• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 1,097 Views, 45 Comments

A Whole New World - Nick the Brony

Looks like dad wants to head to South America, wopty do. Ever since mom died, he has taken me on his not so exiting artifact hunting trips. Well turns out, things happen this time. I stumble across some old ruins, solve some puzzles, and then ponies.

Nick the Brony 14 followers · 2 stories

Hello to all my bronys and pegasisters out there. This is my Fimfiction acount. I'm kinda new here, so don't expect anything spectacular. Please comment on what I should fix in my stories. Bro hoof!

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  • Comments: 45


  • Rating: 97,372nd
  • Word Count: 31,997th


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  • Tracking: 45


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