Growing up

by aham50

First published

Rds life as a filly

The back story behind Rainbow Dashes filly life is a mystery, until somepony asks her about it. This fic was inspired by a picture I saw on google from searching, my little pony friendship is magic cute pics... I thought it would make a good story, so I took it into my own hooves.


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Look at her go! Three days out of the hospital and she's already walking!
Well, she is your daughter comet.
heh, that reminds me of something.
What are we gonna call her? I was thinking Prysm myself.
Hm... How about... Rainbow Dash?
... Rainbow Dash?
Well... She's beautiful like one, not to mention her mane. And if she's walking now, imagine how fast she will be in a week!
I never thought about it like that... Rainbow Dash... I love it.
Our little angel.
Our little Rainbow Dash.

Chapter 1

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Today was the day. Rainbow Dash had prepared her whole life for this moment. Today she would try out for the Wonderbolts! The audition was at the coliseum, the same place the best young flyers competition was held, and her friends were all there cheering her on. Even her biggest fan, Scootaloo was among the crowd.

Rainbow Dash sat awaiting her name, and collected her thoughts.
"You got this!" she thought to herself.
"Nopony is gonna get in the way this time."
"All you've gotta do, is remember the plan. Remember the plan."
"Rainbow Dash!" somepony called. Rainbow Dash reared up and flew out the curtains. The thousands that gathered cheered for the familiar pony, who last time they saw her, broke the sound barrier, and produced a rainbow. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but smile ear to ear. This would definitely work. She found her friends in the stands, and gave them a friendly wave.

"Everypony welcome: Rainbow Dash!" the announcer said.
"This filly won the last young flyers competition and has intentions to win again here at the, Wonderbolts auditions!" Rainbow Dash had never been so happy, today was the day
"Contestant Rainbow Dash, are you ready?" Rainbow flew up to the announcer, and took the mic.
"Ready? Ready? I was BORN ready!" She yelled. She jumped away from the announcer.
"On your mark!" the announcer said. Rainbow cancelled all distractions from her mind and reviewed the plan, once again.
"Get set!" Rainbow had a jolt of nostalgia. She had been waiting all her life for this. Her dream would come true!
"GO!" Rainbow took off for the sky at an alarming speed. She felt great. She had been waiting all her life for this. Nopony would stop her now; she was unstoppable. She reared around, and headed straight for the ground.

She thrust her wings with enormous power. The air around her seemed to shift, and form a visible cone around her body. A barrier of air formed in front of her. This was always the hardest part, passing the barrier. Then, once more, she was reminded of her dream. The Wonderbolts. There was nothing she wanted more. Tears in her eyes, she thrust her wings one last time and went supersonic! She knew it would work. Sonic rainbooms took some serious confidence. She being the element of loyalty, could easily gather enough confidence for anything she wanted to do. She reared up back towards the coliseum and slowed down as she approached.

Everypony was cheering. It was by far the most spectacular feat ever performed by a Pegasus. She landed on the soft cloud and the crowd went wild. Rainbow Dashes eyes were beaming. She took a look at her friends who were still sharing the same amount of enthusiasm as when she performed the Sonic rainboom the first time. She knew for sure, she had a spot.

Chapter 2

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"That was awesome!" yelled Pinkie Pie.
"Oh Rainbow Dash, I knew you could do it," Fluttershy admitted.
"It was simply marvelous!" announced Rarity.
"That was fantastic," shared Applejack.
"Well done Rainbow Dash," complimented Twilight.

