Let the Silence Sing

by Aegis Shield

First published

Celestia decides that Big Mac's barn is an excellent place to take naps. Big Mac decides that Celestia is a welcome guest.

Celestia decides that Big Mac's barn is an excellent place to sneak off to, to take naps on her days off.
Big Mac decides that Celestia is a welcome guest.
Neither Princess nor farmer ever speak to one another, but the silence sings between them.
(Cover art by GrapeParfait!)

Prologue -- Hush

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Let the Silence Sing
Prologue-- Hush

Princess Celestia was tired. Oh so very tired. Canterlot was abuzz with its usual firestorm of activity, and the warm summer meant the days were longer than most of the year. This not only made the Sun Princess’ work day longer, but made Luna grouchy because her night was shorter. Much shorter. The white alicorn wished she could just go on vacation, but she would have to settle for an afternoon. She was required by law (that she’d written herself, tee hee!) to take an afternoon off at least once every ten days or so.

What she did during that time was up to her, there were to be no appointments or decisions or courts to attend. She would not break a bottle over any ships, or give any wedding blessings. She would not sit her royal hiney on her throne or check on her royal guards’ training ground. She could just… be a pony. Sort of. Well, she had her own room so that counted.

But, she was tired today as we said before. She’d considered going to see a play, visiting an art gallery, or something else that would be in a large cool room or auditorium. Celestia just didn’t have the energy. She decided on a nice long nap instead. She could rise later that evening and join Luna for dinner (er, Luna’s breakfast). Coming to her room and leaving her guards posted in the hallway, she smiled as she came to her big fluffy… mattress. She blinked twice, staring at it. All her bedclothes were gone. Her pillows were missing too. Checking all around her royal apartments, she puzzled over it for a bit. Oh, it must’ve been laundry day. She was usually in the royal courts all day running the nation, of course the servants would take her bedclothes then so she would have fresh linens in the evening. Hmm. Maybe she could find someplace else to nap. She sighed, aching in the eyes and ankles.

Going up the single stair, Celestia stepped out onto her balcony overlooking Canterlot. She admired the city for a bit, then cocked her head. It had been a while since she’d gone out on her own. A simple invisibility spell and the guards would never know. Smiling with a shade of mischief, the alicorn lit her horn and spread her wings. Vanishing into thin air, she took wing and set out to look for the perfect napping spot.


Big Macintosh wasn’t a pony that spent a lotta time flappin’ his gums. Actions spoke louder’n’words after all. He was all about getting things done, and makin’ sure things ran according to plan. He could balance a complex budget and pull a plow with equal ease, and the barn was pretty much his domain.

It didn’t help that the barn got destroyed like once a month by some disaster or another, but since Sweet Apple Acres was a registered Ponyville Historical Landmark, it always got built back within the week. He kept all his tools in there, feed for the animals, and so on and so forth. It was like a home away from home. Even if home was less than a hundred yards away. There was something to be said about the musk of hay and the aura of strong wood.

Big Mac heaved a sigh. He’d been too rough with another of his hammers, fixing the gazebo in town. The teeth marks had started to break the shaft a bit, and he wasn’t dumb enough to use it until it broke in his mouth. That would send splinters everywhere and down his throat, ouch! Retiring the old hammer into a rusty burn barrel, he went to the barn’s far corner. There was a hanging plastic ball on a piece of string there. Taking the ball in his teeth he yanked it sharply, pulling the extending ladder down. The loft and upper parts of the barn were used for storage and extra things that needed to be out of the way. Big Mac kept his fresh tools up there so he wouldn’t be tempted to grab them before wearing out his old ones. He hated bein’ wasteful. Clip-clopping up the ladder, he balanced himself before pulling up to the loft. The mounds of hay were kept there to hide the ugly crates of odds and ends. Fishing through them back and forth, something caught his eye.

The loft door was open.

Frowning, he leaned a bit more as he went closer. The crane wasn’t extended. That door led to open air and a nice drop to a hard ground below. Hmm, Applejack hadn’t put anything up here today, and Applebloom knew better than to play in the loft with her friends... The simple bolt lock had been left undone, and the one-panel door had been left wide open. The hot summer sun was streaming down in a square shape on the hay-thick floor. He jerked to a halt to gape.

A huge white pony lay on her back, all four hooves in the air like a dog, pink belly exposed. He stared, mouth open and eyes wide. A golden crown lay to one side, and a mass of ever-moving mane lay sprawled in all directions. The orange-twinge of the slowly setting sun cast her in a bountiful golden light. Her head was tilted back a bit into a very sun-worshipping position, and her eyes were closed. She was... sleeping? Big Mac was frozen to the spot, unsure of what to do.

Oh he knew who she was, don’t get him wrong. Anypony that had ever seen the heads-side of a bit knew Princess Celestia’s face. But… but what was she doing here, napping in the sun, flopped back on her back like she owned the place and was a dog? Puzzled and still stunned into silence, the red stallion swallowed. Oh my. She was beautiful. He’d heard stories, sure, but really he had no idea. Staring at her in such a natural position too, it almost felt dirty. A pony like her was always poised, upright and smiling. She looked like she was genuinely relaxing right then. The warm sun kept its steady washing over her belly, and her quiet breathing shook a sprig of straw near her nose. It didn’t help that her wings were in their full, glorious span of ivory beauty.

The farming pony didn’t dare go close to her, for fear of waking her up. Wh… what was he doing up here again? He’d forgotten. Shaking his head quickly and trying not to stare so hard at the sleeping angel in his barn, he pawed about in his cob-webby thoughts trying to sort through things. He'd come up here for something—uh— uhhh— hammer! He nodded firmly, turning to find the proper crate in all the mounds and mounds of loose hay.

Celestia awoke when he shifted a bale to one side and started fishing into it for what he wanted. Blushing, she flipped over onto her belly and quickly snapped her wings closed. Rubbing her eyes, she checked the sun for the time. She’d been asleep for almost four hours! Pawing at her mane quickly she felt a little panicked. She’d thought this barn would be nice and quiet for her afternoon nap, she’d not expected anypony to come up into the loft!

When Big Mac turned about, he had a hammer in his mouth. They made eye contact. The world stopped for a moment. What was that look in her eyes? Pleading? Exhaustion? Softness? He couldn’t quite place it. But, somehow, the stallion doubted the Princess of Equestria had stopped for a nap in his barn because she wanted to be fawned over by everypony within a twenty-mile radius. Nodding once and offering her a smile (though his mouth was full), he eased himself down the ladder and folded it back up to leave her alone.

Celestia lay there on her belly, more than a little stunned. He’d not thrown himself on his belly to bow to her, or exclaimed aloud when he’d found a Princess in his barn. Why, he’d just gone about his business! It was refreshing, to say the least, not to be stared at with eyes of wonder and star-struck glory. What a nice stallion. He’d not said a word, but his leaving certainly spoke volumes. Heaving a big, content sigh, the white alicorn stree-e-e-e-e-e-etched out on her improvised straw nest and preened her wings for a bit. It was a great stress reliever, for one with such big wings. She couldn’t return to the palace with straw in her wings, after all. Only a few feathers didn’t make the cut, and she felt much better afterward. Donning her crown and feeling refreshed, she lit her horn. Turning invisible once more, she made for home. Good napping spot confirmed, she decided. When her next afternoon off came, she would definitely go back to that loft.

End of Prologue


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Let the Silence Sing
Part 2: Tip-Toe

Celestia swooped one way, then another, then back again in the sky. It had once again been all-too-easy to sneak out of Canterlot to her new napping spot. Wards and locks kept her room sealed, and nopony would ever be the wiser. Chuckling as she coasted a few thermals, invisible and achy in a few places, she adjusted her wings when she spotted the apple orchard.

Casting her gaze out over the many, many trees the Princess saw a big red stallion among them bucking trees. He’d approach, buck, collect the fallen apples in a bucket, then move on to the next. When a row was done, he’d put them in a wagon and move on to the next row. He was hot and sweaty, but seemed to be going at an even pace. How nice it was, seeing an honest and hard-working stallion. In Canterlot the Princess was always surrounded by scheming nobles, ulterior motives, and cloak-and-dagger verbal fencing. That pony down there had little more to worry about than making sure he bucked the trees hard enough to get all the apples out. She envied him, in a way. Ah well.

