The Diamond Cutters 1,210 members · 1,369 stories
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Group Admin

A message from our founder, The Master of Despair:

The Diamond Cutters is the official organization to bring Love and Tolerance to the most overlooked and unappreciated character in My Little Pony, Diamond Tiara.

Join the Diamond Cutters. (Diamond cutting is the practice of changing a diamond from a rough stone into a faceted gem.)

The Brony community is a Great and Powerful community. I really like how far a lot of Bronies take the whole Love and Tolerance phrase, even in real life. But I've come to realize that the group of Bronies who really understand the phrase are the Diamond Tiara fans.

Why do people hate Diamond Tiara? Because she picks on The Cutie Mark Crusaders? Now I love The Cutie Mark Crusaders, but I love Diamond Tiara even more. The fact is children are like that. You can deny it all you want, but the majority of the haters out there I can guarantee were bullies when they were younger. Don't be a hypocrite. Don't be a liar.

To be honest, I'm getting really sick of all these haters. A lot of them have proven themselves to be complete hypocrites. They don't even understand what love and tolerance even means. The phrase "love and tolerance" means that you should respect everypony, even if you don't like them.

A lot of Bronies seem to think you should only love and tolerate the ones that deserve it. If you already love someone, then you obviously tolerate them. Tolerance is the main word in this phrase. Even if you strongly dislike them or flat out hate them, you should still show a little compassion. Who knows? Over time you may fall in love with them. This group will stand up for Diamond Tiara, even if we stand alone.

I think this is worse than what happened to Derpy. Why? Because those were outsiders. This hatred on the other hand is coming from the Bronies themselves, the ones that should understand the true meaning of the show.

This group originally started off at I'm now expanding it to If you wish to check out our DeviantArt group just click the link below

Save Diamond Tiara

There are many ways you can help our cause.
Add it to your Favorites.
Put it on your Signature.
Make more Artwork and PMV.
Write more Fanfictions.
Do whatever you think may help.

Spread the word, tell everyone, friends, enemies, the lovers, and the haters. I want the world to FEAR OUR NAME!

The Diamond Cutters are rising up. Soon you will see what love is truly capable of doing. Join us and together we will bring peace and love to all of Equestria.

Remember, Diamonds are Forever.

Group Admin

The folders and what they are for:
Best Dad: Got a Filthy Rich story that shows off why Diamond Tiara utterly adores her daddy? Add it here.
Black Diamonds: dark and horror.
Chapter Star: Anthologies which have some DT-focused chapters or stories in which DT plays a smaller, yet important, role.
Diamond Days: The ordinary days in the life of an extraordinary pony. Slice of Life, in other words.
Going Places: Adventure tales.
Mature: Things that are not appropriate for a little filly(Mature-rated fics).
Mushy Stuff: Romance.
Tickled Pink: The comedies and random stories.
Tiarable Times: Sad and Tragedy. (Why you be mean to Diamond?)
Diamond's Editing Service: want advice on how to improve your story? Add it here.

Stories go in folders as follows:
1. If the story has an insignificant amount of Diamond Tiara or a negative portrayal of her, it does not go in this group.
2. If Mature, it goes in Mature.
3. If the story is not about Diamond Tiara, but it does have a chapter or more about her, it goes in Chapter Star.
4. Pick all the appropriate categories from amongst the rest: Best Dad, Black Diamonds, Diamond Days, Going Places, Mushy Stuff, Tickled Pink, and Tiarable Times.
5. If you'd like group members to make suggestions on how to improve your story, add it to Diamond's Editing Service.

Expanding on the categories:

Chapter Star: If a story gives a fair amount of Diamond Tiara in a chapter, that is fairly focused on her, and doesn't go against the group's purpose of showing off what Diamond Tiara has to offer: Adds to the story, makes sense to be there, she got over a chapter's (800 word minimum's) worth of story, and isn't out of character demeaning and hateful in obvious way, then you may toss that story here.

Tickled Pink: Is stories that make you laugh. Make you smile over and over. Its whole purpose is usually to brighten up your day by turning that frowny face upside down! If your story's purpose is to tell a silly tale about doing something mundane as a Princess getting a Microwave to work, or some everyday stuff being spiced up by a series of unfortunate events that all seem too coincidental and all out hilarious? Then your Comedy story belongs in "Tickled Pink"!

Mushy Stuff: Anything up to TEENS; without descriptive scenes of SEX or heavily implied amounts of SEX. Making out is OK. Kissing, rolling around and doing stuff so long as it leaves more to the imagination then what what you'd find in your average Mature rated story.

Black Diamonds: This is where all the Dark stories with gloomy atmosphere and ponies being turned into changelings would go!

TIP: Trying to tell a story that is edgy? Gritty? Unknown dangers around every corner? Broken a wing or leg and something unknown is seemingly chasing you, but you can't decide if it's just your imagination and the surroundings playing tricks on you?

Well! If a story meets those kinds of merits or the like, chances are your story belongs in the Black Diamonds folder!

Going Places: Diamond Tiara goes on a field trip. In the woods. On a mountain. In Bawh'rain. And now she's wandering around with/out somepony. HOW is she going to get back to Ponyville you ask? I don't know! That's why I'm in this folder to find out how this now seemingly crazy adventure will turn out.

If your story is about traveling, seeing new places, or just going on some crazy/wacky shenanigans that take you around from place to place, meeting other ponies you'd normally not come across or see very often. Then you're "GOING PLACES"! Which is exactly where your Adventure based stories are likely to go!

