• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 25,227 Views, 27,999 Comments

Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 18: Fleetfoot's Wake Up Call From Hell

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 18:

It was an unexpected, but great night for Rainbow Dash. It was sad to see Bulk leave, and it sucked to know she’d be putting up with Arctic Blast longer, but the rest of her friends, both new and old had made it through day one. She was also the top ranked cadet so far. Oh, who was she kidding? Highlight of the night? She got to suck on Soarin’s face.

It was the perfect way to conclude a wild day.

Spitfire took her back to the barracks right before lights out at 10:30. They were being allowed to sleep until 8:00am instead of 6:00am. No real reason was given, but Dash assumed it was because one hundred cadets were going to be a lot easier to manage than two hundred fifty-ish.

The night began the same way the first had: With a bear being pushed off of a mountain while having its arms torn off. Seriously, how did Arctic snore so loudly? Apparently holding your nose so high up in the air day in and day out made you hell in a bitch’s skin during the night.

Dash was already settled in and didn’t want to get up and wing-slap her until she turned over again. Luckily, somepony else took action this time. Or in this case somegriffon else. Matteo had enough of the snoring after only a few minutes of it. Dash watched, trying not to laugh, as he grumbled, lifted the whole mattress with Arctic off the top bunk, carried her into the far corner of the long barrack hall and shoved her into a corner. The loud roar had become a small buzz off to the side and now the rest could get to sleep.

Dash had to ask Matteo about Gilda later. Gilda… married… Gilda… married… it just didn’t fit together. Dash’s old friend, fellow badass and prankster, and as of recently, a bit on the bitchy side when she visited... WAS MARRIED. First of all, she was Dash’s age. Dash didn’t even have marriage within a thousand miles of her brain right now. But even if they were older, Gilda never seemed like the type to settle down. Dash wondered what sort of hell Matteo must’ve gone through not only to woo such a rebel type like Gilda, but get her to marry him on top of it! That would be quite the story.

For now though, sleep. Dash was heading into the second day strong. It was best she got plenty of sleep to meet it head on. 8:00 am? It was 11:00 by the time everything died down. Nine hours of sleep sounded great.

“HEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYPONY ON YOUR HOOVES!” Fleetfoot’s voice blasted through the barracks as she flew back and forth down the aisle between the beds.

“Wha…?” Dash’s eyes slowly opened and she yawned loudly. What? It was time to get up? Why did she feel so… groggy?

“Up! Up! Up! Up! Up! Up! Up!” Fleetfoot kept yelling as she made passes by every bunk. Dash turned over and pushed herself up from the bed. She shook her head out and looked out from her bunk towards the wall clock.

It read 4:30 am.

“Huh…?” Dash rubbed her eyes and blinked to make sure she read it correctly. “4:30?!” she yelled out as she fought her heavy eyelids. Fleetfoot halted right in front of her.

“Bet your rainbow ass Dashie!” she winked and giggled while making her way back down the aisle to the entrance.

What the hell? What happened to 8:00am wakeup? Dash rolled out of bed and got to her hooves, feeling stiff and sore from the day before. More repercussions of the Sonic Blast-off no doubt, mixed in with general soreness from lots of flying. She’d have to be more careful with Soarin’s move. She was going to be stiff today and there was nothing she could do about it. She stepped out to see what was going on.

More ponies were finding the will to roll out of bed and look out like she was. Dash spotted Matteo, Storm Front, along with a few others standing. Storm looked groggy as well, but Matteo looked just fine, that or his large beak was hiding how tired his eyes were. A good number of ponies were still in bed though.

Dash looked down towards the entrance to see Fleetfoot, Blaze, and High Winds standing at the doors.

Something about that trio made Dash feel uneasy.

