> A different type of greed... > by WebHead69 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Lovable assistant~ (Twilight) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rose with a shine brighter than what most mornings brought. Princess Celestia never disappointed in starting a day that made one pony happy to wake up to. Even if you got home late and only slept for less than a hour, you couldn't resist smiling at something so beautiful. At least that was what Princess Celestia believed as she made the sun brighter today just for fun. Moments such as this was what made Twilight happily wake up even after a rough night of sleeping. Slowly yawning before she even opened her eyes, Twilight stretched her legs and arms before moving up straight. Blinking a few times, she looked out the window with a smile before turning her body to get off the bed and stretching once more. She scratched her head and moved her fingers through her long purple hair as she walked over to the window to open it and smile. She turned around and walked across her 'room' to see if Spike was awake at the end of where her bed was. "Did you have a rough night Spike-" Twilight's mouth hanged open as she saw a large pile of...stuff. Stuff that covered where Spike would normally be sleeping. Stuff that Twilight knew didn't belong to her or Spike. His snoring and the gentle movement of said objects, was more than obvious enough to where he was sleeping exactly. She glared angrily realizing that Spike didn't listen to her yesterday when he was allowing his birthday to get the best of him. Regardless of yesterday, she was going to give him a good lecture as she looked over the pile of stuff covering her assistant. "SPIKE! I can't believe you!" Twilight shouted very upset with him. Using her magic, she made the objects float to reveal the little purple bastard. "Where did you get all this-" Twilight gasped as she dropped everything around them, while almost dropping to the floor herself. Spike was always a quarter sized version of the average mare you would come across. And just a few inches taller than the fillys you would see like Applebloom. But in this case, Spike wasn't a 'little bastard' like she was considering him as in the heat of the moment, but a BIG, tall, and RIPPED, purple bastard. Spike looked as if he was old enough to be her age by size. Legs, arms, neck, and tail were all longer in length. His claws were bigger and kinda scary, his tail was thicker and looked meaner, his green spikes were nothing to laugh at either, and Twilight was very intimidated at ONE particular part that was not even the slightest of things to laugh at... Breaking the dead silence, Spike opened his eyes as he normally did each morning. He blinked turning his head to where Twilight was stunned looking over at him. He yawned allowing his long dragon tongue to stretch before standing up slowly and stretching his much larger body in morning pleasure. "Morning Twilight..." Spike spoke in a slightly deeper voice. He smiled as he rubbed his neck gently. "What a night..." he remarked before blinking a few times. He looked at Twilight, who closed her mouth and was obviously scared. She even backed off which confused him. "Something wrong-" Spike stopped as he noticed that he was more leveled with her height than normally, and she was standing which meant something wasn't right. Spike however first noticed that the hat he wore since late afternoon from yesterday was still on his head. As he tried to remove it, it was stuck for some reason. After struggling for a minute, he finally got it off while unsure as to why it was smaller today. “Did you dry this-" Spike froze as he finally noticed his long arms. Looking at his now adult body, Spike dropped his hat and looked over himself trying to figure out why he was different. “Um Spike…?” Twilight asked nervously. “What HAPPENED to you?” she asked unsure if this was normal or not. “What did you do yesterday…?” Spike looked at her and looked just as bothered as her. “I don’t-" he froze once again after noticing something ‘odd’ about Twilight. Her PJs made her look quite the eye catcher: her basic red T-shirt and her PJ short shorts, allowed her to carry a perfect image of the ‘cute morning girl’ stereotype. For some reason, her slight messy hair made her even cuter and more attractive. And of course, who could forget those lovely breasts of hers? Maybe not as large as Pinkie Pie’s or especially Fluttershy’s, but they were quite a decent size for an egg head. Twilight knew first-hand what Spike was feeling; he easily placed his claws onto them without permission and learned that she wasn't wearing a bra. “SPIKE!” Twilight gave the proper reaction with both a smack to his face, and a force of her magic separating them by force. Spike grunted as he hit the floor on his back whereas Twilight was glaring and blushing red at the same time. She was covering her breasts with her arms despite not being exposed, although she felt exposed because of him. “What the buck is wrong with you?!” Spike was in a daze before he shook his head snapping his head back into reality. “What-" he saw how angry Twilight was and got nervous as THAT was scary. “W-what I-" he stopped as he realized that he just grasped her breasts. Her lovely luscious breasts- “You’re a pig!” Twilight snapped as she looked disgusted with him, but still carried the distinctive red blush. Not surprisingly, Spike was more offended by her remark rather than being afraid of her. “Oh well excuse me for hitting puberty!” he stood up brushing himself. He then realized that his PJs were ripped and barely covering him: his shirt was without sleeves and barely hanging together in attempt not to expose his likely ripped chest. As for his shorts, they surprisingly held on well but were above his knees this time. Nothing to complain in his view as he looked back at Twilight. “Oh I get it…” he started as he began to think of an insult to say in return. “…you’re not use to having a stallion- let alone a male-, touch you right?” Spike gave a dull expression. Twilight got redder. “What- Of course I've been with a stallion!” Twilight may have been committed to her studies, but she WAS a girl after all and naturally liked men (respectively). Spike was still offended by her insults. Wanting to follow up, “Hey, don’t tell me it was your big brother Shining Armor!” “WHAT?!” “I know how you feel exactly: ‘Oh Shining….please be my first-‘ “ Spike didn't get to finish as a wave of purple coated books were shot at him. Spike barely avoided the 3rd , 4th, 5th, and 6th the moment he was hit by the 1st and 2nd wave of books. Twilight was as red as they came as she looked like she wanted to kill him. Again and again did the books come at Spike and he finally took cover behind a table. After a few minutes, he heard her panting heavily and ‘aggressively’, where he then slowly moved his head up and saw how tired and worn out she was after spending so much magic. He took caution with his next few words, “Ok I am sorry…” he told her as he slowly walked from the table and held his arms up. “You’re a jerk…” she said with a face that was still red by both embarrassment and anger. She still covered her breasts and faced away from him. Spike did feel bad and sighed rolling his eyes. “Sorry, I guess it’s the dragon hormones in me…” As he walked closer to her, he looked at himself again. “How did I become like this?” Spike asked her. “How should I know…” Twilight turned her head with the same face but was more relaxed with him being physically closer. “You did say ‘puberty’…does that mean that you’re just ‘growing up’?” Twilight seemed to be figuring it out given that it was his birthday yesterday and he was bigger. “What else could it be?” Spike looked behind him to see how big his tail was. He gave a wolfish smile as he shook his tail a bit watching the muscles work out with his new and improved toy. However, “Huh, no wings yet…maybe it’s something else…” he said scratching his head as he turned to look at Twilight who had half her body turned. Twilight thought about it as she looked at him from the top, to the bottom. “Um…well…” Twilight started. It was hard to think straight when Spike looked quite nice in body structure. No baby fat of any kind as his body was solid and well naturally fit. But what really bothered Twilight was his nice attractive length budging against his tight shorts. Twilight felt her mouth watering slightly at the sight with her mouth still closed. Wanting to come off of it- so to say, she said, “Well I am sure it’s nothing…just, let me do some research…” she faced away from him and made a few books fly towards her. Books that were related to dragons as she began to do some research. Spike on the other hand was busy looking at his surroundings. It was so weird how big he was compared to before. He didn't need to use the ladder for the smallest of things he needed to do. Smiling, he walked around and said, “You know, I think that I could get use to this…” “Not me…” “What?” “Nothing!” Spike didn’t know what was up with Twilight. Perhaps she was still upset with him touching her breasts which he already apologized for. Thus, he tried not to think about it as he looked at her. Her long hair was neat (thanks to a magically controlled brush) and her body was as appealing as ever even from behind. Her long purple legs began to have that same effect on Spike beforehand. But as he tried to shake out the thought in an attempt to control himself, Spike moved his eyes up to where her tail and rear was. Her tail ‘swooshed’ normally as most do on a pony’s rear. But the sight was that tempting. It was so tempting that Spike didn’t realize that he was not half a foot away from Twilight. The height level was at least a foot- no, 2 feet difference between them. He lowered himself and was breathing heavy as his greed for lust was beginning to take in effect once again. This time, his claws slowly took their time reaching for her bum until… “Hmmm…nothing here on a drag-ONG’S!!!!!!” Twilight yelped as all the books floating around her presence fell to the floor. Spike was strong with his grip and didn’t let go of her perfect cheeks that were begging to be exposed. She felt herself blushing even more and feeling wet from the grasp, knowing that it was Spike again as she tried to get him off. “S-Spike! S-s-stop that!” she pleaded as she tried to get herself free but with no avail. Spike did hear her but was too obsessed with her rump. He was still ‘sane’ enough to remember that he needed to pull down her shorts. He did so. “SPIKE!” she shouted as she thought that if he knew that she was angry, he would listen. However…”EEPEPPP!” Spike hit the jackpot; after removing her shorts, her white panties were now exposed. This time, Spike wasn't going to be considerate with her clothing. *RIP* “NOOOO!” Twilight whined almost to tears. Tears of embarrassment mind you~ With her annoying underwear out of the way, Spike was drooling from his dragon tongue as if he found a dirt pit filled with priceless, tasty, and extremely rare gemstones. Her ragged flesh held a natural darker purple tone compared to the rest of her body that gave him chills just from staring. Spike didn't waste another second as he drilled his long tongue into her, swirling his tongue all around her pussy’s insides. Twilight gasped and by a great miracle, stopped herself from moaning. She tried to get away but his tongue was that big of a deciding factor. “S-Spike- NNNnnn…..No….egh….nnnmmmmm…” Twilight felt herself go as red as she possibly could after failing to control her natural sounds. It felt soooooo good to have a dragon’s tongue into her, tasting every inch of her pussy without mercy. For that moment, without controlling her feelings, she really envied the female dragons who got a experience like this. It made her jealous in a way… Spike’s tongue work lasted for a few minutes. After having a good first hand taste, he pulled away to give himself a chance to breathe for the first time in minutes. Licking his lips, he wanted a taste of her breasts this time. As he stood up, he looked down to see his best buddy fully erect and in impressive length/size. Spike didn't expect to be THIS large, but he didn't complain as he smiled upon Twilight who was leaning against the wall by this point in an attempt to keep herself from falling. She was panting heavily and her legs were shaking as her rich juices were now dripping down her thighs. Thanks to the brighter than usual sun light today, it was quite the sight to view upon as Spike approached her. But Twilight wasn't going to give up without a fight. “N-no…” Twilight turned to face him as he was about to hug her close. By some other miracle, she didn't orgasm before despite the AMAZING tongue work from him. With her pride on the line, Twilight attempted to focus her magic in order to give more space between them just as she did before. The magic conjured a ‘bubble’ of purple colored magic between them not 6 inches away from one another. However, it was futile as Spike’s chest was too much for the magic to do anything about it. Thus, it ‘popped’ and disappeared allowing Spike to hold her. “Spike-“ she begged as she started to regain her voice. “We can’t- you’re my assistant!” she was glazing at him with a dizzy mind that was conquered by lust. Spike however kept his eyes on where her breasts were. Like with her panties, he ripped her shirt effortlessly with one claw while the other, held her from her back. Her red shirt was ripped to pieces as her breasts bounced completely exposed with no shame. Her nipples were dark purple as expected and hard as trigonometry…like his penis. Spike teased poor Twilight as he pinched one of her nipples. Her reaction was priceless in the arousing matter. And yet Twilight still wouldn’t give up; in a desperate attempt, she gathered as much magic as possible in her horn. It glowed so brightly, that it was turning pure white which Spike didn’t fail to notice. This thing again? Man how annoying! Spike thought in his mind frowning at what she was trying to do. “Maybe this will work…” he said aloud as he covered her horn with his mouth. What happened next was something that Spike didn’t expect. “!” Twilight’s eyes widened in reaction after being shut so tightly. “AHH!” she cried as her body was drained completely thanks to the nerve-fuck Spike gave her. Her magic vanished, her body was weak, and with spike continuing to play with her nipples, her body twitched. All leading to a strong and very wet orgasm that, much to her horror, Spike took fully noticed. “MMff?!” He released her horn with a ‘pop’, leaving trails of his spit on it before seeing the wet puddle between her legs. A few more ‘squirts’ occurred as Twilight was breathing very heavy by this point. “Wow Twilight…” he said blinking as he was just as surprised. “I didn’t realize that you unicorns had such SENSTIVE horns…” Twilight’s nightmare was confirmed as she suddenly looked up at him when he said that. His nasty typical trade mark smile was followed with him licking her horn endlessly. “Hmmm….no…*moan*…nnnh…Spike….it….no….*groan*…..nnenn…..” Twilight was in heaven with how he was licking her horn. A few kisses and sucking was present with his oral work on her horn. “Don’t…..I…*moan*….love….*moannnnnnn*…it!” she confessed with a gasp, as she was really in heaven by this point. Spike was pleased with her confession. But given that this was his first time, he wanted to do this right as he dragged his tongue free from her horn and moved against her lips in a passionate matter. Her mouth naturally accepted him as he felt her own tongue wanting to play with his. In hot passionate kissing, Spike opened an eye seeing the bed just a few feet away. Allowing it to go on for a few more seconds, he slowly pulled away with a smile. Twilight had a dazed smile as well as she seemed to like his work, before he gently pulled her towards the bed. Spike was still trying to understand his body as he ‘tossed’ her onto the bed with little effort. Had he not been gentle, she would have flown out the window or against the wall. But only a nice big bounce on her bed was the worst that had happened. “Ah-“ she said as she landed on her bed. Spike eventually joined her and played with her breasts some more with his famous tongue work. A few gentle nibbles, with a bit of tugging and strong sucking, Spike didn’t disappoint in pleasuring the purple mare. Her open moans didn’t disappoint his ears as he was delighted that his first mare was approving his work and commitment. Spike may have been considered to be a ‘baby’ by everypony around him he did whatever it took to prove them wrong. Especially after meeting Rarity for the first time in his life. Just because he was small, didn’t make him a baby! He was a KID! Big difference in his mind as Twilight continued to be feasted upon by the purple beast. “Ah!” Spike gasped as he forgot to breathe again. While he was regaining his breathing pattern again, he got ‘lazy’ and decided to just rip his own clothing off. His shirt was no problem. As for his shorts, he needed a few more seconds before they were nothing. What stood before Twilight was different than what she expected from a dragon: his penis wasn’t ‘layered’ differently like certain reptiles, dogs, or stallions where they had their ‘lipstick’ penis. His penis was completely bridged from his crotch, to the very tip. It carried the same green color and scale pattern that his lower stomach had. Although some extra ‘scale layers’ were present on the sides of his penis, in a deeper green color and diamond shaped in bits. Twilight, who was trying to control her breathing again, had her eyes on that prize. She couldn’t wait to feel that thing inside of her, and allowing her to go into heaven again. Her excitement increased as Spike moved closer and stroked his penis. It leaked a bit of pre-cum as it was now pressing against her opening. Spike didn’t slow down as he probed into her insides and eventually moved all the way into her. Spike’s first experience was easy to tell based on his reaction: while Twilight was slowly opening her mouth and closing her eyes in pleasure, Spike’s eyes were shutting tightly and his dragon tongue was hanging with a wide opened mouth. He grunted as her tight walls were quite ‘welcoming’. Spike moaned as he stood up straight with his body on his knees. He pressed deeper inside of Twilight, whose arms were under the pillows that were under her head. Her reactions told him that he was doing the right thing as he continued to move in and out of her. “Spike… Nmmmmm….” Twilight was enjoying this more than Spike. Maybe because he was doing all the work, maybe because he was more caring to her sexual needs over his, maybe, it was because of how good he felt inside of her. “Oh Spike….you’re so big…” she moaned as he closed. The feeling was mutual with Spike as he was enjoying the tightness. Man he didn’t know how intense sex could be! No wonder both males and females would go that far for this type of pleasure! Oh how addicted he was becoming… Twilight meanwhile, was becoming wetter and wetter for him. It allowed his dragon cock to move in deeper and deeper. It was a team effort despite the fact that he was doing all the thrusting. But of course, he didn’t complain as he naturally enjoyed being in control like this. What more could a guy want? Twilight’s breasts started to bounce gently as his thrusts began more aggressive over the next 5 minutes. He was one in his prime and she was enjoying the results of his abnormal growth. “Ooooh….*moan*……oooooh……” Twilight continued to make noises as she kept her eyes closed. Spike didn’t realize it, but at this rate, he was going to destroy her bed from all the thrusting and movement. Wanting to pace himself slower, he decided to bring up conversation. “Hey…” Twilight opened her eyes. “Hey…” “Does it feel good?” When she nodded sweetly, he added, “Good…I am glad…” Spike was naturally caring of Twilight despite his sudden change. “By the way…” he did slow and hard thrusts that made Twilight gasp occasionally. “…who WAS your first?” he had asked. Twilight bit her lip. There was silence (with the exceptions of her gentle ‘gasps’ every few seconds) as Twilight looked away blushing. After what felt like another 5 minutes, she said, “It….*gasp*…*moan*….was Shining…*gasp*…” Spike grinned as he couldn’t believe that he was right on the dot. He knew that she was obsessed with her brother but… “I can’t believe this! *thrust* When you two were little? You were young when he left!” he said remembering the story of her brother leaving to the academy. “Unless not that young?” Twilight shook her head blushing. “Not THAT yo- *gasp*…young...” She looked away. “I was 11…he visited me at times after he- *moan*….left when I was 7…*gasp*” Twilight remarked as she closed her eyes. Twilight was 17 right now. Spike had snickered a bit as he normally did when something embarrassing happened to another pony. But of course, got over it since he was bucking the hell out of Twilight and cared more about that then what made her embarrassed. He pulled his penis out and decided to try something new. Out of the ‘magazines’ that he sneaked around over the years, he saw various sex positions that he dreamed (originally for him and Rarity) to do. Thus, he turned her body to her right where her left arm was now forced exposed. She let out a gasp confused to what he was doing, as he lifted her left leg, bending her foreleg, and licking at her feet. She squirmed a bit giggling and moaning with embarrassment as he picked up speed while licking her foot. Eventually, he moved down her leg and used more of that tongue action around while he continued to move in this position. A good advantage was how much deeper it was and how much more pleasurable it became for both partners. “S-spike-“ she couldn’t control herself as Spike was just being pure evil. He only smiled as he stopped licking her foot and allowed her long leg to fold onto his shoulder. Twilight felt another orgasm near closer and closer. After another minute…. “Ah….ah….AH!” Twilight’s orgasm was better than ever! She loved how Spike screwed her! She LOVED the new Spike! Oh how she wanted him to never end! But of course, Spike’s own special moment was coming as he picked up speed. Twilight was ready and she wanted it NOW. “Spike…*grunt*….*moan*…cum inside of me! I- *moan*…I WANT IT!” Spike needed no more. With one final thrust, he let out a deep dragon growl that indicated his release. His lower body had tightened as he pressed as deep as he possibly could, before shooting a hot batch of dragon seed into her. Her walls held his penis so tightly, that he wanted to personally stroke and better control the flow of his release. But her pussy controlled him and he shot as hard as possible into her womb. Spike would drop dead and die happy if this was his very last moment of sex. Twilight arched her body as she felt the hot liquid shooting inside of her. She felt so…warm. “Oooooh geez….” she moaned as she leaned against the pillow, feeling Spike pulling his penis free and feeling his large load slowly pouring out of her and onto her bed. “…you let out……a lot.” She closed her eyes… Spike panted as he stroked his penis wanting to enjoy the feeling even more. Man, clopping by himself sucked compared to this! And he was older and stronger in physical form which made it even better. He had a pleased expression as his tongue hanged out. “Man was that great…” he thought aloud as he stopped stroking his penis. “Hey, wanna go again-“ he started. However, he took noticed of Twilight falling asleep. Her body had naturally shifted away from the window as the sun light was clearly bothering her. Smiling, Spike got off the bed and covered the window with the curtains. Looking back at her and seeing her body in the fetal position, he saw his big load slowly pouring out of her pussy while she was clearly enjoying a very pleasurable sleep. “Man, I let out A LOT…” he said repeating what she said as he moved the cover onto Twilight who continued to sleep. “…quite a lot…” he suddenly stopped smiling. “Ponies and dragons can’t cross breed right?” he thought aloud. After a minute, he shook his head at the thought of her possibly getting knocked up. “Nah…” he said before kissing her cheek and leaving her side… > Sweet Apple Pie~ (Applejack) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike felt very happy after losing his virginity to Twilight not two hours ago. The purple and green dragon was so happy, that he didn’t mind investing 10 minutes of his free time sewing a new set of clothes. Now that he was bigger, none of his current kid clothes fit him. And conveniently, part of his chores and duties to help Twilight around did involved learning how to sew and repair certain materials. Thank Celestia that Twilight had borrowed some clothing materials from Rarity, since she wanted Spike to keep the tree house well stocked and prepared for the ‘worst’. It’s not surprising that Twilight was obsessed considering how well-organized she kept her resources available for any scenario. ‘Better safe than sorry’ was the rule she lived by. Of course, Spike wasn’t good at doing certain things…like cooking. Stuff like that was left for Twilight to do, that or eating out which was a more regular thing that they did together. “I am hungry…” he said to himself as he walked across the forest. The last thing he wanted to do was to bring attention to his new appearance. Especially after he saw how Twilight was reacting towards his new appearance, Spike could only imagine how the rest of Ponyville would react. That reminded him of how Rainbow Dash told him of Fluttershy’s fear towards adult dragons. “I don’t want to give her or any other pony a heart attack…” Spike admitted as he continued to walk through the forest. Eventually, Spike took a break after walking for almost an hour. Sure he could have eaten at home, but there was barely anything appetizing to eat, given by all the vegetables that Twilight had with nothing sweet or any gemstones of any kind. He would have asked Twilight for some money since he spent a lot of bits on a few ‘things’ that he needed, but she was sleeping and he didn't want to take anything out of her coin purse without her permission. Even leaving a note wasn't enough in his opinion. “Man, where the buck is the fruit…” he asked looking around frowning. Seriously, he never had trouble finding something to eat whenever he walked through the woods. He would settle for some berries right now or even forest nuts. Although it could be that the animals who spotted him, took them all away after believing that he was going to eat every single bite for himself. “Wait, is that Sweet Apple Acres?” Spike looked to his left and somehow made it to the famous apple farm that was owned by the Apple family. The landscape was really something although the trees near him, where plucked already with not a single apple attached. Frowning, Spike spotted somepony plucking the last apples from one tree that was closer to the barn. Not wanting to lose his chance, he hurried along hoping to get at least 5 or 10 apples before they were stocked away for selling and produce. Spike did manage to reach in time, just as he saw the big structure of Big Mclntosh removing pieces of branch and leaves from his basket. “Big Mac-” Spike started as he ran out of breath. “Eeyup?” Big Mac asked not even looking behind him. Now that Spike was closer, he could now properly tell how big he gotten; he and Big Mac were barely different in height, where Spike was only a few inches taller thanks to the green spike on his head. “Um, it’s me Spike- I was wondering if I could have some apples?” he asked smiling like he always does. However, Big Mac still didn't turn to face him. “Oh Spike, it’s good to see you!” Big Mclntosh said with a smile, despite not looking at him as his attention was fixed in cleaning the apples he had plucked. “Well I ma sorry, but these here apples are still needin’ for some cleanin’. Why don’t you go ‘n’ see Applejack for some?” Big Mac explained as he pointed towards the barn. Not wanting to disappoint his stomach, Spike went with it. “Ok thanks!” he said waving at him as he hurried along to the barn. “Eeyup~” he responded happily, not noticing Spike’s change… In just a few seconds, Spike managed to run all the way to the barn before he finally ran out of energy. After spending a few more seconds slowing down, “Ah…*pant*….I should have…*pant*…quit when I was…*pant*….ahead….*pant*…” he said as he leaned against the barn wall. Blinking, he saw the opened doorway to his right, and took his time walking inside. The first thing that came to mind was RED. The beautiful sight of mountain-sized piles of apples was before the hungry dragon. Oh how the juices they carried made his mouth water at the thought. Oh how the crunch and sweet first bite must taste like. Oh how delicious Applejack’s rear looked- Applejack?! Spike blinked again as he finally took noticed of Applejack to the left corner. The farmer mare was sleeping on her side, similar to how Spike left Twilight only she wasn't in the fetal position. On a pile of haystack, Applejack gave a ‘soft’ snore that Spike could hear from 10 feet away. Why is she sleeping? Spike wondered as he walked to the side towards the closest basket. He picked up an apple and ate it in one bite, before spitting out the seeds from his mouth. I know that Applejack works hard and all… Maybe she was doing something with all of these apples? he wondered before popping 2 more into his mouth. Yeah, she may have been organizing them… he decided as he spit more seeds before continuing to eat more of the apples. Spike eventually ate the entire basket, which was at least 30-50 apples worth per basket. He was pleased with the amount he ate and happily sat down rubbing his stomach. “Hmmm mmh! Now THAT was satisfying!” Spike exclaimed happily. He did naturally expect for his appetite to have matched his physical size. Of course, Spike did wonder if the growth effects were permanent… He wanted it to be permanent. Why would he want to be the kid that all ponies had referred to as a ‘baby’? Things were better this way right? Spike was now finally one of the ponies that he and Twilight hanged with each day. He felt EQUAL among them now, and not just some little useless dragon who was often left out in their adventures. The very thought of being a kid again made him frown and even brought pain into his mind. Now, things were different. He could make a difference and he was really looking forward to it as he smiled once again. “And just WHAT do you think yer doin’?!” Spike’s heart skipped as a pitchfork was not an inch away from his right spiky cheek. He instantly held up his arms surrendering. “I give!” he yelped forgetting that his scales were tougher than they looked. “Stand up now ya hear?!” Applejack ordered as she pulled the pitchfork away from his cheek slowly. “Up now! I ain’t gonna repeat myself!” That was a final warning. Spike quickly stood up with his upper body keeping its stature. He was calmer, and waited for a chance to explain himself to the obviously angered Applejack. “Good…now turn yerself around so I can see yer face!” Spike did so in a quick matter. Silence. Applejack screamed. “A draaagggggon!?!” she yelped as if she didn't see a dragon BIGGER than him from season 1. She fell backwards and held up her pitchfork shaking uncontrollably. “S-s-stay back ya hear?!?!?!” she yelled at him, obviously giving a reaction that was worse than Twilight. “A-Applejack calm down-” Spike started getting nervous at her screaming. The last thing he wanted was to get her big brother over here and making the situation more troubling than it needed to be, by trying to attack him with a pitchfork as well. Although Spike believed he could take him on due to his equal stature now. “It’s me: Spike!” Applejack took only another second before she calmed down. “SPIKE!?” Applejack was stunned with a dropped jaw. She then suddenly did something that Spike didn't expect: she laughed. “Spike?! Hahahaha! That’s a good one; sweet little ol’ Spike, as a BIG mean-looking dragon?” Spike didn't find it funny. “What’s so funny?” he actually glared at the blonde mare. “It IS me!” he claimed. It took Applejack a few more seconds to calm down, before she wiped the tears of laugher from her eyes. “I doubt that…” she remarked as she stood up, less afraid of him and held the pitchfork normally but was less hostile. “Prove it.” Spike stopped glaring. “Um…HOW?” Applejack kept a small smile and thought about it. While she did, Spike naturally looked at her typical getup: aside from her trademark hat, she wore her red unbuttoned long sleeve plaid shirt over a white shirt, her dark blue jeans were covering her long legs and leading his eyes to her bare feet, and she wore brown gloves that protected her delicate gentle hands. All slightly covered by some dirt, indicating the hard work she recently did which led her into taking a nap in the barn. Some dirt was actually on her face, covering those cute white freckles of hers which was a DAMN shame in Spike’s opinion. “Alrigh, tell me something that only Spike would share between his closest of kin!” Applejack said pointing the pitchfork at him. “What- Something that only my closest friends would know?” he asked thinking about it. Spike did however come up with a good idea on what to say in order to prove it was him. At first, he was reconsidering as it made him blush and feel embarrassed. However, “Well…as you know…I have….feelings for…..well…I REALLY like Rarity….” Spike looked away completely red. “Well that ain’t a secret!” “HUH?” “Shoot, everypony in Ponyville knows that! I reckon that Rarity is the only pony that don’t know the feelins’ that sweet little ol’ Spike has for herr!” Applejack exclaimed, rolling her eyes. Spike was both dumbfounded and horrified. “Wait, WHAT?!-” “Well if you don’t have any proof….” Applejack started to get serious as she pointed the pitchfork at him again. “…I reckon that you best pay for what you did-” However, Spike gave a dull expression as he effortlessly took her pitchfork and tossed it to the side, a few feet away behind from where he stood. All thanks to the fact that Spike had actually remembered the advantages of having dragon scales unlike before. Applejack’s eyes had widen as she looked at her hands, then at Spike, then at her hands, then at spike, and then at her hands again, and finally, back at Spike. She held her hands into fists, against her cheeks before giving a small ‘epp!’ out of fear. “Look, I AM Spike ok? How many dragons do you know who have a purple and green color scheme? Who has NOT breathed fire on you yet?” Spike asked looking at her sternly and somewhat hurt. By great luck, Applejack finally thought about it and believed him. “Well shoot Spike, you nearly went ter and gave meh a heart attack…” the blonde mare said, looking at him with her green eyes. She looked up and down and said, “You’ve ‘changed’ since yesterday…what happened to ya? A growth spurt while you were sleepin’?” Applejack guessed right. Spike was actually pleased. “I can’t believe it: Twilight didn't realize it immediately whereas Applejack, a BLONDE, figured it out the moment she realized it was me, Spike!” Spike said slapping his cheek out of a surprised reaction. Although to be fair, he did grabbed Twilight’s breasts and was likely distracted by his perverted ways. So he really couldn't expect Twilight to be thinking about how and why he looked the way that he is now after what he did… “And just want do ya mean by ‘blonde’?” Spike’s head perked up as he realized that he spoke aloud, and Applejack was NOT impressed with his realization. Of course, he quickly changed the subject. “So yeah um…I was quite hungry and wondered in here hoping you wouldn't mind if I ate some of your wonderful apples…” he gestured at the empty basket. Applejack looked at the empty basket. “You were hungry? Then why did ya come all the way over here sugarcube?” Applejack frowned at him with her arms crossed. “I am sure that Twilight could’ve fixed you somethin’…” Spike looked to the side. “Yeah about that…” Spike knew better than to say what had happened between him and Twilight. Thus, “Twilight was feeling very tired this morning and went back to sleep…” he responded honestly about it. Just like how Applejack was normally in everyday of her pony life. “Tired?” