• Published 15th Apr 2014
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An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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10 - A Royal Thank You

Extended Holiday
Chapter 010: A Royal Thank You

The morning light shone through the balcony door to pierce the veil of shadow as the gentle waft of nebulae and shifting celestial bodies dimmed. As was only natural, the power of night yielded to the claim of day, and the golden rays graced the faces of the humans.

“Let's hope this goes quickly,” Taze noted as he tested the straps on his armor.

“You do realize this is a royal function, right?” Matthew deadpanned as he pulled on his uniform.

“Exactly. The shorter the better,” Taze said.

“It won’t be short. That much, I am certain on,” Shawn replied as he adjusted the cuff’s of his coat.

“At least it’s the only one we have to worry about for now,” Matthew said. “And Luna did promise they were going to try to find a way to keep us out of the limelight.”

“That’s going to be a challenge, given the nature of our being.” Shawn sighed.

“I just hope we find sometime we can duck out eventually,” Taze said. “Otherwise, it’s going to be a long night.”

Matthew frowned. “I don’t think they’d take it that far, Taze.”

“Ten to one says I’m right.” Taze shrugged.

“If I were a betting man, I’d take those odds.”

“It’s only today, so I’m sure we can manage,” Shawn replied.

“I will remain here,” Mutatio said. “It would be … awkward for the enemy to attend such an event. The idea makes me feel … uncomfortable.”

“I expect that it would, given what it’s about,” Shawn replied.

“I will continue to keep my promise,” Mutatio reaffirmed. “And I will await your return.”

“Be safe,” Taze said, holding a fist to the Changeling.

Mutatio cocked his head in confusion. “Why … are you holding your hand in that way?”

He lifted Mutatio’s hoof and pressed it against his fist. “Like this,” he explained.

“What is the purpose of this action?”

“It’s a show of friendship,” Taze explained. “A gesture of good will.”

Mutatio blinked slowly, then looked at his hoof and back at Taze’s fist. “I will remember this for the future, then.”

Taze nodded and rubbed the Changeling’s head. “Later, buddy.”

“Until we meet again, Mutatio,” Matthew said with a gentle smile. “Keep up the good work with your studies. Soon you won’t have to pause at all when you speak.”

Shawn simply gave a nod towards Mutatio before the three rose and strode out the door.

The chamber was quiet as Celestia finished transferring the bits into each of the bags and double checked each scroll to ensure her seal had been applied. The silken ties waited to wrap around each parchment. They needed only Luna’s seal to finish the deal.

“I can’t guarantee this will prevent the nobles from trying to influence them, but it will guarantee them at least a modicum of privacy,” the solar princess said

“Yes, well, I’m sure they’ll be safe from that out of Canterlot,” Luna noted as she applied her seal. “Most of the nobility wouldn’t deign to leave the city.”

“At least not without a reason like checking their holdings somewhere.” Celestia sighed. “I miss the days when they actually cared about honor. I had hoped with the return of the elements that they might be inspired to change, that the magic could return with that harmony. Instead, ….” She sighed again.

“They cared about honor because it protected them,” Luna noted. “Safe people rarely care about honor.”

“I suppose I’m one to talk.” Celestia smiled sadly. “You’re the only one of us who hasn’t tarnished her honor yet.”

“Really?” Luna asked with a raised eyebrow. “Did you honestly forget Nightmare Moon?”

“We both know that wasn’t all you.”

“We both know,” Luna said. “They do not. Nor do they care.”

“I do.” Celestia laid her forehead against her sister’s as they shared an intimate moment together. “You always took after him more than I ever could. And I hope you will always remember that.”

“It keeps me going some nights,” Luna admitted.

Celestia smiled as she pulled back. “Good. I think he’d come back to kick both our flanks if we ever forgot it.”

“You should have Dawnsear for this,” Luna said pointedly.

Celestia paused as she considered her sister’s words. “Normally, I would come up with an excuse not to,” she admitted, “but we just endured an attack on Canterlot, one that I was woefully unprepared for. Had I carried her with me then, I wouldn’t have had to engage with Chrysalis in a magical duel in the first place. And … perhaps, I needn’t have lost.” She nodded. “Very well. I assume you would also like for us to wear our armor as well?”

“It would be appropriate.” Luna nodded.

A wry smile pulled at Celestia’s lips. “And it would also scandalize the nobles?”

“We are commemorating people who helped us in a military endeavor,” Luna said, acting aghast. “It is only appropriate.”

“But of course. Just do me one favor, Sister.”

“And what would that be, my dear sister?”

“If any of the troops starts spouting that praise the sun nonsense, could you maybe hex them with a mild misfortune?”

