Not so Light as a Feather...

by MrTyreste

First published

Rainbow Dash struggles with her apparent gain in weight, and goes to extreme measures to get in shape before the Wonderbolt physical test

Rainbow Dash is athletic. She's awesome, funny, strong, fast, and pretty damn cute as well. With the physical test for the Wonderbolt hopefuls coming in just a few weeks, there is nothing that can bring her down.

Until she stops by the doctor's office and receives the news that she's gained a little weight since her last check-up.

Determined not to let Scootaloo down, Rainbow Dash goes to extreme measures to get herself back in shape and into the Wonderbolt's good graces once and for all. By any means necessary.

Any means...

Pushing too hard...

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"Whoo hoo! Go get 'em, Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo called out to the rainbow blur above her, doing a variety of spins and acrobatics in mid-air. Rainbow Dash had improved on her flying, and by the time Scootaloo got her cutie mark, they were training together endlessly. Scootaloo had her big-sister figure and all was well, and Rainbow Dash didn't want it to end being an only child and all.

"Think you can keep up, pipsqueak?" She smirked as she dove down below the already speeding orange mare, prompting her to follow her.

"Oh, hell yeah." Scootaloo only scoffed as she followed suit behind her mentor, mimicking her every move as they dropped down to the earth below. Hitting the last of the clouds, the duo crashed into the ground sending chunks of mud and dirt flying in the every direction from their landing spot. "That was awesome!" Scootaloo fell to the ground, panting with her hooves up in the air. "I almost kept up the whole time." She laughed, and Rainbow Dash joined her on the ground.

"Maybe I need to improve on my flying, don't want a squirt like you upstaging me during the Wonderbolt annual fitness test." Rainbow Dash announced proudly. While she did pass the academy with flying colors and was on her way to becoming a full-fledged member, hopefuls were still required to pass a fitness test every year to make sure they were still up to the task. There was also a junior division, which allowed them to scout for possible future candidates. Scootaloo was lucky to make it in this year, but hadn't been able to fly until just a few months ago. However, by then she was greatly improving. The two were so involved in their relaxation, that they didn't notice Applejack and Twilight Sparkle creep up on them from the road going out of town.

"Well, somepony seems to be having a good time." Twilight stated matter-of-factly. Rainbow and Scoot rose to their hooves and smiled nervously. "I hope you didn't forget where you need to be right now." She said.

"Uh..." Rainbow was drawing a blank.

"Ah'll give ya'll a hint; starts with a 'D.'" Applejack told her as though she were speaking to a three year old.

"Dairy farm?" Rainbow smiled slyly.

"No..." Applejack said flatly.


"Close, but no..." Applejack was starting to get annoyed.

"D...Dynamically awesome race track with free snow-cones?"

"What the hay...?" Applejack did the mother of all facehoofs as Twilight did everything she could to keep from yelling at her senseless. "Ya'll are supposed to be at the doctor's office, and ya got about ten minutes to get there." Applejack stated. Rainbow Dash's eyes shot wide-open as she darted into the sky, having completely forgotten about her appointment.

"Hey! What about me?!" The orange filly shouted at the now disappearing Rainbow Dash. She heaved a sigh and took off after her.


"Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock." Rainbow Dash muttered as she sat in the waiting room of the Ponyville clinic. She always hated the wait, and the magazines on the table were mediocre at best. "Ugh! Can't this line go any faster?" She angrily grumbled.

"Sorry, it does get annoying." Derpy said as she sat down beside Rainbow Dash. "How are you?"

"Derpy!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "How have you been, girl? How's Dinky doin?" Derpy heaved a sigh, but still tried to smile.

"She's fine, I suppose. Still trying to adjust to her step-father." She explained. Derpy had been married for about a few months now, and Dinky was still not happy with it. Rainbow Dash never really bothered to ask about Derpy's life, especially not her romantic exploits, but that was fine by Derpy. "You know, sometimes I really wish I hadn't gotten pre-"

"Rainbow Dash, the doctor will see," And just like that, any hopes of a touching backstory for the wonderful, cross-eyed Pegasus were obliterated as Rainbow bolted from her seat and into the hallway leaving behind a sighing Derpy."

