> Rapeburn > by ABagOVicodin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rapeburn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey bucker, wake up.” Green eyes slowly opened up to darkness as “the bucker's” consciousness slowly came back to him. The stallion let out a small groan as he tried to stretch his forelegs and hooves in order to warm up his muscles, but a burning pain replaced his movements. Braeburn's forelegs stung as he tried to push against whatever object that kept his forelegs in place. The burning was eventually too great, and the stallion ceased his struggle. “Wha... who is... that?” Braeburn asked the darkness. Good thing he didn't need to find out from his slurred speech that he was apparently not in the right mindset. His mind was suffering from the same plague. He felt like he was going to black out any minute, much like he did previously (only last time wasn't intentional). His brain felt like it was calculating actions a few minutes after they happened. Even the first sentence that he heard took the entire realization of his predicament before he was even able to make a response. Braeburn tried to back-track his actions before he was in this predicament, but all previous memories failed him. All he knew was that his head was throbbing and he was bound up in a position that he was not used to. The dirt scratched Braeburn's hind legs and ass as he tried to adjust himself to move back onto his forelegs. He managed to move a few inches before he lost nearly all the air inside of his lungs. His eyes widened as the sudden constriction of his throat alarmed him of the addition to his attire that was given by the one who coltnapped him. Braeburn panicked, relaxed back onto his hind legs, and let out a large cough and gasp to fill his lungs back up. He could feel the sleek, but tight material of a leather collar hugging his neck, small holes cut into the collar for decoration or to give him a little breeze if the hot Appleloosan air decided to. A small line of rope scratched against the back of Braeburn's neck. It was looped around the collar and tied to somewhere close by, since he could hear the metal post behind him move when the end of the rope was tested. His body's desire to build back up his oxygen was the perfect break for his kidnapper to appreciate his prize. A light brown stallion smirked as he took in the sight of his victim. Sitting on their haunches in front of him was everyone's favorite stallion, except he wasn't exactly in control. Apart from the collar that kept him tied close by, Braeburn's forelegs were tied in front of him and pressured down at one of the joints to avoid any possible escape. After all, the victim was not allowed to leave until the rapist was done. The stallion smirked and emitted a low laugh as he moved over to the blindfold that covered Braeburn's eyes. He gave the blindfold a small tug in order to make sure that it wouldn't come off during one of his activities, and when the stallion found it was suitable, he figured it would be time to start the show. He licked his lips as he took another few moments to observe his catch. His victim's head shifted towards the sound of the laugh. Braeburn couldn't register the laugh, but since he knew that somepony else was here alongside him, he could try and talk his way out of this predicament. Perhaps his savior just wanted to laugh at him before he released Braeburn from his bonds? He could only hope that it was the case. “Excuse me Sir? Can you please let me go?” Braeburn asked, fear evident in his voice. “Oh? Why would I do that? I just got you,” the other responded as he moved closer to his prize. The few clop sounds coming from the rapist's hooves reverberated through Braeburn's mind. Before he could even think of a rejoinder, he could feel his rapist staring down at him. The small amount of light that was given to his eyes through the blindfold was cut off as his rapist stood merely inches away from him. “Now, I'm going to need you to open your mouth,” the rapist said as he felt the sheath of his cock slowly start to retreat. The bondage... the submission of his new pet... it was fucking delicious. Or at least, it will be once he has his cock fucking that beautiful stallion throat. Braeburn felt the hot wind of the afternoon brushing up against his unclothed sheath. He whimpered before his legs squirmed shut. Right when his thighs were about to meet, the rapist stomped one of his forehooves between Braeburn's legs, which kept his cock visible. Braeburn wanted to fight back, but he knew that the numerous bonds put in place by his rapist kept him immobile and