• Published 11th Apr 2018
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If Wishes were Ponies . . . . - tkepner

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends — with the help of a real gang member — wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The CMC find him. A year later, an owl brings his Hogwarts’ letter!

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34 — Unfettered, At Last

It took two days for the Department of Magical Transportation to show up at Magnolia Road. And another three days before they showed up at the Grangers. The kids didn’t care, they were using the floo connections in the trunks. They were able to get in as much flying, and, in Hermione’s case, studying with her new friends, as they desired.

To the disappointment of the Gryffindor Quidditich team and all the Weasleys — even Molly, although she tried to hide it — Discord did not make an appearance after that one day. Harry and the fillies were able to impress upon the others that chanting Discord’s name was not a good idea, as he was as likely to turn them into flying squirrels as into flying ponies.

It was actually easy to get the twins to comply.

“If you could do things he could do, imagine the pranks you would pull on people whenever someone interrupted you while you were sleeping or busy doing something really interesting,” Harry had said.

The twins had exchanged looks, shuddered, and talked everyone else out of saying Discord’s name in the hope of getting him to turn them into flying ponies, again.

However, they did notice that they all had a better, almost instinctive, control of their brooms, knowledge of what the weather was about to do, and their eyesight had improved. Oliver said that for the first time ever he could see the snitch when it wasn’t hovering completely still.

Ginny was ecstatic at having the other girls over, a rare event of female company since her best friend’s mother had died earlier that spring and the girl, Luna, didn’t come over anymore. The twins were always too busy with other things to play with their sister — except when they wanted to try a prank, and that had gotten old for her years ago. Now, she avoided them as much as they avoided her. And Ron, well, his idea of a good time was spending hours talking about the Chudley Cannons. But while she liked Quidditch, there were only a certain number of times she could listen to Ron recap the team’s last league championship — 1892 — before fleeing the room, screaming, at the mere mention of it.

When Oliver commented that there was a Quidditch match coming up on the weekend — the Tutshill Tornadoes versus the Wimbounre Wasps, neither of whom were the Chudley Cannons, to Ron’s disappointment — Harry and the girls, and Rainbow Dash, insisted they see the game. It wasn’t a difficult task to convince the others to come along.

The entire string, the six Element bearers, Harry, the fillies, and even Scootaloo’s Aunts, Lofty and Holiday, attended with the Weasleys. The only holdout was Mrs. Weasley, who wasn’t nearly as much a fan as the rest of her family. Even if she had enjoyed her time playing the game as a flying pony.

Rainbow Dash, Lofty, and Scootaloo almost had to be physically restrained from joining the game once they saw how the professionals played. They left the stadium with Rainbow Dash and Lofty planning on setting up a game with Rainbow’s weather team in Equestria. Twilight’s admission that she had several books on the history and rules of the game back at the library had the two adult pegasi racing for the portal home.

۸- ̬ -۸

On Tuesday morning, at breakfast, Harry noticed that his trunk was in the dining-room. “Ah, yes,” said Twilight, when he asked why, “Mr. Truckle, the proprietor of the trunk store has agreed to come over today to teach me and several others everything he knows about the Undetectable Expansion, and the runes that it uses.” She wriggled happily, “There are just so many applications for it back in Equestria!” She grinned at Harry. “And there’s nothing better than to have an expert who’s been using a spell for years to teach you about it!” Harry and the fillies nodded in understanding.

She glanced up at the wall clock. “He’s going to Floo in at nine and I wanted you to be able to come and go as you please without interrupting us in the sitting-room.”

That made sense. And he could see that sort of thing happening pretty frequently as ponies in Equestria started to hear about the portal and the new magic spells being discovered.

۸- ̬ -۸

The group came to a stop outside Ollivander’s. Twilight bounced in place — disturbingly like Pinkie Pie sometimes did at home — as she turned to face them. “Ready Harry? Girls? Oh! This is so exciting!” she gushed. Of the adult Equestrians, only Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash had come along to pick up the kids’ wands.

The kids nodded nervously. Impossible as it seemed, Twilight was even more impatient to get a wand than they were.

Harry noticed most of the wizards in the alley had stopped to watch Twilight bounce.

She grabbed the door handle and almost teleported inside, the doorbell tinkling musically.

A soft breeze blew through the Alley as the wizards sighed at her disappearance.

