• Published 30th Jul 2016
  • 1,176 Views, 6 Comments

Crackshipping and You: The Mothership - Fuzzyfurvert

Velvet's and Cookie's friendship goes back a long way, weathering all kinds of hardship, but can it survive the transition to something more?

Fuzzyfurvert 1,121 followers · 63 stories

I write pony words that people seem to like. I also review fics and draw purty pictures, apperently. I'm an older fan of MLP, so expect a lot of 80's references.

General Statistics

  • Views: 1,176
  • Comments: 6


  • Rating: 68,030th
  • Word Count: 124,804th


  • Number of bookshelves: 121
  • Tracking: 40


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