> Patchwork Alicorn > by camgoeswild > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributors: camgoeswild (Document Owner And Moderator) Speckle21 (Promises not to be so dark... this time) Irreama (First time caller. Never time listener! I’m helping!) ToyaKano (I don’t think my name is suppose to be here but... meh I’m too RADICAL, oh and I helped too  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) Not_a_blimp (I wrote a lot of this story, so here’s my name!) /r/mylittlepony Weekly Collaborative FanFicton: Week 7 Patchwork Alicorn         Twilight hummed to herself as the faint whirs, hums, clicks and beeps of various machinery and scientific equipment filled the room.         “Whatcha doin?” Pinkie pie asked popping from a beaker seemingly far too small to fit her body.         “AHH!” Twilight almost dropped a potion she had been working on but managed to catch it in time. “How did you get in here? I need better security...”         “You could also try locking your front door.” Pinkie Pie grinned.         Twilight Sparkle’s eye twitched.         “So whatcha doin?” Pinkie pie asked again, her lower body still in the beaker while she rested her chin on her hooves..         Twilight heaved a sigh, rubbing her temples with her hooves. “I’m working on some alchemy for Princess Celestia. Alchemy that is very volatile. I would ask that you please leave me be, so that I can get this thing done!”         “Is it like cooking? Because I love to cook!” Pinkie pie grabbed two vials, “I wonder what these will do!” Before Twilight could stop her she mixed them together.         A small puff of smoke erupted from the concoction and then died down.         Twilight let out a sigh of relief: “At least nothing bad happ--”         With a deafening bang the vial exploded in a multicolor display of sparkles and glitter, knocking out both ponies. She slowly opened their eyes to find a giant mess of broken glass, shattered wood, sparking machinery and burnt notebooks. Coughing a few times the first thing to do was to make sure the other pony was alright. Looking around the room her friend could not be seen.         “Where are you? Twipsig@#$@ ” she blurted trying to recall her friend’s name.         Something was wrong, she tried to remember her friend’s name but the words kept getting jumbled. What had that explosion done to her? She remembered mixing two vials while holding another potion... wait... how could she be holding three containers in three forehooves? She looked at her own hooves to find a random patchwork of lavender and pink color. She ran upstairs to a mirror and gasped at the sight. There in the mirror was an alicorn with a splotchy patchwork coat of pink and lavender and a frizzy mane of dark purple with streaks of pink. Somehow the explosion had fused the two ponies into one.         “THIS IS AMAZING!” She squealed. She turned around and examined herself in the mirror, her cutie mark was Twilight Sparkle’s starburst on one flank with the lavender coat, while on the pink side it was Pinkie Pie’s party balloons. Her wings had alternating pink and lavender feathers. “Name? what’s my name? I’m tw@%@!13” once again the words came out jumbled when she tried to recall her name. “Okay, I need to decide on a name... how about Pinkie Sparkle?” Somehow the pony in the mirror was repulsed. “Fine, Twilight Pie!” the pony in the mirror beamed in agreement. “I should figure out how to undo this... BUT THIS IS SO COOL!!!” she squealed again, “I think i can have some fun with this for a bit before trying to reverse it.” she rationalized. As she skipped out of the library she encountered Spike, who dropped what he was doing in shock. “Tw-Twilight? Is that you? What happened?” He asked incredulously. “Twilight Pie.” Said the pony amalgam as she trotted through the door. “A potion mixed us, Twilight and Pinkie, together, silly!” Spike didn’t know what to do after Twilight Pie left. After he got over his initial shock, he ran over to his desk and started writing a letter to Princess Celestia. Twilight Pie pranced through Ponyville, wondering what fun stuff she could do now that she was two ponies at the same time. With their minds put together, they could come up with amazing ideas and theories about the universe or throw the party of a lifetime! As she mused about the possibilities, the other ponies walking in the street were pointing and gawking at her appearance. Nopony knew what to make of her. Eventually Twilight Pie came to Sugarcube Corner, remembering that it was her shift. She trotted over to the kitchen so she could begin baking some delicious cupcakes for the ponies of Ponyville. As she mixed the ingredients she waved to Mr. and Mrs. Cake as they opened shop. They stopped dead in their tracks seeing this unusual alicorn apparently working Pinkie Pie’s shift. “Uhm... hello princess....?” Mrs. Cake