“Sargent Solair may have a confusing name for a Thestral, but I assure you he has nothing but the greatest of respect for you, Sister,” Luna noted.

Celestia shuddered. “He may be sincere, but I’m not so certain about the rest of the troops that follow his example.”

“We’ll see with those idiots.” Luna chuckled. “For now, let’s get that armor out and see if we don’t need to make adjustments for all the cake you’ve eaten.”

“Please. Just because I haven’t gone to war doesn’t mean I haven’t kept in shape,” Celestia said with a proud toss of her mane.

An hour and many alterations with a hammer later, the two princesses left the room fully armored and ready, bearing their gifts behind them. It was time to put the plan into motion.

Pomp and Circumstance would be the most suitable description for the events that would go down in Equestrian history as one of the most unique events to occur at the castle, not because of the unique marriage between Shining Armor and Cadance, nor for the valor of the many heroic Ponies who offered their very lives in service to their country. This ceremony would go down in history for the official unveiling of Equestria’s newest species and their culture. The great balcony extended beyond its usual bounds in a style reminiscent of the animation style utilized for the great palace of Agrabah in Disney’s Aladdin. The great roar of the gathered crowd in the courtyard, squares, and streets below crashed and surged with the murmuring of many waves on the shore. The balcony was lined with soldiers, each in burnished armor and standing at military attention.

That murmuring soon came to a close as the clarion call of trumpets sounded and one clear voice rang over the crowd. “Introducing, their Royal Highnesses, Princess Celestia Solaris Galaxia and Princesses Luna Artemis Demeter Galaxia!”

The world changed as a veritable curtain of night swept over half of the gathering. Stars shone in the sky as the moon rose above the horizon to stand on one side of the tower while the sun shifted to stand on its opposite in its radiant glory. Twin flashes of gold and silver burst from the celestial bodies to cast their sparkles over the populace as the royal sisters flew out in their barding bearing their respective weapons. The two circled one another in an aerial dance as they descended toward the balcony to the thunderous roars of their subjects before returning the celestial bodies to their proper course and leaving the sisters to address the throng.

Celestia’s voice rang with magnified power to wash over the populace. “Citizens of Equestria!” she began. “It has only been a few weeks, but in that short time, we have had much cause for rejoicing. We joined with you to rejoice in the union of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. We found great joy and solace in your fortitude and the efforts you have all made in the recovery of our nation during this unprecedented crisis. Although fear reared its ugly head, your strength and harmony in this adversity has allowed our kingdom to remain firmly grounded in its core beliefs that through unity in purpose, great deeds can be achieved.”

She raised a staying wing. “However, although there has been much good to emerge from the aftermath of recent events, we must also pay homage to those brave souls who were willing to sacrifice their very lives to preserve that unity, that joy in which we all endeavor to share. It is for this reason that my sister and I come forth to address you now, garbed as we are. And indeed, were it not for the efforts of three individuals in particular, it is very likely that an entirely different sort of address could be happening today, a celebration not of freedom and harmony, but of conquest and control.

“Some of you may have already seen them in more recent days as they have walked the streets of our fair city. These three heroes are members of a heretofore unknown race in Equestria. Their species is called humanity. It is unknown to either party exactly how they came to arrive in Equestria. However, that makes their actions all the more extraordinary and selfless. For despite knowing nothing of our people, our culture, or our ways, they chose to stand with us in our hour of need, even going so far as to willingly sacrifice their very bodies to ensure the continued livelihood of our community.

“These three, in concert with my beloved sister’s Lunar Guard, saved my life and the lives of Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armor. As such, it is our pleasure and our honor to proclaim now and forever that these three humans are friends to the crowns of Equestria. We owe them all a debt of gratitude, and Equestria always repays her debts. My little Ponies, friends and dignitaries of the nations of Equis, we present to you the heroes of the hour, Lord Shawn, Sir Taze, and Matthew Conner of Earth!”

The two sisters stood aside and motioned with their wings toward the doors, which promptly opened under the their dual casting to allow the humans to step forth into the light. The roar of approbation was beyond thunderous as cheers and whistles joined with whoops, hollars, and other cheers to create a cacophony of sound while hooves clopped and others reared or flew to get a better view of the strange creatures who had been so influential in turning the tide of battle to save their lives and expel the Changeling threat.

“In gratitude for your actions, we, the rulers of Equestria and its people thank you,” Luna added her own bit with a salute of her hammer.

Taze gave a short bow at the waist. Matthew waved before following Taze’s example. Shawn, in turn, placed his left arm over his chest before giving his own short bow.

