We Rule the Night

by Solar Flare

First published

Nightmare Moon's possible return poses a threat to Equestria.

When the Princesses recieve word of cultists in the place where ponies originated from, they call on the mysterious psychic Hood to help them. Fearing the worst, they send Twilight and her friends, along with Hood and his own, to attempt to stop this cult.

But with the ponies who wield the Elements of Harmony gone from Equestria, who will protect it?

This is my first fic, hope you guys like it. The first few chapters are, admittedly, pretty slow, but it speeds up later on. Any suggestions are welcome!

I'm gonna put this on a short hiatus while I try to get over my writer's block. Sorry folks.

Chapter 1, Stranger in Ponyville

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We Rule the Night
Chapter 1, Stranger in Ponyville

It was well past midnight, and Ponyville had gone quiet as everypony in town had gone to bed. Everypony but one.

Hood walked slowly down the main street near the Library, his trademark hooded cape pulled over his head, his horn peeking out from underneath. He watched silently as a horned owl swooped into an open window of the library before continuing on his way.

Hood wasn’t surprised that he was the only one about. Most ponies preferred the daytime, and indeed, none of the shops were open. Hood had always preferred the night, even before Princess Luna had returned. The stars and the moon were beautiful to him, and the sun had always hurt his eyes.

Hood was hauling a cart behind him. He was going slowly so that the wooden wheels wouldn’t make too much noise and hinder anypony’s sleep. The cart was loaded down with all sorts of fruits and vegetables from the farms outside Ponyville. He silently hauled the cart to Berry Punch’s Grocery Store, dropped it off in the back and left without a word.

He trekked back through town, passing Carousel Boutique, where one light remained on, and three fillies could be seen through the window, energetically doing Celestia-knows-what. He turned a corner into an alley and headed towards the park, his deliveries for the night done. He found his favorite spot on a bench near the fountain, laid down on it and lowered his hood, revealing his dark blue coat and black mane.

Hood’s horn lit up faintly and an apple and a book levitated out from beneath his cloak. For most ponies, reading with the light of the quarter moon would have been impossible, but Hood could see just fine. He silently munched on his apple and read for a few hours. He looked to the sky, seeing the stars begin to disappear and the midnight blue turn to grey. He huffed a little at being interrupted, but tucked his book away and started off towards home.


Berry Punch yawned as she opened the back door to her shop. A cart loaded high with produce waited for her, a piece of paper tacked to it. The paper had a small blue eye drawn on it. Hood had made his delivery, faithful as always. Berry Punch smiled and pulled the cart inside. She would deliver Hood’s bits to his house later.


Hood heard a knock at his door around seven o’clock. He rubbed an eye with his hoof. He had just woken up. He lit his horn and pulled open the door.

A purple earth pony wandered in skeptically, looking about in the dark. “Hood? You home?”

Hood shook his mane. “Oh, right, sorry.” He lit his horn once more, and candles around the room lit up magically, filling the room with a pale light.

“I just came over to deliver your pay for the week. Are you just waking up?”

Hood nodded. “I sleep when most ponies are awake, that’s why I make my deliveries at night.”

Berry Punch dropped a small bag of bits on the table, peering about curiously. Hood’s home was chalk full of books, glass orbs and all manner of magical paraphernalia. “What interesting décor, Hood. You like magic then?”

Hood pulled his cape over his shoulders, telekinetically tying the knot on the front and raised his hood. “Yes, I’ve been doing magic a long time. I attended a magic school in Canterlot when I was a colt, and I’ve been studying magic ever since.”

“Do you know Twilight Sparkle? I hear she show knows a great deal about magic.” Berry Punch gabbed casually, poking at a crystal ball with her hoof.

“I met her a long time ago, but we havn’t spoken in a long time. Thanks for dropping off the bits, Berry.” Hood said. He was being polite, but he didn’t like ponies snooping with his magic stuff, especially those who couldn’t use magic themselves. Many of his artifacts were delicate, and others could even be dangerous.

“Oh, that’s no problem. Could you get the next delivery to my shop Monday? And tell Elderberry I said thanks for the berries.” Berry Punch said with a friendly smile, trotting out of Hood’s home.

Hood sighed in relief and magically snuffed the candles. He walked over to the crystal ball Berry had been interested in and lit his horn. Fortunately, it hadn’t been damaged. It lit up in response to Hood’s magic, but Hood didn’t seem interested. He moved to his couch and lay down with a book between his front hooves. Once everypony was asleep he would go outside for a while, but for now he would quietly read alone in his house.

A crash resounded from his roof, making Hood jump. He frantically opened his window with magic, just in the nick of time, as his dark grey Pegasus friend Solar Flare burst in, smacking into the opposite wall. Hood shook his head as the door opened and his other friend, a pale green Earth Pony with a berry cutie mark named Elderberry trotted in.

“Still havn’t got the hang of using a door, eh, Solar?” Elderberry chastised.

Solar Flare scoffed. “Who needs ‘em?”

“Hey, everypony. What’s going on?” Hood greeted.

“He was bored, so we decided to see if you were awake yet. Here, I brought somethin’ for ya’.” Hood reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a long-necked glass bottle. “Figured we’d hang out, long as it’s okay with you.”

Hood nodded. “Fine by me, I was just gonna do some reading.” His horn lit up and three glasses floated in and sat themselves on the table near the fireplace. The fireplace magically roared into life and the three friends gathered near it. Hood poured some wine from Elderberry’s bottle for each of them.

“How have you guys been keeping?” Hood chatted, sipping his wine. Elderberry owned a winery outside Ponyville and made the best wine outside of Canterlot.

“Not too bad, even though my sales have been less than great lately.” Elderberry replied. “They’ll pick back up around Hearth’s Warming Eve, they always do.”

Solar Flare chugged his glass and poured himself some more, drawing a scolding glare from Elderberry. He ignored his friend and began a story about the weather. Hood mainly sat and listened. He was quite content listening to his friends’ stories.

The three friends sat and talked for hours before Elderberry glanced at the clock and excused himself. Solar Flare had to leave as well. The two wandered out yawning. Hood bid them farewell before settling back into his place on the couch, his book between his hooves. His head was swimming a little, but he could read just fine.

Something was on his mind, distracting him from his book. It wasn’t his friends’ stories. It was actually his conversation with Berry Punch earlier. He had mentioned how his schedule conflicted with him knowing many ponies. How he was always about in the night instead of the day. It had been like that his whole life. He remembered back to when he was a foal…


Hood had been living and studying at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns for about a year, and the changing of the seasons from winter to spring had just occurred. He was attending an astrology class in the courtyard of the school just after sunset.

Around him, many colts and fillies were starting to nod, the class taking place well past their bedtimes. Hood, however, was perfectly awake and was gazing with fascination at the moon through a telescope. He could see it more clearly through the instrument, and was enthralled by the unicorn shaped series of craters on its face known as the Mare in the Moon.

The teacher, Spell Scroll, was explaining the influence of several astral bodies on the waning and waxing of magic. Only one pony among the class seemed at all interested, a purple filly with a pink spark cutie mark. She hung on the teacher’s every word as she did in all her classes.

Hood pulled the hood on his cloak back up. He gazed around at all stars and planets and then back to his friends from class. It kind of saddened him how no one seemed to enjoy the night as he did. He even looked the part of a pony of the night, especially with the black cape he always wore. The real reason he wore it was to hide the fact that he did not yet have his cutie mark. Every other foal in his class had earned theirs, yet his dark blue flank remained quite bare. He hoped it would have something to do with magic, but so far, nothing had appeared.

“Any questions class?” Spell Scroll asked loudly, alarming several foals out of their stupors.

“I have one, can we go to bed now?” A little colt asked sarcastically, earning giggles from his friends.

Spell Scroll smiled softly. “Ah, well, I suppose it would be time for that. Alright, I’ll lead you back to your rooms.” The teacher started off towards the dorms, a group of yawning foals following close behind. Two figures remained in the courtyard, hiding behind a table so they wouldn’t have to go to bed just yet.

“No, no, that’s the little dipper, see how the last star in the handle is brighter?” Twilight Sparkle explained, pointing with her hoof.

“Ah, I see. So where’s the big one?” Hood asked, gazing with genuine interest at the sky.

“It’s further to the west at this part of night.” Twilight lectured. She sounded like a teacher even though she was barely any older than Hood.

“I see. Say, aren’t you tired? I thought I was the only pony who liked to be up this late.”

“I couldn’t sleep if I tried right now. That class was so exciting, don’t you think?” Twilight exclaimed.

Hood raised an eyebrow. “Uh, sure.”

“Say, why don’t you ever take that cape off?” Twilight asked, suddenly interested.

Hood lowered his Hood with a hoof. “Um, no reason. I just like it.”

“Ah okay.” Twilight replied, gazing back at the sky. “You can see the Mare in the Moon really clearly tonight. Don’t you just love full moons?”

Hood nodded. “I like the night time. It’s peaceful and quiet, plus I can usually get some time alone at night.”

“Is that why you’re always tired during classes?” Twilight asked.

Hood rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof. It was true. His grades were good, but he had more than once been scolded about sleeping in class. The fact was, he just had his wiring backwards. He was awake at night.

“That’s kind of neat actually. Most ponies sleep at night, but I bet your not the only one who likes to stay up. I was reading a story a few days ago about how there used to be two princesses, one for the daytime and one for the night-“ Twilight rattled off the entire story, Hood listening contently. Fond as he was of his peaceful nights, it was nice to have someone to talk to without the sun making his head hurt.

Twilight finished her story with a mighty yawn. “Well, it’s been nice talking to you, uh…”

“Hood.” He replied with a smile, putting his trademark hood back up.

“It’s been nice Hood.” Twilight finished with a smile before trotting off towards her dorm. Hood lay down on the grass, gazing at the moon. He wondered if there were other ponies out there who liked the night like he did.


Hood shook himself awake. He must have dozed off. He peered out the window to see that the sun was rising in the east. Hood groaned. He hated waking up during the day; it set his internal clock off balance. His stomach growled. He had skipped two meals and was starving. He pulled his rumpled, slept in cloak off and tossed it onto a chair as he made himself a sandwich.

He quickly recanted the previous night’s events. Berry Punch had dropped by and then Solar Flare and Elderberry showed up with some wine. Hood chuckled. That at least explained his impromptu nap. He ate his sandwich in silence, looking into a few crystal balls. He didn’t use any magic, and yet could still see things in the glass orbs. Of course, anypony that he scried was just starting their day, but he decided not to spy too much.

Hood wrinkled his snout in thought for a moment before pulling his cape back on. He put his hood up and opened the door, wincing against the sun a little. He trotted out towards town square, letting the sun warm his coat. He earned glances from a few ponies. He was a stranger to most of Ponyville.

His spot on the bench next to the fountain was free and he laid down on it. He lowered his hood and shook his black mane. This was the first time in a long time he had come out in broad daylight. It felt kind of good, actually. His head didn’t even hurt. He settled his chin between his front hooves and sighed peacefully.

“Hi!” Hood was started out of his doze by a cheerful greeting. He looked up to see a spunky looking pink pony with frizzy hair and a balloon cutie mark.

“Hi, it’s good too meet you.” Hood greeted politely.

“It’s good to meet you too! That’s funny, I don’t meet new ponies very often. I know just about everypony who lives around here, so that means you must be new, are you new? Do you have any friends yet?”

Hood realized his mouth was gaping and closed it awkwardly. “Um, well I’ve lived here a while…”

The pink pony’s jaw dropped. “But, but that means I- UGH!” She darted off without another word.

“Well, that was… Weird…” Hood said to himself, rubbing behind his ear with his hoof. He was about to settle back into his rest when he was greeted by another voice. One he had heard somewhere before.

“You’ll have to excuse her, she’s just being Pinkie Pie.” A purple unicorn said with a warm smile as she approached Hood.

“That’s alright.” Hood said, raising his head, now convinced that he wouldn’t be allowed to rest for a while.

The purple unicorn looked at him for a moment before a look of surprise crossed her face. “Hood? Is that you?” Hood realized where he had heard this voice before.

“Twilight?” Hood asked in surprise. He hadn’t expected to see her here. He knew she lived in Ponyville, but hadn’t seen her since he had moved there.

“Wow, it’s been years, how long have you been in Ponyville?” Twilight asked excitedly, giving Hood a welcoming hug.

“Not long, only a year or so.” Hood replied. It was nice to see his old friend from school again.

“A whole year? And you never stopped to say hello?” Twilight scolded.

“Well, actually, I’ve been to the library to borrow books once or twice, but you’ve never been there. A little dragon always helped me find the books.”

“That’s Spike, you don’t remember him from school?”

“Spike? That was the dragon you hatched for your entrance exam? Wow, he’s grown a bit.”

Twilight chuckled. “That’s nothing, you remember that dragon that rampaged through town a few months ago?”

Hood looked toward the ground awkwardly. “Well, no, actually. I must not have been awake.”

“Oh, that’s right, I forgot that you’re usually up at night. I suppose that explains why we havn’t seen one another. Say, are you busy? Maybe you could join me and my friends and catch up.”

Hood smiled and raised his hood. “That sounds nice.” Twilight smiled warmly and led Hood through town.

“Here we are, I was on my way here for a get together we had been planning. I’m sure my friends would love to meet you.”

Twilight said as they approached a vibrantly decorated sweets shop. A sign hung above the door that read “Sugar Cube Corner.” Hood had never been inside, but he had passed by the shop during his night-time deliveries.
Twilight magically opened the door. Hood stepped inside only to receive a blast of confetti to his face. A resounding SURPRISE! filled the shop.

“Oh, right, I probably should have mentioned that…” Twilight said sheepishly.

The pink pony from before bounced up to Hood, chattering excitedly. “Hey, remember me? We met earlier. You were on that bench and I was like ‘Hi’ and you were like ‘nice to meet you’ and then I was like-“ Pinkie was cut short by Twilights hoof.

“Er, yes, I remember.” Hood said awkwardly.

Four other ponies approached, an orange earth pony, a white unicorn and two pegasi, one blue with a rainbow mane and tail and a yellow one who hid quietly behind her mane.

“Pinkie, please, you’re going to overwhelm him.” The white unicorn scolded. She turned back to Hood with a smile. “Sorry about her, darling, she just loves to make new friends. I see you’ve already met Twilight.”

“Girls, this is my old friend from school, Hood. Hood, this is Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and, of course, Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie gasped. “You already know him? Why didn’t you tell me? If you knew he was here, then we could have thrown him a welcome party and then he would already know everypony.”

“I didn’t know he was living here. He, um, well he works at night.”

Hood shook hooves with everypony. They seemed like a nice group, even though they all had surprisingly little in common. Once they were all acquainted, they sat down to some cake that Pinkie had inexplicably prepared in no time at all.

“I just love your cape, what is it made of?” Rarity asked.

“Spellcloth. I had it specially made in Canterlot.” Hood explained.

“It’s simply divine. Black really is your color, it goes with your coat perfectly.” Rarity praised.

“Rarity designs fashions here in Ponyville, Hood.” Twilight explained.

“So, Twilight say’s y’all work nights. Don’t you get tired?” Applejack asked curiously.

Hood shrugged. “I sleep during the day, most times, that’s why I’m not around much.”

“Ugh, I don’t know how you can take it. I wouldn’t be able to stand not being out in the sun.” Rainbow Dash chided.

“I think it might be kind of nice, being able to stay up at night. It must be nice and quiet.” Fluttershy added. It was the first
Hood had heard her say, and she looked at the ground when he responded.

“Oh, it is. And I’m not alone all the time, my friends Elderberry and Solar Flare come by to visit a lot.”

“Hey, I know Solar Flare, he’s never mentioned you before.” Rainbow Dash said skeptically. Hood just shrugged.

“Hey, Hood, if you don’t mind me asking, what did your cutie mark end up being?” Twilight enquired. Hood blushed a little, he had hoped no one had noticed that he still hadn’t earned his mark when he graduated from school.

Regardless, he pulled his cape aside to show the turquoise eye-shaped mark on his flank. “Nothing special.” He said modestly, letting his cape flap back over him.

Twilight didn’t press the issue and the party continued into the evening before everypony started off towards home. Hood walked Twilight back to her library.

“It was so nice catching up, Hood, we should do this again some time.” Twilight said.

It was nice to see somepony for a change, even if the sun had left him a little discomforted. He would wait a bit before coming out during the day again.

“Well, here we are, thanks for walking me home, it’s been good seeing you again.” Twilight said, hugging Hood goodbye.

“Tell Spike I said hi.” Hood said with a wave goodbye. He walked off, but not back towards his home. He wasn’t really tired, so he would lie down on his bench again for a while.

He lay there, listening to the fountain babble for a while. Before he knew it, he was drifting off to sleep, right there in the park.


Hood was surrounded by other ponies, whom he recognized as citizens of Ponyville. He felt unwelcome, and yet nopony confronted him. They were all fixated on a figure standing on a podium nearby. His vision was blurry, but the figure looked like a Pegasus. No… There was a horn on her head. An alicorn?

A voice filled his head. “Ah, my beloved subjects…”

“-see the signs?”

“-sun loving faces…”

“The night will last forever!”


Hood woke up with a start, covered in cold sweat. He gasped for breath, and looked around frantically. He was still on the bench in the park. It was dark as could be, he guessed sometime around one o’clock.

But he wasn’t alone.

He turned toward the other figure, the invader in his night and lit his horn.

Standing before him was a pony larger than him, though not by much. Her coat was a shade of blue even darker than Hood’s own, and her flank was graced with a nightscape cutie mark. Her mane flowed like water and was full of stars. A small black crown rested above her horn and proud wings were spread against the night sky.

It was Princess Luna.

Chapter 2, A Royal Greeting

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Chapter two: A Royal Greeting

Hood gaped for a moment before remembering his manners and bowing low before the Moon Princess.

“Please rise, Hood.” Luna said with a smile.

Hood did so and hopped off his bench. “Princess Luna, it’s an honor to meet you.” He lowered his hood.

“The same to you, Hood, although I already know a great deal about you.”

“About me, your highness?”

Luna nodded. “Indeed. I’ve been watching you for a long time. You’re the pony who likes the night time.”

Hood nodded vigorously. “Oh yes, your highness. The stars and moon have always been beautiful to me.”

“Actually, I was hoping you would come to Canterlot with me to discuss some things. That is, of course, if you aren’t too busy.”

“Of course not, I would be honored.” Hood said excitedly. Luna smiled and moved aside to reveal a large black carriage being hauled by two intimidating pegasi.

Luna led Hood to the carriage. “I am surprised you were not frightened, Hood. The last time I made an appearance in Ponyville I was greeted with fear.”

Hood shrugged. “I remember that. I wasn’t around town at the time, but I watched what I could of the event from my home. I imagine it was sparked by how different you looked from when you were first changed back from Nightmare Moon.”

Luna looked as if she hadn’t thought about this at the time. “I suppose you may be right.”

Luna hopped into the carriage and motioned to a seat opposite her. Hood climbed in carefully and the two bat-winged pegasi took off, hauling the cart behind them.

“So, princess, if I might ask, what would you need my help with?” Hood inquired, gazing over the carriage side to the ground quickly leaving them behind.

“I understand you have an affinity for foresight, Hood. Is this true?”

Hood nodded. It was true. He was gifted with a particular form of magic, the ability to see into the future or the past.

“That is a powerful gift, young unicorn. I’ve never met anypony who could use magic like yours.”

“Um, princess, right before we met, I had a dream. I think you may have been in it.”

Princess Luna raised an eyebrow. “A dream...” She was silent the rest of the ride to Canterlot.


The carriage touched down in the courtyard next to Princess Celestia’s world famous Golden Apple Tree. Hood followed Luna out of the carriage and was greeted by none other than Princess Celestia herself. The gorgeous white alicorn was flanked by two grey unicorn guards, her marvelous mane and tail flowing behind her majestically.

Hood bowed low.

“Ah, Hood, it’s good to see you again. My, I don’t think we’ve spoken since you graduated from the magic school.” Celestia said, approaching Hood and touching her horn to his shoulder.

“It’s good to see you again as well, your highness. Speaking of which, I spoke with your pupil Twilight Sparkle this afternoon. She seems to be doing well.” Hood was more comfortable around Celestia. He had become well acquainted with her during his time at the school.

“Yes, she’s one of the few students I see regularly. Now, why don’t we head inside before we catch cold, hm?” Celestia said warmly, leading Hood and Luna towards a large gate.

Hood blinked against the light in the long throne room. It had been many years since his last time in this place. Celestia and Luna took their places on a pair of thrones at the far end and Hood laid himself down on a cushion at their hooves.

“Now, has my sister explained why you are here, my dear student?” Celestia asked.

“Only briefly your highness. Something to do with my foresight?”

Celestia nodded. “My sister and I have been receiving troubling messages from a place beyond the borders of Equestria.

Some kind of cult has gained a foothold in the nation where ponies originated from. This place is outside our normal jurisdiction, and we need to know if they are anything worth troubling ourselves with.”

“And you need my help?” Hood questioned. This seemed like the kind of thing the royal alicorns could handle themselves.

“You see Hood, we can’t see the future as you do. None besides Starswirl the Bearded have ever had your kind of power as far as we know. We need you to look into the future and see if this er… group ever becomes a danger to Equestria.” Luna explained.

Hood thought about his response for a moment. “Well, you see your highnesses, viewing timelines in such a way is somewhat reckless. I’ve injured myself once or twice attempting to foresee events. I usually just await visions in my dreams.”

“Like the one you had before arriving today.” Luna said, more a statement than a question.

“Yes, although there’s really no telling if that was a vision or just a nightmare.” He said the word nightmare slowly, not catching himself in time to avoid saying it. “I would have to wait for the event to come to pass before I could ever know.”

Celestia looked thoughtful. “Could you describe this dream to be, young one?” She asked.

“Certainly. I remember that I was in a room full of ponies. They were all looking at somepony who looked a great deal like princess Luna.” Luna lowered her head a bit when he said this. “And I could hear a voice, talking about night time.”

Celestia and Luna looked at each other, having a wordless conversation.

“Hood.” Celestia said sternly. “I need to do something, but I’ll need your cooperation.”

“Of course, ma’am. Anything.” Hood rose to his hooves.

Celestia lowered her head and closed her eyes. She crossed horns with Hood and he could feel powerful magic coursing into him. This went on for a moment before Celestia jerked backwards with a gasp. Luna looked alarmed and Celestia’s guards took a step toward them.

“Oh, no…” Celestia muttered sadly. “This is bad. Very, very bad.”

“Sister, what is it? What did you see?”

Hood rubbed his head with his hoof. His memory of his dream had suddenly gone, as if it had been drawn from his mind.
“Hood’s dream… Nightmare Moon was there, she was the one talking to him and the other ponies. I could see her and… and she could see me as well.” Celestia explained, her face taking on a flushed grey.

“What does that mean?” Hood asked. He couldn’t remember his dream, but oddly, he could remember what it was about.

“I’m not sure, Hood. But I don’t think it’s good.” Celestia said, shaking her head.

“But I thought Nightmare Moon was destroyed? I mean, you turned back to normal.” Hood turned to Luna as he said this.
Luna looked at the ground. “Well, yes and no. While Nightmare Moon was using my body, we weren’t the same pony. She was her own entity, with a will and mind of her own. The whole time I was Nightmare Moon it was like a dream. Or, well, more like a nightmare.

“But I had thought she was gone for good as well. When the Elements of Harmony purged her from my body she should have been eliminated completely.”

“The Elements aren’t a force of violence, Luna.” Celestia explained softly. “They don’t have the power to destroy anything, that’s why Discord is still a statue in the sculpture gardens.”

“So what do we do?” Hood asked.

Celestia thought for a moment. “Would it be possible in any way to look into a designated point in the future Hood? I know you don’t want to, but it may be important.”

Hood grimaced a little. “It’s possible, but like I said, it’s unreliable. The only times I’ve ever tried it the vision has been blurry and I couldn’t get much from it.”

“Maybe we could share our magic. With my strength then maybe you can see more clearly.” Luna offered.
Hood considered it for a moment. “That could work, I’ve never tried.”

“Would you? It would be ever so helpful.” Celestia implored. Hood had no choice but to agree. They were the rulers of Equestria.

“Alright. Do what you need to.” Hood said with a sigh.

Luna smiled and crossed her horn with Hood’s. Once again, he could feel magic much more powerful than his own pouring into him. He tapped into his own magic and let the two combine, a very strange sensation. He poured his effort into his foresight spell. It was much easier than the last time he had tried, and the vision filled his head.

He designated a spot in time exactly one year in the future. An image filled his head. It was his town, Ponyville. Much of the western part of town had been destroyed. He paused for a moment, but continued to search. As the image shifted to the sky, he could see it was nighttime, but something was wrong. The Mare in the Moon was back in place. This made no since, as Luna was standing right in front of him. His gaze shifted east, where one could see Canterlot from Ponyville, and he stopped.

Canterlot was gone. Not in ruins, not shrouded in fog. Gone. As if it had never been there. His vision blurred and faded away. He realized Luna had moved her horn from his.

“What did you see?” Celestia asked excitedly.

Luna looked troubled. “We were looking at future Ponyville. Much of it was in ruin. Canterlot had vanished entirely…”

“Did you see anything else? Anything to support Nightmare Moon’s possible return?”

Hood answered. “The Mare in the Moon was back. What could that mean?”

Celestia thought about it for a moment. “The only ponies that could be the Mare in the Moon would be Luna or Nightmare. I would never send Luna back, even if she were Nightmare.” She looked to Luna with a sad smile before continuing. “The only thing I can think that happened is that Nightmare returned, and I banished her.” She said with finality.

“Then we have to stop this somehow. Somepony needs to travel to the old lands and stop these cultists.” Luna said.

“But how can we even know that this cult is who will bring Nightmare Moon back? Maybe she’ll somehow bring herself back.” Hood offered. “And even then, wouldn’t ponies from the old lands not even know about Nightmare? She never went there.”

Celestia nodded. “Perhaps they went there from Equestria? The old lands are a dangerous place, and if there’s anywhere that somepony wanted to do something without being caught, that would be the place.”

“We can’t run any risks.” Luna said. “We’ll need the element bearers to search the old lands.”

“You’re right, little sister.” Celestia said. She climbed off her throne and led the two along a long hallway. Large stained glass windows covered either wall, depicting all sorts of events from Equestrian History.
Celestia approached an enormous door at the end. She lowered her head and inserted her horn into a hole in the center like a key. Her horn lit up and the door opened. Inside was a jeweled chest, resting on a stone plinth.

“What’s in there?” Hood asked.

Celestia levitated the box out. “This chest contains the Elements of Harmony. We’ve stored them here since Twilight and her friends defeated Discord.” She magically opened the box. Inside rested five necklaces and a crown, each decorated with a different shaped gem. Celestia looked satisfied and put the chest back.

“You were just checking on them?” Luna asked.

Celestia nodded. “They have a nasty habit of not being easy to find when we need them. Now, I must send a letter to Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Hood, would you like to stay at the castle as our guest? Your input may be needed on what you and Luna saw.”

Hood nodded. “It would be my honor, you highness.”

Celestia smiled and instructed her guards to show Hood to a guest room. Hood followed the stern looking grey unicorns to another door a ways from the throne room.

“You’ll be staying here, if you need anything, we’ll be right outside your door.” The guard said. Hood thanked them and entered the room.

It was beautifully furbished with a canopy bed and large vanity. Hood pulled his cape off and set it down on the back of a chair. He lay down on the bed.

He was exhausted. A great deal had occurred over the night. He looked to the window and saw the sun rising in the east. Something was bothering him.

Princesses Celestia and Luna seemed quite sure that they would be able to stop the future he had seen from occurring. However, Hood wondered if it would be possible. They had seen the future, yes. Not would might happen, but what would happen.

Or had they? Nothing was more complex nor simple than the passage of time.

It was a complicated concept, but one that he had come to understand better than most over time. He didn’t want to bother the princesses with this, but he didn’t want anypony to get hurt. But then, if Nightmare Moon did come back, somepony was going to be hurt regardless.

Hood rubbed his eye with his Hoof. He looked out the window to see a carriage being pulled by two white pegasi flying down towards Ponyville.

He decided it would be best to at least try to get some rest. There wasn’t much he could do right at the moment, and he should be going to bed right around now anyway.

He laid his head down on the remarkably soft pillow and let himself drift off.


Hood found himself walking slowly through a dark stone ruin somewhere. To his left and right, ponies of all kinds watched him, all perfectly still, their faces hidden by black hoods. He looked forward. His vision was blurry, but he thought he could see a pony nearly as tall as Celestia standing on a podium before him.

A voice filled his head. “Ah, so you’re the one who helped in my return…”

Hood tried to respond but found that his mouth would not form the words.

The voice laughed cruelly. “You’ve been very helpful, my little pony. And for your aid, you shall receive a fine reward…” A bolt of blue lightning flew toward Hood from the large equine figure in front of him. Hood tried to scream, but could not.


Hood bolted awake with a strangled cry, looking about frantically trying to see where he was. His eyes adjusted to the sunlight and he recognized the room in Canterlot castle. He looked out the window and saw that it was getting late in the day.

He climbed out of the bed and picked his cape up off the table. He tied the string around his neck and opened the door.

The two unicorn guards stood utterly motionless as he walked by them and towards the throne room.

Near the throne, Hood could see six ponies talking to Celestia and Luna. He trotted over.

“Ah, Hood, good to see you’re awake. I was just discussing something with Twilight.” Celestia said.

Twilight and the others looked troubled, but smiled softly when they saw Hood.

“Hi, Hood, we didn’t know you were still here.” Twilight greeted.

“Hello, everypony. Did I miss anything important?” Hood asked.

“We were just talking about what you and Princess Luna saw. What did you think of it?” Twilight asked.

Hood looked away as he spoke. “I’m not really sure. It didn’t seem good.”

“I never heard of magic like that.” Applejack spoke up. “Seeing the future an’ all? How can we be sure it’ll happen?”

“Foresight is a rare gift that not many unicorns have. Hood was very lucky to be born with it.” Celestia explained.

“Why didn’t you tell me you had magic like that at your party yesterday? I would have loved to talk about it.” Twilight mused, giving Hood a playful shove. Hood blushed and lowered his head.

“So what are we gonna do about Nightmare Moon?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“We need to try to stop her from returning to Equestria before it happens. That’s why I called you all here, to ask you if you
would make the journey to find these cultists and stop them.” Celestia explained.

The six ponies exchanged looks.

“I… I don’t know…” Fluttershy said, lowering her head.

Applejack kicked at the ground. “That’s an awful long ways to go, I’m not sure I can just leave my farm underponied like that, I mean, applebuck season will be startin’ soon and all…”

Celestia looked disheartened. This clearly wasn’t the answer she had been hoping for.

“Well, I can go.” Twilight offered proudly.

Even Pinkie Pie looked unsure. “I mean, I would go if I could, but the Cakes have been giving me a lot of work at Sugarcube Corner lately, plus they might need someone to watch Pound Cake and Pumpkin…”

“Well, I know I’ll go. I won’t let Nightmare come back and make it dark all the time.” Rainbow offered.

“I’ll go as well. My clients will just have to wait, this is far more important.” Rarity said, flicking her mane.

Celestia still looked unsure. “I understand that you all have responsibilities other than this… Perhaps I could get some royal guards to accompany you…”

“I’ll go.” Everypony turned to look at Hood. “I mean, I know I can’t use the Elements, but if everything goes like we want then we won’t have to, right?”

Luna looked to Hood with pride, but Celestia looked skeptical. “I suppose that couldn’t hurt.”

“And I could probably get my friends Elderberry and Solar Flare to help as well.” Hood said, lowering his hood over his face a little.

“You don’t have to do that, Hood.” Twilight said with a friendly smile.

Hood waved his hoof. “It’s not a problem.

Celestia smiled despite her skepticism. “Very well. Hood, I’ll have some guards escort you back to Ponyville to speak with your friends. Would they be busy right now?”