asked. “Twilight Pie!” She beamed as she started to pour the batter into the cupcake molds. “Are you related to Pinkie Pie?” Mr. Cake asked. “I am Pinkie Pie! And I’m Twilight Sparkle! There was a little lab accident and we got mixed up.” The alicorn replied as if it were common occurrence. “Do you need to go to the hospital?” Mrs. Cake asked with genuine concern. “I think I’m fine, and I just had this great new idea for some cupcakes!” Twilight Pie replied as she magically levitated the filled cupcake tray into the oven. “It’s so great having magic!” “Magic and cupcakes?” The Cakes said in unison, nervously staring at each other. They had always baked cupcakes traditionally, the earth pony way, without magic. An uneasy feeling crept over them as they watched the seemingly harmless cupcakes bake in the oven. They trusted Princess Twilight Sparkle, and they trusted Pinkie Pie, but this was just outside of their comfort zone. Still, they also had a fascination with what was going to happen  next. Finally the oven timer rang and Twilight Pie gleefully removed the tray from the oven. Setting it down on the table she magically levitated the cupcakes out of the tray and neatly piled them onto a dish. They still looked completely innocent except for some brilliant sparkles that lightly dusted the top. Twilight Pie picked one up and carefully took a bite. As she chewed nothing seemed to happen, but the Cakes eventually noticed Twilight Pie’s mane starting to rise and stretch out. After she finished the cupcake her mane was standing straight out like it had been zapped by a lightning bolt. Twilight Pie smiled and reached up to touch her mane. “It works!” Twilight Pie exclaimed. “What works?” Mr. Cake asked. Twilight Pie reached out with her hoof to Mr. Cake’s nose and when it was within one inch a small but sharp static zap hit him. “Ouch! It’s static!” Mr. Cake reported as he rubbed his nose.                  “I call them lightning cupcakes!” Twilight Pie explained.         “It’s- it’s genius!” Exclaimed Mr. Cake. “We must start selling them immediately!”         The new Lightning Cupcakes became an instant sensation in Ponyville. All sorts of ponies bought them in order to shock all their friends and turn their manes into frizzy perms. Twilight Pie had to make dozens of batches in order to keep up with demand for the shocking sensation.         “Wow, Twilight Pie!” Exclaimed Mrs. Cake. “This really was a good idea! Maybe stuff like this should happen more often.”         “Also, I think you’ve helped enough this morning. Go ahead and take the rest of the day off.” Said Mr. Cake.         “Yes Mr. OKIE-DOKIE-LOKIE!” Twilight Pie said as she trotted out the door heading toward the road. As she alternated her step between a trot and a skip she bumped into Rainbow Dash, disrupting her whole train of thought of what just happened/how she could have more fun with this newfound power.         “Ow! What the Twilight?! Didn’t I already teach you how keep balance while speed trotting?” Rainbow asked as she was regaining her senses from the fall.         “OH HAIYA DASHIE! I was just taking a stroll through town trying to think of what to DO FOR FUN!!!” Twilight Pie calmly replied. The now fully alert Rainbow Dash was staring wide eyed at the pink and purple alicorn. Finally getting up Rainbow Dash circled the unique combo of Twilight and Pinkie with her mouth wide open in awe.         “It doesn’t take a genius to know you’re both Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie. There are soooooo many questions running in my head right now and honestly I just don’t know what to say,” the perplexed Rainbow Dash responded to the newfound Pinkie Twilight combo standing before her eyes, “but I think the first thing I really want to know, does it hurt?”         “Silly you Dashie, this new metamorphic form we are in, by the data I have already gathered from our current experiences, has no, really really really really bad like baaaaaddddd disastrous, monstrumental, destructo-matic, ultra gooey, EHHEM! bad effects that I believed would have happened.” Twilight Pie responded to Rainbow Dash.         “Well anyway if you’re not hurt or anything, I forgot to tell you, er, ummm really only Twilight that you skipped our flying lesson that we were supposed to do yesterday, remember?” Rainbow Dash lamented to Twilight Pie.         “Oh, about that, I told Spike to write that down in my agenda, but he probably forgot to put it in because I also told him to pick up the groceries down at the market while he was at it,” the Twilight side half admitted to her, “BUT OHH OHH OHH!! FLYING!! I TOOOTALY FORGOT THAT TWILIGHT COULD FLY!!! COME ON DASHIE CAN WE GO PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE DASHIE!!!” the Pinkie side asked Rainbow Dash.         “Well I don’t really know... I mean like can you fly now? You know with the whole being mixed up and stuff.” Rainbow Dashed asked the alicorn bouncing around her in circles.         Promptly stopping in front of her Twilight thought for a minute and replied, “well one thing that I have noticed is that once both of us were fused together I have found both Pinkie and I have been able to fuse, learn, and enhance our abilities together, so I don’t see a bad side effect of us flying.”         “Well, Okay...” Rainbow Dash hesitantly said.         “Awwww.. come on Dashie! Do you not trust ME! Come on Twilight’s magic plus Pinkie’s baking skills completely came together and we were both, like, BLAM and BOOM and MAGICAL-LICOIUS, and then right before our eyes... THE BEST CUPCAKE IN THE WORLD! How bad could flying then be, huh, huh, HUH!” Twilight Pie replied back to Rainbow’s lack of enthusiasm.         “Well... ok then I just hope you don’t get hurt or anything...” Rainbow sincerely told her friend...s, “I mean, yeah I’m free right now, but are you sure about this?”         “I don’t see why not, Rainbow, I’m confident that I, errr, we could still handle ourselves in your flight training.” Twilight Pie responded. “Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?”         “Okay, then... let’s try, but be careful.” Said Rainbow tentatively, “You don’t want to get hurt.”         “Don’t you worry! I’ll be super duper EXTRA careful!” Twilight Pie exclaimed.         So Rainbow Dash led Twilight Pie up onto a cloud, where she instructed her in proper gliding technique.          “Ooh, look! A bird!” Twilight Pie said as she saw a bird soaring through the sky. “You know, it’s really cool being able to stand on clouds!” “Are you even listening?” Rainbow Dash was impatient and frustrated. “Oh, yes. You said that in order to properly glide you need to spread your wings out like so,” She replied, stretching out her wings, “and let the currents guide you.” Rainbow sighed; the mixture of personalities in Twilight Pie was confusing at the least. She was looking forward to when they would be separated.                  A sudden realization hit her: “Wait, ARE you going to be separated? Have you tried?”         Twilight Pie smiled a bit nervously: “Well... I haven’t exactly looked for a cure yet.”         “Why not? What if you’re stuck like this?”         “I figured I’d at least explore this a bit, for scientific study, it’s not everyday you’re two ponies at once. I’m also having too much fun to stop yet. If it’s permanent I’m sure I’ll manage.” Twilight Pie replied.         “I don’t know what’s worse, your logic or your completely nonchalant attitude about it. It’s like you’re the worst of both.” Rainbow said with great annoyance.         “... or the best.” Twilight Pie grinned.         “Sure,” said Rainbow, “the best.”         “Ohh... clouds are so wonderfully soft...” Twilight Pie moaned as she lay sprawled out on the cloud.         Rainbow Dash buried her face in her hooves.         “Why don’t you just go do something else?” She asked, exasperated.         “Okie dokie!” Twilight Pie said as she slid off the cloud without a care in the world.         As she plummeted straight down Rainbow Dash panicked as she thought about her possible impact with the ground. But just as Rainbow Dash was about to bolt down after her she casually unfurled her wings and opened them up to the perfect gliding form, gently gliding down the rest of the way.         “Turns out she was learning.” Rainbow Dash said to herself as she laid back on the cloud and took a nap.         As Twilight Pie touched down she wondered if she should try to change herself back.         “Nah.” She muttered to herself. “I’ve got plenty of time.” ---------------------------------------         So she trotted away, hoping to enjoy whatever time she had left before she had to return to normal. Eventually, she ran into Fluttershy and Rarity, who were just walking back from the spa.         “Can you believe that pony we passed by? They shocked me! And did you see their hair? It was absolutely dread-” Rarity’s sentence stopped dead in it’s tracks when she saw Twilight Pie walking by.         “Why, whatever has happened to you?” She asked as she surveyed the patchwork alicorn. “Wha-how-huh?” She absolutely didn’t know what to say.         Fluttershy hadn’t said anything, too confused by the multi colored mare that she had never met before.         “Girls, it’s just me, or... us. There was a lab accident and Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie got a little mixed up.” Twilight Pie explained to the confused ponies.         “Oh, no!” Rarity cried out. “Our friends! What’s going to happen to them? Will you ever return to normal? Please tell me you won’t have this absolutely awful color scheme forever! That would be a travesty! Of all the things that could happen,” she sobbed, “this really is the worst possible thing!”         “Don’t worry, we’ll be able to fix it... as soon as we find out how.” Said Twilight Pie, cutting short what could have become a monologue.         “Well, why haven’t you tried to fix it yet?” Asked Fluttershy tentatively.         “We’ve been having fun with it.” Twilight Pie explained, smiling.         “Oh.” Fluttershy replied. “Maybe you should do something.”         “I promise I’ll get around to it. So where are you two going?” Twilight Pie replied.         “We’re heading to the fashion show at the Ponyville Plaza. I’m showcasing my latest creations and Fluttershy has agreed to model them for me. She’s still has a bit of clout as the world’s most famous supermodel you know.” Rarity explained.                  The yellow pegasus blushed at the praise.         “May I come too?” Twilight Pie asked.         “Certainly darling! I even have a small number of pegasus oriented fashion which i’m sure will fit you and your wings.” Rarity offered.         “Oh, that’s fine. I just want to spend some time with my friends?” Twilight Pie replied.         “Oh, well that’s just fine, too. Come along! The show’s about to start!” Rarity and Fluttershy led Twilight Pie over to the plaza where a crowd was growing.         As they went to the VIP section that was reserved for the designers and their friends, they came across a mare Twilight Pie had never seen before.         “Oh look who it is.” The mare said, “Rarity and her band of misfits.”         “Yes.” Said Rarity, “Of course we’re here. I designed half the dresses in the show, you know.”          “Oh, of course, but I thought you would keep your wimpy friend Fluttershy at home. I thought she was too afraid of crowds to come here. And who’s this mess of a mare? Some sort of failed science experiment?”         “Hey!” Exclaimed Twilight Pie. “I’ll have you know I was in a lab accident! And Fluttershy is not a wimp!”         “Oh yeah?” Asked the mare as she sized Fluttershy up.         “Um... maybe I... sort of... am a wimp.” Fluttershy said quietly as she backed away from her scrutinizing glare.         “Please, Fluttershy, you are not!” Rarity interjected. “Now get away from my friends, Cross Stitch! You have no right to insult them this way!”         Cross Stitch simply laughed in her face. “Whatever.” She said, walking away to her section, where her friends were waiting.         “Who was that?” Twilight Pie asked, “and what was with her attitude?”         “That was my greatest rival, Cross Stitch.” Rarity explained, “She’s nothing but a bully who can’t make proper dresses. Ignore her! Unfortunately her fashions will be featured along with mine tonight.”         “I’m sure you’ll be a hit with the fashion critics and journalists.” Twilight Pie reassured her.         “Thank you darling, let’s get this started.” Rarity clopped her hooves to get the attention of the models in her section, “Everypony! Show starts in one hour, let’s get fitted and work out any issues before then.”         The ponies in Rarity’s section promptly got started getting into her various dresses.         “I thought Fluttershy was your model.” Twilight Pie said.         “She’s my star model, but with this many dresses I need several models.” Rarity explained.         A stallion came up to Rarity: “Miss Rarity, one of the models is having trouble fitting into one of the dresses, could you come over and help us out here?”         “Certainly, Twilight, could you come along? I could use an extra magic horn for this.” Rarity asked.         Twilight pie nodded and they went off to the far end to attend to this urgent matter. Fluttershy was left alone to get into her dress. It slipped on rather easily and while she was pulling the strings to tighten it she bumped up against another mare.         “Oh i’m sorry, I wasn’t loo--” Fluttershy’s blood ran cold when she came face to face with Cross Stitch.         “You’re damn right you’re sorry!” Cross Stitch hissed, “You think you can really be a fashion model?”         “Well yes I was scouted by Photo Fi---” Fluttershy tried to explain.         “And you dropped her like a wrinkled newspaper. I hear she’s destitute now because of you. But of course that’s her fault, she had a horribly bad eye taking on a pony that looks like a banana had sprouted wings. What do you do everyday? Play with animals in the mud?” Cross Stitch insinuated.         “But I do play with anima---” Fluttershy was starting to cry now.         “And you think that coming here looking like that is going to sell dresses? Rarity is probably only keeping you because she feels sorry for a pathetic excuse of a pony like you, she’d have better luck keeping the dress on the mannequin and shoving that into the spotlight.” Cross Stitch explained.         Fluttershy was crying now: “Bb-b-but I want to hel--”         “You want to help? DON’T HELP!” Cross Stitch yelled before storming off back to her own section.         