“We expect you all to treat these friends with proper respect,” Celestia continued. “But now it is time for us to council with our new friends and aid them in their adjustment to our lands. Thank you for coming, and may the blessings of the gods rest upon you all.”

With that final statement, the two princesses turned to their human guests as the guards along the balcony formed up in a color guard on either side to create a living wall as they presented their swords and spears in a salute to the heroes and their rulers. The five quickly entered into the privacy of the room, and as the doors closed, a collective sigh of relief passed through the chambers.

“One down, one more to go,” Celestia said as she patted the saddlebags at her sides with her wings. “Thank you for putting up with this. I wanted to ensure our subjects know of you to avoid certain … unpleasant behaviors that have been known to crop up in them when they deal with the unknown.”

“Modern Ponies aren't good with non-ponies. Or any surprises, really,” Luna stated.

“We’ve noticed,” Shawn commented.

“I believe we’ve found the best way to ensure you the freedom and privacy you would prefer,” Celestia said. “And as an added bonus, you won’t have to see me, save for under certain circumstances.”

“And that would be...?” Shawn asked.

“We plan to send you to the one location that will guarantee you don’t have to worry about any direct interference from political machinations here at the capitol, a small town called Ponyville.”

Shawn hummed for a moment before giving a small nod. “I suppose that could work, though we don’t really know much about it. For now, I assume.”

“I’ve arranged for you to meet with some of the residents in that town, so you can ask them any questions you might have about its people, where you might be able to stay, that sort of thing. You’ll also each be receiving rewards for your services to the crowns, including enough money to get you properly settled.”

“And I get the feeling that’s the second part of the ceremony.” Shawn frowned.

“The awards, yes. The meeting, however, is going to be a private one. You’re likely to have questions. A reward ceremony is hardly the forum for that kind of interview.”

“Fair enough. Shall we move on, then?”

Celestia nodded. “Just a warning to you all. What we propose in this ceremony may raise a certain amount of outrage from some quarters of the nobility, but it is also our right, and they cannot question or object to it.”

With those final words said, the group traveled swiftly through the palace corridors to the grand reception hall. Unlike the singular grand throne that the humans had seen in the show, this time it was joined by a lunar counterpart. The hall was full to the brim with representatives from every noble house great and small. The murmur that arose from the crowd as the princesses strode up the steps and took their thrones in full barding and armed left the room with an atmosphere of unease.

Luna levitated a crystal glass and a spoon next to her and tapped them lightly together a few times, creating a single high-pitched note that quickly got the attention of the room.

“Friends and subjects, thank you for coming to this occasion where we take a chance to honor these three visitors to our world who risked their own wellbeing for the defense of our nation.” Luna waited patiently for the expected polite applause.When the motion had passed, she nodded her head regally and continued. “As is the custom of this country, the crowns have seen fit to reward them with a token of our unending gratitude for their actions.” She looked to a servant and gave a slow deliberate nod.

The servant strode out a side door and emerged moments later followed by three bearers who each carried chests of varying sizes with them. The largest of the three was so great that it had to be carried on a broad Earth Pony’s back.

“Matthew, if you would step forward,” Luna said.

Matthew slowly stepped out from the wings, being careful to keep a rigid and formal bearing with his back straight and hands curled at his sides while he strode to the front of the room. He performed a sharp left face to gaze at the royal sisters, then took five steps forward and stopped at full military attention.

“Matthew, you showed great courage and skill during the attack. My Thestrals had high praise for your quick thinking and marksmanship. We award you citizenship in Equestria and this medal of distinction.” She levitated a roll of parchment that Celestia removed from one of her saddlebags to him, followed by a silver medal carved with the intricate design of two wings.

Matthew stood still as the medal was pinned to his chest. Once the princess had stepped back, he gave a crisp salute.

“In addition to these, we award you fifty thousand bits from the royal treasury to use as you wish,” she said as the first chest was opened, revealing a few loose bits and several sealed and opened sacks.

Having been spoken to by Moonshade about what would be deemed acceptable, Matthew gave a small nod of respect to the diarchs in accordance with tradition.

“If you would please step back?”

Matthew gave another crisp salute, did a sharp about face, marched ten paces to the back, and did another about face before entering into a parade rest to wait patiently for the next of his companions to emerge.

“Sir Taze, if you would step forward,” Luna called.

Taze entered with a less measured pace to Matthew, but he held his shoulders back and head high as he strode to Luna. In a practiced motion, he unsheathed his sword, flipped it handle forward, and offered it to Luna. Luna gave a light nod and pressed her hoof to the tip. When she withdrew it, Taze flipped the sword back around and sheathed it.