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “She al’right?” “Oh yeah…” Spike gave a smile at the very thought. “In fact, I believe that she’ll wake up in a GREAT mood afterwards.” Spike’s mind was filled with joy after what he and Twilight did. “Well that ter is a relief~” Applejack remarked, completely unaware of what he and Twilight did. “Anyways, I see you helped yourself…” Applejack smirked as she nudged at the empty basket. “So you satisfied?” Spike looked at her. “Um…what?” Applejack frowned as she walked up to him and repeated, “Are, you, SATISFIED?” “Well…” Spike obviously misunderstood what she was asking him, as he looked at her chest and wondered if he was understanding her question. Of course, before he could do anything, his staring at her breasts did tell Applejack what he was thinking. “Hey now!” she shouted as she moved back with a red blush. “And just WHAT are you lookin’ at?!” She blushed slightly while covering her breasts in the same matter that Twilight did. Spike was quick to apologize. “Oh sorry- I thought that you were flirting with me…” he confessed honestly as he chuckled nervously and blushed slightly. “Ever since I turned into this, let’s just say that I've had some ‘attention’…” Spike explained as he gestured at his well-fit body. Applejack was still blushing but not as much as before. Yes, Spike did have a point; his body was quite attractive, despite the fact that he was a dragon and different from the typical stallion that mares like her were use to. A good-looking dragon for that matter, and likely carried a nice package in his pants. Of course, Applejack couldn't lie considering that she was known for her honest trait, and given to the fact that her eyes were staring at where his dragon penis was likely sleeping. The thought made her wet between her legs, but she managed to keep that fact hidden as she spoke again. “W-well I can see why ter’ be some ponies after you…” she confessed. “B-but it’s kinda weird don’t ya think? I mean, a dragon with a pony? Who EVER herd of that?” Applejack pointed out. Overall, she managed to be honest about her feelings without giving ‘anything away’. Spike frowned. “What, you saying that I can’t be with anyPONY??” Spike asked her frowning. While his morning experience with Twilight did tell him that it could ‘work’ if he got in relationship with a pony, let alone Rarity, then surely he could get with Applejack right now (at least, in a sexual matter). Of course, he wasn't going to tell her what happened between him and Twilight, nor was he ‘really’ wanting to do it with Applejack as much since he was sane in his perverted mind. Credited to the fact that he released all the severe sexual tension that he kept (since the day they came to Ponyville) into Twilight and he was less desperate to mate with a female. Everything now was just because of the ‘heat of the moment’ type of situation. Then again, Applejack wasn't clear whether she wanted it or not. And if she was craving it, why pass up a opportunity like this? He really enjoyed his experience with Twilight and did read from certain ‘magazines’, that it was a great experience when sleeping with different mares. “Wait, do you want it badly?” he had asked. Spike crossed his arms looking at her with a raised eyebrow of his own. Applejack flinched at his first question. She actually felt bad considering that Spike was really love-crazy for Rarity and given that they were both different by species, was love really limited by that? Who was she to say so? A mare who was never in a serious relationship. She gave a small smile before his second question and responded, “I supposed’ not Spike… Yer right; you can be with any pony that you want…” Of course, Spike didn't hear her since she spoke so SOFT and she was naturally taken back by his second question. “W-what!?” “You heard me!” Spike raised his voice a bit. It was still a bit difficult since his mind wasn't as matured as his new body. Hence he was so easily scared of Applejack pointing at him with a pitchfork beforehand. Trying to control his voice, he added, “W-well I am sure that I can be good in pleasuring you! I-I mean, look at me! I am attractive, I have a big cock- (Applejack gasped when he said that word)- and I KNOW that I can make you feel good!” Spike’s legs shook which confused him. Why was he getting nervous? Was he afraid that she would say ‘no’? He guessed that when it came to Twilight, his urges did overpower him with confidence unlike now. Poor little Spike didn’t realized that it was different each time. Applejack was just stunned by his words. “S-Spike! To use such words! If grannie Smith herd ya- She’ll be the one with a heart attack!” Applejack remarked as she didn't expect those words from Spike. “What if TWILIGHT herd ya???” Spike was calmer with confidence as he said, “I don’t think she would care…” And THAT was the truth as he approached her. “W-w-what are you- S-stay back ya hear?!” Applejack shouted at him as she backed against the barn’s column. She looked back in horror realizing that she had nowhere to run. Looking back at him, “C-c’mon Spike, yer not gonna rape me, are ya?! Yer thinking with your penis, not yer head!” she shouted at him, with her green eyes looking into his own as he came closer. Just as she was about to scream for help, Spike spoke to her again. “But, you want this too right?” Spike gave a smile that only Spike could give. The type of smile that would be hard for Applejack to say ‘no’ to. Applejack blushed when he asked her that. “W-what makes you say that?!” “Well your nipples are hard for one thing…” Spike pointed out the very next second. Applejack suddenly looked down on her chest and realized that he was right; despite WEARING a bra, her nipples made an effort to reveal their shape despite her protests. CALM DOWN GIRLS! she yelled in her mind angrily, whereas her face was blushing redder than ever. “And you’re sweating-” Applejack felt her neck. “And you’re blushing-” Applejack felt her face. “AND, there is a particular scent-” “SPIKE!” Spike stopped as he was 6 feet away from her. She was up against the wall with nowhere to go and had no way of escaping from him. “Look, can’t we just talk about this-??” “You could talk with my penis~” “Spike…” she said giving a dull expression at that joke. Which funny enough, made Spike frown in disappointment. It sure looked like he was going to try anything, and he did not do anything physically to her. Hence Applejack’s expression lightened to the point where she sighed. “Ok…I suppose you ‘n’ me could enjoy a bit of good ol’ bucking...” Spike couldn't believe it. “REALLY!?” he said with a wide smile as he hugged her so hard, that she actually had trouble breathing. Spike thankfully only took a few seconds to hug before releasing her. He didn't realize just how much having sex meant to his body and desires until it was there for that taking. The purple dragon was now starting to realize what his body craved the most when it came to sexual intercourse. “AGAh….” She gasped as she caught her breath and gave a small smile while trying to keep her balance standing. “Heh…why yer still just a little kid in there, ain’t ya?” Applejack rolled her eyes and waited for a few more seconds before holding his hand. “Now you be a good ol’ dragon and just relax…” she ordered as she switched places with him and made him lean his back against the wall before removing her gloves. Applejack took her time removing her brown belt and unbuttoning her jeans. The blonde mare smiled sweetly as she slowly wiggled out of her jeans and revealed her panties: green, they carried shapes of tiny white apples in random patterns. Afterwards, Applejack slowly took off her red plaid shirt and her white T-shirt, revealing her bra that matched perfectly with her panties. Applejack slowly took her time removing her panties as she slowly wiggled out of them and slowly removed her bra, presenting all of her body for Spike. But of course, she kept her hat on with a smile. “Wow…” was what Spike said. He was slowly gaining an erection as he checked her attractive orange body, admiring every single bit of it. Her breasts weren't that different in both shape and size when he thought of Twilight. Although, her nipples were powdered white along with her ‘flower’ (with her pubic hair nicely trimmed by a triangle shape and also blonde like her mane), that reminded him of those cute white freckles on her face. Her hips were nicely curved and as she spun around gently in place to show off, and her rear was nothing less of ‘DAMN’. Her tail was ‘playfully’ swooshing around to the sides as a final teaser, along with her winking. “Wow.” Spike repeated as he gave that hungry expression when he was up against Twilight’s ‘flank’. “Yer sweet sug…” Applejack said softly as she came closer. Bending down, Applejack began to look for his zipper…his zipper. “Oh buck-” Spike said. “I take it that you were the one that made these here clothes?” Applejack asked grinning from below; Spike completely forgot that he needed a zipper or a HOLE of some sort for his penis to come out more easily. Spike however, without thinking again, decided that it was simpler for him to just RIP his clothing once again. Only this time, he didn’t destroy his shirt. He was without underwear and he had nothing covering his lower body. “You know…” Applejack said rolling her eyes as she looked at him funny. “…Pulling your pants down would’ve sufficed…” Spike’s smile quickly vanished as he realized that he would have to make another set of pants, in order for him to walk around freely again after mating. He howled in annoyance but was calmed down by Applejack. “Don’t worry sug~” she told him smiling sweetly. “I’ll give you one of mah brother’s current pairs~” Applejack said ensuring him something to wear afterwards. With his dragon cock now exposed, she held up the length and was just as surprised as Twilight when it looked different than expected. Regardless, Applejack stroked his length to build his arousal, before licking it gently and taking an inch of it into her mouth. Applejack took enjoyment in this dragon taste, as it was unique and different than what she would ever expect from a dragon. She eventually moved her head free from it after taking it in deeply, and sucking on it. “Hmmm…get nice and hard for me…kay?” she asked licking her lips, while she stroked him repeatedly. Spike gave a quick nod as he watched her. Applejack seemed to enjoy taking her time in building up pleasure. Then again, Spike did want the pleasure to last longer as he heard that pro-longing before a release, was PURE heaven in the after-release~ Applejack spent at least another minute probing an inch of his penis into her mouth, and stroking him repeatedly with long powerful strokes, before finally deciding to move it to the next level. Farmer mare here released his penis and decided to take as much of his dragon cock into her mouth. More than 3 inches, Applejack made an effort to take his cock as deep as possible, even if it meant deep throating him. She didn't shy away from fingering herself during the oral sex as she was aching for something to be put inside of her. It wouldn't take her long to start moaning onto his penis with no embarrassment of any kind. The blonde mare felt so dirty doing this in the place where she worked hard to account for the harvest she and her brother gathered, be it in the morning or late afternoon. But in the end, she didn't care. Even as her fingers made the soft, squishy sounds of her own juices that flowed from her flower, she loved feeling like this. She loved being a naughty girl, and that was the truth. Spike’s reaction was normal as he opened his mouth and held back any noises he was about to let out. Arching his head back, Spike wished that Twilight did this to him but would she be as good as Applejack? Or perhaps better? He honestly didn't know when his mind was filled with pleasure and Applejack. It got to the point where Spike needed to hold on to her head for balance, due to the fact that his legs were close to shaking and almost made him fall. He breathed heavily, but silently at the same time. The purple dragon didn't even realize that his tongue was hanging on the side of his mouth, with Applejack noticing this and smiling with pride as she blew him. Applejack did take a break after a while, gasping for air and looking at his hard dragon penis. She licked her lips a few times before standing up. “Boy, that sure is ONE tasty dragon cock you got ter…” she praised him. “I bet Twilight would’ve kept you all for herself’ by lockin’ you up away in the tree house, had she knew what you wer packin’~” she added smirking. “Hehe…yeah…” said looking away shyly. Especially when Applejack didn’t know what he did to Twilight... Spike snapped back into reality as he felt her tapping his chest. Looking at her, she winked at him as she wanted to continue on to the next thing. Thus, Spike made sure to remove his shirt without ruining it like he normally did. After making himself as naked as a jaybird, Spike saw Applejack grasping his penis with one hand, and ‘pulling’ him into following her. He was led to what appeared to be a large long table. “What’s this?” he had asked confused. “Oh this ol’ thing? Just a little somethin’ for when we got family visiting…” she told him as they stopped in front of it. “Now then…be a good ol’ dragon and buck me…” Applejack ordered him as she leaned against the table with her upper body. Exposing her rear, Applejack gave the flirtiest of wiggles before she gave a shy smile at him. The blonde mare was ready for the big bad dragon. Meanwhile, Spike started to stroke his penis and started to get even more excited seeing her precious flower. All moist and ready for him to penetrate with his big, mean, green, dragon cock supplied with fresh hot dragon seed. He probed his penis against her soft folds and had no trouble sliding into her pussy. Thanks to her finger work, he was able to already make contact with her womb in just one thrust. Her arousal made her wet enough to give him full access to what her pussy offered. Spike’s green diamond-shaped scales really gave Applejack a priceless reaction: The orange mare yelped and gasped with widened eyes, as she bit her lip feeling those distinctive scales from the sides of his penis. It gave her pleasure in ways that no stallion could ever produce, no matter how hard one would try. Her eyes were shut tightly as she continued to bite her lip. BUCK….B….BUCK….WHAT A COCK!...NNnmmm…. she screamed in her mind as it brought intense pleasure that she never experienced in her life. Even if she had all of her holes filled by various stallions, they wouldn't even come close to giving her an experience such as this. She felt as if she would fall into endless lust. But that didn’t mean that Spike would let up. Oh no, this was just the beginning as he was already thrusting roughly enough to bring her orgasm closer than expected. He loved her hole so much, that he didn't realize that she was protesting against his impatient movement. “W-w-whoa there nelly!” she grunted as he continued to thrust with high valor. He clearly wasn't going to let up as he clearly gave no regard to her attempts to gain his attention. “S-slow do-down! Yer gonna- *grunt*…ye- *moan*…g-g-g-gonnna break- *grunt*…*moan*….MWE-@#$-!!” Applejack couldn't even speak right by this point. It felt so pleasurable and so rough, that Applejack didn't want to complain that her orgasm was coming now. “!!!” she moaned loudly as her richer juices came hard like a waterfall that was building up, waiting to be released thanks to a big old dragon. Spike heard the familiar sounds of a mare orgasm. He started to slow down and looked over to see Applejack panting heavily with a smile. Her head was resting on the table and he looked to the side to see the familiar juices trailing down her legs. Stopping for a moment, he felt her body trembling in pleasure and felt her pussy twitching slightly. Concerned, “Hey, Applejack…are you ok…?” he had asked hoping that he didn't ‘break’ her in some way. Applejack only giggled as she seemed to be in a trance; her expression was to that of a pony who was just knocked out by a hard object. Her smile kept her mouth opened and she was drooling quite a bit. However, “He….hehe…….hehhhh…….I…..hehe…..that felt……hhe….….gooooooood…..” she managed to say. She blinked a few times and gave a soft moan. “Hmmm….more…” Seeing that Applejack was fine, Spike began to pick up speed once again. Although this time, he made sure that he wasn't doing it mindlessly like an unintelligent beast… Not realizing that Applejack seemed to like it that way. Applejack moved her rear against his hard dragon cock. It felt so good and she didn’t care if anyone caught them now given that the barn door was still opened. She used one hand to balance her upper body on the table, and the other to grab and play with one of her breasts as aggressively as possible. “NNnn……nnn….” She closed her eyes for a moment and looked behind her to watch Spike giving her the best buck of her life. She looked at him for a moment before closing her eyes, and turned her head forward again to continue experiencing the pleasure. “NNNnnn…..” The speed of his thrusts remained the same for a few minutes. Her premature orgasm reminded Spike that he needed to prolong the sex, if he wanted a very pleasurable and very satisfying release when it came. Spike took a deep breath every time he felt a strange ‘sweet nerve’, which he randomly experienced within each thrust inside of her. Spike remembered another position he wanted to try: he lifted one of her sexy legs and thrust so hard, that his DRAGON BALLS slapped against her clit in an aggressive matter. Applejack was taken by surprise as she gasped loudly before moaning wildly. It got even more shocking when he used his other hand to grab her tail and yanked it in an aggressive, yet, very erotic way that made her nerves go more wild than having the Apple family reunion! Spike was really making her experience delicious orgasms against her will. But she didn’t complain after remembering how good the first one was. Thus, when her second came, her head lifted and she moaned as loudly as possible with her mouth opened and her tongue hanging right above her bottom lip. She felt Spike continuing this position for minutes on end despite her recent orgasm. Eventually, “Oooooh…..hey….” she said to him in an attempt to stop him for a moment. She turned her body a bit to get his attention. Spike did take notice and suddenly stopped. “Yeah…? What is it Applejack?” His eyes blinked as he breathed slightly heavy. “Let’s try somethin’ else, O’kay?” she asked him looking exhausted. Applejack moaned as she felt his big penis being pulled out of her. With that thing out of her, she felt somewhat relieved. Of course, it wouldn't last long as she moved onto her back, with her legs up high and showing the results of Spike’s current work. ‘Drenched’, was what came to mind if you saw how messy Applejack’s crotch was. Her pussy was really soaked in her love juices, her thighs got a taste of what Spike caused in just 10 minutes, and the sweet smell of sex got Spike wanting to get a taste. Without looking at her, Spike got on his knees and started to lap his tongue up and down. His tongue did quick work in ‘drying her out’ and didn't just work on her pussy; he licked every spot on her skin that was stained by her love juices and Applejack’s moans told him that she approved his work. After spending no more than 10 seconds, he pulled up and licked his mouth dry in approval as well~ “Well how’d that taste sug?” Applejack asked in a very seductively tone. What was icing on the cake was how she licked her lips watching him clean her. “Like sweet, sweet ,SWEET apple pie~” he said licking his lips with a smile of pleasure. Pleased with his answer, Applejack was licking and biting her lip some more while she eyed his dragon meat. She was rubbing her breasts together as Spike got up and prepared to re-enter her. She made a soft sound as she felt him slowly entering her fully. She felt him hitting her womb and she was having the time of her life. As she felt Spike picking up speed, she naturally began to wrap her legs around his back. Spike felt that with this position, he would enjoy cumming with no regrets. This was great but he was sure that Applejack also wanted to end this (especially after cumming twice in just 5 minutes) and have him cum as well. Spike had to build up the release once again due to the fact that he took a break by eating Applejack’s pie. He was now focused on releasing his hot batch of dragon semen once again. As he continued on for a few more minutes, he was now moving very aggressively where he believed that he would break her table after his orgasm. Applejack didn't seem to care… “Ah….ah……*gasp*…ah…………AH!” she yelped as she felt a NICE thrust out of him that time. It was obvious that he was going to cum and she was satisfied enough as it thanks to his impressive valor. “If yer- AH!....gooonnna cum- *gasp*….then do it on mah face!” she demanded as she wanted to taste what was stored in his dragon balls. “O-ok!” Spike said as he was losing control of his breath and movement. Spike began to growl just as his release came. Pulling his penis out, he immediately began stroking his penis as much as he possibly could, not missing an inch of his flesh and moaning louder than her as he shot a healthy long trail of semen towards the blonde mare. The first shot made contact with the front tip of her hat, thus forcing the rest of the length of the shot to ‘slap’ her face. The second and third shot followed along, both making contact with both her nose and mouth. Which was opened and welcoming anything that she was lucky enough to catch and savor. The biggest shots, they trailed down to her chin and onto her breasts, covering her in stuff that was hotter than melted wax. As for the last 3 shots, they were least impressive as they slowly came and began to pump gently onto the floor with no aim of any kind. Taking only a second to enjoy the heat of the moment, Applejack reacted quickly and slid off the table making Spike back off a few feet while he stroked his sensitive penis. Applejack wasted no time getting on to her knees and blowing him again, making sure that NOTHING was wasted. Her actions didn't take Spike by surprise as he seemly went with it since she was now sucking any excess amount that was left inside his penis. Just like a good girl would do for any guy… Spike was moaning loudly for a minute before feeling pleased. “Hmmmm….oh man….Applejack…thank you….” he said out of gratitude as he looked down at her with a weak smile. “You were amazing…” Applejack pulled her head back and closed her eyes. She seemly swallowed a bit down her throat before licking and sucking her fingers. She opened one eye and looked up at his pleasurable. “And I DO appreciate that compliment sug~” she winked while she sucked her thumb clean and in a sexy matter. After a few minutes of cleaning up, Applejack tossed a pair of jeans that Spike didn't see before. “Huh?” Spike noticed that these jeans looked pretty new; no dirt, stain, tear, or wear of any kind was seen. He looked at Applejack who was finishing cleaning her hat with her lips and tongue. “Those ter are some good ol’ homemade’ jeans that grannie Smith made for mah big brother.” she explained. “You can have em~” she winked again with a smile. Spike appreciated the nice set of high quality of jeans, but… “You sure about this?” he asked as he moved his lower body into them. They were pretty comfortable and they went well with his white shirt that he kept in perfect condition. “I am sure~ Just stop worryin’ a’bout it~” Applejack assured him as she finally placed her hat on her head again. “Well, I best be getting back to work since I still got a few thin’s to do. I’ll see ya around Spiky~” she gave one final wink before kissing him on the cheek and looking back at him before walking out of the barn. Spike gave a weak smile as Applejack really surprised him. He assumed that she would have been like Twilight and go right back to sleep after the intense bucking that they did. But she clearly had a lot of stamina, credited by the hard labor that she did at the farm. Speaking of which… “Oh, I wonder if Twilight is awake…” Spike walked out of the barn and looked at the distance. The day slightly changed in appearance, indicating that some time did passed since early morning. It was likely noon now and Twilight should have been awake by now. “Well, I better get going…” he said aloud, before scratching his head and heading back… > SEE THE RAINBOW. Taste the Rainbow...or buck the rainbow?~ (Rainbow Dash) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By this point, Spike had decided that he had no reason to hide from anypony that he came across. Sure both Twilight and Applejack did freak out when they first saw him, but Spike knew that he needed to make an appearance in the streets of Ponyville. Reason behind this was due to the fact that he didn’t want to sneak around anymore, especially when he still lived with Twilight in the very center of Ponyville. Before he wondered into the forest and found himself at Sweet Apple Acres, Spike avoided being spotted by anypony who was awake at the time. Since it was the afternoon, Spike was likely going to come across a majority of the ponies from Ponyville. The purple dragon hoped that he didn’t have to explain himself to everypony he met. Oh no, that would be a hassle and a pain in his tail and rear. Of course, Spike knew that the first step he needed to take before reaching Ponyville, had involved socializing with some random pony walking into town like him. With that, he could ‘casually’ walk into Ponyville without having to explain who he was and why he looked the way he did; his ‘friend’ would be good assurance so that the other ponies would see that there was nothing to fear. At least that’s what came to mind when he spotted one pony on the road… “GET AWAY FROM ME!” “I am not going to hurt you!” “Lies!” “I just want to chat!” “Never trust a dragon!!!” “I JUST WANT TO SOCIALIZE! GGRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” Spike was both angry and offended as the pony continued to run away from him. It got to the point where he was roaring like a real dragon. A dragon who was just robbed of his entire collection of gems, and that same dragon was chasing the pony who stole from his cave. But could he really blame this pony? Especially with how he looked and gave a ‘natural’ reaction? Of course he could! How dare that pony run from him after he said ‘hello’ with a BIG, friendly, and non-hostile, dragon smile? How prejudice of him! “SOCIALIZE!!!!” the crazy dragon roared as he continued to chase the scared stallion. Eventually, Spike did need a rest after running for almost fifteen minutes. It may have caused him from catching up with the fast stallion, but it wasn’t worth losing himself to his natural instincts again. Spike was easily spent after experiencing a nice bucking with both Twilight and Applejack before 1 in the afternoon. Even eating an entire basket of apples didn’t give him enough energy for the entire day. “Ha……huff…..hufff.....hahhhh….” he panted as he leaned against a tree. “Damn, I am gonna have to think of something else…” he admitted after a few seconds. Spike looked around his surroundings and realized that he was still a bit far from Ponyville. He frowned as he sat down under the tree, but froze after seeing something that he didn’t notice before. “What the-” On the other side of the road, or just right across from where he sat, a ‘funny’ looking path was leading towards the forest. What made it funny you ask? Well it was completely PINK for one thing. “Is that paint?” he wondered aloud and confused. The distinctive scent aroused Spike’s curiosity, causing him to walk over to and study what was before him. Now that he got a better whiff of the scent, he could clearly tell that it wasn't paint. Judging from the physical texture, it looked to be a thick trail of rose petals covering the grass. How strange indeed… Regardless, Spike decided to follow the trail solely out of curiosity… Eventually, the trail of rose petals brought him to an end to where grass met sand. To be more precise, it led him to the big lake that was half a mile south from Ponyville. Sands were for the pure enjoyment of the ‘false beach’ that was before Spike. With the warm bright sunlight, the vast amount of water, and a nice cooling breeze, it was hard for one not to think of the ocean. Spike never came to this lake before, but he did hear some good things about it. “Why would the petals lead me here-” Spike started. But of course, something else distracted Spike. Yes, it was something that also carried the pink color trait. Although this time, it was a cabin that was colored pink. And yet something about it didn’t make it as appealing as the rose petals that he followed. Obviously because it was TOO PINK… I think that Rarity would get a heart attack from seeing how ugly this was… If Pinkie Pie saw this, she would get a heart attack out of excitement because it’s her color… Spike thought frowning at the design. Who would live in a home such as this? Likely, somepony with no taste whatsoever. Regardless, Spike’s curiosity led him into approaching the pink cabin without another second’s thought. As for the rest of its features…nothing. Nothing to distract one from the pink that was bestowed upon the cabin, although something did come into Spike’s mind the closer he approached. “A cabin in the woods?” Spike realized as he stopped. However, “Nah…that would be too unoriginal.” he decided, while shaking his head in the process. “Besides, it’s on a beach for that matter, and on a bright sunny day!” That was enough for Spike as he couldn’t believe that he was actually referencing horror-comedy movies. The purple dragon took his time scanning the beach house with his green eyes. Because everything was literally covered by pink, he couldn’t tell where the windows were or where the door was. Eventually, he used his palm to gently brush against the walls until… “Bingo.” Spike finally came across the doorknob after spending a good minute feeling out the texture of the cabin. He grasped the doorknob and knocked, expecting somepony to be inside. “Hello?” he called out. No answer. He knocked again and waited for yet another minute. When no pony answered, he turned the door knob and walked inside. “HHnnnnnnmmm…… MMmnnnnn…… NNnnhh….” Spike may have been used to seeing a mare’s bare crotch, but that didn’t allow him to control his erection when he got a good look over HER crotch. Her finger work created naughty sounds of the familiar squelching wetness, both in her flower and in her anus with no shame at all. It was quite audible and easy for him to hear despite the fact that she was on the other side of the room. She was really into it; one hand under her body and between her legs, pleasuring her flower to increase her wetness. Another was over her beautiful rear, in an attempt to effectively dig into her own anus with the intent to orgasm intensely. Both hands inserted as many fingers as she could possibly handle in either hole respectively. How shameful of a sight she gave, and yet how arousing it was as well. Spike was just stunned. Not that he was new to this, but the rainbow mane was familiar enough to make his testacies drop again. Her voice was easy to recognize through her moans, and her scent that marked the entire cabin, failed to distract him as much. With her upper body against the floor and her rear high up, it was a marvelous sight for him. Safe to say, Spike knew exactly which tomboy was masturbating like a dirty pony in front of him. Thus, Spike closed the door as he kept himself on the ‘welcome mat’ that he failed to notice before. “Was that Rainbow Dash…?” he managed to ask himself as he looked at the ground unsure. He opened the door again. “Hmmmm….oh buck……” He closed the door while looking away. Then, he opened it to looked again “Buck….oh buck……MMNNN!” He closed the door. He opened it again. “I…Nmmm….NEED….a…nice big one….Nnnnn…inside….” That one did the trick in Spike’s pants. He closed it and looked away. “Yup, that’s her…” Spike accepted. Taking a deep breath, he took his time opening the door to walk inside completely. He was silent enough not to be noticed as he closed the door. That until he made a loud cough to get her attention, which was more than enough. Rainbow Dash made a sound that indicated her acknowledgement of his presence. Soon, “NNmmm….oh hey….I was waiting for someone like you…” She stopped playing with herself to take a moment to face him. While she pulled herself up, she pulled her fingers from her pussy to lick them clean. Still with her back turned, she said, “...I thought that nopony was going to come…” Rainbow Dash slowly turned her body to face him, before pulling her fingers free from her anus to lick them clean too. All in a seductive matter before finishing with, “...I hope that you’re-” Rainbow Dash froze. Her eyes widened as she saw Spike standing right there in front of her, with a BIG budge in his pants. He smiled nervously with his eyes closed and a hand behind his head, with no words coming from him. The last thing that Rainbow Dash ever expected was a dragon appearing before her for sexual intercourse. At least, that was what she thought he originally came for as he opened his eyes and stopped smiling. On to business now? “Please don’t freak out-” Spike finally said after a minute of awkward silence. “Hello dragon boy~” Spike didn’t expect this at all. He didn’t expect for the tomboyish pony known as Rainbow Dash to jump into his arms as if they were married. She smiled seductively with eyes that fluttered at him with sexual hunger that went well with her arms wrapping around his neck. This was very unexpected as he blushed nervously having a naked tomboy on him. “I didn’t think that I would attract a dragon into my love cabin~” she confessed with a sexy grin. “Um, Rainbow Dash…?” Spike managed to ask. “You know my name?” “It’s m-me, Spike…” he told her. Rainbow Dash gave him a very confused look. “Spike? As in Twilight’s small assistant?” she had asked. When Spike nodded, she gave the same reaction as Applejack. “Hahaahah! Seriously? You expect me to believe that???” Rainbow Dash continued to mock him with giggles and laughter. It got to the point where she gestured him to let her down. Spike gave a dull expression that was properly mixed with annoyance. Not wanting to go through the trouble of explaining himself again, “I went through a growth spurt since my birthday was yesterday…” It took Rainbow Dash a few more seconds before she relaxed. “Ok then, if you are Spike, which pony was normally the only pony to give him a present? And what was the type of present that pony always gave?” she smirked at him. “Twilight…and she always gave a book…” Spike was getting very annoyed with Rainbow Dash’s enjoyment since she gave a huge grin that converted into laughter. He didn’t think that was funny. “Hahaha! I can’t believe that Twilight does that! You know what I mean??!?? Hahaha!” “Yeah she’s a cheap bitch...” “What?” “Nothing!” Spike had NO idea where that came from... Then again, surely she got a NICE allowance from the co-ruler of Equestria right? “Anyways, do you believe me NOW?” he hoped frowning. Rainbow Dash looked at him for a few minutes. She walked around and was giving some thought to it. “Hmmm…” Rainbow Dash lifted his tail- (causing him to yelp in surprise by her sudden touch)- and released it after another minute. “Well you do have his color scheme…” she admitted as she frowned. “Spike, this is…you???” her eyes widened in surprise, finally accepting that it was him. “WOW, you just got 20%- no, 200% more cooler! This is awesome!” she praised his new appearance with a smile. She flew around him to get another look at his ripped body. Spike was thankful that this took less time than before. Honestly, was it that hard to recognize the only possible friendly dragon in all of Equestria? The dragon that she saw often? “Thank you… But what are you doing here? And why were you pleasuring yourself while expecting some pony?” Spike asked. He raised an eyebrow with both arms crossed, now that he was more comfortable around her. Of course, he couldn’t help peeking at her body: ‘athletic’ was what naturally came to one’s mind at first. The body structure of the rainbow-maned pony was well-toned with muscles in her arms, legs, stomach, and chest. Yes she did have breasts that were a B-cup at most, but she had the perfect look with her short chin-length hair. And she was still cute and attractive with the overall tomboy appearance. Why? Well it’s Rainbow Dash! Her excitement finally settled as she landed in front of him. Her wings folded as she gave him a nice smile. “So…have you done it yet?” she needed to ask, while she ignored his questions. Rainbow Dash didn’t try to hide it: she liked what she saw in the big dragon that stood before her. She was already imagining what kind of package he had hidden in his pants. “Because if you haven't...I am willing to be your first~” she offered with a grin. While Spike’s male lust was inching for another good buck, something was on his mind. “Wait, so you’re not finding it ‘strange’ over the fact of both a pony and a dragon having sex…? It doesn’t seem ODD to you in anyway?” he asked frowning as he remembered what Applejack’s first impression was. Rainbow Dash shook her head, before raising an eyebrow and asked, “No, I don’t; should I find it weird?” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as she added, “Heck, I even did it with a griffin.” “Wait, WHAT?!” “Yeah…” she admitted as she walked around him with a giggle at the thought. “My old roommate Gilda introduced me to him. Although he was a virgin and quite shy, I had fun making him do what I wanted.” She stopped and looked up thinking about it some more. “Gilda told me that he became very popular back with the female griffins in their hometown. Now that I thought about it, I never heard from him again …” Rainbow Dash stopped smiling as she looked at him. Spike was that curious now. “Um, what did you do…?” Rainbow Dash thought about it. Clearly she was having a hard time remembering. “Well, if I do remember correctly…” she turned away from him. “…I believed it involved something with me using a strap-on-” “Ok I think I’ve heard enough…” Spike interrupted her. He was getting second thoughts about her. Although, “Wait, so you do this everday waiting for some random pony to come by…?” Spike didn’t expect that. Rainbow Dash turned to look at him. She never explained herself as she let out a laugh. “What- No, I just started this today! Hahah, I don’t normally give it easy; I am a girl with PRIDE~” Rainbow Dash claimed with a smirk at him. But her smirk didn’t last long as she said, “The truth is…” She looked to the side. “…I’ve been very lonely and it’s been FOREVER since I’ve been with a stallion…or male for that matter.” Spike blinked. “What?” he asked as he was clearly surprised by that. “Yeah I know; ‘Rainbow Dash is so cool and so awesome, so surely she would be that popular with the stallions right?’. Well the truth is…guys don’t ask me out as much as they just want to ‘hang out’…” Rainbow Dash’s ears lowered as she looked down. Her hands moved under both elbows with a clear gesture of depression. Rainbow Dash may have seemed like the most typical, positive, and easy going pony in Ponyville, but it was just a cover up to how lonely she was. Maybe because she had ‘rainbows’ all over her ‘style’, most ponies would think that she was a lesbian which was an unfair stereotype. What, a girl can’t enjoy rainbows without being labeled? It was stupid… “I didn’t know…” Spike confessed. He actually frowned as his sexual urges went away for a while unnoticed. “So no pony ever asks you on a date?” Rainbow Dash turned her body. “Well, I do get some pony attention…just not as much as stallions…” she gave a smile as she held back a laugh. It was pretty obvious what she meant by that. “Ah.” Spike responded as he looked to the side blushing with a chuckle. “Ok, but why this way?” Spike gestured at the cabin that they were in. Rainbow Dash looked to the side with a blush. “Pinkie Pie said that this was the BEST way to get laid… So she gave me instructions on what to do with the cabin that was located by the lake here. And she told me that she would give instructions to Derpy on how she should paint the cabin!” She looked at him with a small smile. Spike couldn’t believe this. “I-” Well that did explain why the rose petals were neatly trailed to the cabin thanks to Pinkie Pie. As for the cabin being entirely pink, it was obvious that Pinkie Pie gave bad instructions to Derby on re-designing the cabin from the outside. Looking at Rainbow Dash, he said, “Well that would explain the PINK that is covering the cabin…” Rainbow Dash suddenly stopped smiling. “Pink?” When Spike nodded, she dropped her jaw and flew OUT the door and screamed. Spike was right; the cabin was pure ‘hot pink’ that only Pinkie Pie could like. It wasn’t even stylish or well-toned, it was just…PINK! “AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Rainbow Dash was beyond horrified. How was she ever going to get some hot stud to take her seriously inside a cabin like this? No wonder she was waiting for five hours! It preventing from any stallions from taking it seriously! “Rainbow Dash, calm down!” Spike shouted as she wouldn’t stop screaming in horror. Luckly, she stopped after a few more seconds. “This is Pinkie’s and Derpy’s fault!” she howled as she slowly dropped down to the sand with depression. She landed on her back and looked at the bright sky with annoyance. “To be fair…” Spike started. “What were you thinking asking both Pinkie Pie AND Derpy for help…?” he frowned at her. “I-” she started. However, Spike had a good point. Considering that Pinkie Pie was just…Pinkie Pie, and Derpy wasn’t the sharpest of ponies, it was her own fault. Thus, the rainbow maned pony sighed as she flew up. She shook her body to get rid of any annoying sand, before hovering into the cabin again where Spike followed scratching his head. She felt embarrassed but felt happy knowing that Spike came along as she turned to face him. “So you will do it with me…right?” Rainbow Dash gave a small smile as he closed the door behind him. Spike would have said ‘yes’ without doubt, but of course… “Um, just so we’re clear: you don’t have a problem with ‘this’ right?” he asked. Spike noticed the situation was different than what he did with both Twilight and Applejack. He wanted to make sure that Rainbow Dash knew what she wanted and was not ‘settling’… She nodded as she grasped his big right arm. “I neeeeeeeeeeeed this! Please? I am always staying ‘loyal’ to my friends, but I am a girl with needs! I don’t have any guy friends and you’re the only one! You do find me attractive right? You believe me when I say that I LIKE men, right???” she frowned with those red eyes… Spike looked at her frowning as he could tell that she wanted this more than him. With no doubt now, he smiled and gave a nod. “Yeah, let’s buck…” he said to her. YES! Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh I am gonna have sex with a male again! Oh my gosh it’s been far too long… she screamed in her mind. Not wanting to waste another second, she broke from his arm and flew across the cabin. Spike clearly didn’t notice this before, but there was an outdoor patio that was attached to the cabin as Rainbow Dash opened the doorway. She waited as everything was set up: an outdoor tanning bed was to the far upper-left corner, vases with topical pants/flowers were set for the ‘mood’, and of course, a lovely big floor towel big enough for both of them. There was of course, the gentle breeze that came in their direction with nothing in the way. All under the blazing sunshine that Celestia had brought today. Spike took his time scanning their surroundings. Out of all the spots that he had sex today, this was the best in his opinion. “Wow… You set this all up-” “Would you just hurry up and strip?!” she shouted. She was very impatient and was wanting to get something attention. “OK OK!” Spike said as he got nervous at her shouting. Spike was careful enough not to ruin his clothing as he was naked within seconds. He took a deep breath as the cool breeze brought chills to both his spine and spikes. Honestly, he felt a bit shy considering how hungry Rainbow Dash looked at him like that…particularly at his penis. It was an odd feeling. Rainbow Dash’s red eyes shined with joy at what she saw. Yes he was limp right now, but how big and long he was without arousal was quite something. “So listen…” Rainbow Dash decided to say something. “I kinda want to see how effective that dragon tongue of yours is…” she admitted shyly. Since the very second she saw Spike, how long and pleasurable his dragon tongue could be was the FIRST thing that popped into her mind. Her hips shook as she became a bit wetter. “So could you please…?” The blue mare was already lowering her body, and into the same position that Spike found her beforehand. “Um sure…” Spike said with a small smile. He shook his head in order to relax his mind. These ‘mood swings’ he was getting was becoming annoying. He would either be filled with confidence, or would be as nervous as a virgin. He needed to balance it somehow as he lowered himself. The purple dragon pressed his face against her crotch to take in her scent. As expected, she smelled differently from Applejack and Twilight. However, Rainbow Dash didn’t approve. “H-hey stop smelling me like that…” she protested with a blush. Spike only smiled as he continued to nuzzle her. When he heard her squeak, he decided to finally get to work. Spike brushed his tongue against the outer layer of her flower. While her crotch was covered in her juices, they were quickly dried up by the hot sun and the cool breeze that she rushed against when she was flying. Hence, he could only get a proper taste from her flower as he dug into her. Rainbow Dash naturally pressed her rear against his face. She gently bit her fingers in an attempt to stop herself from moaning. Her body shook with pleasure as she was quite sensitive after playing with herself for hours on end. It took no longer than a few seconds before she began flowing like a waterfall. Spike spent a good five minutes pleasuring her body. Her juices were out of control by this point and she was becoming more impatient. “Nnnnnn…. Spike…put it in me….please…” she begged. Spike didn’t argue as he pulled away and wiped his face with his arm. His erection was ready to go since he got a taste out of her flesh. The experience was similar to what happened between him and Applejack; he only needed one thrust in order to make contact with the entrance of her womb. Holding her waist with both claws, he took in a moment to comprehend the intense pleasure he was experiencing. While he was relaxed and took a deep breath, Rainbow Dash couldn’t handle it. “WooooooooahhhH!” she moaned loudly as she was in a daze. Her mind was fogged with pleasure as she opened her mouth and her tongue was hanging out as if she saw countless barrels of Applejack’s famous cider. The same effect of mouthwatering pleasure occurred as she nearly orgasm at that very moment. It was far too long since she had a male inside of her, as Spike was already thrusting in and out of her. She didn’t even realize it until moments later as she shut her eyes tightly. Both Spike’s and Rainbow Dash’s bodies were causing the arousing sounds of flesh slapping against one another. Thanks to Dash’s wetness, and Spike’s impressive meat, both were making sex-music. Spike was surprised with how tight Rainbow Dash was after getting a firsthand experience of how wet she was. Her athletic body made her precious hole as tight as he could possibly imagine. No, that was an understatement because Spike actually felt that it was too much for him to handle despite his previous experiences. He felt as if she was sucking the life out of him because of his sudden shortness of breath. That sudden experience was more than enough for him to not take her body lightly from this point. How can she be this tight?! he shouted in his mind as he tried his best to maintain his vigor. But this wasn’t a walk in the park for Rainbow Dash either as she gasped for the tenth time in a row. While she was aware of how big Spike’s member would be, she didn’t realize that it would have felt like this! She couldn’t help but grunt as she really felt that last thrust inside of her. Oh buck he’s big! Nnnnn… she moaned in her mind as she was whimpering by this point. Man! I felt that one in the- NNNNnnnnn…..oh! In the back of my….oh! ...in the back of my throat!!! When she ‘felt that in the back of her throat’, her eyes opened widely as it felt that good inside of her. “Ah….ah…” Spike was having trouble controlling his breathing pattern. Her tightness was becoming too much and he did hope that she would cum the longer this went on. Rainbow Dash was tougher than he thought and that was a mistake that he would surely pay for. Eventually, he did hear Rainbow Dash’s moans as her fingers couldn’t prevent her natural sounds. Louder they became, and more aroused did he become. This was too hot for either of them to handle… “Oh….oh……..oh! …..ohhhhh…..oh! .....” she moaned as she was in heaven by now. Rainbow Dash bit her lip as Spike continued to thrust against her womb. Man was he bigger than she expected, as she was whimpering non-stop. Of course, it was all surrounding intense pleasure and not because of pain. Her dragon buddy stopped after another minute and she looked at him with weariness and confusion in her eyes. “Can we try a different position?” Spike asked her as he panted. His dragon chest was breathing heavily as he moved his penis out of her but kept his claws on her waist. His dragon meat was completely soaked in her love juices, as a big drop of it made a ‘pulp’ sound before falling off his penis and landed on the towel under them. “Oh…sure…” Rainbow Dash nodded as she bit her lip. She whimpered again as she felt his penis sliding out of her. It was really something as she felt distinctively ‘empty’ inside. She got on her knees as she turned to see Spike lying on his back and waiting for her. Clearly he wanted to do a position that she knew was Applejack’s favorite position. Thus, she first decided to grasp his dragon cock and get a quick taste out of it with her mouth. Spike moaned in approval as he was becoming just as sensitive as she was. After the quick taste, she took a deep breath before positioning herself above his penis. She looked at her body and his. Both of them were sweating not just because of the already intense sex, but because of the hot blazing sun that was above him. Damnit Princess Celestia…WHY did you make it so hot today? she asked in her mind as she was getting dizzy from the heat and sex. Regardless, Rainbow Dash slowly lowered herself into Spike’s penis. At first it was perfectly fine as she was able to control her body, but it became too much for her as Spike was able to go even deeper in this position! Thus, her body was electrified with pleasure that caused her to DROP into his penis in a sudden impact. The intense pleasure caused her to gasp as loud as possible, and arch her body with her face looking directly at the sky. Her mouth was opened and drooling, her wings had struck out as if she was about to fly, and her eyes were wide open as tears of pleasure took over. All leading to a powerful orgasm that caused her to cry louder than her screams from earlier today. “HOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!” Spike watched as he was stunned by her sudden orgasm. She fell against him with his penis still inside of her. “H-hey! You ok??” he asked concern as he held her close. Here, he heard her heavy fast paced breathing. Her wings were lying down on both sides unnaturally, and she was whimpering non-stop. Despite her eyes being shut tightly, tears were pouring from her eyes as she was blushing redder than her own eye color. Her small hands were curled into fists and against his chest as she spoke again. “Y-yeah….it was just….” Rainbow Dash slowly lifted her head before opening her tearful eyes and adding, “…awesome…” while smiling at the same time. Spike still wasn’t convinced as he gave a hug that was heartwarming. “It’s ok…” he said to her just as Twilight use to say to him when he cried as a baby dragon. A baby dragon who was actual a baby dragon in the first five years, NOT between six to eleven years which he ‘was’ technically ‘twelve’ since yesterday. Despite his new appearance, he was still angry with how everypony treated him. But on to Rainbow Dash… “I’ll move slow…is that ok?” he asked as he already started to move in and out of her with the position that they were in. As he moved, Rainbow Dash gave a gentle gasp before closing both her eyes and lips. She made soft moans that were very pleasant to hear. Without even looking, Rainbow Dash had moved her lips against Spike’s. He wasn’t surprised with the kissing, but rather her tongue work with his own. The nerves that came from her mouth were different than what he was use to with Twilight and Applejack. They both shared a passionate kiss as Rainbow Dash eventually moved in rhythm with him. “Hmmmm….” she moaned against his lips. Rainbow Dash finally folded her wings properly and moved her hands from his chest, to the back of his head. Spike’s delicious meat was making her edge closer to another orgasm. Thankfully, she would last much longer after getting used to his size from the first time around. “Spike…I love it…make sure that you cum inside of me…” she requested sweetly as she felt really good inside. Rainbow Dash had eventually began nuzzling against his neck as she gently bit onto him trying to muff her moans and sounds. While Spike did feel her biting, it was completely painless since his scales protected him from being harmed so easily. Spike did feel his release approaching the longer this went on. He continued thrusting in and out of her for a few minutes. In the process, he grasped her sweet buns as hard as possible. Her loud gasping and moaning told him that she approved as he was thrusting endlessly now. Rainbow Dash did eventually move into the 'cow mare' position where she got to work moving up and down. It was funny to Spike because he realized that he never did this type of position with the cow mare known as Applejack. She didn't do anything...I did all the work! Spike realized dumbfounded. How could he not realize that Applejack made him do all the work when they were having sex? However he shook his head at the thought as he focused on Rainbow Dash. Soon, Spike gestured at her to get off so that he could finish the job. Both of them stood up and Rainbow Dash moved against the wall that was next to the now closed doorway. It didn’t take long before Spike got into position to re-enter her and thrust like a real dragon with endless vigor. His body was pressing hard against her own, as he started to growl in an aggressive tone. Rainbow Dash wasn’t a dragon expert, but even she knew that Spike’s growling was indicating his release. She braced herself as she didn’t hold back any sounds that came from her lips. She never had a male ejaculate inside of her before, so the experience was quite exciting as she waited. Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe that Spike now screwing her after she was just teasing him only yesterday on his birthday, when he was just half her size. Now, it was the other way around as he was the one making her feel embarrassed by making her whimper for him. Especially with his larger stature overpowering her body and her helpless wings that seemed so tiny thanks to him. Suddenly, it felt as if time stopped when she felt his penis twitching wildly. Her eyes widened as she felt a very hot and very thick liquid substance pouring into her womb. Chills ran down her entire body as she moaned uncontrollably. Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe how good it felt…why didn’t she do this before?! It was just amazing! She continued moaning without interruption despite the fact that Spike pulled his penis out of her after a minute later. “NNnnnnn…… Hmmmm……. I could feel you shooting inside of me…” she gently moaned. After a few more seconds, she finally leaned against the wall by her side. She opened her eyes smiling weakly before she spread her legs and saw the amount that Spike shot into her. Licking her lips, she slowly turned around so that she was leaning her back against the wall this time. Then, she took her time moving two of her fingers under the cream pie that Spike created, in order to catch a nice helping of cum and scooped it up to taste it. “Hmmmm…..” Rainbow Dash opened one eye as she savored the taste. Spike on the other hand finally gave in to the heat; he was sitting on the tanning bed that was on the upper-left corner of the patio. He was drenched in body sweat and so was Rainbow Dash. However, he did take appreciation to the sexy gesture that Rainbow Dash made by tasting the juices from both his penis, and her flower. He breathed heavily as Rainbow Dash slowly walked over to join him. He watched as the mess he made between her legs, poured onto the ground leaving a nice trail of semen. By the time she sat next to him, the entire excess amount had left her body as she nuzzled against him. “How do you feel…?” he asked panting due to the heat. “Great…” she said, also panting heavily thanks to the heat. “Stupid sun…” she commented. Spike couldn’t agree more. He glazed at the bright sky mumbling on how much the sun was bothering not only him and Rainbow Dash, but likely anypony who was walking out in open day. Suddenly, as if he personally wrote to Princess Celestia, clouds began to swim across the sky, in a successful attempt to weaken the sun’s bright rays. Both he and Rainbow Dash took notice of this and sighed in relief as it was less bright and less intense now. Spike watched as Rainbow Dash dropped herself to the side, lifting both her legs giggling. “Hehe…. Man Spike, you were just…awesome…” Rainbow Dash praised him once again today. “I really never had a guy cum inside of me…” she confessed. Spike turned his head as his breathing pattern was finally controlled. “Really? I am your first?” When she gave a nod, he added, “Wow… That’s really something…” he admitted as he looked at her rear. With her legs folded, he got a good look to what he did to her crotch: her thighs were a MESS, and semen covered everything from her now ravaged flower. The only thing that was not covered in semen was her… “It is isn’t it?” Rainbow Dash asked as her breathing pattern was now under her control again. She snuggled against the pillow and asked, “So, you wanna grab a bite to eaTTTTTTTTT?!” Rainbow Dash yelped and moaned as she felt something lapping at her rear. At first, she thought that Spike was licking at her cum covered pussy. However… “S-spike! Wh-where are you licking-?!” she yelped as she turned to look over at him, blushing more than ever. She guessed right: Spike was lapping at her small tight anus. He didn’t even ask for her permission! Spike had swirled his long dragon tongue around the wrinkles of her tightest of holes. He probed slowly before really digging into her completely, causing her to squirmed wildly and moan at the same time. Spike held her body in place so that he could properly loosen her up. Rainbow Dash was feeling the full effects as her squirming was not of resistance, but rather uncontrollable movements of pleasure. She never experienced rimming before in her entire life. No male or female had ever received her permission to do this, this…amazing simulation that Spike was giving her. Rainbow Dash never felt this way before! “Alright…” he breathed as he pulled away. Naturally ‘knowing it’, his penis was fully erected again now that he got a taste of Rainbow Dash’s ‘naughty side’. He probed without warning and moved into her. “H-hey that’s my ass- NNnmmmmm…..” Spike wasn’t use to anal sex, given by how much the tightness had an effect on him and his penis. While it wasn’t as lubed as her precious hole, it didn’t give him much trouble in moving. But the tightness was that much intense as it squeezed the life out of him. He positioned himself into a spooning position with Rainbow Dash in order for her to really feel his manhood inside. Rainbow Dash squealed with pleasure as she felt the dragon breathing down her neck. She grabbed on to the fabric of the tanning bed as tightly as possible. She couldn’t believe how good this felt and how deep Spike was moving inside of her. It got worst better for her as she felt Spike lifting her leg up. His aggressive thrusts made his testicles slap hard against her flower and clit. Rainbow Dash was feeling something odd and completely new to her and her body. She was whimpering uncontrollably as she managed to speak out. “Oooh! Ah! Mnnnnn-!!!!” Spike continued this position for quite some time. Neither of them was keeping track as Spike eventually forced Rainbow Dash to move onto her knees, and lean her upper body against the part of the tanning bed that was bent ‘upwards’. Originally for one’s back, Rainbow Dash used this part of the tanning bed to keep her body balance, while Spike continued to thrust inside of her via doggy style. She moaned and gasped repeatedly as Spike’s thrusting was too much for her. With his massive piece of meat moving in and out of her, his manly balls slapping against her clit and pussy, his monstrous claws grasping her small yet humble breasts, and his impressive vigor, Rainbow Dash cried out louder than she ever did in her life. Spike’s growling came in perfect sync as his even hotter batch of dragon seed poured into her rectum. Her body reacted in ways that she wasn’t use to, as she felt herself experiencing something that wasn’t an orgasm, but something that better in her opinion. Both animals of nature moaned together as they dropped onto the bed seconds later. Neither could stop panting heavily as it was the most intense experience that either of them had ever gone through. Spike had a smile that was nothing compared to Rainbow Dash’s. As he opened his eyes and gently kissed Rainbow Dash’s neck, he grunted as he pulled his penis out. He watched Rainbow Dash open her eyes and looked at him. “I think that I…squirted…” she confessed blinking very slowly. “Thank you…I…never experienced something so good…” she told him as she kissed and nuzzled his mouth. She never squirted before and if she was able to, she was one of the few of her gender that could enjoy something so good… Spike, who was returning the kiss, didn’t understand. “You ‘squirted’? Wh-what do you mean?” Spike masturbated to many magazines and read many interesting facts on how to pleasure mares, but never heard of ‘squirting’. “It’s something AMAZING for us girls~” she said winking. “Although sadly, not all of us girls can experience it…” she confessed. “So thank you for helping me discover that~” The blue mare said with a wide smile as she pulled him in for the kiss… > Pink Devil~ (Pinkie Pie) ***Naughty warning*** > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You think that anypony would get mad at the mess we made?” “Nah; it’ll likely rain today…I think.” “Well it’s a public cabin right? We should have cleaned a bit…” “That’s too annoying.” Rainbow Dash walked along Spike as they headed into Ponyville. She was one who normally flew above the ground, but considering what happened with her and Spike, she rather walk with him. Especially when she was able to grab on to his big muscular arm, and nuzzle her face against him in an affectionate way. After their recent sexual encounter, Rainbow Dash wanted to spend every single moment with him after having what was perhaps her greatest sexual experience. That and she was still a bit dizzy. Spike didn’t complain; he didn’t mind that Rainbow Dash wanted to cuddle as much as possible, as she helped him get to Ponyville. Hopefully, Rainbow Dash’s word would be good enough in preventing a ponyhunt over him. Thank Celestia that the ponies were more stunned than afraid, as Rainbow Dash’s public affection was far more surprising than seeing a full grown dragon walking in the streets. Especially with a full grown dragon, and walking through the streets of Ponyville as if this was a casually thing. Thus, the general population simply looked at one another and went on with their lives, realizing that Spike was not a threat at all to anypony. Of course, Spike would have to eventually tell everypony he knew that it was him and not another dragon who just moved into town. “I don’t know how to thank you Dash…” Spike said as he gave a small smile, to the positive results. Rainbow Dash giggled as she eventually released his arm. “No prob~ I am glad that I could help a good friend of mine~” With that, Rainbow Dash gave a nice hard spank to Spike’s bum, which he naturally took by surprise with a yelp. “Anyways, I got some things to do…” She looked at the sky. “Gonna make sure that it rains today since the sun is drying up the place. I am sure that a bit of sprinkle is what Ponyville needs. So I’ll see you around ok?” Rainbow Dash asked with a smile as she flew in front of him. She held his face and gave him a nice deep kiss. Afterwards, she blushed with a wink and flew away. “But-” Spike started after she kissed him. He frowned as he wanted her to continue ‘assuring’ ponies, that he was not hostile. But given by the vast amount of ponies that saw them together, surely that would lead to enough gossip over his reputation in a positive, non-hostile matter, right? He didn’t know for sure as he looked to see where Rainbow Dash left him: Sugarcube Corner. Spike wasn’t particularly ‘hungry’, but his sweet tooth was always a deciding factor as he sighed and walked into the bakery. “So I got a VERY good one her’! Listen, listen, listen!” Spike saw a table that was filled with ponies that were quite old. The one speaking carried a 'Thick Distinctive Accent'. It brought the attention of his fellow elderly ponies as well as Mr. Cake, who was behind the counter organizing his supplies. Spike wasn’t noticed at all… “So a pony is having soup in a restaurant right? He calls the waiter and says, ‘Waiter, waiter, waiter! There’s something ‘wrong’ with my soup! Come taste the soup!’. And the waiter goes, ‘Something wrong with the soup? Is the soup too hot?’. And then ‘he’ goes, ‘Would you just taste the soup?’, and the waiter goes, ‘Is the soup cold?’. AND THEN the pony says, ‘WOULD YOU JUST TASTE THE SOUP?’. Finally, the waiter goes, ‘Alright, alright, I’ll taste the soup! Where is the spoon?’.” The Jewish pony gave a smile and waved a finger before saying and gesturing, “Aha!”, thus indicating that the waiter never gave the pony the spoon in order for him to drink his soup. Silence. “Aha…” he gestured again with a smile at his friends who didn’t smile. “Aha…” he gestured again with a ‘come on’ expression. “Eh what do you guys know about funny ya crazy bastards…” the elderly stated with a ‘disgusted’ expression as he drank his tea. Mr. Cake only rolled his eyes with a smile. Spike simply continued to stand in the door way, hoping that he could ‘casually’ order something until… “Hey, is that a dragon?” asked the other elderly pony. This one carried the same accent but perhaps even thicker. Spike’s heart skipped as everypony in the room had turned their attention to him. The elderly took their time, and squinted with their eyes, in an attempt to properly get a better look at him from where they sat. Mr. Cake on the other hand, didn’t need to squint to look at Spike with a horrified expression. Spike gestured him to calm down and that he was not here to harm anypony, but the elderly were just making things worst. “Hey Mr. Dragon, if you’re gonna eat us, eat me first so that I don’t have to see my wife later today!” the first elderly pony said. “I am not here to eat anypony!” Spike protested as he frowned. “You sure? You can have my wife! She ain’t much of a looker since before she had our 1st child forty years ago! After the next five, ‘it’ just vanished!” “And whose fault is that, you horny bastard?” the second one asked rolling his eyes. “I am not eating anyone…” Spike gave a dull expression as he took his time walking over to the counter. Mr. Cake was calmer after hearing Spike’s words, but that didn’t stop him from smiling nervously. “Can I get a blueberry shake? Extra cherries, and maybe some sapphire for a topping if you have?” Spike asked hopefully as he pulled out a handful of bits from his pocket. Funny enough, Spike thought it would be smart to carry money around when he left the tree house this morning. He counted the right amount that it ‘should’ cost, and dropped it on the counter. “Um sure…” Mr. Cake said relaxing more. He slowly took the money and didn’t question the purple dragon. Luckily, there was sapphire left from the special cupcake that he and his wife made for the sweet little dragon known as Spike. Wait a minute… Mr. Cake thought as the shake machine was making the loud sound of production. He turned around to see the purple dragon looking at the table of elderly ponies. Spike didn’t notice this until now, but there was one pony that wasn’t a pony… “How could you say that about your wife?” Cranky Doodle the Donkey said. “I am still crazy for my wife Matilda every day, especially when I wake up next to her every morning. I don’t care that I didn’t see her again until many years later and we were as old as they come; I still find her as beautiful as the day I first laid my eyes on her…” he stated proudly as he drank his coffee. “That’s because your wife’s a saint Cranky…” the first elderly pony stated. “At least you three have your wives; I still miss Sandra to this day…” the third elderly pony stated. He looked depressed as both the first, and second elderly ponies, patted his back to comfort him. “She lived a good life Jack…” the second stated as the other two nodded in agreement. Spike frowned as he thought about the natural cycle of life. Him being a dragon while others would… “You seem very familiar… Are you…Spike’s older brother?” Spike’s attention snapped back into reality. He blinked as he turned to see Mr. Cake staring at him. “You have purple and green scales like him…” he added. “Mr. Cake, it IS me!” Spike said smiling softly as he saw the surprised reaction from Mr. Cake. “Spike??? That IS you???” his jaw dropped as he asked, “Look at you! What happened to you???” Mr. Cake couldn’t believe how fast Spike grew overnight. “I know that it was your birthday yesterday but-” he stopped as he thought of something. “Wait, was it the sapphire? Did that make you bigger?” he assumed. Before Spike could answer, the elderly were at it again. “What this? Sapphire makes you ‘bigger’? That’s amazing! Hey ‘doc’, maybe you can give my buddy here some of that sapphire magic! I bet this guy hasn’t gotten an erection since 1482!” the second pony laughed widely. While the first pony felt insulted, the rest of his friends at the table wouldn’t stop laughing. “Hey, screw you! Viagra comes from my balls ya bastards!” he responded in a comeback. “I am losing my appetite…” Spike admitted as he watched them go on and on. “Are you?” Mr. Cake asked smiling as he presented Spike’s order. The sweet smell of sweet tasty goodness, cause Spike to turn and immediately start enjoying the shake. “So WHY are you like this?” he repeated his question. With a quarter of it gone, Spike took a deep breath as he pulled away from the straw. “Puberty.” he managed to say as he went back to drink his shake. “I see…” Mr. Cake said as he watched Spike finish his shake within less than a minute. Afterwards, “So I take it that everpony in Ponyville is aware of your recent change?” he asked. “Not everypony…” Spike confessed as he sighed in relief. VERY GOOD milkshake. “Thank you Mr. Cake.” Spike said smiling as he tossed a bit on the counter as tip. As he turned to walk away, Mr. Cake thought of something and stopped him. “Spike, I was wondering if you could do something for me?” he had asked. “What?” “Come with me…” *Some time later…* “You WHAT???” Spike whispered harshly as they slowly walked up the steps. “I know, I know…but I am not proud of it ok?!” Mr. Cake whispered harshly. “But Pinkie Pie has been taking advantage of me since she caught me masturbating to some porno magazines… My wife and I have barely touched each other in months… That and the LARGE hidden collection of magazines, that Pinkie Pie KNOWS I have!” “And what am I supposed to do?” Spike asked him. Mr. Cake suddenly began whispering in his ear, causing Spike's eyes to widen even more. “Wait, you don’t mean…” When Mr. Cake nodded fast, Spike was dumbfounded. “Really???” “Come now Spike! I mean look at you!” he gestured at his current body. “You’re younger, you’re in WAY BETTER shape, and you’re a dragon! What mare wouldn’t find that to be ‘wicked’, ‘forbidden’, and ‘erotic’?” he begged. Spike pitied Mr. Cake. And he REALLY pitied the poor proud man. But Pinkie Pie blackmailing Mr. Cake seemed quite odd, didn’t it? Story behind this was that Pinkie Pie needed a casual ‘buck’ from him every now and then. And on certain days like today, she got days off WITH pay. Hence, when she knew that Mrs. Cake would be that upset knowing that her husband was masturbating to another naked girl, it was a perfect situation for her. But of course, from what Mr. Cake told him, Pinkie Pie sounded like a little kid who didn’t know any better and thought of this entire thing to be a complete joke. Regardless, Spike didn’t find that to be ok at all. “Ok, I’ll help you…where is she? In her room?” he assumed as they reached the second floor. “Yes…” Mr. Cake said leading him down the hallway. “Just make sure that you make her want somepony else that isn’t me! I don’t want to get divorced…” he added as he looked away, clearly stressed. Spike believed him. “Ok…but PROMISE me that you WILL try to find a way to keep your marriage in a healthy status ok? Even if I do manage to convince Pinkie Pie to stop blackmailing you, you still need to do something about you and your wife…” Spike told him. Spike didn’t expect to be giving these types of lectures himself, but he knew that he would have done anything to keep his own (future) marriage intact and value it. Mr. Cake smiled funny as he said, “Oh but don’t worry about that Spike; I DID learn a few things from Pinkie Pie to try on my wife…” He winked as he gave a pat on his shoulder and added, “Thanks for doing this again! And if you do this right, you can have all the milkshakes you want!” before heading walking to the other side of the hallway. Spike was left there stunned after what he just heard. Just what was ‘it’ exactly, that Mr. Cake learned from Pinkie Pie? Well he was about to find out as he turned to the door. Sighing, he opened the door and poked his head inside to see Pinkie Pie. The pink devil was clearly enjoying her ‘day off’: she was laying on her bed with three pillows to her various needs. One for her chest to rest on, another to hold her big bag of carrot chips, and the last one in front of her where she had a pile of magazines. Reading one, she giggled as if she read something quite humorous and ate another chip. Spike also noticed that she was humming to the music that her headphones were blasting LOUDLY into her ear. Thus, the pink devil didn’t realize that Spike was in the room as he closed the door and locked it. As he took another step, he got a better look of Pinkie Pie wore: typical blue T-shirt with blue and white striped shorts that was six inches from her waist. Her body was laying on her front, with her legs gently kicking up and down in a slow rhythm. Spike took his time thinking about what he needed to do. Even if I made her experience a very good buck, what’s to say that she’ll stop harassing and blackmailing Mr. Cake? She wouldn’t take me seriously… Unless… Spike turned to where her closet was. On his right side, he walked over to her closet while keeping a eye on Pinkie Pie. Opening it, he saw various clothes hanging neatly and perfectly. He scanned everything with his eyes until… “Bingo.” he said under his breath as he removed a particular hanger. After taking what he needed, he pulled away from the closet and slowly moved closer to the evil one… “MMmmm~ Mmmmmm~ Mm~ Mmmm~” she hummed. As the music in Pinkie Pie’s headphones ended, she closed her magazine and smiled. “Well that was a great song!” she stated cheerfully as she removed her headset. “I could go for a choco-banana milkshake~” she added as she stood up straight, and turned around just in time. She froze with the same expression as Spike was reaching out to her with one hand, and hiding his ‘tools’ behind his back with the other. Spike looked at her and she looked at him. Spike could only hear his heart beat and believed that Pinkie Pie was experiencing the same thing as they continued to stare into each other’s eyes. His green eyes looking calmly at her blue eyes, as the sound of ponies outside was the only thing audible. Silence. “Hi Spike!” she said cheerfully with a big sweet smile. Spike was surprised naturally. “You know that it’s me…?” Spike frowned raising an eyebrow. “Well DUH.” Pinkie Pie did her ‘rolling eyes trademark’. “I mean, you’re just bigger-looking; that’s all. It’s kinda OBVIOUS, right?” she tilted her head blinking slightly. Appreciating that, he gave a nod of gratitude. “Thank you…” he said with a smile. “Okie dookie~!” she said smiling. “So…what’s up?” *Some time later* “MMFMFFFMFMFMFMMFMFFMF!!!” “Easy girl…” Spike said grunting as he pulled. “Finally…” Spike was finally done. What Spike took from her closet was a nice collection of stylish belts. Belts that were the closest thing he could find ‘next’ to rope. With her hands tied behind her back, and her legs held together thanks to her tied ankles, he managed to restrain her body entirely. Yes it did involve a lot of struggling and resistance, but it was worth it. Of course, he had to use SOMETHING to keep her mouth shut. So what better item than her panties? It wasn’t easy but he managed to stuff her mouth and prevent her from making any loud noises. Naturally, she easily misunderstood why he was originally tying her up in the first place, especially when he was ‘reaching down there’ and she continued to protest with ‘no’ repeatedly. It got worst when he had to remove her shorts beforehand. Spike made use of the pillows and rearranged them to be stacked under her body. Thus, she looked as if she was leaning over a couch’s ‘arm rest’. Perfect for him to get a nice view of her exposed rear. “Ok Pinkie Pie… Or should I call you pink-blackmailing devil?” Spike said as he crossed his arms. He should have thought of a better name… “Mmf?” she muffed looking at him confused. “Mmfmfmfmmmmmfff?” Pinkie Pie muffed, obviously confused by that nickname he gave her. Spike would have explained that it was the best he could come up with, but… “I am very disappointed in you Pinkie Pie!” Spike said with an expression that clearly represented disappointment. Spike was clearly upset as he always viewed Pinkie Pie as a pony who would never stoop that low. “Mmfff?” “How could you do this to Mr. Cake? BLACKMAILING him just to get what you want? I REALLY expected better from you!” he stated, before he uncrossed his arms. Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow. “Mfmmmm fmfmfmmmfmf??” “Playing dumb I see… Maybe THIS will refresh your memory-!” Spike revealed his weapon of choice: a belt. Yes just like the belts that tied her hands and ankles together, only this was leather. SMACK! Pinkie made a loud ‘MFPF!!’ sound in response as she felt the impact of her left cheek causing her tail to ‘spring up’ wildly. She didn’t need to look to know that a red mark was left on that spot. She turned at him with a GLARE that was accompanied by a red blush. Red enough to standout, even on her pink body. Pinkie Pie may have been easy going, but even she had her limits and standards with moments such as these. “Oh I am sorry, you didn’t like that?” SMACK! “Well now you know how Mr. Cake felt like.” SMACK! “And are you actually glaring at me?” SMACK! Pinkie continued to make those loud ‘MFPF’ sounds in response. Spike was whipping her buns as if she was a bad girl! She didn’t do anything ‘questionable’ in recent times! At least that’s what she believed as Spike brought down another whip to her former pink buns. Boy did it sting as she panted heavily from the shock done to her body. But as he continued to whip her buns, she actually began to moan the longer this went on, even experiencing a bit of wetness. The purple dragon stopped as he got a good look at his work: while her body was easily recognizable for its distinctive ‘pink’ color, both her butt cheeks were red enough to stand out. He glazed over at the sight as he saw a bit of wetness emerging from her flower. The sweet recognizable scent aroused him naturally. His mouth watered as his eyes peered at her rear, with the intent to take it for himself. Oh how much he wanted to dig his claws into them. Oh how he wanted to sink his teeth into those sweet buns of hers- SMACK! Pinkie Pie naturally flinched, as she assumed that the sound came from her own belt being brought down on her once sweet buns. However, when she felt nothing, she turned her head to give him an expression of confusion. “Ah…” Spike grunted as his palm did a great job of snapping him back to reality. He blinked a few times as his vision was still slightly black. W-what was I- Come on Spike, you can’t let these mood swings mess with your head! he shouted in his mind. What was up with him today? Was it related to the sex he was having? What was going on? “Mfff mfmfff mffmmmmfm?” Spike blinked as he gave himself another good smack. Gentler, it was enough to clear his vision and mind. Very weird… I need to see Twilight after this… he decided as he turned to face Pinkie Pie. “So let’s continue…” he said as he walked around the bed. “So, where do you keep ‘it’?” he asked her. “Mmmff?” “You know… That thing-” he gestured with his claws apart from one another. When she continued to muff, “Oh that’s right…” he realized as he couldn’t quite understand her. “AH!” she gasped as she could properly breathe now, thanks to Spike removing her panties from her mouth. She glared at him. “Spike! This isn’t very nice!” “Enough of your whining.” Spike said to her. “Where do you keep ‘it’?” he asked again. Pinkie Pie only blushed as she was able to understand what he was looking for. “I am not telling!” she gave a ‘humpf!’ expression and looked away. Spike rolled his eyes. “Fine, I don’t need your help!” he responded as he threw her panties at her cheek. She flinched as she didn’t expect that, while Spike looked through her night table for a start. He spent a few minutes searching around her room until, “Bingo!” he said as he found what he was looking for. In fact, he found more than what he expected. “What this? I knew that every female carried at least one, but to have this many?” he grinned at the Pink mare who was now as ‘horrified’ as she could possibly be. He held up a small opened chest. “No! Put THOSE back!” “Which one which one- They’re all pink…” he said frowning as he pulled a distinctively lumpy one. He smiled again as he said, “Well then, let’s try this one first hmm?” Offended by his first comment, “What? I LIKE pink-mMMNH!” Pinkie Pie didn’t get to finish as her eyes closed suddenly. Likely because Spike moved the first toy into her without warning or mercy. Her exposed rear shook as he didn’t allow her to brace herself; he had moved the entire length into her as far as it possibly could. Her body arched in a properly reaction, as she made a ‘Nehhh’ noise. Pinkie Pie was not use to taking it all in at once, as her body couldn’t handle it at all. Her squirming and attempts to control her natural sounds only aroused Spike as he watched. While she clearly couldn’t speak, her body was moving in reaction to the dildo that she had deep inside her. “Ok then, how bout- WOW this looks good…and it vibrates!” Spike said smiling. He felt like a little dragon in a candy-gem store as he turned it on. It moved wildly and produced the typical ‘buzzing’ sound. Spike noticed that there was only one level and that one level was obviously set to ‘intense’. How naughty of this Pink mare to own something like this. “EH!” Pinkie Pie opened her eyes as she KNEW what that sound meant. She turned her head around and saw what Spike came across. “No- Don’t you- EP!” Pinkie Pie let out a soft moan as she felt the lumpy dildo leaving her pussy. As she took that precious moment to take a breather, it didn’t last long as she felt Spike inserting the vibrating toy into her. Naturally, the intense setting was too much for Pinkie Pie, as she only used this particular toy AFTER she played with the other toys. Spike was just being cruel to her as she squirmed a bit. “NNnnnnnn!” was just one of the many sounds that she produced. Spike however kept his attention inside the small chest of ‘naughty goodies’ that Pinkie owned. “No….no….no….” he judged every dildo and sex toy that she owned. Yes, she had more than just false penises, but they didn’t aroused Spike’s excitement as much as he thought he would at first glance. Eventually, “Ok, I think that this will do…” Spike pulled out a certain dildo that had unique physical textures that would go nicely inside her other hole. Approving its appearance, he moved his claws around it. CLICK! BUZZZZZZZ. He smiled as he saw that Pinkie Pie was still distracted by the other toy. Thus, Spike casually pulled her body towards him, and pushed the sex toy into her tight anus. Pinkie Pie’s big blue eyes had opened suddenly in reaction to what Spike just did. “Spike- OH!” was her reaction as he really got it inside of her. Her eyes lowered as she fell to the pleasure. “Oooooooohhh…….MMmmmmmmm….” she moaned as she was now ok with him seeing that she was enjoying it. Why not? It hotter having somepony- someDRAGON, do this to her rather than herself. She sighed in pleasure as she continued to moan, loving what Spike did to her. Her body squirmed naturally as her body turned to face him with her eyes closed and moaning. Seeing a perfect opportunity, Spike was already removing his clothes. After exposing his penis, Spike stroked it repeatedly in order to build arousal. Within a few seconds, he was hard as when he slept with Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash, all in that order. Spike held it and moved closer to Pinkie Pie’s lips, in which he probed gently. Pinkie Pie may have been distracted by her own toys, but she did open her eyes when she felt something against her lips. “Hey, what are- GLUP!” Pinkie Pie didn’t get to finish, but she did give a ‘sad’ expression when her eyes looked up at him. Regardless, they were soon closed as she began to bob her head on his dragon cock. She may have been used to a stallion’s big impressive length, but Spike’s was naturally different. Never did Pinkie Pie tasted dragon cock before, and it had quite the appealing taste. Although, there was something familiar about it. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was more to it than she expected as she stopped moving her head, and pulled away slightly in order to use her tongue effectively around the tip. She moved her tongue under his shaft and dragged her tongue SLOWLY to the hole of his penis, before nibbling it and sucking it with pressure that Spike wasn’t use to. Credited by Spike’s reaction as he moaned quite loudly, never expecting her to be this good. The poor dragon was gullible to underestimate Pinkie Pie, as she herself was smirking while she saw his reaction. Teehehehe… That outta teach him… she giggled in her mind, as she slowly took his impressive length into her mouth again. Of course, Pinkie Pie was skilled enough to deep throat him with ease. And occasionally, she would free his penis again only to suck and nibble on either side. Dragging her tongue was something that Spike had difficulty in handling, as she seemly understood where his most sensitive nerves were. Feeling himself edge closer to a premature release, Spike believed that five minutes of this was more than enough. Thus, he held her head and yanked it free from his penis. She obviously gasped as he finally allowed her to breathe freely. “Hah….” she panted but soon smiled. “…Something wrong Spike?...hah….” Pinkie Pie gave a smile that made Spike growl. “No…” he lied. Although, Spike needed to turn the tables on Pinkie Pie if he was going to teach her a lesson. “Ok, on to the next thing…” he said as he decided that he needed to make her squeal somehow. He smirked at a thought. Thus, Spike moved on to the bed with Pinkie Pie, who stopped smiling and wondered what he was up to this time. Spike surprised her by removing the belt that held her ankles together. With her toys still inside both holes, Spike took the liberty of removing them and tossing them aside. Oh gosh finally… Is he going to going to untie my hands too? she thought smiling as she wiggled her legs, stretching them out in relief. However, Spike brought his attention to the stack of pillows that he had set up beforehand. She raised an eyebrow as he simply moved the pillows to where they originally laid. “Hey, why are you moving-” Pinkie Pie was cut off as Spike lifted her, and moved her against where the pillows where, setting her head on one and spreading her legs in order to expose her crotch. “Oh!” she gasped she didn’t expect Spike to ‘drop’ her onto place. She watched as Spike spread her legs and she blushed with a nervous smile. “Um…” Spike liked what he saw between Pinkie Pie’s legs. She was pretty wet after all the work he did on her. He didn’t know if she had an orgasm during their earlier foreplay, but he was more interested in actually tasting her. He moved his tongue against her soft ragged flesh, and started to lap up and down. Spike was naturally a caring individual thanks to Twilight’s influence; every mare he slept with so far, he NEVER disappointed them because of his caring foreplay. With Pinkie Pie becoming a fan of his ‘famous’ foreplay, as she moaned softly. Hmmmmm… Oh gosh I love how he licks me… He’s not missing a spot~…. she thought moaning softly. Pinkie Pie gasped a bit as she felt Spike licking the right sensitive spots. He did a good job licking her clit, before teasing her outside her flower. Spike’s teasing eventually led his tongue into her, in which she really got a firsthand experience of what his dragon tongue felt like. Nice and long, pretty thick, swirling all around inside of her, it was really something as her moans became much louder. Spike was a good boy who knew how to really treat a mare right… Spike’s tongue eventually explored every spot that he could possibly touch and taste. Of course, Spike still had a few things that he wanted to try with a mare. From what he heard, one part inside a female’s flower was a very sensitive and very pleasurable spot that he needed to find. Based on what he read from his magazines, he needed to do a bit of ‘this’, and move ‘here’ and… “OH!” Pinkie Pie’s once relaxed expression, had converted into a shocked expression. Her eyes snapped opened, her mouth was hanging as if she saw endless rainbows, and her body was burning up thanks to Spike successfully finding her ‘sweet spot’. “OH!” she gasped again as she shut her eyes this time. She bit her lip as Spike continued to focus his tongue upward and against her G-spot. Pinkie Pie was moaning uncontrollably as no stallion she ever slept with, ever found her G-spot before. Thus, Spike was really special as he was now making his tongue rub against her special spot sideways. Yes, sideways as he was rubbing left and right, instead of just ‘up and down’. It was strange as he was attacking her G-spots in ways that she didn’t normally do to herself. The pink mare was a victim to Spike’s tongue, as she was arching her body and even bucking her hips. Of course, Spike licking her there was just icing on the cake; his tongue was long enough to go around and around her insides, equally teasing other spots inside of her. All of this was becoming too much for Pinkie Pie to handle. Then again, she was a mare who loved to try new things. Why? Because it was fun. “Ooooohhh…. Geez…. Hmmmmmm….” she moaned as her breathing got heavier. “I-I am not use to this…” she managed to confess. Something was happening to Pinkie Pie the more this went on. As ‘it’ edged closer, Pinkie Pie wanted to hold his head and ‘force’ him down on her even more. But she could only moan more and more as Spike continued his attack. She happily allowed Spike to hold her legs up, as she enjoyed being dominated by an animal- by a beast. Just as she was about to speak again, she felt that tingling sensation between her legs. It wasn’t an orgasm, but something that different and unique. She whimpered as she attempted to get him to stop, but it felt so good as she released a steady amount of clear liquid ooze into his mouth. Whether she ‘peed’ on him, or ‘squirted’ on him, she couldn’t tell the difference as it felt too similar (perhaps they were the same thing in her mind). But did it really matter when it felt so good? Of course not… Spike didn’t react any differently; he drank whatever she gave to him and relished it with pleasure. Spike continued to drink until she finally stopped after a good thirty seconds. He savored the taste and pulled away licking his lips. Afterwards, he readied his penis with a few strokes, got on the bed, and moved into her. She wasn’t as tight as Rainbow Dash, but she did feel good regardless as he was already picking up speed. As he thrust, he allowed her legs to settle rather than holding them up. His claws were next to her shoulders on each side respectively, as his body was pressing against hers. Pinkie Pie was enjoying the HELL out of this buck. Yes her breasts couldn’t bounce as much since Spike never removed her shirt, but his still pure heaven. She moaned freely and loved with how aggressive his thrusts were. But eventually, Spike did grow tired with this position as expected. Thus, after thrusting for a few minutes, he pulled out and turned her on her front, where he continued on with a doggy style position this time. Pinkie approved as she loved taking it from behind and was starting to take a liking to be bound by her hands. “Ohh….oh! Oh! Oh!..... MMmm….” she moaned as she felt those distinctive scales from the side of his big dragon meat. While Spike did enjoy this, he was starting to think that he wasn’t really ‘punishing’ Pinkie Pie or ‘teaching her a lesson’. It felt more like 'guilty sex', rather than 'punishing sex' like he planned. And yet, he truly believed that the more aggressive he was, the more he ‘punished’ her. Spike didn’t sleep with enough mares to learn that they all had various fetishes and that they could like things that he didn’t expect. In this case, Pinkie Pie was falling for his so called ‘punishment’. “Oh Spike…” she managed to moan as she felt even naughtier from this. She turned her head and gave an expression of pure bliss. “NNnn…..can you….NNna…..untie me?....PLEASE….?” she begged with an expression that was hard to resist. Despite wanting to continue’ punishing’ her, Spike felt that he would have an easier time with her body if her hands were around for body-balance support. And so, Spike sighed as he gave a few tugs on her belt, and managed to untie her with just one claw. Then, he resumed bucking Pinkie Pie who was pleased with his choice. Pinkie moved her arms forward in relief. It felt good to stretch them out and un-cramp the muscles in them as she looked back at him with gratitude. “Hmmmm….Spike… Oh Spike….. Nnmmm…..” she moaned for him as she closed her eyes as if falling asleep. At times, Pinkie Pie pressed her rear against him. It felt so good and she just loved how naughty Spike was being. And as much as she wanted to continue with this position, Spike gave a ‘tap’ to her sweet buns to indicate his demand to change positions. She frowned, moaning slightly as she felt his penis slipping out of her. She watched as Spike moved around her and laid against her pillows, presenting his penis for her. Now that her hands weren’t tied behind her back, she was able to remove her shirt and reveal her bra. Like her panties and shorts, her bra carried a blue and white stripes design. Playfully removing it, she gave a soft sigh as her girls were now free to breathe and join in the fun. Naturally, Pinkie Pie was a D-cup and Spike loved what he saw in front of him. The dragon seemed even more pleased as Pinkie positioned his penis between her lovely breasts, and stroked him as such. Pinkie Pie did this every time she slept with a stallion and Spike was no exception as she really had fun with his penis. Spike didn’t know how he prevented himself from cumming. Pinkie Pie was very talented when it came to using her breasts and performing oral on him. He groaned as he felt his body wanting to orgasm right now. But of course, he controlled himself as he took a deep breath. Were the tables turned against him? He didn’t think so as he arched his body and watched as Pinkie Pie winked at him seductively. He blushed a bit as she was clearly enjoying his pleasure sounds. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” “Duh!” she rolled her eyes as she started to move her breasts up and down at a faster pace. She made sure that she was squeezing the life out of the purple bastard who ‘took her’ without her consent. Pinkie Pie was curious on what dragon semen tasted like. Come on… Cum for me big boy! she thought as she continued to torture Spike. Eventually, she started to get results; Spike was moaning and making sounds louder than before. Because her breasts were that large, she was able to take in his dragon cock with her mouth and still pleasure him with her breasts at the same time. However, Spike surprisingly STILL kept himself from releasing, which made Pinkie Pie frown. “Just cum already!” she protested. Now SHE was the one who underestimated him, unlike the other way around. Spike had pride and only smirked weakly as he remarked, “Ha, it’ll take more than that….ah….” He closed his eyes as he failed to hold back yet another moan. He took a deep breath before adding, “We dragons are tougher than we look...” Then again, Pinkie Pie might surprise me… he thought as she knew that she would carry a trick or two up her sleeve. His fear came true as Pinkie Pie gave a smile that would tell you that she was up to something. He got a bit nervous as he wondered what she would do, as she freed his penis from her breasts. “Hmmm…. ‘Tougher than you look’? I would like to challenge that…” Pinkie Pie grasped his long member with one hand. “Just relax and enjoy this…” Spike wondered what she was up to. “What are you- MFFF!” Spike was taken by surprised by what Pinkie Pie did with her tongue. At first, she moved her tongue to the base of his shaft, where his testicles met. She licked vertically along the line with precise ‘up and downs’ movements. When she made contact in his manly balls, she took in a big sniff, and sucked one at a time into her mouth. But what really took Spike by surprise was where she stopped and focused her oral skills: his anus. Spike yelped as he blushed even more, never expecting for Pinkie Pie to be into that sort of thing. Perhaps she was more open minded than he gave her credit for, as he felt her tongue digging into him. The sensitive nerves inside of him couldn’t handle the effective tongue work that made Pinkie Pie amazing. Everything below his waist had tightened as he felt his dragon balls being lifted by her nose, and her mouth to continue rimming him. Spike never realized how far a mare’s tongue could reach, given that he never had any mare lick him down there. Of course, Pinkie Pie was loving his reaction as she continued to drill her tongue into his rectum, moving against his ‘male G-spot’ that most males didn’t realize had exist. She was kind enough to stroke repeatedly, hoping to increase the likelihood of his release. Pinkie Pie then moved a finger into his anus in order to wiggle his insides and continue pleasuring his prostate, while becoming more aroused after hearing the dragon’s moans. Pinkie Pie continued to enjoy the musk scent that came from his male crotch, as she continued to breath it all in and causing her become more aroused in the process. More and more did she fingered, licked, kissed, sucked, and dug her tongue into him, knowing that his release would be far from disappointing. And with her stroking him with her good hand, Spike couldn’t handle it anymore. “Ah….buck….!!!” Spike had his eyes closed tightly. He gritted his teeth and even drooled a bit as this was too much. He decided to give into the pleasure as he let out a nice growl, indicating his release. “Buck…I am….I am…..!” Spike roared as everything around him vanished. His vision was black and his nerves went insane. He arched his back and moaned as loudly as he possibly could, before shooting what was perhaps his best batch of dragon semen. The amount was higher in quality of thickness, and the amount was more than what he was used to. Spike made have had amazing experiences with three pervious mares, but so far that was the BEST orgasm that he ever experienced in his life. And what made it even BETTER, was how Pinkie Pie predicted it; she was already sucking him again right before his release. Thus, drinking every drop and making sure that she got the entire excess amount, which was left inside of his penis. Better than what Applejack did by A LOT, and he didn’t know if any mare in Ponyville would be able to match her oral skills. And of course, Pinkie Pie was enjoying the results of her work as she drank every drop. “Hmmfff….” she muffed as she didn’t want to waste a single drop, but she became even more wetter after swallowing his nice load. When she felt his penis settling, she pulled always slowly and closed her eyes to savor the taste. She then smiled before opening her eyes. “Wow…ahhh. Just…. WOW…oohhhh....” Spike said with a soft expression. He couldn’t stop smiling with how good it felt. Giggling, Pinkie Pie stroked his penis again. “Oh but we’re not done are we? I still want to buck some more~” she remarked. Spike opened his eyes and looked at her. That’s right, I need to really ‘give it’ to her… he frowned. Naturally, he nodded and re-positioned himself, inviting Pinkie Pie to sit on his penis. When she accepted and positioned herself slowly, Spike wasn’t surprised that he kept his erection since she turned him on that much. Both gave soft pleasing moans as they connected once more. This time, they used the lotus position and they held each other closely. With Spike nuzzling his face against her breasts, he got to work thrusting in and out of her. While he did feel Pinkie Pie attempting to do her part, most of the work had to be done by him. He grunted as he was trying to enjoy it, but quickly learned that he didn’t favor this position. “Let’s just do something else…” he said aloud as he leaned back. While he expected Pinkie Pie to go with the cow mare position, she instead moved her body on to his, similar to what he did with Rainbow Dash beforehand. With that, they were now able to move at a better pace, and had a better time moving in rhythm together. With this position, Spike held her closer so that he could get a taste from her luscious breasts, and suck them as much as possible. The Pink mare gave moans and giggles to his mouth performing oral on her breasts. She was used to it normally, but Spike’s dragon tongue still took some time getting used to. She felt her orgasm nearing closer, as the sex continued for minutes on end. Her breasts bounced freely when Spike wasn’t tending to them. She was definitely going to brag about this to her friends. Of course, she didn’t take to account if Spike had already slept with some or even all of them. Oh well. Spike still didn’t know what to do by this point; he tried using the belt, he made her squirt (or peed for all he knew…), and yet, she enjoyed them all without losing herself! Something had to be done, and there was only one thing he could think of. Thus, Spike lifted her from his penis (much to her surprise), and forced her to take his dragon cock up her anus. Her reaction was what Spike wanted: stunned, wide eyes, and a body trembling out of course. This time, he hit the spot. “AHHH!!!” she screamed in pleasure as her hair had actually converted into pinkamena! Yet, her expression remained the same as she was enjoying the penetration inside her ass. Her eyes lowered and her lips formed into a smile, indicating her enjoyment as she melted onto him. The big bad dragon smirked as he was now satisfied with this ‘punishment’. He thrust in and out of her anus, completely in control and really giving it to her. He moaned slightly as she gave sounds that were a mix of grunting, moaning, and yelping. Spike’s testicles had slapped against her with vigor, in a never ending battle of lust. Each slap was so hard, that it was what caused Pinkie Pie to yelp in the first place. Finally, after the long hour of sex, Spike was going to release his final batch of dragon seed into her rectum. “Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” Pinkie Pie moaned out as anal sex seemed to be her weakness. Even before when he was whipping her, she didn’t make noises this loud. Spike was really making her feel like a naughty mare, and she LOVED it. “Hmmmm….. OH BUCK…. OH BUCK……..” she moaned, followed by another ‘yelp!’. “Hmmmm…. Spike…..I…… MMmmmmm….. It’s too…… Hmmmm…… Much……” she managed to say as he moved at a slower pace. She whimpered asking, “W-why are you slowing down?!” “Oh? You WANT me to go faster?” Spike asked with a bored expression. “Y-yes!!” “You do?” he gave a dull expression this time. “P-please!” “Hmmm…. I don’t know…” “I’ll do ANYTHING!” Spike was close to stopping, but those were the magic words as he smirked nasty. “Then promise me that you will NEVER blackmail and harass Mr. Cake anymore. If you promise me that, I’ll release into your ass…” he stated as he was just teasing the poor mare by this point. “D-deal!” Pinkie Pie shouted, begging for more. “Pinky promise?” “P-pinky p-promise! N-now p-please buck my ass- OH!” Pinkie Pie never finished as Spike was moving again at a fast pace. He pumped his big mean dragon cock into her, with vigor that was stronger than the last. “Oh!!!!” she moaned sweetly as she arched her body, bit a finger, and turned her head with her eyes closed. “Hnnnnn...” Spike panted as he was getting worn out again. Pinkie Pie was pretty tight and he finally got what he wanted. Now he could finish this without any regrets. First, since there was no particular weight on his legs that were behind her, he decided that he could ‘experiment’ again. He used all of his strength to lift Pinkie Pie’s body, forcing her to lean her back against his now bent legs. They held her perfectly as she gave small ‘ah!’ and moaned with this new position. Then, Spike moved his arms and lifted his body into a crab walk position, with his tail supporting him and allowing Pinkie Pie to sit on him as if he was a very pleasurable seat. Her body arched even more as her head was leaning back, with her now straight hair falling straight down. She shook with pleasure as Spike’s growling only made the sex even better. Although, it wasn’t as good as the hot batch of dragon seed being poured into her insides. Pinkie Pie never had a male release into her rectum and she regretted it as her body twitched. She had her tongue hanging as she gave an expression of pure lustful bliss, feeling nice and warm inside her belly. The Pink mare gently grabbed the sheets of her once cleaned bed, now covered in their naughty juices. Her nipples were harder than before if that was even possible, and the chills down her spine wouldn’t stop until after Spike pulled his penis out of her. She gasped as he pushed her on her back, and left the bed himself with a big stretch. Pinkie Pie panted heavily, feeling well spent and enjoying the fantastic time she had with Spike. Then, she lifted her upper body before spreading her legs, seeing the amount of hot sticky semen pouring out of her ass like nothing. She couldn’t help but scoop a helping with her fingers, and suck them with a light moan. “Heh, well I do hope you learned a lesson…” Spike stated, feeling proud of what he done. Looks like things worked out perfectly in his plan after all, as he started to dress himself again. “Hmmm hmm!” she nodded as she looked at him shyly. “I deserved to be punished because I was a bad, bad, BAD girl…” she ‘admitted’ as she wouldn’t stop sucking her fingers, clearly addicted to his semen. “Well Pinkie Pie, I am glad you learned your lesson. I’ll see you around.” he said with a wolfish smile, before walking out of the room and closing the door shut. Spike sighed in relief as he turned to the stairs, only to be stopped by… MRS. CAKE? “Hello Spike.” she said smiling. Mrs. Cake was calm and wearing a blue robe with white patterns. She was either sweating a bit, or just came out of the shower since her body was ‘glossed’ in liquid. “Um…” he didn’t expect to see HER here waiting for him outside of Pinkie Pie’s room. Did she know what was going on between Pinkie Pie and her husband??? This was not good. “I see that you had a nice time with Pinkie Pie.” she stated with a sweet smile as she looked at the door. Soft moans of Pinkie Pie savoring the taste of Spike, was easy to hear even with the door closed. “Well both my husband and I enjoyed the show you two gave! Well done!” she said winking. Spike’s jaw dropped. “WHAT?!” She gave a giggle as she covered her mouth with one hand. “Oh yes, we saw everything thanks to the hidden cameras that we had set up. We could watch it from the TV in our room and boy did we LOVE what you and Pinkie Pie did together. It was quite…KINKY~” she said sweetly again. “That doesn’t sound LEGAL!” he said frowning by what she just confessed. “Wait, so you mean that Pinkie and your husband-” “Of course not.” she said waving a hand. “I can’t believe that even though you’ve matured into a very handsome dragon, you’re still as gullible as a child. That’s so cute~” Mrs. Cake giggled. Spike blushed as he couldn’t believe that he fell for Mr. Cake’s story. “It’s just that, me and my husband love to find ways to make our sex lives more exciting without breaking our faithfulness in marriage. Hence, what is hotter than watching another couple doing it? It’s exciting, and so shameful to get aroused by watching others do it. Instead of your lover and yourself? That’s just so erotic! And we share the enjoyment through passionate love and thus, we strengthen our marriage~” she said as she closed her eyes and blushed with a hand on her cheek. “I-” Spike started as he was confused with the situation. Of course, he still felt stupid and embarrassed as he couldn’t believe what he easily believed what he heard about Pinkie Pie. “Wait, what are ‘cameras’ and a ‘TV’?” he blinked realizing that he never heard of those before. “Oh just something that those Flim Flam brothers recently invented. It just came out last week and they’re making business deals throughout all of Equestria now!” she said smiling. “Did you know that they also responsible for inventing many special sex toys? Including dildos?” “Wow…” he said unsure on how to react to that. “That’s…interesting?” he raised an eyebrow, unsure on what to say to that. If what they said was true, then they saw everything that happened between him and Pinkie Pie. Which led him into asking, “So Pinkie Pie was in on this…?” To an even bigger surprise, she shook her head. “Oh no, Pinkie Pie never had the slightest idea!” Mrs. Cake said giggling. “Then why HER of all ponies? That’s betraying her trust…” Spike frowned. “Well Pinkie seems to be quite the exhibitionist; her ‘pinkie senses’ always seem to give her the idea that she’s being ‘watched’ somehow. ESPECIALLY during the sexual encounters that she has with the stallions that she brings to her room~ I naturally ‘ask’ the embarrassed stallions of their sexual encounter with her after ‘knowing’ what went on~” she was giggling wildly by this point. It was a surprise that Pinkie Pie didn’t confront them when they were just outside her room. Could she really not hear them? Spike shook his head. “Wait, so they just told you? Just like that?” he had asked. “Well, they couldn’t say no to a free ice-cream cake~” she said proudly. Huh I guess it’s true what they say: the only 'real' way to get into a male’s heart, is through his stomach… Spike thought as he smiled uncomfortably. “Anyways, after we asked questions regarding how her room ‘was’, we started realizing that when she had the windows covered, the experience was different than when she didn’t have the curtains covering the windows.” she tried to explain to the confused dragon. “Don’t you see? Although ‘unlikely’, she gets even more aroused when there’s the possibly of getting caught! Thus, my husband and I decided to do a few things here and there, before we got a TV and cameras…and we’ve been able to see our little Pinkie Pie give quite the show~” she gave another wink, proudly confessing to Spike. Spike gave them an expression that said ‘unimpressed’. There is something WRONG with these ponies… he thought. “I see…” was what he answered, instead of what he really thought. “Oh but I shouldn’t keep chatting here; my husband is likely recovering from the exciting climax we both experience during the ‘show’~ Thank you for your commitment Spike~” she said sweetly. “Feel free to stop by for a free milkshake or two any time you want!” Mrs. Cake said as she winked once more, before waving and hurrying to her bedroom with a giggle. Spike was just DUMBFOUNDED. What kind of messed up world was this when two kind-hearted ponies would violate the trust of a likable, hard-working, and honest (one who does NOT blackmail), pony like Pinkie Pie? And they got excited by invading her privacy? Spike didn’t know what to think! “I am never coming here again…” he decided out loud with a frown. Then again, after realizing it, “Eh who am I kidding; I LOVE the milkshakes here!” he cried humorlessly at how much ‘power’ his stomach had over him. Maybe not as much as with the sex, but even with his morals. “What’s wrong with me…” he asked himself as he shook his head, seemly moving on with it. “Wait, if Pinkie Pie didn’t know, then why she-” his eyes widened. “Oh you got to be-” “-Bucking kidding me!” Pinkie Pie whined as she finished licking the last of the dragon semen. She frowned as she swallowed the last drop that leaked from her. “And it was just so-” “You!” “Huh?” Pinkie Pie blinked as she looked forward. The dragon, who just had his way with her, was there in the doorway and pointing a claw at her. She smiled. “Spike! You came back to give me another helping?” she hoped as she was already missing the taste, willing to go this far with herself. “Why didn’t you say that you weren’t blackmailing Mr. Cake? Why did you ‘agree’ that you deserved ‘punishment’ when you didn’t???” Spike demanded as he was confused, and didn’t like feeling stupid if the answer was obvious. Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes yet again. “Well DUH Spike; of course I didn’t deserve to be really ‘punished’. I just liked that much!” she told him. “But I forced you- I said that you were a ‘devil’ for blackmailing Mr. Cake and you didn’t say otherwise!” Spike pointed out. Pinkie Pie looked to the side, rubbing the sheets with her finger slowly. “Well…” she started. “…I thought that you were just making up an excuse just to buck me.” Spike’s jaw dropped. “What? Don’t give me that look!” she pouted. “I mean come on; me blackmailing someone? That’s fun to joke around with, but in a serious matter, I would never do that! Hence I knew that only you would make up a lie as ridiculous as that!” she defended herself. Although, Spike still had more questions. “But, I forced you; I raped you for NO reason…” Spike said, actually feeling guilty about it. Spike may have been listening to his sexual urges completely at various times today, but this with Pinkie Pie, started because of what he intended to do as a ‘favor’. All based on a lie that he easily believed. Pinkie Pie smiled sweetly. She giggled as she got off the bed and walked over to him naked. She got on her toes and gave him a big kiss, which took him by surprise as the purple dragon blushed. “Spike, that’s so sweet of you to feel ‘guilty’ but it’s ok; I wanted to be taken like this!” When Spike gave another one of his ‘reactions’, she followed with, “Sometimes, a mare just wants to be taken like that. It’s a pretty common feeling as we all dream of a nice, big, handsome, male just take control!” she said smiling brightly. Spike wasn’t fully convinced. “So, you’re sure that you didn’t just started to like it after it got to a point where you didn’t care anymore?” he asked unsure. Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes. “Pffff, what, you actually believe that stereotype? Please Spike, those are pure fantasy stories that gets both males and females excited. What happened between us was REAL.” she said winking. “Besides, if you were raping me and I didn’t want it, I would’ve screamed for help when I had the chance.” Pinkie Pie giggled. “That, or I would’ve kicked your dragon balls during one of the thirty-seven chances that I had.” she added sweetly. While Spike blinked, he felt better from what she said. So he didn’t really do anything wrong did he? She told him that it was ok and thus, he wasn’t a bad dragon. Then again, there were times when Pinkie Pie was as gullible as he was and thus, maybe she denied that it was rape in the first place? And that he forced her to like it? But this time, he knew that Pinkie Pie was telling the truth and he smiled. Of course, that was until he remembered her last comment. “Wait, so you…counted…?” “Yup~!” she exclaimed. > Like a flower~ (Fluttershy) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What? You expect me to believe that?” Pinkie Pie had asked. “Well it’s the truth… Mrs. Cake told me so.” “Spike, are you sure???” “Yes.” Pinkie Pie frowned as she dried her head. After her assurance that he didn’t do anything wrong, she naturally got into the shower in order to refresh her body, and expected Spike to have left Surgarcube Corner. Thus, she was even more surprised to see him waiting for her and explaining another ‘wild’ story. Spike of course, wanted to be guilt-free and make sure that Pinkie Pie knew what the Cakes were doing. It was the least he could do after what he did. “Well…I don’t see why you would lie if you’re ‘coming out’ like this…” Pinkie Pie frowned as she thought about it. “Hmmm…now that you mentioned it, I did find it strange whenever my pinkie senses kept tingling, despite the fact that I made the habit of covering my window. Especially when there’s an obvious chance of Pegasi passing through!” she added, referring to her past sexual encounters. She continued to dry her head with a towel, while wearing her personal robe that was...pink. She gave a nod as she stopped drying her head. “Okie dokie; I am going to have a TALK with them…” she stated before giving a stern look, that converted into a smile? “So everything will be ok…?” Spike asked; he was obviously FAR from convinced. “Oh yeah don’t worry about it Spike!” she removed the towel from her head. Within a second, her mane puffed into her trademark curly hairstyle. “I am sure that the Cakes are reasonable ponies!” Pinkie Pie told him with a smile. Spike still wasn’t convinced, but he would have to go with Pinkie Pie’s word. “Ok then…” “So what are you going to do now?” she asked. Thinking about it, “I need to see Twilight.” Spike rubbed his neck. “I am having trouble with these mood swings that I’ve been experiencing lately. So maybe she knows what’s going exactly with my mind…” Spike explained. “Why not ask Fluttershy instead?” “Fluttershy?” “Yup!” Pinkie Pie gave a nod. “Since you’re a dragon and not a pony, it would be easier for her to help you.” Spike gave her a confused look. But Pinkie continued on. “We ponies refer to you as an ‘animal’- respectfully of course-, and Fluttershy is great with animals right? Surely you would have better luck with somepony who understands animals better than Twilight!” Spike understood but being ‘labeled’ bothered him. “Wouldn’t I just save the trouble by seeing a vet?” he joked harshly. “Pfff, you’re not a pet Spike; ponies only bring their pets to the vet because they can’t understand something that’s ‘wrong’, since their pet can’t speak and tell them if there's something is wrong!” Pinkie Pie stated while she rolled her eyes with a smile. “Besides, while we don’t know what is wrong with you exactly, a vet isn’t likely going to help you in this situation right? Thus, why not go with ‘therapy’ and talk with a pony who is known for that? What dumb pony would take you to see a vet when you’re an intelligent living thing that can speak?” “Twilight would.” Spike didn’t need to even think about it, as he smirked at the thought. “Yeah, she would.” Pinkie Pie said giggling. Spike took his time walking into the outskirts of Ponyville, and started to heading in the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage. Pinkie Pie’s suggestion could prove to be accurate as Fluttershy did have a unique way with non-pony creatures…not counting griffins. Things seem to be looking even better for Spike, as none of the ponies in Ponyville gave any particular reaction to him other than a friendly wave. Even as he passed by the young colts and fillies in the Ponyville Schoolhouse, they only waved at him as if they recognized Spike. Especially with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who wanted to jump on him and play with his new and improve dragon tail. He managed to convince them how busy he was thanks to Ms. Cheerilee. “Awww but I wanted to ride his tail some more!” Sweetie Bell complained as Ms. Cheerilee lifted her off of Spike’s tail. “I am not a…wait, what’s the word?” Spike raised an eyebrow as he thought about what he was going for. He wanted to say ‘horse’, but would that be strange? “Now girls, Spike said that he had things to do and that doesn’t involve you playing with him like some doll. Now run along~” Ms. Cheerilee said sternly. The young fillies whined with ‘awww’s before heading home. Ms. Cheerilee turned to face Spike with a smile. “Young ones huh? In fact, you were like them not 24 hours ago, huh Spike?” she asked him. Spike chuckled. “Yes, ‘we’ grow up so fast…” he remarked as they both shared a laugh. “Well I should get going-” “Um Spike?” Ms. Cheerilee stopped him. “Yes?” “Is there something going on between you and Rainbow Dash?” Spike blinked. “No…should there be?” Spike had no idea why she would ask him that. Ms. Cheerilee blinked as well. “Well, there’s some rumor going on that you’re dating Rainbow Dash. At first, I thought ‘oh, well Spike’s just a baby and surely that’s just something ‘cute’ going on.’