“Well, well, welly, welly, well, well!” Fleetfoot yelled out as she saw the ponies struggling to rise. “Congratulations for making it this far in the tryouts, but your only reward is something much harder!” she chuckled as she took a good look down the aisle. She huffed as she noticed that not all of the cadets had quite gotten her wakeup call. “Hmmm… looks like I gotta go the extra mile for some of you dolts!” Fleetfoot began walking down the aisle.

“Get your fucking asses up now or we’ll make ya regret it!” Blaze started following Fleetfoot, leaving High Winds by the doors. Fleetfoot flattened her ears for a moment and glanced at Blaze before continuing.

She looked back and forth, as she moved, looking for her first victim. She came across a stallion that was still asleep in a bottom bunk. She sneered at him and entered his bunk space.

“Hey, Snoozalooza, up,” she poked him.

“Uuuhhhggg…” he groaned and tried to pull the sheet over his head.

“Bad choice!” Fleetfoot ripped the sheet off of the stallion, and grabbed his pillow out from underneath him.

“Huh?” The stallion’s eyes squeaked open to see Fleetfoot winding up with the pillow.

“Time to ring the bells of glory!” Fleetfoot yelled out before swinging the pillow around and launching it RIGHT into the stallion’s crotch.

OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH GODDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!” The stallion yelled and his face turned blue. He let out a small squeak, rolled over and fell off the other side of the bed. Fleetfoot smirked as she heard lots of shuffling in the hall. One example was all it took. Most of the sleepyheads were getting up when they saw what might be coming. At least most of the stallions were up now.

Fleetfoot nodded in satisfaction and stepped back out into the aisle. Blaze pushed past her, went to the other side of the bunk and got down into the face of the stallion who was still rolling on the floor.

“HA! YOU GOT DICK PUNCHED!” she yelled in his face. Fleetfoot reached over and pulled Blaze away from him.

“Come on sweetie, let’s let him writhe in peace,” she dragged Blaze away.

Dash was half mortified and half trying not to burst out laughing. Fleetfoot’s methods were delightfully evil, but effective. That stallion was not going to have a good day.

“Derpy! Derpy! Wake up!” Storm Front’s voice came from nearby. Dash glanced over at Storm Front and Derpy’s bunk.

“Huh?” Derpy woke slowly in the bottom bunk and looked up at Storm.

“Fleetfoot is messing with ponies who are still asleep, get up now before she gets here!” he whispered while glancing at Fleetfoot approaching.

“Oh? Oh!” Derpy sat up and rolled out of bed just in time as Fleetfoot passed by and gave them a brief look. Storm breathed a sigh of relief as Fleetfoot let them be.

“Awww… the wishful thinkers are gone!” Fleetfoot’s voice caught Dash’s attention again. Dash looked out to see Fleetfoot standing by the bunk where the poster of her and Spitfire used to be with a vacant bunk beside it. “Oh well, it’s not like I can’t get another from Photo Finish and post it right outside Spitfire’s door,” she chuckled as she looked about and her eyes landed on Dash’s bunk. “Hm?” she floated up and saw the mattress missing from the top bunk. “Dash, where’s McBitch with Fries?”

“Arctic?” Dash glanced up at the top and snickered. “She was snoring last night so Matteo put her in the far corner,” Dash pointed down the hall. Fleetfoot leaned out and looked down the aisle. She saw the mattress sticking out slightly on the end in the corner and started chuckling.

“You guys keep this up and you’ll fit in perfectly,” she said as she lifted up and glided down the aisle. “Shoulda slapped her shit too,” she winked at Matteo as she passed him. Matteo just grunted.

Fleetfoot glided all the way over and landed by the mattress in the corner. Blaze landed close behind. Arctic was still fast asleep on the mattress. She wasn’t snoring because she had at one point, turned onto her side and was now facing the wall.

“Lemme at the bitch,” Blaze tried to come forward, but Fleetfoot reached out her wing to block her.

“She needs more than ringing ears Blazey,” Fleetfoot winked as she used the pet name. Blaze growled at her, but stepped back as Fleetfoot rubbed her hooves together. “I know just what will freak the ovaries out of her,” she sneered.