It was a Wednesday afternoon outing, seven days after the wand-maker had taken their wand cores. The Grangers and the Weasleys accompanied them as well — the twins had wanted to pick up a few “school” supplies, they claimed, while Molly did some shopping for the house. That, of course, meant both Ron and Ginny were along as well. Ron was clearly envious of those getting new wands and Ginny a bit sad that she wasn’t getting a wand at all.

To their surprise, they had met both Mr. Weasley and the Headmaster after floo-ing into the Leaky Cauldron. Harry considered it highly suspicious that the Headmaster just happened to need to talk with the creepy wand-maker the same day they went to pick up their custom-made wands. And Harry never did hear why Mr. Weasley was there as well, even Mrs. Weasley was surprised to see him. Applejack, Harry was relieved to see from her frown, was just as sceptical.

Mrs. Weasley and the twins went their separate ways at the wand shop, but not without a final warning to the twins to, “. . . behave. Or else.” The look she gave them would have kept Harry on the straight and narrow. From the way they rolled their eyes, he got the impression it was her standard warning for them.

Like their previous visit, the small store easily accommodated them all even though it was definitely too small to do so when looking in from outside. And, again like their previous time, the old wand-maker startled them by abruptly appearing behind the counter. “Good afternoon,” he said softly. He looked over the group and nodded to Dumbledore, “Headmaster.”

He returned his attention to the rest of the herd, “And right on time,” he said approvingly. He reached below his counter and began laying a row of wand boxes on top. “Six wands for six customers.” Harry thought his smile was more than a little creepy.

The old man turned his attention to Ron and Ginny. “I expected you here a bit earlier, but better late than never,” he said to Ron.

Ron stared back at him, eyes wide in surprise.

“And you, my dear, will have to wait until next year,” he said, addressing Ginny.

Then he turned his attention back to the Equestrians, “But first, let’s see how well your new wands like you.”

He carefully lifted one of the boxes and reverently handed it to Twilight. “Your wand,” he said simply, bowing his head slightly.

Twilight was bouncing in place again and almost snatched the box from the old wizard’s hands. She lifted the top off and stared at the beautifully polished wand inside. There was a glow surrounding it. “Oh!” she said excitedly.

“Yes, a perfect match,” murmured the wand-maker.

As she took the wand in her hand and lifted it, a veritable torrent of sparks flew from the end. The glow spread from the wand to Twilight until both were almost too bright to look at, then dimmed. She didn’t appear to notice, although Harry saw that the Headmaster certainly did, given how hard he was squinting through his glasses at her. No one else seemed to notice. That Harry could so easily he attributed to his new glasses — one of the rune settings was to “see magic.”

She gently swished her wand through the air, showering the room in sparks and leaving a glowing trail behind in the air. She reached across the counter and grabbed the old wand-maker in a hug, “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” She released the surprised wizard and held up her wand, beaming at it. “This is going to be so much fun!” She started hopping again. Harry noticed that Mr. Weasley and Mr Granger watched her intently. Mrs. Granger elbowed Mr. Granger in the stomach, scowling at him, and then smirking at his uncomfortable expression at getting caught staring.

Ollivander smiled at her. “I am honoured that you approve,” he said softly, giving her a short bow.

“Now then,” he continued, “this one is yours.” He handed a box to Hermione. Hesitantly, she took the box and opened it. Her mouth formed a silent “oh!” as she beheld the gleaming wand. It wasn’t glowing as Twilight’s had been, but it seemed to leap into her hand as she reached for it. Instantly, sparks flew from the tip.

The wand-maker nodded happily, “Yes, another perfect match.”

The next three boxes went to the fillies, and each wand quivered in its box and blew prolific sparks across the room as soon as it was touched.

Harry’s wand, though, had two alicorn hairs, not just one wand core. When he lifted his wand out of the box, a torrent of both light and dark sparks flew across the shop. And he felt as if currents of both cool and warm water were running up his arm from the wand to his heart and head, making him sway dizzily.

The wand-maker turned to Ron. “Now, which is your wand arm?”

Startled out of enviously watching the others examining their wands, Ron said, “Huh? Wand?” He reached into his robes and pulled out his wand. “I got a wand,” he said defensively. “Well, actually, it was Charlie’s wand before he graduated,” he said, his voice dropping off a bit as he finished. He frowned as he looked at the wand. “I think it belonged to one of my Uncles before that,” he finished dejectedly.

“Oh, no,” said Ollivander, “That’s a twelve-inch springy Ash wand with a unicorn tail hair! While close, that’s still not right for you at all. The wand chooses the wizard, after all,” he said reproachfully. “And it is in dreadful condition,” he noted disapprovingly, frowning.

