> The Innocent Pony > by thesilentpony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Something Lost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- some thing lost “What are you saying?” Princess Celestia asked Princess Luna in the throne room, having started on the discussion on adding a new personal guard again. “I’m saying I don’t want another guard to replace him.” I tuned them out not really caring, while Shadow was a great pony to the end, watching his final moments wasn’t something I had overcome yet, much like anyone else that knew him, especially Luna. “Hey you awake?” I looked at Onyx a dark night guard earth pony. He had also tuned them out. He was probably hit harder than most being a young pony under the direct teachings of Shadow. Unlike him I was slowly getting into my years, I was a rather old pegasus compared to almost all of the guard, but I still had a least one or two decades before I would be able to retire, so I was still in my prime. “I’m awake.” I said, we were in the middle of the throne room, close enough to Princess Luna, but enough to give them some kind of privacy. In the handbook it suggested we be almost right next to Princess Luna to protect her, but anyone that tried, would almost certainly get a hoof to the face for pissing her off. “So what’s going to happen?” I eyed him for a moment and then looked at the princesses now in a full blown argument. It was unnerving to see them argue, not because they were arguing, but because they both keep their cools, even when their words would mean war to any other pony. “I don’t know, but it’s not our place to decide that.” He looked down. While I said that I was now the hopeful of becoming her personal guard. Not that I wanted to get close to Luna like Shadow had, it was more I wanted to become the caption of the guard. With Shadow gone and Shining Armor with Princess Cadance in the Crystal Empire, I was the next choice for caption of the guard, the thought alone gave me great enjoyment, but at the same time sadness. I loved Shadow as my caption, he was without a second of a pause the greatest military mind to ever step hoof in Equestria. He would be able to sow a battlefield like a piece of perfect silk cloth, not missing a single stitch. I had learned everything I could and he told me that I was his equal. Which to him was impressive. To me, well let’s say I consider there no better honor in this world, even than protecting the Princesses. “Guards!” Princess Celestia said and I blinked looking at them staring at me, having been day dreaming. I was probably in trouble now. “Yes?” I asked and Onyx stood at attention with me. “Come here.” Princess Luna said. We went over to them and they looked at each other for a moment. “We have reached a point where neither of us can pass, Luna needs a personal guard, but she won’t take on another, what do you say to adding another to your guarding.” I looked at Princess Luna a little unsure, but she kept quiet. “Do we need to?” Onyx asked whining, and they looked at him with a little bit of surprise, his answer was childish, but never in a truer form. “What do you say Night Jasper?” Princess Luna asked me. “You are the current highest rank in the guards at Canterlot.” “I, agree with Onyx, while I do think we should add another to our ranks, I do not think we should make anyone personal guard of Princess Luna. At least not till she deems it the right time to do so. Shadow was a close friend and I would not want anyone to take that honor while his memory is still a stain on the throne room carpet.” I sneered. They stared at me rather shocked and tears streamed down Luna’s face. To her it probably felt like seconds, not months since Shadow died. Princess Celestia looked at Luna almost as if her armor had been ripped from her chest and stabbed with it. “Very well,” Princess Celestia said. “Night Jasper, you will become Luna’s next personal guard till which time you deem right to pass the position onto another.” “I wouldn’t pass it on till I die, Princess Celestia, please understand I loved Shadow more than anyone, but Princess Luna. Giving anything even related to his memory up to someone else, is not something I would dare to think.” Princess Luna smiled wiping tears away. “I understand, he was a great pony, I will promote you to Caption of the Night guard, as well as personal guard of Princess Luna. This way you may act according you the memory of your dear friend. I know loss is not easy to deal with.” “Thank you Princess Celestia.” I said bowing, only one tear slipped from my eye. While it was what I wanted, she had completely missed the point of what I was saying. “Sister, I guess that will work.” Princes Luna said. I turned and started walking back out of the throne room. Only Onyx saw the tear as I wiped it away. We reached the hallway and she stopped turning to me. “Yes?” I asked stepping back a little. “You are not replacing Shadow, is that clear?!” She almost shouted at me, but then frowned when I looked down. “Why would you say that to me?” My body became limp and my insides paled. I looked at her. “I, um, I mean I understand Princess Luna.” “I’m sorry, the wound is still fresh, and for me, I forget not a single moment, feeling or thought.” “Princess Celestia didn’t understand me, or maybe she did, but I didn’t want anyone to take the position.” She stared at me. “While I will admit I wanted to become a caption, I didn’t want to become your personal guard, I suppose now we can, not care about it again, no one will ever need to become your personal guard.” “That’s, great.” She smiled. “That’s great!” She almost cheered realizing what I had meant. “I’m glad.” She paused. “I’m sorry, to you, I imagine it would be the same if I lost Princess Celestia forever, I cannot imagine the pain.” “Shadow, and I, have lost many on the fields of battle. It just has been so long since I’ve lost anyone to death.” “We, should get ready for bed.” “May I ask for leave?” “For how long?” “A few days, I wish to get new armor, and maybe get drunk for a while.” She nodded. “I will finish the night duty for tonight.” We took her to bed and Onyx looked at me as the day guard came to relieve us of our posts. “Can I come?” I looked at him. “Sure, but after I buy new armor I’m going to get so wasted I can’t remember much.” He smiled chuckling. He had done that for almost a week after Shadow’s death. Every pony understood and let it go, especially now that he stopped. Shadow while he was his teacher, he was also the first pony to be lost to him in some kind of battle. The day guard just took our spots and we started walking. We went to the royal blacksmith and I looked around. His armor looked simple like the one I was wearing, in fact none of the armor was different from the next. “Can I help you?” He asked coming to the counter. He was a unicorn like any other blacksmith in the world. “Yeah I’m looking for a special armor set, something more flashy, I got promoted to caption and I need something, good. All the rest are kind of, well every guard has a set.” “Sorry what you see is what I got, you night guard and your armor, I swear.” “Excuse me?” “First your other caption complains about my other job fixing his armor, and now my work isn’t good enough. Why don’t you go somewhere else for once.” I slammed the counter with my hooves crushing it and making him back up frightened. “You dare speak ill of my caption again and I'll kill you!” I snarled. “Whoa calm down,” Onyx said and I looked at him. “He didn’t say anything bad, just that Shadow didn’t like his work.” I let out a breath looking at the counter, it was smashed beyond repair. “Well next time you’ll learn to do better.” I snapped looking at the blacksmith, and he made a mare-ish screech scared of me. I turned and Onyx followed me as we went to all of Canterlot Blacksmiths. It being day time was nice, but as Shadow told me once, only the good ones were open at night. So I never bothered going into the ones only open during the day. “We’ve gone to every single one, and it’s almost sunset.” Onyx whined as we sat on a bench. “Go get something to eat before you get some rest, I’m not going to come in for a few days.” “Right, I'll see you in a few days.” He left and I sighed being in the downtown area of Canterlot. Not a good area at night to be, the night guard had to patrol this area more because of a few reported break ins. “You look down.” I looked at a dark green earth pony with soot spots, holding a paper bag. “Just hasn’t been my day.” “That sucks.” “You look like you’ve been in a fire, where did you come from?” “Oh, I always look like this, after a while of being a blacksmith your fur just sort of dyes like this and you can’t get it out. I was really bright green before I started.” “Did you say blacksmith?” “Yeah?” She answered unsure. “I’ve been looking for a good blacksmith.” “Well I’m the best in Canterlot, that’s for sure, I’m also the only one to make magically enhanced armor sets.” She pointed at a store. Hammer’s blacksmithing was on a sign over a door. “I’m normally open somewhat during the day, but most of the time I’m only open at night because without the cool air of the night I burn up.” “Really.” “Yeah, well I’m opening up, come in and check it out.” I followed her into the store and looked around. Armor sets covered the left wall and the right, with a hallway and stairs behind her counter to the right side. Her work as impressive, she had all kinds and styles, not a single one was the same as another even though each as just as fine as the next. “Wow.” She looked at me from behind a metal counter. “Alright, now how can I help you?” “Rare for an earth pony to be a blacksmith, how do you use a hammer?” She flexed her front legs. “Stronger than I look, also I use special tools. I don’t just use the normal ones I have other things that I made special.” She set her hoofs down. “Now how can I help you today?” I looked around, I couldn’t decide, every piece looked perfect for a caption. “I-I can’t decide, I love all your armor, but I can’t decide.” “Well what’s the need? I have desert armor, fire armor, water armor, even camouflage armor if you need. Also know all my armor is battle ready it’s not meant for show, only real battle.” “Cool, well I was just promoted to caption of the night guard.” Her eyes lit up. “Really, how’s Shadow?” I looked at her shocked. “He never came in for the rest of his armor and it’s been a few months.” “Y-you made armor for Shadow?” “Yes, wait why do.” She paused. “Shadow passed away a few months ago.” She looked down. “But if you made armor for him I will most certainly buy it from you.” “Well I'll also give you a discount. He was actually the one which basically taught me how to make magic armor so.” “Then I'll take your best armor, painted black.” She chuckled. “Alright.” She went into the back and came out with a black armor set. It was without a doubt the most beautiful piece of armor I had ever seen. It looked much like the armor set Shadow wore on his last day. “This piece is just like the one he wore when he died.” She stared at me as I touched it, I couldn’t believe it. “He died my armor?” Tears went to her eyes. “No one has ever died in my armor.” She started breathing a little faster. “Well it wasn’t that simple, he actually did great in it, so great that he was going to beat his enemy, but then, to save Princess Luna he was hit with a very powerful magic blast. It caused the armor to crack, normal armor would have completely evaporated from the blast. He fought to the end with it, it was amazing.” “That’s wonderful.” “Yes it is.” “I still have his old armor in the back.” “Really?” “Yeah, I still have it in there gathering dust.” I followed her into the back and I stopped looking at his old armor set, his messed up helmet to the side. It had a glow to it that seemed somehow unnatural but oddly fit it. some thing forgotten “Why do you have this? Explain.” “Well what he said is if he died that I should give it to Princess Luna if he did. I don’t know why I didn’t return it right away, maybe something about holding it gave me hope, but anyway you can take it.” “I see.” I picked it with the helmet. I turned starting to leave. “Wait, don’t you want the armor first?” I paused. “I’m not sure.” I looked at my armor. It was an old set and I would have to replace it sooner or later, and this armor wouldn’t make Luna feel that much better to have, well all things considered it was the only armor left, the first one was thrown out, and the other one disappeared along with him. “Actually yeah, let’s get the armor.” I went around the front. “Since you are Shadow’s friend I'll give you a discount and just do the base cost, it will cost about a thousand five hundred bits, it would cost six thousand to anyone else.” I chuckled a little bit. That was three times the normal price for even the best set, but then again this was the best sets I had ever seen. I pulled out a backpack and we counted stacks of gold ending at a thousand two hundred gold bits. “Damn I’m three hundred low, how about a check?” “How about this, I'll trade you your old one, and those gems.” I pulled out a few dozen random gems I had found. Some were expensive if cut, it would more than easily cover it if they were cut, uncut they weren’t worth much. “Alright.” She put them in a bag putting them under the counter. I took off my armor and she came around. “I need to measure you.” “Oh.” She started measuring me and I blushed a little making her blush. “Don’t blush, you’re making me blush.” “Sorry, I just don’t normally get this close to mares.” “No special pony in your life?” “Ah, no, my job requires me at night so I sleep during the day, no mare is normally up at the time I have off or doesn’t have a job.” She lifted up my hind leg and measuring. “Being alone is a guard’s plight.” “Sad, then how about a date with me?” “What?” “You seem like a nice stallion.” She went back around the counter making a few adjustments to the armor. “How about it?” “Um, sure, but I have to go give this to Princess Luna, she’ll be awake by now and will want to hear this.” “How about you come by my shop anytime you like, I live upstairs and we can go out then, you won’t catch me sleeping, so knock as loud as you can.” “Sounds like a plan.” I said smiling. She helped me take off my armor and I exchanged it for the new one. She fitted it perfectly, including hoof guards which protected my lower leg perfectly without having the