Fleetfoot carefully slid onto the mattress behind Arctic and edged herself closer and closer until she was in a big spoon position. She snickered and suddenly clamped her arms around Arctic’s chest, and her legs around Arctic’s waist.

Arctic awoke with a start, her body remembering the rude awakening Surprise gave her the morning before. Only this time, something was clamped to her.

“Goooooood morniiiiiiiing…” Fleetfoot raspily whispered into Arctic’s ear.

“Uh…” Arctic’s ears flattened and her eyes shot open.

“You taste gooooooooood…” Fleetfoot whispered again while licking the entire outer edge of Arctic’s ear. Arctic’s pupils shrank and she began to squirm, but Fleetfoot was too strong. “You’re the bessssssssst little spoooooooon,” Fleetfoot continued while nearly poking her nose into Arctic’s ear.

“OH MY GAWD! GET OFFA ME! GET OFFA ME!!!!!” Arctic began screaming and flailing. Fleetfoot suddenly pushed herself off of Arctic and off the mattress, grabbed the edge of the mattress and flipped it up, smashing Arctic between the mattress and the wall. Arctic fell off the mattress and it flopped over on top of her. She struggled beneath it and finally managed to poke her head out from underneath, only to meet the face of Fleetfoot directly in front of her.

“Sleep in again and you might wake up with a limp,” Fleetfoot winked and turned to leave Arctic in shock.

“HA! GET FUCKED, BITCH!” Blaze got down and yelled into Arctic’s face. Fleetfoot stopped and rolled her eyes.

“Blaze, you’re killing the effect,” she reached back and pulled Blaze along again.

Again, Dash was trying not to completely lose it. Now most of the ponies were up. They didn’t have to be told twice after quite the display of antics from Fleetfoot. Dash didn’t blame them. She wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of it either.

Fleetfoot trotted back down the aisle, smiling at her work. It looked like all the ponies were up. Well, save for two she was passing.

“Hmmm…” Fleetfoot paused as she reached Thunderlane and Twister’s bed. Neither of them was awake. Dash didn’t really mind Twister, but Thunderlane was going to regret his lazy ass not getting up.

Fleetfoot eyed Twister in the bottom bunk with the covers pulled all the way up over his head. Fleetfoot tapped her hooves together.

“Looks like I found another idiot that wants to do this the hard way." She reached for the covers and pulled them off. Twister was not even there. Blaze yelped as Twister appeared directly behind Fleetfoot with his chin resting on her shoulder, the creepiest grin plastered to his face. Fleetfoot just glanced to her right shoulder with an unnamused look on her face. Twister began snickering loudly and tipped the top of his head into Fleetfoot’s cheek.

“I never dreamed Wonderbolt mares would be so s—”

Before he could finish Fleetfoot jabbed her elbow back towards him. She hit nothing, but she reached up to her other shoulder and clasped her hooves on Twister’s head the instant he reappeared there.

“What?!” Twister blinked as Fleetfoot flipped him over her back, and slammed him against his mattress. She quickly pressed her arm against his chest so he couldn’t move and smirked as she got down into his face. Twister looked absolutely puzzled as to how Fleetfoot predicted his randomness.

“Listen up Freaky Friday,” Fleetfoot began as she pressed her nose against his. “I’ve known lots of silly ponies like you… and lemme tell ya, you’re not as skilled as you think,” she winked at him. “Now try that little stunt on me again and… well… I’ll make you regret it. I may not be as crazy as you…” she leaned to his ear and whispered. “But I can be pretty creative. So don’t try me. Got it?”

“Y-yes ma’am.”

“Good,” Fleetfoot removed her arm from his chest. Twister sat up fast and quickly turned to look at her with disbelief. Surprise may have beaten him at his own game, but Fleetfoot beat him with conventional methods. Dash was insanely impressed. She had lived with Pinkie Pie her whole life and could never figure out her methods. Fleet seemed to have it down from working with Surprise for so long.