“Well, our budget is a bit tight right now,” Mr. Weasley interrupted, “We’ll have to wait until later to get him a proper wand.”

The wand-maker studied the wizard closely before giving a slow nod. “As soon as practical, then,” he said, frowning.

Meanwhile, Rarity watched thoughtfully, then carded her left-hand fingers through her hair. She looked at her hand and smiled. She pulled a long hair from her left hand with her right and turned to the young wizard.

As Ron sighed and put his wand back in his pocket, she held out her hand to him, the long black hair dangling. “Here, Ronald Weasley,” she said, “See if Mr. Ollivander might be willing to trade you a wand for this.”

Ron looked at her as if she were mad, and hesitantly took the hair. He apparently didn’t notice the black hair rippling and turning a vivid purple. From the way his eyebrows suddenly rose, Harry knew the Headmaster had.

The other Weasleys were just as puzzled, but Harry saw the Headmaster watching the wand-maker intently as the old shopkeeper stood a bit straighter and his eyes seemed a bit brighter. Mr. Weasley, though, frowned as he tried to puzzle out what was actually happening.

“Freely given,” whispered Ollivander as he reverently reached across the counter and held his hand out to Ron. Ron still looked puzzled as he handed the hair to him. A crooked smile appeared on the wizard’s face as he held up the long shimmering purple hair, easily two-and-a-half feet in length. “Yes,” he said, studying the length of hair, “I believe we can call this a more than fair trade.” He inclined his head towards Rarity as she smiled demurely.

She looked at the other hair in her left hand, and then turned to Ginny. “Here, Ginevra Weasley, you may have this one.”

Ginny took it, eyes wide. She looked at her brother and the wand-maker, then pushed up to the counter holding her hand up high. “Me, too!” she said firmly.

He looked down at her. He took the hair and said, “You have full credit for a wand when you are old enough.”

Twilight interrupted. “While there are seasonal variations, the innate ability to use magic does not dramatically change because one day turns into another, no matter how significant that day may be.”

Everyone turned to listen.

“While the usual age for being allowed to use magic is considered eleven, here,” she continued in her lecturing voice, “there are many who are ready before then and many who are not. I think you should consider magical capability and resilience when granting a wand, and not a mostly arbitrary age.” She looked at the wand-maker, one eyebrow arched in challenge.

“That is true,” Ollivander said, nodding again. “However, the Ministry has decreed that no one under the age of eleven may use a wand.”

Twilight shrugged. “Then her parents may keep it for her birthday. And children are allowed to purchase and use wands after receiving their Hogwarts’ letter, as long as they are not seen by non-magicals. Even if their birthday is September First.”

Harry hid a grin. Twilight hadn’t been reading just the Wizarding World spell-books from all the books she had purchased. In fact, he was rather surprised to see her without dark bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. Spike must have been nagging her something fierce. Or she was using an illusion charm, again.

The two stared at each other until the Headmaster interrupted, “I think, in this situation, the Ministry might make an exception. She is, after all, behind protective enchantments at her home.” He paused a moment, then added, “If you think her magic is stable enough for a wand, that is.”

Twilight smirked. “Oh, it is,” she declared quietly.

The wand-maker nodded. “Let me put these away,” he said, lifting the two hairs slightly. Two measuring tapes leapt from behind his counter and started measuring the two Weasley children. He turned and headed for his backroom.

Mr. Weasley stared, surprised, at the interchange. He finally said, “We can’t take those wands! We don’t take charity!”

Rainbow Dash had caught on to what Rarity was doing. “You can’t say it’s charity when all Rarity did was give your children two of her hairs to trade for wands. After all, how much value is there in a discarded hair?”

“But . . . but . . . why would Mr. Ollivander take her hair in exchange for wands?” Mr. Weasley asked, bewildered.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Maybe he has a fetish for purple hair?”

More than one person choked or coughed at that suggestion. The Headmaster’s eyes’ twinkled madly as he obviously held back a laugh. Rarity merely raised her eyebrows and cast a disapproving eye on Dash.

“In any case,” Rainbow continued, “Giving your children a hair cost Rarity nothing. So how is that charity? If someone rich offered to share her umbrella with you in a rainstorm, would you accuse her of charity and walk away into the rain?”

At a loss as to how to continue to argue against the wands, Mr. Weasley gave up. He was sure, though, that somehow this was charity. He just couldn’t figure out how.