at the whim of his captor. If he could manage to give a nice buck to his captor, then escape would be an option. For the time being though he was, and will be, fucked. The rapist growled at the audacity of his pet. He stood on his hind legs and placed one of his forehooves onto Braeburn's head. “I'll give you one more chance to listen to me,” he said as his left hind hoof hovered over Braeburn's legs and in turn, his cock. A pebble dislodged from the rapist's hoof and dropped down onto Braeburn's unclothed sheath, which made the victim whimper in fear. If he didn't comply, he was going to face one of the most painful experiences known to stallionkind. But if he did comply, he doubted he would have an ounce of dignity left in his body. It was one thing to be drugged and brought behind somewhere in order to be raped. It was a completely different subject to allow the rapist to have his fun. His mind was made up. He had to act. “Please somepony he-HLK!” He didn't even have time to catch his breath. Every inch of the rapist's cock pushed past Braeburn's muzzle and into his throat. Immediately, his throat gagged and begged for the interloping shaft to exit his mouth. The taste was revolting. A mixture of dirt, sweat, and previous victim's juices were being rubbed off inside of Braeburn's throat and tongue. He never sucked a cock before, and didn't plan on it for the rest of his life. However now, he didn't really have a choice as the extra girth of the rapist's cock settled inside of his throat like a new piece of furniture being broken into a house. The rapist's balls tapped Braeburn's chin and the stallion let out a groan of pleasure at the sudden heat and wetness that covered his cock. “Ohh... fuck yeah,” he said as the hoof on Braeburn's head arched his prize up in order to stare into his adorable blindfold. “I knew I made the right choice when I saw you slurping that mug of cider. I know you've done this before.” Braeburn's lungs slowly started to burn with the lack of oxygen and his forelegs struggled against the confines of his punishment. Hind legs tried to move, but his position prevented anything other than being pushed closer to the cock that was choking him. He could try and fall backwards, but he would probably just lose a large part of his mane with the constricting grip that the rapist kept on his hair. His rapist didn't even bother to move. He didn't need to, that would come later. A minute passed and Braeburn's world started to spin. The wind that slowly scuffed his face while his throat was occupied started to disappear from his already injured consciousness. His eyes slowly closed behind the blindfold and his tongue relaxed at the bottom of his mouth as his mind began to shut down. Then, as if the other stallion knew the limits of his pain, the obstruction was removed. A small Glk left Braeburn's mouth as the cock withdrew from his throat, providing his lungs with the capability to flood him with more life-giving air. A small string of saliva connected his lips to the cock as it hovered nearby his face. Braeburn coughed and gasped for air as he felt the hard head of flesh poke his cheek. He struggled once again against his bonds, but only managed to increase the already consistent pain that accumulated on his flesh through the hours that he had been tied up. Braeburn coughed a few more times and turned his head away from the tool that was in no hurry to enjoy him. The string of saliva broke and Braeburn let out one more cough as his burning lungs finally returned to the status quo. The rapist chuckled and pulled Braeburn's mane, which forced the stallion to face him. “Got anything else you want to say?” he asked. It was a simple question, but the both of them knew it was rhetorical. Braeburn was still trying to catch his breath, but he felt that this was his last chance to cry out for help. “Please somepony I need-HLK!” Like a magic trick, every inch disappeared inside of Braeburn's throat once again. He could only gag and beg with his throat for the rape to stop. But, with his luck, the rapist's cock only grew more hard as the tight confines of his wet and hot mouth clenched around the obstruction. He gagged once, twice, three times... it came to a point as his lungs begged for air once more that he lost count of what muscles were performing what duties. His forelegs continued to lock up on him while the collar continued to rub away his neck fur and in turn, make him even more uncomfortable. The collar however was trivial to the burning that pooled in his lungs, flared up exponentially by the previous torture that almost suffocated him. His closed legs