weight of it. It wouldn’t slow me down at all, in fact the armor over all was lighter than my old one, I would be able to move and fly faster. “One second.” She tightened a strap on my stretched out wing making me grunt a little as a feather or two was pulled out. “Ow.” She strapped another harder, making me hope she was finished. “Sorry, your wings are larger than the normal so I had to add extra to the wings, but take off a heavy piece or two, plus those bat wings are weird and stupid.” I stretched out my wings looking at them. I had normal wings this time, those bat wings were more for night flying and kind of like covers, it helped when it was cold, and they didn’t stick to the feathers. “You know I will have to fly through ice right?” “Don’t mock me, you could fly through a cloud made of ice and not have any build up at all. Heck you could fly though a volcano and not feel the heat on your feathers. My armor is magic, it’s made for the extreme.” “That makes me feel better.” “Fly around a bit and tell me how it feels, if I need to adjust it come back and I will make any that you want.” “Sweet, thank you again.” “No problem.” I picked up Shadows old armor and it glowed a little brighter. “Take care.” I walked outside and flew into the air flying back to the castle landing in the court yard. I walked to the dining hall where Princess Luna as eating quietly. Onyx looked at me being the only other pony in the room. “Princess.” She looked at me and paused. She got out of her chair and came over to me as I set down the armor set. Tears went down her face. “Where, did you get this?” “At a blacksmith I found, apparently Shadow left this there and had a request to have it returned to you upon his death.” She sat down staring at it. “I’m sorry if this brings back memories, but I thought you should get it as soon as possible.” “No, thank you, this means, so much.” She picked it up and we went back to her room, she had me set up a wall plaque with Onyx and we hung the armor on her wall. She shot it with a magic bolt making it so other than when she was in the room, it would be invisible. “Princess, I still want my leave if that’s alright.” She looked at me. “Yes, that will be fine.” “Ah, it’s probably not a great time, but how do you like my armor.” She stared at it for a few moments. “It’s great.” She said wiping a few tears away. “I must ask, may I get another guard to stand in for me? Having only Onyx here while I’m gone is, dangerous.” “Of course.” I walked outside and I heard her start sobbing as the door closed. He room was sound proof, even the loudest of noises couldn’t be heard while in there. At times I was grateful for it, at others, I couldn’t help but sigh. “Everything alright?” Onyx asked. “It’s fine, thank you for helping.” “Great armor by the way.” “Thanks.” I walked pass him. I went to the guard post and walked inside. I paused seeing the six other night guards playing cards. A fury like no other went through me and I let out a breath. Night duty was boring, and for them which used to be day guards, this was a demotion, not a promotion. “I told you I am going to win this pot.” An unicorn said smiling. “Really now.” They all looked at me. “I didn’t realize that being a night guard for Princess Celestia was so boring, that you would forget your duty as guards and slack off.” All of them chuckled. “Come on Lieutenant, Shining Armor isn’t here, you don’t need to act all high and mighty anymore.” A earth pony said. “Really now.” An unease went through them when I didn’t play along, making each of them nervous. “I’m going to fold guys, and um, get back to my post.” The unicorn said setting his cards down and I put my hoof up stopping him. “No, please play all of your bits, I wouldn’t want to cause you to fight over the pot later on.” “Um, all in.” He said now even more nervous. A few folded leaving only two as they quickly played out the game, the unicorn won and they all put away their bits. “Fall in.” They all fell in line in front of me. “First of all, shining armor has been gone for near four months, two months since we’ve not had a caption in Canterlot. Now can anyone tell me what that means?” “No sir!” They all said. “I means you’ve gotten lazy, and I’m going to fix that being now the highest military rank in Canterlot!” I shouted at them. “I was promoted this morning to caption!” Fear went through all of them. “ANY PONY KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!” I shouted at them and all of them straightened up. “I didn’t think so, now get to your posts!” I grabbed the unicorn before he could run scared. “Caption?” He asked with a slight tremor. “Since you were the smartest one, you’re getting promoted, report to Onyx for further command, we cannot have a missing spot in Luna’s guard, she should be at her bed chambers right now, this is your new job, so get used to it.” He nodded running. I sat down looking at Shadow’s window seat, he used to watch the far side of the mountain in case dragons decided to fly by Canterlot. I got up going outside and flew back to Hammer’s shop. She looked at me as I walked into the shop. “How’d it go?” “Great, just I’m going to go get a drink, probably going to pass out for a while, you want to come?” “Sure.” She came around locking the door behind us leaving > Something Regretted > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “My head.” I mumbled looking around. I looked at my new armor on the floor next to a rather dirty bed. I looked around the room. Tools of all kinds were all over the place and armor sets were all over the place, along with tons of metals. Bathroom off to the side. I paused turning over looking at Hammer smiling in her sleep. A really bad feeling filled me as I sniffed the air and then sniffed her. My scent was all over her, in fact it was just too heavy to deny. We had probably done more last night than I wanted to think I did. She grunted a little bit shifting waking up. I stared at her before looking under the blanket hoping for a moment to see something to suggest I didn’t just probably get her pregnant, but it was clear. I closed the blanket and stared at her. She opened her eyes to see me staring at her, then looked around. “Um, why are we.” She paused and a look of pure horror crossed her face realizing what I had just realized. “Did we, um.” She jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom slamming the door and I sat on her bed waiting for her. She didn’t come out after a while so I went over to the door. “Are you alright in there?” I asked unsure if I should stay or not. She opened the door and stopped being just inches from my face. “I’m, we didn’t use protection, and I’m, I’m not sure, or rather I don’t know. You could’ve gotten me.” I looked down a little. “Do you remember last night?” I asked. “Not after going to the bar, other than that, I, um, it’s blank.” I sighed. “Well, congrats you’re my first.” “Ah, you to.” “Well that makes me feel a little better all things considered.” I said a bit relieved, at least I didn’t catch something from her. “Did you think I was a loose pony?” She asked eyeing me. “No, I never thought that, I just thought you were really nice, and now that we’re in this situation, I don’t think we should try to look for the bad.” “We’re not in any situation!” She said panicked. “Hello!” I said rather loudly. I blocked her from leaving. “Are you blind, or can you not smell? It’s clear this might have to become something more than what it is.” She backed up and I went forward. “After this we might not have a choice.” “This isn’t a.” I stomped stopping her. “Don’t you dare.” I growled. “Don’t you dare even suggest what I think you were about to suggest to me. Or I swear to you this might become a whole lot less pleasant.” She swallowed backing into the wall scared. “Please, I’m, we don’t know each other at all!” “And?!” She paused. “We have as long as we need to get to know each other, if we really hate each other then, we can figure something out. This is something bigger than us now, we can’t throw this away because you’re not ready.” “But.” I went forward just an inch from her face making her swallow. “Say you won’t do anything drastic till we figure this out, promise me this now.” “I promise.” I let out a breath sitting down relaxing a little. “Good.” “Has, has this happen before?” She asked and I looked at her. “My father and mother went through the same thing of sorts. My mother fought to keep me and my father nearly killed her to stop her. She escaped and I was born, I was forced to kill my father when he found us. So I would never even dream of doing something like that to you, or, if you are.” “I, um, thanks?” She said unsure. “Anyway, please don’t do anything bad, this can become a great thing none the less, no matter what you chose. I’m a great guy, sure I have odd hours and everything, but I’m quite rich from family money and I’m very healthy. I have a lot of years left as well.” “I,” she said helpless stopping. “Please I’m not sure if I want to be a mother, that’s a huge responsibility.” “We won’t mate any more alright, if you are you are, if you aren’t, well you aren’t. We’ll deal with it if you miss your next, mark.” She looked at me a lot less panicked. “Now then, I have my armor and we seem to not be messed up badly. So altogether other than this everything must’ve gone good.” “Right good.” “Now then, I have a few days to, unwind. How about we get to know each other in that time, then figure out if this can become something more, and actually try for something. We don’t have to get married or anything like that, but let’s find out where this goes.” “I have no current orders that I need to fill so I can take off a few days.” “Okay good, well then, um, after we get cleaned up we can go get breakfast or something like that, sound good?” “Sure, sounds great.” “Well I should let you get ready first, do you mind me showering here?” “I have a second one down stairs, it’s not as nice as this one but, it’ll do you well enough to do anything you need.” “Alright cool.” I went down stairs and took a shower. I finished and went upstairs stopping as I entered her room. “You can’t tell him that.” I heard her say and I went over to the bathroom door. “He would probably hit you if you told him that, idiot, idiot!” I paused. I wouldn’t hit her no matter what she did, it was my own stupid fault that I got drunk, unless she intended it, but from her reaction she couldn’t have planned it. “T.” I stopped, she might give more information. “Idiot, ugh, I can’t do this if he finds out I remember the mating he’ll freak, but if I don’t tell him, he knows we mated.” I sat down hearing a few sobs. “I can’t tell him that it was my idea. Damn it.” “You’re idea?!” I asked loudly and I heard a bang as if she fell and I rushed in to see her in the shower floor dumbstruck. She crawled to the wall as I turned off the shower. “You’re telling me that this was your idea?” “Please, I was drunk, at the time I thought it was a good, idea I only remember the mating though, not the rest of the night.” I sighed sitting down. “I figured actually.” “What?” “I’ve gotten drunk a lot of time, many times with ponies that really like me. You’re the first which actually managed to get me in bed. Even at my drunkest I don’t end up in the bed of another pony for any reason.” “Oh.” “And it hasn’t changed the situation, from the smell this morning, I know for a fact it won’t change the situation of who’s idea was. Just please I won’t get mad for you telling me something, the worst thing you could do now is not tell me something and have it be important later on.” “Okay.” “Also was I any good?” She blushed. “Um, you-you weren’t bad.” She paused biting her lip. “At all.” “That’s good.” “I mean we actually did it, actually quite a few times, I don’t think I’m going to be able to get the stains out.” I chuckled and she got up smiling a little bit. “Well dry off and lets go get something to eat.” She dried off and I went over to my armor flexing my wings. The armor was still on my wings, but my main body piece was on the ground next to my helmet. “Everything alright?” She asked and I looked at her blushing a little, she was quite a beautiful mare, and now that she had cleaned up was stunning. “Wow.” She blushed. “I can see how you got me in bed, you’re a stunning mare, now come on. I’m leaving my armor here for now, I have a feeling that it won’t be a problem, will it?” “No, that’s fine.” “And it’s not like I can leave you alone for a month.” “What?” I went over to her and she backed up. “If you thought for a second I was just going to leave you, your wrong. Unlike you I take this very seriously, this is not a joke if what happen last night becomes something else. Till we know for sure I’m not leaving you alone unless I have to.” She swallowed. “What about.” “Don’t,” I said stopping her. “I’m the caption of the guard, the highest rank in the military and the only caption in Canterlot, not even the guards would try to stop me.” “O-okay.” “Sorry, I’m, a little quick to anger, I would never hit you, but, please understand I’m not trying to be mean.” “It’s alright.” “Thank you.” I kissed her cheek. “Now come on.” She blushed and came with me as we got something to eat. We were silent for most of the breakfast eating some nice grassroots to starve off the hang over for both of us. The bright sunny day did little for me or her for that matter. “What now?” She asked looking at me. “So tell me about yourself.” “Um, I’m a blacksmith, I suppose you knew that.” She chuckled nervously. “Earth, pony, I don’t know.” She looked down. “Much more timid than I thought.” “What?” “You asked me out of the blue, I thought you would be more forward.” “I’m rarely ever that forward, I asked you out because, well I don’t know why, it just seemed like a smart move.” I chuckled slightly. “How about I start, then you can figure out from that.” “Alright.” “My name is Night Jasper.” She paused and chuckled a little realizing she didn’t even know my name. “I was recently promoted to Night Guard Caption, I protect Princess Celestia and I am ponyal guard of Princess Luna. I stay up night but love walks at the full moon, I have no living family besides my half brother which works in Cloudsdale. I’ve been a guard most of my life and that’s about it.” “Oh, um, my name is Hammer, I work as a blacksmith, I’m the only pony that can do magic armaments. I don’t do much more than work. Both my parents are alive, and I have three brothers, two live in Baltimare, and another lives in Dodge City I think. My parents live in Los Pegasus. Other than work I haven’t done much, I used to work in Los Pegasus, but not that many people wanted battle armor there.” “What made you want to become a blacksmith?” “Lost a friend to a dragon, I vowed I would make armor which could protect a pony from anything. I’m not there yet apparently.” “You’re certainly better than any I’ve met.” “Thanks.” “Anyway, so after this what do you want to do?” I asked and she blushed making me stare at her for a few seconds. “I asked what did you want to do?” “Oh, um, no clue.” She smiled a little nervously. “A little straight forward are we?” “It’s just, I’ve remembered like most of what happen, at my place, and, it won’t get out of my mind.” “Seriously?” “Yeah.” “Well I don’t see how I can exactly help with that.” “You don’t?” I scratched my foreleg a little. “Not a place, that I want to go to.” I said unsure, I wasn’t sure where this was headed or who this pony was. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know any more. “Oh, well, I, um.” “What?” “We need to head back to my place for, maybe a few minutes, I seem to be having a few problems that I, um need to take care of.” I sighed a little bit. I paid and we went back to her shop. She ran into the bathroom almost too fast. “Are you alright in there?” “Yes,” she said with a high pitched voice. “I, um, I need help.” “What?!” I said a little shocked. “I said I need help, please.” She more or less begged. “Listen, I think this has become a little too, um, odd. You can find me in the castle, ask anyone for Caption Jasper Night and they will be able to find me.” “Oh hell.” She opened the door pulling me inside with almost crazy strength even more than me. We walked out of the bathroom and she pranced out of the bathroom smiling. I shivered a little bit. Never before had a mare overpowered me so completely. While it was one sided, my body certainly didn’t think so. The mix of smells and feelings alone sent me into madness which only compared to the battlefield, but we ended up being safe this time lucky for me. “Um.” I said a little nervous, it had felt like she somehow had reached into my bones and did something perverse to them. I had never felt so, weirdly good, but bad at the same time. “I’m sorry about that,” she said turning to me. “It’s just after I remembered everything from last night I had to do it again. You weren’t drunk this time and, it filled everything I wanted from you.” “I think I, need to go for a while.” She went forward backing me up into the bathroom, but only a few steps before I stopped halfway in the doorway. She stopped, but I could smell her sweet breath from how close she was. Her body and smell was intoxicating, drugs just couldn’t compare to her. “No you don’t.” She jumped slamming me onto the ground, I felt like I shrank under her, her aura was just impressive. “I, will need your help more later, I feel fine now, but, the way that came on. I know it won’t be the last, for long.” I swallowed a little bit scared. “I have guard duties.” “You said a few days, and I know that wasn’t a lie.” She kissed me and then laid on top of me smiling. Over all I was larger in size than her, but she just had a way of making me feel oddly small next to her, even laying on top of me she seemed like a small giant. “I, have a question.” “What?” “Was, this on purpose? By your design?” She smiled. “Nope, I had no idea we would sleep together last night, or I would’ve made sure to use protection of some kind. While I do like you, I don’t want to have a filly with you. Understand this is all off of, well nothing. I don’t know why I have this urge.” She licked her lips and I shivered a little. “But, I’m glad you’ll be there to fill it.” She smiled. “Can, I get up?” I asked carefully, I really didn’t want to be forced back into the bathroom with her, which we were already half way inside of. She licked my neck smiling a little bit. “No, I’m good like I am.” She smiled seemingly staring off in the distance. I didn’t know how I was going to get out of this. I’m sure Shadow would have told me I was the stallion, I need to take charge. Then again he was dominated by a freaking princess so, not much authority there, and certainly not enough to make me feel good with doing that to a very commanding mare. I felt more like she would bite my neck killing me than letting me go now. > Something Said > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- some thing said “Hammer?” She looked at me. “I love you.” She blushed backing up off of me allowing me to get up. “Freedom.” I said running for the stairs being on the second story. I didn’t hear her hooves as she ran tackling me into her wall cracking the wood. I was lucky it was made out of cheap wood, or I would have broken something most likely. “Excuse me?” She asked narrowing her eyes being back on top of me. “I, um, you’re really fast.” “I know.” She frowned and I swallowed now really scared of her. I wasn’t the fastest or strongest stallion in the world, but I most certainly wasn’t low ranked in any physical thing. I had just never been beat out in both areas by a mare two thirds my size. “So, I love you.” She smiled chuckling a little and then frowned. “You say that again just to get away and I'll kill you.” I whimpered a little. She wasn’t joking and without my armor, I was sure she could. “Anyway, we, could I get up?” “Alright.” She got off of me and I stood up, she jumped onto my back landing perfectly balanced. I looked at her and she licked my spine making me shutter. “But I’m staying on your back.” “I suddenly feel like I have a pony on my back.” She kissed my neck giggling a little, she honestly though didn’t feel any heavier than my armor, I could have her on my back all day and forget about her. “You do.” She whispered in my ear making me blush. “Now then where will you be taking me today? You were the one that wanted to get to know me better.” “I don’t know.” “I suppose we could stay here all day, and have some fun.” “No, I’m, I’m fine, we could, we could.” “Stay here.” “Um.” I was panicking, I had never once panicked before an enemy, and she single handedly made me go into a small fit of nervousness and fear. “Oh I know, how about we go to an concert hall.” “It’s the morning, none of them are open.” She more or less sang with happiness in her voice. “Then, how about a play?” “It’s the morning.” “Oh, then, how about a book reading?” “Too public.” My ears went back, I was losing this battle with every word, and I couldn’t very well try to fly away, she could snap my wings like twigs like she was. This was turning from a bad situation to a dangerous one. It was one thing if she was just wanting to have me as a partner, but emotions were getting thrown into the mix. “Then, more breakfast?” “Not hungry.” “A walk in the park?” “I’m liking that, there are plenty of high bushes there.” “No, no bad idea, um how about.” I whimpered, I was out of ideas. She was going to get her way no matter what I did. “What do you think is going to happen here?” “Not the bathroom again.” “You’re right, let’s try the bed this time, the urge is coming back even stronger than before.” I started to breathe a little fast. “Can’t you just feel me becoming hotter and hotter on your back? Oh I am so ready again.” “I.” “Bed now.” The next few days went by too slowly remembering every second of it. Each day pretty much was a few showers, some food and then her bedroom. I didn’t have a choice in the matter, and when I tried to bring something up, it was shot down, or she would physically shoot me down to the ground and growl at me. I don’t know when it happen but if I looked at any other mare even for a second look she would growl lightly on my back and demand we go back to her bedroom. The slightest things would set her off. I now felt more like her property than a pony to her. She mumbled a little in the sheets next to me smiling waking me up fully. It was almost sunset and my leave was over, rather I wanted to or not I would have to come back or they would come looking for me. I got out of bed extremely carefully. I started putting on my armor being extremely careful not to make one single metal cling, that could wake her up no matter how quiet it was. I finished putting on my armor opening a window carefully. I couldn’t get down the stairs without stepping on something, and I couldn’t use my wings, the only thing that would allow me to escape. “Jasper.” She said mumbling, feeling around with her hoof a little bit, then she opened her eyes looking at me half way out the window. “You’re so dead if you go out that window.” I swallowed and came back inside. She got up going over to me. “I really don’t have a choice this time, I have to get back.” “Oh, okay, well come back once your done alright.” She said smiling a little. She over all seemed very happy. While she acted like she owned me in every sense, she was a wonderful pony, and under all the mixed emotions I had started to feel something more. “Really, your letting me leave?” “You’re coming back right?” “Well yeah, you might be.” “Then yes.” She said interrupting me. She went back laying on the bed, I flew out of the window going back to Princess Luna. “Night Jasper.” Onyx said and I walked over to him standing next to Princess Luna’s personal restroom. I looked at the unicorn a little relaxed, but nervous. “Onyx, good afternoon.” I turned to the unicorn. “I never asked your name.” “I’m Nightshade.” “Well Nightshade are you enjoying your promotion?” “Yes sir.” “Good.” Princess Luna came out and stopped. “Night Jasper.” “Hello Princess Luna.” “You’re back, good, I was starting to wonder how many nights you would need. Anyway, did you do what you needed?” “Yes, thank you for the time off.” “Very well, come, I am hungry.” I nodded leading the way. We went through her nightly route and ended up in the dream chamber. “Night Jasper.” I stopped the door from closing and went inside a little. “Yes?” “Come inside, I, don’t want to be alone while in the dream.” I nodded walking inside and sitting down a little ways from her. “I wanted to apologize for my words, I have done you wrong and I wanted to say sorry.” “It’s fine.” “Thank you.” She closed her eyes and her horn lit up without another word. I looked up and paused, so many memories of Shadow were etched into the walls with magic, picture of him made me look down feeling badly. I closed my eyes. > Something Told > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- some thing told “Tired?” I looked around, we were in a forest, Princess Luna was standing in front of me. “Princess Luna, how did we get into the forest?” I asked looking around. “Did you teleport us.” “You are asleep.” “Oh.” “No need to awaken, the guards outside are awake.” “That’s good, I’m sorry I did not mean to sleep.” “It is fine, but you were having a nightmare.” “I was?” “Some weird dream of a green mare biting you.” I shivered. “That was a dream wasn’t it?” I chuckled lightly. “Oh, um, I’m sorry I guess that was a memory. It is hard to tell the difference some times.” “How much did you see?” “Most of it, you’ve been asleep for some time. You were bleeding tears for some reason, are your eye’s not well?” “It must’ve been a nightmare, I certainly didn’t cry blood. She did however bite me quite a lot. I was powerless though, she’s faster and stronger than me and I couldn’t stop her, she just laughed when I asked her to stop.” Memories appeared around us. “Is she abusing you?” “I had a one night stand with her.” She looked at memories, many of which were blurry with a few clear or just dull spots. “I think I might have gotten her pregnant.” Tears ran down my face. “I don’t know if I can be there for someone that hurts me.” “Emotional pain is truly the worst, “It is.” “We should speak out of dream.” I opened my eyes, and so did she. “Injuring a guard is an offense that you could arrest her for.” “She may be, pregnant.” “I suppose, but is that a bad thing?” I looked down. “No.” “Do you not enjoy her company? In your memories, it appeared as though you had an under layer of enjoyment and self fulfillment.” “The.” I cleared my throat. “Mating, is pleasurable, but, if we are to have a filly, I believe it would require us to be, compatible, not just in bed.” “When Shadow and I were together, he and I enjoyed smelling each other, breathing in a scent of the other, the taste and the feel. Shadow and I were truly made physical compatible and mentally. Are you?” I thought for a moment. “Physically, without a doubt.” “And mentally?” “Other than a few details, I know nothing of her.” “But do you enjoy her, in the way of many words, dominating you?” “It makes me feel powerless, like when I stood back and Shadow gave his life, I couldn’t do anything.” Tears went down my already wet face. “I hate that feeling, I can’t stand it, I just want to, to.” “The floor is made of stone, you will not break it.” I slammed my hooves down not even scratching the floor. “I want to hit her, beat her, make her obey me and do anything I ask, own her, but such dark things make me remember my father. I can’t become him. I don’t want to become him, is that my fate?” “Only if you let it control you, there is nothing you will become that you yourself is not willing to become. Fate is not something which is uncontrollable. All things have a way and a place, you do not have to make your place a dark one.” I wiped my tears away. “I’m sorry, I did not mean to make this personal, I’m your guard you.” “It is my job, I am your Princess, do not forget that, while you’re my guard you’re my subject just as much. It is my job to help those in need, even if it is one of personal desire and trouble.” “Thank you.” “If you must become dark to get somewhere light, I would suggest you take such action to her.” I looked at her completely shocked. “What?” “Some things require a feather touch to fix, and others require a hammer’s touch. While I would say it is wrong to hit another, it is not always wrong to make another fear. For it is the only way to equal out the wrong. It was the same for Twilight Sparkle and myself. She had to hurt me to save me, for had she not, I fear I would have done so much worse.” “I-I never thought of it like that.” “But heed me, know where to draw that line, make her your equal, not your slave, and a balance will exist in its natural form.” “I see.” “Now, I implore you to talk to her, and