• Member Since 12th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen June 4th


Ponyville Botanist by day. Wholesome vore writer by night.

Blog Posts

  • 96 weeks
    Four years

    It has taken over four years for me to finish Hay Fever :rainbowhuh:

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    3 comments · 651 views
  • 221 weeks
    Update on THINGS.

    So firstly, another new chapter on Hay Fever is now up. This one's story only, we're entering Act 3 of this fic, and I need to move set pieces around into position for the end chapters.

    I feel like this chapter and the next will be a little bit clunky, but I kinda just want them done so I can get to the finish now. It's not that I'm bored of the story - but it does need to get finished so I can move on with Withania-canon, so to speak.

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    2 comments · 667 views
  • 255 weeks
    Hotel Reservations currently closed!

    Huge thanks to everyone who has expressed interest and support in the Hotel Nightshade!

    I'm temporarily closing slots and commissions while I catch up on the workload - I don't want to get in over my head! If you were holding out, really want a slot, and don't mind waiting weeks, then you can still contact me, but yea, expect a wait for now.

    Slots will reopen as soon as I've caught up!

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    6 comments · 487 views
  • 257 weeks
    Hotel Calivorenia - Notes and Submissions

    Hello all! In this blog post I'll explain the premise and guidelines for Hotel Calivorenia, a new on-going story. This post will likely get updated as I figure all this out...

    This story is a YCH (Your Character Here) story, whereby you can purchase (commission) your own chapter, to contain your OC, or another character of your choice, to have their own 'episode' in the story.

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    0 comments · 727 views
  • 282 weeks
    Back again!

    Well I took a break over Christmas, and it kind of ended up being over January as well. But I think I've broken the creative block and I'll be back to work now!

    I know there's a couple of people who asked me for commissions, please give me a poke again if you're still interested! I'll be PMing a few people, but if you don't hear from me then message me!

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    3 comments · 536 views

About Me

Withania Nightshade

I'm a botanist from Ponyville. By day I grow various plants and herbs for use in cooking or potions, and by night I write stories. I write mature fetish fics about ponies having a good time in weird ways. Non-fatal soft-vore is my jam, along with transformation, assimilation, and similar fetishes.

Commissions: CLOSED while I catch up. Rates are $10 per 1k words, PM me to chat about it!
I can also be pinged from FimFiction Discord, and I frequent Vorepone's Gut and Bleu's Bellies & Burps - feel free to say hi there too!

Not sure where to start? Check out the bookshelves below for my personal work and commissions, and if you want a bit more, or some short & sweet work, click HERE for my Jam Fics!
Can't see any stories here? My work is Mature Rated, so you'll need to turn on Show Mature Fics on the site menu!

Latest Stories

Comments ( 27 )
  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27

I love ur work, good stories.

god damn, can't believe I forgot to say it. Happy belated birthday, withania!

Hey there, Withania; it's been a very long time, and you probably don't remember me. But I used to check on you in Discord before my account got stolen.

oh my gooooosh thank you!
What a wonderful surprise, I love this 💚
You are correct about birthdays ;)

And yes! I am back on the typewriter, lots in the pipeline if I can keep it up!

Holy shit, i completely forgot i already drew art at one point for you. With hindsight, it was a really awful pic, but I'd like to think I've gotten better. Anyway, since I'm doing artfight this year and I seem to recall your birthday being around this time, here's an updated piece because its a cute OC.


It's good to see you're back writing again, I always liked your stuff.

  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27
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