• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 116,793 Views, 9,637 Comments

The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Chapter 13: A Voice in the Wind

Author's Note:

Proofreading by Skylark and Faith-Wolff
Artwork by Faith-Wolff

Mothra, Monster X, Spacegodzilla, and related roster property of Toho studios
Gyaos property of Daiei
MLP:FiM property of Hasbro Studios


Please do check out the Reading List by Lance Omikron to navigate the Amalgam Universe most clearly :raritywink:

Monster X
High Beam
Twilight Sparkle

Archival Vault, Celestial Museum, Fillydelphia

High Beam let a long, drowsy yawn echo down the dark and isolated tunnel he patrolled down; likely not a single soul to hear it. The dim halls and cold air were the only company he had other than the occasional co-worker amongst the vast expanse. His limbs were getting more sluggish as time went on, a quick check of his watch thankfully informing him his near nocturnal work hours were nearly over. A shift down below the museum was a whole different experience than its counterpart. The staff was a skeleton crew over a huge area, with all the sights and sounds of the bustling city around them falling into the shade’s lull and stillness. It was a matter of interpretation on whether the quiet and darkness was better or worse than the beaming lights and crowded surroundings of the above-ground shift. High Beam paced down a long dark hallway, his hooves clicking on the cement and tile floors being the only noise in the artificial cavern. It was his turn to patrol the archives and vault, the hidden realm underneath the museum where the public wasn’t allowed. It was for their and everyone else’s safety; for what lay down here was priceless.

High Beam flicked on his magic and rays of luminance akin to a flash light shot out from his horn as he looked over said priceless artifacts. Each was stored away behind glass and metal vaults that lined the walls of the long chamber like hotel rooms. Occasionally one or two of them was put out for public display, with a heavy guard staff of course; but most of the time they lay here. High Beam glanced over some of them as he passed by. A gown from the original Crystal royal, an original edition of a massive tome by the great Starswirl, Commander Hurricane’s helmet and armor; and a pair of scimitars, a gift from a 2nd century Saddle-Arabian Sultan. None of them may have contained any inherit power, but the cultural worth of any of them was near a fortune.

One item here however did go against that ‘no inherit power’ description, and High Beam was on his way to check on it. After it had been given away at a glorified pawnshop, it had come into Celestia's possession after a mysterious Zebra passed it off to her. The official story was it was buried somewhere in the Everfree. The actual truth was it was buried under several layers of guards, concrete, and gates after the Solar Diarch had it locked away in the deepest and most isolated chamber in the vault. They had only put it on display once, and despite the heavy guard staff, an attempted theft quickly taught the museum to lock it away. Publicly they treated it like it was never there, privately they put it as mandatory watch every shift. High Beam yawned again.

-Well, hours almost up. Might as well give it another look before I head up top to clock out-

Turning the corner, High Beam saw something that instantly made his eyes snap out and banished any tiredness left in him in an instant. The gate way to the lowest catacomb was torn open. The heavy-wrought iron, magic proof bars that blocked all but those with an access key from entering had been torn or blasted open and peeled back like an open can of cat food. Large, wide foot prints lead to the darkness deep inside. High Beam’s breath quickened as he quickly grabbed at the panel on the wall to his right, slamming his hoof down on the silent alarm. Soon, maybe in a few minutes, the rest of the staff would be down there.

-Few minutes Later-

High Beam gulped back a disorderly breath.

-Not soon enough.-

Taking his own regarded safety and hurling it out an imaginary window, High Beam reignited his light magic and took off down the long hall. His hooves crashed and pinged off the still tunnel surface for some time, following the tracks until he spotted the familiar bend in the tunnel. Taking in his breath, the unicorn slowly crept up on the turn, still slightly fearful of what lay just out of his line of sight. The crash and smashing of glass confirmed what he suspected. It was now or never. High Beam jumped around the corner, lighting up his horn with a beam of visibility as he charged a magic burst.


But what had its back to him had no hooves to speak off. Whip-like, black tails trailed across the ground, ink black skin and white body armor that resembled bones gleamed in the magical light. The back of its head turned at the noise behind it, and soon the whole body followed as the nameless looked to the named. Monster X’s red eyes glared into the awe shocked orbs of High Beam. High Beam’s voice died in his throat as he looked the demon before him over, its hiss slipping through the air. Between its hellish and other-worldly appearance and the fact it was holding something in its hand he was all too familiar with, High Beam’s hooves shifted and he made for his sword. X’s eyes narrowed as yellow energy built up in them every passing millisecond.

