Litany of Sacrifice

by Reactor

First published

The Death Korps of Krieg in the land of ponies.

The Death Korps of Krieg, seeking atonement from their government's betrayal decades ago, they give their lives willingly in the everlasting fight against the enemies of the Imperium of Man. Averted by even their fellow Guard regiments, they show a high degree of fatalism and an unusual morbidity of habit. Yet they are highly disciplined, morally reliable and self-sufficient soldiers.

The 42nd Siege Regiment had been deployed on Kheltan III to reclaim a supply route that had been attacked by the Eldar. A simple enough task for the stoic men of Krieg. But an ion storm attack and an innocent experiment by an alicorn from another world can make even the easiest of tasks much more difficult.

A Warhammer 40K/MLP:FIM crossover


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Litany of Sacrifice

”In life, war. In death, peace. In life, shame. In death, atonement.”

--Final litany of the Litany of Sacrifice

A humongous sea of flesh was mowing it's way through the oncoming hail of shurikens and laser beams, launched by the weapons ahead. Each projectile hurled towards the tidal wave was wearing out a fraction of it, man after man falling onto the ground, torn apart by tiny blades or incinerated by lasers. A wave after wave the men clad in dull grey garments advanced, never hesitating or faltering. The rumbling of guns could be heard behind them, pounding its way into the eardrums of the soldiers, men and xenos alike. The bombardment had been going on for hours and the outcome could be seen as hundreds of craters and ruined buildings.

The Eldar in the ruined outskirts of the settlement were throwing everything they had against the waves of men advancing towards them from the wasteland, but nothing seemed to be able to stop them. All they had managed was to slow them down, and only marginally so. Already they had sustained heavy losses from the artillery fire of the enemy. They knew the enemy was human, but never had they met humans like these. Their Farseers and Warlocks said that the average human mind was fairly fragile and their morale easily breakable. They relied on numbers and officers keeping order.

But no, these were no ordinary men. Wearing their heavy greatcoats and plasteel helmets they never staggered. Their faces covered by a gasmask, having only two pitch black holes the wearer could see through. Under the layers of their uniforms and with their respirator units they were completely sealed against contaminated environment or gas attacks. Were it with a lasgun, quad launcher or a battle cannon of a Macharius, they deliver the will of The Emperor without a second thought. But the weapon they were the most deadly with, was their bayonets. Some even say that the bayonet was their main weapon. Even in the face of sudden death, they never flinch. It is a known fact that armies have fled when witnessed a full scale assault by these stalwart men. And now they were dashing towards the unfortunate Eldar sheltering in the rubble.

This was one of those occasions. Majority of the Eldar bolted panicking from their poritions, trying desperately to flee the wall of death approaching them, only to be obliterated by the heavy guns of the Krieg artillery. Those who stood their ground faced no better fate.

The tide of men clashed against the remaining Eldar, rolling over them. The Korpsmen thrusted their bayonets into the slim bodies of their foes, easily penetrating the armor they wore. Hunderds after hundreds of men poured into the settlement, hunting down any xenos they saw.

In the middle of the fray were three significant men.

”Forwards, men of Krieg! We never falter! For we will emerge victorious or give our lives for the Emperor!”

The man wearing a simple plasteel chest carapace and an Imperial Eagle ornating his helmet was encouraging his men, although he knew they needed no encouragement. Gerlach Bellrath had risen to the position of company commander from the bottom through the ranks. Partly thanks to his wits but also by the sheer luck of survival. Death Korps officers often lead from the front as nothing more is expected from the Death Korps but to fight and die for the Emperor. He was in command of the 16th infantry company.

”By the Emperor, I shall put you down!”

Alongside him fought Crask Stagler, swinging his chainsword and decapitating an Eldar Guardian. Wearing the identifiable black garments of a Commissar, he was ordered to join the regiment by the Departmento Munitorum. Commissars usually were to act as tactical advisors and enforcers. Stagler had never needed to fill his role as an enforcer during his time in the Death Korps, thanks to the discipline they already showed.

The last of the three was a menacing sight to say at the least. Wearing a cape over his back, a chest piece that resembled a ribcage and adorning his face was a skull mask, the Quartermaster Volkhart Feygon walked between corpses of men, reciting rites for the fallen and issuing his servitors to reclaim their equipment. The serviors, shuddering figures filled with tubes, pipes, and various gadgets and carrying various equipment; helmets, greatcoats, boots and so on, were buzzing around and looting all the equipment that weren't damaged.

A single laser beam pierced through a Korpsman beside the Quartermaster as he was reciting the last rites for a fallen comrade. The beam almost ripped the soldier in half around his mid-section and he collapsed to the ground, groaning in pain. Feygon gave a glance at the Korpsman groaning on the ground when finishing his rites. He started slowly to tread towards the suffering man, pulling his laspistol from it's holster while doing so. The man's respirator unit's hose was broken, although the Quartermaster could see from his respirator that the air was free of toxins, he knew that there was no hope for the almost-cut-in-half man.

Looming over the soldier, he pointed the pistol at his head. ”You have payed your debt to the Emperor, that our ancestors fell upon us. The Emperor is proud of you and I will grant you the blessing of His peace. May the Emperor always be with you, Korpsman.” In a flash of red light, the stalwart man was given peace.

In the ruins above them, was hiding an injured Eldar Farseer. She knew there was no escape for her kin, but at least she would take as many of the humans with her as she could. Drawing her psychic powers, she started to prepare a spell that when completed, would also claim her own life. Spots of light started dancing around her as she concentrated. Growing more and more intense, the ion storm started taking shape.

”Psychic! Take her down!” A Korpsman yelled after seeing the lights dancing around the ruined structure. Several soldiers opened fire against the Farseer, las-beams impacting against the see-thru psychic barrier around the Farseer. She felt her strength draining, knowing that she couldn't last long against the hail of fire. Feeling the life seeping out of her body, she put the last of her powers into the ion storm, releasing it against the enemy.

Gerlach saw the approaching gale of death, frying humans and xenos alike while it roamed uncontrollably across the battlefield. As if out of it's own will, it changed it's direction towards the company commander. A commander from any other Guard regiment would have done the sensible thing and retreated from the course of the storm. But Gerlach was an officer in the Death Korps and withdrawing wasn't an option to them, not even if it had been strategically the best option.

Rising his ornate sword above his head he charged towards the remaining Eldar. ”Push forward, men! Spare none!”

Crask saw the officer he had served as an advisor for over three years, dashing towards the storm. His curses were muffled by the gasmask he hated wearing. Many Korpsmen wore their respirator units even when not in battle, and he never understood how they bared with it. He knew he himself couldn't do that. But in a battle, the respirator was a must.

”Sometimes I wonder if they're brave or just plain stupid.” He dashed after the commander, vaulting over corpses of friend and foe alike.

”Who are you?” He heard a voice, as calm as the night and soft as the smoothest silk, ask him in his head.

”You will not claim my mind, xenos!”

”Who is he talking to? And why does he sound so furious?”

”With the Emperor's wrath, shall I strike you down when I find you, witch!”

”I think I better cut the link, I feel myself weakening”

With that, there was a loud explosion, the ion storm growing larger and larger. Crask felt like his head would explode, the pressure crushing his skull. Before that could happen, he felt darkness overtaking him. The last thing he saw, was his fellow soldiers also falling onto the ground, presumably dead.

It was a beautiful, clear night in Equestria. Princess Luna was laying in her bed, bored out of her mind. Nopony ever came to her night court and this night was no exception. Most ponies were sleeping in their homes, hiding from the darkness outside. Still, they felt safe under the lucent shimmer of Luna's moon, and she knew and appreciated that. Her subjects had finally shown her the love she over a thousand years ago so craved.

”I'm soooooo bored. And it's still several hours until I may lower the moon and go to sleep.”

After her return she had started to visit ponies' dreams. She could manipulate them, banishing nightmares and unpleasant dreams out of the pony's mind. It actually was sort of mind reading spell, only altered a little. Apart from being her duty, she also often did this when she was bored. This is what she decided to do.

A meteor shower named Oriontis, was supposed to pass the planet of Equus tonight. It was one of the few stellar phenomenons that Luna didn't have control over. These uncontrollable phenomenons were said to strengthen one's magic, if they were powerful enough to harness it. Only Princess Celestia was known to had done this a couple of times, during desperate times.

Leaving the warm embrace of her bed, Luna started to trot towards a certain room located in the castle. Sort of a ”casting room” where one could cast their spells in peace. It also had several magic enhancing runes scribbled onto the floor. Many of Celestia's students had practiced their spells here when only foals. It was easier to learn magic when it was enhanced, naturally.

Arriving to the room, she knew she had about an hour before the meteor shower was supposed to pass, so she levitated a book from the shelves adoring the walls of the room, and sat on a cushion in one of the room's corners. She flipped through the pages, stopping on a certain page telling about the meteor shower about to come. When she was sure she had every piece of information about the said shower in her mind, she levitated the book back onto the shelf and walked to the middle of the room, powering her horn and starting to weave the spell she had in mind. The mind reading spell she used to enter ponies' dreams, though this time she wouldn't be entering anypony's dreams and she was aiming further. A lot further.