“Taze, you showed great ferocity in the face of overwhelming odds, and great courage in defense of others. We know feelings between you and Equestria are rocky right now, and we do hope eventually feelings may be repaired. It is to this reasoning we do not grant you citizenship until you are at a point you feel you desire it. Instead, we grant you this writ allowing you to ply your trade as a hunter, as well as this blade of our own making. We hope it will serve you well.'' Luna levitated another piece of parchment over. This one was wrapped around the sheath of a longsword. The sheath itself was black lacquered wood with metallic clips on the tip and near the top. The crossguard was a semi-circle molded around a ruby. Black leather wrapped the hilt up to a clawed pommel. What caused Taze to smirk was Luna had somehow tinted all the metal bits green. He took the blade and the parchment with as much control as he could muster, holding back a childish grin.

“We also have awarded you fifty thousand bits from the treasury, and an additional ten thousand paid for services due.” Luna winked as the second chest was opened to reveal yet more gold. “Please step away, if you would?”

Taze nodded and balanced the crossguard of his new sword on his shoulder, then strode proudly to stand by Matthew.

“Lord Shawn, if you would step forward?”

Shawn strode to the requested spot and stood in a dignified pose with his left hand holding his right behind his back.

“Lord Shawn, to you, we owe an apology. You were placed in danger far unbecoming of your station. Despite this, you faced great personal harm to protect our country and those within it. My Thestrals tell stories about you and your exploits with great enthusiasm. To you, we grant not only citizenship, but also a lordly title within Equestria and its realms. We name you Friend of Equestria and Queensbane. We also will have an embassy constructed, formed according to your own design, to act as a means of supporting and protecting those others of your world that should stumble into our domain. We award you the sum of a hundred and fifty thousand bits from the treasury and bequeath to you this weapon of whose nature you may already be aware.” Luna's horn glowed brighter and, along with several pieces of parchment, a familiar glaive, now repaired and refurbished to new condition, floated before him. “He would have approved of you having it, I feel,” she said quietly to the man.

Shawn took a moment as he reached hesitantly for the glaive. When he finally took hold of it, he gave a short bow. “Thank you,” he spoke softly.

Luna's horn glowed, and the larger chest opened. Bits spilled out, revealing a sea of gold. “Now, if you two would step forward?” Luna requested.

Confused, Taze took a few steps forward to match Shawn. Matthew followed suit.

“You three have pointed out a flaw in our defense system. The Guard is not prepared for common threats of the day, and you have expressed that you have ideas you believe would benefit our future. It is to this end that we request you accept a small group of guards in training and show us how you might shape the Equestrian Guard to be more capable in the future. This is not a command, but a royal favor that you may refuse without penalty. Should you accept, we are afraid we must say goodbye to you for a while, as such exercises will require you to be outside the reach of the capital. We would ask that you set up a barracks outside of the nearby town of Ponyville. When you feel confident enough in the training that you and your companions have introduced, it is our desire that you test them against the forces of the Everfree Forest in a campaign to reclaim that which has been left to molder since the sundering of our diarchy so very long ago. That palace holds many treasures and many secrets. However, I will repeat myself. This is merely a request made to you three by our royal persons. You need not accept it.” Luna gave a nod to Celestia for her confirmation.

Celestia followed suit with her own nod. “It is our hope that you may find all that you desire during your stay in these lands. As my sister said, you have our eternal gratitude, and we wish you the best wherever you may wish to travel in our fair realm. We will respect your decisions, whatever they may be.”

Shawn sighed internally as he realized their method of helping them escape Canterlot. He glanced between Matthew and Taze to gauge their reactions. Taze simply shrugged. Matthew gave a subtle nod. Having perceived their approval, Shawn turned back to Celestia and Luna. “Though we cannot promise results, given the difference between our species, we can attempt to, at the very least, impart some knowledge of our tactics to them.”

“Very well. We will arrange a train for you by week’s end. This will let you finish any affairs you may have in Canterlot.” Luna nodded. “You have our deepest gratitude.”

Shawn took the glaive into his right hand and placed his left over his chest once more, giving a small bow before he moved to depart. Taze kept his sword balanced on his shoulder as he followed. Finally, Matthew gave a salute of acknowledgement, did a sharp left turn, and followed the others out.

At last, the ceremony was over. Now was the time to plan.

Twilight Sparkle sat in the humans’ chambers as each looked over her in turn. With the pomp and circumstance of the rewards ceremony out of the way, it was time to coordinate, and Twilight was exceptionally strong in that particular field of expertise. However, that didn’t necessarily mean that all of her suggestions went uncontested.

