Fight For What Is Right, Even If You Die Trying

by Princess Glitzy

First published

Imagine falling, falling from a distance so high that you know that you will die. What would you think of? Memories, the future, those around you? Twilight thinks of how to get out of the situation because the fate of Equestria lies in her hooves.

Imagine falling, falling from a distance so high that you know that you will die. What would you think of? Memories, the future, those around you? Twilight thinks of how to get out of the situation because the fate of Equestria lies in her hooves.


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With her horn glowing and the elements by her side, Twilight Sparkle grins at Nightmare Moon. She tried to use her magic against her, but Nightmare Moon was strong and smart as well. Twilight charged towards her yet Nightmare Moon still just hurled her aside. Twilight smiled at her friends.

"You may have returned to your evil ways, but we defeated you once and we shall defeat you again!" Nightmare Moon used her magic to pick up Twilight, she lifted her up and then threw her down.

Twilight got up slowly. "You will never defeat me!" Nightmare Moon laughed evilly. She had a look of anger and amusement.

"Oh, but Twilight... I already have." She shot a large bolt of magic straight at her opponent, thus hurling Twilight through the window.

"TWILIGHT!" The main five rushed to grab Twilight, but they were too late. She was plummeting to her death. There was no stopping the inevitable.

"TWILIGHT! DO SOMETHING! PLEASE MOVE! PLEASE!" Rainbow Dash shouted frantically.

"Twilight! Twilight! Why?!" Fluttershy had screamed louder than she had ever screamed before. Pinkie Pie cried hysterically while shaking. Her hair was deflated and she was upset beyond fixing.

Rarity tried desperately to grab Twilight with her magic, but she was going too fast. Applejack tried to use her whip. "Oh no you don`t you silly little pony!" Nightmare Moon used her magic to throw Applejack against the wall. The force knocked her unconscious.

"OH MY GOSH!" Fluttershy ran to Applejack, she didn`t want to lose two friends. Rainbow Dash began flying towards Twilight, but Nightmare Moon saw this coming and she grabbed her. She threw her to the wall as well. This time with more force, she was bleeding heavily.

"RAINBOW!" Fluttershy cared for her patients. Nightmare Moon laughed at this display. "GO! WITHOUT YOUR ELEMENT OF MAGIC, YOU ARE NOTHING! IT WOULD BE A WASTE OF TIME TO KILL YOU!" Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie grabbed the two severely hurt bodies. Rarity prepared to teleport them back to the boutique. By this time everypony was crying hysterically.

Twilight looks up at her friends wearily. She was bleeding heavily and was falling pretty hard. I just wish that I had more time with them. She cries silently. This is how it ends, this is how I die. It`s scary knowing the future, especially when it doesn`t end in a happily ever after.

Twilight thinks about her memories and her time spent with them. I laughed with them, drank cider with them, played with them, cared for them, hugged them... these mares are my sisters. They mean so much to me. I can`t believe that they`re gone. I can`t believe that I`m gone. Twilight gets closer and closer to the ground. She is falling slowly, yet time can`t seem to be moving any faster than it is already.

She tries to stop herself from falling, but she`s too weak. Then, suddenly she realizes something. "If I don`t stop Nightmare Moon, all of Equestria will be in total darkness! I have to save them! I have to, for Celestia, for Spike, for my family, for my friends, FOR EQUESTRIA!" She summons all of her power to stop falling. I can do this! The ground gets closer. I can do this. The ground gets closer. I can do this? The ground is dangerously close. I can`t do this.

She falls onto the ground. Twilight gasps for air, but her lungs are crushed. Her heart beats softly and her eyes slowly close. friends need me. MY FRIENDS NEED ME! She uses a healing spell with her dwindling magic. She will definitely still need major surgery, but for the time being, she is strong. Twilight teleports herself up to Nightmare Moon right before Rarity begins the spell.

Her horn glows, but when she sees Twilight she rushes towards her. "Twilight! I thought that you were dead! IT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE WORST POSSIBLE THING! I- I just don`t know what I would have done..." Rarity`s sobs stopped her from speaking. Pinkie Pie put AJ down and threw her arms around Twilight. They all cried softly. Applejack and Rainbow Dash wake up and join in the hug. Getting up was hard, but they really needed a hug right about now.

A sudden bang startles them. "I WILL NOT TOLERATE SUCH STUPID FOALS! YOU SHALL PERISH! I AM THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT!!!!" Twilight puts her hoof down.

"NO!" Nightmare Moon looks at her in a confused manner.



"So be it. We will fight. Bring it on." The elements of harmony join together and their elements glow.

"THIS CAN`T HAPPEN!" She shoots lightning at them and they all fall. Fluttershy`s wing got the direct impact and she singed some of her feathers. The main six get into fighting positions and then once again fly upwards and glow.

They smile at Nightmare Moon. "It`s over." The magic of friendship shoots out at Nightmare Moon and she slowly gets weaker and weaker. Her coat gets lighter and her hair becomes more normal. She collapses onto the floor as Luna, the princess of the night.

Twilight smiles at her friends and points a hoof towards the sky. It`s a bright and sunny day. Princess Celestia appears in the room and walks over to her sister. "Hello Luna, you are once again back to your true form. We have figured out a permanent solution for fixing your inner demon thanks to my faithful student Twilight Sparkle." She looks at them and immediately gasps.

"OH MY ME! ARE YOU ALRIGHT! I- I..." She couldn`t speak, they looked so banged up that it was horrific.

"I do think that we should probably get major surgery. Twilight died for a few moments. Applejack and Rainbow Dash went into a small coma and suffered a minor concussion. I myself am a bit hurt, I think that I broke a few things and Fluttershy got hit with lightning in the wing. Pinkie Pie is fine accept I think that she will need therapy." She pointed towards Pinkie, she was shaking and her mane was straight, her eyes looked crazy.

"You need a doctor at once!" She teleports them to Doctor Stable and then walks over to Luna. "These ponies have certainly gotten through some tough times."

"I`m sorry that I caused them. I`m sorry I nearly killed Twilight and her friends."

"All is forgiven." She smiles at Luna and then the two of them teleport to the hospital.