> [Snowdrop] The drop from the snow > by Strikeheart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What a long day…” The young filly, Snowdrop said to herself as she curled up under her heavy covers. The night was late and the air was cold as ice. As the filly closed her eyes, the days activities raced by in her mind. It was a day of making snow flakes for the princesses to have every winter for a very long time. After her presentation, both of them asked for her to make lots of flakes so every winter they could let one drop before every other one fell. It was a tasking job, but it was a task she loved. The sound of hooves outside of her door brought her mind back. She smiled thinking it was her mother coming to tuck her in for the night like she did every other night. Normally it would have brought her up to her room, but her mother had to answer the door and sent her up on her own. She simply waited, half awake and smiling so she would see the smile when she walked in. Clop. Snowdrop heard the door open wider and felt the presence of a pony nearby. As her mother started to walk closer to her, something felt off with the small filly. Usually her mother had a more elegant step in her trot and a more lighter clop, but this one sounded rough, frenzied, and big. The smile started to fade on the fillies face as the voiceless pony stood by her bed side breathing heavily. Just hearing the breathing, Snowdrop could tell it was a male, most likely in early adulthood, standing over her. Her first thought it was her father, but he worked nights and shouldn’t have been home so early. The air seemed to get colder, and she could fell her heart beating rapidly in her chest. A wave of fear and horror, started to overtake the filly, making her body shiver and shake. She wanted to believe her heightened senses were wrong and it was her mother standing overhead. “Mom?” The pony didn’t answer, instead clearing his throat of any obstructions. Snowdrop panicked, realizing it was indeed a stallion. She could hear his breathing, slow, heavy, and oddly excited. “Where’s my mom?” She asked, with a hint of sorrow in her voice, fearing he may have done something to her. The stallion didn’t answer back, refusing to acknowledge her at all. Instead Snowdrop felt the bed sink to one side and the springs creak as the stallion started to lift himself onto it. The first thoughts she had was too run and get help, but the sudden feeling of a rough hoof positioned on her snow colored tail stopped her from making any attempts. She wished she could see the intruder invading her personal space, but even if she had sight, the darkness of the room would swallow his face. “Where’s my mom!?” She cried, starting to fear what was going to happen to her as she felt the bed sink inward as the stallion sat down on it. “Don’t worry, she’s fine. She just went to the earth below to get something…” The stallion said to her in a calm and collective tone. His voice was harsh yet reflected a stallion no older than an early adult like she first suspected, and his tongue was almost seeping with venom as he spoke. “B-But mom never goes to the ground below without me…” There was a brief pause and Snowdrop tried to hear anything in the background signaling her mother was still in the house. She heard nothing of the sort. Suddenly the colt leaned into her cold body and she felt her skin crawl as he started to speak. “Is that so, Well, maybe I should send you down there as well…” Snowdrop panicked suddenly thinking that the intruder may have hurt her mother enough that she wasn’t able to fly and pushed her off her home cloud. If that was the case, then her mother would be nothing but a bloody splatter on the snow below. Snowdrop felt sick to her stomach and curled her body up in fear. “Don’t worry though, I’ll make you feel like the special filly you are tonight…” The vile being pushed his face forward, sending his mouth into her soft neck, while lapping at her skin underneath her fur. She wanted to scream for her mother and try to run but her tail was trapped and no one lived around her cloud home. She could feel his vile breath caressing her neck as he had his way with her. “P-Please don’t…” She whimpered not liking this new kind of touching she was experiencing. Quietly opening her wings up to try and fly, the stallion quickly moved his hooves to them and gently pinned them to the bed so she couldn’t. “OW! You’re hurting my wings!” She cried feeling the pressure against them. “Your wings are fine.” He answered back moving one of his hooves downward. Snowdrop froze up, feeling his hoof caress against her side, making her skin crawl. The hoof traced around her stomach before moving downward to her privates. Snowdrop instantly closed up her legs and tried to keep them tightly locked. The stallion grunted in disapproval and moved to his hoof downward. As much as she could try, the stallions greater strength proved too much and managed to open them up for himself. “Please…” She cried still trying to close her legs even though he had already won. The stallion lurched forward, pinning