“Probably not. Elderberry does most of his work in the morning, and, well Solar Flare doesn’t really work much.”

“Very well then. We should begin immediately. Twilight, would you and your friends accompany me to my study? You’ll need maps, and I can have some servants…” Celestia’s voice faded as Hood, Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy followed four Pegasus guards back toward the courtyard.

Applejack nudged Hood with her hoof. “Yah, know, I was wrong about you.”

Hood raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

Applejack chuckled. “I saw the way you looked when you offered to help out. I’m thinkin’ you might be crushin’ on Twi a bit.”

Pinkie shoved her way between them. “Oooohh, Hood’s got a crush!” She squeaked cheerfully. “Hood and Twilight sitting in a- oof!” Pinkie had walked into a pillar. She shook her head, her eyes rolling about before continuing her song, which she edited without any thought.

“You’re both crazy.” Hood said sheepishly, pulling his hood down over his face.

The three mares giggled as they climbed onto one carriage as Hood climbed on another. The pegasi strapped themselves to the carts and took off, hauling the ponies back toward Ponyville.

Chapter 3, The Journey Begins

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Chapter 3: The Journey Begins

Hood’s carriage touched down gracefully near the fountain. A few ponies gathered around, hoping to get a view of the princesses, but dispersed with disappointed grumbles when Hood stepped off instead. All but one, a pale green stallion, who approached Hood with a skeptical look on his face.

“Now, what in the hay are you doing?” Elderberry asked.

“The princesses needed my help. Where’s Solar Flare?” Hood said, lowering his hood back and shaking out his mane.

“Beats me. Probably asleep already. Lazy foal.” Elderberry chastised, looking in circles despite himself.

“I’m right here!” The two friends looked up in time to see a grey, blue and red blur miss them by inches and go careening into the fountain, splashing water all over two very displeased looking guards. Solar Flare shook himself dry and flitted over.

“What’cha need?” He asked, floating just over Hood.

“I needed to talk to you two. The princesses need our help with something.”

Elderberry looked skeptical again. “The princesses? Now, what in Equestria could they need us for?”

Hood explained the situation, Solar Flare making use of any opportunity to interrupt. By the time they were done, the moon was high in the sky, light from Hood’s horn supplying something for the other two to see by.

“So, that’s pretty much it then.” Hood said with finality, looking from one of his friends to the other. Solar Flare looked excited beyond words, while Elderberry seemed doubtful. “Of course, you don’t have to come if you don’t want. But we could really use your help.”

“So you guys really think that Nightmare Moon is coming back?” Elderberry asked, scratching his stubbled chin.

“We can’t let that happen! I mean, I know you like it dark,” Solar spouted, tapping Hoods horn from above, “But none of the rest of us do!” He did a loop in the air, his blood pumping.

Hood shrugged. “That’s what Celestia seems to think. So, you guys in or not?”

Solar Flare did another loop. “I am! This is gonna be awesome!”

Elderberry gripped Solars tail with his mouth, playfully pulling him to the ground. “Tell you what, Hood. You let me get some stuff from my house, then we’ll head out to Canterlot with ya’. And this best not be some waste o’ my time.” Hood smiled. Elderberry was a bit older than him, and a little gruff at times, but his heart was in the right place.

Hood explained the situation to the two armored pegasi, who snorted with displeasure at the concept of waiting around even longer. However, they dutifully stood in place as Hood, Elderberry and Solar Flare trotted off in the direction of the farm.

As they walked, they discussed the foreseeable future.

“So Hood, who else did you say was coming?” Solar asked.

“The librarian, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, who I think you already know, and the local dressmaker, Rarity.” Hood explained.

“Rainbow’s coming?” Solar asked, suddenly excited.

“Yeah, three of the ponies who use the Elements of Harmony are coming. The rest had too much going on, that’s why I said we would help.”

“Psh, thanks fer offering up my help, ya’ dang foal.” Elderberry chuckled, giving Hood a playful shove.

“Well, I’ve got no problem with it.” Solar Flare declared proudly.

“That’s just ‘cause you got a crush on that little filly, Rainbow.”

“I do not!”

Hood and Elderberry laughed as they reached the farm. Elder’s unicorn wife, Boysenberry, stood on the porch, tapping a hoof impatiently.

“And just where have you been?” She scolded. “I’m not reheating your dinner for you.”

“Hon, we gotta talk.” Elder said, pecking Boysen on the cheek.

“What about? Did he get you in trouble again?” She demanded, waving a wooden spoon at Solar Flare with her magic.

“Hey, that only happened once!” Solar said, sounding insulted.

“Twice.” She responded, tapping him lightly on the noggin with her spoon.

“Nah, we ain’t in no trouble. Hood here needs my help with something mighty big.”

“Well, alright, let’s talk about it over dinner. I made enough for all of you, I suppose.” The three friends followed Boysenberry into the modified tree that was their home and sat down on some stools around the table. Only then did Hood realize just how famished he was. He hadn’t eaten in over a day.

Boysenberry scooped them some bowls of thick vegetable soup. Hood emptied his bowl quickly before explaining why he needed Elderberry’s help, leaving out a few select details. He figured Elderberry would explain further if he found it necessary.

“Oh, wow…” Boysenberry said as she scrubbed at some dishes half-mindedly. “That seems pretty dangerous.”

Solar Flare jumped up into the air. “Don’t worry, he’ll be with me.” He said, crossing a hoof over his chest smugly.

Hood pulled him back down with magic. “The last thing we need is you scaring her into making him stay.”

“Well, it ain’t my place to say what you can and can’t do, sugarcube.” Boysenberry said to Elderberry with a shrug. “If your friend really needs your help, then you should help him.”

“I knew you’d understand. I’ll need to gather some things, food, stuff like that, but the Princesses need us up in Canterlot tonight.”

“I’ll pack some bags for you, wake up the young en’s and say good bye to them.”

Elderberry thanked her and walked over to a side room, nudging the door open. He called inside softly and his two kids, a unicorn colt and an earth pony filly walked out, yawning and rubbing their eyes. Hood lowered his head and smiled. He had never met Elderberry’s foals before, even though he talked about them all the time.

The two spotted Solar Flare, however, and looks of joy crossed their faces. They tackled the Pegasus, simultaneously crying out “Uncle Flare!”

Solar Flare laughed, giving the colt a noogy with his hoof. “Hey squirts, miss me?”

Elderberry patted them both on the head. “Hood, these are the foals, Blackberry and Raspberry.”

The colt, Blackberry, who looked a few years older shook hooves with Hood. His mane and tail were a dark purple, giving away his namesake. The red-maned filly shied a little and his behind Elderberry.

“It’s nice to finally meet you both, I’ve heard all about you from your dad.” Hood said with a smile.

Boysenberry placed a saddlebag full of supplies on the table.

“Hey, come here you two.” Elderberry said to his foals. They sat down beside him. “I’m gonna be leaving for a little while, alright?”

“Where are going, daddy?” Raspberry asked, still rubbing her eyes a little.

“Me and your uncles Flare and Hood have to go talk to some friends of mine pretty far off. I should be back before too awful long, now I need you two to be good for yer momma, and don’t be shruggin’ off your chores, you hear?”

“Yes, daddy.” The two said simultaneously.

“Good, now, tell your uncles goodbye and get back to bed now.” Blackberry and Raspberry said their goodbyes to Hood and Solar Flare and went back to their room, yawning widely.

Boysenberry dropped another couple of bags on the table. “I put some dried stuff in these bags and this one has some other stuff you might need in it.” She said.

“Thanks, hon.” Elderberry said, scooping one of the bags on his back. Solar and Hood picked one up each as well, Hood expertly placing his comfortably under his cape.

“We’d best be goin’. Hood’s still gotta make a stop at his place before we head up to Canterlot.”

“Alright. But listen to me.” Boysenberry demanded softly. “You. Be. Careful. The last thing I wanna have to tell the foals is that their daddy ain’t coming home.”

“Now, don’t you fret. There ain’t nothing to worry about.” Elderberry assured her, wrapping a foreleg around her neck. “I’ll be back in a week or two and all’ll be just fine.”

“You’d better.”

The two kissed each other goodbye. The three stallions walked out of the house in the direction of Ponyville.

“You have quite the family there, E.B.” Hood said.

Elderberry smiled sadly. “Yeah, I do.”

Solar Flare nudged Hood and whispered into his ear. “The filly’s sick. Redheart says she probably won’t make it to next Winter Wrap Up.”

Hood’s eyes widened and a chill ran through him. That happy little filly? Hood could only imagine how much Elderberry must be hurting, and leaving them alone must be the last thing he would ever want to do. Elderberry was quite the pony.

The three friends walked in silence along the streets, passing a few ponies on their way toward Hood’s home. They reached the house, Hood opening the door and lighting a few candles with magic. His friends lied down white he trotted about the house, tucking a few necessities into his saddlebag. He packed some books and a single small crystal ball. Last, he tucked away a small notebook. He would try to find time to chronicle his journey and what he saw in the old lands for later reference.

When he was done, the three of them returned to the carriage to find the two Pegasus guards still waiting stoically. Elderberry and Hood climbed into the cart and the pegasi took off, Solar Flare flying alongside them.


“Hmph. I can’t believe the others flaked on us.” Rainbow complained as Twilight shuffled through some maps in Celestia’s study.

“They didn’t flake on us, they just had too much going on. Just because you spend half the day napping doesn’t mean everyone does.” Twilight said, neatly assembling some maps and scrolls in a saddlebag.

“Besides, Twilight’s friend Hood is coming, and he said he would try to get his friends to help as well. It should be no problem at all.” Rarity said, fussily organizing some accessories in her own bag.

Rainbow chuckled. “If you guys knew Solar Flare, you wouldn’t be so confident. I end up doing half his work most days.”

Twilight looked skeptical.

“Are we almost done? You two have been looking at maps for an hour.” Rainbow complained, flying upside down next to Twilight’s head.

Twilight snapped her bag shut. “Done.”

Rarity levitated her bag over and placed it next to Twilight’s. “Now we just have to wait for the others.”

Twilight yawned. Despite the excitement, she was tired. She had sent a letter to Spike, who had written back in sloppy handwriting wishing her luck.

“Twilight.” Celestia greeted them as she walked into the study.

“All done, princess. We’re ready to leave at any time.”

“You should probably get some rest first. You can’t very well travel in the middle of the night either way.” Celestia said with a slight laugh.

“Sounds good to me.” Rainbow said through an enormous yawn.

“Come, I’ll show you to a quest room where you can get some sleep.” The three mares followed Celestia, leaving their bags behind. Halfway through the throne room, they spotted Hood and two other stallions, a grey Pegasus and a green earth pony.

The two parties stopped when they met each other. “Hi, Hood. These must be your friends?” Twilight asked, motioning towards Hood’s companions.

Twilight shook hooves with the Pegasus, Solar Flare and the earth pony, Elderberry. The two groups became acquainted briefly before retreating to their individual guest rooms, the mares in one room, the stallions in the other.

Twilight’s room had three enormous beds, much bigger than any of them would have needed. Each settled into their own beds, Rarity daintily sliding into hers without ruffling the blankets while Rainbow simply dropped into hers out of the air.

“Hey, Twilight. Don’t you think it’s a little weird, I mean, you haven’t seen Hood in how long? Like, ten years? And now all of a sudden we’re going on some big adventure with him?” Rainbow remarked.

Twilight thought about it for a moment. “Just a coincidence I suppose.”

“And you know his friend Solar Flare, don’t you Rainbow Dash? I’ve seen Elderberry and him around Ponyville before, although I’ve never actually spoken to them.” Rarity said.

Rainbow nodded. “He’s on the Ponyville weather team. He isn’t from Cloudesdale like me and Fluttershy though.”

“I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to get acquainted tomorrow. For now, let’s try to get some rest.” Twilight said, settling into her bed. The others agreed and nestled in for the night.


Hood tossed and turned in the gigantic bed in his guest room. Elderberry and Solar Flare had both fallen asleep with no trouble, but Hood had been asleep most of the previous day. Annoyed, he climbed down off the bed and wandered out onto the balcony.

He took a deep breath of the cool night air and gazed at the moon. He was used to the newer face of the moon, barren of the unicorn-shaped cluster of craters that formed the mare in the moon.

The soft sound of beating wings drew his attention. He looked up to see Princess Luna float down and stand beside him, not saying anything, but also gazing at the moon, her face unreadable.

The two were silent for a long time before Hood spoke.

“What was it like?”

He didn’t need to explain himself; Luna knew what he wanted to know.

“Cold. It’s not like I just stood on the surface of the moon for a thousand years, it was more like… It was more like I became the moon, in a sense. That’s why the mare in the moon appeared. It’s not really unpleasant, just… Just…”



The two once more stood quietly next to one another for while, soaking up the night air.

This time, it was Luna who spoke. “I could see all of my little ponies. Of course, most of them were asleep when I was over them, but I could see them. It was awful, seeing everypony I knew when I was here grow old and expire while I was unable to say goodbye to them. During my brief flashes of consciousness around my nightmarish façade I would call out to Celestia. She would come and visit with me for a while, but she always had to leave.”

Hood was silent.

Luna turned to look at him, her expression a mixture of happy and sad. “I would watch you sometimes. Even as a colt, you always liked the night time.”

Hood shrugged. “It was lonely for me sometimes too. Not many ponies to talk to, but I always had the moon as company.”

“We have a lot in common, Hood. More than I do with most ponies.” Hood looked to see a tear rolling down the alicorns face.

“What’s wrong?”

Luna brushed the tear away with her wing. “N-nothing, Hood. It’s just nice to have someone to talk to.”

“I’ll always be there if you ever need someone.” Hood said. The two lay down side by side on the balcony and talked, Luna doing most of the actual talking. Hood mostly just listened, content to hear Luna’s seemingly endless stories.

Eventually, the sun began to peak over the eastern horizon.

Luna looked at the sun with disappointment. “Well, I suppose you’ll probably be returning to your friends now?”

Hood glanced back into the room, where his friends were beginning to stir in their beds.

“Yeah, I suppose so. And princess?”

“Yes, Hood?”

“I’m glad we had a chance to talk.”

Luna smiled. “I am too Hood. I hope we’ll be able to share many nights in the future.” With that, Luna spread her wings and flew off in the direction of the throne room.

Hood stood up and stretched himself before trotting back into the guest room. Solar Flare had pulled his blanket over himself, but Elderberry was forcing himself awake, sliding out of the bed and shaking himself.

“Come on, get up now.” Hood said, jerking Solar’s blanket off.

“Eh, five more… eeh… Hours…” Solar Flare complained, covering his face with his wing.

Elderberry walked up, rubbing his eye with his hoof. “Ugh, come on, I have to get up, so do you.” He grabbed Solar Flare’s tail with his mouth and pulled him off the bed.

“Hey, come on, I’m sleeping here.”

“Come on, we’ve got a big day ahead.” Hood said, tying on his cape.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m up.” Solar Flare groaned, flattening an unruly lock of his mane with his hoof.

A knock sounded at the door.

“Come on in.” Elderberry called.

An eggshell-white unicorn opened the door and laid a tray of breakfast foods on the desk. “The princess asked these to be delivered to you, and she also asked that you meet her in the throne room when you’re finished.”

Hood thanked the pony and picked up a piece of toast. He munched on it while he waited for Solar Flare to finish waking up. Elderberry sipped some orange juice groggily.

When they had cleaned off the tray, the three strapped on their saddlebags, left their room and made for the throne room. There, they found Twilight and her friends talking to the princesses, saddlebags on their backs.

Rainbow Dash flipped over in the air as they approached.

“About time, we’ve been waiting here forever.”

“Rainbow, it’s been about five minutes…” Twilight said, rolling her eyes.

“Twilight Sparkle, and you too Hood, my faithful students.” Celestia started, beginning a seemingly prepared speech.

“I’m very proud that you would choose to take on this responsibility. I know you all have your own things going on, and it means a great deal that you would take this time to help me and Equestria.”

“We’re glad to help princess.” Twilight said proudly.

“I know you are. That’s why I have a very special gift for you and Hood. Luna?”

Luna nodded. “Hood, cross your horn with mine.” Hood sheepishly did as he was asked, Twilight doing the same with Celestia. A powerful magic poured into him, freezing him in place. In a few moments it was over, and Hood could move again.

It seemed as if every fiber of his being had been infused with powerful magic. He could feel it flowing through him; a pleasant warmth. Eventually, the sensation faded.

“What was that?” Elderberry asked.

“My sister and I granted some of our own magic to you.” Celestia explained, directed at Twilight. “Without the Elements of Harmony, this extra strength may prove useful if you run into trouble.”

Hood and Twilight bowed low. “Thank you, princess.” They said simultaneously.

Celestia and Luna accompanied the six ponies out of the throne room, through the courtyard, the trophy gardens and finally back out onto the road leading south across the mountains.

“Once you pass through the mountains here we won’t be able to help you any further. It should take a few days worth of walking to reach the old lands, but I can’t make any promises about finding help there. You may be on your own.” Celestia explained, stopping and pointing a hoof toward the mountains.

“We’ll be just fine, you can count on us!” Rainbow Dash declared, flying high into the air.

“I know I can.” Celestia said, beaming.

“We’d best be goin’ if we plan on getting there anytime soon.” Elderberry said.

The ponies all said goodbye to the princesses and turned to leave. Hood felt a hoof on his shoulder as he started walking. He turned to see princess Luna looking at him with blurry eyes.

“Come back safe, okay?”

Hood nodded. “I promise.”

Celestia and Luna spread their wings wide and took off back toward the castle while the six smaller ponies trotted off down the dirt road.

They walked (and flew) for a few hours before settling down on some soft grass for lunch. They talked about what they would do once they reached the old lands as they ate.

“As far as I know there are still ponies that live there, but I don’t know how well they’re all fairing. From what I’ve read, the blizzard caused by their feud never really stopped, just slowed down. The tribes shouldn’t be at open war anymore, but I imagine they still don’t get along too well.” Twilight explained.

“Well, it’s a good thing I packed warm.” Rarity exclaimed, wrapping a shimmery scarf around her neck.

“And to think, we’re some of the first ponies to ever actually go back there.” Solar Flare said through a mouthful of apple, drawing a disdainful look from Rarity.

“There’s never really been much reason to. Ponies in Equestria are a lot better off, I’d bet that only devout followers of the older ways still live there.” Hood said.

“That might be a bit of a problem.” Elderberry said, scratching his chin. “I mean, if them ponies livin’ there don’t want other kinds o’ ponies around, we might have to split up to talk to ‘em.”

“Oh, you’re right. What an awful thing to fight about…” Twilight said with a thoughtful look. “Three of us are unicorns, Rainbow and Solar Flare are pegasi, but you’re the only earth pony. You think you would be okay on your own?”

Elderberry waved a hoof. “Bah, it wouldn’t be no trouble. I been in a few scrapes in my time.”

“Well, if you’re really sure. And what about you two?”

Rainbow and Solar exchanged looks. “We’ll be fine. I did play Commander Hurricane in that play in Canterlot.” Rainbow said confidently. Solar Flare agreed.

“We should probably be on our way. We still have quite a long way to go.” Rarity said, picking her saddlebag back up off the ground and carefully dusting it off.

The others readied their own saddlebags as well, continuing on southward. The purple mountains loomed over them, some of the walls encrusted with sparking gems. Rarity made sure to remember this location so she and Spike could come back.


Twilight’s hooves were a little sore from walking all day, but she was otherwise just fine. She glanced over at Hood, who had been silent most of the time they had been walking.

He was doing his best to hide it under his hood, but Twilight could see his eyes beginning to droop. Of course, how could she have forgotten? Hood wasn’t used to staying up during the day. He must have been exhausted.

“Hey, are you all right?” She asked quietly, tapping him on the shoulder. He jumped a little.

“Er, yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

“You just look a little tired.”

“Nah, I’m good. Just a... you know, little headache.”

Twilight tried to write it off, but Hood did look pretty miserable.

“Hey, everypony, why don’t we rest here for the night. I’m feeling a little tired.” Twilight suggested.

“Tired? It’s only like five.” Rainbow Dash complained.

Elderberry looked at her for a moment and then looked at Hood. “Ya know, that sounds like a fine idea. I’ll get a fire goin’.” He trotted off in the direction of some nearby trees, picking up likely looking sticks and kindling as he went.

Twilight, Rarity and Hood busied themselves setting up a small camp while Rainbow Dash and Solar Flare worked on supplying some fog cover. They didn’t want any Ursas or Dragons spotting them. Elderberry returned, a bundle of sticks in his mouth. He expertly started a fire and the six ponies gathered around it.

They roasted a few marshmallows that Boysenberry had had the foresight to pack and talked, more about just small talk than anything about the journey still ahead.

Elderberry was telling the three mares about his foals. They seemed to be the only thing on his mind, or at least the only thing he found worthy to bother talking about.

Hood remained silent through the story telling, assuming his usual position of listener. Twilight poked him with her snout.

“So, do you have anything interesting to talk about?”

He shrugged. “Not really. I work as a delivery pony for some of the stores in town, moving supplies from farms and things, not much to tell stories about.”

“I know, why don’t you tell us a bit more about that magic you can do, what was it?” Rarity asked.

“Foresight.” Hood explained. “Well, I usually just see things in my dreams, then they eventually happen. I can never really tell what’s just a dream and what’s a vision.”

“So how was it that you foresaw Nightmare Moon returning?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Hood shrugged. “To be honest, that was mostly conjecture. Luna helped me use my powers to see a designated point in the future. The moon had the pattern of the mare in the moon on it.”

“But if that’s so, then wouldn’t that mean that Celestia and Luna had defeated her already?” Solar Flare asked.

“Maybe so, but we figured it would be better to try to stop it from happening at all, rather than allowing things to come to pass and let somepony get hurt.”

“That makes sense.” Twilight commented.

“And that’s why we’re on this trip. Celestia had heard something about cultist activity in the old lands and asked for my help in seeing if they would be a danger.”

“Wait a sec.” Elderberry interrupted. “If this is happening in the old lands, then who told the Princess about it?”

All of them exchanged glances.

“I… Don’t rightly know.” Hood said, scratching the back of his head.

“That is a good question. We’ll have to ask her when we get back.” Twilight said.

Hood yawned widely, dark circles forming under his purple eyes.

“We should try to get some sleep. We still have a long way to go, and we should get an early start.” Twilight said.

The other agreed, settling down in their own spots. Rarity had produced a blanket from somewhere, laying on that instead of the grass. Solar Flare and Rainbow Dash weren’t nearly tired enough to sleep so they stayed up and talked.

Hood had settled down, laying his head on his front hooves. Twilight lay down beside him, resting her head on his shoulder. He blushed a bit, but Twilight ignored it. They drifted off to sleep like that.


Back in Canterlot Castle, a darkly cloaked pony crept out of the castle in the dark. She spread her wings and flew off in the direction of the Everfree Forest.

She flew silently above the trees before dropping down and landing near a crumbling stone ruin. She walked closer, greeting another pony, also dressed in a black cape, a horn poking out from beneath his hood.

“Is everything going according to plan?” The unicorn stallion asked.

“Well, for the most part, yes.” The Pegasus replied quietly.

“’The most part’? What is that supposed to mean?”

“Well, three of the Ponies who wield the Elements of Harmony have begun traveling to the old lands, but three remain in Ponyville.”

“What of Twilight Sparkle?”

“She is among the ones who left.”

“Then we have nothing to worry about. Come, the preparations are beginning.” Together, the two walked inside he ruin, where dozens of other ponies, all dressed in the same black garments stood gathered around an enormous stone plinth. Five branches forked off of the plinth, each ending in an empty stone bowl.

At the bottom of this strange adornment, another bowl rested this one full of light blue shreds of what looked like fabric. Beside this bowl stood a thick bodied earth pony, his face concealed by a hood. As his companions approached, he lowered his hood, revealing a bright red coat and dark brown mane.

“So, then, are we ready to begin?” This pony asked.

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle has gone off toward the old lands. She won’t be able to interrupt our ritual.” The unicorn said, lowering his own hood. His Pegasus companion did the same. They formed a circle around the bowl of cloth.

The unicorn lowered his head near the bowl and lit his horn. This magic was different than usual. It didn’t glow a vibrant blue or red as usual, but instead was a solid black, flowing like water from his horn and into the bowl. The blue scraps of cloth were engulfed in the inky blackness.

As the unicorn worked, the earth pony turned to face the crowd of hooded ponies.

“This is indeed a glorious night, friends. I, your wise leader, the pony who walks in glorious night, he who has heard the words of mistress Nightmare Moon have set in motion a chain of events like none before.

On this night, the true goddess of the night shall make her return, to oust the weak pretender Luna, and the naïve sun-lover Celestia.” The last sentence he said with remarkable distaste, as if speaking the names of the princesses caused him physical pain. The ponies before him shared the sentiment, shuffling with displeasure at the mention of their names.

“Soon, Nightmare Moon will return for a third and final time. And we, the faithful followers of the one true princess of Equestria, nay… The one true sovereign of all the world, we shall be rewarded for our diligent work. It was our blood, sweat and tears that made this night possible. You, the unicorns who weaved the magic thick in this place. You, the pegasi who braved the treacherous skies of the Everfree Forest to hide us from the sun-tyrant. All of you who left behind friends and relatives still loyal to that damned ball of light in the sky!”

The crowd of cloaked ponies cheered. Behind the earth pony preacher, the unicorn was still hard at work, pouring a seemingly endless amount of the black magic into the shreds. The Pegasus stood watching with dumbstruck interest.

“And have no fear, my friends, for the Elements of Harmony are no threat to our mistress! Twilight Sparkle,” The pony seemed to spit the name, “has gone trotting off on a foal’s errand, seeking us miles from where we truly are. You should all be proud of your actions, for it was you who made our deception possible. Were it not for your work over these past two years, we would never have avoided detection for as long as we had! The sun Tyrant would have discovered us and stopped the coming of the true queen!”

The unicorn shouted in pain, the last of his magic flowing into the bowl of cloth. Once a light blue, the bits of cloth had turned black as pitch. Spare particles of magic floated around the bowl as the unicorn collapsed.

A mighty noise like that of a tornado ripped through the room, causing some ponies to duck and cover their heads. Ribbons of pure darkness were pulled from the air, flying into the bowl and fusing with the cloth. The unicorn struggled to his hooves, gazing in wonder, his expression matched by the Pegasus.

“Behold my friends! The one! True! QUEEN!” The earth pony shouted over the din, a maddened grin on his face.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment. All the remaining strips of magic had been pulled from the air. All was completely motionless for a time, the mad look of the priest of night never shifting.

A sound even greater than the one before seemed to tear the world apart. The unicorn and Pegasus at the altar were blown backward, the unicorn almost out the door, the Pegasus against a wall. Somehow, the thick earth pony managed to stay in place, laughing hysterically, although he could not even hear himself over the clamor. The dark cloth in the bowl rose into the air, spinning round and round before coming together.

Before the ponies’ very eyes, an inky cloud of black formed in the air, spreading slowly and unevenly. It looked as if somepony had spilled ink in water, but it floated in the air. As the ponies watched, the cloud darted at the Pegasus that had been thrown across the room. She uttered a strangled cry as it filled her nose and mouth, disappearing inside her body. Her entire body turned black, growing to a much greater size, her mane and tail retreating and a long, sharp horn sprouting from her head.

A wispy cloud of midnight blue mist grew from both her neck and flank. Slowly, what was once pure black filled with some color. Dark purple coated a space on her flank and in the center a turquoise crescent moon appeared. A turquoise collar appeared around her neck, the same crescent moon in the center. A helmet made from the same material appeared on her head, around her horn and down her neck.

She opened her eyes, terrible, turquoise, dragon-like eyes. She lifted herself proudly to her hooves, standing tall before her new subjects.

She turned to look at the unicorn, who limped weakly through the crowd, panting and sweating, but with a satisfied look on his face. He muttered two words, “My… Lady…” before collapsing, breathing weakly.

“So, you’re the one who aided in my return?” She asked the half-dead unicorn, who tried to respond but was unable.

“You’ve been very helpful, my little pony. And for that, you shall receive a fine reward.” A thin bolt of blue lightning flew from her starry mane, striking the unicorn. He did not struggle, nor cry out. He simply sighed and went limp.

“An end to your suffering.” The large, dark alicorn said, her voice dripping with feigned sympathy.

“My lady, Queen Nightmare Moon!” The earth pony cried out, dropping to the ground and kissing the hooves of this new pony. “We have waited so long for you to return to us. We have worked so hard to make this day a reality. And now you are here, here to take your rightful place as queen on this world!”

Nightmare Moon looked down at him and across the crowd. Memories washed into her mind. Memories of a stolen body, memories of plots, of anger and pain, memories of how she had planned to steal the sun away from the ponies of Equestria, to fill their lives with eternal night.

Now, she could finally do it. She no longer felt Luna’s powerful presence within her, fighting to stop her. Instead, she could feel the meager existence of the Pegasus she had just combined with, silently accepting her new role as home to Nightmare Moon.

“You.” She said, tapping the earth pony priest with her hoof. “What is your name?”

“Your highness, I am Redstar. It was I who began the process of your revi-“

“I asked for your name, not your life story.” Nightmare Moon interrupted rudely. Redstar looked to her with confusion.

“Redstar. You and your companions have been instrumental in my return. As such, I will grant you a gift.” Her mane rose, spreading out across all the ponies present. Strands fell down and touched each one of them. A remarkable feeling filled them. They turned to look at one another.

Their coats had all been stained black. Some pulled off their hoods and capes to find their cutie marks covered by the dark dye that had stained them.

Then they all turned to look at Redstar. He, like them, had been stained black. His cape was replaced with armor the same color as Nightmare Moon’s and enormous, dragon-like wings graced his back. He was even bigger than before, although not as big as Nightmare Moon.

Unlike the rest of them, his cutie mark was still visible. A vibrant star, red against his black coat. He turned to look at them, his eyes glowing red.

“Our mistress has RETURNED!” He shouted, his voice as mighty as ten ponies.

The crowd cheered, their voices altered to a shrill cry, like that of a bat.

Nightmare Moon looked at her children with grim pride. This time, nothing would stop her reign.


Elderberry and Rarity were still awake, though their friends had long since fallen asleep. Twilight lay with her head against Hood, while Solar Flare and Rainbow Dash slept side by side, their wings draped over one another.

“Isn’t that just the sweetest thing?” Rarity cooed mockingly, nudging Elderberry in the side.

“Adorable.” He replied with a sad smile.

“Something bothering you, darling?”

“It’s my foals. I hate to leave them alone with their mama like this.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry too much. Foals grow up fast, but not that fast.”

Elderberry huffed and wiped his eye.

Rarity looked at him with concerned confusion. “Did… I say something wrong?”

Elderberry shook his head, but was unable to hold back the flow of tears any longer. He lowered his head and sobbed quietly. Rarity put one of her forelegs around him, which was difficult, as he was almost as big as Applejack’s brother Macintosh.

“Sshh, now, now it’s alright. What’s wrong?”

“It… It’s my filly, Raspberry. She’s real sick you see… N-Nurse Redheart says she ain’t gonna make it much longer.”

Rarity felt a tug on her heartstrings. “Oh, dear, I’m so sorry.” She said in her most comforting voice. It did little good, and Elderberry continued to cry quietly for a long time.

Chapter 4, Nightmares and Snowstorms

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Chapter 4: Nightmares and Snowstorms

As the six ponies continued on their way, the weather shifted abruptly. It was like walking out of fall and right into winter. They huddled together in an attempt to stay warm.

“Oh, my, this was unexpected.” Rarity complained.

“We must be getting close to the old lands. They say it’s always winter there.” Twilight replied, shivering.

“This is going to take forever…” Solar Flare whined, his wings flat on his sides.

As they walked, the terrain went from frozen dirt to snow, and a few flakes flitted about in the air. The further south they went, the colder and snowier it got, until eventually they found themselves walking through a full-blown blizzard. More than once they looked upward, strange sounds drawing their attention.