It was after the performance, and everypony was gathered at Twilight's library, for an after performance party Pinkie was hosting.
Rainbow Dash blushed at everypony's compliments. She had heard them before, from fans, but hearing them from her best friends, was always better than her fans.
"Gosh guys, I don't know what to say, but thank you," Rainbow Dash galloped over to her friends and gathered them together for a group hug. She loved them more than anything in the world.
Suddenly somepony knocked on the door.
"I got it," Twilight responded to the knocking instinctively. She opened the door to find a very cheery Scootaloo smiling looking inside.
"Hey Twilight, can I talk to Rainbow Dash? Oh but away from everypony else," the small Pegasus asked ecstatically.
"Sure, hang on." Twilight entered and reappeared, at the door with, Rainbow Dash.
"Watcha want squirt?" Rainbow asked as Twilight closed the door behind them.
"I just wanted to say, you did a really good job out there. I'm sure you made it in!"
"Thanks Scoots, it means a lot coming from my number one fan!"
"Did you tell your parents?" Scootaloo asked, and as immediately as she asked Rainbow Dash suddenly felt she was hit in the gut. Scootaloo quickly retreated into her mind to ask herself why she asked such a question.
"Oh... I'm so sorry Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo pleaded for acceptance of her apology. She felt so stupid for asking.
"I-... Its... Okay," Rainbow Dash replied with tears welling up in her eyes. She hadn't thought of her parents in years, and what had happened. Memories started to flood her mind and she flew off to her cloud made house.
"I'm sorry Scootaloo," she yelled as she flew away. Scootaloo suddenly filled herself with tears. She didn't mean to make her idol cry. She felt overwhelmed with feelings as she remembered her own parents. She hung her head and began to cry.
"How could I be so stupid?" she asked herself.
"Why did I ask that?" she questioned again. Soon her feelings turned into sobs, as she sat, remembering the terrible moment. The one terrible moment that still haunts her.

Chapter 3

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Scootaloo's past

"Mom?" Scootaloo asked her mother. She seemed to be packing many things in saddle bags.
"Mom, where are you going?"
"AWAY!" she turned to meet her daughters face.
"I'M GOING AWAY!" she responded holding back tears of her own. Scootaloo began to cry as well.

"Can't... I come with you?"

Her mother took a few steps back and started sobbing.

"I'm so sorry Scootaloo, but I just can't stand being here anymore. It kills me to leave you... But I will make sure you are fine."

And she flew away. She never saw her again. Beatings ensued... Every night, instead of Scootaloo's mother, it was her. She hated it, and there was never a time where Scootaloo loved her father.
To never love your father, it hurt.
She cried herself to sleep every night knowing that the person beating her, was the same person that named her. She went to school feeling terrible, and knowing she would return home to her father eventually. School was a safe haven, where she could go to get away from him. Eventually ponies noticed her odd behavior, and bruises. Finally, the teacher asked her to talk to her.
"What's been going on at home, Scootaloo?" Scootaloo just fell to the ground and started sobbing deeply and hard. She nearly couldn't breathe, and was heaving from the lack of oxygen.
"Mom left me!" she replied.
"Oh my!" the teacher responded to the sudden breakdown. She wasn't expecting that. She knew something was wrong, but didn't think it was as big a deal as this was. What follows was a bit foggy, she didn't like to think too much, thinking almost always brought her to tears. Eventually she found herself at the Ponyville orphanage, where she now resides. It took her some time to cope with the new surroundings, and the fact she was an orphan now made her feel like she was different and unloved. She wishes one day, maybe, somepony awesome, will adopt her. There was only one pony she could think of to take that role: Rainbow Dash.

The last bit, was inspired by the fim fic, Mothers. It's such a good story go read it. It is by NightMysterio.

Chapter 4

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Outside Twilight's house

Twilight noticed that Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo had been talking for a long time, and decided to check on them. She opened the door, and noticed a lonely Scootaloo, her head on the ground, crying into her hooves.