Tilting the alignment of her wings, she gently moved the sliding bolt lock on the loft door. Hovering in place and making sure nopony was looking, she glided inside and landed daintily. Checking around, she saw that the extending ladder was up and secure. When she was away from the threshold, she dropped her invisibility spell. Her long shadow threw itself on the floor and she streeeeetched rather lazily. Princesses liked their naps too, thank you very much. The straw was just how she’d left it, and a few of her feathers were still among them. Blushing a little embarrassedly, she collected the feathers with her teeth and hid them in a corner. She didn’t want anypony to think some white goose was nesting up here. Smiling, she returned to the big pile of hay. Setting her royal hiney in it, she relaxed down into a mooshy pile of relaxation.

She felt the hay dust settle over her fur, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t there to look prim and proper and be admired by dozens of strangers per day like she was at the palace. Closing her eyes for a moment, she stomped around a bit and rather cutely turned in a circle three times. Then she let herself settle down to rest. Stretching her wings to their full span, she let them settle again when the ache had been worked out of them. Heaving a soft sigh, she lifted the crown from her head and set it safely aside. If it got scuffed or got a hayseed in it, her royal trappings shiner would notice and start asking questions.

Celestia smiled softly, looking around herself. She’d not really observed her surroundings the first time she’d come. The wooden beams looked new, the hay smelled fresh, and it was certainly roomy in there. The crates hidden in the hay piqued her curiosity, so she leaned and lit her horn. Peeking into each one that touched her fancy she found shiny, unopened toolboxes, boxes of nails, new horse-shoes, and other supplies. The loft must’ve been for spare tools and replacement parts for the farm. She winced when she opened one box and found it full of shucking blades. Carefully tucking them away and resealing the twin clips on the side of the box, she pushed them back under the hay where they were.

It was exciting in a way, really. The palace was prim and proper and shiny and gold. The picture of proper and royal. This barn had personality, though. It smelled. Not of perfumes and precious metals, but of musk, work, wood and iron. The whole thing was refreshing. No ponies to wait on her, no ponies wanting her ear or her hoof to sign something. It was like a… secret clubhouse! Celestia giggled lightly, a hoof hovering over her mouth for a moment. Had it really been so long since the dark ages, when ponies lived outside or in caves? She missed it, in a way, living off the land and fearing the heavy rain season. It felt more natural. But, civilization meant progress, so houses had been born. Ah well.

Pausing in her musings over barn smells and such, she watched a daddy-long-leg spider wander by. Smiling broadly, she laid on her belly and watched it go. The tiny creature had pinpricks for legs, and a mouth so small it couldn’t bite a pony, bit it was still a living thing. Feeling like a filly hiding in an attic somewhere, she propped her chin on her steepled hooves to smile in amusement.

Perhaps this was what she needed. Not just naps, or a private place to have them. But a little hidey-hole where nopony could find her. Not that her royal apartments weren’t nice, but… well… this was nicer. It felt homier. Sighing in a content way, admiring the innocent simplicity of her surroundings, Celestia turned and laid on her back. Letting her pink belly worship the sun, she closed her eyes for a bit to relax. The sun warmed her pale belly.


Big Macintosh wandered by the barn, his cart full of apples. He flicked his gaze upward, and saw the loft door was wide open again. If that meant what he thought it did… he gulped a little, walking a bit faster. Tugging his load along, he put it in the apple-storing shed and emptied his cart there. Taking the cart to the barn, he decided to have a look ‘round. Checking over his shoulder to make sure neither of his loud sisters was lookin’, he entered the barn. He could hear movement above. Was that her? He’d bet his yoke it was. It hadn’t been two weeks since he’d seen her last, but he’d bet it was her.

The red stallion moved to one of the side stalls, to the barn fridge. Yes, the Apple family kept a fridge in their barn. You think Granny Smith would have muddy hooves in her kitchen if a pony just wanted a cold drink or somethin’? I thought not. Peering back and forth, he found a crisp red delicious apple and plucked it from the fridge shelf. It was chilled and ripe for the eatin’, filled with cold juice and sweetness.

Chancing to disturb the angelic creature above him, Big Mac pulled the extending ladder down. Checking again to make sure he was alone, he went up. He stuck his eyes up over the lip of the trap door, peering back and forth silently. The stem of the apple in his teeth, he heaved himself up into the loft. Cocking his head, he looked back and forth. All was quiet. Moving slowly so he didn’t make too much noise, he came to the loft door and the open space in front of it.

There she lay, in a big nest of straw, splayed out on her back once more. He had to make a very real effort not to snicker a little. Admiring her mane with curious eyes, he stopped a good distance away as not to frighten the beautiful creature away. The last thing a relaxing princess needed was a big sweaty stallion sneaking up on her. He scuffed the floorboards with his hoof a couple of times, drawing attention to himself.

Celestia startled a little, turning upright to look at him. Laying on her side she fixed him with her wide, intelligent eyes. A long silence passed. They stared at each other, neither saying a word. He was a handsome thing, she admitted. The barrel of his chest was lovely and that proud-looking forehead was certainly something he inherited from a powerful sire, no doubt. She blinked at him a few times, her curled eye-lashes butterflying the air a few times.

Big Mac suddenly remembered why he was there. Leaning forward, he bowed his thick neck down and set the chilled apple on the floorboards. Looking at her with his cool, stoic eyes, he gave it a hard nudge with the top of his muzzle. Both ponies watched the red fruit roll, tumble, bounce across the floor and stop at the edge of Celestia’s straw nest.

The alicorn smiled with her eyes, lighting her horn to pick it up with levitation. Bringing it to her breast to shine, she made a little sound when she found it was cold. Lifting it to her cheek, she pressed her face to its cold, red skin. She smiled wider, forgetting it was summer for just a moment. Closing her eyes to savor the stark feeling of cold on the hot day, Celestia finally split it in half with her magical grasp. Leaning and careful not to dribble juice on herself, she took a bite. The snap of apple flesh was crisp, sending a little cascade of apple juice spritzing into the air. She chewed for a bit, then had another bite.

Big Mac smiled at her. He’d grown that. It was kind’a amazing to see a princess eating it, to tell the truth. Smirking and shifting the sprig of grass from one side of his mouth to the other, he turned to let her be. She thanked him with her eyes, not daring to speak. Heaven knew if she uttered a word, somepony would be nearby to hear it and her secret would be given away. He gave her an honest smile and, nodding politely, left her there in the loft. Going carefully down the ladder and then putting it back up where it belonged, he was away.

Chancing being discovered for a few heart-pounding moments, Celestia went to the open loft door and peered out. She watched him hitch himself back up and head out to the orchard. She lifted the chilled apple treat to her lips again, dragging them over the smooth surface to savor the sweet flavor. She’d not asked his name. She wanted to know it.

End of Part 2


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Let the Silence Sing
Part 3: Quiet

Celestia could not wait to reach her favorite napping spot. Things had been rather hectic at the palace during the past week. The changeling ambassador (Nicknamed “Doppleganger” by himself for language-crossing purposes) had been hit over the head with a frying pan when he scared a royal cook. The poor guy had wandered in to ask for a midnight snack, and had frightened a salad-tossing mare at precisely the wrong moment. After about eight hours of being unconscious, he’d awoken with a cracked carapace face-plate and was frightened half to death by a group of pony doctors trying to help him. The poor alicorn Princess would no doubt hear no end of this from Chrysalis if she didn’t make reparations right away. Luna, oddly enough, had stepped in immediately to fawn over the strange creature. She’d not seen the chaotic battle during the wedding (what? She’s a NIGHT-time Princess!), declared Ambassador Doppleganger the "most adorable insectoid thing she’d seen in eons”, and had “adopted” him on the spot. It was all the ambassador could do to not turn into a red changeling as she bore him away, confused, on her back. Celestia would never understand her sister’s tastes in males.

