> Up All Night > by TheFoxern > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1: Introduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fog clung around his hooves, his breath coming slow and steady. It made slight puffs of white in front of him. To his tight, and left he could see the puffs of other ponies. But that wasn't important. What was important was the field in front of him, that led up to the trees. Cold sweat clung to him in the cool morning. Though it wasn't technically morning. Or more to say it had been locked in morning for several days now. And now it was time. In the distance, he heard the cry, “For Celestia!” And it was taken up and carried far and wide. From behind him came the call, “For Luna!” This was taken up by those around him, and himself as well. Then he ran. His armor clattered, as did those beside him. They broke the tree line, and light flared over all, armor glittering in the distance as the army charged them. Then came the rain. But it was not the rain of water, but stones. It was odd watching it, the large stone. He swore he could almost make out the pony who pulled the lever of the device, and watched it soar over the entire field. Then everything went black. ~ He gasped for air, sitting up quickly in bed. It took him several moments to realize where he was. “Damn you Celestia...” He said as he moved slowly off the bed, and onto the floor. The same dream, every night, for ever. It was her reminder that those who oppose her, suffer. Even their descendants suffer. Just because his family had sided with Luna almost a thousand years ago, he had to relive his great great whatevers life of the battle. Thankfully it had been short. But it had been so hard when he was younger, just trying to remember who he was. He was Corser. Not Betlara. He took a deep breath, and moved to the basin of water. He had no wife, and no child waiting for him at home. He was home right now, as pathetic as that felt. He was Corser. A unicorn tasked with being the night for Ponyville, and the surrounding area. He paused at the window, staring at the black curtain. He pushed it slightly, and light spilled onto the floor, but it was the evening sun. It fell back as he walked to the basin. He stared at his reflection a moment, concentrating on the gray of his eyes, the inky black blue of his coat and the white of his mane. Then he thrust his face into the cold water. That was how he woke up in the evening. Every night. A quick stretch, and a shake, before heading outside into the evening. He paused, to look at the picture beside the door. It was the only decoration in the entire house. A picture, of Luna. Or, Nightmare Moon as she had started calling herself near the end. It was old, and faded. But it was the only thing that truly felt his. It was to relieve stress on Celestia, give control of the night to local unicorns that could do it, and Corser was one of them. Not the best, but good enough that Celestia tasked him with the Everfree Forest. The hardest part, was keeping things safe for all of the ponies in Ponyville. Lots of things wanted into the village once it got dark. And he was there to keep them out. Memories of his youth passed through him as he tried to force the nightmare out. No one kept them away from him. Celestia would give no comfort to the descendants of Luna's supporters. One of the last descendants. He wondered if he would ever meet any. Then his thoughts turned to his parents, and he forced away memories of soothing words from his mother when he woke up screaming. Or crying out for Marda. One of his ancestors wife. He probably had all, if not most of the memories now. No one wanted anything to do with the supporters. They had had a name a long time ago, but no one remembered it now. Which was just as well. It wasn't a nice name. But because of this they had sought the comfort of other supporters. But those numbers dwindled as well, mostly due to... Not being able to take the nightmares. Ponies said that it was a fitting punishment for opposing Celestia, when the alternative was death. But so many had chosen death after having to deal with that. The only reason he hadn't snapped yet, was because it was different every night. Every night he saw the battle from a new perspective. It was hard to tell when they started over as they never went in the same order. What little blessing that was. To him, it was cruel. Though he saw the need for them to be made an example of. But why punish their descendants? He looked up, he was already at the Everfree Forest, and the sun was just about down. “Well... Time to start.” He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. With a bit of effort, he felt the sleight weight. He wasn't sure how many other ponies assisted him, not many it seemed. As they grew in power, so did their area of influence. Nowadays it felt as though he lifted the moon by himself. Or with Celestia's assistance anyways. The moment he felt her power come close, he opened his eyes, and stopped. The moon merely took effort to raise. But Celestia took over from there. Corser felt he could probably keep it coasting without any effort at all. He closed his eyes again, focusing this time on the next task. To sleep, and dream was the difficult part. He had battled monsters, dragons and the like, but they where easy compared to sleep and dreams. Mostly dreams. It took only a nudge to get most ponies to sleep, though others needed a firm hoof to the head to get them out, as it where. But dreams. Dreams where troublesome. Good dreams came so easily. But nightmares where always tried so hard. That's why the Everfree Forest was allowed. It held the nightmares. He focused on the trees, and began walking the edge. All the nightmares that anypony might have. Sometimes, they took shape. You got terrible things. Hydra'. Manticores. Cockatrices. Timberwolves. Parasprites. Monsters in other words, or annoyances. Some of them where not so bad. They where just meant to cause fear, and did so by merely existing. He shuddered as he felt Celestia's magic pass him in the other direction. He merely needed to walk a few miles, and that would get the magic going. It would travel to the next ponies start, and then to the next from there's. It was taking a lot more effort lately. And Celestia would go over it all, from Canterlot. He despised her. Just for the dreams. But that was deserving of a lot of hate. He wondered if she even remembered what she had done to him, and all those before him. He could not even gain audience with her. And he had tried. So many times. But all he ever got was excuses. The Princess was too busy for a “Unicorn such as you.” Such as you. That had infuriated him. Many ponies knew he was a descendant of the supporters. Especially in the palace. He had never even seen her. But he had felt her. Felt her magic and power. And it hurt. It burned him, and left him feeling miserable for quite a while. It just made him feel worthless, like his life was a mistake and he only existed because she allowed him to. Though he used this, taking it as a personal insult to her that he refused to just lay down like the rest, and beg for mercy. Of course he wanted the nightmares to end, to ask her to take them away. But he would never beg. He would rather deal with the nightmares than beg for anything from her. Next was sleep. Now that the nightmares had been essentially been taken care of, it was time to put the ponies to sleep. He had to focus for this. There where so many ponies. So many minds that took a little nudge, or a shove to get them to sleep. His favorite where the ones already asleep. How far did his range extend now? He never bothered to check anymore. Not since he managed to take the surrounding towns near Ponyville. He knew he was beyond them, and those after. How far though? It was not easy to check, but he would have to write a letter to the Dreamer and ask him what area he was responsible for. Dreamer was the one who picked unicorns for the job, and saw that they got trained properly. Even he got audiences with Celestia. Or where they more like meetings? What sort of things did they discuss? He realized that he didn't care. Maybe he had already snapped? That thought crossed his mind quite a lot. He hardly talked to anypony, he made them nervous, so he couldn't get a second opinion. But that wasn't a problem. Not really anyways. There where worse things, or so his father had told him, then being crazy. Though he never understood why being crazy was a bad thing. Perhaps that was further proof. It didn't matter now. He needed to walk the town now. Well, he didn't need to, it just made him feel better. Everything was quiet, and most lights where out by now. Only a few late nighters stayed up this late. Often he wondered what they did this late. What was so important that it could not wait till morning? The doors where always locked by this time. Nopony wanted to be out this late. Nopony but him. After all, it was his talent. He looked at his cutie mark a moment, thirteen stars. One in the center, five around it, and then seven around the outside. It always made him feel better to think about it. Stars where comforting. That's right. Think about stars. Don't think about how you spend your time making life easier for someone you despise. That you have no friends. That no one knows your name. Especially don't think about how ponies are pretty much afraid of you. You help ponies. Great, he had made himself depressed. > 2: Return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Please, sir. I am not asking for surrender, but retreat.” The pony in front of him, was dark in the lack of light, and he could not see him clearly. But he knew who he was. “Commander. Please. We have lost half of our forces. Her Majesty is nowhere to be