They finally stopped, Elderberry putting his fire making skills to good use. The sky was completely grey and they had no way of knowing what time it was. They huddled together by the fire, doing their best to keep themselves and each other warm.

“Are you sure we should keep going?” Rainbow Dash half-shouted over the wind.

“We don’t have a ch-ch-choice. B-besides, we’re almost th-there.” Twllight said, carefully scanning a map.

“How are we g-gonna sleep? We’ll f-f-freeze.” Hood noted, pulling his hood down as far as his horn would allow.

“W-we’ll just have to s-sleep for a little while and then walk some more. T-two of us can stay awake and wake the others up after a while.” Rarity suggested.

Rainbow Dash and Solar Flare groaned.

“And I think you two should take the first watch.” Elderberry said grumpily, jabbing Solar Flare in the side.

“Fine, whatever.” Solar Flare said, bracing himself against the biting wind.

“T-try to wake us up after about a half an hour okay?” Twilight asked, resting her head against Hood again.

Solar Flare and Rainbow agreed, trying to start a conversation to keep themselves awake.

Hood wrapped his cape around Twilight, trying his best to keep her warm. He rested his head on his front hooves and tried to sleep, the haunting noises from above making it difficult.


Applejack kicked a tree, filling the baskets near the base with apples. Big Macintosh did the same to another nearby tree, his strong legs leaving behind hoof marks.

“So, you think Twi, Rarity and Rainbow are alright?” Applejack asked, flipping some spare apples up into a basket with her snout.

Macintosh replied with his usual response. “Eeyup.”

“I know they are too big brother, but ah’m still worried about ‘em. I really wish I could have gone along with ‘em, they could’a used mah help.”

Macintosh shrugged before bucking another tree.

Applejack took off her hat and wiped her brow. Macintosh and her had been Applebucking all day, and she was beat.

“Uh, A.J.?”

“Yeah Big Mac?”

“What’s that?” Macintosh pointed up into the air. Applejack followed where he was pointing. Above them, an enormous black pony shot through the sky. Normally, the odd Pegasus wouldn’t have seemed strange at all, but this one was different. He was big, much bigger than Macintosh, and his wings didn’t have feathers. They looked like dragon wings.

“Ah couldn’t tell ya big brother. Have you ever seen a Pegasus with wings like that before?”

“Eeyup. Luna’s carriage haulers had them.”

“Let’s follow him, it looks like he’s headed toward Ponyville.”

The two farm ponies galloped off in the direction of town, following the strange Pegasus.


Pinkie Pie was doing her best to keep pace with the black Pegasus she had just seen fly over her. She didn’t know who he was, but she would pop every balloon she owned before she let him get away without meeting her.

“Hey! Come down here! I wanna talk to you!” Pinkie shouted, a hint of desperation in her voice. She had yelled at him twice, but he was completely ignoring her.

Finally, the mysterious pony slowed down and started to ascend near town hall. He swooped down onto the stage that the mayor, Ivory Scroll used when she addressed Ponyville.

A few ponies stopped to gawk at him. Pinkie could finally get a good view. The Pegasus wasn’t like Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Derpy or any other pony she knew. He reminded her of Luna’s guards, given his dark color and membranous wings. She zipped over to greet him.

“Hi!” Pinkie exclaimed, jumping up onto the stage.

The Pegasus nodded curtly.

“I saw you flying over and I just had to welcome you to Ponyville, because I didn’t know you yet, and if I don’t know you, then nopony in town would know you because I know everypony in ponyville. Well, except for that one pony that my friend Twilight knew, but I know him now.”

The enormous black Pegasus gave her an odd look. “Pinkie Pie, was it?” His voice was deep and resonate, and carried an arrogance with it.

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“I need you to do something for me, er… Friend.”

Pinkie’s eyes lit up. “We’re friends already!? That’s great! I’ll have to throw us a great big ‘new friends’ party!” She squealed, bouncing up and down.

“Yes, yes, perhaps later. First, I need you to find your friends Applejack and Fluttershy, and bring them here. They’ll want to meet your new friend, yes?”

Pinkie Pie gasped. “Of course! How could I have forgotten?! Oh, I wish Twilight and Rarity and Rainbow Dash were here…” And with that she darted off in the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage.

A few minutes later she burst through Fluttershy’s door. Her friend squeaked and jumped into the air.

“Fluttershy! I made a new friend and he wants to see you and Applejack in town square!”

“Oh, um, okay. Who is he?” Fluttershy asked nervously, floating close to the ground.

Pinkie thought for a moment. “I dunno!” She squeaked cheerfully, grabbing Fluttershy’s hoof and pulling her along in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

Halfway there, she saw Applejack and her brother Big Macintosh trotting down the road towards them.

“Hey, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy.” Applejack greeted, tipping her hat. “We were just headed towards town, we saw some Pegasus flyin’ over.”

“I know, I know! I met him too, he’s my new friend, and he asked me to get you guys.”

Applejack looked at Pinkie blankly for a moment. “Asked for us? By name?”

“Yeah, he said you guys would want to meet him.”

Applejack looked at Fluttershy, who looked confused. “First, the princesses send Twi, Rarity and Rainbow off on some quest to who-knows-where, then this fella shows up and knows just who he’s lookin’ fer. This is all addin’ up to somethin’ mighty fishy.”

“Eeyup.” The others turned to look at Big Macintosh, who was chewing on a sprig of straw. He gaze was fixed straight ahead.

“Well, we’re not gonna find anythin’ out standin’ here, y’all. Let’s go talk to this feller.”

The three earth ponies set off with Fluttershy flying right above them.


Ivory Scroll had just finished setting off the town alert calling for a meeting of all the ponies on Ponyville. Now she stood just behind and to the right of the massive black Pegasus who had requested it. She hadn’t had the nerve to ask him why he had come, or who had sent him.

She watched the local heroes, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy approach the swelling crowd and nudge their way to the front, the farmer Macintosh simply wading through the smaller ponies.

“Here he is, wow, he’s making a lot of friends…” Pinkie said, climbing up on to the stage with her friends.

Applejack extended a hoof to the black, bat-winged pony, which he ignored. She gave him a questioning look.

“Not right this moment, Applejack. I need the entire town present.”

“Er, alright…” She watched as the town’s population gathered about the stage. None seemed to know what was going on. She approached the mayor.

“What in Equestria is this all about, mayor?”

“I’m not really sure. He just swooped down and ordered a town meeting.”

“Ordered? Who does he think he is?”

“Would you argue with him?”

Applejack took a long look at the Pegasus, who hadn’t moved a muscle. He was bigger than Macintosh, he was even bigger than Luna. He looked like one of Luna’s guards, with his black coat, bat wings and dark armor. A red star decorated his flank.

Applejack approached him once more. “Say, some of our friends left for somethin’ the princess needed ‘em to do. Did princess Luna send you to give us an update?”

The Pegasus turned to look at her. The look in his eyes was one of indescribable hatred, and for a second, Applejack thought he was going to strike her.

He didn’t though, and replied with a simple “No.”

A small, purple dragon ran onto the stage.

“Um, howdy Spike.” Applejack said nervously, backing slowly away from the Pegasus but not taking her eyes off him.

“What’s going on?” Spike asked. He too was looking at the Pegasus, who seemed to have lost interest in them again.

“I dunno, but I got a bad-“

The stranger lifted his wings with the soft sound of leather rubbing against leather. In a booming shout, much louder than anypony should have been able to talk, he addressed the town.

“Citizens of Ponyville!”

Applejack hit the deck and covered her ears against the sound. His voice reminded her of the time Luna had come to visit on Nightmare Night.

“Citizens of Ponyville!” The Pegasus repeated. “I am Redstar, envoy of the night!”

The ponies that weren’t covering their ears looked at him with confusion.

“I bring great news, friends! News of the return of a pony who you believed to be gone forever! Even as I speak, emissaries like me speak to the inhabitants of towns across Equestria. Yours is the home to many ponies of import, such as those who share this stage with me.”

Redstar pointed a polished black hoof at Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked absolutely terrified.

“Soon, friends, soon the true princess of the night shall make her return!”

A grey Pegasus with lopsided eyes raised her hoof. Redstar looked at her for a moment, and then, in a normal voice asked her what she wanted.

“But, isn’t Luna the princess of the night?”

A look of fury crossed Redstar’s face, and he shouted in his booming voice, “NO! I do not speak of, nor do I speak for Luna!”

The cross eyes Pegasus looked at the ground glumly.

“Hey, you can’t talk to my mommy that way!” A small purple unicorn filly piped angrily, patting Derpy’s shoulder.

“SILENCE!” Redstar shouted in a voice twice as loud as his normal shout. Everypony present, even Macintosh, covered their ears and winced.

“As I was saying, I speak for the one true Princess of the night, the one true Queen of Equestria! I speak for Nightmare Moon!”

All fell silent at his words. A few ponies muttered to one another.

“Well, I got bad news for yah, yah big blowhard, but there ain’t no Nightmare Moon. I was kinda there when we got rid of her.” Applejack said, finding her nerve.

“Ah, but that is where you are wrong.” Redstar replied, his voice no longer mighty, but instead dangerously quiet. His pressed his face inches from Applejack’s.

“All that your precious Elements of Harmony managed to do was free my mistress from Luna’s body, giving her freedom. In essence, you and your friends caused her return.”

Applejack put on a brave face but still shook a little as she glared at the mighty Pony in front of her. “She ain’t back. Your lyin’. And I ain’t scared o’ you.”

Redstar snarled and raised a hoof threateningly. Applejack winced, preparing for the blow.

Macintosh bucked Redstar hard in the snout. An audible crunch was heard, and Redstar uttered a startled cry, dabbing at his profusely bleeding nose gingerly with the hoof he had prepared to strike AJ with.

“You insolent WELP!” The last word he shouted with a force that could be felt throughout the courtyard. He turned sideways and bucked Macintosh in the side. Macintosh tried to brace himself, but even he was no match for the force of the kick, and was sent flying headlong across the stage, over the side and onto the ground. He made a soft grunt when he landed and spit some blood, trying to struggle to his hooves. Some ponies rushed over to help him but most just stared dumbfounded.

“See the power granted to me by my Mistress, Nightmare Moon!” Redstar shouted.

Fluttershy had retreated to a corner of the stage, sobbing. Pinkie was trying to comfort her, to little avail.

Redstar talked with a nasally voice, evidence of his broken snout. “Listen now, Ponies! Soon, night shall fall across Equestria, and the sun shall never again rise! I take my leave with this warning. Should we be met with any more opposition, those guilty shall meet a fate far worse than they could imagine!” With that, he spread his wings and jetted off into the sky, leaving a trail of black in his wake.

Applejack leaped off the stage, dashing towards Macintosh. He had fallen back onto the ground, his breathing labored. A massive hoof print marked his side, and he kept spitting more blood onto the ground.

“Big brother!” A little filly with a red mane ran through the cloud, flanked by a small orange Pegasus and white unicorn.

Nurse Redheart pushed them away. “Give him room!”

A white stallion with a stethoscope cutie mark was frantically checking Macintosh’s vitals.

“We need to get him to the hospital, fast!” He exclaimed.

Macintosh winced and grinded his teeth. Applejack, the doctor and Nurse Redheart did their best to help him walk, but it was a slow labor.

It seemed an eternity by the time they got Macintosh through the doors of the Hospital and laid him down on a bed. His breathing has terribly ragged. AJ did her best to comfort him while the medical ponies rushed around, rigging up machines and preparing medicines.

“How you feeling Big Brother?” AJ said, trying to keep her voice steady. Applebloom and her friends had been told to wait outside.

Macintosh chuckled weakly. “Like ah just walked up and down stirrup street in one o’ Granny’s girdles.”

Applejack smiled, remembering back to how Big Mac had gotten himself injured the previous Appleback season.

Redheart rushed in and pushed an IV into Macintosh’s right foreleg then shooed Applejack out of the room. Another doctor ran past her into the room and hooked Mac up to another machine, then closed the blind. Applejack walked out of the hospital slowly and was greeted by Applebloom.

“Is he gonna be alright?!” The cutie mark crusaders asked in unison.

“Ah don’t know, but I sure as sugar hope so…”


Spike paced back and forth across the bottom floor of the library, as he had done hundreds of times over the past few days. With Twilight gone, he had no one to clean up after, and with Rarity gone, he had no one to follow around.

And now he had something else on his mind. That pony from town, Redstar. He had said Nightmare Moon was back. But that was impossible, because Twilight and her friends had defeated her.

If Twilight was here, she would know what to do.


Boysenberry took the night’s dinner out of the oven and placed it on the table. Using magic, she placed three plates and three cups around the table as well, leaving the head empty.

She was troubled by what had transpired in town earlier, and she was glad Blackberry and Raspberry hadn’t been there to see it. Macintosh was a friend of Elderberry’s, and she hoped he would be okay.

She called to the foals to wash up dinner and took her seat, magically scooping some food onto the plates. Blackberry and Raspberry walked in, toweling off their hooves.

“When is daddy coming home?” Raspberry asked, taking her seat across from her mom.

“I don’t know, sweety, soon.”

“What was going on it town today? We could hear noises all the way from here.”Blackberry asked through a mouthful of food.

Boysenberry paused for a moment. “Oh, nothing, just something the mayor had to say.”

Raspberry was pushing some food around her plate.

“What’s the matter, sugar cube, not hungry?” Boysenberry asked.

“I don’t feel too good.”

A thrill of worry ran through Boysenberry, as it did whenever Raspberry said those words. She placed a hoof over her daughter’s forehead.

“Celestia’s sake, you’re burning up! Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

“Ah, I don’t wanna go to bed this early.” Raspberry complained.

“None of that, the last thing I want is you getting’ worse. Now, get to bed, and I’ll bring in some medicine for you.”

Raspberry grumbled, but obeyed, walking slowly to her bedroom. Blackberry looked at his mother, who’s eyes were beginning to fog up.

“What’s wrong?”

“What, oh, it’s, it’s nothing sweetheart. Eat up, I made plenty.” Boysenberry said, wiping her eyes.

Oh, Elderberry, where in Equestria are you…


“Hey, come on, we need to move.” Hood nudged Elderberry with his hoof, waking him from his slumber. All around them, the wind howled and the snow continued to fall.

Elderberry got up slowly, stretching his near-frozen limbs. It was awful trying to camp in this snow, even with the fires that Elderberry made.

Rarity was fussily brushing her mane, complaining openly about the wind.

“This really bites; I can’t feel my wings…” Rainbow Dash said, bristling her feathers.

“We’re close. Another hour or two and we’ll come to a village, according to this map.” Twilight said, magically folding her map and tucking it back into her saddlebag.

Once again, the six ponies started walking, bunched as close to one another as possible. It would have looked comical, if it weren’t for the freezing weather.

They walked ever onward in silence, the eerie sounds from above mixing with the howling of the wind.

Solar Flare broke the silence. “Look!” He pointed in the direction of what looked like a shadow, but on closer inspection, could be recognized as buildings.

“We made it!” Twilight cheered. They broke rank and rushed forward toward the town. As they approached they could see ponies, bundled up against the cold, walking around. One stopped and pointed at them.

When they reached the first of the buildings, two hulking earth ponies stepped in their way.

“Halt, stop there, and state your business.” One said.

Twilight approached and extended a hoof. “Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle and-“

The earth pony cut her off. “What business do you have here, unicorn? And you, pegasi?” He asked, addressing Solar Flare and Rainbow Dash.

Elderberry stepped forward. “They’re with me. We’re on a royal mission from Equestria and we-“

Once again, the earth pony cut him off midsentence. “Equestria? Well then I say you can turn your flanks around and trot on back. We don’t want any business with you nor anyone from there.”

“Now wait just a minute. We didn’t come all this way and almost freeze our tails off for you to just tell us to leave.” Rainbow Dash snapped.

“Could we speak to whoever is in charge? Please, this is of dire importance.” Hood begged.

The two guards looked at one another.

“Fine. But keep those horns cool and them wings closed. We don’t associate with your kind very often.”

The six friends followed the guards through town, drawing looks from many citizens. Everypony who lived in this village was an earth pony, most with dark circles around their eyes. They seemed malnourished, but not necessarily starving.

They walked for a few minutes before finally reaching a long hall with a thatched grass roof. They were led inside, where sat a long table, and across from it, a lavishly dressed caramel-colored mare.

“Chancellor, these ponies say they’re from Equestria, and they need to speak with you.” One guard said, bowing his head before the chancellor.

The pony climbed down from her high seat and addressed Twilight, who they had taken as the leader of the party.

“Greetings, unicorn. I am Chancellor Butterscotch. What is your business here?”

Twilight shook hooves with the chancellor as she introduced herself and her friends.

“We were sent here by the Princesses of Equestria to investigate reports of cultists who may pose a threat to us, as well as your ponies.”

Butterscotch thought for a moment. “I can assure you the earth ponies know nothing of these activities. You would likely find what you seek with the Unicorns of Queen Silver Hoof. Your kind are always cooking up dangerous experiments.”

Twilight shifted uneasily, as did Hood and Rarity. They clearly weren’t welcome here.

“Well, would it be okay if we had a look around? We don’t have much information to go on and we can’t be too sure-“


“I’m sorry?”

“I don’t want you snooping around my town. We’re not brutes, and we won’t throw you out, but know that most of the ponies in this town will not be as gracious as me. Many hate the unicorns, and even more so the pegasi. After all, it was they who have kept this blizzard going for these past millennia.”

“No, they havn’t. The ponies who came to Equestria discovered what the cause of the blizzard was, it was wendegos.” Twilight half-explained, half-pleaded.

Butterscotch scoffed. “There’s no such thing.”

“It’s true. Heck, last year some of us starred in a play about it. We have a holiday in Equestria celebrating when we discovered and defeated them.” Rainbow Dash said.

Butterscotch raised an eyebrow. “If that is true, then how were they defeated? It seems unlikely that the blizzard that has plagued us for three thousand years was caused by something that could be so easily ousted.”

Twilight bit her lip. The explanation seemed unlikely, regardless of whether or not it was true.

Hood stepped forward. “You want to know the real reason for this storm? It’s because of that attitude. The lack of respect the ponies here have for one another based solely on whether or not they have horns or wings.”

Butterscotch looked insulted. “And who are you to talk to me in such a way? The life of unicorns is vastly easier than that of earth ponies. Even if we tried to seek a lasting peace, your kind and the pegasi would undoubtedly treat us unfairly and seek to enslave us, just as you did all those centuries ago.”

“Now hold on one second.” Elderberry said, taking a step in Butterscotch’s direction. “You ever wonder why the ponies in Equestria are so well off? It’s because we all work together. We understand that we can all help each other, regardless of who was born with what.”

Butterscotch looked more interested now, presumably because Elderberry was an earth pony like her. “That may be so, but it wasn’t us that started this conflict. Plus, I’m still not entirely convinced of this “wendigo” theory.”

“Maybe it wasn’t you who started it, but wouldn’t it look good for you if you were the one who tried to end it?” Twilight suggested. They had the chancellor going now, and this could be a wonderful chance to not only learn what they need to, but maybe to end the distrust that had plagued this land for so long.

Butterscotch looked thoughtful. “You have to understand though, one does not simply undue three thousand years worth of hatred and distrust. It would take time, and work.”

“What do you have but time?” Hood said.

“We’re gonna run out of time.” Solar Flare griped, nudging Hood, who ignored him.

“I’ll give it some thought. Until then, you six look like you could use some rest. I’ll have my steward set you up with some warm beds and hot meals here in the longhouse.”

Hood sighed with relief. His entire body ached. He had lost all track of time since they had entered the old lands, as it was dark all day and night with the clouds.

They were led to a massive side room with a dozen beds. Each picked a bed and laid down in it, stretching out and making themselves comfortable.

“My, it’s so nice to have a bed to sleep in again.” Rarity exclaimed.

“I know, right? I mean, it’s no cloud, but it’s not bad.” Rainbow Dash said, fluffing her pillow.

Two servants walked in carrying trays in their mouths. They set them down on a table and walked out without a word, obviously uncomfortable serving unicorns and pegasi.

“So what are we gonna do? I mean, if Chancellor Butterscotch does try to make friends with the other tribes that’s great and all, but it’s not exactly what we’re here for.” Hood pointed out.

“True, but it will give us a place to start.” Twilight said.

“A place to start what? I mean, we barely know what we’re looking for.” Solar Flare said.

They discussed it over a meal of tough but tasty bread and assorted unfamiliar vegetables.

“How do you suppose they grow what they need here? The ground is frozen solid.” Elderberry asked.

“We can ask them about it tomorrow. For now, let’s try to get some sleep.” Twilight said, settling into her bed.

Hood pulled off his cape and blew out the candles. It was almost pitch-black now, but Hood could see just fine. He lied down in his bed.

He couldn’t sleep. He was exhausted, and his whole body cried out for sleep, but whatever switch inside him told him to sleep just wouldn’t click off.

Quietly, he crawled out of his bed and across the room to where Twilight lay. Doing his best to make as little noise as possible, Hood climbed up into Twilight’s bed and curled up beside her. She stirred a little.


“It’s me.” Hood replied quietly.

“Oh.” Twilight was barely awake. She turned over and snuggled up beside Hood.

Hood was glad it was dark, as he was blushing furiously.

“G’night, Hood.” Twilight whispered groggily.

“Sweet dreams, Twilight.” Hood laid his head down next to Twilight’s. Despite the circumstances, he was happy.

Chapter 5, Unrest

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Chapter 5: Unrest

Applejack nervously paced back and forth in front of the hospital. It had been at least an hour since Big Mac had been admitted, but to her, it seemed like days.

Finally, the door slid open and Nurse Redheart stepped outside. Applejack ran up to her.

“Is he okay?” She asked frantically.

Redheart took off her nurse’s cap and dabbed at her forehead. “He’s gonna be alright, but he won’t be back to work for a long time. Half his ribs on his right side are broken and he has some minor internal injuries. He’s lucky; a smaller pony wouldn’t have survived that.”

Applejack breathed a sigh of relief.

“That being said,” Redheart continued, “Whoever this Redstar pony is, something about him isn’t natural. Macintosh is the strongest stallion I know, nopony should have been able to send him sprawling like that. You don’t suppose that nonsense about Nightmare Moon…?”

Applejack took off her hat with a somber look. “A couple days ago, Princess Celestia asked me and my friends to check out somethin’ over in the old lands. She seemed to reckon there was some folks to do with Nightmare Moon.”

“Is that why some of your friends weren’t at the town meeting?”

Applejack nodded. “Yeah, Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow went trottin’ off. I thought they was chasing pony-tails, but I ain’t so sure now.”

Redheart sighed and so did AJ.


Spike wished he could at least send Twilight a letter, telling her what happened. Of course, the only pony he could send letters to was Princess Celestia.

He supposed that would have to do.

Spike quickly assembled a quill, ink and scroll and scribbled down a letter recanting the day’s events, the strange pony, the odd news he had brought with him, and what had happened to AJ’s brother.

He opened a window, took a deep breath and blew a few embers of green fire on the scroll. It disappeared in a puff of smoke and blew away.

Spike stood there for a couple minutes, awaiting a letter back. He felt it in his stomach and belched, another scroll appearing in the resulting fire.

He opened it and read.

I thank you for taking the time to write to me about the events that transpired in Ponyville.
I do not recognize the name Redstar, and it may be an alias, but whoever he may be, he must be brought to justice.
If what he says is true, then this is grim news. If you find a way to send a letter to Twilight, please do so. I need to speak with her soon.
Your Princess,

Spike sighed, thought for a moment and scribbled down another letter. He blew it out the same window and patiently waited.

Before he knew it, he burped up the same letter, gave it a quick glance, and breathed fire on it again.

He knew what he was trying to do, but it wasn’t working. Every time he sent the letter, the princess returned it.

It wasn’t for her, but Spike hoped it’s intended recipient would get it before it was too late.


Twilight felt herself being gruffly shaken awake. She opened her eyes. All around her, he friends were being woken as well, in the same room that Chancellor Butterscotch had put them in the night before.

“Get up, unicorn, come on, the Chancellor wants a word with you.” The mare that had woken Twilight said, a note of distaste in her voice.

“Alright, I’m moving. You don’t have to be so rude.” Rarity complained from across the room.

Hood was already up and had his cape on and Elderberry and Solar Flare stood beside him, looking displeased. Clearly they had been woken in a similar manner.

The pony attempting to wake Rainbow Dash seemed to be having problems doing so. Twilight roused Rainbow and the all were escorted back into the main room of the long hall, where Chancellor Butterscotch waited for them.

Without exchanging greetings, Butterscotch began to speak.

“I’ve given it some thought, Equestrians. While I may know nothing of the cult which you have spoken of, perhaps the leaders of the other tribes will. So, I will send my best diplomats with you to speak with them. If we can come to an understanding about these, er… Wendegos, then perhaps we may finally be able to stop this blizzard, and you may be able to find what it is you seek.”

Twilight bowed respectfully. “Thank you. It’s a great thing you’re doing, for yourselves, and for Equestria.”

Butterscotch introduced Twilight to her diplomats, and they spent some time discussing the best way to approach the tribes. The pegasi, they decided, would be the most difficult.

Wintergreen, one of the earth pony diplomats explained. “We aren’t at war with either of the other tribes, but the pegasi almost act like we are. They are temperamental, and their leader, Commander Northwind, is highly unpredictable.

“The only way I could see attempting to contact the pegasi is to send one of you,” He indicated Solar Flare and Rainbow Dash, “ahead to speak with them.”

Solar and Rainbow exchanged glances.

“As for the unicorns, they should prove more approachable. While they may tend to be a bit arrogant, they may be persuaded to listen to us.”

“Then we should probably talk to the pegasi first. If we prove to the unicorns that we made peace with Commander Northwind, then they’ll most likely give us a chance, if only to make themselves look like the bigger ponies.”

“Then it’s decided. We can leave at once if you’d like, it should only take a few hours walk to reach the Pegasus tribe.”

Twilight and her friends agreed, bundled themselves in some rustic fur clothes that had been provided (much to Rarity’s distaste) and set off into the cold again.


Spike belched once more, marking the return on his letter again. He was growing endlessly frustrated. The princess must have returned his letter two dozen times now. His stomach hurt from all the effort and he decided to take a break.

He would check on AJ and Macintosh he decided, and trotted out of the library, the scroll still gripped in his claw.

The town had resumed its usual pace, the shopkeepers and cart workers dealing with customers, but Spike could almost feel the tension in the air.

As he passed Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie called him inside. He entered to find Fluttershy and AJ there as well.

“Applejack! How’s Big Macintosh doing?” He asked.

“Nurse says he’ll make it, but he’s in a bad way. Big Mac’s tough though, he’ll push through.”

“I’m gonna throw him a great big get well party as soon as he’s out of the hospital!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Then we’re gonna find that mean old meany pants Redstar, and- hey, what’s that?”

She pointed at the scroll Spike was still carrying.

“I’ve been trying to send this to Twilight all day. I can never get the magic right and it goes to the princess.” Spike explained.

“It’s great that you would try to help Spike, I wish there was some way we could help…” Fluttershy said glumly.

“I’ll get it right eventually. So, uh, do you guys think there was anything to what Redstar was saying?”

“I hope not! I mean, Nightmare Moon is like the meanest pony ever!” Pinkie cried. “I mean, I know Princess Luna isn’t mean, even if she is a little scary, but Nightmare Moon really is mean!”

“We beat her once, if we have to, we can beat her again.” Applejack said with determination.

“Oh, I wish we wouldn’t have to, I mean, I wish we could just talk to her, and maybe she would listen to us?” Fluttershy said quietly.

“I kinda doubt it, sugarcube.”

Spike looked at the ground. He missed his friends who had left. He missed Twilight, who would know what to do in a time like this. He missed Rainbow Dash, who wouldn’t be afraid of anything, even if Nightmare Moon walked right up to Ponyville. Despite himself, he missed Rarity the most. Just having her around made him feel stronger, in case he needed to fight for her, like he did against the diamond dogs.


Celestia and Luna were alone in the throne room, and the room was sealed magically to prevent eavesdroppers.

“Don’t you think this seems a bit… Prepared?” Luna asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, we get reports from the old lands, which we practically never got before, send out some of the ponies who are in tune with the elements of harmony, and then we start getting letters from all over Equestria about black ponies talking about Nightmare Moon. That seems an odd chain of coincidences.”

Celestia thought about it for a long time. Luna was right. While it seemed impossible that Nightmare Moon could have returned to Equestria without her knowledge, nothing should be rules out.

Even at that, then where could she have possibly been? Nowhere seemed likely, and it would have been impossible for her to simply appear out of thin air. She would have needed help.

“Big sister?”

“Yes, Luna?”

“This is my fault isn’t it?”

Celestia looked at Luna. Her little sister looked on the verge of tears. Even though she was thousands of years old and a princess of the greatest nation in the world, she was still practically a filly. The life of an alicorn was strange, and Luna had had a singularly difficult one.

“Of course not, little sister. How could it be your fault?”

“Well, I mean, it was my pettiness that caused Nightmare Moon to exist in the first place. If I had just been patient and learned to love myself like you loved me, then none of this would be happening. You… Aren’t still mad at me are you?”

Celestia laid her neck across her sister’s. “I was never mad at you Luna.”

The two royal sisters were silent for a long time.


Redstar slowed down as he ascended toward the stone ruin deep in the Everfree Forest. Although now, it was less of a ruin. Ponies of all kinds labored to rebuild the ancient palace. Redstar swooped down through a hole in the roof and landed gracefully before his mistress.

She looked at him with a mix of pity and distaste. His snout was shattered, but he ignored it and bowed before his queen, ever-faithful.

“I take it you were met with opposition.”

“Minimal, your majesty. I was able to convince the ponies of Ponyville that descent was not something we would tolerate.”

“You have done well, Redstar.”

“With all due respect your majesty, why do we bide time? Surely your inevitable defeat of the sun tyrant will prove our power to Equestria?”

Nightmare Moon looked at the sky. It was midday, although one couldn’t tell from the ever present blanket of clouds above the Everfree Forest. “We are not ready. My power grows every day as I drain the magic from this place. The creatures of the Everfree Forest make good allies, but we need more ponies. We are sure to be met with resistance at first and we need an army to maintain. Celestia’s greatest folly was in that she never built one.”

“You are truly a genius and a wonder, your majesty.” Redstar said, his voice thick due to his broken nose.

“I know, I know. Now, go get that snout fixed. I can’t have the leader of my army talking like a mule.”

Redstar thanked her and flew off. Despite the throbbing pain in his face, he was pleased. His mistress was growing in power, the strange creatures of Everfree had grown to like her, and soon, they would march on Equestria.

All was going better than he could have hoped for.

He remembered back, two years before, when this plan had started to form in his mind.


All of Canterlot and most of Equestria was present at Princess Luna’s return. The great evil that had turned their day to night had been vanquished, Celestia had been returned safely and her little sister could finally take her rightful place.

However, one pony, a muscular red earth pony watched with a quiet anger. He had wanted the night. He had seen it coming. He knew Nightmare Moon would return at the Summer Sun celebration, to plunge the world into eternal night.

He had wanted this. He had wanted this ever since he read about it, predicted it and prepare for it.

He had poured himself into researching crops that grow without the sun. He had researched how a pony could get their supply of the vitamins the sun provided and how the could survive without the sun.

And now, all his hard work was for naught. He glared at the six young upstarts who had defeated Nightmare Moon, who he had been so excited to finally see on the balcony in town hall in Ponyville.

He quietly left and walked for a long time. He walked, and walked until he finally reached the edge of the Everfree Forest. And then he walked some more.

He found his way down a steep cliff that looked like it had only recently suffered a landslide. He crept past a sleeping manticore, not wanting to awake the feared beast. He stopped once to speak with a friendly and flamboyant sea serpent and then continued to walk. Finally, he reached a rickety old rope bridge and crossed carefully.

Once across, he discovered the ruins of what was once an enormous palace. We walked inside carefully, wary of falling bricks.