Swerving one way, then the other on the hot summer breeze, the invisible white princess landed daintily atop the barn. Being on the wing was so exhilarating. Looking about for any sign of life, she magicked the loft door open and slipped inside. When she was sure she was alone, she let her spell drop and became visible again. Smiling when she found her straw nest just the way she’d left it, she looked around again. Triple-sure nopony was watching, she FLOPPED onto the mass of scratchy straw and rolled on her back. She stretched her back back and forth like a dog doing its aerobics. Giggling at the rather scandalous behavior, she lay there breathing hard and staring at the ceiling. She loved it here. She loved this secret little wooden cubby she’d discovered. Nickering softly, she turned on his side to stretch out more. Mhhhh! Sure, silken pillows were nice and velvet sheets were the loveliest thing most ponies could imagine. But a creature as long-lived as Celestia sometimes pine for good old-fashioned straw beds. It wasn’t bad that you could eat your bedding if it displeased you, either. If it got too crunched down you could eat it, then replace it with softer, fresher straw. Giggling again, Celestia lay out on her back.

Dozing for a bit, she let the heaviness of the sun push down on her like some shapeless lover. Napping in the sun was like sleeping late during the winter. The pressure of the heat on her body made her want to never move again, like so many heavy comforters all layered ontop of each other. Purring softly, the long-legged pony lay there smiling and not moving a muscle. Hours went by before she heard movement below. Was that the red stallion again? She didn’t risk calling out, just in case it wasn’t him. Leaning, she peered cautiously out of the open loft doorway. Sure enough! Sitting on his haunches at a stump, there he was.

Big Macintosh was leaned over his plow blade with a sharpening stone, pressing hard in slow one-way motions. He’d hit one rock too many and now not even his great strength could get him through the field with any sense of speed. So, he’d taken the whole thing apart to repair it. Unawares of the princess watching him, he shifted the sprig of hay from one side of his mouth to the other. Turnin’ the soil over was a big, big deal on a farm after all. When it rained, when fall came, and after other happenings the fields needed it. Sensing movement nearby, he turned with perked ears. Not seeing anypony around, he shrugged and went back to work. She wanted to call out to him, but didn’t want anypony that happened by to see him staring up into her hiding spot. She decided to admire his work instead. While Celestia watched, the red stallion sharpened the plow’s blade, carefully put it back together, re-did the straps and made sure the yoke hooks were still in good shape. Such a hard worker-bee he was.

The Princess almost didn’t notice her right hoof reaching over to get a sprig of hay for herself. She paused, considering. Well, why not. When in Cloudsdale, do as the Pegasi do. She lifted it to her lips and let it sit there for a moment. Wiggling her lips up and down for a few moments, she let out a light giggle. It wasn’t especially amazing to do, but it looked better on him anyway. Taking the sprig out of her mouth she tossed it to one side and leaned to see out again. Pushing her ever-flowing mane out of her eyes, she rested on her belly in her big nest. Flicking her tail a bit, she watched him put the plow into a wagon along with some empty barrels and other tools. Efficient thing, wasn’t he? He took the wagon into the barn below, and then he was out of her sight. Smiling contentedly, Celestia went back to her lounging.

Strange, how just watching the going-ons at a simple farm seemed to help melt all her troubles away. Back in Canterlot, a changeling ambassador was being nuzzled to death by her little sister, arrangements for the weather patrol’s tax deductions needed to be debated over, and a greenhouse was supposed to be approved for the royal gardens (for winter). That, and a lot of other little things. Being Princess wasn’t easy. But no, not here. Here she was just relaxing. She didn’t have to think about it, and she didn’t have to care. Just her, some smelly hay, a noble little farm, and a barn that could hide her while she took her afternoon—

Knock knock knock.

Celestia gave a start. Her heart revved up as the ladder descended and somepony started to come up. When the red stallion emerged, she relaxed. She didn’t know why she’d panicked. She’d seen him go into the barn below, nopony else.

Big Mac had heard her giggling at him earlier. He smiled genuinely when he found her in the loft again. Having visited the barn fridge again, this time he came bearing two chilled apples. Checking over his shoulder that the barn doors were closed (he’d hear if they opened), he rolled her an apple across the floor. Celestia took it with a thankful smile. He kept the other for himself, sitting on his haunches by the trap door. He didn’t dare approach her, but certainly sharing snack time seemed nice enough. He couldn’t really think of anything proper to say to a princess, but eh, sometimes no words was better than foolish ones. Shrugging mentally, he leaned to bite into his apple. Crunching noisily, he smiled when she bit into hers.

It was smaller than the last apple he’d given her. It was softer too. It was a different kind. A macintosh apple. Red and gold were the only ones seen around the palace usually. Crunch munch-mnch… erk?! Celestia gave a start and made a face. Sour! It was sour! She put her hoof over her mouth, ear turning sideways. The red stallions chuckled, grinning at her. Shaking his head, he gestured to the open loft door. The princess’ etiquette would not allow her to simply spit it out, how rude would that be? Swallowing sharply, she smacked her lips a few times. Trying to be polite, she set the macintosh apple in the nest with her, like she might eat it later. Big fat fibber. Big Mac chuckled a bit louder. She liked the sound of his voice. It was deep and mumbly, like a gong being warmed up for an orchestra.

He took another bite of his own apple, then remembered something and turned sideways. Splitting his apple in half, he showed it to her, then waggled his cutie mark at her. He was gesturing to himself, back and forth with the apple he had. Celestia made the connection rather easily. Macintosh. His was called Macintosh. It made sense. The apple family owned this farm (according to the scribe she’d sent to look through the land ownership archives). Though, it was ironic that such a large stallion be named after such a small apple type. He was a big macintosh, then, haha! Smiling, she nodded silently to him so he could sit again.

Celestia politely chewed a bit of hay while he finished his own apple. It was rude to simply watch somepony else eat. They looked at each other with a mix of admiration and curiosity, both for very different reasons. Celestia was a large, exotic creature of magic and mystery to the farmer. Big Macintosh was a barrel-chested, kind pony that knew honest work and livelihood. The Princess lifted her wings to stretch them while he worked his way down to the apple’s core. Smiling, he turned and expertly chucked it out of the loft door. She watched it go, smirking a little. He made a sharp gesture and she listened. Clank. It had landed in a burn barrel outside! She leaned, blinking in shock. When she turned to look at him he threw his chest out playfully, like he’d done something super-impressive. She snickered a little, clapping three times with her front hooves.

Snack time done and with more work to do, Big Mac waved goodbye to the alicorn and was away. Putting the ladder back where it was, he put the trap door back so she could be alone to rest. Maybe it hadn’t really hit him yet, Big Mac thought. Finding a Princess in his loft, he meant. One would think a normal pony might have a freak-out, or run and tell everypony that hey, the Princess is napping in mah barn, come see! Or… something. But, considering Ponyville had seen everything from flood to wolves made of wood to gods of chaos and evil— somehow it just didn’t seem like that huge of a deal. Just another day in life, having an alicorn in his barn. Hmph.

End of Part 3


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Let the Silence Sing
Part 4: Shhh

Make-out with a changeling. It was not a series of words Celestia ever thought she would have to string together. But, after catching her sister Luna in the royal garden gazebo with Ambassador Doppleganger, wellll… yeah. She was out of there. Nevermind the complex politics of the Canterlot elite, the upcoming commission for a giant sun dial near Cloudsdale, or even the creepy flirting letters from King Ebonfeather of the griffon empire— Luna smooching a changeling had done it for her. When they’d been discovered the poor foreigner was sure he would be boiled alive in a pot, but Luna had grabbed him and teleported away from a mentally scarred Celestia. The great white princess was relieved that her next day off was today, and by her mother’s sun-stroked mane she was going to enjoy it. Sneaking away was all too easy, once her chambers were sealed with solar magic.

Sweet Apple Acres was a welcome sight indeed. Quiet. Homey. Simple. Ohhh, could it not be more perfect? As she swooped back and forth under the invisibility spell, the princess spotted Big Macintosh toiling away with a dead tree stump and a good deal of rope. Her eyes slid onward, spotting a little group of foals near the house. Taking up residence in her loft, Celestia peeked at them when she was settled nicely.

A trio of fillies and one colt (bearing a camera around his thin neck) were playing some sort of fashion show game. While the alicorn watched the girls adorned each other with flower crowns, simple fabric dresses, and light touches of hoof polish. Then, with a series of plywood pieces that had been fished out of a storage shed, they played fashion show. The one colt present pretended to be the eager paparazzi, flashing pictures back and forth while the fillies pranced back and forth. Celestia cocked her head, grinning behind a hoof. They were so cute!