.” she said with a giggle. I was a kid; NOT a baby… he thought annoyed. But suddenly, he realized what she mentioned before as his eyes converted from ‘dulled and annoyed’, to ‘wide and embarrassed’. “W-what- NO! I am not dating her! N-not that she’s unattractive or anything-” he started with a blush. Ms. Cheerilee giggled. “Oh I understand Spike; there’s some other special pony that you got your eyes set on, right?” she winked. Before Spike could respond (or even comprehend on what she was asking), she followed with, “So since you’re not in a relationship or anything…” Ms. Cheerilee moved a bit closer. She slowly trailed a finger across his chest. “…perhaps we can catch a nice cup of coffee? That we can share?” She fluttered her eyes. “I-” Spike blushed as he didn’t expect that. Then again, with what happened in the last six hours, he should have. Just as Spike was about to come up with an excuse to leave now, he was saved by a small colt. “Ms. Cheerilee? I have a question about the newspaper club-” “Not now Featherweight; your teacher is busy.” she remarked without looking at him. “But I-” “Look…” She turned around with an annoyed expression; she stopped smiling and looked at him dully. “…I am VERY busy now; whatever it is, I am sure that it can wait.” she explained with a ‘smile’. “Now then…where were we-” she started as she turned to face at Spike with a ‘real’ smile. However, she frowned as Spike was nowhere to be seen. How he was able to vanish without a trace, became a mystery as the purple mare was stunned. “Oh…that’s the third time this week!” she complained as she turned to face Featherweight. “What’s WRONG with me-” she started to ask him with a hurt expression. However, she was stunned once again as Featherweight had also vanished without a trace. This time, her face was as red as Big Mac’s coat. “Oh BUCK-” “-me was that close!” Spike said as he lay against the tree. He panted for a bit after running for five minutes straight. Thankfully, he managed to escape while running in the same direction of Fluttershy’s cottage. “My metrosexual good looks are more dangerous than I thought…” Spike realized as he waited for another minute. When he was sure that he was not being chased by Ms. Cheerilee, he began to walk again. “Hey there it is…” Spike commented as he saw the home of Fluttershy. From where he was, Fluttershy’s cottage was just a minute away. However, “Wait.” he said to himself as he stopped in front of the small bridge. Spike suddenly remembered Fluttershy’s fear of adult dragons, despite the fact that she confronted one face to face. If he walked up to her door, surely she would slam it in front of his face the moment she laid eyes on him. Of course, perhaps she heard of the news regarding his growth spurt? He didn’t know, as Fluttershy may have yet to walk into Ponyville today. “I need her help, but how do I approach her?” he wondered aloud as he stopped walking. Thinking about it, was Fluttershy even home? I better check… he decided as he worked around, trying to move to the left-side of her cottage, and peek through the window. He moved across the bridge, and jumped into the bushes. After another ten seconds of sneaking around, he was hiding under the window where he would get a perfect view of her living room. Ok, nice and slow… he thought as he slowly lifted his body from couching down. Looking up, he saw the window ‘shelf’, that held the pots of flowers that she kept for decoration. Thinking about it, he would have to lift himself up to take a quick sneak peek. Of course, he would have flied up to the window, if he had wings. It was annoying that he was without dragon wings, but he didn’t complain. Careful… he reminded himself as he got a grip on the shelf. As if doing a pull up, he got into position and lifted his body. A quick grunt, he got a great view of Fluttershy’s living room. It took him only two seconds to realize that she wasn’t home. Thus, he quickly released the wooden window shelf and landed softly right under. “Huh so maybe she did go into town.” Spike thought aloud, as he looked in the direction of Ponyville. “I guess that I’ll wait by-” SPLINNNNNT! CRASH! THUD! Spike’s vision remained black for as long as his senses could tell. ‘Feeling’ returned to his body, and he could smell the rich scent of honey and brown sugar. He could hear the gentle stream of water, from under the small bridge outside Fluttershy’s cottage. How did he know that it was the stream from under Fluttershy’s small bridge? Well… “O-oh my… I hope that he’s ok… D-do you think that I should have used sweet raspberry-peach tea instead of black-pearl ‘mango-‘spice’ berry? Oh my, I hope that he does wake up soon Angel…” Spike eventually gathered enough mental strength to open his eyes. He was looking straight up at the ceiling and blinked a few times. He turned his head to the side and saw the living room table, which was often next to the couch that he was sleeping on. He groaned as he slowly stood up straight, realizing that he had a blanket on him. Keeping it around his body, he blinked again with pain in his head. He touched his head and felt bandages wrapped around it, which was strange when he tried thinking about it. Regardless, he saw a cup of hot tea sitting in front of him after turning his body to the table. Taking in the smell again, he took the tea without hesitation. He drank the hot liquid and sighed in relief, as the hot temperature actually relaxed him instead of burning him. As he finished, he noticed a small plate of sweets: cookies, tiny muffins, and brownies. Without hesitating again, he took the plate, and poured all of the sweets into his mouth. “Oh!” Spike perked his head up as he turned to see the lovable Fluttershy. The pink maned mare was standing not five feet away from his right, standing in the doorway that led into her kitchen. At first, Spike assumed that she was wearing a turtleneck sweater. But looking closely, it was actually a thin brown ‘turtleneck jacket’: brown cotton material as soft as a ‘typical’ sweater, opened to expose her white T-shit underneath which carried a yellow flower on it, and Spike could see various little flower patterns hidden within the turtleneck jacket itself. At the ends of each sleeve, Spike noticed distinctive zippers (two on each side) that trailed three inches across her forearm from her wrists. The jacket was thin enough to ‘shape’ out her body exactly, while the opened turtle collar wasn’t ‘loose’ but ‘comfortably tight’ around her neck. Spike assumed that Rarity designed this turtleneck jacket for Fluttershy’s taste, although it surprised him with how it ‘effortlessly’ held her LARGE breasts perfectly. Everything below, Fluttershy wore typical jeans and sandals that he saw her often wearing. Finally, he saw three cute yellow flowers in her mane, perfectly aligned on where her large fringe was hanging. “Spike, thank goodness that you’re ok!” Fluttershy said with a soft smile. She was holding a bowl that was filled with water and a big towel rag. She placed the bowl down on the table and asked, “Are you alright?” with concern, before she looked at him. “Yeah I am feeling better…” he assured her. He would have asked on how she knew that it was him, but he already assumed that she was in Ponyville and heard the news about him and his recent growth spurt. “How long was I out?” he groaned as he touched his head again. He felt sharp pain with his touch and flinched by the sudden shock to his head. “Relax Spike…” Fluttershy said. Sitting on her wooden living room table, she got the wet rag and pressed it against his forehead. “I heard a noise from my room upstairs and came outside, finding you knocked out.” she explained. “You’ve been out for ten minutes I believe…” She looked over at him and continued to null the pain that existed in his head. He felt her ‘moving’ the bandage a bit, and moving the wet rag against that painful spot. After a few minutes, she held his spiky cheek gently after cleaning his possible wound. “Better?” she asked with a concerned expression. “Yeah…” he responded as he closed his eyes gently. Well, he was wrong thinking that she wasn’t home, when he forgot the possibly of her being in her bedroom, if he didn’t see her in the living room. Her touch was a lot softer than any of the mares that he had a ‘personal encounter’ with before. Of course, Spike remembered that on the day they met, that Fluttershy wanted to hug him as many times as possible prior to the welcoming surprise party at the tree house. Of course, it was difficult for her when Spike was riding on Twilight during the trip back into Ponyville. There were other times however, when he was lucky enough to feel her ‘motherly touch’ when it was ‘appropriate’. “So what happened to my head?” he had asked, unsure about that specific detail. Fluttershy placed the towel rag into the bowl again. “W-well, I saw one of my flower pots broken and beside your head, where it supposedly left a terrible cut on your forehead…” she gave a sad expression; she hated seeing blood, especially on someone that she knew personally. “I am so sorry Spike…” Spike couldn’t feel any guiltier; it was likely because the window shelf was damaged by him when he was putting his weight on it. When he ‘dropped’ to the ground, he likely shook the damaged window shelf and that was enough to make it break and drop the flower pot onto his head. Spike then explained on how it was his fault and not the other way around. “I am sorry for breaking your pots…” Spike said as he lowered his head in shame. Especially with all the trouble Fluttershy went through to take care of him. “O-oh, d-don’t worry about it Spike…” Fluttershy said as she frowned at his guilt. Fluttershy didn’t like it when sweet little- well he wasn’t little anymore, but she didn’t like it when Spike was anything but happy. Especially when she was glad to know a dragon like him, and as a close friend that wasn’t ‘scary’ at all. “B-but why were you sneaking around the window to see if I was home? Instead of knocking my door like you would normally do?” she asked with a confused expression. “Well…I didn’t know how you would react to the way I looked; I figured that I would ‘know’ on how to approach you like THIS, if I could ‘tell’ whether you were home or not.” he gestured at his current look. “So that I would know if you went into town and heard about my recent growth spurt. You did hear about my change, right?” Spike explained more, as he wanted to confirm. Fluttershy blinked. “Actually, I didn’t leave for town today yet…” she confessed. “What?” “O-oh I am sorry, it’s just that, I wasn’t done cleaning my home after feeding the animals. I-if that’s ok; was I supposed to be in Ponyville earlier? Oh dear, oh dear!” she misunderstood as she was getting nervous as usual. Especially with the surprised expression from Spike. “No it’s fine-” he assured her as he held up his claws. “But you weren’t scared when you found me knocked out? And how did you know that it was me?” Spike’s curiosity, had aroused greatly by this point of the conversation. “O-oh really? Thank goodness…” Fluttershy sighed out of relief. As for his question, “Oh um…well…” she looked to the side, blushing slightly. “I-I suppose that I was far more concerned with your well-being, rather than the fact that you were a BIG scary looking dragon…” she explained. But her eyes widened after realizing what came out of her mouth. “N-n-not that YOU’RE scary Spike!” she tried to explain. Thankfully, Spike assured her that it was fine. Thus, she continued. “A-as for r-realizing that it was ‘you’, I thought that you did look ‘familiar’ in some way, and then after realizing the color of your scales, I knew that it had to be you!” she finished explaining. Spike understood. “Well ok…well I am glad that I didn’t ‘scare’ you or anything Fluttershy…” Spike said with an honest smile. Fluttershy smiled too when she heard those words. Aww… That proves that it IS Spike! What other dragon can be so sweet? My mind complete free of any doubt~ Fluttershy thought with joy. Personally, Fluttershy was glad that it was somepony- some DRAGON that she knew, instead of a ‘stranger’. Spike may have been ‘bigger’ per say, but his personality didn’t change. “So Spike, why did you come to visit me? To tell me about your recent change?” the yellow mare assumed. Spike shook his head. “Actually…” Spending no more than half an hour, Spike explained to Fluttershy the ‘mood swings’ that he’s been experiencing since this morning. Somehow, Spike managed to edit out the particular parts of him sleeping with more than half her close and personal friends. Thus, it was a matter of his ‘cravings’ and how they were changing his way of thinking. “…and so, I seem to control them so long as I ‘meet’ those cravings, or do something physical to myself in order to snap out of it.” he finished explaining. “Pinkie Pie said that you would have a better chance helping me than some ‘vet’.” he added. Fluttershy blinked as she considered it. Well, she was good with ‘wild non-pony creatures’, so why not dragons? She was able to lecture one that was random and help out at the same time, whereas Spike was a dragon that she knew personally, and had trouble understanding himself. But, “Well it could be because of the ‘season’.” she suggested. “B-but to be honest, I don’t know much about dragons aside from speaking with you Spike…” she confessed. Since dragons were often anti-social and barbaric to non-dragon creatures but could speak, they were often considered to be the ‘bridge’ between sentient and non-sentient creatures in all of Equestria. Respectively of course… “Well it is spring-time…” Spike pointed out as he thought about it. “Is it normal for ‘creatures’ like me to be feeling like ‘this’ during spring?” he asked. Fluttershy blushed as she knew firsthand with how the animals were. “U-um…w-well…” Fluttershy looked away and closed her eyes. “I-it’s possible that you’re in h-h-heat…” She was so embarrassed! Spring was a common ‘mating season’ for most living things, but was it really with dragons as well? Or did she wrongfully assumed something that made her as red as an apple? OH DEAR! she thought embarrassed. “Oh um…” Spike didn’t blush, but he did give a nervous smile. Well, that would make sense with all the screwing that he did today… Of course, it could be just the raging dragon-hormones that drove him wild. Or worse, it could be BOTH. “W-well, it’s not like I’ve done anything SEXUAL-” he started lying. “-so m-maybe it’s not that!” the purple dragon suggested. Fluttershy looked at him and stopped blushing. “W-why yes! It doesn’t mean that it IS that!” she did hoped that it was the case; Fluttershy naturally became a victim to Spike’s overall attractive looks since the moment she first laid eyes on him today. O-oh m-my Fluttershy, what are you thinking?! she suddenly blushed again and closed her eyes before shaking her head. You naughty girl! Stop thinking such things! she yelled in her mind, as she stood up suddenly and opened her eyes with a friendly smile. “Well then, shall I make us some more tea?” she suggested sweetly, wanting to get her mind off the perverted things… Eventually, they spent another ten minutes chatting about how he’s possibly (and just as likely), just having difficulty adjusting to his new body mentally. It was a nice innocent chat that Spike approved; he was feeling some ‘strain’ on his body and mind with the endless sex he had today. It gave him a steady peaceful mind that was able to comprehend things, without the expectation of performing well during sex. Just sitting down, enjoying sweets, as well as tea, and sitting down with an ‘innocent’ mare like Fluttershy, was quite smoothing. “So wings yet? I find that to be odd.” Fluttershy said as she looked over at his shoulder, hoping to see something. “Maybe you’re between the maturing stages still…” Fluttershy assumed. “Maybe I am…but I know that I am not a kid or a teenager.” he remarked as he finished his third cup of tea. “A young adult?” he guessed. Just like her, Twilight, and the rest of the gang. Fluttershy finished her cup as well. “Well it is possible Spike. Then again, I do not know a dragon’s life cycle.” she confessed. Although Spike looks ‘older’ than me and the other girls. M-maybe as if five years older if he were a pony? Fluttershy thought. “But I am sure that you’ll get use to your new body within a few days. It’s normal to experience mental stress when you don’t fully understand something as important as your body…” she explained. Spike understood as he nodded. So it was just mental stress that gave him mood swings? And having sex cleared his mind of them and kept his mind sane. Of course, it could be that while more sex relaxes his mind, more sex was also making it sensitive in more ways than one. Or was there something else that he was missing? He did not know as he stood up. “Well Fluttershy, thank you again for your help; I feel much better.” he told her honestly. Fluttershy smiled with even more joy after hearing those words. Oooooh Spike is so sweet! So polite, so caring, so handsome- she suddenly gave a shocked expression that confused Spike. To top it off, she shook her head wildly while turning red. “Um-” Spike started as he frowned. Did he say something that embarrassed her? “O-oh n-nothing!” she opened her eyes, embarrassed that she made a gesture like that. “I-I-I just thought of something ‘funny’…” she lied. Or did she? “Well ok…” Spike said as he wasn’t fully convinced. Regardless, “Well I should get going…” “Y-yes o-of course!” she said as she also stood, but relaxed her expression. “L-let me walk you to the door- EPP!” Because Fluttershy kept her eyes on him, she didn’t properly see where she was walking, which led her to making contact with the living room table. She slipped and almost fell to the ground, had it not been for Spike’s quick thinking as he grabbed her hand. He pulled her back on to her feet, where she regained balance. “Oh Spike, thank you-” Fluttershy was grateful for Spike’s help. Although, him helping her up in order to regain balance, caused her to naturally ‘stand’ right in front of him. Like a true gentle pony- gentleDRAGON, he used his free claw to gently hold her back so that she was perfectly balanced. In this case however, since she had large breasts, she was actually pressing against him. The soft lovely melons were pressed hard against his hard chest. When they both realized this, they shared a blush. “U-um…” “S-sorry!” Spike said quickly as he blushed. He knew how sensitive Fluttershy was, and how bad this was looking as he felt those soft wonderful melons of hers. What made matters worse, was how his erection occurred within seconds. His large dragon member was making an effort pressing hard against his jeans, and it made sure that Fluttershy felt it. “EEEH!” Fluttershy let out a small scream. She pulled away and her face was redder than before. She covered her breasts, in the same matter that the first two mares he slept with did and backed off. As space was created between them, Spike covered his obvious erection. “I-I am sorry-” he tried to explained as he was blushing as much as she was. “I didn’t mean-” he tried to continue. “N-n-no it’s f-fine Spike; y-you’re j-just reacting n-naturally-” she said as she turned away. O-oh my goodness, I FELT it! It w-w-was so…BIG! she screamed in her mind. Fluttershy never felt a dragon’s penis before, let alone, a male’s penis! Her body shook with excitement and embarrassment, as her flower began to produce the familiar wetness between her legs. Her luscious breasts were now giving full nipple erections. Spike wanted to continue apologizing. However, since she was now facing away from him, he glared at his traitorous ‘buddy’. Dammit! Why did you have to lose control like that?! Now Fluttershy thinks that I am a sick perverted dragon! he yelled in his mind. His attention snapped back into reality as he looked up, and saw that Fluttershy turned her head…shyly at him. “Oh um…” he didn’t know how to respond. Thus, “W-well I am going to leave so that I can handle ‘this’-” This time, he was telling her the truth without an excuse as he faced away to leave. Fluttershy looked to the side as he started to walk. She bit her lip as she looked at his back, thinking about what she felt and what she craved. “U-um Spike…?” Spike stopped, but didn’t turn around. Clearly he was embarrassed when he was not able to control his urges. “Y-yeah…?” “Y-you…” She closed her eyes and looked away again. F-Fluttershy, what are you thinking?! she screamed in her mind. Regardless, “Y-y-you can…do…t-t-t-that here i-if you want-!” she managed to say, before opening her eyes. Her face was still red. Spike couldn’t believe what he heard. What the buck- is she SERIOUS?!? Doubt filled the purple dragon’s mind. Was she testing him? Wait, this was FLUTTERSHY; she wasn’t the type of pony to do that. She wouldn’t try to ‘trick’ him in anyway, so she had to be serious… Of course, Spike didn’t understand why she would allow him. “O-ok, I’ll use your restroom-” “N-n-no.” Spike’s testicles dropped for the third time today. If she didn’t want him to use her restroom, then that means… “O-ok…” he said, before turned around. Fluttershy was facing away, likely trying to calm her own mind down. So was she…? POKE! Spike’s tail twitched. He turned around to see Fluttershy’s pet, Angel, poking at his tail with a fork. He did not look happy as he made small rabbit noises that Spike didn’t understand. Spike’s embarrassment converted into annoyance. Looking back at Fluttershy, she was still facing away against the wall. Looking to the doorway that led out of her cottage, he was reminded of the opened ‘window’ that was part of her cottage door. Smirking… WACK! “What-” Fluttershy heard his tail making impact with ‘something’. She turned around and looked him confused. “Oh Angel went for a swim…” Spike said with a friendly and less embarrassed smile. Perfect timing as he heard the abusive pet rabbit landing into the stream with a ‘splash’. Thanks to his dragon ears, he was even able to hear the rabbit’s cries of anger as he drifted away. Spike had nothing against Fluttershy’s pet, but boy was Angel such an abusive and annoying troll! Barely showing any kindness to him or anypony, let alone Fluttershy unless she was ‘hurt’ in anyway. And of course, trying to make it seem as if Spike was the one who was trying to take advantage of Fluttershy. Fluttershy nodded her head. “O-ok I see…” In truth, Fluttershy thought that it was strange; Angel hated swimming. Thus, she naturally believed that it was quite strange. Surprisingly, she just decided to accept it without questioning it! She had more IMPORTANT things on her mind as she looked at Spike. Her heart beat was increasing its rate, as she looked at where his claws were covering. When she continued to stare, Spike seemly got the message as he moved his claws away. What she saw made her even wetter. Spike sighed as he slowly took his time stripping himself. When he was naked, he grasped his impressive length and looked forward. He gave a stunned reaction; Fluttershy was only a foot away, and sitting on her knees, while looking directly at his manhood. When did she- he started. Spike assumed that he would have noticed her making a move, but decided not to worry about it. Although, he couldn’t help but become even more aroused the longer she watched him stroked his penis. Spike did long and effective strokes. He made sure to rub/twist his grip around the head, in order to really build up the arousal. That sweet nerve on the opening of his penis made his legs shake, and caused his breathing pattern to change. Spike felt slightly embarrassed, but assumed that this was how females felt whenever a male was watching them play with themselves. T-the way he’s… Fluttershy swallowed as she watched. Her eyes were wide and her blushing couldn’t get any redder. W-why the tip? H-he looks like he’s pain, u-unless- Fluttershy observed as she felt her nipples erect even more. Her wetness wasn’t letting up either as she clenched her fists. As he heard his breathing pattern, it caused her to breathe just as improperly. O-oh m-my, h-h-he must b-be close… she thought as she licked her lips. As this went on, Fluttershy swore that Spike was sweating from his masturbation. His attractive body glossed every scaly muscle that he had, and the sunshine that came through the window, was doing a good job making it more of a wonderful slight. Fluttershy didn’t realize this, but she was also sweating from her body heating up. The minutes that passed by, seemed like seconds in Fluttershy’s mind. And despite the fact that Spike was likely going to release a nice load into her face, she didn’t care. In fact, she wanted it. “Hah…….nhh…..hahhh….ah….” Spike moaned as he closed his eyes. He was already stroking at a fast rate, as well as being very close to his release. Spike was worried if Fluttershy would move or not during his next orgasm. “I-it’s coming…” he warned as he as he picked up speed. Now that she knew, he could finish this without doubt. He let out his trademark growl after a few seconds. He got a really tight grip on his penis, and with the stroking reaching to the end of his penis, he groaned as he felt the hot liquid shooting out of him and landing on whatever made contact. With his eyes still closed, he could only feel the amount of semen that he released intensely. It surprised Spike by how much he released. Of course, a male’s release (as well as arousal), did depend on how much the female aroused him. Spike didn’t realize that being watched by Fluttershy of all ponies would turn him on this much! Perhaps it was because she was THAT cute? Of course she was… Spike moaned in pleasure as he wouldn’t stop stroking. “More….oh…more…more…please…” he managed to moan, wanting to release more of his hot sticky substance and enjoy the feeling. Spike slowly opened his eyes and immediately snapped them open after what he saw. Rather than moving away to avoid his ‘money shot’, Fluttershy sat there and took it. She decided to take it in her mouth and shallow his thick white manly seed. Her mouth was opened, her head was arching back, her eyes were closed, and she held her hands in front of her as if ‘begging’ for it. Every single drop shot directly into Fluttershy’s mouth, with just a bit dripping from the side of her mouth. When Spike finished, she closed her mouth and silence came. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open and dived right in… With Fluttershy addicted to his penis, and Spike taken by surprise, things had eventually led them into the bedroom. Of course, Spike didn’t need a break at all when they walked up the stairs, especially with how she sucked him dry. By the time they were kissing on her bed, he had already begun stripping her down. When she was down to her white under garments, he nuzzled his face against her wonderful breasts. Her sweet fresh scent drove him crazy. It was way better than rubbing against the softest, spring scented, and most comfortable pillows that you would ever rub your face against. Fluttershy’s breasts were just wonderful. Spike grasped her breasts as hard as possible (with her permission of course) and continued to nuzzle against them while taking in her body scent. It drove Spike wild and more like the dragon that he was, the longer that this went on. Of course, Fluttershy made sounds that reminded him that he needed to get to work. Thus, he was already pulling down her panties with one claw, and ripping the middle ‘frame’ of her bra with the other. Fluttershy gasped a bit as she felt her panties slipping from her ankles, and her bra cups separating. She was now naked, and she was a lot calmer than expected; she simply moved a leg over the other in order to shield her crotch, while she used one arm to gently cover her nipples. A soft blush, she looked away as if she was unsure about something. After Spike politely waited patiently, she gave a soft sigh as she gently lowered her arm and allowed Spike to see her bare breasts. She gave another gasp, when Spike started to trail his dragon tongue around her right nipple. It became even more arousing when he used a set of claws to pinch and tug on her left nipple. She liked the tingling nerve sensation that Spike produced for her, making her whimper and tremble at the same time. Her legs shifted a little and she felt Spike seizing the opportunity; with one free set of claws, he moved it towards her delicate flower. She yelped as she felt one claw sliding into her. The yellow mare was surprised with how gentle Spike was, despite having an overall intimidating body structure. She was really enjoying his effective touch and oral skills as she let out pleasurable moans. Spike was happy that he was being gentle enough; with the problems he had with understanding his new body (just as Fluttershy assumed), he was worried that he wasn’t going be gentle enough. Especially with how more aggressive he was with her friends, or just ‘balanced’ enough for both. After he spent another few minutes of foreplay, he ‘switched’ breast and claw. Just as before, he invested a lot of time arousing her and getting her ready for when he entered her. He did look at her to see that she was making sounds of pleasure. Her movement and sounds told him that he wasn’t doing anything wrong and he was glad. After some time passed, “Fluttershy…? Is it ok if I…?” Spike pulled away from her and stroked his penis. He also grasped one of her breasts to indicate what he wanted to do. “W-what…?” she said as she opened her eyes and looked at him confused. “Um…s-sure…” In truth, Fluttershy had no idea what he wanted to do, but believed that he deserved it for being so good to her. With that, Spike believed that he had permission to do what he’s been craving to do ever since he saw THOSE beauties. Positioning himself above her, he slowly ‘sat’ on her stomach without dropping his weight on her delicate flowered body. He moved his penis between her large breasts and took a DEEP breath; they were so SOFT~~~~ “U-um…” Fluttershy blinked while blushing, watching him grasp them as well before thrusting. Was this something that males like him enjoyed doing? Feeling his penis between her large breasts allowed her to feel the fire that heated his impressive member. She may have gotten a taste, but she didn’t realize how hot it was and how much it throbbed. It was funny to Fluttershy with how much Spike moaned as he thrust between them. She clearly underestimated how soft her breasts were for the big bad dragon. W-wow he really likes it….Nghhnn…. she moaned as Spike was moving faster. It brought pleasure into her mind, knowing that ‘her’ male was thrusting between them. And of course, that tingling sensation was arousing her even more. Nhhnnn…it’s really starting to feel nice…oh…oh! Her breasts may be large, but they were quite sensitive…at least that how she was. Spike really enjoyed thrusting between the breasts of the lovable mare known as Fluttershy. At this rate, he would cum again. However, he was planning to last longer than that. He took a deep breath as her breasts were becoming too much for him to handle. What he could do, was either slow down or stop moving entirely for a few seconds. But of course, he did neither as he continued thrusting in the same pace. Spike hated how much power his penis had over him. Damnit it’s hard to not think with your penis! he complained in his mind before he grunted with another thrust. Spike was now beginning to understand the sexual urges that became stronger with age. At least in his current ‘dragon age’ from what he ‘knew’. To be honest, Spike wished that he better understood his species. Maybe he would go on a ‘quest’ in the future to really discover himself…but for now, it was time for bucking. Fluttershy gasped as she felt his penis poking at her chin. Looking closely, she eyed the penis and was tempted to open her mouth. However, Spike stopped within the next twenty seconds, as he seemed to be moving on to the next thing. She watched as he freed himself from her large breasts, and positioned himself to enter her. Fluttershy’s heart rate increased as she looked away and felt the head of his penis. O-o-h m-my, he’s r-really going to d-do it-! she realized as she gripped the sheets of her bed. At first, Fluttershy could only feel an inch of it and no pain. However… “…..Nhn……..NHHHHH!” she yelped and gasped as he started to slide all the way in. It hurt a lot! She cried as her hymen broke, and her body trembled in pain. “I-i-it h-h-h-hurts….” Tears poured from Fluttershy’s eyes. She may have been far from feeling ‘empty’ inside of her, but she felt as if Spike didn’t care enough for what she was feeling at that very moment. However, he proved her wrong as he didn’t thrust; he was actually cuddling against her. “I am sorry…” he said before kissing her cheek gently. He gently ‘hugged’ her (as much as he could in this position) and asked, “Am I too big for you?” Fluttershy felt much better as she hugged him in return but didn’t smile. “I-it’s j-just my first t-t-time…please take it slow…” she begged as she started to control her voice. It hurt so much and Fluttershy never expected it to feel so painful. She did hear from the other girls on how much ‘it’ hurts the first time around. It was a good thing that Fluttershy took Rainbow Dash’s advice, and waited until she came across one that she could trust in claiming her virginity. She actually began to giggle as Spike was licking her neck, in an attempt to make it more pleasurable for her and less painful. Thehehehhe…Oh Spike is so sweet… she thought as she was quite thankful for his passionate attention for her well-being. She was now smiling but grunted softly as Spike slowly began to move in and out. Yes, it still hurt her in some way, but she was becoming more ‘loose’ and more relaxed. It’s starting to feel good…Mnnn… Spike nuzzled against her neck as he slowly took his time. At first he did think that he was being too rough with her, especially with his large member. When she said that it was her ‘first time’ however, he didn’t realize that it was painful for mares whenever they lost their virginity. From the way how the pictures in his ‘magazines’ showed, you wouldn’t think that this could never be painful for them. Well you learn something every day… Spike thought as he paced himself for her sake. Eventually, he began to hear Fluttershy making loud moans. When it got to the point that she wouldn’t stop moaning, that was his cue to start moving more aggressively. And so, Spike pulled away from her neck and held her legs apart, so that he had more space to work with. Flutthershy was now screaming by this point, which made Spike actually nervous; he couldn’t tell if she was in pain or pleasure. But luckily, “More…more...MORE!” I thought that I was hurting her! Spike felt relieved knowing that he wasn’t causing her pain. If he was, then he was doing something WRONG. He looked down to see his penis moving in and out of her flower with no trouble. Barely any resistance, her flower was quite tight and it knew how to welcome him into her with no shame. The sounds of their bodies slapping against one another, made the situation even more arousing. And of course, her large breasts bouncing had played a part as well. Man…look at those beauties… he thought as he couldn’t stop staring at them. “Hnn….Oh…oh….oh…oh!” Fluttershy moaned as she bit her finger and closed her eyes shut. At this rate, Fluttershy thought that she would lose her mind to the pleasure. It felt so good, but was it wrong for her to like it? Naturally, Fluttershy was brought up believing that it was wrong for a mare to enjoy this unless it was done in marriage. After moving to Ponyville (or at least near it), she understood that it was always up to her to decide when she wanted to give herself to a male and not for others to decide. In fact, what was so ‘bad’ from enjoying something so GOOD? Spike was growing tired of his position. Thus, he asked, “Can we try something else?” When Fluttershy gave him a confused look, he gestured at what they were doing. “I-I suppose…?” She was still a pure virgin inside her mind. With that, Spike slowly moved out of her and re-positioned himself with her lying on her right side. He lifted her left leg and re-entered her, before he started to move in and out of her again. Spike grunted as he was making a real effort to get inside of her body and have them both enjoy it equally. Spike was doing his best not to cum and expected Fluttershy to give in to the pleasure naturally. While Spike may have been doing well to maintain an erection after each release today, he wanted to avoid the embarrassment of becoming ‘soft’ when if he needed to go again. Thus, he made sure that if he did go soft after his next release, she would already be satisfied. When Fluttershy took a moment to see him reconnecting into her, she noticed that there was no sign of any blood between him and her. Oh thank Celestia… Fluttershy thought; she couldn’t stand the sight of seeing her own blood, let alone any type of blood (Of course, that didn't stop her from helping Spike and his wound). Thus, that was one of the reasons why she was scared of losing her virginity. While she was told that not all mares experienced blood loss when their hymen was broken, she was also told that it was different with each mare. She was thankful that she was one of those few mares, as Spike was now moving in and out of her in a different position. The way how he entered her was different than the missionary position, and it brought her pleasure in a different way that made her scream even more. Of course, Fluttershy begged for more as she didn’t want Spike to stop. Even as she felt something occurring that she was looking forward to: her orgasm. Fluttershy may have never slept with a male or had any sex toys, but she still played with herself and knew that this was better than her fingers. She pressed her hips against him as she was losing herself to the pleasure, all leading up into a powerful orgasm that caused her to arch her body. When she sighed in relief, Spike stopped. Was he done now that he was aware of her orgasm? She thought wrong as Spike suddenly turned her on her front, and started moving again. Her sensitive body caused her to fling the back of her body, against his manly chest. She instinctively wrapped one arm around his neck behind her, when she felt him kissing her neck and taking her from behind. “Oh…Ah!!!” Spike held her body close as he loved smelling her pink mane. He thrust with more vigor, wanting to finish the job and enjoy his second release with her. Her body was too much as he used one claw to grasp one of her breasts. Eventually, he grabbed both breasts and was slowly losing himself to the pleasure. No Spike- DON’T! he yelled at himself ,as he wanted to be completely sane for the first time during sex. Luckily, that was enough to keep him from losing into the pleasure itself. When he squeezed harder, he heard her yelp and moan as he felt something leaking from her breasts…her breasts!? “What the-” Spike looked to see what was happening: Fluttershy was lactating from her large breasts! Milk came from them as she whimpered endlessly. While this didn’t prevent Spike from thrusting in and out of her, he couldn’t help but take a moment to comprehend what he was seeing. He then moved free from under her arm, and moved to one of her breasts before he started to lick up what she was ‘offering’. Her reaction was priceless, as she gasped and shook in pleasure with him licking up every drop. When he switched to the other side to have that helping, she was just losing it. Fluttershy was becoming increasingly aroused by his tongue work. She never knew that she could experience lactation as she never had pleasure this intense. “Oh…Nmm….oh!....MMMNNNN!” she freely moaned as she couldn’t hold back any sound by this point. When Spike to suck, that was all she needed to give her a premature orgasm. “NNGNhh!!!” she moaned as she was both shaking wildly, and lactating out of control. The feeling of warm milk coming out of her breasts was making her upper body tingle, while his big bad dragon cock was making her lower body melt. Finally, his big ‘presence’ over her smaller body, was something that Fluttershy was not used to. It got worse better for Fluttershy as he moved his head away, in order for him to play with her [i[wings, that were folded his entire time. His tongue running against the bone structures that were connected to her feathers, was where her extremely sensitive nerves were. Yet, Spike didn’t stop there; he was kissing and playing with the joint(s) that connected her wing(s) to her body. In reaction, her wings flapped and shook wildly from his touches. Especially with his lips ‘stroking’ the wing-bone structures, that were never touched by any other pony. Or ‘dragon’ in this case, as he even started to move his claws through her feathers in a gentle way. With Spike playing with her wings in every way, the nerves on her spine sent endless chills throughout her body. “Nmmmm! NNN! Nnfmfm!” she whimpered as tears of pleasure wouldn’t stop flowing from her eyes. This was the best nerve-fuck that Fluttershy would ever experience in her life. Throughout this intense bucking, Spike was doing his best to prevent himself from cumming prematurely. But the longer that this went on, the more he realized that it was pointless to think that he needed to go any longer. Especially when it was very likely that Fluttershy had orgasmed multiple times. Ok, I think that I can end this… he decided as he picked up speed and power. It got to the point where Spike held on to her breasts and was moving as aggressively as possible. Both of them were soon against the bed, as Spike continued to thrust faster and faster in the doggy-style position. Fluttershy was clenching the sheets, as her wings were reacting the same way that Rainbow Dash’s wings were when Spike was with her. The sounds of flesh slapping against another, made her feel so naughty, as she heard Spike’s steady growl. She braced herself as Spike roared and released a rich amount of dragon semen into her womb. Naturally, Fluttershy never felt something so amazing and something that was so HOT and so THICK. It was just amazing and she moaned softly as Spike finished pumping his load into her womb. Spike believed this to have been one of his best sexual experiences ever (today), as he slowly dropped his weight on to her and closed his eyes while panting heavily. Fluttershy happily welcome his dragon body on top of her’s, as he was actually lighter than either of them had expected. “Hmmm…you filled me up so much…” she moaned as she closed her eyes. Spike’s body slipped to the side, converting their position into a spooning position. She moved closer against his body, wanting to feel the fire that existed in his body… > The truth~ (...) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So you reckon’ that Spike is simply ‘growing up’?” Applejack asked as she drank her apple-caramel shake. “Zecora said so…” Twilight explained as she took a slip out of her raspberry-banana shake. After sighing, “Zecora said that Spike’s growth spurt was occurring because of his greed. Basically, Spike wants something and his body grew because of how badly he wants it.” Twilight looked concerned. Rainbow Dash frowned as she drank her awesome wild triple-berried (red, black, blue) shake. When she finished, she said, “But what started it now? Spike always wanted many things but it can’t just because it was his birthday yesterday and he wanted more gifts…right?” Rainbow Dash thought about it. “In fact…” she looked at Twilight. “…is this ‘that’ age where Spike becomes an ‘adult’?” “No wings hon, remember?” Applejack pointed out. “Still…” “I just don’t know…” Twilight remarked sighing. After what Spike did to her, she took a LONG shower and gave herself some time to think about what she needed to do. Afterwards, she dressed in a basic long sleeve button shirt, with a black skirt, and long white socks leading to her black shoes. The three of them had met up at Sugarcube Corner, after Twilight called for an ‘emergency meeting’. While she wanted Fluttershy to come, she lived too far away. The situation was the same with Rarity, who was out of town today. Thus, she could only get a hold of Applejack, and Rainbow Dash respectively. As for Pinkie Pie, she was nowhere to be seen in Surgarcube corner, as Mr. and Mrs. Cake were completing a huge order that just came in for a party-sized platter. Thus, they barely had enough time to blend those specialty milkshakes that the three of them ordered. “So what’s the plan?” Applejack asked. “Should we be worried? Especially with you callin’ this here’ meeting?” Applejack frowned as she finished her shake. She was still wearing the same work clothes since this morning. “I don’t see why we should be worryin’ a bout’ Spike being ‘bigger’…” “Yeah what’s the big deal?” Rainbow Dash asked rolling her eyes. Leaning back, she was wearing blue Ponyidas sweat pants and white sporting shirt. All matching her sneakers of the same brand. “We should be worried!” Twilight yelled. Rainbow Dash and Applejack stared at her for her recent outburst. Twilight blushed as she realized what she did. “Um well…” she smiled nervously at the other two before stating, “Spike’s been a bit ‘horny’ so…” she closed her eyes and giggled. “He KINDA took ME for his own…” she placed both hands on her cheeks before blushing. “YOU TOO??” Applejack and Rainbow Dash said simultaneously. Twilight opened her eyes and stopped smiling as she looked at them. Applejack and Rainbow Dash blinked as they looked at each other. “What-” they simultaneously remarked. The three of them had widened their eyes, realizing what had happened. “WHAT?!?!?!” The three mares argued for nearly twenty minutes before Twilight managed to silence them with, “I can’t believe Spike!” she glared angrily at her milkshake. “After what he did with me…” she actually gave an expression of blushing, glaring, and crying. She suddenly looked at the other two. “Who did he do next: you or YOU?” she asked Rainbow Dash and Applejack simultaneously. Both blonde and rainbow maned mares, looked at one another unsure. Spike could have gotten them at any time after Twilight (which they agreed was Spike’s first mare). They bit their respective lips, unsure what to say or even guess. Twilight frowned as she assumed, “Did he…take you two at the same time?” “NO!” both mares said blushing as they shook their heads. Then again, they wouldn’t have mind it… Not that I wouldn’t mind sharing… Rainbow Dash blushed as she peeked at Applejack, who was looking to the side. I reckon’ that Spike couldn’t handle US together~ Applejack thought, trying to come up with an excuse. “Well obviously Spike took Twilight, then Applejack, and then Rainbow Dash!” The three mares blinked. They turned to see Pinkie Pie smiling at them while holding a tray of freshly baked cookies. She placed it on the table and added, “I don’t see how you three can’t seem to figure it out; I DID!” she remarked happily. She was wearing a yellow/white stripped long sleeve shirt, with a blue vest that carried many pocket-zippers. The vest matched the color-tone of her solid blue skirt, and long black stockings that hid her legs, all leading to her blue, yellow, and white, stylish sneakers “Pinkie Pie…how do you know this…?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. Pinkie only giggled. “Well it’s no mystery that you were his first; you were there when Spike woke up in the morning. As for you two…” she turned to Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “I could still TASTE you girls from his penis~” she happily admitted. Everyone was just stunned. “WHAT?!!?!!?” they screamed. Twilight was the first to speak again. “What do you mean that you ‘tasted’ them-” her eyes widened as she continued to blush, before looking at them. “You mean- You THREE have-” She couldn’t believe it. “Well…” “Um…” “Eyup!” Pinkie Pie said proudly as she moved between the two guilty mares, and hugged them against her breasts. “These two are fun whenever we go out drinking whenever you and the ‘other two’ can’t make it~” she stated giggling as she held the two mares against her ‘girls’. Applejack and Rainbow Dash could only blush, as they smiled nervously and embarrassed towards Twilight. Twilight nearly fainted but simply shook her head. And she was able to tell just from tasting him… Twilight thought as she didn’t take into consideration that Spike’s urges would lead him into sleeping with her best friends. Spike WAS out of control. “I can’t believe this…” she said lowering her ears as she felt irresponsible; she truly believed that she could have prevented this somehow. Problem was, she really couldn’t. “I am sorry hon’.” Applejack apologized as she freed herself from Pinkie Pie. “The little guy was begging and I couldn’t help or even resist those SEXY muscles of his…” She blushed when she said that, but continued on. “I mean, it’s kinda hard and all when I couldn’t resist the fact with how it was SPIKE.” she confessed. Twilight raised an eyebrow. “He ‘begged’???” Twilight was surprised. “Must be his dragon hormones!” Pinkie Pie assumed as she gave a nod at the possible explanation. Every pony at the table nodded, agreeing that Spike was likely just giving into his sexual urges. “So…what was he LIKE?” Pinkie Pie gave a BIG grin to Applejack, who blushed red. “Um well yes…” she started as she gave a nervous smile. “I did a bit of the work myself’, but you see, I quite liked how he let me do what I been cravin’ for a while now. Doing it in the barn ‘n’ having Spike tendin’ to my every needs, while allowin’ me to sit back ‘n’ enjoy the show~” “Applejack, you never seem to take control of every stallion that you sleep with by; never doing enough for ‘him’/’her’ when…” Rainbow Dash remarked rolling her eyes, as if it annoyed her somehow. “And what’s wrong with that?” Applejack frowned dully at the blue mare. “I work hard all day durin’ the morning ‘n’ afternoon you hear’?; I deserve to be treated RIGHT!” she defended herself. “Come on Applejack; even Rainbow Dash gets tired of doing THAT.” Pinkie Pie stated. “Besides, you always said that most stallions that you’ve dated, never let you have your way with them~” she pointed out. “Whereas it’s easier for Rainbow Dash since-” “Pinkie Pie, just DON’T.” Twilight said dully as she didn’t like where this was going. “Okie dokie!” Pinkie Pie smiled. “Anyways…” Rainbow Dash blushed as she freed herself from Pinkie Pie. “Yes, I did let Spike take a bit of control out of me…especially after I waited for FIVE HOURS…” Rainbow Dash turned and gave a nasty glare at Pinkie Pie. The others looked at her confused. “What? You got Spike didn’t you?” Pinkie Pie asked smiling. “Yeah, but you told Derpy to paint the cabin PINK!” Rainbow Dash glared. “PINK!” she repeated as she wasn’t pleased with her. “How was I supposed to find myself a handsome stallion and get him into the mood if ‘he’ doesn’t take the ‘invitation’ seriously?!” Rainbow Dash was still angry with how she had to play by herself for five hours before some pony, or dragon in this case, came by. “But it WORKED in the end, didn’t it?” Pinkie Pie smirked. As Rainbow Dash attempted to speak again, Pinkie Pie interrupted her. “Detailsdetailsdetails!” Rainbow Dash sighed as she decided to tell ‘her’ story. “Well…Spike was pretty something…” she admitted as she blushed into a smile. “I’ve only had two stallions who have ‘taken control’ over me, and Spike being the third- MALE, he introduced me to…” she closed her mouth as she stopped smiling. “…Introduced you to what exactly…?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “I don’t…” Rainbow Dash continued to blush as she shook her head, not wanting to answer them. No matter how GOOD it felt… “He did anal to you didn’t he?” “What-” Rainbow Dash blushed wildly as she looked at a smiling Pinkie Pie. She grabbed Pinkie by her shirt. “WHAT?! WHO TOLD YOU THAT?! WAS IT SPIKE?! I’LL KILL HIM!” she screamed. She suddenly realized what she just screamed. Embarrassed, she quickly pulled away too. “I-I mean- ‘What? Nah, I would NEVER let any MALE or FEMALE do that to me’-” “It’s ok Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie giggled. “He did it to me too!” she said proudly. Rainbow Dash dropped her jaw. “WHAT?!” Applejack already dropped her jaw after what Pinkie Pie said about Rainbow Dash. “You let him do what?!” she yelled, looking at Rainbow Dash. Why was SHE upset? “He didn’t do that to me!” Twilight said aloud. She was actually feeling jealous of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie so much, that she blushed realizing that she just ‘confessed’ her jealously. Luckily, the attention was on the blue and pink mare. “Yup!” Pinkie Pie said proudly. “Right after he gave me a few good spankings~” she said giggling. This was too much as she turned to Twilight- before another argument broke out-, and asked, “So what was he like with you? It must have been special since you were his first Twilight!” Pinkie Pie smiled, as the other two mares stopped arguing, and looked at Twilight. They obviously curious. Twilight blushed as her experience WAS special, but she felt jealous that she didn’t get to do some ‘things’ with Spike just as he did with the others. However, “Well he was REALLY wild; because he just turned into an ‘adult’ overnight, it was his first time releasing all of that sexual lust that he built while sleeping.” she explained lowering her head. “He just…TOOK me for his own, and did what he wanted. And yet…” she blushed red. “…he was so PASSIONATE…so, CARING…it was amazing as he did many things like-” She couldn’t help but smile, considering that she loved this in particular. “He licked my horn and played with it with his dragon tongue… So in a way, we spent the entire sex focused on ME…I was treated like a…princess…” she finally confessed. Every pony looked at her and frowned. Clearly Twilight received the most ‘attention’ out of all of them. Thus, THEY were the jealous ones this time as they envied her. However, Twilight shook her head before stating, “A-anyways, we NEED to figure out where he is now-” “He’s at Fluttershy’s place silly!” Pinkie Pie remarked. Everypony looked at her. “WHAT?” “Well obviously Fluttershy is the only pony for miles that can ‘help’ Spike; he’s pretty much the closest thing to a ‘intelligent animal’ that we got in Ponyville!” she said as she rolled her eyes. However, the other mares were horrified for good reason: this was FLUTTERSHY! “Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh this is NOT good!” Rainbow Dash flew up into the air, clearly worried by the situation. “Quick, maybe there’s still time-” But Twilight was cut off again; the doorbell rang, indicating that more customers arrived. “I hope you don’t mind that we showered before we left; we both needed it…” “I understand… I hope that I was ok for you…” “Oh Spike, you’re so caring…” Fluttershy giggled as she hugged his arm and nuzzled against him. Spike on the other hand was blushing due to embarrassed, as Fluttershy had that much of an effect on him. Fluttershy wanted to get a nice big carrot cake from Surgarcube Corner, and she wanted Spike to walk with her. Spike naturally didn’t complain, as he also needed to walk back into Ponyville. Of course, Fluttershy’s need for cake brought his appetite back and thus, he had another reason to tag along. “So why don’t we share a- Oh my, it’s the girls!” she said happily as she glanced at the surroundings. “Huh?” Spike blinked as he looked forward. Right in front of him, all of the mares that he slept with today were jaw dropping over the two of them together. “Oh um-” he gave a nervous smile. “Fluttershy-” Applejack managed to say. “Did…did you-” “Did I do what-” Fluttershy started with a frown. She clearly didn’t understand what they were asking. “Well DUH Applejack!” Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes with a ‘pfff!’ expression. “Of course Spike had his way with her! It worked just as I planned!” Everypony stared at Pinkie Pie. “WHAT?!” Rainbow Dash was horrified. “And WHY would you send Spike knowing that he would likely sleep with Fluttershy?!” Rainbow Dash flew in front of the pink mare with a glare. “ESPECIALLY when Fluttershy was a VIRGIN!” she added with strong distaste. Surprisingly, “Well what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t get Spike with Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe what she heard. “WHAT?!” “Oh please Dashie; Spike slept with you, me, Twilight, and Applejack right? Well it’s only fair that Fluttershy would get the same fantastic treatment! And who better to take her virginity than somedragon that she knew? Better than some random stallion~” Pinkie Pie explained. Rainbow Dash wasn’t convinced. “But Fluttershy was likely pressured into doing-” “Oh my goodness no.” Fluttershy interrupted. All the mares (and Spike) looked at her. “Spike was a true gentledragon with me; so polite and he didn’t try to take advantage like I feared most stallions would do…” she said blushing with a big smile. She nuzzled against the purple dragon’s arm, holding it tightly as small hearts appeared out of nowhere. Spike couldn’t help but blush with embarrassment, as he gave a small smile and looked away. “But Fluttershy-” Rainbow Dash frowned as she flew in front of her and Spike. “He slept with more than half of us! Doesn’t that bother you???” she asked, frowning even more. “Oh my goodness NO.” she remarked as she blinked. “SHOULD IT?” she then questioned the dumbfounded blue mare. “I don’t mind sharing! After all, what’s so WRONG about it?” Fluttershy honestly remarked. “I-I-I…” Rainbow Dash didn’t know what to say. Especially with both Applejack and Twilight completely stunned. Pinkie Pie on the other hand smiled with a nod. “There’s nothing wrong with ‘sharing’, but this-” “Oh don’t lie Rainbow Dash; you would have kept Spike all for yourself you greedy girl!” Pinkie Pie remarked a she appeared behind Rainbow Dash, and gave a smack on her buns. The blue mare yelped as she glared at Pinkie Pie with a blush. “Don’t lie to me…” she looked to the other two. “You three thought that Spike was YOURS when he slept with you, right? RIGHT?” she asked them. Twilight opened her mouth but closed it. She couldn’t deny the truth from Pinkie Pie’s words, as she DID think that Spike was ‘hers’. The same could be said with the blonde mare known as Applejack, who looked away feeling embarrassed as Pinkie Pie was right. After all, she did take a strong liking to Spike after what they did together. As for Rainbow Dash, her head lowered as she slowly landed on the ground floor, before folding her wings. Pinkie Pie was right: she wouldn’t want to share who was possibility the BEST male she ever slept with! Spike never said that there would be a commitment relationship with any of them. And because he really didn't know any better (being younger than them and all), it couldn't be helped. “I guess so…” Rainbow Dash admitted. “I reckon we all just wanted a special somepony- somedragon for ourselves’.” Applejack confessed. “I suppose you’re right…” Twilight admitted as she frowned at Spike. However, “Um, listen…” she said as she walked over to Spike. “Can we go back to the tree house? I think that you and I need to have a talk…” “Hey! Why do you get to have a ‘talk’ with him?!” Rainbow Dash remarked jealously. “I agree! We ALL got us a bit of Spike, so I reckon we all have to be part of this here ‘talk’!” the honest mare remarked. “Yeah! I want to try a orgy!” Pinkie Pie remarked. Everypony (and Spike) just stared at her. Thankfully, Twilight broke the silence. “GIRLS…” Twilight remarked as she gestured something with her lips without Spike realizing what she was trying to say. Applejack’s eyes suddenly widened, as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were confused. Same with Fluttershy who gave a respectful amount of space between her and the purple dragon. “Let’s go…” Twilight said as she pulled Spike. While the other mares began to protest, Applejack suddenly whispered something to Rainbow Dash. The blue mare’s eyes widened after realizing what Twilight was trying to say. Eventually, she quickly did the same to Pinkie Pie who suddenly frowned. Fluttershy remained confused as she watched Twilight and Spike leave. “H-hey, I want a shake-” Spike started as he looked at the other mares frowning. And with that, they were gone. After a minute of awkward silence, Fluttershy looked at the other mares confused. “W-what was Twilight trying to say?” she asked. Not wanting to go into that subject, “SO Rainbow Dash…” Pinkie Pie turned to the rainbow maned mare. “…did you remember to ‘wash’ the paint off the cabin?” Wanting to go along with it, “I couldn’t; no matter how hard I tied to make it RAIN, I couldn’t make or find any clouds. It’s been oddly sunny all day…” “H-hey, stop pushing me-” Spike protested as Twilight continued to push him. “Stop complaining; you bucked 4 of my friends today…” Twilight remarked with a soft glare of annoyance, as she continued to push him towards the tree house. After five minutes, they arrived back inside the tree house, where Twilight closed the door behind them. She crossed her arms and looked at him quite calmly. Spike was clearly unsure if she was angry with him or actually fine. The suspense was killing the purple dragon as he frowned even more at the purple mare. “Spike, how could you buck them without care?” she simply asked. “Well I-” “Do you not know how much this bothers ME of all ponies???” Twilight gave a hurt expression as her ears lowered. “Twilight-” Spike started as he frowned. “I didn’t think that you would mind; it was just sex with NO special meaning or anything that changes the way how I feel about you and everypony!” he confessed honestly. Spike really didn’t think that Twilight would be this sensitive, especially when Fluttershy was fine about it. “I am sorry if you think that I don’t care about you; I DO care about you!” he protested. Twilight looked to the side. She gave a small blush knowing that Spike was being honest. “I know you do…” she sighed with a soft smile, before closing her eyes. “You care about everypony right?” she asked. When Spike was about to answer, “Especially with how you feel towards Rarity, right?” Spike’s mouth froze. "Of course I do..." he said with a solid expression. The most beautiful mare in all of Equestria, was all that Spike could dream at night. Realizing it, he slept with all of her friends today and he did think about her at times inbetween. Spike gave a sad expression. “You forgot didn’t you?” Twilight opened her eyes with a soft smile. “It’s fine Spike; you were just thinking with your penis instead of your heart…” Twilight walked up to him and gave the big purple dragon a nice hug. “I didn’t…” Twilight stop smiling. She looked at him confused. “What?” “Twilight…” Spike gently broke free and walked away from her. “…I never stopped thinking about Rarity…” He sat down on a chair. “When I was sleeping with everypony that is close to us, I was thinking of Rarity in the back of my mind. I didn’t fully realize it until after Fluttershy; she mentioned that something was bothering me... At first, I thought that it was because I was thinking with my penis and couldn’t fight my urges. However, it was really because I wanted to ‘fill the hole’ of loneliness.” Spike explained looking at the floor. “I am not following…” Twilight confessed, as she raised an eyebrow at him. What was Spike talking about? “Twilight, I am going to be alone because Rarity is the ONLY pony for me.” Spike looked at her with a strained expression. “And I am not GOOD ENOUGH for her! She’s perfect in every way: beautiful hair, eyes, her body, her sense of style, her talents, her generosity, her caring nature…” Spike was close to crying. “And I can never give her what she wants in the future…” Twilight frowned as she could tell that Spike was crying. Slowly moving closer, she asked, “Which is what…?” “A child…” "What-" Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. Wanting to follow, "What makes you think that Rarity would even be concern with-" "IT'S RARITY TWILIGHT!" Spike yelled angrily with tears. There was silence between them. Twilight now understood after analyzing everything that Spike told her: Rarity was a mare who believed in many ‘traditions’ regarding her own gender. For her and her ‘mannerisms’, she wanted to be high class, well-respected, and acted as such. Being ‘lady-like’, her interests would naturally lead to wanting to find a male to spend her life with in the future. And, that male would father her children so that she could be a mother one day. Yes Rarity at times may have struggled with her little sister (and her friends) when taking responsibility, but she did enjoy the company of children and thus, why not have children of her own one day? Was that not something that everymare (or at least in general) dreamed of? Having a family with the one that you love? Spike being a dragon, he couldn’t impregnate Rarity as ponies and dragons couldn’t cross-breed. Because of this, children of her own by blood, couldn’t be a possibility. “I am so sorry Spike…” Twilight said as she hugged the weeping dragon… Eventually, Spike’s crying ended after ten minutes. Twilight made him some sweet hot chocolate in order to make him feel better. They talked for a while and Spike was more opened with his feelings. Naturally, Twilight knew Spike’s crush and felt a bit guilty not lecturing Spike on sex-education. She did ‘homeschool’ him since he was little, and believed that she should have at least educated him on sex. To her surprise, Spike knew more than what she gave him credit for. Yes he was her assistant and needed to learn many things like her (not counting magic), but she never expected him to ‘balanced’ between childish and mature in his mind. In fact, “And here I continue to refer you as a ‘baby’…” she admitted with embarrassment. “Well you were always busy with whatever was ‘happening’ and always left me out of the ‘fun’ that you and the others did…” Spike rolled his eyes as he finished his drink. Sighing, he added, “But what should I do now? I mean, I already told you that I want to be with Rarity, but me being too young for her at the time has been the only ‘reasonable excuse’ for us not to be together…” Spike explained as he looked out the window sighing. “At least, it’s ‘reasonable’ for me to where it distracted the ‘real’ main issue of our future together…” “Well that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a future with you and Rarity…” Twilight pointed out. “What do you mean Twilight? I can’t give what Rarity wants the most in her future…” Spike remarked. “Well that’s just it; maybe it won’t be an issue!” Twilight remarked, leaving Spike even more confused. “Spike, you’re that much in love with Rarity of course, and you would do anything- or sacrifice anything-, for her BECAUSE you love her, right?” When Spike rolled his eyes, she followed with, “Well if Rarity feels the same, surely she would still want to be with you. Even if you couldn’t give her something that she wanted, she would live with it because in the end, she’s still with you. Wouldn’t you give up on eating gems for life just to be with her? Of course you would! As long as you two have each other, it could work well because that’s what true love is Spike…” It took a while before Spike could fully comprehend what Twilight was trying to explain. Twilight was right; even if he couldn’t give Rarity a child of her own blood, surely she would learn to let go just as Spike would with not eating gems (hypothetically of course). The thought made him smile softly, as Twilight comforted his young mind. “You’re right… Thank you Twilight…” he said happily. “I am sure that if Rarity wants kids that badly and shares my feelings, then adoption would be possible right?” Spike added after realizing that factor. Twilight nodded with a smile. “Yup, I am sure that Rarity would learn to let go over the fact that you wouldn’t be able to help her produce a child~” she winked. “Anyways, you won’t be able to talk to her until tomorrow.” Spike frowned. “Why?” “She’s out of town visiting family. She’ll arrive tomorrow around the afternoon…” Twilight explained. Spike looked to the side. Tomorrow for sure… he decided as he had full confidence by this point. Of course, he needed to rest and recover after a full workout with Twlight’s friends. However… “Um, Twilight?” “Yes?” “Why are you sitting on my lap?” Twilight blinked; she was sitting on Spike, who was sitting on his chair. Leaning against him, she trailed a finger across his chest. “Well…I am kinda jealous with how you did a few things with the others that you didn’t do to me…” “Come again?” Twilight gave a cute glare. “If you were raping me, then why didn’t you buck me in the ass?!” Spike was stunned. “What-” “I’ve read so MANY books on how mares enjoy the ‘ultimate pleasure’ when bucking! Anal sex is highly regarded! Some even said that the fetish for ‘sexual humiliation’ is one of the things to try before you die! Oh, oh, oh, and of course, BDSM is quite popular!” By this point, Twilight was just fantasizing in pure bliss; she was staring out the window and slightly drooling, with her hands held tightly together by her fingers. “I-” Spike started. “Yes I’ll admit that I wasn’t planning on us having sexual intercourse, but now I want to do it again…” the purple mare confessed. She gave a soft smile before adding, “So I need you to buck me again before I get ‘moody’.” Spike frowned when he heard ‘moody’. “Um I suppose so…” Spike wasn’t completely sure about this after their recent chat. Then again, he did just mention that it was just sex and it did not change anything between her or any other pony. “Perfect!” Twilight moved her lips against the purple dragon’s. She wrapped her arms around his big thick neck, before pulling away and smiling. “I hope that you got enough energy…” Twilight released one arm from his neck, in order to unbutton her white shirt. Her white bra was revealed to the purple dragon, who gave a natural reaction. He clearly liked what he saw as he couldn’t stop staring. Twilight became more aroused the more that Spike stared at her. It was a naughty feeling that she took pleasure in. Especially when Spike brought his attention to her breasts, in which he grasped one with a claw. Soft moans escaped from Twilight’s mouth, as she arched her head slightly. She gasped as she felt Spike nuzzling his face against both her girls. The purple mare bit her lip as she realized that Spike was now ‘ripping’ her bra off of her with his fangs. Afterwards, he gently pressed his scaly lips against her soft purple nipples. He sucked long and hard, causing Twilight to moan even louder before Spike moved his free claw right under her skirt. Her wetness increased as Spike rubbed her panties continuously. “HMmmmm...MMHF!” Spike took Twilight by surprise as he grasped her ass with both claws. He forced her to turn her body entirely, and face him. He held her close as he continued to suck on both her nipples, before deciding to release a thin layer of ‘flames’ on her bare chest from his mouth and nose. The fire simply gave her a wave of heat onto her skin, rather than burn her. It relaxed her body and continued to tingle her nerves, also by how Spike performed oral like this. Eventually, Spike took a moment to grasp her horse tail and pull it slightly. “HNNnn…” The nerves down her spine reacted naturally to Spike’s rough play. “You mares seem to enjoy that huh?” Spike asked with a cheeky smirk. “Heh…” Twilight smiled as her horn glowed brightly. They disappeared for a second, only to reappear on her bed before even blinking. “Now then…” Twilight’s horn glowed again. She smiled as she made Spike’s clothes disappear. This time, she was able to get a nice look at his body without the sexal intercourse rushed. Wow, every scale is lined up well with his muscle structure… she thought with admire. She took her time touching his pecs and abs before saying, “I guess dragons aren’t that different from ponies…It’s a wonder why we can’t cross breed…” Twilight did think it was strange when the body structure was similar between their respective species. “Why don’t you write a letter to Princess Celestia?” Spike asked as he rolled his eyes. To be honest, he rather not think about that particular subject… “Maybe I will…” she pouted at his remark. Regardless, Twilight was already lowering her face against his chest. She trailed her tongue to his own nipples, in order to give him something new and different. “Hey-” Spike started as he didn’t know how to react to that. Yes it was odd, but it felt strangely erotic having a mare bringing attention to his body instead of the other way around. “Heheh, what, you’re into this?” he asked smirking at the purple mare. It was starting to become funny as he almost let out a male giggle. “What- you don’t like this?” Twilight stopped moving lower. She tilted her head up and frowned. “But this book that I read, said that ‘your male partner’ would enjoy this type of foreplay!” she whined as she looked to the side, and pulled a book (by magic of course), before looking through the pages. “Twilight…” Spike said sighing as he ‘flicked’ the book out of her magical grasp, with his tail. When she suddenly turned to him, “Just do whatever is natural ok?” he asked frowning. Twilight gave another cute glare as she took pride in her books. However, “Fine…” Twilight sighed before looking at his body again. She moved closer to his penis and smiled before slowly trailing her tongue across the length. At least I can do this… That same book said that it was sexier to use only your mouth… she thought smirking as Spike was entertained. Damn that’s sexy… Spike admitted as he watched Twilight. Now that he thought about it, he did enjoy the way how Pinkie Pie blew him. Yes while she did use her hands during the second time around, the first time was something that was extremely erotic, by having a mare using just her mouth to please him. Twilight clearly did her homework today…or was it before that? “Hmmnnnh…Mnnn….” Twilight continued to suck his penis. It was a bit hard at first, considering that she had to convert a limply penis into a hard penis. Especially when he likely experienced enough releases to keep his penis settled. Twilight actually frowned while she looked at him, with his penis still inside her mouth. “Hmfm fmf mmu fffm mmmf???” she muffed among the lines of, ‘Why won’t you get hard?’ While Spike could have simply explained himself, “That expression is cute~” Spike smiled as he was gaining an erection by Twilight’s reaction. “Ah!” Spike arched his body as his penis ‘grew’ into her throat. With perfect alignment, it slid beyond her tongue. Twilight was taken by surprise by both his comment, and his erection. She slightly gagged, as she felt his member in her throat. Thank goodness for those books that she read; they gave her good advice on how to properly breathe and perform oral in a situation like this. She closed her eyes as she slowly bobbed her head up and down. This was the first time that she would get a taste out of dragon cock and she found it interesting. Strange taste… she thought as she opened her eyes and looked at him. Delicious… the purple mare decided, before closing her eyes to savor the taste. That’s right Twilight… Spike thought as he bit his lip and watched his partner. Suck my dick…like the dirty little slut that you are- WHOAH I got to calm down before I lose myself again! Spike thought. Once again, his lust was bringing out a ‘nasty’ side of him… While Twilight enjoyed the taste, she stopped and pulled away gasping for air. “Wooh!” she managed to say, before taking a moment to breathe properly. “Man Spike, and I thought that these scales were ‘wild’ before!” Twilight grasped his member and stroked it firmly. Funny enough, the scales on his penis felt good no matter what you used to make contact with it: hand, mouth, etc. It was a great ‘ massager’ overall and she was planning to enjoy it all night long~ The feeling was mutual with Spike; her stroking was quite effective and perfectly synced with the chills that she sent down his spine. Now while handjobs were nothing compared to blowjobs, Spike felt that handjobs were under-appreciated, as he enjoyed Twilight’s technique. Credited by the sounds that escaped from his mouth. Spike closed his eyes as he let out a steady growl. Twilight took one of his testicles into her mouth, sucking it effectively and making sure that the dragon REALLY felt it. While she continued to stroke, she pulled her mouth away and began to lap at the tip. Twilight continued this for a few minutes until Spike started to growl again, indicating that his release was approaching. Not wanting to miss her chance, Twilight began sucking his penis as much as possible, while using her free hand to massage his dragon balls. “Hmmfmf…mmmfff…!” With the stroking, the massaging, and the sucking, Spike wouldn't take it anymore. Man is she good…I can imagine how much Twilight knows from reading those ‘books’… Spike thought with a groan. Another few seconds passed before Spike arched his body. He growled loudly as he released a large amount of dragon semen into her mouth. Spike loved the feeling of the hot thick liquid substance pouring out of him. The feeling with mutual with Twilight; she swallowed every drop that he released into her mouth and down her throat. GHFMMMMM… By Celestia this tastes so good! HMMMMffff! she thought, relishing the taste of dragon seed. Eventually, Twilight sucked what was left inside his penis. “Hmmm…” she moaned as she bobbed her head and continued to savor the taste. “Geez Twilight…” Spike managed to say as he watched Twilight. She giggled as she pulled away and licked her lips. “Well then, on to the main course…” Rather than use her magic to make her clothes disappear, Twilight took her time removing her panties, shirt, and skirt. Yes, in that exact order as she was now naked. She grasped his penis and stroked it gently in order to keep it nice and hard for her. When she was satisfied with his arousal, she stood up and faced away, before slowly lowering herself. “Nhhnn…” Spike’s penis was still something that her body wasn’t use to. Particularly those distinctive wonderful scales that added another pleasant sensation into the mix. Twilight strongly believed that his penis was especially made for her kind/gender … “Man are you tight…” Spike commented as he laid against the pillows and held her waist. The purple dragon took deep breathes as Twilight moved up and down. The sounds of their flesh slapping together increased the arousal that was shared between them. Nice and slow was the way to go with Twilight and Spike, as she wanted to enjoy this, and Spike just wanted to make sure that she was satisfied. It was a win-win situation before both of them as Spike asked, “So will I get to buck you in your ass?” Biting her lip, she turned her head a bit and nodded. She closed her eyes as she moaned softly. The purple mare continued to bounce her rear up and down on Spike’s cock, enjoying the full package that it came with. She licked her lips a few more times, enjoying the semen that was left in her mouth. Each movement sent waves of intense pleasure throughout her body, making her want to orgasm before Spike did. While Spike supposedly carried great stamina, Twilight believed that his next release could be his last for the night. In fact… “Hmm?” Spike felt something ‘odd’. “Twilight? I felt something strange…” he said between her movements. The purple mare giggled. “Oh don’t worry about that; I just did something so that you would save your release…” Spike didn’t like the sound of that. “What are you-” His eyes widened as he moaned loudly. Twilight’s last movement struck a ‘sweet nerve’ in his penis. It increased the pleasure and he felt close to cumming. “Ohhh…buck that’s going to make me cum-!” he confessed as he was breathing a bit heavily. The buildup in his release was increasing within each second. “Twilight….ah…!” Spike growled. The purple mare only smiled. “Nah uh ah!” she said as she ‘dropped’ onto his penis. She watched as Spike reacted naturally and trembled with pleasure. His growling that was obviously indicating his release, converted into a soft ‘hmmf?’ reaction. “What the-” Spike looked at Twilight’s rear that was taking his penis all the way inside. He swore that he was about to cum. Why didn’t he? It just, vanished without warning and so suddenly. He looked at the purple mare. “Twilight?” “Don’t worry about it Spike; I just blocked your release from shooting out of your penis~” she said sweetly. However, Spike was horrified. “You WHAT?!” Twilight was already moving again. “Calm DOWN!” she said as she slammed her rear on his cock again. Especially when she said ‘down’ and forced the dragon to yield under her. Sorry Spike, but I want to make sure that I get the biggest load out of you, compared to what the other girls had! Twilight moved faster and moaned sharply as she experienced her own ‘sweet nerve spot’ inside. It went well as the head of Spike’s penis hit her G-spot at just the right angle. “HMM!” she closed her eyes as she grasped her breasts. “RIGHT THERE…” That’s not fair! Spike was not pleased as he watched Twilight fucking him as if he were a toy. He crossed his arms and looked away with a sigh. I suppose she deserves to have her way with me… Spike decided after her displeasure with what he did to her friends. That however didn’t prevent the orgasm denial that Spike experienced. He grunted and growled as his release came up, only to be denied again. He started to get impatient and decided that Twilight needed a lesson. Thus, he did the ‘logical’ thing and grabbed Twilight’s tail, yanking it firmly and causing her to jolt up wildly. “S-SPIKE!” the purple mare yelped as she turned at him with that cute glare of hers. Her red blush was nothing compared to the fire burned in her eyes. And yet, it didn’t stop her from riding his dragon cock. “Oh I am sorry Twilight, did I do something to you that you didn’t like?” Spike asked sarcastically with a ‘sorry’ expression. “Oh well, that shouldn’t matter when you’re taking a cock like mine INSIDE!” With saying ‘inside’, he matched her rhythm and did a nice hard thrust that made contact with the entrance of her womb. “NNH!” Twilight yelped again as a bigger jolt rushed through her body. The nerves down her spine and linking to her tail, caused Twilight to release a powerful orgasm. The noises that escaped from her body made NO sense whatsoever… Hey, this is kind of fun! Spike realized as he was quite surprised with Twilight’s sensitivity. He continued to yank (firmly and yet softly) her tail before deciding to take onto the offensive. He pushed her forward and caused her to lay on her front. Still gripping her tail tightly, he slid his penis out of her. “NnnZ!” she whined as Spike pulled out of her. She couldn’t do much when her assistant was retaining her by her own tail. She whimpered slightly before saying, “SPIKE! Let go of my tail!” Twilight struggled as the nerves down her back, prevented her from lifting her upper body. She couldn’t even concentrate enough in order to use magic. “SPIKE!” she yelled again as he dominated her. “Let me- OH!” Pain erupted out of Twilight as she felt something forcing into her backdoor. She squirmed as it moved in and out of her ass without a care in the world. Spike grunted as Twilight was tighter than he gave her credit for. He thrust with increasing vigor, while refusing to lighten his grip on her tail. “Arh…arh…agh…” he grunted between thrusts. The dragon was really wrecking her anus and relishing the pleasure that it offered. “EH!” Spike made another sweet thrust into her insides. Twilight felt it too. “OH!” “GAH!” Spike wouldn’t let up as anal sex was becoming his favorite. The tightness and ‘forbidden’ fetish that it carried, made sex even better for him. He continued to thrust in and out of Twilight via doggy style. It made his tongue hang as he panted heavily and closed his eyes. Sex was becoming