News Archive

  • 28 weeks
    Ciderfest's Scattered Pages Wrap-up!

    Aside from contests and invitations to do things, I believe all of us here in Fimfic should get to hear about awesome things created by our community of writers.

    It was not so long ago that Vivid Syntax reached out to me about a project he was working on. I admit, he wasn't the first to ask (that dubious honor goes to Nyronus) for me to work with them on it, but this time it was a request to reach out to all of you to see if you wanted to participate in something new and daring.

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  • 49 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest: Last Call for Writers, Editors, and Actors

    Ponyville Ciderfest: Last Call for Writers, Editors, and Actors

    The words are flowing at Ponyville Ciderfest! This year’s convention theme is all about writing, and we’re celebrating with a ton of amazing events, including an interactive storytelling experience!

    We’ve already got over sixty active creators and one-hundred stories as part of this project. We’d love to include everyone, but since we need to start finalizing so we can move onto the next stage:

    The last day to sign up is Sunday, July 9th.

    How does it work? Our writers are helping in three main ways:

    1. Hidden throughout the convention, we’ll have secret code words that can be entered into the PCVF companion app. When an attendee enters a code word, they’ll be presented with a short story (written by the writing team!) and get to make a choice that impacts the events at the con.

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  • 65 weeks
    Twilight's Book Nook at Everfree Northwest!

    D This Is Not A Contest Blog, What Is Happening!?

    In 2019 Aquaman organized a bookstore booth at Bronycon. It was such a huge success and gathered so much attention that several of us, including: Capn_Chryssalid, PaulAsaran, yours truly, Monochromatic, Corejo and many others spent a considerable amount of the convention coordinating with security, selling books, engaging people and generally having a great time.

    The best thing? The bookstore was incredibly successful. We had a line of people that we had to split into parts and arrange along the wall because of the interest people had in our stories.

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  • 320 weeks
    Scribblefest 2018 Winner's announcement!

    After much deliberation, reading, rereading, and judging we finally have our winners for the Everfree Northwest Scribblefest 2018!

    I want to first congratulate all of you who submitted your hard written stories!  We had a field of 30 contestants, and that’s amazing! Thank you so much for all your hard work that you do!  Now, without further ado, our finalist and their respective categories!

    Twilight Sparkle Award
    Admiral Biscuit with “Spring Comes to Snow Hill”

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  • 372 weeks
    Announcing EFNW Scribblefest 2017 Winners!

    After much deliberation, reading, rereading, and judging we finally have our winners for the Everfree Northwest Scribblefest 2017!

    I want to first congratulate all of you who submitted your hard written stories! We had a field of 36 contestants, and that’s amazing! Thank you so much for all your hard work that you do! Now, without further ado, our finalist and their respective categories!

    Twilight Sparkle Award
    Ebon Quill with “Slouching Towards Canterlot”

    Twilight was a tough fight, and it got down to the wire in the end between the final four stories! Excellent job, Ebon Quill, writing a story that showed you did the research and made sure everything was picture perfect! Just like Twilight herself would love!

    Rarity Award
    Loganberry with “The Book of Ended Lives”

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    19 comments · 4,418 views
  • 383 weeks
    Everfree NW Scribblefest 2017!

    Everfree Northwest, Seattle's premier pony convention is known for having one of—if not the—strongest writing tracks in the MLP fandom. As part of that, we run an online writing contest (now called "Scribblefest") every year. Entry is open to everyone, whether or not you attend the convention.

    Like last year, we’re giving out six special awards, each of which comes with a $20 Amazon gift code!

    This year’s prompt is: Growing up wild and forever free


    The Jaw-Dropper Award ("The Dash")

    We all know the type, the stories that make us go "Holy cow, THAT just happened!" This would go to the story with the best twist, surprise, or simple moment of hoof-pumping awesomeness!

    The D'aww Award ("The Fluttershy")

    A staple of ponyfic... the story with the sweetest, most touching moment that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    The Nasally Ejected Beverage Award ("The Pinkie")

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    28 comments · 5,311 views
  • 435 weeks
    Everfree Northwest presents Scribblefest 2016!