Then Big Macintosh went by, having up rooted the tree stump and moving to put his tools away. He saw what they were doing and smiled briefly, then stopped. The plywood they were using was COVERED with little hoofprints from their hoof polish and glitter. It was ruined! Frowning angrily, he set his things down to give them a good talking to. The four foals huddled together fearfully as he told them how ashamed of themselves they should be, ruinin’ somepony else’s supplies. The farm couldn’t well use wood that looked so ridiculous. When he picked up a portion of it, it promptly snapped in half. He grumbled. All of their stomping and running about on it had worn it clean through, and the mud underneath didn’t help. Somehow, he didn’t think lecturing them about bits not growing on trees would really sink in. Towering over the colt, he sent him running with a snort of hot air from his nostrils. The spindly-legged thing turned to flee so hard his camera went off in the whiplash, pointed almost skyward. He sent two of the fillies and the camera-wielding colt home. (Celestia tilted her head when the three fillies stopped to check their blank flanks for something, then split up as bidden) A little yellow filly remained behind, though. The Princess could see the family resemblance. She must’ve been his little sister or niece. He fixed her with a grumbly glare and the filly cowered, turning to crawl ashamedly past him towards the house. He swatted her on the butt to send her running, which she did with a squeal. Drama drama drama, there on Sweet Apple Acres. The Princess chuckled a little.

Big Mac sighed, looking at the big mess that had been made. He salvaged perhaps two thirds of the plywood that had been wrongfully taken, and pitched the rest into a nearby burn pile. Mischievous little foals. He turned what was left over and over thoughtfully. Maybe he could paint it all or something. He wasn’t about to build a new shed or fence-lining covered with tiny glittery hoofprints. Ah well. Applejack and Granny Smith could straighten out Applebloom, and he could get more wood if the occasion called for it. Hopefully his little sister would think twice about takin’ somethin’ that didn’t belong to her in the future. Eyuup. Hmph. Well now he’d need to lay down some straw and throw grass seed over it if he didn’t want the main area between the house and the barn to turn into a mud pit. Sigh.

Celestia nickered softly, lying on her side so she could rest a bit. Big Mac went to put his tools away, and she smiled when she heard the extending ladder unfold. Tilting her head back so she looked at the world upside down, she smiled when his frowny face emerged up into the loft. He was reaching for a bound bale of straw when he saw her there. He blushed. Had she seen all that mess below? Prolly. She turned right-side up, tossing her mane a bit. He made a ‘hold-on’ motion, then came back with a pair of apple juice jars from the fridge below. Not daring to roll something glass across the uneven wooden floor, he brought it to her. She thanked him with a quiet smile, then sidled over a bit. He frowned at her in concern. What? Get in the nest with her? Surely not. She nodded, motioning him in. Not one to deny his Princess, the red stallion stepped over the lip and into the softness. He stomp-stomped about a little, then settled on his belly. She smiled, patting his head with a wing. Maybe he would cool his grumpy mood off if he sat still for a minute or two.

Big Mac leaned, opening both apple juice jars with his mouth. Setting the screw-on lids aside, he nudged hers towards her so she could drink first. She leaned, sipping lightly. It was chilled, but not too chilly that it stung her teeth. Absolutely perfect. She paused to eye the jar a bit. It was strange, drinking from a jar. Maybe it was a farmer sort of thing? She’d drunk from chalices, glasses, cups, rivers, even from thicker clouds— but never from a jar. It was heavy and charming in a rustic sort of way. She smiled, pleased. Sitting there in silence, they relaxed in the hot afternoon glow of the slowly falling sun. Sipping at their jars now and then, they shared a pensive sort of silence of thoughtful company.

The red stallion found himself looking at her crown, which she’d set aside when she’d come in earlier. She saw him looking, and smiled playfully. Lighting her horn, she levitated it up and placed it on his head. He blink-blinked, looking up at it. All hail King Big Macintosh, ruler of the apple orchards! She gave a playful sort of half-bow to tease him. He snorted, rolling his eyes and chuckling a bit. When he saw her merry look, harrumphing a little, he threw his chest out to look big and impressive. Why yes, yes he was! King Apple! Worship him and all his apple… ness! They shared a quiet laugh, lifting their apple juice jars again and clinking them together. A friendship had formed.


Featherweight puttered around in his dark room. He’d promised the cutie mark crusaders their photos in just a few days, but since they’d gotten in trouble he felt like he needed them sooner. Maybe if he brought them the finished photos tomorrow they might feel better about Big Mac scolding them. (He also sort of had a crush on Sweetie Belle, but that wasn’t the point!) Leaning with a little pair of tongs, he took yet another picture out of the development fluid and hung it on the little clothesline his mother had helped him set up. It dripped for a bit, and when he had it secure with a little pair of wooden tweezers he let it hang there. Whew! So many photos, he couldn’t wait to… see… what was that?

Frowning, the colt leaned over the final photo on the reel. Making sure the tip of his muzzle didn’t touch the still-developing photo, he squinted. That almost looked like… no. No way. He galloped to his cute little toolchest, shoving his head down in it and rooting around. Coming back with a magnifying glass, he adjusted it back and forth in the red half-light of the dark room. He squinted again. It was an oddly angled photo. It showed the top of Big Macintosh’s head, a good chunk of the barn, and the open loft. But there, in the shadows of the loft itself, was a long-necked figure… It was hump-shaped, and that head was certainly bigger than any pony he knew. And look at that horn, it was huge! There was only one explanation.

Dear. Sweet. Celestia.

Featherweight dropped his magnifying glass, eyes big and sparkly and excited. He couldn’t believe it. He just couldn’t believe it. This would make his career as a foal photographer! Rushing over, he fed it through his two-cylinder press to squeeze it dry. Slipping out of the room with the picture in his teeth, he rushed to the light by the window. He put his magnifying glass over it again. Sure as shootin’, there she was— that was definitely her! There was no denying it! How had he gotten so lucky to get a picture of this magnificent creature?! Tomorrow morning’s front page of the Free Foal Press was gonna be all his. He could just smell the ink. Sweet Apple Acre’s barn was the vacation home of the Loch Ness Monster!

End of Part 4


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Let the Silence Sing
Part 5: Stillness

Morning Glories. That was Princess Luna’s gift to her sister ages ago, inventing them. The purple flowers that were so tender, so beautiful, they could only open when the sun was low and the dew still crisp. Like the dawn, it was the only time that the day and night could share together. One can imagine the ivory Princess’ shock when she saw Luna wearing a flower crown of them instead of her normal one. When she stopped to ask why, Luna fixed her with a confused stare… then blushed and quickly ate it on the spot. The day Princess knew better than to ask questions. Nothing made Luna blush that darkly, nor stammer. For a mare who was nothing if not supremely confident in her powers and abilities, seeing her little sister jittery like that was both a treat and an implication. She also noticed that she saw neither hide nor hair of the Changeling Ambassador for a few days after that…

So of course, Celestia’s next afternoon off was a welcome one. Sweet Apple Acres was ever the warm and welcome sight. A recent rain had cooled things down significantly, and the apples hanging in the branches of the trees glistened with the drops of nature’s love. The alicorn sighed happily. Getting away from it all sure was nice, and… and… what was that? She cocked her head when she saw some little figures moving around in her loft.

It was a trio of fillies and a colt, the same one’s from before. The three girls were sporting fedora’s and magnifying glasses, and the colt had his own hat with a ‘press’ tag sticking out of it. Celestia frowned. What were they doing up in her secret hidey-place? Making sure her invisibility spell was still shielding her from their view, she quietly glided in and landed on some hay to soften her landing. Peering around, she saw they’d turned the place into some sort of crime scene! There were little tents with numbers here and there around the room, much to the Princess’ surprise. They’d found her little pile of discarded white feathers in the corner (marked “1”), some large hoofprints (marked “A”) and even a few stray hairs (marked with the crayon-drawn face of Lyra Heartstrings, from Ponyville. Why? Who knew.) They were quite thorough for foals.