-He’s armed, a possible threat-

High Beam drew his saber and was about to charge when a flash of gold heralded a burst of the Xilian vanguard's signature weapon.

“I don’t have time for you…”

Energy ignited as time slowed. High Beam's magic wrapped around his saber as X locked on. Just before he could give the mental command, a feminine voice echoed through the corners of his mind. Soft as a breeze blown chime, personal as a whisper. It caught the kaiju off guard.

-"Don't do this.. There is no need to kill him..."-


Whether he was taken but surprise of unknowingly following the command, X craned his head down at the last second and redirected the graviton flow. Regardless of not taking a direct hit, High Beam didn’t have the time or knowledge to react to a barrage of gravitons slamming into the ground in front of him, the kinetic force transferring back and hurling High Beam into the wall from the concussive explosion. He hit his head hard against the metal paneling, consciousness drifting away in flashes. He didn't hear what his attacker said next. Monster X stood in silence, looking around him rapidly as he thrashed his tails in frustration.

"Who said that?! Show yourself!"

There was no one there. There was only the isolation of his own voice, and his own mind. X couldn't hold back an annoyed growl as High Beam's eyes began to fall. The last thing the guard saw before the medical team revived him was something dangling from the monster’s fingers as it walked past him and out the door.

Official report detailed large tracks found heading into and out of the tertiary vault with the theft of one item from said vault. One guard was given paid medical leave for a concussion and fractured ribs. Tracks found began and ended mysteriously just outside the vault’s magic barrier with no sign of entry from any other area or flight. Several thousand bits worth of damage was done to the tertiary vault's gate, which needed complete replacement.

All historic and cultural relics, some of which had repeated theft attempts due to astronomical value were untouched…. but the Alicorn Amulet was gone.

Everfree Forest, Castle of the Two Sisters

Golden lights streaked across Mothra's broad wings before arching out, lightning spewing out of her body as if she was a massive Tesla coil. The skies became filled with shrieks and numerous smaller members of the gyaos flock were electrocuted and fell to the forest floor in a barrage of fire balls. The Guardian of Mortals could sense all of them to an extent. Across the castle and forest surrounding it were at least three dozen car sized but normal Gyaos, about one dozen Super Gyaos ranging from 30 to 60 meters tall; and the albino alpha, the Hyper Gyaos. Mothra flapped her wings, giving off a barrage of gale force winds to keep back some of the smaller demons away from her and the castle. If she could keep it at ranged, she had a chance against the horde; but she absolutely couldn't let them pin her down. This was a battle she couldn't afford to get knocked out of the air or surrounded. She screeched a telepathic shout to the gawking alicorn below as batteries of energy fired out from her forehead and pierced through the wings of an oncoming Super.


Twilight didn't need to be told twice. Running over to scoop up Spike and plop the dragon onto her back, the alicorn rushed off into one of the still-intact halls. There may have been some gyaos inside the castle still, but there was far more on the exterior. The airspace outside the castle was hell on earth, so indoors was better than nothing. Mothra still cast a silent prayer as she shifted her attention back to the maelstrom of shadows surrounding her. Dozens of gyaos, ranging in size from the scale of a carriage to the mass of a train swirled around her like a sea of hungry piranha. Flickers of yellow shown through the black shroud before legions of piercing gold rays of sonic energy screamed through the night. Most, in their owners' chaotic thrashing, missed entirely and scourged the landscape around the castle. Trees were bisected, boulders slashed into; and trenches gouged into the ground. A shimmering light grew over Mothra’s scales like a spreading wildfire as several beams struck her. For a split second a silvery aura wrapped around her form like a cloak, before the golden rays were reflected off like a laser striking a mirror. Numerous attackers screeched and shrieked as their own attacks cut into them and sent several plummeting to the ground. Mothra reignited her wing born lightning strikes, trying to thin out the flock a bit more as well as keep several Super Gyaos from dog-piling her.