get this sorted out, hitting another is rarely ever the way, but she has hurt you in a way that even I would see as unacceptable.” “Thank you.” She got up and I looked up seeing the moon nearly gone. “The moon needs to be lowered and the sun needs to be raised, please take another day if you need to sort out your personal details.” I nodded following her to the celestial chamber where Princess Celestia was waiting for us. “Hello Luna, and Night Jasper, you look, a little unwell are you alright?” “I am perfect.” I smiled. “Very good, and I am glad to see another on your guard.” “Please sister not now.” “I’m sorry.” They raised the sun lowering the moon and I took Princess Luna to her bed chamber and she went to sleep. The day guards which came to replace us nodded to me now being their commander. I flew away going to Hammer’s store flying through the second story window waking her up with a decent thud. She jumped falling out of bed, then got up looking at me surprised and awake. “Night Jasper,” she said with a frown rubbing her shoulder. “Come in.” I moved with swift speed almost appearing in front of her making her back up into the wall. “What’s wrong with you?” She asked with a slight bit of fear in her voice and surprise. “You’ve pissed me off for the last four days!” I yelled at her making tears brim in her eyes. “I’ve had enough of your ways.” “What are you.” I pushed her against the wall so we were both on our hind legs, her back against the wall showing my size with my wings out. She started to breathe fast now clearly scared of me. “I didn’t say you could speak!” I snapped making her whimper. “You have forced me to mate with you and have ignored my feelings from the start, biting me, hitting me, tackling me to the ground and forcing me to do things I did not want to. Do you know that is a crime to do to a royal guard?! I could have you thrown in jail for the rest of your life!” “W.” “SHUT UP!” I yelled making her flinch. “You dare do something, no you dare do anything without me telling you it is okay, rather it is to relieve yourself or to even sneeze. If you think I’m joking I will make you regret the thought, I'll have your assets taken, your business destroyed and you won’t ever see the light of day again.” “I.” “Mark my words,” I growled with a gravity to it. “I will make your life a living hell, and you will beg for death.” Tears ran down her face. I let go of her making her fall to the ground shaking. “Now you will apologize.” “I-I.” “NOW!” I stomped making the ground shake and making her gasp crying. “I’m sorry.” “You better be.” She choked on her sobs making me sigh as I sat down. Over the last four days I had wanted to do that so badly, but now that it was out, I couldn’t help but feel sadness for her. All I had done was made the possible pregnant mare of my offspring cry so hard she was gasping for air. “Please.” She gasped for air. “No more.” I stomped my hoof standing up as the fury came back in the same instant. “Stand up.” She stood up shaking. I stared at her and stared at me in fear still crying making me angrier at her gritting my teeth. She closed her eyes as I went forward, I took another step forward kissing her making her open her eyes in surprise. “I’m sorry.” “W-what?” “I’m sorry I yelled at you, but, these last four days have been hell.” My body shook a little bit. “You scared me, you really scared me, I couldn’t tell you no, and when I tried, you, you forced me.” “I.” She sniffed as her tears slowed. “I’m sorry, I, I didn’t know. I thought, I thought you wanted it as much as I did.” “I wanted to get to know you, I didn’t want to mate with you more. I’m not so shallow that I would ever want to mate with you. A relationship cannot be build on sex! You only will create darkness, doubt and despair, then hate that way.” She looked down. “Please, don’t, throw me in jail.” “You might be the mother to my unborn foal, I wouldn’t dream of doing that, but you gave me no choice.” “I scared, you that much.” “If you were a stallion I could have beat you into a bloody sludge, if you were just some mare I could have slapped you hard enough to snap your neck, but you’re not just some mare, and you’re not a stallion. I don’t know if I love you, but I’m not willing to give up just because you’ve made me do things I didn’t want to.” “Can we start over then?” “The past cannot be forgotten, the rage I have will not go away simply because I want it to, nor will the fear.” She looked down. “And I’m sure the love won’t either.” She looked at me smiling. “M-may I use my bathroom?” “Of course.” “Thank, you.” She said carefully. She went into the bathroom shaking a little, and I cleaned up the spot she left on the wooden floor. While it disgusted me, her fear was tantalizing, just the feel of it was like nothing else, not even mating compared on the mental level. It was a darkness unlike any other, and it was addicting like any other. “Hammer.” “Yes.” She said clearly still sobbing. I pushed the door breaking the lock easily and she looked at me crying in the shower, it wasn’t running. “I.” “I don’t need your permission to enter.” She flinched a little. I went over to her and paused noticing a very thin armor on her. I hadn’t noticed it before, but she was wearing wire armor. No wonder why she was so fast and strong, this armor enhanced my speed and strength, she could probably make metal string that did the same. “What, is it?” “Take off that armor!” I growled and she paused knowing I knew. She clicked her hooves and it came off. I pulled it away from her looking at it. “I was wondering why you were stronger and faster than me!” “I, please I.” I slammed my hoof making her shut up. “You used a weapon on me and you expected me not to get mad?!” She shook scared of me again, and it felt good. “Oh, I’m so pissed, if it were not against the law I would break your legs in anger.” She swallowed covering her face. “Just because you cover your face from me doesn’t mean I’m going to disappear!” I slapped her forelegs sending them into the wall. I paused realizing what I had done as her right foreleg bled from a cut I had made with my sharp hoof guard. She looked at me with pure terror, and I stepped back bumping into the wall, as fear made me realize what I had just done. I had hit her, not only that I had made her bleed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean.” I turned and ran flying out the window. This rage that filled me had just made me fall off the edge, and I needed it gone. I flew going to the throne room looking around for Princess Celestia. She wasn’t there, making me check the rest of the castle finding her in the gardens smelling some nice roses. I landed next to her and she looked at me. “Why hello Night Jasper, lovely day today, I am glad you are out, but shouldn’t you be getting ready for sleep?” “Princess Celestia I’ve done something bad, and I need your help.” Her look became serious and she looked around noticing no guard. “Oh it’s not a guard issue I have.” She looked back at me a little relieved. “What do you need help with?” > Something Removed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I hit a mare today, and I couldn’t control myself because of a rage, I need you to take it away for me. I don’t know any pony else which can and Princess Luna is asleep.” She went forward touching her hoof to my head and a pure feeling of joy filled me washing my rage away completely. Not a single bit remained. “How is that?” “I feel so much better.” I said as tears went down my face. “What happen?” “I’ve become part of a relationship with another and, it has become something dark, I tried to fix it and only made it worse. I won’t stop trying though, I will make it work, nothing can stop me. Thank you for your help.” “Anytime my little pony.” I smiled and flew off going back to Hammer which was limping to her bed still crying. I landed through the window and she looked at me in fear falling back onto the ground. I ran over to her and helped her up to her surprise. “Don’t hit me.” She begged and I kissed her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you.” I helped her to bed and went around to her other side so we were face to face. We stared at each other and she wiped what little tears came from her eyes. “So.” She said unsure. “I should probably say I’m really, really sorry and that my actions were not acceptable. I am so sorry.” “It’s, alright, I’m also sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” I chuckled lightly. “You broke three ribs, dislocated three joints, dislocated a vertebra, dozens of bruises, bite marks, and cuts.” Her face went pale. “How could you do all that and not mean it?” “I did that?” “Yes.” I said looking down. “Your rage was justified, I’m sorry.” I kissed her. “No amount of rage can justify hitting another, you did it in love even though it only made me fear you.” She swallowed and moved pushing me, rolling me onto my back and so she was on top of me. This time though I had a choice. She wasn’t strong enough without her wire armor, and I still had my armor on, which was oddly comfortable. “I’m so sorry.” She kissed me moving on top of me. “You just like being on top of me don’t you?” Both of us giggled a little. “You’re very comfortable to be on, I’ve grown to like it a lot. Does it bother you that I like doing this?” I smiled. “No, thank you for asking though.” She smiled. “But I should take off my armor.” I picked her up setting her to the side, she didn’t lose form even in my arms. She was strong with or without her armor, just not as strong as me now. I took off my helmet and main body piece setting it to the side. I stretched my wings a little bit with the armor still on them. “You are a very handsome stallion.” I smiled. “Come onto my back, I want to show you something.” She got up limping making my heart speed up. She got onto my back and I opened the window flying into the air. She grabbed onto me a little scared, we were normally grounded. “What are you doing?” “I want to show you what I saw when I was a colt, and why I wanted to become a guard at Canterlot.” I flew high into the sky above Canterlot and she looked down. The city seemed to gleam with a beautiful golden white glow. She smiled looking at it. “I’ve never been above Canterlot.” “I figured.” I scoffed as I flew into the clouds. She gasped being above the clouds, seeing the pure white fluffiness of them. “These are beautiful.” I landed on a cloud. “Just don’t get off of me, earth ponies are only on the earth because that’s where they normally belong.” “Right.” I pulled off a chunk of the cloud and she tried to grab it, but it went through her hooves making me chuckled. “Oh you think that’s funny.” She whipped her now ice cold hooves along my spin. “Hey! Hey, no doing that to your ride.” I said chuckled as I shivered. She licked my neck holding me close. “Thank you.” I smiled. “Well hold on tight!” I flew through the air rather fast swinging with perfection as I made the large clouds I passed seem like rivers of white. She reached out and her hoof glided through the clouds making her giggle with glee. We spent most of the day in the clouds till she got cold going back to her home. I laid down next to her and we stared at each other. “You should sleep.” She said getting up. “Where are you going?” “I slept all night and into some of the day, I need to get back to work. As nice as this is, and as fun as it was flying through the clouds were, I have to get back to my job, I don’t want to become rusty. Also this room is sound proof.” She went over to the window closing the blinds making it nice and dark. “So sleep well.” “I will.” She left letting me fall asleep. Days went by, then a few weeks. Our relationship evened out to a nice flavor now that she no long tried to own me. She was a slight bit controlling, just not in a painful or rude manner anymore, and now I could say we made love, not mating. “Night Jasper wake up!” She shook me awake and I looked at her just having gotten to bed. “What I grumbled, didn’t you hear?! Twilight Sparkle became a princess!” “What?!” I asked getting up. “Where did you hear that from?” “Outside.” I got up going over to the window opening it and sound flooded the room of cheers and chants of Twilight Sparkle becoming a new princess. “How do you not know?” I closed the window yawning. “I’m a night guard I.” A snap in my head made me sigh. “I need to go, apparently I forgot I’m Princess Luna’s personal guard, not just a night guard.” She helped me put on my armor. I kissed her. “I hope you well.” “Yeah, today is going to be a long day.” I kissed her again and she smiled. I opened the window and paused seeing the sky filled with hundreds of pegasi closing the window. “I’m going to walk today.” I started walking going through downstairs and opening the door. Ponies were everywhere, Canterlot was more full than normal, much more full. I had only seen this many ponies once, and that was when Princess Cadance became a princess. While young, ponies lined the street to see her from all over Equestria. Twilight Sparkle was probably one of the most notable ponies in Equestria. Any pony that knew Princess Celestia’s name knew hers, especially after saving every pony time and time again with her friends. Ponies waved at me slightly as I passed them. While I wasn’t the most wonderful sight in the day, no thief would be stupid enough to steal while a royal guard was passing by. I got to the castle and the guards let me pass the very long line of ponies wanting to get in for the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle. “Sir!” Several guards said seeing me as I walked into the throne room. Princess Celestia was at the throne talking to several ponies, Princess Luna was next to her. I paused seeing Shining Armor outside ordering ponies around. Good at least I wasn’t the only pony which had to organize this, and Shining Armor was a real pro when it came to that. He could get rabbit ants to form a straight line if he needed it. “Night Jasper.” Princess Celestia said and I yawned a little. “Hello.” “You seem tired.” “Yes I am, I will not lie, but what do you want me to do?” “As you’ve heard Twilight Sparkle will become our newest princess.” Princess Celestia said with not only pride, but a golden glow that seemed to fill the room with warmth and energy, I took in a breath smiling at the good feeling. > Something Seen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I paused seeing a white