found, and Celestia is on her way. We must retreat.” There was no answer. No movement. Nothing. He opened his mouth to speak again, but the door behind him flew open. “Sir!” He turned to see a pony, who's helmet had been knocked off, and had a bandage around his head, covering one eye. “Our final rank has dispersed. Most are dead, the rest have surrendered... And Celestia is in the city. She is demanding to speak with somepony in charge.” He hesitated a moment, and looked back at the commander, who did not move a muscle. “I will see her.” He said, and moved past the soldier, into the blazing sun. It hurt. It actually hurt to be in the sun. He blamed their loss on it. The moon could not be used as a weapon. But the sun could. And there ahead of him, was her. Sitting on some sort of carriage, her face a mask of concern, but he could see the smugness on her face. That wretched look, of someone who knew that they had won. That their enemies- ~ His eyes opened, and he stared blankly at the wall. Something had just woken him up. What had it been? He moved slowly to get off of the bed, his mind reeling. The commander had been dead. Killed himself when he read the report that Luna had been imprisoned. He would rather have died than suffer through what Celestia would surely put him through. But he was just a sergeant. No, wait. No he wasn't. He shook his head, and moved towards the door, mostly instinctively. Apparently it had been a knock that woke him up. That guess was proven correct when he head another knock, though this one sounded a tad more hesitant. He opened the door slightly, and the light that spilled in blinded him immediately. “What?” He managed, his eyes squeezed tight. “Uhm... Hello. I'm Twilight Sparkle. Celestia tasked me to-” “Oversee the events in Ponyville for the longest day ceremony thing. Yes, I am aware.” He had gotten a letter about it, he couldn't remember when, but he knew he had gotten one. “Uhm... Yes... And I'm terribly sorry to wake you, but as the night for Equestria you're one of the ponies that I'm to visit...” “Equestria?” He mumbled, that seemed important. “All of Equestria?” He said, apparently his mouth was quicker than his thoughts. He could finally see the violet pony in front of him, who looked quite confused. “Uhm... Yes. I was hoping that perhaps you might be willing to start a bit early?” It seemed to him that there was something that she would much rather be doing. “I know that it's a few hours till sunset...” There was a moments hesitation, when he wondered if it was truly worth going back to sleep at this point. Though it would mean going out in the sun. “Give me a few minutes, and I will be right out.” He closed the door slowly, trying not to slam the door in her face. She seemed a nice enough pony, and went over to the basin of water before plunging his head into it. He held it under, staring at the bottom of the basin a moment, before pulling his head out. The water always felt so refreshing. Comforting. He did not bother drying off, as he opened the door once more, looking at Twilight Sparkle. Now he noticed the purple and green dragon on her back. He was almost surprised at how good the sun felt on his wet fur. He found himself actually sunning himself, and enjoying it. “Alright... The only thing I could really start would be the sealing of the forest... And even then Celestia's assistance is needed.” Her brow wrinkled slightly. “Really? Celestia always said that you took care of everything yourself...” His eyes opened slightly, and he looked at her. His mind was still muddled from sleep, and it's attempt to refocus back to the correct life. Could that be true? How long had he been doing this? “Well I suppose I could give it a try,” he said as he headed towards the Everfree. “What kind of spell do you use?” Twilight said, walking up beside him. He had to pause, and actually think about it a moment. “I'm not sure what the spell is anymore. It's just something I've done so long... But all it does is keep monsters and beasts from getting out of the Everfree. It keeps Ponyville safe.” “And to get the ponies to sleep? I know you wont have to do that one tonight, as everypony is going to stay up to watch the rising of the sun tomorrow.” She seemed apprehensive, though Corser didn't really care enough to ask. “I don't know.” He stopped, and turned to her. “Look. I don't know what spells I use, I just know how to use them. I don't know how I raise the moon either but it takes quite a bit of effort.” He hesitated a moment, he had not meant to sound mean but from the look on her face he might as well have called her something nasty. “I'm sorry...” He turned to the Everfree, which was on the other side of Ponyville. “It's fine... I understand that it's a big responsibility,” she said as she looked back at Spike. “Well I suppose we'll be on our way and let you get to it. We better be going.” “Goodye,” he said as he watched them leave. He realized that he was fairly rude, and he felt a bit sorry, but he had a lot to do now. The biggest conflict he had was whether to seek out Celestia, or avoid her. Perhaps she would show mercy after so long, and he would like to ask if it is true that he has been the only unicorn through the night. He found himself walking through Ponyville during the day. That was weird. He was used to the occasional pony wandering at night, and Nightmare Night, which was easily his favorite holiday. But walking around Ponyville in the light made everything look so off. Nopony seemed to pay him any mind, which suited him just fine. The farther he walked, the less ponies there were, until there where simply no ponies at all, at the edge of the Everfree Forest. He stared at it a moment, before he began his walk. And apparently Celestia was aware of his time change, as he felt her magic once again. It made him shudder. Then, he sat down, to wait for sunset. He spent the time watching the ponies go about there day. Pinkie Pie would throw some kind of party as was something that happened often. Of course he never got invited to any parties. Nopony wanted anything to do with Corser. Who could blame them? He wasn't good at talking to other ponies. He thought of himself as an outcast, and that suited him fine. Eventually the sun began to set, and he stood up. He hesitated a moment. Would the moon not rise without him? He closed his eyes and reached out with his magic, and lifting the moon. But half way up, he stopped. And the moon stopped. He watched it for a second, before he continued it's rise. “It is just me...” He mumbled, taking a deep breath as he sent the moon on it's arc. Then he made his way back towards Ponyville. It was like Nightmare Night without the costumes. Everypony was awake, and doing things. There seemed to be a rather exciting party going on at the library, and despite himself he decided to go. He had never gone to a party before, and was relieved when he entered and nothing changed. Nopony seemed to even notice him come in. He wondered how many of them actually knew who he was. Overall it was very nice. It was a party, that's for sure. Though Corser was content to drink punch, and eat cupcakes and other baked goods that had been provided. He had planned to stay the whole time, until he heard somepony mention that they where excited to see Celestia, and the thought occurred to him. Would she be willing to grant him an audience now? It was worth a shot, and he would not have a better chance. It was less then an hour till sunrise, and as he headed towards the main hall, he could hear ponies making their way out as well. He found himself annoyed that they where not asleep. But many ponies got up early in Ponyville, and he knew in other places there where ponies on the same type of schedule as him. But that was of no concern. He made his way inside, and into the back, walking the halls. He came to a rather large room, leading to the balcony. Outside he could hear the Mayor saying something to the crowd. Then there was a slight chattering and the Mayor sounding worried, telling everypony to stay calm. Rarity came in from the balcony. She stared at him a moment. “Where's Princess Celestia?” She said, in a slightly more accusational tone than Corser would have liked. “I don't know. I've been looking through the whole building-” but she ran off before he could say anymore. He heard her say “She's gone!” The room gasped. And then he heard it. It was a voice more familiar to him than any. A voice he had heard throughout his dreams. “Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious, little sun-loving faces.” Corser could heard other voices, but his mind blanked out the words. There was nothing but the voice of Nightmare Moon. She chuckled, he could almost make her out through the curtains of the balcony. “Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?” He could hear Pinkie Pie saying something, it was hard to not hear her through the muffling in his own head, “Ooh, ooh, more guessing games! Um, Hokey Smokes! How about... Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty-” her voice cut out. To be replaced again by Nightmare Moon's, “Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?” He stumbled backwards, leaning heavily against the wall. It felt like her voice was coming from his own head. That new pony just said something, but he couldn't make it out. “Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here.” “What is going on...” He slumped down, closing his eyes. His head felt like it was splitting open. Nightmare Moon chuckled again. “Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!” He heard the Mayor yell, “seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!” “Stand back, you foals!” Her laughter split his head, and he had to close his eyes. ~ Then it was abruptly over, and the pain was gone, and he found himself laying on the ground. It was cold stone, but felt oddly comforting. He slowly got to his hooves. “What...” His voice sounded so far away, and so soft that he could hardly hear it himself. “Ah, the decedents my loyal subjects...” His eyes opened, and looked up at Nightmare Moon, who was looking out some sort of window that seemed to exist in the air itself. Around it was nothing but star speckled darkness. There was no floor that Corser was standing on, yet he could feel it. “It has been a thousand years, but I am sure that the descendents of my subjects will-” she stopped as she looked back. Corser felt her stare at him, and he couldn't help but look around. He was alone. “Descendent,” he corrected. It was something that he had suspected for a long time, but this was it. This was the proverbial nail in the coffin. He was the last one. “But how... Surely they could no have died in battle. I saw Celestia spare them!” He flinched slightly, and her expression softened. “What has happened to the bloodline of those that served me...” “Dead,” Corser said, he was staring at the ground, or lack there of. “Many of their own choice. Celestia may have spared those that sided with you, but she did not do so without scorn. She cursed all of them and their descendents to relive the battle in their dreams. And not just the ones that survived... All of them. Even those that had fallen mere minutes into the battle.” The rain of rocks had killed many. “Such horror...” She shook her head, and straightened. “I would not have been so cruel.” He could hear her coming towards him. “Death would have been a kinder fate,” he said, as he kneeled down, out of what felt like habit. “Then my first task as ruler of Equestria, is to undo such a wrongful deed.” The feeling of her horn touching his was intense, to say the least. But it was not unpleasant at all. It felt as though a weight of thousands had suddenly been lifted. A weight that he had not even been aware of. “Dreams are where one should find peace. Not torment.” He was at a loss for words, and for the first time since he could remember, he felt like crying. Crying for an actual reason for something that happened to him. But they where not sorrowful, they where full of joy. All he could manage was, “thank you, Princess.” She smiled slightly down at him. “Now. Rise. Tell me, who you are, and what Celestia has had you do.” He slowly got up, and looked up at her. Then and there, she looked the most beautiful thing he could possible imagine. “My name is Corser, and I am the night.” Her brow arched at him. “You are who Celestia replaced me with?” She laughed, and grinned before turning back to the window. “How perfect. The one pony who could possibly stand against me and raise the sun in my sisters place, is loyal to me... Perfect.” Thoughts raced through his mind. Equestria could not survive without the sun, but how could he explain that to her? “Princess...” She raised a hoof, and he fell immediately silent. “It seems... That that pony student of my sister is trying something...” She turned to look at Corser, and smiled. “I will deal with this momentarily... Please, keep an eye on my sister in my stead.” Corser felt a shiver run down his spine as she turned into smoke and rushed out the window. Or in through the window? He wasn't sure. But what he dreaded was the sight behind him, and he refused to turn around. “So you side with Her, Corser?” That actually made him angry. He actually felt angry. “How could I not?” He turned, and saw her. She had not been there a few moments ago, but his anger faltered at the sight of her. She was shackled with dark smoke, her horn encased in it as well. “I was sure no pony would choose to side with her... Not even the descendents of her supporters...” She sagged, staring at the ground. Anger bubbled again. “Do you even know who I am? Do you know who you appointed as the night of Equestria?” He sat down, he felt angry and frustrated. She raised her head to look at him. “What do you mean?” “I am one of those descendents. I am one of those that you cursed. One of those you made suffer a thousand years after you had already won.” She stared at him, remaining silent. “How could I not side with her? Especially after she has taken away your curse.” “I am sorry Corser... But you must look past that... Equestria cannot survive eternal night...” Her voice was weak. Corser shook his head. “I am aware of that. And all I must do is make sure that Nightmare Moon becomes aware of it.” Her head tilted slightly to the side. “You will attempt to reason with her?” “Yes. I will not go against her, for that would be foolish. But I know that when she understands that everypony will die without the sun, she will raise it.” He sat up a bit straighter. “In the end, all that changes will be who rules.” “Do you really hate me so much?” “How can I not?” She was frustrating him more and more now. “You cursed the blood of Luna's supporters. Not just those who supported her, but every single descendent. Thousands and thousands of ponies, who dwindled down to one because of how painful that curse was.” He took a deep breath, calming himself down slightly. “And don't even get me started on the hundreds, if not thousands of attempts I have made to seek council with you, in hopes of receiving mercy...” “Corser... I-” “Your apologies, or excuses mean nothing to me.” He was feeling better and better the more he ranted. “I have died for every day that I have lived. You could not understand that pain. To feel the loss of loved ones a thousand times over. To be beaten to death. Your supporters showed no mercy to the wounded. I could not even describe the brutality... And they did not suffer. Many of Luna's- No, Nightmare Moon's supporters never even harmed another pony, but they where butchered.” He took another deep breath, staring at her. But her head had sagged once more. He felt slightly triumphant. Several minutes past, he wasn't sure how many, and her head finally rose. “What will you do if she fails?” “Then I will surely die for my treason,” he said flatly. “The risk is well worth the reward... Just for the chance that it might work.” Celestia stared at him for a long time, and then smiled. “I am sorry Corser... But she has failed.” The smoke dissipated, and Celestia rose. He watched her as she stood up, and looked down at him. “Damn,” he muttered as he closed his eyes. > 3: Punishment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Corser opened his eyes, he was in a dark cell. He knew it to be a cell immediately, be the large, locked wooden door and the bars. The bars are a dead giveaway. What set this apart from a normal cell, or at least what Corser would have considered normal, was the large mirror. It flashed white, and he saw Celestia, and that purple pony, and several others, which he recognized as Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Celestia was saying something to the purple pony. Twilight was her name, wasn't it? “I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will as well. Princess Luna!” Luna gasped, and the mirror seemed to swivel to her. She looked nothing like she had, but it did not change the way Corser felt. “It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister.” Every other pony seemed to be shocked suddenly, saying, “sister?” Had that not been common knowledge? Corser had known that, but he supposed not everypony had memories as far back as he did. “Will you accept my friendship?” Celestia said, looking down at Luna. In the background, everypony was leaning foreword, and Pinkie fell foreword. “I'm so sorry!” Luna rushed foreword to Celestia. “I missed you so much, big sister!” The mirror flashed once again, showing nothing but the empty blackness of the cell. Corser laid down on the floor, and closed his eyes. The cold stone actually felt good. Something about the cold always felt good. Comforting. “Happy endings for all, but Corser...” He mumbled as he slowly fell asleep. It was the best sleep he had ever had. For the first time in his life, he dreamed of himself. Standing in the empty blackness speckled with stars. He felt... Good. He could live here. He could die here. Nothing mattered anymore. Everything was going to be fine and had never been wrong. But waking to a loud clang, broke that illusion immediately. He got up slowly, there was light spilling in through the door, and he saw an armored figure in front of him. “Let's go. Your trial will be starting soon.” Corser did not recognize the pony he now followed, or the three others behind him. But he recognized the hate in their eyes. He was sure that they would relish his execution. Surely word of his betrayal had spread far now. How he sided with Nightmare Moon, without hesitation. The came to a large door, with an elderly pony standing beside it. The doors opened and the elderly pony came up beside him. Corser spoke before he had a chance. “I refuse council. Nopony would defend me, nor will I put anypony into a position where they are forced to.” The doors shut behind him, and he looked up to see Celestia. “Nopony would care to listen to my words, and the Princess has already heard my reasons.” He walked slowly to the seat in the center of the room. He had seen a trial such as this a very long time ago, though it was a simple dispute. “For the record, Corser... You refuse council?” Celestia's voice boomed around the room, silencing the muttering. “For the record? Nopony will defend me, nor will I allow anypony to be forced to,” he felt the need to repeat himself on that point. For the record. “I have heard your reasons for your actions... But this court has not, will you repeat them?” Corser looked around the room as Celestia spoke. Everypony looked at him with hate, some even