A flash of white ripped away her attention. Knocking aside several Supers, Hyper Gyaos dive-bombed the guardian with her jaws and talons outstretched. Turning midair, the moth barely managed to dodge getting her back shredded by extended claws and gnashing fangs, escaping with one gash across the back of her thorax. Spinning around to both fling off a few members of the flock trying to latch onto her and re-steady herself, Mothra soon found herself glaring back at the glints of pale that shimmered through the sea of darkness like a shark. Hyper Gyaos spread her wings to brake mid-air, the wing membrane between her bat-like fingers glowing into a hummed purple as members of her flock wisely got out of the way. The Atlantean creation's jaws flung themselves open and gathered energy. Sparks of power lit themselves on Mothra’s antennae, ushering forth dual beams of raw energy as Hyper unleashed her violet, hyper cutter ray. As the two beams crashed into each other, a miniature sun formed in the spot where divine magic and energized sound collided. Both kaiju fought to keep her energy flowing stronger, causing the bright, glowing orb of light in the struggle’s apex to grow stronger as it drank in both funnels of power like a siphon. The intense light and raw power drove back a good portion of the flock that would have otherwise been ganging up on the preoccupied Mothra at the moment.

Both kaiju poured more energy into her own output, but the glowing mass of energy forming between them swelled to a blinding light. They had initiated the beam fight too close to each other, a failure with explosive results. The ball of energy exploded into a miniature nova in the air space above the castle. The stony exterior of the surviving tower was incinerated and portions even turned to glass. Thankfully the shock wave expanded horizontally more than it did vertically. Good for the lower portions of castle and its occupants, very bad for any kaiju in the air. Multiple gyaos shrieked in pain, raining down into the forest in fiery infernos as numerous Supers were sent sprawling onto the forest floor; up heaving showers of dirt and stones. Mothra and Hyper both screamed and yelped as they were send hurtling backwards. Hyper Gyaos was sent flying down a canyon, snapping an aged and ragged rope bridge like a string of yarn before she collided back-first into the canyon wall. Mothra meanwhile was ushered into a backwards spiral, desperately trying to keep airborne despite numerous spots on her body having been ignited from the same sheer energy burst that near knocked her senseless. Crash landing on several quickly uprooted oak trees, Mothra groaned; trying to stop her vision from swirling so much.

A jolting pain quickly rushed through her body from her shoulder, green eyes darting over in the vertigo of vision, making out the shape of a recovered Super Gyaos. The beast had jumped onto her back, using its weight to try and keep her pinned as it dug its fangs into a lower section of her wing. Mothra shrieked out into the forest as the demon’s gnawing managed to breach her scales and usher out a trail of green-blue blood. The pain forced Mothra’s delirious senses back into action as more gyaos flew in to try and pile up on her. Craning her head over as energy sparked across her forehead, Mothra screeched before triple rays of piercing energy shot out and impaled the Super’s head. The malfunctioning creation of Atlantis barely had time to shriek before the beams came slicing and searing their way out of the back of its skull plate and into the blotted sky. Rolling the now burning corpse off her wing, Lea barely had time to get airborne and dodge two more oncoming Supers. Darting to avoid their lunges, Mothra took a moment to fry several normal Gyaos with her antennae beams before slamming downward on the Supers and driving her energy charged body into them. She may have preferred to fight at range and while she wasn’t as good in close quarters as her allies; the Guardian of Mortals was no pushover. But if she was going to win this, she had to thin out this flock, and fast.

Hyper Gyaos had taken a larger brunt of the explosion more than Mothra had, requiring a few more seconds to recover. After leaving a sizable imprint in the rivers of sandstone and granite, Hyper dug her claws into the canyon wall to climb her way out. After scaling up the cliff-face, the albino alpha felt something. A strong, ambient power not coming from any of the kaiju was present, and it was close by. It was further down, in a cave that connected to the crevice. Looking back to the ongoing battle a short distance away, Hyper spread her wings and let out a subsonic shriek to her flock. Against something like Mothra, the now greatly thinned normal members of her flock were basically cannon fodder. She and the supers on the other hand, could give the guardian trouble. So far their entire plan had been thrown a massive curveball since the benign titan showed up, but she had to improvise. Without all of the flock present, she had to.

The subsonic shriek rang out, barely audible to any but the members of her kind, and gave its orders. After looking to their alpha as the albino beast fanned her wings and retook the air, several of the smaller members of the Flight nodded and exited the battle. They flew down the crevice and headed straight for an isolated, glowing cavern. Hyper, having just dodged a barrage of wing borne lightning that fried another Super; slammed into Mothra. The crashing together of over 50,000 tons of kaiju split the air before the two began clawing and swiping at each other in a mid-air duel.