While Celestia watched, the four of them searched around for signs of a monster. Featherweight insisted that his photo was real, and the Princess leaned to see when he’d whipped it out to show them. Why, he’d accidentally gotten a picture of her! Whoops! She scratched her chin for a moment, standing in a corner so none of them would accident run into their invisible princess. Playing cute mark crusaders monster hunters was serious business, after all. She didn’t want to interrupt. It was kind’a cute, even if they delayed her naptime a bit.

The foals got a sample of the hay, plucked the hairs they’d found, got a couple of the long white feathers from the corner and put them in evidence baggies. They would need to analyze something like this. What exactly “analysis” was, they weren’t sure, but they’d figure that out when they got back to the clubhouse. They weren’t sure this was Featherweight’s monster they were finding evidence of, but there was certainly something up here. There was too much odd evidence though. Whatever it was was big, had big hooves, mint green hair, and feathers. So… was it some kinda magic, migrating techni-color goose? It took all of Celestia’s willpower not to laugh at that. She’d been called many things by both friends and foes over the ages, but ‘goose’ was never one of them. Swan, maybe, but surely not a goose!

Playfully deciding she’d had quite enough of the delay in her nap and relaxation time, she quickly thought up a harmless plan to make them leave. They wanted a monster? She could give them one, hee hee! Opening her wings, she started flapping them rapidly while staying trained to the ground. The foals startled at the phantom breeze that started, along with the strange sound that went with it. Celestia pitter-patted her hooves, going in a wide circle around them a few times. Their eyes got wider and wider. What was that?! What was happening?! Celestia let out a low moaning sound, stamping her hooves a bit more. The foals pressed together in a frightened little herd, shiver-shiver-shivering. One of them demanded to know if the barn was… was… haunted?!


They rushed as a group for the extending ladder. Featherweight pushed Sweetie Belle to go first. Go go go, before the ghost got them! He held up his camera, back and forth, turning the flash all the way up. Vrrrr-weeeee! Clk-FLASH! Celestia startled, blinded for a few moments. Scootaloo grabbed the two sides of the ladder and slid down as well. The trembling colt was the bravest little thing he could be to stand up for his little pseudo-herd. Clk-FLASH! Celestia’s eyes watered and she shook her head, steadying herself against the wall. She was glad she was invisible, or she would look really silly right abou –*clk-FLASH* aauugh! Applebloom rushed down the ladder, calling after the colt. Featherweight slung his camera around his thin little neck, then accidently went down face first. Celestia gasped, rushing and thrusting her head down the ladder’s trapdoor. She prayed the poor little thing hadn’t broken his neck. But no! No he was sliding down it as though he were on rails! What a pro! The alicorn blinked in surprise as he launched himself off of it and the group of foals took of screaming about ghosts in the loft. She felt a sting of guilt, leaning and raising the ladder to make sure they wouldn’t brave back up it. Going quickly over to the loft’s crane door, she stuck her head out.

The group of four foals crashed headlong into an unwary Big Macintosh, trampling over him and knocking the massive stallion down. He grunted as the foals crawled all over him, all talking at once and thrusting a hoof towards the barn. When he could see straight again, he stared back and forth in confusion while all four of them yabbered and panicked and jumped about like crazy. Ghosts! Ghosts in the barn oh my gosh, ohmigosh! Big Mac cocked his head, looking up at the open loft door. Oh.

Deciding it was time to be the big tough big brother, he hushed them with a loud harrumph. The foals lined up as the stallion threw out his chest, sitting his lip in a stoic frown. He’d see about all this ghost business! The four foals looked at each other in wonder as Big Mac stomped right into the barn and got the loft ladder down. They didn’t dare go in with him, in case the stallion was about to do battle with the spector or something. You didn’t get in the way of big epic battles like that. Big Mac might bring the barn down in his fury! Wide-eyed and awed, the four of them waited.

Big Macintosh stuck his head up into the loft. Making sure that none of the kids had followed, he cleared his throat a bit. Celestia dropped her invisibility spell. He gave her a disapproving look. Ghost? Really? The princess looked at the floor rather guiltily, apologizing with soft eyes. He pointed at her with a hoof, scolding. Scarin’ little ones wasn’t nice, no matter who you were. She nodded, wilting down more. He sighed, letting her be after that. Going back down, he went to the four foals with a big smile. No ghost up there that he could find, but it would be safer if they stayed out of the loft from then on. The crusaders and featherweight didn’t need to be told twice. They scampered off, back to the club house.

After a time, the red stallion returned to the loft when he was sure he was alone. Stepping up slowly and carefully, he actually pulled the ladder up behind him so he wouldn’t be disturbed. Celestia was already settled into her nest, looking at him sheepishly. She hadn’t meant to scare them that badly, she just wanted her napping spot was all. Perhaps she’d done a little too much. Big Mac sat next to her on his haunches, helping her out of her crown when she remembered to take it off. Sometimes the Princess’ hair got caught in the intricate little gold weavings. To his surprise her ever-moving mane was not like smoke, it was just… weightless, like a pony underwater. She set the crown aside, seeming to relax a lot more when it was off of her. Heavy was the head that wore the crown.

He nosed into his saddlebag, pulling a pair of juice boxes for them to share. Childish, yes, but still good for them. Sweet Apple Acres not only sold apples but provided them for all kinds of apple-related progress. That meant juice, starches, sugars, perfumes, and lots of other things. When Big Mac turned to offer her a juice box, she stopped him.

The Princess lifted a massive wing, folding her head under it like a swan for a few moments. Nosing about into her own dainty little bag that she kept hidden under her wingspan, she took out a tiny bottle in her teeth. It was dark glass, corked firmly. Turning the label over, he saw it read ‘Dragon’s Breath Juice’. Big Mac cocked his head, he’d never heard of such a thing. She gestured again. Circa 1298. Well, that explained that, then. She uncorked it, making sure he was watching. It was a small bottle, good for maybe two glasses at the most. But, they had no glasses so it was straight from the bottle. Smiling with a twinkle in her eyes, she lifted it to her lips. The stallion’s opinion of his princess wavered a bit. Only drunks drank from the bottle, right? She swished it about in her mouth for a few seconds, made a ‘wait for it’ gesture… the slowly blew a white mist from her mouth. It looked like she was breathing smoke! The stallion’s mouth made an o-shape. Well wasn’t that neat?! He laughed a little, and she pressed the bottle towards him.

He brought it to his lips, not bothering to wipe the opening on anything. He doubted the Princess had any germs. Taking a swig, he paused. It was like… like… he paused, trying to describe it to himself. Like melted caramel, with some vanilla mixed in, and a fizzy little kick. It wasn’t wine like he thought it was. He looked over at her, and she looked startled when he swallowed. What? What was wrong? She siddled away a little as a hot feeling gathered in his belly. Uh oh. Maybe he wasn’t supposed t—BURRRRRRRRRP!?!? A cloud of white mist exploded from his mouth, his eyes crossing violently. Celestia facehoofed with laughter, pointing at him and falling onto her side in the nest of hay. Big Mac blushed deeply, smacking his lips.

End of Part 5


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Let the Silence Sing
Part 6: Ambience

Princess Luna, Ambassador Doppleganger, Celestia, and a few choice other ponies sat around the royal dinner table. There was chit chat all around about the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration. It was the day in which the sun was to shine the brightest for the entire year, and it was the one day of the year in which ponies were allowed to watch Princess Celestia raise the sun before their eyes. Where was the festival being held this year? Ponyville, of course. Why? Er… er… location of convenience! Yeah! Straying too far from Canterlot could put a hiccup in the due process of the governmental yadda-yadda-yadda. Don’t you know it? Celestia made sure they did.

Of course, this was also the perfect time to poke fun at Luna for her ‘romping’ with the Changeling Ambassador. While his voice was low and a little raspy, it did have a certain purr to it. Changelings didn’t speak the pony tongue very effectively, but the droning little sounds he used to form words were very charming. Luna stared very carefully into her fruit salad while Celestia giggled playfully. The older of the two alicorns wanted to hear alllll about how the, ahem, ‘negotiations’, were going. Very well, according to the Ambassador. Reparations and exchanges between their two cultures would surely be swift, deep and thoroughhh-ho-ho-hohhhhh! Celestia lifted her goblet right away, for she could not keep a straight face and had to hide behind it. Luna was red in the face. Clearing her throat a bit and agreeing, Celestia continued her meal in relative silence to save face with her little sister.