“Look, I know you may not be the happiest with my friends, but the fact stands that you need some familiar faces to help you while you get settled in the town and make preparations for your move. Rarity is the only designer in Ponyville, which means at the very least, you’ll have to talk with her and do business with her on a semi-regular basis, particularly if you want to design new uniforms for any troops that are provided to you. Rainbow Dash has dreamed of flying with the Wonderbolts for years, which means she’s at least somewhat familiar with military tactics. She’s also the fastest flyer in Equestria, which will make her an asset for training new recruits to increase their speed and durability. Pinkie Pie has a knack for getting on everypony’s good side and literally has the ability to somehow defy the laws of physics and magic.” She shuddered. “Please don’t ask me for the details. I tried explaining it. It didn’t go well. Fluttershy is the kindest and gentlest person in Ponyville, and her natural ability to understand animals can help you with negotiations with any wildlife you might encounter in the forest, assuming they’re sapient enough to negotiate in the first place. And Applejack is a pillar in the community. Her family is one of the oldest in the town. An endorsement from her is almost as good as having the princesses there in person to introduce you. Plus, her family has connections with every tradespony in town, she’s a mean carpenter, and her family recipes are good enough to rival some of the best bakers in Canterlot. Sweet Apple Acres will be a big asset in providing food for your troops.”

“And Prince Blueblood has tons of money. I’m sure if I knew the nobility better, I can point out a benefit for befriending each and every one of them.” Taze crossed his arms. “My problems with your friends have nothing to do with station or resources.”

“So I’ve been told, by you and them,” Twilight noted. “I’m not saying you were unjustified to be angry at them, Taze, even if their reactions were against me, instead of you. And I’m sure you probably won’t be willing to forgive them, even if they did apologize to you right now. What I’m asking is that you give them the chance to demonstrate by their actions that they are sorry, and more importantly that they can learn from their mistakes.”

“Let me ask you something, Twilight. In a world without magic, what do you think the final element of harmony is?” he asked.

“Well, in Equestria, friendship is magic, so I suppose that means the final element for your world would have to be friendship, assuming the parallels are close enough for you not to have an entirely different set.”

“Faith, trust, respect, however you call it. What binds people together is their ability to trust in their fellows. Once trust is broken, it is the hardest thing in the world to repair. It takes seconds to destroy and a lifetime to build up again.”

“Then I suppose that’s the crux of the matter here. You may not be willing to trust them, but are you willing to trust me about what they can do and are willing to do for the sake of this project? You don’t have to forgive them right now. You don’t even have to interact with them directly if you don’t want to. But if we can’t at least partially resolve this matter, then I’m afraid productivity will be a lot slower. Not impossible to achieve, but it will have a significant impact.”

“Fine,” Taze said begrudgingly. “I’ll trust you, at least. The rest, we’ll have to see. Once bitten, twice shy, as they say.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s all we can ask for. That being said, I should probably ask, just in case. Is there anything you don’t want them saying or doing with you in particular? They don’t want to make the same mistake twice, but since we don’t know your customs, it’s difficult to know for sure what is and isn’t acceptable to you in circumstances like these.”

“For now, let's establish the basics. We aren't friends. We aren't on that familiarity level. I’m not beholden to impress or do anything for them. If we do something business related, it is a business relationship. Basically, I won’t be looped into obligations that don’t involve me, okay?”

Twilight nodded. “I think I can get them to work with that. Rarity, at the very least, is used to that kind of relationship. There’s just one thing. Pinkie Pie always throws a party for newcomers. You may not see her as a friend, but she’ll probably still want to throw one for the three of you to welcome you to town, regardless. That, and the fact that the land is getting a new noble neighbor will probably mean that Mayor Mare will be joining in to welcome you three.”

“That's fine. Just no surprise parties. I’ve had enough surprises to last a lifetime already.”

“I’ll make sure to let her know. I can even get her to Pinkie Promise, if you want.”

“No. That's fine,” Taze said. “Trust, remember?”

Twilight smiled. “I’m sure she’ll appreciate that.” She turned her attention back to the blackboard and raised an eraser in her magic to clear it. “Now that we’ve got that out of the way, how about we move on to statistics and references?” Three stacks of parchment were levitated into each of the humans’ laps. “I’ve compiled all the data I could get from the archives and my personal knowledge of Ponyville. I’m not sure what other resources the princesses may be planning to provide for you, if any, though.”

Matthew smiled as he took his copy. “It’s in ENGLISH!” He cheered and began to read the information in depth.

“Actually, it’s in Equish, but the amulets are able to translate the intent behind the words into your equivalent,” Twilight Clarified. “Now, if you’ll open to page sixteen, I figure the best place to begin will be with raw resources.”

When twilight turned, Taze retrieved a book from his pocket and hid it by fanning the sheets in his fingers, as though he were examining multiple sheets at once.