Meanwhile in the castle itself, Twilight was having a less than stellar time amidst the sounds of the warzone outside. Namely, running for her and Spike's life. Bolting down a long hall so fast the damage her hooves caused to the carpet would give Rarity a night terror, Twilight nearly launched herself off the wall to round a turn. One of her pursuers, the front runner in a small pack of gyaos, wasn't able to make the bend as sharply and crashed into the age stonework behind Twilight. Spike clung to Twilight's back and mane for dear life, his eyes darting up to the ceiling. The old wood was splintered and on the edge of splitting so badly it would bring the whole section of roof down on the hall behind them. Bravery swelled up in the drake as he took in a deep breath. Had it been any other situation, Twilight would have asked her little brother to excuse himself for such a loud belch before a brazen green fireball shot out of Spike's mouth.

The emerald flames struck one of the gyaos square in the face, sending the predator sprawling and reeling back as it clawed at its still burning face. Minding to keep Twilight's mane out of the inferno, Spike tilted his head up and trailed a stream of flame along the weak roof. It took a nanosecond for the wood to catch fire, it took a second more before it started coming down on their pursuers. Boulders and bricks fell from the ceiling behind the duo, the trail of destruction beginning to catch up to both they and the final gyaos chasing them.



The gyaos was gaining on them despite Twilight's best efforts to put as many obstacles between it and them, but it just crashed through any table she leaped over and knocked aside any suit of armor she threw in its way. The collapsing roof was on both runners' heels, crashing down in a chorus of destruction. The gyaos was right behind Twilight, panting so coarsely the alicorn could practically feel its breath on her neck. It lunged forward, Spike acting fast and turning around, grabbing his sister's tail to yank it out of the way of the bat demon's lunges. Drooling, fanged jaws snapped at the air repeatedly, not caring about the crumbling hallway and only dreaming of warm blood on her maw. The doorway to the tunnels, to safety, was a few meters ahead. But the latter was a scattered dream with this monstrosity chasing them. Panting hard but stealing a glance back, Twilight didn't need a moment to think when she saw the gyaos change targets from her tail to its holder. Protective instincts flaring, the young alicorn seized a moment to rock both her hind legs back with as much force as she could, bucking the gyaos square in the jaw. Yelping in pain from a pair of purple hooves knocking several of its teeth out, the bat demon reeled back and was crushed under the avalanche of falling ceiling.

Not daring to seize another moment, Twilight partially spread her wings and shot forward with a flap assisted dive for the open doorway. Spike grabbed the door’s handle and slammed it shut behind them just in time to block the falling canopy behind the gate that came crashing down into it. Twilight tried to stick the landing but ended up half tumbling around in a circle upon her hooves hitting the floor. Several seconds passed before both of the Equestrians could pick themselves up from the tossed up mess of carpet and overturned tables. Spike rubbed his temple, trying to get the world to stop spinning.

"oooyyye... You ok Twi?"

Twilight had a hoof over her chest in desperate attempt to slow her racing heart. Success was minimum.

"I'l-I'll be fine..."

After a quick check over to make sure her younger sibling was okay and thanking Faust that dragon scales were tough enough to withstand a crashing table, Twilight lifted herself up. They were in one of the chambers dug into the cave tunnels leading down to the Tree of Harmony, one that was thankfully sealed on one end by the blocked door and on another by a bolted metal door. In the first good observation she had since Mothra transformed, there wasn't a single gyaos in sight. She could still hear them, their piercing shrieks ripping through the air outside as Mothra battled the swarm, cries of war giving a muffled echo through the reinforced walls. There was a single window in the darkened room, peering out to the forest lowlands below.

The sky may have been darkened by the flock's shroud, but between the occasional burning tree, blazing remains of struck down gyaos, and rays of power flying every which way, everything was fairly well lit. Mothra soared high above the tree line, grappling with the same enormous white gyaos Twilight had seen earlier. The guardian managed to free herself from a hold and after dodging a close bite to her neck, grabbed onto the demonic bat's head. Energy akin to lightning coursed through rainbow colored wings before conducting into the Albino's body, shocking her repeatedly. The pale monstrosity's cries rang out as mystical electricity arched across her body, burning it in several places. One by one, the membranes of skin that made up her wings ignited with a purple light to rival Mothra's. Throwing her head up to dislodge the moth, Hyper Gyaos activated her shield and deflected the lightning off in different directions. Twilight instinctively closed her eyes for a moment upon feeling a bolt strike the foundation of the castle and send a rumble through the whole building. Hyper Gyaos screamed in primal fury, forcing the energized shield forward to bash Mothra away before it dissipated. The guardian was sent reeling back, frantically flapping for a bit to re-steady herself as she hovered above the castle. Hyper Gyaos glared at her rival as she held position above the remains of the rope bridge. Taking in a deep breath, the bat threw her head up and let out a near subsonic shriek that was more audible to her flock than it was anyone else. One could practically see the waves of moving energy coursing through the air as the remaining members of the flock listened and listened well. Mothra didn't take her eyes off the swarm's alpha member, thankful none of the flock was still assaulting the castle as of now.

