some of her new, top of the line fabric when she started thinking about the past week's events. I started dating the mare of my dreams, semi-reunited with some of my closest friends ever and made an amazing outfit for Fluttershy. She reached down to grab some pink string that had fallen recently when her cheek brushed against one of the tables.

"Ow!" She remembered the pain that she felt emotionally and physically when Twilight had hit her. It was not unfair, but it still hurt. Thinking about that got her thinking about why Twilight hit her in the first place.

I wish that I could've done something better. I know that we don't hate each other anymore - or at least I think- but we still need to work on our friendship. Maybe we could do something next week? A sudden knock at the door took Rarity out of her deep thinking. Who could that be?

She ran to the door and threw it open, she hadn't had a paying customer or client for a while. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique! What may I get you?" She said that like she always had, but was confused due to one odd feature that this particular pony possessed... they were a stallion. She had only known a couple of stallions who would even know what a boutique was, not many that actually walked in.

"Are you sure that this is where you want to be, sir?"

"Yes, Rarity." She stood shocked for a few seconds.

"How do you know my name?"



"I have seen you around Ponyville and you are the element of generosity so most ponies know you." She looked him over.

"You do look pretty familiar."

"And you look gorgeous!"

Rarity looked at the random stallion. She didn't feel right about him. Something was going down soon, but she wasn't one to start shoving ponies looking for fashion out the door. After all, he did look familiar. She looked at his musical cutie mark and coat, mane and tail colors. Suddenly, it dawned on her.

"Blues!" He nodded. "So, Blues, what brought you here?" He blushed and looked around nervously. There was an awkward silence.

"A- Anyway… let's move on! Right over here is the stallions' section. Although, if you're shopping for a special somepony then you can look in the mares' section. I mean, you could go to the mare or stallion section, you do not have to like the other gender! I... um... am going to shut up right about now!"

He laughed and smiled at her. She waited to see where he would start walking. He looked at both sides of the boutique and then walked over to the stallions' section. Rarity followed and then began showing him some of her best male couture.

"We have some designer jeans, tank tops, tuxedos etcetera, and many varieties of shoes."

"Why do you say 'we'? Do you have any other ponies working with you?! Is it a romantic partnership?!" He sounded frantic. This, sort of creepy, made Rarity feel very uncomfortable.

"Well, no. Why do you ask? Also, why is this so important to you?" He awkwardly tried to find something to say.

"Can we move on?" Rarity nodded. I should stop saying things. I don't want to prolong his visit. I just don't feel right about him being here.

"You can try on your clothes in the changing rooms or just come up to the counter and I can ring up your order." Rarity walked over to the other side of the room to organize some racks of clothes.

Blues saw at the clothes, but didn't look at them. There was something else on his mind. Blues picked up a few pairs of fancy pants, some shiny, black shoes and a puffy, white shirt that he thought looked cool. He ran up to Rarity and then handed her the clothes.

"I will ring these up for you!" She brought them up to the front and started removing tags. She used her lint roller to fix any dusty clothes. She then proceeded to flatten them and smooth them out. Finally, she folded the gentlemen's clothes and put them in a nice bag.

"Is that all you want?" He looked around semi-frantically and then quickly responded.

"No!" The sudden response was unexpected.

"Then, what would you like, Blues?"

"A nice, winter scarf?"

"Are you sure about that?"

"Y- Yes..." Rarity pointed him over to the scarf section. He grabbed the softest scarf that he saw and then handed it to her.

"Pink?" He ran and grabbed the blue version.

"Is this all?"

"Yes and no. Yes, I am done shopping for now. No, I am not ready to leave. I was wondering if we could sit and talk." Rarity was hoping that she could continue her day because this guy was starting to creep her out, but it was also flattering. Maybe too flattering.

"I'm going to organize my shelves. You may look at the clothes or talk to me. I cannot promise that you'll get my full attention. You will have to leave once I have finished my work or if a customer comes in. Also, I'm sorry if I seem to be giving you the cold shoulder, but I have a lot of things on my mind, some good, some bad."

He squealed out of pure happiness. Maybe this was a bad idea. Rarity began to organize the shelves. "This goes here. This goes here. Oh my, this belongs on an entirely different shelf..." Blues just stared at her. He didn't care about chit chat, he was there for... well that was the thing, he wasn't sure.

"Blues, how long have you lived in Ponyville?"

"A couple of years. Around when Twilight moved to ponyville." Rarity shot him a look.

"She's the element of magic." Rarity nodded.

"Do you like to play music or sing?"

"I usually play bass." Rarity smiled. She was done faster than she anticipated.

"I'm sorry, but you have to leave now."

Blues was scared. He frantically threw himself into the rack of clothes. Rarity ran up to him and lifted him up with her magic. She looked at him to make sure that he didn't have any bruises.

"Are you okay?" He looked into her kind, blue eyes. He stood up and then kissed her. Oh my god! STOP! STOP! STOP! WHAT THE HELL?!

To be continued...

in the next chapter

It's Not What It Looks Like!

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(Just in case you didn't read the last chapter or you forgot what happened, Rarity was kissed by Blues in the last chapter)

Fluttershy danced around her little home. She had the best fillyfriend ever and she really, really liked her. She couldn't help, but just be happy constantly. Fluttershy hadn't even gotten scared for a whole month now that she had Rarity! The exception of course is that suspicious noise in bushes that she kind of freaked out at.

I feel like doing something fun! She was so happy that she needed to do something exciting. The best pony to ask was Pinkie Pie, but she felt like she wanted to do something fun, not dangerous. Fluttershy looked at her animals. They're fun! She saw one of them chasing its bushy tail. Maybe a different kind of fun would be better. She got up and walked outside. The sun was bright in her eyes and the slight wind flowed through her mane.

"I love this kind of weather." She flew into the air and spread her wings out. The feel of the wind on her wings gave her peace. She felt like she was flying at 10.0 wing power when the wind rustled her feathers. Fluttershy slowly flew back down and then without really knowing where she was going, she began to take a walk.

While walking, her mind drifted off to Rarity. She thought about Rarity's hugs, the smell of her mane, the way she walked with such confidence, but she mostly thought about how Rarity's love brought her joy and gave her strength. She tripped over a rock, thus ending her Rarishy thoughts. Fluttershy looked up and saw a beautiful pond. The way the light hit it, it looks like one of the diamonds on Rarity's cutie mark.

Without thinking she jumped into the water. It was out of character for her, but a pond that has something like Rarity is like the best thing ever! Second to Rarity herself of course.

"It feels really... nice." She got further into the water. It was so crystal clear that she could see her hooves in the water perfectly. She swam softly, not wanting to cause huge waves and startle anypony or animal that might happen to walk by. It was awesome in the water, but she couldn't help, but feel that it would be better if Rarity were there.

No naughty Fluttershy. I mean it would be nice if she were to come into the water with me. We could kiss and snuggle. She looks so pretty when she's wet. Wait, no! I can't do that! ...I do hang out with her in the spa bath every week though. She decided that she needed to see her Rarity. The water was great, but she missed her fillyfriend.

She flew up out of the water, but it was a hard task due to the fact that her wings were still wet. Fluttershy shook herself dry and then flew back to her cottage quickly. She had a great idea of what to do with Rarity.

Fluttershy flew into her garden and picked the prettiest flowers that she could find. She put them in a fancy basket with a stuffed animal, some expensive perfume and a special poem that she had written. She walked into her bathroom and brushed her mane. "This will be fun. Yay!"

Fluttershy ran out the door and then flew as fast as she could towards Carousel Boutique. She enjoyed looking at the trees while she flew. She wasn't that fast so at full speed, she could still enjoy the view. When she wasn't that far away from the boutique she stopped flying and began galloping. Her heart was pounding fast because of both the running and knowing that she would see Rarity.

She walked up to the boutique and was about to open the door when she saw something in the window out of the corner of her eye. She stepped back and looked in the window. What she saw made her stop short. Fluttershy dropped the basket and fell down in a ball. She cried hysterically. S- She was kissing somepony else! She cheated on me with, with... a STALLION! Does she even care about me?! Did she use me to get him?!

Fluttershy got up to look at them again. She didn't notice that Rarity wasn't kissing back or that she wasn't holding him like she holds her. She only noticed that her fillyfriend no longer liked her and that broke her heart. She opened the door and looked at Rarity. It was a look of despair, sadness and extreme anger.

Rarity shoved him as hard as she could and he fell. "Fluttershy! I- It's not what it looks like!"


"Well, maybe it is what it looks like, but he kissed me!"


"Darling, I'm so sorry." Fluttershy shot her a look.

"You sicken me... darling." And with that she flew away. No intention of coming back. She didn't want to hear Rarity. She didn't want to see Rarity. Fluttershy let her shield melt away. She began crying again. She needed a friend, somepony that she could tell anything to. That was Rarity... or at least she used to be. Fluttershy spied a large cloud home. Rainbow Dash.

She flew into Rainbow Dash's home and fell on the floor crying. What's that noise? Rainbow got up and walked over to the hallway. What she saw was a crying mare.

"You sicken me... darling." Rarity ran after Fluttershy, but she flew away too fast. She walked over to Blues with eyes full of fury. She was madder than she was at Prince Blueblood.


"I didn't know that you were seeing anypony. I also didn't know that you are a lesbian."


"Isn't that a little unfair?"

"UNFAIR?! UNFAIR?! I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT'S UNFAIR!" She grabbed him with her magic and threw him against the wall. She then walked up to him and kicked him in the :)

She walked out the door and saw the basket. She picked up the poem and read it.

You are radiant and kind

I can't get you out of my mind

Someponies say that you have a bad attitude

I just think that they are rude

You bring joy to my heart

I never want us to be apart

I really like you

Hopefully you really like me too

This brought tears to Rarity's eyes. "I must find her. I MUST!" She ran off to go find Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy is that you?"

"Y- yes..."

"Is everything alright?"

"Rarity... unthinkable... sadness."


"Rarity was kissing somepony else."


"Blues, a stallion."

"I'M GOING TO KILL HER! YOU MAY HAVE BROKEN MY HEART, BUT SHE DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO AND BREAK YOURS!" Fluttershy walked slowly over to Rainbow Dash and hugged her.

"I- I just want to forget about it. Please don't drag out my suffering. I just want to be here with you." Rainbow Dash calmed down a little bit and let the warmth of Fluttershy's embrace keep her happy.

"I love you." Fluttershy looked at Rainbow.

"It's too soon, Dashie." The two of them stood there in silence.

"Where could Fluttershy be?" Rarity ran around Ponyville trying to find her possible ex fillyfriend. She had already checked Fluttershy's cottage, the market and had even asked Twilight. Twilight wasn't sure what she thought about the situation. A chance to date Rarity or try to make them get back together.

Rarity thought hard. Where would a shy mare go to find peace and talk to somepony? Suddenly it dawned on her. "Rainbow Dash's home in Cloudsdale!"

She teleported to Rainbow's house. This was probably her last chance to find her.

Fluttershy was lying on the couch thinking about what would happen between her and Rarity. Will we ever speak to each other again? Are we still friends? If we aren't then how would this affect the elements of harmony? Friendship powers don't work without friendship.

Suddenly, something bursted through the door. "Ahhh!"

"Sorry darling, I didn't mean to startle you. I know that you hate that."

"Rarity, I don't want to see you right now."

"But Flutters-" She was interrupted by Rainbow Dash

"She said that she doesn't want to see you."

"You can't gang up on me! I have done nothing wrong!"

"You broke my heart." "You stole the love of my life."

"I was forced to kiss Blues. He just kissed me and I couldn't pull away from him. Also, I read your poem, it's beautiful," Rarity looked at the two very upset mares.

"Fluttershy, I really like you. I can't lose you. You are my one and only fillyfriend. That stallion is nothing. You mean the world to me. I understand if you hate me or you'd rather be with Rainbow Dash. I just want you to be happy." Rarity turned around and began walking to the door.

"WAIT!" Rarity spun back around.

"I can forgive you Rarity. It's not over between us, but if you EVER touch anypony else I will be forced to kill you." Rarity smiled and ran up to Fluttershy. She kissed her deeply and lovingly.

"Oh, Fluttershy. I was afraid that I might lose you."

"I'll always be by your side." Fluttershy smiled and then turned to Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash, you need to know that I will always stick by your side, too." Rainbow Dash smiled and then the three mares joined in a group hug.

Fluttershy and Rarity said goodbye and then walked out the door. "So, Fluttershy, do I get to keep the gifts?" Fluttershy nodded.

They walked side by side. It had definitely been an... eventful day.

Forgive, Forget and Kiss

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Rarity walked over to Fluttershy. They hadn't seen each other for a few days since the... incident and though things were okay, they could definitely improve.