Diamond Days: Because we just want to know more about Best Filly and what she does during her waking hours to what lay in her dreams. If your story is about showing us what sort of daily interactions or hobbies Diamond partakes in and how she hangs out with, comes up with witty puns and jokes or silly get more rich/popular quick schemes when she's not busy (or already has) picked on Apple Bloom for the day, then there is a big chance you might want to toss that Slice of Life story in "Diamond Days"!

Tiarable Times: All things sad go here. Ever do everything in your power to get that ONE thing you wanted, and you were SO close you could practically taste it? Only to watch in horror as you barely avoid losing a hoof because some greedy Pink Pudge just ate a whole Marzipan Cake in one gulp!

Yes, for TRAGIC and SAD moments that leave you wallowing in your own pity and despair, this is where your "Tragedy" and "Sad" stories go. Be it the loss of a love one of a really one of a kind never gonna get another chance to taste such a delicacy again, Tragedy, story goes here in "Tiarable Times".

Diamond's Editing Service: It is a little known fact that Diamond Tiara is the patron pony of editors and critics. No other pony is as good at pointing out the flaws in things as her. And she's willing to put that power to use for your benefit! Or rather, she's willing to provide the opportunity to have one of her minions do that.

Whether you are worried about your grammar, show vs tell, the flow of your story, or any other part aspect of your story, and you would like some help, just follow these simple steps:
1. Add it to this folder.
2. Start up a thread with your story's name in it.
3. Wait for people to volunteer.

If the story is not yet released, you can still get help. Just slap a password on it, and then send a note with the password to those that offer to help.

So if you've got a diamond in the rough and you'd like it polished to a nice shine, this is the folder for you. Provided the story is about Diamond Tiara, of course.

Mature Folder: Despite its name, it isn't interested in a fair and calm debate over the meaning of life, our purpose in it, and why Equestria Girls is our first MLP:FiM movie. No, in fact, it's a bit more crude, crass, and vile pervert. Whether juggling chainsaws and ponies in one hand while balancing on a tightrope walking pony with another latched and sewed to its backside, while miles above a meat-grinding rainbow-making machine...

...Yes, THIS "Mature" Tag here is anything but decent, collected and thoughtful of a Tag. Not usually. No. All IT wants is your virgins and/or your organs!

Heck, most the times IT doesn't even care if you aren't a virgin or whether your organs are still currently in use!

TIP: If your story is all about the gory details of what went on back during the great war, detailing the gory GORE bits of a pony being blown to smithereens mere seconds after seeing his best buddy, who came to help—be taken down by some random unseen sniper—taken out right before his very eyes. . . . Yeah, chances are your GORE tagged story goes into the Mature Folder.

TIP2: If your story is all about the deep, romancing love life, of Twilight and Rainbow Dash, with all the spicy and juicy details of what goes on beneath that purple mare's geeky bed sheets....

Well, send it to the proper group! This is a DIAMOND TIARA CENTRIC group after all!
So, if you're going to toss in only all too detailed/graphic portrayals of what DT does in her private time with others, that are labeled to be spicy enough to start raising the room temperature around ya, then keep those saucy things locked away in the recesses of the Mature Folder!

TL;DR: Mature=Material Not Suited for Kids or Young Adults. KEEP OUT!
All stories tagged Mature go into Mature folder.

Group Admin


"Huh? What does SHE what?"

"Shut it blank flank, I'm getting to that!"

"It's about the Group's policies that are going to be made as clear as I can possibly make them."

This, is a group dedicated to Diamond Tiara. If your posts aren't Diamond Tiara centric, you'll likely see your thread axed. What you post here can and does affect people in the group. We don't need spam posts or trolls, and we don't need to drag our ponies through the filth of our own opinionated views on mankind.

1. Keep real world opinions on religion, gender, race, government and obvious taboo subjects in check. In fact, it is strongly suggested that you leave them out of your posts. Things to take note if you wish to pursue these areas:
A) Keep it "Clean", "Concise", "Factual" and not self-imposed 'facts'. And above ALL Equestrian related!
B) It had best to do with what this group is about: Diamond Tiara and those she interacts with.

If you want to talk about the Mane 6, there are other groups that are better suited for this. Things allowed when speaking of the mane 6 or any other pony:
1) They have a connection with a pony that in some way or another, had some interaction with Diamond Tiara, be it directly or indirectly, which effects Diamond Tiara.
2) Discussing story related ideas or opinions about what ponies think and act when faced with the pink filly we all know and love to hate, or what have you.

Bannable offenses will include:
A) Posting threads with the purpose to incite negative reactions.

B) Attack on individuals from other parts of FimFic.

C) Posting threads or comments with "Why your group sucks" or "DT is worst pony" in a DT oriented group like ours, that is essentially spam and will be insta-banned.

D) Harassing our members will not be tolerated. If proof is shown of such abuse, it won't just be a group ban but I will seek out higher powers to enforce action against the offenders.

This is a "FAN GROUP" first and foremost. We are a dedicated group for Diamond Tiara and building a more solid foundation around her. We are committed to building experiences for all those who want to see more, experience more, and basically explore what most perceive as a one-dimensional character.

If you are not here to contribute or simply enjoy being around the company of fellow Diamond Tiara fans, then save me and especially yourself, the trouble of hitting that "Submit Thread/Comment" and think about *WHY* you even bothered clicking that "JOIN GROUP" button in the first place.

NOTE: These will all be handled on a case by case basis, but if anyone of you members (YES YOU!) feel genuinely offended over a post(s), thread or you feel alienated in whatever way then please please PLEASE let Me or one of the other Mods; Mudpony, Mager Blutooth; know immediately. We don't bite, and we *DO* care.

So please, if anything is found that is clearly offensive or against the rules, even if done by another admins, let someone know.

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