After several minutes Luna had the spell weaved. Now she only had to wait for the right moment so she could release the magic she had built up. Feeling her powers getting stronger, she knew Oriontis was getting closer and closer every second.

”Six, five, four...” Thewindow was nearing. ”Three, two... one!”

She released the magic stored within her, feeling it fill every corner of the room. Her eyes were closed in concentration, yet a picture started to form in front of her. In her mind's eyes she saw hundreds and hundreds of specks of light. On closer look, the lights were windows into different creatures' minds. This was familiar to her as she entered the realm every night. But tonight was different, empowered by Oriontis, she could travel further into the realm. She started with a slow trot, changing her pace to canter and finally to full speed gallop. She started to lose feeling in her legs as she built up more and more speed, until only a light blue blur could be seen as she sped through the realm.

With supernatural agility, she snaked through the windows, peeking into several for a fraction of a second while passing them. Ponies, ponies everywhere. The scenes in the windows started to take more unfamiliar shape. She could see creatures she had never seen before, nor heard of. So many interesting minds to explore, she couldn't decide which one she would enter. At a certain window, she stopped. This one felt different. So much anger and frustration seeping from it. But there was something deeper there too. Ineffable sadness and loneliness. There was something Luna felt that she could relate to the feeling. After all, she hadd spent a thousand years in the moon, and it was hard to get accustomed to things back in Equestria after such a long time. She decided to enter this mind, stepping through the window.

Luna wasn't prepared for what laid behind the window. Deafened by the sounds around her, she saw hundreds of figures meddling in what seemed to be a city. Or what was left of one. Some of the sounds were unfamiliar to her, though she could still recognize them general meaning behind them. The sound of war. She could see her host taking a look at the figures beside him, seeing tall bipedal creatures wearing long coats, shoulder padding and helmets. They wielded objects in their arms, that spouted bright red light. To her, their faces were the most menacing features, bearing only two black holes. She thought they were some sort of masks to protect them. The creatures were ominous looking enough to startle the Princess of the night, who had seen many wars and things that mortal ponies shouldn't witness, during her long life.

She saw her host advance another bipedal figure, though this one looked different, clad in red armour and a white and black helmet. The creature in front of her host drew a dagger from it's waist, swinging it at her host who dodged the swipe. Blocking another swipe from the armoured creature, her host brought his sword down, decapitating his foe. Luna felt sick and was ready to throw up, seeing the body fall onto the ground and it's head rolling away from it.

”Who are you?”

”You will not claim my mind, xenos!”

Luna gasped, not prepared for an answer. Perplexed by the whole situation, she didn't remember, that when in ponies' dreams, she could think to herself freely, not disturbing the pony. But when linked to somepony's mind, the opposite side could hear her thoughts, and vice versa.

”Who is he talking to? And why does he sound so furious?”

Again startled by the answer, she felt herself getting weaker. Oriontis had to be getting further away, the window of opportunity soon closing.

”I think I better cut the link, I feel myself weakening”

Seconds later she heard a deafening explosion, flinging her out of the realm.

Cutting the connection and returning the world of living, Luna collapsed onto the floor, in the middle of the runes. Grasping her head with her hooves, she felt a crushing headache kick in. No matter what she did, the pain only intensified and she fidgeted on the floor. Releasing an ear piercing scream, she lost her consciousness.

Chapter 1.

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”The Krieg method of war is a measure of their discipline and sacrifice It demands respect from all – friend and foe alike.

--Lord Commander Militant, Segmentum Obscurus


Princess Celestia was gallopping through the halls of the Canterlot Castle. She was awaken from her slumber by a shriek that brought chills to her spine. Immediately she recognized it as her beloved sister's.

She arrived at the open doors to Luna's chamber, noticing the absence of guards. She barked into the room while charging up her horn and getting ready to give any intruders a beating of their lifetime if they had even as much as folded a hair in her sister's mane.

In the room were two of the four personal guards of Luna's, that were assigned in front of her doors for tonight. They were searching for any traces of their princess, being cautious for anypony who might lunge at them from the shadows. The two lunar guards spun around when hearing somepony approaching through the doors, taking a fighting stance so they could subdue the pony if he proved to be any threat. Rather than any late night intruders, through the doors stormed clearly apprehensive Princess Celestia.

”Luna!” The dread of something happening to her sister was apparent in her voice.

The two guards bowed for their princess. ”Your highness!” They both blurted out at the same time. The other one continued.

”We heard Princess Luna scream, but it couldn't have come from her chambers since she left them about an hour ago. Crisp Saber and Rumbling Roar went to alert the other guards, although I'm quite sure they heard the scre-”

”Where did she go!?” The Solar Princess interrupted the guard, worried for her sister's safety.

”S-she said she wanted to work in peace. She went in the room where your students practice their magic. She did not tell what she worked with.” The guard stuttered his answer.

”Make sure nopony enters her chambers!” She ordered the guards before starting a gallop towards the casting room.

The princess picked up any guard she came up to during the dash towards her destination, ordering them to follow her and get ready for a fight. The door to the room came to view and she could see that it was bucked out of it's hinges. She dashed into the room before the guards could stop here and demand to go in first, ensuring the safety of their leader.

Inside the room were the other two of the four lunar guards, valiantly watching over their princess, while a neon green mare with fiery orange mane and a nurse's cap on her head was crouched besides the deep blue alicorn. Celestia dashed to her sister and nudged her with her snout, both trying to wake her up and showing concern towards her. She started to bomb the nurse and the guards with questions.

”What happened? Is she okay? Why weren't her guards with her?” Celestia shouted the last question, glaring angrily at the guards.

The two guards snapped at attention when the nurse started talking.

”She's all right, your highness. It's only magic exhaustion.”

”But how could Luna suffer from magic exhaustion? She's one of the most powerful beings in Equestria. And on the whole planet for that matter!” Celestia asked, the question pointed more to herself than the nurse.

The nurse lifted herself onto her hooves. ”Maybe she had her magic enhanced somehow? A magic vessel would be my best guess, though it would have to be huge to make such a powerful caster like Princess Luna suffer from magic exhaustion.”

”Oriontis...” Celestia whispered while staring out of the window on the other side of the oval room.

The Nurse gave a puzzled look at the Princess, ”Your Highness?” She asked cautiously.

”Oriontis. A meteor shower that was supposed to pass Equus this night. It's one of the few stellar phenomenons, that neither I, nor my sister have control over. Said uncontrollable phenomenons contain immense magical asset, that can be harnessed by those with enough magical capabilities. Luna must've had absorbed magic from the meteor shower.”

”That is a possibility, your Highness. We should move her to her chambers. She needs to recurperate from the shock.”

”I will delegate some guards to move her. In the meantime, you two” She glanced disapprovalingly at the two lunar guards. ”will meet me in the throne room after your shift is over. Dismissed.”

In the northern parts of Equestria, snow was delicately dancing it's way in the firm grasp of the cold breeze, travelling slowly towards the ground. Pines were quietly rustling their twigs when swayed by the wind. The serene scene was disturbed by a quadruped figure madly sprinting through the rocky terrain, leaving a blood trail behind it. A red beam emitted from the direction the creature came from, followed by a thud muffled by the snow.

”Target down!”

”I want to see the body. I'm fairly sure I saw satchels on it's sides. Search it and then dispose of it.” Came another voice.

Commissar Stagler paced slowly towards the body laying approximately fifty meters from him, while eyeing the terrain around him. He had his pistol in a tight grip on his left hand and his power sword on the right. When getting closer to the creature, he could see that it indeed had wings. The Korpsman that had spotted the creature before said that it was flying when he shot it down. Crask had berated the young soldier for his rash action, to which he replied with a 'sir, yes sir!' and an expressionless look. He could've shot friendly, or even worse, given away their position for possible hostiles around the uncharted area.

For a moment Crask doubted if the Korpsman even saw anything and had just let his nervousness take over him. But no man hailing from Krieg would show nervousness, if they even could feel such an emotion. His doubts were pushed aside when he too saw a creature running away from the small group of humans.

The Korpsman must've had hit the creature's wing since it sported a slightly singed hole on it, still bleeding a little bit.

”That explains why it didn't escape flying”

The creature looked like it was a mix of a lion and an eagle, both ancient beasts originating from the Holy Terra. It had a beak that had blood slowly flowing from it. It's front legs were talons of an eagle while the rear legs were those of a lion, as was it's tail. Around the neck of the creature was a canteen and laying next to it were the satchels.

Crask kneeled beside the creature, picking the satchels from the ground. Inside he found stacks of papers, a compass, packs of what looked like MREs and a scroll bearing a prominent red signet. He leafed through the papers, finding maps and several contracts, many of which were edited with red ink.