started to become more uncomfortable as his cock filled up with blood. He didn't want this, but his shame pointed up like a beacon of desire as he became this stallion's own personal fuck toy. His mane was pulled in the opposite direction and Braeburn let out a whimper as the cock slowly retreated from his mouth, up until the head was simply resting on his tongue. The rapist's cock was met with more warmth as Braeburn gasped for air and coughed on top of his cock. He inhaled and closed his eyes to bring more darkness to his vision. He just wanted it to be over, and yet, he knew that he wasn't even close to being done. His rapist didn't even bother to move yet. That's when he knew the pain would begin. As if his mind was read, the rapist let out a laugh as he released Braeburn's mane and took a few steps back from his creation. Braeburn tilted his head down when it was finally allowed to relax and he coughed a few more times as his brain struggled to give him something to say. He looked towards the small sound that echoed from the rapist as his hind hoof clopped against the dirt. “W...Why are you doing this?” Braeburn asked. He had a feeling that if he tried to scream out, he would just get choked again. His fate came down to the least amount of time that he would be spent as a toy, the last thing that he wanted to do was anger his captor. A low laugh sent chills down Braeburn's spine as a second set of hooves clopped in his direction. Another deep voice replied to the rapist as a chuckle came from the newcomer. “Hey Boss, how's the newest bitch?” the newcomer asked. “Oh, he was just waiting for you. What took you so long? Celestia, I had to warm up our little fuck toy and waste time that we could be using on him.” “Calm down, I'm here aren't I?” There was a sigh. “Get this dildo inside of him. I can't take a picture unless he's full.” “Don'tcha think we should lube this thing up first? This thing will split the poor colt apart if we don't lube it up.” “You act like we should care about our little fuck puppet. You getting soft on me?” “My wingboner would like to respond.” “Shut up smart ass and just shove it in him.” Braeburn merely whimpered as the farther set of hooves moved closer and closer to him. He felt a tap against his aching haunches as the second pony's hoof pushed against his ass, wanting him to move forward. Braeburn knew the pain that would flood through his body if he were to move forward. He would be choked again. But considering he was going to be choked either way, he had no other choice than to slowly raise his ass from the dirt. His tail brushed out of the way as he rose a foot from the ground. His throat once again started to be crushed by his collar and he coughed and sputtered while he rose a foot off of the ground. He felt another tap on his ass, which only meant that he had to go higher. Braeburn coughed and gasped as he raised a few more inches from the ground. Sixteen inches, seventeen... how big is that fucking dildo! Then all at once, he found out. Pressure on both of his shoulders pushed Braeburn down onto the dildo. The stallion let out one of the loudest yells that he could, but it only lasted for a second as his throat was once again plugged to avoid the noise. The rapist kept his forehooves on Braeburn's shoulders as he bucked his cock in Braeburn's direction, making sure that he was balls deep inside of that throat. “Damn. If you can yell that loud, I'd say the drugs are wearing off. No matter, we have you where we want you anyway. I'd be worrying about keeping your breath rather than yelling.” A small chuckle came from the stallion as Braeburn's rampant gagging began. He choked, internally coughed, and struggled the best that he could in order to try and get some more air. Since he screamed out most of his air, his lungs were now begging for a refill. “See? If you just held your breath like a good little toy, you wouldn't be hurting like this, wouldn't ya?” Braeburn had never felt this much pain, but he also never felt this full. The newcomer did not lie. He felt like he was being split in half! He could feel every single vein that was carved into the fillycone material. The knot in the cock seemed to be paining him the most as it tested the durability of his insides. He felt like if the rapist continued to thrust and the dildo was pushed even further into him, their cocks would meet. Tears started to leak down his cheeks as the newcomer stallion walked around to Braeburn's front. His eyes were widened as he looked at the fake balls that were resting against Braeburn's thighs. Not a single inch was misplaced. “Damn, he took that