The dark flock shifted, the remaining few Supers flanking Hyper as most of the normal members grouped up between then. What Mothra didn't see was a small detachment of normal gyaos circling around and diving into the crevice surrounding the castle. She didn't have time to notice either, having to quickly put up her own barrier to deflect a salvo of sonic rays aimed at her and the castle. Twilight saw the detachment, and knew right where they were going. Knowledge lead to dread. There was only one thing that crevice lead to that was worth going after.

-The Tree.... They're going after the Tree!-

Frantically, she looked to the battle ongoing outside. Mothra had her hooves full and lacking any telepathy, Twilight couldn't call out to her. The sound of her own heartbeat's pulse snapped Twilight to her senses with a realization. Her heart beat again. The alicorn's face slowly hardened as her pulse slowed to a confident beat. Dread changing to something else.

-I am a Princess of Equestria, protector of the realm. I can NOT stand by!-

Twilight stomped her hoof into the ground and shot a glare at the bolted door. Looking over, Twilight barked her orders.

"Spike, some of those things are going after the Tree and Mothra's fighting for her life out there, I'm going after them. I need you to bolt the door behind me!"

Twilight barely made it two steps to the door before Spike shot up like a rocket.


Twilight kept her face firm as she could, she couldn't falter right now. She outstretched a wing and partially wrapped it around the dragon's quivering form.

"We've dealt with dire threats before, but I need you to stay safe right now. Mothra and the Tree need my help right now just like we needed her's. I'm just going to go down, get it done, and then I'll be right back up here for you ok?! I'll be right back up but until then you need to stay safe so lock the door for me."

Spike's shivering slowed somewhat, but he was still clearly terrified. The alicorn could hardly blame him, this was easily more nerve wrenching than the changeling fiasco and Sombra put together. Least those two weren't in gigantic swarms AND trying to eat them at the same time. Still shaking, the little dragon nodded, but not before giving his big sister a small, clinging hug on her foreleg.

"B-be back ok?...."

Twilight nuzzled his head briefly as he let go, making for the door as her magic wrapped around the locks and opened it for her. Already she could hear the distant echoes of several gyaos down in the chambers below.

"I promise..."

Twilight didn't look back to see the door shut behind her, taking off down the caverns as fast as she could. After several dozen nerve racking seconds of sprinting and gliding, she found the tell-tale glow of light she was looking for. And upon entering the chamber, she saw exactly what she was dreading. The Tree of Harmony, the paragon of Equestrian magic; was shielded against many things. Dark enchantments, chaotic magic; even less inherently malefic spells such as changeling hexes. One thing it wasn't protected against was something as mundane as near magic-less, flesh and blood creatures. Like the three gyaos flapping around and assaulting it's limbs. One of them perched itself on the limb containing the Element of Honesty like a wicked gargoyle. The beast held its jaws open and gathered energy to the sound of a screech in a manner that was by now all too familiar to the princess. Acting quick, the alicorn took to the air and ignited her horn in an enchanted aura, blasting back the hellish bat with a kinetic magic flare before it could finish revving up a sonic cutter.

The gyaos screamed and was sent sprawling across the floor with her chest and face smoking. Another hiss of compressed sound rang out and Twilight barely had time to duck behind a boulder and put up a shield spell before a ray of golden energy slashed through the stone like a hot knife through butter. The brittle stone fell in two pieces, but thankfully the enchantment Shining Armor had taught his little sister held and deflected the ray away. By sheer luck the ray happened to strike one of the other gyaos, who was busy gnawing through the Element of Kindness' stem, square in the chest and into the heart. The brown beast was dead before it hit the ground. Relief had no time as the gyaos Twilight had hit on her way in had recovered and was charging across the cavern floor, right at the alicorn as her shield dropped. She swung out her talons and just when her fangs would have meet an equine neck, Twilight called out in pain and disappeared in a puff of purple light. The gyaos wasn't able to halt its own momentum and crashed into the cave wall. One of the large gemstones that lined the roof of the cave was jostled loose from the impact and feel to the floor on top of the invader. A squashed yelp rang out before being smothered in shattered remains of the gleaming geode.