Shawn sighed as he looked over the papers and settled in for a long presentation.

The mausoleum, for that was the closest equivalent for the massive cave system in which the humans and soldiers had gathered, was spacious and lined with effigy after effigy carved in stunning detail. The closed eyes of the warriors on the stone showed them in peaceful repose, having earned their rest. The chambers were lit with a number of enchanted crystals, and the long line of bearers and attendants were accompanied by lanterns that poured silver light to guide their way along the path. Although rank and favor may have held sway beyond these walls, death treated all equally. And so those who were laid to rest were all truly equal. On this, the sisters had both been firm. Even before Princess Luna’s return, Celestia had not yielded on this point. All who served in the guard and died in the line of duty would be treated with the same dignity.

Instead of headstones, great stone slabs above the effigies’ heads were chiselled with the soldier’s name, rank, birth and death dates, and cause of death. The gravediggers met them respectfully and guided them through the cavern to the stone coffins that had been dug from the mountain cave itself, awaiting the last rites that would send these warriors to their final rest and the great beyond that awaited them. Rather than the typical torc and crown, Luna attended in her full barding, standing at the head to lead the procession and oversee the deliverance of the bodies. Shawn hovered in the shadows between the lights, a part of the procession, but not truly a part of the culture behind it. He knew the reason he had come, as did those others who had walked the path with him. He would give them the time to say their farewells. And then, when the time was right, he would say his. For now, he waited and listened as Luna addressed her subjects.

“A life given in defense of the tribe is a life well lived,” Luna began, looking across the Thestrals gathered to say goodbye. “We live by the sword and we die by the sword in order that the foals and the elderly may not lack a sword when the danger of the night comes for them. We gather here today to honor those who fell living their life well. We send their spirits onward into the glade of everglow, that they may bask in eternal moonlight forever. We send them to greet ancestors and to feast with them. We send them where no hunt ever fails, and where the stories are told by the fire. We send them this way, knowing their stories will be told and remembered until the end of time itself. We send them forward to make a place for us someday, fallen but not forgotten under the light of the moon, hidden from the harshness of the sun. Sleep well, brothers and sisters, and dream good dreams.” Luna finished with a bow of her head. She indicated her time at the podium was done, and the collective Thestrals split off to honor those who meant most to them.

Shawn stood watching over as everyone tended to their farewells. He didn’t have much he could say, and he felt that it wouldn’t have been right of him in the first place. So, he waited for everyone to have their final regards. And when it was just him, then he would act.

Once everyone cleared out, he sighed softly and moved to the gravestone meant for Crescent. The effigy truly was lifelike. The carvers had even gotten that mischievous curve of his lips as he smiled. Shawn knelt in front of the stone and ran his fingers briefly over the sculpture. “Though I didn’t know you too well, you still offered me equal grounds.”

He frowned as he reached to his waist, pulling out the dagger he had used during the invasion. “Though it may be disrespectful to many, there is only one thing I could leave you that would hold any meaning from me,” he remarked. Moving to the side of the stone, he flipped the dagger in his grip and did the task he set out to do.

Though it took several minutes, he finally was able to see the clear addition he had carved by his own hand.


He exhaled before looking to the dagger once more. After a few seconds, he flipped the knife in his grip and stabbed it into the floor, embedding it slightly into the stone next to the grave. While it didn’t sink in much, it was enough to stay upright on its own. “I just wish I could have done more,” he spoke softly as he stood up. “Usque in occursum nobis.

“You gave up your knife,” Luna commented as she approached from behind.

Shawn looked over his shoulder to Luna before turning his attention back. “Yeah, but, that’s all right.”

“He would have been honored,” she noted as she approached to stand next to him.

Shawn hummed questioningly as he looked at the mare.

“You know, I have to wonder how you broke it off.” She levitated a leather sheath in front of him, a small guard tinted dark blue pressed seamlessly against the leather. The short handle was wrapped in dark leather with a small pommel at the end shaped like a spike.

Shawn took a moment before reaching out and taking hold of the sheath. After looking it over, he finally pulled out the blade. It had been treated and sharpened, and metal had been used to reinforce certain points, but the black jagged horn was clearly identifiable above the guard. The length was decent, and it held a lethal curve to it. It almost seemed to drink in what little light there was nearby.

“Do be sure to return it to her if you see her again,” Luna said grimly. “With my royal regards.”

“That much, I can promise.” Shawn nodded as he sheathed the blade once more and attached the sheath to the right side of his belt.

“You know, I’ve lived a very, very long time. And this part? It never gets easier for me.” Luna sighed. “It was the part my father hated the most.”