"Oh my, what happened?" Twilight questioned. Scootaloo perked her head up and Looked at Twilight. She jumped up and hugged her and started to cry more.
"I asked a dumb question!" she cried to Twilight.
"Where is Rainbow Dash?" She asked.
"I asked a dumb question, and she flew away!"
"It's okay, I'm sure it wasn't a dumb question. What did you ask her?"
"Do your parents know..." Twilight thought for a moment, and realized she had never met, or even heard of Rainbow Dash's parents. Could her question have been emotionally sparking? Twilight felt the need to find Rainbow Dash, and console her, but she had no idea where she could have gone.
"Scootaloo, I'm sure she is fine, just give her some time. She's Rainbow Dash, remember?"
"I don't know how she will ever forgive me."
"Of course she will forgive you. She is the element of loyalty after all." Twilight gave Scootaloo a strong hug, and placed her on her back.
"We need to get you home," Twilight noted.
"I wish I had a home, somewhere where I could have a family," Scootaloo whimpered. Twilight didn't know how to respond.
"But the orphanage is your home!" Twilight said encouragingly.
"It is NOT a home! It doesn't have a caring mother to look after you, it doesn't have a loving father, who raises you to be your best! All it has, are ponies that are in the same situation as me! Lost..." Twilight was stunned from the sudden outburst of anger and sadness. Scootaloo soon began her sobs again.
"Listen, Scootaloo... The orphanage is a place, where you can live. It's a place, where you can be loved. You have friends that love you. Are they not family?"
"Well... They are, and I love them, but they aren't the thing I am looking for." She paused, to take a breath from her sobs.
"But for now, I guess they will have to do."
"Trust me Scootaloo, you could be in a much worse position right now. It's good to have friends that care for you. After all Friendship is magic!"
"Your'e right Twilight! Friendship is magic!"
"That's the spirit, now we need to get you to bed." Relieved, that Scootaloo had finally come to her senses, Twilight walked with her on her back, to the orphanage. Scootaloo rested on Twilight's back as they walked to the orphanage. When they arrived at the door, they were greeted by the caretaker.
"Oh my, Scootaloo! I've been so worried! I'm so glad you're O.K.!" the caretaker was very glad to see her strongest Pegasus was alright.
"Can you give us a moment, I want to talk to Twilight," Scootaloo asked.
"Of course," the generous caretaker allowed the two ponies some time.
"Twilight, thanks for reminding me about what is important, sometimes I just can't help but get worked over when I think of my Parents."
"It's quite alright, sometimes, us ponies can get worked up over silly things." Twilight couldn't help but think of the time when she had nearly caused everyone to go crazy over her doll.
"Thank you so much!" Scootaloo jumped and gave Twilight a big hug.
"Anything I can do to help, is always happily obliged."
"Goodnight Twilight."
"Goodnight Scootaloo."

Chapter 5

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Rainbow Dash stared up at the stars. It was a beautiful night, but her sadness overcame the look of it, as she watched. She had left the party a few hours ago, and flew to her home. She tried to push the thoughts of her parents, out of her head. There was only one thing she could do to fog her sadness, fly. So she flew, and practiced some of her tricks. Kind of. Every time she tried to loop, her wings folded up on her sides. She crashed, and had to get back up and try again several times. Get back up, and try again. She had to make her parents proud again, so she flew, as hard as she could. But she couldn't bring herself to do anything more than try.

For her parents.

She realized she was trying to perform the tricks for them. But they were gone. The only chance she could have had to make them proud would have been long ago. When they were here.

"Stop thinking like that Rainbow Dash!" she yelled at herself.

"They would hate to see you doing this to yourself..."

