• Published 7th Jun 2021
  • 217 Views, 9 Comments

Scootaloo’s Assorted Stories - Twinsez

Hi everybody! I’m Scootaloo! Come read my stories!

Twinsez 50 followers · 18 stories

Writing is a lot like life. It depresses the hell out of me, but I still go on with it for some weird reason.

General Statistics

  • Views: 217
  • Comments: 9


  • Rating: 115,846th
  • Word Count: 186,042nd


  • Number of bookshelves: 26
  • Tracking: 5


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  • fimfetch.net: 18
  • duckduckgo.com: 6
  • google.com: 2
  • yahoo.com: 2
  • twitter.com: 1
  • instagram.com: 1