    EDIT: Contest is now closed! Thank you to all the entrants. We'll begin judging tomorrow, and will soon list all the entries so you can read through them as well. Stay tuned!

    Everfree Northwest presents Scribblefest 2016!

    Art by Dark Flame

    Everfree Northwest, Seattle's premier pony convention is known for having one of—if not the—strongest writing tracks in the MLP fandom. As part of that, we run an online writing contest (now called "Scribblefest") every year. Entry is open to everyone, whether or not you attend the convention.

    This year, we're changing things up a bit. Instead of ranking stories in simple order, we're giving out six special awards, each of which comes with a $20 Amazon gift code!


    The Jaw-Dropper Award ("The Dash")

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    43 comments · 4,444 views
  • 479 weeks
    Pick the Community Choice Award for the EFNW 2015 Pre-Con Contest

    EDIT: Contest voting is now closed! Thank you all for participating and, hopefully, having a good time. Remember, if you haven't already, go leave comments and feedback for the stories you read. Authors love that sort of thing! We'll have an announcement of winners later this week.

    Good day folks,

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    144 comments · 5,385 views
  • 483 weeks
    EFNW 2015 Pre-Con Contest, Everfree Northwest's Weekly fic Recommendations #26

    Table of Contents
    EFNW 2015 Pre-Con Contest
    Everfree Northwest's Weekly fic Recommendations #26

    The Everfree Northwest Convention, known for having one of—if not the—strongest writing tracks in the MLP fandom, is back with another great writing contest! Last year’s EFNW writing contest had over 75 entries with a combined total of 30,000 views in their first month, which we're pretty proud of. We gave away some great prizes too.

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    18 comments · 3,071 views
  • 489 weeks
    G.M. Berrow at BABSCon, Everfree Northwest's Weekly fic Recommendations #20

    Table of Contents
    G.M. Berrow at BABSCon
    Everfree Northwest's Weekly fic Recommendations #20

    G.M. Berrow at BABSCon
    Hit the Books With G.M. Berrow at BABSCon! "Can you get enough of the very best in pony-based literature? We thought not…’cuz neither can we! There’s a very good reason Hasbro chose the amazing G.M. Berrow to write the official My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic novels, and it’s because she’s just plain awesome.

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Conventions » BUCK 2014 Write Up · 9:40am Aug 27th, 2014

BUCK is over for another year (and maybe forever? Who knows…) so of course I have to do a little write up on the weekend. It’s not going to be too long because I don’t have a ton to say this time compared to last time really but that’s fine by me!

I quite literally begged Blueshift to go, and it ended up that he was a panel member along with me which was excellent. I’ve been desperately wanting to meet him forever so BUCK was a great excuse to do so. Along with my friend Grandiose, Arcainum, his girlfriend Eevee, Zeeraw and Ruby (horse news person) we spent most of the time together drinking quite a lot on the Friday and just generally hanging out during the course of the convention. It was nice to spend time with them all because they’re all good fellas and ladies.

Our writing panel was actually the first of the weekend and I’m quite glad it was because it let me enjoy the rest of the weekend a bit more stress free! Thanks everyone who came along because I think it went really well. The format worked well for getting a lot of information out in the allotted hour. BUCK this year wasn’t doing Q and As which meant I had to come up with a bunch of topics beforehand, but I did let people ask relevant questions during the topics themselves which seemed to work for pushing the conversation along.

Following that we had the charity auction. After noticing a Derpy plushie for sale as I walked to the front I decided that was my target this year, and weirdly it was actually the 2nd item that went up for sale. £820 and arm pain later, she was mine! In total the auction raised over £11k to help against diabetes which is fantastic! I consider it a life investment incase I ever get it :P The cosplay contest was next and uh…..well… was interestingly run. There were some good cosplays as usual and lots of...kissing on stage….disgusting straight ships too. I almost vomited. The last event of the Saturday was the Lunar Eclipse. We stayed for Rc88’s set but not too much more because sadly the audio had a lot of issues :( so we just went off to Wetherspoons for a bit before calling it a night.