better and better each time and Spike realized this first hand. And yet, “DAMNIT TWILIGHT…” he growled as the orgasm denial was still in effect. Oh how he wanted to release a load into her tight purple ass. It reminded Spike that he had to find a way to convince the stupid mare to let him cum. Orgasm denial could NOT be healthy at all for a guy. “Twilight! Cancel the spell NOW!” “Nnnn….No…” she moaned as she moved a finger into her mouth. She bit slightly and moved against his thrusts. “Hmmm….” Spike was dumbfounded. “Oh you got to be bucking kidding me…” Spike remarked as he was annoyed with the situation. He wanted to use anal sex as torture in order to get her to cancel the spell. Now Twilight was turning into an anal sex slut, and he couldn’t use that as torture- wait a minute. Oh my does this feel so good… Twilight thought while she continued to give loud girlish moans. Hmmmm so big… she thought as her rectum took him all the way in. However, Twilight opened her eyes when she realized that something was wrong. “What-”she turned her head. “W-what are you doing???” “Eh I am done; I am ‘satisfied’…” The purple dragon remarked as he faced away and stretched as if he did somehow find a way to release into her. “What- You can’t be satisfied! You didn’t even cum! I would have felt it!” Twilight remarked. “Yeah but since it’s been going on for so long, I don’t even NEED to release; you brought me enough pleasure~” he said ‘yawning’ before giving a wolfish smile. “B-b-but-” “It’s getting kinda late and so I am just gonna sleep-” “You can’t!” Twilight wrapped her arms around his waist, and looked up at him with eyes to that of starving puppies. She wiggled her hips, indicating that her sexual urges were a lot stronger than expected. Twilight wanted- no, NEEDED anal sex after hearing the experiences of both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. As well as getting a first hand taste of it. Even after having an orgasm, she was far from satisfied. “Spike-” she whined. Spike ‘frowned’ at Twilight. “But Twilight, what’s the point if I can’t cum? It’s just the same thing over and over again~” he answered with another ‘yawn’. “So good night-” “Please Spike-” she started. She stood up a bit straight before begging, “I NEED this…I need your cock inside my ass…” She wouldn't stop whimpering. Spike looked at her with a solid expression. However, WOW is Twilight horny… Spike actually felt bad for not waiting to see if she was satisfied this morning after their sexual encounter together. And so, “Ok I’ll continue bucking you…” “Yay~!” Twilight smiled brightly after hearing those words. She stood on the bed before jumping onto his chest. Spike yelped as he was struggling to stand up while holding the sex-crazed purple mare. She was wrapping her arms and legs around him. Twilight continued to kiss her lovely sexy assistant in a passionate deep tongue matter. After feeling that his erection was right under her left cheek, she managed to lower a hand and guide his impressive thick meat against the entrance of her anus. She whimpered slightly as she was still not use to the size as it entered into her. Her body arched as Spike was already beginning to move again. “HNnnnn…oh Spike…” she moaned as she closed her eyes. The egg-head was feeling so naughty doing this with him, given by the fact that it seemed to be a ‘forbidden’ sexual encounter in a ‘professional working environment’. Imagine what princess Celestia would say if she saw her student mating with her own assistant! Let alone, a dragon like Spike! “Damn Twilight…how can you be this tight???” Spike grunted as he thrust. While her asshole wasn’t as tight as the athletic mare known as Rainbow Dash, it was still sucking the life out of him. Also, it was quite the work out for Spike to be screwing a mare in a position such as this, but thank Celestia he experienced a growth spurt like this. Otherwise, Spike wouldn’t have even lost his virginity today. Of course, Spike had a feeling that his new body would be burning more calories having sex consistently with all these mares, a lot more than just masturbating all day by himself prior to this recent change. “Ah…” he moaned as that last thrust into her felt pretty good. The feeling was mutual with Twilight. “Spike…make sure that you cum inside of my ass…” she begged as she was hugging tightly against his chest. “Here…” Twilight’s horn glowed again. It took no more than a second for Spike to realize that Twilight freed him from his ‘bond’. Grateful, he grasped her sweet buns firmly and increased the rate of his thrusts. More vigor was added as Spike’s thrusts became harder within the passing minutes. It reached the point where Twilight was screaming wildly and begging more and more. Finally, Spike’s build up to his release, had returned. He growled as he moved harder and harder. Naturally, he lifted her even more to the point where his face was between her breasts. He attacked with various combinations of licking, sucking, and kissing towards her nipples. With Twilight bouncing (as much as possible) on his penis, Spike was going to make sure that he released a strong orgasm into her rectum. And, just for good measure… “Hmm…ah….mmmm…..AH!” Twilight’s eyes snapped wide open. “N-n-no Spike- I am s-sensitive- THERE!!!” she managed to say, while squirming. Spike lowered her body ‘down a level’ in order for him to tend to her horn. He wrapped his long dragon tongue around it and took it the entire thing into his mouth. He suckled and somehow, managed to swirl his tongue around it in order to nerve-buck the hell out of the unicorn. “S-stop it!” she whimpered as it drove her insane. Yes Twilight LOVED this feeling, but it was hard to think straight when the sensitive nerves on her horn were connected DIRECTLY to her brain. It brought a strange unfamiliar feeling inside of her. Yes she was close to an anal orgasm, but something else was occurring inside of her. Was she going to ‘squirt’ like how she read some books? No, this was coming from…her horn? “AH!” Twilight gave the loveliest of moans today after experiencing a double orgasm. First, what naturally came from her flower made a naughty mess on Spike’s penis and on the bed sheets right under them. As for the second, she felt pleasure ‘shooting’ out of her that felt like an orgasm, but by her horn instead of her flower. It was soooooo intense, as she felt as if all of her stress and worry that existed in her mind, just LEFT her. Thus, Twilight gave a happy expression that seemed ‘unnatural’ because of how new and different it felt and unsure on how to react exactly. Spike got a first-hand taste of her ‘horn-gasm’: it was interesting and unique by its surprisingly ‘sweet’ taste and thin liquid texture. While he did get a taste of a mare’s orgasm from one's respective flower, what came from the horn wasn’t as ‘salty’. It reminded Spike of ‘fruit-flavored’ water in a way with Twilight’s unique ‘taste’. He released his tongue around her horn, and pulled back slightly in order for him to suck and nipple on the tip of her horn, to where the release supposedly came from. He smirked as she continued to protest with moans and whimpers. As for his own orgasm, Spike got to work and spent the next few minutes thrusting and performing oral on her extremely sensitive horn. Eventually, “Grah….ahgh…..AH!” Spike released his last batch of the day into Twilight’s rectum. It made Spike ‘drop’ him and Twilight onto the bed, where he pressed down tightly and allowed his semen to flow into her. When he was almost done, he thrust a bit slowly to induce the pleasurable feeling that made him melt. Twilight made some more sounds that was too cute for Spike to resist; he playfully sucked on her horn in a faster and more ‘aggressive’ way. “Hmmm….” Twilight relaxed with her eyes closed. She breathed softly as Spike pulled out of her. She was surprised when he laid her on her side and spread her buns separately to see the results of their work. She blushed as Spike gave a dragon chuckle she heard a soft gentle ‘pulp’ sound escaping from her anus, indicating the amount of semen that was pouring out of her easily. “Ah…it’s so hot…hotter than what you filled my womb with this morning…” she said blinking slowly as she was exhausted. “Spike- ehh…..” Twilight didn’t get to finish as Spike was now cuddling against her from behind. He nuzzled on her neck and held her close. That didn’t last long as Spike was attacking her horn again but in a gentle matter. It wasn’t hard to tell how weak it made her and how paralyzed she was by this point. Heh, I can’t wait to try this on Rarity tomorrow… Spike hoped in his mind as Twilight was his prey now… > Confessions...(Rarity) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warmth filled the adult dragon known as Spike. His body knew that it was already the following morning, given by the presence of the sun’s rays pouring through the window. Thus, Celestia’s work played a part in waking Spike from his slumber. With the sunlight as bright as the previous day, it caused Spike to groan in displeasure. Thus, he turned away to the other side and yawned slightly, before finally opening his eyes. He blinked a few times in order to clear his vision, and saw Twilight facing away from him. Still sleeping, her soft breathing was easy to hear and Spike could tell that she was more worn out than him. He stretched a bit before moving against her body, and took in her scent by pressing his face against her neck. Unsurprisingly, she smelled better than yesterday even after they had sex, which was saying something with how much her scent drew him. “Hmmm…” he said softly as he nuzzled her neck. “Why do you females always smell so GOOD?” he asked softly. Sweetly, he kissed her neck and got off the bed in order to properly stretch. “Nhhh…” he said before standing up straight, and walking over to the bathroom. After a few minutes, he came out and noticed that Twilight was in the kitchen. She was bending over and searching through the contents of the fridge...naked. “Hmm…here we go…” she said as she stood up straight, and pulled out the bottle of milk. Opening it, she took a LONG drink. “Thirsty much?” Spike asked raising an eyebrow as he approached her. “AH…” she sighed as she finished the bottle. Turning her head slightly, “Yeah…and a lot…” Twilight looked back at the fridge and her horn glowed. The purple magical substance rushed forward in order to gather the necessary ingredients. While everything was being done, “How do you feel?” “Great actually…” Spike answered as he stretched his body again. “A good night’s sleep is all that I needed in order to ‘recharge’ everything in my body…” he explained. Spike did feel ‘brand new’ and somehow ‘rejuvenated’ compared to when he woke up yesterday. “So what time does Rarity arrive today?” Spike asked curiously. Twilight focused on making them some pancakes via magic, while she fixed her hair with her own hands. “I think by 2 this afternoon.” Thinking about it some more, “Yeah, she should arrive in a few-” Twilight froze as she looked at the time. “Um…” “What?” Spike asked confused as he looked at the clock. His jaw dropped; it was 2:15 PM. If Twilight was right, then Rarity would either just leaving the train station, or just entering her home. “I got to go-” “Spike, WAIT!” Twilight stopped him as he ran for the door. “What’s the RUSH? You need to relax and think this through before you go out…NAKED.” she explained, while gesturing at his current appearance. “Man, ain’t nobody got time for that!” Spike protested. Twilight gave him a dull expression. “Really…” “Yeah ‘really’!” Spike confirmed. “At least bathe and eat something…” the purple mare remarked before finishing their breakfast. She then used the same magic in order to make Spike sit down and eat his meal. “But-” “EAT!” she ordered with her trademark glare. Spike spent a good 20 minutes showering after eating Twilight’s huge breakfast. While he did appreciate her concern for his health, he was an in rush to see Rarity after gaining ‘assurance’ from the conversation last night. He last saw the beautiful white mare on the day of his birthday, which was two days ago. He finished drying himself after five more minutes, and got dressed by 2:40 PM. “Alright…” Spike wore the same clothes from yesterday after washing them, but made sure to REALLY wash his body clean from any leftover sex he had in the last thirty hours. If he was going to confess his feelings to Rarity, he was going to look good, and SMELL good. “Well I am off…” he said without looking at Twilight. Twilight (who was wearing a robe) watched him from the table. She frowned as she said, “Spike, just remember that there’s no turning back…” “I know; once I walk out that door, I am going directly to see Rarity and confess my love with NO distractions.” Spike stated as he continued to face the doorway. “No, I mean…” she started before closing her mouth. Spike naturally turned his head to get a good look at her. “What’s wrong?” “Well you do know what this would mean by this point right?” When Spike shook his head slowly, “Well…I am pretty sure that Rarity wouldn’t like it if you to be slept with any other pony again…especially if she DOES share your feelings and DOES want to spend her life with you…” Twilight explained with a nervous smile. “What- Come on Twilight! What makes you think that RARITY would mind???” Spike asked. Although, he also had uncertainty in his tone, as well as smiling nervously a bit. Twilight gave him a frown. “Spike, remember how our friends reacted? Especially me? Not counting Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie…” Twilight reminded him sternly. “Especially when I AM the more open minded pony! Imagine how Rarity will feel when you tell her the truth! And when you have to commit to her and no other pony!” Spike gave that fact some thought. Surprisingly, “You know, I think that Pinkie Pie is the most open minded out of the six of you…” When Twilight was about to give an angry remark, Spike continued on. “Ok I see your point: if you reacted the way you did, and you ARE more open minded than Rarity, then it’s likely that this isn’t going to go well unless I fully commit to Rarity only. But I just remembered that Rarity will find it in her heart to forgive me, if she truly does share my feelings…” “And you would be ok with the fact that you can’t sleep with any other mare from this point? Otherwise, Rarity would find it hard to forgive you again…” Spike didn’t need time to think of that question. “Of course Twilight; that’s what true love is, right?” he asked with a wolfish smile. Twilight couldn’t help but give a smile of her own. She took her time walking over to hug him, and whispered, “Just so you know, me and the others fully support you…” “And I couldn’t ask for better friends…” the purple dragon said, before returning the favor with a hug of his own. After the sweet moment, they pulled away where Twilight gave him a small kiss on his cheek. “Well, I better get going-” Spike was cut off. Twilight watched as he burped a message out of his mouth. The green flames disappeared just as the purple mare caught it. “Huh, it’s a letter from princess Celestia…” “Who else could it be?” Spike asked with a smirk. “Anyways, I should get going…” he repeated as he turned to the door and opened it. “Wait Spike- It could be important-” “I ain’t got time for that! I am in love!” Spike groaned as he left and slammed the door behind him. “Well that was rude…” Twilight said to herself as she was far from pleased. “Oh well, I suppose love does that to you… Although I am going to miss that cock of his…” she admitted with a frown. Regardless, Twilight would support Spike and respect his possible future relationship with Rarity, if there was one in the works. Bringing her attention to what was in her hands, she unrolled the scroll. “Hmm… ‘Dear Twilight’…” Spike took his time walking over to Rarity’s boutique. Because Rarity arrived today, she was likely going to keep her business closed for the day in order to rest. Spike knew that this would be the best time to visit Rarity, considering that Sweetie Belle was likely hanging out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Despite her sister not living with her, it was often at times when she and her friends would drop by every now and then. Also, Rarity wouldn’t be getting any visits from their friends, when they likely knew what Spike was going to do today. Hopefully, Twilight DID tell the others not to interrupt his love-intervention with Rarity. It was funny how much thought Spike was giving into this, considering that he was already in front of the famous Carousel Boutique without even realizing it. He nearly bumped into the doorway, before stopping right in front of it. “Ok… You can do this… You can do this Spike… WHY can’t you control your voice-” he said to himself with a frown. His tone was weak, his face was red, and was he crying a bit? He gave himself a few gentle slaps in order to ‘dragon-up’ and act like one. It got to the point where he squatted in order to stop his legs from shaking. He spent a good ten minutes relaxing his body and mind. After realizing that it had to be close to 3:00 PM, he got up fast, and knocked on the door. His heart raced faster when he heard her voice. “I am sorry, but I have my shop closed for the day. Do understand and come back tomorrow please~” said the sweet voice. Guess I was right... Spike thought. It gave him something to relax his mind as he managed to find his voice. “Um yes, I am sorry to bother you, but this is kinda important…” he remarked loudly. When there was no answer, he knocked again but gently. “Honestly, what part of ‘come back tomorrow PLEASE’, do you not understand? I don’t mean to be rude but I am VERY tired from a recent trip.” Rarity said from the other side. “PLEASE, I need to see you!” Spike tried to convince her. He was becoming both nervous and restless by this point. Thankfully, Rarity opened the door and was far from happy. “Urgh…WHAT IS IT?” she asked ‘calmly’. Despite being supposedly ‘tired’, Rarity’s appearance was the opposite: she wore a typical black button-down shirt with a beige-colored skirt, which was above her waist and reaching just above her knees. Unlike Twilight’s loose-styled skirt, this skirt was more ‘professional’. What prevented Spike from seeing her bare legs was thanks to the black pantyhose that eventually led his eyes to her black flat shoes. Spike’s attention returned to her upper body where he saw it: the fire ruby that he gave her just last week. A gold necklace surrounded the priceless ruby, encasing and outlining the heart-shape that it carried. It looked quite attractive… Rarity… “A dragon…?” Spike blinked and realized the reaction that Rarity was giving to him. “I…I…” She didn’t know how to respond. “You’re…you’re…a dragon…” she managed to say. After a minute of awkwardness, “Well, I must say that this is VERY unexpected…” She looked to the side unsure and looked back at him. “I never expected a dragon to require my services…” she explained, before giving a nervous small laugh. Spike looked at her and bit his lip gently. He knew what he wanted to say as he opened his lips. Thus, “Rarity, I…” “MUFFF!” Rarity muffed as the dragon suddenly pulled her into a kiss. His long dragon tongue swirled around the contents of her mouth, making her blush as the nerves between them gave created special spark effect. “AH!” she gasped as she finally managed to pull away. In a proper reaction, SMACK! “AH!” Spike flinched as her hand impacted his face. While it didn’t hurt or sting, the fact that it came from Rarity brought fear to the purple dragon. “HOW DARE YOU!!!” Rarity screamed as she was red with both anger and embarrassment. It was one thing for a dragon to just appear in her front door unexpected, but to kiss her? Now that was too much! Why would this dragon randomly appear and kiss her without permission?! “I am NOT that kind of lady!” she added but with a calmer tone. “I-I-I-” Spike shook his head in order to think properly. “Honestly, to kiss a lady without her permission is quite rude! Although I can almost understand because you’re a dragon and all…” Rarity remarked with displeasure. Although she couldn’t help but continue blushing, after what this dragon did to her. Imagine what her friends would say! Not that she wasn’t flattered by the fact that he found her attractive and all, but… “I-I-I-” “Honestly, do you NOT know how to speak properly?” Rarity asked with a stern expression, becoming even more unimpressed by him. “I-I-I-” SMACK! Spike gave himself a GOOD smack to his face in order to ‘wake up’ and stop looking like a jackass in front of his one true love. Rarity naturally reacted with a flinch, and looked at him with confusion to why he did that to himself. DAMNIT SPIKE! STOP ACTING LIKE A RETARD!!! That did the trick as he found his voice and said, “Rarity, it’s me: SPIKE.” Rarity’s expression stayed the same. And yet, she blinked after a few seconds. “Spike…?” she asked him. “You can’t be Spike; Spike is just a baby!” she remarked frowning. “I WAS A KID NOT A BABY!” he roared angrily. Of course, Rarity naturally reacted with an ‘epp!’ sound, and nearly slammed the door shut after backing off. Luckily, “SORRY, SORRY, SORRY!” Spike managed to apologize just in time after realizing that he just scared Rarity. He followed with, “I just HATE it when ponies say that I am- or WAS a baby…” Spike’s voice was moving fast, but he managed to take control of the situation when Rarity stayed in the same spot. “Look it is me; I gave you that fire ruby !” he said as he pointed at what was around her neck. Rarity flinched again, believing that he was trying to reach for her. However, “Y-yes, Spike gave me this last week…how do you know-” Her eyes widened. She looked at him. “Y-y-you’re….y-you’re-” Spike smiled. “Yeah, it’s me-” “A STALKER!” “What- NO! I AM NOT A STALKER!” Spike freaked out with a yell. It took him another minute until Rarity was calm again in order for him to explain. “…and so, it IS me…look into my eyes!” Spike said with a big frown as he gestured at his face with both claws. Rarity was hesitating with his request. However, “I-I suppose I can meet with that one request…” Rarity slowly took her time moving closer to the tall handsome dragon. With his head lowered, he gave her a perfect eye level view of his two ‘emeralds’. She thought about Spike’s eyes, and this dragon’s. After spending enough time to think about it, she took her time pulling back. “It can’t be… You ARE Spike, aren’t you…?” she asked. “Spike…you’re so…tall!” With Spike’s smile, she continued to look at his body to get a much better look at his physical appearance. “How did you become like this…?” she asked slowly, as she then walked around him. She noticed that he didn’t have any wings, which was quite odd. “Growth spurt… You know, since it was my birthday two days ago…” he explained for the final time. However, Spike didn’t complain as he was happy with how this situation was going. Ok Spike, so just continue to play it COOL… “But you…” Rarity started. “Hm?” “You just KISSED me without my permission! How do you explain THAT?” she asked before standing right in front of him. She crossed her arms and gave him a glare. Yes, Rarity was aware of Spike’s feelings for her, but he was young (until recently) and she could not take it seriously. Of course, it was not as if she was not fond of him... “Oh um…about that…” he started. When there was awkward silence, “I love you Rarity! Be with me and MOTHER MY CHILDREN!” Spike took her by surprise and held her as if they were doing the tango dance: her body leaned backwards and held by claw behind her back, with the other claw holding the hand farthest from him. “WHAT?!” Rarity was shocked and blushed even redder than ever. “Muuuuf!” Spike kissed her. “MFMFMFMFM!!!” Rarity muffed and tried to push him away as he swirled his tongue around her mouth again. She closed her eyes and whimpered as Spike continued to violate her mouth without permission. His dragon tongue was unlike anything that she made contact with in her life. “MMff…” she muffed weakly as her body relaxed. When Spike pulled away, “Ah!...” she gasped for air as she continued to blush. Her eyes were wearily and her heart was beating at a fast rate. Spike was experiencing the same feeling. He kissed Rarity, RARITY! It made him happy knowing that he got to share his lips with hers. Those soft white lips were really something and he enjoyed exploring her mouth. And wow did she smell so GOOD. It drove his senses wild. In fact… “OH!” Rarity yelped as Spike lifted her into his arms. As if he was carrying her to their honeymoon suite, right after the wedding. And to make matters even more ironic, And IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII will always love yoooooooooooooooooooou! Spike looked at Rarity after standing there dumbfounded. In response, “Eh, I left the radio on…” Rarity looked to the side with an annoyed blush. She looked at the small stereo system that was a few feet away from them. “B-but on to the point-” “To the bedroom? No problem!” “What- NO! I want you to put me down-” Despite the protests from the beautiful mare, Spike was already rushing towards her room and was somehow able to NOT drop her. Clearly his coordination with his overall balance was sharper than Rarity gave him credit for. When Spike reached the doorway of her room, he kicked the door opened and actually TOSSED Rarity onto her bed. With an ‘Offh!’ sound, Rarity watched as Spike slammed the door with his tail, never taking his eyes off of her like a predator hunting its prey. All in honesty, fear filled the white mare as she tried her best to create distant between them. She backed against her pillow and whimpered slightly. And yet, she couldn’t help but enjoy this feeling; she relished being viewed as a ‘treasured’ individual that was sought by countless males. Her heart raced and the familiar wetness existed between her legs, making her blush even more by the thought. What was she thinking? This is wrong! she suddenly realized as Spike was less than a foot away from the mattress. “Spike- You’re not really going to land a hand on my body without my permission....are you…?” Rarity kept her legs together and covered her chest, with uncertainty. Her eyes looked at him with fear and excitement. Spike already had a knee on the bed. “Well I…want to…” he confessed as he looked to the side. “I…I want to touch your body…in ways that a ‘lady’ shouldn’t be touched…” Spike was crawling over to her like the reptile that he was, looking at her and even making his tongue ‘dance’ outside his mouth like a snake. “I want your body…NOW!” he growled as he falling into his natural instincts. It was noted that his pupils were slit instead of rounded. “SPIKE!” Rarity was close to crying as she was becoming scared and feeling helpless. “Y-you would NEVER take me against my will, would you???” she cried. By this point, Spike was just above her body; she was lying flat on her bed with Spike hovering right over her face to face. Her heart was beating fast with natural excitement that she hated herself for. Those eyes of his were making her feel as if they were stripping her down. Spike’s greed for Rarity may have been strong and demanding, but his heart was still there. “I…I would never take you against your will…” the purple dragon said looking into her eyes.His voice was breaking and there was a hint of sadness in it. His love was stronger than his lust for her body, as his pupils returned into a round shape instead of the intimidating ‘slit’ shape. Rarity couldn’t help but smile and as she nearly shed more tears. She was completely touched that he still loved her so much, that he respected her feelings. “Oh Spike…” she said as she gently placed a hand on his cheek. Slowly, she moved her lips towards his nose to kiss it softly. And thus, they both shared a smile. However, “You kissed me, that means that you consent!” Spike remarked as his eyes changed back into slit-mode. He smiled nasty and was feeling horny again. “WHAT-” Rarity’s eyes widened when she realized what she just did. Rarity you stupid mare! she yelled in her mind blushing. “No, no, no, no, I was just- HMMFF!” Spike already took her mouth with his. He was just as passionate as ever, refusing to pull away for a few minutes. He held her down with just his face against hers, and his claws holding her hands down. Eventually, the squirming mare was becoming weaker and weaker, as her swings and movement was settling down and reacting naturally to his tongue attack. Rarity moaned slightly in reaction, just as Spike was placing his claw by her waist, and gently rubbed that spot. “HMMmmff….mfmf….” she moaned weakly. AH! My word, he’s persistent…ah…he’s even wearing out my mind…ah… Rarity thought weakly. His vigor and charisma was something that she couldn’t take lightly. Especially when she felt his free claw grasping with one of her breasts, and rubbed it without care. He was somewhat aggressive, making her wince and moan even louder. Why am I liking this?! A proper lady could never enjoy being violated against her will…unless, I WANT this…? Rarity didn’t know what to think. This was not a stranger but someone that she knew, someone that had an attractive body and was COMPLETELY honest with his feelings; never did he try to lie or mislead her into this. In fact, he was pretty straight forward with his approach and confession. When he pulled away from her mouth, she was finally able to breath. “AH!” Rarity panted heavily. “You beast…” she panted while looking to the side with her eyes closed. Interestingly, Spike took that a compliment. He moved his mouth to her neck where he gently brushed with his lips. A bit of kissing and licking was the way to go, before he trailed his oral skills to her ear. In THIS spot, he used his lips and tongue to remove her earring much to her surprise. He gently held the jewelry between his scaly lips, before ‘spitting’ it to the floor. He…he… Rarity didn’t know what to say as Spike was quite talented with his mouth. Especially when he did the same to the other ear, and teasing her body in the process. With the ear jewelry out of the way, there was just one thing left: the fire ruby. Rarity believed that Spike would eat the precious gemstone that he gave her. Instead, he only grasped the heart-shaped with his mouth without swallowing. He then yanked it and snapped the gold chain as if he was ripping another bra. “AH!” Rarity gasped as Spike took her by surprise. Honestly, she was finding it very difficult to predict his actions, as he gave her a funny smile with her jewelry in his mouth. “I don’t want this to get in the way…” he remarked as he removed it from his mouth. He then carefully placed it neatly on her nightstand with his tail. Afterwards, he brought his attention back to the white mare who was becoming more willing in her mind. He moved his claws to prey on her lovely breasts without removing her clothing. If Spike had to rate the size of her breasts, she would be between Twilight and Pinkie Pie. Of course, it didn’t matter what size they were when they were Rarity's, in which he was grasping firmly. She made slight groans with his aggressive approach, but said nothing as he tightened his grip. Spike did however, ripped the buttons on her shirt when he grasped the collar from both sides and pulled. Her breasts bounced humbly as her black brassiere was revealed. He couldn’t wait to see the rest of her lingerie, as he eyed her skirt and reached for it. At first, Spike was planning to rip it apart. However, he decided that Rarity wouldn’t like it if he ruined it. Thus, he dug his claw right under her rear in order to find that distinctive zipper of hers, and pulled it down. He then gently took his time pulling her skirt down and revealing the rest of her sexy lingerie with laces and straps. While he did remove her shoes, he liked the pantyhose that covered the majority of her legs. She looked like a model from Ponytoria’s Secret not only by her current appearance, but the way how she looked at him calmly yet shyly. Heh, so this is it? I lose my virginity like this… I suppose a lady like me could find this situation erotic… Rarity admitted in her mind. The situation reminded her of an erotic novel that she read during her recent visit to her family. Her cousin recommended it and she couldn’t help but pleasure herself to it. But in this situation, it was real and Spike was actually going to take her for his own. This seemed so wrong and yet, it seemed so right. My word, have I become a dirty mare??? Rarity felt embarrassed. Especially when Spike slowly reached with his claws…only to lay them beside her body. “Huh?” “Rarity…” Spike’s eyes were slit, but this seemed different. “I want you…I already confessed my feelings but…” Rarity was confused. “But what…?” she asked unsure. “But…I always thought that I would take you when you were enjoying it…” Spike looked to the side. “I-” Rarity didn’t expect this. Spike knew that he was doing wrong? And that his heart couldn’t let him go on like this? “I…can’t even get an erection because of this…” he confessed. Yup, that settled it. “Spike…” she gently placed a hand on his spiky cheek with a surprised reaction. Had it been a different male, she would have screamed and kicked him where it hurt. And yet, it was different with Spike as he made her crave it by this point. Rarity couldn't help but find his confession cute as he looked at her with a embarrassed expression that nearly made her giggle despite what was going on now. She did not pity Spike, but actually found him to be sweet enough to be considerate up to the last second. “Actually...I've had a sexual fantasy that is quite similar to this…” she also confessed. Before Spike could respond, “…but you’re doing this because of your feelings for me right? And the fact that your apparent, ‘undying love’ for me has caused your ‘urges’ to go this far…correct?” “I- Yes…” he admitted with a blush. His eyes were still slit-shaped. “For a moment I thought that I lost ‘you’ when you removed my clothes… And yet, you stopped right at the line-limit…thank you…” Rarity hugged his neck and smiled happily. Spike was too cute and too honest for her to be mad at him. Although while she did wanted better control of the situation, HER urges were demanding as well. Thus, she almost hated herself for wanting to do this as well. And so, “Buuuuuuuuuuuuut, we don’t have to stop~” she gave a wicked grin. Spike’s erection gave the proper reaction. “Really?” he asked with happiness to both her consent and sharing the same feelings as him. Rarity giggled as she felt his erection against her leg. “Oh but of course my dear… At least you stopped and assured my consent before it was too late~” she added sweetly as she looked at him. “Before it was too late?” Spike asked confused. “Hmmm yes dear~ Before I kicked your dragon balls~” she smiled with eyes fluttering at him. “Which I would assume is quite large no?” Spike gave a solid expression. “Ha…hah…ah…” he said. Rarity giggled before he followed with, “Like I haven’t heard THAT before…” “What?” “Nothing-” he said quickly. Before she could respond, “But I will make this special…for both of us…” Spike said with an honest smile. While his eyes didn’t change, the slit pupils seemed less intimidating. In fact, it made him look more mature in his own way. Rarity liked the term ‘special’. But what she really like was how opened Spike was in general. Honestly, more males should be like him…I would give myself to ‘him’ without hesitation… Ok, maybe I am not EASY like that, but I really admire that in a male… Rarity confessed in her mind. But she focused on the now as she answered, “Well you would be my first…” with a smile. Spike’s erection couldn’t get any harder. The moment he heard that, he grasped her body and pressed his face against her breasts. He took a big whiff of her body scent, and shuddered as the excitement rushed throughout his body. He started to rip her underwear apart, regardless of her preference in keeping her things from being ruined. Her purple flower was as exposed as her purple nipples, making his sexual lust rise even higher. He took a moment to notice that her pubic hair was uniquely shaved into the same diamond patterns to that of her cutie mark. “Ah!” Rarity yelped as Spike was clearly excited knowing the status of her virginity. So males DO take pride in becoming a lady’s first? I swear, they need to- OH! Rarity couldn’t think straight when Spike’s claws were grasping her bare breasts without mercy. He even used his index claw and thumb claw to pinch her purple nipples. “NMmm…” she moaned as Spike’s technique was already satisfying her taste. Spike’s enjoyment was a pure understatement; he was breathing faster and heavier than Rarity. He used his tongue and lips to effectively play with her breasts. He gave a few squeezes that caused the white mare to release some sweet lovely sounds. Eventually, he focused on sucking her nipples like a hungry foal. When this went on for at least eight minutes, he pulled away and licked his lips. “Ah…” Rarity was breathing heavy as Spike’s foreplay on her breasts, was far from an amateur-level. Were dragons naturally this talented? She envied the female dragons after just getting a taste of dragon foreplay. Especially when her flower made a clear mess on the sheets… “Now for this…” Spike said as he moved closer to her face. He trailed his tongue across her neck, nice and slowly. Then, he moved his claws towards her gentle flower and made a stop at her clit in order to tug it ever so gently. Spike let out a chuckle when Rarity whimpered and moaned softly. When he finally decided to move a finger into her, she squirmed slowly. When he added another, she gasped. With the third, she squealed. “AHh…! HAHH!” Rarity was never touched like that before. Yes, she pleasured herself and had a few toys, but a dragon’s finger-claws were something entirely different. They looked sharped and yet, they didn’t cut or harm her in anyway. It just pleasured her entirely and gave nothing negative in the mix. Spike watched as the love of his life couldn’t stop squirming. Juices were flying out of her flower in a loud squirting noise. To Spike, it felt like a rushing waterfall that flowed endlessly onto the bed. Of course, he remembered that mare’s special sweet spot of hers… “HNnn…..HA! Ah! HA! AHHH!” Rarity couldn’t take it anymore as Spike started to attack her G-spot. It felt so good and it drove her crazier than when she saw something that lacked stylishness. She gasped and experienced a powerful orgasm that didn’t go unnoticed by the purple dragon. The rich juices that she carried in her body, gave off a scent that stood Rarity apart from the rest of the mares. “Hmmm…..mnnnn…” she moaned sweetly as she closed her eyes and bit her lip. Spike caused her to orgasm in just the first ten minutes! Spike slowly pulled his fingers out of her flower. As he did so, a trail of her rich juices was dragged to his mouth, before having a taste. After a few seconds, he moved his juice covered fingers towards her own mouth. While Rarity was panting, she saw what Spike was doing. Having a lady like her taste her own juices was unheard of! However, “Hmmmhh….hnnnnn…” The white mare moaned as she tasted her release. She would never do this type of thing to herself, unless a handsome male like Spike was making her. She felt so naughty licking ‘herself’ like this…and she liked it. To top it off, Spike was pleasuring her…horn?! “AH!!!” she moaned as her eyes widened. She squirmed uncontrollability, as Spike did a ruthless oral attack on her horn. She couldn’t breathe right, she couldn’t think right, and she was pretty sure that she came again. Eventually, Spike did release her horn from his mouth and allowed her to relax. “Ahh….ha….” she panted as she opened her eyes and appeared to be in a daze. Looking at him with a weak smile, she brought her attention back to his claw and continued to clean it with her mouth… After Rarity finished cleaning his finger-claws, he decided that now was the time to take her virginity. While he took Fluttershy’s only yesterday, Rarity was a special occasion. This made him feel as if this was his first time, as if he were still a virgin dragon. He gently moved into a spooning position with one of her legs lifted. His penis gently probed the opening of her virgin flower, feeling the wetness making contact with the tip of his penis. Spike was beyond excited; he was really about to be the first male that Rarity ever slept with! Thoughts rushed through the adult dragon’s mind, as all of this was becoming too much to even comprehend. In fact, he