“POW! Take that you crazy fucker!” Blaze yelled right into Twister’s ear, but he didn’t even look at her. His eyes remained locked on Fleetfoot.

“One more time and I’m punching her…” Fleetfoot mumbled to herself as she looked up.

“Oh no…” Dash put a hoof over her eyes as she saw Fleetfoot look up towards Thunderlane. This was bound to be one hell of a story to tell Applejack later.

“Double duty for this bunk, eh?” Fleetfoot chuckled as she rose up to the top bunk. She reached forward and started poking Thunderlane repeatedly in the ribs. Thunderlane grunted and stirred. Fleetfoot sneered and suddenly pushed both of her hooves into his body. Thunderlane woke up as he rolled off the top bunk.

“Whoa!” He yelped as he managed to twist around in midair and flap his wings once to soften the landing as his hooves slammed to the floor.

“What the hell?! OOF!” Thunderlane grunted as Fleetfoot hopped off the bunk and landed on his back, stretching her body out along the length of it while stroking his mane. Thunderlane froze and slowly turned around to see Fleetfoot eyeing him seductively.

“Nice recovery,” she wiggled her body a little bit to rub herself against his back. “You’re a brave stallion if you can sleep with Freaky Deaky below you,” she made a head motion towards Twister, who was still frozen and staring at her.

“Um…” Thunderlane was as stiff as a statue. He had no idea where the situation was going, nor how to act in it. Fleetfoot leaned towards his ear.

“I guess that makes you a brave stallion in bed. I wonder how brave?” she teased while stroking a hoof up and down the side of his neck. Thunderlane's wings fired outward with a loud FWOOMP as a mad blush covered his face. Fleetfoot flinched in surprise as they did, and then giggled. “Wow that didn’t take much. Looks like somepony needs a good bang,” Fleetfoot teased further as she got up off Thunderlane and hopped over his head to the ground in front of him. She gave her plot a wiggle in his face, planning to leave it like that to keep him flustered, but—

“ZING!” Blaze shot up beside Thunderlane, making him jump almost as high as the ceiling and breaking him out of the daze Fleetfoot left him in. He quickly refolded his wings and his eyes darted around, hoping his excitement went mostly unnoticed.

Fleetfoot stopped and let out a heavy sigh as Blaze stood beside Thunderlane chuckling. She folded her ears back and flattened her brow.

“That’s it Blazey, you’re just being annoying as hell now. Go sit in the corner,” Fleetfoot said and pointed towards the entrance without looking at Blaze. Blaze turned her head sharply towards Fleetfoot and she stomped towards her. Fleetfoot turned to face Blaze as she growled.

“Excuse me Fuckfoot? Would you like to repeat that to my face?!” Blaze pressed her nose to Fleetfoot’s and glared. Fleetfoot did nothing for a moment, and then a small smirk crept over her face. She removed her face from Blaze’s and casually walked in a circle around her. Blaze turned her head in confusion as Fleetfoot stopped directly behind her. Fleetfoot leaned her face towards Blaze’s plot.

“That’s it Blazey, you’re just being annoying as hell now. Go sit in the corner,” she repeated to Blaze’s plot. Blaze’s face turned red with anger. Fleetfoot reached up and smacked her hoof against Blaze’s plot while keeping her eyes on it. “C’mon Blaze! Answer me!”


Blaze turned around and leapt at Fleetfoot with her hooves flying. Fleetfoot reached up and caught both of Blaze’s arms, forcing Blaze to land on her back hooves. The two grappled for a few seconds, turning around and bumping into bed frames as the cadets all watched the scuffle. Fleetfoot smirked and pushed Blaze back hard, bumping into Thunderlane. Using Blaze, Fleetfoot pushed Thunderlane all the way back against the wall.

“Hey look! You’ve got another mare that wants some!” Fleetfoot joked as she forcibly rubbed Blaze’s body up and down Thunderlane.