A huge monolith decorated the center of what was once the throne room. He inspected it for a while and then continued to explore the ruin, climbing a spiraling stone staircase. At the top, he discovered another, smaller throne room.

The air was ripe with magic. It made him feel good, even though he wasn’t a unicorn. At the other end of the room, he found something.

Tattered strips of blue cloth were scattered around the floor. He nudged one with his hoof and felt a strange thrill run through him. A voice whispered something in his mind.

I need your help…

The stallion frantically looked about. He was utterly alone. He nudged one of the cloth strips again and the voice once again whispered to him.

My crown was stolen from me again.

It was clear to him now that the voice was coming from the cloth. He was a little scared, but placed his hoof over the cloth and held it, the strange affecting every fiber of his being.
You want to help me, I know it. You are a good pony, a smart pony. I have a task for you. Gather likeminded ponies. Bring them to me, and I will tell them what they must do. Avoid detection. If the sun tyrant discovers our plans, all will be lost.

It was clear to him now. The voice he was hearing was Nightmare Moon. She was speaking to him, and she wanted his help. A shiver ran through him, a pleasant one.

All his study and preparation would not have gone to waste. He had his chance now, to help his queen back to Equestria. A maniacal grin crossed his face.

Then and there he devised a plan. Under a new name he would work. Bramble Thornhoof no longer existed. He would spread rumors that he had been eaten by an Ursa in the Everfree Forest. From now on, he would call himself Redstar.

When he got home to Hoofington, he cropped his long mane off and dyed it from pale yellow to brown. He used red dye to hide his cutie mark, a bundle of wheat, and then dyed a new pattern on his flank. A pitch black star.

He made himself a black, hooded cloak. Then, he began his work. He traveled across Equestria, sending any ponies who would listen to the palace in the Everfree Forest. He couldn’t know how many would make it through the treacherous place, but he hoped that Nightmare Moon would guide them unto her.

He returned to that place. Dozens of ponies were inside. They had built their own community inside.

Nightmare Moon’s disembodied voice spoke to him, and he relayed her words to his new followers. They obeyed his every word.

Redstar’s plan was intricate, and took much time to prepare. Rumors were spread that somepony was trying to cause trouble in the old lands. It was the perfect plan.

It finally came to a head when Nightmare Moon was raised. And here they were. The apex was drawing close.


“You are traiters to your very kind.” Commander Northwind snarled. He was a bulky grey Pegasus and he wore his ceremonial armor wherever he went. Now, he floated just above the ground in a war room, two Equestria pegasi before him, proposing some insane peace treaty.

“No, we’re not! What would be worse, making friends with the earth ponies and unicorns, or dying from the cold and hunger?” Solar Flare shot back with equal ferocity.

“The pegasi have survived this long on our own merits. We do not need help from those half-witted dirt crawlers and stuck-up magical freaks.”

Rainbow Dash groaned. Arguing with Commander Northwind was like trying to put rain back into a cloud.

“In Equestria we all survive because we work together! Without any of the three kinds of ponies then our homeland would still be a frozen wasteland like this one!” Solar Flare shouted. He was somewhat surprised Northwind hadn’t commanded them to leave yet, but they weren’t getting anywhere regardless.

“Well that is wonderful for you. But this is not Equestria. We don’t solve our problems with words, we solve them with steel. If we wanted peace, we would have it!” Northwind shouted, slamming a hoof down on the table.

“Making peace with war. How does that even make sense?” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“If your ancestors hadn’t abandoned their tribe, you would have grown up understanding how.”

Solar Flare was ready to rip his mane out. Northwind was, without doubt, the single most stubborn pony he had ever had to deal with.

“So what exactly are we supposed to tell Chancellor Butterscotch?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Tell her that if she wants peace, she will have to earn it. I have no respect for peace-lovers. The pegasi were, are, and always shall be ponies of war.”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to say something else, but Solar Flare nudged her with his hoof.

“Let’s just go. There’s no dealing with this one.” The two flew quietly from the room.

As they approached the great door to the castle, another armored pegasi blocked their path. This one was older than Northwind and his chin and snout were coated with stubble.

“What now?” Solar Flare demanded, his patience worn thin.

“Calm, friend. I only wish to speak with you.” The pony said. His voice was calm and level.

“About what? Northwind already said you guys had nothing to offer us.” Rainbow Dash said.

The pony looked from side to side, as if searching for eavesdroppers. “He was wrong. He might not be willing to help, but I am. And my comrades will be as well.” He said in a hushed tone.

“Who are you?”

“My name is commander Windtrot. If you’ll come with me, I can explain everything somewhere safe.”

Rainbow Dash and Solar Flare exchanged glances, but followed Windtrot. He seemed trustworthy enough.

Windtrot led them to another war room. There, a map of the old lands was laid across the table, with blue, red and brown flags scattered across it. Solar Flare gave it a quick glance then returned his attention to their host.

“I listened in on your conversation with Northwind.” Windtrot began, gazing out a frosted over window.

“Wasn’t much of a conversation.” Rainbow Dash said quietly.

“Indeed. Northwind is known for his hatred for the other tribes, it was a foal’s errand attempting to negotiate with him.”

“You brought us here to tell us something, so spill it. Our friends are freezing their hooves off waiting for us.”

“I know, I know. As I said, Northwind won’t help you. This is fact. But my companions and I know about the founding of Equestria. We know about the wendegos, the fire of friendship, the alicorns, everything. This blizzard has been raging for three thousand years, due in no small part to Northwind’s ancestors and their thoughtless hate and distrust.”

“You can help us?!” Solar Flare asked, excited. This was good, even if Northwind was a foal, maybe Windtrot would be enough.

“Yes. I want this blizzard to end. We have found ways to survive, but mere survival is hardly a pleasant prospect. Ending a feud this great is not easily done. I will need the support of both Chancellor Butterscotch and Queen Silver Hoof. Butterscotch’s aid is secured, but Silver Hoof is equally important.”

“We were going to talk to her next.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Then I will begin preparations.”

Solar Flare waved a hoof. “Wait a second. Preparations for what?”

Windtrot gave him a questioning look. “You don’t expect Northwind to simply bend his knee and declare the war over? No. I’m afraid that for a war to end, a war will have to be fought.”

“Wait, wait, this is exactly what we’re trying to prevent! We can’t just attack anyone who doesn’t agree with us! That’s how this all started!” Rainbow Dash cried.

“True. But sometimes things must end the way they began. You underestimate me, young mare, and you underestimate the “companions” of which I speak. Unrest had been rampant amongst the pegasi for a long, long time. We never had much motivation to fight Northwind, as the other tribes were no friends to the rebels. Now that you are here, we have all that we need.”

Solar Flare considered it. “This isn’t what we came here for…”

“Maybe not, but these ponies need our help. We have a chance to stop this blizzard forever, and what would it make us to just leave them?” Rainbow argued.

Windtrot said nothing, but continued to gaze out the window.

“Let’s go talk to the others. Then we can figure out what to do.”

The two pegasi flew from the room without another word to Windtrot.

On their way out, they passed a soldier pony near the door, who gave them a strange look and then flew away.

Chapter 6, The Fire of Friendship

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Chapter 6: The Fire of Friendship

Redstar gazed at the creatures before him. They were long, sleek wolves, but were made up of sticks and wood. These were but some of the many creatures of Everfree that had become a friend to him and the other night ponies.

So far, no dragons or ursas had confronted them, but Redstar would give them time. He also hadn’t seen scale or moustache of the purple sea serpent he had talked with during his first visit here.

He walked along the castle walls, which were now all but rebuilt, to the gardens. There, many cloaked ponies were hard at work sewing and harvesting various odd plants. These were the edible crops that grew at night, without the light of the sun. They were bland, but one grew used to them given time.

A pang ran through his snout, which had a bandage securely wrapped around it. He resisted the urge to rub it, knowing it would only cause it to hurt worse. The stallion in Ponyville had done a number on it.

“Master Redstar!” Redstar looked upward to see a pegasus swooping down toward him.

“What is it?”

“The queen would like to see you at once.”

Redstar did not discuss it further, but shot off into the air toward the window overlooking the throne room. It remained open at all times and served as an entryway for any Pegasi who needed quick access to the inner sanctum. He shot through it and landed before Nightmare Moon.

“You wished to speak with me, your majesty?”

“Yes. I’ve received word from our informant in Canterlot Castle that Celestia has become wise to our presence.”

“Did we not anticipate this, your majesty?”

“Yes, we did. It would seem now would be the proper time to move on Equestria.” Nightmare Moon said with a wicked grin, her dragon-like eyes flashing.

“Yes, yes! I agree whole heartedly my queen!” Redstar stated enthusiastically.

“Ready the troops and the creatures and assemble before the palace.” Nightmare Moon commanded. “I have a plan that can’t possibly fail. Now, go!”


Spike was roused by the light of the sun on his face. He looked around for a moment before remembering that he had stayed at Sugarcube Corner the night before.

To his right was the letter that he had been attempting to send. He sighed and trotted down the stairs. Mr. and Mrs. Cake greeted him, a warm pancake breakfast on the table.

He thanked them for their generosity and wolfed his food down, grateful that it was someone else making the breakfast for once.

“Say, where’d Pinkie Pie go?” He asked Mrs. Cake once he was finished.

“Oh, she went to see Big Macintosh, the poor dear…” Mrs. Cake replied.

Spike picked at his fang once with his claw, paused for a moment and produced the letter once more. He focused as hard as he could on the face of its intended recipient then blew a puff of green fire on it.

Mrs. Cake watched as he waited for a minute, then two.

A flicker of hope welled up in him, but disappeared just as quickly when he belched out more fire and the scroll appeared once more.

“Darn it!”

“Oh, don’t stress yourself deary, you’ll get it eventually!” Mrs. Cake replied cheerfully.

“Yeah, I hope so…” Spike hopped on his stool, wished Mrs. Cake goodbye and started off toward the hospital.


Hood huffed. “I don’t know. How can we be sure this Windtrot can be trusted? It seems a little farfetched that through all time he would pick now to start this uprising.”

“Maybe so, but what other choice do we have?” Twilight pointed out.

“You could give up. There’s no reasoning with pegasi.” One of Butterscotch’s diplomats replied sarcastically.

Hood shot him a look but said nothing. Some diplomat.

“Let’s keep on toward the unicorn tribe. We aren’t gonna get anything done standin’ around in the cold.” Elderberry said.

The six friends and two diplomats started walking once more. Far in the distance they thought they could see a palace, but it may have been a trick of the feeble light. As always, the strange noises from above unnerved them, but never seemed to pose any real threat.

Hood glanced over at Solar Flare and Rainbow Dash, who looked more flustered than he had ever seen them. The way they had described Northwind had made him sound like Solar Flare.

And there was no arguing with Solar Flare.

Finally, the shadowy palace in the distance came into view. It was enormous, with high towers and decorative turrets along the walls. Rarity paused to gaze at it a moment, awe struck, but continued her pace.

Unlike the first two times, nopony attempted to stop them when they entered the city, but many looked down their noses at them. The unicorns were dressed lavishly, or as lavish as one could dress in a snow storm. The walk through town was awkward at best, and Hood kept his head down.

When they finally reached the drawbridge to the palace, they were finally stopped.

A guard stepped forward and blocked their path. “Halt. None are allowed to pass here without royal permission. State your business here.”

One of the diplomats replied. “These six ponies are here on royal business from Equestria, and would like to have a word with Queen Silver Hoof.”

“And yourself?”

“I am an emissary of Chancellor Butterscotch. She has made an agreement with these ponies on the grounds of pursuing peace among the tribes. “

The unicorn guard gave him a strange look. “Follow me then, and no sudden movements.”

Hood wasn’t sure he liked the ponies here. They were too haughty, too, well, too much like the ponies in Canterlot. He followed the guard across the drawbridge and through the elaborate gates.

The inside of the palace was warm and welcoming, but the disposition of the ponies inside was anything but.

At the end of the hall sat not a throne, but a highly decorated couch. The cushion was a deep royal purple and the back and legs appeared to be solid gold and were embedded with countless gems.

Hood could almost hear Rarity gawking at it.

Atop the couch rested Queen Silver Hoof. Hood couldn’t help but stare. This mare was tall and sleek, much like princess Celestia. Her silvery white coat shined like the gems of her resting place and a matching crown rested atop her head. She was wrapped in a regal cape, but her cutie mark, a dark grey crown, could be seen. Everything about her was regal.

“Well, who would this be?” She asked in a lyrical voice as the party approached.

“Your Highness, these ponies come from Equestria to beg your aid.”

Hood raised an eyebrow but remained silent.

“Queen Silver Hoof.” Twilight began stepping forward. She explained the entire situation, from the news of cultists to Windtrot’s silent rebellion. All the while, Silver Hoof remained respectfully quiet and listened contently.

When Twilight was through, Silver Hoof pushed a strand of silver hair out of her face. Her horn was highly polished, as were her hooves, and they sparkled in the torchlight of the hall.

“To think. All the while, we had the means to quell these winter spirits that have so plagued us…”

“You knew about the wendegos?!” Rainbow Dash gasped.

“Oh, yes. The tales have been passed among the unicorn tribe for millennia. We’ve found ways to keep ourselves warm and fed through the cold, but we never knew we could truly be rid of it.” Silver Hoof explained.

“So, shall we return to Chancellor Butterscotch with news of your allegiance in this matter?” One of the diplomats asked.

Silver Hoof flicked her mane. “I only worry about one thing. History tends to repeat itself. Pegasi can be unpredictable and short tempered, no offence intended of course.” She addressed Solar Flare and Rainbow Dash.

“However, a chance to be free of this blizzard is far too valuable to pass up. Yes, you may return to the chancellor with the friendship on the unicorns.”

The six friends whooped despite themselves. Silver Hoof smiled.

After a bit of discussion, the party broke up. Rarity had elected to stay in the unicorn palace, while Hood would accompany Solar and Rainbow back to the Pegasus city. Elderberry and Twilight would return to Chancellor Butterscotch.

As Hood walked along the hard, frosty road back toward the Pegasus city, he discussed the situation with his friends.

“What I don’t get is why none of these ponies seem to know anything about any cult.” Rainbow pointed out.

Solar Flare agreed. “I’m glad we could help them out, but the princess might be dissapointed that we couldn’t find anything.”

“Or relieved that there was nothing to find.” Hood pointed out.

They reached the stone city of the pegasi. However, something was wrong. There were no ponies walking in the streets or flying through the air. It was like a ghost town.

“What happened?” Rainbow asked, peering over buildings.

Solar Flare flew high up into the air. “Hey, there’s something going on near the keep.”

“Let’s check it out.” Hood said, trotting toward where Solar Flare had pointed, his friends right behind.

Hood did his best to conceal his horn, but he wasn’t wearing his usual cape. However, nopony even gave them a passing glance as they trotted into town square. A large crowd of pegasi had assembled around the stone steps of the keep. There, Hood could see an armored brown Pegasus giving some kind of address. Solar Flare nudged him.

“That’s Windtrot.”

Hood strained his ears to listen over the howling wind. He could just barely make out what Windtrot was saying.

“That, my fellow pegasi is why Northwind has to be delt with accordingly. An era of peace is about to come to our land, and Northwind’s presence would be counterproductive to our aims!” Windtort shouted. The surrounding pegasi cheered, but Hood had a bad feeling about what Windtrot was saying.

Hood gently pushed his way to the front of the crowd. Once he was close enough, he could see that Windtrot was covered in bumps and bruises, as if he had recently been in a fight. He had a bandage wrapped around his right hind leg.

“What do you think he means by ‘accordingly?’” Rainbow Dash whispered to Solar Flare.

“I don’t want to think about it.”

Windtrot raised a hoof to quiet the still cheering pegasi. “Bring out the prisoner!” He commanded.

The door to the keep opened and two ponies exited. The first was a dark grey similar to Solar Flare and had a black bag tied around his head. His wings were tied down to prevent him from flying away, and he was covered in minor wounds just like Windtrot.

The second was deep green and her face was covered by a cowl. She was flying, and had a long hafted axe gripped in her hooves. A chill ran through Hood, but it wasn’t from the cold.

“They aren’t gonna kill him?!” Solar Flare whispered frantically.

“That’s Northwind?” Hood whispered back, never taking his eyes off the prisoner.

“I think so.”

Windtrot gripped the prisoners mask in his teeth and yanked it off. Hood winced at the battered pony underneath. It was clear he had lost whatever fight he had been in.

“Commander Northwind.” Windtrot began. “You have officially been ousted as leader of the Pegasus tribe. I will offer you a choice. Live among us in the coming days of peace, or you will have to be delt with.”

Northwind sneered and spat on the ground at Windtrot’s hooves. The older Pegasus said nothing and nodded to the green Pegasus. She nodded in kind and raised her axe.

“STOP!” The axe fell but was stopped a quarter inch from Northwind’s neck. Light blue magic enveloped it and the executioner was helpless to move it.

Windtrot looked at Hood with a startled expression. “Who are you? How dare you interrupt this ceremony?” He turned to Solar Flare and Rainbow Dash. “You. Is he with you?”

“Yeah, he is. What in the hay is going on here?!” Rainbow shouted hovering above Windtrot.

“What does it look like?”

Hood climbed the steps, wrenching the axe from the executioner’s hooves. He tossed it across the stone steps where it landed with a harsh clang. Northwind was trying to look around, but could see nothing through his execution hood.

“What, somepony doesn’t agree with you and you lob their head off?! Isn’t that exactly what we’re trying to stop here?” Solar Flare shouted.

“What happened after they left?” Hood asked quietly, gently removing Northwind’s mask. The Pegasus gave him the most confused look Hood had ever seen.

“My ponies and I attempted to apprehend Northwind. He fought us. This would have been the surest way to ensure he did not attempt to sabotage the peace of these lands.” Windtrot explained.

“That doesn’t even make sense!” Rainbow cried.

“That is the way of the pegasi here! If one does not cooperate, one is dealt with.”

“Then let him leave! Just because he doesn’t want to live with unicorns and earth ponies doesn’t mean you have to kill him!” Hood exclaimed, untying Northwind’s wings. The grey Pegasus regarded him with confused discomfort, but did nothing to object.

“And how can we be sure that he will not pose a threat later? One pony can do much damage, young unicorn.”

Hood looked at the crowd of ponies. Some seemed bothered while others regarded him with a quiet calm. He turned to Northwind.

“What do you think?”

Northwind gazed back for a second. Then, his expression went from befuddled to angry.

“I will not live among earth ponies and unicorns.”

“Then leave. Fly away. You can’t stay here, they’ll kill you.”

“And where, pray tell, do you suppose I go, unicorn?”

“There’s a city in Equestria that’s all pegasi.” Rainbow Dash said, stepping forward. “I was born there. Maybe you could go there?”

Northwind looked at her for a moment, the lowered his head.

“Am I free to go?”

Windtrot grimaced but nodded. Northwind spread his wings and flew off lopsidedly, his right wing at an odd angle. None of the other pegasi made a move to stop him.

“I hope you know what you’re doing.” Windtrot said, gazing after his old leader.

“We do, but we have other things to worry about.” Rainbow Dash said. “Who’s gonna lead the pegasi now?”

“I will take over as formal commander of the pegasi.” Windtrot said. “My first order of business is to pay a visit to Chancellor Butterscotch and Queen Silver Hoof to discuss the process of ridding ourselves of the wendegos. How is it that the ponies of Equestria were rid of them?”

Rainbow explained the story behind Hearth’s Warming Eve. Hood stood by awakwardly. He knew most eyes were on him. It was odd being the only pony of his kind here. A pang of pain ran through his head and he rubbed his temple with his hoof.

Solar Flare leaned over to him. “You alright?”

“Yeah, just, headache.”

Hood wobbled a little bit, his vision blurring slightly. He did his best to ignore it.

When Rainbow Dash was finished explaining things to Windtrot, the commander issued some orders to some soldiers and flew off in the direction of the earth pony tribe. Rainbow Dash went with him, but Solar Flare stayed to make sure Hood got out of the city safely.

The two friends walked silently along the frozen path. Hood’s head was killing him, and his vision just wouldn’t right itself. He guessed it had something to do with the amount of time he had been spending in the light, despite the fact that the eternal snow blocked out most of the sun.

“So what are we gonna tell Celestia?” Solar Flare asked.

Hood shrugged. “There was nothing here.”

“What about the vision you had?”

“I don’t know.”

Solar Flare blew a lock of his mane out of his face. “Could the vision have been wrong?”

Hood shrugged again. “It’s possible. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

They were silent for a long time, shivering in the cold. Solar Flare broke the silence again.

“Do you think Rainbow Dash likes me?”

“Of all possible things to worry about right now, that seems the single most irrelevant.”

“Maybe, but I want to know.”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know anything.”

They laughed as they stepped back through the gates of the earth pony tribe.


A regal cart clattered its way through the earth pony town. Ponies quickly moved out of its way. It was hauled by four large unicorn stallions. It was a full carriage, and nopony could see inside, but it was obvious who was in it. Behind, a procession of unicorns marched curtly, their noses in the air. Above, dozens of pegasi flew over the town.

It was a sight the likes of which had not been seen in thousands of years. Many ponies of all kinds all in one place. The cart clattered its way to Chancellor Butterscotch’s long hall, where the pegasi landed on the roof and looked down on the other ponies patiently, waiting for word from their commander.

The carriage stopped in front of the hall and Queen Silver Hoof stepped out. Many of the earth ponies were taken aback by the regal unicorn, who was far taller and sleeker than any of them. Her silvery coat and royal purple clothes almost seemed to repel the snow and not a single flake clung to her. She marched into the rustic hall, looking very out of place. The other unicorns found a place outside and lied down to wait.

After some time, some of the earth ponies built up the nerve and approached attempting to strike up a conversation with the ponies from the other tribes.

It didn’t take long after that for the pegasi to leave the roof and mingle with the other ponies. Every tribe was surprised by how much they all had in common. They shared stories and information of their cultures with one another. They talked of crops, of working against the winds, and of magic.

The hatred between the tribes seemed so petty to all those present. They were all so alike in so many ways. They were all ponies.


Queen Silver Hoof gazed out a window with fixed interest. She had enchanted the window so that she could see outside, but nopony could see her watching them from it. Commander Windtrot and Chancellor Butterscotch watched as well.

The ponies outside were getting along perfectly. Not one fight or argument had broken out.

Twilight Sparkle, Hood, Rainbow Dash, Solar Flare, Rarity and Elderberry were gathered around the fireplace and waited quietly for one of the leaders to say something. They had just been watching the ponies outside for almost an hour.

“It seems odd.” Windtrot said, rubbing his chin.

“What’s that?” Silver Hoof replied.

“All this time, we all had so much in common. Hmph. All this time, and all those thousands of years before, we’ve all been so alike. And we didn’t trust one another based on who did and didn’t have wings or a horn.” Windtrot said soberly.

Butterscotch agreed. “It all seems so petty now.” She turned to the ponies from Equestria. “Thousands of years of hatred and distrust. Turned on its head in two days, thanks to you six.”

Twilight beamed. “My whole life I was taught that you shouldn’t judge ponies based on how they look. It’s what’s inside that really matters.”

“This will make an excellent letter to the princess.” Rarity said.

“Shall we address the subjects then?” Windtrot asked.

Silver Hoof nodded. Chancellor Butterscotch pushed open the door the long hall. The ponies surrounding the building turned to look at their leaders.

“Ponies of the Unicorn tribe!” Silver Hoof shouted, her lyrical voice drawing adoring gazes from everypony.

“And the earth tribe!” Butterscotch shouted.

“And the pegasi!” Windtrot finished.

“The leaders of the three tribes have come to an agreement!” Silver Hoof said. “You ponies have illustrated that the distrust between our tribes was foalish. We watched as ponies of all kinds came together, not out of necessity, but out of curiosity. It made me proud to see you all talking peacefully.”

The ponies in the yard cheered.

“From this day forward, this land will not be divided into tribes!” Butterscotch shouted. “The three tribes will be disbanded, and we shall call this land Notribeland!”

At this the ponies exchanged glanced.

“We’ll work on the name…” Windtrot snorted.

Silver Hoof opened her mouth to say something else, but was interrupted. A horrible balking noise was heard from above. The ponies turned their gaze skyward.

Horrible creatures swirled above them. They looked like hideously distorted ponies made from clouds, and the balked and whinnied furiously.

“What are those things?!” Somepony shouted.

Twilight and her friends ran out of the long hut. They looked at the creatures above them.

“The wendegos…” Twilight whispered.

The wendegos swirled faster and faster, whipping the sky into a rampant whirlwind of snow and black clouds.

Twilight looked at her friends. She had no idea what to do, and their faces read that they didn’t either.

Elderberry planted a hoof in the ground, looked skyward and huffed. Then, his face growing red, he did the thing everypony least expected him to do.

He started singing.

Twilight and her friends looked at him for a moment. It obviously embarrassed him to break out in song like this in front of so many ponies.

Rarity joined his song. It was one that was familiar to all ponies of Equestria. Solar Flare grimaced slightly and then joined in.

Rainbow Dash and Twilight jumped in as well. The last one left silent was Hood. Elderberry jabbed him with his hoof and he too joined the song.

“Oh, fire of friendship lives in our hearts. As long as it burns we cannot drift apart…”

The native ponies gawked at them for a moment. Then slowly, quietly, a few of them began to sing as well. None knew the carol that the equestrians were singing, but instead sang their own songs.

The earth ponies sang of bountiful harvests and glorious feasting, the pegasi sang songs of victory and bravery, and the unicorns sang of magic and beautiful things. The leaders of the tribes exchanged glances and then joined in, Silver Hoof’s lyrical voice chiming over all the others.

The wendegos whipped themselves into a frenzy. They balked and screamed and did their best to stop the singing, to bring back the hatred and distrust that they fed on, but to no avail. The songs continued, ringing out over the whitewashed hills and show covered plains.

As they sang, the ponies drew close to one another. They sang and sang, some embracing one another. Complete strangers. Ponies of all kinds. Brought together by their songs.

The horns of the unicorns began to glow. Brighter and brighter, the magic growing stronger as they sang.

When the light seemed as if it could grow no brighter, a wave of fire flew from their horns. Fire of all colors, red, pink, purple, blue, even white and brown. The fire flew to the heavens and engulfed the wendegos, who screamed and whinnied as it burned at their essence.

The wendegos disappeared into the fire and were silent. The waves of fire came together, forming a great, heart shaped fireball as bright as the sun in the sky.

Then, before the ponies’ eyes, the sky cleared. The snow stopped falling, the wind stopped howling and the blue of the sky appeared before them, a sight none but the Equestrian ponies had ever seen before. They squinted as they looked at it, their eyes adjusting to the unfamiliar light. They stopped singing.

“We did it…” Silver Hoof whispered.

Butterscotch said nothing, her eyes fixed with fascination on the sky.

Windtrot shot up into the air, the heat from the fire of friendship warm in his wings. The other pegasi did the same, whooping and laughing as they flew. On the ground, waves of cheering and laughter filled the town, the earth ponies and unicorns embracing and laughing heartily.

Twilight jumped up and down joyfully with her friends. “We did it!” She cried happily over and over.

The air grew warm quickly from the combination of the sun and the enormous heart shaped fireball.

Twilight looked over to where Hood was standing, or rather, where he had been standing. He was gone. She looked around for him but couldn’t find him. She excused herself and went back into the long hall.

Hood was lying near the far wall. He had removed the furs he had been wearing and replaced his cape. His hood was up and he was rubbing his eyes.

“Hey, what’s wrong? We did it! We brought the sun back! You should be happy, if it weren’t for you we never could have…”

Hood looked up to see her and squinted. He looked pained.

“Are you alright?”


“Yeah, it’s me, what’s wrong?” She lay down in front of him and lowered her head to his.

“Twilight, I… I can’t see.” Hood squinted at her again, turning his head at an angle.

Twilight lifted his head gently with a hoof. “Open your eyes for me.”

He did and Twilight looked at them. A lovely purple color, but then she saw the problem.

Deep inside his pupils she could see cataracts forming.

“Oh my gosh! When did this start?”

“My vision got a little blurry on my way back here.”

Twilight thought about it for a moment. “Can I cast a spell on you? It might be able to help.”

Hood nodded. Twilight lit her horn and poured all her effort into the spell. Hood’s eyes felt warm as the magic washed over them. He closed them tight until the warm feeling went away then opened them.

He was no longer completely blind, but his vision was still blurry.

“Any better?”

“Much better, thank you.” Hood lifted himself to his hooves and tried to get his bearings. When the fire of friendship had ignited, he had got an eyeful of it. He glanced over at the blur near the door.

“Hey, what happened?” Solar Flare asked.

“Hood hurt his eyes. Hey, Rarity, did you bring your reading glasses?” Twilight asked. Rarity hurried off to retrieve them from their room in the hall.

She returned and levitated the glasses gently over Hood’s eyes. He used his own magic to secure them and blinked once. Looking through the glasses he could see perfectly. He thanked Rarity for her kindness.

Solar Flare and Rainbow Dash stared at him for a moment and then collapsed in giggles. Hood furrowed his brow and looked at his reflection in a window. The vibrant red glasses didn’t suit him at all. Once they got back to Ponyville he would certainly have to find another pair.

“Stop it, you two.” Elderberry scolded. Solar and Rainbow continued to snicker.

The three leaders walked back inside and Twilight approached them.

“We cannot possibly repay you for all that you’ve done, ponies.” Silver Hoof said, lowering her horn to Twilight’s shoulder. “If you ever need anything, you shall have it.”

“We were glad to help.” Twilight said proudly.

“Sorry you didn’t find what you were looking for.” Butterscotch said.

Elderberry shrugged. “Nothin’ to find, nothin’ to worry about.”

“And now we get to walk all the way back…” Rainbow Dash griped.

Twilight began to say something, but was interrupted by a quiet pinging noise. A flash of light appeared near her horn and a scroll dropped to the ground at her hooves.

“That’s weird…” Twilight said, lifting the letter with magic. She unraveled it and gave it a once over. Her eyes grew wide as she read.

“What’s it say, dear?” Rarity asked, trying to get a look at the letter over Twilight’s shoulder.

“It’s from Spike. And you’re not going to believe what it’s about…” Twilight said grimly. She flipped the letter around for her friends to see.

Chapter 7, Sunset

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Chapter 7: Sunset

A haunting howl pierced the night. Fluttershy awoke with a start, looking around frantically. Many of her animal friends were gathered around the windows in her cottage timidly looking outside. Fluttershy quietly flew from her bed to join them.

Outside the cottage, Fluttershy saw a terrifying sight. Ponies marched along the road, all obscured by black capes and hoods. Alongside them, all manner of horrible creatures prowled, Timber Wolves, Manticores, and even a few cockatrices.

Fluttershy began to shake.

A knock sounded at her door, causing her to squeal. Very slowly she approached the door and opened it. Two of the hooded ponies stood at her door.

“Are you Fluttershy?”

“Um… No?”

The ponies exchanged glanced. “We’ll need you to come with us.”

“Um, well, I would love to, but um…” She glanced around for an excuse. “Well I would, but my bunny Angel is, um… Very sick!” Fluttershy shot Angel a desperate glance. The rabbit began coughing with exaggeration.

One of the ponies lowered his hood. His coat and mane were completely black. “It wasn’t a question.” They took a step toward her.

Fluttershy’s eyes grew wide and intense. The two black ponies stopped in their tracks. Their eyes were fixed on hers in what would have looked like a ruthless staring contest. The three were locked together like this for minutes, Fluttershy’s stare stopping them from acting.

Eventually, the ponies winced, turned flank and ran. Fluttershy sighed and retreated back into her cottage.

“What could that have been about…?” Fluttershy asked herself.


Carrot Cake forced himself up to answer the door. It was past midnight, who could have been knocking at this hour?

Carrot Cake opened to door the find a small group of hooded ponies.

“Sorry, but we’re closed…” Carrot Cake muttered, half awake. He tried to close the door, but one of the ponies stopped him.