didn’t realize that he was inside of her until a few seconds later. “NNgh…” Rarity shut her eyes and bit her lip. Spike was bigger than she expected, as his penis was reaching pretty deep inside of her. My goodness is he big! Rarity shouted in her mind. Gah…ah….can I handle it?? she asked herself as she bit her lip even harder. Rarity’s hymen was broken before thanks to her personal toys, but this was the first time she had a real penis inside of her. She whimpered quietly as Spike finally made contact with the entrance of her womb. “Ah…” she sighed as she was relieved by this point. “Nnh…” Rarity was now releasing moans of pleasure as Spike started to move. First it was going out, and now it was coming back in. The pace was building up nicely, giving them both a respective amount of time to fully enjoy the pleasure that was shared between them. Sweet sounds of pleasure were coming out of Rarity more and more easily. She closed her eyes and smiled as she felt his dragon cock really filling her up. I am inside of her…I am inside of HER! Spike realized as this felt like a dream. This was too good to be truth, but it WAS real! Spike was actually having sex with the one pony that made him melt everyday he saw her. The one pony that was always in his dreams every time he slept, and the one pony that he wanted to wake up with. It almost brought tears of joy into his eyes, but he held them back as he needed to dragon up- oh the hell with it! “What…huh?” Rarity noticed something funny with Spike’s movement. He was still moving, but she felt something odd about his face nuzzling against her neck. It felt like he was trembling as she turned her head slightly. She frowned as Spike stopped entirely, and was crying. “Spike…” she said softly as she moved a hand to his cheek. “Did you cum already dear? It’s fine…” she assumed. “No I didn’t…” Spike told her as he rubbed his face against the pillow to dry his tears. Then, “I am just that happy…” he confessed with a weak smile. Rarity returned a smile of her own and said, “I understand, just take your time…” With that, Spike spent another minute to comprehend what was happening. When his mind was settled, he said, “Ok, let’s continue…” Spike started to move again. Rarity’s tightness brought natural pleasure to his body within each passing second. As he became more confident, he started to move more aggressively. Spike even growled a bit in order to get the blood and nerves even more excited within both their bodies. Spike’s thrusting in the spooning position was becoming more consistent with hard thrusts, and well-paced rhythm for intense pleasure. Keep it up Spike! Spike believed that he was now in full control of his natural instincts. Rarity closed her eyes after the first minute. The pleasure was beyond than satisfying as Spike’s thrusts were hitting her in the right spots. Every now and then, his penis glazed against her G-spot and made effective work in building up yet another orgasm. Her open moans were nothing to be ashamed of, as Spike was treating her the same way that she wanted to be treated, both body and soul. Rarity became even more aroused when the slapping sounds of their flesh became louder after each minute. Rarity agreed that this was way better than using a lifeless toy. Spike stopped after a few minutes more and pulled out of her. “Gah…” he growled as he stroked his penis. He gestured Rarity to try another position with him. Rarity groaned slightly as she felt his large member slid out of her. She understood as she got up and leaned against the pillows, allowing her upper body to lay down while she stayed on her knees in order to present her rear to him. She felt chills down her spine as Spike grasped her two sweet buns with his monstrous claws, pinching her sharply at the same time. A gentle yelp mixed with a moan occurred as she felt Spike re-enter her from behind. This time, he was really against the insides of her pussy and probed deeper against the entrance of her womb. This position was simply amazing as she felt really filled up, compared to the other positions with Spike and her sex toys. She gripped the sheets tightly and bit her lip as Spike continued to thrust with increasing vigor. The thrusts drove Rarity with madness since they continued to send a powerful wave of pleasure throughout her body. Spike was as horny as a dog, so it wasn’t a surprise that this position was making him enjoy sex to the fullest with her. His penis continued to bang against her insides as his dragon balls did their part in slapping against her as well. Spike was never this aroused when Rarity gave him a kiss on the cheek last week. In fact, having sex with their friends wasn’t as arousing as he thought, after what he was experiencing. “Ohh….oh…oh…oh….oh…” Spike wondered how long until Rarity would drop dead (not literally) from sexual exhaustion. He watched as Rarity continued to moan even louder. “Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” Wow I am really making her feel it… Spike thought as Rarity continued to moan. Maybe he was being modest but he didn’t expect to be doing this well of a job with Rarity. Of course, it could be because he was the only one that she ever slept with. “Hmmm…oh Spike!” she moaned loudly as Spike was making her cum. Her body shook as she arched her body and enjoyed the sweet release. “Ahhhh….!” She moaned sweetly with a smile on her face. Rarity closed her eyes and mouth after feeling her body melt. But that wasn’t over as she expected Spike to release into her. “Hmmm…yes Spike…cum for me…” she demanded with a seductive moan. “Hmmmmmm fuck my pussy and cum inside my pussy darling…” Rarity moaned again. Spike was aroused by her words and did feel close to his own release. “Ahh….hah…” he panted heavily as he moved at a faster pace. Each time the tip of his penis made contact with her womb, he fantasied about how he would shoot his seed into her womb with the intent to impregnate her, even if the chance was that slim. I love you Rarity…! he yelled in his mind as he continued to build his release. After another minute had passed, “Grrah…gr..hh…….AH!” Spike’s release came in perfect sync with his last thrust. As he stopped and pressed hard against the entrance of her womb, his prostate tightened and shot the flow of hot semen through his penis and into her womb. The tightness was really something as he couldn’t stroke his penis to better control the flow of his release, and was at the mercy of her lovely walls. “GARHAHH!!!!” “AHHH!” Rarity’s eyes snapped opened as she felt a thick hot liquid pouring into her. The heat brought a burning sensation into her that made her feel beyond warm. Her eye lids lowered, and her mouth hanged opened as her tongue was slowly lying on her lower lip. It literally felt as if a fire laid inside her, ready to grow into a living thing. Of course, she knew that ponies and dragons couldn’t cross-breed. But she couldn’t help but find it erotic to possibly be impregnated by a fire-breathing beast like Spike. Sadly though, she knew that deep in her mind that she couldn’t carry a child inside of her with Spike, no matter how hard they tried. Regardless, this was the moment was of sex and pleasure. “Ahhh….!” Spike took a deep breath as he panted heavily with the white mare. He grunted as he made a few more deep-aggressive thrusts, before pulling out of her and stroking out what was left. It felt amazing as he continued to stroke his member, with the intent to cum again. “Ah…” Rarity winced as she felt Spike’s penis pull out of her. She sighed a bit as Spike’s work made her body extremely sensitive. She was relieved that Spike finished after realizing that Spike could possibly break her. My word…he’s more ferocious than I thought… Rarity realized as she closed her eyes, wanting to rest properly this time. However that wouldn’t be possible as Spike had other ideas. Rarity’s eyes suddenly opened again. “S-SPIKE!” “Grhhh…” Spike’s dragon meat was already two inches deep inside Rarity’s anus. He mounted her from behind, and made sure to stay in this position if he was to get as deep as possible. Soft groans escaped from him as his testicles were now against her cream-filled flower. While her anus wasn’t lubricated naturally, the tightness was kind enough to allow his thrusts to occur without issues. Spike even went as far as to lift Rarity’s upper body by gently pulling her mane back. “AH!” she gasped as Spike’s grip caused her upper body to lift. She had to use her hands for support if she wanted her mane to remain intact. Spike was really acting like a beast; what kind of male would treat a lady like her as if she was owned by him? Honestly, Spike acted as if he were a dragon- Oh wait… Spike’s breathing pattern was not balanced right by this point, as his mental mind was distracted by what he was doing. With his nerves distracted by the pleasure, his senses were fully committed to sex without another thought in the matter. And somehow, Spike was aware of what was happening. My gosh is Rarity tight… he grunted in his mind. Her tail hole is just amazing… Spike’s tail swooshed a bit as he yanked her mane even more. Rarity grunted as Spike continued to ponyhandle her. Somehow, she wasn’t in pain by his pulling. Perhaps her senses were tricking her because of how good it felt? She couldn’t tell at all… “Ohhh….” Spike was now thrusting a much slower pace, but made sure that she felt those particular thrusts. This pace was quite pleasurable, as Rarity was now able to enjoy it while relaxing at the same time. The slow pumps into her rectum felt quite good. “MMmmmm…” The purple dragon slowly took his time with the thrusts. It wasn’t because he was going to cum, but rather that he was starting to get tired. Thrusting slowly had a bigger effect in making the nerves in his penis go wild. Even more than if he was thrusting at a faster pace, which would naturally build his release. Maybe it was just him, or maybe other males would feel the same during sex. Regardless, Spike was planning on releasing a even bigger load into this hole, just because he felt the need to have her feel his seed everywhere in and out of her body. As he slowly moved out of her, he felt her anal wrinkles gently ‘tugging’ him to stay linked with her. And as he slowly moved back in, they welcomed him back with no shame. His penis pressed deeper and it felt as if she was sucking him dry. Eventually, he felt his orgasm approach and thus, moved faster in order to release. “Aghh…” he growled as he thrust faster for a few minutes. It paid off as he felt that sweet release about to shoot out of his penis. It felt so promising and he couldn’t wait to release…NOW. “Ohhhnnnnnhh…” Rarity closed her eyes as her mouth opened with a gasp. Spike’s penis had release another batch of hot thick semen into her. This time, it felt different inside of her rectum and by different, she was thinking ‘amazing’. She felt much warmer and Spike’s heavy growling made the experience even more thrilling. She felt him breathing over her shoulder that caused her to giggle. “Had enough?” Spike was breathing heavy. And yet, he was still able to answer, “Actually…” before pulling her body backwards. “I am still in the mood…” “What- AH!” Rarity was taken by surprise… *Five minutes later* “OAHh….AH….AHHHh!” Rarity couldn’t stop screaming in pleasure as Spike was still attacking her from behind. Although the position this time, involved Spike lifting one of her legs while she used the end of her bed’s frame for support. Anal sex was still in effect, and Spike wasn’t letting up as he continued to thrust like a mindless animal. But of course, Rarity was aware that he was still ‘Spike’ while going to the extreme… *Ten minutes later* “Hmmmm.fhfhmmmm…mmff…” Rarity muffed as Spike forced her to take his big dragon cock into her mouth. This time, she was lying on her back and Spike gently sat on her breasts in order to ‘skull-buck’ her. While she did taste the filth from both her holes (and his semen), she couldn’t help but find this so erotic because of how dirty it was. “MMfmfmf….mfmfmfmf!” Rarity muffed as Spike’s release shot directly down her throat. It tasted thicker than how it felt and looked. When Spike pulled away, she opened her mouth as the amount was too much for her. And yet, she licked her lips despite most of it flowing out of her mouth… *Fifteen minutes later* “MMmmfff…mmfmfmfmfm…” Perhaps it would have been better if she gave herself a chance to breathe and simply sit on his face. But experiencing the famous ’69 position’ was something that she wanted to try for a long time. Especially with those erotic novels that she took the liberty to read, while building various sexual fantasies from them. It paid off as she slowly bobbed her head and closed her eyes in order to savor the taste of their respective naughty side. Spike’s tongue wouldn’t stop swirling around her pussy, which naturally flowed out the previous seed that he planted due to the excess wetness she gained… *Twenty minutes later* “OHhh….oh……ah!.......” Rarity tried to pace herself as she moved up and down on Spike’s big meat. Over the last hour, Spike released at least six times inside of her, whereas Rarity had orgasmed at least nine times. It couldn’t be helped with the excitement and work that Spike brought/did to her. While she did her part, she likely became more aroused than Spike during their sex session. Maybe she would get her tenth after a few more minutes. Rarity also didn’t expect for Spike to last this long, nor did she expect him to maintain an erection without the need to rest. Dragons were really special creatures… “Ohahh….oh….ah…” The gentle sounds of their flesh slapping together would soon end, as Rarity was satisfied since an hour ago. And yet, Spike made her crave for more despite her weariness. Stupid dragon was making Rarity do more than what she wanted and she couldn’t get mad because of how good it felt at the same time. “Nnnnnhhh….AH!” she sighed in pleasure as she had her tenth orgasm. Never had she ever experience more than two orgasms in a continuous sex session like this. Most of the time, she only spent fifteen minutes at most in order to satisfy her sexual needs with her personal toys. “Hahmm….AH!” But as Spike released his seventh shot into her womb, she came to realize that one could never get enough of this type of pleasure. More than eating sweets, more than stretching your body on the couch, and perhaps even more than sleeping in on any day of the week. She became addicted as she dropped gently onto his manly chest. The room reeked of sex: body sweat, gender fluids, and filth. She slowly closed her eyes as her breathing pattern matched with the big dragon under her… *Much later…* Spike was the first to wake up. He became silent since after their first experience of anal sex together. Only panting and growls occurred while all the attention was on Rarity. But that didn’t prevent him from falling asleep with Rarity. Thus, he woke up with pleasure as he stretched his body. Last thing he remembered, Rarity was on his body and the sheets weren’t on him…so why was everything the opposite? He opened his eyes completely and stood up straight. To his left, Rarity was sleeping with the covers covering up to her shoulders. She was sleeping soundly with a smile on her face, and her purple mane was slightly messy. Spike smiled as he wanted to cuddle…but he was interrupted by knocking on the window of her room. He turned around and his jaw dropped; Twilight was waving at him to come open the window. Why was she here? Regardless, Spike got up with a confused expression as he took his time walking over and opened the window. “Spike, thank goodness I’ve- What’s that smell?” “Love.” he remarked sheepishly. Twilight gave a stern expression. “Right… So anyways, I think that you should know about that letter that Princess Celestia sent-” “I am not really interested Twilight…” Spike confessed. “In fact, I am pretty tired right now…” Spike added as he blinked. Maybe he went too far this time with the bucking… “Actually, you will want to hear this…” Twilight told him as she continued to give a displeased expression. When he groaned slightly, she held up the scroll from before and said, “It says: ‘Dear Twilight, I’ve recently learned from my sister Luna that Spike started a ‘wild run’ with sexual encounters that involved you and your respective close friends. Frankly, I am most displeased with the irresponsible behavior that YOU allowed to occur without taking proper action-’” “What- HOW did Princess Celestia learn about this?!” Spike asked horrified when he interrupted Twilight. “Wait, how did LUNA learn about this?” Twilight showed signs of discomfort. “Well…it is POSSIBLE, that Luna may have read your memories- as well as mine and the others-, when you were sleeping last night...” “She can do that?!” However, Twilight continued without answering him. “-‘However, Luna also reported to me of the emotional state that every pony was in during the respective time during each encounter. As for Spike, I understand that his species is different from ours and with his inexperience mind, it was a confusing phase for him within the last 36 hours. Despite my displeasure, I can forgive everypony (as well as Spike) that was involved; experiencing sexual intercourse with a different species is not taboo, nor is it against any strict law that I current hold as co-ruler. My only reason for this letter is due to the carelessness that occurred as the results will explain what makes the situation itself ‘careless’. By now, you yourself should know what I am referring to and I expect you, Spike, and everypony who was involved, to learn from this.’…” Twilight frowned as she read the last part: “‘Your teacher, Princess Celestia’…” Spike was relieved that no punishment would be brought down on them. While Celestia carried an impish personality, there were times when she would discipline the two of them. It depended on the crime and how old they were. But she wasn’t obtuse in anyway. And yet, “What did she mean by ‘ carelessness’ and ‘results’?” Twilight frowned even more. Then, she blushed and gave a nervous laugh. “Hey good news, turns out that dragons can impregnate ponies!” Twilight continued to laugh nervously. Spike gave an expression that told one of how nervous HE was. “Um…how do you know this…?” he asked with a nervous laugh himself. “Yeah…um…” Twilight looked away with a blush and backed off, making Spike’s jaw drop. Twilight had a belly that made her look like she was carrying a child for the last eight months. Her breasts were larger as well, and likely filled with mare milk to feed her foal/dragon hybrid when the time comes. “HOW THE BUCK- YOU WEREN’T LIKE THIS WHEN WE WOKE UP!” Spike screamed as he stumbled backwards, but kept his balance. “Hey Twilight, did you tell him?” “What-” Spike knew that voice as he hurried to the window and realized the other mares that were out of his view before. “This is so not awesome…” Rainbow Dash blushed as she looked to the side annoyed. “I wanted to join the Wonderbolts before I got knocked up!” “Well shoot, I reckon’ Applebloom will have to help around the farm while I carry this one…” Applejack said with a sigh. “Oh dear, I do hope that I’ll be a good mother…” Fluttershy stated as she looked at her stomach with a blush. Completely embarrassed. “Cool!” Pinkie Pie stated happily as she was clearly proud. “Now we can set up play-dates and hang out more!” she said with a big smile. “How the- only- one- day-” Spike was horrified as he saw the stomachs of every mare that he slept with over the last two days. All of them had stomachs that matched the size of Twilight’s. Their breasts were naturally large as well (hell, Rainbow Dash turned into a C-cup now) and Spike was still having a difficult time believing this. “IN JUST ONE DAY?!?!?!?!” “Apparently, a dragon’s sperm needs only a day or two before impregnating a mare…” Twilight said with another nervous laugh. She couldn’t help but blush even more at the situation. “Wait, then that means-” “Darling?” Spike froze. He slowly turned around and saw Rarity standing behind him and naked. “Did you feed me in my sleep…?” she asked as she frowned at her new appearance. “AHHHH!!!” Spike yelled as he woke up and found himself still in Rarity’s bed. “Ah….ah…..hahh….” he panted heavily as he rubbed his eyes. What a nightmarish situation he had- “Darling, is something wrong?” Spike nearly flinched, but relaxed as Rarity stood up straight as well from his left side. She showed concern on her face as the sheets only covered up to her legs. Thus, he saw that her body was as normal as before. “No…I just had a bad-” “Can I get you something Spike?” Twilight asked as she appeared from the right side and from under the sheets. “No-” “O-oh my, is e-everything a-alright?” Fluttershy asked as she appeared on his left side as well. Only she was up against him and by his chest. “Yeah, everything’s-” “Sug, can I get you something? Maybe some more sweet apple pie?” Applejack appeared under the sheet and by his right leg. “What- No I am fine-” “Is everything ok? I want things to still be awesome~” Rainbow Dash stated, before appearing from the foot of the bed. “I am fine-” “I can do that for you again if you want!” Pinkie Pie offered as she appeared as well. “Damnit I already told the first bitch ‘no’!” Spike remarked angrily. “Eeyup!” “AHHHH!!!” Spike yelled as he woke up and found himself still in Rarity’s bed once again. “Ah….ah…..hahh….” he panted heavily as he couldn’t believe that he had a double nightmare. What was going on? He blinked a few more times before looking to his left. “Hey, I just had a nightmare-” “Eeeee what’s that there sonny? Mah ears ain’t as good as they use to be!” said a white maned, green colored, old mare. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Spike screamed as he woke up…AGAIN. “HAHAHH……HAAAAAAAAAAAAAh……….” He was breathing harder than ever. “WHAT THE BUCK MAN!!!!?!?!?!?!” he yelled as this was really becoming stupid. “Rarity-” he started as he turned to see her. But surprisingly, she was not on his left side. “What- Where is she-” Spike froze as he realized that somepony was under the sheets. The pony moved a bit as if trying to do something…to his penis. He nearly took the sheet off to see if it was Rarity, but it was moving along towards him. Then, the pony lifted the sheet with her head and gave a seductive smile, slowly fluttering her blue eyes at him as she exposed her naked body to him. “My, my, did my dragon have a bad dream? I can make all the bad dreams go away…” Princess Luna offered with a wink. By this point, she was next to his penis, keeping her eyes on him while she trailed her finger around his penis that was apparently erected. “I- I- I-” “Shhhh…” Princess Luna placed a finger (from her free hand) on his lips. “Just sit back and enjoy-” Luna was cut off as the door slammed open. Standing in the doorway with a blistering bright light, was none other than Princess Celestia who looked ANGRY. “LUNA!” Luna’s eyes widened when she realized who was behind her. “S-sister-!” she started as she turned around. However, Princess Celestia was already dragging Luna out of the room by her beautiful mane. Clearly she didn’t want to hear her sister’s explanation. “I don’t want to hear it!!!” she thundered as she dragged her younger sister. “OW! OW! OW! OW!” Princess Luna cried as her sister was dragging her by her own mane and it obviously hurt. Spike was speechless as his jaw dropped. At first, he was simply going to let them go away and wake up. However, “WAIT!” he started. “What was with THOSE nightmares that you gave me-!?!” Spike demanded to know. “It was- OW! An accident! OW!!” Princess Luna managed to explain, before leaving the room, and just as the surroundings converted into a bright light… “AH!” Spike gasped as he woke up for what was perhaps the final time today. He panted heavily after looking straight at the ceiling. This time, he knew that this was real and not another dream after waiting for a few minutes. And yet, he couldn’t stand up straight; Rarity was still on him from his left side. She was resting her head on his chest and breathing softly while the sheets covered only up to their knees. Spike spent a few more minutes just to watch Rarity sleep. It was funny; he violated every part of her bare body with his own bare body and so, one would expect that he enjoyed the fullest of pleasures with her. And yet, he found so much ‘pleasure’ in just watching her. That gentle smile and that overall gentle expression, was what Spike loved about Rarity. No matter what they did together, her sleeping and him being able to see her face, was more priceless than an endless amount of sex and gemstones put together. This time, Spike knew that he was in heaven as he smiled softly. “Nnnnmmmmhh…” Rarity groaned slightly as she stretched her body. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled when she saw Spike. She slowly gave him a kiss in the lips and stated, “Hmmm darling, you were sooo good~” “Really?” Spike asked her. While he knew that he did a good job, he wanted to make sure that Rarity felt the same and that he did not just believe what his ego told him. “Why of course my dear~ I especially love it whenever you played with my horn~ Overall, you were better than a mare’s best friend~” she remarked with a giggle as she moved closer against him to cuddle. Spike smiled but stopped moments later. “Diamonds?” he asked. Rarity gave a funny giggle. “A vibrator silly…” “Ah…” Spike said as he chuckled and blushed a bit. Rarity smiled and giggled as she understood that diamonds were often viewed as a female’s best friend. But of course, she couldn’t resist saying, “But, you’re not far off…” When Spike looked at her, she worked her magic towards the nightstand that was closer to Spike. They watched as her magic made contact with the draw to pull it open. Seconds later, a dildo was lifted and brought in front of their faces. It was entirely white, with the exception of the lumps that looked like…DIMONADS? “Diamonds?” Spike asked as he looked at the sex toy. “Polished and smoothed for pleasure~” Rarity stated proudly. “I expect as much…” Spike confessed. He then smiled as he looked at her. “I love you Rarity…” Rarity didn’t look at him. She blushed with a smile as she was shy about it. “I feel the same now that you’re old enough…” she confessed. That brought joy to Spike’s mind. So everything did work out in the end. But of course… “But wait…” Rarity stopped smiling as she looked at him. “How DID you become so good at this…?” she asked him after realizing it. Rarity was so caught up in the moment of sex, that she didn’t realize that Spike was possibly not a virgin like her. Spike suddenly remembered how Twilight reacted and what she told him this morning. However, he had to come clean even if it was late. Thus, “Yeah about that…” Spike spent the next five minutes explaining to her to what happened yesterday when he woke up, up to now. He didn’t scratch out any detail, as he wanted to be perfectly honest with her. “I see…” Rarity blinked as Spike finished. She looked to the side with a blush. Of course, what other explanation was there over the fact that he was so good at this? “Um…” Spike was unsure how she felt. “Are you mad?” Spike needed to know as her reaction was different from what he expected. He actually believed that Rarity would scream at him the very next second. “Actually, it’s quite alright darling.” she said with a smile. While Spike didn’t become ‘surprised’, he was actually more relieved that she wasn’t mad at him and didn’t want to question it. But of course, “It is?” Rarity nodded. “Well I cannot simply get mad at you when you didn’t know any better Spike. Especially when you were having a difficult time understanding your new body and the natural urges…” she explained. “That and your confused feelings…” she added. Spike blinked as she took this much easier than the others. Perhaps more than Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy who didn’t have a problem with what he did. Although he did feel guilty in some form after how half of them reacted, despite the forgiveness they gave him. “Well, I promise to fully commit to you; I promise to never sleep with anyone else. Dragon’s honor.” Spike told her. Yes, it would SUCK, but for her? He would do anything… Rarity could tell that Spike may have felt guilty for what he did, and that he wanted to prove that he would do anything for her with commitment. “Really Spike? That’s so sweet…” she remarked with a smile. “But honestly now, I am not mad nor would I hold it against you if you slept with them again…” Rarity told him. Spike was now surprised when he heard those words. “Really???” Rarity nodded with a wink. “Of course Spike. I may be old-fashioned, but I am more open-minded than that. After all, I DO represent the element of generosity.” she reminded him. Spike couldn’t believe that he forgot about that. “Right!” he said with embarrassment. They shared a laugh and cuddled together again and sighed deeply. A few minutes passed before Spike asked, “So, you want to do something later?” Rarity nodded. “Of course darling, perhaps we can-” “We can what?” Spike asked a few seconds later. He looked at Rarity whose eyes had widened entirely. She seemed stunned about something as she pointed at him. “What is it-” “S-Spike, y-you-” she pointed at him. “What are you-” Spike started but realized what she was pointing at. His eyes widened as he stood on the bed and spread his new wings. They were at least half his size on each respective side, flexing and moving in various ways as Spike was getting use to the new nerves that his body controlled. They felt like extra arms or extra tails in this case. The tissues of his wing membrane were green naturally, while the thick bone joints kept a purple tone that matched with his purple scales. Powerfully built, he flapped his wings once, and a strong gust of wind rushed into the room while causing Rarity to finch. “I…have wings…!” he said slowly. “I have wings! I have wings! I HAVE WINGS!” he yelled happily as he flexed them and couldn’t keep his eyes off of them. He truly was an adult dragon now! “But how...?” Spike questioned. Rarity watched as Spike was expressing his joy over his now fully matured body. Clearly it meant so much for Spike to have wings as he spun around with the intent to get a better look. After hearing his question, she gave it some thought. Finally, “Well…you did say something about Fluttershy’s lovely advice over your recent chance; perhaps the problem that your body was dealing with, had been your guilt towards me? You yourself did mention that you felt the need to confess everything to me…” Rarity reminded him. “I…” Spike looked at her. Slowly folding his wings, he lowered himself next to Rarity. While she was possibly right, Spike then realized what really prevented his growth from fully maturing. “But guilt wasn’t it Rarity; what prevented my growth was the greed I had when I woke up yesterday…” Rarity looked at him confused. “My sexual urges demanded to be satisfied, and no matter how many times I slept with a mare, the prize that I wanted the most was in fact you. Because I loved you so much and because I believed that I couldn’t have you, I wanted to have you more than ever... You alone were a priceless individual that I believed that I would not be good enough to ‘have’ by my side…” Spike added as he looked at her with a sad expression. “When you can’t have something that you want, you want it more than ever…and after this…” he gestured at their nudity. “...my desires were met…and both my mind and my body were settled…” Rarity took a moment to understand what he was trying to explain. And yet, she needed to know something. “Spike, what in the world would lead you to believe that you were not good enough for me…?” Spike wouldn’t look at her. He sighed and kept his eyes closed while remaining silent. It took him a while before he could answer, “Because I can’t give you a child…” “What- Spike!” Rarity was shocked by what he said. “Spike, is that all?” she asked as she placed a hand on his spiky cheek. She made him open his eyes to stare into her blue eyes before repeating, “Spike, is that all?” “Yes- It is the reason why I’ve been hesitating…” Spike confessed. “Could you really be with someone who couldn’t give you a child of your own by blood?” Rarity looked at him for a moment. It seemed as if time slowed down the longer that she stared at him. And yet, she smiled softly. “Spike,” she started. “I may have dreamed of mothering children of my own after carrying one inside of me for a long cycle…” Rarity kissed his lips. “…but I can learn to let go…for you.” Spike couldn’t believe what he heard. Those were the exact words that he wanted to hear from the one that he loved. That it would work out between them, despite over the possibility having to sacrifice a few things and that their love would be enough to get them through anything. It was perhaps the most happiest moment in Spike’s life, as he failed to realize the tears of joy escaping from his emerald eyes. Only when Rarity gently wiped his cheek dry with her thumb, did he realized that he was crying. They then shared a smile before cuddling together again. Spike held her close and took this all in with a calm and settled mind, as he needed this so badly. Rarity was pressing against his chest and closing her eyes in order to relax with him. Spike waited for a while longer before feeling his stomach growl. Smirking, he looked down at Rarity who was likely awake and simply relaxing. “Hey, how bout you continue your ‘generously’ and go make me a sandwich?” Spike told her as he gave a hard smack on one of her buns. He grasped it firmly. Rarity opened her eyes. “OGH!” “GO MAKE YOUR OWN SANDWICH!” Spike rubbed his nose as he landed pretty hard on the grass in front of Rarity’s home. As he started to stand again, he felt his clothing landing on him from above. “Bah-” “HONESTLY, WHAT KIND OF MARE DO YOU THINK I AM?!” Rarity added as she slammed her window shut. “Agh…” Spike said as he was still in pain. He stood up naked in front of her home, while rubbing his face. “Nice one Spike…” he told himself as he held his clothing in a bunch with one claw, while he used the other to continue rubbing his face. “I’ll have to apologize to her when I see her later…” Spike admitted as he turned around. Perhaps he was getting too far ahead of himself when he said something that Rarity would obviously find sexist. But it perhaps got worst as he realized who was behind him. “Um…” Sweetie Belle was in front of him. “………………………………………..” she simply stared at him with wide eyes, as her mouth was closed. Sweetie Belle was holding a milkshake that she got from Sugarcube Corner. She didn’t faint, nor did she scream despite seeing the bare body of Spike, who suddenly realized that she watching his penis and covered it with his clothes. Finally, “I could make you a sandwich…” Sweetie Belle kept the same expression with a blush. “Oh no you won’t!” Spike nearly jumped as Rarity appeared next to him while wearing her silk robe. “I will take the liberty to make you your sandwich…” Rarity said with displeasure, as she blushed and continued to push Spike back into her home… The next few hours seemed to get better. Yes, Sweetie Belle saw a penis for the first time in her life, yes Rarity was still somewhat upset with Spike, and yes, Spike was having trouble getting use to his new wings... “Would you come down already??!” Twilight yelled from bellow. Spike surprised the purple mare by gliding towards their home and appeared in front of their doorway. Twilight was trying to tell him something, but he continued to pay no mind as he finally managed to find a way to carry his weight properly with his wings. “SPIKE!” she yelled once again. “Alright, alright!” Spike shouted as he rolled his eyes. He wanted to fly some more but decided to listen to Twilight as he landed awkwardly in front of her. “Ahg...” he said as he nearly tripped. “I got to work on my landing…” he admitted. “You couldn’t come down within the last ten minutes when I was yelling at you???” Twilight asked with a glare. “I am happy ok?” Spike remarked sharply. “I confessed my love to Rarity and made love to her at the same time! She also shared my feelings; this is the best day of my life Twilight! Why can’t you let me enjoy it?” he questioned her as he rolled his eyes before folding his wings closed. “What is it that so urgent, that you needed me to come down ‘ASAP’?” Spike finally asked. This time, Twilight’s expression was more relaxed. “Well…remember when 'Princess Celestia' sent us that letter this morning…?” Spike’s anus had tightened as he remembered the nightmares that he had recently. “Yeahhhhhhhh…………?” Twilight’s eyes stared into his. She didn’t know how to say this, but… “Well it wasn’t from Princess Celestia, but rather Princess Luna…” “What-” “She said that she demands for you to see her-” Twilight didn’t get to finish; Spike suddenly burped green fire indicating that yet another message was sent. Before Twilight could even react, Spike caught it and held it tightly. Before she could even protest, “I think that I’ll have a look at this…” Spike explained. “I have a feeling that this is for me…” he added before opening the scroll and reading the contents in his mind: Dear Spike, After what happened in your last dream, I believed that you would naturally assume that this message is for you. I first would like to apologize for my sister’s behavior in causing you to experience very uncomfortable dreams. It was never my desire to bring discomfort to my loyal subjects, as you may have likely received a letter from my sister demanding your presence in our castle in Canterlot. In case if you have yet to realize it, I took notice over your recent activities surrounding your recent growth and sexual encounters with some of my other subjects from the previous day in Ponyville. Including two sexual encounters with my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. Later that night, I requested my sister Luna to scout within your dreams and memories while you were sleeping, in order to better understand what was occurring in Ponyville. I came to understand your natural confusion and sexual urges that occurred during the previous and current day, all relating to your recent change. Thus, this message is to simply give advice for you, my loyal dragon subject. I believe that it is my duty as co-ruler of Equestria to take responsibility as such and take action for what has occured. Thus, I must insist for you come to Canterlot in the near future in order for me to help you on more ‘personal terms’. I assure you that Luna will NOT bother you in your dreams again, and you are not required to meet with Luna’s ridiculous demand for your presence. And I do assure you that she WILL be disciplined for her actions… Do take care of yourself Spike~ Sincerely, Princess Celestia “…………………” Spike finished reading the letter in his mind. Twilight was waiting impatiently for the details. “Well? Was it really for you? Was it from Princess Luna again?” she asked impatiently as she crossed her arms. “At first I thought it was for me, but as I read on...” “Yeah, Princess Celestia just said that I don’t need to meet with her sister…” Spike said as he crumbled the letter and actually ate it to hide the evidence. Despite Twilight not protesting against his actions, she asked, “Did she explain the reason why Princess Luna requested your presence?” So Twilight doesn’t know that they know what went on? Spike realized. “Nope~” Spike lied again. Before Twilight could ask more questions, “So hey, wanna eat at Sugarcube Corner tonight? I am still craving a sweet tooth and Rarity wanted to meet with the others there…” Spike suggested. Luckily, Twilight didn’t protest. “I suppose so…” she said with a small smile. “To be honest Spike, I thought that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna found out about what you did; I was scared when Princess Luna demanded your presence in her castle instead of Princess Celestia herself…” Twilight confessed as they started to walk together. “Could you imagine what my teacher would do if she found out that we did it together? TWICE?” she asked before giving a soft laugh. “Heheh…yeah…” Spike said laughing nervously as they walked. Spike’s thoughts suddenly reminded him something important about that last letter: ’Personal terms’? Spike suddenly remembered. And what did she mean by ‘her duty to take reasonability’…? Spike frowned as he looked at the sky. If it was late in the afternoon, why was the sun still bright and not setting? THE END