> Actions Without Consequence > by Pony Bill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a perfectly normal day in Canterlot. Unicorns frolicked, the upper-class found something new to complain about, and the lone princess controlled the paths of the sun and the moon while ruling her unending monarchy. All was right with the world. And like most days Princess Celestia’s prized pupil was locked away in one of the taller towers of her castle reading another book from the personal library that made up her home. As the princess’s prized pupil, the purple unicorn was afforded many luxuries. Chief among them, she was given a baby dragon an assistant, along with unlimited access to the royal libraries. With the Summer Sun Celebration approaching, she sent her scaly assistant to fetch some reading material about the holiday. While history quite interested her, she was currently reading about memories. Magic over memories worked on all races. The functions of the brain differed very little between ponies, animals, and other intelligent beings like griffons, or even dragons. Memories could easily be erased, and even altered. They could even be used to alter a pony’s behavior and mood. The more she read the more she understood the powerful potential of such a spell. Right then Spike returned. “I found you every book in the royal library mentioning the Summer Sun Celebration,” chirped the dragon from behind a stack of books. Disturbed from her reading the unicorn lifted every book from her assistance grasp and levitated them to a table in the room. “Thank you Spike, that’s why you’re my number one assistant.” The title meant nothing, but the dragon seemed to get a kick out of it so Twilight adopted it. Even if he ignored her and ran away, he would still technically be her number one assistant. “No problem Twilight. Oh, Moon Dancer told me to remind you to come to her birthday party next week.” “Spike, you know how busy I am. Please, don’t tell me you told her I accepted her invitation.” “Sorry, I just kinda assumed.” He shrugged as she gasped out in anger. Quickly he thought it best to change the subject. “So, what are you working on right now,” he asked jumping on a stack of books to look at the book she was reading. “Oh just another spell.” An idea struck her. “Hey Spike can you help me with something.” “Sure thing, Twi.” Twilight reread the book, there was a counter spell should the memory spell fail, so she decided to see if she could erase some of his memory. About a minute should do. She charged her horn and tapped his forehead. She could make out the past minute in flashes. She isolated them from his memory and cut them off. “Did it work Spike?” “Did what work, Twilight?” “The spell.” “What spell?” The lavender mare clapped her hoves in happiness. It was easier than she expected it to be. Her assistant rolled his eyes playing it off as another one of her many quirks. “Oh hey, I almost forgot. Moon Dancer told me to remind you to come to her birthday party next week.” “Oh, thanks for reminding me,” lied Twilight. The dragonling looked over the book she was reading. “So what are you working on right now?” She suddenly had another idea. She wanted to test just how much she could get away with altering his memory. “Spike help me with a spell.” “Ok.” She pushed him off his stack of books. He fell on his back. He made to get up, but Twilight pinned him down with her hoof. “What the hay, Twilight!” “Hold on its part of the spell.” He relaxed taking her at face value. She placed her horn to his head and removed everything from when he came back and implanted the thought of him tripping. She backed away, he seemed in a daze. “Spike, are you okay?” “Oh, sorry Twilight, that was clumsy of me. I should be more careful.” He sat up. “Oh hey, I almost forgot. Moon Dancer…” “Party, got it. Help me with a spell.” She unceremoniously lifted him up and tossed him towards the base of the stairs. Before he could protest she said, “Spell test.” She removed all his memories again and implanted the image of him falling down the stairs. It was a success. After going through the same conversation again, she decided to see just how much she could get away with. She removed an entire day of memories and only implanted the idea of them going to the circus, and him having fun. The little dragon stared off in the distance for a second before snapping back to his usual cheerful demeanor. “Wow, thanks for taking me to the circus today Twilight.” “Oh no problem Spike. What was your favorite part?” The little dragon put the claw to his chin. “It had to be the lion tamer, but the clowns were really funny.” She was amazed at how little information she had to actually give him. He just constructed everything else from nothing. She could do anything to her assistant and with the new spell have him believing something entirely different happen. She levitated him to her and pinned him on the ground. She cast the counter spell on him. Something went wrong. There were to many false memories. Instead she opted to return the proper day to him. Everything up to when she first asked him to help her with a spell, blocking off the rest. As she let go his mind, the little dragon returned much quicker than he did before. He opened his eyes finding the purple unicorn inches away from him with her eyes