She flew to her cloud home, she couldn't take what was going on anymore. She had to lie down and rest. She arrived at her home, and felt strangely alone. Normally when she got home, she felt great, or too tired to think of anything but sleep. But this time was different. She entered, and felt unwelcome. In her own home. She began to cry again. She felt so frustrated at the thought, of how weak she was being right now.
'I have to go to someone, I can't be alone anymore,' she thought to herself, as tears ran down her face. She felt as though her body was empty. That she was just a shell of the pony she once was. She decided to go back to Twilight's house. She figured if she should talk to anyone, Twilight would be the one to listen the most. So she gathered herself enough to fly to Twilight's house.
When she arrived, she heard talking inside. It sounded like it was just Twilight, and Spike, so she knocked on the door, timidly.
When she realized she just pulled a Fluttershy, she fell to the ground. Never before, had Rainbow Dash ever, done something exactly like Fluttershy would. Twilight opened the door to find the cyan blue Pegasus, weeping on the floor, just like Scootaloo.
"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight yelped. Rainbow's cries just got louder.
"Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow continued sobbing. Twilight picked her up and set her on the couch that was laid out for the party. She laid down on the couch next her. Spike awkwardly glanced around looking for something he could do. Twilight had never seen Rainbow, legitimately crying. Suddenly Twilight found herself crying. Seeing the strongest pony she knew crying, she couldn't take it. They lay on the couch, and cried together.
"Do you guys need me to do something, or should I just leave?" Spike asked. Twilight waved him over to sit with them. He walked over and sat on the couch. He started stroking Rainbow's mane.
"I am so stupid," Rainbow managed to say through gasps.
"Rainbow... you're not stupid!" Spike said.
"You can't say that! You don't know my story!" Rainbow raised her head, and lashed at the baby dragon. He was clearly mentally shifted. Soon he started crying too. The couch by now, was nearly soaked. Twilight finally broke the silence.
"Rainbow, you are not stupid!" Twilight protested.
"Listen to me, Twilight... You weren't there, you didn't lose your parents! And it was ALL MY FAULT!"
"..." Twilight responded.
"So why are you here?" Twilight asked.
"I needed someone... To tell them what happened."
"So why did you come to me?"
"Right now, I am facing the pain of bringing Scootaloo to an unanswered question, and thinking about the loss, of the two ponies, I loved the most. Because I need you Twilight! Right now, I am in an intense amount of mental pain." Twilight cringed at the sight of Rainbow Dash, she had puffy eyes, and a very mangled mane. Her eyes, they were dilated to the biggest size Twilight had seen. The biggest anypony had seen.
"So what do you want me to do?" Twilight asked.
"I want you to listen."

Chapter 6

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A long time ago, somewhere in Cloudsdale

A Pegasus struggled, as she tried to keep on the flying obstacle course. Her face tensed with fear as she narrowly dodged an oncoming cloud. She had a teal coat, with a yellow mane, it was a mystery how she received teal and yellow for her colors. Her parents were red, and orange. As she flew, she dodged the obstacles easily. Her name was Serene Breeze.

She loved to fly, but wasn't the strongest pony. That title was left to her very special somepony: Comet Sky. He had a gray body, and a blue mane. He was the best in class, and the best the flight school had seen in years. He currently sat, watching as his special somepony, flew the course. They met in flight school, about a year ago. Many cheesy pick-up lines were told, times were shared, and sunsets watched, by the couple. Finally, they fell in love.

Serene finally completed the course, and she had done much better than she expected to do. She received an applause, and walked over to the stands, where Comet sat.
"You did great Serene."
"Thanks Comet," she said, as she sat next to him in the stands. They put their closest leg around each others shoulders.
"We sure can fly, can't we?" asked Serene.
"WE sure can!" replied Comet. They exchanged a kiss, and watched the next Pegasus try her wings, at the course.
"Do you know how lucky I am?" asked Comet.
"Wait, why do you say that?"
"I say that, because I am really lucky! You know why?"
"I have you!" Suddenly, Serene's heart exploded. She was forced, to put the biggest smile on her face, by the feelings she was having. She hugged him, and kissed him again.
"Get a room!" somepony shouted. Comet and Serene looked at each other, with an awkward pause. then they flew off, knowing they would only disturb that pony more.

About a month later.

"PREGNANT?!?!???!!!" shouted Serene. She held a pregnancy test unit, in her hoof.
"So it's true eh?" Comet said shyly.
"I don't know if we are ready for this Comet."
"Serene, I'm pretty sure, we can handle anything!" Comet had a stance, that showed he was about to take on a deadly tiger.
Taking care of a filly, required about the same amount of effort.
"I know we can do it! I just figured I would have more of a life ahead of me!" Serene responded.
"A kid is about as awesome, as a life could get. And this is our kid. Our kid! They are sure to be awesome."
"I have to agree with you there Comet." Serene started to smile.
"I'll bet she will be the best flyer in Equestria some day!" Comet said hugging Serene. Thoughts swirled through Comets mind. Would she be the best flyer? What would she look like?
What should her name be?
They were both dismissed from flight school, in order to support themselves for the coming filly. Comet got a job controlling the clouds above Ponyville, and Serene stayed home, nursing her body. They were willing to do anything, to make sure the filly they were having, was healthy, and in good hooves. The two Pegasi were ready for anything.