thing in like a pro. This stallion has done this before, hasn't he?” “I had a feeling when he started sucking my dick. Sure, he hasn't trained away his gag reflex yet, but I'm sure he will learn between the both of our dicks. Get the camera. Take a picture. I want to save it for my personal scrapbook. Oop, he's about to pass out,” the rapist said as he withdrew his cock. Braeburn coughed and sputtered once more as he bent his head. He felt like he was going to throw up, but empty retches were the only things that came from him since he didn't have any food in his stomach. He planned on eating after he left the bar, but his current predicament obviously prevented that. He tilted his head up as his new master began to talk. “Now you see, I bet you are wondering why you are on your haunches with a dildo deep in your ass and a dick in your mouth. Wait a minute, there isn't a dick in your mouth. Hey Colt, fix that. I'm talking.” Braeburn's coughing was interrupted by another cock sinking deep into his throat, but the girth and length was completely different from the rapist's. Colt bucked his hips until his own balls slapped against Braeburn's chin. Fortunately for Braeburn, Colt was slightly smaller than the other cock. However, his gag reflex was still being triggered, so the involuntary spasms of his throat were inevitable. The only other bright side that Braeburn could think of was the fact that Colt's cock was not completely covered in dirt, sweat, and previous juices. It tasted just like the regular and bitter taste of a cock. The rapist continued. “The answer is pretty simple really, we wanted you. Now, the one who is currently making you gag is called Colt. I'm Stallion, or Master if you are that kind of pony. Your choice, although if you want to get technical, you can also call me 'Fucker' if you wish. See, me and my buddy here are going to have our little fun with you, and then we will let you go. Simple as that. And we aren't going to pull any of that mafia bullshit where we let you go into a river with cement shoes or any of that mumbo jumbo. We aren't the mafia, we are hobbyists.” He moved closer to Braeburn and there was a small beep sound as a bright light shined on his face. Braeburn couldn't see the picture, but he knew what it was. “You see this picture right here? This picture is going for at least five hundred bits in the next magazine. Since I can send these to magazines outside the country, as long as you don't find out who I am, I'm in the clear.” The rapist chuckled. “Now, I'd like to thank you for being in that bar because honestly, I wasn't really seeing any kind of pony that I wanted to fuck. Then you came along, and now so will we! But I digress, where were we?” Braeburn responded with a guttural noise from the back of his throat as his gag reflex once again recoiled. The rapist nodded his head. “Ah yes, of course, getting to the actual 'fucking' part. I always seem to get caught up in my own little stories. What do you think Colt?” “Heh. I don't have any problem with it. The more you talk, the more this stallion sucks my cock.” “You were working on that rhyme the whole night, weren't you? “Shut up.” Stallion sighed and moved back over to Braeburn as Colt withdrew his cock from Braeburn's throat, pulling back a few inches so that he could still enjoy the wet warmth. Stallion looked down at the fake balls on the dildo and he placed his forehoof underneath Braeburn's chin. “I'm gonna get under him, pull out for a sec.” Colt nodded and retreated, taking a few steps back until his cock came out of Braeburn's mouth with an audible 'pop'. Stallion pushed up against Braeburn's chin and the pet slowly rose from his haunches. He let out a whimper as the dildo moved with his hips, as his ass hovered six inches from the ground and the collar reminded him of his short leash. Stallion let out a laugh and placed a hoof on the bottom of the dildo. “He's nice and trained for this. I love this dildo,” he said as he started to pull the dildo out. He arched the dildo away from Braeburn as he pulled, which only injected more burning pain into the poor pet as he whimpered and tried to cry out, but his stressed vocal cords were too occupied with acquiring more air and holding it. He never knew when he was going to be choked again. As the last inch of the dildo popped out of Braeburn's ass, he felt his ring relax and a small breeze brush past his hole as the hoof on his chin pushed him up higher and higher. Stallion placed himself right underneath Braeburn, his head underneath Colt's legs, and he pressed his cock against Braeburn's trained ring. Stallion placed his hooves