"Hello, Fluttershy! It's so nice to see you!" Rarity gave Fluttershy a quick kiss on the cheek and then continued. "I know that a little tea party at your cottage isn't fancy or that romantic, I think that it would be good to relax for a bit." Fluttershy smiled and blew Rarity a kiss. Rarity blew her a kiss back.

Angel walked over to them and jumped into Fluttershy's forelegs. He gave her a look that said 'This is so annoying. Will you please stop being all lovey dovey?!'

"Now Angel Bunny, this isn't gross. It's romantic." The little bunny pointed to his mouth in a way that suggested that he's vomiting. Rarity gave him an annoyed look.

"Now, I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I'm pretty sure that Fluttershy has mentioned you having a bunnyfriend." He blushed and then hopped out of the room to go find his girl.

"Oh, Fluttershy! I think that I forgot to bring the cookies for the tea! THIS IS THE WORST POSSI-" Fluttershy puts her hoof on Rarity's mouth.

"We can go get some at Sugarcube Corner... if you want."

"Perfect, darling!" Rarity held Fluttershy's hoof and then used her horn to teleport them there quickly.

They appear right in front of Mr and Mrs. Cake.

"Hello, dears!"

"What brings you here today?" added Mr. Cake.

"Um... cookies." He stood waiting for her to continue talking, but no explanation as to why she wanted cookies was given.

"What Fluttershy here means is that we need half a dozen sugar cookies for our tea party." The couple nodded and then walked over to get the cookies.

Pinkie Pie had heard her best friends from within the kitchen, so she walked out to the restaurant area to say 'hi' to her 'bestest friends'.

"Hiya, girls!"

"Um… hello, Pinkie Pie."

"How do you do, Pinkie?" Pinkie gave Rarity an odd look. Rarity cleared her throat.

"I think that some ponies say 'wassup'." Pinkie Pie looked even more confused. Now this is just getting annoying!


"Ohhhhhh! I'm doing good!"

"I'm doing well." Rarity muttered under her breath.

The three mares chatted amongst themselves while waiting for the cookies that were taking way too long. Rarity looked at Mrs. Cake and she winked at her.

I'm not sure, but I think means that she's stalling, so the three of us can hang out.

While they were talking Rainbow Dash and Twilight walked in together. The two of them have been hanging out a lot recently. It's not-... it can't be! They just got over us! Rarity looked at them. Hmm...

"Hello, Rarity, Fluttershy." Rainbow then turned to Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, Pinks!"

"Hey, Dashie!" Twilight looked at Rarity sympathetically in a way that said 'She's still a little upset, she'll get over it, though'. Rarity grabbed Rainbow, Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy in a big, group hug.

"Rarity, I think that for the first time you initiated the group hug! Based on usual events, I would have assumed that Pinkie Pie would be the one to do that!" They all looked at Twilight.

"What? There's nothing wrong with commenting on something in a smart way." Suddenly, Pinkie Pie jumped up frantically.

"AJ isn't here! It's not a group hug without the group!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

"It's still a group hug though."

"Not without AJ!" she whined. Twilight sighed and then used her magic to teleport Applejack there.

"What in tarnation?! A'm at ma barn one second an' then tha next Ah'm at Sugarcube Corner!" She looked at her surroundings. "Ah'm gonna take a wald guess an' say that it was you, Twi." Twilight blushed guiltily. Rarity walked up to the counter.

"I think Fluttershy and I should get going now." She pointed a hoof towards the crowd of loud, fighting ponies with one yellow-coated pegasus cowering in the corner. Mrs. Cake nodded and handed her the box of cookies. Rarity went to put down her bits when she stopped her.

"It's on the house."

"Not literally! That would be silly!" They heard Pinkie Pie shout.

"Pinkie Pie, you're so random!"

"Thanks, Dashie!" After hearing that, Applejack couldn't help, but laugh. Rarity grabbed the cookies, thanked Mrs. Cake, grabbed Fluttershy and then bolted from the rambunctious crowd.

"Um... Rarity... it was scary in t- there. I would like to relax at home with you now."

"Of course! I wouldn't want to doing anything else anywhere with anypony! This will be great!" The two mares walked back to Fluttershy's cottage side by side with their forelegs interlocking.

"So, Fluttershy, would you say that we're officially fillyfriends or are we still in the beginning stages? You don't have to answer if you don't want to darling." Fluttershy answered immediately.

"Fillyfriends." She didn't even have to think about it.

"Awwww!" Rarity hugged her and then without even realizing it, they were home.

"Time for our tea party!" Fluttershy flew into the house and sat down at the little coffee table that Rarity had glamorized for their date.

"I'll pour the drinks and set up the plates. Fluttershy, you can put the cookies on a plate." They set up the tea party and then sat down.

They began sipping their Green Tea that Rarity had made. "This tastes great, Rarity!"

"Thank you!" They sat looking at each other.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Um... your work?"

"Are you sure?"

"I think so."

"Well, I've been swamped recently! Sapphire Shores, Hoity Toity and Photo Finish all want dresses at the same time! I'm not sure I've ever had this much work! Even when I was trying to remake your gala dresses! I think that they're coming out nice, but I haven't had much free time. I was happy to see you today because I really missed you."

"I've missed you too!" They both hugged and then ate a few cookies. They chit chatted about the others or the beauty of mares that they had met recently. The two of them finished their tea and then kissed each other goodnight. Rarity walked over to the door to leave.

"Goodnight!" She opened the door and then she felt a hoof on her shoulder. She turned around slowly.

"I- I was um... wondering i- if you would want to maybe stay the night."

"Y- You mean-..."

"Oh my gosh! No! N- Not that! I mean a sleepover that's sort of romantic." Rarity calmed down and then smiled. The two walked into Fluttershy's room and got on her bed. They snuggled and then went to sleep. This is great, just lying here with Fluttershy. I could stay this way forever... ZZZZZZZ

Well... I Have This... Thing To Tell You

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Fluttershy looked at Rarity, but today her mare was anything, but happy. "Rarity, are you okay?" Rarity tried to smile, but she couldn't do better than a fake smile. How do you tell somepony something that will hurt them? She then thought about her morning.

A very uppity stallion walked into Carousel Boutique. By the way he carried himself Rarity could tell that he was some sort of wealthy stallion who wanted some of her clothes for a fashion show or for his gorgeous, young wife. Rarity both adored and hated this type. Arrogant, yet somewhat kind. Handsome, yet typically ugly inside.

"Hello, welcome to Carousel Boutique! How may I help you?"

"Are you Miss. Rarity?"

"Why yes! My name is Rarity and I'm happy to meet you..."

"Silver Shimmer."

"Silver Shimmer? Isn't that a filly's name?"

"No! I- I mean no." Rarity started giggling. Silver Shimmer rolled his eyes, but he managed to do it in a fancy way. I must ask him how he does that! I can put Rainbow Dash's eye roll to shame and look stunning at the same time!

"So Silver-" A small giggle escaped her glossed lips. "Shimmer, may I ask why you're here and... well I was going to ask how you knew my name, but I am a famous fashion designer after all."

"I am here because I have a proposition for you." Rarity blushed.

"Sorry, sir, but I'm already with somepony." The stallion did a facehoof.

"No, no, no! I meant a fashion proposition!" Rarity's blush grew redder.

"S- Sorry! Let me hear it." Silver Shimmer cleared his throat.

"I have a large fashion studio/runway in Canterlot-"

"CANTERLOT!" He looked at her in a an annoyed/agitated way.

"I'm truly sorry, I shall stop interrupting."

"I sure hope so, this is a huge opportunity. I have a large fashion studio/runway in Canterlot and I need some more ponies with a great fashion sense on my staff because I'm expanding my company. I want you to be one of my fashion designers, fashion moderators at the shows and maybe even a model."

"OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!" I sound just like Rainbow Dash. Silver Glimmer gave her a confused look.

"I meant to say, 'Wow, that's a great opportunity'. I gladly say yes." She turned around and then quietly whispered. "Oh my gosh!"

"You will need to come to Canterlot by the end of the week. I own an apartment building which you can live in." He saw the look of worry on her face.

"Don't worry, the place is fabulous!" Still a look of worry was plastered on her face.

"Are you alright?"

"Y- Yes, I'm just so happy that I don't know what to say!" Fluttershy.

He left the boutique with a smile. He now had the Element Of Generosity working for him. Silver Shimmer smiled broadly while Rarity smiled, though she smiled with a hint of worry.

"Rarity, are you okay?" Rarity tried to smile.

"Well, yes and no. I've invited you over because I have important news. Some good and some bad."

"Bad first."

"Well... I kind of have to explain the good part first."

"Um... good first then." Rarity inhaled deeply.

"Silver Shimmer came into the boutique and he-"


"Yes, he, he is very sensitive about his name."

"Oh! What a poor stallion! I can see why!" Rarity smiled.

"He's certainly not poor." Fluttershy's polite smile is then turned into a slight frown.

"I interrupted you! I interrupted good news! I'm so sorry!" Rarity put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder.

"It's fine darling. Silver Shimmer came into my boutique and he tells me that he is expanding his fashion business. He wants me to work for him! I will be an even more famous fashion designer, a clothing/modeling moderator and maybe even an actual model! I will be rich and as Rainbow or Pinkie would say it... 'EPIC'!" Fluttershy grabbed Rarity's hooves and shouted happily like she did when Rainbow Dash pulled off the sonic rainboom.

The two mares danced around happily. They sang and shout. Then, what always follows after being excited is kissing! Fluttershy grabbed Rarity's face in her hooves and kissed her.

"This is great Rarity!" She thought for a second. "Didn't you have some bad news?" Rarity stopped cold.

"Well, Fluttershy... in order to work with him I will have to move to Canterlot. I would also have to abandon Carousel Boutique." Fluttershy's mind went blank.

"Wait, y- you're... um... leaving u- us?" Rarity nodded sadly. "Who will run the boutique?!"

"I will have to sell it." She looked down gravely.

"NO! I will run the boutique!" Now that made her look back up.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"I will run the boutique in your absence. You can have it back when you return."

"B- But, Fluttershy! You have to take care of the animals!"

"My animals can stay in one of the rooms at the boutique or they can stay at the cottage, I'll just have to make sure that the door is locked and that I check up on them every two hours or so."

"But, animals are your special talent!"

"I know. I love my animals sooooo much. I really care about you though and I do have a 'freaky knowledge' on sewing. Plus, I'm kind, so the ponies will like me. Also, Rainbow Dash gave me lessons on cheering so I can probably do your welcoming thing to each customer."

"I can't expect you to do that!"

"I want to. You go follow your dreams."


"No buts. Follow your dreams." Fluttershy kissed her on the cheek. "You should start packing now. Goodbye, Rarity! Say goodbye to all of us before you leave!" She skipped out of the room and then flew back to her cottage.

It was when she left that she allowed herself to cry. I'm going to miss you Rarity. I'm going to miss seeing you all the time, my animals. I'm going to miss the weekly spa trips. I'm going to miss being with all of my friends. I'm going to miss my special somepony.

That Long Distance Thing

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About a month later and Rarity is in Canterlot

Rarity walked around the fashion studio. There were many superficial ponies all around. The money is great, Silver Glimmer is nice, the studio is fantastic, the creating is awesome, modeling if fun and living in Canterlot is amazing, but without my friends this is horrid!

It's fun to live in Canterlot, but everypony is stuck up and superficial. They all want to fit in by being normal. What about being unique? What about originality? What about creativity? What about being who you are and expressing it? I miss Ponyville and my friends. They are some original ponies! I mean, where else can you find somepony as fast as Rainbow, smart as Twilight, fun as Pinkie, hardworking as Applejack or as kind and beautiful as dear, sweet Fluttershy.

I don't think that Opal likes it here either and, even though Sweetie Bell is a tremendous pain in the butt, I still miss her. I really miss my boutique! Fluttershy sent me a letter saying that she was okay and business is doing well, as is Sweetie Belle and the others so at least I know that. I want to go home, but I can't give up an opportunity like this and I can't just take it for granted! I must try to work here and stay in Canterlot. I must, I must, I MUST! Although, I will not be staying here for very long. Probably just a year's time, possibly two.

"Rarity, you're needed backstage!" The sudden shout from Silver Shimmer caused her to get out of her dream state.

"Yes, right away Silver!" Rarity ran backstage towards the models.

"What seems to be the-" She was interrupted by frantic whisper screaming.

"Whisper Wave has spilt something all over her dress!"

"I did not! You spilt some of that fancy make up of yours on my dress! Now I have to deal with all of this drama! I wish that I could just move back to Ponyville where everypony was normal and sane!" Rarity jumped gleefully.