Her tirade had the intended effect of undermining Fluttershy’s confidence, the pegasus couldn’t bring herself to pull the last strings to tighten the dress around her.         A few minutes later Rarity returned with Twilight Pie: “Fluttershy, what’s wrong?” Rarity asked.         “C-Cross” Fluttershy couldn’t even finish her sentence without bursting into tears.         “Oh, no. That thug! Listen, Fluttershy, whatever that liar Cross Stitch said to you wasn’t true. Here.” Rarity said as she pulled the last strings on Fluttershy’s dress. “You’ll do great out there.”         “But I-”         “Don’t worry, Fluttershy, you never fail to wow the crowd.” Rarity smiled at Fluttershy and she smiled back.         “Okay,” she said, “I’ll do my best.”         Just then they heard the announcer start to speak. The fashion show was about to begin.         “It’s starting. You should get ready to go out there.” Rarity said.         Fluttershy walked away and prepared to enter the runway.         As she left, Rarity turned to Twilight Pie and said, “Oh how terrible that brute Cross Stitch is. She always says the most uncouth things and hurts everypony’s feelings.”         “Well...” mused Twilight Pie.         “What?”         “We could always... get her back.”         “I’m not going to sink to her level.” Rarity asserted.         “We’ll let her sink herself.” Twilight replied.         The first half of the show went reasonably smoothly as the models came out one by one to showcase the latest fashions. Fluttershy was uneasy but still managed to glide on and off the runway as she was trained. Many ponies recognized the once number one supermodel and took huge numbers of pictures. Finally the intermission began and the models and designers had to prepare for the second half.         Twilight pie was helping Fluttershy into another dress when Rarity came over.         “Sorry to be a bother again dear but we’ve had another slip up with that blue dress. I need your help to untangle it.” Rarity explained.         “Sure thing Rarity.” Twilight Pie replied as she followed Rarity to the other end of their section.         Cross Stitch was watching and seizing her chance she once again took to attacking Rarity’s star model.         “I see you’re still trying to ‘help,’” She said, looking her up and down, “but you’re clearly not doing very well.”         “Hey, I’m-”                  “Oh, please, you looked like a wet banana peel out there on the runway, so don’t try to defend yourself.” Cross Stitch said. “Then again, defending yourself has never been your forte, has it? All your life you’ve let people walk all over you like a doormat, yet you think you’re good enough to be a model? Don’t make me laugh.”         Fluttershy whimpered and tried not to cry.         “Oh, are you gonna cry now? What a little crybaby! You know, nobody really likes carting you around. You’re just a nuisance and a burden. All you do is slow ponies down and cry. You’re not good for anything. All you do is mess around with critters in your isolated little cabin in the boondocks, refusing to be a productive member of society!” Cross Stitch seethed.                  Fluttershy couldn’t look Cross Stitch in the eyes, instead backing away from her in a feeble attempt to get away. “Um, I-”         Cross Stitch just laughed in Fluttershy’s face, which at this point was wet with tears.         “You’re absolutely pathetic!” She taunted. “I’ve met old mules feistier than you, and it’s insulting to old mules to compare them to the likes of you.”         “Uhh.. Cross Stitch?” One of her assistances prodded.         “WHAT?” Cross Stitch snapped.         “The organizer of the show wants you to come out on the runway.” The assistant informed her.         “What? The designer only comes out at the end, not during the intermission.” Cross Stitch replied.         “They want you out there. RIGHT NOW. They were very, very insistent.” The assistant explained.         “Oh all right.” Cross Stitch turned back to Fluttershy, “And you should showcase your rump instead of your face, it’s much prettier.”         Cross Stitch stormed off and made her way to runway as instructed. It was an intermission so there wasn’t any models or other stage ponies to get in her way and the lights were all on rather than just the spotlights. As she went out a sudden silence fell upon the audience as they looked at her. But it was not the adoration or praise she was accustomed to, it was loathing, contempt, and utter hate. Then the explanation came; the projection screen high above the stage looped back to play again.         “....Oh, are you gonna cry now? What a little crybaby! You know, nobody really likes carting you around. You’re just a nuisance and...” The screen projected her tirade in all its unflattering glory.         