" now." The nurse sighed. "Just sit down and we'll get started." She sat down angrily, knowing she'd have to wait again. Though not much longer, as the nurse came back to lead her to her usual doctor's office. They began with the simple tests, first to check out her ears, the nose, and finally took her blood pressure as was the usual procedure in the doctor's office. "Ok, just need you to step up on the scale and the doctor will see you shortly after." Rainbow Dash wasted no time galloping onto the weight scale. The nurse gave a defining frown and scribbled some numbers onto her clipboard, causing Rainbow Dash to worry. "Well, somepony's been heavy on the junk food lately. You've gained a few pounds since your last visit."

Rainbow Dash's heart sunk.

"Uh, excuse me? That's a little rude, don't you think?" She scoffed. "Me, gain weight? I'm the fastest pony in Equestria. There's no way I could gain weight." The nurse nodded her head and walked out the door, leaving Rainbow Dash sitting on the bed still talking to herself. "I mean, I just came from training with Scoot, there's no way. I exercise, work out, help on AJ's farm from time to time, do the weather control in Ponyville, the very notion that I'd pain even a fraction of an ounce is laughable at best. I mean, yeah sometimes I eat out a little too much with the extra bits I make, and tend to indulge in a little sweet stuff with Pinks every now and then doesn't mean I'm fat. What does she know?"

"Excuse me, Miss Dash? Is someone else in here?" Doctor Redwing came trotting into the room, holding his clipboard via his wings, leaving Rainbow Dash in silence. "Talking to yourself again, eh? I know you can be a braggart from time to time, but at least have someone else listening." He chuckled. That's what Dash loved about the doctor's office, Redwing was always cutting up with her, and was one of her supporters during her Wonderbolt routines. She felt like she could talk with him about anything.

"Heh, you know it, Doc." She grinned. "Sometimes my awesomeness is just too overwhelming for any pony to hear about." They both laughed.

"Well, as I understand it your vitals appear normal, and you're in near-perfect health. Totally fit for the physical exams this weekend." He tossed his clipboard over to her with her doctor's notice signed. She beamed and fought off the urge to hug him tightly, knowing that his approval was what kept her legally eligible to take part in the exams.

"So, everything is cool?'' She asked. "Cause the nurse said I had gained weight since my last visit." The doctor flipped through the papers on his desk until he found her's and looked through it.

"Well, yes you have, but it's nothing serious. You're still well within the physical requirements to compete." He explained to her, yet her jaw dropped again.

"How much?" She practically shrieked, taking him by complete surprise. "How much weight did I gain from training every single day?!"

"Miss Dash, it's only a few pounds, it's nothing serious. Perfectly normal for a mare your age to put on a little extra pounds." He tried to reason with her, but her mind was reeling, making her worry about the possibility that she might be getting fat. That she might be slacking. That she might fail her physical exams.

Fat mare She bade goodbye to her doctor and walked out of the doctor's office.

Gross, disgusting, ugly She walked down the hallway of the clinic.

Loser, you'll never pass now

Paying the receptionist on her way out, she ran up to Derpy, who looked more or less annoyed with her. "What?"

"Derpy, be totally honest, do I look fat to you?" She asked, Derpy rolled her eyes and tried to focus on the magazine, still hurt by how Dash had just flew off while she was talking. "Like, any bigger? Maybe?"

"Oh yeah, you're huge." Derpy said sarcastically. Is she serious, she's one of the hottest mares in Ponyville who could probably have any stallion she wants and she's asking a teen mom if she's fat? Dash started to whimper as tears fell from her eyes before bolting through the door and out into the road. "Dash, wait!" Derpy threw down her magazine and flew after her, but she was long gone.

"I'm sorry!"


Outside of Ponyville, in a large clearing in the middle of nowhere, Rainbow Dash was training like never before. She had been flying for nearly an hour straight, refusing to take a break or get some water. She was determined to get faster and stronger than ever to keep her from getting any heavier.

"Hey Rainbow-" Scootaloo shouted as Rainbow Dasg darted past her. "Whoa!" She felled backwards and nearly fell to the ground from the sheer force of Rainbow's speed. She took off on her own to catch her, but it took everything she had to even keep up. Rainbow Dash darted through gaps between clouds, mountain tops, the tops of trees, anything she could find to use as an obstacle, she used it. Scootaloo could barely keep up with her before Rainbow's flying frenzy was cut short by a stray tree.