alicorn passing through a wall. I shook my head as a weird confusion came over me making me back up. “Night Jasper, what is it?” I looked at Princess Celestia having not moved at all, having been in my mind. “What?” “You must be tried, did you hear anything I spoke?” “I am sorry, I did not.” “Maybe you should rest,” Princess Luna said. “Shining Armor is able to fill in as caption of the guard today, it is his sister which is becoming a princess.” “Perhaps that.” I couldn’t finish my sentence as my body locked. “Night Jasper?” Princess Luna asked standing up. She walked over to me and waved her hoof in front of me, but I couldn’t even blink. “Sister?” Princess Celestia walked over to me and walked around me. “Night Jasper, can you move? Make a noise if you can.” I didn’t know how I was getting air, but my lungs weren’t moving even though I could breathe. “Guards!” Two guards ran over to us, take Night Jasper to the hospital wing immediately!” They ran over to me and tired to pick me up but couldn’t. “It’s stone!” One of them said feeling my fur. “And why is he covered in ash?” “What?” Princess Luna asked. “No one touch him,” Princess Celestia ordered and everyone backed away. “Replace the carpet and burn it, you two go wash and leave not a spot untouched.” She teleported them and picked me up with her magic. “Luna I believe you can handle this.” “Yes sister.” Princess Celestia walked me to her personal chambers. “No one is to enter.” The guards nodded by the doors to her bed chambers. She walked over to a bookshelf. “Princess Celestia.” She said and it moved to the side. We walked down a long stone tunnel stopping at a small pool of glowing water. “Night Shadow.” She moved me so we were face to face, allowing me to see her. “This is going to be painful, but this water is pure and can cure any affliction.” She dipped me into the water and tears ran down my face as it felt like acid burning everything down to my very bone. She completely dipped me into it pulling me out and I let out a mixed painful screech scream of pain. She set me down. “That, burns.” I said shaking. “Are you alright?” She asked. “I can breathe.” I said relieved. “Good.” She smiled. “Now what happen to you was a magic blow back, you stood in the spot where Shadow and the darkness as Luna called him perished. It happen only once before draining most of the left over energy, turning one of my day guards into pure stone.” “I didn’t hear about it.” “It was after the fight and you were in mourning , as was my sister. I did not tell you, I thought the energy had dissipated, but I was wrong, it had enough to stop you from moving, but not enough to turn you to stone, so the energy must be very low and will disappear completely soon.” “Lucky it’s to the left of the throne, or Princess Twilight Sparkle might have a bad day today.” She giggled a little bit. “Yes I think getting turned to stone is considered a bad day, but please do not speak of this to others for it may make them fear, and Luna sad.” “I will not speak of this to any pony.” “Thank you.” “What is this place?” “It is the pool of affliction.” I looked at the glowing water. “It will remove any infection, spell of affliction, normally at the cost of someone’s life, but since I have connected it to myself I can use it an unlimited amount of times.” “You really are immortal?” “It is often a grim topic, but yes, I am immortal. I am the embodiment of pure light, so long as the sun shines I will not be able to die no matter what I may do, rather this body gets destroyed, I will not die.” “That’s good, wait then why do you have guard?” She smiled. “At first it was a group of ponies which wanted to serve and protect me. I did not intend at first for there to be a guard, but after some horrible things, I found doing it all myself was a hard task. So I made the guards to help protect the ponies from harm. As to why I have guards myself, well that’s because I have an image to uphold as leader. It makes ponies feel safe to know I have guards protecting me.” “That’s nice, I never thought about it, but it does make me feel good knowing you have protection.” She smiled. “Now then, how do you feel? And did removing your rage help you?” “Very much, I can say I love her.” She smiled. “Wonderful, are you tired?” “No.” “Then let’s get to perpetrations. I can hardly wait for Twilight Sparkle to walk down that room to finally become a princess.” She paused. “Oh and do not speak of this place to any pony, if this chamber was ever discovered, it’s power could be used to do great evil.” “I understand, I will never speak of this room ever again.” “Thank you.” I followed her out of the chamber into her bed chamber. The bookshelf closed behind us. I spent the rest of the day being pretty much the understudy of Shining Armor learning how to truly be a great caption, making sure everything was perfect. He was more excited than any pony else. I didn’t bother trying to get into the throne room, or even stay in Canterlot, I sat on top of the mountain watching the skies as crowds cheered down below in Canterlot. It wasn’t so much that I didn’t care, it was that there simply wasn’t enough room to fit one more guard, and some pony had to watch for attacks from the skies. “Wohoooo!!!” I looked up seeing Princess Twilight Sparkle shout flying around having fun with her new wings. > Something Returned > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- some thing returned “Enjoying the show?” I turned to a white alicorn pausing “Who are you?” He looked at me smiling a little. “Just a passing royal.” “Why aren’t you at the ceremony?” “Not invited.” I chuckled. “Every pony was invited, that’s why it’s so jam packed down there.” He chuckled. “I guess it would be too late, I saw Twilight Sparkle fly off though.” I pointed. “Oh there she is, I’m sure you could go talk to her if you wanted.” He smiled. “No, I wouldn’t want to interrupt her.” “Alright, well I got to go.” I took off flying back to the castle. I went to Luna in the throne room as it started to become dark. Ponies were still partying on the street of Canterlot after flowing out of the castle. “That went well.” I said stepping over some trash. Princess Celestia giggled a little. “Very.” I smiled. “Anyway, I will tend to Twilight Sparkle.” I looked up as it became dark from the sun going down a little quickly and the moon came up right after. Princess Celestia got up walking out of the room. “Excited?” I asked and Luna smiled. “She’s always excited about these things.” “Are you going to sleep?” “Yes, you may go and rest, you earned it. The decorations were a wonderful idea, I’m sure Twilight Sparkle enjoyed them.” She got up we went to her bed chamber. “Finally.” A whisper said and I stopped looking around for the voice making Princess Luna stop. “Is everything alright?” “Oh, everything’s fine, sorry.” I opened her bedchamber door and she went inside. Onyx and Nightshade were probably passed out somewhere. Her sleep guards came over and took the posts as I shut the door. I nodded before walking slightly drunkish tried. I had stayed up almost two days, while normally not taxing to me, getting turned to stone was. I flew to Hammer’s shop walking through her window, tripping and falling to the ground with a loud metal bang. I got up shaking my head getting off my helmet before taking off my armor completely. I jumped onto the bed. “Night Jasper.” I looked at Hammer as she walked into the room smiling. “I need to sleep.” She smiled walking over to me and kissing me. “One minute of your time.” I sat up looking at her. “What?” “I made a lot of money today.” “Really?” “Yep, got over seventy armor orders.” I stared at her. “Seventy!” I said shocked. “None of them are magic enhanced, but I’m going to make enough to retire!” I chuckled smiling. “Aren’t you happy?” “That’s wonderful.” “Yeah, now we could, I don’t know, actually do something.” “What do you mean?” “Well when I said retire, I meant both of us.” I stared at her a little confused. I sat up completely looking at her. “Wait what?” “You know, like move somewhere nice and have fun, maybe, raise a family.” I stared at her a little shocked. “I mean, we have kind of moved to that phase right?” I looked at the ground a little and then at her. “Can we possibly talk about this once I wake up? What you just said was, so over my head right now, that I am about to pass out.” “Oh.” I sighed getting off the bed kissing her. “I love you.” She smiled. “Nothing will change that, but, I need to sleep, you want me to have a clear mind to talk about this, it’s too big to simply talk about with a few words.” I laid back down on the bed. “Come to bed.” She walked over and went under the sheets with me, making me pull her close as I passed out. “Such a wonderful night.” I looked at the alicorn I had met on the mountain. We were in the royal gardens. I looked up at a bright full moon. “Yes it is.” I stared at the moon in a daze filling me with warmth. “It’ll bleed a wonderful red soon.” The moon started to turn red dripping. I turned to the alicorn now missing. I turned appearing high in the sky. “NO!” I shouted as waves of blood washed over Equiseta, burning and drowning in its path, I flew down flying toward Canterlot landing in the throne room. “Princess Celestia, Luna!” I shouted in a panic, then stopped backing up seeing their bodies, mangled and broken. Screams made me turn appearing in Hammer’s room. “No Hammer!” I shouted and chains pulled me up to the ceiling holding me up down as blood started to fill the room. “Night Jasper, where are you?!” She asked frightened. “I’M HERE!” I shouted trying to break free, but he chains wouldn’t budge. “I’m here!” I begged as tears ran down my face. “Look up!” “Night Jasper, save me please.” She cried as the room filled up with blood, a bubble surrounded allowing me to breathe. I watched in horror as she drown. “NO!” “Wake up!” Hammer shouted and I shot up from bed shaking in a cold sweat. I looked at Hammer worried sitting next to me. I grabbed her hugging her. “Thank Celestia.” Tears ran down my face as my body trembled. “It was a nightmare, it was only a nightmare.” She kissed me. “I know, I know.” I choked a little, I let out a breath gaining my composure. “A nice hot shower will help you.” She said smiling a little and I paused, I was sticky from sweat. “Right, a hot bath.” “Together.” I smiled kissing her. “Thank you.” We went into the bathroom and she started a bath. I took a quick rinse before getting into the warm bath with her. “Now tell me about your dream.” I stared at her on top of me. “Everything was drowning in blood, I couldn’t save you.” “I’m fine, there isn’t an ounce of blood anywhere.” My heart sped up realizing the water was blood. “Blood!” I pulled her out of the water in a hurry and she looked at me confused. I looked around confused. “What?” She asked startled, I looked at the water, it was normal water. “The water, it, it was blood.” “We should go see the doctor.” “No, I’m fine.” I looked at her, she had a concerned look on her face. “Please, I’m sorry, I, the dream must’ve popped out of my head, there was just so much blood.” I got back inside and she did as well. “If you’re sure.” I kissed her smiling. “I’m sure, anyway I have to go buy something.” “It’s only morning.” “I know, but a nice cool night walk will calm me down, and I have a lot to think about, you said a lot before I fell asleep.” “Did I?” She asked clearly lying. “Yeah, but tell me, do you love me?” “What?” “I mean I know we’ve been living together for a while, we make love and have fun, but do you love me?” She stared at me for a second looking at my chest. “As in you want to live with me for the rest of your life.” She looked at me understanding what I meant. “I.” I pulled her closer to me making her smile. “I love you.” I smiled. “I have to go for a short while, will you wait for me?” She nodded and I got up getting out of the bath. I put on my wing armor before leaving out the window. I looked around the street, ponies had partied so hard quite a few were passed out bottle not far from them. I chuckled going to my bank. They held most of Canterlot wealth, from gold to gems to deeds. It cost a small amount to hold things, but that was to keep things safe from being stolen. The bank wasn’t that impressive on the inside, it had about six hallways full of drop boxes which could only be opened by a certain pony which owned it. I went to my drop box and pressed my hoof onto it unlocking it making the box pop out. I opened it seeing a few documents from my father. I picked up an engagement ring, my father had given me, I had both the engagement ring and the marriage set since I was first born. That though didn’t mean he didn’t give my brother enough to buy a nice one himself. “Finding everything alright?” I looked at a guard. “Oh caption.” “Hello.” I closed the box putting the ring up my hoof guard so he didn’t see it. “How is everything?” “Great, just grabbing something.” “Oh don’t mind me, just making sure with so many ponies in the city things are safe. A lot of things have been going mad. Probably going to get a thousand reports of stolen things.” I chuckled, large events always brought the bad, and this was probably the biggest in a very long time. “Yeah, I can only imagine, must suck being a guard of the city.” He laughed. “It’s very easy being a castle guard.” “You have your own problems I imagine.” “We do.” I walked pass him and took off flying. I hummed lightly but stopped hearing someone scream. > Something Wrong > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- some thing wrong I stopped flying looking around and paused seeing three stallions chasing after a single mare down an alley not far from me. It was odd for something like this to happen, even if ponies were still partying. “HELP!” She screamed getting to a dead end. I looked at two guards on the street looking around. I flew down quickly landing in front of the stallions making them slide. “Stop!” I commanded and they stopped. I looked at their mask covered faces, they were unicorns, this just got dangerous. Thanks to Hammer’s design I always had my wing armor on, rather rain or snow I always forgot about it. “Move aside!” One of them ordered. “I am Night Jasper, Night Caption of the Royal guard! You do not give me orders!” They stepped back a little and then their horns glowed brown. “Then we shall make you!” They said in unison firing a blast of magic at me. I swung my wing like a blade