My charity auction plushie collection :p

The Sunday morning was the speedfic contest. This was at the totally unsociable time of 9am and in the same room as the LoE panel. Naturally we expected nobody to turn up but we actually got a good 30 or so people. Sadly we didn’t exactly have 30 pens provided so I had to run to the shop and buy some just before we started. Our prompt was “Ponyville’s small town charm is disrupted by something British”, which was relevant to the con but open enough to spark some creativity we hoped. The next 2 hours involved reading through that mass of stories to pick a winner which was a girl by the name of Jade, a Fluffle Puff cosplayer.

A lot of fanfic....

I had to go straight to the guest buffet after that where I spent most of the time chatting to either RC88/Pixc or various other people who came up to ask for signatures which was really flattering, especially the kid who asked me to sign his iPad cover! If I’m completely honest, I think the guest buffet is an off event and I half expected it to not happen again this year. You get all the guests sitting around 1 place while other people try and pluck up the courage to say hello. I understand what the organisers want to happen but it doesn’t really seem to. I think it needs more rigid organisation to achieve that.

After hanging outside the con for like another hour we went to Polsky’s panel which was really good! His episodes aren’t my favourites and I almost felt bad for that after his panel because he seemed like such an interesting guy with a lot of intelligence behind his writing. Of course the panel also had a bunch of super awkward idiots slagging his episodes off to his face, but he handled it like a pro and the crowd were clearly really on his side which was great to see. Blueshift did a write up that you can see here: We went to get dinner at this point at the Steak and Lobster restaurant next door which was DELISH. and took us up to the VIP panel. I’m really annoyed more people didn’t ask Heather things because she seemed like such an amazingly cool dork and I wanted to hear her talk the most of all. I had to disappear half way through to figure out what was supposed to be happening with the closing ceremony which I was supposed to be announcing the fanfic competition winner at but in the end that didn’t happen. I was a little disappointed because I did want to say what the prompt was at least but oh well.

On the Monday I ended up finding Jade, the contest winner, to give her back her fanfic. She was lovely and here from the Netherlands on her own. She had a bunch of stuff she couldn't take back on the plane that was supposed to be going to someone else who didn't turn up so....I ended up with it! She gave me an MLP towel and some alcohol from the Netherlands which I believe is a spiced rum but I'm not entirely sure yet!

In all, I had a lot of fun meeting people new and old. That’s why I go to conventions.

Report knighty · 5,818 views ·
Comments ( 44 )

There were some good cosplays as usual and lots of...kissing on stage….disgusting straight ships too. I almost vomited.

Classic knighty.

You BUCKed up, knighty.

If I could have afforded the Sunday I would totally have asked heather all the things. She's cool.

Bit bummed that you could not have been at Bronycon, cause you are on the list of those I STILL have yet to meet.

I was blessed to have met Alexstranza, Wanderer D, Opelescense, and many others while attending Bronycon.

any chance you might be there next year?

Site Owner

2405519 A huge maybe. Things are complex.

That picture...I look sooooo damn tired xD

I think Saturday's disappointing ending may have drained some of the enthusiasm =p I just couldn't bring myself to go to any events on Sunday. Still, it was cool hanging out and meeting people. I agree, it's why I go to cons in the first place.

I do feel bad for having to leave before we could physically hunt down the winner though. I wish I'd been there to explain why she won.

Oh I forgot to mention, if you'd gone past the steak and lobster and down to the AMC there was a restaurant called "Almost Famous", selling "unicorn meat".

We ain't sentimental up north.

Thank you for signing my plushy trout btw knighty :P Glad you had fun! :D :pinkiehappy:

2405550 I was there.

It was a bizarre restaurant, more geared to the mature taste.

There's a sauce called phokin amazing.

Looked fun and I was smiling while reading this, and what ships were on stage? Kinda curious to which ones and why...:twilightsmile:

And stop reminding me that I feel sorta badmfor snowdrop.

Site Owner

2405588 There was a fluttercord, celestia x discord and um....I forgot the third one now....

Oh celestia, the horrer...