“Help…” Thunderlane sputtered as Blaze growled. Fleetfoot suddenly released the pressure on Blaze and ducked. Blaze lurched forward and toppled over Fleetfoot’s back, rolling to the floor and sliding face first across the floor back into the middle of the aisle.

Fleetfoot swiped the pillow off of Twister’s bunk as she stepped out and sat down, straddling Blaze’s lower back. She took the pillow and slid it under Blaze’s face as she tried to pick her head up off the floor. Fleetfoot took both hooves and pressed Blaze’s face down into the pillow. Fleetfoot began sliding the inside of her thighs back and forth on Blaze’s back.

“I AM THE ALPHA MARE! I. AM. THE. ALPHA MARE!” She yelled out as Blaze roared multiple muffled swears into the pillow.

Dash watched, admittedly a little disturbed at how far Fleetfoot took humiliating Blaze. She glanced around and saw a similar reaction among the mares, but the stallions… all seemed to be having trouble with their wings. Big surprise. Thunderlane specifically had a front row seat to the action. He just stared with wide eyes and wings to go along with a large blush on his face.

“Who’s the alpha mare?” Fleetfoot let Blaze’s face off the pillow briefly.


“Nope,” Fleetfoot pressed Blaze’s head back down.

Back by the entrance, Silver Lining stepped through the door and took a few steps in. He stopped and blinked as he saw his fellow Wonderbolts on the floor. Fleetfoot was rubbing her crotch against Blaze’s back while yelling and holding Blaze’s face against a pillow. Silver sighed, rolled his eyes, and shook his head. He looked to his right to see High Winds asleep in the first bunk on the right. She had the covers pulled up over her and everything.

“Typical,” Silver grunted and gave the bunk frame a kick.

“SNRK… huh?” Winds woke up, yawned, and smacked her lips. She looked over at Silver Lining and saluted sleepily while still lying in bed. “Morning Captain,” she said sleepily. Silver looked back towards the odd scene in the hall and then back to Winds.

“When Commander Fleetfoot is done ramming our wingmate, let her know the chefs have our early breakfast ready.” he ordered. Winds rolled out of bed and onto her hooves.

“Sure thing Captain,” she said while cracking her neck. Silver just sighed again and left the hall before he could be drawn into anything else.

“SO!” Fleetfoot turned around and lay her back against Blaze’s, still keeping her pinned. “I’m sure all you cadets are wondering about the wakeup time! Guess what, we lied. Also, you’re probably wondering why all the shenanigans?” she extended her wings and finally let Blaze up. Blaze shot up from the ground and turned to make a run at Fleetfoot, but Fleet put her in a headlock and held her steady. “I am in charge of today’s trials and today’s tests will focus on one thing! How you handle the unexpected! Weren’t expecting a 4:30 wakeup call? TOO BAD! Sometimes you may have to get up and go on short notice!”

That smooth, sly bitch. Dash chuckled as Fleetfoot explained. Handling the unexpected… and Fleetfoot was in charge? This was going to be an interesting day.

High Winds casually made her way down the aisle and whispered something to Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot grinned and giggled before focusing back on the cadets.

“Alright everypony! To breakfast! No complaining either cause our chefs were just as pissed about getting up this early as you probably are. Now let’s go!” she ordered while dragging Blaze along with her. The cadets all followed behind.

Today was going to be interesting indeed.

--- To Be Continued ---

Author's Note:

Art in this chapter by: Penumbraglow
HEY! one day update ;)

Yeah it's one of my shortest chapters... and it came after the longest chapter, but all i wanted to do in this chapter was give Fleetfoot a nice big intro as the one in charge of the day 2 trials. With Fleetfoot in charge and using courses designed with the help of Surprise... We are in for some crazy and weird stuff huh?

I'm unfortunately very busy tomorrow so i doubt another chapter will be out, but i should have something done and ready by monday :)

I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!

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