Twilight reappeared on the other side of the chamber, panting hard both from the effort and from the gash she'd gotten on her right shoulder from the beast's claws before she could warp away. Warm red trailed down her forelimb as she quickly looked about for the last gyaos. She'd lost track of it after she'd blocked the beam and had to teleport. The cavern was silent outside of the distant sound of the dueling kaiju outside echoing in. Twilight quickly looked about the illuminated chamber's airspace. She saw nothing and heard no wing beats, so she knew it had landed. She knew it was stalking her.

Backing up to the tree to keep in the light and put her back to something solid, Twilight held as firm as she could, ready to throw up a shield or concussive burst at a moment's notice. The sound of falling rocks caught her attention and drew it away, eyes darting over to catch the sight of a few pebbles bouncing across the floor. The alicorn didn't have time to look up when the swoosh of churned wind caught her mane, the gyaos springing out from a crevice in the ceiling with its jaws bared. It was much closer than Twilight had expected, too close and too fast possibly for the shield she was rapidly constituting.

A voice like a chime echoed through the alicorn's head, gentle as a mother's lullaby, but demanding none the less due to its sense of urgency.

-"Close your eyes!"-

Putting up her spell up, Twilight unconsciously obeyed.

Through the cloud of haze that was her eyelids, she saw a massive flare of light coming from behind her. The gyaos yelped in pain and judging from the thud the mage felt through the floor, crashed to the ground some meters ahead. Twilight opened her eyes, the writhing body of her attacker flopping on the ground before her like a fish out of water, swatting at its own eyes. The whited out orbs told her enough, pricking another question for the answer. It was blinded, but by what?

-That light was magic, massive amounts of it. Had Spike managed to get a letter out and have Celestia teleport in somehow? Had Luna sensed the trouble and arrived? And who said that?!-

The gyaos' flopping ceased at it lay still, struck down or knocked out by an unknown force. Noticing the large amounts of light emanating from behind her, Twilight turned around and expected to find her answer. What she saw almost made the alicorn question if the previous gyaos had struck her on the head and not the shoulder.

There was a tall figure, bathed in light standing before her for a split second. All she could pick up through the still radiant light was a forked horn and hints of a purple hue. Then, as the light dimmed, so did her rescuer; vanishing like a specter. All that was left was the Tree of Harmony itself and a flabbergasted Element of Magic. The sharp cry of another protector rang out, and Twilight's gaze shot up to the cavern's entrance. She prayed it was a cry of attack, not of pain.

She was half right.

Terra, several years ago during Final Wars

An idle, foreign craft hovered up just above the planet’s atmosphere. The shape, a bent, elongated pyramid; was all too familiar to the Terran forces fighting for their lives below. Just as the wood and mast sailing ships of old bore similar form, a small sloop having an outline akin to a titanic frigate; the alien craft all bore family similarities. If the 20 meter fighter ships below were sloops, than the 200 meter weapon platform orbiting the planet was the frigate. Lights streaked across displays and tiny windows as the Xilian warship took aim, the large cannon port on the underside of the forward point beginning to rev to life.

Inside the control room, the center viewing screen homed in on the planet. Alien characters lined the borders as the screen zoomed into the outskirts of a ravaged city. Giant forms of extraterrestrial and Terran kaiju alike were brawling all across the landscape amidst a storm of military crossfire from both sides. The point of view tracked to the bay area where three giants were locked in combat. The golden form of King Ghidorah thrashed his three heads and necks, spewing out torrents of graviton beams at his two foes before taking to the air and flying inland. One of his opponents, logged in the spy records as Gamera, retracted his limbs into his shell before they were replaced with jets of fire. The turtle took to the air like a spinning buzz saw and took off after Ghidorah and leaving his ally behind. Jagged, sharp back fins glinted in the sea water as Godzilla fully surfaced and began wading back to the city to rejoin the fight. Terra’s champion didn’t see the near invisible red targeting reticule taking aim at the back of his neck.

The captain of the frigate did, and she grinned.

“Take aim at that one. He’s one of the more powerful and seems to be the leader. Cut the head off the snake and the serpent ceases to strike.”