The group of seven men following the Commissar's lead catched up on him and took a stand beside the body.

Crask had woken up in an unfalmiliar terrain after passing out in the middle of the fight. He could still remember the voice inside his head. At first he thought that it was an Eldar psychic trying to break his will. When he tried to recall harder, it seemed like the voice was talking to itself and not to him. It even seemed genuinely confused. The serene sound of it was even soothing, though that could be a trick by the Eldar.

Taking a note that he was uninjured, and definitely not in Kheltan III anymore, he decided it to be best to search for any other humans. Wandering around for a while, he stumbled upon the six Korpsmen and the Grenadier. Under Crask's command, they started their trek towards south where the terrain seemed more even.

The six foot soldiers from the 16th inf. Company showed no real interest towards the creature laying in front of them, while the seventh nudged the body with his mono knife, an 18 inch sword-bayonet carried by every soldier in the Death Korps. Behind the bone-white skull mask, his emotionless eyes scrutinized the dead creature in front of him.

Crask watched as the Grenadier continued to study the creature. He knew what the soldiers were thinking, albeit reluctant to ask.

”It's a gryphon.”

The soldiers, except the Grenadier, all turned their heads towards the Commissar.

”I've read from these creatures during my time with the Vostroyans. Fierce, aggressive creatures with a strong urge of domination. Though the book said they were only mythical, from the early times of mankind. If I remember correclty, there's an Astartes chapter and a Titan Legion named after them” Crask told the others while staring at the creature.

”It's seen battles.”

Crask was a bit surprised to hear one of the usually-so-silent soldiers speaking. ”What do you mean?”

”It's body is muscular and tanned, the talons are worn and it has several scars and scratches across it's body. This one,” The Grenadier pointed at a scar on the right side of the gryphon with his bayonet. ”looks like a cut from a sword or a dagger, while this one,” He pointed at another scar. ”looks like an old bullet hole.”

Amazed by the remark done by the soldier, Crask couldn't but agree. Sparing a glance at the horizon, he saw that night was soon to fall upon them.

”We'll camp here for the night. There's no point to wander around in an unfamiliar territory while there could be Emperor-knows-what mutants and monsters hunting for prey in the dark. You” He pointed at the selected Korpsman. ”will be taking the first watch. One hour shifts.”

The Kriegsmen gave a salute and started to settle onto the ground, not minding the cold, thanks to their incredibly warm clothing, while the Korpsman delegated for the first shift stood still, attentively observing the knife-sharp rocky terrain around them, lasgun tightly gripped on his hands.

Chapter 2.

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”In the Emperor's service, the Death Korps will pay any price.”

-- Lord Marshall Arnin Kagori

The bar's atmosphere was all hazy from several lho-sticks the patrons were smoking. Cheap looking paintings lined the wall behind the counter. The place was half full, quite crowded for such a late time of the night. Through the large windows, people could be seen walking to and fro on the skyways hanging onto the towers of the hive city covered by the darkness of the night. Lamp-posts from outside illuminated Crask's face with their artificial light, as he sat beside a table with several other patrons. He didn't know these men until tonight and would most likely never see or hear of them again after the night was over.

”So then the ork shouted at me, 'I'll shove dis' choppa up yer arse n' send ya to yer 'mperor!'. And guess what I did? I yelled at it, 'No need for that, for I've got the Emperor right here for you!' and I cut it's head off with a single swing of my power sword!”

The men around the table roared up in laughter as Crask finished his story and chugged down the last of his beer before joining the drunken laughter. His slightly hoary hair was carefully combed back and he was wearing a fancy jacket.

Some amateur band was playing jazz on the stage and the dance floor was full of tipsy citizens, most of who thought they were good dancers, thanks to their liquefied state.

Crask had a lho-stick between his lips and a refilled jug of beer on his hand while he was listening to his companions' tales. From a corner of his eye, he saw a beautiful, young woman approaching the table he sat at. Her hair was long and straight and the color of chestnut. She had high cheekbones and they were sleek as the finest silk. Her body was a perfect shape of an hourglass.

”Could I have this dance?” She asked Crask with her gentle voice as she extended her arm towards him, waiting for him to grasp it.

Snapping out of his staring, he stood up smiling and took the girl's hand. He accompanied the woman into the crowds of the dance floor and took her other hand in his own. The band started playing a new song and the pair started to waltz in rhythm with it. Crask wasn't much of a dancer but the girl made more than up for him. After the waltz the band started playing a slow one. Crask had never danced slow ones, but before he got to say or do anything, the girl wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head onto his shoulder. Surprised by the move, he moved his arms to rest on the girl's lower back and they started swaying to the song. Crask closed his eyes and smiled contently as he could smell the girl's wonderful perfume. He opened his eyes momentarily, glancing at others dancing around them. His heart skipped a beat as he saw one of the dancer's face hidden behind by a khaki rebreather. He closed his eyes, hoping the sight would go away, but when he opened his eyes again, all the other dancers also wore rebreather.

Crask released his grip on the girl and stumbled backwards, falling onto the mahogany floor. The people had stopped dancing and the quiet music had turned into a horrible screeching of violin's and cello's. The patrons circled him as he layed on the floor, unable to move, albeit how much he wanted to run away. All the people were staring at him, wearing identical rebreathers, the hoses going through their stomachs. He raised his gaze up to face the girl he had shared a dance with moments ago. She also was wearing a rebreather, blood pouring from the point where the hose entered her stomach, staining the pearl white dress red. She crouched in front of him and leaned to whisper into his ear.

”Wake up commissar.”

”Wake up commissar!”

Crask was jolted awake from his slumber by the Korpsman shouting at him while yanking him up. He scanned the area around him in his hazy state and saw the others taking cover behind boulders of various sizes. He leap onto his feet and unseathed his power sword and laspistol.

”Report, soldier!”

”The man on watch saw movement on the hills upward from us when several shots were shot at us. The enemy's numbers are unknown, though it seems like we are heavily outnumbered, concluded by the amount of shots.”

Just as the Kriegsman finished his sentence, bullets started to impact the rocks and ground around them. Both men dove for cover behind the nearest boulder while the others started firing into the darkness that still surrounded them.

”Can you pinpoint their location?” Crask shouted over the sound of gunfire.

”Only roughly, sir.” The man sharing the petty shelter answered.

Crask ran crouching to the other men, taking care to stay behind cover all the time. Bullets ricocheted from the rocks that separated him and the unknown enemy. From time to time he fired a shot or two at the general direction where the gunfire came from. Whilst advancing towards his men, he decided his plan of action.

”You four,” He pointed at the four men he had picked with his sword. ”Will lay covering fire while the rest of us will flank them.” He grabbed the shoulder of the grenadier firing his hellgun at the enemy. ”You and I will go from the right, while you two ”Again he pointed at two of the Korpsmen. ”will go from the left. Identify the enemy and neutralize him as soon as you're in position. When we've drawn their focus on us, the rest of you will advance and we'll finish them off. Try to leave at least one alive. Maybe we'll get some light to what's going on. Understood?”

A coherent 'Yes sir!' was heard.

Crask knew the Death Korps rarely took prisoners. He could only hope that maybe the situation would allow him to capture one. He'd definately want to know what was going on, as he was sure did the Kriegsmen accompanying him. Or maybe not. They were content enough if they could serve the Emperor, no matter the place or time, and killing their current foes counted up at that ambition. But maybe, just maybe because of the peculiar situation they'd leave one alive.

”Aim for the muzzle flashes!” Crask yelled as he bolted from behind the boulder, away from the gunfire coming from above them. The Kriegsmen followed him one by one and when they were sure they were out of sight, they divided into two groups and started to proceed to flank the enemy.

The korpsmen's covering fire had some minor results as the hostile fire lessened, if only slightly. Some of their shots even seemed to hit their targets as some shrieks were heard and the muzzle flashes seemed to decrease in numbers.

Crask and the grenadier had gotten to a vantage point where they could see their foe. In the dull light coming from the muzzle flashes blazing, they saw that the figures firing the guns were similar to the one they had encountered before. Their weapons were long and seemed to be had reloaded after every shot, the process being awfully time-consuming. They saw the other two Korpsmen taking positions when Crask signalled them to hold fire. He nodded at the grenadier who replicated the gesture.

Fully aware of the commissar's plan, he proceeded towards the gryphons below, making sure to not to be seen. Stopping twenty-or-so metres from the gryphons, he detached two grenades from his belt and unpinned them. Gripping them in both of his hands, he jumped from his cover. Filling his role as a grenadier he lobbed the grenades, one at a time, in the midst of the gryphons.

The closest gryphons to the detonations lost their lives instantly as they were ripped apart by the shrapnels from the frag grenades. Those further away got away with only minor injuries as their brethren unwittingly saved their lives with their ripped bodies.

Taking benefit from the gryphon's disorganized state, the Kriegsmen opened fire. Though the darkness disrupting their aim, the las-beams they unleashed upon their unfamiliar foe cut through many of the gryphons.