Chapter 7

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Serene slugged out of bed. The filly she was taking care of was getting heavy, and kept her awake most of the night, with its kicking.
"Thump," went a kick into Serene's diaphragm. She gasped for breath, as pain surged through her ribs. She fell over from the loss of breath.
"Good Celestia!" she yelled.
"What could ever do that?" she questioned as she clutched her stomach. Comet popped his head around from the hallway he was in previously.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Our little one, can BUCK. It just kicked my diaphragm, and reduced me to the ground." Comet widened his mouth. Their foal was going to be one heck, of a pony.
"Don't just stand there, help me up!" Serene said annoyed.
"Oh, sorry." Comet helped her up, putting his hoof under her side, and pulled her up.
"Thanks." Serene walked over to her closet. There were many beautiful dresses, and gowns. She hoof picked her favorite one. It had a red skirt, and the hem was rainbow. It was very loose, and fit very well. Comet was dressing in a nice outfit, with a nice jacket, and white shirt. He put a rose in his jacket pocket.

"I hope our party goes well, with all our preparations, I don't want it all to go down the drain."
"It'l be fine, we're the Skies, remember? We can take on anything!"
"I know that," Serene said, looking at her husband. They really could take on anything. They were perfect for each other.
"You worry too much Serene. Just relax, and enjoy this. It's our baby shower, it's meant to bring love and gifts, for those having children. Besides, what's the worst thing that could happen?"
"You never know."
"Can't argue with that."
"Well, we need to get ready. I will leave you to your, ugh... Things," Serene finished.
"Alright, just don't worry so much." Serene relaxed. Comet was right, there probably wasn't anything to worry about at all. Serene was always worried about something, and Comet always managed to show her, that there wasn't anything to worry about. She struggled to slide her dress on, and eventually, got it on. Though now her mane was messy.
She heaved a big sigh, and blew some of the hair that hung in her face, up. Getting ready was always tough, and she hated combing her mane. For Pegasi, and Earth ponies, brushing hair was always an ordeal. It was always good to have a unicorn around, to help with overall things, such as brushing her mane.
She finished her mane, and went to find Comet. Unsurprisingly, he was admiring himself in the mirror.
"Come on tough guy," she said. He was surprised by the sudden intrusion, of his self admiration, and he blushed, and put his best poker face on.
"It's ok, I know you," Serene assured him he wasn't being filmed, or something silly.
"I just think, I look really good in a tuxedo," he blushed and smiled towards his wife.
"And you look very good in that dress!" he egged her on.
"You think so?" she questioned, and kissed him.
"Alright, lets stop bucking around, we need to catch the next chariot to the Cloudsdale's finest." She reminded herself, and Comet. Cloudsdale's finest, was the best restaurant in Cloudsdale. Pegasi were lucky to have exclusive access to it. They reserved it for their baby shower, and invited all of their classmates from flight school.
"Lets go then," Comet waved impatiently. They walked on the soft clouds, the added weight of the foal sunk, her into the clouds some. The kicking started in the foal again. Except it didn't feel like kicking. It felt like fluttering. Like the pony inside, was unfurling her wings. It's like the foal, knew they were on the clouds.
"She's really moving now..." Serene admitted.
"Except it's not kicking, or bucking, I think she is moving her wings," Serene added.
"Are you sure? It could be just stretching," Comet offered.
"No, I'm sure its not doing that. I've never felt this before." Serene said. They continued to the chariot stop. The foal flapping as they walked.
They reached the stop, and sat on the bench. As abruptly it started, the movements stopped, as soon as Serene sat down.
"It stopped..." she responded to the sudden change of feelings.
"Maybe it knew when you were on the clouds," Comet suggested.
"Maybe so Comet. I think our foal is gonna be one heck of a flyer." Serene said, with a shine in her eye.
They waited for the chariot. Serene looked around, at the Pegasi flying about Cloudsdale. She was technically grounded... On the clouds. She didn't know how awesome it was, to be able to fly, until it was taken from her. Pregnancy had kept her and her husband grounded.
"Ah, finally there it is," Comet pointed to the chariot in the distance. The chariot was basically an airborne bus, without a top. It was held up by several Pegasi, 3 on the left, and right, and 2 in the front. They each wore goggles to keep the wind out of their eyes, just like the Wonderbolts. Boy were the Wonderbolts cool. The best flyer's in Equestria. Maybe their little foal could join them one day.
They stepped onto the Chariot. Despite being on clouds, Cloudsdale was a big place, and took some time to get around. Serene's want for flight would never be quenched, until she wasn't grounded anymore, but she decided to sit in the front of the chariot, in order to somewhat satisfy her thirst. After they took off, she felt amazing. It had been too long since she had felt the breeze, which she was named after. She felt less tense, and sank in her chair. Comet just looked at her, and smiled. He was happy, that she had finally relaxed. They kissed. Serene's belly seemed to go weightless for a moment. Their foal must have known they were airborne. Relaxed. Totally, relaxed.