“We’re here to speak with your employee, Pinkamina Diane Pie. Is she here?” The ponies voice was deep and unforgiving, and Carrot Cake immediately knew not to trust them.

“Uh, no. No, she doesn’t live here anymore.” He lied quickly. He nervously glanced toward the ceiling. Above him, Pinkie and his two foals were sleeping.

“Well, we’re gonna need to have a look around anyway. Just in case.”

“Look, there are babies asleep upstairs and I have to-“ Carrot Cake silenced himself when a Timber Wolf pushed its way through the ponies and began to sniff around. The wolf creaked and groaned as it stalked around the bottom floor of the shop. Slowly, it made its way toward the staircase.

A bead of sweat rolled down Carrot Cake’s forehead. The last thing he wanted to do was hand over Pinkie Pie to these ponies and their wolves, but if that wolf got into Pound and Pumpkin’s room there was no telling what would happen.

“Alright, stop, stop! Pinkie’s room is on the third floor, just please, don’t let that wolf near my foals!”

The lead pony nodded and whistled. The wolf growled at the stairs but retreated reluctantly. Two pegasi flew silently up the staircase. A moment passed, then two.

“Hey, is this a surprise night party?” Pinkie’s unmistakable voice rang down the stairs. Carrot Cake hung his head miserably.

“Don’t worry. We’re under strict orders that she is to come to no harm.” The lead pony said.

“Strict orders from whom?”

“From Nightmare Moon, of course.”

A shiver ran down Carrot Cake’s spine. Had Redstar been telling the truth?

Pinkie trotted down the stairs, accompanied by the two pegasi. She jabbered happily, apparently oblivious to the situation.

She stopped when she saw Carrot Cake.

“Hey, Mr. Cake! Did you plan this party for me? It’s not even my birthday!”

“Uh, no Pinkie, it wasn’t me.”

Pinkie tilted her head and looked past him to where the Timber Wolf stood, poised ready to pounce on command. Its wooden lips were pulled back in what was apparently a snarl, and Pinkie’s face fell.

“This isn’t a party at all, is it?”

“We need you come with us.” The lead pony said.

“Where to?”

“To town square. Your friends Applejack and Fluttershy are being retrieved as well.”

Pinkie gazed at them for a moment, then shook her front right leg as if it hurt. Years of living with Pinkie Pie had taught Carrot Cake that that meant something scary was about to happen.

“Okie dokie lokie…” Pinkie said cautiously, following the hooded ponies from the shop.

Carrot Cake felt horrible. He had just given Pinkie, who was like a daughter to him, over to somepony who may be dangerous. The pony had said she wouldn’t be hurt, and Carrot Cake prayed he had been telling the truth.


Applejack had fallen asleep in a chair near Big Macintosh’s bed in the hospital, lulled by the rhythmic beeping of the machine he was hooked up to.

A noise from outside snapped her awake and she went to investigate. She gazed out the window on a strange sight.

A procession of cloaked ponies marched through the streets. Alongside them were all manner of horrible monsters.

Applejack recognized the Timber Wolves that always howled during Zapapple season, as well as the manticores, which she and her friends had tussled with once.

Halfway down the procession, one of the ponies wasn’t wearing a cloak. Applejack strained her eyes to see who it was in the dark.

It was Pinkie Pie. She walked slowly, casting nervous glances side to side. AJ bit her lip nervously. After a minute’s hesitation she trotted outside.

As she left the building, two Timber Wolves approached her slowly, growling. One of the ponies who was in the lead approached.


“Uh, yeah?”

“We have some questions for you. Would you come with us please?”

Applejack glanced at the wolves. “I guess I don’t have much choice, do I?” She followed the hooded pony, who led her to where Pinkie was waiting.

“What in the sam hill is goin’ on here?”Applejack asked.

“I don’t know, but my knee is pinchier than I think it’s ever been before.”

The two friends were led along the street toward town hall and instructed to wait. They obliged. Minutes passed. Two more hooded ponies joined the group.

“Where’s Fluttershy?” The lead pony asked them angrily.

“We, uh, ran into some trouble.”

“She wasn’t at her home?”

“She was, but when we approached her she did… Something. I don’t know what it was. She just sort of… Glared at us.”

“She glared at you…”

“Well it wasn’t a normal stare! It was like, like something out of a nightmare!” One of the ponies stammered. Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle. Fluttershy’s famous stare strikes again.

“Whatever, we have the earth ponies.” The lead pony lowered his hood, revealing a pitch black mane and coat. He turned to AJ and Pinkie.

“This will go much easier if you answer our questions with no trouble.” He stated in a warning tone. “I don’t have many questions, and once you’ve answered them, you’re free to go.”

Applejack grimaced. “Fine. What you need to know?”

“Where are the Elements of Harmony?”

Applejack gaped. “The Elements? What in Equestria do you want with ‘em?”

“Our lady Nightmare Moon has sent us to question you on their whereabouts. Now, answer the question.”

“No way!” Pinkie cried. AJ looked at her. “The princess wouldn’t want us to tell you where they were, so we’re not gonna.”

Pinkie said boldly, crossing her hooves across her chest.

“It would be easier for everyone if you cooperate.” The pony threatened, his eyes literally flashing.

“Now, wait just a minute, y’all. All this talk about Nightmare Moon and we ain’t seen horn nor wing of her.” Applejack said, emboldened by Pinkie’s determination. “I’m beginning to think you and Redstar were just blowin’ smoke.”

“Explain this then.” The pony motioned at a nearby Manticore. “These beasts joined the cause of reuniting Nightmare Moon with her throne. If we were lying, then explain why they listen to me.”

“Well, Fluttershy made friends with that one manticore when she fixed his foot…?” Pinkie suggested.

“Perhaps a different method is in order?” Everypony turned their gaze skyward. An enormous black pony with membranous wings swooped down toward them. He landed softly in front of AJ, his red eyes bearing down on her.

“R-Redstar…” Applejack said, her skin growing cold. Her gaze shifted to Redstar’s back, where a box was strapped. The box rocked back and forth and muffled cries could be heard from within. The black Pegasus gripped the box in his teeth and dropped it gruffly on the ground.

He tipped the lid off with his bandaged snout. Applebloom was inside, bound and gagged.

“Applebloom!” Applejack was allowed to help her sister out of the box and untie her. The filly was bedraggled and bruised.

“You monster! She’s just a filly!” Applejack shouted angrily.

Redstar sneered. “Perhaps now you can see how serious we are, and unless you want any harm to come to your grandmother and hospitalized brother, you’ll answer the questions you’re asked.”

Applejack stammered desperately, trying to think of something to say. Words failed her, however. She looked at the ground. “The elements are in Canterlot Castle, in the tower.”

Redstar sneered even more arrogantly.

“But you can’t get to ‘em. The princess said only she could open the door.”

“Oh, you just leave that to us. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a message to deliver. Be a good filly and answer my friends honestly won’t you?” Redstar put a snide enfaces on the word “honest.”

With that, the armored pony shot back into the sky and flew off in the direction of the Everfree Forest.


Fluttershy flew with all her might toward the library. An upstairs window was open and she flew inside, landing gently next to Spike, who was snoring loudly. She shook the baby dragon awake gently.

“Wha- huh? What is it Fluttershy?” Spike asked groggily.

“Oh, Spike, it’s just awful! More of those awful black ponies are in town, and they have Pinkie Pie and Applejack!” Fluttershy cried, loudly for her.

Spike jolted to life, frantically looking around for something. He found the scroll from earlier, its edges slightly charred. He took a deep breath and blew on the scroll, his green fire spiriting it away.

A few minutes passed, and the scroll didn’t return.

“Did it work?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe…” Spike rushed over to Twilight’s desk, found another scroll and scribbled down a quick note on it.

He blew this scroll away the same way he did the last.

“What was that one for?” Fluttershy asked, watching the puff of smoke disappear out the window.

“To tell the princess about the black ponies in town.” Spike explained, nervously gazing out the window.

“Oh, this is just awful…” Fluttershy said softly.

Spike said nothing for a long while. Neither scroll had earned any response, and he wasn’t sure they had even made it to the princess.

A mighty crack, like the sound of thunder, filled the night, snapping Spike’s attention toward town square.


Celestia was roused from her slumber by the familiar sound that marked a letter from Twilight Sparkle. She had been receiving Spike’s same letter to Twilight for almost two days now, so she assumed that this was the same one.

However, when she opened it, she found something else.

Dear Princess Celestia,
Ponyville needs help. I don’t know how much time I have, just know that there are more ponies like the one from my other letter, and they’re here! Please send help as soon as you can.

Your faithful servant,

Celestia read the letter one, twice and then a third time. Finally, she forced herself to wake up and made her way to the throne room. The guards constantly stationed throughout the halls straightened when they saw her.

Luna was sitting in her smaller throne, reading a book. She looked up when Celestia approached.

“What’s wrong, sister? You look upset.”

Celestia levitated her letter over to Luna, who read it without a word. When she was finished, she lowered her head and spoke quietly.

“What do we do?”

“One of us will have to go to Ponyville.” Celestia said grimly.

“Now? But what if she’s there?”

“That’s exactly why I need you to be the one to go. Alone. You know I can’t disguise myself like you can.”

Luna nodded then closed her eyes. A white light engulfed her and her form began to change. She shrank, her billowing mane dissipated, and her horn disappeared.

When the light faded, a normal looking Pegasus stood where Luna once had. Her coat had gone from midnight blue to pale brown, and her starry mane and tail had been replaced by normal black hair.

Her flank now matched the rest of her coat, and the white moon cutie mark that had once adorned it had turned black.

“What should I do if Nightmare Moon is there?” Luna asked, gazing up at her now much taller sister.

“Fly back here as quickly as possible. Hopefully we won’t have that problem.” Celestia said grimly.

Luna spread her wings and flew out of an open window, turning west toward the valley where Ponyville rested. She was flying much faster than most any Pegasus would be, but it was dark and she hoped nopony would notice.

As she approached the town she slowed, landing softly on a low flying cloud and pushing it gently toward the town. Once she was over town square, she dug her way into the cloud and peered out from the bottom.

A small group of various creatures could be seen near town square. Luna could see them perfectly in the dim moonlight.

Most of them were ponies, hidden under black capes and hoods. She could see Pinkie Pie and Applejack, as well as Applejack’s young sister. Strangest of all, a whole pack of Timber Wolves and several Manticore surrounded the group,
snarling menacingly.

A pony bigger than Luna stood near the center. The ponies talked for a moment before je pony flew away, his great dragon wings disturbing the air loudly. Luna watched him fly away toward the Everfree forest before turning her attention back to the other ponies. They spoke for a while longer before the black cloaked ponies departed, leaving the earth ponies looking relieved.

Luna extricated herself from her cloud and flew down to the ponies. They watched as she approached.

“Somethin’ I can help you with?” Applejack asked grumpily.

“It looked like those, uh, ponies were giving you trouble.” Luna said, only remembering to hide her voice halfway through her sentence.

Pinkie approached and gave her an intense look. “Hey, I know you, you’re-“

Luna covered Pinkie’s mouth with her hoof and shushed her. “I’m here to help. Spike sent us a letter and Celestia told me to come check things out.”

Luna freed Pinkie, who gave her another look. “You mean you’re not the pony from Rainbow Dash’s book? Huh, you look just like her!” Pinkie said cheerfully. Luna only gaped for a second, then shook her head.

“Princess Luna?” Applejack asked, staring.

“Yes, it’s me. Just what is going on down here?” Luna asked. She glanced at Applebloom, who looked like she had just lost a fight.

“Shoot, all it’s been lately is ponies talkin’ about Nightmare Moon. There anythin’ to all this?” Applejack said.
Pinkie gasped. Her tail was twitching rapidly. She, AJ and Applebloom all immediately looked skyward, and Luna followed suit.

At first, Luna saw nothing. Then, from the very cloud she had been hiding in earlier, a wisp of purple smoke floated. Stars sparkled within it. It approached them and then began to take shape.

Luna gasped. The smoke was familiar to her, but she prayed she was wrong. The smoke continued to take shape, slowly, almost mockingly. The distinct shape of a pony formed from it. A tall, lean pony with mighty wings and a long, sharp horn.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Applebloom backed away slowly, but Luna could do nothing but gaze in shocked silence at Nightmare Moon, a visage she had only seen in mirrors long before. The tall black alicorn flashed a wicked grin, her immaterial mane floating carelessly in the air.

“What’s the matter, princess?” Nightmare Moon whispered, lowering her head to be level with Luna’s own. “You didn’t honestly think you would never see me again?”

Luna uttered an angry cry and shifted back to her normal form. Her mane furiously whipped forward in long tendrils, as if you strangle her opponent. The taller pony snarled and did the same, the two smoky clouds entwining, becoming one. The two alicorns’ tails joined the fray, whipping skyward in a whirling maelstrom. Thin bolts of lightning danced in the tornado, cracking loudly.

Around the town shutters and doors flew open, the ponies curious as to what was causing the racket. Some pointed and cried out, while others simply watched in stunned silence at the battle taking place before them.

Applejack scooped Applebloom onto her back and ran. Pinkie followed, her terrified face very out of character.

The two alicorns were motionless except for their manes and tails. Luna’s face was determined, but a bead of sweat trickled down her cheek nonetheless and fell to the ground. Nightmare Moon was half snarling and half smirking.
Luna spread her wings wide and took a slow step forward, her eyes never blinking or leaving the eyes of her enemy.

Nightmare Moon followed suit, the distance between them closing slowly.

“Why do you fight? You know you cannot win.” Nightmare Moon sneered.

“Why… Are you… So powerful…? Luna struggled to say, her tongue dry in her mouth.

“Because I don’t have you within me, fighting me all along, you little foal!” Nightmare Moon snarled. The two ponies were now nearly pressed head to head, the storm of their manes and tails filling the sky.

Luna risked a glance sideways. A huge manticore was bearing down on Applejack and her friends, making no obvious moves to attack, but not allowing them to go far. Luna turned back to Nightmare Moon, her will slowly slipping.

“Let it go, Luna. Let it go and they will come to no harm…” Nightmare Moon hissed threateningly.

“How do I know that?” Luna asked.

“I have no more desire to see my subjects come to harm than you.”

Luna bit down on her lip so hard it bled. She closed her eyes and ended her struggle, the storm subsiding and the thunderous din no longer filling the air. She freed her mane from Nightmare Moon’s and let it fall back, Luna herself sliding down to her knees. Nightmare Moon laughed coldly.

“What will you do now?” Luna asked, looking at the ground.

“Now, you will be leaving. Celestia will soon follow you, but don’t worry too awfully much. I think a thousand years will be enough for you two to learn who is really in charge, hmm? Maybe someday you’ll be allowed to come back. Until then…” Nightmare Moon’s mane once again moved toward Luna, covering her body entirely. A black ray of magic shot from her horn, striking the night princess.

The black energy melded with Nightmare Moon’s starry mane, mixing together and covering Luna until nothing could be seen. A few seconds later, the magic faded and Nightmare Moon’s mane receded, once again beginning to list lazily in the air. Where Luna had been laying there was nothing. Not even a mark on the ground.

Nightmare Moon turned toward the ponies who watched from their homes in horror. She shouted, her magically magnified voice reminiscent of Luna’s own royal Canterlot voice.

“Look upon the moon, ponies, and see what you knew once before!” A tendril of her mane pointed skyward toward the moon. A series of craters once again graced its surface, forming the shape of a unicorn’s head. Cries of despair and outrage were heard from almost every pony present, but Nightmare Moon only cackled and spread her wings, morphing back into a cloud of starry smoke and vanishing.


Celestia watched as the moon changed. One moment it was a pale grey ball of light with dark spots at seemingly random intervals, the next, the familiar Mare in the Moon appeared. A chill ran through Celestia. Her billowing mane and tail seemed to go still and the rest of her body shook, the feathers on her wings bristling.


“Princess Celestia!” A guard shouted. Celestia turned to look, only to see the guard thrown thirty feet across the room into two more, their golden armor clanging as they struck one another. A cloud of smoke was whirling in the middle of the room.

“L-Luna…?” Celestia asked quietly, already knowing the answer.

A vicious cackle emanated from the cloud and it instantly shifted to its true form. The horrible blue eyes that had haunted Celestia’s dreams for a thousand years stared into her very soul.

“Has anypony ever told you how predictable you are, Celestia? Or should I say sister? No, I guess that would no longer be correct, would it…” Nightmare Moon said, walking slowly toward the white pony.

“Nightmare Moon.” Celestia growled. Her eyes squinted with a cold anger the likes of which she had never felt before. It was mixed with a sense of fear, another emotion she had seldom experienced.

“Yes, it’s me. Did you miss me? Or did you only miss your sister? I have to say Celestia, that hurts me.” Nightmare Moon said, crossing a hoof across her chest sarcastically. “You know how poorly I deal with such pain.”

“So what now, are you going to return me to the sun? You were defeated once before, you will be stopped again.” The two alicorns began to circle one another slowly, a sort of grim dance.

“Ah, but there’s a flaw in your reasoning Celestia. Both times I was defeated in the past the Elements of Harmony were the cause of my dethroning. But what will happen when they are indisposed, hmm?”

“You’ll never get the elements.” Celestia growled, lowering her head and lighting her horn.

“Correction. I’ll never get the elements on my own.” Nightmare Moon said with a sneer. Her mane shot forward, wrapping itself in Celestia’s. Unlike with Luna, Celestia was powerless to manipulate her own mane and gasped in pain as Nightmare Moon jerked her forward by it.

“Now, let us take a stroll then.” Nightmare Moon chided, wrenching Celestia’s mane.

Several Pegasus guards flew toward them, but Celestia shouted at them to retreat.

“Princess…” One of them pleaded, glancing between his sovereign and her captor.

“Listen to your princess, foal. It will be easier for all of us.” Nightmare Moon said, beginning to walk and jerking Celestia’s mane once more.

“Where are you taking me…?” Celestia asked grimly, tears beginning to form in her eyes. She had learned from past experience that Nightmare Moon was more powerful than she was; at least now that she was no longer in tune with the Elements of Harmony. This knowledge, coupled with the pain from her mane being pulled, was enough to cause her to despair.

“Canterlot Tower. Your friend Applejack was kind enough to inform us of the location of the elements. She is quite the honest one, is she not?”

“You’re a monster.”

“I’m not the one who sentenced her sister to a thousand years on the moon.” Nightmare Moon remarked snidely.

“No, you’re the one who wants nothing more than to bring unhappiness to ponies. You’re no better than Discord. You might even be worse.”

Nightmare Moon tore at Celestia’s mane once more, causing her to cry out in pain. “Shut up you miserable foal! Those ponies should be punished for not appreciating the gifts I gave them!”

“You mean that Luna gave them…” Celestia whispered. “You’re nothing but a figment of Luna’s imagination. Were it not for my sister you wouldn’t even exist.”

“You’re quite the brave one, aren’t you?” Nightmare Moon snarled, continuing to lead Celestia down the stained glass hallway. They neared the end, the lavishly jeweled door to Canterlot Tower looming over them.

Nightmare Moon stopped and stared at the window depicting her defeat at the hands of Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. She grimaced angrily, wrapped a tendril of her mane around a nearby statue and pitched it through the window, shattering the colorful glass into a million pieces.

Celestia allowed herself a spiteful grin at Nightmare Moon’s pettiness, but was quickly jerked over toward the door.

“Open it.” Nightmare Moon demanded.


“OPEN IT!” Nightmare Moon screamed, pulling Celestia’s mane so hard she was lifted off the ground. Celestia screamed in agony.

“Alright, alright, please, just stop…” Celestia stammered through her tears. She had never in all her thousands of years felt pain so bad. How any creature could be as evil as Nightmare Moon eluded her. Even Discord was not truly evil, but
Nightmare Moon seemed to be nothing but hatred.

In a way, that was really all she was. A horrible projection of all of her sister’s jealousy and pain, somehow made whole again.

Celestia slid her horn into the hole in the middle of the door. Light filled the cracks in the door and it slid open, revealing the chest containing the six pieces of jewelry. Nightmare Moon gripped the box in her mane and opened it. She nodded with satisfaction then turned her gaze back to Celestia.

The black alicorn opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by a powerful magical chime. She turned her attention back down the hall, as did Celestia. A bright light filled the hallway, forcing Nightmare Moon to hide her face behind her wing. When the light faded, she looked to its source.

Six ponies stood in the throne room, looking about frantically. She recognized three of them as Twilight Sparkle, Rarity and Rainbow Dash, but they were accompanied by three stallions she didn’t recognize. They caught sight of her and their faces fell.

Twilight Sparkle broke rank with the others as Nightmare Moon’s mane cloaked Celestia. The black magic poured from her horn, mixing with her mane and consuming the princess.

Celestia shouted to Twilight. “Don’t worry about me, my prized pupil! I know you’ll find a way to see me once more.”
Twilight was halfway down the hall now, her friends close behind.

“Don’t be so sure.” Nightmare Moon said grimly, finishing her spell. Her mane retreated and Celestia was gone, leaving nothing behind.

“NO!!” Twilight screamed. She collapsed to the ground where her mentor had once been, paying no heed to Nightmare Moon, but burying her face in her crossed forelegs and sobbing.

The other ponies were fixated on Nightmare Moon, who looked to them with an unreadable expression.

“Nightmare… Moon…” The dark blue unicorn in the hood muttered quietly, his eyes wide behind red glasses that did not suit him at all. She almost thought he was one of hers, but his coat was the wrong color.

“Oh no…” Rainbow Dash said, dropping from the air, a look of defeat on her face. She was staring at the box containing the elements.

“Oh, yes, my beloved subject.” Nightmare Moon said softly. “Celestia and Luna are now imprisoned in the sun and moon, and I shall assume my proper role as queen of Equestria. Never again will you see the sun, so you had better get used to the Mare in the Moon again.”

Rainbow Dash’s face grew angry. She looked as if she might fling herself at Nightmare Moon, but instead turned to the hooded stallion.

“This is all your fault!” She shouted, her voice cracking. “If it weren’t for you and your stupid prediction we would have been here to help!”

The cloaked pony stammered for a second. “I didn’t- how could I have known?!” He cried, desperation obvious in his voice.

The grey Pegasus with the comet cutie mark who had been silent turned on him now. “She’s right…” He muttered. His face too grew angry. “You’re the one who made Princess Celestia send us out there!”

Nightmare Moon watched the scene unfold before her with a sort of spiteful pleasure. The cloaked pony must have been Hood, the psychic.

The grey Pegasus continued to scream. “How do we even know you didn’t know this was gonna happen?! How do we know you weren’t helping her?!”

“Solar Flare, what are you talking about?! You know me, you know-“

Solar Flare shoved him away roughly. A hurt look crossed Hood’s face.

“Get out of here! I never want to see you again!” He screamed, tears beginning to stream from his eyes.

“But Flare… You’re my best friend…”

“I thought so too…” Solar Flare said, his voice now strangely calm.

Hood looked at the others for support, but they said nothing. Even Twilight simply continued to cry quietly into the floor.
Hood bit his lip, turned around and ran. After he had dashed a few yards he blinked away, vanishing in a small flash of light.

“Well, now that that’s done with, I think you should all be returning to your homes, hmm?” Nightmare Moon chuckled. Her horn lit up and all the ponies before her vanished the same way Hood had.

Redstar flew in through the shattered window. His snout was no longer bandaged, and he had a mad grin on his face.

“It’s done?”

“It’s done.” Nightmare Moon said, relief for the first time in her voice.

“The night shall last forever…” Redstar said with a maniacal laugh.

“Yes, Redstar. The night is everything now. And we rule the night…”

Chapter 8, Under the Night Sky

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Chapter 8: Under the Night Sky

A bright light flashed near the fountain in Ponyville Park. The ponies from town watched, ready for anything after the events from earlier.

However, when the light faded, five familiar ponies appeared. Pinkie Pie bounced over to them, a confused sort of relief on her face.

She embraced Twilight, jabbering all along about anything and everything on her mind. Twilight did not respond, but simply continued to sit on the ground, gazing into thin air.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Pinkie asked, shaking Twilight’s shoulder.

“No, Pinkie. I’m not alright.” Twilight snapped.

Rainbow Dash snorted, spread her wings and flew off, Solar Flare doing the same in the other direction. Elderberry remained quiet and sauntered off slowly, hanging his head.

“Come along, darling. I think Twilight needs some time alone. Why don’t you tell me all about what happened while we were gone, okay?” Rarity said gently, leading Pinkie Pie toward the boutique.

Twilight sniffed and stood up, turning toward the library and walking off. Slow as her body was moving, her mind was racing faster than ever. She spared a glance at the moon, somberly confirming what Nightmare Moon had said about Princess Luna.

She thought back to the palace. How Rainbow Dash and Solar Flare had turned on Hood, blamed him for what had happened. She wanted to blame him as well, to find somepony to blame for all this, but in her heart she knew it wasn’t his fault.

As she neared the library, Spike ran out frantically.

“Twilight! What happened? Did you get my letter? Why is the moon like that?!” Spike was talking at a mile a minute, but Twilight ignored him. Fluttershy was standing in the middle of the bottom floor, but Twilight ignored her too, quietly walking up the steps toward her bedroom. She pushed her way under the covers and lied down, shutting out the world as best she could.


Elderberry walked along the dirt road outside Ponyville toward his home. He could smell the berries from his vineyard, but they didn’t raise his spirits at all.

He pushed open the door with his nose and walked inside. Boysenberry and the foals must have still been in bed. He opened the trapdoor to his wine celler, gripped a bottle between his teeth and carried it upstairs. He uncorked it, held it up with his hoof and drank three huge gulps, the bitter liquid coating his dry mouth and warming his belly.

Elderberry sat the bottle on the table and waited, taking swigs at regular intervals. His tense nerves slowly numbed and his tumultuous mind went foggy.

A door opened and Boysenberry stepped out, rubbing her eyes. She gasped when she saw him and rushed to meet him.
He made no move to do the same. She stopped when she saw the bottle on the table.

“What… What are you doing?”

“Drinkin’.” He replied gruffly.

“Why? And when did you get here?”

“A few minutes ago. And what else is there to do?”

Boysenberry cocked her head to the side and pushed the bottle away. “Now, sugarcube, just take a deep breath and tell me what happened.”

Elderberry chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment before responding. He told his wife all about what had happened. About the trip, about what they found in the old lands, about the wendegos, about how Twilight Sparkle had received a letter and teleported them all back to Equestria, and finally what they had witnessed in Canterlot Castle.

Boysenberry did not interrupt him once, but her brow grew more and more furrowed as the story became more and more unbelievable.

“So she’s really back? That Pegasus wasn’t lying…” Boysenberry said quietly, more to herself. She pushed away a blind from a window with her magic and looked at the sky. Her face fell even more when she looked at the moon.
“Now there’s a sight I never thought I’d see again…”

When she turned back to look at Elderberry he had left the table and was looking in the foals’ room. Her heart went from aching to completely shattered.

“Where’s Raspberry?” He asked quietly, his voice slurred ever so slightly.

Boysenberry laid a hoof on his shoulder. “She’s in the hospital right now.”

Elderberry wheeled around and galloped out the door without another word. He ran and ran all the way to town, ignoring the looks he got from all the ponies. By the time he reached the hospital, he was soaked in sweat.

He shoved the door open roughly, paying no heed to the security pony who tried to get his attention. He approached the counter, where a surprised looking, plump pink nurse was sitting.

“Where’s Boysenberry’s room?” He panted.

“You can’t go in there right now, visit-“

Elderberry almost went over the counter. “If you don’t tell me where her room is right now…!”

The nurse stammered and directed him to room 115. He peeled away, slipping once on the freshly mopped floor. He only slowed when he saw the small sign on a door labeled “115, Pediatrics Ward.”

He nudged the door open gently. Two beds were inside. The one closest to the door was empty, but the other had a small bundle under the covers. The bundle rose and fell gently and a machine beeped nearby. Elderberry approached the bed as quietly as his heavy hooves would allow him to. As he neared, her could see Raspberry’s tangled red mane and pale coat. Her eyes were closed peacefully and her breathing was quiet. A pain ran through Elderberry’s chest.

The crew-cut security pony from before followed him inside.

“Sir, you can’t be here right now, you’ll need to-“

“I’m gonna give you about three seconds to get.” Elderberry said coldly, never taking his eyes off his daughter.

“You can’t just-“

“Get. Out.” Elderberry said, glaring at the security pony. The pony backed away slowly, obviously no match for the thick-bodied farmer. Elderberry took a seat by the window and watched Raspberry sleep.

A few hours passed. Elderberry looked at the clock. It was 8:04. The sun should have been up for two hours now, but the moon still hung in the sky, showing no signs of retreat.

Raspberry shifted and yawned, slowly opening her eyes. She looked out the window for a moment, then looked at Elderberry.


Elderberry stood up and nuzzled his daughters head. “Yeah, hon, it’s me. How you feelin’?”

“Not so good. What time is it?”

“Um, that’s not important. Why don’t you go back to sleep?”

“Okay, daddy. I’m happy to see you again.”

“I’m happy to see you too, hon.” Elderberry returned to his seat as Raspberry settled back into her bed, laying her head down on the pillow.

The door opened and Boysenberry walked in slowly.

“What did they have to say?” Elderberry asked without looking at her.

“Her condition took a bad turn.” Boysenberry said. She approached her husband and nuzzled his neck. He tried to ignore her, to stay strong, but his lip quivered.

Boysenberry’s eyes overflowed. Elderberry put a foreleg around her neck to comfort her, but his will broke. He sobbed loudly, his emotions getting the better of him once more. The two stayed locked like this for a while, crying into each other’s shoulders while the EKG continued to beep.


Hood appeared in his house, filling the room with the white light from his teleporting spell.

He dropped Rarity’s glasses, which shattered. He cursed under his breath and looked around, his vision once again blurring.

His mind was racing over all that had happened, but one thing remained at the forefront. It was what Solar Flare had said to him at the castle, in front of Nightmare Moon.

His friend had turned on him. Blamed him. Had Solar Flare been right? Was this all his fault?

Hood felt his way around with his hoof and lay down on his couch, magically removing his cloak and tossing it away. He closed his blurry eyes and tried to clear his mind.

This was, however, impossible.

An hour passed, then two. Hood looked out his window. He could see well enough to know that it was still dark. He could hear voices too, frantic, distraught, angry.

Somepony knocked on his door, but he ignored them. They knocked once more, but when Hood didn’t answer they moved on. He didn’t care who it was, nor what they wanted. He wanted to be alone right now.

Time drug on and on. Hood’s belly began to rumble, but he ignored this as well.

He used his magic to find the pieces of Rarity’s glasses and fit them back together as best he could. Small point magic wasn’t exactly his specialty, but he managed to get the pieces back to something that at least resembled what they once had. He carefully placed them on his snout, retrieved his cape and walked out the door.

The streets were packed with ponies of all kinds, frantically talking to one another. When he left his home, many turned to face him with angry looks. Hood could hear voices whispering, and he knew they were talking about him.

“Is he one of them?”

“I think so…”

“His coat isn’t black.”

“His cape is.”

Hood kept his head low and his hood up as he walked slowly along the streets toward a certain shop. Nopony tried to stop him, but he could feel their eyes on him.

He approached Carrousel Boutique and nudged the door open. Rarity was inside, talking to a small white unicorn filly. She cast him a sideways glance and excused herself from her sister.

“Oh, hello Hood. Something you need?” She asked nervously.

Hood levitated the glasses over to her.

“Broke them on my way back, sorry.” Hood said. His voice had no emotion in it.

“Oh, well that’s quite alright, darling. I suppose you’ll be needing a new pair?” Rarity asked, tossing the glasses into a trash can.

“Erm, yeah. Do you sell them here?”

“Of course. I have a whole line of designer glasses on sale.” Rarity perked up, putting on a salespony face.
She led Hood to a rack of glasses. Hood looked at several of them before settling on a pair of simple, black, rectangular ones.

