• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

The Psychopath

My very first (self-published) book can be found on Amazon Kindle for 5 or 12 paperback! If you love dragons, give it a look! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSM7QQ2M


I turned 32 today · 8:07am June 16th


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Hello yourself. Yeah, I've been reading around the edges here for quite a while now. My $10 a month still feels well spent.

Your White Sun is an interesting read. I'm not current, but I'm enjoying myself thus far. A good AU is a wonderful thing.

Also Luna IS best pony. You have good taste. :)

You look familiar. I can't remember when or where though.

Oh. Not much, really. There were contests, people stressed out with Gen 5, and Knighty might have caught the deaded because he doesn't post here anymore about updates.

Gen 5 brought in new blood, though.

You might have better luck asking on the Fimfic discord since I don't really follow 'current events' and the like.

Write your password down this time.

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How I feel

This is, apparently, my preference of ponies:
1 Princess Luna
2 Twilight Sparkle
2 Rainbow Dash
2 Fluttershy
2 Rarity
2 Applejack
2 Pinkie Pie
2 Spike
2 Princess Celestia
2 Princess Cadence
2 Queen Chrysalis
2 Discord
2 Nightmare Moon
2 Apple Bloom
2 Lyra
2 Rose Luck
2 Trixie
2 King Sombra
2 Fleur de Lys
20 Shining Armor
20 Sweetie Belle
20 Scootaloo
20 Cheerilee
20 Big Macintosh
20 Bon Bon
20 Octavia
20 Snowflake / Horsepower
28 Vinyl Scratch
29 Berry Punch
30 Colgate
31 Granny Smith
31 Flim
31 Flam
31 Diamond Tiara
31 Silver Spoon
31 Pipsqueak
31 Iron Will
31 Derpy
31 Dr. Whooves
31 Carrot Top
31 Soarin'
31 Spitfire
31 Braeburn
31 Caramel
31 Babs Seed
46 Zecora
46 Cloud Chaser
46 Flitter
46 Gilda
46 Lightning Dust
46 Photo Finish
46 Hoity Toity
46 Fancy Pants
46 Prince Blueblood
55 Twist

The pictures made for me by artists and other people

This is The Psychopath

Thank Stalin the Stallion for this. Although there are design flaws, like the hat, the cutiemark (without the squiggly lines), and the eyes, this fits Psycho pretty well.

And here's Silver!

Still Stalin.

Here's Abstract the dark, sole survivor of the crystallion race and a unique amongst them in many ways.

Done by my friend [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/c2ab4528-3836-41f7-8de2-84889fd1989f/dd0g1gg-4dce5f2d-10f1-4c07-aa70-c12d76925c66.png

By Mix-Up:
Stelimus as an adult

Psycho dressed as Stelimus:

By Ryuku the uncreative :trollestia::

Done by Query (You may hate me for absolutely no reason, Query, but I'm not going to let you erase the good memories I had with you when you were still here):

Done by Genbu:

The Genbu drawing colored by jjamess10:

Genbu drew potato Psycho and Heart Break (Who is Jet_Black1980's character):

Genbu: Peter Dinklage Peter Dinklage Peter Dinklage.

Genbu: Got in touch with the life he had as an artist from the Renaissance and drew a portion of Psycho as a human. He even added a few things to my idea and made it better! (They always do that! *kicks truck away*):

Silver and one perception of the Giga Sparkle by Genbu:

Done by CloudedMoon:

Done by JadeSugarSweet101

Done by Jet_Black1980:

Done by kadlawuvswubs. This is how Psycho sees the world around him:

This is the Ivamora by Samaru163:

The Nyum-Bunet, also made by Samaru

The Nyum-Bunet by Genbu:

Here's a fire ejge by Samaru:

Samaru did Psycho with Games Master and Festivities:

He also did Psycho:

First impressions by Samaru( The one on the left is Shadow Pony, while the one on the right is Destitute and his pet eyeball)

Silver on a scorpius, teaching it what 'fer. I really need to make a list.

And here is the white changeling/unknown pondering the mysteries of life.

Psycho startling Sociopath.

Rosy trembling in a corner:

The sclera and the pupils were mixed up.

"Cotton Candy":.

Samaru: Twilight, Silver, and Silver's daughter Amber Jewel:

Silver and the Serpent (by Samaru163):

Psycho greeting Aurora:

Done by DragoEclipse:(Silver, Cyclon, and Amber Jewel from my stories "From man to mare")

Made by Dark Sparkle

Done by Tineid:

Psycho, done by askhorse tumblr after a request by a friend:

Done by GX98:

Colmanta, a being of the Kan-Motak.

A certain character to appear in one of my stories at a later date. Done by WakerofWinds(click on it for full-size image):

Waker considers it a failure, but I think it's pretty well done for a first try.