The ship’s crew rapidly tapped away at bizarre looking control panels, the viewing screen homing in on Godzilla’s spinal cord. The ship’s main cannon, a positron maser, revved up its charge. The invaders knew of the beast’s incredible durability, but taking hundreds of millions of charged particles to the neck and spinal cord was a death sentence to near anything. At the very least, it would punch through the bone to cripple the titan long enough for Ghidorah or one of the others to finish him off. Godzilla waded back to shore, oblivious to the tiny red dot and line on his back. The countdown clock spewed on screen, Xilian characters gradually diminishing.

Then the radar pinged and everyone in the room’s attention snapped to it. One of the crewmates rapidly typed at his controls as the screen before him pinged audibly a second time.

“Target on radar rapidly ascending to our altitude!”

The captain barked her order.

“Where from and how fast?!”

“Mach 1 and speeding up, coming from the planet’s surface it’s…. It’s following the aiming reticule!”

“Onscreen NOW!”

The central monitor switched away from the back of Godzilla’s throat and to a small glow rapidly ripping through the clouds. Sure enough, just as the helmsmen had warned, its path was exactly parallel to the aiming laser… Which meant it was heading right for the ship. The object lacked any of the combine fleets’ call signs, it wasn’t one of theirs. And that made intent seem all too clear.

“Terran aircraft?”

“Negative Captain, no exhaust or propulsion valves. Moving at mach 2 now and closing!”

The object was getting larger and larger as it approached, its length seeming easily on par with the frigate. Its exact form however was disguised by the reflective surface that coated it, cloaking the oncoming target with a glittering glow from the planet’s sun light. It breached the upper atmosphere, entering the void of low orbit without slowing down or changing course.


The red targeting icon trailed up from the planet’s surface and briefly onto the oncoming threat. But for every millisecond they had a lock, the glimmering form shifted or banked and they lost it. The distance was closing, and the object was getting bigger.


“It’s moving too fast, we can’t get a clear shot! Breaking the atmosphere at mach 3 now!”

The red icon briefly flashed green, indicating a partially locked on shot. The gunner didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger. Innumerable numbers of positrons left the cannon in a ball of light equal to the sun. The ship’s crew was momentarily blinded by the immense light. In that split second what they didn’t see was the UFO banking to the right just before the shot was fired. Thousands of degrees and millions of joules of heat and energy singed dark blue, reinforced scales as their owner dodged the shot. The maser shot impacted the pacific ocean below, instantly evaporating and ionizing thousands of gallons of sea water, but leaving the frigate’s pursuer relatively unharmed… and still coming right at them. Blood drained from every soul on board’s face as soon as the sight of enraged eyes and snarling fangs entered the viewing monitor. The captain’s terrified voice was one of the only things to call out as the object’s radar signature and the frigate’s nearly overlapped.


The ship ignited its entire hull as the energy shield charged. Such an action however took five seconds, they only had two. Another engineer instinctively and futilely put her arms up over her face.


There was a flash of red light along glittering crystals before coronal wrath ripped through the ship’s hull, impaling it before arching back around and striking the frigate multiple times until it and its attacker were enveloped in a quick, silent, and massive explosion. When the debris cloud fanned away in the dark void, shattered remains of the hull bounced off the healing hide of the destroyer. Clawed hands balled a raised fist, crystals siphoning off the excess energy of the frigate’s remains and sprouting all amongst the ship’s corpse.

Xenilla hissed silently into the blackness he was born into, batting a quick glance back at the mass war zone miles below. No other but he would know exactly what he’d just done, who he had just saved, and why he did it. Exactly the way Xenilla would have liked it. The cloned monster looked back at the blue and green world below.

-Not today Icka’brod…-

The crystal saurian shifted his gaze and glared at the remaining orbital stations with fiery eyes. Several smaller Millennium and Kilaak turned around to face the new threat. The kaiju knew what to make of their cautious movements backwards. He’d just taken down their strongest and they were afraid because of it.

-Second wave forces huh?… I’ll make it quick-

Streams of telekinesis wrapped around the rapidly sharpening crystals around him, Xenilla holding them alongside him like a spear formation.

-This is MY planet…-

Several hours later, NASA reported mass energy discharges in low orbit. The remains of nearly a dozen alien warships formed one of the largest debris fields every seen before most of them fell into the Atlantic Ocean several weeks later. The loss of one of their secondary fleets is often attributed to one of the leading reasons the invaders lost the ‘Final War’.

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