flinched at his gaze. “I will not,” he said, looking at Celestia. “Those words where meant for you, and I feel they would be detrimental to certain ponies if they where to be on record.” It sounded vaguely a threat, but Corser meant it as a promise of silence. If he has a choice, he will not speak to anypony for the rest of his life. Which wouldn't be long. He closed his eyes as he tried to recapture the feeling from the dream. He wondered if he would ever be that happy again. “Very well then...” She shifted papers on the table in front of her. “Corser. You are charged with aiding Nightmare Moon in her attempt to overthrow me. How do you plead?” Corser opened his eyes slowly. “Plead? You where there,” he said, staring at her. “For the record.” He sighed, shaking his head. “For the record then... I plead guilty, though guiltless.” There was a murmuring behind him. “What do you mean?” Celestia said, looking down at him. It was hard for her not to look down on anypony, but Corser truly felt as though she where towering over him. “I am guiltless, in my belief that what I did was right,” he said, and felt himself be struck with something. He looked down to watch the rock roll away. “And I would do it again, without hesitation. Nightmare Moon... Luna... It matters not,” he spoke softly as he watched the rock come to a stop. “She is the Princess I choose to follow.” His shoulder stung from where the rock had hit him, and it had apparently been thrown quite hard, as he could feel blood trickle down his arm. He could not remember ever bleeding. He had never had any injuries worse than a bruise. “Then you leave me no choice.” She straightened up, staring down at him. “Corser. I sentence you to be Luna's personal guard.” “What?” “You are to remain with her for the majority of time, and assist her in-” the crowd grew loud, and Celestia raised her voice to be heard over them, “retraining until I see she is fit to once again take control of the night! Until then you will remain in Canterlot, and continue acting as the night! Court Is adjourned!” She gave him a rather inappropriately large smile, and walked out. Without any other option, he followed after her. “What? That's it?” It was the only option, it was either run into the waiting group of guards, the crowd, or follow her. “That's it? I think you have been punished far worse than you think,” she replied, and stopped once they where a ways away from the noise. “You have suffered countless deaths. You have lived the lives of thousands. I believe you have suffered enough... And I am sorry. I put you through much...” He looked at her a moment. “Where is Princess Luna? If I am to be her personal guard... I'm going to start now... And how long until sunset?” For some reason, the sense of responsibility was invigorating. But it was probably more the fact that he was not going to be executed. “Sunset is not for several hours,” Celestia said, smiling slightly. “If you head down this hall, and up the staircase at the end, you will find Luna. She has not left her room since we returned.” He did not give Celestia a second glance, and headed off down the hallway. She had spared his life, time would tell if that was a mistake. Right now he was more focused on Luna. She abandoned her ideas of conquest so easily, and had changed so much. What had Celestia's student done to her? There where so many questions buzzing through his head now. He slowed as he came to a staircase, taking each step in slow turn. What would become of him? “Personal guard... I guess there will be ponies against her even now...” He muttered, and stared at the door at the top of the stairs. “And me...” The doors where large, though when he tried them, unlocked. He pushed them open, despite it being day, it was dark. The windows thickly curtained, and the room painted dark. In the middle, was a large pile of blankets. “Who's there?” He heard the soft voice, and it ran a shiver down his spine. He turned and closed the door gently, closing his eyes. His night vision had been ruined by the courtroom, but here... Here it was nice. “I swore loyalty to you,” he said softly. “Though it proved of no value...” There was a moment of silence, before a shifting behind him. “Corser...” Her voice was soft, and he knew not how to answer. He felt as though he failed. “You are alive...” She sounded longing, as if begging for it to be true. “I am.” He leaned against the door slightly, taking a deep breath. “Celestia spared me... Instead sentencing me to be your guard, and tutor...” He turned to look at her, she looked so young now. As if with the loss, she gave time in exchange for her life. “I begged...” She said, laying her head down onto a pillow, closing her eyes. “I begged her not to kill you... It was my fault... I did everything... I... I begged...” She looked on the brink of tears, but did not seem sad. At least not over that. “I would have preferred you not have...” She stared blankly at him. “I was prepared to die for what I believe. Knowing that you begged... She did not spare me out of kindness... She did it to further torment me... To see the one who I revere downtrodden to such lows, and know there is nothing I can do...” He could not look at her anymore. “But you are alive, Corser...” “Alive, and forced to do what she wants me to...” He closed his eyes, slumping against the door. “But I am being selfish... You are the one who has suffered this indignity... So close to your goal...” He heard rustling again before she spoke, “and yet I would have failed in the end... She explained it to me, and what you told her... I do not know if you're attempts to convince me would have succeeded...” “It would have,” he said, taking another deep breath. “There would have been no alternative... All of your subjects would have otherwise died... You would have had to raise the sun. I know it was going to be a challenge, but I know you would have seen reason...” “I hope that you would have been correct,” she whispered. She was standing a short distance away from him. “But you cannot continue thinking of what if's... We lost. We had lost before it even began.” He looked at her, it was odd not having to look up anymore. “Then you have no plan for a coup?” She shook her head, and Corser turned away. “Then I have nothing but what she has given me...” “Do not think of it that way Corser,” she said as she sat down. “How should I think of it than?” He refused to look at her. Every time he did he felt the fault of their failure crushing him. “You are all that I have left, Corser... The only pony beside my sister... She has punished you with the thing that I wanted most...” Once again he forced himself to look upon her, her tears fell softly. “Is that truly such a horrid punishment, that you would prefer death?” Now he felt worse. “No... I'm sorry... I chose my words poorly...” “Do not think of it as punishment... This is your second chance... A chance to do things that you could not... You are my guard... My Captain...” Her voice was soft, and Corser could tell that it was a struggle for her to even stand. She had not stayed in her room out of choice. “Come...” He said, taking a step to her side. “You should rest...” The smile she gave him, made him feel better. She leaned against him for support as he lead her back towards her bed. “Could you... Get me something to eat? I asked for something earlier but nopony ever came back... It wasn't unexpected... They all expect me to turn...” He nodded slightly, as she made her way back under the covers. “As you wish, my lady.” She gave him a large smile, which faded only slightly as she fell back to sleep. He moved out of the room quietly, and leaned against the outside of the door. There where several realizations he made at the top of that staircase, in front of that door. First, she made him Captain of the Night Guard, which had no ponies. Second, she was weak, and tired from the whole ordeal and would take time to have any strength. Third... He finally had somepony to care about besides himself, and that felt good. And lastly, he had no idea where to get food. ~ Was it the right look for him? That was difficult to tell. He was never very good at fashion, and he was sure that it was way, way, WAY out of style after a thousand years but... But it was Night Guard attire. Luna had mentioned that it was something that was required to be worn by guards, when he had brought in food. Of course that was after finding Celestia, raising the moon and starting the night. Bit now he felt mildly silly looking in the mirror. The light purple armor, the odd frill on his head... He would have to make major adjustments to this. He did like the sort of cape though, that would stay. It had taken an hour to find a suit that fit, and was still in good enough shape to wear. Honestly he'll be rid of the entire outfit if he has any say to it. And he could only find the front two hoof guards. But it would have to do. He had to recruit, and his first stop was the bar. It was where the guards went when they where off shift. It seemed the best place. When recruiting guards, best to talk to guards first. It was silent as he moved through the garden to the bar, it was apparent that it used to be some odd barn converted into a bar, or a bar that was supposed to look like a barn. Why somepony would do that, Corser had no idea. What he did know, was the entire place went silent when he entered. He took a few steps in, to make sure that he had everyponies attention. “As many of you know, I am not Captain of the Night Guard,” there was an annoying of murmuring, “and since I am currently the only Night Guard, we are recruiting.” There was a moments silence, and then the entire bar burst into laughter. “Nopony would ever join a traitor like you!” There was a pegasus who pushed a pony out his