The four korpsmen that were left to cover the others started to advance up the hill towards the remaining few gryphons. The others had also ceased their fire and now charged at the still disoriented gryphons, attaching their bayonets while running.

The gryphons had reorganized during that time and now got ready to fight the strange enemy that had so easily cut down two thirds of their numbers. Dumping their flintlock rifles and drawing their swords they took battle stances.

The two flanking korpsmen were the first ones to reach the gryphons. A gryphon swung at one of the Korpsmen with a fierce battlecry. His opponent of choice blocked the swipe with his lasgun and retaliated with a kick to the gryphon's chest. The quadruped dropped onto the snowy ground, clutching his chest while the korpsman lifted his rifle up and brought it down bayonet first at the gryphons neck, instantly killing him. His partner fared with similar success.

Crask and the grenadier entered the fray from the other side, effectively leaving the gryphons between the attackers. The commissar stabbed a gryphon through his chest with ease and shot another one with his laspistol while pulling his power sword out of the corpse. The grenadier was fighting with only his bayonet as there was no place on his hellgun to attach it to. The hellgun's powerpack is worn as a backpack and the power is transmitted to the gun itself via cables, making it clumsy at close combat, so he had also left his gun and the powerpack behind. This left him no worse at hand-to-hand combat with his mono knife as he stabbed a gryphon straight at his heart and cut another one's windpipe and carotid artery with continued motion. At this point the rest of the Kriegsmen had reached the ongoing battle and had reduced the gryphon's numbers to two.

The last two half-lion half-eagles were standing back to back and ready to defend their lives, surrounded by the menacing bipeds. Just as Crask was going to try to injure or knock out at least one them, they turned into a mist of blood and gore, accompanied by a loud throb. Instinctively the Kriegsmen and the commissar hit the deck.

The bolt spitting machinery of war stopped it's ear deafening rumbling. Glancing at the direction the sound came from, Crask saw a distinguishable shape of a heavy bolter and the two men manning it. He waved at the men, in half to thank them and in half because he didn't want to get shot by the trigger-happy korpsmen. Standing up, he saw a familiar man approaching him. Though the only familiar thing at him was the company number imprinted on his shoulder. Crask felt the two empty holes boring into him, the eye-pieces alike to almost everyone else's he had seen during the last three years.

”Major Bellrath, it's a pl-” Crask was cut off by the commander.

”I'm fairly sure you should know by now that I am known as major 3556-8294-35-Theta. Or major 35 for short. Not Gerlach Bellrath.” He spat his name with clear disgust and anger at the fact that the commissar had even brought this up. Again.

Crask was a bit taken aback by the outburst but composed himself swiftly and rephrased his sentence. ”Major 35, I'm glad you came to our aid, but we were taking those two gryphons as prisoner of wars. We could've gotten information of our current location and whatnot. I assume you do not have any more light into the situation as I do?”

”We were fighting a winning battle at Kheltan III when a xenos sorcerer cast a what seemed to be an ion storm, the men lost their consciousness, us included. The next thing I know is when I woke up few kilometres north of here. Few korpsmen were laying beside me, all killed by the storm. I came around other Kriegsmen, these ones alive. We started to trek south, picking up more and more of men on our way.”

The Death Korps with the major had come around while he was talking with the commissar, some taking positions around the perimeter. Even without an order they worked like a greased clock.

”We have two full squadrons of Korpsmen, five grenadiers and a heavy bolter team. We even have an ammunation carrier full of lasgun packs, frag grenades, special- and heavy weapons being towed by a Trojan. We also came around a Quad-Launcher, but without anything to tow it with we had to leave it behind. I left a few men guarding it in case we find another something to tow it with or establish a temporary base of operations until we get in contact with the fleet or other regiments or companies.” The major ended his story.

”And what if we don't find anything to tow the Quad-Launcher with, or won't go back for it for any reason? What about the men guarding it?” Crask knew the answer for sure and wasn't thrilled about it. Yet he had to get a confirmation.

The major turned around and started to walk back to the Trojan, answering over his shoulder. ”I gave them an order to destroy the gun if we don't come back in three days. After that they are supposed to give their lives for the Emperor, by any means possible.”

Princess Luna was laying on her bed, still suffering from a magic exhaustion from the incident the night before. Although her body seemed unconscious, her mind was far from it. In the realm of her domain, she walked around, peeking into ponies' dreams. She was fully aware of her own magical-, and her body's physical exhaustion.

She recalled entirely last night's events. The meteor shower, her using it as a magic vessel, her unusual trip into the far corners of the dream realm... The peculiar creature and scenery. She remembered how the creature seemed to answer her rhetorical questions.

The princess was venturing from a dream to another, when all the windows exploded into thousands and thousands of tiny fragments. Even in her dream-like state she felt her blood run cold from the ear-splitting crack. It sounded more like a shriek than a collapse of a magical window.

She was left alone to walk in the darkness of the realm. Each time her hoof touched the surface, it rippled like a pebble thrown into a pond. Out of the blue a foul stench filled her nostrils. She summoned a scarf over her muzzle to muffle the stench but soon noticed that it didn't help at all, more like the opposite. The smell seemed to absorb on the scarf. Luna dropped the scarf onto the ground, letting it swallow it.

She felt the smell intensify until she felt like she couldn't breath anymore. The odor felt like it burned her eyes and entrails, crawling from her throat, through the stomach into her intestines. The princess collapsed onto the ground of the very realm she ruled over, feeling the surface slowly swallowing her.

Her ears were filled with an ominous cackle, its volume intensifying each second until she felt her head exploding from the sound. It was unlike anything she had heard before, more sinister than of all the demons and brooding creatures she had fought combined.

Her legs were already under the surface and she felt her body sinking deeper when through her bleary eyes she saw a huge, sickly green and red creature staring at her with it's small black eyes. Feeling the world collapse around her she closed her eyes, ready to face her doom.

Gasping for air, princess Luna woke up.

Chapter 3.

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”To retreat is defeat. Advance! Advance! In our death lies victory.”

--Captain Denos, 19th company, 468th regiment

Princess Celestia was sitting on top of her massive throne, flanked by her two personal bodyguards standing stoically on both sides of the platform the throne was sitting on. In front of her was a letter enveloped by her trademark golden aura. Her face was adorned with a concentrated frown as she was reading through the letter that had arrived in the morning for the umpteenth time.

The letter had a red wax seal of the Gryphon Kingdom. Celestia rolled the scroll in a tight bundle and with a little tug of the ley lines she teleported the scroll into her personal chambers.

She rose from her seat and with a grace fit for her position, she started to walk towards a room in the castle that hadn't actively been used for decades. The closer she got to her destination, the busier the halls of the castle became. There were two guards guarding the three meter double doors embedded with two spears crossing each other. Celestia noted that both guards wore a heavier armor of the Canterlot Lancers. As Celestia approached them, they saluted her and opened the way for their princess.

The walls of the room were covered with bookshelves filled with scrolls and books. In between the shelves stood glass cabinets, containing armors, weapons, artifacts and so on. In the middle of the room around a large granite table were several important looking ponies immersed in a heated discussion. As the princess entered the room, the ponies became silent and snapped at attention.

A white unicorn clad in golden armor stepped forward, followed by a charcoal bat pony wearing slightly lighter purple armor. They both bowed to the princess.

”Your Highness.” They echoed in unison.

”At ease, commanders Shining Armor and Polar Night. Has there been any more reports from the north?”

Shining Armor turned back to the table and grabbed a scroll with his magic. ”There has, princess. This arrived only few minutes ago.” He levitated the scroll in front of the princess and let her grab it with her own magic. Celestia read the scroll, and then re-read it again to make sure she got everything in.

Shining Armor cleared his throat to get the princess' attention. ”As you Highness read, the gryphons have demanded a meeting to be held at the old oak that was planted between our nations' borders by both the gryphons and ponies as a mark of truce. The latest attack against a gryphon border patrol happened two kilometers north from there.” The captain pointed at one of the many red pins on the map laying on the table. ”No survivors.”

If Shining Armor had any sympathy towards the perished gryphons, he did a fine job showing none.

”It saddens me to hear that, captain. The letter stated that the meeting should take place tomorrow at sunset. I will go there and try to ease the tension between our nations. None of my little ponies would do attack the gryphons, I'm sure of it, no matter what the gryphons say. Maybe we could come to an agreement and try to get to the bottom of this together.”

Polar Night had been silent so far, but now the bat pony voiced out his protest. ”Princess, with due all respect, we cannot allow you to go without any means of protection. I'm not saying that you're weak and I'm sure you could put up in a fight easily, but the gryphons are cunning creatures. What if it's a trap? We co-”

”I value your honest opinions, Polar Night, but I cannot endanger my subjects. If this turns out to be a trap of some sorts, I can always teleport away.”

Shining Armor joined besides his Lunar guard counterpart. ”Polar Night is right. The guard is here for your and your subjects' protection. It is our duty to commit ourselves for protection of others.”