Featherweight and the crusaders had turned the clubhouse into a verifiable crime lab. I mean yeah, Featherweight was a COLT and all, but he didn’t seem to have much in the way of cooties, so it was safe. Their recent run-in with ghost-loch-ness-monster in the barn had yielded some amazing new photographs. Who knew that a camera could see through invisibility, huh?

Taped to the wall, all four foals stared in wonder. While defending the ladder Featherweight had taken three or four pictures at random around the loft. All of them had yielded the same result. There was a tall, winged figure in the frame. It was very, very blurry and hard to make out, but it definitely had four long legs and very large hooves. Comparing the hooves with tracings of the hoofprints they’d found… yeah, that looked like they might match. The whispy, smoky-looking shape was definitely much taller than the average pony as well. Featherweight pointed to the beams and rafters in the background so they could judge the height correctly. If they were right, this mysterious figure was taller than even an adult pony! Almost twice as tall! Whoa… there was hush between them. Who did they tell about this? What would they tell them? Camera’s didn’t lie, after all. It couldn’t photograph something that wasn’t there. While Big Macintosh had clearly scared the ghost off, there was no telling when it might return to haunt them again. What if it decided to move into the house? Or worse, followed them to the clubhouse? That was scary.

Featherweight knew it was a little too convenient that his camera kept catching things in and around the barn area. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to see around Sweet Apple Acres that needed explaining.


The night after the Summer Sun Celebration, Celestia was expected to have the evening off. After all, performing god-like magic in front of a crowd of hundreds was sure to be exhausting on her poor slender body, right? Well, no. Not really. She did it every day. Twice, actually. Just up, then back down again. Sure, she did it with flair for the crowds of ponies that came to the festival, but really it was a nice excuse to relax that night. It was tradition to have lots and lots of fireworks in her honor that night every year, but she always spent it in solitude for ‘meditation and reconnection with the sun.’ Which, yes, she talked with the sun all the time. But, the ancient spirit of the sun rarely had anything fascinating to say. Much in the same way that you could talk to an ant, or a sandwich. You could force it with magic, sure, but the results wouldn’t be mind-blowing.

But, this night she had a date. Sort of. She’d playfully called it that before, then quickly didn’t after that. Sweet Apple Acres had a little fireworks show every year, hosted by the locals. Swooping back and forth, she found that the loft of the barn was already wide open and there was somepony waiting for her inside. She knew the shape of his sillouette after so many visits, and landing daintily inside she saw him smile. The Princess stopped a moment to peer around.

The hay had been changed, the floor swept, and some of the cob-webs knocked down. Big Macintosh was waiting in the nest, smiling broadly and sitting on his haunches. To one side of him, a picnic basket. They greeted each other with the usual silent wave and nod, and she sat next to him. The red stallion gestured to the sky for a bit. Luna’s stars were meek that night, knowing that this particular day was meant for the sun. A burst of light--- Krck-boom! A flower of molten light exploded into the sky. There were loud and awed cries from below. Fireworks, neato!

They sat together, watching the occasional bottle rocket soar into the sky with a crack of thunder. Blues and yellows and reds lit up the night in brief flashes of merriment. Now and then Big Mac would hunch forward to see the ponies below. There was a hooffull of ponies down there, plus his family, plus the ponies coordinating the show as they did every year. It was a small community event, so it was always a joy each year.

When the show was well under way, the red stallion leaned over into his picnic basket for snacks. Producing celery, peanut butter, juice boxes, a pair of apples and a bunch of grapes he set them out nice and neat. Celestia marveled, smiling at the little feast. He offered her whatever she might like, and they crunched quietly on the celery for a bit. Big Mac was a big fan of dipping his own in peanut butter, since the plain green taste was no good to him. The cool summer night made them sit close together, and their eyes lit up with every fiery explosion as it went off. Ohhh, that one had changed color! Wow, that one had made a star shape! Oh gosh, that one sounded like a cannon shot!

Big Mac suddenly realized that he and Celestia were leaning into each other. Not romantically, but supporting each other’s weight as they craned their necks to look skyward and stay hidden. He looked over at her, blinking a little. He could see the fireworks in the light of her eyes, and delighted at the little flinches she made when each explosion went off. The multicolored lights doused her white coat in lots of brilliant little colors. Then he looked at her “that” way. His eyes bulged and he quickly looked back up at the sky. He could feel the heat in his face. Nope. Nope that weren’t right. She was a Princess and maybe an ageless goddess and nope nope nope. He swallowed.

Celestia turned to look at him, eyes lidding when she smiled. Shuddering a little at the cool summer night, she sidled to be closer to him and extended a wing about his shoulders. Oh horseapples. She levitated and then crunched her celery. Ooooh, that one had made an apple shape! Neat! Fireworks never ceased to amaze her. It was like magic, made by earth ponies. Their endless inventions were awe-inspiring, sometimes even greater than magic. Her hoof pawed around after a while, searching for an apple. She just couldn’t take her eyes off the sky, it was enchanting.

Big Mac glanced at her again, unsure what to do. Their friendship had been innocent and graceful thus far. He couldn’t just… y’know, ‘make a move’ all of a sudden. And if he did, suppose she suddenly left and never returned? She was an alicorn after all. And he was just an apple farmer. Those weren’t things that went together, nope. But it was too late. He’d already looked at her that way, and now he couldn’t turn it off. It was chewing at his mind like a mean ol’ apple worm.

Princess Celestia’s hoof found the apple at last and she brought it to her lips, watching the fireworks as she took the first bite. The spritz of juice went right down her chin, how embarrassing! Tilting her head back and biting into something juicy was something a foal would do. Giggling at herself a bit, she reached to wipe her chin. The drip of juice went down the slender curve of her neck like a glistening golden bead.

Big Mac kissed the droplet of juice away, suddenly and without warning.

The stallion left his lips there, trembling a bit. The warmth and sudden closeness made panic rise in his heart. Why in tarnation had he done that?! It was so quick, so instinctive, rushing right to the softest part of the alicorn’s neck. The sweetness of the juice on his tongue was replaced by the smooth warmth of the touch of her skin and fur. His pupils turned into pinpricks and he waited for her to slap him away or something.

Celestia’s pale face was twinged with pink. The velvety warmth of his lips on the underside of her jawline had been unexpected, but not unpleasant. She could feel him shaking. His face was hidden from her, she couldn’t read his expression. Smiling with some affection, she leaned and pressed a piece of celery up his nose to break the tension. Big Mac sneezed, snorted, sneezed again. She chuckled behind her hoof, watching his mane flap back and forth.

The fireworks made Big Mac a blue, then green, then purple stallion. He took a long time to meet her eyes. He expected disappointment, maybe revulsion or shock. How dare he do such a thing to a Princess?! Redder than red in the cheeks, their eyes finally met. Celestia was smiling quietly, eyes soft. So… so she wasn’t gonna buck him to the moon or somethin’? Chuckling softly, she opened a massive wing and laid it over his shoulder. Being much taller than he, she pulled him over in front of herself. Leaning forward some with her stature fitting overtop his, she set her chin atop his head. There, perfect! Then she simply went back to watching the fireworks. Big Mac smiled bashfully, not daring to move. He was a big stallion, rare be it that he be the little spoon!

End of Part 6


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Let the Silence Sing
Part 7: Murr

Big Mac was waiting when Princess Celestia returned. He wasn’t sure what their… interactions meant about their friendship, and he really wanted to set the record straight. Ten days of wondering and stressing had made the poor stallion irritable and a little sleep deprived, but he just had to know.

When the Princess came into the loft through the high doorway, she dropped her invisibility spell. He cocked his head. She looked exhausted. Her spirits seemed to lift when she saw him, and his concerned look made her hang her head a little ashamedly. This little loft had become her hideaway, and now she was addicted to it. No Canterlot, no throne, no nothing. Just some hay in a barn in the middle of nowhere… and now a stallion sitting there waiting for her. Could a mare really ask for more? Her cheeks colored just a little bit as he helped her into the nest and eased her down.