cutting perfectly at an angle and deflecting it back, blasting them with their own magic. “You-you killed them?” I looked at the blue mare still scared, I looked at them and froze in my spot. The magic had ripped them apart, limbs twisted, things in places they simply weren’t meant to be making me swallow. I was lucky I hadn’t eaten anything in a while, it had been a long time. I paused looking pass her realizing a small crowd was watching on the street with horrified expressions. “Caption, what have you done?” I looked at the two guards standing off to the side, I paused realizing I was on a stage, the dead end was a wall in a play! I looked back at the three stallions realizing as blood dripped from my wing tips. It wasn’t magic that had killed them, they were sliced to bits. “I, what, no they were chasing after her.” “It’s a play caption.” One of the guards said. “But, they used magic.” “Their earth ponies! They don’t have magic!” The mare cried. “I, I didn’t mean.” I shook my head backing up. I took flight as the guards reached for me. I flew high into the air and landed on a cloud looking down at the ground, my heart going beating in my throat. “Whoa.” I looked at a white pony. “What happen to you?” “I don’t know.” He started backing up. “You killed them, in cold blood, how could you?” “I didn’t mean.” He turned around and flew off as three air guard flew up surrounding me. “Caption, you need to come with us.” One of them said. “I didn’t do anything, they attacked me!” “They were actors!” One of them shouted. “No, I didn’t.” “Caption you’re not right, you slaughtered them, you need to come with us before you hurt any pony else!” “I’m not going anywhere.” I growled and my wings spread out pushing them back from the gust of wind making them look at me shocked. “You can’t make me!” I moved faster than I thought punching two of them in the gut and letting them fall. I turned to the last one and his eyes went wide with fear. “You better catch them.” He flew after them catching them and I took off flying. I flew through Hammer’s room and she looked at me surprised, but it turned to fear. “Night Jasper, why did you do it?” “I didn’t mean to, you have to believe me! I didn’t mean to kill them, they, they were attacking a mare and, and I protected her.” “You killed them, how could you?!” “Not you to!” “You need to turn yourself in.” “I don’t need to do anything, I asked you if you love me earlier, you said yes, you must come away with me.” “What?” I went up to her. “Forget everything, all we need is each other.” “Shadow your scaring me.” She backed up away from me. “We can’t leave, you’re a murderer, I don’t want anything to do with a murder.” I backed away from her as a headache started making me shake my head trembling. “You, don’t love me, I, I understand.” I grabbed my armor flying into the sky getting dressed mid air. I stopped after a minute as dozens of guards flew into the air. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna flew to the head of the group. “Night Jasper!” Princess Celestia said in a commanding voice. “You have some explaining to do.” “I didn’t mean to kill them, they attacked me.” “What?” “I, those guards, I didn’t, they were trying to arrest me, I didn’t do anything wrong, I helped her.” “Night Jasper you need to come in now, you murdered people! You’re a monster and you must be locked away!” I stared at Princess Celestia. “I did nothing wrong! I’m not going to jail for this, it wasn’t my fault I was doing my duty.” “Night Jasper what are you talking about?” I looked at Princess Luna and every pony flying around me looked confused. “I'll not let you take me, even if I have to kill you all to get away.” “Back away.” Princess Celestia said floating forward. “I will not let you hurt any pony, you need to come with me now, you’re sick, you need to die.” “I will not let you kill me!” My bones cracked and I turned breaking the magic barrier and causing a sonic rain boom inches from ten ponies behind me. I flew twisting my body becoming something like an arrow shooting through the air reaching San Palomino Desert landing on top of the mountain breathing hard and falling to the ground coughing blood. “Are you alright?” I looked at the white alicorn I had met on the mountain. He helped me up and helped me over to a small pool of water. “I-I they want to kill me, I can’t, they how could they?” “No pony wants to kill you here.” I looked at him. “Are you done?” I got up shaky, but good. “Yes.” I couldn’t understand it, but he calmed me down. “Then come with me.” We walked for a ways and stopped at a cave. “I found this cave a while ago.” We walked inside and light stones lit up the cave nicely as we walked to a large area with a bed and other things around the place. “I made it home. “It’s nice, but I can’t stay here.” “It’s fine, this cave has special properties, no one can find us here.” I looked at him, for some reason I couldn’t doubt his words, he seemed to only speak truth. “He is a monster! Do not fear him!” I turned around hearing Princess Celestia’s voice but not seeing her. “He must die on sight.” I turned again hearing Princess Luna’s voice. “Do you hear them?” “Yeah, where did those voices come from?” “Princess Celestia and Luna, they want me dead, they, they must be able to reach out and find me.” “I told you.” I looked at him. “Nothing can get you here. No magic can enter this cave, believe me I’ve tried.” “I-I.” “Now why don’t you lay down and rest?” He sat me on the bed and I looked down calming down a little. I felt my hoof guard and paused searching it for the ring. It was gone, I got up and he pushed me down having a bowl of water in his magic. “Sit.” “My ring, it’s gone.” “You need to rest for a while.” “Find him before he hurts some pony else!” Princess Celestia’s voice ordered. My ear twitched at her order. “Don’t pay attention to that, drink, you need to drink.” I took the bowl and drank some of the water looking at the bowl, it was somehow, something, but I just wasn’t sure what it was, it was, just confusing. “I, killed three innocent ponies, and I, I hurt guard, I did that sonic rain boom so close to them, I could have killed them.” “What does it matter how many ponies you’ve killed? Though a sonic rain boom would kill anything near it, they pack some serious punch.” “What have I done?” He started to brush me. “Just drink and rest, that’s all you need to do. Drink and rest, forget everything, you don’t need to remember that now.” I started to become drowsy. “Just forget everything, you don’t need to remember anything.” I fell asleep. > Something Awoken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- some thing awoken “Princess Celestia!” A guard shouted running up to her. “We need your help, Caption Night Jasper just attacked two air patrol when they went to talk to him about interrupting a play, he was saying something about killing ponies!” “Fetch Princess Luna immediately!” The guards ran getting her and bring her back to the throne room. Princess Luna quickly rushed over to Princess Celestia. “What is it sister?” “I do not know, Night Jasper suddenly attacked guards after interrupting a play as I have been informed, but I fear he may be unwell, he’s acted weird for a while now.” “Then we must hurry.” They took flight and a dozen or two air guards took flight with them finding him rather easily. “Night Jasper!” Princess Celestia said in a sofa voice seeing him, he was covered in his own blood, feathers falling from his wings. “What has happen?” She asked. “I didn’t mean to kill them, they attacked me.” “What?” She asked confused. “I, those guards, I didn’t, they were trying to arrest me, I didn’t do anything wrong, I helped her.” “Night Jasper you need to come in now, you’re injured! You must come with me to get healed!” Princess Celestia said as fear entangled her heart. “I did nothing wrong! I’m not going to jail for this, it wasn’t my fault I was doing my duty.” “Night Jasper what are you talking about?” He looked at Princess Luna and every pony flying around him looked confused. “I'll not let you take me, even if I have to kill you all to get away.” “Back away.” Princess Celestia said floating forward. “I will not let any pony hurt you, you need to come with me now, you’re sick, you need to rest.” “I will not let you kill me!” His bones cracking made Princess Celestia act on impulse shielding all the guard ponies as he turned breaking the magic barrier and causing a sonic rain boom inches from ten ponies behind him shooting off into the distance too fast for any of them hope to act let alone follow. “Sister what is wrong with him?” Princess Luna asked. “I do not know sister, but we do not have a chance of following him now.” Princess Celestia looked down seeing where Night Jasper had flown up from and flew down landing through the large hole in the wall seeing Hammer crying holding a ring. “My dear pony.” Hammer looked at Princess Celestia panicked. “What happen here?” “My colt-friend, I don’t know.” “Was he Night Jasper?” Celestia inquired. “Yes, he came in here in a panic bleeding, I, he said I didn’t love him. He left his ring, I thought he was going to propose.” Princess Celestia looked at Princess Luna and she looked at her just as confused. “What happen to him?” Luna asked. “He was only gone for ten minutes, he said something about blood in his dreams, and then said he had to go get something.” Tears went down her face. “I’m so confused, please Princess Celestia, find him, he said he was a monster.” “He is not a monster, do not fear.” Princess Celestia said. “He must be subdue on sight,” Princess Luna said to guards. “So be careful not to hurt him, but take heed to your own safety, he is strong.” “We need to find him immediately,” Princess Celestia said smiling at Hammer. “For he is to become a father soon enough.” Hammer looked up from the ring at her. “Go spread the word, we must find him and return him safely.” > Something Returned (unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- some thing returned “You only need to rest.” Night Jasper looked at me. He had no idea how long he had been here, but to him my voice was entrancing, soothing, as if I wanted him to fade into the sweet nothingness. Nothing to hold him down, or back, nothing to regret. “I only need to fade.” He mumbled blacking out. “Finally.” I said as Night Jasper’s fur faded to white, a horn grew out so softly as he cracked my new body’s neck. I grinning as my teeth sharpened, tongue grew longer edging like a snake. I moaned has my body changed cracking to my preference. My wings grew larger discarding blood and feathers. “I have come back.” “What?” Night Jasper asked faded and my eye twitched. “Ugh, I hate vessels, I need a real body.” I grumbled looking in a mirror. I was back to my old self, my old appearance, a pure white alicorn. I thought for a few moments thinking where I could get a body and a single pony came to my mind, if he was still alive. I teleported appearing above the ocean making me flap my wings to fly shocked having only jumped to the ocean. I sighed seeing that my magic was not as strong as it should have been. I teleported dozens of times before becoming tired and just flying. I smiled a little seeing the lost lands. The place of my birth, the place I had right to rule, and the place that had cast me aside. Thunder clouds above me made me sigh as I dodged lightning. I landed on the beach tired and fur fired. I started walking not wanting to be the highest thing in the sky at this point in time. “You alright?” I looked at two colts running over to me. “I’m fine.” It had been over a hundred years since I had stepped foot onto these beaches, I was probably a horror story at this point, but that didn’t change the fact if someone did know me that I wanted them to recognize me, I hid my horn. “Oh good.” The older of the two said. “Tell me do you know where I can find a colt named Coin?” “Coin?” One asked the other looking at the other. “Do you mean the king?” The other one asked. “I think his first name is Coin, but I’m not sure.” “Thank you.” I flew low under the trees going to my castle. A large city surrounded it and guards looked at me as I landed walking now seeing the no flying posts. I looked around and ponies were perfectly happy, healthy, and well. It made me want to rip out their eyes, crush them into liquid and feed them it. I went up to the castle gates and four guards looked at me. A pair went over to me and stopped me. “What business do you have?” One of them asked. “I’m here to see the king.” I let my horn show and they stepped back. “A royal, we’re sorry, we had no idea, please follow us.” I followed them and they took me to my throne room. The lost lands had become lighter and cleaner, ponies didn’t suffer anymore, and once I got my body I would change that. “Sire!” “What?” “A royal is here to see you.” “One moment.” After a few minutes an alicorn walked over to us, his coat was shiny golden. “Come in.” I walked into the throne room and the guards closed the door behind us and I looked at him. “So tell me, who are you?” We started walking toward my old throne. He sat down looking at me. “Getting a royal here is rare, in fact we haven’t seen one in almost fifty years when Princess Celestia came.” “I came in search for a colt named coin.” “Ah, my grandfather, what business do you have with him? He’s a bit of a loon and always blabbing on about some old ruler coming for his throne and will need a body once he gets here.” He chuckled. “Really absurd.” “Yes well I was interested in it, and I wanted to learn more about it, I had heard some weird stories. So if I could talk to him.” “Oh, a writer I’m guessing.” “Yes.” “Well right this way, he’s in his lab in the back.” I followed him and we went to a large square building. He opened the doors. “Grandfather!” I smiled seeing a old alicorn with a dim yellow coat. “What is it?” “This royal is here to see you, I'll leave you two alone, I don’t need to hear any more of his stories.” I grinned as the king walked away and Coin backed up scared as I shut the doors behind me. “You remember me? The pony which you stole the throne from? Tricking my son and daughter to betray me and put me and flee. Only to be locked away into my grandson’s head having found him years later?!” He stopped. “I knew you would come some day.” I narrowed my eyes. “I noticed.” I walked pass him going over to a doll body. It was perfect, infused with all kinds of magic and perfect. In