Author Interviewer

Ohhh is that why Blueshift wrote a story about Marmite? <.< That explains everything. Also, the dreaded "having to hunt people down and return their fanfics" panel.

I'm surprised I'm actually still alive. For the fanfic contest I had a load of ponified RAF flyers turn up and went from there :facehoof:. I figured either you or Blueshift would be hunting me down. :trollestia:

I still can't believe you paid that much for even beloved Derpy, Knighty. But on the other hand, Chrysalis went for over a grand. I do hope we have a BUCK 2016. :fluttercry:

Yeah I was sat behind you in the cosplay competition I think (I wasn't the noisy one, haha) and it was a little strange with all the kissing. I also thought a lot of people were rather rude to Polsky too, especially as he seemed so intelligent and likeable. Overall I enjoyed the weekend but not as much as last year, the far bigger venue changed the atmosphere and Saturday was a little too slow for me.

disgusting straight ships

Ew, gross.

It saddens me that these people reject the superior glory of universal lesbian shipping.

There were some good cosplays as usual and lots of...kissing on stage….disgusting straight ships too.

Just like at Bronycon. :pinkiehappy:

There were some good cosplays as usual and lots of...kissing on stage….disgusting straight ships too. I almost vomited.

Don't forget about the trees

Comment posted by Elegy Fermata deleted Aug 31st, 2014

Sounds like loads of fun. I've never attended a convention. I think I'll pass on the cosplay part though. :rainbowwild:

We also had Cadence x Shining Armor, with Flash walking with them (they won the cosplay competition). I'm not sure if they kissed though, was too busy playing "The Game the Princesses Play".

(Oh, and I'm the guy who asked you about the database and the web-framework of at the end of the fanfiction panel.)

So sad I missed the fanfic challenge. I thought it was starting at 10 so I got there an hour late ><;;

Look, I know that you guys on the other side of the pond do lots of weird shit. You add extra u's to your words, you call things by the wrong words (e.g. those aren't chips, they're French fries. From France.), you drive on the wrong side of the road, you're trying to shove this "metric system" nonsense down our throats... The list goes on.

But straight shipping.

Straight shipping.

This is where I must draw the line.

[. . .] meeting people new and old. That’s why I go to conventions.

You mean the entire reason why I don't go to conventions? Weird. It's almost like you're a different person with different tastes, or something. I should probably shun you now.

a Fluffle Puff cosplayer

Didn't know that was a thing.

straight ships

The only thing that's straight in this fandom are the penises of the bronies as they jerk off to lesbian horses.

Site Owner

2406221 You could have still entered, we'd have picked it up at the end :P

I enjoyed that panel immensely. ^_^ I was a bit sad I didn't get to be at the fanfic contest but it sounds like you had fun without me.

*spots self in photo*



2406830 Yeah, it sucked you or Great or Metaphor couldn't be there. Welp, there's always another event!


... Any chance you could implement a time machine feature into fimfic? :pinkiesmile:

Good to hear things went well for you. With any luck I'll be able to sit in on the pannel next year.:twilightsmile:

The writing panel was great. Well, apart from the fact that we couldn't see any of you, but still. The format worked fine, and you covered a lot of ground in the hour. Annoyed to miss the fanfic contest, since I had an existing idea (involving cricket) I could have used for that, but I was staying out of town and Sunday morning public transport is pathetic. Ah well, there's always next year. Or not. Who knows?

Gah! I should have come to BUCK! I could have gotten a signature from knighty! :pinkiegasp:

Just wanted to say knighty it was an honor to meet the founder of my favourite website at the guest buffet, I'm glad you enjoyed the con I know I did :pinkiehappy:

The metric system is WAY better than the imperial system.

The fic in the middle of the bottom row is my favorite.

I wrote a fic. The end.

There were some good cosplays as usual and lots of...kissing on stage….disgusting straight ships too. I almost vomited.

Oh, shut up, it's the other kinds that are disgusting. Not really into the CelestiaxDiscord thing myself, granted.

People kissing on stage is kinda weird regardless, really.

I'll rip your balls off so you can't contaminate the rest of the world!

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