onto Braeburn's flanks, and all it took was one pull. Braeburn's hips crashed down onto Stallion's cock and the pet let out a groan of pain as tears continued to spill from his eyes. Without giving him much more time to think, Colt moved back into position and poked his cock against Braeburn's lips. Braeburn sobbed and closed his lips as he felt a glob of precum slap against his lips. The bitter taste as it slid past his closed lips and onto his tongue was revolting, but he knew that all it took was one simple thrust, and his throat would be raped again. He just needed to get through this night, and he could continue on with his life. He slowly opened his muzzle and like a shark, Colt dived forward, straight into his throat. Colt took a step forward as the final inch dipped out in his pet's throat. He didn't even give his pet the time to gag before he started to move... fast. Stallion's grip on Braeburn's flanks increased as he started to pull Braeburn's ass halfway up, followed by a crash down on his pelvis. Braeburn felt like he was being stabbed. Although he could admit that the pain was slightly lower because of the saliva that collected on Stallion's cock from the previous throat fucking, sixteen inches was still sixteen inches. Stallion was bigger than the toy, and Braeburn didn't even think that was possible! White hot pain seared through Braeburn's lower body as Stallion picked up the pace, each movement of Braeburn's lower half synchronizing with Colt's upper half. A lift on Stallion's side would push Colt's cock into Braeburn's throat while Colt's withdrawal caused a balls deep thrust into Braeburn's plot. Stallion chuckled as he felt Braeburn's tears falling onto his chest and oozing onto the ground beneath him. “Oh, don't be such a baby,” Stallion said as he pulled Braeburn completely off of his cock, before slamming him down again. Stallion groaned while Braeburn emitted some noise that was a mixture of the sound one makes when they are drowning, and a painful moan. Saliva pooled in Braeburn's mouth from the constant throat fucking and it eventually started to leak out of his mouth and down his chin until it pooled with his tears and dripped onto Stallion's chest. Some of the saliva soared in an arc as the two fuckers picked up their pace, which caused Braeburn to bounce back and forth between the two cocks. Soon enough, Braeburn could feel the throbbing on both sides of his body that signaled the climax of his rapists. The heat that continuously ravaged his ass was slowly turning into a dull feeling as their movements ceased their synchronization and merely became the final lap of the marathon to their orgasm. Braeburn's vocal cords were consistently pounded with the head of Colt's cock while a bulge formed in Braeburn's stomach from the accelerated pounding. Both pitchers groaned out as they finally reached their peak and they both came... hard. Braeburn's eyes widened and he tried to pull his neck back but was immediately held still by Colt's forehooves. Every inch of Colt's cock slammed into the back of Braeburn's throat as he spurted rope after built up rope of cum into Braeburn's stomach. At the same time, Stallion pushed Braeburn's ass all the way down onto his cock until the only thing that touched Braeburn's ass cheeks were Stallion's balls. Stallion looked up at Colt and he noticed Braeburn start to choke. "Careful Colt, I don't want your cum on me." With a simple glow of Stallion's horn, the collar disintegrated from Braeburn's neck and with it, the rope that kept Braeburn stationary. Braeburn's muscles failed him as the ropes on his forehooves disintegrated and he leaned against Colt as the stallion pulled back and filled up his mouth with the rest of his cum. Stallion quickly switched positions and allowed Braeburn's back to slam against the dirt road. Stallion finished and let out a chuckle as he pulled out of his old pet. He stroked himself a few times with his hoof to make sure that he was completely done, and after a few extra ropes of his cum shot onto Braeburn's bulging stomach, he walked over to the dirty dildo and started to prepare their leave. Colt moved over to Braeburn and quickly stroked himself off a few more times, which added a few more ropes of cum onto Braeburn's neck and muzzle. Braeburn's throat failed him. He merely stared up at the sky as Colt's load leaked out of his mouth, onto his cheeks and chin, before finally collecting on the floor. His eyes slowly closed as the last of his consciousness left him. “I hope you cum to your senses... heh heh heh.” “Hey Boss, who are we gonna rape next?” “Whoever the fuck I want.”