Princess Celestia opened her wings, bent them this way and that, then settled with a few flicks of her tail. Before she moved to take it off, Big Mac leaned and eased her crown off of her head. He set it next to her where she could see it, holding it gingerly in his teeth. She hunched just a little, warm in the eyes but tired in the body. She really felt like she could let her guard down a bit around him, and it showed. When he made to leave the nest, she nosed him.

Big Mac looked down at her. She nosed him again, in the shoulder. They looked at each other, questions in their expressive eyes. Slowly, carefully, he eased himself down onto his belly next to her. It was so quiet she could hear the rustle of the hay as he did so. She smiled gratefully, turning and resting her head on his broad shoulder. He blushed, turning to look at her. She heaved a quiet sigh. She certainly liked using him as a head rest! She looked up at him with one of her beautiful purple eyes, giving him a coy smile. Royal Headrest. That wasn’t such a bad title, when you really thought about it. Reaching up with the length of her wing, she gave his back one long stroke. It was a pegasus’ gesture of courtship, a very old one indeed. He turned, giving her bedroom eyes. Celestia sighed submissively when his firm hoof pulled her head up to meet his warm, gorgeous lips—

Luna burst into scandalous laughter, jerking the dream to a halt. Celestia nearly had a heart attack, sitting up to see the dark alicorn standing in the middle of the scene now. Dream Macintosh faded from existence, a curious look on his face. The Princess of the Night had never seen her sister’s cheeks color like that. Celestia flushed, hanging her head in embarrassment. The attraction was certainly there, but for the moment she didn’t have to admit that the dream stallion was actually a real pony. Dreams were Luna’s realm, full of symbols and false realities and other such things. But when she woke, Celestia knew she would have to put some very real thought into the pony who’s lips she could still feel on the soft of her neck.


Big Macintosh mumbled over a series of plans. He wanted a toolshed at the nexus of the north-eastern and south-eastern field plots. That way, he wouldn’t have to make as many trips for tools during the day. Turning back and forth with his pencil in his mouth, he scribbled this and that for measurements. He’d want it that big if he wanted tacks with wall space for tools, yeah… yeah that looked good. He leaned back to see the whole thing, then hunched to put in another detail or two. His ears perked when he heard large hooves above him. Checking that the barn was empty other than himself, he went up to the loft via the fold-down ladder.

Celestia was settling into the nest of hay, turning a few circles before lying on her belly and fluffing her wings out. He grinned when their eyes met and she smiled back. Leaning to take her crown off, she set it aside and then laid down. Hahhhh, so relaxing. She felt Big Mac’s eyes on her after a time, and opened them again to look at him.

The big red stallion was hesitating to stay or go. He wasn’t sure which. He’d put his lips on her when last they’d met. Well, she’d used him as a headrest afterward so things hadn’t gone badly. But, he wanted to know what that made them. His unsure look coaxed out her tinkling chuckle, and she motioned him over. Smiling in a coy way, she touched the end of his muzzle with hers. Wh--- wh--- nuzzles? He liked nuzzles. Smiling bashfully, he returned them. The attraction was certainly there.

Celestia smiled a bit wider, then yawned a bit. He dared into the nest next to her, and she leaned into him quietly. She stretched a bit, then limpened while leaning up against him. She felt the warm firmness of his arm going around her shoulders. She tucked herself down like a swan, resting her cheek on his barrel. Murmuring softly, she shut her eyes for a long time. The sun princess was not without her worries and such there in the barn, but now she had a set of personal things to think about:

Did she want a coltfriend? It had been nearly a century since her last. The poor thing had been struck by a bolt of lightning in a freak summer storm. Celestia had mourned, but she was not about to feel sad for all eternity for him. She had to take care of herself, after all. Princess or not, sun goddess or not, she was still a mare and she had needs. It wasn’t as though there was a pony in Equestria, or anywhere else, that would step forward and say ‘no you can’t have a stallion around, princess.’ Her authority was that of the SUN, for Faust’s sake.

Big Macintosh pressed his muzzle briefly into her mane. He was curious. It always moved, like it was caught in an infinitely slow phantom breeze. She looked like she was underwater. It was unnerving sometimes. But no, it really was just hair. He found her scalp with his nose, and felt a bit better. Her head was under there— her mane wasn’t just a shape atop her face. It made her seem more real to him.

Celestia purred quietly despite herself. When had she last enjoyed a stallion’s touch? This was not something that was anypony’s business. Oh sure, there might be an uproar amongst the nobles if she brought home a farmer from a tiny countryside town like Ponyville, but… well, it was none of their business. She was NOT about to song-and-dance about for a chapter or six of her life, trying to hide it. Hide it… well, she was technically hiding here in the barn, but she wasn’t hiding Big Macintosh, just her napping spot. Should she announce her courtly interest? Should she put him on a pedestal, or bring him to the royal dinner table? How would Luna react? There were plenty of questions and lots of--- of---- oooh, head rubs... mhhhh....

Big Mac growl-purred lightly, pressing his lips into her mane. They’d wordlessly become a couple, kind-of-sort-of. He wasn’t really sure about how to ask a Princess to be his very special somepony, but then again they’d not spoken to begin with so… yeah. He was stuck there. The farmer fumbled for something noble to say, or something to make the moment right for such things. Maybe he could invite her to dinner? Surely his family might like to meet her? Hrm…

Yes, thought Celestia. She didn’t need anypony’s permission or approval for something like this. She was a princess. The sun literally rose and set by her will. She merely need lift her hoof and ponies did her bidding. A quiet, selfish desire simmered in Celestia’s mind. It bordered sexual desire, but stayed in the warm milky glow of feminine want for male attention. She turned over on her back, looking up at him with a pouty sort of frown. He blinked down at her curiously, cocking his head. She pulled her hooves up under her chin as her mane and wings splayed out behind her. He swallowed a little, leaning over her. She gave a look, a mix between coy and sultry.

Big Mac smiled despite himself, stretching out halfway over her at an angle. His face hovered over hers. Their muzzles touched lightly, then nuzzled a couple of times in slow heady motions. The moving swirl of her hair was bannered in all directions, making it very easy to watch her beautiful face. Expression softening, he finally kissed her.

Celestia let out a light, throaty whimper. Her long, slender front legs rose up and slipped around his broad shoulders. Yes. Yes this is what she wanted. She knew it right then. He was so pure, so handsome and simple to get along with. Why couldn’t more ponies be like Big Mac? Smek. Their lips parted for breath, then reconnected. Her ears tucked back as he returned more firmly than before. His slowly growing confidence was wonderful. The Princess sighed out through her nostrils, letting him steer their kisses around however he pleased. She was in charge of everything, everywhere. Being submissive in something as simple as a kiss was a delight.

Instinct quietly drove Big Mac and he stroked her pink belly with a massive hoof. Smek. They nuzzled happily and he gurgled in a quiet, murmuring way. She pulled him down by the back of his head, stroking his mane heavily. Smek. Smek-smek. Mrrrr….

Celestia smiled in her heart, genuinely smiled. How could she have gone for so long without something so wonderful? Had she forgotten the warmth of a stallion’s chest? The charm of an interested smile? The Princess nuzzled him. Smek. Smek-smek. She found a fuzziness in her head, the sort that a mare gets when she finally confirms to herself that she’s found her very special somepony. His lips ran down her neck and she let out a helpless mewling sound. Yes. Yes she was definitely taking this one home with her.


Steel Wing and Shining Glory stood at attention outside her majesty Princess Celestia’s chambers. She spent her afternoons off in her room alone. They figured it was her nap time, or maybe she liked to read in solitude. Rumor had it that she took seven hour bubble baths and used all the hot water in the castle to do so. But that was silly. Whatever she was doing in there was her own business, not theirs. It was just their job to make sure she wasn’t disturbed. The mild click of the lock on the door perked their ears. The two of them turned as one to greet the Princess, but she was not alone.

A large, dirty-looking earth pony emerged into the hallowed halls of the palace with Celestia. He smelled like sweet spice and sweat, and there were sprigs of hay in his fur. Why, he even had a yoke around his neck, like he’d been plucked off of a field somewhere. They stared at him in disbelief, and the Princess raised a hoof before they tackled him. What? He was welcome here? How had he gotten in?! The Princess always warded her chambers for her afternoons off! The stranger shifted a sprig of hay from one side of his mouth to the other, fixing both guards with a silent, stoic expression.