"You're from PONYVILLE! I didn't think that I would find anypony else who's even heard of the place! I live there! Or at least I used to about a month ago before I came here. I miss the normal world where you could tell everypony apart! The only difference between each superficial pony is the cutie marks!" Whisper Wave jumped up from her seat and hugged Rarity.

"Okay, now we'll stick together to survive them. Also, don't worry about me having a crush on you, I'm into stallions."

"Nice to meet you Whisper Wave, we shall be the best of friends! When I return to Ponyville soon, I would like you to come and meet my friends. Hopefully, you won't mind that I am into mares, though you have nothing to worry about. I'm seeing somepony. Have you ever heard of Fluttershy?" Her face lit up.

"You mean the Fluttershy! As in The Element Of Kindness Fluttershy?!" Rarity nodded.

"OH MY GOSH! Wait! I recognize you now! YOU'RE THE ELEMENT OF GENEROSITY! I have a question for you! Will you be generous enough to take my place on stage? I, um... have a cold, yeah a cold." She turned and faked a cough in order to trick the grumpy stylist.

"Dear, you should certainly get some rest! I'll gladly take your place!" Rarity smiled and then winked at her new friend.

"Goodbye!" She used her magic to teleport back to her apartment.

"So you're taking Whisper Wave's spot?"

"Why of course! Didn't you see that she was sick!" The stylist gave her a look that told Rarity that she knew that Whisper Wave was lying.

"I mean... why of course! I love helping out and fashion!" The mare smiled, that had been enough to persuade her to not tell Silver.

"May I ask what your name is?"

"My name is Liberty Bell." Rarity gave her a confused look.

"Your name is Liberty Bell, but you're a hair stylist?" Liberty Belle sighed.

"Yes, my cutie mark is the Equestrian flag with a hair curler. I like to help out Equestria. I run little campaigns for justice, join peace groups, protest when sacred monuments are supposed to be destroyed and sing the Equestrian anthem at sporting events, yet I style hair for a living. I'm big into justice, but there's nothing better then changing the style of a mane or a good hair brushing."

"That's really cool!" Liberty Bell blushed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah you need to get back to work." She grinned slightly. "Go put on the pink dress." Rarity gave her a disapproving look.

"Go put on the pink dress, please." Rarity glared at her.

"Go put on the magenta dress, please." Rarity nodded because she got what she wanted and then walked over to the racks of dresses to find the magenta one. She stopped towards the middle once she spotted it.

"You know, I really did do a good job on this dress." She looked at the details. Small stitching, sparkles, ruffled edge trim and a satin finish. She smiled and slipped it on quickly. Rarity then smoothed her dress and brushed her mane.

"Rarity, it's time!" Rarity added a small amount of lipstick and some eyeshadow before running over to her. They watched the previous model walk back down the runway towards them and then Rarity smiled.

"Behold Equestria! Look at me!" She walked down the aisle and strutted her stuff. She proceeded to pose and flip her mane. When she heard her name called quietly she knew to walk back. She blew kisses to her audience and then walked back with her head held high. While she was stepping behind the curtain she caught a glimpse of a mare that looked just like Fluttershy.

Rarity pushed the curtain slightly and saw that she was just Roseluck. The light made her hair look lighter and because she was sitting down she couldn't see the cutie mark. Usually a pink mane, yellow coat and greenish eyes make you think of Fluttershy, but surprisingly Roseluck also fit that description.

I must just miss Fluttershy. I think I want to try out that spell Twilight taught me where I can talk to her in her thoughts!

"Liberty Belle, I must leave work early today. Love emergency?" She rolled her eyes.

"Go, but I will have to tell on you." Rarity did a little, pouty thing.

"I won't tell... this time." Rarity hugged her and then ran back to her apartment. I'm so happy that it's Friday! I think that I might go to Ponyville over the weekend! I can't wait to see my friends!

When Rarity got home she set down her purse and jumped into her big, fluffy bed. Maybe a nice nap would be good.

"La da da da da..." Fluttershy's soft hums filled the boutique. Angel and his bunnyfriend, Buttercup, walked over with some supplies for the current dress that Fluttershy was working on. She picked up Angel.

"Thank you for the thread." She then picked up her other little bunny.

"And thank you for the bow!" She used the thread to sew a bow on the chest area of the dress. Hmm... She decided if it's good enough for Sapphire Shores.

Fuchsia fabric, white trim lining the ends and a white bow attached to the center of the waist's ribbon layers. It's pretty good, not really my taste, but I'm sure Sapphire Shores will think that it's nice. It needs some gems, but I could never make Spike find them by himself and Twilight... is busy.

She remembered yesterday when she visited Twilight. Books were everywhere and Twi was reading five books at once while also writing a letter to Princess Celestia! How, I'll never know! Pinkie Pie can't even pull that off and she is the meaning of spontaneous and random! Hush Fluttershy, that was rude, true, but rude.

Fluttershy looked at the dress on the mannequin. "Perfect! Good enough!" She grabbed the dress and hung it up in the closet. She would ship it off to Sapphire later, now is nap time.

The two mares slept peacefully while dreaming of each other. Fluttershy was dreaming of the first time she met Rarity.


"Hello there! My name is Rarity! I am a fashion designer at Carousel Boutique and I love your mane, darling!" The shy yellow pegasus hid her face in her mane. "You just moved to Ponyville from Cloudsdale and I would love it if I could get to know you."

"M- My name is Fluttershy."

"What? I didn't really catch that. Could you please speak up?"

"M- My name is Fluttershy."

"You could use some work on your volume, but it sounds lovely. Your voice sounds like an angel is singing softly." Fluttershy blushed and smiled at her timidly.

"We are going to be the best of friends! Come with me to the spa! You will love it!"


Rarity was dreaming of her possible kids with Fluttershy.

Rarity woke up and then automatically tried to 'call' Fluttershy.

Hello, Fluttershy, I miss you so much! I was thinking about coming to Ponyville over the weekend! How does that sound?! How are you doing darling? How is the spa and how are Aloe & Lotus doing? How's Sweetie Belle and her friends? How are the others?

I am having a pretty good time here. I made some new friends today! Whisper Wave and Liberty Belle! Now I have three new friends! Silver Shimmer, Liberty Bell and Whisper Wave!

I miss you, my baby! I really want to hug you and kiss you! I hate not being able to see you for long periods of time! I thought I saw you at one of my fashion shows, but it was just Roseluck. Have you ever noticed that she looks like you from far away?

See you soon! Love ya, miss ya! Goodbye, darling!

Fluttershy woke up when she received the message. H- How i- is she contacting me? Fluttershy started to hyperventilate, but then hit herself with her hoof. She's a unicorn! They have magic! Stupid Fluttershy! I need to answer back.

I really... um... miss you to, Rarity. That sounds... nice. Yay! I- I'm good. I haven't been to the spa since you left, actually. it's our place and I didn't feel right going by myself without a reason. Sweetie Belle finally found her niche. She has finally decided that singing is her thing, so she's trying and on the verge of getting her cutie mark. I have an idea of what it might look like. I'm going to try and send a picture. Okay, here I go.

Also, I'm happy that you made some new friends. I didn't realize Roseluck's resemblance to me until you pointed it out. One more thing, how am I sending you this and how did I get yours? I'm not a unicorn.

Rarity smiled and then the two of them continue chatting for the whole night. Ah, young love, so beautiful.

Sweetie Belle Hears All

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"FLUTTERSHY! RAINBOW DASH! TWILIGHT! PINKIE PIE! APPLEJACK! I've missed you all so much!" The mares wrapped Rarity in a tight hug.

"You've been gone for super duper long! I missed you! I made you this cupcake to make you happy when you came back!" Pinkie Pie thrusted a purple cupcake into Rarity's mouth.

"PINKIE!" Twilight shouted in a way that says 'that's no way to treat your friends, go sit in the corner'. Pinkie sat down with a frown.

"Don't be sad, Pinks. We can go pranking later. Right now, I want to see what it was like to be in Canterlot." Everypony looked at Rainbow Dash.

"What? It's Canterlot, ponies! That is like the coolest place!" She paused. "Did you meet the Wonderbolts?!"

"No, Rainbow. I'm afraid that I was too busy being a famous fashion model/designer/manager."

"Ah reckon that that's still perty cool! How 'bout ya tell us 'bout yer time in Canterlot?" Rarity beamed.

"It was really beautiful! I got to meet dazzling ponies and have tons of fun! I was worked to the bone, though and many of the ponies there are a bit stuck up. I did make a few friends, though!" The ponies look at her with sad eyes.

"They could never compare to you though!" Pinkie Pie sprang up.

"Was it THE BEST POSSIBLE PLACE?!" She pulled off a spot on impression of Rarity. Rarity raised her eyebrows and then took a step towards her.

"You shall not mock a lady."

"Okie dokie lokie!" Applejack put her hoof on Pinkie's mouth.

"Ah bet that Rarity would like to talk to her fillyfriend for a while." She shoved the two mares together and they looked into each other's eyes and then they engaged in a heartfelt kiss.

"Ew! Get a room!" shouted Rainbow in disgust.

"They can't get a room! It would be to hard to drag it here silly!" Rainbow Dash shoved Pinkie Pie.

"Ow! Why, Dashie?"

"Pinkie, something important is going on!" She pointed a hoof towards the two kissing ponies.

"But, I thought that you loved Fluttershy, so you didn't want them to be together." Rainbow Dash sighed.

"I love her so much. That's why I want her to be happy. She's happiest with Rarity. I can't force her to love me."

"Sappy Dashie!"

"Pfft, whatever."

Fluttershy and Rarity then broke the kiss that Applejack could've sworn had been going on for several minutes now.

"Are y'all gonna say anythin' ta one another?!" Rarity turned to AJ.

"Since when are you the lovely, dovey type, darling?"

"Ah ain't never been a 'lovey dovey type' in ma whole life!"

"Try telling your crush that." AJ blushes.

"Ah don't have a crush on anypony!" Rarity smiled.

"Sure you don't." Fluttershy raised a hoof and was about to say something. I am one of the main characters in this story and I am also the love interest. I'm pretty sure that I should say more in this chapter. But, she decided against it.

"Well, darling?"

"I- I... um... wanted to know if... I could have some alone time." Rarity looked hurt.

"Alone time? We haven't seen each other for months and you want alone time?"

"I- I just need some time t- to do something."

"This hurts, Fluttershy."

"I'm sorry." Fluttershy flew away hastily. Twilight looked at Rarity.

"Would you like to come hang out at the library and talk about stuff."

"Are you asking if I would vent my problems to you?"

"Well, yes actually."

"That would be great!" Pinkie frowned.

"All of my bestest friends are leaving!" AJ and RD put their hooves on Pinkie's shoulders.

"You still have us." That brought a smile to her face. Twilight and Rarity took this as their chance to slip away.

"So, how are you, Rarity. Let's begin with the whole long distance thing." Rarity sighed.

"I really missed Fluttershy. I hate the ponies in Canterlot. I'm starting to hate Canterlot. It's just not real. Ponyville has spirit and originality. That's one of the reasons that I love Fluttershy. She's one of a kind. Nopony is as shy and brave at the same time as she is. She's also the most beautiful mare that I have ever met." Twilight posed in a silly manner.

"Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sexy!" Rarity laughed.

"Yes, you're very pretty." Twilight smiled. "Anyway, back to Fluttershy. First, are you okay hearing this? I thought that you were in love with me and now you're devastated!"

"True, but I want you to be happy. Also, by this point the grieving process usually ends. I still love you, though," She paused. "Has Fluttershy said that yet? Does she love you?" Rarity paused just as Twilight had before.

"Yes and no. I know that she loves me, she just hasn't said it. Today, I'm not so sure what happened, though. Do you know if she's been seeing anypony while I've been away?"

"Well, she has been sleeping over at Carrot Top's house. They've been hanging out a lot."

"REALLY?!" Rarity screamed frantically.

"Nah. Just kidding." Rarity punched her lightly.

"I hate you."


"True, true, nothing could break our friendship. Even that morning."

"Wait, what mor- oh!" Twilight suddenly felt very awkward. "So, back to the topic. You think that you need to bond or you may drift apart?" Rarity nodded. She looked at the clock.

"I should go now. Bye, Twilight. I'll be at the boutique if you need me."

"Okay, bye!"

Sweetie Belle crawled out of her hiding spot in the bushes in front of Golden Oaks Library. She slowly crept behind Rarity. She had something to tell her.

Rarity looked at the boutique. It looks different. It's like I'm a stranger in my own home. She looked at some of Fluttershy's designs. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

Suddenly, the door opened behind her and she jumped. "Ah! Who's there?!"

"A robber. Gimme something." Rarity would know that voice anywhere.

"How about I give you a hug?"

"That would be nice!" The two sisters hugged and it was adorable (Yes, I had to add the adorable part. Why? Because of the reason.).