way. The laughter died down to chuckles, as he approached. Bright gold mane, with blue fur. “You tell him Jet!” Somepony called. The pony known as Jet approached Corser, despite probably having a few beers, he was sturdy on his feet. Corser watched the way he walked, it was easy tell he was a tough pony. One who liked fighting. Yet as he approached, he knew exactly what he was going to do. Corser leaned slightly to the side, and watched as Jet's hoof went through the space his head had occupied. The bar immediately went silent. He leaned back, and watched as Jet's other hoof went past. “Stand still!” Jet snarled. But despite his words, Corser easily dodged everything Jet threw at him. Where had he learned to fight? Corser had never been in a fight in his life. Then the thought struck him. His life. How many warriors memories did he have in his head? The fighting experience of thousands culminated into one pony. Corser didn't even look as he kicked a back leg out, which connected with Jet's back leg, sending him face first into the floor. “Interesting...” Corser mumbled as he looked back at Jet, who struggled to his feet. He ducked as another hoof flew over his head, and this pony got a return hoof under the jaw, sending him sprawling over a table. Over and over ponies came at him, each one, dropped with a single hit. Only when the majority of the room was on the floor, and Corser was well out of breath, panting, did they finally stop. “Ya know what?” Corser said, breathing heavily. “Nevermind... I retract my invitation... I don't want... Any of you... Under my command...” He turned, and saw a sight that he really, really did not want to see. “What do you think you're doing?” Shining Armor said, staring at Corser. “Who are you? What are you doing in that ridiculous armor?” The comment about the armor seemed unnecessary to Corser, going by the circumstances. “I'm Corser... Captain of the Night Guard...” He was still out of breath. “These ponies attacked me... Calling me a traitor... Granted... It's true... Still hurts my feelings though...” “And so you beat them?” He was glaring at Corser, but Corser had felt that glare from the leaders of armies, and in turn given that glare to subordinates. And they did it better. “I am not... Going to simply let some pompous pony lay me out when I have received a full pardon,” he said, finally regaining his breath. He wasn't sure if he could take Shining Armor in a fight, either of might or magic. And even if he could, should he? It would be more work for himself in the long run. “Now, you are blocking the exit, and I would like to leave.” To his surprise, Shining Armor actually moved out of the way. “Then get out.” He did not hesitate, but nor did he rush. He strolled out of the bar, as if he owned the place. Which honestly, he felt like he did. None of those ponies had even struck a single blow, or even gotten close. That first one though... He would need to be watched. Corser wasn't sure how many times he put that one down... That... Jet. He would be a pony to be reckoned with if he had more skill. ~ Despite regaining his breath, Corser was exhausted. He had the knowledge, and the ability, but not the stamina to keep it all going. He retired to Luna's room, which was the only place he felt safe in the palace. Luna gave him a soft smile upon his return. “I'm not wearing this,” he said as he began removing the armor. “It's cumbersome, and chafes. It might have been fashionable a thousand years ago... But it needs some major redesign before I wear it again.” Luna giggled from her bed of pillows. “Alright. I will not make you wear it.” He pushed the armor into a pile, glad to be rid of it. “I met Shining Armor, and his ponies...” “Oh?” She was looking out the window, which was open now. He guessed it must be hard for her to not be able to do her job. To be stuck in bed while she recovers. “Who is that?” There was a moment of hesitation. “He is the captain of the Day Guard.” She looked at him, slight puzzlement on her face. “How did that go?” “Got in a fight,” he said with a sigh. She perked up slightly, but he raised a hoof. “I'm fine. And they'll be fine... Eventually.” She laid her head back down, looking at him. “I was not aware you where such a fighter...” He sighed and sat down. “Nor was I... But apparently I am... It is because of the curse. Endless battles... Thousands of lives... All those memories...” He looked at her, to see that she was smiling. “Then you are more than capable of being my captain.” > 4: Hate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He was not sure why exactly he could not sleep. There where several reasons for it, that was sure. But which one in specific? He was the only one to keep watch over essentially all of Equestria now. That blasted captain. Shining Armor... He had just been promoted to captain a few weeks ago, apparently. Youngest captain in recorded history, in fact. But like everypony, he was going against him. It did not matter what Celestia said. Pulling out all of the guards from the night, and re-assigning them to the day shift. There was a shifting across the room. Which was another reason he could not sleep. It was... Odd. He had no room here in Canterlot, and so he was staying in the same room with Princess Luna. Mostly for her protection. Or at least that's what he had been told. He had never shared a room with anypony. Plus, she was a Princess. He just felt... Out of place. Awkward. On top of that, he was sleeping on the floor. In front of the door. There where so many problems he had to solve at this point. Nopony would side with him, except for Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. Slowly, he got up, taking a deep breath. He was tired, but sleep wouldn't come. What was he going to do? There had to be guards at night. He couldn't do it himself. Could he? Again the pile of blankets shifted. Princess Luna tossed quite a lot in her sleep. Perhaps Princess Celestia would have some sort of solution to the problem. Though he had issues asking her of all ponies. But he was, at this point, out of options. There was a moment of hesitation, before he decided that he should leave Princess Luna a note, in case she woke up. Once that was done, he left the room, as quietly as possible. Where would Celestia be at this time? He was sure that she would not be too difficult to find. It was not long at all, in fact. She was sitting in the main hall, talking to somepony. “I am not fond of the looks that I receive,” he said. The conversation stopped. “Ah, Corser. If you would allow me a moment to finish, we can discuss,” Celestia said as she gave him a smile. Discuss? Did she already know why he had come to her? She probably did. It was an obvious problem. One that she should be helping to deal with anyways, or at least, that's what he felt. So far, she had not been helpful. She allowed Shining Armor to remove all his guards from the night watch. It bothered him how she could look at him like that. Like he had done nothing wrong. But what he said was true. The looks that everypony gave him where... Horrible. He missed the days when ponies looked at him in fear, or avoided looking at him at all. It was better than the hatred he saw in their eyes. He shook his head, and sat down. “I can wait.” After all, he had plenty of time. He only recently lowered the moon after all. He occupied himself with his own thoughts, and ignored their conversation. It held no interest to him, and tuned it out when he heard the word farming. The biggest thing he would need to work on, was finding guards. It had been a fairly rough night, with just him. Jet had caused problems, but Shining Armor dealt with him. Apparently he caused issues every night. What else was on his list... Redesigning the Night Guard attire. It would need to be far more basic, easier to move in. He was also fairly certain that the armor he had attempted to wear had been made for an earth pony. Then there was the matter of actually assigning the guards to posts... And retraining Luna. Hopefully that would prove simple. She seemed so willing to learn, almost impatient to- “what was it you needed Corser?” Celestia's voice snapped him back, and he saw the other pony leaving. “Ah, yes.” He bowed out of habit, though that sort formality felt odd, “I am having difficulties recruiting guards. None of the day guards are willing to cooperate, and I feel as though citizens would be insufficient.” “Does nothing else come to mind?” That smile was starting to annoy him. Just being in her presence annoyed him. But what did she mean? He thought for a moment, and then slowly shook his head. “I am afraid not. I have not been able to think of anyponies that would help.” She nodded slowly. Knowingly. “Yes, I would think not. Ponies that could help, would not, because of what you have done.” That seemed a little harsh, coming from her. “So you must look at ponies, who would not care if you are a traitor.” His brow wrinkled. How could she be so nonchalant about his betrayal? It made no sense to him. “Somepony... Who wouldn't... Care...” Nothing was coming to mind. This was frustrating. But from what he knew of Celestia, she was far more about letting ponies work out their own problems. Though she had a point. If such ponies existed, then they would be the best option. Then something stirred within his head, slowly something came back. There was... Something. “Only ponies who wouldn't care, would be the ones who sided with Luna. And I'm the only one who did that.” “Where you?” Her smile was almost infuriating at this point. Something about the subtlety of it, while at the same time being so blatantly obvious. “Is there somepony that I'm not aware of? Somepony that just so happened to side with her, but did nothing?” He was trying to hold down his