Chapter 8

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Comet, and Serene arrived at Cloudsdale's Finest. The building was very beautiful, the roman style buildings of Cloudsdale fit it perfectly. Serene stumbled out of the chariot, and comet followed closely behind, to make sure nothing happened to his wife. After they were all settled, and on the clouds safely, the chariot sped away. Serene smiled, as she looked up at the wonderful building. They would remember this for the rest of their lives.
They walked to the entrance. A princely, white Pegasus, with golden armor, stopped them with his wing.
"Name?" the massive guard asked the couple.
"Serene and Comet," Comet replied.
"Ah, the guests of honor, very nice to see you have arrived," the guard replied with a fake smile on his face. He moved his wing, in order to let the couple through.
"Thank you," Serene said as they headed through the door.
"I don't think it's necessary to have the guard, but I guess that it makes this party, just that much safer," Comet said with a questioned face. As they walked in, they were surrounded, by many friendly Pegasi. Each of them, had their own greeting for the two Pegasi, the party was held for. Hoof shakes, and hugs,for Serene. Noogies, and hoof bumps, for Comet. They were already having a great time.
"Serene!" Serene heard somepony shout, from behind the crowd, that had gathered around her. Suddenly a familiar pony managed to break through the crowd, and find Serene.
"Barricade!" Serene shouted, as she connected with her friend in the form of a hug. Barricade was her best friend, aside from Comet. She was one of the royal guards, like the one that stopped Serene, and Comet, at the door. Barricade had recently given birth to a small filly, which turned out to have, a yellow body, and a pink mane. She wasn't too sure she could make it to the party, due to recent events with her husband, and work, but she managed to make enough time, to get to Serene's party. They had known each other, longer than Serene, and Comet had known each other.
"Barricade! I am so glad you could make it! I thought you were busy, or something... How did you manage?" Serene boasted.
"You know me Serene. I can get stuff done. Luckily, my husband was free today, and he can babysit our little filly. I still haven't named her..." Barricade retreated into her mind, thinking of names she had come up with.
"I'm sure you will find one eventually Barricade, now how about we all sit down, and enjoy the party?" Serene announced. Serene, and Comet sat next to each other, at one of the two tables, that were laid out for the party. Barricade sat next to Serene, and they chatted, as did Comet with his "flying buddies".
"Well, so far the names I've come up with for my daughter, are Andrea, and Abby. My husband suggested Fluttershy, since she acts so much like her father. He hates crowds, did you know? I think that's another part of the reason, he decided to stay and look after her," Barricade admitted to Serene.
"Don't worry about it Barricade, I haven't named our filly either." Serene responded, with a supportive look about her. Serene hadn't thought of a name, and didn't plan to, until she saw her for the first time.
The rest of the party, went on, just as Comet had predicted. Nothing bad happened, nopony got hurt, and everypony had a great time. It helped remind Serene, that she wasn't alone, and that ponies supported her.
It was, the best night ever.

read this!