• Member Since 24th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Mitch H

Not busy being born...

Discord Server, 'The Company'

My Discord server, for folks who want to look in on my process and this and that. Try to keep things SFW.

My Stories


Signal Boost: Shrink Laureate's Free Moon · 3:22pm Apr 9th, 2022

I've been not very active since last month, but Shrink has been: Free Moon

The thousand-word story is a difficult format, hard to start and finish a story without it simply being an idea, or a feeling. Getting both in that straitjacket is a challenge.

Report Mitch H · 315 views · #defiance
Comments ( 46 )
  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46

At least You are alive and still in fandom, so the hope is still here...

Just not in a productive place these days.

Good Day.
Are You okay? That Fools Night story is way too long in waiting. Please, not another unended trilogy...

Mitch H. sighting on Jan. 4!

Thanks for still being around.

That was one hell of a cliffhanger to leave fimfiction on...:fluttercry:

  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46
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