"Um... Rarity, are you having problems with Fluttershy?"

"Sort of, see there is this- hey! How do you know?!"

"I know... things and I think that I have a solution."

"I'm all ears."

"I have some connections." At this Rarity raised her eyebrow, but Sweetie Belle ignored it. "I can throw together a little ball/party for the two of you. It will be all mushy and romantic."

"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA, SWEETIE BELLE! Would you mind singing for me?" There was a sparkle in Rarity's eyes that made Sweetie smile.

"No, not at all."

Fluttershy walked through the store. I hope that Rarity isn't mad at me. She seemed really upset earlier. I really would hate it if she doesn't want to see me anymore. She spotted the exact thing she wants. This will be great... I think.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders stood in the center of the Royal Canterlot Ball Room. It was a hassle to get book place, but Rarity's Canterlot friends offered to help pay for it.

"I'll be right back, I've got to inform Rarity's friends of the party." Sweetie Belle used her weak magic to teleport, one of the few spells that she has mastered.

She appeared in the Apple family barn. Sweetie Belle spotted Applejack and dashed towards her. "I'mthrowingapartyforRarityandIneedyoutomakethedrinks!"

"Woah! Slow down, sugarcube!"

"I'm throwing a party for Rarity and I need you to make the drinks. I will need cider, apple juice and some apple martini things. I don't know if you can make the fancy drinks, but I know that Rarity likes them. Oh, and the party is for Rarishy."

"Ah understand everything, but Rarishy."

"Rarity and Fluttershy."

"Oh! Why didn't you just say that?!"


"Fine, I can make the apple juice and cider easy peasy. I can probably figure out how to make those fancy drinks." Sweetie Belle nodded happily and then teleported to her next location.

"Bye!" AJ uttered in a semi-angry tone.

Sweetie Belle appeared in Sugarcube Corner. "Pinkie Pie! I need you to make really fancy wedding-ish cake for a Rarishy party." Pinkie Pie came out of nowhere with the cake that she had pictured in her mind.


"Gypsy Pinkie, Pinkie sense, been making cake for years, I know you and I'M RANDOM!" Everypony in Sugarcube Corner nodded their head at that.

"That. Makes. Total. Sense. Anyway, you will need to keep that for a little bit. If you eat it, I will personally hit you."

"Meanie!" She stuck her tongue out and then teleported away.

Suddenly, she was at Rainbow Dash's home in Cloudsdale. "Rainbow Dash!"

"What?! I'm napping!"

"Not anymore! I need you to do something for me."


"I was wondering if you could do a sonic rainboom at a Rarishy party. I also need you to-"


"As I was saying, I also need you to play the guitar with my singing."

"I- I can't play the guitar in front of tons of ponies! I do that in private! How do you even know that I play?!"

"I know everything. Also, you have a guitar right there." She pointed towards an epic guitar.

"So, I play the guitar."



"Yeah!" She teleported back to the ballroom and then ran towards Scootaloo and Applebloom.

"Scootaloo, you are going to need to be my backup dancer on the stage. You will also need to do some scooter tricks afterwards."


"They won't, trust me. I'm your friend. Rarity and Fluttershy are Rainbow Dash's friends. Your friends need you."

"Just say yes, chicken!" shouted Applebloom.

"I'll do it."

"Awesome!" She turned towards Applebloom.

"I need you to do the decorations."

"That sounds fun!"


"It's a little long this time."

"How 'bout this. CMC PARTY PONIES!"

"PERFECT!" The fillies all hugged and then spread apart to prepare for a very important night.

A Party... For Me?!

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Fluttershy spotted Rarity and ran up to her. She eagerly tapped on her shoulder and waited for Rarity to turn around. It must be Pinkie Pie. She always sneaks up on us excitedly. This time, I will beat her at her own game! Rarity spun around quickly and shouted loudly. "HI!!!!!"

Fluttershy flinched slight, but remained glued in place, for what was about to occur was too important to ruin with her wimpiness. "Oh, um... h- hello Rarity." She gave her a shy wave and a small smile.

"Fluttershy, dear! I'm so sorry! I expected Pinkie Pie! I was shocked to see you and even more shocked to see that you didn't-" Fluttershy cut her off.

"I know, I didn't freak out over something that would usually startle me."

"That would give you a heart attack, not just a duck for cover and safety thing."

"To quote Rainbow Dash, 'whatever'." Rarity giggled quietly.

"Um... so Rarity…"

"... Fluttershy?"

"I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!" they shouted in unison.

"You go first."

"No! You can go Fluttershy!"

"Let's go at the same time." Rarity nodded.

"I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!" they once again shouted in unison. Rarity smacked her hoof on her forehead.

"FLUTTERSHY, GO! YOU FIRST!" Fluttershy shrunk down slightly due to Rarity's loud, annoyed voice. Fluttershy walked over to a nearby tree and grabbed a simple box with something simple scrawled on a sticky note that was placed on one of its vertical stripes. Rarity slowly read it.

To: Rarity, my BFF, my 'sister', my love
From: Fluttershy, a shy mare who was lucky enough to win your heart

This brought Rarity to tears. She loves me like a sister and like her fillyfriend. I must be really special to her.

Rarity would've accepted the note by itself as the gift. Whatever was inside was just 'icing on the cake'. She took off the cover and looked inside. It was mesmerizing. It was perfect. It was so... Rarity. Inside the box was the most gorgeous dress that Rarity had ever seen. She envied it, she hated it for being better than her designs, but more than anything, she was grateful and really, really, really happy.

"Thank you Fluttershy! I couldn't be happier! This is so beautiful! I-" Fluttershy put her hoof over Rarity's mouth. She slowly pulled it away and then leaned in to kiss Rarity. The two mares kissed deeply, passionately and lovingly. The world faded away, all that mattered that Rarity was in her arms. After what felt like forever, the two ponies separated to get some air. Fluttershy stared into those deep, crystal blue eyes and she melted like butter on toast.

"I made that... for you. It was inspired by your fashion idols' designs, your designs and my love for you. I'm sorry if that sounded cheesy. Rainbow Dash laughed at that statement when I asked her if it sounded okay." Reminder, give Rainbow Dash a piece of my mind later.

"It's gorgeous, so is what you said." Rarity looked upon the gorgeous dress. (You'll see a picture of it later)

Fluttershy picked Rarity up easily due to her excitement and then flew her into the beautiful night sky. Rarity used the levitating spell Twilight taught her and she started hovering next to Fluttershy because she didn't want to force her fillyfriend to carry her weight, no matter how light she was.

The two mares just look at the stars silently. It was spectacular. After a bit it became chilly, so they slowly eased their way back to the ground. Rarity put her hooves on Fluttershy's face to make her look directly at her.

"I have a surprise for you." Fluttershy stared at her anxiously.

"Fluttershy, please put on a formal dress." I bet it's because she's going to surprise me with a date at a fancy restaurant. Suddenly, her stomach growled... loudly. I'm glad that Rarity didn't hear that.

Fluttershy returned wearing formal attire. Rarity returned looking radiant and perfect. "Fluttershy, I need you to follow me and forgive me for this." Rarity used her magic to force Fluttershy's eyes to close.


"Calm down."

"Okay..." Rarity teleported the two of them to the Rarishy ball.

They arrived there quickly and then Rarity ushered her into a room far away from the party. She undid the eye spell and then whispered something

"Stay here!" Fluttershy sat down in the small room. Rarity ran up to the main four and the CMC. "Is everything all good?" They all looked away guiltily.

"What happened?!" Applejack couldn't keep secrets, it was kind of like lying to her, unless of course it would hurt her friends severely.

"Look at the banner." Rarity looked up at the banner that said

Rarity Flutters

"Rarity heart Flutters! Don't they know her name?!"

"Well yes, but do you remember when Celestia came?" Twilight said. She thought back to that day.

Welcome Princess Celest

"I CAN FIX THIS!" Rarity used her magic and art skills to fix it, so that it said exactly what she wanted. Pinkie Pie cheered and clapped.

"Yeah! All fixed!" Rainbow Dash put her hoof on Pinkie's shoulder.


"Okey dokey lokie, Dashie!" Then, Rarity used her magic to teleport Fluttershy to their current location in the middle of the ballroom.

"Surprise!" shouted everypony there (almost all of Ponyville was there). She looked up at the sign.

Rarity Fluttershy

"THIS IS PERFECT!" She toppled Rarity and then showered her with little kisses and then a nose nuzzle. Once she did that she pulled Rarity back up and ran to the center of the ballroom.

"Would you like to dance? Well, um... if you want to I mean."

"YES, OF COURSE!" The two beautiful mares began dancing. (they look like this)

"Would you ponies like to dance to some music?" They nodded and Twilight cued Spike and Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo followed closely behind them onto the stage. Rarity watch proudly as her sister began to sing.

Sweetie Belle sang amazingly, she sang with vibrato and everything. Scootaloo danced along with grace the whole time. Spike and Rainbow Dash played great music. Overall, the music was fantastic and everypony loved them.

"WOO HOO! SWEETIE BELLE! CHECK OUT YOUR FLANK!" Rarity beamed. Sweetie Belle blushed a little and then looked at her no longer blank flank. It was a heart with the chord of a microphone wrapped around it with a microphone in the front.

"I- I finally got my cutie mark... DIAMOND TIARA CAN'T LAUGH AT ME NOW! I AM AWESOME AT SINGING! I HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT! I'M SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!" She danced around happily while Scootaloo took out her scooter and prepared to do some tricks. She waited for the crowd to settle down and then she took off. She did flips, spins and tons of other cool tricks.

"SCOOTALOO! THAT WAS EPIC! YOUR FLANK! CHECK IT OUT!" Scootaloo looked at her flank. It had a tire from her scooter with a lightning bolt coming out of the bottom and butterfly wings.

"What kind of cutie mark is it?!" Twilight raised her hoof.

"In one of my books it showed something like that. It meant that the pony who possesses that cutie mark has speed, agility and grace."

"AWESOME!!!!!!!!" Applebloom sighed. She was the only blank flank there... or at least she thought. She looked at her flank. It had a an artist pallet that was shaped like an apple.

"Ah have a artsy apple cutie mark!" She ran up to AJ and presented her flank.

"Wow! Ma li'l sis an' her best friends all have their cutie marks!" The three cutie mark crusaders cheered and laughed and hugged.

Rarity smiled at Fluttershy and then the two of them walked over to the snack table while everypony was busy with the CMC. They grabbed cupcakes, goodies and drinks.

"I can't believe how great this party is! I just wish that the party could start again." They glanced over at the chit-chatting ponies. It was more of a get together at the moment.

"How about we liven up the party?!" Fluttershy smiled and ran onto the stage, Rarity followed closely behind. They hopped onto the stage and then cued Spike to play the piano. They smiled at each other and then began to sing the first song that popped into their heads.

The party ponies all danced to the song especially Pinkie Pie who LOVED the song. Once it ended everypony sighed.
"Let's listen to some more music and really PAR-TAY!!!!" Vinyl Scratch jumped up onto the stage and then played a song with a great beat for dancing.

Fluttershy and Rarity were dancing happily together and they both agreed that the next song would be a slow song for a romantic moment. Perhaps Octavia could help them? Rainbow Dash was dancing kind of by herself, but made sure that she wasn't to far from Twilight who was happily dancing terribly. Pinkie Pie was shoving ponies, doing a weird dance and getting way too excited. Applejack was helping herself to all of the great food while doing a little dancy thing, so that she wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb.

Once the pop song ended Rarity grabbed Octavia and pushed her up on to the stage and then handed her her cello (I don't know where it came from, just go with it). Sweetie Belle walked back up on stage for an encore.

Rarity and Fluttershy were slow dancing. Fluttershy and Rarity couldn't even believe that this night was so perfect. "Fluttershy, you are really special to me and I just didn't want to lose you. I felt like we were growing apart. We've only been dating for a few months, I don't want it to end this fast. You are my everything." Fluttershy started crying tears of joy.

"Oh Rarity! I feel the same way!" Her shyness was gone, it was replaced by immense happiness. The two mares embraced each other tightly. They looked into each other's eyes and then kissed. The world vanished, the party vanished, the CMC vanished, all that mattered was the two of them in their bubble of love.

Sweetie Belle finished the song and looked at her sister. Wait to go, Rarity, you really did find your special somepony!

So... My Place Or Yours?

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First, I would like to say how truly sorry I am for not keeping up with writing new chapters. I used to write a new one every few days, but now a full week might go by! I will try to release some new chapters ASAP! Second, thank you for all of the kind comments, favorites and likes, you guys are what make this story great! Thank you again for the encouragement, support and kindness! Third, (I have a lot of stuff to say) I want to officially tell you that I will write an awesome sequel to this story. Sadly, I cannot disclose any information due to the fact that it would spoil it and you haven't finished reading the stuff leading up to it. I will post a link in the description once I have finished this story and submitted the second one.