anger, but getting her to simply answer a question was so difficult. He was tired, and he just wanted an answer from her. Why was that so difficult? “Mmm... I am not sure if they did nothing,” she said as she turned away from him. “I'm not sure they where even aware of her return... I did not curse them. Them, I merely banished.” It was as if she was waring for something to click inside his head. But she was either playing one of her silly games, or she thought he knew something that it was obvious he didn't. “What did you banish?” “Why don't you go and find out? I'm sure they would love to see you.” He opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it immediately. He had to thing for a moment, before he spoke again. “And where should I start?” “I do believe there is a train leaving for the Hollow Shades in half an hour,” once again her smile turned to him. “I shall inform Luna of your departure. And I will be sure Shining Armor assigns guards for the night while you are gone. Remember to raise the moon, wont you?” ~ He had to run, fast. It was little to go on. In fact, it was nothing to go on but a subtle hint from Celestia. But why would she send him there? What was in Hollow Shades that she banished? Or, more likely, was it just the first step. But at least, he managed to sleep on the train ride, and he awoke, as if on cue, to raise the moon, as Celestia was lowering the sun. Of course, he had to climb on top of the train car in order to do it. He needed space. Nopony tried to stop him, which he found odd, but not surprising. Of course, he didn't want to get down now. It was so refreshing to be on top. But there was still work to be done. The next part was to shield the Everfree forest. From here, he could barely see the forest, and could not see the magic that he was even casting. It looked as though he was just sending magic off into the night sky. Then, there was Hollow Shades. It reminded him of a mixture of Ponyville, and a much nicer Everfree Forest. Dark. Very dark actually, with trees that stretched up into the sky, until there was nothing but branches, and leaves above. As he stood on the platform, the train leaving behind him, he tried to think what to do next. He was here. What now. “What now...” He muttered. Did she banish something to the forest? No, that wouldn't make sense. He walked out into the town. It was... Quite pretty. Like, a land of eternal night, lanterns hanging from everywhere, like stars. There was a Pegasus floating about, and replacing lights that had gone out. Such an interesting place. He wandered this way and that, just... Exploring the streets. This was a place that seemed active all day and night. It was such a great sight. As he watched them go through their lives, he had a sudden realization. If he had been the night for everyone, then that meant that he had urged these ponies to sleep. That was an odd thought. All of them. Was it in all of Equestria? Again that question went through his mind. Focus on something else, keep your mind off that. But remember to ask Celestia about it. Think of something else... Like... Princess Luna. Think about how you just left her alone. No, don't think about that. But now he couldn't help it. He had left her alone, with nothing more than a note saying that he had gone to see Celestia about finding some night guards. Would she be alright through the night without him? Well... She was a Princess. She probably didn't need him at all... Now he had made himself depressed again. He did that far too often, but he couldn't help it. It was why he shouldn't let his mind wander in those sorts of directions. Maybe someday he would be able to not do that. To just be able to simply... Go a a week without making himself sad. He had no reason to be depressed. Well, except for the fact that everypony hated him, or at least everypony he knew of. “What are you doing here?” The voice had drawn him back, and he looked down at the little filly who was... Yes, glaring at him. Those bright blue eyes seemed to shine in this gloom. It was... Odd. “Should you not be asleep?” He said, quite softly. He had not realized that he could speak in such a way. Softly, and tenderly. Yet she was still glaring at him. “I just woke up,” was her response as she rubbed her eye. “I see. I just got here,” still he kept that soft tone. “But what are you doing here?” Apparently, ponies where already teaching their foals of him. “I'm looking for something, but I don't know what,” it was weird saying it out loud, but that was what he was doing. She stared at him, less of a glare now. “How are you going to do that?” “I don't know,” he said, and sighed, looking around again. There where several moments of silence, where she simply stared at him. “My daddy says you're a bad pony.” “I'm sure he does,” Corser was hardly paying attention to her now. He was getting quite a lot of rather mean looks now, as word slowly spread that he had arrived in town. And he was sure that those who didn't know what he had done, where promptly being told. “He says you should've been punished.” She was following him now, trotting behind him. It wasn't like he was trying to get away from her, just that he needed to make some sort of progress. “I am. Believe me.” At least, he sure felt like it. Just from the way everypony was treating him. “He said, that if he ever met you, he would have some very choice words.” Was this how a normal foal's brain worked? He supposed that it must be. “Well, where is he? I'd gladly listen,” he said, looking down at the filly. “Honestly he would have nothing to say I've not heard yet.” She grinned, and trotted off. Well now, that should probably be interesting. He decided that this may be at least a little entertaining, and so he decided to follow her. If not entertaining, than at least a distraction. Following her lead him to a large building, several ponies went in and out, and all moved quickly out of his way. He came in right in the middle of a conversation of the little filly, and who he assumed was her father, “not lying. He really is!” Her father, a rather large, amber colored pony, did not look happy. “Now that is quite enough, you know you shouldn't-” “I do believe the young filly, expressed that you had words for me?” The room went silent, as every single pony stared at Corser. “Or perhaps I was misheard her?” The nervousness was quite clear on the other ponies face, with his matching blue eyes searching for some way to get out of it. “I... Uhm...” “I will take that as a no then. But, I have words for you.” Corser looked around. “For all of you. You think that what I did was wrong. I do not. Nor does Celestia think what I did was wrong,” or at least he guessed that she did, “otherwise, why would she pardon me? You judge me by one action. An action that I personally am proud that I made.” There was a much larger crowd now, and he had all of their attentions. “You ponies merely want something to hate. Well, that's fine. But do not force your hate unto your foals.” He turned, and found his way blocked by a crowd. But as he moved foreword, they parted. “If you expect me to cause trouble, you will be disappointed. Celestia wanted me to come here, so here I am.” “He's here to find something,” the little filly said from somewhere inside the room. “Yes. And though I don't know what, I am sure that Celestia would not send me here, just to waste time.” She wouldn't do that, would she? Was this more of his punishment? A random goose-chase? Would she- a bell rang off in the distance and broke him from his thoughts. Suddenly he was no longer the center of attention, as the entire town rushed towards the bell. “We spotted one!” It was one of the shouts he heard. It was as if the entire town was moving in one direction. “Shadow!” “A shadow?” Corser said, watching the ponies rush off. “They steal food. And stuff,” the little filly was there beside him, looking up at him. “And stuff?” He looked back at her, and she nodded. “What kind of stuff?” “Like... Toys. One stole my ball a few months ago. Daddy says I must have lost it, but I know one stole it, cus it wasn't where I left it.” “Right...” The ponies had all gotten lanterns, and where running about, seemingly at random, shoving the light into every dark spot they could. “Red Beats says they live in caves in the mountain, but Cherry Sunday says that that's just what they tell foal's to keep us away from the mountain. But then Red Beats says that that's just what they want you to think, so you don't go looking for them. But then Cherry Sunday says that that defeats the purpose of even telling us about it. Then Red Beats usually hits Cherry Sunday, and then Cherry hits him back, and they do that for a while, till they get tired, or a grown up comes and stops them. Sometimes they argue more before they start fighting. They fight a lot, and mommy says that's cus Red likes Cherry.” “Caves...” Banished? Could she have simply banished them underground? The question is, what did she banish? How do you find, and then talk to a shadow? “Right then... That's a clue to my next step if I've ever seen one. Which way are the mountains?” She pointed, “thanks.” “If you talk to the shadow's... Can you get my ball back? Daddy wont get me another one.” As he looked at her, he couldn't say no. “If I find them.” She smiled up at him. “If you can't, it's fine. They probably have little shadow's who want toys,” and with that, she trotted back inside. A pony inside, who Corser could only assume was her mother, glared at him. He sighed, and turned the way she had pointed. Of course, he couldn't see any mountains through the trees, but there was a road. Which he followed. And it was a nice walk. It was quite long, though it was quite dark. But Corser liked the dark. It was soothing. Unfortunately, it was not