"Owwww!" Rainbow Dashs screamed as she landed reluctantly, blood cascading from her nose. "Dammit, that hurt!" She cussed and stomped at the ground, still holding her hoof to her nose.

"Rainbow Dash! Are you ok?" Scootaloo screamed at the sight of the blood.

"Do I look ok?!" Rainbow Dash shouted back.

"No, but it's just something to ask when somepony you know looks hurt! Scootaloo continued the shouting fest.

"Well, I'm bleeding like a fountain, that's just great!" She cried.

"Here, let me help." Scootaloo reached into her saddlebag and produced a cloth. Reluctantly, she got Dash to move her hoof from her muzzle, revealing a large gash along the length of her muzzle and just under her eye. Resisting the urge to gag, Scootaloo pressed the cloth to Dash's nose in an attempt to stop the bleeding as best as she could. "Now, hold it there, ok?" Rainbow Dash nodded as she held her hoof to her muzzle, keeping the cloth in place.

"Thanks, Scoot." She said wearily. "What are you doing out here, anyway?" She asked.

"Our daily training session, it's in a few minutes. Don't tell me you started without me." She waved her hoof at her.

"Oh, I got a little warm-up in before you got here." She lied, she had really been out there for over an hour.

"Did your warm-up 'burn out' on you?" Scootaloo chuckled, but Dash hardly found it funny. Giving her time to recover, the two finally went onto their training. Scootaloo began with several flying tricks through the clouds, dodging each one as Rainbow Dash blew them towards her. The resistance training was perfect for Scootaloo's more elogant flying style as opposed to Rainbow's more straight-forward style. Yet today, something was different. Rainbow Dash was moving a bit slower than usual, despite her wound. When it came time for Rainbow Dash's turn, she was barely able to keep up. She missed clouds, or just ended up getting stuck in them. Finally it came time for the race, and even though Scootaloo was starting to get worried, she didn't want to let Dash down. Their race started fine, going over the mountains and cloud banks like they did every day, but as they hit the final stretch, Rainbow Dash began to lose focus, ultimately landing on her right hoof the wrong way.

"Oh dammit! Ow!" She screamed so loud as she fell to the ground in pain.

"What happened?!" Scootaloo flew towards her before seeing something that terrified her to her core.

Rainbow Dash's front hoof had twisted hard, and cracked deep.

"Rainbow, you have got to stop! You're pushing way too hard!" Scootaloo voiced her concern, and Rainbow Dash finally listened. The two sat on the grass for a while, resting as Rainbow Dash babied her hoof in her forelegs.

"Man, I'm gonna kill myself doing this." She said.

"No, really?" Scootaloo looked annoyed with her beyond belief. "You slice your muzzle and crack your hoof practically down to the bone, nah you're doing just fine." She said sarcastically before tossing a water bottle to her mentor. "Drink this before I decide to upstage you tomorrow." She grinned, knowing she had her. Rainbow Dash drank so fast you could probably see sparks coming off the bottle, if plastic and water could actually generate sparks, that is.

"Oh wow, I needed that." Rainbow sighed heavily as she collapsed onto the grass in relaxation.

"Glad to help, oh!" Scootaloo gasped as she reached into her bag again. "Got to show you something." She held up a pair of goggles proudly. "My special somepony gave these to me yesterday, Rumble wanted me to have them." She grinned. "Gotta tell ya, he might actually get me." She laughed.

"So have you, you know?" Rainbow Dash asked suggestively, making Scoot blush.

"Dude! I'm way too young for that!" She tossed her empty bottle at her chest.

"Oh come on, I can see you getting it out of the way early."

"You're one to talk, Miss Fastest-Mare-In-Town." If there was a deeper shade of crimson possible, it would have been on Rainbow Dash's face at that exact moment as painful, yet pleasurable, memories came rushing back to her.

"I am never going to live that down, am I?" she heaved a huge sigh. Scootaloo playfully shook her head. "It was a one-time thing!"

"You kissed three stallions within the hour, and don't get me started on what you did with Thunderlane on that pool table. The guy is still-

"No more! No more!" She laughed before cringing from pain again. "Sorry, I just feel kinda sick."

"What did you eat today?" Scootaloo asked before getting an answer she didn't want as Rainbow Dash slowly looked over that her half-empty waterbottle. "Rainbow! You have got to eat something! If you don't, you're going to hurt yourself." She looked over Rainbow Dash's cracked hoof and cut muzzle. "Well, even more than this."