About a year since the Rarishy ball. Rarity and Fluttershy have talked over the magic talking thing, but have not physically seen each other for a long time.

Rarity put on some strawberry chapstick, grabbed her purple, sparkly purse and headed out the door for work. She glanced behind herself at her 'home'. I miss the boutique. She stomped her hoof on the ground.

"I shall not complain about petty things like what my home is! As long as it's not gross or ugly it is my home!" Rarity went off to work without a second thought. She teleported to the studio and threw her bag onto a nearby chair.

"Hello, Liberty Bell. How was your weekend?" Liberty sighed. "Whatever is the problem darling?!" Rarity looked into the eyes of her friend.

"I- I... my..." She looked down. "Have you ever gotten somepony so upset that they hate you, maybe even loathe you?" Rarity lifted her friend's head up.

"Sit, I'm going to tell you a little story."

"Yeah." she said super enthusiastically! (NOT)

"Come one, cheer up. Okay, let's begin the story. When I was a filly I loved perfection, I loved beauty, but most of all I loved superficial things. I would spend my time on makeup and fashion. Now, I do still do that, but I care about loyalty, laughter, kindness, generosity-" Liberty cut her off.

"Yes, I get it. You're one of the elements of harmony. Friendship is power. Yada yada yada..." Rarity narrowed her eyes.

"You do realize that I am wasting my time telling this story for you, right?!" She sighed quietly.

"Go on."

"Ahem, as I was saying before you interrupted me. I now care about important qualities. Before that however I cared so much about these superficial things that I too became superficial. I was rude to my friends, I was dishonest and I was just plain oblivious to the others feelings. I prioritized my fashion career higher than my friends. Do you know what happened? I lost them. All of my best friends, gone. They got sick and tired of my terrible behavior. For the rest of my years at school I didn't have any friends as close as they were. It turns out that they didn't care for me that much, but if they were really worth fighting for, I would've in a heartbeat. If I was smart, I would've been a better friend, maybe then today they would by hanging out with me now. What I am trying to say is that it doesn't matter what you've done wrong because if you let them slip by like I did, you might miss out on a lifetime of friendship." Liberty was crying softly by this point.

"My best friend who's like a sister to me did something behind my back. I got mad at her and did something cruel. She was my roommate as well. She packed up her stuff and left without saying goodbye. Because of what you said, I am going to make thing right with her even if she doesn't want to stay friends. Thank you, Rarity. Oh, and by the way, I am taking the day off. Bye!"

"Wait-" Liberty Bell hugged her tightly and then ran out the door. Rarity sighed. "You need to tell Silver Glimmer..." Suddenly Silver Glimmer showed up with a worried look on his face. "Speak of the devil." His eyes widened.


"It's just an expression."

"There's no time for expressions!"

"Why isn't there-"

"Liberty Bell is missing!" Rarity frowned at him, but quickly regained her composure.

"Though you interrupted me-" She glared at him. "I shall still make sure that you don't go completely insane. Liberty Bell was dealing with a personal issue that she had to deal with. She was too busy to notify you."

"She never filed a proper paper saying that she could leave early!"

"WELL TOO BAD! SHE WAS UPSET AND CRYING! WERE YOU GOING TO BE THE ONE TO CHEER HER UP?! NO! I DIDN'T THINK SO! I HELPED MY FRIEND FEEL BETTER! SHE LEFT TO ATTEND TO THE SITUATION! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DENY HER OF HAPPINESS!" Rarity stared at him with eyes like daggers, cutting into his soul (I know, I'm super poetic). He shrunk down out of fear and then quivered slightly.

"I'm so sorry darling! Please, find it in your heart to forgive me! I snapped and for that I'm sorry, but I will not apologize for speaking up for Liberty."

"I respect you for your dignity, speaking to me that way, but I cannot say that I see you as professional as I did earlier. Somepony who speaks to me in a rude manner doesn't deserve to be treated as fairly." Rarity grabbed his fancy shirt and pulled him close to her.


"WHISPER WAVE!" The mare turned around.



"I'm stoked! I'm totally in! I miss Ponyville so much!" She turned around. "Oh, and Silver Glimmer, go sit in a corner and think about what you've done." She laughed and brohoofed Rarity. Rarity peeked her head out the door quickly.

"You can't fire us because you can't afford to lose your lead stylist, lead fashion designer and coolest model." Whisper Wave smiled. "Thanks~!" Silver Glimmer looked at the two of them.

"Just leave, please." They slammed the door and teleported to Ponyville.

Whisper Wave looked at Ponyville with the sun in her eyes and a light breeze blowing her cerulean and royal blue mane. "Rarity, thank you for bringing me here, but I have to split for a bit. Ponies to see, places to be and I think that somepony really wants to be with you." She pointed a hoof out at the timid, yellow pegasus looking at Rarity with eyes filled with wonder. Rarity smiled.

"Goodbye, dear! Have fun!"

"Same to you!"

Fluttershy walked closer to her fillyfriend. Is it really you? I mean, nopony has the same sparkle and grace, but I haven't seen you in so long! You've been so busy! I've missed you! She looked at Rarity. I have to stop being a wimp. Fluttershy, walk up to Rarity! Don't get scared! She slowly flapped her wings towards her.

"H- Hi, um... Rarity, I've m- missed you!" Rarity's eyes lit up and she grabbed Fluttershy and pulled her into a tight and long kiss.

"The boutique is-" Her lips were once again covered with Rarity's. "Doing fine." Rarity beamed.


"Oh, um, hello..."

"I've really missed you!"

"I have missed you too."

"I just couldn't stand being away from you any longer! I don't want that to happen again! I don`t want to ever be away from you for longer then a few hours or days! That`s why I wanted to know if you would like to live with me."

"Y- You want to live with me?!" Rarity nodded. "Of course I will!" They wrapped each other in a tight embrace.

"Should I move back to Ponyville or do you want to come with me? Wait! I can`t move here! I`ll have to leave my job, my new friends and my luxury apartment! But, you can`t move there because this is your home and your animals couldn`t handle it in Canterlot! THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE PREDICAMENT!" Fluttershy put her hoof on Rarity`s shoulder.

"I can move there."

"NO! This is where you belong! I will have to work something out! Darling, forgive me, but I must leave! I will be back in a little bit! Let`s go out to dinner tonight! Let`s go to that fancy restaurant around the corner, on me!" She kissed Fluttershy on the cheek.

Fluttershy sighed and then started trudging back to the cottage when a little, fluffy paw landed on her shoulder. "I know Angel, my fillyfriend is weird, but that`s why I like her so much. Well there are many reasons, but you know what I mean. She`s unique. You know what it`s like to have somepony/somebunny, to you they are perfect." Angel smiled and then started thinking about Buttercup and felt quite content.

Rarity started pacing back and forth. What to do? What to do? I want to be close to Fluttershy and I want to live with her, but so many things keep us apart. It`s probably why we haven`t talked about this before. "HA~! I could find a place in between! No, that wouldn`t work either. I can`t live far away from my work and I can`t expect Fluttershy to pack up and move to some place that she`d never been to!" She sighed, but then quickly threw her head back up. It had suddenly dawned on her. Her horn glowed and then *POOF* she was gone.

"Whisper Wave!" She shouted desperately everywhere. She walked up to random ponies.

"Has a white mare with a blue mane walked by recently?"

"You mean Vinyl Scratch?"

"No! She`s her cousin!" The stallion shrugged. Rarity ran up to another pony.

"Have you seen a pony with a cutie mark of gentle waves?" The pony shook their head no. Rarity ran up to one more pony.

"Has a pony named Whisper Wave walked by?!"

"YES! She just stopped by to visit me! She said that she was going to go see Pokey Pierce." Rarity grabbed the kind mare and pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you~!" Rarity teleported over to Pokey Pierce`s house, how she knows where it is, I`m not sure.


"Whisper Wave! I need you to quit your job and move to Ponyville!"

"Um... SURE!!! I hate my modeling job and Ponyville is great! Not to mention that my coltfriend Pokey lives here."

"That`s gre- Wait, Pokey is the coltfriend that you told me about? That makes sense. Either way, you are one of my best friends so I need you to move here. I also want Liberty Bell, but she has a really close roommate back in Canterlot." Rarity hugged her friend and then teleported back to Canterlot.

"...and that`s why I have to quit."

"But, I thought that you loved it here?!"

"No, I liked my friends and the idea of this job and Canterlot. Canterlot is stuck up and this job is not as good as being with my friends back in Ponyville. Oh, and Whisper Wave has also moved to Ponyville, she quits. Also, tell Liberty Bell that we`ll miss her. I will miss you too Silver." She hugged him and then teleported back to the boutique.

Rarity looked at the boutique. I missed this place. WAIT! Does she move here or do I move there?! Double wait! Now we can find somewhere in between! Her pets can live in the cottage, like an animal sanctuary job and my boutique can just be my boutique. We can find a nice home. Oh! I saw a nice little house for sale in a great part of the town! I have some bits saved up from my Canterlot job, it paid well, but love pays so well! I will go buy now! I can surprise her with it at dinner!

"I MUST GO NOW!" Rarity galloped as fast as she could towards the house.

Later at the restaurant

Rarity smoothed her red dress. This was an important night. She had three surprises for Fluttershy. First, a new home. Two, their stuff is already there. Three, Opalescence is now officially also Fluttershy`s pet and she may keep Angel in their new home. She looked at the door. Open, open, open. Then, the door opened and in walked Fluttershy (the door must have heard her= stupid pun).

"Hello Fluttershy, darling!"

"Hi Rarity."

"I have many surprises for you! First, I will start with something little. You get to meet Whisper Wave tomorrow! I might be able to get Liberty Bell to come as well!"

"That sounds lovely Rarity! I just hope that the other surprises aren`t startling."

"They won`t be silly!"

"That`s nice."

"The rest will be revealed later. Right now, let`s order some food. I`m starving! I haven`t eaten all day so I am ravenous!" As if right on cue, the waiter walked over to them.

"May I start you off with some wine and fresh bread?"

"Yes! That sounds delightful!" Rarity grabbed Fluttershy`s hoof and looked into her eyes. The waiter smiled at the lovey dovey sight and then walked over to get the appetizer.

"Fluttershy, I haven`t seen you in forever it feels like! Tell me, what have you been up to? Any juicy gossip? How`s the boutique? How are the Cutie Mark Crusaders doing now that they have their cutie marks? How are Aloe & Lotus? How are your animals? How are the mares?"

"Um... I will just answer every question in order. I have been picnicking a lot because of the warm weather. I have read many good books recently. I painted a picture of you and I would love for you to see it-" That`s what was under the sheet! I just put the whole thing in the house. I new that it was a surprise!

"Well, mayor mare still dies her mane and Rainbow Dash beat her old speed record, she will also be competing in a pegasus race soon, the winner gets to race against Spitfire. The boutique is doing well, it`s been getting steady bits. The CMC have been using their talents all over the place, they keep getting steady jobs with Pinkie Pie`s parties. Stunts/Dancing, singing and decorating talents are needed at parties. Aloe & Lotus miss you, but they are still doing well. They recently became friends with Flitter & Cloudchaser. My animals are fine, one of my squirrels got sick though, he`s fine now. The others are great, Twilight wrote a few letters about your job and how she misses you to Celestia and Applejack has made a few jokes about you being girly."

She spoke for a long time, a lot longer than usual. So long, in fact that the waiter had already brought the appetizer, they finished it and he was now walking over to take their orders.

"What would you like?"

"A garden salad please, dear."

"I would like the um... fruit and yogurt special."

"Be right back with your food." Rarity smiled at Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, I have something to tell you. I`m moving back to Ponyville!"


"I bought us a nice house right here in Ponyville and I moved our stuff there! Your animals can stay at the cottage like a job and my boutique can become just my job! We can live together happily! We can redecorate! Also, I have decided that Opal is also officially yours as well and Angel can live with us! This is a huge step for us!"

"RARITY! OH RARITY! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!" They began crying happily. The stallion brought over their food and then the two of them began eating and laughing. They were about to start a new part of their lives together.

I L- Lov... Lo-Lov... How Am I Going To Do This?

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Fluttershy awakens in a comfy and soft bed. Her eyes flutter open and she see the love of her life, Rarity. "Good morning Rarity. Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning. I slept fabulously with you here. My heart beats faster each time I`m with you and you just complete me darling. I am generous, but you are even more so. You have generously given me your heart and that`s more than I have ever wanted." Fluttershy began crying.