Cross Stitch was now at a loss for words: “H-H-HOW?”         A pink and purple patchwork alicorn teleported in beside her holding a video camera: “I love filming parties and special occasions, it makes the memories last... FOREVER!!!” Twilight pie explained.         The alicorn teleported off stage again and teleported into the audience along with crates upon crates of tomatoes.         “Get your tomatoes, special deal today only! All tomatoes are free!” Twilight Pie announced.         The audience surged forward and grabbed every tomato they could find. All Cross Stitch could do was close her eyes before she was pelted from all sides by the squishy red projectiles. Eventually the bombardment slowed and finally stopped as the ammunition ran dry. As she stood in the mound of red her models came on stage one by one and tore off her dresses, throwing them at her hooves and very publically quitting her service as the video of her tirade continue to play. Finally, as the last dress fell she broke down and cried. She ran off the runway, nearly slipping on the mush before her.         As she ran away, the footage on screen seemed to mock her, saying, “Are you gonna cry now? What a little crybaby!”         Once she was gone for good the stage ponies quickly cleaned up the mess. The models that had unceremoniously quit Cross Stitch’s employment adorned themselves with Rarity’s dresses in support of her. Rarity and Twilight Pie comforted Fluttershy “You did very well darling. I know it was very hard taking that but you helped us expose her for the bully she is. I’m very proud of you.” Rarity said. “Look! While I was teleporting i found some of your friends!” Twilight Pie pulled Angel Bunny and Bear from a hat. Fluttershy picked up and hugged Angel Bunny while Bear picked up and cradled Fluttershy. Fluttershy seemed to perk right back up: “Oh I’m so glad you’re both here!” She squealed as she snuggled Angel Bunny and patted Bear. She turned to Rarity: “What shall we do about the show?”         “These fashion critics and journalists came for a fashion show, a fashion show we will give them!” Announced Rarity. The second half of the show began and Rarity was the star designer. Even though she was the only designer left her dresses were well received by the critics. Her integrity compared to Cross Stitch ensured that she would be highly regarded in fashion circles for some time to come. Twilight Pie conjured glitter to fall when Rarity made her appearance at the of the show to take credit for her work.          The three ponies left the plaza with smiles on their faces and a spring in their trot.         “That was a lot of fun, we should do this more often!” Twilight Pie exclaimed.         “But neither Twilight Sparkle nor Pinkie Pie likes fashion shows! Twilight Sparkle is always studying and Pinkie Pie finds a fashion show too boring.” Rarity teased.         “I’m sure I can convince one of them to come.” Twilight Pie reassured her.         “If you can find a way back to them, and maybe a way back to you again... maybe you can come out more often?... uhm if you’d like.” Fluttershy asked.         Twilight Pie stopped cold for a moment before continuing: “We’ll have to think about that.”         “Don’t think too long then darling. Anyway, Fluttershy and I need to return the dresses and reorganize them in the boutique, we have to be off now. Tata!” Rarity waved as she and Fluttershy veered off to the boutique.          Twilight Pie thought of what Fluttershy had said. She needed to fix this but if she could, would her original selves want to try being Twilight Pie again? Twilight Sparkle’s analytical and organizational skills kicked in as she thought of scheduling what times both Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle would be available. She also began contemplating the larger implications of if she was a third pony or really two ponies in one. The thoughts turned over in her mind for quite some time that she didn’t see where she was going and found herself in Sweet Apple Acres. She went right up to the barn and met Applejack just as she was passing by. Applejack’s mouth dropped down when she first saw her. After a moment, she gathered herself and asked, "What in Equestria happened to you?"         “Oh you know, little lab accident, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie got scrambled, and I am their mutant offspring, Twilight Pie.” She joked.         “Uh huh.... Ah don’t know what’s crazier, that this happened, or that ah think it’s completely normal for you two.” Applejack replied, “You two sure you’re alright now? Ah reckon mixing organs and all that can’t be too healthy.”         “I’m fine as far as i can tell. What are you doing?”         "Ah was just getting some sponges from the barn to help wash off Applebloom and her friends. Their latest attempt at getting their cutie marks was... messy.."         “Wonderful! May I help too? Being me changes everything!” Twilight Pie exclaimed.         “Ah don’t see why not.” Applejack replied.         After retrieving the sponges and a bucket of water the two ponies made their way to Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo who were covered in tree sap and sticking together so badly they could barely move. Twilight Pie let out a giggle as they approached.         “Don’t laugh!” Scootaloo whined.         “Are you another princess!?!?” Sweetie Belle asked incredulously.         “How many of them are there? And how come this one has to see us like this?” Applebloom groaned.          “Oh I’m not a new princess, I’m actually Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie put together... it’s a long story. Let me help you with that.” Twilight Pie smiled. Using her magic and the sponges she quickly separated the three fillies and scrubbed off the tree sap. “How exactly did you girls end up like this?” Twilight Pie asked them as they reoriented themselves. “Well,” Began Sweetie Belle, “we thought we could be cutie mark crusader explorers! But then we got stuck in a sticky situation...” “We didn’t realize how sticky tree sap was until we tried to climb a sappy tree.” Scootaloo explained. “Needless to say, we found out.” “Oh, I see,” said Twilight Pie, “well at least I was here to help you fillies out!” “Hey no fair! You have two different cutie marks!” Applebloom said as she walked around Twilight Pie’s flank. “Yet we can’t get even get one cutie mark.” Scootaloo said dejectedly. “Hey, don’t be sad.” Twilight Pie said. She thought for a moment. “I know a really fun place, want to come?” “Oh alright.” Sweetie Belle relented. “Applejack, want to come too?” Twilight Pie asked. “Where exactly sugarcube?” A mischievous grin came over the patchwork alicorn: “It’s a surprise!” “Show us! show us!” Applebloom demanded as she jumped up and down. “Okay, but first everypony needs to gather around me, and close your eyes.” Twilight Pie smiled. The ponies did as they were told and snuggled up to Twilight Pie. She stretched out her wings and touched all of them to make absolutely certain they were in place. All of sudden they felt the ground beneath them momentarily pull away to be replaced by the softest and fluffiest material they could imagine. “Alright my little ponies, open your eyes.” Twilight Pie gently ordered. “Are we... on a CLOUD?!?!” Sweetie Belle asked incredulously. There stretched out before them was an extremely large cloud. It was bowl shaped with extremely steep edges so there was no danger of accidentally falling off. “IT’S SO FLUFFY!” Applebloom exclaimed as she grabbed hoof-fulls of the material and threw it around. “How did you pull this off?” Applejack asked. “Simultaneous teleportation and cloudwalking spell” Twilight Pie replied with a bit of pride. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom pranced around the cloud, super excited about being able to walk on them. Scootaloo was unamused. “Walking on clouds? Please, I can do this whenever!” She scoffed. “That may be true, but when do you get to walk in the clouds with your best friends?” Asked Twilight Pie. “The spell is temporary, so you should savor it while you can.” Scootaloo smiled, realizing that what she said was true, and began to play with the other two fillies in the clouds, making cloud ponies and jumping around. They could roughhouse as much as they wanted. “Wow, Twilight... Pie. This was a really great thing to do for those fillies.” Said Applejack. “They’ve really cheered up. Thank you.” “No problem!” Twilight Pie said, smiling. “It was my pleasure.”         Twilight Pie fell back and sprawled out onto the cloud: “Enjoy it Applejack! It’s SOOOO soft.”         Applejack hesitated for a brief moment before jumping up and flipping onto her back as she landed: “You’re right, this is soft, we earth ponies are really missing out.”         “That’s exactly how I felt when I first lounged on a cloud.” Twilight Pie said, reminiscing in Twilight’s side of her memories. “I felt so lucky that I was able to do something most unicorns could never dream of doing.”         As they relaxed, they watched the three fillies play in the clouds, celebrating a friendship that would likely last for the rest of their lives. Applejack and Twilight Pie smiled softly at them.         It was evening when it was time for the ponies to go back to the ground; the spell was going to wear off soon, and by then the fillies were tired. Twilight Pie first flew the three fillies to the ground on her back, letting them enjoy flight together. She teleported Applejack who walked all of the sleepy fillies to their homes so that they could get a good night’s rest.         “Goodness!” Exclaimed Twilight Pie, “It’s getting late! Maybe I should try and find a way to change myself back.” She thought for a moment. “There’s still time. Maybe I can visit Vinyl Scratch at the nightclub.”         