fact it was better than any body I had before. “This is truly your finest work, but you must know that I would not spare you.” He chuckled. “I knew this long before I betrayed you.” “And you would help me?” “I can give you this body, but you must not kill my bloodline. While you may injure them you will not be able to fatally injure or torture them in it. I have magic which not even you would be able to break inside of it. It would teleport my bloodline to safe lands.” “Very well, I will not kill your bloodline, but you on the other hand will.” He chuckled smiling. “If this does not kill me then you may take what little life I have left, just seeing you nearly killed me. I mean I knew this day would come, I just did not know when so I made sure I would be ready for you.” “Maybe letting you live would be better.” He sighed. “Maybe, anyway, all you need to do is touch that body and it will transfer you over to it safely in less than a few seconds. You’ll be weakened for a few days but you will be able to build you powers yet again to even greater heights.” “You would not stop me from ruling my lands?” “I would ask you not to, but I would rather you slaughter all of the Lost Lands than kill my bloodline.” I touched the forehead of the body transferring into the body. My vessel fell to the ground changing back as I sat up in the new body. I smiled looking at my hooves. “Amazing!” I shouted getting off a slab walking over to Night Jasper and taking his armor off putting it on myself absorbing magic from it that I had stored. “I am truly alive again, and I will have my kingdom back.” “You must wait a few days.” I looked at him. “If your body does not completely set, then you may go back to your vessel. “Very well.” I moved Night Jasper’s wings as they retracted healing. “Do not die on me Night Jasper, I may need your body if this one fails me, and I'll have more than enough power to kill with just you.” I teleported Night Jasper to my ponyal Vault, it had never been found out or the land would have cracked from it. “Would you like a drink?” “Fine.” We walked over to a bar and he rang a bell. A young, lightly brown, earth pony mare came out smiling. “Oh, I didn’t know you had a guest.” She said shyly. “Young and timid.” He chuckled. “I would rather not have my granddaughter, you get it.” “And I do.” “I do believe you’ve set enough.” “I believe I have.” She backed up a little scared and I jumped onto the bar. “I’m going to enjoy this drink.” She screamed as I jumped onto her. As some would say, what I did to her was unspeakable, but all I called it was good old fashioned dinner. “Here.” He handed me a rag and I wiped my face of her blood. “Thank you, I always get messy after a good sexy feast.” “Not much left but bone is there?” “What I was hungry, and she tasted divine.” “Daughter of a priest.” I laughed. “You always did have a sense of irony.” I smiled sitting down wiping the rest of the blood off of me throwing a bit of bad entrails off my shoulder. “Thank you.” “So a few days, then again if you have more lovely treats like that one, I might just have to stave off taking over.” “I could only wish.” He smiled. It was probably his plan from the start, he knew had he not helped me or even attacked me I could have used Night Jasper’s body to slaughter ninety percent of the nation before I was stopped, and that was if I didn’t jump to a new body and keep going. No he would end up sparing more by helping me. I would certainly be returning to Equestria sooner and I wouldn’t have the time to kill everyone now. In fact I wouldn’t need to do much more than make ponies accept me as ruler before I left now. “Well then, I'll need some entertainment till I’m ready.” “Right this way.” I followed him into another room and I smiled seeing two unicorn mares, one blue and one red, perfect mating age and clean. “I would like you to meet Ivory the blue and Vine the red one.” They swallowed seeing blood rolling down my fur. “What-what did you want us for?” Ivory asked getting up scared. I licked a drop of blood from the top of mussel with my long tongue. “Dears try to fight, it’ll make him last shorter.” They looked around noticing. “You know you made this body perfect, everything is just right, from the length of my tongue to the height and wings. I’m much larger than any pony else so it’s nice.” At my real size I was taller than Princess Celestia, but I could change my size to be more pleasurable, depending on my partner. “I'll be outside, I have others you can enjoy for a good meal if you like.” “Make them fatter, I need the energy to burn, and I never liked the lean ones. They always have less meat than the big ones, and the buff ones are too stringy.” “I'll fetch your dinner, just try to make them last longer than the first five rippings, or you’ll become board again.” He walked out of the room and Vine stayed calm but Ivory was panicking. “So the old man’s stories are true?” Vine asked standing up. “I haven’t heard any.” I went forward to her shrinking down to a normal colt’s size, going inches from her. “Ivory do not run.” Ivory started running and I appeared in front of the door making her bounce off of me and I smiled chuckling. “Oh I love dinner on the run.” I kissed her licking down her throat pulling my tongue out making her cough. “You are diffidently going to be on my dinner plate later.” She got up running back onto to Vine crying hiding. “So you’re going to take over the land and rule with a cruel but iron hoof?” I chuckled walking over to her licking her and her eye, but she didn’t blink. “You’re a battle hardened one aren’t you?” “Yes, and I can tell we have no chance against you in a fight.” “So keep me talking and you’re hoping what? I'll spare your little life?” “Maybe, you do need hires to your crown and I am mating age, so is my sister. We could provide you with plenty.” “Really, if you’re so able to have fillies, why don’t you prove it.” “How do you mean?” “Drink her milk.” Her eyes went wide. “What?” “I said drink from her breasts, a mouth full from each, or do you not meet the requirements to be my little pony?” She swallowed looking at her sister. “Come now, don’t be shy after speaking such a big game.” “Sister, forgive me, I don’t know if this will hurt.” She went down and sucked making me laugh as she swallowed a mouth full, tears went down her face. Her sister whimpered as she did each one finishing trying her best to keep it down. “Delicious?” I asked licking her neck as I wrapped around it with my tongue. “V-very.” She said gagging and I chuckled. “You are such a bad liar.” “Let’s see if you are just as fertile.” Vine laid down and her sister got up. “Please Ivory.” Tears ran down Ivory’s face. She went down and started. “Stop I said as she had a mouth full. “Feed it to your sister and if she can stand it, then we can stop with this, while enjoyable, it’s lost its luster after the second mouth full.” “Sister come.” She went forward feeding it to Vine and both of them shivered probably never kissing like this before using their tongues to transfer the liquid to the other. “There, are you happy?” “Oh so very happy.” I licked a drop from her cheek. “I never had a taste for my mother’s milk, kept biting her for something else to eat. Never figured it out till I told her as I devoured her, she had the sweetest heart I ever tasted and knew. She was so kind like my father, and with every bite I could feel their love going to my gut. It ended shitty for everyone.” He laughed and Vine looked unsure if it was something she should laugh at. “So have we earned the right?” “You have earned my eye, your sister on the other hand, has much to do before I will use her as I will use you. Right now, all she is, is a delicious piece of meat.” “Can I earn my sister’s right?” I looked at her. “You ask for more and more with every second, I’m truly amazed at you.” “I will do anything willingly, no matter what it is.” I hummed a little thinking as I walked around them. “Would you eat your sisters flesh?” “Yes.” I itched behind my ear with my tongue. “Rape her till she bled?” “Yes.” “Kill her?” She paused. “I want her to live.” “Not an answer.” “If I could earn her right, yes.” “Very well you may earn her right, but I wonder just how far you’ll really go beyond words to earn it.” Hours and then days of fun later I stopped satisfied in some ways, but hungrier in others, I needed more than what they would offer me. I licked Vine’s tears. She hardly cried the entire time I gave them my love. It made it more satisfying than her sister, which would cry, scream and beg every single time I asked it. While I loved a good slave like anyone else, she was just killing my mood. “Your sister bores me.” I said licking Vine making her wince. “She will do better next time.” “If it were not for the fact you might do something to kill my fun I would eat her. Now then, I have a kingdom to conquer.” “Then go conquer it.” I smiled. “I love the way you speak to me during bed.” Tears rushed down her face no longer able to hold them back. “Makes your tears taste so much sweeter.” I licked her tears. “I'll be back shortly, it won’t take me long.” I got up from the bed getting dressed in my armor and walked outside. “That is him.” Coin said stepping to the side. I licked my eye seeing the young so called king, an army of ponies of hundreds. The beautiful thing about Hammer’s armor was that it could grow with my body fitting me perfectly fitting for my horn yet again. “Is this all of them?” I asked and fear spread through their ranks. “I have gathered every soldier to fight you monster.” I grinned showing sharp teeth. “Wonderful.” I shiver and the vibrate and ground trembled making many earth ponies fall to the ground as pegasi fell from the sky choking on the void bubble I had created in the air. “I have truly wanted a feast for a long time.” Droll poured from my lips imagining their tastes dripping onto the floor. A few smart ponies started to run as I ran toward them breaking the magic barrier causing a sonic boom ripping through dozens of them sending blood raining on others. Quick screamer filled the air as the few brave ones died from me either ripping them to pieces with my teeth or with my magic. I pet the prince sitting on a throne of bodies. I picked a piece of brain from another which had run at first eating it. Tears ran down the prince’s face realizing I had single handedly wiped out his entire army putting the fear into every pony. Word of my return was spreading with fear as I breathed fire burning all far going ships that would allow for a single one to leave alive. I would not allow for ponies to escape my kingdom of blood. “Loggen?” Coin asked. “Have the bones ripped out to construct my throne, make sure it is padded, I don’t want one sticking me in the butt, also stick some heads on the walls to motivate. Now I have my mates to attend to.” “Very well.” “Make sure to keep your family to the side.” “Thank you.” “Grandfather, how could you?” “You’ll learn as I did, he is not able to be killed, and he will always come back, this is the fifth time he’s come back after being killed.” I smiled as I walked back inside setting my armor to the side. That armor was far beyond what I had imagined, had I known about it, I would not have lost to Shadow so easily. I would have conquered instead of having been trapped for months inside a piece of armor with Shadow. Constantly holding that he beat me and now we were both bodiless and trapped forever. I chuckled, well not forever for me. “Hello my pets.” They looked at me cleaned up and ready. I sniffed the air, they had gotten themselves ready and healed. One can only tare the insides of a mare so many times before it stops being pleasurable. “Hello master,” Vine said. “You conquered without pause I assume?” “I had more than my fill if that’s what you’re asking. I also wiped out the entire army and any which might think to oppose me. I have never eaten so much, maybe Coin did have a way with it, having you grow and be happy makes your meat taste so much fresher.” “Imagine.” Vine said getting up and rubbing against me. “What?” “Imagine,” she whispered into my ears. “If the kingdom prospered, you would have all the meat you could eat if the population grew time and time again. In just a few short years, you could have armies to fight and devour at your choosing. Or you could turn them against anything just to see the suffering.” “You want to bate me into giving your people happiness.” “So that when you take it away, you’ll be able to savor every bite.” I pinned her to the ground surprising her. “You have swayed me, I will bring this land happiness, joy and wealth. So as I take their freedom, purity and life, I will be thanked as I enjoy fresh meat. Now then, once I have finished with you I will let this land know of my laws. Your sister may leave, I have no use for her anymore.” “Sister go home now.” Ivory ran out of the room and I smiled looking at Vine. “Tell me, do you enjoy me?” “Yes.” “Really, we’ll have to change that.” “I mean I fear you, and beg you mercy.” I smiled. “You’re learning, but you have much more to learn than this.” I used her in the most enjoyable of ways making her moan for more, making sure each day she felt something truly unlike anything. I stopped half way to the point leaving her drooling on the bed whining. I chuckled and looked down at her begging with her eyes. “You’ll have to say it, and the way I want you to say it.” She whined begging with her sweet batted breath. “Please~more.” She begged with a daring pitifulness, I ran my tongue across my teeth smiling. “You just know how to push my buttons.” I licked her chest before finishing her in a way I knew she wouldn’t simply forget, not even in her sweetest dreams, to her darkest nightmares, always wanting more from my long tongue. There were just some pleasures most mares will never even dream of. Just the idea of a tongue which can shape shift, was great for many of my partners, but the practice for the ones that would know it, it was heavy for them to ever go without. I put on my armor and went outside feeling the fresh morning air. I trotted along the blood stained grass having been turned red from the blood watering, and a bit of magic from me of course. “You there!” I said pointing at a gray mare planting flowers, she stopped and looked at me in fear. “Only red.” She paused looking at her flowers, she had only blue flowers. “Did you not hear me?” “Well, we don’t have red