He offered to pay Rarity, but she refused, claiming she never charged her close friends. Hood was grateful, despite everything that had happened. At least Rarity didn’t blame him for their predicament.
Hood walked back to his house and locked himself inside, doing his best to ignore the spiteful looks he was receiving from complete strangers. He couldn’t understand what all these ponies had against him. Did they know about his prediction? Had Applejack or Pinkie Pie told somepony?

The thought didn’t exactly sooth him.

He returned to his place on the couch and settled back into his old position. His forelegs crossed in front of him, his head resting on his hooves.

A thought passed through his mind. His prediction had been right. The Mare in the Moon was back. But what of the mysteriously missing Canterlot and damage to Ponyville? Hood allowed himself a moment of grim satisfaction at being right, but stomped the thought from his mind just as quickly.


Nightmare Moon stood in front of what had once been Celestia’s throne, looking down her nose at the dozens of guards assembled before her.

The white pegasi and grey unicorns looked at the ground, unsure and terrified of what fate might await them. Nightmare Moon said nothing for several minutes, thoroughly enjoying watching the guards squirm. Finally she spoke.

“As the royal guards, you have taken an oath to protect the ruler of Equestria at any cost. As such, from now on, you shall be made into my personal guards. I have no doubt that-“

“I would sooner die than serve you, monster!” One of the commanders shouted, spitting his words with hatred.

Nightmare Moon cackled cruelly. Beside her, Redstar took a step forward, spreading his imposing wings wide.

"You talk as if I’m going to give you a choice in the matter.” The ethereal mane atop Nightmare Moon’s head
split into dozens of tendrils, as it had at the ancient palace in the Everfree Forest. The tendrils seeped into the mouths and noses of the guards, who struggled to free themselves.

They balked and cried out, wings flapping and magic being thrown about in vain. The vastly superior power of the alicorn eventually won over, forcing the ponies to the ground. Black crawled from their faces downward, staining their groomed coats. The horns of the unicorns grew sharp, the spirals accentuating into cruel, twisted spikes. The feathers fell out of the pegasis’ wings, only to be replaced with a thin, leathery membrane.

The misty mane retracted. The dozens of ponies opened their eyes.

The pegasi now resembled Redstar, except that they were much smaller. All of their eyes glowed a grayish-white, the same color as the moon.

“Now, my little ponies, who is it that you serve?” Nightmare Moon cooed.

“The queen, Nightmare Moon.” The ponies replied in perfect unison. They seemed almost zombified.

“What now?” Redstar asked, polishing his hoof with the fur on his chest.

“Now I make my standing official. Have the night ponies fly out to the four corners of Equestria with all haste.”

Redstar nodded and spread his wings once more, preparing to fly from the room, but Nightmare Moon stopped him.

“Remember, diplomacy first. I’m not so much a foal as to not know how reliant on the sun the world has become. There are crops that need planted, magics to be weaved and all manner of new weather procedures to be learned.”

“Yes, of course your majesty.”

“Then go.”

Redstar leaped into the air and flapped out of a window. Nightmare Moon looked around at the castle. It was so bright, so vibrant. Everything she hated. Something would have to be done about it.

After instructing her new guards to explain the situation to the inhabitants of Canterlot, Nightmare Moon too took her leave, morphing into a cloud and floating back toward her palace in the Everfree Forest. There was much work to be done.


A small group of hooded ponies marched into Ponyville, accompanied by the ever-present Timber Wolf guards. The group split up, instructing every pony they could find to convene in town square.

Needless to say, Applejack was getting a bit tired of this. She had returned Applebloom to Sweet Apple Acres and made her way back, thoroughly exhausted.

The cloaked ponies finished rounding up most of the town’s populace before beginning another long winded speech. Applejack ignored them for the most part, until they mentioned something about crops.

Of course, apple trees could not grow without sunlight.

“Any farmers from the town will now accompany sister Duskwing, who will instruct you on proper growth and maintenance of the crops that we have perfected.” The lead pony, a burly earth pony, instructed, pointing to a smaller Pegasus. AJ recognized most of the ponies who followed, but did not do the same.

Another pony approached the podium, this one a unicorn. He instructed any unicorn with reasonable magic skill to follow him to where he would instruct them on imitating the sun’s warmth. AJ watched this group leave as well.

A flash of white caught her attention. She looked closer, focusing in the dim light.

It was Rarity. They must have returned at some point. Applejack had a strong urge to follow her friend but refused, continuing to listen to the hooded ponies rattle off instructions.

The overly formal way they spoke bugged her. They talked like Canterlot ponies, who she absolutely could not stand. She knew the consequences of defying them, however. Her brother knew them even better.

Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight and Rainbow Dash were nowhere to be found. Once the ponies had all but dispersed, AJ joined the farmers, who were receiving a lecture about crops.


Spike tried for a third time to get Twilight out of her bed. Every time she had simply grumbled and pulled the blankets over her head.

Fluttershy had left a while before, looking for Rainbow Dash.

Spike huffed out a puff of smoke. His frustration was mounting. Whatever had happened to Twilight had pushed her completely out of character, and it was getting on his nerves.

Without explaining where he was going, he marched out of the library and toward Carrousel Boutique. The streets were more or less empty now, with groups of ponies huddle here and there, talking in hushed tones.

Spike pushed open the door to the dress shop and looked around. Rarity didn’t seem to be here, so he would simply wait. Rarity would at least tell him what was going on, plus he desperately wanted to see her.


Rainbow Dash and Solar flare sat across from one another in Rainbow’s cloud home outside Ponyville. Solar Flare had shown up an hour before, but the two had barely said a word to one another. They simply sat on their clouds and stewed, content to let their anger fester. Fluttershy had stopped by briefly, but had gone to check on Rarity.

Solar Flare finally broke the silence.

“What do we do now?”

“What is there left to do? The princesses are gone and Nightmare Moon has the Elements of Harmony. The only thing I can think to do is just learn to live with it.”

Solar Flare impatiently smoothed his mane, searching for something to say. Nothing came to mind.

Rainbow Dash huffed angrily.

“You know what I think?”


“I think this is Hood’s fault.”

“You already said that.”

Rainbow ignored him. “Think about it. He just shows up in town one day, out of nowhere. The next day we all find ourselves gone, and what happens?”

Solar Flare chewed on his bottom lip.

“And who liked the night time? Hood.”


“Not to mention that he’s dressed the same way as the ponies Fluttershy was talking about. Black capes, black hoods. And the way he talks?”

“He’s from Trottingham.” Solar Flare pointed out.

“He said himself that he hasn’t been there in fifteen years. Dude. Hood was working with Nightmare Moon all along!” Rainbow Dash cried, her voice cracking.

Solar Flare mulled it over. There was a lot of evidence to support what she was saying.

“We should tell Twilight.” Solar Flare sighed. The two pegasi exited through a window, flying back towards town.


Twilight was roused from her pained stupor by the familiar sounds of Rainbow Dash crashing in through a window. However, he friend was not alone; Solar Flare had come with her.

Twilight huffed, but Rainbow ignored her.

“Twilight, we need to tell you something!”

“Go away.”

“It’s about Hood!” Solar Flare exclaimed.

“I don’t care.”

“But it was him that brought Nightmare Moon back! I can prove it!” Rainbow said. Twilight sat up now.

“No. It was not him. You’re just trying to find an excuse to blame somepony, and he’s a convenient target.” Twilight half-growled.

“Think about it, Twilight. He only comes out at night, he dresses in black all the time, who does that?”

“He does. Now go away.” Twilight snapped, pulling the blanket back over her head.

“She’s not gonna listen to us.” Solar Flare said dismissively.

“Then we’ll go talk to him.” Rainbow mused, spreading her wings. She tried to fly from the window, but Twilight grabbed her tail with magic, stopping her.

“You won’t say one more word to him! I don’t even want to imagine how much pain you two caused him when you turned on him earlier.”

“I didn’t see you defending him.” Solar Flare pointed out haughtily.

“I was upset! You can’t even know how much it hurt to see Princess Celestia just vanish like that!”

“We were right there!” Rainbow shouted.

“You havn’t spent most of your life as her student. Princess Celestia is almost like a mother to me!”

“Then I know exactly how you feel.” Solar Flare said. The two mares turned to face him. Anger burned in his eyes, and his cheeks were flushed. He said nothing more, but simply turned and flew out the window. Twilight released Rainbow, who followed him without a word.

Chapter 9, Starlit Sorrows

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Chapter 9: Starlit Sorrows

Rainbow Dash had been silently following Solar Flare on his route through the night sky for almost half an hour. Finally, he found a likely looking cloud and landed on it.

“What was that all about?” Rainbow asked, landing next to him.

“Forget it.”

“I don’t want to. You’re my friend, you can tell me.”

Solar Flare flicked a lock of his red and blue mane from his eyes. “It’s just what Twilight said about the princess. About how she was like her mom.”


Solar Flare winced before continuing. “I know what it’s like to lose a mom, okay? And Twilight acted like I had no idea, and it ticked me off is all.”

Rainbow scratched behind her ear with her hoof. She was not at all good with situations like this.

Solar Flare huffed. “Forget I said anything.”

Rainbow put her foreleg around Solar, more of a friendly expression than anything, but he shuddered a bit nonetheless.

“I havn’t seen my parents in a long time either. They didn’t, you know, like die or anything, but they live in Cloudesdale and I only get to see them once in a while.”

Solar Flare drew a long breath and let it out slowly. “I think this whole situation has just got everyone too up in arms. I’m gonna go talk to Hood. Don’t follow me, okay?”

Rainbow nodded and Solar Flare flew away, quickly fading from view in the moonlight.


Hood continued to ignore the gnawing in his belly for as long as he could, but it eventually got the better of him. He gnawed on some stale bread, watching one of his glass orbs without paying it any attention. His mind was anywhere and everywhere else at that moment, the swirling torrent of thoughts making him blind to anything outside his own head.

He found himself wondering what his friends were doing, regardless of how he currently felt about them. Most of all, he wondered how Twilight was faring.

Somepony knocked on his door for the hundredth time, but he ignored it again, until he heard the voice calling to him.

“Hood? You in there?” It was Solar Flare. Hood pulled the door open with magic, and Solar Flare stepped in slowly, looking about in the dark.

A candle sparked to life magically, providing enough light for the Pegasus to see by.

“I thought I’d come see how you were doing.” Solar Flare said slowly, as if he was afraid of saying the wrong thing.

“I’m fine.”

“Has anypony come to visit you?”

“Ponies have been knocking on my door all day, er, all night.”


“What do you want?”

“Look, about what happened earlier-“ Solar Flare began nervously, pausing for a moment before continuing. “Well, I wanted to know what you thought about that.”

Hood furrowed his brow behind his glasses. “What I thought about it? Are you serious?”

“Well, yeah. Rainbow Dash thought-“

“Oh, here we go again. Is she all you think about? Is she so important that you would just turn on me at her call?” Hood half-shouted, his anger beginning to mount. He was usually quite calm, but the situation, coupled with Solar Flare’s last words had pushed him over an edge.

“What was I supposed to do?! You have to admit, she was making sense, if it weren’t for you-“

An intense light flowed from Hood’s horn, his eyes glowing a bright white. In his life he had never been this angry.

“So what do you think, hmm? You think I did this on purpose? You think I wanted Nightmare Moon back?”

“No!” Solar Flare shouted desperately, hiding his face from the powerful energy illuminating from the unicorn. “But Rainbow thinks-“

“I don’t care what Rainbow thinks!” Hood shouted, tendrils of energy waving rapidly around his head. He could feel the magic that Luna had given him swirling in his horn, and he liked it. He liked the power he felt.

“HOOD! STOP!” A voice shouted from the doorway.

The light from Hood’s horn vanished in an instant, his eyes returning to their normal purple. He looked at Solar Flare, who looked back with an expression of both fear and admiration. Then Hood looked at the door.

Twilight was standing there, watching the scene unfold.

Hood opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again. “Just, just get out of here.” He whispered. Solar Flare obliged, flying out the door as fast as his wings would carry him. Hood collapsed back on his haunches, looking at his front hooves.

Twilight approached cautiously. “What was that?”

“I don’t know.” Hood said, not looking at her. He bit his lip and covered his eyes with his hooves. “Oh man. What did I do…?”

“It’s okay…” Twilight said, patting his shoulder.

“No it’s not! Solar Flare will probably never speak to me again!” Hood cried out with a mix of rage and anguish. He glanced out the door, where ponies were watching in stunned silence.

“And just what the buck are you looking at!?” He screamed at them, causing them to scatter.

“Calm down.” Twilight said, pressing her hoof firmly to his shoulder.

“Don’t tell me to calm down! Stop telling me to be calm!” Hood cried out, his eyes beginning to overflow. “There is nothing to be calm about! Nightmare Moon is back, my friends hate me, and somehow everypony has it in their heads that it’s all my fault! Me! What the buck have I ever done?! To anypony!?”

Twilight took a step backward, a concerned look on her face. “Hood, I’m your friend. Rarity is your friend…”

Hood tried to say something else, but instead could only let out a strangled sob. He thrashed angrily, trying to force his emotions down. He realized that he probably looked like a spoiled foal pitching a fit but he didn’t care. He had spent almost his entire life alone, and as soon as he thought he had made real friends everything starts to crumble around him.

His horn lit up once more without his consent. A stream of blue energy erupted from it, causing Twilight to scream and run from the house. The energy tore a hole in the roof as it left his body in an endless, horrible river. He could feel his magic reserves depleting as the spell continued to cast itself. He panicked and thrashed, the chaotic power that had grown out of control burning right through anything it touched.

And as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. He forced himself to open his eyes to look at the damage. Most of the roof of his little house had been incinerated. He looked at the wall across from him, where the pictures of his parents hung above his fireplace.

Right across the row of photographs, the spell had left a hole, completely removing the wall and disintegrating the pictures along with them.

“No, no, NO!” Hood shouted at the sky. “Why me!? Why is this happening to me!? What did I do!?” He screamed and screamed, his ranting shifting from pained cries to incoherent blathering.

He screamed until his voice cracked and he could no longer make his voice work for him. When he finally stopped his throat was dry, the fur on his face sticky with dried tears, and his mane horribly tangled from all the shaking he had done.

He collapsed, just wishing he could die. He would never know how long he lied there among the ruined husk of his house, but it felt like days. Weeks even.

He felt somepony touch his shoulder. He turned to see, of all ponies, Applejack. She said nothing, her face stern yet sorrowful.

Hood sniffed, working what tiny bit of magic he had left in him. Applejack stepped away and Hood vanished in a flash of light.

Twilight sighed sadly from behind Applejack, but was otherwise silent. A small, scorched piece of paper drifted down from the ruined roof, landing face down in front of Twilight. Without thinking about it, she lifted the paper up with her magic, turning it around so she could see.

It was a photograph. A little unicorn colt was laying down in front of a Hearth’s Warming Eve tree, holding up a brand new black cape. On a couch behind him, two unicorns watched him with happy looks on their faces.


Solar Flare had been circling above Hood’s house, watching as the magical surge tore the building apart. A deep regret had settled over his heart and refused to budge, something he was not used to.

He could see through a hole in the roof as Hood teleported away to Celestia-knows-where.

The Pegasus flipped over and flew away in no particular direction.


Moonlight held up the cape he had just received for Hearth’s Warming Eve as his father snapped the photo with magic. The flash left spots in the colt’s eyes, causing him to rub them.

Moonlight wrapped his new cape around himself as his father levitated a few things into their carriage. There was snow on the ground up to his knees, so he climbed in the carriage beside his mother quickly, shivering from the cold.

Once his father was done, his parents focused their magic, telekinetically pulling the cart along the snowy ground, cheerfully talking about the future visit to Moonlight’s grandmother’s house.

Once they had travelled a few miles from their house, they heard a roar from the edge of the trees. Moonlight was scared, but his mother reassured him while his father looked around outside the carriage, his horn glowing brightly. He disappeared around the edge of the cart.

A cry was heard from where he had gone and Moonlight’s mother leaped from the carriage to help.

Moonlight heard her scream as well.

The last thing he remembered before a powerful surge of magic enveloped him was looking face to face with a hideous, lion-like creature with a scorpion tail pushing its way into the cart toward him.

After that Hearth’s Warming Eve, Moonlight was sent to Canterlot to live with somepony he didn’t know. After a couple years he was sent to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.

His foster parents took to affectionately calling him Hood, because of the black cape and hood he always wore.


“Just what in the hay was that?” Applejack asked, nudging some charred wood around the floor of the wrecked house.

Twilight put on her lecture face. “Hood’s deep emotional state pushed him into a magical storm. It was something like what happened when I was about to fail my school entry exam and then heard Rainbow Dash’s sonic rainboom. The princess stopped me from doing too much damage, but there was nopony there to help Hood.”

Applejack took off her hat and sighed, worry lines gracing the undersides of her green eyes. “I’m goin’ home. Drop by if’n y’all need somethin’.”

“Okay. And if you see Rainbow Dash, tell her I want to speak with her asap.”

Applejack nodded trotted off slowly. Twilight turned her attention back to the shambles of Hood’s home. Crystal balls were shattered everywhere, scorched and still-burning bits of paper floated in midair, and the couch had been ripped in two and tossed to either side of the living room.

She left the living room and moved toward the back of the house. She searched for some light source with her magic, but could find nothing. Not even an unlit candle. Instead, she used a simple light spell to illuminate her way, ignoring the feeling in her gut telling her not to intrude in her friend’s home.

The rest of the house was far less damaged, but the smell of ash and the unmistakable tingling of powerful magic was everywhere. Twilight stalked down a hallway, which ended in two doors. She opened one with her magic to find a bathroom. She slammed the door shut awkwardly and turned to the other.

Twilight used her telekinesis to grip the doorknob and turn. A painful jolt of electricity coursed through her body, causing her to shout and dispel the light from her horn, blanketing her once more in darkness.

Relighting her horn, Twilight put on a determined face and tried once more. Again, the electricity shocked her, causing more frustration than pain.

She carefully inspected the door. There was nothing remarkable about it at first glance, but upon closer inspection, one could feel a thin layer of protective magic coating it. The grains of the door swirled strangely, so the unicorn checked them next.

The wood of the door was morphed into letters. Twilight had to look very closely, but she could just barely make out tiny writing, spelling out an incantation.

Moon and starlight, dusky gloom,
You seek to look inside this room.
Sun and daylight, warm and bright,
You cannot see through will or might.
Intruders are not welcome here,
But to this door, magic is dear.
Speak the name of magic great,
But only during hours late.

Twilight scratched her head. Of all her studies of magic, she had seen spells written in this manner by only one society. She only knew of one creature that knew more about it than her.
Zecora, her zebra friend.

Twilight glanced around for a clock, but could find none. She had seen one in Hood’s living room, but it had been melted and was no use.

She sighed and hoped for the best.

She placed the tip of her horn on the door carefully, but fed no magic.

“The elements of harmony.”

Nothing happened. Twilight scrunched her face, thinking of another powerful source of magic.

“Princess Celestia. Princess Luna.”

Again, nothing happened. With a bead of doubt, she tried two more names.

“Nightmare Moon, Discord.” Nothing. Despite her mounting frustration, she felt slightly relieved that the answer to Hood’s riddle was neither of the hated villains from her past.

“Can I get a hint?” She pleaded to no one in particular. A strange feeling touched her horn. A sort of emotion that seemed to be coming from the spell on the door. It took her a moment to realize what it was. Amusement. The door was laughing at her.

She opened to her to say something, but the grains of the door were moving. She watched with a fixed fascination as they rearranged themselves into another poem.

Simple, yes. Simple, no.
Time can pass both fast and slow.
Both the future and the past,
They come, they go, they never last.
One thing is the same throughout,
Day and night, storm or drought.
The spell he weaved was to be broke,
About by whom, to us he spoke.
You know the magic that we seek,
Felt by those both strong and weak.

“Some hint…” Twilight muttered. She rested her horn on the door again, focusing on what the door could be talking about. What did the strong and weak feel in a storm or a drought?

“Fear?” The door did not respond.

Twilight groaned.

The grains of the door began moving again, resembling sand sliding over itself. The words again changed.

Riddles three you now had read,
Riddles three have now been said.
Only three we are allowed,
Our caster’s voice was clear and loud.
The word you know, yet do not guess,
But you must to pass this test.
A gnawing ache or burning fire,
We know that you are not a liar.
You do not know, but he once did,
Before he ran away and hid.
From this place, he now has gone,
Our secrets yours once you are done.
Speak the name of magic pure,
And you will know all ailments’ cure.
Moon and starlight, dusk and gloom,
His thoughts for you unlock this room.

Twilight heaved a heavy sigh. A tear trickled down her cheek as she whispered the only guess she had left for the door’s password.


The barrier around the door dissipated in an instant and the sound of a deadlock shifting out of place could be heard. The door opened slowly of its own accord. A silver light with no discernable source permeated every corner of the room beyond.

Twilight took a nervous step inside, then two, then three. Once she was inside, the door slammed close on its own.

Chapter 10, By Royal Decree

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Chapter 10: By Royal Decree

Nightmare Moon floated into her castle and shifted back to her normal form. She was the only pony here, as Redstar and the rest of her worshippers had been dispatched to the four corners of Equestria, bearing the tides of her return.

This castle suited her far more than the one in Canterlot had, its foreboding stone towers and ivy coated walls bringing an aura of darkness. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, relaxing her tense muscles and resting on the padded granite throne.

Using her prehensile mane, the alicorn removed her helmet and collar and rested them on a table. Where they had once been, a thin soak of sweat could just barely be seen, darkening her black coat even further.

She rested here for a few hours, silently congratulating herself on her newfound victory. The chest containing the Elements of Harmony rested on the table along with her helmet, brought here by one of her pegasi.

Nightmare Moon’s rest was interrupted by the sound of wings entering the skylight. She turned her head upward to see a Pegasus stallion drifting down toward her. The pony had abandoned his usual cloak for a pair of saddlebags, which bulged at the corners.

He landed before the queen, bowing low and lifting the bags off of him with his wings.

“The books you requested, my queen.”

Nightmare Moon thanked the pony half-mindedly, gripping a book in her mane and looking at the cover. “Equestrian Law, Royal Decree and System of Justice, By Princess Celestia.”

The alicorn scoffed and flipped the book open, scanning through the pages. She was familiar with practically every law within, although some required some closer study. With another strand of her mane, she gripped a quill, jotting down some notes about certain laws without looking at her writing.

She continued to read, familiarizing herself with every last detail of every law that had been passed since her first defeat. The laws about magic had been altered the most, and punishments were now generally much more lenient.

Hours passed, random ponies drifting in and out of the palace, bringing offerings or news. Once she was satisfied with the first book, she rolled up the scroll she had written, sealed it with a spell, and waited, flipping through a second book more casually.

Redstar finally flew in, half-collapsing as he bowed, the dark fur on his eyes creased with lines of exhaustion.

“My Queen, I just paid a visit to Ponyville.” The Pegasus said through his panting.

“Catch your breath, Redstar. You’ve had a long journey.” Nightmare said, a hint of genuine concern in her voice.

Redstar thanked her, taking a moment to regain his usual composure. She knew that the way he acted near her was a ruse and that he bore a raging temper.

“As I was trying to say, your highness, I passed Ponyville on my way back here. Some magic appears to have gone rampant. Only one home was seriously affected, but I could feel remnants of the spell in the very air.”

Nightmare Moon chewed on her lip. “Do you know who cast the spell?”

“I spoke with a Pegasus who was flying away from the scene. He was upset, but I managed to get it out of him that it was Hood, a friend of Twilight Sparkle.”

Nightmare Moon sneered. “You didn’t harm this Pegasus did you?”

“Not much.”

“Whatever. Did you see Hood or Twilight?”

“No. A crowd had congealed around the building in question, but they were nowhere in sight, nor were any ponies that I could recognize.” Redstar explained.

Nightmare Moon nodded and handed Redstar her scroll. He gripped it in a fetlock and read it.

“And this, your majesty?”

“Have the scribes begin work on the new law books. I want one to be delivered to the town halls of every town and city across Equestria in three days at the very most. Deliver that scroll to Starquill and then get some rest. You’ve earned it.”

The ever-faithful stallion thanked her and flew off, the scroll gripped between his teeth. Nightmare Moon continued to read her book. The corners of her mouth were turned up as she read, but not in a malicious manner.

The cover of the book depicted a small pony with a sword gripped in his teeth, suited in shining armor. The pony was being stared down by an enormous black dragon, its terrible wings spread wide against the night sky. Above this scene, the words “Sir Moonlight and the Legend of Coroson the Dragon” were written in fancy golden lettering.

The story was Nightmare Moon’s favorite Pony Tail.


Rainbow Dash stretched and yawned, forcing herself awake. She didn’t know how long she had been asleep, and it was of course impossible to guess by the sun.

She blinked the sleep from her eyes and looked around, trying her best to adjust to the dim light. She did a double take when she realized she wasn’t alone in her cloud home.

Solar Flare was laying on the floor in the middle of her bedroom unconscious. One of his wings was clearly broken, and pointed skyward at a horrendous angle. There was dried blood in his nose and ears and both of his eyes were black.

Rainbow darted over to him, gingerly shaking his shoulder until he groaned.

“Ugh, R-Rainbow?”

“Yeah, buddy, it’s me. What in the hay happened? Did Hood do this?”

“Not… Hood. He… Hood had nothing to- to-“ The grey Pegasus struggled to get up, but gravity was the stronger force here and he plopped softly back to the cloud floor.

“Don’t try to get up, I’ll be back with help in a sec, I promise.” Rainbow said gently before flying out a window, leaving a rainbow colored trail in her wake. She made a beeline for Fluttershy’s cottage, a path she could take easily through sheer memory, even in the dark.

An upstairs window was open and she crash-landed inside, starting her friend awake.

“Rainbow Dash? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Fluttershy said frantically in her tiny voice.

“No, I’m alright.” Rainbow lied, rubbing the swelling goose egg on her head. “But my friend needs your help, come on!”

The two pegasi darted out the same window, Fluttershy trailing behind slightly. They approached the cloud house and flew inside. Solar Flare was still laying on the floor, groaning and barely moving. Fluttershy immediately went to his side.

“Rainbow, do you have a first aid kit?” Fluttershy asked in an urgent voice, looking over the injured pony.

“Yeah, just a sec.” The cyan Pegasus darted off once more, leaving Fluttershy alone with Solar Flare.

“Who…?” Solar Flare struggled to say, turning his head to Fluttershy. His eyes were swollen almost completely shut.

Fluttershy shushed him. “You’re gonna be just fine. I’m a friend.”

Solar Flare swallowed hard and relaxed again, tremors running through his body at regular intervals. Rainbow appeared once more, carrying a white box with a red cross in her teeth.

She spit it out on the floor, and waited as Fluttershy prepared a piece of gauze with some antiseptic. The yellow Pegasus hummed a comforting tune as she worked, her years of taking care of sick friends taking over.

“Now this might hurt for just a moment.” She whispered. Withouth giving him a countdown, Fluttershy ran the rag over one of Solar Flare’s many wounds, causing him to wince and cry out.

Without missing a step, Fluttershy wrapped another piece of gauze around the wound, sealing it tightly.

“Rainbow Dash, use this to clean off his face.” Fluttershy said, tossing a rag to where her friend was sitting. Rainbow draped it over her hoof and gently wiped the crusted blood away from Solar Flare’s nose, then his ears.

When all his open wounds had been addressed, Fluttershy turned her attention to his wing. She very carefully searched for the break with her hoof, every gentle tap causing Solar Flare to cry out. She located a certain point, seemed satisfied, wrapped a small wooden stick in gauze and stuck it in the stallion’s mouth.

“Bite down on that as hard as you can.” She said gently. He complied. She gripped the break between her hooves and wrenched it back into place.

Never before had Rainbow Dash heard anypony make a sound like Solar Flare did then, and she hoped she never would again. Fluttershy, however, seemed unaffected, setting the bone back into place and wrapping another stick with gauze securely to the wing, leaving it sticking out directly from his side.

The grey Pegasus collapsed, spit out the stick and said no more, his sides rising and falling gently with his labored breath. Fluttershy wiped the sweat from her brow and sighed, closing the first aid kit.

“Is he gonna be okay? Should we take him to the hospital?” Rainbow asked frantically.

“We can’t move him right now, but he’ll be fine. How he ever made it here I’ll never know, I’ve never seen a wing so badly injured.”

“Who could have done this?”

Fluttershy bowed her head grimly. “I think it was Redstar.”


“The same pony that put Big Macintosh in the hospital. He works for Nightmare Moon. He’s a big, bat winged Pegasus.”

Rainbow bit her lower lip. “I didn’t even know Big Mac was in the hospital. What happened?”

“The first time Redstar came to Ponyville, Applejack tried to tell him that Nightmare Moon was gone for good. He almost hit her, but Macintosh kicked him in the face. Redstar bucked him off the stage in town square.” Fluttershy explained.

“How in Equestria could anypony just stand there and take a kick from Macintosh…?” Rainbow asked, more to herself.

“I think he broke his nose, I was, um, well, I was upset at the time…” Fluttershy muttered shyly.

“This is my fault. I should have gone with him.” Rainbow sighed, lowering her head.

“No.” Solar Flare said. The two mares turned back to him. He was still lying down, talking almost against the floor. “If you had been… You’d have ended up like this too…”

“Can you tell us what happened now?”

“I… Hood… He was angry; some sort of spell went wild. He… He didn’t do it on purpose. I was… Flying away. I flew into some big pony. He knocked me out of the sky…”

“Oh my goodness, how awful…” Fluttershy whispered.

“He made me tell him… What I had seen, then he left me there. I’m… Not sure how I got here.”

“You just rest.” Fluttershy said, smoothing his mane comfortingly. He managed a weak smile before fainting again, the last of his energy spent.

Fluttershy turned back to Rainbow Dash. “I’ll come back later. For now, just keep an eye on him. He needs to conserve his energy.

Rainbow agreed and Fluttershy flew away. Rainbow watched as her friend left. Fluttershy had quite the way about her. The kindest pony alive, she would always do anything to help somepony in need, even a total stranger.

Rainbow lied down next to her friend, but avoided contacting him for fear of waking him up.


Fancy Pants was alerted by a knock on the door of his study. He pulled the door open with a spell to find his butler, Silver Platter, flanked by two black unicorns garbed in jagged armor.

“Uh, good day to you sirs. Something I can help you with?”

“We’ve been ordered to evacuate you from your home.” One of the black unicorns said, his voice utterly monotone.

“Erm, yes, well, I’m afraid I’m in the middle of an important spot of research concerning the moon. Is it really so urgent?”

“All will be explained to you. Pack only essentials and then leave Canterlot at once, by royal decree.” With that, the two armored ponies turned flank and marched away, leaving a very befuddled Fancy Pants staring awkwardly at his butler.

“Well, I suppose if the Princess deems it so important, then we should best be off. Have the servants rouse Fleur De Lis and pack some things for us, would you Silver Platter?”

“Very well, sir.” The silvery-grey earth pony butler responded.

Fancy Pants himself turned back his telescope. He figured he had at least a few minutes, as Fleur De Lis, his wife, would undoubtedly take a good while preparing. He looked through the intricate instrument, studying the inexplicable phenomenon that was the Mare in the Moon’s return.

After a while, a servant retrieved him, hauling a cart loaded high with suit cases. Fleur De Lis followed close behind, a look of aggravation on her usually stunning face.

“Would you mind telling me why I was awoken in the dead of night by the news that we need to evacuate Canterlot?” She asked, her slight accent showing through more vividly in her mood. A brush levitated by her head, brushing her hair seemingly of its own accord.

“Darling, it’s not the dead of night. It’s four o’ clock in the afternoon.” Fancy Pants replied with a slight chuckle.

“But it’s dark outside?”

“Yes, quite so. I’ve been looking into that myself, but I’ve yet to find a proper explanation.”

They exited the mansion, a parade of servants close behind, hauling wagons with undue amounts of packs, suitcases and trunks. Essentials indeed.