"R- Rarity it`s too early to be um... poetic. It was b- beautiful though. I mean, I cherish you. Being able to wake up and see your big, beautiful, blue eyes is great. I can`t imagine living my life without you... Rarity. I- I know that I may be sort of um... shy, but you bring out the best in me and I feel like I`m..." Falling in love with you. Come on! Say it! Fluttershy don`t be so shy! "...The happiest when I`m with you." I`m so angry at myself that I could do the stare... at myself? No, that wouldn`t work. Never mind I guess.

"I feel the same way about you! Would you like to go out to breakfast? We could stay at home though, if you would prefer to do that."

"Um... how about we... go out to breakfast. I think. I am not really sure, I`m sorry. You choose, if that`s all right with you."

"Darling! I don`t care! I know that you want to make me happy, but you are my fillyfriend! You need to make decisions in this relationship too!" When she said 'relationship', Fluttershy`s heart skipped a beat.

Relationship?! Yay! Well, I mean we are living together. We are progressing in this relationship, but we still haven`t said I love you yet. Wait! We haven`t said I love you yet?! Rarity wants me to be a part of this, I need to tell her. It should be romantic. She looked up at an impatient Rarity. Oh my gosh! She`s looking at me! I need to answer!

"I would like to go to Ponyriffic Pancakes, if it`s okay-" No. "Let`s go to Ponyriffic Pancakes, darling?"

"Sure! Sounds great! Also, good job using darling! I guess some of my fabulosity has rubbed off on you!" She gave Fluttershy a quick kiss and then got up to take a shower.

Fluttershy watched Rarity take off her robe. Her eyes slowly drifted down to her flank. "Enjoying the show?" Fluttershy shook herself out of her dazed state.

"Yeah... I MEAN NO! Yes? No? ...yes." Rarity giggled at her confused fillyfriend.

"I am your fillyfriend, it`s fine to 'check me out'. I`m not going to lie and say that my mind hasn`t gone there with you." Fluttershy blushed. Rarity began doing a little sexy dance thing specifically to embarrass Fluttershy. This put Fluttershy over the edge. Her face was as red as Big Mac and she felt like she needed some air. Rarity slowly stepped into the shower. When did she even turn it on?

Rarity smiled and then shut the shower curtain. Fluttershy could still see Rarity`s silhouette. She couldn`t help herself. She slowly got up off the bed and inched closer and closer to the beckoning shower. She pulled back the curtain and stepped into the awesome shower. Rarity wrapped her arms around Fluttershy and kissed her. The two ponies began kissing passionately. Fluttershy pulled away and hugged Rarity. She gave her a nose nuzzle and then stepped out of the shower.

"You look really pretty when you`re um... wet. YOU LOOK GOOD ALL THE TIME THOUGH! I didn`t mean that you aren`t pretty! You`re the prettiest mare ever! Prettiest pony ever! Except for maybe Celestia... I mean um! Uh! You heard nothing! Oh geez..."

"Fluttershy, don`t get yourself all worked up. It was a nice compliment. I would say the same thing to you. And Celestia undoubtedly has the best mane and body shape. You were starting to sound like Pinkie Pie for a second there."

"Well Pinkie and I are both played by Andrea Libman."

"What was that dear? Didn`t quite catch that."

"Uh... your mane looks so pretty!"

"Awww! Thank you! That`s so sweet!" Phew! That worked out.

"We can dry off and then um... go."

"Sounds lovely Fluttershy!" She quickly dried of her mane and coat. She hadn`t done anything to it, yet it looked perfect to Fluttershy. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was so busy admiring Rarity`s hair that she forgot to dry off her own coat. She dried the ends of her mane and tail and then shook off for the rest. The two mares smiled at each other, grabbed their purses and then headed out the door.

"Um... Rarity, can we walk there. If it`s okay with you that is."

"How about we teleport half way and then walk the rest. I don`t want to walk that far without my special shoes. I could hurt myself. You don`t want that do you?" YOU?! IN PAIN?! NOT GOOD! NOT GOOD! I don`t want that to happen to Rarity. I need to be a good fillyfriend and accommodate Rarity. Stupid Fluttershy, wanting to walk the whole way.

"NO! I DON`T EVER WANT YOU TO BE IN PAIN! YOU DESERVE THE VERY BEST! I could fly you there." Rarity thought about the last time Fluttershy tried to fly somepony somewhere.

"Uh, you know what, let`s just walk there."

"A- Are you sure?"

"Absolutely positive love~!" Fluttershy shrugged. She offered her hoof to her fillyfriend and she gladly took it. They walked hoof in hoof with Rarity`s head leaning on Fluttershy`s shoulder and their hearts filled with the joy of being with one another.

Wait! She called me 'love'! Does she love me? Is she going to say it soon?! I have to tell her! Now! ...or at the restaurant... or at the house or- NO! Fluttershy, you can do this! "R- Rar- Rarity... I- I wanted t- to tell you that I- I-" She was cut off by Rarity`s sudden outburst.

"Are you okay?! You are shaking like a leaf! You seem like you are scared or something. You can tell me anything."

"I- I love... I love-" *SIGH* "...your purse."

"That`s all? Why was it so hard to get that off your chest?"

"I am um... jealous? Your purse is just so pretty that I like it more than mine? Um... yeah, that." Rarity wrapped her arms around Fluttershy`s neck.

"You don`t have to be jealous! What`s mine is yours! Would you like to trade?"

"No, I`m fine. You can keep your..." She looked at the tag. "...GUCCI PURSE?! Doesn`t this cost like 1,000 bits?! Has this one even come out yet?!"

"Well I work with Photo Finish, Hoity Toity and Silver Glimmer, not to mention that I know the princess herself. So, I have a few connections. Isn`t it just fabulous?!"

"It`s really... nice Rarity. As I was saying before, this beautiful purse is yours."

"Okay then." Rarity looked up. "Hey! We`re already here! And my hooves don`t hurt! As Rainbow would say, 'EPIC'!" Fluttershy sighed.

I- I couldn`t say it. The moment was perfect. The whole purse things was... um... awkward. I messed it all up. Hopefully, I get another good moment. Hopefully, I DON`T MESS IT UP THIS TIME! I`m so upset that I could scream! She looked at Rarity walking into Ponyriffic Pancakes. Well, maybe I can`t shout. I could shout in my head. That`s just... weird though. Hmph...

"Aren`t you coming Fluttershy?"

"What? Um... yeah. I mean yes, yes, I will be in in a second." Rarity walked over to a table and sat down, but not before thoroughly wiping it down with a clean rag.

"Hehehe!" She couldn`t hold in her giggles. Rarity, you`re such a neat fanatic. Fluttershy took a seat opposite to the side Rarity was sitting on.

"What are you going to order?"

"Well, I was going to order the-"

"The waiter`s coming over!" A young mare with a messy mane walked over to them, she seemed like a teenager. She was probably working there to earn some bits for college or to waste on shopping.

"Hello, what can-" She stopped to find her quill. She scrambled around for a while until she finally found it. "HAHA! I- I mean, what can I get you?"

"Are you okay darling? You seem a bit flustered."

"Well, this is my first week here, I have mid-terms so I am super busy, I have been staying up late studying, I have to take care of my little brother all the time and my parents are getting a divorce so they are being really annoying. Everypony knew that it was just a matter of time before they finally broke it off. I was just hoping that I could move out before it happened. My little brother has gotten quiet recently because of all the fighting, I think that it`s getting to him. Also, my best friend is having major issues with her coltfriend. Oh, and I don`t have a date to the dance." Fluttershy and Rarity stared at her in shock.

"Oh, that sounds awful! Would you like to sit with us?"

"I can`t, I need to work. I just have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I- It`s just so much..." She broke out into tears. She buried her face into Fluttershy`s coat and mane. She didn`t mind one bit, she wanted this poor mare to feel better.

"What`s your name?"

"My name is Sweetie Swirl."

"First things first, everypony`s first week at a job is tough, especially if it`s your very first job. Mid-terms will be over soon and you seem like a smart kid so try to ease off the studying just a little, somepony who falls asleep during a test isn`t going to get a good grade. Try to hang out with your brother by doing fun things, get him to feel better. Divorces are tough on families, just make sure that you stay strong and try to help everypony, they feel just as bad as you do. Try to comfort your friend, once she`s done you can vent your problems to her. You will listen to each other`s problems and work to get through them. As for the date to the dance, I think that it will work out, you are a lovely mare who has a bright future ahead of you. If you don`t find a date then go with friends. Everything will work out, don`t you worry."

Rarity stared at Fluttershy in her element, making people feel better, whether they are an animal, pony or draconequus! Fluttershy hugged the mare and then helped her stand back up.

"Now, go and have a great life, don`t let anything ruin your day."

"Thanks, now what would you like to order?"

"I will take an order of two pancakes with OJ."

"I would like some toast and hay bacon with whole milk." Sweetie Swirl smiled and then turned to tell the chef what they want. Rarity leaned across the table and planted a kiss on Fluttershy`s lips. Fluttershy smiled and felt like the moment was finally right. There was peace and quiet, they had just kissed and she had a good feeling.



"I love you. I`m in love with you. I`m head over heels in love with you. You`re the only one for me. I have always loved you, even when I didn`t know it yet. You are the love of my life and I can`t imagine a world without you. You make me better and you make me happier. You make me feel like there are butterflies in my stomach. You are the only one that make me feel hot, embarrassed, happy, elated and confused at the same time. Rarity, you mean the world and more to me. I love you more than my heart can love." Rarity began crying.

"I LOVE YOU TOO~!" She wrapped her in a tight hug and then kissed her passionately and deeply. They ignored the hustle and bustle of the diner, all that mattered once again was there love. They stayed that way for a long period of time. They didn`t care if their public display of affection grossed anypony out. They were in love and love is a powerful thing.

Sweetie walked over with their food and saw the two of them hugging and kissing each other. "Awww!" She walked over to them and put down the food slowly, as not to alarm them. "Your food is here if you care." They broke the kiss and looked at her and the extremely appetizing food.

"Thanks, looks great."

"You`re welcome. Also, you two are cute together. Like kindness and generosity, both nice things." They laughed, why did she choose to compare those two things! It was such a coincidence.

"Actually we are kindness and generosity."

"How? What do you- OHMYGOSH! You are the elements of harmony! Fluttershy of kindness and Rarity of generosity! I should have recognized you guys! They taught us about you in school! The elements of harmony helped to defeat Discord, Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis and Sombra! You are legends!"

"We are famous?!"

"Well, duh!"

"Here that Fluttershy?! We are famous!"


"May I take a picture with you mares?" Rarity nodded. They posed and Sweetie snapped the pic. She beamed and then skipped away.

"She is nice." Fluttershy nodded. They began eating because they were famished. "MMMMMMMM..." They ate their food and ended up with syrup covered faces. The two mares smiled and cleaned themselves up. The two of them paid and then began walking home.

Roller Coaster Day! Oh... And Spa Day!

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Rarity woke up in her luxurious, new bed and looked at her beautiful fillyfriend, Fluttershy. We have been together for about two years now. We`ve known each other for about seven years. The two of us have been best friends for about four years. Overall, we have been through a lot together. The two of us have done numerous exciting things like defeating Discord, going to the crystal empire, fighting off evil changelings and being in the Hearth`s Warming Eve play, but the things that are the most important to us are the everyday things like going out to lunch or having a pet day with the others. I`m just so happy to have the privilege of having Fluttershy by my side. I just can`t imagine a world without her. She makes any situation better.

Fluttershy pushed her head further into the pillow. She`s just so cute when she is asleep! Rarity began stroking Fluttershy`s wavy, pink mane. She slowly opened her tired eyes. Seeing Rarity was a great way to start everyday and any day. She got up out of bed, went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and then returned to the bed. She gestured for Rarity to do the same.

"Do I have to?" Fluttershy did a mini 'stare'.

"Okay! Okay!" She got up, brushed and then went back on the bed.

"Good girl. Who wants a treat?!"

"Not funny Fluttershy."

"Who wants a treat?!" Rarity sighed.

"I do." Fluttershy gave Rarity a kiss, they both tasted of mint.

"You know Fluttershy, it`s spa day."

"What? Spa day? Oh... spa day! We haven`t done that in such a um... long time."

"We certainly haven`t! I miss Aloe and Lotus! I miss our personal time there! We always felt so close to each other there! I always felt like I could tell you anything! Also, I need a good hooficure, massage and facial! A nice hair styling would be great as well." Rarity and Fluttershy squealed excitedly like little fillies.

"Rarity, d- did you know that I first started um... liking you that day at the spa such a long time ago?"

"Really?!" Fluttershy nodded.

"I too started liking you on that very day. The way your mane fell over your face, the sparkle in your teal eyes and the kindness in your voice. You were and still are, perfect. You could be a bit more talkative, but I have more time to talk because of your quietness so I guess that that goes both ways."