Just then, she saw Princess Celestia and Spike, who seemed to be looking for somepony.         “There she is!” Spike shouted as they noticed her.         When they came up to her, Spike exclaimed, “We’ve been looking for you all day! Where have you been?”         “Oh, I was just having some fun with my friends.” Twilight Pie said, smiling at the newly made memories.         “Fun aside, you need to go back to being two ponies.” Celestia explained.         “But it’s so fun being one! And there is so much more to learn about this state of being!” Twilight Pie said, trying to explain her logic.         “I don’t doubt that, but Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie both have their own lives and responsibilities.”         “So you know how to change me back?” Twilight Pie asked, slightly embarrassed now.         “Trust me, I’ve had to deal with stranger situations than this.” Celestia said with amusement. “So are you ready to change back?”         Twilight Pie hugged herself tightly for a moment and ran her hooves across her patchwork coat one last time: “Yeah, I’m ready.”         Celestia cast her spell and a bright light encircled the amalgamated pony. After a few seconds, the light faded away, and instead of Twilight Pie there stood Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie.         The two ponies looked at each other, recalling their shared memories of the events of that day. Pinkie giggled heartily while an embarrassed Twilight giggled nervously.         -------------------------------         Two weeks had passed since that eventful day where two ponies became one. The lab had been cleaned up and the unending demand for the lightning cupcakes kept Pinkie Pie very busy with making them, occasionally asking Twilight Sparkle for supplies of that special icing  that gave it that static charge.         Today at the Golden Oaks Library the two ponies and the rest of their friends sat for lunch to discuss their experience.         “You know Pinkie, I think I finally understand you, at least a tiny bit. How you see wonder in everything, no matter how trivial.” Twilight Sparkle explained.         Pinkie giggled a bit. “I guess I can say I understand you more, too, with all your bland organization. And how you think of everything in lists! It makes the world more understandable.” “In many ways she was also her own pony. She likes fashion shows when both of you don’t for different reasons.” Rarity explained. “It’s strange, I still don’t like fashion shows but I remember how much she liked them.” Twilight Sparkle looked at the fashion magazine cover page beside her and saw Twilight Pie in the background alongside Rarity: “It was a lot fun wasn’t it?” she smiled. “Yeah, it was.” Pinkie grabbed the cover page and looked at Twilight Pie, “You don’t think we could... well... that she could come to play again... do you?” “Oh could she? Just for a little while... if it’s alright.” Fluttershy said eagerly but shyly. “She’s really good with fillies, must get that from you Pinkie Pie.” Applejack added. “Why do we keep talking about her like she’s some sort of foal from Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie? It’s just creepy!” Rainbow Dash complained. Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes and dismissed Rainbow Dash’s comment, “Come with me everypony..” Twilight Sparkle instructed. She led them down into the laboratory and on the table, carefully purified and labelled, were two vials. “I improved the formula a bit. This should work a bit better, and I’ve also devised a counter agent to reverse it when needed.” Twilight explained. “So you just mix those two vials, it explodes, and two ponies become one pony?” Rarity asked, “Pretty much.” Twilight Sparkle confirmed. “So Twilight Pie can come out to play whenever we want?” Pinkie Pie asked eagerly. “Yes.... wait... Stop that! NO!!!!” Twilight Sparkle said. Pinkie pie had grabbed the vials and mixed them. Once again there was a small puff of smoke and it calmed down, but Twilight knew the reaction was imminent. “I haven’t quite perfected the formula yet.” Twilight panicked. “We don’t know which two ponies it will mix-!” Twilight was cut off by the explosion and the room filling with smoke. After a few seconds, the smoke cleared. Twilight looked to her side to see Pinkie still standing there, looking back at her with a confused expression. In front of them stood a different sort of patchwork pony. This one had blue wings, a coat with a mixture of blue and orange, freckles, and wore a mangled stenson. “What? What in tarnation just happened?” She said with a slight southern accent. She looked at her hooves and then darted to the nearby mirror: “Aw man! This is so uncool!” She whined like Rainbow Dash. The End?