his hooves on her shoulders. There was a lot more force in his motions, making her brace against him. She went quiet, feeling his eyes staring into hers. She couldn’t see it, but she could feel his icy glare piercing her soul. “You better start listening kid, or I’ll get mean…” Snowdrop quivered and whimpered as she felt a bit of spit hit against her face as he spoke his words. She didn’t want to get hurt and feared he would break her wings and toss her to the ground. Moving his hooves to one side of her, he quickly turned her onto her stomach and pressed his body against hers. Snowdrop grabbed her pillow out of desperation as she felt something long poking at her backside. She panicked again and tried to escape, but found his hoof push into the back of her neck, trapping her on the spot. She closed her eyes as tight as they could go, and tried to kick the odd object away. “Smarten up!” The stallion grunted, pushing his foreleg into her neck, causing her great pain. Snowdrop stopped and knew this was a fight she wasn’t going to win no matter what. Resting her head against the pillow, she waited for him to do whatever he was going to do to her. “Don’t hurt me…” The stallion said nothing and let his erection rub against her tender folds. It was dry no doubt, but considering she was young and her body wasn’t ready for sex he didn’t care. The tip of it was cold and a bit wet, signaling just how excited the stallion was. Moving his hoof up, he spit into it and began to stroke his erection so it would be much easier to penetrate the small filly in a mere few minutes. Snowdrop fidgeted wanting to be free from her intruder but it was a fruitless endeavor. Her heightened senses manage to pick up soft chuckles coming from him and felt a bit more eagerness in his positioning. The stallion leaned forward, showing he was ready for his deed to take place. Snowdrop could feel his hot body bracing against her, his breathing hitting the back of her neck, while his eager erection twitching at her backside. “Always fun breaking in a filly…” She felt his body move so his mouth was behind her ear, letting him uncurl his vile tongue to lap behind it. Snowdrop turned her head away the second it connected, making him instead nuzzle her mane. He sniffed it for a second, before he opened his mouth and tugged at it with his teeth. She let out a small whimper as her head got pulled back just enough so he could see the glassy look of her eyes. The stallions eyes had already adjusted to the dim lighting coming in from the glow of the moon, and could make out the colors of the fillies coat along with her bright eyes. Letting go of her mane, her head stayed where he left it and he moved his face into her cheek to nuzzle it a bit. Again Snowdrop tensed up, feeling her skin crawl as he was trying to show some sort of affection for the small filly. She really wanted to know who he was or why he was targeting her. His voice didn’t sound familiar and may have met him once without her remembering. She cursed her own blindness, wishing she could see just for a brief second the face of her defiler. Snowdrop felt his front hooves starting to move up and down her body, showing her comfort that she didn’t understand at all. Though they were gentle, they felt like needles trying to find a vein to enter, injecting her with his venomous desires. “You’re a beautiful filly you know that right?” he whispered down to her, continuing to feel up her body. She didn’t respond to his words, still trying to coop with the unwanted touching he was doing to her. “Not going to say anything to me?” His voice sounded sympathetic, but she knew it was forced. “I want my mom.” Her own voice was a blend fear and despair, showing off her own weakness. “Don’t worry; I’ll go get her after I’m done with you.” That sympathetic voice was now back to the same lustful and raspy voice it was before. Done with his waiting, he got himself ready to push it in. There was a brief second of him teasing her, but next he started to push it in. Snowdrop’s throat felt like a large object got stuck in it, taking away her ability to scream or even speak. She couldn’t figure out why the stallion was doing this to her of all ponies, or why he would even hurt her like he was. The erection took its time finding its way into her, pushing her young walls to boundaries that she never thought existed. She tried desperately to scream but any sound she could muster up, turned into small gasps of pain. The erection continued to slide in, filling her virgin cunt up nice and slowly. The more it went in, the more Snowdrop gripped her pillow and tried to scream. Eventually the stallion hit a small resistance and knew what he hit. With a loud grunt, he pulled it out a bit and then rammed it back in. “AHHHH!” Her voice finally came back to her once the erection broke the little bit of resistance she had in her. “Y-you’re hurting me!!” “Shush. It’ll be over in a bit.” “Take it out!!” “Just hold still you little brat!” “MOM!!!” “I said shut it!!” "I WANT MY MOM!!" Not wanting to attract any attention, the stallion pushed