All through the streets, the black armored ponies were standing, barking orders or simply standing guard. They looked rather like Celestia’s guards, but her much more sinister looking.

Fancy Pants spotted his associate Jetset and his wife, Uppercrust, complaining openly to one of the guards, who ignored them completely.

Despite himself, Fancy Pants tried to avoid letting Jetset see him. The stallion was the biggest upstart he knew, and he was in no mood to suffer the sound of his voice.

Fancy Pants went with the flow of ponies leaving Canterlot. Several times he was stopped by somepony asking him what was happening, but for once, he wasn’t in the know. He simply did what the black ponies asked him to, exiting Canterlot and stopping amongst the enormous crowd that had gathered.

Across the road, more of the black ponies stood, their noses in the air. These ones were all pegasi, but their wings were unlike any Fancy Pants had seen. Instead of feathers, they appeared to have membranous wings, which were spread wide, forming a veritable wall of ponies.

At the head of this group, one singularly large pony stood. He scanned everypony as they approached, but remained silent.

This went on for some time, the hundreds of ponies living in Canterlot assembling. Many were beginning to grow impatient, unaccustomed to being told to wait. Fancy Pants found the fact that he had not yet seen either of the princesses somewhat disturbing, and even his patience was beginning to slip.

After what seemed like hours, the crowd stopped growing. The large Pegasus Fancy Pants had been watching took a step forward.

When he spoke, Fleur De Lis, along with many other ponies present immediately covered their ears against the mighty noise. His shout was like something out of a legend; it seemed far too loud for a normal pony.

“Ponies of Canterlot. I am sure that many of you are wondering why you have been assembled here. I am Redstar, herald of the night. I am here to inform you of great news ponies! Nightmare Moon has finally returned in her full glory and wrested her throne from Celestia!”

Fancy Pants felt a chill run through his body and gazed back at the full moon, the Mare in the Moon’s presence now clear to him. Fleur De Lis took her usual spot of leaning on his back, and he made no move to protest.

“I see many of you have taken note of the Mare in the Moon. That, ponies, is Luna! Nightmare Moon has defeated her and her sister and banished them forever within the astral bodies!”

Cries of outrage rippled through the crowd, but Fancy Pants remained silent, retaining his composure. Was this really happening?

“Now, you were not brought here for the sole purpose of being informed of this news. By royal decree of the new queen, Nightmare Moon, the city of Canterlot shall be demolished.”

“You cannot be serious!” Jetset cried, his face flushed with rage.

“Excuse me?” Redstar snarled.

“What do you expect us to do? Just trot off to our summer homes? We don’t all have one you know!” Jetset continued, his pompousness getting the better of him. Fancy Pants attempted to nudge him back.

“I couldn’t possibly care less what you do. But if you stay here, you will be destroyed along with the city.” Redstar said in a normal voice, polishing a hoof on his chest.

“And just how do we know you’re serious?” Another pony that Fancy Pants didn’t know shouted.

Redstar opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off as a whispy cloud of purple smoke shot past him, stopping in between the two groups of ponies.

The cloud shot apart, leaving a black alicorn where it had once been.

Fancy Pants’ jaw dropped. He had seen this pony once before, during his visit to Ponyville during the Summer Sun Celebration.

“Oh, my little ponies, he’s quite serious.” The alicorn said.

Many of the ponies from Canterlot gasped, and many broke rank and ran. Fancy Pants fully expected them to be pursued, but the black ponies made no move, simply staring straight ahead as if in a trance.

The alicorn spread her wings and flew upward, her immaterial mane spreading into thousands of strands. The strands dipped down into the city, stretching for miles as Fancy Pants watched in morbid fascination.

Nightmare Moon’s tail joined her mane, and the two began to course with a powerful magic glow. Fancy Pants wrenched his eyes away and turned toward the city. Before his very eyes, the buildings began to evaporate. The bricks, tile roofs, stone and glass shimmered for a moment, rose into the air like an ember and vanished at the touch of the alicorns mane and tail.

The entire city entered this state, causing a blaring glow. Every last home, shop and factory simply vanished, leaving absolutely nothing in their wake. The only building left was Canterlot castle.

The alicorn flapped her wings once, catching an updraft and lofting toward the magnificent palace. Again, her mane stretched into thousands of tendrils, wrapping themselves around towers, gripping turrets and spreading across walls.

Fancy Pants felt sick as he watched the beautiful piece of architecture dissipate. He had lived in the shadow of the building his whole life, and now he could do nothing but watch as it disappeared, wreathed in the power of this evil pony.

Many of his friends and associates, along with the common rabble of Canterlot collapsed in despair, some sobbing, others going into a frenzied rage. Of course, there was nothing they could do. They knew this.

Fancy Pants felt Fleur De Lis slide off his back and lean on his shoulder, her beautiful eyes overflowing.

“How could this happen?” She muttered rhetorically.

Jetset wheeled around toward Redstar, his face twisted into a look of pure rage. He shouted a very ungentle manlike cry and charged toward the huge Pegasus.

Redstar laughed and shot into the air, his cruel mirth following behind him.

“Why?! What would you do this?!” The angry earth pony screamed, his voice cracking.

Redstar said nothing but simply flew toward where the last of Canterlot Castle was disappearing, Nightmare Moon retracting her strange mane.

He hovered next to the alicorn, apparently talking to her. He did a flip in the air and then flew east. Nightmare Moon dispersed into her cloud form and followed behind.

Fancy Pants lowered his head, dropping his monocle, which shattered with a soft tinkling noise. Fleur De Lis laid her head over his shoulder, sobbing along with most of the other ponies.


Macintosh signed some release forms with a pen gripped between his teeth and limped out of the hospital, flanked by Applejack, Applebloom and Granny Smith. He was still bandaged heavily, and it hurt to move, but he certainly felt better than he did when he first came in.

On his way out, he passed a fellow farmer, Elderberry. The green earth pony gave him a nod but said nothing. His eyes were puffy, as if he hadn’t slept in a long time. The two said nothing to one another and continued on their way.


Pinkie Pie could just barely see as Canterlot Castle simply vanished, disappearing into thin air.

She sighed sadly. This had been the worst few days of her whole life. No matter how hard she tried to cheer ponies up, they all stayed gloomy.

She couldn’t let that happen.

She sprung to work, the kitchen in Sugarcube Corner filling with the sounds of clattering baking sheets and utensils. She baked and baked, making batch after batch of cookies and cupcakes. Mr. and Mrs. Cake joined her, the three finding a small spark of joy in baking together.

By the time they were done, they were all coated in a layer of flower and they had icing up and down their front hooves and legs. They all looked at each other and giggled.

No matter the circumstances, Pinkie Pie would still be Pinkie Pie. And that meant cheering up anypony she possibly could.

Chapter 11, Forgotten But Not Lost

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Chapter 11: Forgotten But Not Lost

Twilight marveled at the silver room she now found herself in. It was almost void of furnishing, save for a small, found table in the center. There were no windows either and the silver walls were completely bare.

She looked around for a light source but found none. The silver light in the room seemed to come from nowhere, and there were no shadows cast in any direction. It was one of the strangest things the unicorn had ever seen.

The door slammed closed behind her, but she paid it no mind. She was now fixated on the table in the room. On this table a small amulet rested, a gemstone of indiscernible color on a thin chain.

Twilight lifted a hoof to pick up the amulet.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

Twilight started and turned to the right, lighting her horn. Some kind of creature she had never seen before was curled up in the corner, its head resting on its front paws. The creature made no move to defend itself from Twilight’s spell.

“What- Er, who are you?” Twilight asked, dispelling the magic from her horn.

“I think the better question is who you are.” The creature said. Or rather, thought. The voice was clear as day, but the creature didn’t move its mouth as it spoke.

“Is that telepathy?” Twilight asked, taking a nervous step forward. Her insatiable curiosity had now been piqued.

“Yes, actually, but you haven’t answered me. Who, pray tell, are you?” The creature licked a paw like a cat, showing little interest.

“Uh, my name is Twilight Sparkle. Now will you tell me who you are?”

The creature stretched out its front and back legs, looking very much like a cat. However, it was much bigger, its ears were sharply pointed, a pair of curly horns decorated its head and a row of spines ran down its back. Its tail was tipped with an arrow-shaped point, just like Spike’s.

“My name, Ms. Twilight Sparkle, is Relan. As for your other question, I am a Drake Cat.” Relan walked around to another corner of the room, pawed at the floor for a moment and lied down.

“Why are you in Hood’s house? And why don’t I want to touch this amulet?” Twilight asked, pointing at the bauble.

“I’m here to guard it. That, unicorn, is answer enough to both questions.” Relan said, once more resting his head across his paws.

Twilight decided it would be best to play along. “What would you do if I did touch it?”

Relan yawned, baring two rows of very sharp, very white teeth. “I would watch as every ounce of magic in your body was drained out in the most unpleasant five seconds or so of your life.”

The unicorn took two steps away from the table.

“Very impressive that you found your way in here. Moonlight cast some very thorough spells on that door.” Relan said.


“Oh, right, the one you know as Hood.”

“I solved the riddle on the door, and it opened for me.” Twilight said, cocking an eyebrow.

Relan licked his paw again in exactly the same place as before. “You think yourself clever then?”

“Uh, well, I suppose so?”

“Don’t take it the wrong way, it was hardly an insult. You would truly have to be clever to not only find the door in the first place, but get it to open. What was your answer?”

“I, uh, well…” Twilight stammered, momentarily forgetting herself.

Relan yawned, turning around in place. Twilight took a moment to get a better look at him. In the silver light, his color was unguessable. He wasn’t huge, only a little bigger than a pony.

Relan uttered a mental sigh, or at least the idea of one. “I knew someone would get in here one day, but I had always assumed Moonlight would be with you. Perhaps you should leave?”

“No, wait, the-uh, the answer the door was looking for, it was um…”

“Ye~es?” The Drake Cat droned sarcastically.

“Um, love.” Twilight muttered, looking away.

An air of amusement drifted off of Relan. “I know, I just wanted to see you say it.”

Twilight opened her mouth and closed it again. She wasn’t quite sure why she was standing her listening to this sarcastic creature, but something about the situation felt right, as if this was what meant to happen.

“Can you just answer my questions, please?” Twilight pleaded.

“Fine, fine. What do you want to know?” Relan replied, wiping his face with a front paw.

“Well, first off, I want to know why I’m locked in a silver room with a dragon cat thing who thinks he knows everything?” Twilight snapped. She immediately covered her mouth with her hoof.

Relan yawned again. “You’re actually not locked in here; the door opens from the inside. And the proper term is Drake Cat. Moonlight could have told you about that, had he known I was here.”

“He didn’t know you were in here? How long have you been hiding in his house?”

“Hiding? You misunderstand, unicorn. He asked me to be here. Moonlight and I have known one another for many years. I rescued him from the manticore that killed his mother and father.”

“But you said he didn’t know you were here…”

“He doesn’t.”

“Would you quit talking like that?!” Twilight half-shouted.

Relan lifted his head and looked at her directly for the first time. “Very well. The reason I’m here is exactly the reason I said. I guard that amulet you very nearly made a very dire mistake with. One year, one month and six days ago, Moonlight put it here and asked me to watch it for him.”

“What is it exactly? And if it has such a powerful enchantment, then how could Hood handle it?” Twilight asked, closely inspecting the necklace without touching it or using any magic on it.

“Perhaps a proper description of the situation would be necessary?” Relan asked.

Before Twilight could say anything more, she felt a powerful magical force pushing its way into her mind. She didn’t know how to react, but the spell didn’t seem to cause her harm, so she relaxed and let it take over.

An image filled her vision. It was Hood. He wasn’t wearing his cape, and his flank was completely bare. This seemed odd, as he looked almost fully grown. Relan circled him almost like a predator, but Hood did nothing to fight back.

Relan’s voice filled her mind, but she could tell that the Drake Cat was speaking to Hood, not her.

“Focus, Moonlight. Let the spell work for you, not from you.”

Hood squeezed his eyes shut and his horn began to glow.

“What do you see?” Relan asked.

“I see… The moon…”

“Is there anything different about it?”

“Yeah… The Mare in the Moon is gone…” Hood said, his horn begging to glow brighter.

“Look to the sides. Where are you?” Relan asked, continuing to circle the unicorn.

Hood swiveled his head side to side, but kept his eyes closed. “I’m… Not sure. In a town somewhere. A park, I think. There’s a fountain.”

Relan said nothing, content to circle Hood over and over for what seemed an eternity. The tension was broken when Hood gasped, his eyes flying open. They were glowing a bright white.

“Moonlight, stop the spell, now!” Relan shouted, shifting to a position as if ready to pounce.

“I… Can’t!” Hood shouted. Sprays of sparks flew from his horn, causing Relan to hiss and duck away. The glow from Hood’s eyes disappeared. Where it had once been, his purple eyes were fogged over and he collapsed on his side, his mouth hanging open.

Relan darted to his side, checking him from every angle. Finally, the Drake Cat simply settled by Hood’s side, watching him.

The vision filling Twilight mind began to fade away, returning her to the silver room in Hood’s home.

Relan was resting in corner he had been in when Twilight had entered.

“What was that?”

“’That’ was Hood’s first magical mishap. He entered a magically sustained stasis that lasted for three years after that day.”

“How could anypony possibly survive that? How did he stay fed?”

“Hood’s magic is more powerful than you could know. I’m the only one who remembers that day, or what happened afterwards. To all of Equestria other than me, Hood was in a coma in the Canterlot Hospital for all that time. In reality, I was hiding him in his foalhood home in Trottingham.”

“But I never remembered Hood being that strong. I went to school with him for years!” Twilight objected.

“I was always nearby to remind Hood of proper restraint.”

“Nopony ever spotted you?”

“Oh, yes, dozens of times. As I recall, you saw me two or three times yourself. My kind are… not accustomed to being seen. I tampered with your memory of the event. That’s why you don’t remember.” Relan explained.

Twilight shifted uncomfortably. The thought of having someone invade her thoughts like that bothered her, even if Relan seemed like a kind enough creature.

“And now I suppose you’d like to know about the amulet?” Relan asked, once more licking his paw.

“Um, yeah, sure.”

“The amulet is made from of fragment of the Spell Breaker Stone. When Moonlight awakened from his stasis he traveled there and retrieved that shard. Afterwards, he poured most of his magic inside. Then he moved here. Once a month he remembers the stone and seals an ample supply of magic inside.”

“You hypnotized him, didn’t you?” Twilight accused.

“Only at his request.”

Twilight though for a moment, scratching her chin with a hoof. “What about this stasis you talked about? What happened?”

The Drake Cat yawned and turned around in place again. “The spell you witnessed was an attempt at a foresight spell. It went wrong, causing Moonlight to be broken in two. His body continued into the future of Equestria, while his mind continued to exist in a separate plane.

“This plane was exactly the same as Equestria to him, but there, everything he wanted became reality. It was like a most pleasant dream taking place in real time. And it went on for years.”

“Everything he wanted…” Twilight muttered, thinking about what he could have possibly seen during this time. He could have been King of all Equestria, or a powerful alicorn…

“It’s hardly what you expect.” Relan chuckled.

“Do you know what he saw?”

“I do.”

“Will you tell me?”

“You seem awfully curious.” Relan said, smoothing the fur on his face.

“I just want to know.”

“Very well then. Were you at all curious why Moonlight chose to make Ponyville his home after he retrieved the Spell Breaker Shard?”

“Not really, no.”

“During his time in stasis, Moonlight lived in a world of utmost happiness. There, he lived in a small town, much like this one. He was nopony important or powerful, just a simple delivery pony.” Relan explained.

“That’s why he came here? I suppose he came to the wrong place if he was looking for peace and quiet.” Twilight muttered.

“He wasn’t. He was looking for you.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Moonlight has never been one for fame or glamour. To him, the paradise of his mind was a small home and a simple job. The only ponies in his life were his parents and you. I was there too of course, but that’s not really the subject at hoof.”

Twilight looked at the silver floor. “I thought you said he didn’t remember his stasis?”

“He doesn’t.”

“Then why did the door try to get me to tell it that he loved me?”

“Moonlight cast the spell on that door right after he bought this house. After that, he asked me to hypnotize him into forgetting that he had ever entered that state.” Relan explained.

“This is all unraveling so fast…” Twilight muttered, looking at the amulet still on the table.

“Moonlight had anticipated long ago that it would be you to discover this. Of course, he doesn’t remember that he did it. Where is he anyway?”

The question struck Twilight harder than she thought it would.

“You didn’t hear the commotion from the living room? He’s barely even been home for two weeks!”

The Drake Cat scratched behind his ear. “He stored power in the necklace about three weeks ago. He’s due to cast the spell in a week or so. I don’t leave this room.”

“Well, half the house is destroyed. Hood went into some magical frenzy and destroyed the place.”

“When was that?”

“About half an hour ago. After that he teleported away, I don’t know where he went.”

“Well, this isn’t good…” Relan muttered, performing the feline equivalent of furrowing his brow. “Hard to say where he went.”

“Will he remember to come back here in a week? That should bring him back.” Twilight pointed out,

“No. If I’m not around then the spell on him will remain active until I can get to him. What set him off?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow again. The Drake Cat truly had no idea what had been going on in the world outside. Whoever or whatever he was, he was brutally loyal to Hood.

“I’ll start from the beginning.” Twilight recounted the entire tale, from when she had found Hood resting on the bench in Ponyville park, all through their trip to the old lands, returning to Equestria to find Nightmare Moon had returned and how Hood’s magic had torn the house apart. Relan simply lied there and listened, never even asking a question.

“So, it’s happened then. Ah well, I suppose it had to at some point.” Relan replied, his mental voice carrying the concept of a shrug with it.

“What do you mean?”

“Moonlight predicted Nightmare Moon’s return a few days after she was defeated last. It was then that he was awoken from his stasis. Fearing that he may be right, he retrieved the stone, in case Nightmare Moon managed to get a hold of the Elements of Harmony. That crystal, little unicorn, holds magic greater than princess Celestia herself.”

“That’s not possible!” Twilight blurted.

“Just how do you suppose Princess Celestia and Princess Luna became alicorns? They weren’t born that way you know.”

“I suppose you know?”

“I’ve lived in Equestria since before this place was called Equestria. Ah, I remember when you loud, nosy, oh-so-colorful creatures first came here.” Relan looked off into space a moment before focusing again.

“Anyway, Celestia and Luna were once no more alicorns than I am. They were unicorns, just like Moonlight and yourself. The Elements of Harmony changed the sisters when they used them to defeat Discord.”

“You’re still not telling me how that amulet can be more powerful than Celestia.” Twilight pointed out.

“Right, right. Of course, Celestia is very powerful. She singlehoofedly moves the sun, of course. But the amount of power she can have at any one time has a limit. That jewel, however, has no limit. And Moonlight is no weakling.” Relan explained.

“So do you know how to use the magic inside? I can defeat Nightmare Moon with it!” Twilight said excitedly.

“Sadly, no. Moonlight is the only one that can use the power contained within. With him gone, the necklace will remain quite useless.”

Twilight chewed on her bottom lip, her mind racing. She realized just how little she actually knew about Hood. Until this day she didn’t even know his real name.

“Tell me everything you know about Hood.” Twilight demanded. The Drake Cat lifted his head, amusement emanating from him.

“That would take a long time, unicorn.”

“I don’t have anything but time right now.”

“Very well, if you truly want to know. But be warned. Knowing more about a pony than you want to can change your view of them in more ways than one.”


Rarity copied the spell she had just been instructed in. There was no immediately obvious affect, but she could tell it had gone as it was supposed to, as the hooded unicorn who had illustrated seemed satisfied with her effort.

All around, unicorns from town were casting the spell, some having an easier time than others. Twilight and Hood were nowhere in sight, so she decided that she would personally help them with the spell later.

The unicorns were dismissed, most walking away with angry grumbles. None made any move to confront the night ponies, however. It seemed futile.

Rarity trotted back to Carousel Boutique. She opened the door to find Spike and Sweetie Belle holding a tense conversation by the fire. Despite herself, Rarity’s face twisted into a sad smile. When Spike turned to look at her, an ecstatic grin crossed his face and he rushed across the room to her.

Rarity greeted him and nuzzled the side of her head to his. Sweetie Belle joined them in a small group hug. It was nice to see Spike again. The baby dragon’s affection toward her meant more than she usually let on, even if she knew nothing would ever happen between the two.


The once-great commander Northwind struggled to see in the dark. He had found his way to Equestria two days before, but the sun hadn’t come up the whole time. He was used to not seeing the sun, as he had never seen it before anyway, but he thought it should have come back up by now.

His wing screamed with protest every time he flapped it. In fact, his entire body seemed to have turned against him, fatigue mixing with his many bruises and minor wounds from Windtrot’s cowardly sneak attack on him.

The battered grey Pegasus was flying high as to avoid crashing into anything in the dark, but refused to land. Every town and village he had passed had been occupied by more earth ponies and unicorns than pegasi. Whatever city the Equestrian Pegasus from before had mentioned was nowhere in sight. Not that he could see very far anyway.

Finally he could take it no more and landed in a grassy meadow, almost collapsing as his hooves met the ground. He tore some grass from the ground and ate it raw. He wasn’t used to eating plain grass, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. It was fresh and green and it tasted better than the bland crops his kind had learned to grow.

He ate a few more mouthfuls and then settled down to sleep, giving his wing some rest. He honestly didn’t care if some monster came along and ate him. Everything had been taken from him now. His home, his army, everything.

Northwind breathed a heavy sigh. He hoped Windtrot would at least treat the pegasi as he should.


“Doesn’t it seem odd?” Queen Silver Hoof asked, gazing out a window.

“What?” Commander Windtrot asked, scanning a map as he had been for the past two days.

“The sun hasn’t gone down since we cleared the clouds. I would have thought it would change from day to night every so often.” Silver Hoof replied, still looking at the clear blue sky. Most of the snow on the ground had melted now, and ponies of all kinds were churning up the near-frozen ground planting seeds.

“Aren’t the unicorns supposed to move it?” Chancellor Butterscotch asked after dismissing some ponies she had been speaking with.

“We haven’t done so in thousands of years. They say that the Princess of Equestria does is on her own. She seems to be shirking her duties.”

“Those Equestrians seemed pretty worried about that letter they got. Maybe something’s gone wrong?” Windtrot suggested.

“Or maybe they told the princess to let us keep the sun for a while. I’m not complaining.” Butterscotch said, smoothing a lock of her mane.

“Difficult to say. Let’s not fix what’s not broken just yet, though. Give them time, and then we can panic.” Windtrot said, scratching out something on the map with a guill gripped in his fetlock.

“Very well, but if the sun hasn’t gone down within a week, I’m going to try to cast the spell, if it’s all the same.” Silver Hoof said with finality.

“Whatever.” Windtrot said with little interest, making another mark on his map.


Twilight was resting on the floor, listening to Relin’s seemingly endless bits of knowledge about Hood. She had long since abandoned bothering with questions, as the Drake Cat never answered them anyway.

Relin finally paused, licking a paw again. “I suppose that’s more or less it. As of now, you know more about Moonlight than he does.”

“I do have one more question, if you don’t mind.”

“What’s that?”

“Why did he decide to forget about the magic he stored in the amulet? Didn’t he know somepony would have to use it to defeat Nightmare Moon?”

“He did know that, and there’s a simple explanation for why he did this. Should he have been captured by Nightmare Moon, he couldn’t let her know about the amulet. The best way to keep her from knowing is by ensuring that nopony knew. Not even the one who hid it.” Relan explained. It made sense of course.

Twilight thought for a moment. “You said you remember when Celestia and Luna weren’t the princesses. Do you know why Nightmare Moon is more powerful than them?”

A feeling of trepidation radiated from the Drake Cat, as if he was reluctant to speak. He did, however.

“Well, as I said, Celestia was once a unicorn, no more powerful than you. The Elements of Harmony enfused her and her sister with a magic of pure harmony, imbuing them with the best of all three kinds of ponies, unicorns, earth ponies and pegasi.

“Nightmare Moon, however, is not a proper alicorn. An alicorn is supposed to be a pony not of any one kind, but of all three. Nightmare Moon practically consists of pure magic. As a result, she can use magic at an almost uninhibited level.” Relan explained, sounding almost like a professor.

“Wait a minute… If that’s true then we should be able to use the amulet to destroy her for good! If she is made of pure magic, she should be absorbed by it, right?” Twilight asked, springing to her hooves excitedly.

“It’s not that simple, I’m afraid. Think of the Elements of Harmony as Celestia and Luna. Now, think of the Spell Breaker Stone as Discord. The elements are a force of the definitive ‘good,’ working to keep balance. The Spell Breaker Stone is much less predictable, working chaotic magics however it pleases. To be honest, I don’t know how Moonlight managed to work with it.”

“Well, I suppose Hood’s never been accused of being normal.” Twilight muttered.

“I suppose not.”

“Then we need to figure out where Hood went. Only he knows how to use the amulet, so he should be able to defeat Nightmare Moon with it.” Twilight said, planting a hoof on the floor.

Relan yawned. “There is one more factor to consider.”


“Perhaps Moonlight doesn’t want to defeat Nightmare Moon.” Relan suggested.

“Wait, like, he wants it to stay night time forever?” Twilight asked, her heart sinking a little. It didn’t seem that farfetched, actually.

“No, what I mean is that Moonlight is a gentle kind. Hurting another pony, even Nightmare Moon, would be the last thing on his mind. Honestly, though, you may be right. Moonlight would be the one to prefer everlasting night.”

Twilight sighed and rubbed her temple. “I wish I had learned all this before Hood teleported off. Where do you suppose he went?”

Relan silently got up, walked over to another corner and lied down again. His mannerisms were very catlike. “He could be anywhere, really. He may have gone home to Trottingham, returned to Canterlot, or he may just be blowing off steam in a field outside town. If her doesn’t want to be found, you won’t be finding him.”

“What about you? You could probably find him!” Twilight suggested.

“I could, but that would leave the amulet unattended.”

“Who cares?! It’s not like anyone else knows it’s here.”

“Except for you.” Relan replied, his piercing eyes once more meeting Twilight’s own.

Twilight looked at the floor for a moment. “Then make me forget. The same way you made Hood forget it. And…” Twilight hesitated.


“And I want you to make me forget something else.”

“That’s an interesting request. It’s rare that someone wants to be hypnotized.” Relan remarked, a hint of skepticism in his mental voice.

“I know. But I want you to make me forget that I ever learned how Hood felt about me. Make it so I never found this room, or heard the riddle on the door, even that I ever met you. Make me forget everything that happened after Hood vanished.” Twilight said soberly.

“I can, if that’s what you really want. Do you really understand what you’re asking me to do?” Relan asked, rising to his feet and stretching out.

“I do.”

“Very well.” Relan looked Twilight directly in her eyes. She could now see his eyes glowing a bright green. A magical force penetrating her mind. After that, her vision went dark and she remembered no more.

Chapter 12, Darkest Night

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Chapter 12: Darkest Night

One month had passed since Nightmare Moon had brought about her night. The destruction of Canterlot was now common knowledge throughout Equestria, as was the banishment of the beloved princesses.

Practically every farm across the country was now growing the bland crops brought to them by the night ponies. It was considered a treat now to eat an apple, or anything that had required the sun’s light to grow.

Rainbow Dash and Solar Flare now found themselves in Cloudesdale. Emissaries had been dispatched to gather all the pegasi in Equestria who did weather jobs. The two friends now stood on the bottom floor of the weather factory, speaking in hushed tones to one another while they waited.

Finally, a Pegasus familiar to Rainbow Dash as the mayor of Cloudsedale flew down from above, calling attention to herself. She began a speech without landing.

“Your attention, please.” She shouted, her voice not making any echo in the cloud building.

“Pegasi of Equestria! You have been called here for an urgent matter having to do with the onset of winter!”

A ripple of quiet mutters ran through the assembled group of ponies.

The mayor continued. “The unicorns have been hard at work imitating the sun’s warmth, and I know you’ve all worked hard to keep the weather as it should be despite the er, change in government.”

The mayor spared a glance at a trio of the now-familiar bat winged pegasi under the emply of Nightmare Moon. The stoic ponies said nothing.

“At any rate, the Weather Council has, with Queen Nightmare Moon’s permission, decided to cancel winter.”

Another ripple of conversation ran through the assembled ponies, this one louder than the last. Rainbow Dash shot up into the air, her face flushed in the dim light.

“Cancel winter?! Since when can you just cancel an entire season?!” She shouted.

“I assure you this was no easy decision, but without the sun we would be unable to melt the snow as we always have.” The mayor explained, nodding her head toward the black guards, who seemed indifferent to Rainbow’s outburst.

“But what about winter holidays? Do we still get to celebrate those?” Solar Flare shouted sarcastically, joining his friend in the air.

“The queen has assured me that no holidays shall be restricted. Hearth’s Warming Eve will still be celebrated as it always has.” The mayor responded impatiently, clearly eager to be done with the situation.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and flew out a window, still stewing. Solar Flare followed, staying a few feet behind. The two flew in silence most of the way back to Ponyville, but landed on a cloud right outside. They had spent a lot of time doing this over the past month, just sitting on a cloud, talking and letting time slip past.

“Well this blows…” Rainbow muttered after a while.

“Yeah.” Solar Flare replied, looking at the full moon. It hadn’t waned at all the whole time Nightmare Moon had been back.

The two were silent for a while before Rainbow got bored and flew off towards her home. Solar Flare didn’t follow, but turned his course to the hospital in Ponyville, where he knew Elderberry would be.


Elderberry sat next to Raspberry’s bed, as he had spent practically every moment since his return to Ponyville doing. His mane was disheveled, his eyes were dark and his face was thickly stubbled.

He breathed a deep sigh as a doctor came in, took some readings off a machine and left without a word. They had long since abandoned trying to talk to the farmer, who only took his eyes off his daughter when he was asleep.

The filly’s mane had fallen out, a result of her treatment, and she spent most of her time asleep. Elderberry sighed again, glancing momentarily at the EKG. The rhythmic beeping was the only sound in the room.

The farmer spared a glance at the clock. It was 3:30 in the afternoon, but you would never have guessed that from looking outside. He had long since given up being angry, it did him no good.

Elderberry slumped back in his seat as the EKG flatlined, the beeps turning into one long continuous tone.


“NO!” Boysenberry wailed, her voice high pitched. It was a voice the doctor on call had heard before, but he never, ever got used to it. It was the voice of a mother who had lost a foal.

“Mrs. Berry, I can’t begin to express how sorry I am…” He muttered, pulling out his ever-faithful pocket response. He had been awake for eighteen hours straight and had been working almost that entire time.

“NO! NO, NO, NO!!” The unicorn screamed over and over, her agonized voice drilling into the doctor’s eardrums. Of course, he felt far too sorry for the mare to mind. She had collapsed on the ground, flopping around in pained throes.

Her husband said nothing, just stood behind her, his eyes fixed on a spot on the floor. A shudder would run through him on occasion but he was otherwise completely still.

The door to the filly’s room opened and a stretcher was pushed out, a white sheet covering something on it. The doctor levitated his glasses off with magic and wiped them on his coat, keeping a careful eye on the distraught mother.

A grey Pegasus landed softly halfway down the hall and approached on foot, his face confused. He looked from one pony to the next, his eyes finally coming to rest on the little stretcher being pushed slowly down the hall. His blue eyes began to glisten.

The doctor approached him.

“Are you a relative of the patient?”

“I’m her uncle.”

“I’m- very sorry for your loss Mr…”

“Solar Flare.” The Pegasus said somberly, glancing at Elderberry, who didn’t return the look.

Boysenberry screamed again, causing Solar Flare to wince. His eyes began to overflow.

“Do you need a moment alone with your sibling?” The doctor asked, gently laying his hoof on Solar Flare’s shoulder.

The Pegasus huffed, turned around and flew back out the door.

Elderberry moved now, laying a hoof on his wife’s shoulder. She shrugged him off, but he persisted. She crumpled into another fit of squalls, a puddle of tears quickly forming around her.