“I’d believe it.” Shawn nodded. “The concept alone of longevity, if not immortality, is … lonely, and sorrowful.”

“It’s the concept of saying goodbye that makes it such.” Luna nodded. “Crescent was a good soldier.”

Shawn nodded his agreement. “Good intentions, and good intuition. He was the one that gave me the warning. Had he not, I don’t know how things might have changed.”

“Normally, these areas are closed to the public after the funeral rites are finished, but you are not the public.” She gave a small grin. “The mortuary guards have been instructed that you come and go as you please.”

“Thank you.” Shawn gave a low nod. “Though … it’ll be some time before I may come here again.”

“That's understandable, considering what's on the horizon for you. I just wanted you to know it’s always open,” she said, looking around. “Sometimes, I come down here just to hear them arguing again.” She shook her head. “But that's for another time. Unfortunately, I have other duties to attend to. Thank you for coming to this.”

“And thank you for allowing it. I suppose I have work ahead of me as well. Though I don’t know how well it will do, I’ll do my best to keep that forward momentum, even at a cost to myself.” Then he sighed.

Luna raised an eyebrow at the last line. “Just so,” she said in a questioning tone. “Fare well, Lord Shawn.” And with a bow of her head, she melted into the shadows.

Shawn looked to the spot that Luna had vanished from one last time before moving toward the exit himself. Looking to his hand, he nodded resolutely. “No matter the cost, I won’t let it happen again.”

The Gryphonian embassy was a vast structure built into the side of the mountain opposite Canterlot. As a nod toward their Pony neighbors, the grounds outside the compound had been carefully leveled and tended with expert care to cultivate a sophisticated garden that offset the stark military garb the Gryphon guards wore. The rock faces had been carefully carved with wide openings at multiple high elevations to allow entry into the structure from the air. Each of these portals was manned by no less than two warriors, who hovered in wait to check any visitors that sought entry. Great pillars and artful renditions of mighty Gryphons bearing crowns and armor were flanked by smaller carvings and statues of soldiers that saluted their kings. The structure was designed to face to the east, so that it might greet the morning proudly as it stared back toward its native soil beyond the horizon. For those who chose to walk the ground, an intimidating set of stout wooden doors was flanked by a sturdy stone wall designed to obscure the view of any illicit figures that might seek to case the site. As a nod to the princesses and their sovereignty, however, there were no larger weapons such as ballistae or canons employed for their defense.

The flash of golden light was all the herald the compound required to know that they had visitors. And as the Gryphons rose in force, they leveled what appeared to be some form of compound bows from their positions in the air. The commanding officer eyed the solar princess and her sister, along with the trio of beings that stood between them.

“Princesses,” he greeted coolly. “To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence at our walls?”

“We’ve come to escort our guests to your compound at Gorek’s request,” Celestia returned. Her smile was soft, but her eyes were flinty. “He did send that message requesting an audience, did he not?”

The commanding officer glanced between the escort, then rested his gaze on the humans. “They will have to be searched. I hope that won’t be a problem,” he said pointedly as he lowered his weapon and gazed intently at the creatures. The rest of the guards still kept their arrows trained on their targets.

“Given the location, that’s fair enough,” Shawn replied simply.

Matthew shrugged. “Typical procedure. It’s not like we have anything to hide, anyway.”

“Just get it over with.” Taze shrugged.

Certain of the warriors alighted while the remainder kept their distance. The officer and his fellows were courteous but thorough. When the search was completed, the officer nodded. “We will have to ask you to remove your weapons for the duration of your visit. They will be returned to you when your business here is concluded.”

“We trust you will take good care of them, Captain,” Celestia began. “Both their weapons and our guests.”

“Barring an insult to our honor, there is no need to fear reprisal, Princess. Rest assured, they will be treated well as our guests, even as they have been treated under your care.” A hint of a smirk pulled at his lips. “Perhaps even better.”

“I’d be careful with your tongue.” Luna's eyes turned cold as her gaze fell on the guard. “Or I may show you what happens when you insult our honor.”

“Calm yourself, Princess Luna. I’m not paid to pick a fight. Never once did I say that you had mistreated them.” He gestured toward the gates. “Come. Chief Ambassador Gorek is waiting to meet you.” He raised his head and gave a subtle nod to the warriors. A small detachment flew behind the wall, and the doors slowly creaked open. “I trust you have given them the means to summon a return escort when their business is concluded?”

“Yes. Rest assured, you need not fear incurring any losses at our hooves,” Celestia returned with equal aplomb. “We hope that Gorek finds this meeting productive.”

The captain nodded and motioned toward the doors. “If you would be so kind as to follow me.” He offered a stiff bow to the princesses and their guards. “Until we meet again, Princesses.”