"R- Rarity, I um... wanted to know if you wanted to go to the spa. You mentioned it, but I don`t know if you really want to go today. I think that it may be... fun? I wouldn`t mind a day of relaxation."

"Let`s try something and see if we still want to go later."


"We have about four and a half hours to kill, anything that you would like to do Fluttershy? I would just prefer something non-animal related due to what happened last time." She shuddered at the thought. How can animals get so aggressive?

"What if we do something with t- the others? Like a picnic or a um... pet day thing?"

"Great, but I feel like we need to do something exciting, just the two of us. Let`s go to an amusement park! I know that that`s something Rainbow Dash would say, but Fluttershy, we need to do something exciting!"

"B- But, isn`t being with me exciting enough? Our l- love, our new h- home, our life together?" Fluttershy was crying lightly. Rarity wrapped Fluttershy in her arms and into a tight embrace. Don`t be sad, you have nothing to worry about. I will always love you.

"Our love is special. Our love is strong. Our love is ours. Our love is forever. Each day is short term, let`s make the most of them. We will still have this love, this home and this life if we go out and have some fun." Fluttershy rubbed her hoof across her face to rid herself of tears.

"I- If you weren`t so cute and poetic, I would be super mad at you. Y- You have convinced me, let`s go. You kind of made up for making me sad by saying love so many times. I um... love you too."

Rarity grabbed Fluttershy and pulled her into a deep kiss. The two mares looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

"So, do you have anything else in mind darling?" Fluttershy searched her brain for an idea or answer, but ultimately came out with one conclusion.

"I have um... absolutely no idea." Rarity giggled quietly. She had already known that she would say that.

"I was thinking that we could try something... different. You know, different than the usual for us. I on average prefer classy or fabulous things. Well glitzy is best as I always say-" Fluttershy stopped her.

"When did you say that?" Rarity sighed.

"I don`t have to say it, but I can think it. Either way, I wanted to know if we should go to a roller coaster park. Adventure isn`t really my forte, nor is it yours, but we should try it together! Rainbow and Pinkie certainly enjoyed it when they went last summer." Fluttershy was trying to say something, but it was hard for her to comprehend, or as some say 'wrap your head around' the concept of a roller coaster.

What`s the appeal? I mean um... no offense to people who like them. I`m even kind in my thoughts! They are a large track with a cart thing thats purpose is to go fast and scare ponies. It is a death trap as well if it isn`t made perfectly. Also, they are made so that you will either get scared or vomit. They are just terrible things and I don`t like whoever invented them! Unless of course they are or were a nice pony. Seriously Fluttershy, you don`t have to be so annoyingly kind. OH MY GOSH! I`m fighting with myself! I don`t even like fights!

"Dear?" This brought Fluttershy out of her brain battle. "I`m still waiting for an answer." Don`t say yes to the roller coaster! Don`t say yes to the roller coaster! Don`t say yes to the roller coaster!

"Sure." Rarity beamed. "I was afraid that you would say no darling. It`s definitely not your cup of tea, but I want us to experience this together. Together, as Rarishy, the cutest couple in all of Equestria. No! In the universe!" Rarity blushed slightly, she may have gotten a little bit carried away.

"Um... yeah, that sounds great. Roller coasters...! Yay!" Rarity stared at Fluttershy, she could see through her facade.

"Are you actually sure? Because I`m fine just staying home." She jumped onto the bed theatrically. "Oh woe is me! THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING! My darling Fluttershy doesn`t want to accompany me to the roller coaster park! She has to lie just to make me happy! I`m so pathetic!!!!" She peaked one, blue eye open to see if Fluttershy was buying it.

The annoyed look on her face told her that she was definitely not. "Rarity, I don`t really want to well... go, but I know that it would make you happy and it could be um... f- fun?" She suddenly decided to kick it up and notch and be a little prouder. "Yay! Roller coaster park!" This time her voice didn`t waver, it was still semi-quiet, but it was the best she could muster at the moment.

Rarity threw her arms around Fluttershy and pulled her into a tight embrace before giving her a nose nuzzle. "Now, we must hurry up! We shan`t waste anymore time dillydallying!" Fluttershy giggled. "What?!"

"Dillydallying?" Rarity frowned.

"I`m sorry darling. I used one of my mother`s old terms. Well, let`s get ready!" Rarity jumped out of the bed excitedly and then daintily took off her slippers. That was rather anti-climatic.

Fluttershy followed her and then the two mares stepped into the bathroom. Rarity was just turning on the water when an idea popped into her head. What if I did her mane?! Would she like it?! It would be fabulous and positively perfect!

"Fluttershy, darling, may I do your mane? It would look so gorgeous! You simply must let me! You must! You must! You must!" Fluttershy smiled slightly.

"T- That would be... nice." Rarity clapped her hooves together and then pulled her fillyfriend into the shower. Fluttershy hummed a little tune while Rarity washed, rinsed and repeated. Once the first part was done Rarity moved on to phase two. She began using her magic and a brush to comb through Fluttershy`s mane, making sure to rid her mane of every snarl.

"When was the last time you brushed your mane, dear?! It`s so pretty, but so snarly and tangled!" Fluttershy looked away guiltily.

"A- A month or so."

"What`s that?"

"About a month."

"I`m going to need you to speak up. It can`t be that bad!" Fluttershy gulped.

"A... month." Rarity gasped.

"A MONTH?! YOU LIVE WITH A FASHION DESIGNER WHO IS ALSO GREAT AT HAIR AND YOU JUST SIMPLY CHOSE TO STOP BRUSHING ENTIRELY?!" Tears began to form in her eyes. Hey, I`m not the bad mare here. But, her eyes are just so sad!

"Shhhhhh... it`s okay. I didn`t mean to snap at you. I`ve just been rather busy of late. Well, with the demand for all things fashion recently and the dress crisis. I did tell you about the dress crisis, right?" She looked at her still upset fillyfriend. "Back to the point! Things have been rather hectic, but you have been my rock. My very delicate rock. In other words, you are my gem, my diamond, my jewel. I just thought that you would treat your mane with more respect. I know that it`s no reason to yell at you, but proper mane care is important to me and it`s not of value to most ponies. I have seen the most horrendous manes just because they don`t care! I want what`s best for you." Rarity sighed. "Now I sound like your mother! Never mind, I love you and your mane so treat yourself properly."

The two mares embraced each other and then continued working on their manes. "Let`s chit chat. It will lighten the mood. All morning it has been a little tense between us and I just want us and our love to be stable."

"Okay, well um... Angel Bunny`s bunny friend, Buttercup is doing fine. Rainbow Dash is a shoe in for the Wonderbolts, t- though I`m guessing that you knew that. Um... I read a new book on squirrels that was very fascinating and it gave me some fun activities that I can do with them. I love the new dress that you bought me, I wore on one of my animal walks." Rarity was finished with her fillyfriend`s mane right when Fluttershy stopped talking. (Lucky coincidence? I think not, it was author laziness)

"Fabulous Fluttershy! I love hearing about your day, week or even year! Gossip is apart of who I am, even the non-juicy kind, darling." Rarity washed, rinsed, repeated and then quickly went through her mane with the comb because her mane was perfectly smooth, not a single snarl, snag or split end.

The two mares soaped up and then stepped out and dried off. Fluttershy looked at 'wet mane' Rarity. As did Rarity, except reversed. They smiled at each other. Gorgeous! Flawless!

They (Rarity mostly) did their makeup and manes. Fluttershy`s took a bit longer due to Rarity`s styling, but was worth it because it was very pretty. "I- I don`t know where a roller coaster park is. I`m um... sorry." Rarity smiled warmly.

"Don`t vorry Flootershy! I don`t vant you to vorry! I vill help you find ze magics!" Fluttershy giggled at Rarity`s imitation of Photo Finish, it was spot on, at least while they only had a vague memory of what she sounds like.

Rarity grabbed their bags and then in the blink of an eye they had teleported to Loop, Zoom & Ride, the coolest (and only) roller coaster park near Ponyville.

"Come along darling! It`ll be fun!" They ran up to the counter where they could buy their tickets. "Yes, hello, two tickets please." The grey stallion looked up from his ticket stacks.

"I- Is it you?" He smiled broadly. "IT IS! The elements of generosity and kindness! You mares and your friends saved Equestria dozens of times!"

"I wouldn`t say dozens..."

"You get free tickets!" Rarity stomped her hoof.

"I shall not make you lose money! I demand to pay! I admire the fact that you wish to show such generosity, but you must put your job first! I respectfully decline."

"YOU REALLY ARE KIND AND GENEROUS!" He gave them the tickets and shooed them off. He wouldn`t let them pay. Rarity frowned, but moved on.

"This is going to be great!" Rarity walked as fast as a proper lady could, which wasn`t very fast, towards the nearest roller coaster.

The title was Speed Demon. It may intrigue colts or young stallions, but to Rarity it was uncouth and to Fluttershy it was scary. The track was lined with spikes and the whole thing was covered with leather. I hope that it`s not real! I know that ponies like myself can go far for fashion, but murder is something else entirely!

"I- I don`t like this one. We should um... move one. Or w- we could just leave?" Rarity narrowed her eyes. "Yay! Roller coasters!" The two mares gulped out of nervousness and then made they way over to the ride. They handed their tickets to the young mare and then stepped into one of the carts.

"Don`t be scared darling. It`s just something new is all. It may be a bit-" She looked at the skull covered walls. Again, please be fake! "Grotesque, but it could possibly be... fun?" Fluttershy shrank down a bit in her chair.

Just then the young mare pulled the lever and they were off. They were slowly going uphill slowly. "A- At least it`s moving slowly." Suddenly, the ride finished going up the hill and went down what felt like a million times faster than when it came up. "I... SPOKE... TOO... SOON!"

They went on loop de loops, bumps, jumps, twists and turns. "Ahhhhhhh!" Rarity had screamed at the top of her lungs. It wasn`t because of the ride, well not exactly anyway. It`s because her mane... had gotten frizzy. I know, it`s terrible, but we have to continue the story!

The ride stopped as soon as it started, or at least it seemed like that. To Fluttershy they might as well have been driving at the speed of light. "R- Rarity, I don`t like this ride. I... hate it. I know that hate is a um... strong word, but it`s scary and it made you scream which made it even worse." Rarity wrapped her in a tight embrace and realized that the poor mare was shaking from fear. Rarity stroked her fillyfriend`s mane.

"Shhhhhh. It`s okay. I too wish to not ever have to go on that ride again. She looked at the other rides. They seemed similar to this one. "Uh, how about the teacups?"

They looked at one called Princess and Rarity immediately liked it. She grabbed Fluttershy`s hoof and dragged her to the end of the line. There were about thirty ponies in front of her. Apparently they like it too.

"Fluttershy, my hooves hurt from standing."

"B- But, we`ve only been standing for four minutes." Rarity made a pouty face. "I`ll um... carry you." Rarity`s frown disappeared and was replaced with a broad smile and sparkling eyes.

"You`re sweet, but I can`t ask you to do that. I just wanted to know that you would. Not to mention that you aren`t very strong darling."

"I am um... strong." Rarity giggled.

"Oh, I`m sorry that I didn`t notice your bulging muscles earlier!" Fluttershy wasn`t a weak mare... or a stupid one.

"Y- You don`t have to act, it`s um... true. I am strong." Fluttershy sucked in some air to relax herself and then picked Rarity up. She held her up and flew straight up, stretching her wings to reach full length so that her wings shimmered in the light.

"Oh my." Fluttershy kissed her lightly on the muzzle and then descended slowly. Luckily their place in line hadn`t been taken.

"Fluttershy, that was beautiful. I felt so light when you held me. Thank you darling. You`re very strong." A blush grew on Fluttershy`s face. Her momentary boldness quickly withering away.

"It was um... nice. The line is moving forward." Rarity spotted the last few ponies in front of her walking onto the ride.

"Oh! Yes! We musn`t miss the ride after the wait! Hopefully the ride is as fabulous as the name!" Rarity teleported them onto the roller coaster and gave the young stallion her tickets.

He pulled the lever and the ride was off! The ride slowly ascended until it reached the top. It fell down the side at an alarming speed and then the roller coaster cart entered a dark tunnel.

I don`t like the dark! I hope that this ride is worth it, it`s seemingly very different from the title so far. It went into a dark tunnel and emerged into a world of beauty! Sparkles, diamonds, gems and crystals covered the walls, hearts and stars were painted everywhere and rainbow colors filled the room with pizzaz.

It went up and shot fast through a section with tiaras. The cart then fell hard down to a glorious arrangement of dresses. There were spring dresses, floral dresses, evening gowns, mini dresses and every kind of dress imaginable.