A couple nurses, after much coaxing, managed to get the parents into a side room and offered them some water while the doctor shuffled through some papers. This had been, by far, the worst shift of his entire career.


Nightmare Moon shifted in her throne. The stone seat was uncomfortable, and she was bored.

Redstar stood by her side, still as a statue. He stood there whenever he wasn’t on some mission. She had taken to sending the Pegasus on frivolous tasks just to get some time alone. His constant vigil got annoying after a while.


“Yes, your majesty?” The pony snapped to attention immediately, his eyes flashing briefly.

A mischievous plan entered the alicorn’s mind.

“Oh, nothing. I was just seeing if you were paying attention.” Nightmare Moon replied, polishing a hoof on her chest.

“Um, okay.” He turned his gaze forward again, his brow furrowed.


“Yes, your majesty?”


The Pegasus turned to her again, an eyebrow cocked. “Why are you doing that?”

“Doing what?”

“What do you think?!” He snapped. His dark coat immediately grew a shade darker and he covered his mouth with a hoof.

Nightmare Moon spread her wings and lifted a few feet in the air, casting a spell to cause a gust of wind to blow through the throne room. Redstar took two steps backward, lowring his head.

“You dare speak in such a manner to your queen?!” Nightmare Moon boomed, elevating her voice to the traditional royal Canterlot volume.

“N-No, y-your majesty! I would never, it’s just…”

Nightmare Moon dispelled the magic and stopped the wind, lowering herself back onto her throne. She shot her guard a wicked grin, to which he replied with a sheepish look.

“Oh, Redstar, you are just too easy…” The black alicorn returned to her place on her throne.

“I have new orders for you.” Nightmare Moon stated, her tone once again turning serious.

“Yes, my queen?”

“Fetch me a more comfortable throne.”

“Yes, right away!” Redstar unfurled his leathery wings and darted from the skylight into the night. Nightmare Moon sighed as she watched him go. A lock of her ethereal mane slithered apart from the rest, grasping something under her throne. She lifted the book out and opened it, flipping to a marked page.


Silver Hoof stood before a group of the most powerful spell casters she could assemble. All had their horns lit, feeding magic into the sky. The sun didn’t move an inch, just as it had refused to do the last three times they had attempted the spell.

It had now been one long, continuous day for a month. Crops were flourishing and the ponies were happy, but something had to be wrong. The princess of Equstria wouldn’t subject her servants to a month of night, would she?

“Still not working?” Windtrot asked gruffly, hovering down beside his companion.

“Not at all.” Silver Hoof replied, her voice lyrical despite her confusion.

“Well, I suppose we aren’t missing out on much.” Windtrot said with a shrug. He had his helmet off, revealing his closely cropped mane.

“Would you do something for me, commander?” Silver Hoof asked, flicking her mane.


“I need you to send your fastest flier with a message to the princess of Equestria asking her about this change of tune.” Silver Hoof explained, dismissing her unicorns with a wave of her brightly polished hoof.

“Sure thing.” The two traveled back to the long hut where the three leaders now lived. Once inside, Silver Hoof jotted down a brief letter while the commander retrieved his messenger.
He returned with an orange soldier with an arrow cutie mark. Silver Hoof levitated the letter to the messenger, who gripped it between his teeth.

“Get that letter there asap, then get your flank back here. There’s a promotion in it for ya, soldier.”

“Yesh, sher!” The Pegasus stated dutifully around the letter in his mouth, saluting. He tucked the letter into a small bag on his side and flew out, leaving a visible orange afterimage in his wake.

“So you really think the princess is holding the sun here?” Windtrot asked, no emotion in his voice.

“If you want my true answer, then no. I don’t think that.”

“What could be doin’ it then?”

“I don’t know. Hopefully your messenger will return and tell us.”


Solar Flare sat alone in his home, an unimpressive one story house near town square. There was no fire in the fireplace and no candles were lit, the only light filtering in from the moon through the window.

A beam of silver moonlight shined across a photograph on the floor. It had been taken in Hood’s house three months before. Solar Flare, Hood and Elderberry were all gathered around the fireplace, one of their many get-togethers. There had been nothing particular about that night; it had just been the one time Elderberry had brought over a camera.

The Pegasus’ face was darkened by tears. This was the first time since this whole affair had sprung up that he had finally broken down. Everything had officially fallen apart.

Hood was gone, in all likelihood dead. Raspberry’s leukemia had finally caught up to her. He wasn’t really the filly’s uncle, but he may as well have been. There was still Rainbow Dash, who he had grown closer to than ever, but even she couldn’t brighten the situation up right now.

He huffed and smoothed his mane. At least it couldn’t get worse.


Twilight levitated some books into their proper places on the shelf. Spike was off somewhere with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the library needed a good reshelfing.

Somepony knocked on the door and Twilight opened it with magic. Rarity walked in slowly, her head low.

“Twilight, I’m afraid I have some bad news…” Rarity mumbled. Her voice was shallow, and Twilight could tell her friend had been crying.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, dropping a book carelessly.

“You remember Elderberry?”

“Yes, of course, why, is he okay?”

Rarity shook her head. “No, he’s not. His daughter, she-“ Rarity choked back a sob, dabbing at her eye with a handkerchief. “His daughter, Raspberry… She just passed away this afternoon.”

Twilight looked away. She hadn’t been very close to Hood’s older friend, in fact they hadn’t spoken since that fateful day a month before. Despite that, she felt sick with pity.

“There’s going to be a service tomorrow at noon, if you would like to attend.” Rarity said.

“Yeah, yeah I’ll be there.” Twilight muttered, placing another book on a shelf without looking at it.


It was supposed to rain the next day, but Solar Flare had made sure it didn’t. Now, Elderberry, Boysenberry, Solar Flare, Rainbow, Twilight, Rarity, and an assortment of relatives and friends from Ponyville were gathered around Mr. Waddle, who was delivering the funeral ceremony.

Boysenberry was sobbing throughout, as was Rarity. Elderberry appeared to have shut down completely and stared blankly into space.

Mr. Waddle finished the address and the undertaker lowered the small coffin into the deep hole in the ground.


Elderberry sat drinking wine directly from the bottle. Boysenberry had taken Blackberry to stay with her mother, so Elderberry did what he always did when he was depressed. He got drunk.

The door was nudged open and Solar Flare walked in.

“What do you want?” Elderberry grunted.

“I came over to make sure you didn’t drown.” Solar Flare replied.

“Do I honestly look like I’m in the mood for jokes?” The earth pony snapped.

“I wasn’t joking.” Solar Flare replied, knocking the bottle out of his friends hoof. It hit the floor and shattered, droplets of its contents scattering everywhere.

“What the hay was that for?!” Elderberry shouted, louder than he knew he should have.

“It’s been three days, and you haven’t even left the house!” Solar Flare shouted back.

“Why should I?” Elderberry growled, fixing his glare on a spot on the opposite wall.

“What do you think Boysenberry thinks about you sitting here, drinking yourself to death?”

“Shut up.”

“Or Blackberry? What kind of example is this for him?”

“I said shut up!”

“What would Raspberry think? Or Hood?”

Elderberry struck the Pegasus across the snout, sending him sprawling across the floor.

“Don’t even talk about him near me!” He roared, his face red.

Solar Flare spit out a drop of blood. “Why?”

“If he’s too good to even come back for my filly’s funeral then he’s dead to me. Never speak of him to me again.” The earth pony snarled.

“I can’t even imagine…” Solar Flare muttered, rising to his hooves shakily.

“No, you can’t.”

“I wasn’t talking about that!” Solar Flare shouted, wheeling around ferociously, his mane whipping out. “I wasn’t talking about you! Life sucks, but we all manage! I don’t care what you think about Hood! I thought the wrong thing about him once and look where it got us! Or didn’t get us! I don’t even know where the buck he is!”

Elderberry looked taken aback, but Solar Flare continued his rant, his nose bleeding slightly from Elderberry striking him.

“You know what the last thing I ever said to him was?! It was that Rainbow Dash thought this eternal night stuff was his fault! And you know what?! I thought so too!”


“I know this is hard! I don’t even want to know how much pain you’re in right now! But getting drunk and blaming your friends is no way to handle it!” Solar Flare screamed, his voice cracking on his last sentence.

Elderberry gaped, his half drunk mind slowly absorbing his friend’s words.

Solar Flare was panting from his tirade, but his eyes shimmered painfully. He turned toward the still open door and spread his wings, preparing to leave.

“Hold it, now.”

The Pegasus turned back to his friend. The farmer’s eyes were now overflowing, a veritable ocean of tears spilling out. He was biting down on his lip hard, trying to stifle the painful sob battling to escape his throat.

Solar Flare laid a hoof on Elderberry’s shoulder and the earth pony collapsed into him, sobbing into his mane. The Pegasus was momentarily knocked off balance by his heavy friend, but steadied himself and collapsed into his own emotions.

Any other time, this would have been awkward, the two stallions embracing each other, but neither cared. They needed one another now more than ever.


Relan prowled silently through the mansion that had once been Moonlight’s home. It was now cold and abandoned. The furniture lat broken and wood rotten, the fireplace housed ancient ashes from many years before and a thick layer of dust covered everything, irritating the Drake Cat’s nose.

He sneezed for not the first time since he had entered, kicking up a cloud of dust. He shook his mane irritably, the dust wearing on his nerves.

When he had arrived, the lock had been forced open, apparently quite recently. Of course, the path from Ponyville to Trottingham took him nearly a month to walk, even with the everlasting night aiding in his attempts to avoid detection.

Two set of hoof prints traced a path through the dust, one smaller than the other. Relan had followed them through the foyeur, up the stairs and through the winding halls. The prints had taken a turn into a bedroom, to which the door stood open.

The Drake Cat silently crept into the room, a tendril of psychic energy reaching around in the dark. It brushed with another consciousness, and the lumpy mass under the covers on the bed shifted.

Relan approached the bed and ever so carefully lifted the covers away.

Two ponies were fast asleep, a mare and a filly. By the look of them, they hadn’t had a good night’s rest in quite some time. Their manes were ragged and tangled and both were unclean. Homeless, in all likelihood. Transients seeking out a place to lay their heads.

Relan couldn’t fault them for that.

The Drake Cat exited the house as silently as he had entered.


Twilight slid the last book into place and turned to look at her work. Her face read no emotion, but she was inwardly somewhat proud that she had managed to get the library properly re-shelved, what with all that had happened recently.

She looked at the clock. 12:35, past midnight. The unicorn stifled a yawn and made for bed, creeping past Spike as not to wake him.

Twilight was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, her physical and emotional exhaustion taking their tolls.


Twilight wandered slowly through Ponyville Park in the dark. When she approached the fountain, she dipped her head in and drank deeply, something she had seen other ponies doing but had never done herself. She found this odd for some reason.

When she lifted her head again, there was a pony resting on the bench. It was Boysenberry, the pony who had just lost her daughter. The unicorn was covered in a black blanket and was sobbing into her hooves.

Twilight places a hoof comfortingly on the ponies shoulder, trying to think of something comforting to say.

The mare looked at her now, except it was no longer Boysenberry, it was princess Luna.

“Twilight Sparkle, where are the Elements of Harmony?” Luna asked, her voice sad.

“I think Discord has them.” Twilight responded.

“But why would he need them? He doesn’t have any friends.” Luna responded, now with a hint of amusement.

“Maybe he wants to make some.”

“Perhaps.” Luna lowered her head and lifted the black blanket over herself like a hood.

“Maybe someday he could be friends with you and Celestia.” Twilight suggested.

“No. Because Celestia is on the sun, remember?” Luna asked, lowering her head and looking away.

“Oh yeah, I forgot.”



The pony on the bench turned back to her once again, only this time it wasn’t Boysenberry or Luna. It was Hood.


Twilight shrieked as she awoke, desperately kicking at the blankets tangled around her hind legs. She relaxed when she recognized what they were.

She was drenched in cool sweat and found herself looking out the window to gauge the time. Of course, the full moon looked back down toward her, the Mare in the Moon watching over her as it always did now.

Chapter 13, Life Goes On

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Chapter 13: Life Goes On

“It’s been six months today your majesty.” Redstar announced proudly, flying into the throne room. Nightmare Moon turned her gaze toward him, offering a small smile.

“Six months… And to think my last attempt lasted an entire two days.” Nightmare Moon sighed. She had abandoned her helmet for a crown, which rested above her horn. Her ethereal mane wafted gently in the air, as it always did, but her intense gaze had taken on a softer tone.

All had settled into place after the first few months of her reign. She held court once a week, to address the concerns and desires of her citizens. A small but bustling city had grown around her castle in the Everfree Forest, just as Canterlot had grown around Celestia’s once impressive castle.

“I believe some kind of celebration should be in order, don’t you agree?” Redstar suggested, folding his wings. Unlike his queen, the ever faithful servant remained exactly as he had been. Intense, unforgiving and vigilant. It had been more than once now that Nightmare Moon had had to scold him for being too harsh.

“I tend to agree, Redstar. What would you suggest?”

“Perhaps a ball. It would be like the Grand Galloping Gala, as much a party as it is an opportunity for the elite to converse and spread influence.”

Nightmare Moon thought about the idea for a long moment. “It’s a good idea. But…”

“Yes, your majesty?”

“Perhaps not only the social elite…” Nightmare Moon said slowly.

Redstar cocked an eyebrow. “You have some idea, my queen?”

“My image is not the best, Redstar. You know that as well as I. The ponies of Equestria are not fond of me for what I did.”

“They have no right!” Redstar interjected, his zealousness forcing him to speak.

“They have every right.” Nightmare Moon said, turning on her general.

At this Redstar raised both eyebrows.

“Think about it for a moment. All their lives they’ve lived happily under the sun, under Celestia’s rule. It was not they who first brought about my ire, but it is they who must suffer it. Would you not be angered?”

“With all due respect, my queen, you’re asking the wrong pony.”

Nightmare Moon couldn’t help but chuckle. “Fair enough. But I don’t wish to be hated. I wish to be seen as a good queen who is kind to her subjects, even if she must be firm.”

“Well then, if you would like I can begin the guest list at once. Would you like any specific ponies invited, or shall I simply select them at random?” Redstar said, his minor sarcasm mixed with much respect.

“There are a few that I want to be invited.”

“And who would that be, my queen?”

Nightmare Moon flashed a wicked grin, despite herself. “Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. All of Ponyville.”

Redstar was clearly taken aback. “B-But, my queen, is that wise? If they were to locate the elements within the tower…”

“You worry too much. They won’t find them. I’ve already protected them as well as Celestia herself had.”

Redstar shifted uneasily. “If you’re sure. Anypony else?”

Nightmare Moon thought for another moment. “Yes, just three more. Solar Flare, Elderberry and Hood, also of Ponyville.”


“What now?”

“Well, I shall certainly invite the first two, but Hood was reported missing nearly six months ago. Almost the very day you dethroned Celestia.”

Nightmare Moon scratched her chin with a hoof. “Then have his invitation sent to Twilight Sparkle, under the instruction that it be delivered to him should he be found.”

“Right away, your majesty!” Redstar shouted, saluting before flying from the room.


“Now why in tar nation would Nightmare Moon invite us to some Gala?” Applejack asked, clopping a hoof on the floor impatiently. All her five closest friends, as well as Rainbow Dash’s friend Solar Flare and a fellow farmer, Elderberry, were assembled in the library. All had received invitations from cloaked messengers inviting them to the so called “Magnificent Midnight Gala.”

“To rub salt in the wound…” Rainbow Dash grumbled with displeasure.

“I don’t think so…” Twilight said thoughtfully, giving her invitation its hundredth once-over.

“Ooh, maybe she just knows how much we like parties and decided to be extra nice for once!” Pinkie Pie suggested, bouncing energetically.

“Darling, you didn’t have any fun at the real gala, why be so excited for this one?” Rarity asked.

“Well it’s the thought that counts right?” Pinkie said with a shrug.

“Are any of you gonna go?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

Everypony present exchanged glances.

“Maybe we should go. I mean, in all honesty, Nightmare Moon has done a pretty good job ruling in Celestia’s place. Maybe she’s trying to improve her image.” Twilight said.

Solar Flare grimaced, as did Rainbow.

“I suppose if any of you would like I could make some new attire just for the occasion. We may as well try to stay positive, plus it would give me a chance to try out some new fashions I’ve been mulling over.” Rarity said, flicking her mane.

“I ain’t goin’.” Elderberry said.

Rainbow looked over the invitation. “The Wonderbolts are going to perform like they did in Canterlot. I guess I could go…”

“I’ll go if you will.” Solar Flare said.

Eventually, all the ponies present except Elderberry agreed that it would be best to give the gala a chance. The farmer remained stubborn and refused to change his mind. Rarity trotted off toward her boutique to begin work on her designs. Solar Flare and Rainbow Dash flew off to wherever it was they were always hanging out at, Elderberry went home and the others stayed at Twilight’s, deciding a slumber party would be fun.


Two black ponies were tending to the timber wolves that constantly guarded the city of Everfree. They tossed each wolf a live, struggling chicken, watching with numbed emotions as the wooden beasts tore the birds apart. It was something they had seen hundreds of times before and it no longer affected them.

“You know, a year ago these things would have scared the hay out of me.” One of them remarked.

“A year ago you never would have been anywhere near one.” The other replied. They were some of the original few dozen loyal to Nightmare Moon, but one would be surprised just how normal they were.

“True enough.”

They were silent once more.

“I miss my cutie mark.”

His friend turned to him with an amused expression. “Okay?”

“I mean, it was a part of me as much as anything else and now I can’t see it anymore.”

“It’s not like you don’t still have your special talent, it’s just harder to show off.” His friend said with a shrug.

“Can I tell you a secret?”

“Don’t get weird on me.”

“I’m not!”

“I’m kidding. What?”

“I miss the sun too.”

The two friends turned to one another, their white eyes meeting.

“Yeah. Sometimes I do too.”


“How go the preparations for the gala?” Nightmare Moon asked without looking up from her book.

“They’re going along nicely, if I do say so. The invitations have all been sent and should have arrived in all but the farthest towns.” Redstar responded.

“Good.” Nightmare Moon said quietly, not even having listened to what Redstar had said.

“Your majesty?”


“What are you reading?”

Nightmare Moon looked up and blinked twice, a little blush showing in her cheeks. “Oh, you know, just an old story.”

Redstar leaned his head, trying to get a better look at the cover. Nightmare Moon concealed the book behind herself, blushing more.

“Were… Were you reading a child’s story book?” Redstar asked, his voice showing a rare hint of amusement.

“That’s none of your business!” Nightmare Moon shouted. They simply stared at one another for a moment before breaking out in laughter, something they had certainly never done before. The fit of mirth lasted for several minutes.

Nightmare Moon wiped her eye with her wing, still chuckling a little. “Redstar?”

“Yes, my queen?”

“Would you consider me… A…” Nightmare Moon looked at the floor, her embarrassment very unlike the proud alicorn.

“A what, your majesty?”

“A friend?” Nightmare Moon finished awkwardly.

Redstar seemed confused by the question. “Well, I guess so, in a manner of speaking.”

“Good. Okay, that’s all. You can go now.”


“Just go, please.” Nightmare Moon said, waving a hoof. The Pegasus cocked an eyebrow, bid his queen goodbye and flew out the skylight awkwardly.

The alicorn slid her book out from behind herself and flipped back to the page she had been on.


Twilight’s friends had long since fallen asleep, finding their own places around the bottom floor of her library. She, however, was wide awake. As silently as she could, the unicorn slipped out of the library.

She trotted quietly through the streets, a small bag hanging from her neck. She picked her way through the dark to the other side of town, a small house visible in the moonlight. She opened the door quietly and wandered in.

The holes that had been burned through the living room had been boarded up, but a draft still slipped through. Of course, it wasn’t warm in the house anyway, the fireplace having been long abandoned. Twilight felt her way around in the dark until she found the couch and climbed onto it, sighing sadly.

She had followed this same course many times since Hood had gone away six months before. She couldn’t help herself. Of course, what she found in the house was always the same. An empty living room, an empty kitchen, an empty bedroom, and an empty bathroom. Nothing else. Hood was never back, there was never anything new to find.

But she couldn’t help trying.

She rested on the couch, not tired enough to sleep. For all the time that had passed, Twilight could still feel the remnants of Hood’s powerful spell. It was all that she had to remember her friend by, save for the class photo from her school. And he had blinked in that photo.

“Who’s there?”

Twilight jerked back into action, her horn lighting softly. The voice had come from the hallway and she turned to look.

A stallion stood there, his head low. In the dim light, Twilight could see his face. His mane was tangled and his face dirty. A transient.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight demanded out of instinct.

“I- I didn’t think anypony lived here!” The stallion yammered. “I- I was just looking for a place to bed down for a while!”

Of course. After Canterlot had been destroyed, its inhabitants had spread to the four winds. Those unfortunate enough to have lost everything could be found everywhere, begging, taking odd jobs or living in boxes or abandoned houses. Twilight felt a surge of pity.

“Nopony lives here…” She muttered, turning toward the door. She had no right to kick the homeless pony out of a home that she herself was trespassing in.

“You won’t tell anypony I’m here? Please, I have nowhere to go!” The stallion pleaded.

“I won’t.” Twilight levitated the rolled up letter from the bag around her neck and placed it in a vase above the fireplace.


Boysenberry nuzzled Elderberry’s neck, a tiny, barely visible smile on her lips. Elderberry’s expression matched.

The unicorn mare had one fore hoof on her belly.

Chapter 14: Questions Answered, Mysteries Deepened

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Chapter 14: Questions Answered, Mysteries Deepened

Relan slinked along the stones overlooking the canyon below. To the east, the bright lights of Las Pegasus could be seen, but the drake cat had no reason to go there.

Normally, the desert would be broiling hot, but the absent sun caused the desert to resemble a refrigerator. The drake cat shivered.

Six months. It had been six months since Moonlight had vanished, seemingly into thin air. Relan had begun his search the very night, but felt that he was no closer to finding his friend now than he had back then.

He shook his head. That very night. It still was that very night.

All over Equestria he had searched. Ponyville to Trottingham, Trottingham to Manehatten, Manehatten to Baltimare and now he found himself on the outskirts of Las Pegasus, still quite alone.


“Look, I can’t let you stay here for free forever you know.”

Northwind grumbled in response to the irritable innkeeper, who had been threatening to buck him out of the motel in Cloudesdale since the Pegasus had arrived.

The once-great commander was now much less imposing. His mane and tail were tangled, bags decorated the space under his eyes and he was drunk more often than not.

“Hey, you hear me?”

“I heard you.”

The innkeeper snorted and floated away, leaving the commander alone.

Just as soon as he thought he would get a moment alone, somepony spoke.

“Commander Northwind?!” The voice was vaguely familiar, but through his drunken haze, Northwind couldn’t place it immediately. He glanced sideways to see a grey pony with a blue and red mane, staring at him in disbelief.

“Wait…” Northwind tried to move but instead fell from his stool, hitting the cloud floor. The other pony helped him shakily to his hooves.

“You actually made it to Cloudesale?”

“Hey, you’re *hic*, you’re one of the ponies that ran me out of my home…” Northwind spat, trying and failing to look at his opponent straight.

“Er, yeah, I mean, I didn’t mean to run you out, I just-“

“I’LL KILL YOU!” Northwind suddenly roared, launching himself at Solar Flare and tackling him to the cloud floor.

Solar Flare uttered a strangled cry before fighting back, trying to get his hooves under his attacker. He managed to give the older pony a good kick in the stomach, forcing the wind out of him and knocking him into the air. Undeterred in his drunk rage, Northwind bellowed another threat and shot forward, pushing Solar Flare through the cloud wall into the open sky.

Solar Flare spread his wings before gravity could get the better of him.



The two smacked into one another over and over in what would have been a stunning aerial battle, had it not been too dark to see and if Northwind weren’t too drunk to fly straight.

“If you don’t stop I’m gonna knock you out of the sky, old man!” Solar Flare shouted, dodging another mad attack.

“Good! Do it!” Northwind cried out, doing a whirling u turn and flying back toward his opponent.

Solar Flare dodged, but made no move to attack again, instead turning back and flying toward Cloudesdale. The older pony pursued, but his flying was no match for Solar Flare. As soon as the two pegasi entered the city, Northwind crashed into a building, knocking himself out cold.


“He attacked you?”

“Yeah, he wasn’t happy?”

The voices sounded as though their owners were talking through cotton. Northwind tried to open his eyes, but his head felt like it was going to explode. He uttered a long groan.

“Hey, he’s awake.”

This time, Northwind recognized both voices. He remembered, just barely, getting into a brawl with one of the Equestrian pegasi from before and then…

The commander forced his eyes open to see a Pegasus dressed in scrubs (literally) hovering over him.

“Don’t try to move too much, you’ve got a nasty concussion.” The doctor ordered gently.

Despite the demand, Northwind turned to see who was standing at his bedside. Two pegasi, one grey one blue with a shocking rainbow mane.

“Can’t you two ever leave me alone?”

“As I recall, it was you that wanted to kill me.” Solar Flare said smugly.

“Guess you didn’t do too good, huh?” Rainbow Dash asked, eyeing the bandages on Northwind’s head.

“Go away.”

The two friends exchanged glances and trotted out, leaving the doctor alone with his patient.

“Where am I?”

“Cloudsedale Clinic. You hit a wall pushing forty and you’ve been unconscious for almost a day.”

Northwind tried to swallow only to find his mouth extremely dry. The doctor handed him a bottle of water, which he gulped greedily.

“You’re lucky I suppose. Solar Flare was nice enough to not knock you out of the sky and even carried you back here.” The doctor deadpanned, checking a chart absent mindedly.

“I don’t care.”

“You should.”

“And just why is that?”

The doctor hesitated. “You’re not from Cloudesdale.” It wasn’t a question.

“Of course not! I am the commander of-“ Northwind cut short as a ringing pain ran through his head.

“Right, Solar Flare was explaining that.”

“Where’s my vest?”

“Er, it’s in storage.”

“Did you take anything out of it?!”

“Well, yes, it had to be washed. It looked as if it hadn’t been cleaned in months.”

Northwind jumped out of bed, ignoring his painfully protesting head and flew out the door, the doctor shouted after him.

Near the end of the hallway, Solar Flare was talking quietly to a receptionist, a picture frame gripped in his fetlock.


Twilight’s horn made a soft tinkling noise as her spell was cast, warming the nearby air by a few degrees. She had fallen into the habit of doing this every few hours she was awake.

One week until the Midnight Gala. Rarity had prepared a beautiful array of night themed dresses, and one impressive tuxedo for Solar Flare. Twilight had just left her friend’s home and was on her way home.

A quiet noise from a nearby alley caught her attention. Dismissing it as a stray cat, the unicorn continued on her way.

Suddenly, a strangely familiar force seemed to invade her mind. She gasped and looked about frantically, trying to locate the source of the spell.

“Sshh, calm down Twilight, I’m not an enemy.” Twilight’s fear dissipated in an instant, replaced by a cool calmness.

“You don’t remember me, but I remember you. We have much to discuss.” Twilight felt her body moving of it’s own accord, her legs carrying her toward Hood’s home.

The door opened apparently on it’s own and as Twilight stepped inside, she could feel the presence leave her mind, her body once again under her control.

“Twilight. I’m going to need you to remain calm.”

A searing pain tore through her head, emanating from her horn outward. She squeezed her eyes shut and uttered a cry.

Memories flooded her mind, piecing themselves together like a jigsaw puzzle. A vision of Hood destroying his home led into him teleporting away, then into an unfamiliar memory. Twilight found herself entering a room in Hood’s home that wasn’t there. A strange animal, a necklace. A conversation she never had.

The memories were short, but the painful process made it seem like forever. Finally the mental assault stopped and Twilight rose to her hooves, rubbing the side of her head.

“Relan, why did you-“

“Twilight. We have a problem.”

“Of course we have a problem!”

“No, it’s something else.” If the Drake Cat’s stoic voice could show excitement, it was now. He was clearly upset about something.

“Did you find Hood? Is he okay?” Twilight asked, ignoring her aching head.

“That’s just it. There is no reasonable explanation for me not being able to find him. He’s gone.”

“Gone? Like… He’s dead…?”

Relan shook his horned head. “No, I would be able to find him if he was dead. He doesn’t exist.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped.

“Listen to me very closely. The Gala hosted by Nightmare Moon is in one week. If you truly want to defeat her, you’ll need to use Moonlight’s necklace.”

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but closed it, a worried look crossing her face. “How? You said yourself that only Hood knew how to use it. Without him it’s useless.”

“In theory, yes. But other than him, your magic is the most powerful of any unicorn in Equestria. If any pony could learn to use it, it’s you.”

The two walked over toward the spell shrouded door in the back of Hood’s house. A thought crossed Twilight’s head, but when she tried to look for the transient that had been living here, Relan’s mental presence warned her not to. She didn’t need him to clarify.

The door opened for Relan without any protest. The room was just as they had left it, barren of any furnishings other than the table holding Hood’s necklace.

“So what do I do?” Twilight asked nervously, eyeing the trinket.

Relan sighed his strange mental sigh. “Sorry to say, I’m not sure. When Moonlight touched it, something happened, but he would never let me check him afterwards.”

Twilight heaved a wavering sigh and lifted a hoof. Slowly, carefully she pressed it to the necklace.

The world ripped apart.


Northwind grabbed the photo from Solar Flare with his teeth and tucked it under his wing.

“Hey, what are-“ Solar Flare stopped midsentence.

“Don’t you ever touch that, rabble! Ever!” Northwind shouted, a hint of something other than rage in his voice.

“Why do you have that photo?” Solar Flare asked.

“What’s it to you?”

Solar Flare simply stared at the corner of the picture frame sticking out from under the older stallion’s wing.

Rainbow Dash nudged the young Pegasus, snapping him back to attention.

“That picture is of Heat Wave…”

Northind started to say something but stopped. Slowly, he lifted the picture up in his hoof and looked at it for a while. It was old and faded, but still visible. It depicted a red Pegasus mare with a blue mane and tail, standing amongst a snowy background.

“You knew her?”

“I knew her.”

“When she left… I never thought I would see her again.” The air felt tense enough to cut with a knife.

“I’m afraid you won’t.” Solar Flare muttered, looking at the floor.

“Then she…”


Northwind was silent once again. “How did she go?”

“Got sick. About three years ago.” Solar Flare paused. “Who was she to you?”

Northwind grinded his teeth, trying to hide his despair. “She was everything to me.”

More silence.

“And… Who was she to you?” Rainbow Dash asked, poking Solar Flare with a hoof.

“…She was my mom.”


Twilight could hear her pulse beating in her ears. She could feel the cold floor underneath her. Something was missing though, inside her. She focused, trying to feed magic into her horn. Nothing happened. As she lied on the floor, she cast half the spells in her arsenal at nothing, but each time nothing happened. There was no magic in her.

The unicorn forced her eyes open. All around her was a ghostly silver light. In one corner of the room, Relan rested, watching her intently. To her right, the little amulet lay on the floor.

“Finally awake.”

“That was…”

“That was what happened to Moonlight, every time he used that amulet. Let me guess, you can’t cast any spells?”

Twilight struggled to move but failed. Everything except talking and blinking used too much energy.

“That should wear off in a few minutes.”

“How… Can I… Use… That thing?” Twilight managed to squeak.

“Touch it again.”

“Are you… Crazy?!”

“Try it.”

Twilight breathed a heavy sigh, forcing one of her hooves to move. With no small amount of apprehension, she jabbed at the necklace, jerking her hoof away instantly.

Nothing happened.

Relan seemed satisfied.

“How did you… Know?” Twilight asked, no longer attempting to move.

“I didn’t.”

“I don’t like you much…”

Relan crept over and gently lifted the necklace with a claw. With his other paw, he gingerly lifted Twilight’s head and slipped the chain around her neck.

“The rest, little pony, you will have to figure out for yourself.”

“What about… Hood...?”

A painful sadness wafted from the drake cat. “I can only hope he is with his family now.”