“This is Big Macintosh.” Celestia said in her soft, whispery tone. Big Mac fell in love with the Princess’ voice instantly, and smiled. He could feel himself blushing as the guards eyed him up. “My… my very special somepony.” She added quietly, pinkening in the face. The silence was broken.

End of Part 7


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Let the Silence Sing
Part 8: Sing

One Week Later…

“This is it, here.” Celestia said gently, gesturing. A few doors down from the royal apartments, a new doorway had been created. “It will only open for you, I promise.” She smiled, pointing to the little apple symbol painted next to the doorknob. Leaning, she opened it to reveal a wall beyond. Stepping aside, she let him try.

Big Macintosh reached for the door, closed it, and reopened it. The whoosh of warm summer air touched his face. He blinked in wonder, sticking his head through. Beyond the archway was Sweet Apple Acres! Turning his head this way and that, he found that the magical archway had attached itself to the side of one of his family’s seed silos. He smiled broadly.

“Now you can come visit me, whenever you like, without having to take the train or a sky chariot.” The Alicorn waited for him to lean back. “Nopony else may pass through it, so you don’t have to worry about any shady sorts coming through to the palace. Its protected.” She chuckled merrily. He smiled up at her, and they shared a quick nuzzle after he shut the door. “Do you like it?” she asked.

“Yup.” He said, nodding rapidly.

“Then let’s go to brunch. My sister is eager to meet you.” The white alicorn turned. Both waiting guards saluted, then fell in line behind them. The couple walked the palace halls together, getting curious looks from everypony they passed. Maids cocked their heads at Big Mac’s massive hooves, then tutted at the trail of dirt he seemed to leave in his wake. Nobles and Statesponies stared curiously, unsure of what to make of such a thing. They murmured back and forth conspiratorially. The great red stallion was clearly something special, pulling their Princess’ eye like that. Now and then a servant would wave or smile at them.

Big Mac felt overwhelmed at all the fancy, high-ceiling’d halls and intricate filigree. The palace was a different world than his own. He felt small and insignificant in it all. But then he remembered Celestia was right there beside him and he felt better. He caught her eye and smiled. Her eyes lidded into a cute, earnest sort of grin.

Princess Celestia’s mind was already projecting the future. Suppose things… you know, worked out between them? Then what? She’d made no assumptions, but suppose they really and actually did?

The Alicorn Amulet had been recovered, after centuries of being lost. She could extend his life as long as he wished and she could keep him as a proper companion. Shining Armor had received a dose of its magic a few months after his honeymoon. Cadance had been elated when Twilight Sparkle had recovered it from Trixie of all ponies. Shining Armor was slated to live until age 1200 or so… then he’d probably get another dose of it. The trinket was designed to emulate the powers of an alicorn for anypony that wore it. A unicorn would grow stronger in magic. A Pegasus would split the sky in its flight. An earth pony, however, would live forever. Why something so specific? Earth ponies represented the never-ending cycles of the earth, of the birth and rebirth of all things living. Alicorns lived forever, and that facet of their power had been imprinted into the amulet as the earth pony side of things. However! If an alicorn wielded the Alicorn Amulet, she could bestow its gifts on another pony like a tattoo. A fixture to the core of their beings that would last centuries. He or she wouldn’t have to wear it all the time. In all technicality, if Celestia or Luna wanted, they could have husbands. The amulet itself had been created some centuries ago when Luna had fallen in love with a stallion, very deeply. Sadly, it hadn't worked out and she'd passionately discarded it into a rushing river. She’d even colored it to match his fur and mane, so she couldn't look at it at the time. (His name was Sombra.)


Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Prince Blueblood, and Prince Shining Armor fidgeted in their seats a little. The royal dining room was rarely occupied by all of them at the same time. But, so rare was it an occasion that Princess Celestia had a very special somepony, well—wouldn’t YOU come rushing to meet him? I thought so.

They perked up when the double doors were opened by servants. Celestia glided into the room with all her usual grace. Next to her plodded a red earth pony stallion. Everypony around the table beamed. They hadn’t known what to expect, but they were glad it wasn’t a stuffy lord or something strange.

“Come in!” Offered Blueblood, lighting his horn to pull back a chair for him. Big Mac smiled politely, slipping up and into the seat. “I’m Prince Bloodblood, you must be Big Macintosh!” he said, shaking his hoof firmly. He gestured around the table, introducing everypony. “It’s so good to meet you.” He gave his perfect, blonde mane a toss. He liked Big Mac already. A humble, farmer-looking stallion? Excellent! He himself had to beat off gold diggers with a stick, practically. Countryside ponies were known to be noble, humble, upright sorts. He was glad his aunt had chosen such a good stallion. Good for her!

Celestia took her seat at the head of the table. Luna smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. The white alicorn knew her sister was still sulking a little. Ambassador Doppleganger had returned to the southern badlands, back to the hive. He was a diplomat, after all, and his visit had come to an end. He would be back in a few months, with counter-offers and other reperation talks from Queen Chrysalis. But, it wouldn’t keep Luna from missing him (and writing him lusty, giggly love letters). The white alicorn touched her sister’s hoof, smiling gently. Luna returned the smile.

<He seems very nice, sister.> Luna’s thoughts touched Celestia’s mind. Thought-speak was for private, royal conversations. Celestia gave her a look, though, to make her speak aloud instead. It was rude in such good company.

Even Celestia’s coltfriend was not above being cross-examined by the eager family sorts. They wanted to hear all about Big Macintosh, where he came from, what he did, and so on. He wasn’t much of a stallion for long conversation, but he gave them answers and shy smiles when they asked if they’d kissed or anything yet. Nods were appropriate there.

“Mine sister is aglow with happiness, that is all I care for.” Luna said firmly. There was nodding, and Big Mac blushed a slightly darker red. Reaching, the night time Princess clinked her glass with a fork a few times. Servants came with soup and salad for them, along with aromatic garlic bread and sweet water. It was a light-food, conversation-heavy sort of meal. Early brunch, considering the time of day.

Big Mac was thankful when the spotlight slid off of him for a bit and they accepted him. Blueblood was supposed to be in a horn-fencing tournament soon. Shining Armor and Cadance were still trying for a foal or two. Luna had just finished eliminating over forty-seven outdated tax laws from the books, streamlining the process in certain places. Despite the table he was sitting at, the crimson stallion felt like he was watching a normal family. Celestia caught his eye and smiled lovingly. He put a massive hoof briefly over hers before pondering over the seven forks and spoons in front of him. He was thankful for the portal-door Celestia had made for him— he knew he wouldn’t survive long in such a fancy place if Celestia wasn’t next to him at all times.

He entertained the thought for a few moments. Celestia next to him at all times. He blushed a little. They were just starting dating. Sort-of-dating anyway. Who knew if it would work out or not. He liked things how they were now and if they went further than that, well… they’d cross that bridge when they came to it. No doubt the newspapers and other riffraff would get ahold of this news soon and they’d have to be careful where and how they met, but— “Oh, pardon me, sir.” A servant had appeared with the morning paper. “The morning paper, your majesties.” He bowed to the five royals and Big Macintosh.

Big Mac set it to one side, smiling to himself as he reached for another breadstick to dip in his soup. But, his hoof froze. He unfolded the paper. Plastered across the front page was a candid shot of himself, ontop of Celestia, making out like the world was ending! His mouth fell open in icy, gut-wrenching embarrassment.


The headline was positively blistering. He went pale. In the photo Celestia was splayed out on her back under him like a mare in heat, her mane looking wild and alive. His barrel was pressed to hers so hard he looked like he owned her. He was thankful they’d only been kissing, holy cow… Judging from the angle and such, that pony must’ve been very close by. But who? The sub-header gave it all away and Big Mac’s eyes widened.


Bucking. Featherweight. He must’ve been hiding in the loft the last time they were there! Luna saw what she thought she saw on the front page, snatching up the paper and bringing it to her nose. Her eyes locked on the photo, her mouth making a perfectly scandalous o-shape. Then she burst into uproarious laughter, turning it over to show the others. Celestia turned as red as a… well… apple. This was certainly an interesting way to start out in a relationship!