After a tense moment as Ginny and Ron alternately stared at their parent, Rarity, Dash, and the measuring tapes that were now measuring the size of their ears, the old wand-maker came back to the counter with an armload of boxes. “That’s enough,” he said, and the tapes fell to the floor.

It took only three tries before Ron was holding a fourteen-inch Willow wand with a unicorn tail hair as the core, which got him a lingering look from Ollivander.

Then the wizard turned to Ginny. Her second attempt was a thirteen-inch Yew wand with a pegasus feather core that sparked quite nicely as she waved it. “Yes,” he said, nodding, “a perfect match. Just remember, take care of your wand and it will take care of you.”

After settling up their bill, Sweetie Belle said, “Excuse me, Mr. Ollivander? Is there any way to carry a wand without having to carry it in your hand all the time? My dress doesn’t have any pockets.” The other girls all nodded or mumbled agreement.

The wand-maker stared at her with his watery eyes. “Yes, my dear,” he said. “I have wand holsters over here.” He walked to the far end of the counter pulled up a box. He pulled out a series of leather bracelets and laid them across the counter. None were any wider than the four fingers on Harry’s hand. “Just slide your wand into this slot,” he demonstrated with his wand. The wand, easily longer than the distance from his elbow to his fingers, slid into the small bracelet.

“They have comfort and sizing runes so you won’t even notice you’re wearing them, as well as anti-summoning runes to protect it and your wand. To retrieve the wand, simply position your hand to catch your wand and the wand will slip right into your palm.”

While the Equestrians all took a step back, the others all stepped over for a closer look. “Uh, do those come in akran, akromn . . . ,” Sweetie Belle started.

Rarity cleared her throat, “Ac-ro-man-tu-la silk,” she supplied.

“. . . yeah, that.”

Ollivander looked at the holsters and shrugged. “They can be, but it is a galleon more expensive, making them two galleons each. And I’ll have to order them.” He thought for a moment. “What colours would you like?”

That stumped them for a moment. “Can you spell them to be chameleon? That way they will always match their attire,” Rarity said.

“There are runes for that, I believe, that could be sewn into place for a sickle more.”

“Excellent,” Rarity said. “Let’s do that. We’ll need five.”

“We’d like one as well,” said Mr. Granger. Hermione beamed up at her father. Mrs. Granger gave her husband a long look. What they hadn’t spent on a wand they could easily spend on their daughter’s wand holster.

Harry looked over at Ron and Ginny who were examining the holsters wistfully. They knew they weren’t getting one.

He looked up at Rarity and cleared his throat. When she glanced at him, Harry held up two fingers and pointed at the two Weasley children. He mouthed “birthday.” A light smile crossed the Equestrian’s lips and she nodded approvingly. It was, after all, little Ginny’s birthday today. And they could easily justify the one for Ron by claiming it was merely a belated birthday present. Or Christmas present.

“It will take a few days for them to be made,” he said to Rarity, “I’ll owl you when they’re ready.”

“Excellent,” she said, and started pulling galleons out of their wallet. The old wizard gave her a puzzled look as she put down more than just what was required for five wand holsters. She leaned a bit closer over the counter and whispered something. He nodded and took her payment wordlessly.

۸- ̬ -۸

Back at the Weasley homestead, the children were too excited over finally getting their wands to think about flying. They were eager to try those spells they had heard about over the last few days of listening at lunch as Hermione had talked about what she had read.

The first spell was, naturally, lumos, followed by nox.

Harry rubbed his hand over his ear. “Ron, there’s no need to shout. Volume doesn’t affect the spell, only intent. If you want a bright light, push more magic into your wand.” He looked at the others, “Just whisper the spells from now on. That way we won’t distract each other. Or, better yet, just think them. And waving your wand around madly doesn’t make the spell better.” As a unicorn, he hadn’t had to move his head at all, except to aim certain spells. And he had never had to say the name of the spell.

“But,” Ron asked, “How do I push my magic?”

Harry and Sweetie Belle sighed.

Repeating what Twilight had told him, he said, “Your magic is like a big pool of water inside you. The bigger the pool, the more magic you can cast. The deeper the pool, the longer you can keep that spell going. And the more you use your magic, the bigger and deeper the pool becomes.”

Ron looked at him blankly. The others, even Sweetie Belle, were listening.

Harry sighed. “Okay. If you want to see the pool, you have to clear your mind of distractions, which isn’t easy!” He frowned in thought. “That is what I did when I first got to Ponyville and found out about magic.” He cleared his throat. “First, make sure you’re comfortably seated. Then close your eyes and try not to think.”