"EPIC!" It was something that Rainbow Dash would say, but it was the only word that could describe was she was seeing.

They reached the end and Rarity got out of the cart, followed by Fluttershy. "I loved the princess idea! I do believe that it may have been for fillies or very young colts, but I certainly enjoyed it much more than that last one. This was a great deal slower, it was still very fast though. The design was gorgeous! I simply must make my next dress sparkly!" Rarity`s eyes were filled with wonder.

"Th- That`s um... great Rarity. Can we go to the teacups now? I would like to move on from the roller coasters, at least for a bit, if it`s okay with you I mean."

"That`s fine darling, I would like a change of pace for a while. I`m not a huge fan of roller coasters anyway. I did like that last one though. I could do without the whole roller coaster part. I would`ve preferred if I could walk around and enjoy the art." Rarity looked over at Fluttershy who was admiring a few birds flying past. "I`m sorry for rambling on, darling. Come along, we shall ride the teacups."

Rarity extended her hoof towards Fluttershy and the two walked hoof in hoof towards their destination. They eventually made it to the teacups and boarded. Fluttershy smiled nervously.

"D- Do you think that this will be not so um... scary?" Rarity giggled.

"So the princess one was scary?"

"...Yes." Rarity embraced Fluttershy.

"It`s okay darling. I`m here. This will be fabulous, you`ll see." She stood up and handed the stallion the tickets. She sat back down and began to spin the center circle.

They began to spin around exactly when the ride began and the cups began to rotate. Fluttershy extended her wings, feeling the bursts of air on her light yellow feathers. Fluttershy and Rarity both began spinning faster and faster. The two mares let out squeals of delight.

The ride continued to spin and spin until, much to their despair, it stopped. "You were right Rarity. I was um... nice."

"I`m glad that you enjoyed it darling! Now, I would like to go eat something, I`m simply ravenous!"

"I- I`m hungry too." Fluttershy grabbed Rarity`s hoof and then the two of them walked up to a nearby tent that sold veggie dogs, veggie burgers, corn dogs, hay fries and various other types of 'on the go' food.

A tall, slim stallion smiled down at them and took out a notepad as to not forget their orders. "What would you two lovely mares like?" A blush spread across Fluttershy`s face.

"Thank you for the compliment kind sir. My fillyfriend and I will each have veggie dogs and hay fries!" The stallion`s eyes lost a tiny bit of sparkle at the word 'fillyfriend'. He turned around and got their already prepared food in a jiffy (I still say jiffy).

They each got their food and paid the three bits that it costed. The two mares said thank you and walked over to the slushie stand. A young mare stared at them without a hint of emotion. She seemed rather bored.

"I would like a medium um... a r- razzberry burst."

"I would like the large sublime lemon-lime, and I must say that you don`t look like you`re having much fun. You`re at an amusement park, you need to enjoy yourself darling! You must have a break at some point." The mare now had a slight smile.

"Thanks lady, I`ll keep that in mind. I`ll be right back with your slushies." She walked over to a machine and grabbed a cup. She hit a green button and ice mixed with a pale yellow juice cascaded out. She repeated this process, but instead with a red button and a red ice mixture came out.

She handed them their drinks and made a noise that almost resembled a giggle. "What`s the cost?"

"No charge." Rarity`s eyes widened.

"No charge? As in free? But, we cannot just take from you!"

"Yes you can ma`am. You two are some of the kindest ponies here. Everypony is just so rude, that`s why I hate this job. I`m stuck all day with a bunch of weirdos and jerks. I like you two." They both beamed and walked with an extra spring in their step.

Fluttershy and Rarity grabbed the drinks, sat on a bench and began to eat. The two ate in silence and shared the occasional loving look with one another before finishing their food.

Rarity levitated their paper plates over to the trash can. They walked hoof in hoof over to carnival games. Rarity pointed over to the ringtoss. "I used to love this as a filly! Oh, Fluttershy, darling, we simply must!" I always loved playing this with my father. I wonder how he`s doing anyway. She pulled her over and sat down. She deposited one bit and grabbed a set of fifteen, blue rings.

Fluttershy grabbed her red rings and proceeded to wait for the bell to ring signaling the start. A stallion tapped the bell and she threw her first ever ring. It landed a mere few inches from her hoof. She frowned.

"Don`t worry, you`ll get the hang of it darling! It`s a fabulous game and I know that you will enjoy it!" Rarity threw each ring out quickly and precisely, each toss had the same grace as herself. They landed on the glass bottles perfectly without any chance of falling.

Fluttershy mimicked her actions and got two bottles. Rarity threw her last one thus claiming a full fifteen bottles. The stallion lifted up Rarity`s hoof declaring her the winner and handed her a pink kitty stuffed animal. "Great job Rarity! Yay!" She wrapped her fillyfriend in a hug.

They noticed a shooting range like thing in the corner of their eyes and were intrigued. Seems rather odd, but splendid all the same.

Fluttershy left a bit and picked up the gun. "How am I supposed to use this?" She pushed the trigger and it shot right through one of the toys hanging on the wall. "OH MY GOSH! I- I`M SO SORRY! I DIDN`T MEAN TO!" Tears threatened to spill from her teal eyes.

Rarity, now concerned, put a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "You did nothing wrong. The point is to shoot and you`re still getting used to this. These are just blanks darling so you have nothing to fret about. Now, you shall continue to try!" She wiped her eye and tried again. This time it hit one of the moving circles meant to be hit for points.

The two mares smiled and began shooting out rounds quickly. Rarity used magic to shoot thus making it easier, but she had a hard time aiming correctly. Meanwhile, Fluttershy figured it all out and began shooting down various shapes and symbols. After the time was up Fluttershy had won by a landslide. "See, I told you that you could do it, dear!"

Rarity looked up at a sign that said "Spa Booth! It`s a spa, but in the convenient form of a carnival booth!"

She pushed Fluttershy`s face to look in the direction of the poster. "Spa... spa! It`s spa day! What time is it?" Rarity used her magic to conjure up a watch, something Twilight had shown her how to do.

"It`s later than I thought! If we hurry now then we can still make it to the appointment on time!" Rarity galloped towards the front desk. "We must leave now! It was a great deal of fun! Here`s a bit for this being such a wonderful place!" She waved and teleported Fluttershy and herself to the spa.

Once they arrived Rarity opened the door and ran quickly into the spa, she like Twilight is keen on being punctual. Aloe Lotus greeted her while Fluttershy flew in slowly most likely from the fact that she was just hit in the face by the door that Rarity had so carelessly thrown open.

"Welcome back mares! We missed you!" Lotus nodded.

"We really haven`t seen you in such a long time!" She turned towards Fluttershy and saw the bruise that she`d gotten. "Are you okay Fluttershy?!"

"Oh... I`m fine." Rarity turned towards her fillyfriend with concern.

"What in Equestria happened to you darling?!"

"Well... you kinda hit me with the door." Rarity`s eyes widened and a blush spread over her face.


"It`s no big deal."

"It`s a huge deal! I`m so sorry Fluttershy! How can I make it better?" Fluttershy smiled and pointed to her muzzle. Rarity understood the gesture and gave her a kiss on the 'boo boo'. She then gave her a quick peck on the lips.

Aloe & Lotus both let out a small squeal. "You two look so cute together!" They said it in unison.

"Thank you for saying that! How have you two been?"

"Absolutely great! We recently got this new shampoo that works with our manes perfectly! Just feel how soft!" Rarity felt Aloe`s mane.

"It`s positively silky! Anyway, shall we start the appointment?" The spa sisters nodded and led them over to the massage tables. Fluttershy lied down on the first one and Rarity on the second. A tan mare with a lavender mane walked up to Fluttershy.

"I`m Vera. You probably don`t know me because I just moved back to Ponyville, but I`m Aloe and Lotus`s sister. Aloe`s a bit busy with others at the moment so I will be massaging you today. Your friend will have Lotus as usual."

"I didn`t know that they had another sister. I`m so sorry for not knowing."

"It`s fine sweetie! I moved to Canterlot for a few years, but didn`t like it so I moved back here. It makes sense that you don`t know me. I`m still waiting for this pink pony that my sisters tell me will throw me a party."

"Oh... you mean Pinkie Pie. She greets every newcomer in Ponyville with a surprise party. I guess that it`s not much of a um... surprise now is i- it."

"Well, I bet that it will still be at least a little surprising. Especially with all of the stories I`ve heard from the ponies here about her. Pinkie Pie seems very bubbly and energetic. The word random comes up more often than not though."

"I bet she`ll like y- you. She`s friends with um... everypony."

"It`s always nice to make new friends. They must say 'friendship is magic' for a reason, right? Well, back on track, I should probably start the massage." Fluttershy nodded and put her head down on the table and simultaneously turned towards Rarity.

"Fluttershy! What is Vera like? I would love to get to know her!"

"She`s... nice."

"It`s wonderful that you think she`s nice, but don`t think anything more of her or else!" Fluttershy gulped and shrunk down a bit. "I`m just kidding, darling. I know that you would never cheat on me." The two mares became quiet and simply enjoyed the massages.

Lotus worked the many kinks out of Rarity`s back, which was surprising knowing how often she frequents the spa. After a bit massaging they got up and walked over to the sauna.

Fluttershy and Rarity sat down and enjoyed the warm air on their fur. "Fluttershy, don`t you just love it in here?"

"It`s a little hot."

"Isn`t that the point?"

"Yes." Rarity gave up on conversation and simply grabbed hold of Fluttershy`s hoof. She leaned into Fluttershy and rested her head on her shoulder. They sat their snuggling in contentment until the heat got them sweating. Sweat! No! Moving on!

Rarity led Fluttershy over to the seaweed wrap area. "Darling, you`ll just love it!"

"Um... I don`t know. It seems a little tight. Does it hurt?"

"Of course not! Well, at least not after you get used to it." She gulped.

"I- I think that I`ll just go over there. I saw... something." Rarity frowned at Fluttershy.

"No, you are staying here!" She grabbed her hoof and shoved her towards Aloe and Vera. Vera, seeing the worry on Fluttershy`s face, chose to go a little slower and not put as much pressure.

"It`s very simple. Just stand still while I wrap you." Fluttershy nodded. Vera carefully wrapped Fluttershy in the seaweed and then poked Fluttershy, signaling that it was over.

Rarity smiled and walked over to them. "Now, that wasn`t so bad."

"It was... nice." She giggled.

"Is that your favorite adjective?" Fluttershy blushed.

"Am I supposed to have one? I didn`t know. I- I`m sorry." She put a hoof on her fillyfriend`s shoulder.

"It`s okay love! Now we can just lie down and relax while they do our hooficures." The two mares walked over to the tables and lied down. Aloe & Lotus followed quickly after them.

"I`m back so I can finish up with Fluttershy! Vera is taking a break now."

"Well, she seemed very kind! I`ll put in a good word for her around town. Do you know if she plans on coming to my boutique? Her colors are so different that I simply must find something perfect to go with them!" Aloe tried to remember.

"Oh! She did say something about needing a dress for a party of some sort."

"That must be a Pinkie Pie party. She won`t need a dress, but that doesn`t mean that she shouldn`t have them for the next party!"

"Marvelous! I`ll tell Vera after." Rarity smiled. Lotus began to file the hoof. She was so good at this. It never hurt and it was always executed perfectly. It made her remember the day that they all went to the spa together.

Oh, Rainbow Dash. Hooficures are simply divine! How could anypony dislike something so wonderful? She looked over at Fluttershy. It wasn`t often that she was so calm. It`s nice to know that somepony likes hooficures.

Lotus began to paint the hoof. This was Rarity`s favorite part. Fluttershy too enjoyed this part. "Rarity, we should start going to the spa more often."

"You know what we should do more often? See our friends! I haven`t seen them in years! We should get together again tomorrow! We could meet up at Twilight`s again!"

"It would be nice to see them again. I hope that Rainbow Dash isn`t still mad. I hate it when she gets mad."

"Don`t worry. They`ll be happy to see us! I bet that they`ve already moved on!" This brought a smile to Fluttershy`s face.

"I- I bet that you`re right." They then enjoyed the hooficures and let peaceful silence fill the air. Aloe & Lotus added the final touches and made sure that they got every part. The two sisters used mini fans so that they could dry quicker and then proceeded to shine them with a towel.

"Done!" Rarity looked down at her perfect hooves and wrapped her forelegs around Lotus.

"Thank you again for another lovely hooficure!" Rarity grabbed Fluttershy`s hoof, dropped several bits on the counter and then exited.

"Today was fun, Rarity. It was... very cool. I enjoyed it. It did make me very tired though."

"It made me tired too! I`ll teleport us home and then we can fall asleep in each other`s embrace."

"Sounds great."