very good for reading signs. He lit his horn, and for a moment, he was blind. And then there was the massive amount of sudden noise as things in the trees, and bushes by the road ran. “Ah- sorry,” he said, in what felt like a pathetic manner. “Damn thing...” He tried to look up at his horn for a moment, but soon realized he could never see it. “Either full on, or off with you, ain't it...” It was one of the things he could never quite get the hang of, ever since he was young. His mother used to tell him that it shone like starlight. It sort of did. Her little star- He shook his head, and looked at the sign. “Foal Mountain... Five miles,” he read allowed, to give himself something to do. “Well, then, I suppose that's not so bad.” He shut off his light, and was once again blind. A sigh left him, as he sat down, and waited for his vision to adjust to the little light that filtered through the trees. The noises in the bushes and trees around him didn't scare him. With his magic, and newly found fighting abilities, he was confident that nothing would probably scare him for the rest of his life. But now that he thought about it, that probably wasn't true. He really had to stop thinking like this, or he would just keep contradicting himself. “Again, sorry,” he said, when his vision had returned, and he started down the path again. “That was more than too bright...” He rubbed his eyes. Of course, there was no response. Well, not counting an owl who hooted in what sounded like annoyance at Corser scaring away some sort of prey. But other than that, nothing seemed to bother with him. He wondered if there where any of those... Shadows, watching him. In the darkness, he could see nothing but shifting bushes, and perhaps the glint of eyes. But there where hundreds of night dwelling creatures, and it could be any number of them. > 5: Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was the closest Corser had ever been to a mountain. He really never got out much except in the nightmares, and none of them where in mountainous areas. But this could not measure to any of his imaginings, not that he had ever imagined going to a mountain. Now the sea... That he had imagined may times. Some of the ponies had come from there, and he had the memories of going there. Sure, someponies had memories of mountains, but when one sees mountains every day, they are nothing to be impressed about. He shook his head, and took a deep breath. He had to find a way in, if the little filly had been right, this was what he was looking for. “Oh,” there was a cave, not too far off the little road, which went up the mountain. He moved over to the cave. It was pitch black. He cleared his throat, and was about to call down, but that felt... Silly. What if there was nothing there. He sighed, and lit his horn. It did... Not light much of all in fact. It seemed... Dim, in the darkness of the cave, and the sunlight did not seem to help. There was the sound of dripping water from somewhere deep within. And it looked deep. He was careful as he walked down the sloping passage. Though it seemed... Well used. That was a very good thing, and promising. But it was a tad slick. It probably flooded when it rained. It seemed the farther he went down, the darker his light got. Which was odd... The shadow things must have some sort of magic. And like the dark. But that was fine by him. As long as he had enough light to actually see things. It was a very slow pace, but he was in no hurry. He had plenty of time, he had reached the mountain just in time to lower the moon. The moment he became impatient, he slipped. He tried his best to not, but the slick floor was worse the deeper he went. Perhaps it was to the point of slimy. But he slid, slowly picked up speed, in a sitting position now, and trying in vain to slow himself down. Could he manage magic while he was trying to light at the same time? Unfortunately, or fortunately, the stalagmite stopped him before he tried to find out. He took a deep breath, and shook his head. The air was... Surprisingly not stale like he had for some reason expected. Just very damp. Slowly he moved around the stalagmite, noticing how there where quite a few of them. There was silence, except for the slow drip drip of water. At least it had flattened out here, and he moved slowly further in, and he could hear something else. Something over the sound of water. He wasn't sure what it was, until he moved into another chamber. It felt bigger than the other one, and he was sure of now, especially when the little ball came bouncing out of the darkness. He stared at it a moment, “hello?” He said softly, cautiously, as he gave the ball a gentle kick back the direction it came. But he was met with silence. Then the ball bouncing back towards him. He sat down, and gave it another kick back where it came. His eyes wandered around as he waited for it to come back. There was no way to be sure it would, but he was confident it would. His light was not strong enough to make it very bright, and he could not see very far away. But the ball did come back. “Never played with a ball,” he said, noticing he gained the softness he had found previously. But he kicked the ball back. “I never had toys of any sort. Besides sticks, or rocks I guess...” Again, back to Corser, then back into the darkness. He felt like he was almost talking to himself, and probably would have, if the ball didn't keep coming back. “That doesn't sound fun,” the voice was soft, and sounded quite young. Back and forth. “Oh it could be,” back and forth, “I didn't know any different. I thought finding a cool rock was the best thing...” He shook his head, laughing softly. If he looked hard enough into the darkness, he thought he could see a pair of eyes, though it was simply a glint, that he assumed where eyes. The ball must have hit a stone or something, as it came back to Corser, because it stopped just inside the area of light. “There are lots of rocks down here.” The glint moved behind a stalagmite. “They're no fun...” “I bet you don't get toys very often,” he scooted back, away from the ball until he could only make out it's shape. “Not as often as we'd like. But it's not often they leave them out. Especially now.” He saw the glint come back, and could vaguely make out the shape. It was pony shaped, and not as young as Corser had thought. Almost to the point where she would not be called a foal. She looked at him, her eyes glowed in the soft light. They where... Catlike, and a shade of light purple. “Why are you here? Ponies don't come down here.” “Well, I'm looking for something,” he said, smiling slightly. She clung to the ball. “Not my ball.” “Well, no. Not exactly,” he said, chuckling slightly. “More looking for... Well, looking for what lives down here.” “Ponies who do that, don't stay for long...” She was still holding the ball close. “Why not?” “Because of me.” There was... The opposite of a flash, and Corser acted instinctively. Something slid away from him, and the light of his horn was now bright as it had always been. The magic that was suppressing it was gone. Corser was on his feet, glaring at the pony who had just attempted to do... Something to him. “That is no way to treat a guest,” Corser said, as he watched the move, unfolding wings. Bat wings. It was pony shaped, but was most definitely different. Bat wings, tufts of fur on it's ears, cat slit eyes... Even the mane looked slightly odd. The little one ran, and screamed out, “help!” Corser let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head. “Damn it. Well, so much for first impressions.” He walked slowly over to the shape as it tried to get up. “Now. Do not do that again.” There was a lot of commotion, and what sounded like hundreds of wings. And he looked up. Dozens of eyes stared down at him, and many of these ponies had taken to the air, several where landing. “What did you do?” Somepony was saying as they where helping the other pony up. “Defending myself. You cannot simply sneak up on somepony, and then cast something at them, and expect them not to react,” though his argument felt empty. “It is like some sort of star,” was something he heard in the murmuring. He cleared his throat, looking around. Many had landed, but still many more where hanging from the ceiling, staring down. “My name is Corser, if you care, and I come with a proposition.” He was met with blank stares. “I'm sure you are familiar with Princess Celestia, and-” There was a large commotion, some of which where death threats, and general curses. It wasn't until somepony shouted, “silence!” And it fell silent immediately. Wherever that had come from, they where most definitely the leader. “And Princess Luna,” silence. “Princess Luna has returned, and in her return, all those that sided with her during her betrayal, have been granted full pardon,” there was a lot of muttering, and shifting as somepony made their way to the front. “That means, you are no longer banished.” “Who are you, to make such claims?” The pony that came forth was old. Not very old, but at that point where when looking at him, the word old sprang to mind. His wings where tattered, and judging from the milkiness, he was blind in one eye. “I am Corser. Captain of the Night Guard, appointed by Princess Luna.” There was a lot, a lot lot, of murmuring now. “Be quiet,” the old pony said, and they all fell silent. “And so you have come to us... To say we are free to roam as we please? Just like that?” Corser could not help but notice the sharp fang. Only one, it seemed he was missing the other. “As I understand it. Yes,” he looked around. They where all staring at him. “Not many of us where alive than... And I am the last of those that fought...” He moved closer to Corser, well into the light now, and it was easy to see that what he