Celestia sighed. She was glad and proud of the guardsponies' faithfulness and dedication and she knew they were right; they were for her and her ponies' protection. Coming to a decision she voiced it out, voice filled with gratitude.

”I'm touched by your loyalty, my little ponies. I know the honor of the guard is very important to you and I don't want to prevent you from doing your duty. I will take my personal guards with me. But I must remind you, this is a diplomatic affair. They'll be wearing only the lightest equipment.”

”But your Highness! What if the gryph-”

”That's enough, commander!” Celestia snapped at the bat pony a tad louder than she intended to. ”We're not going to war, but trying to prevent it. Heavier equipment might agitate the gryphons. I am sure you know how impulsive they can be.”

The bat pony bowed to the princess. ”As you say, your Highness.”

During the discussion with the alicorn and the commanders, rest of the ponies in the room had been silent, not daring to interrupt the conversationalists.

”Inform my guards of the mission at hand. Prepare a troop carriage for them with the strongest flight crew. And remember, only the essential equipment. Back to work, soldiers.”

With that Celestia turned around and strode for the door, escorted by a loud ”Yes princess!”.

On the northern border of Equestria a lone guardspony sat on top of a wooden watch tower. A scarf around his neck and cup of coffee on his hooves were keeping him warm while the blizzard continued raging all around him. The only sounds he could hear were the howling of wind and creaking of the tower's roof above him.

”Third night in a row. This blizzard could buck off already. And the guys are sleeping soundly through the night while I'm freezing up here. I hope there won't be any more pea soup for dinner tomorrow. Or breakfast. Or lunch. Or supper. It's starting to gush out of my ears already”

If he wasn't so concentrated on ranting in his mind, he might have noticed the distant thundering coming from the west.

”I wonder if that waitress working in Bridle & Carriage is still fr-”

He was cut off by a slowly approaching rumble. Grabbing his spear he jolted upright, hooves resting on the edge of the tower. The sound got louder and louder when it suddenly halted with a screech that brought chills to the pony's spine. Peering through the blizzard he spotted an unfamiliar shape between the conifers. He saw the object move and as unexperienced as he was considering war machines and warfare in general, he too recognized the shape of a turret and it's twin barrels.

That was the last thing he saw before the guns spit fire and the watch tower blew up under him, taking him with it.

The machine's V18 growled as it started rolling towards the now alerted outpost. Crushing the feeble wooden fence under its 175 tonne hull, it rolled amongst the ponies that were desperately doing their best to stop the metallic beast. None of the magic projectiles, arrows, spears, swords and whatever the ponies could get on their hooves worked. The machine's battle cannons roared again and the only barrack was blown to splinters. The main gun was accompanied by the bellowing of the guns on the sides and front.

Deciding that fleeing was the best option, the highest ranking guardspony in the outpost hollered a retraction order. Fleeing one by one from the hole the fire spitting beast came in from or the main gate, the ponies scattered around the forest with nowhere to go. The metallic beast crushed the fence on the other side of the outpost and rolled into the white night, leaving only death and destruction in its wake, just as it was designed in the depths of Lucius.

Chapter 4.

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"We're the Death Korps of Krieg, son. Did you think that was just a pretty name? We never retreat. We fight and we die, that's the Krieg way."

-- Lieutenant Konarski, 933rd Death Korps of Krieg

"Dad? Is mommy going to be okay?"

"Of course honey. Mom's going to be alright."

The beige pegasus put a wing over his daughter while they peered through a window into a white room. In the middle of the room was a lone bed occupied by a single mare. A wife and a mother. Rest of the room was filled with the most advanced medical equipment.

Another pony, wearing a protective clothing, entered the isolated room. She stopped next to the bed and said something to the lone resident of the room. The stallion outside assumed it was about how she felt or if she needed something.

The patient tilted her head towards a plastic bottle sitting on a bedside table and opened her mouth weakly. The grabbed the bottle with her levitation spell and held it close to the mare's mouth, tilting it a little bit. The bedfast patient took a few gulps before the nurse levitated the bottle back onto the table.

Just as the nurse put the bottle onto the table, the pegasus on the bed started to tremble, her muscles convulsing. Foam started to pour out of her mouth, colored red from her own blood and her eyes were glazed. The nurse quickly pressed a button hanging from the ceiling, putting off an alarm.

"Let's go honey. The nurses don't need any more disruptions." The stallion said as he grabbed the filly and hastily started to trot towards the exit. More nurses came running past them, going into the isolated room.

The little filly waved to her mother with watery eyes, bidding her goodbye. "Good bye mom. I'll come to see you again soon."

Crask woke up on his cot, covered with a random old rag. He felt better with at least something covering him while sleeping, even if he didn't need it because of the sealed clothing he wore under his commissar uniform. It felt more human to him, so to say.

After stretching his stiff limbs, he started to walk towards the tent that acted as a mess hall. It was on the other side of the small outpost the Death Korps had established on a clearing deep in the forest. Every day more and more men had arrived at the base, either by themselves or escorted by the reconnaissance parties they sent out daily. It had been almost two weeks since the incident on Kheltan III.

The parties had had several contacts, every time being attacked, rather than the ones attacking. Contact was to be avoided until they had more manpower and equipment. The soldiers had reported of creatures similar to the ones Crask and the other Kriegsmen had encountered. But one party had reported of different, equine-like creatures. They hadn't encountered these creatures in combat, as they were ordered to mainly survey the surrounding area. The soldiers thought that the creatures were likely not to cause any harm, as most of them looked almost like kids, compared to the two bigger ones with them.

With the men had arrived more equipment, ammunition and arsenal. On his way to the improvised mess hall, Crask passed a Hellhound, its crew doing maintenance on the tank. As every morning. Crask didn't bother to bid them a 'good morning' as they wouldn't respond, and if they did, it was a mere nod at the most. He thought, that even that was more because of his rank than their actual desire to do so.

The commissar arrived at the mess hall. He looked for the queue meant for officers and, after locating it, stood behind the only individual in the queue. The line for regular troopers wasn't that long either, taking in account their superior number compared to officers, holding a dozen or so troopers. Most of the Kriegsmen preferred to eat their own rations through their gas masks. Crask could hear some of the soldiers talking amongst themselves, probably about praising the God Emperor or something similar to that.

After the lieutanent in front of him had his ration, Crask stepped forwards, bidding the trooper rationing the food a good morning.

"Sir." Was the only thing the trooper said in a monotone voice. He put a portion of the disgusting looking food on a wooden slab and handed it to the commissar. Crask lifted his gaze from the so called food, nodded at the Kriegsman and walked away to someplace where he could eat in peace.

He walked to a pond that bordered the southern part of the base. There he could eat his meal in peace. The frozen pond seemed to sparkle, bright sunlight reflecting from the icy surface and snowy surroundings. There were a few Kriegsmen close to him that were carrying crates to and fro, but Crask wasn't taking notice of them. Every morning he came to this pond to eat his meal, enjoying the fresh air and beautiful scenery. Sometimes he wondered what it'd be like to live in this place, alone, away from the war raging across the worlds. But he was no traitor. Still, it was a tempting thought...

The sound of snow scrunching under boots brought him back to reality. He turned around and saw a random lieutenant whom he didn't recognize, standing behind him, arms crossed behind his back. Not like he would recognize them anyway, except from the numbers on their shoulder pads.

"Commissar, you are needed at the HQ post-haste." The lieutenant said and turned to leave, most likely also heading to the HQ.

Sometimes Crask wished he could just rip the Kriegers' masks off to see even a glance of the men he was talking to, and serving the God Emperor with.

He left his half eaten meal on the snow and headed towards the HQ. Someone would clean it up anyway, and if not, he'd come back and take care of it himself.The lieutenant had already disappeared from Crask's sight as he walked past the trenches. It took them a fair amount of time to dig through the frozen ground, to construct even moderate trenches. The base was not in the least finished, probably never would be.

Crask arrived at the simple tent that served as their HQ. In the middle of the tent were a few planks balanced between two rocks, serving as a table. On it was a crude map with markings of places of interest, encounters and what not. Around the table he saw Major Bellrath, the lieutenant who came to get him, whom he now identified as Lieutenant 12, and a Watchmaster who seemed to be from the 16th infantry company in of which ranks Crask himself served.

Crask nodded towards the general direction of the men, all of them returning the gesture with a nod of their own. The major was the first one to speak.

"Commissar, glad you could join us. This is Watchmaster 30 from our company. He has interesting intel from a reconnaissance mission they executed in the early hours of this morning. Watchmaster?" He waved a hand towards the Kriegsman, signaling him to take over the briefing.

"We were patrolling the area to south-west. Around here." He pointed at a red pebble on the makeshift map. "Five kilometers from our base, we encountered unknown creatures. Judging by the report of the equine like creatures our patrols encountered before, these seemed to be of the same breed. They seemed to be capable of intelligent thinking, infering to the fact, that they seemed to be conversing. Their outfits seemed military and they carried weaponry. Swords and spears mostly. With them were two apparatuses, that seemed to be transports of some sort."