"I know what I'm doing, ok? I'm just trying to lose a little weight before the exams. It's nothing, really!"

Sighing, Scootaloo nodded her head in agreement, and they continued their relaxation. "Just promise me you'll eat something and stay alright before the exams tomorrow." She pleaded. Reluctantly, Rainbow Dash finally agreed.


"Fillies and gentlecolts, welcome to the annual Wonderbolt physical fitness exams!" Twilight Sparkle called over the loudspeaker over an empty stadium.

"Umm, your majesty, there's only the Wonderbolt trainees and us judges, family members, and doctors, there's no need to make a big show out of it." Soarin complained.

"Oh, I know. I'm just practicing for when I actually get to do something with more... pizazz." She gleamed as Soarin chuckled.

The exams had been going smoothly for a while now. Rainbow Dash had made it through the obstacle course, the strength test, and the endurance test all with perfect scores. The only thing left was the race. The other hopefuls lined the starting line, waiting for the signal to go, and when it came they were off. It started off quite well with Rainbow Dash bursting into the lead as usual. The first leg of the race went off without a hitch, with Rainbow Dash finishing the first lap in the first with ease, then again at the second lap. However, when it came to the third lap, she began to feel light-headed again before falling behind in the race.

"What's going on with Rainbow Dash?" Rumble leaned over to Scootaloo as they watched the race. An expression of sheer anger came over Scoot's face when she began to suspect what was happening.

Rainbow Dash wouldn't give up, she continued to press onwards and fight to win the race and be guaranteed a spot in the Wonderbolts. She couldn't give up, not now. She kept up her speed and flew as fast and hard as she could before she began to lose altitude. Panicing, she started to see things, things that weren't really there. Her stomach felt like it was on fire, her head was spinning, and she slowly started falling from the race and down through the cloud floor of the stadium and towards the land below.

"Oh no!" Scootaloo and Twillight Sparkle took off after he, but to no avail. Rainbow Dash was just too quick. It looked like it was all over, the two just couldn't keep up with her as she plummeted to the ground still thinking she was in the race.

"I'm gonna win! I'm gonna win! I'm gonna win!" She half mumbled, half screamed as she could make out the ground and what she believed was a finish line before her pain finally made her lose control. As the pony fell to the ground, she felt a sharp pain in her wings and shoulders.

And everything turned to black


"So, guess this makes us even for Cloudsdale, huh?" Rainbow Dash opened her eyes to an angry, yet concerned Spitfire over her bed, surrounded by Twilight, Scootaloo, and Rumble. She looked over to her side and saw a small bag connected to an IV connected to her foreleg.

"What's this for? She asked.

"Pure nutrients, pumping directly into your bloodstream. You have no idea how lucky you are to be alive right now." Doctor Redwing came trotting into the room, angry. "I should never have told you, I knew you would react like this."

"What do you mean, doctor?" Scootaloo asked.

"Rainbow Dash, your body is still growing, whether you believe it or not. You're not completely mature yet, and it's perfectly natural for ponies, especially mares, to put on a little extra weight. You can lose it, but it takes time."

"I'm sorry..." Rainbow Dash sniffled. "I just thought if I didn't eat, I'd lose the weight faster."

"Rainbow Dash, when you don't eat, your body holds on to the food you DO eat later, and you just end up putting on more weight than you would have from just eating." Redwing sat down on the bed beside her. "I'm sorry the nurse was so rude about this, and I've given her a warning, but please don't do this again." He said.

"Scootaloo, I'm sorry I broke my promise. I was so afraid of letting you down, I just lost it..." She said, but Scootaloo's once angry expression turned into a soft smile.

"Hey, you were insecure, I get that. How do you think I feel? I couldn't fly til just a year ago, and you had your cutie mark before I was even born!" She said. "Just promise you won't do anything that reckless again, ok?" She threw a wing over her mentor and held her close. "Fastest Mare In Town." She chuckled as Rainbow Dash blushed.

"Uh, what?" Twilight Sparkle asked, confused.

"Well, it all started at this party when Rainbow Dash and Thunder-"

"No!" Rainbow Dash jumped from the bed and hit the floor tot he roar of laughter from her friends. They could tell she was going to be fine.