said was true. Battered was an understatement. “And you are saying... That we are to just forget out struggles? Forget what she has done to us? Banished us from the moonlight? It is a fate worse than death... How dare you come and preach such nonsense.” “Do not talk to me of struggles,” Corser snapped, glaring at him. “If I could bare the scars of what I have gone through, I would be nothing but them.” He stepped towards the old bat. “I have fought, and died more times than any could imagine. You where punished with darkness. I was punished with death, a thousand times over.” He was now face to face with the haggard thing. “You know nothing of pain. You know nothing of torment. You cannot comprehend what it means to be punished. You have lived a thousand years,” the old pony backed away as Corser advanced, “but you did not live and die every night. You had but one fight. I have had countless. You have nothing but the memory of that night of what you did.” The old pony fell back, and Corser stood over him, looking down at him. “You have lived a thousand years, I have lived a thousand lifetimes. Do not dare compare you to me.” He turned away, looking at the group. “I am Captain Corser of the Night Guard. Any of you who wish to serve Princess Luna, may come with me. You will be the guardians of the night. And the others, are free to go anywhere they wish.” There was now bursts of conversation as Corser made his way back to the ramp out. “Wait.” Corser stopped, but he did not turn. “You...” The old pony was moving towards him, slowly. “You have been through the war... How?” “It is what Celestia cursed the ponies with. Relive the lives of those who sided against her.” It hurt to say it. To even think about it. “But Nightmare Moon took it away when she returned. To which I am sure you would have flocked to her side had you known of her return.” “Yes,” he said, staring at Corser. “We would have gone to her side, as we did in olden times.” “And now?” Corser looked back at the old pony. At his side, was the little filly who had spoken to him. “Now there is doubt in your eyes. You have been beaten down, and you accept it.” The old pony glared at him, but he did not have any argument it seemed. No words to retort. “Can we really go outside?” Corser looked down, and he saw the little one staring up at him. Her purple eyes where so large, and bright. “We can really be under the moonlight?” She was so close now, not afraid of his light it seemed, and now he could see clearly all the differences. Two large sharp teeth, a mane that looked rough and choppy, black with a dark violet streak. And those eyes. Vertical slits in a sea of soft purple. The anger that he had felt just a moment ago was gone now, and he smiled. He couldn't help it. “Yes,” his voice had the soft tone once more. “And it is beautiful.” “You give her false hope,” it was the pony that had attacked him. “You-” A look was all it took from Corser. But it was not one of anger, now it was of pity, and disgust. “You have no hope.” He looked back down at her. “All of you who come with me, can live beneath the moon and stars. Everypony else, can stay if they want.” He began walking back the way he had came. They shied away from his light. When he left, he heard the burst of conversation. Arguments. He stopped at the stalagmite that he had slid into, and saw the ball pass him. He looked to his side, and there was the little pony, staring up at him. She was grinning up at him, and he could not help but look at her sharp fangs. “I want to see the moon.” He chuckled softly, nodding. “Yes. You shall see the moon. But it is day right now.” He wondered how long he had been down here for. It felt like days. “You will take me into the moonlight?” She was staring up at him with this... Child like wonder. It was the only way he could think to describe it. He could still hear arguing going on, but there where more of the bat ponies coming up. It seemed some had made their decision. The one that approached him, looked quite young, but Corser was fairly certain there was no real way to judge their age, but he had golden eyes. There eyes where so expressive. They looked quite similar aside from the shade of their fur and mane's, but none of their eyes where the same. Color, perhaps, but not the shine. “You can truly take us from here? If we serve under Princess Luna, we can leave?” Corser sighed, and shook his head. “No. You do not have to serve Princess Luna. You can do as you want. You are not banished. I am offering you a place to go. Something to do.” They stared at him, and he felt he had to continue, “your freedom comes at no price. No cost. You are, right now, free.” A green eyed one spoke next, “I wish to serve Princess Luna.” “Than you shall enlist in the Night Guard, and become a guard of her, Canterlot, Equestria, and the night.” The crowd was growing, and the arguing seemed more intense in the other chamber. “That means, that you will serve under Celestia as well.” He was expecting some sort of protest at this, but the most he got was a few looks of distaste. “And protect her as well. If you cannot do that, you do not have to.” “I thought Celestia was bad,” again the little pony spoke. Corser looked down at her, and smiled. “What is your name?” “Dusky.” His smile widened a bit, “well little Dusky. I thought that, too. And I still kind of do. But... She's changed a lot in a thousand years. I do not know her reasons, but she made a lot of decisions out of anger, and sadness. But with Princess Luna's return, it seems she has forgiven her, and everypony else.” He watched as her head slowly tilted to one side. “You think she is bad?” Of course that would be what she took away from that. He chuckled softly, and stood up straight. “Yes. I do not like Celestia for what she has done for me, and I doubt I ever will. But it is worth it, to serve Princess Luna,” there was a lot of muttering through the crowd. “Just to be close to her... Just to see her...” He stopped, and cleared his throat. “But we can do whatever we want?” It looked like everypony was there, staring at him. “Yes. You can go far away, if you want. Explore Equestria. Explore the world,” Corser felt like they where all completely wrapped in what he said. Whenever he spoke, they all fell silent. “But we can see Princess Luna?” There was more than silence now. Something deeper than silence. Every single one of them, even those in the other room who had decided to stay. “She will be happy to see everypony. She has been alone for far too long,” with that, Corser turned to the ramp. “And now. We shall travel to Canterlot.” “We cannot go out into the sun...” Somepony said. Corser stopped for a moment. How much power did he have, he wondered. “We shall see if that is true.” They made good time up the ramp, especially as he had no fear of slipping now. There where dozens of ponies to catch him. It was quite quick going in fact, as nopony was taking their time. They all wanted to go out. He wondered who stayed behind. They probably would not stay for long. The moment somepony came back, and told them that Corser was telling the truth, none would be left in these caves. The sun was an almost comforting sight from the darkness of the cave, and he put his light out. But the closer he got, the few stayed by his side. “It hurt my eyes,” Dusky said, she was the only pony who went this far with him. “It hurts mine, too,” and it did. He was a pony accustomed to the night. The only sun he saw was the evening, and morning sun. But this was the late afternoon sun. He had been down there for most of the day. “In more ways than physical...” Where the sun started, they both stopped. “Is it going to hurt?” “I'm not sure. I don't know what species you even are,” Corser waved his hoof vaguely into the sunlight. It was very warm. Behind him he could here the shuffling as the group of ponies shuffled foreword. She followed his movements, waving her hoof vaguely in the sunlight. Copper half expected smoke to rise from it. “It doesn't hurt... But it's too bright...” He looked outside a moment, and then nodded. “I agree... Far too bright. We shall wait until sunset, and then go to Canterlot.” As they sat, a lot of things went through Corser's mind. He had solved the biggest problem. How would things work out now? All of them would be loyal to Luna, he was sure of that. And through her, they would be loyal to him. Then it dawned on him. He had an army. Not a very large one... But it could be enough, couldn't it? “Thus sun is going down,” Dusky said. He blinked, and looked outside, his back was to the entrance, looking over the dozens of shining eyes. He moved out slowly, and stretched. “I guess it's time then.” Yes, that's right. It's time to do his job. “Time for what?” Dusky asked, which was echoed by many. He watched as the sun descended, and then, he raised the moon. It was the first time he had done it with an audience, especially a wide eyed, dropped jaw crowd, which moved out under the night sky as he rose the moon. “You... Can raise the moon.” It was a statement, and Corser wasn't sure which pony said it. It took focus to do so, and to then send out waves of magic to the Everfree. “Yes,” he said, turning to the group. “Princess Luna doesn't have the strength to do it as of yet, she has been weakened from her transformation back from Nightmare Moon was draining. And now that she has-” he had to stop himself from saying army, “her guards, she will be able to focus on regaining her strength.” Dusky, and many of the other batponies stared at the moon in fascination. “It's so beautiful,” she said softly. Corser looked at her for a moment, smiling. “And you will get to see it every night. Now, come. We should reach Canterlot by morning, since you can all fly. Though someponies will need to carry me.”