closed. It appeared like she was trying to kiss him. He pushed her head away from him. “What are you trying to do Twilight. I don’t like you like that, you’re like a sister to me.” Twilight was shocked. He had completely misread the situation. He tried to run away, but she teleported him right back away. “Ah, leave me alone.” He tried running again. She wrapped him in telekinesis and made to levitate him back, but he broke free. He kept on screaming running for the door. If he got out he might tell the Princess she was trying to force herself on him. If she listened to him she might punish her. She might be labeled a pervert and ruin her reputation. Worse it would reflect badly on her family’s reputation. She had to stop that dragon; she had to fix everything. She had to erase his memories. She teleported to door just as he made it to the doorknob and tackled the dragon. She wrapped her hooves around him as he screamed. She covered his mouth. She needed to tie him down and cover his mouth before the guards came up to inspect the noise. She remembered there was duct tape up near her bed. She teleported both of them to her bed. Pinning down the dragon she wrapped his limbs in duct tape, tying each to a different post on her bed, while covering his mouth. Finally when he was tied securely she wrapped his mouth in tape to so we wouldn’t scream. Slowly she climbed off of him. “Now listen Spike, this isn’t what it seems. Just relax and I’ll make everything all better.” The little dragon squirmed against his restraints. To Twilight Sparkle’s surprise his dick was hard. She trotted up to get a closer look. She had never seen a dick before let alone a dragon’s. It was easily the size of stallions. She reached out a hoof and poked it. He got harder. “You little sick pervert, you like this don’t you.” He furiously shook his head. She thought about it, he was going to lose his memories of the event either way. She needed to investigate this further. She started rubbing his dick with her hoof until it was fully erect. “You’re turned on by this.” He fought against his restraints. “Don’t lie Spike. I can make you fell much better.” He shook his head at her proposition, but a bit of cum formed on the tip of his dick. Twilight, ever curious, touched it with her hoof. She rubbed it between her hoofs. It was slippery. She lifted her hoof and smelled it. It had a unique smell. She licked her hoof, it tasted salty. She bent down and sniffed his dick. It didn’t smell too bad. It kind of aroused her. She stretched her hoof down between her haunches, rubbing her cunt. She leaned in and licked the dragons dick. She licked up and down the shaft before going down and sucking his balls, all the while rubbing herself. She was getting off on the wrongness. She shouldn’t have been doing any of this. It felt so wrong, but also so right. She started rubbing her clit as she sucked on his dick. The little dragon no longer fought her. She felt his dick throb a bit so she stopped sucking and spit his dick out. She continued rubbing herself, driving herself closer to climaxing. She couldn’t take it any longer. She climbed on top of the little dragon and mounted his dick sliding it into her pussy. She felt a pang of pain, but the pleasure was much greater. She started bouncing on it, but that didn’t quite reach deep enough. She started rhythmically shaking her hips, humping him. She did this slowly at first, until the pain slowly faded. She quickened the pace and soon he was humping her right back. Soon enough he came inside her. She felt his seed fill her. It lubricated her entire insides. Still she humped on. His dick started going limp, so she humped harder and faster, soon enough his dick started to harden again inside her. Spike seemed to be in pain, but she was so close to getting off. Soon again she felt him cum again, this time deep inside her. The sensation pushed her overboard into ecstasy. She screamed out as she felt herself cum to the dragons throbbing cock. She laid on top of him, his dick in her pussy. Slowly it went limp until it popped out of her. A stream of semen dripped out of her onto his stomach. She snuggled up to the tied down dragon and kissed him on his lips through the duct tape and fell asleep. An hour later she awoke to the squirming dragon. She climbed over him and pulled out a towel from nearby. She was lucky dragons and ponies weren’t capable of breeding. Heck, in her mind she could still claim to be a virgin since she still hadn’t had sex with a stallion yet. She rubbed as much of his cum out of her as she could manage She rubbed of the mess she made on his dick. She placed her horn over his head and readied another memory spell. She took his entire day to be safe. She implanted a long day running errands. He entered a daze as his brain created new memories. She quickly untied him and levitated him over to a chair downstairs. “Spike get up.” He shook his head. “Hey Twilight, I must have dozed off.” ‘That’s not surprising you had a long day.” “Yeah you sent over half of Canterlot.” “Well tomorrow I need you to organize the library. So go take a bath and go to bed.” “Sure thing.” He marched off towards the bathroom none the wiser. Twilight smiled to herself. “It’s like it never even happened.” She knew she was going to find so much use for this spell in the future.