her face into the pillow so he could fuck her without hearing her whiny voice. The filly cried and tried to break free but his body didn't give an inch. Continuing to thrust into her his already excited body wanted to wreck her body badly. Though he couldn't see it, his slightly lubed dick was getting nicely lubed up by the blood from inside of her. Ignoring her frantic crying, he pushed it in and out, Minutes passed and the fillies voice was starting to slow down, while he was starting to speed up. The only choice he had left was either soil her once perfect cunt, or make her feel a new type of snow touch her body. "Ever feel wet, warm snow touch your body?" The stallion spoke leaning into her mane and pulling her head back with his teeth. "Sniffle* N-No..." The stallion smiled and keep thrusting until he felt his balls start to swell up and get ready to release it's contents. Pulling out at the last second, he aimed his erection at her back and sprayed it down, almost having it blend into her own fur. Snowdrop didn't move from her spot and just quivered in pain from the cunt pounding she just took. She was confused to what just happened to her but she knew just how painful it was. Staring at the pillow still, she felt the stallion rub his bloodied dick on his back, wiping off the red like he would with a rag. "You were an fun filly to play with. Why don't you stay here and I'll get your mother, however if you move of go away, I'll hurt your mother even more you got that?" The stallion said impling she was alive. Snowdrop nodded her head and was thankful her mother was still alive somehow and curled up once she felt his hot body move away from his. Walking to the door, the stallion smiled that the fillies only comfort would be a dead body resting on the bottom of the ground. Time slowly passed as the young filly sat in her bed waiting for the stranger to return with her mother. If she wasn't blind like she was, she would have flown for some kind of help, but sadly she didn't know her way around without her mother. As she waited, the effect of fatigue and drowsiness started to linger about, and the pain in her backside was starting to fade away. Laying her head on the pillow she started to close her eyes when she suddenly heard the sound of the front door opening. Jolting back up, almost fully awake she waited for the stallion to room to her room. The echo of clopping hooves could be heard around the house as the stallion made his way up the stairs in a slow pace. From the way he was walking, Snowdrop was sure he was carrying something and knew it was her mother. A horrible thought stared to go throughout her mind as she thought the vile stallion ended up killing her mother and hoped it was not the case.Out of instinct she turned her head to the door as the stallion stopped in front of it. With a gentle push he opened it up and smiled at the blind child looking in his direction. "I got your mother for you." With a shift of his body he pushed her limp frame onto the floor and a loud thud echoed throughout the room. Snowdrop's heart sank as she heard the lifeless body hit the floor and felt like crying. "You just going to lay there and pout? Why don't you come and lay beside her." There was a vile sense of excitement in his voice as he spoke, almost like he wanted to see the quivering filly tried to wake up her dead mother. He wanted to see her shaking her dead body in a vain tempt to ruse her from her permanent slumber. Continuing to watch the filly, he smiled once she started to move from her bed and onto the floor. "Mom?" Snowdrop said quietly hoping her mother would answer back. She didn't answer back. "M-mom? Are you ok?" Snowdrop started walking towards the floor, feeling around for the warm body of her loving mother. "Please mom, why don't you answer me!?" Snowdrop was starting to panic as the horrible truth started to set into her mind. Her little heart started to beat erratically as she could closer, but it suddenly slowed down as her hoof found the fur of her mother. It wasn't warm at all, in fact she was colder then death's grasp itself. Feeling her mothers cold fur, the young filly started to cry knowing she was dead. "Mommy...please wake up...Mom! Please wake up!" Snowdrop cried as she pulled her body in close to hers and tried to shake her awake. "Heheh, seems she didn't survive the fall." The stallion chuckled still looking on from his standing position. Snowdrop ignored him and started crying loudly into her dead mother out of frustration for everything. If she could she her molester and her mother's killer, she could easily turn him in and get some kind of revenge. Turning her tear filled eyes up, she looked in the direction of the sinister stallion and continued to cry. The stallion said nothing more and turned for the door. He got what wanted and was happy. He enjoyed a filly he had lusted for, for a long time and got saw the complete sorrow of a child losing her mother. Walking out of the room and out of the house, the only sound he heard was the filly crying aimlessly screaming for her mother to be alive.