True to the warning, the humans had to surrender their weapons to be checked. When that had been completed, they were swiftly escorted to the interior of the mountain and through a series of passages until they finally reached an ornately carved stone door. A heavy knock soon heralded their arrival, and a gruff voice called for their entry.

The office they beheld was a far cry from the cold stone exterior in the passageways. The room was laden with all manner of finery. Ornate rugs, carefully dyed and designed, had been laid over the hard floors while rich stained wooden bookshelves rose along the walls, each bearing a number of volumes written in Gryphic runes. A number of plinths interspersed between the units, each bearing a weapon or piece of armor labeled with placards that were also engraved in their unique language. A pair of heavy war axes sat on display in unique holders just behind the largest redwood desk the humans had ever seen. The carvings had been expertly sculpted from pure gold to accentuate the red and bring a sense of vibrancy as well as wealth to the occupant.

The Gryphon who sat at that surface was a blend of falcon and lion. His gaze was piercing as he stared with those avian eyes. “Gentlemen,” he greeted and motioned to three large chairs that had been provided. “Please, make yourselves comfortable.” He glanced at the officer who had escorted them. “Thank you for your assistance, Captain. You are dismissed. Please wait for us outside the door.”

The soldier saluted and marched out the portal before closing it behind him.

“I’m afraid that I must apologize for the inconvenience of size. There are a number of races and species that exist in our world, but we have encountered none like yours before.”

“It’s fine,” Taze said. “You have a very nice office.”

The Gryphon shrugged his wings. “The perks of representing the Empire. I technically represent six separate factions within it, if you really want to analyze it. And all of them want favors from me. Only one has the authority to command me, though.”

Matthew frowned. “I thought that an empire only had one ruler.”

“Perhaps in the empires of your world. Gryphonia is a little different, however.” Gorek chuckled. “Our empire is ruled by a divine monarch appointed by the Winds and cemented in his rule through respect earned by right of combat. In case you hadn’t guessed already, we are a rather warlike race.” His beak curved in a smile. “Beneath this emperor are five kings from royal bloodlines whose sworn duty is to serve the emperor and protect the lands over which they hold stewardship. The empire is vast. It requires a certain structure of authority to rule properly and maintain order.”

“And I’m guessing each king has several lords under him?” Taze asked with a raised eyebrow.

“That depends on what you consider a lord. We do not have quite the same level of aristocracy that your hosts adhere to. Rather than lesser lords and ladies, we have a system of clans who serve under the kings. Those who have proven themselves in battle and brought glory to their clan are rewarded accordingly by the kings. And if the deeds are great enough, by the emperor himself. Much like your noble houses, however, the clan lord, or head of the house if you prefer, is the one with the authority to preside over the clan and the lands which have been granted to them. And they are subject to a certain extent to their kings. However, if they have a problem, there are ways to settle the disputes through honorable combat. It must be from one of similar standing or with significant accolades to equate to the standing of the one being challenged to hold merit. But assuming one is successful in this attempt, one could rise in power and lay claim to the loser’s lands or whatever possessions may have been included in the terms of the duel.”

“Brutal, but effective.” Taze nodded. “We have a few cultures who did similar things in our world.”

“I wondered whether that might not have been the case. Tell me, are there other species on your world that you trade with? Given that you have mentioned other cultures, one can easily deduce that you must have more than one nation, and thus more than one government.”

“In our world, we are the only species we are aware of to have achieved sapience, and we’d know if another existed.” Taze shrugged.

“I see.” He turned his attention to Shawn. “And how would you describe the interactions between your species? I am curious to learn of your customs.”

“If you mean by nation to nation, it varies depending on which one, as each holds massively different cultures to one another.” Shawn gave a faint shrug. “In general, it’s best to show respect to one another, even if that respect is backed by many weapons.”

Gorek laughed. “That is a stance I can relate to well. It feels almost comforting to know that such philosophies exist even in worlds beyond our own. Judging by the accolades we have heard of your deeds, I believe it is safe to assume that whatever nation or culture you may come from in your world bears such backing.”

“Indeed. But, that is something for another discussion,” Shawn replied with a faint smile. “Our time is sadly limited.”

“After only just arriving?” Gorek chuckled. “How novel. Very well, then. I suppose it’s only fair that we set certain boundaries in our discussions for getting to know one another. That way, we might be able to help increase some of this limited time.”

“Certainly.” Shawn nodded. “In that case, let us begin.”

Author's Note:

Shawn: Well, finally we hit double digits for all to see.

American_Brony: Not sure really what to do with the author notes but I can think that a few times we will have notes here to read, just not going to say when or where.

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