• Member Since 12th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 27 minutes ago


Voice actor and writer.


Oh yeah, I have a Discord Server. · 6:36am Oct 5th, 2018

So, I have a Discord Server. You can click this text to see it if you would like.

It is mostly for people to keep track of and discuss my fanfiction readings, but a lot of totally unrelated discussions happen there all the time, too. Feel free to hop in and chat.

The author of the Change Series, Tom117z is a member of the server as well. :P

Report Skijarama · 564 views ·

One-shots which I have done Readings of on my YouTube Channel

Multi-Chapter Stories I Have Done Readings Of


Reading the entire bee movie script because I was paid to · 10:11pm June 21st

June 22nd, 3:30 PM Pacific Standard Time. Be there or buzz. Or something. I don't know, this is weird.

Report Skijarama · 92 views ·

Other Stories that I have written.

Comments ( 119 )
  • Viewing 115 - 119 of 119

Honestly? Probably cancelled. I don't wanna label it that way, though. You know, never say never and all that.

Is The Hotel cancelled or still on hold?

The overwhelming majority of my stories are utterly standalone.

'The Bugs in Strange Places' series, which was started with Bug in The Herd, are all stand-alone stories as well that simply share a common theme. You don't have to read them in any particular order.

The Little Flashes series begins with Little Glimpses and is its own beast entirely, utterly unconnected to any of my other works.

Scarlet is a single standalone story with a canceled sequel.

The Idiocyverse is a series of stupid-as-hell crackfics and has no coherence to it whatsoever. There is no starting point for those. It's just madness.

There is no interconnected 'extended universe' for my stories. There may be vague references or allusions, but outside of my longer series, that's about it.

Can someone please put in order the skijarama extended universe. All I've read so far is "Abug in the herd" and the April fools chapter at the end seems to be a window into the rest of the interconnected universe this author has created, but it gives absolutely no hint as to a jumping-on point, or even if there is one. Even just skimming the descriptions of all the different stories leaves me vastly overwhelmed, even if it's easy to tell which ones are one shots and which ones are series, it's not a cohesive enough picture for me to figure out where to fucking start.
Pls help

Might as well be, aye.

  • Viewing 115 - 119 of 119
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