ones, there aren’t any that grow anywhere.” “Are you a nitwit?” She shook her head no. “Magic you fool!” A sudden I’m an idiot look went across her face as she used magic to change their color to red. “Now then, if you mess up again I'll see you in my ponyal chambers.” She nodded and kept planting. I went to the throne room and smiled a little bit at the throne. It was nice and big, but not my style. I didn’t like showing off, it was like showing all your cards and letting them get a head start on you. “Who made this?” I asked and everyone in the throne room looked at me. I paused noticing that everyone was working flawlessly. It was too easy. “I did.” A unicorn colt said walking over to me. “It’s too flashy, trim it down.” “Right away.” “Someone fetch me Coin.” A minute later Coin walked into the room. “You called?” “Do you find playing games fun?” He paused unsure. “I think I'll burn a village or two at random.” “What?!” I looked at him. “Do you think I would be so blind as to not notice your puppets compared to real flesh? I know that army was fake. You knew I was coming, and you created this body perfectly, you could do that with more.” “I-I don’t know what you mean.” “You.” I snapped at a colt and he walked over to me nervously. “Tell me something, do you smell rose?” He paused a little unsure. “Um.” He sniffed the air for a few seocnds. Even the best fake bodies couldn’t smell very well, and the slightly heavy smell of roses filled the room, any real pony would be able to smell it easily. “No?” I ripped off his head letting his body fall to the ground. “I thought you were done playing games,” I said using the head with my magic as if it was talking to Coin. “But no, we aren’t, so now I’m going to have to kill some real people to get a point across that you don’t screw with me.” He swallowed. “I promised no one will die, we aren’t a match for you, it would be only slaughter, it wouldn’t be fun for you. Like crushing ants, what’s the point?” “Why would you go through all that trouble?” “You know I have visions and sometimes I can change them.” “Yeah?” “Well I saw something new, I normally see death, despair and horror. For the first time I saw a golden age.” “What?” “The land is in poverty, poor run the streets, creatures kill at their leisure, and things are worse than the worst possible point you ever saw. With you there was no crime, there was no poor, there was piece. Happiness of all kinds, ponies got married, and ponies died fulfilled without regret. Now the land is wasted, and dying.” “What?” “My family’s rule has been harsher than yours ever was. All my bloodline cares for is money and that’s it. It has caused the land and all that live on it to suffer. Population has been a problem and the land is divided. I fear for break offs from several cities. My grandson came up with this idea himself.” “Come Dark Cloud.” He walked out from behind the bone throne. “I’m sorry for deceiving you my king, but it has gotten to the point that this land is without hope, while you are darkness, you are understood and without fear.” I looked at Coin and chuckled lightly, but then turned to the sound of hoof steps. “What?” I asked dumb founded in the purest form. Thousands of ponies, no hundreds of thousands lined not just the inside of the throne room but the entire castle, lining up perfectly in my site bowing. “We have waited for your return.” Dark Cloud said. I looked at them all and then at Coin crying slightly. “Your serious.” I said shocked. “I enslaved, raped, tortured, mutilated, devoured, and killed, and you stand there and stay my ruling over you was the lesser evil.” “Yes!” He said very sure. I stepped back away from him. “You, ponies, what illness has befallen you?” I turned looking around. I didn’t understand it, for the first time in my life, my anger held still. I had never even thought that possible. “We are a sick land my king, please we need you to cure us. Raid to your content and then more, we will be at your heels assisting you as you please.” I started laughing at the funniness of this making them uneasy. “I never dreamed someone would say that to me, the feeling of those words quelled the fire in my heart. I do not know how that is possible, maybe it is the fact I can sense this is truth from thousand, no from the millions of this land. It brings me no greater joy to hear you’ve suffered that much more after throwing your king to his death bed.” He shook. “There will be kings that demand you bow to them.” I turned to Vine and ponies moved back shocked at her sight. She was now a sex addict, drool from more than her mouth was dripping on the floor as her pheromone enriched scent made any near her very uncomfortable rubbing their legs together. “I bow to no one, very well, I'll cure this land so it becomes my play thing once again, I will not let others enjoy a pleasure which is only meant to be mine!” The ground shook throughout all of the Lost Lands putting every pony on notice of my return. “Then what are you going to do about it?” Vine asked walking over to me with a rather sexy smile. “This notice to all calling themselves false king,” my voice ring through the mind of every single last pony on the Lost Lands. “To run and hide, raise armies if they must, for my hunt begins now, your true king has arrived, and I will not be denied.” some thing golden A few days went by and my scouts brought back either a leader pledging their loyalty to me and my right, or a letter of with words of war. All together there were over thirty city states which were now at war with me, and only fifteen had pledged their weak loyalty with more of a chance to switch to the other side if things looked bad. “How many are we talking here?” I asked shocked hearing the sheer massive number that Dark Cloud had just spoken. “Together the lost lands have a population of over sixty million.” “You’re seriously telling me that each of these city states have over a million per, how is the population so high? I was only gone over a little over a hundred years! How is it time times higher than when I left?!” “Well,” Coin said chuckling a little. “It was more when rape no longer became a crime, every mare got pregnant and, well. That happen a few times.” My eye twitched. “We had no way of controlling people, and at the time it seemed like a good idea. You were going to come back and having a good army would be a good idea.” “You know nothing about leading!” I shouted at him making him flinch. “I am going to have to wipe out all of the enemy city states now, I don’t have a choice, if I don’t cut the population in at least half, I'll have too many problems coming up later.” “What do you suggest?” Dark Shadow asked. “I’ve been ruler of this land for over six thousand years and I only say rule because before that I was here for thousands of more and paid little attention to time.” “Okay.” “Do you know how I stayed ruler of millions and held a grasp of fear so powerful that they stayed in line without once questioning me?” “Not really, not much was recorded.” “I have a weapon which can wipe out millions in seconds, but it kills everything in the entire area, colts, mares, fillies. It wouldn’t matter, plants and animals would die and the land would take years to come back. I hesitate to use such a weapon on the most food producing lands in the entire kingdom. I'll have to go there myself, but killing that many people would take weeks if not months, even with a large attack force.” I sighed sitting down. “Is something wrong?” Coin asked. “This isn’t fun, you have officially taken the fun out of killing ponies. You know that? I really hate you all for that, and if it were not for the fact I have a list to kill before you, I would kill you now.” “Master.” Vine whined with a beg laying next to me, hear head facing up in my lap, tongue out. “You said.” “I cannot stand you ponies, I can’t even rape her, she enjoys the pain of it too much to even try!” “Where do we start?” I sighed looking at the maps spread across the table. “The densely populated areas with little farm land, these twenty will be the end of my weapon and then these ten will have to, actually I suppose I could take out three more if we just make sure we are outside of these areas when harvesting. Make fences so they don’t get poisoned food from the lands. That makes seven left, they are going to be the most annoying.” “How do you mean?” Dark Cloud asked. “These seven lands are swamp lands, they have natural flooding, the land is impassable with large armies, it has to be by air, in which case they have a thousand air defenses. I made these areas myself so I know even an idiot could make a great defense. If war raged I wanted to be able to give a constant supply of food to my army. They will never run out of food and if their populations are right, it’ll take months to break their defensive line.” “Well, do you have any weapons that aren’t dangerous?” “I can turn ponies into.” I stopped and looked at Coin and he looked around confused. “I can turn Pegasus into magical bombs, that includes the fake bodies. We could lead entire suicide fleets into the lands and wipe out their defenses in single afternoon. That is if you can make enough of them to do that.” “I have a hundred thousand, is that enough?” “Judging by the information, we would have enough to break their defenses down for a few days. We could then go in and wipe out one at a time. This war will take a week or two, but it’ll be finished within that time. Get every flyer ready, once I have started, you are to get ready for my commands.” They nodded and I looked at Vine. “A quick one, please.” She said and bit her lip. “You bring me no pleasure, you know that?” “Please.” I filled her quick need with my hoof making Coin and Dark Cloud look away to give something of a privet moment. I got up and she whined wanting so much more than I wanted to give her. “GO!” I shouted at them and they hurried off making me sigh. I teleported above the Lost Lands high into the clouds. The continent was larger than Equestria, but was isolated completely by sea. One island chain pointed toward Equestria, but other than that nothing. I held out my hooves and dark energy gathered. The magic of the Lost Lands had more raw power, but not more magic. Magic was the balance between power and the life force of the planet. Very few could access this, and other than Princess Celestia, and a creature that went by the name Discord, only I knew. “The rot which commands the earth, banish into poison.” I said as my breath blew ash out of my mouth. Twenty three balls of black poison appeared around my hooves. “Let the death slate the earth.” The balls shot breaking the magic barrier easily not far from me raining sound waves over the land as loud whistles could be heard from every single bit of the land. The balls landed perfectly in the spots I wanted sending out clouds of black ash covering the lands completely in blackness. Screams filled the air as everything living burned in my poison, feeling as though they were dipped in fire acid, drinking it in, breathing it, and having it run through their veins. I grinned and took in a wonderful breath as their pain rang music to my ears. Then silence filled the air, such wonderful silence. Over twenty three million ponies had just lost their lives within moments of the others in pure agony. I teleported appearing above a large fake body army. A hundred thousand pegasi stood at the ready with over fifty thousand fake body earth and unicorn ponies. “Pegasi, you are you fly right in and once you touch a weapon of air defense say blow, and you will explode. Once you have wiped out their air defenses fly in the ground forces and they will slaughter the rest. Leave no pony alive.” “YES MY KING!” They all shouted. They followed me to the battle field and I looked down at the vast city. Bolts of magic filled the air from magic anti-air batteries. I held out my hoof making magic batteries of my own sending thousands of arrows down as my army went forward. In less than an hour their defenses fell, in less than five the city was mine. Only my army occupied the city now. It was a much more boring victory than I thought it would be as we moved city state to city state wiping out everything taking only two days not feeling the need to sleep. I sat down in the fine city’s throne room brushing off some dust from the arm looking around. Dark cloud walked over to me and I looked out the window. It was much less satisfying than I thought it would be, even though we captured tens of thousands, after the first several thousand I lost interest with them and the rest were sold into slavery to all that had aligned with me in the start. “My king,” Dark Cloud said. “The numbers are in, we have only seventeen million ponies alive. It would seem that the ash flowed into several areas and infected the drinking water.” “In twenty four hours the ash will have stabilized and will no longer be poisonous to ponies other than in the infected lands. So long as they don’t step hoof into those areas no one else will die.” “I'll send word.” “You do that.” He walked away and I looked at Coin. “Is this how your golden age begins?” “Yes, your new laws are already in place and there is no crime. It vanished over night as ponies locked their doors. There are no more poor and the streets are clean. They can finally grow the right way.” I sighed. “Very well.” some thing true “Is something wrong?” Coin asked. “I’ve lost the thirst.” Coin shook his head. “I’m sorry what did you just say?” “The thirst is gone, I no longer hunger for flesh, and death. I wanted to go back and take over Equestria, but now that seems like too much work. I'll be returning home, I miss my lustful pet.” “Yes my king.” I teleported home and Vine looked at my happy having become more primitive than ever before. While she was completely in control and knew what she was doing, she loved anything I could and would do to her. It made me happy. > Years later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years later. The hot sandy wind blew making a filly cover her face from the sand of the San Palomino Desert. She narrowed her eyes seeing a forgotten cave which had been used for only a short time, filled with just the bare things. > The Desert Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey the next one is up, if you enjoyed the last one you'll probably enjoy this one more http://www.fimfiction.net/story/121653/the-desert-pony