The Watchmaster paused to let the commissar take in all the information before continuing.

"Also, two of these equines were different from the others. As most of them were fairly small on size, these two were significantly larger. Their outfits were distinct from the others', as they wore crowns on their heads and heavy necklaces on their necks. But the most prominent feature on them was their hair and tail, as they seemed to blow in the wind, albeit there was none. Also the larger white one's hair was the color of green, blue and light red, when the slightly smaller blue one's looked like the night sky."

The commissar was deep in thought as the watchmaster ended his report. The equines didn't know of the humans, at least not that they knew of it. Could the gryphons have informed them? Were they even allies? Concluding from the watchmaster's description, the equines were militarized. The two taller figures seemed like important individuals, and if they were out with soldiers, it had to be because of something important. Crask was brought back to reality from his musing by the major.

"We have three Death Riders. I think we should make out the most of them and send them to try to seek out these creatures and observe them. In case they were to be detected, they'd have the strength, speed and agility to at least cripple the force and get back to the base and report of their findings."

Crask wasn't a man who rushed his decisions and acts. "I agree with sending the Death Riders to tail the equines. But, if they'd attack in case of being detected, they'd endanger their lives and allow a chance of capture. We cannot jeopardize the base and risk the chance of losing men, especially when our manpower is low and equipment scarce."

The watchmaster decided to share his thoughts on the matter. "If I may state my thoughts, I agree with the commissar. Our chances of survival and hence serving the Emperor would improve if we had more intel regarding the local races, military and the planet itself."

The major couldn't agree with the fact, that intel was vital at the moment. Their most likely upcoming opponents were foreign to them, and the more they knew of them, the better they would manage in battle. And there was always the possibility of capturing a new planet for the Imperium. What a better way to serve the Emperor, than sacrificing one's life for a possible new hive-, forge-, or, judging from the planet's surface so far, agri-world.

"It's decided then. Watchmaster, inform the Death Riders to execute the order at once. Repeat everything you told us, to them and give them all the intel they need. Dismissed."

The royal sky carriage was soaring through the skies of northern Equestria, a troop carriage following its wake. Inside the troop carriage were total of ten guardsponies from both Celestia's and Luna's personal bodyguards, five from each. Inside the smaller carriage sat the two alicorns.

Celestia turned to face her younger sibling. "You can still turn back, you know that Luna?"

Luna huffed, clearly irritated of her sister's continuing innuendo to let her handle the situation alone. "As a co-ruler of Equestria, I'm supposed to be taking care of the nation's security, just as much as you are. I'm not backing down, and that's final."

Celestia sighed. "I know sister, and I appreciate your urge to handle our nation's security. I'm just worried of your safety, that's all."

Luna turned towards her sister. She couldn't believe Celestia was trying to turn her down of the thought of taking part to the meeting, because she didn't want to endanger her, when Celestia herself didn't seem to be concerned for her own safety at all. She wouldn't had even taken more than two guards with her, if it wasn't for Luna demanding for ten guards to be taken with them, at the least.

"So you're concerned for my safety, but what about your own? Don't you care of yourself at all? Imagine how it would impact our subjects if their ruler was to be injured by a hostile act from a neighbouring nation. Or even killed. Imagine how that would affect their belief of their rulers, their morale Imagine how I would feel if something happened to you!" Luna didn't notice, that she was shouting the last part, until she saw her sister cringing. Luna sighed and continued.

"I know you only want the best for me, but you have to think of yourself too. I love you, and you know that. I don't want anything to happen to you too, that's one of the reasons why I'm coming with you. I'm no foal, Tia. I need to take responsibility." Luna looked out of the window when she felt a muzzle on her neck.

"I'm sorry Lulu. I didn't realize it meant so much to you. Of course I want to let you to attend to matters concerning our nation. If my protective side gets a hold of me, just poke me with your horn or something."

Luna let a smile creep across her muzzle and returned her sister's nuzzle.

Chapter 5.

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"Onward they came, silent save for the clatter of talons. No warcry on their lips, no cheers or taunts. Without mercy or jubilation, they solemnly slaughtered until nothing remained but silence."

-- Scrivener Cellivar Gehan describing Death Riders

Princess Luna gazed over the snowy mountains of the Gryphon Kingdom. How their glistening white surfaces reflected the orange rays of the descending sun. How their tall peaks reached towards the sky. How jagged rocks dotted the smooth slopes. So beautiful, yet so treacherous. Especially lately.

The indigo princess closed her eyes and inhaled the clean, crisp air and let out a sigh.

”Enjoying the sights?” Luna opened her eyes and scanned the beautiful scenery once more.

”Just taking out most of the situation, sister.” She heard scrunching sound sourcing from her sister's hooves. Typically Luna liked being alone with her thoughts, but if there was somepony who's presence she cared for, it was her sister. She noticed Celestia joining her admiring of the scenery. ”It has been over a thousand years since I have last seen these mountains. They always had a calming effect on me.”

Celestia took a moment to take in the marvellousness of the landscape. She felt vulnerable on the clearing they were supposed to meet the gryphons. The nearby river offered a calming effect on her nerves. ”The Lonely Mountains are indeed quite a sight to behold. Especially at spring they show their full beauty.” Sighing she continued. ”Too bad the reason we're here is not as pleasant as the scenery.”

Luna scrunched her nose, as if she smelt something bad. ”Still no sign of the Gryphons?” The answer to that was obvious but she still asked it. To pass the time if nothing else.

”No, the pegasi are still circling the area. They'll inform us as soon as they see anything.” Celestia gave the obvious answer to her sister's question. Sighing, the older alicorn continued.

”I just hope we will come to an agreement that will benefit both of our nations. I really wouldn't want to deal with another national threat at the moment. It hasn't been even a month since King Sombra's return and defeat.”

Luna turned to face her sister and noticed something on her features she would never show to anypony. Tiredness. Granted, a lot had happened during the past few years. Celestia had had to face the incidents alone, and if that was not enough, she had to resort to the Elements. Luna wasn't much of a use during those past years, having lost myriad of her powers during her cleansing from Nightmare Moon. She had had to recover for years. Now when she had mostly recovered, she did her best to alleviate her sister's burden. Luna draped one of her massive wings over Celestia's shoulders.

”You don't have to face this alone, dear sister. Not anymore.” Luna smiled at her sister, which Celestia returned meekly. Their affectionate moment was shattered by a cry of a guard.

”The gryphons are here!”



The alicorn and gryphon stared at each other, waiting for the other to do their move. Registering each muscle movement they tried to read each others' motives and intentions.

”It's been a while.” The gryphon king stated blandly, opening the conversation.

”Indeed it has.” Princess Celestia replied, her voice free of emotion.

The gryphon's only seeing eye turned from the alicorn to the ponies behind her. If he wasn't in the presence of the leader of a neighbouring country, he would've ruffled his aching wings. But that would signal of the nervousness he felt, a rare feeling for him. He settled for adjusting his wings to a more comfortable position.

The king had six gryphons accompanying him. As the gryphons favoured maneuverability over protection, each of them was wearing only light armour. Four of them were armed with blades strapped to their talons and tails and the remaining two held muskets. Both the ponies and gryphons glared at each other, looking for any sign of hostility. Both sides knew that when the gryphons' weaponry and skills in battle were superior to those of the ponies', the Equestrians had numbers and magic on their side. If a fight arose, it would be a bloody one.

The two leaders' silent match was interrupted by a cough.

The king looked behind Celestia. ”Why, isn't it Princess Luna herself. It's time we met. As I'm fairly sure you're aware, I'm Hubert Hazyclaw, the king of the Gryphon Kingdom. A pleasure to meet you, although I wish the circumstances were happier.”

Luna stepped forward so she was on par with her sister. Holding her head high she answered the slightly smaller gryphon. ”King Hazyclaw. The pleasure is mine.”

During years of politics King Hubert had developed a talent to see through ponies' and other creatures' false facades. This time was no exception.

”Ah, but no need to be so cold hearted. We're all here on peaceful cause, are we not?” The king grinned.

Luna rolled her eyes when the king turned his attention back to Celestia and opened his mouth again.

”Well then, we have a lot to talk about. Shall we begin?” The gryphon raised an eyebrow and motioned with his talon to the two alicorns to walk with him.

Crisp Saber was tired. The incident with Princess Luna, the tightened security in Canterlot and the flight to the border of Equestria had taken a toll on her. The princesses and the gryphon king had been talking for hours now and it was already dark. That was not a hindrance to the bat pony, quite the opposite. But most of the ponies accompanying her were regular ponies who didn't excel at night and that brought their overall security down. At least Luna's moon was illuminating their surroundings. She suppressed a yawn with her hoof and rested against her spear. She heard steps behind her and spun around her spear pointed forwards to find a gryphon approaching her.

The gryphon raised his talons in the air as to show that he wasn't a threat. ”Woah, woah! No need to get offensive.” The gryphon lowered his talons.