He sighed again. “And you’ll instantly think of something. What I did was picture a box with a lid that I stuffed that thought into and closed the box.”

He took a deep breath. “However, what I discovered was that you’ll have a lot of those thoughts, so you need to make a lot of boxes, and label them. But each time it will get easier, and it will be longer between those interruptions. Eventually, they’ll stop happening and you’ll be in this big quiet space. After a while, you’ll notice there’s something nearby, a big pool. That’s your magic.”

He paused a moment. “Then imagine a tiny stream coming from that pool to your arm and down to your wand. And that’s it.”

He looked at Ron. “Now, you’ll probably need a box labelled Chudley Cannons, inside a giant box labelled Quidditich!” The others laughed. “And inside that Chudley Cannons box will be a bunch of others about the different players and the team’s statistics.”

He looked at everyone. “It won’t happen fast, it took me several weeks, but boy, was it worth it! And it makes it soo much easier to remember things, too. Especially schoolwork.”

“Several weeks!” Ron looked very dismayed. The others didn’t look that happy at the thought of all that work, either.

Harry sighed and thought a moment. “Okay,” Harry said, “Let’s try this.” He wasn’t confident enough in his own abilities to try what Twilight usually did, but this was worth an attempt. He stepped up beside Ron and grabbed his wand hand in his. “See if you can feel this,” he said as he poured a bit of magic into his hand and pushed it into Ron’s hand and up into his wand. “Lumos,” he whispered, making it glow.

Ron jerked his hand away and the wand’s glow went out. “ ’Cor! That felt weird!”

Harry grabbed his hand again. “Okay, let’s do that again.” A moment later the wand was glowing. “Okay, now you do that.” Harry slowly decreased the magic he was pushing into Ron’s hand. The wand’s glow sputtered a few times, but eventually Harry let go of Ron’s hand and the wand stayed lit.

“Now, then,” Harry said, “While keeping the wand glowing, trace that weird feeling back to your magic pool.”

It was hilarious to watch Ron’s eyes go cross-eyed as he tried to do both at once. Naturally, the moment he took his attention off the wand, it went out. However, he was clearly making progress as his continued efforts showed. Soon, they were all trying to feel their way to their magic pools while Harry supervised. Which meant he got to eat most of Mrs. Weasley’s snack tarts while they were distracted.

As Harry expected, Sweetie Belle was the first to announce her success. “Oh, there it is!” Then, in a slightly disappointed tone, she continued, “Oh, I can’t really see it but I can tell something’s there.”

“Maybe you have to do that meditation stuff to actually see it.”

“Hmm,” she said distractedly, her wand’s glow slowly getting brighter and dimmer.

Once they all had lumos and nox under control, they moved on to colloportus and alohomora, locking and unlocking the back door. That was followed by silencio — which required a rescue from Mrs. Weasley and led them to finite incantatem. And a scolding for playing with magic without anyone older supervising them! Mrs. Weasley dragged Percy from his room and made him watch over them, after that. And Percy made them redo all the spells they had already done, so he could critique them. All of which pretty much took them the rest of the afternoon.

That evening was the first time that the Equestrians returned home as a group. Previously, the adults had been spending their days in Equestria and only returning to Little Whinging for the evenings, primarily just Applejack, Twilight, and Rarity. They were waiting for the go ahead from the solicitor about presenting Blueblood’s bona fides — and studying the materials Yueshi gave them regarding what he thought they needed to know about Britain, its government, and what they might expect from the government, the people, and the rest of the world.

At this point they owned almost all the land within a quarter-mile of the Magnolia Road Playpark, and the Guards had started building a more permanent station around the portal tree. It matched the one in Equestria, although on a much smaller scale. Having to use only pegasi and earth ponies for the building was slowing things down markedly — they didn’t want to chance the unicorns’ magic spells being detected by the wizards. However, being able to cast weight-reduction spells on the materials did compensate somewhat for that.

The previous evenings had been spent watching either the BBC or films, with a little bit of showing off what the boy and fillies had learned in magic that day at the Weasleys.

To keep Scootaloo from becoming too homesick, Twilight had managed to talk her Aunt Lofty into coming through the portal a few times to spend the night. Rarity and Applejack coming to stay over on a regular basis helped the other two girls to stay happy. The adults wanted to get the children used to being away from home before sending them away to Hogwarts.

This evening, though, they would be returning to Equestria.

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