”What do you want?” Crisp Saber demanded, lowering her spear only marginally.

”I just wanted to talk. Could you point that thing somewhere else? I don't really want to end up as a pin cushion. Whether by accident or on purpose.” As Crisp Saber reared her spear the gryphon stepped forward and introduced himself.

”I'm Steelwing of the house of Ebonshield. You?”

”Outspoken and straight to the point. Huh, a bit like myself.” Crisp thought to herself before answering. ”Crisp Saber. Of no house or family.” She returned her gaze towards the surrounding forest.

Steelwing stared at her for a moment before coughing. ”Well then, you're of the Night Guard are you not? Being a bat pony and all.”

”What, the leathery wings gave it away? Or the purple armour? I know you guys know our military structure well enough.” She answered irritably.

”I didn't mean to offend you. Just trying to get conversation going. It gets boring to just stand around and peer into the trees.” The gryphon sat near enough to the bat pony to allow easy conversation, but far enough so he didn't seem invasive.

”Well, why didn't you go chat with your buddies then?”

”Bat ponies have always interested me. Their knowledge of the night and skills as fighters. There are even rumours of bat pony and gryphon groups. Ever heard of them?”

Crisp Saber was confused. Was the gryphon complimenting her? Was he genuinely interest in her kind? Or was it just to fish out information of her. His intentions seemed harmless enough. ”Yeah, I have. I've heard that they live near the Zebra Grounds and trade with the zebras.”

Steelwing nodded. ”I'd like to visit them. Someday I'll make a trip to south and find them. Maybe I'll even visit Canterlot.”

Crisp merely nodded. They remained silent after that, listening to the sounds of the nightly forest. Chirping of crickets and sloshing of the nearby river. It seemed like neither of them wanted to talk about the mysterious attacks or the lately hostilities between ponies and gryphons. The mare was now glad that the gryphon had come talk to her. At least now she had something to keep her awake. While deep within her musings, she thought she saw something glistening within the forest. Shaking her head she dismissed the thought and blamed it on exhaustion. That was until Steelwing raised his opinion on the matter.

”Did you see that? Like a glass glint?” He asked while nudging Crisp on the shoulder and keeping his gaze in the forest.

Crisp turned her head towards the gryphon and whispered. ”You saw it too? I thought my tired brain was just playing tricks on me.”

A sound of a twig breaking was heard from the same direction where they saw the glint.

”There aren't supposed to be any of your comrades in there, are there?” Steelwing asked while standing up.

Crisp Saber followed suit. ”No, we're the furthest away to the east. And there are none of your friends there?”

The gryphon shook his head. ”No, they're all near the river.”

They saw a shadow move in the clear moonlight, now sure there was somepony or someone spying on them.

”Who goes there?!” Steelwing yelled into the forest, only to hear a clatter of someone running.

”We can't let them escape, who knows what they've heard!” Crisp Saber shouted, ready to fly after the snoop. They saw three Day Guard ponies and two gryphons coming towards them from where the others were.

”What happened, we heard shouting?” One of the ponies asked before they caught up with the two.

Steelwing turned his head to face the approaching group. ”There was something in the forest over there.” He pointed a talon at the place they saw the figure. ”We saw a glint of glass and a shadow retreating deeper into the forest.”

The group was now looking into the forest beside the two. The head pony, an earth pony sporting an insignia of a sergeant, turned towards Steelwing and Crisp Saber. ”You sure you saw something? Sure your mind wasn't just playing tricks on you?”

”No, sir. Being a bat pony, I saw it clearly. A tall creature, at least two ponies tall, bipedal. It wore armour and seemed to be holding something on it's claws.”

The sergeant looked on to the ground, thinking. He turned around to face a pony accompanying him. ”Stalwart Watch, go inform the others. We'll go after this snoop.”

The pony saluted with a sound ”Yes sir!” and bolted to the direction they a moment ago came from.

Turning back to face the others the sergeant continued. ”Now then. I cannot command you gryphons, but I'd really appreciate the help.”

”Of course we will give our aid.” Steelwing answered.

”Great.” The sergeant smiled. ”We'll split into groups of two. We'll take the central area with Morning Gloom here.”

Steelwing nodded towards the other gryphons. ”You'll take the right-most area while Crisp Saber and I will go to the left.”

The two gryphons nodded before taking flight and heading into the forest.

The sergeant smirked at Crisp Saber before trotting into the forest. ”Getting friendly with the gryphons, now are we?”

”Just doing my duty, sir.” She answered while taking flight.

Corporal DKSR//3D/32/5 was a simple man. As was every other Korpsman. But he was no mere line soldier, no, he was part of something more important, especially now. Being a Death Rider wasn't easy, but he didn't care as long as he could serve the emperor. Many outside of Krieg would not envy Corporal DKSR//3D/32/5 for his position, but he held his title with pride. Often working as a spearhead of an attack, death rates among Death Riders were sky high. Another part of their duty included scouting and gathering intel, which he was doing now.

The equines were exactly where they had been seen the last time and it was ridiculously easy to find them. He and his two mounted comrades had been studying the equines for almost two hours by now. He had left his mount farther back in the forest, to not be spotted as easily. Once again he peered through his battle scope and examined the strange creatures. They were nothing like he had seen or heard of before. With their colourful coats, ancient armaments and simple carriages that seemed to be pulled by the same creatures that rode them.

But that wasn't his main focus. His main focus was to monitor their behavior and if possible, style of warfare. So far he had some information of the former, but not much of the latter.

Another important thing was that the equines were accompanied by the ”gryphons”, as they were called. Race that had proved hostile. Not that Corporal DKSR//3D/32/5 minded, it was another possibility to serve the emperor by slaying the heretic. But he couldn't just charge in there to put end to the creatures, even if he probably could have done it even alone, or die trying. That would have been against his orders, and Kriegers were known of their commitment.

The Korpsman's location was probably the most unsatisfactorying. He could only see one of the creatures and the was no a lot of information he could get out of that. For his satisfaction, a gryphon had joined the equine a moment ago. The equine seemed surprised and to be wary of the gryphon. Maybe they weren't allies after all. At least not yet. From what his comrades had already reported, the two taller equines seemed to be negotiating with one of the gryphons. They had paced around the clearing and the river banks. But they never came to Corporal DKSR//3D/32/5's sight. He would have felt slight disappointment because of that, if such feeling would have been familiar to him.

The two creatures had been silent for a while, when the equine drew the Korpsman's attention. The creature stared straight at him for a while, until shaking her head. Then the gryphon replicated the stare. The two seemed to be conversing again, all the while keeping a keen eye on the forest. Had they seen him? He had been as careful as he could have, there was no way they could have spotted him. He adjusted his position, but not being careful enough, a twig snapped under his boots. The creatures' conversation seemed to only intensify of that, they must've had heard him. Deciding it was best to change position, he slowly retracted into the woods, only to hear a shout coming from the creatures' direction.

Not wasting any time, he ran back towards his mount. The other Death Riders had had to hear that and would also be retracting. The Corporal didn't like it, they should be facing the enemy first. Even if the equines were not their enemies yet, at least not officially, the gryphons definitely were. But orders were orders, ”Fight only to defend yourself or your comrades. Intel is vital” as the Watchmaster had said.

He stopped to see if he was being followed. Sure enough, he saw a creature flying above to the right of him. He continued running to reach his mount. Only after a few seconds he heard shouting from behind him. Glancing back, he saw an equine flying low after him. His mount was in a clearing only few dozen meters away. Weaving through the undergrowth and trees he managed to lose his chaser's line of sight of him. He saw his mount in the clearing, exactly on the same place he had left it. Clambering onto his Krieg Steed, he turned to face the direction where the smaller equine would most likely to be coming, and true enough there it was, standing on the other side of the clearing, eyes wide of fear and horror.

Crisp Saber cursed herself under her breath. She had had a visual on the creature and now she had lost it. Even the forest seemed to be against her as it had grown too thick to fly through. She couldn't hear the others any more. The adrenaline produced by the chase started to recede from her body and she started to hesitate. What if she had to fight the creature? She had never fought another being except on training purposes. And the creature was unknown to her, who knew what kind of weaponry it had or magic it possessed. Shaking the grim thoughts out of her head she treaded onwards with determination.

Crisp noticed the undergrowth becoming thinner and more moonlight started seeping through the trees. She pushed the last bush out of her way and stepped onto a clearing. Then she saw it clearly. The creature she was chasing, only twenty or so meters in front of her, riding on another creature. Her pupils contracted and blood ran cold. She could feel the color leaving her face and hooves trembling. She could feel her stomach churning and bile ascending to her throat. She was too terrified to do anything, even breath.

It was nothing she had ever seen before, or could have dreamed of even in her most horrifying nightmares. She confirmed the creature as the same she saw near the edge of the fores. Its long, grey coat. Green breastplate, shoulderpads and helmet ornating a golden eagle. Its face cowered behind a mask, large soulless black eyepieces staring straight at her. It held a spear on it's hand, a white and purple pennant flaring on its tip.

But that wasn't what made her feel sick to her stomach. It was the creature that was ridden. It reminded of a pony, a very sick and mutated pony. Its build was muscular and looked like it could buck a tree off its roots. It had no fur, only sickly brown skin covered with scars and a serial number embedded on it. Instead of hooves it had talons and there was no mane or tail, only a shrinked stump remaining on its backside. Hoses were wired to its neck, coming from a contraption strapped in front of the rider. The most horrifying feature to Crisp Saber on the mutated pony was its face. Or would have been if she could've seen it. Its face was covered with an armoured hood, two more hoses coming from where its nostrils would have been. Its eyes were covered with round lenses, the eyes themselves visible only due to the dim moonlight and the bat pony's ability to see in the dark. Eyes filled with fury, nothing left of the pony it once might have been.

Seconds seemed to turn to minutes as the creatures stared at Crisp Saber while she stared back. The mutated pony shifted and whinnied in frustration, its voice sounding unholy through the mask.

Then it charged.

Chapter 6.

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Nah, soon as you're old enough you're sent to join the regiment. Colonel Stagler don't approve of educated men, says it was educated men that got Krieg bombed to shit in the first place. The colonel says that all a man needs to do is fight and die. That's the Krieg way.

--an unnamed Death Korps soldier, explaining his illiteracy

Sound of metal piercing flesh. That was all Crips Saber heard when she saw somepony flying straight at the charging alien's spear. The attacker stopped abruptly and stared at the body impaled onto his weapon with its soulless eyes. Crisp thought the alien looked baffled, even though only for a millisecond. It studied the seemingly dead body of a gryphon, who Crisp now recognized as her new acquaintance. Steelwing hung from the spear, impaled through the point where his wing met body. The alien discarded the spear and returned its gaze towards the bat pony.

At this point Crisp was almost hyperventilating, tears streaming from her eyes. The hellish steed of the alien rose to its hind legs and let out another ear piercing neigh. That thing was even more horrible than the ugliest changeling she had met and she had met many during the siege of Canterlot. The alien drew a sword and spun it in the air a few times, getting a feel for it. Then it resumed its charge.

Crisp's natural instincts took over and she turned around, rapidly flapping her wings for air. She heard the fast approaching hoof steps behind her while desperately half flying, half running towards the bordering trees. Through bleary eyes she saw the steed from Tartarus beside her.

Then pain. Unspeakable pain on her left shoulder. She felt her leg going numb from the pain and fell on her face, rolling around and stopping onto her side. She turned her head to look at the blood soaked shoulder. She had seen ponies bleed before, but seeing her own blood was far different. She heard strong hoof steps next to her and turned to look, only to see the steed's muscular legs. Crisp could feel the impending shock when the alien's gaze bored through her own eyes. The steed rose to its hind legs, ready to trample the incapacitated bat pony to death.

”Celestia save me...” Crisp whispered, tears flowing through closed eyelids, wishing for a miracle to save her.

Corporal DKSR//3D/32/5 felt no emotion, no compassion towards the xeno before him. Without remorse he pulled the reins, provoking his mount to let the creature out of its misery. His steed rose, ready to bring its hooves down onto the smaller equine, when the Korpsman felt something impact against him, throwing him off his mount.

With a grunt he landed onto his shoulder, feeling the obnoxious, painful result of a dislocated shoulder, his sabre landing a few meters from him. The corporal tried to rise up, only to be punched back down to the ground by a bladed claw. The same gryphon that was impaled onto his lance only minutes ago was now looming over him menacingly. The gryphon had a bleeding wound under its wing, which rendered the appendage useless. The hunting lance had malfunctioned, its explosive charge not exploding.

The xeno raised its armed claw, its eyes glowing with intend of ending the corporal's life. The claw came down, narrowly missing the human who rolled to the side at the last second. The blades stuck to the ground with some torn fabric from the corporal's coat. The gryphon freed his blades from the ground and swiped again at the human, again narrowly missing. He took the opportunity and brought his balled fist down to the gryphon's shoulder, inducing a painful shriek from it.

The corporal dashed for his sabre while his opponent was recovering from his blow. But the amount of time the gryphon needed to recover took him by surprise and once again he was knocked down to ground. The corporal didn't intend to let his assailant get the upper hand. He reached for his las pistol with his good hand, only to be stopped by a claw grasping his arm. The xeno jerked him onto his back and raised its free claw, ready to strike. The Korpsman delivered a kick to the gryphon's chest, flunging it away from him. Reaching for his sabre he stood up and strode by the gryphon when he heard uncomprehended voices near him.

Spinning around the corporal saw another winged equine flying at him with a spear pointed forwards. He tried dodging left, but the pegasus' speed made sure its spear nicked his side, tearing another hole to his hermetic trench coat. The pegasus landed and took a fighting stance. Behind him the corporal saw more xenos coming from the surrounding forest. Two gryphons and one equine. He too took a fighting stance, intending to rid this possible to be Agri World of these xenos.

The pegasus with the spear charged again, but the corporal was ready this time and smacked the spear away with his sword. The pegasus hit him in the chest with the spear's blunt end, his ceramite chestplate absorbing the blow. They exhanged a few blows, none hitting their target. Now the rest of the xenos had gathered around him, cutting off any chance of escape. Not that he would ever do such heathenly thing.

The Korpsman was at a disadvantage, defending from four foes when he heard a familiar stampede of hooves. From the corner of his eye he saw one of his comrades riding at them, spear held low. The xenos dove out of the way of the charger, giving the corporal a chance to recover.

”Corporal, our orders were not to encounter the natives!” His fellow Korpsman yelled to him while fending off the gryphons and equines who didn't seem so sure of themselves anymore.

The corporal glared at the xenos, contemplating whether to attack them or not. Even alone and injured he was fairly sure he could take all of them alone, judging from what little he had learned of them during their little rustle. With his comrade now here, there was no doubt which side would be the one walking away from the clearing. But orders were orders, no matter what his own opinions were. The Korpsmen's opinions held no value, the higher ups gave the orders and that was final. There was no room for questioning orders in the Death Korps.

Grudgingly the corporal sheathed his sword and hopped onto his steed. The gryphon that knocked him off of his mount was now holding his side, clearly in pain. The others were in defensive positions, ready to defend themselves if the humans decided to attack. He looked at where his initial contact now laid, bloody but still conscious. Their eyes locked for a brief moment and the Korpsman could see the fear emanating from its eyes. With a grunt of disgust and discomfort he turned around on his mount and galloped into the forest, his comrade following closely behind.

Cold. So very cold. Crisp Saber felt the cold earth under her, the chilling air in her nostrils. Her cold armor pressing on her and bringing discomfort in the position she was. She felt her blood running over her shoulder, legs and stomach. So warm blood.

She opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry and everything was spinning. She tried to raise her head but it felt like it weighed a ton more than it used to. She wished she had her first aid package right now, even though she was in no condition to do anything with its contents. It would've been comforting at least, knowing there was something somepony could use to help her, to stop the bleeding at least.

Somepony. She saw figures a couple dozen meters away from her. They were fighting. The alien was fighting. But with who? Somepony had come to her aid. To defend her, to bring her to safety. How she wished she was at home right now, away from the murky, cold forest. And not bleeding. She wished her blood wasn't escaping her body, making her feel even colder. She wanted the blood to come back, come back to warm her. Oh, how warm and comforting it felt. The dark red liquid running all over her body...

A piercing roar snapped Crips back to reality. Through bleary eyes she saw now more figures on the clearing. A blow there, dodge here, stab, slash, block. She recognized them as a few of her companions and some of the gryphons who were fighting the alien. The masked stranger seemed injured, the way it held its arm. Still it surely gave the ponies and gryphons a run for their money.

She saw what looked like Steelwing, though she couldn't be sure. She thought he had died when she saw him hanging from the spear and seeing him possibly alive gave her hope. Crips thought it was weird how he cared of a gryphon's life. Not that she wanted anypony to die, but the ponies weren't in the best terms with their northern neighbours.

She was once again cut from her thoughts, this time by somepony running towards the struggle from the other side of the clearing. No, not somepony. It was another alien with a steed from Tartarus. It ran through the combatants, separating them. She heard it shouting something in a strange language. The Equestrians and Griffonians regrouped and took defensive stances while the new alien held them at bay. Then the alien on foot mounted his steed and turned to leave. She couldn't believe it, they looked like they could have easily killed all of the ponies and gryphons. The alien fought without remorse, so why did they just leave? She stared at the alien who's fault it was that she was laying in a puddle of her own blood when the alien returned the stare. There it was again, those soulless eyes bringing fear into her heart. She felt cold again.

Crisp's head came back down to the ground and her eyes grew heavy. She saw somepony before her shouting something, but she couldn't make out the words. She felt being lifted off the ground, surrounded by ponies and gryphons. Then she saw a bright light.
